How many people received a Far Eastern hectare. Far Eastern hectare: to receive and develop. Are there any restrictions

The government is allocating tens of billions of rubles for the development of the Far East, including under the Far Eastern Hectare program. But there are very few people who want to come and start a business here. Leasing land to the Chinese is also not an option. As a result, the outflow of the population to the "mainland" continues, the region is becoming empty.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Monday, May 6, ordered to allocate an additional 1 billion rubles to support agribusiness in the Far East. Eleven Far Eastern regions will receive this money within three years. This year - 360.3 million rubles, next - 338.1 million and another 370.2 million - in 2021.

Officials allocate these funds within the framework of the federal project "Creating a Support System for Farmers and the Development of Rural Cooperation" and the national project "Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives."

A billion is not much. Especially when it comes to regional distribution. For example, Kamchatka Krai will receive 39.8 million rubles this year, Primorye - 96.5 million rubles, is specified on the official website of the Agency for the Development of Human Capital in the Far East (it is a structure of the Ministry for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic - Gazeta.Ru) ).

Most of the money will be given to the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 287.2 million rubles. And the Magadan region, for example, will have only 26.5 million rubles.

But in fact, a billion is only a small part of the truly gigantic injections into the Far East region, directed from the federal center.

According to the Ministry of Finance, from the state budget for 2019 and the period up to 2020-2022. it is planned to allocate 123 billion rubles for the development of the Far Eastern Federal District. Of these, 45.3 billion this year.

A significant part of these funds is somehow connected with the implementation of the program for the revival of the Far East, turning this region into a territory of advanced development and breaking the trend towards the outflow of the population from the outskirts of the empire to the “mainland”.

Free of charge, that is, for nothing

Under this idea, three years ago, the President, at the suggestion of Plenipotentiary Yuri Trutnev, approved, among other initiatives, the program of the “Far Eastern Hectare”. According to the law, land within 1 hectare is provided for 5 years on the basis of a gratuitous use agreement. After a five-year period, a developed hectare can be registered as a property or a long-term lease.

At first, a hectare was given out only to locals, and at the same time there was a small amount of “lifting” money for moving and arranging on the spot. There were almost no people wishing to resettle, and the DV-hectare program was liberalized as much as possible. And added monetary incentives. Including subsidies and preferential loans for starting a business, for the purchase of building materials for housing construction. IDPs are given grants from Beginning Farmer, Agrostartup, etc. Compensations are paid for the purchase of agricultural machinery, equipment, mobile shopping facilities.

Nevertheless, the program stalled already in the second year after the start in 2016. Even the Russians do not want to take subsidies. “From the start of the program (until January 2019), about 1.8 thousand recipients of the“ Far Eastern hectares ”in the amount of 523 million rubles took advantage of state support measures,” Gazeta.Ru was specified at the Human Capital Development Agency.

Now about 188 million hectares have been cut for free distribution of land to people. But since the beginning of the program, only 67,803 citizens of the Russian Federation have taken advantage of it.

The department is still considering 5.4 thousand applications, according to which a positive decision was made on the provision of land.

Lobster business plan

In total, the Far Eastern hectare was in demand for 73,000 Russians.

The largest number of applications for the "Far Eastern hectare" came from the Far East themselves - 83%.

“Among residents of the non-Far Eastern regions, a free hectare is most popular with Muscovites and residents of the Moscow Region. They receive every fourth application from the total number of recipients of "hectares" from the non-Far Eastern regions," the agency said.

Moreover, some of them are new owners of a hectare, having taken the land until they decided what they would do with it.

There are not so many options for starting a business. Build a greenhouse to grow vegetables or strawberries, plant soybeans. Plenipotentiary Yuri Trutnev himself, in an interview with Gazeta.Ru, said earlier that he would gladly undertake to grow aquaculture (scallops, lobsters, fish), if it were compatible with the civil service.

Another common business idea is to open a travel company. But there's a problem. And this is not money, but the archaism of the current legislation.

“I believe that interest in it (in the Far Eastern hectare) on the part of potential recipients has decreased. For all the time in Magadan, about 160 contracts for the provision of land have been concluded, ”Viktor Barinov, deputy chairman of the Magadan City Duma, quotes MagadanMedia.

According to him, most of the land plots are used "not for the creation of a new business, but for the needs of housing construction." That is, part of the visitors are ready to build a house here and live off the farm. Only about half (46%) of the participants in the Far East Hectare program plan to use the received land for various types of business activities.

According to the city official, the reason for the low interest in the Far Eastern hectare is that the needs of Kolyma residents do not correspond to the possibilities of using land. Not everyone wants to work on the land, engage in agriculture. Approximately 11% of contracts with migrants are concluded for engaging in "tourist and recreational activities."

The Magadan region could become a tourism center no less popular than Kamchatka with its volcanoes and hot springs, Barinov believes. But for this it is necessary to change the legislation so that it would be possible to obtain specific areas on the banks of reservoirs. But it is precisely such sites - on the banks of rivers or lakes, which are the most demanded resource for the tourist industry - that, according to Russian laws, cannot be registered as property.

A real estate object created on a leased plot cannot be insured, and, as a result, it is impossible to take a loan against it for the development of an enterprise. As a result, tourism does not develop.

Be afraid of the Chinese, do not go into the forest

Now a resonant idea is being discussed in the Far East - to lease to foreign farmers up to a million hectares of agricultural land in the region.

Far Eastern lands could be opened to foreign investors, and Russia is counting mainly on demand from the Chinese.

Chinese citizens could grow soybeans, wheat and potatoes here. But opponents of this idea make a classic argument: it is dangerous to let the Chinese on Russian soil. They will rapaciously exploit the land and create an ecological problem.

The authorities do not support the idea of ​​renting a hectare to foreigners.

“Only Russians can get a “Far Eastern hectare” in their ownership. The law on the "Far Eastern hectare" excludes the possibility of obtaining ownership of land plots by foreign citizens. The assignment of the “Far Eastern hectare” to foreigners is also impossible, ”the Agency for the Development of Human Capital explained to Gazeta.Ru.

Up to five years, the site is in free lease, but even after the five-year period of land development, when the site becomes the property, its sale to foreigners or stateless persons, foreign legal entities is prohibited by law. It is impossible to allocate a hectare to those legal entities in the authorized (share) capital of which there is a share of a foreign state, international organization, foreign citizens, foreign legal entities.

At the same time, the ultimate goal of all federal programs deployed in the Far East is to create favorable and comfortable conditions for citizens, the Agency notes.

The Russians are fleeing from the Far East, but the Chinese are not given land. As a result, the Far East is empty. The agency, designed to develop human capital, simply fixes a well-known problem: "Despite the efforts made, it has not yet been possible to stop the outflow of the population from the Far Eastern District."

“Decisions have been made, but there is still an outflow. The figures are different for different regions, we have not been able to completely reverse this trend, and this worries us very much,” the prime minister said.

At the end of 2017, the number of people who left the Far Eastern Federal District within the old borders (excluding Buryatia and Transbaikalia) amounted to 16 thousand people, according to the results of 2018 - even more, 22 thousand people. For a district of 8 million, this is a lot.

From February 1, any citizen of Russia can receive one hectare of land in the Far East from the state for free use. You can manage your property however you like.

The interest from the Russians is quite large. In the last two days alone, more than 200 thousand people have visited the profile site. How to become a landowner and what does it give?

1. Why only in the Far East?

The answer is simple. The population has only been leaving there in recent years. Therefore, the authorities give away one hectare per person for free, just to reverse this unpleasant trend. Moreover, the Chinese problem in the Far East is growing every year.

Despite the fact that the Far East occupies a third of the area of ​​our country, only 5% of the population lives in this territory. They mastered 0.3% of all land. But there is still a good 25%, quite suitable for life. This is more than 150 million hectares. That is, in a good way, every Russian can become a landowner. If he wants, of course.

And finally, the government is considering the idea of ​​distributing land to Russians in other regions as well. And the Far East is a pilot project. If the experience is recognized as successful, then in the future it will be possible to get a hectare and closer to the center of the country.

2. What can you do there?

Build a dream house, plant a tree. Yes, even put up a hut and come on vacation. In a word - whatever your heart desires. The only condition is that within 5 years it is necessary to begin to develop the site.

If you want your own business, you can use a ready-made business model, they were specially developed at the Ministry of Development of the Far East. There are schemes for opening fishing and hunting farms, apiaries, farms, tourist resorts. At the same time, they also promise state support. You can put your idea up for a competition so that the state helps financially with its implementation.

3. How to choose a site?

To do this, you must first go to the profile site (see "Useful link"). You can apply if you have a personal account on the State Services portal. Then choose on the map the desired region and a specific area (within 1 hectare). And apply online. So that it doesn’t turn out that you arrived, and someone’s house is standing there. If everything is clear - green light. No - they will offer to choose another option. You don't have to go anywhere. But experts still advise to see everything on the ground - and only then stake out this or that territory for yourself.

It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the region. According to the results of the pilot program, when only people from the Far East who were familiar with the specifics of the regions participated, in the Jewish Autonomy land was most often taken for beekeeping and gardening. Primorsky Krai was in great demand for hunters and fishermen. The Amur region attracted representatives of the hotel and tourism business.

That is, it is logical to choose a site, already knowing what you want to do.

4. Who can apply for a hectare?

Adult, child, unemployed - anyone. The main thing is Russian citizenship. Parents can apply for children. You can only register one lot for yourself. But it is not forbidden for each family member to have a hectare.

A group of like-minded people can register neighboring plots separately and unite in a cooperative. Then it will be easier to negotiate with the authorities about the wiring of electricity, for example. But only if there are at least 20 "communards", and their "commune" is located no further than 20 km from the nearest settlement.

5. Is it really free?

It's hard to believe in such an attraction of unprecedented generosity, but yes - everything is free. Even soil or water analysis. And no registration fees. But all good things come to an end. You have five years. During this time, you need to master the site, otherwise it will be taken away from you. If everything worked out, then in five years the land must be registered in the property.

If you want to mortgage this plot to the bank, sublet it, then this will not be possible in the first 5 years. In addition, it cannot be sold or rented to foreigners.

But on the other hand, you do not pay land tax in the first five years, until you register the right of ownership.

Where and how can you grab a piece of the Far East:


First land recipients:

We took three hectares from the road - in the summer we will start building a house

There is no excitement in the specialized center of the Far Eastern Hectare in Khabarovsk. The locals who wanted to get a hectare had enough time. And non-locals are still leaving online applications. The geography is wide: Moscow and St. Petersburg, Crimea, Irkutsk region, Dagestan, Rostov-on-Don, Saratov. For the first day - more than 600 applicants. Their applications have just begun to be considered.

But many local residents have already received their plots. Dinara Tomarova, together with her husband and daughter, designed three hectares 20 kilometers from Khabarovsk. Selected adjacent areas. They are in the field, which is a plus - no need to uproot trees. Near the road, power lines. The spouses hope for their own strength, but, apparently, they will have to take loans for the improvement of the land. They plan to build a house for the summer - while the apartment is being rented.

The Far Eastern hectare is a great idea, - says Alexander, Dinara's husband. - I come from a village, we will be engaged in agriculture: grow potatoes and other vegetables, breed cattle - for ourselves and for profit.

Vlad SEREBRENNIKOV (KP - Khabarovsk)


"The earth is a heavy burden"

Guest, Kursk:

Why would a person who receives, for example, in the Kursk region a salary of 10 thousand rubles, put on at the end of the world, if he is not even able to fly there, since a one-way ticket costs much more.

Bogdan, Pyatigorsk:

I would like to warn those who build illusions. Dear ones, if you have never worked on the land, if you have never been engaged in cattle breeding and poultry farming, great difficulties and bitter disappointments await you. This is not for you to keep a hamster or a parrot at home. If you are drawn to the romance of rural life, try to start at home by “chopping” at least 10 acres of potatoes, spud them, treat the Colorado potato beetle and dig them up. And then find where to store it all. But to those who decide, I wish you good luck!

Bekhan, Khabarovsk:

Before inviting people from other regions of the country, create living conditions for those who already live there. People are fleeing the Far East.


Where would you like to get a free hectare?

Eduard KARPENKOV, farmer, Krasnodar region:

In his native Leningrad region. But we have many farmers, but little free land. Most of it belongs to large holdings. According to statistics, farmers own only 30% of all agricultural land in the region.

Alexander LAZUTKIN, pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of Russia:

On the seashore or in the suburbs. I would build a greenhouse, grow cucumbers, tomatoes and even pineapples. And why are they handing out land only in the Far East? Distribute all over Russia - enough for everyone.

Sergey DARKIN, ex-governor of Primorsky Krai, businessman:

In our Vladivostok taiga. Let's breed wild animals. Here and deer, and roe deer, and wild boars. For hunting.

And there are tigers too - today I saw traces!

Yuri LOZA, musician, columnist:

In the Canaries. Is free! I wouldn't farm, what kind of farmer am I? I am for resale!

Irina KHAKAMADA, politician:

It is irrational to take in the Far East, how will I look after the land, being in Moscow?

Mikhail SHLYAPNIKOV, farmer, blogger:

Nowhere would I want to receive a free hectare. The earth is a big responsibility. And you need to understand why the land is needed. After all, the main thing is to work on it.

Gennady VETROV, humorist:

I'm not used to our state giving something away for free. I'm afraid of a trick. They will also tax a hectare. I'd take a couple hundred. And I would have staked out a plot in Moscow. On the Skhodnya...

Christina, listener Radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (97.2 FM):

Small lot in Italy. A small villa ... But I could not live there permanently, love for the Motherland is stronger!

Vladimir MERENKOV, KP.RU reader:

I looked at the site nadalniyvostok.rf - the choice is large. I won't hurry... I'll decide before January 1, 2035!

The ambitious project "Far Eastern Hectare" sums up the first results: the hectare workers, who took the first plots of land, draw up reporting declarations. "Gektar" was designed to solve the problem of the outflow of people from the Far East - over the past 25 years, according to Vladimir Putin, almost 2 million people have left it. But instead of the estimated 30 million people, this initiative attracted only 73,000. The Secret of the Firm figured out why even significant benefits did not motivate Russians to take free land in the Far East and what difficulties hectare owners faced.

"Hektar": the rules of the game

The law on the Far Eastern hectare was adopted in 2016 to develop almost a third of the lands of this district - more than 170 million hectares. From June 2016, it came into force for residents of the Far Eastern Federal District, and from February 2017 - for all Russians.

The Far Eastern Hectare program was launched three years ago from pilot regions in the Far East itself. The first to take part in it were one municipality in each of the (at that time) nine regions of the Far Eastern Federal District. In October 2016, the second stage of the program started, when all Far East residents got the opportunity to register land in their regions. On February 1, 2017, the program became available to all Russians. Before the adoption of the law in Yakutia, there were a number of protests by local residents who were afraid that hectare workers would cut off access to the natural resources of the region. However, now the Yakut people are in second place in terms of the number of allocated hectares in the country.

Shortly after the launch of the project in the Far East, three northwestern regions of Russia: Kostroma in 2017, Leningrad and Vologda in 2018, introduced their bills on the free distribution of unused land to families (Russian citizens) on the same conditions. From August 2019, Buryatia and the Trans-Baikal Territory will join the program, from 2020 all residents of Russia can take a hectare in these regions.

How to get land

To obtain a hectare, a simple application is sufficient. Then, during the first year, the hectare owner needs to decide on the type of use of the site, after three years - to declare the development progress, moreover, there are no clear development criteria at the moment. After five years of use, the site can be obtained in ownership or long-term lease - 49 years.

*Data from the Agency for the Development of Human Capital in the Far East.

From mortgages to memes: how did they try to attract Russians to Hektar

Every year the requirements for hectare growers are getting softer: now they are not only Russians. On March 28, 2019, a law came into force that allows participants in the program for voluntary resettlement in the Russian Federation of compatriots living abroad to receive a hectare. The same act allowed the Russians to register the Far Eastern hectares as property ahead of schedule when building a house.

In September 2018, the Ministry for the Development of the Far East planned to amend the hectare law, according to which a person, after successful land development, can claim the next plot of land of the same size. On June 26, the authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District, Yuri Trutnev, announced that the owners of Far Eastern hectares will very soon be able to take advantage of a preferential mortgage at 2% per annum for building a house for 20 years. The document is still under development. It is also proposed to reduce the buffer zone in the Primorsky Territory: it is planned to allocate land 10 km from Vladivostok instead of the previous 20 km and “open” the “buffer” of Nakhodka for a hectare.

In different years, advertisements and memes were used to draw attention to Hektar (for example, to popularize the program in Khabarovsk, they re-shot video clip about Peter the pig) and images of celebrities. So, a fighter of mixed martial arts (MMA), now a deputy of the city council of Krasnogorsk, Jeff Monson, who received Russian citizenship, announced his intention to take a hectare. Also, the authorities of Primorye reported that Steven Seagal would take part in the filming of a new television project of the Rossiya 1 channel dedicated to Hektar. This was later denied by both the actor and the channel itself.

The project website reports on 35 measures to help people who take a Far Eastern hectare (grants, microloans, loans). They also offer "ready-made" business plans for hectares with a specific purpose of the land. Many of them are attracted by amounts of initial investment that are incomprehensible at first glance: for example, according to the site, “7,180 thousand rubles” must be spent on organizing the collection of wild plants, and “5,718 thousand rubles” on creating a car service.

“Yes, it seems that nothing is needed for wild plants, except for the container itself, where to collect them, but you need to remember that you must understand how you can get to your wild plants, how is the infrastructure on this site, how are things with the road and how you will export these wild plants,” says Daria Pozdnyakova, one of the hectare workers.

All by yourself

A resident of the Kamchatka Territory, Daria Pozdnyakova, took two hectares in 2017 with her husband. Later, another hectare was added to this land from her sister, who moved to St. Petersburg. Daria took the land for her old hobby, which became a business - for a horse-tourist club.

“Now we have 12 horses, seven dogs and three hectares,” says the girl. By the time the program was launched, the issue of placing animals was acute: the family moved from one rented site to another, and the animals suffered from this. When they chose the land, Daria and her husband themselves went to a hectare, inspected the site. They took it only from the second or third time: refusals came, since during the checks it turned out that the land was already owned.

“In the Far East, even within one kilometer, the landscape can change, from a swamp to a hill there can be a distance of 400–500 m,” says Daria. “We specifically went to our hectare in bad weather to see how the soil reacts, how windy it is.” She says that now there is not enough land - for grazing horses - and the family of hectare owners plans to rent additional areas.

Investments in business on free land amounted to 4 million rubles, part of them - borrowed funds, part - an ordinary bank loan (to drill a well for water). Daria and her husband did not receive any benefits. But they signed an agreement with the Kamchatka RAO for the supply of electricity, which, under subsidies, will cost them 50,000 rubles instead of 2.5 million rubles. They are engaged in backfilling the road, its cleaning, equipping septic tanks, construction themselves and at their own expense.

Zinnur Zinnyatullin

Lawyer of the company "Knyazev and partners", specialist in land law

Hectare owners do not have legal mechanisms to push for the creation of infrastructure. Funds for this are allocated under state programs from the budget and only if some kind of rural settlement has been formed, and not if you have a plot in a forest or in a field.

The hectares have not yet reached the break-even point. Daria says that the start time for making a profit depends on which business development path the family will eventually take: whether it will be guest houses or just horse tourism. Now income is highly dependent on the weather, the season, and the number of tourist groups. For example, in summer the tourist season is in full swing, but in 2019 it rained throughout June and there were practically no tourists. Income, respectively, too.

More profitable together

Mikhail Utrobin created one of the most beautiful success stories associated with the Far East Hectare project. From the top manager of the Far East department of the Sportmaster chain of stores, he turned into a modern exemplary farmer. He took a hectare in a convenient place - 50 km from Khabarovsk. Therefore, it was not necessary to spend money on infrastructure - roads, conducting electricity from scratch. Mikhail won a grant for farmers, and since 2017 he has managed to create his own brand of dairy products Morning on the Farm. The Utrobins have no other sources of income other than a hectare.

Since December last year, he has gone into plus (it took a year and two months from the start of doing business). The farmer sells products by subscription via Instagram, bypassing all retail chains. To solve the lack of land, Utrobin plans to create a cooperative by inviting friendly farmers and other entrepreneurs. This, in his opinion, is a much more profitable solution than developing a hectare alone.

Back in 2017, Yuri Trutnev also recognized the single acquisition of hectares as unprofitable, calling the most economically justified registration by a team of 20 people or more.

Mikhail said that he is a member of the public organization “We are hectare workers” and every week he receives three or four requests from people who would like to take free land. For paying for gasoline, he is ready to help hectare owners check whether it is worth choosing the hectares they planned by looking at the map online. Mikhail goes to the indicated hectare, looks at the condition of the roads and land, and informs the potential hectare worker.

According to Utrobin, most of the calls come about the installation of electricity and water, but here the hectare owner is powerless. He advises future applicants for land to first decide on the type of activity (although by law this can be done a year after a hectare is taken) and unite in agglomerations, since single appeals to officials are ineffective, but so far he does not see examples of such associations among hectare owners .

However, the Human Capital Development Agency reported that money is being allocated for infrastructure. True, not in all regions: in the Khabarovsk Territory - 319 million rubles. and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 82.1 million rubles. The planned completion date for the work under the contracts is 2019.

The agency said that it is considering the possibility of providing infrastructure facilities to 25 priority agglomerations (more than 4,169 compactly located land plots with an area of ​​6,222 hectares) in the subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District - 230.5 km (181.7 km of roads, 48.8 km of power lines). The amount of financing will amount to 4.7 billion rubles.

Successful project with a written undertaking not to leave

Three years ago, Sergei Kurechko created a winery on the Far Eastern hectare. Telling the background of his land development, he mentions that he received a hectare only a year and a half after submitting the application after "all sorts of agreements and adjustments."

“In 2016, the regional land committee was also involved in issuing hectares. They forgot about us and lost our documents, they made fun of us, as they could, with hunting grounds,” recalls Kurechko (hunting grounds do not fall under the hectare law, but only those that are protected by the owners who filed a statement about this).

According to Kurechko, he did not receive any benefits or subsidies under the project. “The peasant is on the ground, and he has no time to run hundreds of kilometers from office to office. In addition, the attitude of officials responsible for the economic and social development of the territory discourages any desire to meet with them. None of them asked, "How can I help you?" They have different priorities: "Did you get permission? Did you pay taxes?" he said.

Later, two more hectares were added to the main plot, taken for relatives. On one Kurechko creates a garden and a vineyard, the other plans to improve the theme park for guests. Since its opening, hundreds of tourists have visited the farm every week. Local authorities called it "an interesting and popular holiday destination." Two years later, Kurechko was accused of running a business without a license to produce alcohol. One of the most successful hectare workers in the eyes of the media and the authorities became a defendant under the article on illegal entrepreneurship. Kurechko himself believes that he was accused because of a conflict with local authorities.

According to the farmer-winemaker, he is now corresponding with Rosalkogolregulirovanie to clarify the requirements for obtaining a license, which he is accused of lacking. “We already knew that it was too early for us to apply for a permit. Everything depends on the presence of a fruitful vineyard. We are still working on this. Grapes don't grow in a year." This is a prerequisite for obtaining a wine-growing license, and now Kurechko produces wines from local wild plants.

Kurechko hopes that the Duma will consider the proposal of winemakers to simplify the circulation of wine products. At the moment, the process of obtaining a license for winemaking in Russia is one of the most difficult in the world. Now the farmer is creating a vineyard and building a building for the winery. According to him, his passion for winemaking has not yet turned into a business and does not bring profit, despite the presence of guest houses on the site and guided tours.

Assessing the initiative to allocate a hectare, even the successful project participants (Utrobin, Pozdnyakova, Kurechko) agree that most people take it unconsciously, without understanding whether they can live and work on this land.

“I think this is a good help for those who already live in the Far East, although there are many dissatisfied ones,” says Daria Pozdnyakova. She refused to communicate with almost all hectare workers and applicants for a hectare, since people who wrote to her repeatedly accused the girl of having seized everything, bought it, and she came to "everything is ready."

Sergei Kurechko

Winery owner

People who want to acquire a hectare write to me, and in their messages one can feel the desire to work on the land and a complete misunderstanding of the realities. Citizens consider life on a hectare as a trip to the supermarket: come and buy. On earth, things are different. Here you have to learn to live from scratch. The life support of the family, the income side - these are not idle questions. You can spend some time in the clearing, but nothing will appear by itself. I think that "DV-hectare" is still a good tool, and, oddly enough, it lacks the PR that it had at first. There is a feeling that the initiative is being forgotten. I am not deprived of the attention of journalists, but I see how little attention is paid to this. My hectare is located in an agglomeration of a thousand hectares, but most of the hectare owners simply pointed their finger at the sky, taking plots there. On October 1, it will be three years since the receipt of a hectare, and there is no progress in terms of infrastructure in the agglomeration.

Far Eastern tourism

But there are those for whom the lack of infrastructure is only to help. Narek Hovhannisyan took his hectares to organize "wild" tourism. He plans to use one of the hectares, which is an island, as a venue for the "Robinsonade", on other hectares - to conduct entertaining quests. The cost of such a holiday will not exceed 30,000 rubles - such an amount, according to the owner of a hectare, a Russian vacationer is ready to spend, taking into account the road to the Far East. Narek, who works extensively with China, says that ecotourism is especially in demand among residents of China and Japan, where environmental problems are now. But even among Russians there is a demand for such entertainment: since the launch of the project website, more than 3,000 applications have been received. In August, the first tourists will visit the island.

According to Narek, he did not ask the authorities for money to develop a hectare - both because he practically does not need infrastructure, and because he himself wants to invest in the Far East. Narek and his partners organized a committee for the development of tourism in the Far East in the public organization “We are hectare workers”, more than a hundred hectare workers became interested in his tourism initiative. They are also ready to provide their hectare for quests.

According to Hovhannisyan, the program is beneficial specifically for tourism activities, as it does not require any costs: for example, camping can be organized for 100,000 rubles. According to the hectare owner, the project is able to draw the attention of Russians to the Far East, but later: people should see the results and examples of how a hectare has begun to bring real profit to its owners.

Success stories in the future

On the website of the project "To the Far East.rf" there is a section "Success stories", however, in most of these stories there are future projects: "Vladimir will build a farm", "Svetlana plans to open a farm".

About some projects that were written about in the media as successful, it was not possible to find out any information. Media projects about Hektar were also unsuccessful: journalist, creator of the media “Takie Dela” Mitya Aleshkovsky, founder of the eco-shop LavkaLavka, together with Lentach, launched a YouTube series, where they told how the Far East Hectare is being developed in the Jewish Autonomous Region. But after the end of the first season of the series, Aleshkovsky wrote on Facebook that the sponsor for the second season of the series about a hectare had not been found, and did not address this topic again. Aleshkovsky and Akimov did not answer questions from the Sekret Firmy journalist.

So, for example, nothing is known about the construction of the only shiitake mushroom farm in Russia, its owner also does not report on the development of the project and does not get in touch. It was not possible to contact him with the help of the Agency for the Development of Human Capital in the Far East. It is difficult to find information about the winners of the competition for the best hectare development project. One of them is a Japanese-style tourist base. says it costs 63,000 per night to rent a room, but the hostel is currently unavailable for rent.

According to the author of the project, Yulia Yanina, it was not possible to open the tourist base for visitors in 2017. Construction is now completed, but everything rests on the lack of electricity. The base runs on a diesel generator, which, firstly, costs the owners of a tourist hectare hundreds of thousands of rubles, and secondly, with its noise it will scare away any tourist, especially those who came to the base to be in silence.

“We wanted the only measure of support from the state - to help us with electricity. The Russian Railways company, which is engaged in this, included us in the program in 2017, at the beginning of 2018, according to them, the entire budget had already been distributed. They promised to connect us in 2019, but nothing happened in half a year, ”says Yulia.

She does not believe in the prospects of the Far East Hectare project. According to her, "hectare workers are not needed by anyone." For example, for winning the Star of the Far East competition with the best development project for a hectare, Yulia received only a framed diploma.

Vladimir Stolyarov, who is building a domed house on his hectare, has also been featured in the media more than once and jokes that journalists turn to him much more often than investors. So far, there is only a residential building on the site, but it has not been possible to launch a full-fledged farm: there is no electricity. Vladimir says that this year, after amendments to the law, the cost of conducting electricity has fallen: instead of 2 million, only 20,000 have to be paid. However, there is still no electricity promised by JSC Far Eastern Distribution Grid Company.

According to Stolyarov, not one of his hectare owners was able to deal with the infrastructure. But the farmer is not inclined to criticize the DV-hectare project.


Project: construction of a roadside cafe

Square: 1 ha

Location: Otradnoe, Vyazemsky district

Owner: Vladimir Khlapov

Fact: was the first to register ownership of the property on the site


Project: honey production

Square: 11 ha

Location: Zolotoy village, district them. Lazo; Bikinsky district

Owner: Dmitry Stepanchenko and associates

Fact: project participants are residents of different regions of the country, they found each other through the Internet


Project: tourism business – creation of eco-trails

Square: 1 ha

Location: next to "Holdomi", Sunny district

Owner: Mikhail Belousov

Fact: The site is located right behind the recreation center "Pastorali"


Project: apiary

Square: 3 ha

Location: Kruglikovo village, Lazo district

Owner: Sergey Surovtsev

Fact: By the time it became possible to take the land, the tactics and strategy for its development were ready


Project: soybean cultivation

Square: 12 ha

Location: Grodekovo village, Lazo district

Owner: Nikolay Timoshenko with family

Fact: with the help of "Far Eastern hectares" expands the existing business

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Vladimir Khlapov

Khabarovsk resident Vladimir Khlapov became the first owner of the "Far Eastern hectare", who registered the ownership of the property on the site. He decided to build the future cafe in his native village of Otradnoye.

The desire to do something good in his native village for Vladimir Khlapov is a long-standing one. Through his hectare, he once ran to the lake as a child. When the opportunity arose to take a piece of land, I immediately thought of Otradnoye.

“I am from here. When the “Far Eastern hectare” appeared, I thought, why not take it here, began to detail, decided that this place is best suited for a cafe. Moreover, from the course of economics it is known that there must be productive forces. And there are a lot of chefs. No matter how it sounds, not the last place was occupied by the thought - why not employ people. 12 people from Otradny and neighboring Avan will be employed,” - said Vladimir Khlapov.

The building of the cafe is near the highway. Due to its advantageous location, the new catering can become quite a popular food point among those going on vacation in Primorye. Of course, there are places in Otradnoye where you can eat, but Vladimir Khlapov relies on quality.

“We all go to Primorye, everyone wants to stay where it’s clean, tasty, good staff, service. We have such a concept - everything is white, clean, comfortable. The building has two toilets. Many dissuaded me. But on the road from Khabarovsk to Bikin, there is not a single cafe where there is a warm toilet. We are focused on comfort, so I made this decision, even at the expense of space. Plus, we have a separate restroom for staff in accordance with SanPin standards,” notes the owner of a hectare.

The cafe is designed for a full cycle - with hot and cold shops, the designer has placed everything you need in small areas, and so that everything is in accordance with the current legislation and SanPin standards.

70 % equipment is currently in warehouses, and the rest is being prepared in Yekaterinburg to order.

Near the cafe, Vladimir Khlapov plans to create a recreation area with a summer terrace. In addition, the nearby swamp is going to improve.

“After all, if you monitor it, in Vyazemsky there is nowhere to go to have a shish kebab to eat normally. And I want it to be."

He is not afraid of controlling bodies, because he does everything according to the norms and the law. For example, he decided to install two shambos - technical and for the needs of visitors. Of course, this is an increase in the cost of the project itself, but in Vladimir's opinion, it is better to invest once and do it well. The name of his “brainchild” has already come up with, but so far he is keeping it a secret. By the way, a cafe is only the first stage of a roadside service. There will be others.

The fact that there is a really special approach to "hectare workers" Vladimir Khlapov realized when he started doing "paper" work.

“For example, Natalya Ivanovna Yakutina, our minister for a hectare, any owner of a plot can come to her and talk. This is absolutely real, moreover, she calls and is interested in how things are going, right on the case - “what can I do to help”. Also, the municipality included me in all possible programs, and morally it is very pleasant to communicate with them, we are on the same wavelength with them. Separately, I want to note the work of Rosreestr. Of course, I did not expect that everything would be done so quickly. This is just a magic word - a hectare. Ownership was registered in less than a week from the date of submission of documents,” says Vladimir.

According to the head of the Vyazemsky district, Olga Meshcheryakova, all measures were taken to reduce the time for issuing a building permit and coordinating all procedures.

“When Vladimir Nikolayevich announced that he also wanted to implement an investment project on his hectare, we did everything we could.

A building permit is the first thing that was done in the shortest possible time. In March, he took a hectare, registered an LLC in June, and three days later he came to us with an application for escort. Secondly, when he already came and said that he was ready for commissioning, a commissioning permit was already issued in the shortest possible time.

All possible support measures were presented to him in full. For example, participation in competitions that we hold as part of our programs to support small and medium-sized businesses. We looked as much as possible, orientated what can be done for this program, what you can apply for. He himself is well done, he has detailed serious plans, it’s a pleasure to work with him, ” noted Olga Meshcheryakova.

In the Vyazemsky district, there is a decree of the head - support for investment projects in a "one window", that is, an entrepreneur comes - he does not run anywhere.

How was it in the case of Vladimir?

“We could not immediately take Vladimir Nikolayevich under accompaniment as an investor, because he came as an individual. He came, told about his plans, we discussed what he needs to do so that we can help him in a short time. In June, he registered and submitted an application to us for support of an investment project, after going through the entire procedure and discussion at the investment council, we immediately accepted him and began to accompany him, ”says the deputy head of the administration of the Vyazemsky municipal district - Head of Financial Department Irina Podlipentseva.

By the way, Vladimir can apply for the provision of municipal support for the project within the framework of the regional competition under the program "Support for Entrepreneurship of the Vyazemsky Municipal District."

According to the situation, he can be reimbursed up to 70% costs incurred.

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Dmitry Stepanchenko

One of the most numerous categories of conquerors of the "Far Eastern hectares" in the Khabarovsk Territory are beekeepers who intend to literally fill up stores with honey.

Among them - Dmitry Stepanchenko. Together with like-minded people, he immediately took 11 "Far Eastern hectares" in different parts of the region.

- Dmitry, did you have to run a lot to become the owner of hectares?

I have already built a building on the territory of Khabarovsk and I know what it means to lease a land plot and at what price it is given.

Taking a hectare in the Khabarovsk Territory is not just easy, but super easy. This federal project is a real revolution in the field of land use. We have already signed all the contracts and soon we will be able to run a subsidiary farm on our own land.

- And how did the idea to take the "Far Eastern hectare" come about?

I used to be a fruit and vegetable retailer. Then I realized what prospects for business opens up my own subsidiary plot. Together with our comrades we want to master the taiga. There are more than 200 different species of wild plants in our forests alone, many of them are unique and indispensable for health.

And how many opportunities for the production of honey - just do not count. Everyone says: taiga is wood. However, all over the world, of all the income that forests provide, timber harvesting is only 20%, and everything else is what grows in forests.

- You said that you did not take hectares alone, but collectively ...

We are from different regions of Russia, we found each other through the Internet, but the main backbone is Khabarovsk residents, some of them are my relatives. At the moment, we have taken two hectares in the Bikinsky district, just along the federal highway. But we will launch a project to develop these hectares later. Now the roadside service is going through a crisis, it is more profitable to buy a ready-made business than to start building from scratch.

We also took 9 hectares in the area of ​​the village of Zolotoy district. Lazo. This is truly a golden place. The territory is simply colossally underestimated, it is great to develop beekeeping there. This is our top priority right now. We see how much imported honey is on the shelves of Khabarovsk stores.

Although the Khabarovsk Territory is a real gold mine for those who are ready to produce local honey, which, according to experts, is the best in the country. But not everything is so clear.

For example, in Canada, industrial apiaries include over 6,000 pieces of evidence. And in the Khabarovsk Territory, a beekeeper is considered large if he has 150-200 clues in breeding. Feel the difference? In this situation, we have something to work on and something to strive for. We plan to bring high-quality Carpathian bees to the Khabarovsk Territory. We are ready to show the first results of our work on the “Far Eastern hectares” in two months.

- Many would like to take a hectare, but financial problems stop them. How expensive is it to equip the land?

At the moment we have invested order 1.5-2 million rubles, but it is necessary to develop, it is difficult to say what costs this will require.

The hectares will accommodate not only production, but also housing. Now a lot of money is spent on gasoline, on workers, on studying the taiga. I personally walk 10-12 km of the forest a day to study what grows there.

But with what there are no problems, so it is with communications. Back in the days of the USSR, roads were beaten that have survived to this day. There is a chic road network in the taiga, which leads directly to the hectares. In my opinion, the prospects for the next 5-10 years are excellent. Everything can be dealt with. It will be more difficult to establish sales of products. Now we are actively working in this direction.

On the whole, I repeat, the Far Eastern Hectare program is unprecedented. For example, now it is quite realistic to take a plot near the seashore in the Primorsky Territory. It used to be an impossible dream. So the conditions for doing business and personal growth in the region are now ideal.

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Mikhail Belousov

Not far from Komsomolsk-on-Amur in the Solnechny district there is a popular ski resort "Kholdomi". And next to it is the rest house "Pastoral". Here, among the mountains and forests, adults and children love to relax in the fresh air - those who want to combine staying in an ecologically clean place with comfort.

However, there are many among our fellow countrymen who seek to climb into the wilderness, and, having settled in a tent, taste the delights of the "wild" nature. Something similar was decided to organize by the manager of "Pastoral" Mikhail Belousov in the area adjacent to the rest home, joining the program "Far Eastern Hectare".

Mikhail, a young entrepreneur with a background in economics and law, says he decided to go into the tourism business because he is into sports. He is professionally engaged in motocross, loves to ride a snowboard and a snowmobile.

I am 31 years old and I have three children, says the entrepreneur. - The eldest son Igor is 11 years old, and the youngest Andrey and Ksenia are 4 and 3 years old. My senior athlete is engaged in Kyokushin. And the younger ones are still studying in-depth English, although they also love snowboarding.

The Belousov family lives in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, and conducts business in Solnechny, but the owner of a hectare is not tired of moving back and forth. Mikhail prefers to keep everything in his own hands and often combines the roles of leader, instructor and controller.

The Belousovs are friendly, active and love comfort, so they position their business as a vacation for the whole family with all the amenities, but they are not averse to experimenting.

I took a hectare, which is literally behind the fence of "Pastoral". I'm lucky. Imagine, suddenly it turned out that this site is free. I plan to preserve the forest here, only to ennoble it, to lay out ecological trails and build a “light” camp. At the main base there are comfortable rooms, and on a hectare there are houses built from natural materials. In fact, I have a lot of plans.

The owner of a hectare describes the entire process of developing a new territory in his blog. I recorded on video the process of completing the required documents and obtaining permits so that everyone could understand how to do it correctly.

This year, the owner of the hectare will also be engaged in planning in order to understand which segments of the allotment need to be cleared of thickets and which should not be touched. It is also required to level the ground and partially cut down the bush, and this pleasure is not cheap.

There is more work to be done. For example, in order to make a so-called dive, you need to make a project in order to understand which tree or shrub needs to be removed, and coordinate this moment with the administration. And in order to conduct light, I cannot take the power supply channel from an already powered object, that is, from my base. It is necessary to conduct a separate line, and the power line is one and a half kilometers away.

There are many problems, but there is still time. After all, the first report on the use of land must be submitted in three years.

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Sergey Surovtsev

Retired lieutenant colonel Sergei Surovtsev approached the "Far Eastern hectare" in detail - by the time the opportunity arose to take the land, he had already prepared tactics and a strategy for its development.


Even before leaving the service, an officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel thought about what he would do in civilian life, and, after some reflection, he chose rural life and beekeeping. I found an experienced beekeeper in the village of Kruglikovo, Lazo district, and became his apprentice. At first, I just enjoyed the calmness: no one pushes me, I don’t have to run anywhere, life is measured and unhurried. Over time, he acquired a plot of land, his own beehives and bees, and when the Far Eastern Hectare program began, he issued allotments for “three of his girls” - his wife and two daughters.

The site is limited by roads on three sides, and on the fourth side there is a forest zone where it was impossible to take, - Sergey Surovtsev explains his choice. - There is a transport component, electrification, a large meadow and a lake nearby. I thought about what I could fill with and it occurred to me that I could organize a large basic apiary there, I immediately built a production facility, a dryer for herbs - there is a plan for the next year or two, what to do.

I plan to take land in the forest for myself and my two sons, so that I can take out an apiary there during the flowering seasons of honey plants, I have already looked after a couple of remote places where they will not come for hectares for a long time. There will be human and financial resources, things will go faster. I don’t like the word “if”, I love “when” - if the state wants to participate in my plans, it will see that it will help us along the way, then I will move faster.

And strategy

Years of military service have an effect: the lieutenant colonel is used to calculating every step from an idea to the final desired result. When we were sitting with the family drinking tea, the idea was born to organize the production of Ivan tea. As the farmer says, “with pleasure for himself and to the delight of the townspeople”, along the way, a number of seemingly unrelated issues are being resolved.

The manufacturer should think not only about his future, but also about the development of the business, - Sergey Surovtsev notes. - This is the creation of jobs, meeting the needs of people, obtaining funds to improve the system. Unfortunately, the villagers today are not particularly willing to work, so they have to pull by the ears, create systems of incentives and control. First, temporary employment - then more or less permanent.

I have the following condition: for the period of harvesting willow-tea, there should be no alcohol in the life of an employee, I believe that the energy component matters - after all, the cook cooks tastier if he sings “The morning greets us with coolness” than something dissatisfied mutters under his breath .

One large family has already been pulled out of alcoholism, given a goal, offered incentives - where else in the village can you earn 7 thousand rubles a day? Now four large families plus singles work to collect willow-tea during the season, in the spring they gave an announcement, they collected birch sap from people, then ferns, everything is nothing, but money.


Grants and soft loans for the development of agriculture offered by local and federal authorities, Surovtsev does not yet take, says there is no hurry, everything has its time and prefers, as in the old days, at the expense of his savings. He has his own ideas about how to support recipients of the Far Eastern hectare: not so much money is needed as information.

Just an addition to what is already there: if a person, especially a city dweller who has never worked on the land, wants to take a hectare, he needs the help of specialists: soil scientists, land reclamators, plant growers, Sergey Surovtsev suggests. - The “hectare worker” says: I want to plant valuable tree species, which ones will take root and which ones will not, is there any point in wasting my labor and resources? Experts know which sites are suitable for what, and can give qualified advice, "what, where and when", this is a small cost.

Sales markets are needed: a weekend fair worked in Khabarovsk, it was transferred to Ecodom and this year for the first time they made it paid for the participants. The second, free site, was created on Vyborgskaya. What happened in the end - the sales market that has been developed over the years is broken, the point that has long been familiar to sellers and buyers is missing. We need relatively small sites where farmers can bring their goods and show them, believe my experience, this is the most effective option, you can’t imagine better. The store does not provide such an opportunity to acquaint customers with its products as a weekend fair.

Free grants for development counted in millions of rubles will not be needed in this situation - whoever really wants to, will succeed, but "pointed", individual forms of support will be needed. A little later, it will be possible to think about the well-forgotten old, the system of cooperation and the network of procurement points, only everything should be on time.

Surovtsev, as a beekeeper, compares this with the behavior of his pets: if you place a frame with waxed paper in the hive ahead of time, the insects will simply eat it and nothing good will come of it, and when everything is exactly on schedule, honey will appear on this basis.

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Nikolay Timoshenko

Nikolai Timoshenko from Khabarovsk has issued 12 Far Eastern hectares to members of his family. A sports coach by profession, he already counts hundreds of thousands of profits from an entire field in the Lazo area.

The farming era in Nikolai's life began seven years ago. By that time, the candidate for master of sports in athletics had studied as a coach in graduate school, managed to work for two years at the children's and youth school of the Olympic reserve. The desire to earn money pushed the young guy into the fields.

“I already had a wife and first child, a second child on the way. And the family had to support something. In two years I managed to understand: I can’t see big money in sports. I found a part-time job at a wholesale base, somehow got into a conversation with those who sell vegetables, and realized that this is my chance.

Mykola Timoshenko's parents live in Grodekovo, where he went to look for land for sowing. Decided to start with potatoes. The farmer says that in 2010 there were plenty of empty lands in the Lazo area. I rented five hectares, for each I paid a thousand rubles. He did not choose the site himself, he turned to a rural pensioner for help, who in Soviet times worked as a machine operator on a collective farm and knew each field as his own. It is impossible to say that the land immediately submitted to Nikolai Timoshenko and thanked him.

“The beginning of my story is more of a failure story. In the first year I grew potatoes, but the most important thing here is to keep them. She froze me in the winter. The second year I planted - I did not calculate the proportion of substances for chemical weeding. For the third time, he reduced the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe earth, and then it “shot”. Then I realized that it was not in vain that I endured it all. With the real cost of a kilogram of potatoes in the region of five rubles, we sold it in Khabarovsk for 17-18 rubles.

After success with potatoes, the farmer, who draws information about crop production mainly from the Internet, decided to shift his focus to soybeans. The main argument: unlike root crops, its cultivation does not require additional labor, it is managed by the family. True, not everything went smoothly with this culture. The farmer sowed the seeds, after a while he arrived at the field, and half of the area simply burned down. Did not spare the forest fell.

But now the farmer has reached both a stable income and productivity. The sown area is already one hundred hectares. The house is also replenished. Now Nikolai Timoshenko has three children: two boys aged 9 and 6, a three-year-old girl, and a fourth baby is on the way. On them, on his wife, on grandparents on both sides, on his sister, he took the Far Eastern hectares. A total of 12 plots, due to which the sown area will be even larger. Iron argument.

“If I were to formalize the land simply for rent through the administration of the Lazo district, it would take me eight months. How much money, I won't even say. First, after all, you choose a site, do a survey, then you come to draw up. So you still need to go through an "interview", as I call it, and then win the auction. So whatever you choose there, it is not a fact that you will get it. And then I picked the parts. They will be issued within 30 days. 12 hectares is, of course, not a field, but I found a way out. I scattered them over the field so that no one could fit between them, and now the whole field is mine. ”

A house is being built next to these hectares in Grodekovo. As soon as it is ready, the family is ready to move from Khabarovsk.

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What you need to know about the "Far Eastern hectare"?

On June 1, something began in the Far East that had not happened in Russia since the time of Pyotr Stolypin - the distribution of free land to the population per hectare per person. With an unprecedented step in the recent history of the country, the federal center intends to change the unfavorable demographic situation in the eastern outskirts and accelerate their exploration and development. As conceived by the initiators, the project "Far Eastern hectare" should become another impetus for the country's turn to the East - a new geopolitical landmark for Russia.

In the Sakhalin region, they decided to speed up this process, and from October 1, obtaining a hectare on the territory of the entire region became available to its residents.

To whom and when will the land be given?

Law on the "Far Eastern Hectare" (FZ No. 119 dated May 1, 2016 "On the Peculiarities of Providing Citizens with Land Plots in State or Municipal Ownership and Located on the Territories of the Subjects of the Russian Federation that Are Part of the Far Eastern Federal District, and on Amendments to Certain Legislative acts of the Russian Federation") was developed in order to attract new people to these sparsely populated regions. Mobile, enterprising, hardworking - a lazy person will not move from his familiar place.

Land allotments in the Far East will be available to all citizens of Russia, regardless of age and place of registration from February 1, 2017. From this day on, any Russian will be able to get a free land plot in the Far East with an area of ​​no more than 1 hectare. For the Far East, a separate preference is provided: they can apply for land from June 1, 2016. True, so far it is possible to choose an allotment only in one of the municipalities of each region, chosen by the local authorities as a pilot one. From October 1, 2016, residents of the Far East will be able to apply for a site already throughout the entire territory of the Far Eastern Federal District.

From October 1, a land plot of up to 1 hectare on the territory of the Sakhalin Region can be obtained by any registered resident of the island region.

How much land will they give?

The law provides for a one-time provision of a land plot in the Far East at the rate of 1 hectare per person. You can get a smaller plot. There is a variant of the so-called group acquisition of land. For example, several Russians at once, regardless of kinship, can unite and receive one land plot for joint activities at the rate of a hectare per person.

Hectares provided within the city must comply with approved regulations governing the type of land use. Accordingly, within Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, it is impossible to obtain a plot of more than 25 acres.

A citizen who has reached the age of 14 and already has a passport can become the owner of a land plot. It is allowed to represent the interests of another person by proxy giving the right to do so.

Where and what land?

A free hectare will be available from February 1 in any of the nine regions of the Far East. This could be any location where land granting is not prohibited and the selected site is no longer owned or leased. People will have the opportunity to choose a site where they really want to live and work.

It will not be possible to take an allotment on lands limited in economic circulation - nature reserves, national parks, defense and security lands reserved for state needs, etc. They will not fall under the distribution of lands, in the depths of which there are natural resources.

It will not be possible to get a hectare in large cities - in Vladivostok and Khabarovsk, as well as 20 kilometers around them. They will not distribute land in regional centers and 10 kilometers around them - Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Yakutsk, Blagoveshchensk and Birobidzhan. The same restrictions will apply to Arseniev, Artem, Nakhodka, Ussuriysk, Belogorsk, Svobodny, Komsomolsk-on-Amur and Neryungri. However, if there are rural settlements within a radius of 10-20 km around these cities, then it will be possible to get a free hectare within them.

To test the mechanism for issuing land from June 1, 2016, free hectares can be obtained only in one municipality of each subject of the Far East. In the Sakhalin region, this was the Tymovsky district. From October 1, you can get a hectare on the territory in all municipalities of Sakhalin.

For how long will the land be issued?

First for five years. This will be free use. The citizen who received the plot will not pay rent and land tax during this period. In five years, the person who took the land will have to master it as he sees fit. It should be real development, which can be assessed. That is, if in five years the newly-minted owner of a hectare only mows the grass on it and puts posts, this will not be considered development.

Already after three years, the user of the land plot is obliged to report to the authorized body on the use of the land plot by filing a declaration.

After five years, a citizen will be able to apply to the state for registration of land ownership. Those who confirm the development of the allocated land will be given it free of charge. If desired, it will be possible to remain a land tenant, but after the “trial” period has expired, the state will have to pay rent. The only exception will be the lands of the forest fund, which can be transferred into ownership only after 10 years of leasing a forest plot, provided that they have been developed.

For what purposes can land be taken?

For any, not prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation. On the received plot, you can organize a business, build a house or a farm, plant a garden, etc. The main thing is that the land be used and benefit the citizen and his family. If the land is idle, then it can be withdrawn.

Also, it all depends on the purpose of the land received. If these are agricultural lands, then it is no longer possible to build a plant. If for low-rise construction, then it will also be impossible to build a farm, etc.

What will be required to get a "Far Eastern hectare"?

The first and most important thing is Russian citizenship. According to the law, citizens of other states cannot receive and buy these lands. Naturally, a person must have a desire to live and work in the Far East, using the received hectare, as well as opportunities for its development. Abruptly changing the place of residence is a very difficult test. A person must have financial opportunities to move to the region, to improve the received site.

To obtain a hectare on the territory of the Sakhalin Region from October 1 to February 1, registration in the region will be required.

Are there any restrictions?

Yes, I have. The plot will be issued only once. The received land cannot be transferred, sold or donated to foreign citizens and legal entities. Also, any resale of plots will be limited for some time. The allotment already mastered and received into ownership can be sold, but only to Russian citizens. Otherwise, there are no restrictions.

How to apply for land?

From June 1, 2016, you can select and register a land plot using the specialized website NaFarVostok.rf. There is an interactive map of vacant lots in all subjects of the region. To switch to the card, you will need to register on the portal of public services Map tools will help you select a site, form its boundaries and reserve it for yourself by submitting an application electronically. Within 30 days after that, the land plot is transferred to the citizen for free use.

How much land is in the Far East?

Lots of. The Far East occupies 36% of the territory of Russia. The total area of ​​the region is 616.9 million hectares, of which 614.5 million hectares are owned by the state. Citizens and businesses own 2.38 million hectares of land, 99.6 million hectares are forested, and 28.2 million hectares are used for agricultural purposes. The most attractive for use are 146.8 million hectares of the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District.

The total area of ​​land plots that can be provided within the framework of the law in the Sakhalin Region is 2 million 900 thousand hectares of land.


Is there state support for those who have received a hectare?

Directly in the draft law on state assistance to recipients of a hectare, nothing is said. Nevertheless, there is a provision in the law that implies the possibility of support for new settlers by regional and municipal authorities. In addition, it is planned to develop a set of measures to support immigrants at the federal level. A special development institution has already been created - the Agency for the Development of Human Capital in the Far East. It will help people who have the desire and opportunity to move to the Far East, do it, settle down here and adapt to the harsh conditions of life in the region. In addition, the government promises to use all available tools to support the migrants. The preferential mortgage mechanism is being developed by the Ministry for the Development of the Far East and the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML).

The regional budget of the Sakhalin Region provides for support measures for recipients of the "Far Eastern hectare". For Sakhalin and Kuril residents, the authorities have provided a number of preferences. They are related to the provision of leasing of small-scale mechanization, reimbursement of interest rates on loans and lease payments, the allocation of grants - in particular, to those who decide to try their hand at agriculture, coastal fishing, fish processing, aquaculture or in the timber industry.

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