Business plan for organizing children's holidays. Organization of holidays, business plan. How to start a holiday business How to start a holiday business

To start a thriving business, you need to find the area that is currently most in demand.

This is the agency for the organization of holidays. This is an original and profitable business that is actively developing in the modern market. Where to start in this area?

Official registration

Perhaps it is difficult to imagine an occupation more interesting than the organization of holidays. The business plan for such a business begins with the costs of obtaining official documents giving permission to conduct business. First of all, you need to register as a legal entity or entrepreneur (optional).

To determine the form of an economic entity, consult with a qualified lawyer. For example, choosing an LLC, it will be possible to include in the paper the founders-partners who have invested an equal share of the investment. Form PBOYuL does not require such founders.

The basic documents for registering an enterprise include a charter, an application to the registration authority, for an LLC, you will additionally need to provide information about the founders and information about their meeting. You also need to pay a state fee. The registration procedure is carried out in the tax service, in the social and compulsory health insurance funds.

Room selection

Before you create an agency for organizing holidays, you need to decide on the location of the office space. It is there that clients will place an order, come to get acquainted with the portfolio and actors, and communicate with the director of the company. As such a territory, you can use both a specially designed apartment and a rented office.

The company can be located anywhere, but it is much more convenient for customers if it is located near the center and directly from the places where the organization of holidays will take place. The business plan should take into account the cost of rent, which may be slightly higher than when using a room in a residential area. But in the central part of the city there will be a much denser flow of people, which means that the number of potential customers will be higher, which will justify the costs.

Advertising promotion

When opening an agency for organizing holidays, you must immediately think about advertising. It is worth developing advertising booklets that can be distributed by mailboxes, left in shops, beauty salons, cafes and restaurants.

In addition, you need to make business cards, stick up posters around the city and think over a holiday dedicated to the opening, where potential customers can immediately be convinced of the high level of quality of services provided. Without all these measures, a business can face a period of downtime in the first weeks of its existence.


How to start an event management business? Another point is the selection of employees. These should be talented artists of different directions, for example, a clown, a singer, a theater actor. In addition, you will need a script writer who will come up with texts for the holidays, taking into account the requests and wishes of customers.

Some sample works need to be created in advance so that visitors can familiarize themselves with them and make sure that such a style suits them. You will need a costume designer who will take care of the stage outfits, and possibly sew new ones. You will need a make-up artist, a secretary, and a manager. At the initial stage, when the agency for organizing holidays is not yet in great demand, the same person may be responsible for different areas of activity. For example, the costume designer may well be responsible for the make-up.

List of services provided

A ready-made business plan for organizing holidays should include a description of the events that the company will hold, as well as their estimated cost. An average agency offers its clients the organization of children's parties, such as matinees, organizes parties for private individuals, organizes leisure evenings, as well as seminars and conferences.

For each of these proposals, there should be a ready-made turnkey scenario, according to which clients can judge the approximate course of events at the event they ordered, and a list of actors or animators with their photographs. If possible, the customer should get to know and communicate with them in advance.

What is required for the office?

There may be very little office equipment. For successful business, it will be enough to have several computers with an Internet connection, as well as fax and copier. The office can accommodate managers who will work with the client base.

Organization of celebrations and events will require equipment such as projectors, projection screens, mounting stage structures, as well as a car. In addition, it will be impossible to do without audio and video equipment, such as microphones, amplifiers, speakers. All this can be rented for the first time or purchased second-hand goods.

Partnership Opportunities

To reduce costs in the first months of operation, as well as to get a free source of advertising, try to find a firm to partner with.

A company that works on decorating rooms and halls for holidays and themed parties is ideal. Such a partnership will save money with a small start-up capital.

Clients will be able to order a package of services immediately, which is convenient for them and for you. And if the partner company has already established itself in the market, this will be an additional incentive for your company to succeed. By placing information about the services of a partner company on business cards, advertising booklets and Internet sites, you will be able to distribute information about your agency among an impressive number of potential customers for free.

When hiring people, you should not try to save money. A dissatisfied team may well fall apart, since this field of activity is favorable for freelancers, and many actors will find work without problems. This does not require a holiday agency.

A business plan can be cut in rental or printing costs, but personnel should not suffer in any way, this is the only way you can create a strong and friendly team. It’s easier to treat some working moments, because cooperation with creative people does not imply a strict schedule. Unplanned situations will arise constantly, no organization of holidays can do without it.

The business plan should allow deviations and innovations, taking into account such a feature of this business area. Be prepared for the need for constant investment, at the first stage they are simply necessary for the growth of your business. Try to learn how to think creatively to cope with seasonal demand. Open new directions, look for corporate clients.

Just do not grab onto all things at once, it is better to ideally work out one scenario after another. Corporate trainings and private events are a separate business idea. Organizing holidays for such clients leads to a world of big profits. Getting into it is not enough, you need to constantly invent and surprise. We can say that this business is very complex, but exciting at the same time.

Work with clients

To keep your business afloat, it’s not enough to have perfect holiday decorations. The business plan should include the costs of the site, which will be created with the involvement of professionals. This virtual page will be a visual representation of the creativity that your agency is capable of, so its value should not be underestimated.

In addition, for a constant increase in the number of clients, it is necessary to carry out so-called hot calls: company employees must attract people at thematic promotions and exhibitions, distribute business cards, and then call after a preliminary acquaintance. For regular customers, you should consider the possibility of discount programs and holding special parties.

There can be no trifles in this, it is important to approach communication with all types of customers in a non-standard way. Gifts for the holidays, video presentations of scripts - all marketing methods will be good for drawing attention to your agency and making it stand out from all others.

Start-up costs

To start, you will not need much money, an amount of five thousand dollars will be enough. Part of these funds will go to the salaries of employees, the rest will have to be spent on costumes, cosmetics and equipment. The third part will be directed to the rent of the premises.

If funds allow, it can be purchased, but such expenses are no longer included in the budget start plan. A laptop will not be superfluous, on which it will be possible to show clients videos from events already held by the company.

Having bought all of the above, you can confidently start working in the field of organizing holidays. If you're creative and have been able to find your own creative approach, the profits will soon come, justifying everything that was spent on the agency in the first months of its existence.

Every parent strives to give their children the very best. A holiday will help to make childhood happy and unforgettable. But most often, working mom and dad do not have the opportunity to organize it so that it is a bright and enchanting performance. In such a situation, the help of professionals is indispensable.
If you are a creative person, you have many interesting children, then you can easily arrange and organize all kinds of children's activities. Holidays are not limited to birthdays. It can be New Years, Christmas, the end of the school year - whatever you can think of and sell.

Organizing and holding festive events is a business that requires a clear action plan. You must do everything so that parents can enjoy the holiday with their children, and not try to keep track of everything. It is very important to treat every little guest with attention - even a very shy child should feel comfortable and fun. The responsibilities of the organizer include many activities:

  • Preparation of the script and its coordination with parents.
  • Planning and careful study of all details.
  • Providing participants with costumes.
  • Room decoration, menu preparation, etc.
  • Cleaning up at the end of the holiday.

The advantages of this business include low start-up investments and an exciting creative process. Every day you will go to work, and get on a birthday or other holiday.
For your business to flourish, imagination and organizational skills are not enough. You will have to study the hobbies and interests of today's children so that you can diversify the program and come up with an interesting scenario.
The most important stage of preparation is the budget. Based on the amount that you have available, decide on the venue, the necessary props, entertainment and refreshments.

Where to look for clients

If you decide to start organizing children's parties, the first thing you should think about is how to find customers. It will be all parents and children dreaming of a fun event. Your job is to get them interested, so design a colorful booklet and send it out to everyone in your area. Send an article to the newspaper with an interesting description of your services, advertise on the Internet. Advertising products can be distributed in children's sports sections and dance studios, but first coordinate this issue with the owners.

If charity auctions are held in your city, you can hold a free children's party. This is a very good and effective advertisement. When you get your first clients, don't forget to take photos of the celebrations. From them you can make a portfolio that you will show to other potential clients.
Most of the orders are provided by word of mouth. Even if it seems to you that things have gone uphill, do not stop there. You need to constantly remind about yourself and your services. Don't overlook regions. The professional organization of children's holidays is the prerogative of large cities. You can take advantage of this and offer your services in other markets.
Register on specialized resources, parent forums, where you can track topics on organizing children's holidays. It is better to leave your phone in private messages - advise yourself as a specialist who held a holiday for your child. Make business cards and leave them everywhere you go.

Decoration of children's holidays

The organization of any festive event for children requires a rich imagination, skill, love, kindness and positive emotions. Those feelings that you experience when decorating the interior are transmitted to all participants in the celebration.
The room where the celebration will be held should be bright and beautiful. Flowers can be used to decorate it. Plants can transform any room, turn an ordinary room into a magical flower meadow. And if the holiday takes place in the banquet hall of the restaurant, you can arrange a real flower carnival for children. Unusual fresh compositions, garlands, figurines of fairy-tale heroes and animals made of flowers - all these accessories will become a wonderful element of a children's holiday.
Another way to decorate the room is balloons. Bright and shining, small and large, round or bizarre, they will give a children's holiday a unique flavor. Balloons can be hung from the ceiling, attached to chairs, decorate windows, or simply scattered on the floor. A bright event of the holiday can be the launch of dozens of colorful balloons into the sky.
For themed events, you will need decorations that will help take guests to another era, create an interior of time that will fully correspond to the holiday scenario.

How to organize a business

The most convenient option for running a business for organizing children's parties is a limited liability company. The bulk of your clients are small and medium-sized companies, children's institutions, as well as individuals who have enough money to hire professionals and enjoy their vacation.
Based on the target audience, make a price list indicating the list of services. But first, analyze the work of holiday agencies in your area. This will help you identify shortcomings in the work of competitors and form acceptable prices for your services.

Be sure to think about the location of your company. The best option is a room up to fifty square meters. Divide it into three rooms: the first will become a meeting room, your sales managers will work in the second, and use the third as a warehouse. The room should be equipped with modern office equipment - computers or laptops with Internet access, a printer, a fax phone, as well as a TV and DVD player.
To organize a children's holiday, you will need a pen, a diary for notes and a phone. And if you're hosting themed parties, stock up on costumes and make-up for guests.

If a person loves the holidays, he should think about how to become a wedding planner. The profession is quite difficult, but very interesting and profitable. For one event, you can get from 20 to 40 thousand rubles, and sometimes the salary is calculated as a percentage of the total cost of the holiday. As a result, this profession can be considered one of the most profitable and unpretentious. A person does not have to have a diploma of higher education, it will be enough to have a desire and some personality traits. In this article, we will look at how to become a wedding planner, where to start your business, and how this profession differs from the rest.

Before becoming a wedding organizer from scratch in Russia, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with all the "pitfalls" of this profession. Such a vacancy is not suitable for everyone, because a specialist must be sociable, courageous, active, understand fashion trends and have organizational talent. If the reader has all the above qualities, he should consider the aspects of this work in more detail.

The advantages include the following points:

  1. Constant communication with people, the opportunity to find new influential acquaintances.
  2. The activity is exciting, it allows you to show creativity and creativity.
  3. Excellent salary, which is many times higher than the salary of an employee in standard positions.
  4. Great demand in any region. Regardless of the economic situation in the country, people often get married.
  5. By the nature of his activity, the employee gets acquainted with many national traditions, finds out interesting competitions and receives communication.
  6. It brings people great joy, gives them the best moments of life.

Among the flaws are:

  1. The performer bears a serious responsibility, so he will no longer be able to retire in case of illness or other unforeseen circumstances.
  2. Drunken high-ranking guests often bring serious problems, and the task of the organizer is to correctly resolve conflict situations. Because of their professions, these people may carry firearms. It is necessary to check this moment in advance and ask all guests to hand over dangerous items to security.
  3. You have to work 12 hours a day or more. During the execution of the order, there are practically no days off, any personal holidays and worries have to be postponed.
  4. The activity is associated with constant movement around the city, regardless of weather conditions and the state of health of the performer.
  5. In the cold season, people rarely hold weddings, so a specialist may temporarily be left without orders.
  6. Not all partners and clients are friendly. The employee will need good endurance in order to resolve conflict situations and not confront problematic interlocutors.
  7. High competition requires good self-promotion. At the start, you will need to seriously work on promotion and constantly make sure that customers leave only positive reviews. People pay a lot of money and want the event to be held at the highest level. They will be very upset if there are difficulties during the celebration.

Knowing all these features, the reader will be able to prepare for a difficult job and decide whether it suits him. Responsibility is very high, so you should not make quick rash decisions. Remember how you spent your own wedding and practice organizing the celebration of your relatives and friends. This will bring valuable experience and give a real understanding of the duties of a representative of this profession.

How to become a wedding planner? What professional qualities do you need to have?

As mentioned above, special education is not required for this, but it is very desirable to have the following abilities:

  • Organizational talent is necessary, because during work you will have to solve a lot of problems, deal with documents, estimates, draw up reports, pay attention to logistics and a huge number of other points. The employee is obliged to take into account all the nuances and collect the actors at the right time. It is necessary to constantly coordinate the activities of your assistants and partners, to ensure that guests and newlyweds do not need anything.
  • Providence. It is necessary to foresee force majeure circumstances and think through all the scenarios in advance: from bad weather to problematic guests. An employee must take care of blankets, umbrellas, medicines in advance. If problems arise during the event, they all fall on the shoulders of the manager.
  • Internal discipline and multitasking. It often happens that several wedding projects are being prepared at the same time. In this case, the employee has to switch from one activity to another, while thinking about all the little things and difficulties. For clear coordination, you will have to have an inner core and constantly record your actions.
  • Attention to detail will create the perfect holiday. During the wedding, everything should be at the highest level. The coordinator will have to take into account every little detail: the bridesmaids’ outfits, the wedding dress and costume, makeup, jewelry, decorations, music, etc. All these elements, if properly located, will create an unforgettable atmosphere, but if used ineptly, they will drag the event “to the bottom”.
  • Love for people will help you endure their shortcomings and get real pleasure from your work. During the organizational process, the newlyweds repeatedly change their wishes and accuse the hired employee of unprofessionalism. A person should treat his clients well and understand their nervousness. Otherwise, he will not be able to work with them.
  • Strong nerves must withstand even the most stressful situations. The coordinator has a very big responsibility and in case of failure of one of the employees, he must quickly replace him. Hired artists are often late, and cooks are not always professional in their duties.

    Interview with the founder and general producer of the Knyazev group of companies: where do event managers study

    The organizer cannot lose his head in a difficult situation, especially when the problem must be solved in a matter of minutes.

All of the above qualities can be developed, but it is better for a potential employee to already possess at least some of them.

Now we will talk directly about how to become a wedding planner. Step-by-step instructions will help you better coordinate your actions and tune in to work. To start a career, you will have to go through several stages. How to become a wedding planner:

  1. Find partners. Do not engage in a complex and multi-stage process on your own. Arrange in advance with artists, makeup artists, culinary specialists and other specialists. The work of familiar people is much easier to coordinate.
  2. Take a couple of free orders. It can be friends or acquaintances who are going to celebrate marriage. Despite the lack of payment, try to perform your duties as well as possible, because this is a valuable experience and reputation. Ask customers to leave feedback about the event.
  3. Engage in self-promotion. Come up with a catchy name for your company and print business cards. Submit ads in newspapers and wedding magazines, communicate on specialized forums, create a thematic website or group on social networks.
  4. During the holidays, take beautiful photos and collect them in an album. The specialist must have his own portfolio for advertising services. Post photos on your web pages.

What is the job of a wedding planner? How to become one?

Now the reader knows how to become an individual entrepreneur and coordinate wedding celebrations. The manager receives a huge number of benefits, he becomes financially independent and acts at his own discretion. If a person likes to create a holiday and wants to bring joy to people, he should definitely try himself as a wedding manager!

How to organize business events? Business events and networking at trade shows don't have to be boring.

How to become a wedding planner

People are much better at remembering positive emotions. Plus - interactive with the participants allows them to liberate and create an effective working atmosphere. For the latest issue of the Protoplan blog, we have selected 10 ideas that will help turn any business event into an exciting event. You can easily use these ideas for staff team building before participating in the exhibition.

Fun and interaction work wonders—they bring people together, break down barriers, improve the work environment now and in the long term, and make people feel special.

The secret of holding business events: a little time and effort on the part of the event organizer - and the event will start working on the brand's reputation even more actively, whether it is a small meeting or an international conference.

Virtual Reality Worlds

The availability of VR technology has opened the door to a multitude of gamification options for business events of any format and size - even in a small space, you can give participants the experience of interacting with virtual reality. VR glasses and a computer are all you need to create a world where business event guests can do whatever they want. The game can be both individual and team - look at the options, choose the format that suits your business event or brand, and prepare a short introductory speech to explain the rules and objectives to the participants. For serious businessmen and ladies, this will be an unusual experience that they will surely share with colleagues.

sommelier game

Set up tables, serve for wine tasting, and place a few bottles of wine on each table. Arrange a tasting: pour trial portions into glasses, prepare evaluation tables for participants in a business event, where they can evaluate bouquets of drinks. Such a sommelier game will provoke a discussion of each variety between the guests at the table, liberate and create a more relaxed atmosphere at any business event.

Casino with own currency

Give the business event participants an equal amount of the currency you invented and play roulette, craps or poker. Strong emotions will allow participants to open up, appreciate each other in an unusual situation and just have fun. Winnings in currency can eventually be exchanged for branded souvenirs, certificates or services of the organizing company or sponsor of the event.

climbing wall

A serious idea for those who are ready to arrange a powerful adrenaline rush for the guests of their business event. You can now rent a small climbing wall or a gym with such a wall in almost any city. The trainer must be included. The first few lifts can be educational, and then you can arrange a relay race. Don't forget drinks and snacks for business event attendees who are sure to want to eat and socialize after the sport.

Castles in the air

Wake up your inner child at your business event — arrange quests and contests for them using inflatable structures. Slides, castles and labyrinths - passing them at speed will make people laugh, that's a fact. Divide the participants of the event into teams and promise a good prize for the winners. This is an ideal exercise for team building, but also great for a break from a field training or a conference in the country.

Photo zones at business events

Create a maximum of places where participants of a business event can take pictures both individually and collectively. Encourage them to do this - arrange art objects, cardboard photo frames, all this can be branded. Just imagine what kind of media effect you will get in social networks if you competently and responsibly approach the preparation of a business event. Photo stands can be placed in the open area, in the halls, in the conference rooms.

It is important to properly plan the event space. The easiest way to do this is with the help of the smart online tool SpacePlanner — it is suitable for organizers of events of various sizes, from large exhibitions to trainings. In SpacePlanner it is very convenient to assemble the layout - arrange stands, furniture, equipment. It also makes it easy to create commercial offers and send them immediately from the system, calculate the budget and display the online catalog on the event website.

Register, create an event, invite your colleagues to it - and get ready without fear of missing out on details. Track changes in the project budget online - if you change the layout, you do not have to recalculate it. The system will do it for you. And the catalog of objects built into the service will turn the drawing of buildings into a game - it's so simple and exciting.

Now the SpacePlanner service is operating in the open testing mode - join for free and hold business events at the highest level of comfort for yourself and your clients. Leave feedback - we will develop the project and come up with even more useful features.

Collective creativity

There are tons of options here, from making pottery to huge, intricately patterned coloring pages that teams of competitors have to paint against the clock. By the way, a drawing can be thematic - reflect the theme of a business event or the field of activity of the organizing company. The final posters can be used in the company's office as a reminder of the collective creative impulse.


An absolutely fun and very exciting activity that does not require large expenses for the organizer of a business event. A few targets, a few sports bows, a couple of instructors - and a team shooting tournament for participants in some kind of business training is ready. Targets can be branded, don't forget about it.

Photo booth or photo zone

A simple but cute idea that is simple and fairly cheap to implement at a business event of any format. Guests will get to know each other, take pictures and keep the cards as a keepsake. Another option is to hire a photographer and, at the end of the event, post all the photos on your website or social networks in order to attract traffic to your resources.

An equally easy way to have a good time with business partners. You can rent a hall or set up your own bowling alley - balls and skittles are inexpensive. Think about who will keep score and how, and what prizes you will give to the winners.

digital board

A modern and interactive format of creativity is drawing on digital touch panels. They can be used as a board, for example, for brainstorming in training or playing guessing charades. Having a digital board in your home is a good idea, a very useful thing, it can come in handy at any corporate event.

Choosing a business event for a company - one of 19 thousand exhibitions and fairs from around the world - is easy in the Protoplan online catalog. We regularly update the statistics, dates and contacts of the organizers - all information is fresh and reliable.

Our free online ExpoPlanner service will help you prepare for the exhibition - register, use it to do everything on time and not miss anything.

Read useful articles for exhibitors, participants and organizers of exhibitions and business events in the Protoplan blog.

Organization of children's holidays - where to start a personal business?

A profitable business can be built on the creative branch of activity. One of its varieties is the organization of children's holidays. Therefore, novice entrepreneurs are interested in where to start a business and how not to lose the invested capital?

Agency registration process

When the question arises of where to start organizing a children's agency, you need to find out if the entrepreneur has the necessary amount. If you have start-up capital, it is advisable to create a client base for the business, and then register your business. Making a portfolio and finding clients can take a long time, and business taxes will have to be paid. Therefore, clients are first developed, after which the case is officially registered from scratch.

The optimal form of foundation is an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). At the same time, OKVED 92.3 "Other entertainment and entertainment activities" and 92.7 "Other activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment, not included in other groups" are selected. By choosing this profile, the entrepreneur will maximize the company's capabilities. You need to register your business with the tax office. It is better to switch to the simplified tax system (simplified taxation system). There are two tax regimes:

  • Six percent of all income.
  • Fifteen percent of income including expenses.

The advantage of the USN is that the report is submitted only once a year.

You do not need a license to establish a children's holiday agency.

Plan for the organization of the necessary premises and equipment

An entrepreneur who opens a children's holiday agency from scratch must have:

  • Car or any mobile transport, preferably a minibus. Since you have to travel a lot and carry various auxiliary materials;
  • A room for holidays, which needs to be designed in an original and bright way to attract customers. You can decorate the hall with flowers, garlands, figures of fairy-tale animals, cartoon characters and balloons. When creating themed evenings, an entrepreneur will need appropriate decorations.

Initially, you can do without an office. But later it will be needed, as it will testify to the solidity of the company. The area of ​​the premises is up to fifty square meters. It is desirable to have a parking area near the rented office. The room must be divided into three zones:

  1. Negotiation room.
  2. Warehouse.
  3. Managers' room.

For a successful business project, it is desirable to organize your own creative website. To create a portal, you need from 12 thousand rubles.

Profession "Event-manager (Organizer of holidays)"

For monthly promotion, you need to spend about 3 thousand more rubles.

Recruitment for the company

When the question arises of how to open a holiday agency, you should first take care of the selection of qualified workers. It is impossible to work without the help of staff. Starting your business from scratch does not require you to hire many employees at once. It will be enough to invite several competent specialists. Standard set:

  • A manager who must control all business processes and holidays, receive and process calls, communicate with specific customers.
  • A driver who knows the routes well and knows how to entertain guests on the way. He will take over the functions of the logistician.
  • Children's entertainer or toastmaster, creating a festive mood.

In addition to the above staff, depending on the profile of work, the following professionals may be needed:

  • DJ.
  • Operators.
  • Photographers.
  • Florists.
  • Musicians.
  • Dance groups.
  • Animators, clowns.
  • Pyrotechnics.

You will need a children's organizer of holidays. His responsibilities include:

  • Creation of a children's scenario and its coordination with parents.
  • Clear planning of all details.
  • Finding and supplying the members of the children's event with costumes.
  • Decorating the hall for children, compiling a menu for the festive table.
  • Cleaning of the premises after the children's event.

It is advisable to agree in advance with the chefs on the preparation of high-quality and tasty food. It is also worth paying attention to freelancers. In which case they will help the entrepreneur with children's slogans and a script.

Organization of financial investments in activities

Basic expenses for starting a business:

  • Rent of premises (about 300 thousand rubles).
  • Necessary equipment (musical equipment will be expensive: microphone, subwoofers, mixing console). For children's holidays, you need a lot of costumes, trampolines - 200,000 rubles.
  • Employee salaries (from 500 thousand rubles).
  • Fare.

The opening of a children's holiday agency is not just a team of talented animators. Here it is necessary to think over certain concepts of the case. The amount of initial capital can range from $10,000 to $100,000 - it all depends on the capabilities and imagination of a businessman. But you can always start a business with a minimum start-up capital. The help of friends and relatives in organizing children's holidays will help to develop a client base. The agency earns 10-15% commission from small orders and 3-5% commission from large companies. If a company receives several orders of 40 thousand rubles a month, and subsequently from 6 orders of 70 thousand rubles each, then in a year the business can fully pay off and bring good profit. However, this is a seasonal thing. Summer is a rather unprofitable time of the year. Since most children are sent to health facilities or taken away on vacation.

Useful information on the case

The search for clients for business development should start in your area. It is enough to send colorful postcards to all houses. Later, you can take a more serious approach. Advertising is of several types:

  • Distribution in children's educational and entertainment institutions. Here you need to coordinate your actions with the owner or director of the institution.
  • Through your own portal.
  • Phone marketing.
  • Direct marketing or direct marketing (direct communication between the client and the contractor).
  • Departure of managers to enterprises for negotiations.

Do not forget about the regular customers of the agency, arranging festive evenings and distributing discount or promotional coupons. You can come up with a special incentive system for each client. You must always think one step ahead of your competitors. This business is creative, and therefore unpredictable. It is necessary to focus on large companies, carrying out corporate holidays for the children of employees. Recently, it has become popular to organize science parties for children. At such parties, children are told in an entertaining way about science and shown various experiments.

Your agency for organizing children's holidays needs to be nurtured gradually. If a businessman stands still, then customers will get bored and find a more creative entrepreneur. Thinking about how to open a holiday agency, an entrepreneur must answer the following questions:

  • What I want.
  • What is needed for this.
  • What do I have.
  • What is missing.
  • Where to get it.

The name of the event agency also plays an important role.

First of all, the customer pays attention to the name of the company.

An original and funny name will be remembered faster than a banal one. A profitable business based on organizing children's parties is easy to start with sufficient activity and desire.

Shop of ready-made business plans - what you are looking for is already here!

Quality assurance. All regions. Over 3000 options in one place. Instant download.

On this page, you can download or read a ready-made standard business plan for an agency for organizing holidays and corporate events for free.

Typical business plan for a company for organizing and holding holidays

Overview section

This business plan provides for the opening of an agency for organizing holidays for corporate clients, children's institutions and individuals.
The organizational and legal form of doing business is a limited liability company. This option is optimal for a number of reasons. First of all, because the main clients will be legal entities.
The degree of success of the project is assessed as medium-high and depends, first of all, on the region. In many regions, this niche is practically free, but in Moscow and St. Petersburg the level of competition is already quite high.
Description of the enterprise
It is planned to open an agency for organizing and holding holidays with the necessary staff and equipment.
Description of services
It is expected that the agency will provide clients with the following services:
- organization of corporate events
- organization of children's parties
– organization of leisure evenings
- organization of private parties
– organization of seminars and conferences
Market analysis
In this section of the business plan, you need to give a detailed description of the market for holiday agencies in your region. It is necessary to note the shortcomings in the work of existing companies in order to avoid them later in your business.

Production plan

The agency's office should be the central place in the organization of holidays agency. When choosing an office, consider the convenience of its location for potential customers, because it is in the office that negotiations will take place. The office should consist of two rooms - a workspace for managers and a meeting room. The total size of the office will be approximately 40 square meters.
If there is no appropriate repair in the office, it must be done in order to create the appropriate mood and entourage for customers.
The next step will be the purchase of equipment for the office. As a rule, you will need the following list of equipment:
— computers with Internet access according to the number of managers
- copy machine
- Fax
After the office is ready to work, it is necessary to hire a staff. As a rule, employees for a holiday agency are divided into two categories - permanent employees and visiting employees.
Permanent employees are managers who search for clients and work with customers.
Incoming workers are actors, clowns, dancers, presenters, etc., that is, all those who do not need to be constantly kept on staff.
Note that it is desirable to hire experienced managers with solid experience in attracting clients.

This will quickly recoup the start-up costs.
After the staff is recruited, you can move on to a wide advertising campaign. You can advertise a holiday agency in the following ways:
— creating your own website
- telephone marketing
— direct marketing
– work in the field – departure of managers for negotiations at enterprises
- word of mouth - after the successful organization of the holidays, your agency will be recommended
During the first months of the agency's work, there will not be very many orders, and then the number of orders will constantly increase.
A few words about what equipment may be required when organizing holidays:
- projection screens
— projectors
- musical equipment
– cars
- structures for mounting the stage
At first, all this can be rented, and then, as incomes grow, you can buy it as a property.
Note that it would be nice to have an agreement with some cafe or restaurant, so that when organizing events, they also provide participants with food. This will attract more customers. The convenience of this approach is undoubted - the customer receives the whole range of services "from" and "to".

Financial plan

Next, we will consider in detail the financial component of this business project.
– office rent – ​​300,000 rubles per year
– repair – 50.000 rubles
– equipment – ​​100.000 rubles
– salary of 4 managers – 400.000 rubles per year
Total: 850,000 rubles needed to start
- organization of holidays - from 50,000 rubles of net profit from each event.
As practice shows, successful agencies earn 10-20 million rubles a year in 2-3 years after the start of work.
In this way, holiday agency payback is about 1-1.5 years.

You can download a ready-made business plan for organizing holidays here

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Quick search for ideas here:

Modern man is fed up with advertising. It takes more and more effort to get his attention. Today, one of the most popular methods of working with clients is organizing events. A bright holiday becomes the best gift for the consumer.

When building our event communications, we must simultaneously think about both the goals of the event and the guests of the meeting. So, based on the target audience, all events can be divided into three large groups:

Corporate events

Who but your employees are the personification of the values ​​of your company? A satisfied employee who is part of a close-knit and friendly team is the key to a successful business.

Lukoil held its own game “What? Where? When?, in which the questions were based on the rules of corporate culture. At the same time, two tasks were solved: team building and implementation of the principles of business ethics. And at the end of the evening, the guests had only one question: “When is the next game?”.

Use a team competition format, and teams are best made up of strangers working in different departments or branches. Only in the course of a gambling game will people really get to know each other and feel like a single team.

Events for partners and distributors

These are more formal and serious events, which, however, should not be boring. Formal and monotonous presentations, seminars and conferences will quickly get bored and certainly will not be remembered by anyone. But any business meeting can be held in an original and interesting way, if you approach it with imagination.

So, instead of the usual presentation to distributors of a new product, the iCook pasta cooker, Amway decided to break the Guinness Book record for making the longest ravioli in the world.

Holiday agency business plan

And she beat, fashioning almost 30-meter! The guests were directly involved in the preparation of this, as well as their author's Italian dishes, and then with pleasure they treated each other to ravioli cooked in the presented pasta cookers.

Make the most of the product being presented, involve partners in interaction: let them try, touch and examine the product. Your own experience is always remembered better than a bright presentation from the stage.

Events for the external public

What could be more fun than a concert, more spectacular than a dance flash mob or more soulful than a picnic? What if your company organizes it? Nothing is remembered better than pleasant emotions that will now be associated specifically with your brand.

Sokolniki Park has found an unusual way to inform the whole city about the appearance of the largest ice slide in Moscow. A festival of unusual sleds "Battle Sleigh" was held, where participants competed in the design and testing of unusual sleds on this very hill. This format compares favorably with traditional festivities and entertainment, and therefore gathered a lot of participants and spectators!

But event management is not limited to defining the type of your event. How and, most importantly, where to learn how to write a program, select speakers and calculate the budget correctly? Formal education usually involves formal knowledge that is difficult to apply in reality. Learning to organize events can come through books. Of course, high-quality literature allows you to understand the basics of event management. But will even the right textbook replace the speech of a practitioner who, through his own experience, has learned the solution to all difficult situations? Unlikely.

We conduct PR training in an exciting way: the acquired skills are practiced in practice.

“I plan to start decorating weddings, I have a lot of thoughts, but I don’t know where to start. Advise"

Most importantly, it's not where to start)) But just start. Get it and start doing something! Many people have a certain fear of the future. It seems that there are a lot of thoughts, what will not work or what needs to be done to make it work for sure?

When I started, I confess I did not have these questions. I was just curious and wanted to have fun. It's the same mood now. I'm not afraid of failure, I can learn from everything that I don't do and do!

It's been 7 years since we started. I am still analyzing some of our mistakes. This coin also has a reverse side. Ignorance of any truths can also go for good.

How to start in a crisis or the rules of mindset for success

Crisis is a word that hides the unknown, necessarily debts, loans and lack of money from buyers.

We started in a crisis. We honestly didn't know how it could affect the wedding market. We did not know fear and squeezed to the maximum. Rule number 1 - do not build yourself a framework. Our thinking is limitless and it can give us brilliant ideas if it is allowed to.

The second insight of those years: Not every neighbor's grass is greener and tastier. It always seems to us that a colleague is better, more interesting, more profitable and more successful. Knowing this for sure, you choose 2 paths. Or live with the idea that you will never be so cool. Or set the bar higher and surpass yourself!

When we started, we had an idol in the wedding market. We dreamed of getting on the same level with them. They did everything possible and impossible. The illusion that our idol was doing well moved us forward at an unspeakable pace.

Can you imagine how surprised we were when, after 1 year, we met the idol in person? We were disappointed with the level of service. But we are in the black! So rule number 2 - exceed all expectations! Jump over yourself, make it so that you yourself feel sorry for parting with a product or service.

And now 6 small stages of your successful movement:

Stage 1 - Write down the answers to the questions

Determine for yourself whether I really want it and why I need it. It is imperative to answer this question in order to know what moves you forward. You will remember your answer when your hands give up, when difficulties or failures arise! But knowing why you are doing it will move you forward! Write down the mission of your company. Ask questions:

  • What benefit will your actions bring to the world?
  • How will your company benefit? Write down the purpose of the company.
  • What should you and your employees come to every time with a successful project? Read How to Find Good Employees.
  • Who is your client?
  • Where can you find him, hook him up, where can you sell him the services of your company?

Stage 2 - Study, study and study again

Start learning. If you are ready to fill the bumps yourself (it's nice), then go through the entire Internet and collect all the information you can. What restaurants are there in your city, in what style to decorate there, what styles are there, what are they characteristic of. Collect interesting ideas in your creative piggy bank.

YOU must be a professional. It is very difficult to sell your services when you do not fully understand them yourself.

How to open a holiday agency from scratch

Monitor the market for wedding professionals and decorators.

Stage 3 - Style development

Develop your own style and flair. What kind of weddings do you want to do? Elegant? Light and romantic? For 40 or 300 people? Identical decorators are chosen by price. There are queues of customers for decorators with personality.

Stage 4 - They should start talking about you

Tell everyone what you do, because you need clients. Let at first it can be friends. Use free ways to promote your own brand. Company account in VKontakte + group. And also do not forget about everyone's favorite in the work of Instagram.

For more information about which promotion methods to use, read the "Effective advertising, what is it?" and "How to calculate the effectiveness of an advertising channel" . In these articles you will learn in more detail what and how to use, and also, I hope, you will be able to find a couple of new ideas for yourself.

Stage 5 - Partnerships

Start partnerships with everyone in the wedding industry!

And for those who starts a business with family members or friends, I advise you to read "About Partnership and Partners", written from the experience of owning a business with a friend.

Stage 6 - We grow only up

In our business, I advise you to grow gradually. Slowly and don't rush. Your client grows with you. Work every day. Write down a plan for how many clients you need in a certain period, calculate how many you need to generate every week and follow the plan. Without a clear goal, you don’t know where to run and where the finish line is.

Don't pretend to be active. Your every action should be aimed at getting a client.

So the most important thing is to take the first step! If you don't, someone else will get ahead of you! Follow your dream, you just have to reach out and grab it by the tail.

Helpful information:

The agency of children's parties is one of the few businesses that can be built practically from scratch, relying on the enthusiasm and organizational skills of the project initiator. At the same time, there is a chance from a modest entrepreneur to become a full-fledged organization with a large staff of professional performers in the face of animators, photographers and video operators, designers, DJs, showmen, and so on.

The scope for thought in this case is simply huge! Here are just a few of the services the firm can provide:

  • Animator on duty - this service is often ordered by children's cafes and restaurants; places where parents take their children for birthday celebrations.
  • Express congratulations - the animator arrives at the appointed place and time (at the house or cafe) and congratulates the birthday man in the original genre.
  • Themed parties are an interesting and exciting mini-adventure for kids (pirate, Hawaiian, cowboy, gangster parties, etc.).
  • Show programs are educational activities that captivate the hearts of children: a soap bubble show, a fire show, a scientific and chemical show, a chocolate fountain.
  • Turnkey holiday. Full-fledged organization of the event: scenario development, choice of premises, sending out invitations to guests, selection of a festive menu, ordering a cake, decorating with balloons, etc.
  • New Year's greetings to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden and much more.

This business is actively developing, competition is growing every day. This is directly related to the growing popularity of the service. The average check from a small order is 7,000 rubles, of which the business owner is left with about 4,000 rubles. From large vip orders, an average of 50,000 rubles comes out, and the income is about 20,000 rubles. A more or less promoted agency carries out 100 - 150 small and 5 - 6 large orders monthly. Potential profitability from 500 to 700 thousand rubles. per month.

There are also some restrictions. When opening an agency, it is important to assess the so-called market capacity. This indicator directly depends on the number of city residents and their average income. According to statistics, it makes sense to open specialized agencies for children's holidays in cities with a population of at least 200 thousand inhabitants. In small towns, it will be extremely difficult to earn good money, due to the lack of the proper number of orders. Here, such services can only be provided as additional services in a traditional event agency.

Organizational matters

“For a market test, at first, a company may not be registered,” some market players advise. The advantage of such a business is that you can test your strength with minimal losses. The first orders are usually received from social networks and through acquaintances. You can always find a suitable occasion (New Year, Children's Day, birthdays, etc.). It is not necessary to take money at the same time - the main thing is to make the first portfolio (photos, videos) and get good reviews. It's more valuable.

The same can be said about the office: it is necessary to spend money on rent and arrangement of the premises only after proper promotion of the organization. Costumes and props are perfectly stored at home, and meetings with clients and potential executors of orders (animators, photographers, etc.) can be held at first in coworking centers or ordinary cafes. Renting a workplace in a coworking center will cost about 1,500 rubles. per week (~300 rubles per day). Similar establishments operate in almost every regional center.

As soon as stable orders go, you can register a business. Enough to formalize the usual individual entrepreneurship. Although it seems to some that the "agency" must certainly be registered as a legal entity (LLC). But this may turn out to be a waste of money (registering and maintaining an LLC is somewhat more expensive than an individual entrepreneur). The need to register a legal entity will appear only when large corporate orders go (when the company needs to pay VAT).

Suitable OKVEDs for a children's party agency: 92.3 "Other entertainment and entertainment activities" and 92.7 "Other activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment." As a taxation system, you can use the simplified tax system ("simplification"). This will save the company from the obligation to pay income tax, VAT and property tax.

Qualitative approach

Competition among agencies for organizing children's holidays is more than high. Especially when it comes to big cities. “In Moscow, there are many theatrical universities that train thousands of actors. Not all of them manage to find a job, so there are more animators in the capital than guest workers,” says Vlada Chizhevskaya, a participant in the Business Youth project.

Therefore, it is very important to learn how to stand out from this "crowd". You need to take into account any little things that will eventually form a general opinion about your company. Reliability is one of the first indicators in the work of the agency. We must try not to leave calls unanswered, to please every client. Only discipline and a clear organization of the process can give a result.

The next point is the quality of services. You should not save on the appearance of animators and buy shabby, used costumes and life-size puppets. “We sew all the costumes ourselves, and they turn out really cool,” says Vlada Chizhevskaya. By the same principle, the use of banal costumes, like Cinderella and Aladdin, is not suitable. Modern children are no longer surprised by this. Give them something modern, like Minecraft, Winx, Peppa Pig, Benten and others.

The selection of performers (animators, showmen, photographers, etc.) is another important step towards building a profitable agency for children's parties. It is necessary to cooperate with those people who love their profession with all their heart and soul. If a person likes this business, he will do it with full dedication. Children always feel it, and therefore their parents also feel it. Only in this way the agency will be recommended to other people, and there will be many repeat orders.

Advertising is the engine of progress

You can search for the main orders through the Internet and word of mouth (tips and recommendations from customers). The World Wide Web provides a lot of opportunities for the development of the company. With the advent of decent income, you should definitely create your own website. A large proportion of orders in large cities comes just after viewing the agency's website. The page should contain bright photos, videos from the holidays, information about the work of the company and staff, information about awards and achievements. It is important to maintain a separate category with reviews. Sometimes you can ask clients to write a positive impression about the services provided.

Some of the budget can be spent on contextual advertising in Yandex Direct or Google Adwords. It will be very efficient. As evidence, it is worth looking at the number of search queries. For October 2015 the phrase "birthday animators" only through Yandex tried to find about 19 thousand times (in Russia). In Moscow, such a request was searched 5,539 times, in St. Petersburg 1,732 times, in Rostov-on-Don - 663 times:

If, according to the results of the search results, your site will be in the TOP-3, calls and orders will certainly come, you just need to make a quality resource.

seasonal factor

In children's holidays, as in any other activity, there is a seasonality. Most orders fall on New Year's Eve, holidays, orders are steadily coming in spring and autumn. But in the summer, when all the kids go to camps and villages, the number of orders is sharply reduced.

“In the middle of the season, I decided that I must definitely rent an office, a lot of money was invested in advertising, and advertising investments in the off-season went to waste. As a result, at the end of the summer I was stranded,” says Vlada Chizhevskaya. Therefore, it is better to wait out periods of recession calmly, without spraying yourself with unnecessary actions. This will save you money, and there - and autumn is just around the corner.

Approximate investments for opening a full-fledged agency for children's parties

  • Deposit for renting an office (40 sq. m.) - 30,000 rubles.
  • Cosmetic repairs - 50,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of furniture and office equipment (including the purchase of a high-quality camera) - 150,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of costumes, life-size puppets and props - 100,000 rubles.
  • Advertising budget (creation and promotion of the site, outdoor advertising) - 150,000 rubles.
  • Training, development of communication scripts - 30,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other org. expenses - 50,000 rubles.

Total - 550,000 rubles.

Video is an example of a successful business (Business Youth project)

In this material:

Children's holiday - what could be more fun, exciting and joyful than this event. Parents want to make a birthday or other important date for their baby memorable. Fortunately, today there are plenty of companies providing such services. Starting entrepreneurs are increasingly paying attention to this particular area of ​​business, because it does not require serious investments, and creativity and imagination contribute to the rapid progress of the business. A business plan for organizing children's parties is not only writing scripts and preparing a show. This includes a full-fledged market analysis, determining the level of competition, creating your own competitive advantages, finding animators and much more. As a result, with the right organization of the business, it is able to pay off in a short time and bring good income.

Business organizing holidays for children: relevance, pros and cons of the idea

Every year, the relevance of services for organizing children's holidays is increasing. This is due to several factors:

  1. Increasing birth rate – Since 2010, Russia's population has been steadily growing. About 2 million babies are born every year.
  2. Stability - the economic situation in the country is quite stable, wages, although not sharply, are still increasing, which allows people to save for vacations. For couples with children, leisure is primarily a visit to recreational activities for kids.
  3. Availability - the criterion partially consists of the previous one, as well as low prices for organizing children's parties.

Taken together, we can assume that 80% of families can afford to give such a gift to their child, and more than half of people do just that. The demand for companies and private animators is so high that the appointment is carried out for weeks, and sometimes months in advance. This is especially true of the New Year holidays and the summer period.

Positive aspects of business:

  1. Demand - if earlier children saw clowns and animators only in the circus or at citywide performances, today, for little money, funny characters personally visit children and give them joy.
  2. Client base - with quality work, a wide range of scenarios and an affordable price, an entrepreneur quickly gains regular customers, ensuring regular income without downtime.
  3. Profit - organizing holidays does not require huge investments, like other types of business. There is no need for monthly purchases of goods, the return of expired products, etc. It is enough to purchase or sew costumes to order once, and then only update the props. At first, you can even do without an office and conclude deals exclusively by phone, and hold meetings with clients in a cafe. This results in a high net profit with minimal investment.
  4. No limits on earnings - a businessman can earn exactly as much as he has enough creativity and imagination. Some limit themselves to 2-3 bookings per week, while others organize 15-20 performances during the same period, collaborating with several groups of animators or registering them as permanent employees.
  5. A job that brings joy is an important factor for creative people. In this case, organizing children's holidays will not become a daily routine, but a hobby with a good profit.

Negative sides:

  1. Competition is the main disadvantage of business. In every medium and large city there are already a number of well-known companies organizing children's parties. It will not work to surpass them at the start, because the beginner has neither reputation nor fame in this direction. The entrepreneur has a hard job to promote his project, develop a client base and create competitive advantages.
  2. Personnel - the number of employees and the format of work directly depends on the expected scale of the business. But in any case, unskilled animators can seriously damage the reputation of a new player in the market, so you need to take the most responsible approach to the formation of staff. For the first time, it makes sense to conclude one-time contracts for holding festive events with famous animators of the city. In the future, it is better to recruit your own team, for which the success of the business will be as important as for the leader.
  3. Lack of demand for services - several factors can serve as a reason: inflated prices, lack of advertising, boring images and scripts, unsatisfactory work of animators, complaints and negative reviews online from customers. As a result, an entrepreneur who has worked for 1–2 months may face an unenviable fate in the field of children's holidays.

Reference. Before moving on to organizing business and making money, you should analyze the market, identify customer needs, determine the average cost of the show and the cost of props, calculate the estimated costs and income. Only on the basis of the information received, it is possible to move on to practice if the potential profit of the project is identified.

Market analysis

The target audience

The target audience for the business of organizing children's holidays is children and their parents. And there is a little trick here. Many novice businessmen mistakenly believe that if the event is paid from the pocket of the parents, then the advertising campaign should be aimed strictly at adults. From here, associative videos are created incorrectly, advertising products are placed in places inaccessible to children, etc. In most cases, all PR attempts go unnoticed - parents ignore advertising, and children simply do not see it.

That is why the main target audience is children. The entire advertising campaign must be directed specifically at them, placing products in places where the kids will definitely notice the information, and only then they will certainly convey it to their parents. Moreover, they will do it in such a way that adults will not be able to refuse their children in holding a holiday.

Price policy

The cost of organizing festive events is a loose concept. It all depends on the duration of the program, the number of animators involved and props.

You should be guided both by the costs of holding the show and calculating the potential benefits, as well as by the average prices in the city.

An approximate price may look like this (rub.):

  • 2 500–3 500 - 30 minutes program with the participation of one animator;
  • 6,000–7,000 - the same, but with the participation of animals or birds;
  • 9,000 - 1 hour program with 2-3 animators (animals are allowed);
  • 15,000-20,000 - group performance from 7-10 children.

In addition, the price segment of the show can be divided into:

  • "premium";
  • "standard";
  • "economy".

For each option, its own price is built that satisfies the needs of customers.

Assessment of the level of competition and risks

Conducting competitor analysis is not that difficult. Single animators, for whom this type of activity is a part-time job, can be ignored. Only firms and individual entrepreneurs with a staff and offering a wide range of programs are taken into account.

Up to 90% of all competitors can be identified via the Internet - Yandex or Google maps, 2GIS, regional print media.

Based on the information received, a list is formed of the most popular agencies and individual entrepreneurs that provide services for organizing children's parties, and the format of their activities is determined.

What is taken into account in the work of competitors:

  • price segment;
  • number of programs;
  • quality and quantity of props;
  • the presence of animals in the show and other original steps;
  • staff;
  • the specifics of the work is the conclusion of contracts with everyone, including individuals, or cooperation only with educational institutions and speaking at city events.

The information obtained is sufficient to determine the level of competition, the capabilities of other firms and the formation of their own competitive advantages.

Despite the many positive aspects of the children's party business, the activity is associated with some risks:

  • Reduced demand for services - the risk is associated with high competition, as well as with the well-being of the population. The increase in prices for food, utilities and the lack of growth in wages is directly reflected in the number of orders to the downside.
  • Long-term payback of the project - with an insufficient advertising campaign, the promotion of a business can drag on for months, during which effort, time and money are invested in the project, but it still does not pay off.
  • Other factors beyond the control of the entrepreneur (changes in legislation, higher tax rates).

Seasonality factor

The business of organizing children's holidays can be conditionally called seasonal. This is especially noticeable on the eve of the New Year holidays. During this period, the demand for animators in the form of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and fairy-tale characters increases tenfold, so you can earn 3-month revenue in a few weeks.

In addition, there are several other peak periods in the year:

  • the end of winter and the beginning of spring, falling on Maslenitsa;
  • May - graduations in kindergartens;
  • September - the beginning of the year in children's institutions;
  • The end of October is Halloween.

This all applies to orders from public and private structures that, together with parents, want to please children. Orders for birthday parties do not depend on seasonality and are received regularly throughout the year.

Reference. It is a mistake to think that the organization of children's events provides for work only on weekends and holidays, because on weekdays children are busy with their studies. In practice, birthday greetings are ordered on the very day when the child was born. You can’t explain to a kid - “today is your holiday, but it’s Monday, everyone is at work, so let’s celebrate a birthday on Saturday, when relatives and friends can get together.” There are plenty of orders from animators at any time.

Business organization step by step

Activity registration

The answer to the question of how to start a business for holding children's events is always the same - registering as an entrepreneur. It can be an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. If there is no experience in this area, and the scale of the project provides for a staff of no more than 4–6 people, then it is more expedient to register as an individual entrepreneur.

The procedure is simple:

  • preparation of documents - passport, TIN, application, paid state duty receipt (800 rubles);
  • appeal to the tax service;
  • indication of OKVED codes;
  • choice of taxation system;
  • submission of documentation.

Within 5 days, you can pick up a certificate of entrepreneurial activity.

OKVED codes:

  • 93.29 - recreational activities;
  • 96.09 - personal services not specified in other groups;
  • 74.20 - activities related to photography.

Taxation system - STS 6%.

Premises for rent

Office in the business of organizing children's parties plays a secondary role. Many entrepreneurs working in this field claim that it is possible to successfully start a business without a premises at all.

In practice, this is possible if you store props and take orders at home, and meet with clients in public places, demonstrating a portfolio on a tablet or laptop. How convenient and practical it is, everyone decides for himself.

Office benefits:

  • entrepreneur status;
  • work comfort;
  • the possibility of demonstrating the work performed, programs and props;
  • convenient place to store props;
  • the presence of a permanent workplace away from loved ones who in one way or another can disrupt negotiations.

Requirements for the premises are standard:

  • area - 15–20 sq. m;
  • the presence of a small warehouse for props;
  • fresh cosmetic repairs;
  • availability of necessary office furniture for work;
  • location - the city center or a busy neighborhood.

Even though more than 50% of orders will come online and by phone, having your own office will create a good impression of the manager.

Drawing up a list of company services

The number of programs depends on the preferences of the entrepreneur. Naturally, the more, the better, but, as they say, “overdoing” is also not worth it. Some of the programs can be borrowed from competitors, the rest you can come up with on your own.

Reference. More than 50% of all show programs of entertainment agencies are identical to each other. This cannot be called plagiarism, so you can safely use the established schemes.

Writing your own scripts is a great step towards success. If there is no experience in this area, then screenwriters and writers can be invited. Once written successful programs generate income for several years.

What must be required:

  • programs with famous cartoon characters (Luntik, Masha and the Bear, Smeshariki, Disney characters) - activities are designed for younger children;
  • soap bubbles show;
  • the program "Young Alchemist" - is an original tricks based on knowledge of chemistry;
  • quests and intellectual games for children aged 10–12;
  • disco and light show;
  • holiday fireworks.

In addition, individual programs can be developed based on the child's preferences, age and interests, which is already discussed with the parents in advance.

Purchase of equipment

Purchasing equipment for the office is not difficult. It is necessary to buy a set of furniture and office equipment. It would be useful to have a widescreen TV or a projector to demonstrate a portfolio or individual moments of the program.

In addition, costumes are required. They can be sewn to order or bought ready-made, which practically does not differ in price. It is better to order those characters that cannot be found on free sale.

Scenario development and purchase of props

The specific list and volume of props depends on the developed programs and approved images. Be sure to require high-quality acoustics with a microphone and light music.

At the initial stage, scenarios can be developed by professionals, but in the future, the business manager will in any case get to the heart of the process, understand the relevance of a particular program and the need for improvement. Writing scripts on your own is much easier than it might seem at first glance, and after working in the field of children's parties for at least six months, everything becomes extremely clear.


It is easy to guess that the main actors in the organization of children's parties are animators. At the initial stage, 3-4 people should be invited to cooperate. They can be issued both for permanent work and part-time, if people are simultaneously employed in other projects.

Reference: it is best to have your own staff so that the same people do not participate with competitors and you.

Requirements for animators:

  • experience;
  • age up to 35 years (possibly older, depending on the format of the available scenarios);
  • pleasant appearance;
  • sociability.

In addition, the office will need 1-2 employees to keep records, receive calls, and supervise projects.

Advertising and marketing policy

Promoting the business of organizing children's parties is one of the main tasks of an entrepreneur. It is necessary to use as many resources as possible:

  • television and radio;
  • outdoor advertising (banners, billboards, streamers, posters);
  • own website is a prerequisite for the successful promotion of services;
  • groups in social networks;
  • advertising in city publics and communities;
  • advertising inside and outside public transport;
  • distribution of leaflets and business cards in supermarkets, entertainment centers and cinemas;
  • cooperation with kindergartens and primary schools (distribution of brochures to parents);
  • contextual advertising on the Internet.

Financial calculations

Investment in the project

Costs per stratum (in rubles):

  • 10,000 - registration of business activities and execution of additional paperwork;
  • 35,000 - conclusion of a lease agreement (advance payment);
  • 50,000 - repair of the premises;
  • 100,000 - purchase of office equipment;
  • 250,000 - purchase of costumes and props;
  • 100,000 - advertising;
  • 25,000 - payment for services for the development of scenarios and programs;
  • 20,000 - unforeseen expenses.

Result: 590,000 rubles.

Current expenses

Costs in the first month of work:

  • 35,000 - rent;
  • 10,000 - utilities (office);
  • 70,000 - wages for office employees.

The salary of the animators will be piecework, so the total cost is not indicated.

Result: 115,000 rubles.

Revenues, profit calculation and payback period

The income of the business for organizing children's holidays consists of the volume and cost of orders.

The average price tag of the event is 6,000 rubles. The number of shows per week is 12-15.

The total income per month is 360,000 rubles.

Mandatory expenses are deducted from this amount - 360,000-115,000 \u003d 245,000 rubles.

About 145,000 goes to animators for salaries (4-5 people), as well as for updating props.

The net income of the entrepreneur is 100,000 rubles.

For starting a business, this indicator is above average. In the long term, total income, as well as net income, increases from month to month.

The payback period of the project, taking into account all investments, periodic expenses for advertising and props, is from 8 months to a year.

When planning a business for organizing children's parties, one should take into account dozens of nuances and subtleties, if ignored, the project will turn out to be unprofitable already at the opening stage. A well-written business plan, detailed financial calculations and pre-prepared scenarios will eliminate many problems related to the incorrect allocation of funds.

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