How to open a flower shop. How to start a flower business? Flower business from scratch: owner reviews. How to sell flowers - possible ways to sell goods

The flower business is quite a profitable area - according to statistics, only one store out of ten closes. Therefore, if you decide to do it, then you made the right choice. In addition to all the so-called aesthetic beauty, it is also very profitable. In this article, this niche will be described in detail.

Like any field, the flower business has its own nuances. Starting from the problem of finding suppliers, ending with storage and sale. Since this is a fairly competitive niche, you should stand out from the rest. Also, success depends on many factors, consider everything in the business plan. Starting from climatic conditions, ending with population density and infrastructure development.

The advantages of such a business:

  • high profitability;
  • several ways of development;
  • possibility of gradual scaling;
  • the ability to expand the range without investment;
  • many peak periods for sales;
  • the opportunity to embody aesthetic creativity.

Disadvantages of this business:

  • high cost of logistics to remote regions;
  • the problem of finding normal suppliers;
  • the safety of the goods;
  • dependence on the dollar exchange rate;
  • dependence on weather conditions.

Where to begin

How to open a flower business? First of all, you need to analyze the market for demand. You can do this simply by walking around the city and counting the existing stores. Further, it is necessary to calculate the available capital and the cost of rent, in this case, it is very expensive.

Where to get flowers

If the population of the city is about a hundred thousand people, then most likely you have large sellers. They can do wholesale business. If you still could not find a supplier, you need to look in the nearest large city. If this option does not work, you need to look for contacts on the Internet. Also, it is quite profitable to work directly with suppliers from Ecuador and Holland.

Business organization options

When you are a novice businessman, it is advisable to choose directions and development options. In the paragraphs below, we will cover the main ones. Also, it is desirable to determine the scope of your competence in matters of this niche. It can be the ability to decorate flowers, determine freshness, or beautifully combine a bouquet. Based on the available capital, determine which flowers you will sell, which related products, and so on.

Sale of home flowers

If you have enough free time and free territory, this is an option on how to start a flower business from scratch. But keep in mind that there are quite a few species of such plants. It is quite difficult to build even a small business in such conditions. But if you live in a rural area and have your own plot, this opens up more opportunities. Growing flowers on the site, creating greenhouse conditions for them, is quite realistic.

Several types of flowers that you can grow at home:

  • chrysanthemums;
  • pelargoniums;
  • tulips;
  • azaleas;
  • annual asters.

Photo gallery "Types of flowers"

Salon opening

It is fair to assume that a flower shop is an order of magnitude higher than a regular store. The difference lies in the range of services provided to customers. In the first case, it is only selling flowers and making bouquets. But in the second, it is an opportunity to order the decoration of surfaces with flowers, the creation of designer baskets and so on. More often, salons even visually look more luxurious than stores.

Average cost of launching a salon:

  • rent of premises (100,000 rubles);
  • showcases and coasters (70,000 rubles);
  • florist (30,000 rubles);
  • consumables (20,000 rubles);
  • the first batch (150,000 rubles).

Total: 320,000 rubles.

Online store and delivery

In the case of this group of goods, you can start a business without investment. You can do this using the online store. The latter can serve as a channel for additional sales, as well as a starting position at the beginning of a business. Delivery from an online store quite strongly stimulates sales and positive reviews. The main thing, in this case, is the punctuality of the courier and the availability of a vehicle.

Video "Flower business"

From the video you will learn how to organize the work of a flower salon.

Not a single holiday is complete without beautiful bouquets that guests rush to hand over to the hero of the occasion.

But there are still weddings, anniversaries, corporate banquets, during which it is customary to decorate the hall with flower arrangements. Add to this the dates of lovers, because there are still ardent young men who want to give their lady of the heart fresh roses or daisies, and you will understand how profitable this type of business is.

If you are looking for a niche in entrepreneurial activity, then it will not be superfluous to find out how to open a flower shop what kind of start-up capital is needed in this business and how profitable this type of business is.

The answers to your questions can be found in this article.

Capital investments: 500,000 - 600,000 rubles.
Payback of business - from 1 year.

Benefits of opening a flower shop

Not in great demand among entrepreneurs ...

Many dealers are afraid to deal with such a delicate product. Yes, and this market is really filled to a sufficient extent, because, wherever you look, grandmothers are everywhere offering uncomplicated bouquets grown by their own hands, then flower stalls with a small and inexpensive assortment of goods, or pretentious markets where they sell bizarre compositions at exorbitant prices.

And yet, opening a flower shop can become a cost-effective and profitable business, because it has many undeniable advantages:

  1. You do not need to have a lot of money in order to launch this startup.
  2. You don't have to be a florist or have an agricultural background to own a flower shop.
    Your business is business, and leave the rest to specialists.
  3. In order to open your own flower shop, you do not need huge areas, which means that renting a room will not ruin you.
  4. Flowers will always be a hot commodity while people celebrate birthdays, fall in love, get married, have children, that is, live a normal life.
  5. This type of business in itself implies creativity, you can come up with more and more competitive advantages and increase your customer base.

Competitive advantages of your flower shop

A business started from scratch does not promise huge earnings at the startup stage. Until you have a wide customer base, you cannot dream of super profits.

To attract a lot of customers, you need to figure out how you can profitably differ from your competitors. Alas, the competition in this type of business is quite serious, so you have to try.

Fortunately, owning a flower shop allows you to create many competitive advantages.

For instance:

  • Maintain a reasonable pricing policy.
    It is unthinkable not to overprice the flowers, but to mark up enough to keep the business profitable.
  • Offer the customer a good range of products.
    You should have flower arrangements for every taste and budget: small inexpensive bouquets for schoolchildren and students, luxurious roses or orchids for wealthy clients, intricate compositions for originals, etc.
  • Hold promotions on holidays: March 8, Valentine's Day, September 1, etc.
    For example, “Three bouquets for the price of two”, “Buy a bouquet and get a card as a gift”, etc.
  • Consider a loyalty program for regular customers.
  • Organize a delivery service for those who cannot deliver the bouquet in person.
  • Make sure that the sellers and florists working in your flower shop are as friendly, smiling and competent as possible.

Disadvantages of Opening a Flower Shop

This type of business, like any other, implies the presence of not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

Often, entrepreneurs do not want to open a flower shop for a number of reasons.

The most common are:

  1. Perishable goods.
    Even clothes have their expiration date, going out of fashion. But stale clothes can at least be sold at a discount.
    It is rather difficult to carry out such an action with flowers: few people want to buy half-dead flowers, albeit at a low price.
  2. The seasonality of this type of business.
    For example, summer is considered the low season for sales, but on holidays, flower products fly away instantly. But after all, you should always pay taxes, pay salaries to employees, eat and dress, regardless of the season.
  3. When ordering large quantities, you can get a defective product, hidden among quality flowers.

And yet, these disadvantages of opening a flower shop can be fully compensated by not ordering more goods than you can sell, not spending all the profits, but saving enough to survive the low sales seasons painlessly, working only with trusted suppliers.

Features of owning a flower shop

“If you want milk, don’t sit on a stool in the middle of the pasture, waiting for the cow to come to you and offer her udder.”
Richard Branson

A flower shop is also a business, so it operates according to the laws of entrepreneurial activity. The more clients, the more profit.

And yet, the flower business has its own nuances that must be considered before starting a business:

  1. The most favorite flowers of Russians, however, like Ukrainians and Belarusians, are roses.

    In pursuit of originality, consumer tastes cannot be ignored.
    It is imperative, depending on the season, to have daisies, gerberas, freesias, lilies, chrysanthemums, sunflowers, dahlias, asters, alstroemerias, irises, carnations in the assortment.

  2. The assortment of flower shops is similar.

    You are unlikely to find any extraordinary flowers from a supplier that are not available from competitors, so focus on original colors, creating interesting compositions, a variety of flower types, selling not only ready-made cut flower arrangements, but also plants in pots.

  3. March 8, September 1, February 14 - days of big earnings for flower sellers.

    No one will judge if you raise prices substantially these days.
    But in the summer, you will have to tighten the belt more tightly, since there are much fewer flowers at this time.

  4. The sale of flowers cannot be called waste-free.

    15–20% of discarded plants are considered normal. You shouldn't be upset about this.

  5. In order to keep the freshness of your goods as long as possible, you should install special refrigeration equipment in the flower shop.

    It is not cheap, but it will help to further reduce costs.

4 ways to make money selling flowers

Your own flower shop is a conventional name for a business. Most often, entrepreneurs who want to sell such a beautiful and delicate product open the following types of outlets:

    Flower pavilion.

    This is the most profitable option for those who do not have a large start-up capital, because, in fact, you only need to rent a retail outlet in a crowded place, for example, a large shopping center, underground passage, etc.
    If you choose the wrong place to trade, where there will be few people, you risk burning out.

    It is also important to take into account the low level of solvency of the future clientele, therefore, when purchasing goods, give preference to inexpensive flowers. Special equipment or decor in the flower pavilion is not required.

    Actually a flower shop.

    Here you will have to invest much more money and rent a small retail space, decorating it to your liking.

    Due to the fact that your sales area will increase, you will be able to sell not only cut flowers, but also ready-made compositions, plants in flowerpots, etc.

    The clientele of flower shops is middle-class, so do not make huge fancy arrangements in advance. They can be made to order from scratch.

    Flower boutique.

    This is a slightly pretentious establishment for customers who appreciate not only the quality and assortment of goods, but also the interior, level of service, etc., so you will have to invest a lot of money in your flower boutique.

    You can also experiment with the range of goods: buy both classics and exotic plants from suppliers.

    You don’t have to pacify your imagination in composing flower arrangements either.
    A flower boutique does not have to be opened right in the center. If you compare favorably with competitors, then your products will come to remote areas.

    Online flower shop.

    Here, in addition to renting a room and purchasing refrigeration equipment, you will have to spend money on creating a website.

    Another disadvantage of this type of business is the inability to get a random customer, since purchases are made on a pre-order basis. To increase the profitability of an online flower store, it is recommended to combine it with a regular one.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a flower shop

The main components of the implementation of this type of business are the premises, its decor, the purchase of equipment, establishing relationships with suppliers and recruiting personnel.

In addition, you will need to officially register your flower shop and advertise it in order to get your first customers.

It will take no more than 4-5 months to launch a startup if you can agree with all government agencies.

Registration of a flower shop

Of course, you will have to register your enterprise, like an individual entrepreneur, and register with the tax service.

You do not need to obtain a special license not to open a flower shop from scratch, but you will have to get the approval of the fire service and the sanitary and epidemiological station that the room you have chosen meets all standards.

The cost of registering an enterprise ranges from 30,000 rubles and more.

All these procedures should not take you more than 2 months.

Flower shop premises

To start a business, it is not necessary to purchase or rent a huge area. You will be enough and 30 square meters. m.

Not only a trading floor, but also at least one household room where the staff will rest and change clothes, where you can store part of the products, etc., as well as a bathroom.

Renting one square meter, even in small towns, is an expensive pleasure.

In the regions, the cost of a monthly rental of premises will range from 25,000 rubles. In large cities, this amount can be two or even more times higher.

In addition, keep in mind that if you want to locate your flower shop directly in the center, and such a location will certainly have a beneficial effect on business, then renting a room will cost even more.

If the condition of the premises you found is not too good, then it will have to be renovated. If there is no need to repair the hall for a flower shop, then you will definitely have to decorate it in such a way as to attract the attention of customers.

Fortunately, the flowers themselves are a great decoration, so you don’t have to spend a lot of money on interior decoration.

Flower shop equipment

In addition to commercial furniture (counter, shelving), you will have to equip the utility room with at least a minimal set of furniture: staff changing lockers, a table, chairs, etc.

Remember that flowers are perishable goods, so they are much better preserved in the cold. You can purchase a special refrigerator for flowers to store goods, although ordinary industrial refrigerators will also work.

flower shop staff

People always need flowers, so it is desirable that your store works seven days a week, for example, from 10.00 to 22.00.

To do this, you will have to hire several sellers to work in shifts.
If you have registered a small flower shop (about 30 square meters), then you can get by with one seller per shift. If you are aiming for a larger enterprise, then you should think about hiring two salesmen for a shift.

You need to hire a professional florist to create original floral arrangements, but to keep the cost of a new venture down and allow it to take off, you need to hire a salesperson who knows how to put together simple yet beautiful bouquets.

Therefore, to open a flower shop, you need the following staff:

Until your business begins to bring in a lot of profit, you should not hire a driver who will bring flower products from suppliers (you can arrange delivery directly to the office) or deliver them to customers at home.

This position should be considered later, when the business gets back on its feet.

Accounting and store management you can do on your own.

Flower suppliers to the store

If you are not planning to build a greenhouse and grow flowers for sale yourself, then you will need suppliers.

The most popular suppliers of flower products in Russia are the Mytishchi State Farm of Ornamental Horticulture, the Yuzhny State Farm and CJSC Kosino Agricultural Firm.

Perhaps you will open a new supplier that will suit you in all respects.

flower shop advertisement

Of course, the most popular way to attract customers is to serve them well and sell quality products.

If your business is just starting to function in the market, then use ads, videos on local radio and the Internet (social networks, city forums) to advertise it. And you should also invest in a colorful sign that will immediately attract the attention of customers.

How much money do you need to open a flower shop

So, if you are wondering: “How much does it cost to open a flower shop?”, then for everything about everything you will need a starting capital of at least 500,000 - 600,000 rubles.

Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
Total:RUB 550,000
Company registration30 000
Premises rent and repair100 000
Purchase of furniture and cold. equipment200 000
Purchase of the first batch of goods50 000
Employee salary (per month)60 000
Advertising30 000
Additional expenses50 000

We offer you to view a selection of useful tips from an expert:

when and how best to open a flower shop,

what should you pay attention to?

Profits from opening a flower shop

Get ready for the fact that the flower business, like any other type of business, will not initially bring fabulous profits, so include in the start-up capital the cost of renting the hall and staff salaries (at least for a period of up to 3 months).

As soon as your business gets on its feet, then revenues will automatically increase.

Flower shop revenue calculation

As you can see, in a favorable scenario, a flower shop begins to pay off after 3-4 months of work. Expected profit: 20,000 - 50,000 rubles per month.

Of course, with such monthly income, you should not expect your business to pay off before a year of successful activity.

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In this material:

If you walk through any city, you can see that the flower business today is quite popular. In each settlement there are several small stalls and large salons. And here many people have a question as to whether the flower business is profitable and how much. Can the sale of flowers bring a decent profit in the face of such fierce competition? Actually yes! But only if you open a flower business in stages and approach this issue responsibly and competently. To do this, you need to correctly determine the type of product, find a good place to sell it and attract customers. In this case, the profitability of the business can reach a decent level in a short time.

On the way to success

The flower trade can be very profitable if developed. Even more profit can be received by a businessman who will establish his own production, that is, will grow flowers on his own. However, such a development of events is possible only for those who can correctly calculate everything and feel all the subtleties of this type of activity. The flower business has some nuances, namely the features of the products themselves, which have a short implementation period. For this reason, it is necessary to purchase all the necessary equipment in order to extend this period.

To get a good result, there is no need for huge investments, but you still have to spend money on certain equipment for the flower business and a suitable room, since this product is considered quite whimsical. For a business to be successful, it is necessary to offer customers only high-quality goods, and for this, fresh fresh flowers should always be available. If an entrepreneur does not have the opportunity to grow products for sale on his own, you need to find reliable suppliers. It is especially important that the supply system does not fail at times of increased demand, that is, on holidays.

An important factor is the ability of a businessman to create a favorable environment for customers. The desire of buyers to return here largely depends on what kind of atmosphere will prevail at the outlet. A competent approach and clear calculation is a very important component of any business, but selling flowers is also a creative activity, so you need to love your job and do it with inspiration.

If a businessman is doing well with taste, he will be able to choose the right product range and decorate the room. It is important to take care of advertising, as this moment is one of the most important in mandatory expenses.

How to organize a flower business?

If a person is going to start his own business for the first time, he should read special literature on how to organize a flower business and deal with issues of Russian legislation. It is best to register as an individual entrepreneur, since in this case there will be the best conditions for retail trade. If it will be too difficult to deal with organizational issues on your own, you should seek help from professionals who, for a fee, will help you set up and run a business.

If an aspiring entrepreneur decides to open a flower business, where to start is the first question he asks himself. Start by defining your own niche. When it comes to flowers, you need to choose the right outlet location to avoid unnecessary competition. Please note that this place must be crowded. It is best to look at areas near schools and vocational schools.

The next step is to find a good reliable supplier. At this stage, difficulties often arise. Often, entrepreneurs have to fill themselves with a lot of bumps before they can find a good supplier. Flowers need to be bought in a timely manner, but with a small margin. This is especially important during the holidays. In this case, a warehouse with appropriate equipment should be provided in the trading room.

As for how to start a flower business, the first stage provides for mandatory investments in advertising. This is the only way people will be able to find out about the new store. Then it all depends on the quality of products, prices and level of service. If all this is at a high level, there will be many regular customers. It is possible that in the future it will even be necessary to expand the business and hire assistants. Sellers in a flower shop should be creative, energetic and sociable people.

A store

If an entrepreneur already has experience in doing business, it will be much easier for him to decide on the amount of work that he can afford. Another thing is novice businessmen. If there is no serious experience, you should not immediately invest large sums in a flower business. It is better to start with a small outlet, that is, become a representative of the smallest business.

With a minimum investment, you can even organize your own store on the worldwide web. It is quite convenient and has recently enjoyed considerable popularity. It is enough to organize a warehouse, arrange timely delivery for constant replenishment of the warehouse, and then take orders via the Internet and deliver flowers to customers. Earnings will depend on the quality of products and the efficiency of couriers.

A few large investments will require your own salon. Here it is already necessary to spend money not only on renting a warehouse, but also on decorating a retail space. Exotic plants have become very popular lately. Moreover, you can sell not only cut flowers, but also potted plants and related products. In the period between holidays, such goods make up a considerable percentage of revenue. Some entrepreneurs go even further and complement the flower business with holiday products and gifts. You can allocate several shelves for toys and put up a rack with postcards to generate additional income and attract even more customers.

One of the most common types of outlets for the sale of flowers in recent times is the department in the pavilion. As a rule, they are located in crowded places, but are rented out for a moderate rent. Thus, the pavilion will bring a good income at a low cost.

A classic option can be called a flower shop. It can be equipped on the ground floor of a residential building or a separate building can be built. Investments in this case will be significant, since everything will have to be properly equipped. As a rule, there is enough space in stores, so you can offer customers a wide range of products. It is better that these are flowers from expensive to economical options in order to attract as many customers as possible.

Equipment costs

In order to organize your outlet for the sale of flowers, huge investments are not required. However, if the businessman plans to sell fashionable exotic plants, they will need to create the right microclimate for long-term storage. If the task of the point is only to trade flowers and bouquets from ordinary varieties, the costs will be much less. In addition to the products themselves, you will need wrapping paper for bouquets, ribbons and special tools.

The room itself should be equipped with air conditioning, a refrigerator, special racks and a table for processing plants. Roses and carnations are in the greatest demand. Depending on seasonality, you can purchase other options, for example, tulips or asters. Orchids have become very popular in recent years.

Location of the outlet

As for whether it is profitable to engage in the sale of flowers, this largely depends on how well the outlet is located. If the area is walkable and crowded, this is a huge plus. However, here you need to pay attention to the presence of competitors. It happens that in one place there are several stores with similar products at once, which already reduces the level of profitability at times.

Experts say that the most profitable places for flower trade are areas near restaurants and concert halls, not far from schools and other educational institutions.

Often flower shops can be found at the intersections of busy streets and bus stops. Such places are well suited for the flower trade, as it is easy to drive here by car.

Will the flower business be promising?

If a person is going to invest a certain amount of money, he must know how to open a flower business and be sure that this will bring a certain profit. As for the sale of flowers, the prospects are very big, since such products will always be in demand, and on certain days of the year there is no end to customers. However, in order for the outlet to bring good profit, it is necessary to be able to properly store and sell flowers.

Given that plants are very whimsical products, they must be handled with extreme care. Moreover, a considerable percentage will be spent on write-offs, and this cannot be avoided. However, the purchase price of flowers is small, so you can make such an extra charge that will cover the costs many times over. And here again it becomes very important to choose the right supplier.

If you organize a medium-sized outlet, you can meet 50-100 thousand rubles. This is enough for the purchase of normal equipment and for the purchase of products for the first time. With the right approach, you can achieve good results, and the business will pay off quickly. At first, it is best to work on your own in order to fully understand all the nuances of the flower business, and then, if necessary, you can hire assistants.

Investments: Investments 2 000 000 - 3 500 000 ₽

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Investments: Investments 199,000 - 280,000 rubles.

We are a young company, but we have many plans for the future. The founder of the project is a teacher, defectologist-speech therapist, who has extensive experience in working with children. Just the work in the field of education became at the origins of the emergence of this project. Our children now spend too much time in front of the TV and computer, playing with plastic toys. We so wanted to go back to…

Investments: Investments 800,000 - 1,700,000 rubles.

Sushi Mag chain of stores is a dynamically developing chain of sushi stores. The first store was opened in 2011, during which time we have opened 40 chain stores, including franchisee outlets. Network territory - St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk. The format of the Sushi Mag sushi shop makes it attractive for both schoolchildren and white-collar workers. We are one of the first to…

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Bella Potemkina is a famous Russian designer. The main motivator for developing her brand for Bella was the desire to bring true beauty to the fashionable Russian market, which literally strangled the plastic mass market. The theme of the first BELLA POTEMKINA collection was sophisticated vintage. Skirts with angels on silk, luxurious garden flowers on linen, white lace collars and cuffs - a little retro, a little chic, ...

Investments: 400,000 - 800,000 rubles.

Workshop of the Sumarokov Brothers is a manufacturing and trading company. We produce equipment for growing plants in home, greenhouse and other conditions. The main products are grow boxes - special "cabinets" with temperature, lighting and humidity control, in which our customers grow various plants. We are also official dealers of related products from Europe, necessary for progressive crop production. Description of the franchise...

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Sweet Berry has been operating in the children's fashion industry for over 9 years in the middle price segment. The federal dealer network of the company has been developing since 2006 and includes more than 250 points represented in more than 50 cities of Russia and the CIS countries. Designers in Italy and a design department in Russia allow the company to navigate not only global trends, but…

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Stabilized plants, mosses and flower arrangements are widely used throughout the world for interior decoration of offices, banks, hotels, shopping centers, car dealerships, receptions, shop windows, exhibition stands, conference rooms, any public premises, as well as apartments, cottages, villas. However, in the cities of Russia, this niche is still completely free, and you have every chance to take a leadership position in your region.…

Investments: 65,000 - 99,000 rubles.

ARTprinters is a simple, profitable, interesting business. At the same time, it is based on a unique and exclusive service - digital painting of nails, flowers and any small items (phones, souvenirs, Easter eggs, etc.) From the equipment you will need: a special printer, a computer, a couple of tables and a chair. Accordingly, large areas do not need to be rented. You can open a studio at home. Need not…

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VeGa Flowers is a young, rapidly growing franchise based on uniqueness and originality, as well as the lack of a complete analogue of its product, a stabilized bouquet from VeGa Flowers, which retains the properties of natural freshness for many years without requiring watering and maintenance. It is absolutely eco-friendly and hypoallergenic. Such a miracle is possible due to the replacement of water in the plant itself with ...

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Flowers are one of the most popular gifts because they are relevant for absolutely any holiday. They can be presented in various types and forms, and there are many unique varieties that differ in appearance and cost. The flower business is considered profitable, stable and interesting, which is why many entrepreneurs are interested in it. It can be organized at the first stages even at home, and if you properly promote it, you can receive passive income in the future, since no efforts will be invested in the business.

The business of selling flowers has both positive and negative sides. It is important to know about all the parameters before opening a business in order to start a profitable activity from scratch.

The pluses include:

The disadvantages of the job include:

  • sales are uneven because they depend on the season and are also affected by various holidays;
  • to get started, you need to create a correct, thoughtful and reliable business plan for a flower shop with calculations, and you can view a sample, but each store must have its own individual project;
  • for the quality work of a business, a cash register is needed, the use of which complicates the procedure for accounting for activities and requires the registration of equipment with the tax office, and the device itself has a significant cost;
  • flowers are perishable goods that require specific care, therefore, optimal and specific conditions must be created for them;
  • to get started, an entrepreneur must have complex and unusual knowledge and skills in the field of floristry in order for the flower business to be profitable and promising.

Initially, you need to register, and you can choose both IP and LLC. The most optimal is the choice of organizational and legal form - an individual entrepreneur. For this, the following documents are prepared and submitted to the tax office:

  • an application that must contain the correct OKVED codes for the selected line of business;
  • a flower business can operate under a simplified taxation system, which must be switched to immediately after registration;
  • a copy of the citizen's passport and his TIN.

Trade will be reliable and controlled if a cash register is used in the process of work. Therefore, it is recommended to initially purchase this technique. The device must be registered with the tax office, after which it can be used for its intended purpose. It is also desirable to get a seal and open a bank account.

Choosing a store location

How to start a flower business? It is important to determine exactly where the activity will be carried out. To do this, it is necessary to carry out marketing research, on the basis of which a special project will be made, and its example can be easily found on the Internet. It will contain the basic information and nuances of opening and running a business.

You should not completely take a ready-made project, since it will not take into account the specifics of a particular region and store.

The flower business must be advantageously located, since the location for this particular activity is considered a key point. The best choice are the premises:

  • next to the wedding palace;
  • near high-traffic areas, which include public transport stops, large supermarkets or general markets;
  • close to train station or bus station.

There should be parking spaces near the store so that each customer can comfortably drive to the outlet. It must be possible to place outdoor advertising that will attract the attention of potential buyers, as a result of which a business from scratch can bring good income. There should be no competitors nearby who can lure buyers with different promotions or other benefits.

Arrangement of the premises

Competent trade assumes that a single and unique concept should be formed inside the store, which will be pleasant and interesting for customers. All costs for these purposes should be included in the business start-up project. An example of an interesting and exclusive design can be found on the Internet or you can walk through the most famous and sought-after flower shops.

Styles are great choices:

  • rococo or provence in case the flower business is intended for clients with a high level of income;
  • hi-tech is considered an ideal solution when the store specializes in customers who prefer to constantly purchase unique novelties and exquisite items;
  • if not only flowers for bouquets are sold, but also flowers in boxes and pots, then such a store can be designed in an eco-style, and only natural and safe components should be used here, and such a design will act as an interesting business advertisement.

The store should be well lit, and natural lighting should be combined with artificial lighting, which can emphasize the goods presented.

An important point in the arrangement is the purchase of equipment and furniture. To do this, buy:

  • showcases and racks for flowers in boxes, pots or other containers;
  • freezers that can prolong the freshness of cut flowers, which will increase the store's income;
  • a table designed for the work of a florist;
  • a table and a cash register for efficient and correct settlements with customers;
  • so that customers expect their orders in comfort, it is recommended to place a sofa in the store.

An example of the proper arrangement of all elements in the room can be easily viewed on various sites on the Internet.

Drawing up a range of goods

How to open a flower business from scratch, which will bring a good income, be stable, sustainable and promising? To do this, a special project of activity is drawn up with detailed and accurate calculations, in which the nuances of compiling an assortment of goods should be indicated.

When compiling the assortment, the following elements are taken into account:

  • Cut flowers, varieties of which should be numerous. The most popular are roses and chrysanthemums, tulips and mimosas, orchids and lilies, as well as many other varieties.
  • Potted or boxed flowers are sought after but less popular than cut flowers. An example of a great store involves the presence of a large number of varieties of such flowers.
  • Cultivated plants that are of interest to many potential customers. As a rule, they are purchased by retirees or people who like to devote a lot of time to gardening or working with crops in the garden.
  • Related products that are very profitable to sell due to a good margin. With their help, you can significantly increase your profits, and this includes fertilizers, pots, flower literature, candles and ribbons, postcards and packaging, coasters and elements for creating a unique landscape design.

If you choose the assortment correctly, you can count on a good demand for a store that can bring passive and high income.

How to make a store popular?

It is important to know not only how to start a flower business, but also how to properly promote it. The following methods are used for this:

  • finding corporate regular customers who will regularly order decorations for various celebrations;
  • designing various portfolios, for which unique flower arrangements are created, and in the future it will be possible to make original bouquets for weddings, dates, anniversaries or other significant dates;
  • advertising on radio, television or other media;
  • cooperation with holiday agencies, with restaurants or other establishments that can become regular customers;
  • creating your website on the Internet.


How to organize a flower business that will be popular among buyers? To do this, it is important to find suitable employees who will be professional florists who can properly care for flowers and create unique and inimitable compositions from them.

Wages should be fully dependent on revenue.

Pitfalls in opening a flower business

It is not difficult to start this business from scratch if you look at an example of a successful store in advance. However, for promising and profitable work, you need to know all the possible difficulties and pitfalls, which include:

  • if you hire non-professionals, they will not be able to make unusual bouquets, so the store will not be able to compete with other establishments;
  • you should not buy a ready-made store, since a profitable business will never be sold;
  • flowers need to be properly looked after and kept in optimal conditions, otherwise they will quickly lose their presentation, which will lead to constant write-offs;
  • you should not save on creating the original design of the store, because otherwise it will not differ from standard outlets, and therefore will not attract the attention of customers;
  • trade must be honest, therefore it is unacceptable to make a bouquet of fresh and half-withered flowers, since you can easily lose customers;
  • on holidays, you need to clearly realize how many bouquets and flowers can really be sold, so as not to set up buyers for pre-orders;
  • it is advisable to use a cash register during work, which will simplify control over the sellers.

If you know all the pitfalls, then you can expect a successful opening of a profitable and efficient store.

Financial calculations

The project of opening a flower business involves investing the following amount of money:

  • creation of a unique design - 150 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment and furniture - 320 thousand rubles;
  • investments in business advertising - 40 thousand rubles;
  • business registration - 1 thousand rubles.

The total initial investment is 1 million 51 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses:

  • rent of premises per month - 40 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods for a month - 500 thousand rubles;
  • salary of employees - 105 thousand rubles;

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