Why men are starting to get better. Why does men become overweight? Determining the causes of underweight

Why can't a person gain weight? It is impossible to answer this question outright, without conducting a survey and assessing the psychoemotional state. The answer can be either disease or genetics.

To understand this, you need to pay attention to such points as the presence of complaints about:

  • health, except for lack of weight;
  • physique features of close relatives;
  • rate of weight loss, etc.

Determining the causes of underweight

The reasons can be divided into 3 main groups:

  1. Most often this is a malfunction of the hormonal system or digestive disorders. If the disease is detected and eliminated, the weight will begin to return to normal on its own.
  2. Excessive thinness is a constitutional feature. People with an asthenic body type suffer from underweight. You should not be overly focused on the table of correspondence of height and weight, since it does not take into account the type of constitution. If a patient has asthenics in the family, almost everyone in the family is lean and not inclined to be overweight, while the person has no other complaints, his quality of life is at a high level and there is no progressive weight loss - most likely, the cause of thinness lies in the constitution.
  3. Chronic stress and nervous experiences. Sometimes stress is latent in nature: a person may not believe that they are depressed. He lives a very ordinary life, at first glance. However, if you dig deeper, you will find that "nerves" burn about 1000 kcal per day. Weight loss can provoke not only strong emotional upheavals and pronounced depression, but also constant “everyday” experiences if the psyche is in tension most of the time.

Determining the type of constitution

Often, it is constitutional features that are the cause of thinness. Everyone knows the fact that some can eat large portions, but do not even gain a gram, others should eat one candy, and their favorite thing is already buttoned up with difficulty.

It's all about the metabolic rate:

  • some have it fast;
  • for others, it is slow.

Of course, the golden mean is the ideal option, there are also such lucky ones. But many people have to adjust their diet to the peculiarities of metabolism.

Body types:

  1. Asthenic body type. Such people have thin bone, relatively weak muscles, and a small amount of adipose tissue. The length of the arms and legs is longer than the body, the chest is wider than the belly.
  2. Normosthenic type... The body sizes of the normosthenic are the most proportional. This is the so-called golden mean.
  3. Hypersthenic type... Transverse body dimensions prevail. It is easy for such a person to build muscle mass, but it is difficult to fight body fat.

The peculiarity of the metabolism of a thin person

Even at rest, a thin person consumes a lot of energy. Fat does not have time to accumulate, because it is spent on the basic needs of the body. Sometimes an excessively fast metabolism is due to genetics, and sometimes it is the result of a disease.

It is very important to determine the cause of this metabolism.

Organization of the nervous system

Hypothalamus- the brain structure responsible for the regulation of appetite. Its ventromedial part is responsible for satiety, and the lateral part is involved in the initiation of food intake. By stimulating these two zones, you can achieve opposite effects in eating behavior.

The different level of activity of these two sites explains such different eating behavior of people. During nervous experiences, some have an incredible increase in appetite, while others, on the contrary, do not get a piece in their throats. Some are able to feel comfortable all day long without food, others feel bad and are tormented by hunger, it is worth skipping one of the tricks.

If we abandon scientific language, then we can conclude that people with a finely organized nervous system, emotionally sensitive and susceptible, are more prone to weight loss and eating disorders in the form of loss of appetite.

How to gain weight in this case?

In some cases it makes sense referral to a psychotherapist, but, as a rule, there is enough work on oneself.

First of all, it is worth analyzing the factors that cause daily nervous experiences. These can be excessive workloads, an unloved business, a tense relationship with a partner, etc.

There are many reasons and they are all individual. If these factors are objective, it is worth fencing off from them (change jobs, let go of the person pulling to the bottom). Sometimes the cardinal decisions that we are so afraid to make become the starting point for a new, better life.

If it is not possible to radically decide the fate or it is not possible to find certain reasons for the feelings, such work on oneself takes place:

  • Positive attitude every day
  • Gratitude for every pleasant little thing, a smile - all this may sound trite, but therein lies a great truth.
  • A joyful, happy person, able to laugh every day and not frown, automatically insures himself and is cured of many diseases, including excessive thinness. If you want to be happy - be it!

Underweight - possible diseases

Hormonal problems

Hormonal imbalance is one of the most common physiological causes of excessive thinness.

First of all, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Thyroid. Her increased work is called thyrotoxicosis. Increased production of thyroid-stimulating hormone can speed up metabolism.
  • Pancreas. If insulin is not produced in sufficient quantities, it could be type 1 diabetes. In this case, the tissues of the body do not absorb glucose, therefore, they do not receive enough energy, which leads to weight loss.
  • Adrenal cortex. A malfunction in its function can lead to a decrease in the production of cortisol and aldosterone, all this leads to Addison's disease. Cortisol is essential in the absorption of glucose. At the same time, increased cortisol as a result of stress can also lead to weight loss.

The human hormonal system is a very delicate and sensitive mechanism, influenced by the slightest factors of changes in the external and internal environment. When testing for hormones, you should not panic, looking for signs of a disease. A competent endocrinologist should prescribe hormone tests, which will differ in each case, which will help identify the cause of thinness.

Digestive system problems

Digestive problems are directly related to weight loss, but most of them respond well to treatment.

A weight gain plan includes a holistic approach to health. It makes no sense to focus on the amount of food consumed and is fraught with digestive disorders. It takes some time and effort to get things done, but it will be worth it.

So, the plan for weight gain:

  1. Identifying the reason why food is not digested. The main reasons for weight loss have been listed above. If you cannot identify the cause on your own, you need to contact a qualified doctor who will be able to guide the patient from start to finish, taking into account his psychological characteristics and selecting the treatment program individually.
  2. Destruction of harmful microorganisms and elimination of digestive problems. A bowel cleansing program is not required in all cases; if necessary, it should be drawn up with your doctor.
  3. Elimination of all factors from the diet that can irritate the digestive system and expose it to stress. This point is especially important. A well-chosen diet is a major factor in restoring normal digestion and weight gain. The first step is to exclude chemical (unnatural) products.
  4. Restoration of intestinal microflora with food and preparations with probiotics in capsules and powders... The stomach and intestines, with some diagnoses, require additional aid for digestion. These can be various supplements with lacto- and bifidobacteria.
  5. Dealing with the psychological and emotional side of the issue... As noted earlier, the psycho-emotional side is important in weight gain. It is necessary to establish a normal emotional state in any case, whether thinness is caused by an illness or is due to the constitution. Often, a genetic predisposition to weight loss can be exacerbated by nervous tension.

How to gain weight for a thin person? In order to gain weight correctly and maintain the result, a detailed menu with the calculation of calories should be developed. This is done by a nutritionist. The principle of "eating as much as possible" usually does not succeed and only puts additional stress on the digestive tract.

However, there are foods that contribute to weight gain, but they need to be wisely included in the diet:

  • Avocado... A high-calorie and fatty product that does not harm blood vessels. It is believed that 1 fruit per day is enough to gain 2.7 kg per week.
  • Nuts and dried fruits. It is recommended to consume them in small portions and in portions between meals.
  • Potato. One of the best sources of carbohydrates.
  • Pasta. It is advisable to cook them with vegetables.
  • Smoothie. Ideal ingredients for a drink are honey, bananas, mangoes and berries.
  • Lean meat. Poultry, white meat, beef. It is a protein source that helps you gain muscle mass.
  • Peanut butter. In addition to fats and proteins, it contains folic acid, magnesium, vitamins E and B3. Improves the condition of the nervous system and skin.
  • Grape. It is a source of a large amount of vitamins that promote the absorption of nutrients.
  • Whole milk. A source of fats, vitamins D and A, calcium.
  • Bread. Contains carbohydrates, B vitamins, phosphorus, calcium and fiber.
  • Hard cheeses. An irreplaceable source of protein, fat and calcium.

Approximate diet

Option number 1:

  • Breakfast: 3 egg omelet, ham and cucumber sandwich, tomato, walnut. Compote or weak tea.
  • Dinner: Noodle soup (250 gr), fried chicken with peas (200 gr), 2 slices of bread, pear. Green or black tea.
  • Afternoon snack: dried fruits, yogurt.
  • Dinner: Mashed potatoes (150 gr), cutlet (100 gr), 2 sandwiches with cheese. A glass of fruit or vegetable juice.

Option number 2:

  • Breakfast: Rice porridge with milk (100 gr), yogurt (100 gr), hazelnuts (10-20 gr), tea.
  • Dinner: Chicken soup (200 gr), potato ravioli (100 gr), fresh cucumber, bell pepper. Kissel.
  • Afternoon snack: Drinking yoghurt, fresh berries (100 gr), fruit juice.
  • Dinner: Omelet with ham and cheese (100 gr), cookies, warm milk with honey.

For how much a person gains weight is a highly individual question, which depends on:

  • from the reasons for losing weight;
  • from diet;
  • from physiological characteristics.

Some people see results in a week, while others take months. A sharp weight gain is stressful for the body, so you should not rush to extremes. The main thing is not the speed of weight gain, but the preservation of a long-term result.


In conclusion, several conclusions can be drawn:

  1. For successful weight gain, you should eat often, in small portions.
  2. Feelings of hunger should not be allowed; it is always advisable to carry nuts, fruits or other snacks with you.
  3. With the right choice of diet and a positive attitude, the weight will definitely return to normal!

Fat men become depressed, snore, complain of decreased potency, pain in joints and heart. The doctor helps with the solution of this problem. Among people who turn to specialists with a request to cure obesity, men make up about 15-20%.

How male obesity differs from female obesity

Excess weight reduces potency

Causes of male obesity

The main reasons are considered low physical activity and binge eating, which leads to a decrease in basal metabolism . Physically, a man is no longer the same hunter who hunted a mammoth. The man works with his head, uses his intellect and moves too little. The fact that men are not used to limiting themselves in food also leads to overweight. Although it is fair to say that it is much easier for men to lose weight than women, because male sex hormones can increase the breakdown of fats (a process called catabolism). Female hormones, on the other hand, are endowed with an anabolic ability to activate lipid synthesis.

Dyshormonal disorders

Self-medication is unacceptable

Only the doctor knows how to cure obesity without health consequences, therefore it is simply unacceptable to fight this ailment himself. Moreover, there are simply no general ways to cure, and everyone who is obese needs medical supervision, an exclusively individual diet and individual physical activity.

Determining the causes of underweight is the first and important step in solving your problem. Only by knowing what exactly caused your thinness, you can understand how to gain weight.

In addition to various diseases, genes can be called among the reasons for excessive thinness, you should not discount your lifestyle - smoking, hobby for alcohol and coffee, constant stress, lack of sleep may well be both determining factors for insufficient weight and provoking other reasons.

To know exactly how to get better in your case, you need to pay attention to the "alarm bells" - the symptoms of certain conditions, the rate of weight loss and other factors. Even seemingly insignificant manifestations such as fatigue or bad mood can indicate a serious disruption in the functioning of the body, which interferes with gaining weight. We will try to find out what is behind your thinness and how to deal with it.


One of the possible reasons for thinness is the type of constitution given to us from birth.

Your physique is determined by many factors, including the structure of the nervous system and genetic predisposition, but the result is the same - for someone every extra calorie is deposited in problem areas, muscles are easily pumped up, and someone eats everything and cannot gain the weight.

Such features were noticed by Hippocrates, who was one of the first to try to isolate the types of human constitution - and find their connection with various diseases. Today there are several systems by which you can determine your capabilities, the most popular is:

. Asthenic body type (or ectomorphic), in which, as we have already noted, there is muscle weakness, thin bones, a small amount of fatty tissue. The arms and legs are longer than the body, the chest is wider than the abdomen.

. Normosthenic type (or mesomorphic), a kind of "golden mean", when body sizes are distributed most proportionally.

. Hypersthenic type (or endomorphic), in which there is a clear predominance of the transverse dimensions of the body. People of this type have the most opportunities to build muscle mass - they make classic bodybuilders. But they also find it most difficult to deal with excessive deposits of adipose tissue.

You can't argue with genetics.

Asthenics find it most difficult to recover, since the characteristics of muscle and adipose tissue in them do not imply strong growth in volume, and their metabolism is characterized by a high speed - the body constantly needs new portions of food to replenish the wasted calories. Asthenic physique is characterized by an acceleration of the basal metabolic rate by 7% -10%. As a result, things can go so far that even with a seemingly normal diet, it is very difficult to gain weight, up to the point that it will gradually decrease. And with an improperly selected set of exercises or a diet, you can consume the diet of an elephant, but not get fat even seriously.

The peculiarity lies in the fact that it is quite difficult to orientate on the type of physique, sometimes it is wrong - at least asthenics should not compare their kilograms with indicators of normo- or hypersthenics. Indeed, with an asthenic body type, even the bone skeleton is quite light, while in other types it can make up a significant percentage of body weight.

But extremes in the structure of muscles and skeleton are, nevertheless, a rarity. We are talking about a genetic predisposition, which can be circumvented and achieve quite decent results - even if you get better within your capabilities. The real problem of thin people is an accelerated metabolism, which makes us look again and again for the answer to the question "How to gain weight" and become frustrated after many unsuccessful attempts.


In a broad sense, it is a set of chemical and biological processes in the body.

The breakdown of food into proteins, fats and carbohydrates, energy storage, the absorption of nutrients by tissues and the removal of waste products - all this is called metabolism.

According to the law of conservation of energy, which also operates within the environment of the body, the amount of energy expended should not exceed the amount received. At the moment when the volume of calories consumed ceases to cover the costs of the body, it begins to use its own resources - first, the reserves of carbohydrates are used, then the fat layer, and when the body is depleted, proteins, which are the main structural element of organs and tissues, are also affected.

It would seem that everything is extremely simple: almost any person who wants to get better starts by increasing the calorie content of food. However, in fact, our body turns out to be a much more complex system - and therefore, without a proper nutrition program, some people cannot quickly gain weight simply by increasing their daily diet. It is important to take into account the quality component of food, as well as your metabolic rate - this is the only way to achieve a lasting result.


All people are different - this is an axiom that explains excessive thinness. Correctly approaching the issue of weight gain, it is necessary to take into account that each of us needs a different amount of food to maintain vital processes, each spends a different amount of energy for the same actions. A fast metabolism is the dream of people with an endomorphic body type, exactly what the thin people are so envious of.

It is really difficult to get fat with an accelerated metabolism - energy consumption even at rest will be very high. Fat is burned for the needs of the body, without having time to accumulate - therefore, in order to gain weight, asthenics need a special diet that takes into account the type of metabolism.

In the case of an improperly selected diet, even when the calorie content of food consumed is within the normal range, body weight may decrease. This, in turn, leads to negative consequences for the body - both psycho-emotional and physiological. Immunity decreases and, accordingly, the frequency of infectious and viral diseases increases. The work of the hormonal system is disrupted, which means that of the whole organism, to the point that irreversible changes occur in the internal organs. A person is disappointed, "fixated" on his complexes, which, ultimately, can lead to depression. An important risk factor for a severe emotional state is loss of appetite, with which a vicious circle is simply formed.

Metabolic features can also be determined by genetic factors, although in some cases, there is some kind of internal disease behind the metabolic rate. To determine whether a fast metabolism is laid down by nature, you can often just listen to yourself.

The answer to even these couple of questions can provide food for further thought and, perhaps, a reason for contacting a doctor who will tell you how to gain weight in your case.


The main cerebral structure involved in the regulation of appetite is the hypothalamus, its ventromedial part is responsible for satiety, and the lateral part takes part in the initiation of food intake, that is, it plays the role of a satiety / hunger center.

There is a lot of experimental evidence that by stimulating these two regions of the hypothalamus, it is possible to induce opposite changes in human eating behavior.

It is the difference in different levels of activity of the ventromedial and lateral parts of the hypothalamus that explains the fact that a person for a long time (sometimes for a whole day) can go without food quite comfortably, without feeling hungry.

In another case, there may be a structure of the nervous system in which the processes of excitation prevail over the processes of inhibition. Some people, as a result of stress or increased nervous stress, anxiety and anxiety, can often feel a noticeable decrease in appetite, and in some cases, even its complete absence. It is clear that in this case the question “how to gain weight” is especially relevant - often the appetite cannot be restored to its previous level, until the very cause of stress is eliminated or the psycho-emotional state of a person is stabilized.

This is not to mention the fact that, by themselves, periodic or constant nervous stress can only "burn" 500-1000 kcal in a day.
A person can sit “on a starvation ration” for quite a long time, he wants to get better, but does not want to eat, begins to lose weight, “melts before our eyes,” and a medical examination even by the best specialists does not reveal his body dysfunctions.

How to gain weight in this case? As corny as it may seem, the first step to solving the situation is to eliminate the cause of the stress. If stress is not a one-time phenomenon and high nervous loads are your constant companion in life (for example, the peculiarities of work or the environment), you need to change the environment at least for a while, for example, taking a vacation from work. The aggravation of this situation only leads to the development of various forms of depression, and this is already a more severe form of mental disorders.
Additionally, it is recommended to take a course of sedatives and appetite-enhancing medications prescribed by your doctor.


Quite often, underweight is a “signal” of malfunctions in our body. It is difficult to recover from various diseases - endocrine, nervous, infectious and others. I will give just some of the most common causes of underweight - and I will try to tell you how to gain weight in such cases.


Disrupted hormonal levels are one of the most common causes of pathological thinness. The endocrine glands regulate the work of the whole organism and problems with one of them are necessarily reflected in other organs. Some of the more common conditions that make it difficult to gain weight include:

. Thyroid enhances its work - this disease is called thyrotoxicosis. An excess of thyroid-stimulating hormone increases the energy requirements of the body tissues, and therefore speeds up the metabolism.

How to determine?
With thyrotoxicosis, there is an increased goiter, sweating, tachycardia even at rest, sometimes a feeling of heat.

What to do?
If you suspect a hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, you cannot hesitate - you need to see a doctor, pass the necessary tests (T3, T4, TSH), since there is a risk of a thyrotoxic crisis - a life-threatening condition.

. Pancreas does not produce enough insulin - a condition known as type 1 diabetes. The inability to gain weight with it is one of the characteristic symptoms: the tissues of the organs simply do not absorb the glucose they need from the carbohydrates supplied with food (for this, insulin is needed). This means that they do not receive energy, no matter how much a person eats, he will not be able to get fat. Often there is confusion with type 2 diabetes, to which overweight people are prone - but the extra pounds in this case are only a consequence of the disease.

How to determine?
Obvious signs are frequent urination and thirst, fatigue.

What to do?
To donate blood for sugar, preferably several times - this is the most accurate and simple way to determine diabetes mellitus. In some cases, treatment may be limited to a special diet, but, as a rule, type 1 diabetes ultimately requires hormone therapy.

. Adrenal cortex does not cope with its function, as a result of which the production of cortisol and, sometimes, aldosterone decreases - Addison's disease develops. It is difficult for you to get better, because cortisol is one of the most important hormones in glucose metabolism - it affects the ability to store energy and the rate of its use by the body.

How to determine?
Insufficiency of the adrenal cortex is manifested by muscle weakness, numbness of the limbs, decreased libido, anxiety and depression. A characteristic sign of aldosterone deficiency is craving for salty foods.

What to do?
See a doctor and determine the reason for the decrease in adrenal function - it may be poisoning, infection, or a tumor.


Directly associated with the problem of thinness. It is difficult to recover when nutrients are not absorbed and digestion is painful. On the positive side, most of these diseases are curable, for example:

How to determine?
The main symptom is a violation of the normal functioning of the intestines. Stool problems, pain syndrome - all these are signs of helminthiasis.

What to do?
To donate feces for eggs, a worm, in some cases, other tests are required. Regularly carry out the prevention of infection with helminths, observe sanitary-epidemic and hygienic standards.

. Gastritis and peptic ulcer, in addition to disrupting the process of digesting food, it can provoke an aversion to food due to rather unpleasant sensations.

How to determine?
The classic sign of gastritis or stomach ulcers is hungry pain. Other characteristic symptoms are heartburn, nausea, and sour belching.

What to do?
Most likely, you will need to undergo a rather unpleasant examination - gastroscopy, which will reveal the presence and extent of damage. In the early stages, gastritis is successfully treated, and in order to preserve the nutritional value of the diet, a special diet is recommended that reduces the acidity of the stomach.

. Lack of enzymes can be either a feature of your digestion or a consequence of pathological processes. In people who are underweight, there may be an increased acidity in the stomach. Food passes into the duodenum from the stomach only when from an acidic, semi-digested mass becomes alkaline. Only at this moment our body passes the remaining substances "to the exit". If the normal oxidation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates does not occur, then the food is simply poorly digested, which means that nutrients in the required amount are not supplied to the organs and tissues. It is difficult to get fat in this case.

How to determine?
Severity in the stomach, heartburn, pain in the lower abdomen, the presence of undigested food fragments in the feces, nausea, indicate the need to see a doctor.

What to do?
Eat in smaller portions, take enzyme preparations. What exactly is lacking in your digestive system and to determine the degree of oxidizability of substances, special tests will help you find out, in particular, an analysis for Basal metabolism.

In addition to the problems described above, it is difficult to gain weight or even just maintain it, it can also be with other, very serious diseases - infectious (for example, with tuberculosis), viral, and oncological. In addition, craving for energy drinks, smoking dulls hunger and speeds up metabolism, affects hormonal levels.

Even a psychological state can have a profound effect on the ability to gain weight - feelings of guilt, complexes and general dissatisfaction with oneself on a subconscious level reduce appetite, disrupt the proper assimilation of food.

If you want to know how to get better in your case, you need to pay attention to every aspect of your lifestyle, listen to your body. The sooner it is possible to determine the causes of excessive thinness, the more effective the selected program will be and the faster the result will be seen.

The mechanism for gaining excess weight in men is somewhat different from a similar mechanism in women. All men naturally have more developed muscles. Muscle mass requires more energy for its life support than fat mass, therefore, per day, the body of a healthy man, even without significant physical exertion, burns much more calories than a woman's.

Statistics show that only 5-10% of men with excess fat reserves have a genetic predisposition to weight gain or serious diseases that contribute to this process. In most cases, external factors due to modern living conditions contribute to the gain of excess weight in men. Excess weight in our time is considered not just a cosmetic defect, but a deviation that causes psychological problems and deterioration in health.

Internal factors of weight gain in men

The appearance of excess weight in men under the age of 30 is a rather rare occurrence, which is associated with obvious health problems. As a rule, men gain weight after 35 years, when the aging process of the body begins. Weight gain in men is fundamentally different from this process in women. Extra pounds in men first appear in the abdomen and sides, after which the fatty tissue can spread to the hips, upper body and arms. In order to eliminate extra pounds, first of all, it is necessary to find out the main factors of their set, they can be external and internal. There can be many internal factors of weight gain in men.

Diabetes. It is a metabolic disease that leads to rapid weight gain and significantly interferes with energy expenditure.

Disease of the cardiovascular system. Heart disease makes a person more lethargic and less physically active. In addition, a malfunction of the heart leads to a disruption in the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the cells of all organs, which eventually leads to atrophy. The first to atrophy are muscles, which normally burn a lot of calories. It is believed that various heart defects most often lead to weight gain, but in some cases, acquired heart rhythm pathologies can lead to excess fat.

Hormonal disbalance. An increase in the level of female hormones in the male body often leads to the appearance of fat in the hips and waist.

Diseases of the endocrine system. The thyroid gland produces many important substances and hormones for the body. Disruption of the work of this organ, regardless of whether there is an increased level of production of thyroid hormones or there is a lack of production of substances necessary for the body, leads to obesity.

Genetic predisposition. Studies have shown that some people have a mechanism for the accumulation of fat reserves, fixed at the genetic level. It is believed that this defense mechanism appeared in some people in case of a hunger period and allowed a person to survive even in extreme conditions. In modern conditions, when counters are full of high-calorie foods, this mechanism does not turn off and contributes to rapid weight gain. In the presence of a genetic predisposition in a person, there is a strong decrease in the sensitivity of the hypothalamus to leptin. Leptin is a satiety hormone that signals the brain that a sufficient amount of food has been received. Thus, a person can overeat and only then feel full.

If the reason for weight gain lies in any disease, it is imperative to lose weight under the supervision of a doctor, following his recommendations, because, for example, if a man's excess weight is caused by heart disease, then losing weight through exercise can lead to a heart attack or other aggravation health problems.

The main external factors of weight gain in men

  1. Sedentary lifestyle. Many men who work at a computer throughout the working day and commute home and to work in their personal cars gain weight quickly, and evenly throughout their body. This lifestyle leads to muscle wasting and a decrease in the consumption of calories from food, which leads to the accumulation of energy in the body in the form of fat.
  2. Improper nutrition and overeating. The modern rhythm of life makes men ignore the rules of nutrition. In addition, fast food, convenience foods, and other unhealthy foods can stretch the stomach, which can lead to overeating because people with a distended stomach need more food to feel full.
  3. Stress. Eating food triggers the production of hormones in a person that are responsible for feelings of satisfaction and happiness. In an effort to reduce stress levels and feel calm, some men begin to overeat and use food as an antidepressant.
  4. Bad habits. Alcoholism and smoking negatively affect the state of the whole body and significantly slow down the metabolism, which causes weight gain even in healthy men. It is worth noting that beer alcoholism leads to the formation of a large amount of fat in the abdominal cavity.

If external factors contribute to a set of extra pounds, it is quite possible to cope with excess weight on your own.

How does excess weight affect a man's health?

The excess weight of a man causes great harm to the body.

The appearance of fatty deposits in the abdominal cavity immediately affects the genitourinary system. Men who have significant fatty deposits in the abdomen notice a decrease in potency and sex drive. The decline in male strength occurs for several reasons. Firstly, adipose tissue located in the abdominal region leads to squeezing of the vessels responsible for feeding the organs of the reproductive system. Secondly, excess adipose tissue leads to a decrease in the amount of testosterone in the body, fat deposits can lead to a complete loss of potency in men of any age, including those under 35 years old.

The presence of body fat in men also negatively affects the state of the cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of developing coronary heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. In obese men, the heart is under double stress as it pumps blood through blood vessels that are compressed by fat and because the length of the blood vessels becomes significantly longer. Blood vessels, through which blood flows more sluggishly, eventually become covered with cholesterol plaques, which leads to their narrowing and can eventually cause thrombosis. The narrowing of blood vessels also leads to problems on the part of the heart, which has to pump blood into severely narrowed vessels. Disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system leads to impaired performance, a constant feeling of fatigue, irritability and many other factors that contribute to further weight gain.

Excess weight can cause problems with the joints, and in addition, diseases of the lumbar spine, since the main load from the fat accumulated in the abdominal cavity falls on this department. The appearance of excess weight also negatively affects the emotional state of a man, causing depression, self-doubt, etc.

Fighting the psychological manifestations of excess weight

Many experts believe that in order to effectively combat obesity, it is necessary to overcome a number of psychological problems that prevent effective weight loss.... The fact is that some men perceive food not as a means of satisfying the body's physiological need for nutrients, vitamins and minerals, but as a means of entertainment. Thinking of food as a means of relaxation and enjoyment, some men begin to heavily transfer and gain excess weight. In order to get back on track, you need to radically change your attitude to food.

After gaining a lot of extra pounds, men begin to lose self-confidence, which lowers their self-esteem. Self-doubt affects all areas of life, including intimate and work. Excess weight gradually leads to the fact that a person becomes less socially active, therefore, even realizing that he needs additional physical activity, he tries to solve everything on his own without going to the gym, as he is afraid of condemnation or squeamish looks at his far from ideal body features. In the future, self-doubt leads to even greater abuse of food, with which a person tries to seize his problems, and the fat layer on different parts of the body becomes even larger.

Not everyone can cope with psychological problems on their own, so it is worth contacting a psychologist who will help identify existing problems and effectively solve them. Once psychological problems have been identified and corrected, weight loss will be much easier.

Eating a healthy diet is a powerful way to fight overweight

Proper nutrition and avoiding alcohol allows you to quickly bring your weight back to normal, but it is quite difficult to force yourself to adhere to the regimen and eat only healthy foods and dishes. The difficulty lies in the fact that in order to maintain a proper diet, you need to completely change your lifestyle and constantly monitor the calorie content and healthiness of foods, which is quite tiring for people who are used to eating ready-made meals offered by the fast food industry.

Food is the most effective tool in the fight against extra centimeters. A complete rejection of it is a serious mistake of many losing weight. Food is a powerful means of affecting metabolism, because proper food intake can significantly speed up metabolism and force the body to burn more calories and get rid of extra pounds.

The diet should include foods that contain a minimum amount of simple carbohydrates that are transformed into extra pounds. Foods and meals that are high in simple carbohydrates include sugar, fatty meats and fish, fatty milk, and other high-calorie foods. These products should be replaced with low-calorie counterparts, that is, eat lean poultry, rabbit, lamb, veal, low-fat dairy products, and so on. In addition, you need to include in the diet a large amount of vegetables and fruits, which not only make it possible to fill the lack of essential vitamins and minerals, but also improve the work of the digestive tract.

It is best to eat foods that have not been cooked or cooked by boiling or baking in the oven while losing weight. It is advisable to cook meals in your own juice, that is, with the minimum addition of sunflower oil. In addition, mayonnaise and other sauces, which significantly increase the calorie content of any dish, should be excluded from the diet. You need to take food in small portions, but at least 5 times a day. Best of all, if the meal is on schedule, then after getting used to such a regimen, the feeling of hunger will appear only at a certain time, which will reduce the risk of overeating.

Do you need exercise while losing weight?

Exercise plays an important role when it comes to losing weight in men. Physical activity allows you not only to tighten muscles and skin while losing weight, but also significantly speed up your metabolism. Strength exercises, and in addition, stretching exercises can strengthen the cardiovascular system and make the body more resilient and resistant to various diseases and stressful situations.

It is worth remembering that overweight men are not in the best shape, so the duration and intensity of exercise should be increased gradually. Performing even a minimal set of exercises in the morning and in the evening, you can quickly increase physical endurance, strengthen muscles and reduce weight. Weight in men goes away quickly if the best effort is made.

Hi guys! Are you worried about not being able to gain weight? It seems that you eat normally, train until you lose your pulse, but the mass does not grow, well, at least you crack ... This happens and there are specific reasons for this. Today's article is just about that. The question is serious, so I advise you to read the material.

Meanwhile, when the problem of being overweight has become the plague of the modern world, there are many people suffering from excessive thinness. Girls envy their friends, who can eat everything and not get fat, although they themselves have to work hard to keep fit.

But for many, the problem of weight gain is becoming critical, especially for those who dream of gaining muscle mass. If you have wondered many times what are the reasons why I cannot gain weight, be sure to study this article carefully, perhaps it will help you see the right direction in solving this problem. Go...

One of the main causes of weight gain problems can be genetic predisposition, which manifests itself in different body types. According to the generally accepted theory of Sheldon, there are three of them - mesomorph, endomorph and ectomorph. And although it was previously believed that this is only relevant for men, now a similar classification is applied to women.

  1. Ectomorphs(or asthenic body type) - people with thin and light bones and, more often than average height, arms and legs exceed the length of the body. They have a very fast metabolism, so they hardly gain any weight. This type of people is most difficult to achieve success in bodybuilding, because they practically do not gain muscle mass.
  2. MESOMORPHES(or normosthenic body type) - the most different They easily gain weight and burn fat with active work on themselves. The most optimal type of constitution for achievement in sports.
  3. ENDOMORPH(or hypersthenic body type) - people with a slow metabolism, well-developed internal organs, they have the broadest figure, they easily gain excess weight and lose weight heavily. In bodybuilding, it is easiest for them to build muscle, but it is difficult to achieve their relief and get rid of subcutaneous fatty tissue.

As you can see, ectomorphs recover worst of all, if you belong to this type of people, this may be the reason for your thinness. If, after all, you are not sure about your asthenic physique, it is possible that the problem lies in your metabolism.

If you are naturally thin (ectomorph), you can try taking a special, high-energy mixture that bodybuilders take for a quick mass gain. it GEINER!

These supplements have proven to be effective when combined with proper exercise and balanced nutrition. I myself have often used weight gainers myself, and they have always helped me gain mass. And I like them much more than regular protein supplements!

Now there is no problem to buy it. Below I have given you several links for buying a gainer over the Internet - if you wish, you can choose the one you like:


GEYNERS (iherb.com)

Metabolic rate

Metabolism or metabolism is a complex of processes and reactions in the body at the biological and chemical level. It affects the breakdown of consumed foods into proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and is also responsible for the absorption of nutrients and the removal of processed ones.

If a person has a fast metabolism, then even an increase in the calorie content of food will not help correct the situation. Eating uncontrollably high-calorie, unbalanced foods without any regimen can lead to serious health problems.

It is better to contact a qualified specialist, he will help you choose the right diet, taking into account the speed of your metabolism, and first of all, determine whether this feature of your body is genetically inherent or provoked by some kind of disease.

I want to tell you a few words about why many people cannot gain weight while doing bodybuilding. There is no one-size-fits-all formula - it's true. And don't even try to find it. Each organism is individual.

But despite this, those who complain about the impossibility of gaining weight make the same mistakes. Now I want to voice the main ones.

  1. LACK OF CALORIES. A person may think that he eats a lot, but in fact he does not gain "calories". To begin with, add to your everyday diet, for example, a pack of cottage cheese or a glass of rice, buckwheat, pearl barley - see what happens. You may never feel hungry, but in terms of calories, you may have a surplus (shortage). Regarding the feeling of hunger (hormone and satiety (hormone on my blog there are separate gorgeous articles. Be sure to read for a more complete immersion in the topic.
  2. FREQUENCY AND DURATION OF TRAINING. You don't need to go to the gym 4-5 days a week, because you work out the whole body several times. These loads are most likely not "exported" by your body. Remember that after 45 minutes of intense destructive hormone is released, which destroys our protein structures. Therefore, do not force your body in the gym for more than 1 hour, maximum 1.20. I train for exactly one hour. If the intensity drops (sometimes laziness) then 1.20. Some people study for 2-3 hours and think that this is correct.
  3. BASIC EXERCISES. This has already been spoken and discussed. Honestly, I don't even want to talk about it. But every time I come to the gym and see that people train much more on simulators than free weights. Yes, the basic exercises are hard, you don't want to do them. But they are the most effective and that's it ... Squat, be sure to squat! This exercise will stimulate the development of the whole body! Do bench presses while standing. On the horizontal bar, pull up with weight (if you can already pull up 15-20 times with your weight).
  4. SLEEP AND RECOVERY. Do not go to the gym if you feel that you have not recovered. It doesn't make sense. An exhausted body will not respond to another exercise by increasing mass. He will react with a drop in immunity, a viral disease, mental and physical exhaustion. And most importantly, get enough sleep. In our time, this is a real feat. It seems to me now almost no one sleeps as much as necessary. And I have problems with that too. And muscles grow just at night. In the long term, sleep deprivation takes up some of our muscle mass.

Hormonal imbalance

Most people mistakenly believe that hormonal disruptions only lead to extra pounds, but this is not the case. Very often they are also the answer to the question why I cannot get better. The correct functioning of the endocrine glands is responsible for the normal state of the hormonal background in the human body. The most common pathologies affecting low weight:

  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. This condition provokes an excessive release of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which increases the energy requirements of tissues and accelerates metabolism. It is manifested by excessive sweating, an increase in goiter, a rapid heartbeat, sometimes it can throw up a fever.
  • Insufficient secretion of insulin by the pancreas. This phenomenon is known as type 1 diabetes mellitus (not to be confused with type 2 diabetes, which causes overweight). In this state, a person does not assimilate carbohydrates, and therefore does not receive energy. Symptoms are frequent urination, constant thirst, fatigue.
  • Decreased function of the adrenal cortex. It provokes a decrease in the production of hormones and aldosterone. Cortisol is responsible for the amount of energy stored and the rate at which it is expended by the body. It manifests itself as weakness in the muscles, numbness of the arms and legs, decreased sex drive, apathy, and excessive desire for salt.

If you suspect any of the above conditions, seek immediate medical attention. Only a medical examination can clarify the situation. Here, reading blogs and climbing on the Internet is not enough.

Digestive problems are another common cause of weight loss. In addition to the topic at hand, they are also characterized by painful sensations and lack of absorption of nutrients.

Neurological and psychological causes

Many people noticeably lose weight during severe nervous shocks or psychological problems. This is all due to the structure of the brain. The part responsible for feeling hungry is called the hypothalamus. It consists of a ventromedial and lateral parts, and the differences in their activity do not signal a person about the feeling of hunger sometimes throughout the whole day.

Also, decreased appetite and even its complete absence can be triggered by a malfunction in the nervous system, when inhibition processes are suppressed by excitation processes. This can happen due to the stress suffered, constant nervous disturbances or psychological experiences.

Constant overstrain at work, inadequate sleep or negative emotions can permanently discourage the desire to eat. Therefore, rest more often, change the environment and try to improve your psycho-emotional state. Otherwise, in addition to problems with the figure, you can get depression and other serious mental disorders.

Bad habits

Very often they gain weight poorly due to bad habits. If you still smoke and often kiss a glass - rather, give up this bad job.

The main enemy of gaining muscle mass is It not only dulls the feeling of hunger, but also provokes many diseases and hormonal disorders described above.

Getting into the body, nicotine begins its negative effect on all organs and systems, so the body spends all its energy and calories on its destruction and excretion. This leads to the fact that the calories are not absorbed, and the nutrients along with them.

Smoking also speeds up metabolic processes and increases blood glucose levels. The body perceives this as a meal, and therefore many smokers replace breakfast or dinner with a couple of cigarettes. Another effect of nicotine on weight is that it is a kind of drug that can fully satisfy a person's needs and provoke his refusal to eat.

Alcohol abuse has the same effect. adversely affect the functioning of the pancreas, and it ceases to secrete all the enzymes necessary for the digestion of food.

People who drink alcohol often have nausea and vomiting, as well as problems with stool. Also, a study by scientists in the state of Illinois argue that drinking alcohol is perceived by the body as one of the meals.

Excessive consumption of coffee and energy drinks is another bad habit. They greatly speed up metabolism and provoke the removal of water from tissues and cells, and this leads to weight loss.

Many serious diseases can be the cause of excessive thinness, consult your doctor about the presence of pathologies.

So, friends - we've covered the main reasons why it can be difficult to gain weight. I hope this information was useful to you and gives you food for thought as to why you are having a similar problem and what to do to fix it. That's all ... Until next time!

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