What is RAM definition. What does RAM give? Why do you need RAM in your computer? Classification and types of SDRAM in modern computers

Random access memory, along with storage (hard disk) memory, are storage devices and are necessary for storing data. What is RAM for? If the hard disk is used for permanent storage of files: music, movies, images, then RAM is needed for temporary storage of data that is used when the computer is running by the processor. After turning off the computer, all the contents of the RAM are deleted. RAM is a random access memory device, so this type of memory is also denoted.

Types of RAM

The main characteristics that RAM should have are the speed and speed of access to the data it contains. There are two types of memory: SRAM and DRAM.

DRAM is a dynamic type of random access memory. The main advantage is affordability and cost effectiveness. Mostly installed on most personal computers and laptops.

SRAM is a static type of random access memory. Due to the special implementation of the module, it has an increased speed in work, allowing you to operate with a large amount of data. The disadvantages include the high cost of production.

Work organization

How is the work organized, and what is the main memory used for? RAM is a separate module that is integrated into the motherboard by placing it in a special slot. It has a set of registers that contain data and commands addressed to the central processor. Interchange occurs through the zero-level registers or through the cache.

What does RAM do? In fact, it contains the data and commands being processed at the current time, and also stores the variables of the current OS session. The operating system uses memory in its work, which allows it to realize all its functionality. When the computer goes into sleep mode, it stores the current session.

RAM module size

The speed of the computer directly depends on the amount of RAM. The larger the amount of RAM, the faster the programs function: games do not slow down, video is processed faster, it becomes possible to use more programs at the same time. Existing sizes of RAM modules:

  • 128 MB
  • 256 MB
  • 512 MB

At the moment of development of computer hardware and software, the optimal installed RAM size will be from 1 to 2 gigabytes of RAM.

So we figured out why you need RAM. It remains only to provide a list of the most popular designations in computer jargon to be aware of. RAM is also often called by computer scientists such as: RAM, memory, brains.

At the same time, the RAM of a computer for many users is the first concept that comes to mind when it comes to memory in general.

Strictly speaking, there are two types of memory - permanent and temporary. And the temporary memory of the computer is the RAM plus, which we have already talked about in a separate article.

The information that the temporary memory contains, as you might guess, is not permanently saved and after turning off the power of the computer disappears without a trace, if, of course, the user did not manage to save it permanently, that is, on a hard disk or some removable medium. However, temporary memory has one big advantage over permanent memory - it's high performance. In particular, RAM works several hundred thousand (!) Times faster than a hard drive. That is why dynamically changing data and programs are stored in temporary memory, which are launched during a session of the operating system.

Random access memory (also sometimes called RAM, which means "random access memory") is the largest temporary storage of data in a computer. Compared to cache memory, RAM has a much larger volume, but at the same time, and slower performance. However, the speed of RAM, nevertheless, is quite sufficient to carry out the current tasks of application programs and the operating system.

How RAM works

Currently, RAM chips are made on the basis of dynamic memory technology (DRAM, or Dynamic Random Access Memory). Dynamic memory, in contrast to static memory, which is used in cache memory, has a simpler device, and, accordingly, its price per unit of volume is much lower. To store one unit of information (one bit) in DRAM, only one transistor and one capacitor are used.

In addition, a feature of dynamic memory is its constant need for periodic content regeneration. This feature is due to the fact that the capacitors serving the memory cell are discharged very quickly, and therefore, after a certain time, their contents must be read and written again. This operation in modern microcircuits is carried out automatically after a certain period of time, using the controller of the memory microcircuit.

The maximum amount of available RAM that can be installed in the system is determined by the width of the processor address bus. With the advent of 32-bit processors, this was 4 GB. Modern 64-bit processors are capable of supporting 16 TB of RAM. This figure seems absolutely fantastic now, but once the 4 GB figure for RAM seemed absolutely incredible, and today 32-bit systems have already hit this ceiling, limiting their capabilities.

As with a processor, the speed of RAM is largely determined by its clock frequency. The clock speed of modern DDR3 memory chips averages about 1600 MHz.

Physically, RAM is a long and low board, to which memory microcircuits are directly soldered. This board fits into special slots on the motherboard. Currently, the most common form factor memory modules are DIMMs (Dual In-line Memory Module or double-sided memory module).

The history of the development of microcircuits

In the era of the dominance of computers of the XT / AT family, memory chips of the DIP form factor dominated. This memory was a separate microcircuit that had to be inserted horizontally into a special connector on the motherboard. The DIP format RAM, however, had several significant drawbacks. Firstly, the microcircuit did not hold very tightly in its socket, and therefore some of its contacts might not work, which led to memory errors. In addition, such microcircuits had a small capacity and inefficiently used the free space of the motherboard.

The disadvantages of DIP technology prompted designers to develop memory modules of the form factor SIMM (Single-in-line Memory Module). The first SIMMs appeared in AT systems. Unlike DIPs, SIMMs, like modern DIMMs, were long modular boards to which memory chips were attached in one row, and which could be inserted into a special slot on the motherboard in a vertical position.

Over the years, two types of SIMMs were produced - 8-bit SIMMs with 30 contacts and a later version that first appeared in systems based on 486 processors - 32-bit modules with 72-slots.

SIMMs had to be inserted not in any way, but in such a way that the so-called memory banks were filled. The bit width of the memory bank corresponded to the bit width of the processor address bus. To fill the memory bank in computers with a 16-bit bus, the minimum number of SIMMs was two 8-bit modules, and in computers with a 32-bit bus, 4 of them were required.

SIMM modules began to fall out of use already in systems based on the first Pentium. Instead, the designers have developed a DIMM module. As you might guess from the name ("double-sided memory module"), this module has two rows of contacts on both sides, while the SIMM actually had only one row of contacts.

In addition, the DIMM differs in the manufacturing technology of the microcircuits themselves installed on it. Whereas before the advent of DIMMs, chips like EDO or FPM were used, then DIMMs use the newer Synchronous DRAM technology. In addition, DIMMs have a built-in memory parity chip.

The DIMM of the first generation, unlike the SIMM, had 168 pins, as well as a special key in the socket, which excludes incorrect installation of the module.

The second generation DIMM, based on DDR SDRAM technology, had 184 pins. Next generations - modern DDR2 and DDR3 boast 240 pins.

Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM technology

Let's tell a little more about DDR SDRAM memory technology, which became a real technological breakthrough and largely predetermined the further development of RAM technologies.

DDR SDRAM RAM modules were developed in the early 2000s. and worked at a clock frequency of 266 MHz. The first DDR SDRAM modules appeared in systems based on AMD Athlon, and then on Pentium 4. Compared to its predecessors, the DDR SDRAM chip made it possible to double the data read speed at the same clock frequency, that is, the speed of DDR SDRAM at 100 MHz was equivalent to running simple Synchronous DRAM chips at 200 MHz. The doubling of the speed was achieved in DDR SDRAM due to the improvement of the signal transmission method. In the successors of DDR SDRAM technology, DDR2 and DDR3 technologies, the amount of information processed per cycle has increased even more.

Principles of operation of modern memory microcircuits.

Rambus memory

It is also worth telling a little about one interesting RAM technology, which made a lot of noise at one time, but did not become widespread. These are memory modules of the RIMM type (Rambus in-line memory module), which were developed by Rambus together with Intel in the late 90s.

RIMM memory modules are based on Rambus memory technology, which was previously used in some video cards. Before the advent of DIMM and DDR SDRAM, RIMM technology seemed promising and was positioned by Rambus as a replacement for all old memory formats. In particular, the Rambus RIMM memory modules outperformed their competitors several times, offering the user a data transfer rate of 1600 MB / s at a clock speed of 400 MHz.

Nevertheless, memory modules of the RIMM type turned out to be not without several drawbacks. First, the RIMMs were quite large in size. In addition, the RIMMs generated too much heat and needed cooling. And most importantly, RIMM memory was by no means cheap.

Therefore, today RAM, based on memory modules of the RIMM form factor, can be found only in some servers, and not in personal computers.


Random access memory, or random access memory of a personal computer is one of its most important components. The main purpose of RAM is temporary storage of current data. RAM provides the necessary space for application programs and the operating system to run. The speed and performance of the entire computer largely depends on the volume and speed of the RAM modules.

Let's talk about hardware again, namely, the computer's RAM. We will split this article into two parts. In the first, that is, in this article, I will talk about what RAM is, its purpose and other useful information, and the second article will describe how to choose RAM, what criteria to follow, and so on.

Now let's move on to a specific question, namely, what is RAM and what is it for.

Purpose of RAM

Each of us has a computer, and users may often have a question about improving and modernizing this very PC. Everyone has the right to experiment with their electronic device, but within reason, of course. Someone, someone conjures over the processor, well, and we will analyze a cheaper option - RAM, namely an increase in its volume.

Firstly, the choice of RAM is the simplest one, since you do not need to have special knowledge for this, and the installation of a memory module takes place in an instant. Moreover, at present this technical part is quite cheap.

And now we will move on to the definition of RAM, in a different way RAM.

RAM (random access memory)- the structure of temporary storage of data, with the help of which the software operates. It is always a set of chips and modules that connect to the motherboard.

This memory usually acts as a buffer between the drives and the processor, it temporarily stores files and data, and also stores running applications.

By the way, do not confuse RAM with hard disk memory. ROM Is hard disk memory (read-only memory). These are different types of memory.

By its structure, random access memory consists of cells that store data of a certain size, 1 or 4 bits. Also, each cell has its own address, which is divided into horizontal lines and vertical columns.

The cells described above are capacitors that store an electrical charge. There are also special amplifiers that can convert analog signals into digital ones, which then create data.

When transmitting a string address to a microcircuit, a signal called RAS (Row Address Strobe), to transmit the column address, use the signal CAS (Column Address Strobe).

We figured out the complex definitions, now let's move on to the work of RAM.

The operation of RAM is unconditionally connected with the operation of the processor and other external devices of the computer, since it receives data from all these devices. First of all, the data from the hard disk enters the RAM, and then is processed by the processor, such a structure can be seen in the figure below:

The exchange of information between the RAM and the processor itself can occur either directly or with the participation of the cache memory.

Cache memory is also a temporary storage of data and is a local memory area. The use of this memory significantly reduces the time for delivering data to the processor register, and all because the speed of external media is very slow, in contrast to the processor one. Also because of this, which is also important.

But in fact, who or what controls the RAM? RAM is controlled by a controller installed in the motherboard chipset. This part is called " North bridge", Which provides connection of the processor ( Cpu) to various nodes using a graphics controller and RAM. You can see such a scheme below.

I also want to say one important thing. If data is being written to the RAM, in any cell, then the contents that were before the recording will be immediately erased.

An important point in application programs is that they must work under the control of one or another operating system, otherwise it will not be able to allocate the required amount of RAM for this program. There were cases when it was impossible to run on a new operating system, old programs that were intended for old operating systems.

You should be aware that Windows 7, which has 64 bits, supports 192 GB of RAM, while 32-bit Windows 7 only supports 4 GB.

Why do you need RAM?

So, now we know that the so-called cache memory is involved in the data exchange process. At this moment, it is controlled by a controller that analyzes a program and calculates what data is most likely to be needed by the processor, and then loads them into the cache memory from the RAM, then the modified data by the processor, if necessary, is returned back to the RAM.

To begin with, we note that all your information is stored on the hard disk, then when you turn on the PC, various drivers, OS elements, and special programs are written into RAM from this same hard disk. At the end, the programs that we will run are written, and when we close them, they will be erased from RAM.

The information written into the RAM is transferred to the processor, processed by it and written back, and so on every time. But it may happen that the memory cells run out, what to do in this case?

In this case, the so-called. This file is located on the hard disk; information that is not included in the RAM is written there. This is a big plus. The downside is that the hard drive is much inferior to RAM in terms of speed, so slow system performance may occur. The life of the hard drive itself is also shortened.

What is RAM made of?

Now you can consider what the RAM module itself consists of.

Usually, all strips (modules) of RAM consist of the same elements. There are also two types of modules: unilateral and bilateral... And they say that double-sided is much faster. But it so happens that the double-sided bar did not work in full force, since the chips from either side were not involved. And all because, like the motherboard, and the processor must support one or another memory.

Note - if you buy, for example, two RAM modules, then it is better to buy one type.

At the moment, there are several types of memory: DDR, DDR2, DDR3... Also, a new type of memory has been developed - DDR4, which is not yet particularly used. Today, DDR3 is the most popular and used type of memory.

For a laptop, almost the same memory is used, the module of which is slightly smaller. It bears the name SO-DIMM (DDR, DDR2, DDR3).

On this, I think it is worth ending, we learned what RAM is and its purpose, various characteristics and types. You may have any comments on this issue, feel free to ask them below. Any suggestions and criticism are greatly appreciated.

Random access memory can be made in the form of a drive, that is, to store data on it and install programs. This technology is called. If you are interested, you can read about it.

Hello dear readers! Today we will analyze the main characteristics of RAM and its purpose. There will be no exciting stories about how from ancient times the problem of data storage was acute before mankind and a humanoid monkey who climbed off a palm tree carved the first memory bar out of a cobblestone - this will not help in any way when choosing RAM for your computer.

In this article, you will learn:

What is RAM and why is it needed

If we draw an analogy with the work of the human brain, RAM is short-term memory. For example, she remembers the item "Water the ficus on the way from the kitchen to the bedroom" and the like. You can conduct a small experiment: ask a person who is keen on a computer game or composing a story, after 15 minutes, stir the soup. With a high degree of probability, he will forget to do this - the task is simply superseded by new data.

In a computer, RAM is a kind of connecting link between the hard disk and the processor. On a running computer, RAM stores a part of the executable code of programs and OS, as well as all intermediate data. It makes no sense to store all this on HDD and even SSD: the fastest hard drives have a much lower reading speed.

And by the way, this still happens when the RAM is full, when the paging file comes into play, writing to the hard disk everything that does not fit in the RAM. The process can be detected even by eye by its characteristic symptoms - a significant decrease in the speed of the PC.
The processor can exchange data with the RAM both directly and through the hardware cache. Since RAM is volatile, when the power is turned off, the information it contains is erased. Even an insignificant power surge is enough, provoking a reboot of the workstation.

That is why it is recommended to save all changes in the documents with which you are working if you are going to move away from the computer. Well, do not forget to save periodically! In hibernation mode, the computer writes the contents of the RAM to the hard drive.

I almost forgot the main thing: it is a long narrow strip of RAM, in most cases located vertically on the motherboard. Usually this is a green module if the manufacturer did not complete it with an additional cooler or radiator.

So, let's look at the main technical parameters of the RAM, which will help you make the right choice.

Memory types

In general, the topic of types of random access memory deserves a separate publication. I will say this: the standard defines most of the parameters and significantly affects the speed of the computer as a whole.

Those who are interested in delving into such subtleties can read the corresponding one. Here I repeat my recommendation: when buying components, be guided by the DDR4 standard as the most modern - we do not want the new computer to become obsolete in a year, do we?


A parameter that affects the amount of information that one bar can remember. For an office "workhorse" today, 2 GB of RAM is enough.

An exception is the computer of a designer working with Photoshop and similar gluttonous programs. In this case, 4 GB is not always enough. For a home media center, which is used for watching movies, karaoke, listening to music, surfing the Internet and other pleasures, 4 GB is also quite enough.
Gamers have recently (as always) suffered the most: even 8 GB may not be enough to run modern games. If you think about the future, it is better to equip a computer with 16 GB - it is not known what tasty igrodels will "roll out" even next spring.

Far Cry 5, the latest shooter in the iconic series, features an open, seamless world as an example. The transition between locations is invisible, provided that the amount of RAM is sufficient to memorize all immovable objects, as well as the position of the hero, his companions, opponents and equipment.

For musicians, the amount of RAM required depends on other equipment. For a guitarist who outputs the sound of an electric guitar through the Guitar Rig, 4GB is enough. For an electronic engineer using FL Studio and other DAWs (digital sound workstations), especially several at the same time, 8 GB may not be enough.


Roughly speaking, this is the bandwidth of the channels that transfer data to the motherboard and then to the processor or hard drive. The higher the number, the better for performance. However, such a bar will be more expensive.

When selecting components, it is highly desirable that the frequency of the RAM coincides with the frequency of the motherboard.

It makes no sense to buy RAM with a frequency higher than that of the motherboard - it will not be able to work faster than the "base" allows.


What timings are and how they affect the performance of the RAM as a whole, we will analyze in a separate section. For now, it's enough to know: this is a characteristic of data latency when transferring data between different RAM modules. The lower this value, the higher the speed of the RAM.

Working voltage

The minimum voltage sufficient for stable operation of the memory bar with standard timings and frequency settings. Their increase in overclocking requires a corresponding increase in voltage. This, in turn, is accompanied by an increase in the temperature of some blocks of the motherboard and can affect the speed and stability of the system as a whole. What do you think? Overclocking your computer is not just a button to press, but the right buttons in the correct sequence.

Part Manufacturer

As for me, this parameter does not matter at all. However, many will disagree with me, as they trust some manufacturers and completely ignore others. If you are one of these, then I can recommend the following as well-proven manufacturers:

  • Kingston;
  • Transcend;
  • Samsung;
  • Corsair;
  • Hunix.

In general, any bar of the RAM goes through a multi-stage quality control and at the slightest non-compliance with the standards, it simply will not get on the counter.

Naturally, no one is immune from latent defects or part failure for reasons that cannot be rationalized. However, like any electronics.

In conclusion, I want to add that almost all home computers are also used as a game console - the only difference is in the games that are launched and the time spent on them. You can read about the impact of RAM on gaming performance.

Thank you for your attention and see you in the following publications. Thanks to everyone who shares them on social networks. And don't forget to follow the newsletter for updates.

To successfully master a computer, you need to know the basic principles of this technique. What is RAM? This is a temporary computer memory that works when the unit is turned on, it is necessary for the operation of all programs. When you turn on or restart your computer, it is erased, so it is important to save valuable files on time.

What is RAM?

Random access memory is one of the main parts of the computer system, the efficiency of all equipment depends on its volume. This is a shortcut memory that is triggered by a memory device. The access speed is determined by the capabilities of the drive, and the data is stored only until the computer is turned off. Therefore, all materials with which work is carried out must be preserved. Many people ask themselves the question: how much RAM will be sufficient for work? It depends on the system.

It's not about the OS version, but about the bit depth. You can find out what system your computer has by looking at its properties. It is of two types:

  • 32-bit system - no more than 3 GB of RAM;
  • 64-bit system - up to 9 GB of RAM.

What is RAM for?

The speed of the computer is determined by the processor, and the RAM only provides information upon request. As long as the amount of RAM is less than the installed one, the system works powerfully. If the RAM is not enough, the system will use the hard disk, which will affect the speed. What is RAM responsible for? For storing temporary information, it is also called RAM - random access memory. It has its own amount of memory, once it was calculated in megabytes, in today's reality - in gigabytes.

What does RAM affect?

The computer's RAM sets the pace for all systems when applications run. The better the properties and capacity of the RAM, the faster the tasks set by the user are performed. RAM affects:

  • on the speed of the computer;
  • on the uniform efficiency of the system;
  • on the ability of the system to include many capacious resource projects at the same time.

What happens if there is not enough RAM? The amount of RAM is a critical factor; in this case, pages start loading for a long time and folders open. Programs freeze, sometimes a blank page appears after defining a command. A significant feature is the recording frequency, the larger the amount of RAM, the sooner the necessary information will open.

Types of RAM

The types of RAM differ in terms of speed, so when choosing this component, you need to know exactly which one is optimal for the motherboard of your computer. RAM for a computer is determined by 2 parameters:

  1. The size.
  2. Frequency.

Experts distinguish 3 types of RAM:

  • DDR, frequency up to 400 MHz;
  • DDR2, frequency up to 1200 MHz;
  • DDR3. frequency up to 2400 MHz.

The types of RAM are allocated according to their characteristics:

  1. DRAM is dynamic random access memory. Plus - it is inexpensive, there is always a wide sale. Minus - works slowly, but faster than storage memory. Represents RAM modules, they are inserted into the motherboard.
  2. SRAM is static random access memory. Plus - a device with a special configuration - the ability to run several applications at once. Ideal for very fast PCs.

What is the best RAM?

The amount of RAM is determined by the type of PC, which programs will run on it and how much at the same time. Experienced experts recommend products from Kingston, Crucial or Samsung. Considering what it is about RAM and the purpose of RAM and user requirements, it is best to focus on the following parameters:

  • for a universal computer - 8 GB, the optimal solution would be 2 modules of 4 GB each;
  • for a gaming computer - 16 GB, also for 2 modules of 8 GB each;
  • for a laptop - 4 GB.

How do you know how much RAM is on your computer?

You can determine the amount of RAM in the standard way - using Windows. The scheme of actions when checking the RAM is as follows:

  1. Go to the "My Computer" folder.
  2. Open "System Properties", in this folder find the mark "System", in it - "Installed memory".
  3. Press the key combination CTRL + SHIFT + ESC, which will open the "Windows Task Manager". Can be opened via the Start menu.
  4. Find the "Performance" tab at the top of the window, the "Physical memory" window will open in it. It shows how much of the total RAM, how much is free, and how much is used.

Program for checking RAM

The standard PC scanner is often launched automatically, but you can also do it manually. You should strictly adhere to the scheme of actions:

  1. Set "Start".
  2. Insert the query "operative" into the search bar.
  3. Open the appeared item "Diagnostics of computer memory problems".
  4. Run the scan immediately or after the next time the PC is turned on.

There are also special utilities for checking the RAM and a program for cleaning RAM. Masters recommend:

  1. Memtest86 +, looking for PC errors.
  2. FurMark, used to test video adapters.
  3. MemTest 5.0, tests the RAM.
  4. RamSmash, used to improve RAM.

Not enough RAM - what to do?

There are situations when there is not enough RAM, and there is no way to buy additional modules. If a message stating that there is not enough RAM appears in Windows, this informs: the system does not have enough RAM, and it starts using virtual memory. How do I set up RAM? First, make sure that the system is not freezing due to many open windows. How to increase RAM without modules:

  1. Open the settings of the RAM parameters, see if all of them have been assigned the value "auto". If so, some need to be manually rebuilt.
  2. Select the box Memory frequency - this is the frequency at which the PC operates, in it - Manual. Set the operating frequency of the RAM, making it slightly higher than automatic.
  3. You can also add the speed of issuing a read signal by enabling this function in Speculative Leadoff via the Enabled parameter. Turn-Around Insertion ..

What does RAM occupy?

There are several programs that eat up the largest amount of RAM. To reduce the consumption of RAM, it is worth abandoning some of them or replacing them with less capacious ones. In this list:

  1. Antiviruses of any version.
  2. Graphic editor.
  3. Video editing.

How do I clear RAM?

A proven way to free up RAM is to clean up unnecessary files and programs. The easiest way:

  1. Restart the computer, this removes excess from the temporary memory if the PC suddenly starts to freeze.
  2. Disable programs that no one uses at this stage of work through the "Task Manager". Scheme of actions:
    • by pressing Alt + Ctrl + Del, open the "Task Manager"; open the "Applications" tab;
    • in it - find software, opposite which there will be an inscription "Does not answer";
    • highlighting the line, click "End application".
  3. Disable programs that start automatically with Windows. Step-by-step instruction:
  • click "Start", click on "All Programs".
  • delete all shortcuts in this folder.

How to overclock RAM?

Another way to change the amount of RAM is to overclock it. What is RAM when overclocking and how to do it? We are talking about the hardware components of the PC, such optimization of RAM has become a kind of hobby in the modern world. There are several overclocking options:

  1. By increasing the clock frequency of the RAM modules.
  2. By changing the "timings".
  3. Through changing values ​​that affect the voltage in the microcircuit.

The most common method is through the clock frequency settings, the scheme of actions:

  1. Restart your computer. Press the key to call the settings menu, as a rule, these are F10, F12, F11, F8, Delete, Escape.
  2. Find the "DRAM Configuration" option, it is located in the "Advanced Chipset Features" section.
  3. Open the "DRAM Frequency" window, change the values ​​by a few units less.
  4. Open the "Memory Frequency" menu and set the frequency slightly higher than the one that is.
  5. Save changes and restart your PC.

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