To remove or treat a tooth: what does it depend on. Is it necessary to remove wisdom teeth or is it better to try to treat them? When you can't do without deleting

Our expert - dentist Marina Kolesnichenko.

Hit the copper

A common situation: one root remained from a broken tooth, and the X-ray also showed inflammation around it. Most doctors pass a verdict - removal. But still the “doomed” can be saved.

For this, a method such as depophoresis should be applied. Its essence is the saturation of the tooth root with copper ions (this metal has been known since ancient times for its unique bactericidal properties). The technology is based on the well-known electro- and iontophoresis. With a weak discharge electric current through a special apparatus, the smallest copper ions penetrate into narrow channels, where the dentist's instruments will never be able to get. Copper particles tightly "stuff" the canals, simultaneously killing all microbes, which will be ordered to enter these winding passages in the future, since depophoresis creates a reliable depot of medicinal substances in the canals of the tooth for many years to come. After treatment with the depophoresis method, the root becomes sterile, and, by the way, therefore, it can serve as a more reliable and full-fledged support for crowns and other prosthetic structures. The depophoresis method can also be used for filling complex, difficult-to-pass or overly branched canals, curved roots.

Not a soap bubble

Dental diseases such as cysts and granulomas (this is the same cyst, but smaller than a tooth) also cause great problems for patients. A cyst is a tumor-like formation around the root of a tooth. In addition to the fact that the cyst causes unpleasant symptoms, it is also harmful because it dissolves the bone tissue of the jaw. From Greek the word "cyst" is translated as "bubble". This hollow formation can appear as a result of a tooth injury or infection, which can be caused by poor-quality filling, chronic periodontitis. Cysts and granulomas are not only dangerous for the teeth. First of all, it is a potential focus of infection, which can cause toxic allergic processes or neurological disorders. The consequence of cysts and granulomas can be such serious diseases as peri-, myo- and endocarditis, glomerulonephritis, rheumatism of the joints, heart and other dangerous disorders. Usually, the cyst and granuloma of the patient does not bother and are detected only during an x-ray.

But sometimes under the influence of hypothermia, stress, infectious disease or for some other reason, severe pain occurs in the problem area. Weakness appears, the temperature rises, the lymph nodes in the neck swell, headaches develop, the gums swell and ache, and a flux grows on the cheek. The patient rushes to the doctor, and he often offers the simplest solution - tooth extraction.

Optimal solution

But not all people know that neither a cyst nor a granuloma has long been an indication for removal.

Of the surgical methods for treating cysts and granulomas, the most common is cyst-ectomy: an operation during which a cyst is removed and the damaged part of the tooth root is cut off. Then the surgeon cleans out the bone and fills the cavity with special drugs that promote the growth of new bone tissue, and after three months there will be no trace of the disease on the X-ray. True, the operation is complex, so it is very difficult to carry out it on the molars.

Hemisection is a less gentle option for removing the cyst. It is carried out when it is not possible to preserve one of the roots of the tooth. The doctor surgically removes the cyst by completely removing the root and part of the tooth above it. The resulting defect is corrected with a crown. Such an operation is indicated if one of the roots is still healthy, and the other can no longer be preserved.

But if the cyst is small and the patient does not want to be operated on, depophoresis technology can be used. When removing a cyst, this method is effective in 95% of cases, a particularly high result is achieved when treating granulomas. To achieve a positive effect, it is necessary to carry out three procedures.

Another therapeutic technique for dental cysts is transcanal laser dialysis: when a laser light guide is inserted into the cyst area directly through the tooth canal. Under the influence of a light beam, the cyst evaporates. In this case, not only the cyst disappears, but the root is also sterilized, which means that the cause of the disease is eliminated.

To remove a wisdom tooth or to treat is an eternal dilemma of doctors and patients. The wisdom tooth has its pluses and minuses, which we will try to talk about in this article. Do not rush to remove immediately, because this is not always the only way out in order to relieve pain from a wisdom tooth.

Wisdom tooth treatment

To understand what to do if a wisdom tooth hurts, you definitely need to understand the causes of the pain. Typically, treatment for a wisdom tooth is the same as for other teeth. All the difficulties that may entail the removal of a wisdom tooth are associated with the unusual structure and inconvenient location. Caries, pulpitis or periodontitis should be treated according to the standard regimen. But if a wisdom tooth is located in a hard-to-reach place and the doctor is unable to carry out the full amount of treatment, such a tooth needs to be removed.

Removal of a wisdom tooth: contraindications

There are a number of reasons why it is not worth removing a wisdom tooth.

The most common reason why it is necessary to preserve a wisdom tooth is the absence of the seventh and sixth teeth, as well as those closest to it. In this case, the eighth teeth allow for orthopedic treatment with bridges.

If there is a tooth on the opposite jaw that closes with the opposed ones, such a tooth also cannot be removed, as this can lead to the protrusion of the other tooth. This happens due to the disappearance of the resistance and load of the teeth after extraction.

In general, we can say that if the removal of a wisdom tooth leads to deformation of the dentition, this operation is contraindicated.

Despite the presence of contraindications, there are even more reasons why pulling out a wisdom tooth is the only correct decision.

When is it necessary to remove a wisdom tooth?

If a wisdom tooth grows incorrectly relative to the dentition, then it is recommended to remove it even at the eruption stage.

If the grown wisdom tooth rests on the cheek, thus causing discomfort to the patient, then such a tooth must also be removed. Constant trauma to the buccal mucosa can lead to the development of oncology. Also, a wisdom tooth must be removed if there is not enough space for its normal growth. This can cause crowding of the teeth.

Another indication for the removal of a wisdom tooth is recurrent pericoronitis.

In case of difficulty in treating wisdom teeth, the doctor often suggests removing the wisdom tooth, otherwise the lack of treatment can lead to tooth decay and the ensuing consequences.

After removal, the doctor leaves a gauze swab with medicine in the well, which must be removed after ten minutes. Leaving it for longer periods can make it difficult for a blood clot to form and infect tissues.

Exercise, baths and saunas, and alcohol consumption should be postponed until another day. This is not permissible on the first day after the operation. If the doctor has stitched your gums, do not open your mouth wide on the first day after tooth extraction.

Do not rinse your mouth - this causes the blood clots that form the gum tissue to flush out of the hole.

On the first day after surgery, do not eat food that can irritate the oral cavity or clog the socket of the extracted tooth.

If the socket of the extracted tooth bothers you, contact a doctor, and do not try to check for yourself whether everything is in place. The doctor himself will check if there is any medicine left there. Usually it is not removed, but resolves itself.

After all, only the doctor will say how to treat a wisdom tooth. It is definitely not worth solving this issue on your own, since a person who does not have certain knowledge in dentistry will not be able to make the right decision. Having applied to the clinic, a specialist will examine your tooth, take an X-ray and suggest the most effective method treatment. Modern dentistry is primarily aimed at preserving the teeth of patients, but if this is impossible for certain reasons, then the removal will be carried out as carefully as possible and in compliance with the doctor's recommendations, unpleasant consequences will be minimized or eliminated altogether.

orthodontist, clinical director of Star Smile

Do we need wisdom teeth?

I use the only compound word. In biology, there is such a concept RUDIMENT- a part of the human body that has lost its function in the process of evolution. The most famous rudiment is the appendix or appendix. So - a large number of doctors and people believe that there is nothing superfluous in the body and wisdom teeth can serve a person at an older age, when the loss of basic teeth occurs and the doctor can use eights to install, for example, a bridge.

Unfortunately, in most cases this is impossible and even wrong!

Most people simply do not have a place for eighth teeth in the jaw and mother nature in every possible way over them (and, of course, over us by doctors) to start scoffing: painful teething, irregular shape, the wrong size of the tooth itself, a poorly developed root system - all of the above leaves no chance for the correct use of "eights".

How wisdom teeth are formed

Unlike the rest of the teeth, the rudiments of wisdom teeth are not formed in the process of intrauterine development, but at 3 - 5 years old, when the child's body prepares to replace milk teeth with a permanent dentition. At this age, you can determine the number of future eights (and there can actually be from one to four). But at this age, it is not yet possible to detect any possible developmental pathologies.

It becomes more or less clear a little later, the coronal part of the wisdom teeth begins to form. The process of formation starts in a child at about 12 years old, but the development of the root part of the figure eight takes several more years and can continue even after the eruption of a tooth. Considering that the most common age for the appearance of wisdom teeth is 18 - 25 years, the eruption of eights occurs already in quite adulthood. No wonder I said earlier the phrase "really from one to four", since about 10 - 15% of the eight are absent in principle. That is why it is normal to consider the number of teeth in an adult from 28 to 32. These are wisdom teeth, right? How unwise they act with us and make puzzles!

Teethingwisdom - a continuous "headache"

The "born" wisdom tooth in the oral cavity is always painful. The main reasons for the pain effect are thick walls of the dental sac, thickened mucous membrane and reduced growth factors. In addition to the painfulness of the process itself, the eruption of eruptions can cause many other complications. Which ones? Let's talk about this in a little more detail.

The wisdom tooth sometimes does not erupt completely, constraining the surrounding teeth. This situation usually entails local inflammation and pain.

The time during which a wisdom tooth is being cut can be quite long, and the inflammation can constantly bother you, manifesting itself with an increased temperature of the whole body and sensitive pains, which sometimes make it difficult even to just open your mouth! This condition is fraught with inflammation of the tissues surrounding the problem tooth, right down to the bone, and therefore requires the immediate intervention of a qualified dentist.

The first problem of teething eights is caries

Often at a time when a wisdom tooth is growing, its effective cleaning is difficult (due to the location of the wisdom teeth in the depth of the jaw). This is how caries occurs. Incorrect positioning when erupting a wisdom tooth also increases the risk of caries formation on the adjacent tooth due to difficult access to the spaces between these teeth. If symptoms of caries appear, you should consult a dentist and carry out appropriate treatment. Very often, in this case, it is recommended to remove a wisdom tooth, especially if all other teeth are developed normally.

In practice, it happens that a wisdom tooth erupts already ... sick, that is, it becomes infected with caries while still in the gum. In such cases, the figure eight should be removed immediately so that the diseased wisdom tooth does not negatively affect the rest of the teeth.

The second problem is a cyst

In rare cases, a cyst and a tumor may develop in the tissues surrounding the erupting wisdom tooth, which requires immediate surgical intervention by a dental surgeon.

The third problem is malocclusion

In the case of an incorrect position of a wisdom tooth during eruption, there is a high probability that such a tooth will significantly affect the position of the rest of the teeth, which causes a change in bite. And the emergence of aesthetic problems - the teeth begin to stand crookedly in the mouth. And this entails orthodontic treatment, bringing the dentition in order.

The fourth problem is language dysfunction

Apart from aesthetic problems, it can also cause functional problems. For example, in the event of a displacement of the wisdom tooth towards the vestibule of the oral cavity, serious injury to the mucous membrane of the cheeks, lips or tongue can occur, causing the appearance of erosions and ulcers.

The fifth problem - the wisdom tooth wanted, but could not erupt

Rarely, but there is a situation when, with a lack of space in the dentition or in the case of an incorrect inclination of the wisdom tooth itself, an anomaly develops, called a "submerged wisdom tooth". Such "sunken" teeth are usually removed.

It is possible that the wisdom tooth does not cut through generally. Despite its absence, such a tooth is dangerous for its complications. It can damage the roots of adjacent teeth or cause neuralgic pain. In this case, it is necessary to contact the surgeon and, most likely, the figure eight will have to be removed.

Sixth problem - pericoronitis

At the time of the eruption of the lower (!) Wisdom teeth, when only a part of the tooth has appeared, acute inflammation and even the accumulation of pus in the resulting hood between the gum and the tooth may occur. This causes a serious illness such as pericoronitis (pericoronitis).

The main symptoms of the inflammatory process in pericoronitis are pain and swelling of the gums surrounding the wisdom tooth, bad smell from the mouth and an unpleasant aftertaste.

In the event of the appearance of the listed symptoms during the eruption of a wisdom tooth, you need to urgently consult a dentist.

The seventh problem of wisdom teeth is periodontitis

When the figure eight erupts smoothly enough, due to its inconvenient position during brushing, the wisdom tooth does not properly cleanse plaque. Removing tartar and plaque on this tooth is also problematic in dentistry. Because of this, bacteria begin to accumulate around the wisdom tooth, causing inflammation of the gums - periodontitis, which can then turn into osteoperiostitis. In this case, the tooth must be removed.

Total - seven problems of wisdom teeth. What conclusions do we draw?

Dentists have a saying that if the patient did not notice how his wisdom teeth erupted, then he was very lucky. In many ways, this statement is true, since, according to statistics, for most of us, the emergence of "eights" does not pass without complications.

Treat or remove eights?

Now for orthodontic treatment and wisdom teeth. Believe me, it is very unpleasant for us doctors, as well as for patients, to make radical decisions. But there are good reasons! These are your stories. Patient stories who underwent treatment with braces in adolescence achieved excellent results and….

All the beauty of straight teeth, especially the lower incisors (they have just begun to enjoy a beautiful smile) - it disappears at 20 and later years. It is when most of us have these “eights” in full. Two, three and even four years of medical “torment” to correct crooked teeth, their transformation into a beautiful / sweet / masculine smile, as they say, down the drain ... Yes, yes - the only option to become the owner of beautiful teeth again is repeated orthodontic treatment. Whether these are aligners or braces again, it doesn't matter, what matters is that there is a good saying: forewarned - forearmed! No one is immune from mistakes and recurrence.

Our body is beautiful and magical in that it almost always adapts and compensates for almost any pathology. Therefore, the "eights" with difficulty, but cut through and after themselves deform very important teeth in front!

So what do we do with eights?

The moral of this fable is as follows - trust qualified and educated doctors, and not kind and humane "neighbor" advice. Be wise. Especially at such crucial moments in life, when wisdom teeth make themselves felt. And in general, I wonder who was the first to call them "wisdom teeth"?

Moreover, an interesting point from medical practice: if you (what if?) Decide to remove the eights, it is not a fact that they will be removed to you. The reason is trivial - the removal of wisdom teeth should be carried out exactly according to the indications. A normal doctor will never remove a healthy tooth just because you want to.

You have decided to have your wisdom teeth removed. How traumatic is it?

If a wisdom tooth has grown normally, its roots are not intertwined, removal usually takes place without any complications. The edges of the tooth socket are often not even sutured after extraction.

What is most important after removing the figure eight is to allow the hole of the newly removed wisdom tooth to heal. A fairly large wound.

What is absolutely impossible to do? You cannot rinse vigorously, even with seemingly useful solutions such as chamomile or calendula.

What to do. To get rid of food debris, you need to carefully fill your mouth with water and do short baths in the oral cavity without intensive rinsing. Instead of water, you can use a solution of chlorhexidine, miramistin or analogs specially sold in pharmacies - they disinfect the oral cavity. And so - for at least three days. If this recommendation is neglected, the hole may become inflamed. Then the dentist prescribes treatment with drugs, up to antibiotics.

But what if the roots of the insidious wisdom tooth are intertwined or fused?

Alas, in this case, complications are not excluded - soft tissues can be damaged. If an inflamed tooth is removed, in rare cases the neurovascular bundle (!) Of the lower jaw is injured. In this case, separate treatment may be required.

When is it advisable not to remove wisdom teeth?

There are situations when the "seventh" or "sixth" chewing teeth must be removed. And in this situation, a wisdom tooth that has grown correctly can still come in handy. It will become one of two supports for the future bridge. However, in this case, the healthy sixth (or fifth) tooth will suffer, because it will have to be processed under the abutment crown.

A little now about the sad... It will take 10-15 years, the bridge will "fulfill" the set operating time. And sometimes it will not be possible to insert an implant - the jawbone, which has atrophied under the bridge, will not allow: in the absence of teeth, any person develops adentia of bone tissue. So, on the horizon of life there are removable dentures of the jaws and newfangled gels that make them easier to wear.

Now a little about the positive... In such situations, it is possible to initially consider carrying out dental implantation in specialized medical centers, where they will help restore bone volume and take control of the situation with the teeth.

What do we do after removing eights?

We estimate the possible damage that the eights could have caused to the adjacent teeth. If the adjacent teeth are deformed, then the spread of pathology according to the domino principle is possible, and here it is already necessary to carry out systemic orthodontic treatment aimed at correcting the disturbed bite.

Today, aligners are the most gentle and aesthetic type of tooth correction. The site contains a lot of information on aligners, but I want to say about one indisputable advantage, namely, the patient can see the result of his treatment on aligners without even starting it! How so, you ask? The answer is simple - all future treatment of a patient is calculated using modern computer technology. The example below shows a real clinical case, a patient with crowding of the teeth, caused precisely by the pathological effect of "eights" on the adjacent teeth.

See how wisdom teeth led to crowding

And how crowded teeth are eliminated by Star Smile aligners

The video shows how a 3D setup is done. I am commenting on the video, orthodontist Alexander Spesivtsev, clinical director of Star Smile, a doctor with many years of experience in the successful use of aligners in orthodontic practice. To restore an even dentition, the wisdom teeth themselves - the eights - had to be removed.

In the Star Smile company - more precisely in the clinics of its partners (and this is more than 70 cities in Russia) any treatmentstarts with diagnostics and drawing up a virtual setup. The doctor takes photographs of the patient's face, dentition, as well as X-rays and dental impressions. With the help of special software, the obtained data is processed and a three-dimensional model of the patient's dentition is obtained. And this already allows you to calculate the trajectory of movement of the teeth, the duration of treatment, the required number of sets of mouth guards. Also, the final result of the treatment will be visualized - the patient will be able to evaluate the aesthetics of the smile after the treatment. Patients really like this approach - to see their future smile, their straight teeth. The prognosis of a 3D setup when straightening teeth with aligners comes true in almost 100% of cases. See, this is not at all like “blind” bite correction, as is usually the case with braces. Everything is clear here, without any guesses and assumptions.

Gevorkyan Oscar Vladimirovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Maxillofacial Surgeon, TsNIIS, Scientific Consultant Star Smile

" If you are faced with questions :
  • to remove or not to remove wisdom teeth?
  • how dangerous is it to remove wisdom teeth?
  • when do wisdom teeth interfere with orthodontic treatment?
  • and most importantly - can you avoid the deletion of "eights"?
feel free to contact the doctors of the Star Smile company, they will help you understand this sometimes difficult, but very important life problem for many. Do not delay with the decision to avoid possible complications in the future "

Since the Star Smile company is represented in all federal districts, large and medium-sized cities of Russia and interacts with many clinics and orthodontists, we offer you the opportunity to undergo a free consultation with high-class orthodontists in your city, where you can discuss the problem of wisdom teeth and determine the optimal solution for you. To do this, you need to fill out the following form, a medical specialist from Star Smile will contact you and help you by making an appointment for a consultation at a convenient time or providing the doctor's contacts.

Do not postpone the problem of wisdom teeth "for later"!

You can get a high-quality consultation on wisdom teeth in your city

A competent specialist doctor will conduct the necessary studies of growing or erupting wisdom teeth and answer your main question - "Is it better to remove the eights after all, or can they be preserved without harm to the health of your teeth?"

The wisdom tooth is a large multi-rooted tooth, which is located in the eighth row in the dentition. In another way, it is also called the "eight" or "third molar", it consists of the same tissues as the rest of the teeth, but begins to form at a later time. Having some anatomical features, wisdom teeth can cause a lot of trouble to their owner.

How are wisdom teeth different from the rest?

“Third molars” are the last to erupt, after about 18 years of age, and sometimes even later. This is due to the fact that, unlike other teeth, their formation does not occur during prenatal development (intrauterine development of the fetus), but significantly at a later age, after about 4 years. In some people, wisdom teeth can begin to erupt at the age of 30-40, which is also not a deviation from the norm, but this process can be more complicated, because there is not always enough space in the dentition for it.

We owe the presence of "eights" to our distant ancestors, who had to eat very hard food. At that time, they, along with other molars, took part in chewing. But today, culinary processed food has become much softer. And therefore, "third molars" are not as relevant for us as for our ancestors. If, as a result of a dental examination, it turns out that you have 28 teeth, this is considered normal. Approximately 10-15% of people have no G8s at all or are located in the thickness of the dental tissue.

Why does teething feel unpleasant?

There are very few people who have not noticed the appearance of a "third molar". Almost everyone feels discomfort, since wisdom teeth lack "milk predecessors".

This is also due to the fact that in the process of anthropogenesis, human jaws have decreased and there is not always enough space for the "eight" now. And then the molar begins to erupt in the direction of the cheek, tongue, or tries to displace the seventh tooth. Which is accompanied by certain symptoms.

In 50% of cases, discomfort manifests itself:

  • an increase in temperature;
  • pain in the gums and jaw of an acute nature;
  • discharge of pus and blood from the gums, swelling of the cheek;
  • permanent injury to the tongue and cheek.

These symptoms indicate that the "eight" erupts with violations. In this case, you should immediately contact your dentist. It is likely that the tooth that appears will have to be removed.

When can you not do without deleting?

There are 3 types of pathology, when removal is indicated:

  1. Dystopia is a disorder in which the third molar is in the wrong position in relation to the entire dentition. Such eights often harm other teeth, so it is recommended to remove them.
  2. Retention - full or partial hiding of the figure eight in the jaw tissues. The danger is that in the course of further eruption, due to the formation of a large number of bacteria, an inflammatory process (pericoronoritis) can develop.
  3. Mixed pathology, when dystopia is combined with retention. These are the most difficult cases in which the lack of treatment leads to the formation of abscesses, osteomyelitis, phlegmon. The testimony of an orthodontist and orthopedist when teething is difficult or bite correction is required, and a new tooth interferes with the process.

It is important to understand that the decision to remove or not to remove a wisdom tooth can only be made by a specialist after conducting a comprehensive examination of the patient. If the dentist has identified indications for removal, then only a professional surgeon should be trusted, since the growth of wisdom teeth does not always proceed smoothly and its roots are not intertwined. The complexity of the process is determined by the shape and size of the tooth, the presence of interlacing and root splicing. And the experience and professionalism of the doctor plays a decisive role.

However, you should be aware that often the "eights" do not cut through completely and a hood of gum tissue remains above them. Due to its location, it is impossible to clean the tooth well, and bacteria begin to multiply very quickly under the hood. The result is tooth decay.

A feature of caries of the "third molar" is its long-term asymptomatic course. And with a rare visit by a patient to a dental clinic, pathology can be detected even when deep caries or pulpitis has developed.

If urgent measures are not taken, an inflammatory process will begin to develop, which over time can continue to develop on the jaw bone and around the adjacent molar.

Another common complication is the appearance of a cyst. If the cyst is allowed to grow uncontrollably, serious problems can arise later in the removal of the figure-of-eight. Therefore, if any pathology is detected, most experts immediately recommend removing a wisdom tooth, and not engaging in often useless treatment.

Removal of the "eight" affected by caries is necessary if:

  • it is badly destroyed and it is impossible to carry out high-quality treatment due to its remote location;
  • there is a risk of developing secondary caries;
  • the molar has severely curved canals, which complicates endodontic treatment;
  • there is an uneven development of the chewing load due to the absence of an antagonist tooth.

On the expediency of preserving the G8

Thanks to the availability of modern medicine, we have learned to maintain the dentition in a normal condition until the most mature age. For most people, dental care has become a traditional and immutable ritual, and a visit to the dentist brings much less. unpleasant sensations than 15-30 years ago. But there is one problem that almost everyone will face. And, most likely, he will receive more questions than answers. Wisdom teeth, or "eights". What to do with them after they cut through?

How many lives wisdom tooth?

Most often, these teeth begin to erupt when the dentition is fully formed and all the places on the jaw are occupied. Their appearance causes significant discomfort, and sometimes very severe pain... The entire dentition has to literally rebuild and move so that a new tooth can fit on the gum.

The problem is also that often teeth from the last four appear already unhealthy. It is inconvenient to clean them, because the brush simply does not reach all their surfaces and cannot remove the accumulated plaque. It is also very difficult to treat because of the specific location.

For this reason, the last teeth have an extremely short life on average. They are most often removed at the first situation when wisdom tooth hurts... Usually caries does not keep itself waiting long. And only sometimes "eights" serve until old age. With all the striving for maximum tooth-preserving technologies, modern dentists quite often advise removing these teeth. Is this reasonable, or are doctors just too lazy to treat them in hard-to-reach places?

Is preventive removal warranted?

In the human body there are organs, the functions of which have been erased as a result of evolution. For example, this is considered the appendix (although scientists still have not clarified its purpose), the ear muscles and the tailbone (the former caudal vertebrae). Wisdom teeth are the same rudimentary organ. Previously, they were used to gnaw on solid food. After humanity switched to soft food prepared in kitchens, they were no longer needed.

Many owners of "happy" teeth are ready to remove them immediately after eruption, especially if it was problematic. Anatomically next to these teeth are vital nerves, lymph nodes, blood vessels. Inflammation in this place can quickly go deep and become dangerous not only for health, but also for life. Therefore, some surgeons adhere to the prophylactic removal theory. If the patient is not ready to run to a specialist at the first pain or cannot do it due to the remoteness of the clinic, then it makes sense to remove these teeth.

Sometimes "eights" are removed for cosmetic reasons, when the narrow jaw does not fit all the teeth, and the dentition begins to bend. In this case, the decision must be deliberate and thoughtful. If a patient has all his teeth in good condition, and aesthetics is really important, then sometimes it really makes sense to donate something. But it is often possible to do without it.

Is it worth treat wisdom teeth?

It is better to discuss plans for wisdom teeth with a competent dentist, and preferably not with one. After all, these teeth may be needed in the future. It happens that they turn out to be more tenacious than all the others located nearby. And bridges are attached to them, which no longer have anything to fix.

Often problems are caused by the "hood" of one of the last teeth (the gum hanging over it). Food debris can accumulate underneath and bacteria can grow, causing inflammation. If the whole tooth is not damaged, then excising the hood would be a justified and less traumatic option.

With a good location, condition, sufficient experience and the desire of a doctor, the G8 can be successfully treated. But you need not to start their condition and visit a specialist on time. After all, if complications arise in the form of pulpitis or periodontitis, the tooth will almost certainly have to be removed. Extraction of the nerve and treatment of canals in these places is most often impossible due to the frequent curvature of the roots.

Most likely, it will not be possible to heal a tooth if it hurts and is completely or partially in the gum, grows sideways, in the gum tissue, is strongly deviated to the side (especially if it touches adjacent roots). In these cases, it is even better to get rid of it prophylactically. Extraction of a wisdom tooth is beyond doubt if:

  1. it is impossible to approach him with a tool;
  2. there was facial neuralgia;
  3. there are manifestations of pulpitis or periodontitis (although there are exceptions);
  4. a cyst has formed in the gum;
  5. the roots have grown into the maxillary sinus.

Doctors still have no consensus about the G8. Each situation must be considered individually, taking into account general condition health and teeth of the patient, his lifestyle and other subtleties.

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