Vitaly Milonov - Russian politician, deputy: biography. Vitaly milonov - biography, information, personal life How to write a letter to the deputy vitaly valentinovich milonov

Member of the faction of the political party "United Russia".

Member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs.

Vitaly Milonov was born on January 23, 1974 in the city of St. Petersburg. His parents: naval officer Valentin Nikolaevich and primary school teacher Tatyana Evgenievna, who doted on their son, since he was late, unique and very desirable. Vitaly, spoiled by the attention of his parents in childhood, was a naughty boy who preferred a courtyard company to teaching at school, therefore he did not have high academic performance and was a “C grade student.

After graduating from school, Milonov wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and intended to enter the Military Engineering Technical School. His plans to become a military man were unsuccessful - Vitaly was not taken to an educational institution for health reasons. After that, the young man entered the Leningrad State University at the Faculty of Philology. But this attempt to get higher education also turned out to be a failure, as he was expelled from the university due to poor academic performance.

Only in 2005, Milonov graduated from the North-West Institute of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation, where he studied at the Faculty of State Municipal Administration. Later he became a student of the correspondence faculty of the Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities.

Vitaly Milonov's political career began in the early 90s. Then he joined the Free Democratic Party of Russia, which at that time was co-chaired by the well-known Russian oppositionists Lev Ponomarev and Marina Salie. At the same moment, to the surprise of his family, in which the spirit of atheism reigned, the aspiring politician showed an interest in religion and began to attend meetings of the Evangelical Church.

Soon his activities were noticed by the deputy of the State Duma Vitaly Savitsky, who in 1994 made Milonov his assistant, thereby giving him a "ticket" into the world of politics. In the same period, Vitaly Valentinovich created the Young Christian Democrats movement, at the head of which he showed remarkable activity and loudly declared himself in the political world. A few years later, he was noticed by the leader of the democratic movement in St. Petersburg, State Duma deputy and well-known human rights activist Galina Starovoitova, who took Milonov into her team and became his so-called "godmother" in his political career.

In 1998, at the suggestion of Starovoitova, Vitaly Valentinovich submitted his candidacy for the elections to the St. Petersburg parliament, but literally a few days before the vote, he refused to fight for the deputy mandate in favor of Vadim Tyulpanov from the Unity party, who was the main rival of the Democratic Party. Colleagues regarded this act of Milonov as a betrayal, but this did not change the opinion of the novice politician, who, having surrendered the vacant post to his main rival Tyulpanov, became his assistant and in 2004 began moving up the career ladder in the ranks of the United Russia party.

In 2007, Vitaly Valentinovich was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the fourth convocation. He held the post of chairman of the standing commission on the structure of state power, local self-government and administrative-territorial structure, was a member of the budgetary and financial committee.

In 2009, the politician headed the standing committee on legislation and at the same time became a member of the parish council of the Orthodox Church of St. Peter the Metropolitan of Moscow, regularly participates in divine services. In 2011 he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the fifth convocation. For his activities he was awarded the Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, the medal "For strengthening the military community," the medal of St. Peter the II degree.

In the elections on September 18, 2016, Vitaly Valentinovich Milonov was elected a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation from electoral district 0218, Yuzhny - the city of St. Petersburg. Member of the United Russia faction. Member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs. The start date of powers is September 18, 2016.

The deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Vitaly Milonov wants to check if the fingerprint scanner on the new iPhone 5s transmits the collected data to the American special services. We remembered what other objects or phenomena aroused suspicion in Milonov

Moscow. 23 September. website - Vitaly Milonov, Chairman of the Legislation Committee of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, to check the principle of the fingerprint scanner on the new iPhone. He fears 5s fingerprints will end up in the US intelligence database.

This is far from the first loud statement by Vitaly Milonov, who is best known as the author of the law on the promotion of homosexuality among minors.

We offer a selection of the 10 most famous confrontations of Vitaly Milonov.

1. Milonov against Madonna

The concert of the American singer Madonna caused dissatisfaction with Milonov as one of the authors of the law on the promotion of homosexuality among minors. During the performance, the singer urged gays not to be afraid, showed a poster with rainbow colors and showed her buttocks. The deputy himself did not contact the police - this was done by the parents of the children who attended the Madonna's concert. As a result, the claim was dismissed.

2. Milonov vs. Lady Gaga

In December 2012, the American singer Lady Gaga, known not only as a singer, but also as an ardent fighter against homophobia, performed in St. Petersburg. Her concert was marked 12+, but according to the laws existing in Russia, only police officers can check documents. Nevertheless, according to Milonov's information, young children were also present at the concert. And the singer herself, according to the deputy, "urged to fight for equality and freedom, as well as to treat any minorities with respect and remain oneself, regardless of sexual identity, thereby promoting entry into the LGBT community." The prosecutor's office was unable to carry out an examination of the concert, so an electronic recording medium is needed for verification, but that does not exist. Numerous videos of the concert on YouTube are not suitable for forensics.

3. Milonov against soda

In the summer of 2013, Vitaly Milonov came up with an initiative to ban the import, production and sale of food, "in which the content of trans fatty acids with their mass fraction in the product exceeds 2%." Products of fast food restaurants would be in this category first of all.

In addition, he noted the danger of non-alcoholic and low-alcohol carbonated drinks. They contain sugar, its substitutes and flavoring substances, which Milonov classified as harmful products. The MP suggested indicating on the bottles with these drinks that the contents may be hazardous to human health.

4. Milonov against filming in the subway

The deputy was one of the initiators of the ban on video and photography in the St. Petersburg metro. In his opinion, the subway is a civil defense facility and requires increased safety standards. This idea did not find understanding among the Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko, who demanded that this rule be canceled.

5. Milonov against migrants

Deputy Milonov and his colleagues have proposed to toughen penalties for companies that employ illegal migrants. For example, to prevent them from public procurement and to increase income tax.

And in order to more effectively monitor the observance of law and order by visitors, Vitaly Milonov suggested organizing migration patrols in St. Petersburg.

6. Milonov is against abortion

In 2012, Milonov proposed equalizing the rights of the embryo and the human and prohibiting abortion. “We must make it clear that the concept of“ embryo ”cannot be used. It has legal capacity, which is the basis of the rule of law. People are not always healthy, cheerful, sports gymnasts. Some do not breathe, are in a coma, etc. But they are also people ! Why then do we talk about abortions as a kind of cosmetic operation? The child has not done anything yet, but he is already being killed, "the deputy said.

The Petersburg parliament rejected these amendments.

7. Milonov vs. MTV

When the MTV Russia television channel still existed, Deputy Milonov did not like it very much. "I believe that there should not be such a channel, they have crossed all the boundaries of what is permitted," the deputy said. In his opinion, most of the programs broadcast on MTV are characterized by vulgarity and baseness, which negatively affects viewers. At the same time, Milonov himself used to watch this channel with pleasure: "There was great music, funny cartoons, I cannot compare with what is now."

8. Milonov against rallies

Deputy Milonov was one of the initiators of amendments to the city legislation concerning the holding of rallies. In particular, the new law establishes restrictions on the places where rallies and meetings can be held (for example, it is impossible to hold a meeting on the Palace Square and St. Isaac's Square). The minimum distance from the venue of the rally to the buildings of state authorities, hospitals and schools must be at least 50 meters. It should be noted that the governor of St. Petersburg, Poltavchenko, supported this law.

Milonov also wanted to amend the federal legislation. He proposed to coordinate rallies with religious organizations if street actions are held near buildings belonging to these organizations.

9. Milonov vs. Darwin

Deputy Milonov is also known for his statements against teaching Darwin's theory in schools, noting the lack of proof of evolution and the divine origin of man.

The deputy calls the theory of evolution "the theory of a goose and a pig" and will not tell his children about it.

10. Milonov against paper

As the chairman of the committee on legislation of the St. Petersburg parliament, Vitaly Milonov noted that the deputies spend too much paper, and the workflow is organized ineffectively. To save money and time, he proposed to transfer the entire document flow of the chamber into electronic form, and to use tablet computers for work.

"This is a shame (paper workflow. - IF)! Now I have documents sorted out. Somewhere two and a half packs are present on my desk. And I have not read everything," Milonov was indignant.


Vitaly Milonov almost never talks about his family, although he defends conservative values ​​in the city parliament. You can find out about his personal life only from social networks ...

F Vitaly Milonova's wife Eva Liburkina was born in the city of Balti, Moldavian SSR. In 2001 she graduated from the Philosophy Faculty of St. Petersburg State University. Currently, she is on maternity leave - she is raising two children: the eldest daughter Martha and her son Nikolai, who was born a few months ago. Eva is a little younger than her husband - Vitaly is already 38, and she will only turn 35 this year.

It is noteworthy that the wife of the main fighter against pedophilia and homosexuality posts on her wall in the social network the songs of Michael Jackson, who until his death was reproached for such sins. She quite actively posts on the page quotes from speeches of Orthodox priests, links to interviews with her beloved husband, announcements of fundraising for sick children, photographs of children and beloved cats. By the way, pets in the Milonov family are held in high esteem - they have two cats at once, which are allowed almost everything. Judging by the photos, pets communicate with children a lot.

She was also worried about the trial of Pussy Riot. “The world has gone mad,” Eve wrote. - Three fools have done a huge stupidity in their lives - now everyone wants to repeat this stupidity! There is only news about fools in pantyhose! No one thought: why did not a single head of state stand up for these tights bearers? Because this is our business, and because, for what they have done, they are "hitting the butt" in all states! And Russia, all the more, should not listen to all sorts of jerky legs and other singers and singers, actors and actresses. "

Her worldview is almost like that of her husband. Judging by a number of comments, she is not only a loving wife, but also a close associate of the deputy. This is how she writes about the opposition: “If only there was a reason! Any!!! Floods, fires, crashes, explosions (which is even better) - and our oppositionists begin to obsess over everything and everyone! Grief is only on hand to them !!! The worse the better !!! And more, more !!! Help is given - badly, insincerely, money - will be taken away, things and products - they will not be delivered, they will be sold !!! And only, they are good, network hamsters, they tell us the truth !!! ".

In previous years, Eva Liburkina, together with her husband, participated in public life. Reminders of this remained on the Internet. Including, as wrote, in 2000, when Eva was the press secretary of the Young Christian Democrats organization, and Milonov was its leader, both of them were taken to the 27th police station for an administrative offense.

She later worked as a receptionist with her husband. In June 2008, Eva became a voting member of the St. Petersburg Electoral Commission, where she was nominated by the municipal council of the Krasnenkaya Rechka municipal district (the electoral territory of Milonov and Valentina Matvienko). True, in October 2011, Vitaly Milonov introduced at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly a resolution on the early termination of her powers. He explained this by the fact that he received a certificate of a candidate for deputy, and therefore his wife cannot hold such a post. .

Anna AFANASIEVA, photo

A family

Father is a naval officer, mother is an elementary school teacher.

Wife Eva Liburkina... From June 2008 to October 2011, she worked as a voting member of the St. Petersburg Election Commission, where she was nominated by the municipal council of the Krasnenkaya Rechka municipal district (Milonova constituency and).

The couple have three children - a daughter and two sons.


According to unconfirmed reports, Milonov graduated at the age of 20 Hawaii Pacific University majoring in politics and economics (USA) and Robert Schumann Institute in Budapest (Hungary).

Graduated in 2006 Northwest Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in State Municipal Administration. He later enrolled in absentia Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities.

Member of the Parish Council of the Orthodox Church of St. Peter.

Fluent in English and Norwegian.

He was awarded the medal of Saint Apostle Peter II degree and the medal "For the strengthening of the military community" of the Metropolitan of Moscow, regularly participates in divine services.


He started his career in 1991 in Free Democratic Party of Russia co-chaired by Marina Salie and .

1994 - 1995 - Assistant to the Deputy of the State Duma Vitaly Savitsky... Chairman of a public organization "Young Christian Democrats".

In 1997-1998 - public assistant G.V. Starovoitova, which in 1998 nominated him for election c. Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. After her murder, he withdrew his candidacy in favor of his rival from the ruling party V. A. Tyulpanova, becoming his assistant.

In 2004 he was elected a deputy in the Dachnoe municipality.

In 2005 he worked as the head of the administration of the municipal formation Krasnenkaya Rechka.

In 2007 he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the fourth convocation. Chairman of the Standing Commission on the Arrangement of State Power, Local Self-Government and Administrative-Territorial Structure, a member of the budgetary and financial committee.

Since 2009 - Chairman of the Legislation Committee.

In 2011 he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the fifth convocation. The election campaign was accompanied by scandals with accusations of covert campaigning, bribery of voters and electoral fraud.


According to official data, V. Milonov's income for 2012 was:

2 591 288,98 rub. (including from the sale of a car)

Spouse): 6 028 145,34 rub. (including from the sale of real estate)

Real estate:

The land plot is garden, 903.0 sq. m

Land plot for individual housing construction, 1100.0 sq. m

Construction in progress

Spouse: Land plot for garden, 851.0 sq. m

Spouse: Apartment, 72.7 sq. m, share ownership 0.457

Spouse: Apartment, 107.6 sq. m

Spouse: Garden House

Legislative initiatives

On the eve of the elections to the Duma and the Legislative Assembly, Vitaly Milonov suggested that his colleagues limit criticism of each other. The amendments very quickly passed through all the necessary instances and came into force six months before the elections to the Legislative Assembly.

The most famous bill of Vitaly Milonov is prohibition of propaganda of pedophilia and homosexuality among adolescents. The law promises huge fines for public display of their non-standard orientation. The deputy expressed his dislike for the LGBT community many times: " It's better to be homophobic than to be called another word".

Earlier, he called for the prevention of gay pride parades, stating: " These perverts shouldn't be marching in our city. Better to march in the forest somewhere where bears walk".

In response, many Western media and opinion leaders suggested boycotting St. Petersburg as a tourist destination, which could affect the city's budget. Some bands and artists refused to go to St. Petersburg to perform in protest, while Rammstein and Madonna, on the contrary, decided to hold their own shows and support the gay community, despite possible fines for the organizers of their concerts in Russia.

After the concert Madonna Vitaly Milonov filed an application with the prosecutor's office. He demands to fine the singer in the amount of 333 000 rubles for the moral suffering inflicted on the audience. But the case was suspended: the prosecutor's office does not have the exact address of the accused.

Milonov regularly takes part in actions to catch virtual pedophiles. Since October 2013, Vitaly Milonov has written seven applications demanding to close the Internet project "Children-404", and attract its founder Elena Klimova to responsibility "for the promotion of homosexuality among minors." According to him, the project is funded by foreign grants and must be recognized by a foreign agent.

Milonov is known as a fighter against illegal migration. In September 2011, he proposed to allocate budget money for the creation of special institutions, where these citizens will be kept until the authorities deport them out of the country.

Before the presidential elections, several large banners with the slogan appeared on the territory of the Milonov constituency in the Kirovsky district "Great Russia - WAY AND Our goal"(spelling saved). The opposition did not like such overt and, apparently, uncoordinated campaigning. But the poster hung until Easter, after which it was replaced with a banner congratulating citizens on this religious holiday.

It is noteworthy that at first Milonov proposed to do in honor of the candidate Vladimir Putin another stretch the size of a whole house. On it, Putin was supposed to be on a warship. The deputy's colleagues managed to dissuade him.

When considering the bill on the election of the governor, Deputy Milonov proposed to establish a maximum, ten percent, passing barrier for the future head of the city. Without the required number of votes of local deputies (about 150), the candidate would not have been able to stand for election. The deputy explained his initiative very simply: if there is no barrier, "bandits" and "crooks" can go into politics.

In February 2012, the deputy proposed sending special Cossack squads to fight crimes in the sphere of morality. "Volunteer squads are a good idea. I think the Cossacks will help us with this .. There is a law on the Cossacks. Here you are, both a voluntary organization and believers."- he said then. The squads were never created.

Vitaly Milonov criticized the children's Ombudsman of St. Petersburg Svetlana Agapitova for the fact that she is actively involved in the State Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Reproductive Health for Children "Juventa". This clinic is one of the few free in the city, where they are engaged in sex education for teenagers, help young mothers and, at the request and with the consent of the parents, terminate pregnancy. Milonov did not like the fact that in "Juvente" children are given condoms from the age of 14 and abortions are performed from the age of 16.

Milonov advocated the closure of the channel MTV for programs that are distinguished by "vulgarity and baseness". There was no official comment from the channel.

The deputy appealed to the Minister of Culture with a request to deal with the director's performance Christopher Alden based on the play by Shakespeare "A Midsummer Night's Dream". The parliamentarian, according to him, was approached by the parents of the children involved in the production. Vitaly Milonov saw in it propaganda of homosexuality, pedophilia, alcohol and drugs, as well as profanity and scenes of violence. Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky did not close the show.

The prohibition of abortion is another Milonov's strong point. The deputy proposed to give the embryo in the womb the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Consequently, any encroachment on his life and health can be regarded as a real murder.

The deputy decided to create a special "inter-faction group for the preservation of traditional values"... According to him, such a coalition of deputies will be able to take care of the moral character of society, and in the future, even protect children from Darwin's theory and atheists.

After watching videos from Madonna's concert, recorded by his agents, Milonov suggested: prohibiting elements of sex and violence at parties, concerts and other public events. The deputy explained his initiative by the fact that he wants to protect children and people with an unstable psyche.

In an interview with the portal "" Milonov said that it is necessary to use the ten church commandments as a foundation for the system of values ​​inherent in law. The deputy especially noted that this initiative comes from him not as a believer, but as the head of the Committee on Legislation.

Vitaly Milonov proposed a bill according to which rallies near churches, mosques, synagogues and datsans can only be held with the consent of the head of the religious community.

In February 2014, Vitaly Milonov sent an open letter to the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky with a demand to ban the concert of the Ukrainian group "Ocean Elzy" Petersburg, a concert that was scheduled for March 31 at the Ice Palace. Milonov also asked Medinsky to bring in the lead singer of the group Svyatoslav Vakarchuk to the "black list" of persons undesirable for entry into Russia. The deputy named the musician " an active and implacable enemy of the Russian state".

On March 2, 2014, Milonov attended an unauthorized anti-war rally against the introduction of troops into Ukraine, during which he repeatedly insulted and provoked the protesters, in particular, he called the 75-year-old blockade "fascist".

In March 2014, Vitaly Milonov, who worked as an observer at the referendum in Crimea, raised the Russian tricolor over the building of the military prosecutor's office of the Ukrainian Black Sea Fleet. On the basis of their community receptions in May 2014, in response to a request from Donetsk on support organized the collection and delivery of humanitarian aid.

In November 2015, Milonov found a new target for prohibitive measures. He suggested investigating the conscious abandonment of childbearing, or adherence to ideas childfree as a psychological phenomenon and determine whether such a decision for an adult is a deviation from the norm. With such an initiative, the deputy turned to the head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

He asks to study the childfree phenomenon and, if the refusal to reproduce the genus is recognized as a disease, report this in World Health Organization(WHO). Milonov also appealed to the head of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika with a request to check public calls for childfree in the media and social networks for signs of extremist activity. Milonov is sure that " if his suspicions are confirmed", then it is necessary to ban public propaganda of refusal of childbearing as an idea at odds with the national interests of Russia.


Milonov became the first deputy of St. Petersburg, whose resignation is demanded by part of the voters of his district and the townspeople. According to representatives of the LGBT community, the reason for this was " a whole series of absurd initiatives and delusional antics". During the collection of signatures for the resignation of the deputy, more than 11 thousand people voted, the collection of signatures was stopped due to the discovered fake votes against Milonov's resignation.

In particular, residents of the Dachnoe district, where Milonov was elected, believe that the deputy is not coping with his duties. Instead of defending the interests of his constituents, he is aiding the company. "Warrior-B"- an investor building up a block with high-rise buildings is celebrated by local residents. At one of the rallies against the development, residents of the 2A and 2G Ulyanka quarters put forward demands for a compulsory psychiatric examination and deprivation of Milonov's deputy status.

Head of the Interregional Trade Union of Educational Workers "Teacher" Andrey Demidov referring to the initiative of the deputy to test teachers for pedophilia, he believes that Milonov is engaged in "harmful nonsense." " Such figures as Milonov create only hysteria and a threat for teachers to fulfill their professional duties, contributing to the real outflow of men from the profession, who are already lacking in school.".

In connection with Milonov's statement to the prosecutor's office about the promotion of homosexuality in the speech of schoolchildren at the Valentine's Day, an open letter was sent to the deputy from the teachers of the German school number 605: legislator " rummages through dirty laundry and uses outdated methods of the era of totalitarianism"instead of helping St. Petersburg schools in the implementation of education reform. In addition, by making such statements, according to the authors of the message, Milonov interferes with the educational process and discredits the work of the school staff, which is one of the top ten in the city. The prosecutor's office did not confirm the violation of the law in 605 school.

Milonov's proposal " abolish homosexuality at least until 2015"recognized as" a dubious achievement in the field of show business "and marked with an" award " "Silver galosh" in 2012. Another similar award "Golden Enema 2012" was awarded to him for "tireless propaganda of homosexuality" from the "Alliance of Heterosexuals for LGBT Equality."

In 2012, a number of well-known figures in Russia signed an open letter with a request to deprive Vitaly Milonov of his deputy mandate. The letter was signed Dima Bilan, Philip Kirkorov, Evgeny Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya.

The Coordinating Committee of the St. Petersburg Union of Scientists issued a statement that Milonov's statement about teaching Darwin's theory in schools, which he called the theory of the goose and piglet, creates "not the best glory for the city that has such deputies in the Legislative Assembly. Such deputies, according to scientists, discredit not only the party of which V. Milonov is a member, but also the legislative branch as a whole.

On December 16, 2013, the St. Petersburg site published an article that 9,640,000 rubles were paid from the city budget for charitable activities in 2012 to a regional charitable organization "Orthodox world", co-founded by Vitaly Milonov and his wife Eva Liburkina. According to reports, these funds were used to purchase 19,280 units of food packages, the distribution of which took place before the parliamentary and presidential elections in Krasnoselsky, Kirovsky and Petrogradsky districts of the city in the fall of 2011 and in the first half of 2012. However, the organization "Orthodox World" itself, according to the Federal Tax Service for St. Petersburg, was registered only on June 5, 2012, thus, the contract and invoice are dated retroactively. President of the organization and assistant to Milonov Alexey Knyazev reported that Milonov is actively involved in the work of his organization and provides assistance to it.

Member of the Federation Council from the administration of the Arkhangelsk region Konstantin Dobrynin turned to the Prosecutor General with a request to check for extremism Vitaly Milonov's interview with an online publication, since the statements of the deputy indicated there with the use of "elements of profanity and criminal jargon" contain calls for genocide, inciting hatred and interethnic conflicts.

Six deputies representing the United Russia faction in the Arkhangelsk parliament appealed to the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Vyacheslav Makarov with a request to recommend to the deputy Vitaly Milonov to resign his parliamentary powers because of statements regarding the Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian peoples. In a letter with a link to " experience and monitoring of the media"it is said that the statements are perceived by citizens as the position of the Legislative Assembly, and as a result, the reputation of both the city parliament and the city of St. Petersburg is under attack.

In March 2014, Milonov's interview was the subject of an audit by the Prosecutor General's Office for extremism in connection with the use of expressions " crazy goats", "assholes with mandolins"in relation to Ukrainians and" pigs", "ripping throats on turkey money"which he is" wanted to kick", in relation to the Crimean Tatars.

As an observer during the Crimean referendum, Vitaly Milonov said that Kharkiv, Donetsk and Odessa should be returned to the Russian Federation.

On the Internet, according to Milonov, false information is spread that he allegedly initiated an amendment, according to which girls who have not given birth before the age of 23 will be called up for military service. Milonov believes that because of this information, the opposition candidate for mayor of Moscow "screwed up hard", who attributed this "fake" to Milonov in his propaganda newspaper.

A satirical song is dedicated to Vitaly Milonov.


“My wife is Jewish, and her dad is a classic Jew, an absolute Jew, and he is still a Jew ... and I can say that the entire Jewish part of my wonderful family supports me in my endeavors ... and believe me, I am with no one so ardently I do not embrace people from other religions, as with representatives of the St. Petersburg Choral Synagogue ... and your religion, and mine, and my wife's, and my father-in-law has nothing to do with this. "

Finno-Ugric Merya, a former politician evangelist, now an Orthodox deputy from United Russia Vitaly Milonov

Milonov DOES NOT answer Fry and the hipsters

You can see it here. This is the only place on the entire Internet that hasn't been cut from.

Watch starting at 21 minutes.

Vitaly Milonov said this at a meeting with representatives of the media and the public of the city in the Mayakovsky Central Library, at Fontanka 46. The meeting was held within the framework of the Open Library project

United Russia deputy, Orthodox activist, patriot and author of the law banning propaganda of homosexual orientation Vitaly Milonov continues to actively promote. In the morning he allowed himself to be touched by Stephen Fry, and in the evening he met with hipsters in the Mayakovsky library - a hotbed of foreign education ... Opening up - the group "Gopota".
Saint Petersburg, March 14, 2013

“… I have a Jewish wife and her dad is a pure Jew, besides, a Jew. So what?.."

Vitaly Milonov, a member of the Legislative Assembly, known for his campaign and bills that incite dislike and hatred of sexual minorities in Russia, a campaign that boomerang Russia - it fantastically successfully and massively incites mass hostility and hatred for Putin around the world, showing hidden damage, the hidden viciousness of the Putin regime towards the humiliated minority.

Milonov met with Petersburgers to finally put everything in its place

The most complete video of the meeting where he says this

To be a deputy Milonov. Full version

It turned out that the video is actually incomplete. It is this moment that is cut out.

But in the second half there is another interesting moment, where Milonov declares his love for Finland and his interest in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1940. Milonov is Finno-Ugric by nationality and according to Finnish law, has the right to Finnish citizenship, that is, to citizenship of the European Union, if anything, and Deputy Milonov and his entire family have the right.

For example, in case the whole production, the political circus and the homophobic window dressing that absolutely discredits Putin and Russia, starts to subside. Or in another case, when, for example, as a result of a misfortune, Russia may collapse, and then Karelia and Vyborgsky and Primorsky districts up to Zelenogorsk, up to Lenin's old Soviet-Finnish border, can, as it were, returned to Finland, then again - an objective perspective - to be a citizen Of the European Union on the “territory liberated from Bolshevism”, again annexed to the “small” “civilized and clean” Finland - the defender of all Finno-Ugric peoples.

... About whether Milonov, following gays, will prohibit Jews

"You are journalists, you should not use these cheap tricks. Let's talk about the Jews and suppose that I am fighting with them too. I have a Jewish wife and her dad is a pure Jew, besides, a Jew. And so what? "Let's close this issue once and for all. Do not try to present Orthodox people as anti-Semites - you will not succeed. This is a primitive view of things and, moreover, contradicts my confession" ...

Valeria Lobzhanidze, "St."

- And there was no dream of becoming a firefighter or an astronaut?
- The KGB had a dream to go. But the KGB then ceased to exist.

- And what is this story with universities in the United States and Hungary (University of the Pacific and the Robert Schumann Institute)?
- The first is a fake. Second - there is no smoke without fire. I actually did an internship at the Robert Schumann Institute, then it was called the Academy of Christian Democracy for Central and Eastern Europe. I have been the secretary for international relations of the Christian Democratic Union since 1993 and had an internship, including in Hungary.

- So you already tried to combine religious beliefs with political ones then?
- It's one. The question is not about combining religion and politics, but about the role of a Christian in modern society, the non-self-isolation of Christians from social and political life, I would say so. We looked at the European experience, we were interested in how Christians live in politics. And I think that it is impossible to leave politics without the participation of Christians, otherwise politics will be done by the hands of those for whom there are no fundamental issues. And just the events of 1991, other liberal events in our country demonstrated that those in power did not have this ridge that a Christian has.

- What is your first significant political achievement?
- I never hide the fact that I did not immediately become an Orthodox Christian, I had a long thorny path, the same thing in politics. It so happened that the first party that interested me (and I didn’t choose it, but she chose me) was the Free Democrats party. An acquaintance invited me to it. And literally a week after I started going to the cell of the Free Democrats party, I was elected head of the regional organization, in my opinion, of the Dzerzhinsky district. At 32 Gorokhovaya Street, we had a red corner, and there our cell gathered every week on Tuesdays, and we discussed the most important moments of social and political life, for example, the current situation in Pakistan. Now it is, of course, funny. Or about the attitude of our regional organization of "Free Democrats" to some statement of Yeltsin. I was 17 then, and I really liked it.

- Then it was necessary to receive education related to politics?
- To be honest, I was able to finish my studies only at the civil service academy. I entered the Textile Institute, where I was enough for exactly one year, because after I entered it turned out that the main subjects there were physics and chemistry. I never liked either one or the other, so I studied for a year, talking with teachers about the need to create a constituent assembly.

- And yet, were there any favorite subjects?
- I liked English, English literature, I graduated from a specialized school. I even have a specialty "guide-translator".

- It certainly helps in your work?
- I meet with diplomats, I give interviews to foreign news agencies without an interpreter, for the BBC is not enough, alas. I also studied a second language, Norwegian. In general, I am an Anglophone, that is, I like English and related languages. Since I am also a quarter German, then German, Scandinavian languages. I learned a little Danish, Norwegian, I'm learning Finnish now.

- Is the rest of the blood Russian?
- According to my grandmother, a German, according to my dad, I measure. There is such a nationality, "Merya" - this is a Finno-Ugric tribe on the Volga.

Eva Liburkina is Milonov's wife, Russian by mother.

Father-in-law of United Russia Milonov - Alexander Liburkin at the elections in St. Petersburg works as a representative of the Liberal Democratic Party-observer.

His older brother, now calling himself Pinchas Liburkin, works in Moscow at the synagogues as the leader of Jewish funeral rites.

Such family diversity and multiconfessionalism in Milonov.

Since 1991, Vitaly Milonov attended meetings of Evangelical Christians, and in 1998 he converted to Orthodoxy.

Vitaly Milonov's wife Eva Liburkina was born in the city of Balti, Moldavian SSR. In 2001 she graduated from the Philosophy Faculty of St. Petersburg State University. Currently, she is on maternity leave - she is raising two children: the eldest daughter Martha and her son Nikolai, who was born a few months ago. Eva is a little younger than her husband - Vitaly is already 38, and she will only turn 35 this year.

It is noteworthy that the wife of the main fighter against pedophilia and homosexuality posts on her wall in the social network the songs of Michael Jackson, who until his death was reproached for such sins. She quite actively posts on the page quotes from speeches of Orthodox priests, links to interviews with her beloved husband, announcements of fundraising for sick children, photographs of children and beloved cats. By the way, pets in the Milonov family are held in high esteem - they have two cats at once, which are allowed almost everything. Judging by the photos, pets communicate with children a lot.

In previous years, Eva Liburkina, together with her husband, participated in public life. Reminders of this remained on the Internet. Including, as wrote, in 2000, when Eva was the press secretary of the Young Christian Democrats organization, and Milonov was its leader.

Alexander Liburkin at the presentation of the book by George Gunitsky "Death to a stowaway"- everyday life of the writer of the Leningrad rock club... Leningrad rock club, its administration was such a lure under the total control of the KGB and openly by the people of the KGB.

Pay attention to the T-shirt of the father of Vitaly Milonov's wife Alexander Liburkin. - Cheerful propaganda of beer drinking. I wonder if it was not the same office that paid for the production and stamped this T-shirt and Milonov's T-shirt "Orthodoxy or Death"?

Actually, this is called "role play".

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, this topic has long been worked out and the space of "role-playing games" is filled with God knows who. There are separate special techniques and trainings on "merging with the image", "getting in touch", "mastering the audience by offering tempting, supposedly simple solutions" and so on.

George Gunitsky

Alexander Liburkin, father of Vitaly Milonov's wife.

A short reference.

Here's what information we managed to get.
Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Leningrad University. Library Faculty of the Institute of Culture named after Krupskaya.

Currently "teacher of the Russian language and literature."
The author of a book about his life among artists.
Collected material for a book about Petersburg writers. The project is frozen.
He has a large number of acquaintances among writers and artists.
Including among those living abroad.
Repeatedly traveled abroad. (In London).
Enjoys support. Has an impact.
Invited and elected to elite parties.
Can play different roles. In particular: "dumb as a log enthusiast"; "Provincial stump with big eyes"; "Jealous prophet", etc.
He is the personification of a crowd of ecstatic listeners.
Such a function is sometimes very well paid, which does not mean an indispensable acquisitiveness in Liburkin's activities. No, such people, being cynical "demiurges", live and seize the cultural space, guided mainly by the dictates of the heart and inspiration of the soul. And there is no contradiction in that. The nature of mystical doers is two-faced by definition.
In a narrow company of the elite, he demonstrates high intellectualism and rare wit.
Connoisseur and subtle connoisseur of literature.
An authority on poetry, of course. At least, because from the fly it is oriented.
Many poets want (explicitly and secretly) to get Liburkin for their performance. His arrival and presence mean a certain rank, brand, degree, intensity.
Contemporary poetry is often distinguished by null extrapolation in the string energy continuum. To put it in simplicity: There are some emotions, there is a crackling reversal of a formal experiment, but there is no Soul.
Poor Liburkin: wriggling fried in pans of banal aesthetics and crude rhyming, but courageously carries his cross: he listens, criticizes, reacts, depicts.

Liburkin patronizes poets, he is ready to be a benefactor and philanthropist. Its only condition is that cooperation should take place under the slogan:
“I'm playing. You know about this. "You are ready to admit that you do not fully understand my game."
It is not known whether he writes himself.
Probably indulging.
But smart enough not to waste your time. He has a different purpose. Comparable only to the reversal of genius. With the start of the demon.

Liburkin participates in the political life of the country.
Expert. Political consultant.

25.04.2013 00:30

On the evening of Wednesday, April 24, the editorial board of Fontanka began to receive letters from alarmed readers who found a K-177 minibus in the center of St. Petersburg with the image of the first leader of independent Finland Karl Mannerheim. The Third Park company said it did not authorize advertising with a man who made an alliance with Hitler. "Fontanka" found out that the townspeople with a portrait of Mannerheim frightened the separatist movement "Ingria".

Wednesday afternoon, April 24, townspeoplecould be observed in the city center an unusual minibus that ran under the number K-177. Minibus Volkswagen crafter was adorned with a huge portrait of the Finnish soldier and politician Karl Mannerheim in his youth - when he was still serving in the Russian imperial army. Nearby was the St. George Cross and the inscription: "Gustav Mannerheim, Knight of the Order of St. George and St. George's Arms."

Formally, there is no distortion of historical facts here: Mannerheim participated in the First World War and received the golden St. George sword for military services, and a little later was awarded a cross. The date is also relatively clear - April 23 is also celebrated as St. George's Day.

However, it is known that Mannerheim was the supreme commander in chief of Finland during the Soviet-Finnish war and, most importantly, during the Second World War. In the latter, let us recall, our northern neighbors fought on the side of Hitler and took part in the blockade of Leningrad, although historians assess the degree and meaning of this participation in different ways.

Route K-177 is served by the largest St. Petersburg carrier "Third Park". The company itself immediately stated that it had not sanctioned the placement of strange advertisements, which looks especially blasphemous on the eve of Victory Day. A few hours later, the Third Park clarified: all minibuses operating on the line were promptly checked, but the Finnish marshal was not found anywhere. "This is someone's provocation," - said the official representative of the carrier. He also added that the agency "062", which is engaged in the placement of advertisements on the buses of the enterprise, was really approached by some private persons with a request to paste over the minibus with a portrait of Mannerheim. However, they were refused.

"Fontanka" took a closer look at the photographs. Rides along Liteiny Prospect Volkswagen crafter - just the same model that works on the K-177. However, the sold-out - a plate with a number - is not similar in style to those used by the Third Park: the carrier's numbers are shown on an orange background, and in the photo - on a yellow one. In addition, the full house of the minibus with Mannerheim did not indicate the streets along which the route follows, although the route is indicated at the Third Park.

One of the authors of the action was quickly discovered - in a conversation with a Fontanka correspondent Dmitry Slugin quickly admitted that he sympathized with the Ingria Club political movement. Let us recall that its members are in favor of separating our region, which they call Ingermanlandia, from Russia with the aim of further joining the European Union. According to him, it was the activists of this movement who turned to "062" with a request to place Mannerheim on board one of the social buses, however, having received a refusal, they decided to use a regular rented bus for this purpose.

According to Dmitry, "Ingria" thus decided to draw attention to the man who in 1941 "did not give Hitler consent to pass to the northern half-ring of the blockade and made it one of the conditions for Finland to enter the war." In addition, this is a response to opponents of Ingria, who previously took to the streets “stalin bus "- a bus with a picture of Stalin.

A little later, Ingria published an official message regarding this event on its VKontakte page. “We did not announce the action in advance, since our goal was precisely the presence of our bus on the streets of the city, and not the media effect, and we realize that after the very first publications in the press there is a considerable chance that the action will be banned,” the message says. ... In addition, there, for some unknown reason, gratitude is expressed to the advertising agency "062".

Recall that in St. Petersburg, a discussion about the personality of Mannerheim periodically begins - for example, earlier they actively discussed the possibility of placing a memorial plaque in honor of the marshal - on the house on Zakharyevskaya Street, where Mannerheim lived. The last time with such an initiative was the writer Daniil Granin. "In history, Mannerheim played two key roles: he abandoned the offensive on Petrograd in 1919 and did not allow German troops to reach besieged Leningrad from the north during the Great Patriotic War," said the then chairman of the Smolny Foreign Relations Committee, now a member of the city government, Alexander Prokhorenko. However, this ideacaused more than a mixed reaction from the public and the board never appeared. So, the head of the organization "Young participants in the defense of Leningrad" Yuri Kolosov said that the statement that Mannerheim saved Leningrad during the blockade- it is a myth. He regarded the installation of such a memorial plaque as blasphemy in relation to the blockade. “This is not the person whose name should be immortalized in our city,” Yuri Kolosov is sure.

Andrey Zakharov,


Karl Gustav Emil Mannerheim was born on June 4, 1867 in the Louhisaari family estate, near Turku (Finland), in the family of Count Karl Robert Mannerheim and Countess Helene Mannerheim, née von Julin.

After the Bolsheviks came to power, Mannerheim left for Finland, which in December 1917 declared independence from Russia. Mannerheim became one of the leaders of the movement for the acquisition of state independence by Finland and the armed struggle against the left forces in this country.

On January 16, 1918, the Senate appointed Mannerheim the Commander-in-Chief of the Finnish Army. In January-May 1918, he commanded troops during the Finnish Civil War.

In 1931, Mannerheim became chairman of the Finnish Defense Council.

He reorganized and re-equipped the army (in 1937, on his initiative, a 7-year rearmament plan was adopted). Convinced of the inevitability of war with the USSR, Mannerheim secured funding for the construction of the "Mannerheim Line" - a deeply echeloned system of defensive fortifications on the Karelian Isthmus.

On the basis of this system of fortifications, during the so-called Winter War (Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940), as the commander-in-chief of the Finnish armed forces, he developed a successful defensive strategy. In 1941-1944, Karl Mannerheim also led the Finnish armed forces in the war against the USSR. From 1942 he was Marshal of Finland.

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