Why is a man not getting better. Why men get fat and how to deal with it. Foods that make legs fat

Last summer, research company Gallup published data from a survey conducted in different countries Europe and was devoted to the attitude of respondents to the overweight of their partners. 50% of the men surveyed said that they would break off the relationship if their woman put on a lot of weight, among women there were almost 3 times less categorical ones - only 15% of the respondents admitted that they would leave their man if he gets too fat.

We decided to find out from the men of different nationalities what they think about excess weight their women - do they think about it at all, does the acquired plumpness of the wife / girlfriend affect feelings and whether excess weight can be a reason to put an end to the relationship.

10 different men's opinions, absolutely not representative, but interesting:

Ivan, 38 years old, married for 10 years, two children

The wife gained I don’t know how many kilograms after giving birth. When we met she was very slim, now her figure has changed a lot. Do I love her less? No, I love her more after all that we've been through together. Would I like her to lose weight? Yes, I won't lie. Am I telling her about it? No. I see that she is not up to it now, and I think that when the youngest grows up a little, the wife will take care of her weight herself. If the question is whether I notice these kilograms or not, then yes, I do. But it doesn't affect my feelings.

Photo: abigail bobo

thierry, 38 years old, divorced, second civil marriage

The first wife was smashed three times in 8 years after our wedding, that's not why we divorced, but her weight also played a role. I remember how at some point I went into the room where she was changing and was stunned: there was nothing left of the woman I loved, she turned into a fat toad. My second wife is far from thin, but she does yoga and keeps herself in shape, I really like it. She also has a different character, she is more independent, but I think that these things are related.

Egor, 28 years old, civil marriage

My girlfriend has a great body, but she tends to be overweight, her mom is just huge, and I have a fear that she will become the same in the future. I honestly told her that if she becomes like her mother, I can hardly be with her, for me it is really important. I bought us bikes, put her on skis, I try to make both of us go in for sports, I can make a remark to her, if anything. I don’t know if I’ll leave her or not if she gets fat, but I don’t want to check.

Sergey, 31 years old, dating

Don't tell me that being fat is okay, it's not okay, it's bad. I am enraged by all these howls "love yourself the way you are", it only gives unnecessary excuses for lazy fools. Among fat people, those who are sick - at most 10%, all the rest simply cannot cope with themselves. And this is disgusting, it's not even the ugliness of the body. A fat woman is a woman with problems in her head, I try to avoid such people. In general, if you put on weight, then you do not need to sit and calm yourself that this is normal, you need to stir the rolls and solve the problem. If my woman gets fat and doesn't do anything about it, I take it as disrespect, first of all, for myself.

Photo: dailydoseofstuff.tumblr.com

Alex, 35, civil marriage

I'm not worried about the extra pounds, but the obsession with these extra pounds. My girlfriend recovered a little bit, but that's okay, we are not 25, I also recovered. I would not pay attention to her weight, but she talks about it all the time and all the time shows me the sides, then the belly. This is already, to be honest, infuriating. Will it affect my feelings? Of course not. But he gets it, honestly.

harman, 37, married, three children

The wife always kept herself in tight knit, after the third birth, finally began to recover. I love! I just can't walk past, so as not to grab the ass - wow! She asked me if I was worried or not, I said no. Because I don't care about her weight. Honestly.

Ilya, 31 years old, married, one-year-old daughter

At twenty, it is important how much your girlfriend weighs, then there are still other priorities. Now it is important for me that my wife is healthy and well. After giving birth, she recovered, but this does not bother me. I notice that she herself is worried, but we have more important problems now.

alexander, 33 years old, in search

There should be a golden mean: I don't want a woman to be obsessed with her weight, but a woman who, after the wedding, relaxes and begins to eat into three throats is also not ice. After thirty, being overweight most often looks ugly, so, of course, you pay attention to it.

Photo: witand delight

Denis, 35 years old, civil marriage, two children

All this talk about weight is damaging the brain. I want everyone in my family to be healthy and happy, nothing else interests me. My wife is fatter now than she was when we met, I am also fatter. We are two fat men, and I am not going to demand from her what I myself cannot do. Would I like her to lose weight? No, because then I will have to lose weight too, but I don't want to.

glory, 29 years old, married

Any man pays attention to weight and cellulite, this is nature. And if initially a man prefers harmony and not curvy forms, then it is strange to expect from him that he will change and rejoice at his overweight wife. My wife is thin, and she does not get fat, so, thank God, I do not threaten to be next to a fat aunt. A friend's wife has doubled in five years, he is very concerned about this, and I understand him. He tried to talk to her, but it only got worse, she became depressed and recovered even more. He loves her, but it is not clear what to do with it.

What opinion have you come across on this topic? Have you ever listened to your partner's complaints about your gain and how did you react to it? Have you or your acquaintances had a similar experience - when one in a pair is greatly gaining weight and loses its "presentation"? How would you react if your partner gained a lot of weight - would that worry you?

Factrum publishes 12 mistakes to try to avoid.

1. You are not using the schedule for lunch and dinner.

Your body is a shiny machine. When the body is waiting for food, it starts spending energy on an accelerated program. After all, he knows that he will soon receive a new portion of fuel.

If you eat at a different time each time, and also allow yourself to work for many hours without food, your body will slow down its metabolism. He simply goes into energy saving mode because he “does not know” when he will be fed next time.

The ideal meal schedule to keep your metabolism at the highest possible level is every 3-4 hours. Just remember to eat in small portions.

2. You are drinking too little water

For the cells in your body to function properly, they need a sufficient amount of water. When your body lacks water, you burn at least 2% fewer calories than you could.

If you don't like simple drinking water, replace it with green tea... Each cup will speed up your metabolism by at least three hours. Coffee, by the way, does the same thing, provided that you drink it with water.

3. You avoid dairy products

Dairy products contain nutrients that play an important role in fat burning and building muscle mass.
This is, in particular, a substance called conjugated linoleic acid. It is a whey made from casein and calcium. Calcium plays an important role in metabolism. The more it is in your fat cells, the more fat your body will burn during the day.

4. You do not pay enough attention to physical activity

Your metabolism speeds up after your workout is over. The effect lasts approximately 48 hours. So try to hit the gym at least three times a week.

Plus, strength training can help you build muscle quickly. And the body will also spend a fairly large amount of energy to maintain it.

5. You are an owl

The sunlight that some people enjoy in the morning is very important to your metabolism. The fact is that it regulates and normalizes circadian rhythms.

Everything is simple here: if they are violated, your metabolism slows down, because the body decides that it lives in a state of constant danger.

In general, try to wake up early. And, accordingly, go to bed earlier.

6. You try to completely cut out carbohydrates.

And you're making a big mistake. Avoiding carbohydrates is an extremely dangerous idea. If only because your muscles need glycogen, and it is formed from carbohydrate stores.

Plus, if you ditch carbohydrates, you are almost certainly living with chronic fatigue. Without glycogen, you will have no energy not only for your workouts, but also for your daily life.

7. Sometimes you snack on chips, crackers and croutons

If you occasionally eat snacks such as crackers, chips, or sugary yoghurts and still want to lose weight, then you will need to change your habits. You should not eat snacks with unhealthy trans fats and sugars, but snacks with polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Walnuts are ideal. If for some reason you don't like them, try other types of nuts. Any vegetables are also suitable.

8. You sleep at too high a temperature

Check your thermostat. Your body burns calories efficiently during sleep only if it is at a comfortable temperature. There is no need to sleep in the cold, but you must remember that the ideal bedroom temperature should be between 18-19 degrees Celsius.

And remember: it is at night that the so-called "brown" fat is most quickly burned, which is concentrated in the area around the abdomen and thighs.

9. You only use sea salt

We have nothing against sea ​​salt: it tastes good and is not as harmful as other types of it. The bad news is that we all need iodine for normal metabolism. Therefore, buy at least occasionally iodized salt.

Also, you should be more active on iodine-containing foods: seaweed, eggs, shrimp and cod liver.

10. You are not buying organic products

11. You are not getting enough iron.

If your body lacks iron, then your muscles are chronically oxygen deficient. As a result - general lethargy, fatigue and fullness.

Women should pay special attention to their iron intake. Eat more legumes and dark greens like spinach, broccoli, and bok choy.

12. You are too nervous.

No one in the world can boast of living stress-free. But it is important to remember that the body of a nervous person burns an average of 100 calories less than on calm days.

Plus, stress triggers our cravings for unhealthy foods. Therefore, it is vital to take the time to relieve stress. Choose the method that suits you best. The goal is to achieve even and deep breathing, which allows you to burn fat as efficiently as possible.

The mechanism for gaining excess weight in men is somewhat different from a similar mechanism in women. All men naturally have more developed muscles. Muscle mass requires more energy for its life support than fat mass, therefore, per day, the body of a healthy man, even without significant physical exertion, burns much more calories than a woman's.

Statistics show that only 5-10% of men with excess fat reserves have a genetic predisposition to weight gain or serious diseases that contribute to this process. In most cases, external factors due to modern living conditions contribute to the gain of excess weight in men. Excess weight in our time is considered not just a cosmetic defect, but a deviation that causes psychological problems and deterioration in health.

Internal factors of weight gain in men

The appearance of excess weight in men under the age of 30 is a rather rare occurrence, which is associated with obvious health problems. As a rule, men gain weight after 35 years, when the aging process begins. Weight gain in men is fundamentally different from this process in women. Excess pounds in men first appear in the abdomen and sides, after which the fatty tissue can spread to the thighs, upper body and arms. In order to eliminate extra pounds, first of all, it is necessary to find out the main factors of their set, they can be external and internal. There can be many internal factors of weight gain in men.

Diabetes. It is a metabolic disease that leads to rapid weight gain and significantly interferes with energy expenditure.

Disease of the cardiovascular system. Heart disease makes a person more lethargic and less physically active. In addition, a malfunction of the heart leads to a disruption in the supply of cells of all organs with nutrients and oxygen, which eventually leads to atrophy. The first to atrophy are muscles, which normally burn a lot of calories. It is believed that various heart defects most often lead to weight gain, but in some cases, acquired heart rhythm pathologies can lead to excess fat.

Hormonal disbalance. An increase in the level of female hormones in the male body often leads to the appearance of fat in the hips and waist.

Diseases endocrine system... The thyroid gland produces many important substances and hormones for the body. Disruption of the work of this organ, regardless of whether there is an increased level of production of thyroid hormones or insufficient production of substances necessary for the body, leads to obesity.

Genetic predisposition. Studies have shown that some people have a mechanism for the accumulation of fat reserves, fixed at the genetic level. It is believed that this defense mechanism appeared in some people in case of a hunger period and allowed a person to survive even in extreme conditions. V modern conditions when the counters are full of high-calorie foods, this mechanism does not turn off and contributes to rapid weight gain. In the presence of a genetic predisposition in a person, a strong decrease in the sensitivity of the hypothalamus to leptin is observed. Leptin is a satiety hormone that signals the brain that a sufficient amount of food has been received. Thus, a person can overeat and only then feel full.

If the reason for weight gain lies in any disease, it is imperative to lose weight under the supervision of a doctor, following his recommendations, because, for example, if a man's excess weight is caused by heart disease, then losing weight through exercise can lead to a heart attack or other aggravation health problems.

The main external factors of weight gain in men

  1. Sedentary lifestyle. Many men who work at a computer throughout the working day and commute home and to work in their personal cars gain weight quickly, and evenly throughout their body. This lifestyle leads to muscle atrophy and a decrease in the consumption of calories from food, which leads to the accumulation of energy in the body in the form of fat.
  2. Improper diet and overeating. The modern rhythm of life makes men ignore the rules of nutrition. In addition, fast food, convenience foods, and other unhealthy foods tend to stretch the stomach, which can lead to overeating because people with a distended stomach need more food to feel full.
  3. Stress. Eating food triggers the production of hormones in a person that are responsible for feelings of satisfaction and happiness. In an effort to reduce stress levels and feel calm, some men begin to overeat and use food as an antidepressant.
  4. Bad habits. Alcoholism and smoking negatively affect the state of the whole body and significantly slow down the metabolism, which causes weight gain even in healthy men. It is worth noting that beer alcoholism leads to the formation of a large amount of abdominal fat.

If external factors contribute to a set of extra pounds, it is quite possible to cope with overweight on one's own.

How does excess weight affect a man's health?

The excess weight of a man causes great harm to the body.

The appearance of fatty deposits in the abdominal cavity immediately affects the genitourinary system. Men with significant body fat in the abdomen, a decrease in potency and sex drive is noted. Decrease male power happens for several reasons. Firstly, adipose tissue located in the abdominal region leads to squeezing of the vessels responsible for feeding the organs of the reproductive system. Secondly, excess adipose tissue leads to a decrease in the amount of testosterone in the body, fat deposits can lead to a complete loss of potency in men of any age, including those under 35.

The presence of body fat in men also negatively affects the state of the cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of developing ischemic disease heart, heart attacks and strokes. In obese men, the heart doubles the stress of pumping blood through blood vessels that are compressed by fat, and also because the length of the blood vessels becomes significantly longer. The blood vessels through which blood flows more sluggishly become clumped over time cholesterol plaques, which leads to their narrowing and ultimately can cause thrombosis. The narrowing of blood vessels also leads to problems on the part of the heart, which has to pump blood into severely narrowed vessels. Violations in the work of the cardiovascular system leads to impaired performance, a constant feeling of fatigue, irritability and many other factors that contribute to further weight gain.

Excess weight can cause problems with the joints, and in addition, diseases of the lumbar spine, since the main load from the fat accumulated in the abdominal cavity falls on this particular department. The appearance of excess weight also negatively affects the emotional state of a man, causing depression, self-doubt, etc.

Fighting the psychological manifestations of excess weight

Many experts believe that in order to effectively combat obesity, it is necessary to overcome a number of psychological problems preventing effective weight loss... The fact is that some men perceive food not as a means of satisfying the body's physiological need for nutrients, vitamins and minerals, but as a means of entertainment. Thinking of food as a means of relaxation and enjoyment, some men begin to heavily transfer and gain excess weight. In order to get back on track, you need to radically change your attitude to food.

After gaining a lot of extra pounds, men begin to lose self-confidence, which lowers their self-esteem. Self-doubt affects all areas of life, including intimate and work. Excess weight gradually leads to the fact that a person becomes less socially active, therefore, even realizing that he needs additional physical activity, he tries to solve everything on his own without going to the gym, as he is afraid of condemnation or squeamish looks at his far from ideal figure features. In the future, self-doubt leads to even greater abuse of food, which a person tries to seize on his problems, and body fat on different parts of the body it becomes even more.

Not everyone can cope with psychological problems on their own, so it is worth contacting a psychologist who will help identify existing problems and effectively solve them. Once psychological problems have been identified and corrected, weight loss will be much easier.

Eating a healthy diet is a powerful anti-obesity remedy

Proper nutrition and avoiding alcohol allows you to quickly bring your weight back to normal, but force yourself to adhere to the regimen and only eat healthy foods and the dishes are hard enough. The difficulty lies in the fact that to maintain correct regime You need to completely change your lifestyle and constantly monitor the calorie content and healthiness of products, which is quite tiring for people who are used to eating ready-made meals offered by the fast food industry.

Food is the most effective remedy in the fight against extra centimeters. A complete rejection of it is a serious mistake of many losing weight. Food is a powerful means of affecting metabolism, because proper food intake can significantly speed up metabolism and force the body to burn more calories and get rid of extra pounds.

The diet should include foods containing a minimum amount of simple carbohydrates that are transformed into extra pounds. Foods and meals that are high in simple carbohydrates include sugar, fatty meats and fish, fatty milk, and other high-calorie foods. These products should be replaced with low-calorie counterparts, that is, eat lean poultry, rabbit, lamb, veal, low-fat dairy products, and so on. In addition, you need to include in the diet a large amount of vegetables and fruits, which not only make it possible to fill the lack of essential vitamins and minerals, but also improve the work of the digestive tract.

It is best to eat foods that have not been cooked or cooked by boiling or baking in the oven while losing weight. It is advisable to cook meals in your own juice, that is, with the minimum addition of sunflower oil. In addition, mayonnaise and other sauces, which significantly increase the calorie content of any dish, should be excluded from the diet. You need to eat in small portions, but at least 5 times a day. Best of all, if the meal is on schedule, then after getting used to this regimen, the feeling of hunger will appear only at a certain time, which will reduce the risk of overeating.

Do you need exercise while losing weight?

Exercise plays an important role when it comes about losing weight men. Physical activity allows you not only to tighten muscles and skin while losing weight, but also significantly speed up your metabolism. Strength exercises, plus stretching exercises, can strengthen cardiovascular system and make the body more resilient and resistant to various diseases and stressful situations.

It is worth remembering that overweight men are not in the best shape, so the duration and intensity of exercise should be increased gradually. Performing even a minimal set of exercises in the morning and in the evening, you can short time increase physical endurance, strengthen muscles and reduce weight. Weight in men goes away quickly if the best effort is made.

The main factor supporting obesity in men and the main reason for the ineffectiveness of diet and exercise is the deficiency of testosterone, the main "male" hormone. It is impossible to achieve results in weight loss without correcting testosterone deficiency.

How to suspect a testosterone deficiency?

Modern research suggests that the rate of spread of obesity around the world has become an official epidemic. For example, in the United States, the number of people diagnosed with obesity has increased by one and a half times over the past 10 years and is 20-25% of the population (data from the Center for Disease Control www.cdc. Gov). Unfortunately, the same trend is observed all over the world. At the same time, obesity in men (in contrast to women) is much more difficult to treat, leads to the progression of cardiovascular diseases, leading to a decrease in the average life expectancy in men compared with women by 8–12 years. For searching effective methods treatment of obesity in men, it is necessary to understand the peculiarities of the development of such a formidable disease.

How to determine if a man is obese?

Usually, when we use the word "obesity," we imagine an elephant-like person who has difficulty walking through the door. It never occurs to anyone to apply this diagnosis to oneself or to a beloved husband who has grown a "small" tummy. However, according to the standards of the World Health Organization, the main criterion for making a diagnosis of obesity is precisely the waist circumference, and if a man's waist circumference exceeds 94 cm, he has a formidable diagnosis of obesity.

But that's not all. If the waist circumference has exceeded 102 cm, then in addition to obesity, a man has a deficiency of testosterone, the main "male" hormone that affects the functioning of all systems and organs in the male body.

This is confirmed by major medical research. So, in Norway, in the city of Tromsø, 1,548 men were examined. The survey was not difficult - men simply measured their waist circumference and testosterone levels. However, the results were overwhelming - it turned out that among men with a waist circumference of more than 102 cm, there was no one with normal testosterone levels!

Really, main feature the development of obesity in men is that, against the background of obesity, a lack of testosterone develops. Testosterone deficiency contributes to the deposition of excess adipose tissue in the body and reduces the effectiveness of treatment. In addition, testosterone is responsible for overall well-being, good mood, sexual function, and muscle mass and strength.

How to suspect a testosterone deficiency?

It is possible to assume the presence of a testosterone deficiency in a man if he has the following symptoms:

  • sexual dysfunction (decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, ejaculation, infertility);
  • psychoemotional disorders (increased irritability, nervousness, decreased memory and attention, sleep disturbances, increased fatigue and the need for sleep, depression);
  • somatic disorders (an increase in the amount of adipose tissue, a decrease in muscle strength and mass, pain in the lower back and joints, an increase in the mammary glands, a violation of urination).

However, in order to diagnose testosterone deficiency, it is imperative to confirm it in the laboratory. To do this, you need to pass a hormonal blood test to determine the level of total testosterone. If the level of total testosterone in the blood is below 12 nmol / L and is combined with the above symptoms, the doctor diagnoses hypogonadism, or, in other words, testosterone deficiency.

Today, the need to treat testosterone deficiency is beyond doubt. This need is reflected in serious international medical recommendations, which were developed by such respected organizations in the medical environment as the International Society of Andrology (ISA), the International Society for the Study of the Health of Elderly Men (ISSAM), the European Association of Urologists (EAU), the European Academy of Andrology (EAA) ) and the American Society of Andrology (ASA). Today these recommendations are available in Russian translation.

It is testosterone deficiency that is the supporting factor for obesity and the main reason for the ineffectiveness of diet and exercise. It is impossible to achieve results in weight loss without correcting testosterone deficiency.

For the first time, a study designed to confirm that testosterone normalization helps in weight loss in obese men was conducted in Russia by Dr. Tishova Yu.A. under the guidance of Professor S. Yu. Kalinchenko, an international expert and leading specialist in men's health in Russia. The study began in 2005 and completed in the spring of 2009. The study involved 170 patients, all of whom were diagnosed as obese and suffering from testosterone deficiency. All patients were given the same recommendations for proper nutrition and increased physical activity. At the same time, 105 patients received testosterone preparations to compensate for its deficiency, and 65 patients received a dummy drug. After 30 weeks of this treatment, the results were obtained. It turned out that in patients who received testosterone in addition to diet and physical activity, not only did the waist circumference significantly decrease (by an average of 6 cm), but also there was a decrease in the level of cholesterol, triglycerides, atherogenic lipids, an improvement in sexual function, general condition and the disappearance of depression. In addition, in these patients, the concentration of the so-called "markers of inflammation" decreased - biologically active substances, produced by adipose tissue and leading to the development of cardiovascular diseases and their complications.

In patients who received a "dummy", the waist circumference slightly shifted down (but of course, all the patients tried - they followed a diet and increased physical activity!), While not only the testosterone level did not normalize, but the symptoms of its deficiency were not eliminated either - sexual dysfunction and depression. Also, the parameters of lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) did not change.

Thus, on the basis of the study, the recommendations for men diagnosed with obesity were confirmed.

Hi guys! Are you worried about not being able to gain weight? It seems that you eat normally, train until you lose your pulse, but the mass does not grow, well, at least you crack ... This happens and there are specific reasons for this. Today's article is just about that. The question is serious, so I advise you to read the material.

Meanwhile, when the problem of being overweight became a plague modern world, there are many people suffering from excessive thinness. Girls envy their friends, who can eat everything and not get fat, although they themselves have to work hard to keep fit.

But for many, the problem of weight gain is becoming critical, especially for those who dream of gaining muscle mass. If you have wondered many times what are the reasons why I cannot gain weight, be sure to study this article carefully, perhaps it will help you see the right direction in solving this problem. Go...

One of the main causes of weight gain problems can be genetic predisposition, which manifests itself in different body types. According to the generally accepted theory of Sheldon, there are three of them - mesomorph, endomorph and ectomorph. And although it was previously believed that this is only relevant for men, now a similar classification is applied to women.

  1. Ectomorphs(or asthenic body type) - people with thin and light bones, more often of medium height, arms and legs exceed the length of the body. They have a very fast metabolism, so they hardly gain any weight. It is the hardest for this type of people to achieve success in bodybuilding, because they practically do not gain muscle mass.
  2. MESOMORPH(or normosthenic body type) - they differ the most. They easily gain weight and burn fat with active work on themselves. The most optimal type of constitution for achievement in sports.
  3. Endomorphs(or hypersthenic body type) - people with a slow metabolism, well-developed internal organs, they have the broadest figure, they easily gain excess weight and lose weight heavily. In bodybuilding, it is easiest for them to build muscle, but it is difficult to achieve their relief and get rid of subcutaneous fatty tissue.

As you can see, ectomorphs get better worst of all, if you belong to this type of people, this may be the reason for your thinness. If, after all, you are not sure about your asthenic physique, it is possible that the problem lies in your metabolism.

If you are naturally thin (ectomorph), you can try taking a special, high-energy mixture that bodybuilders take for a quick mass gain. This GEINER!

These supplements have been proven to be effective when combined with correct training and balanced nutrition... I myself have often used weight gainers myself, and they have always helped me gain mass. And I like them much more than regular protein supplements!

Now there is no problem to buy it. Below I have given you several links for buying a gainer over the Internet - if you wish, you can choose the one you like:


GAYNERS (iherb.com)

Metabolic rate

Metabolism or metabolism is a complex of processes and reactions in the body at the biological and chemical level. It affects the breakdown of consumed foods into proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and is also responsible for the absorption of nutrients and the removal of processed ones.

If a person has a fast metabolism, then even an increase in the calorie content of food will not help correct the situation. Eating uncontrollably high-calorie, unbalanced foods without any regimen can lead to serious health problems.

It is better to contact a qualified specialist, he will help you choose correct diet, taking into account the speed of your metabolism, and first of all, determine whether this feature of your body is genetically or is provoked by some kind of disease.

I want to tell you a few words about why many people cannot gain weight while doing bodybuilding. There is no one-size-fits-all formula - it's true. And don't even try to find it. Each organism is individual.

But despite this, those who complain about the impossibility of gaining weight make the same mistakes. Now I want to voice the main ones.

  1. LACK OF CALORIES. A person may think that he eats a lot, but in fact he does not gain "calories". To begin with, add to your daily diet, for example, a pack of cottage cheese or a glass of rice, buckwheat, pearl barley - see what happens. You may never feel hungry, but in terms of calories, you may have a surplus (shortage). Regarding the feeling of hunger (hormone and satiety (hormone on my blog there are separate gorgeous articles. Be sure to read for a more complete immersion in the topic.
  2. FREQUENCY AND DURATION OF TRAINING. You don't need to go to the gym 4-5 days a week, because you work out the whole body several times. These loads are most likely not "exported" by your body. Remember that after 45 minutes of intense destructive hormone is released, which destroys our protein structures. Therefore, do not force your body in the gym for more than 1 hour, maximum 1.20. I train for exactly one hour. If the intensity drops (sometimes laziness) then 1.20. Some people study for 2-3 hours and think that this is correct.
  3. BASIC EXERCISES. This has already been spoken and discussed. Honestly, I don't even want to talk about it. But every time I come to the gym and see that people train much more on simulators than free weights. Yes, the basic exercises are hard, you don't want to do them. But they are the most effective and that's it ... Squat, be sure to squat! This exercise will stimulate the development of the whole body! Do bench presses while standing. On the horizontal bar, pull up with weight (if you can already pull up 15-20 times with your weight).
  4. SLEEP AND RECOVERY. Do not go to the gym if you feel that you have not recovered. It doesn't make sense. An exhausted body will not respond to another exercise by increasing mass. He will react with a drop in immunity, a viral disease, mental and physical exhaustion. And most importantly, get enough sleep. In our time, this is a real feat. It seems to me now almost no one sleeps as much as necessary. And I have problems with that too. And muscles grow just at night. In the long term, sleep deprivation takes up some of our muscle mass.

Hormonal imbalance

Most people mistakenly believe that hormonal disruptions only lead to extra pounds, but this is not the case. Very often they are also the answer to the question why I cannot get better. For the normal state hormonal background in the human body, the correct functioning of the endocrine glands is responsible. The most common pathologies affecting low weight:

  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. This condition provokes excessive secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which increases the energy requirements of tissues and accelerates metabolism. It is manifested by excessive sweating, an increase in goiter, a rapid heartbeat, sometimes it can throw up a fever.
  • Insufficient secretion of insulin by the pancreas. This phenomenon is known as diabetes Type 1 (not to be confused with type 2 diabetes, causing overweight). In this state, a person does not assimilate carbohydrates, and therefore does not receive energy. Symptoms are frequent urination, constant thirst, fatigue.
  • Decreased function of the adrenal cortex. It provokes a decrease in the production of hormones and aldosterone. Cortisol is responsible for the amount of energy stored and the rate at which it is expended by the body. It manifests itself as muscle weakness, numbness in the arms and legs, decreased sex drive, apathy, and excessive cravings for salt.

If you suspect any of the above conditions, seek immediate medical attention. Only a medical examination can clarify the situation. Here you can't get away with just reading blogs and climbing on the Internet.

Digestive problems are another common cause of weight loss. In addition to the topic at hand, they are also characterized by painful sensations and lack of absorption of nutrients.

Neurological and psychological causes

Many people noticeably lose weight during severe nervous shocks or psychological problems. This is all due to the structure of the brain. The part responsible for feeling hungry is called the hypothalamus. It consists of a ventromedial and lateral parts, and the differences in their activity do not signal a person about the feeling of hunger sometimes throughout the whole day.

Also, decreased appetite and even its complete absence can be triggered by a malfunction in the nervous system, when inhibition processes are suppressed by excitation processes. This can happen due to the stress suffered, constant nervous disturbances or psychological experiences.

Constant overstrain at work, insufficient sleep, or negative emotions can permanently discourage the desire to eat. Therefore, rest more often, change the environment and try to improve your psycho-emotional state. Otherwise, in addition to problems with the figure, you can get depression and other serious mental disorders.

Bad habits

Very often they gain weight poorly due to bad habits. If you still smoke and often kiss a glass, quit this bad job.

The main enemy of gaining muscle mass is It not only dulls the feeling of hunger, but also provokes many diseases and hormonal disorders described above.

Getting into the body, nicotine begins its negative effect on all organs and systems, so the body spends all its energy and calories on its destruction and excretion. This leads to the fact that the calories are not absorbed, and the nutrients along with them.

Smoking also speeds up metabolic processes and increases blood glucose levels. The body perceives this as a meal, and therefore many smokers replace breakfast or dinner with a couple of cigarettes. Another effect of nicotine on weight is that it is a kind of drug capable of fully satisfying a person's needs and provoking his refusal to eat.

Alcohol abuse has the same effect. adversely affect the functioning of the pancreas, and it ceases to secrete all the enzymes necessary for the digestion of food.

People who drink alcohol often have nausea and vomiting, as well as problems with stool. Also, a study by scientists in the state of Illinois argue that drinking alcohol is perceived by the body as one of the meals.

Excessive consumption of coffee and energy drinks is another bad habit. They greatly speed up metabolism and provoke the removal of water from tissues and cells, and this leads to weight loss.

Many serious diseases can be the cause of excessive thinness, consult your doctor about the presence of pathologies.

So, friends - we've covered the main reasons why it can be difficult to gain weight. I hope this information was useful to you and gives you food for thought as to why you are having a similar problem and what to do to fix it. That's all ... Until next time!

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