Shallow but wide river. Separate under certain conditions. §66. Spelling not with adjectives

When it is not used with noun, adjective and adverbs on -y (-e), it can be both a particle and the prefix. If there is no contrast in the proposal, it is not a particle and with these parts of speech is written separately:

1) He spoke wrong. - It's not true on his side, and power.

2) We tightened a sad song. - This song is not fun, and sad.

3) They sang not - loud. - They sang not loud, but very quiet.

In order for students to clearly imagine this design, the easiest cases are introduced into exercises.

Pick to adjective antonyms.

The task is not difficult, and .... Summer is not cold, and .... The path is not close, and .... The day is not sunny, and .... The book is not boring, but ... Man is not angry, and .... The dress is not bright, and ....

Then the attention of the students should be paid to the fact that the availability of the Union A or but also does not speak about opposition. Examples disassemble.

In the proposal, the river is not deep, and a small one sign (deep) is denied, another sign (small) is approved. Deep and small - antonyms. Not deep cannot be replaced with a synonym for small, as it turns out nonsense: "The river is petty, and small."

Take another example: the river is shallow, and fast. Here both signs are attributed to the river: it is shallow, that is, small, and fast. Shallow and fast are not antonyms. Therefore, the word shallow can be replaced by synonym. Small and proposal will not lose sense: the river is small, and fast.

Another example:

1) They say not loud, but quiet. There is no contrast here, since it is impossible to replace a synonym for a synonym, and the word quietly is an antonym of adverbs loud.

2) They say quietly, but clearly. Here you can replace quietly synonym for quiet; It is clearly not an antonym to loud. There are no conversations opposite to each other in which one is denied, and the other is approved.

So, it is not written separately with nouns, adjective and adverbs on -O, if in the proposal one concept is denied, and the other, the opposite, is approved.

We fix this material, viewing the following sentences.

1) Matter is neuropa, but beautiful. - Matter is not bright, but faded.

2) The guys ate not ripe, but very green apples. - Apples are unhealthy, but already delicious. - We ate unpiring, almost green apples.

1) Road is uneven, but the shortest one.

2) The face is ugly, but pleasant.

3) His knowledge is not deep, but very superficial.

4) Malina this year is a small but sweet.

In some cases, opposition can only be implied. Then the spelling does not depend on the meaning of the investigated word: the river is small (that is, small); The river is not big (here says as it would be arguing with the statement that the river is big).

Thus, if in the absence of opposition, the presence of a sign is approved, not adjective is written in a punch; If the sign is denied and emphasized the opposite, not written separately.

He (was) is not good. - He did not (was) rich. He (was) Neender. - O n no (was) smart. He (was) Nokiter. - No (was) Chitter. He (was) unemployed. - He was not (was) cheerful.

For consolidation, you can offer students to draw up (orally) several sentences so that it is not picked up with adjective, then separately.

Separately writes not with attache adjectives (not a cat breed, not a hunting gun), with adjectives and adaptions in a comparative degree (not higher, not more beautiful, no more, no longer) and with brief adhesive, which are in full form or are not used, or They receive another value, or at all do not have a full form: it should not, not obliged, does not intend, not right, not visible, not ready, I do not agree, not inclined, I am not glad, it is not necessary, do not, not mind.

In other cases, it is not a prefix and is written firmly.

We offer material for training work.

1) It was not beautiful and not bad, not high and not low in growth (Rock.).

2) I am not rich, not official, and in the years it is not at all a couple (L.).

3) I immediately covered the unpleasant, fixed dampness (T.).

4) People they were although the poor, but formed (T.).

5) The day her sad and rainy long ago passed (T.).

6) not a PAKAR, not a joiner, not a carpenter, but the first worker on the village.

7) Yellow, not butter, with tail, not a mouse.

Moon NetUscore, Baby, Disradicable, not foggy, like us, and Clean, is transparent, like a crystal (Rong.).

9) The expression of this gaze was very uncertain, but not mockingly (L.).

10) DAYS AND NIGHTS I squanded a non-mesmer, but an unequal wind (M. G.).

11) Your cute image is unforgetable, it is before me everywhere, always unattainable, constant, as at night in the sky Star (Tyutch.).

12) Now we have no high impregnable mountains, but small hills with inconspicuous, inexpressible vegetation.

13) Far and incomprehensible stars were quietly frozen in immense casting and, it seems, with envy looks at the restless life on Earth.

1. Particles would (b), same (g), lee (l) written separately, for example: done would be, if a would be, if a b., but same, but j., here same j. what, barely lie, always l.

2. Separately written particles after all, here, they say and some others.

§64. Defisc Writing of particles

1. They are written through the moron particles -T. oh, -libo, something, kone- (ko-), - I, -Ye, -s, -the, - without eg: who -to, what -orwhose -Theless, co-what (as part of undefined pronouns; On the spelling of these particles with adverbs, see §57, p. 3), tell me -Yo, on the -Yo, on the -Yosmiling, Nata -Yo, NATE -Yosmiling, O. -, Yes -from;on the -the, on the -thesmiling, n. -Yo, N. -Yosmiling, n. -Te, Loose -Te.

2. Particle -T. about Joins a hyphen to pronouncements and adverbs not only to express uncertainty, but also to give them a shade of emotionality, for example: Highly flies yes where -to Sens? Let's see how -to He is about me (Turgenev).

Writes also through the word hyphen somehow Before transferring homogeneous membership members, for example: Krasnoleste is coniferous trees like -to: pine, spruce, fir.

3. Particle kone- (ko-), Torn from pronouncing the pretext, is written separately, for example: cost w. whom cost in than, koya from how.

4. Particle -T. aki. Writing through a hyphen:

a) After adverbs, for example: right -Taki, pretty -TakiAgain -Taki, straight -Taki, So -Taki;

b) after particles, for example: everything -Takireally -Taki, Really -Taki;

c) after verbs, for example: insistence -Taki, gone -Taki.

In other cases taki written separately, for example: old man taki achieved his one she taki threw the family, big taki Got yourself built. Wed:. ..but taki hoping his comrade (Gogol);. ..I taki locked it and this time (Dostoevsky).

5. If a particle that is written through a hyphen, stands after another particle, then the hyphens is lowered, for example: everything same taki, we would be de So did not do. Wed: Such -to de old man ... and angry and podl (Pushkin); KOM same something I have to say it! (Turgenev). But: Do not buy Lie -from? (Danilevsky); like -from (particle -from Joins a hyphen also to the previous particle).

The spelling is not

§65. Spelling not with nouns names

1. They are picked by S. not nouns names that without not Not used, for example: not vugeza notverie notpitch.

2. They are picked by S. not nouns that combined with not acquire the opposite value; usually such words can be replaced by synonyms without not eg: not truth (Wed: false), not friend (Wed: enemy), not happiness (Wed: bed).

3. They are picked by S. not nouns denoting persons and expressing high-quality shades; in combination with not The words are formed with the meaning of opposition. For example: not democrat, notrussian, notspecialist. Wed: Metaphors are widely used by writers and notwriters (M. Isakovsky); We are talking About reader notlinguite notetymologist (Lev Uspensky); Rewind, tortured children, are looking for notof people (Evg. Evtushenko).

4. Written separately S. not Nouns, if there is either meant contrast, for example: it not caution, and cowardice; No, that's not confidence convinced man; Middle Ages not many replenished this list Metals (Adjective, which passed in the category of nouns).

5. Separately written not With nouns in an interviewal sentence, if negation is logically emphasized, for example: Not notis it really felt in his words?

§66. Spelling not with adjectives

1. They are picked by S. not adjectives that are without not Not used, for example: not bare notgracious notsuccessful.

2. They are picked by S. not adjectives that combined with not acquire the opposite value; usually such words can be replaced by synonyms without not. For example: not large (Wed: small), not married (Wed: idle), not present (Wed: false, feigned).

3. Written separately S. not Adjectives, if there is either meant contrast, for example: problem not Simple, and complex; relations not hostile, light not Sharp, milk not sour, meat not Fresh, look not Good, task not urgent; not Many present supported rapporteurs (Thinks:. ..a separate ).

4. Usually, not It is written separately with relative adjectives, giving the denial to the sign expressed by them, for example: clock not Golden, Honey not Lime, sky here not South. Of the qualitative adjectives here include adjectives that designate the color and which in combination with not Do not form words with the opposite value, for example: paint not Blue, binding not Yellow, tint not grey.

At the same time, the syntactic function of the adjective is taken into account: the rule is usually applied to adjectives in the role of the faugible, since the intended opposition gives the utterance nature of the general negative judgment expressed by a particle not, But may not apply to adjectives as definition. Wed: this people not local - shine supportless beauty; paper not white nechels Citizens (Color); logics not feminine - The girl argued with nezenskaya logic; the form not round - account on non-zero Amount in 119 rubles (figurative meaning of the word).

5. Disasses the opposition expressed by the Union but, and opposition expressed by the Union but. With the first one of two opposing signs, the signs are denied, and the other is approved, for example: river not deep, and small; At the second there are no concepts opposite to each other, they are fully compatible, i.e. The subject is simultaneously attributed to two signs without denying one of them, for example: river shallow, but cold. In the first case not It is written separately, in the second - ply.

6. The presence of explanatory words, as a rule, does not affect the jigging writing not with adjectives (Wed: Writing not With communities, §70, p. 2), for example: not familiar to us the author, notfamous science facts notrelevant in these Correction Comment, n.eCAGE, at first glance, the error, notunderstandable student words notnecessary for business details notright conclusions in many ways; happening, notsimilar to others; behavior, notdecent decent person; playground, notsuitable for construction; lake, notforest prominent (Everywhere is approved by a negative feature, and not denied positive).

Note 1. Separate writing not With an adjective, having explanatory words, meets:

1) When adjectives, which in full and brief form have a different value (see below paragraph 8), for example: not Ready to exit an actor, notprone to a cold child;

2) in the presence of negative pronouns and adverbs (starting with n. ) Or combinations not, not at all, not, eg: nick not famous address n. in what not Multi people none not understandable expression not at all not harmful drink long away not a simple solution, at all not fruitless searches by no means not new plot; Wed: unknown Me ways nobody N. slave paths; but.: There is nothing in life impossible; In what is accused of my neighbor, there is nothing illegal (Negative pronoun nothing is depends on the adjectives, and they are explained by them);

3) Sometimes, when setting adjectives with dependent words after a determined noun, for example, enterprises, not subordinate to the trust (in the conditions of separation, the design with adjectives is approaching the value to the involvement of the turnover); Wed: chess player played B. unknown His styletraits not peculiar Our youth.

Note 2. If as an explanatory word advocates adhesive measures and degrees ( very, extremely very, almost Nareful expression highly etc.) not With adjective, it is written in a punk, for example: quite ugly act extremely irrelevant lunge very unsuccessful speech almost unfamiliar text, highly illegible handwriting.

Note 3. In the presence as an explanatory word adverb at all perhaps both a fusion and separate writing not With adjectives, which is associated with two values \u200b\u200bin which the specified adverb is used:

1) "Perfect, very" ;

2) "Bye", "no way" ;

wed: at all unnecessary a meeting (completely unnecessary, unnecessary) - at all not random a meeting (By no means random, the logical emphasis is not falling). In some cases, both interpretations are possible and, as a result, both writing, for example: at all small achievements (small, modest) - at all not big achievements (not big). In these cases, to address the question of writing not We need a wider context (see also notes. to p. 4). The fusion writing is characteristic of informative texts, separate - for polemicals.

Two-way interpretation admits at all:

1) "Bye" ;

2) "At all, completely" - in the conversational style of speech;

wed: He spoke against the bullshit, confused, led at all not convincing Argument. – The authors of these works are less popular or at all. unknownscientists. As in the case of at all The final solution depends on the nature of the text.

7. With brief adjectives denial not It is written basically the same way as complete: it is poured in the absence of opposition and separately if available, for example: room little - room low, incomprehensible question - Question non-impaired,invalid deal invalid transaction in violation of the law; novel not interesting, and boring; bay shallowBut convenient for swimming on a motor boat.

Cf. Writing in the presence of various explanatory words: Searches for materials on the chosen topic for him non-relieved; Too not surethere were people in the future; He is perfect do not know With the latest achievements in the field of zootechnics. - no control here already not possible; They are nothing not alike Each other. Cf. also: This river is always restless. This river is never not calm.

8. Written separately S. not Brief adjectives that are not fully used or have a full form of a different value, for example: not ready To departure, should not so come do not intend silence is not obliged to to help, not happy meeting not inclined believe, not located To conversation.

More often there is a separate writing in pairs: not needed unnecessary not right wrong not agree disagreeable, not capable not able to (Usually in these cases, the denial of a positive feature is more felt than the adoption of negative).

9. Two writing occurs in combination not SO comparative degree Adjectives, for example: This screensaver uglytoy (more ugly). - This screensaver not more beautiful Toy (does not have greater beauty); This night the dream of the patient was lOOKINGthan last(was even more troubled). - This night the dream of the patient was not calmthan last (Was not calm).

Separately written: not lower, not higher, no better, no worse, no closer, not poorer etc. (Private form of writing not aspectable degree of adjectives).

Separately written not With forms more , Little, the best, worst, eg: from not smaller Success, S. not the best chances.

10. Writing writing not with ungalled adjectives on -M. oh and with communion on -Mo; In the presence of explanatory words, the first is written in a punch (as well as the implications of adjectives), the second - separately, for example:

but) uninhabited For a long time, the island, insoluble in water crystals, indistent in the dark figures of people;

b) not visited Hunters reserves, not read nonspecialists magazines, not love Mother child.

To adjective on -M. oh The words formed from non-transparent verbs (for example: independent, waterproof, non-burning ) or from the verbs of the perfect species (for example: incorrigible, unfulfilled, indestructible ). These words apply to general rules for writing not with adjectives, i.e. They are picked and subject to explanatory words (see examples above), as well as in a brief form (for example: island uninhabited, disease incurableThese countries are economically independent). However, the rule of separate writing adjectives with not, If pronouns and adverbs starting with neither Or combination (See above, paragraph 6, notes. 1. Subparagraph 2), for example: with nothing not comparable impression nor from not dependent Countries, by no means not soluble crystals; This phenomenon is not from life or from art do not eliminate. The exception is words that without not Not used, for example: niche unbeaten army or for anyone incomprehensiblecase under no circumstances unique experiment.

Note. Writing should be distinguished not With the words -M. oh formed from transient verbs of an imperfect type: such words can be both the suffering gestances of the present time and adjectives (in the first case, writing with not Separate, in the second - a fusion). In combat, they are if, with them as an explanatory word, an efficient case of an active person is used, less often a creative gun (the so-called instrumental); If there are other explanatory words, they become adjectives (lose the value of the suffering and time value and acquire qualitative meaning). Wed: not love Mother child unloved in childhood games (in the second case, the word unloved indicates a constant sign, refers to about the same as "Unpleasant", "undesirable");traffic, not brake air invisible From the ground side of the moon.

An adjective of this type includes: invisible, unbearable, non-flammable, negascin, immovable, indivisible, unforgettable, invisible, immutable, unloved, unthinkable, unplanable, inalted, untransferable, indescribable, unrecognizable, unnecessable, unfriendly, intolerable and others. Wed Writing them in the presence of explanatory words: indivisible for three numbers unforgettable for us meetings through invisible world of tears unthinkable In the recent past records, indescribable simple words feelings, unchecked For a long time, accounts, neruptable In the spring, dirt, nonclocking in Russian nouns, intertly in our society behavior etc.

11. Separately written not With adjectives in an interviewal sentence, if negation is logically emphasized, for example: Dont clear Is this the situation without any evidence? KOM do not know Names of our astronauts?

§67. Spelling not with numerical names

With numerical names denial not Written separately, for example: not two, not Three, fifth and not fifth grades, here passes not Prime Meridian.

§68. Spelling not with pronouns

With pronouns (with the exception of negative, used without preposition, see §47) denial not written separately eg: not I'm not you, not yourself not everyone lives in not Our house.

§69. Spelling not with verbs

1. Negation not With verbs (in personal uniform, in infinitive, in the form of verdict) are written separately, for example: not take, notthere was not knowing not Hurry.

Note 1. They are picked by S. not verbs that without not Not used, for example: not go nothang notdomago notdo notjoin nottake notclose up of stepdaughter; something today notheart (The verb is healthy has obsolete and colloquial and is rarely used: How are you healthy? Not reallyhe is healthy); But in accordance with the general rule: will not last.

Note 2. Verb grab in any meaning is written separately with not, eg:

1) Puppy grouped and more lacks owner for pants;

2) In the book lacks Multiple pages.

Split writing do not get out in meaning "Do not get out" and fusion writing miss in meaning "Be in insufficient quantity", "be necessary", eg:

1) does not reach hand to the window;

2) at the register love two rubles; love patience; Only this lacking.

Note 3. Particle not in complex pretexts despite and regardless of, as well as unions despite the fact that, despite the fact that Writing pits. It is necessary to distinguish verdicticity looking in combination with a particle not, Which is written separately, for example: Answer the question not looking In the tutorial.

2. Picked verbs with a composite console before -, The value of the incompleteness of the incompleteness, insufficiency of the action (prefix this value is often antonymic console re-; Wed: before perform reperform, before salt resalt ). For example: before take notebooks beforecook potatoes beforereturn the nut beforeweigh the oil beforeship beforeevaluate your capabilities beforeget part of the goods, beforeride beforepomp beforelook, beforehear, beforetake account. The same applies to and derivatives, for example: before sol, beforeshuttle beforeweight.

Note. It should be distinguished by verbs with the console before - denoting that the action is fulfilled below the norm, and consonant verbs with the console before-, which is preceded by denial not and which are designated in combination with a particle that the action has not been brought to the end. Wed: overlook Behind the child (allow for omission during supervision) - do not look Performance to the end (do not finish watch); unemployed constantly malnown children often did not respond at dinner your soup; always underpaid never did not pay extra.

Cf. Also separate writing based on the general rule: without coming before the finish do not bring to end, do not finish letters something do not finishneither did not challenge; Leading these facts, a lot of newspaper did not say.

§70. Spelling not with communities

1. He is written not With complete communities at which there are no explanatory words, for example: not calculated manuscript notseen typos notverified quotes notterminating pain.

2. Written separately not With communities having explanatory words with them, for example: not returned to the author manuscript, notseen intelligence proofreader, not grafts not Options for individual heads of novel published during the life of the writer.

Note 1. This rule also applies to those cases where the sacrament with explanatory words forms a portion of a composite facility, for example: Many writer letters remained not published With his life; Student will come down from the scene not noticed In art.Cf. in another syntactic design: It's hard to imagine him not participating Actively in public life.

This is also subject to the communities used in the role of nouns, for example: Among not appeared At the meeting were Petrov and Sergeev.But when subtatives, the communion (transition to the discharge of nouns) uses a fusion writing, for example: number no gone In Russian.

Note 2. In the presence of impossible measures and degrees as explanatory words not With communities, it is written in a punch (cf. §66, clause 6, notes. 2), for example: top unquestioned Manuscript, at all unchectered Figures. But if, in addition to such adventures, there are still other explanatory words in the communtern, the preference is given to the greater the general rule and not written separately, for example: top not prepared to the set manuscript, quite not solved Until now, the problem.

Note 3. If the sacrament is used in the value of the adjective, then the presence of explanatory words not It is written in a punk (cf. §66, p. 6), for example: This is a universal animation, shine, noise All this, they have unprecedented and unheard me so struck me that I was completely confused in the first days (Dostoevsky). Wed: unsuitable for southern crops conditions (i.e. unsuitable, in the meaning of the adjective) - writing not suitable Under the rule (participial); by independent from editorial circumstances (phraseological turnover named adjective) - reflexes do not depend from the will of man (participial); over the centuries non-turntable land (In the meaning of the adjective; Wed: non-turntable food, non-turntable nature - in a figurative value) - rowan, not touched Autumn frosts (participial). The same distinction is carried out for brief forms, Wed: false politicians so shameless, sometimes so non-cried (those. jawn is obvious In the meaning of the adjective) - a door do not cover (Communion, see below, p. 1); student unprepared (adjective) - report not prepared (participle).

3. Written separately not from brief communities, eg: manuscript not edited, quotes not verified, Work not executed .

4. Written separately not With the parties under which there is or is expected to oppose, for example: not finished , But only the story started.

§71. Spelling not with adverbs

1. He is written not with adverbs that without not Not used, for example: not eliminated notlepo notdooming.

2. They are picked by S. not Naschaya about, which in combination with not acquire the opposite value; usually such words can be replaced by synonyms without not (Wed. §65, p. 2 and §66, p. 2), for example: not bad (Wed: oK), little (Wed: few), unsuccessful (Wed: unsuccessfully).

3. Written separately S. not Naschaya about, If there is either meant contrast, for example: live notrich about, and poorly; Usually traveled notfast about and notslow about; notpart about There is a similar situation; notsoon about the river will open; notchain about He started this conversation; noteternal aboutnature will keep their secrets from a person; not sweet about Messengers live at first. Wed: On the globe not Multi about places where this stone is found; When Borzaya got to the throat, the beast not Multi about It remained to live; Speaking honestly not Multi about There are people who do not have an unpleasant feeling at the sight of spiders.

Note 1. In some cases, a two-way interpretation is possible and, as a result, a twofold writing; Wed: near (It is argued that close) - to the nearest bus stop from here not far (denied that far); editor Utel not long (on the a short time) – editor Utel no longer (not for a long time). To solve the issue, a wider context is required.

Note 2. In writing not With adverias -about , as in writing the names of adjectives (see §66, paragraph 5), the opposition expressed by the Union but, and opposition expressed by the Union but. In the first case, two concepts are opposed, of which one is negotiated, and the other opposite to him is approved, for example: work is done not bad, oh good; in the second case, both features are simultaneously attributed to the action without negative from them, for example: work is done not bad, but late. In the first case, it is not written separately, in the second - ply.

4. Written separately S. not Naschaya -about , If with them as an explanatory word there is a negative adverb, starting with neither either combination not, not at all, not at all (Wed. §66, p. 6, notes. 1, subparagraph 2), for example: the speaker spoke none not convincingManuscript is edited by no means not bad. But: in any way impossible (no way plays the role of an amplifying word; Wed: absolutely impossible ).

5. Picked or separately written with not so-called predicative adverbs on -about (status category words) type not difficult see not difficult see: When approval, they are written in a punch, during denying - separately. For example:

but) never mind , what he thinks about us; wrong consider the created position so difficult; impossible do such a challenging work in short term; disadvantageous learn immediately; unknownhow he will behave further; nomouderthat she refused uninteresting work; non-disabilities so relate to the elders; It is not clear why they are missing for so long; unpleasant walk in raw weather; not simple deceive someone else's trust; Today at sea restless; not surprisingthat permanent sports strengthened his health; not good leave friends in trouble;

b) - And it's all? Not rich; not fun think that the holiday has already ended; can not seeso that the patient get straightened; must not persist in erroneous opinion; not logical believe that events will be repeated; not necessaryso that the answer is given immediately; not dangerousthat there is a short break in the treatment; not so easy carry out the full reconstruction of a large enterprise; not modest overestimate their merits; not sweet live alone; not by chancethat for help he turned to you; not weirdthat the victory went to the strongest; not essential For us, where to spend your vacation; not bad It would take to go south.

6. He is written not:

a) in negative adverbs, for example: not where, notwhere to, notwhere notwhat for;

b) in defiating adverbs, for example: not in the distance notin prize, notgo notvmogot notmob notfiery notintern notdar. (in meaning "not intentionally"; but: not Dalar - in meaning "Not for free"), not by the way, notsack; notalthough (verb origin);

c) in combination before Who (what, what, where, where etc.).

7. Written separately not:

a) with locomotive and amplifier adversions, for example: not here, not So, not well not fully not at all;

b) with predicative adverbs, not correlated with adjectives, for example: not it is necessary not time, not sorry (but: nonsenchug, non-good and etc.);

c) with a comparative degree of devils, for example: works not worse than others;

d) with circumstantiated adversions, for example: not Today, not Otherwise and etc.;

e) with adverbs who are written through a hyphen, for example: not to my mind, not in friendly;

e) in combinations of replacing origin, for example: not in the offset not in moderation not as an example not to good not to hop not taste, not Under power, not on the floor, not with hands.

Negation not written separately from the following predictions, unions, particles, for example: not in field; not S. friends; not that... not that; not only . In the proposed combinations despite, despite the (see §69, p. 1, notes. 3) not Writing pits.

§72. Spelling

1. Particle n. (unstressed) is part of negative pronoun nobody, nothing et al. (See §47) and negative shortcomings nowhere, nowhere, never and etc.

Pronouns and adverbs with a console particle n. Used in suggestions with a negative lean (with a surehead there is a negative not ), and pronouns and adverbs with a console particle are not used in impersonal (infinitive) proposals with the affirmative taut. Wed: none to whom did not addate not to whom turn for nothing did not go there no need go there; nIGHT not walked - no means take a walk.Retreats are found in separate expressions: to remain with nothing to remain with anything and others. Wed also: unwind (in meaning "Not for what", "no need to") – medicine already anything (in meaning "not necessary", in the role of the tag).

The negative legend may be absent in the proposal, but to imply, for example: In the sky no month or stars; Nor humanhousing Not alive Souls away (Chekhov).

2. Particle n. It is written separately, with the exception of negative pronouns (without an excuse) and negative shortcomings. Wed: nobody - nor from -Noto.

3. Repeating particle n. It has the meaning of the connecting union, for example: On this road n. pass n. pass the; N. day, n.month from him was not Westa; N. quiet, n. The story flows loudly. In these combinations n. value equal to a combination and not those. Speakers the tongue of denial. Cf. Writers XIX W.: Voron n. fry n. Varyat (Wings); ON. n. rich n. confident n. Wen (Turgenev); Elisha was an old man n. rich, n. poor (L. Tolstoy).

4. Single or repeating n. It is part of sustainable revolutions, for example: by all means, no matter where it did not happen, whence, neither the fish nor the meat, nor alive, neither two either one and a half, nor anyone nor give either a little bit nor more No less.

5. In independent exclamation and question deals (often with the words only, ody ) negative particle is written not, A B. putting proposals (with a gravating tinge value) to enhance the affirmative meaning - particle neither. Wed: Where only O. notrotted! (Total meaning: "Approached many places"). – Where only O. n. Approached, everywhere I met an indifferent attitude; That mother notmade for a sick son! What a mother n. did for the sick son as n.tried to help him, but he could not save him. Cf. also: What only tricks not A little man is started so as not to disappear, get a handful of happiness, what only professions not comes up with, and good luck is not and no (with the help of the Union but Independent sentences are connected, in the first part there is no departing proposal with a gravating tinge value, so written not ). What is just not give, and he in any way (similar case).

Note 1. It should be distinguished in the apparent proposals of the combination whoever would any be neither adjacent to relative word and combinations who would not, whatever where etc., as part of which there is a particle not, Related to the beam. Cf. He all assisted advice to the Council, whoever to him n. Approached.In our district, perhaps there is no one, whoever to him not Approached advice; Wherever you n. Were, remember your duties.In Belarus, there are few families. wheremost There were victims of the Great Patriotic War.

Note 2. IN exclamation proposals With an affirmative sense, particle use is possible n. in combination with the value "All the same who (what, etc.)", eg: Who told you that? And who would n. said!

The particle is not written separately, it is pounced 1. In the proposal there is opposition: not true, and false. * Constructions of "imaginary opposition": suit inexpensive, and beautiful. 1. Nothing is not used without any: sloppy. 2. The adjectives include words far away, at all, at all, at all (the latter only in the meaning of the "average value") and all explanatory words with NI- (noise, not at all): no interesting book; not at all old ( average age). 2. The adjective with cannot be replaced by synonym without or close by the value of the expression: Nursing (truthful). 3. With the simultaneous denial of two single-lay signs (mutually exclusive concepts): this person is not high, but not low growth. 3. In the presence of words denoting the degree of quality (very, very, extremely, absolutely completely in the meaning of "very"): very obsertatory; A completely ugly dress. 4. With mature, relative adjectives: not leather Jacket. 4. With a comparative degree of adjustment, formed from the adjective with the prefix, the mountain has become inaccessient. 5. With adjectives with the value of color and taste: the sky is not blue, not sweet berries. 6. With brief adjectives with a shade of must (are not used in full form in the same lexical meaning): not needed, not happy, not right, not ready, I do not agree, it is not obliged, it should not, does not intend, it is not dominated, it is not capable , not waven, not terrible, is not to blame, not visible. 7. With a comparative degree of adjective without not: the bag is not harder than the backpack.

1. N. famous writer. 2. A completely unknown writer. 3. By no means a well-known writer. 4. Farless not a well-known writer. 5. Not known, but a young writer. 6. Nobody is not a well-known writer. 7. It is not high and not low. 8. He is low. 9. He is not tall. 10. It is not high, but low. 11. It is low, but charming.

(Not) a common day (no) lopy (no) estimated treasures very (not) Large glade said (not) loudly, but the river is clearly (not) deep, but fast (not) big book, but an interesting (not) wide, But the beautiful river is still (not) a mature apple (not) a truthful answer (not) married (not) cheerful (not) health (not) is rich (not) beautiful (not) lung (not) delicious (not) understandable became incomprehensible Mountain became (not) more affordable

Rainy day ridiculous kind Often treasures Very small glada spoke quietly, but the river is clearly shallow, but a fast small book, and an interesting non-shimmer, but a beautiful river is still unripe apple. (poor) ugly (ugly) unclear (disgusting) incomprehensible has become incomprehensible; Mountain has become unavailable (CO comparative. The degree of admissions formed from the adjective with the prefix is \u200b\u200bnot-) the key

Nits (not) Easy Nosha at all (not) Merry mood (no) Moscow dra (m, mm) ATURG at all (no) stupid (not) Tsaritz H Departure (not) Joyful at all (not) friendly at all (not) is kind ( No) Stone structure (not) deep, and small river NCA. (Not) Yellow Cloak? River (not) deep, but also (not) small. He was (not) handsome and (not) fool, (not) high and (no) low growth. (No) High mountains share us, and low hills. (Not) Right punished, but to blame.

Not a light burden at all, not a merry mood at all. Not a Moscow playwright (referred.) It is not stupid not stupid to Tsaritsyn. Not a yellow raincoat (color) River is not deep, but not small. It was not beautiful and not bad, not high and not low. No high mountains share us, but low hills. Not right punished, but to blame. Welcome

Now we have been (not) high uninfect mountains, and (not) large hills with (no) rattling (not) riming pitrics. (Not) deep, but fish pond. (Not) dear, but beautiful handkerchief. Far (not) a beautiful act. (Not) Wide, and narrow to Nava. (No) high shrub. The cake turned out to be very (not) delicious (not) the deal is very interesting (not) is beneficial to the view (not) the arms of the day was issued (not) the hot river was (not) deep, and the fishing house is ugly. Extremely (not) a pleasant incident was invented at all (not) an interesting game. He spoke at a completely (not) understanding language (not) a prime behavior (no) evil, but indifferent. (Not) big, but bright volatile chko.

Now we have not been high inaccessible (not used without non-) mountains, but small hills with inconspicuous nonderable vegetation. Shallow, but fish pond. Inexpensive, but beautiful handkerchief. Not a beautiful act. Not wide, but narrow ditch. Low shrub. The cake was very tasteful (fresh, raw). Very uninteresting (boring). The transaction is very unprofitable (unprofitable). View of sludge (not used without non-). The day was laitting necking (cool). The river was shallow, and the fishing house is ugly. A very unpleasant incident was invented at all (\u003d very) a uninteresting game. He spoke in a completely incomprehensible language unsightly behavior (not used without non-). Neckless face (kind), but indifferent. Small but bright cloud. Key

Extremely (not) is complicated. Privo (not) cautious (not) glass vase (not) clay iducan (not) Mine silhouette (not) sour apple The composition (not) is simple, and special eyes (not) good, and evil. Sky today (not) Blue far (not) Cute man. The task (no) is more difficult for the blowing fruit (not) large but sweet. No one (no) well-known actor. Gave (not) the correct answer. The task (no) is more difficult to other anything (no) difficult task. (Not) expressive other things agreed and himself (not) glad y (not) high worm hair was (not) black he (no) young and (not) old

It is extremely simple (simple). Extremely careless (reckless). Not a glass vase (relates.). Not clay iducan (relates.) Not Mint Silhouette (attraction.) Not sour apple (qualities. With the value of taste). The composition is not simple, but a special (counterpost). The eyes are not good, but evil. Heaven today is not blue (color). Not a nice person. The task is not harder than the previous one (compared. Art.). Fruits are small but sweet. No one is a well-known actor. Gave wrong (erroneous) answer. The task is not harder than others (CO comparative. The degree of adjective without not). Not at all difficult task. Not expressive than others (CO comparative. The degree of adjective without not). I agreed and myself am not happy (the shade of the change). At the low boy's hair was not black (color). He is not young and not old (simultaneous denial). Key

Test 1 Option2 Option A. Do not write separately 1.D (not) handsome. 2. Everyone (no) Pleasant incident 3.Ves (no) stupid 1.Qray (not) is complicated 2. More (not) Careful 3. (No) Stone Building B. Do not write separately. It is not written in a punch 1.One (not) young and not old 2. Then was (not) deep, and fish 3.Le (not) evil, but indifferent. 1. Transfer (not) harder than others 2. (not) sour apple 3. Power (not) Lung V. Do not write nullly 1. I have done it myself (not) Delighted 2. Deli issued (not) hot 3.The following (not) Caverny 1. Details (not) a pretty person. 2. Del (not) the correct answer. 3. (No) Moscow playwright is not written a funeral. Do not write separately 1.Gora has become more accessible to 2.nikom (no) well-known actor. 3.The detachable (not) joyful 1. Brites (not) are large, but sweet. 2.Pirog turned out to be very (no) tasty 3. Such (not) Light Nosa D. not written separately 1. The trick (no) is more difficult to the previous one 2. Judged (not) loudly, but it is clearly 3.Destered (not) a well-known writer. 1. Everyone (no) is interesting 2. Another (not) mature apple 3. years (not) a well-known writer. E. Do not write nullly 1. Details (not) a beautiful act. 2. Employment very (no) is beneficial (not) high and (not) low. E. It does not write firmly 1.One spoke on a completely (not) understandable language 2. Perk (not) deep, but also (not) small. 3. The famous writer.

Parts of Speech Conditions for separate writing Examples Notes
Nouns. Adjectives. Adcharations on -o. 1. Contrasting 2. Amplifying particles: not at all .., far from .., not at all .. 3. Pronomies or adverbs with nor or as part of the Union The river is not deep, but small. The film is not interesting at all. It's not interesting for anyone. Not interesting for any for you, no topic for me. 1. Do not confuse Contrasting and comparison. * Sleep, but fast river. (Although small, but fast). 2. With brief adjectives are not written in the same way as complete. * The hillock is low, the road is not wide, but the narrow, the song Nenova.
Communion 1. Brief form 2. Dependent words 3. Contact. 4. Amplifying particles Costume does not sew. Not thought out by a student answer. Not broken, but preserved building. Not read book. Adcharations measures and degrees do not affect writing. Completely unprotected answer. BUT! A completely thoughtable student response.

Output.Words are written ply, if there are no conditions for separately writing. To such words, it is possible to choose a synonym without no adherent measures and degrees. * It is not true (false), too low (low).

Table number 2-10.

Not - nor in pronouns and adverbs

distribution of particles notand n.

place particles NOT N.
Before tamem In simple (\u003d main) sentence Always * There was no rain. He could not help but know Where he just did not appeal! _______
In the apparent 1) there was no actions * When I do not go to him, he worries. (I go? \u003d\u003e No \u003d\u003e not) 2) with the Union "While" * He wrote, until it became completely dark. Action was * When it goes to him, he is always busy (I go? \u003d\u003e Yes \u003d\u003e n.)
With other members of the sentence If the fault is affirmative (without not) * To remember not the other, no more, I will give you, my friend, scallop. If the surehead is negative (with not) * There was no soul outside.
FROM homogeneous members As part of unions. not just about but also Oh not that not that ABOUT * He is known not only with us, but also abroad. nor n. ABOUT, n. ABOUT There are no homes nor trees in the fog.
With particles Not at all ... by no means ... not ... isn't it ... hardly ... really not ... * On this request, not all acquaintances responded. ________
With phraseologism None of the ... From nowhere to take ... by all means ... however, it happened ...
In sustainable revs No rine like * His teacher was not anyone else like an artist Surikov Nothing else ... * Nothing otherwise attracted his attention.

Table number 2-11

Difficult words

General rules writing complex words

Ply Write

1. Comprehensive fromvow all kinds * university, chief physician, kneading.

2. Words formed by connecting vowels, which we choose.

· If the basis for solid consonant \u003d\u003e O * forest-steppe.

· If soft, hissing and "c" \u003d\u003e e *earthquake

· If the 1st part of the verb \u003d\u003e and * sorvigolovBUT! tumbleweed.

· 1st part is numerical in the genus. p. \u003d\u003e * five days, forty-thousand

!! centipede, one-day, ninety pass, millennium, quarterfinal.

3. Words formed merger* time speaking, pastime, licking, seed, crazy, sacrificed, front-looking, nitrogen-containing.

4. Words with root floor-

Sophisticated noun

What elements is the word?

Ply Through Defis
As part of the truncated bases 1. Aviation, Auto-, Velo, Hydro, Meteo-, Micro, Moto, Cinema, Radio-, Stereo, Electro-, Board .. * air Base, Stereo System, Hydromassage, Aerial Photography; Botro Merchant !! Tele and radio journalists. 2. ..meter, ..graf, ..Grad voltmeter, Topographer, Volgograd The composition has two independent words 1. General + Special Name * Wagon - restaurant, house - museum. 2. Position, title, profession, party. vice - Governor, Ex-Champion, Physicist - Atomper, Liberal - Democrat. 3.Technical terms with vacuum, diesel, press, stop-block, alpha, beta, gamma- vacuum - Pump, Diesel - Motor, CD, Press Center, Stop - Crane, Alpha - Radiation, Block - System (but! CONTROL). 4. Units of measure * Gram - molecule, kilowatt - hour but! Working. 5. Side of Light * south - West, Nord - Ost 6. Plant Names * leek - Spend, mother - and - stepmother 7. Geographical names * Rostov - to Don 8. Synonyms, antonyms, evaluation words * sadness, butt, purchase and sale, miracle tree

Do not confuse!

Sophisticated words and words with foreign-speaking prefixes (anti-, architectural inter-, counter, counter, super-, trans-, ultra-, sub-, extra-.feld-) * Subtropics, archiving.

Compare : counterattack - counter-admiral.

Complicated adjectives

What is the word formed?

Do not confuse!

Adjective and phrases of ads. + Appears, which are written separately (indicate the degree of a sign, determine the sign by increasing) * flawlessly polite, socially useful (for society), friendly (as a comrade).

Table number 2-12.

Specifying Nasrachchi

hyphen ply apart
1. in- + and, -ska, -You, -y * In my opinion, in a friendly, in a bearish 2. V-, in-one, and * First, thirdly. !! latin, on-mountain. 3. Core; -This, -libo, in some way, somewhere, somewhere, somewhere 4. Formed by repetition. barely, long ago, unexpectedly nigandanno, little, lounge, thin, the will of the Will-Neils, Cross, and exactly Do not confuse Adcharations and nouns in TV. P. Compare: everything will be our way (as?) walks on our way (on what?) 1. Adcharations, which include outdated forms. * Widow, smithereens, locked, surprise, dotla 2. Adcharations formed from all parts Speech, except nouns from the shorter * tomorrow, task !! on maybe, with a bang, no. from numeral with v-, * twice, sun. !! two from adjectives short * tightly, swell, slowly from adjectives and pronouns in winep. * Perfect, might and main !! in the open, on the opponent 3. Ancecry formed from the nouns with the value of the place and time * in the distance, deep into. Do not confuse Adjusts and nouns who have dependent words with them. * looked in the distance - looked in the distance put up - put on the top of the cabinet i read first - read from the beginning of the novel 1. Ancecry formed from nouns with a pretext, preserved case-in-form * abroad (abroad), for strength (under power); point to point matter in a personal meeting. Adcharations formed from other nouns with pretexts * without cut, without tired, without disaster; before the dump, to death, before falling; on the run, on the race, on the go; Under it, under power. remember! in general - in general one one - alone


From-, pre-, s- + a* long-stayed, drying, left \u003d / window /

In, on-, for- + o *left, left \u003d / window /

Table number 2-13.

Service parts of speech




1 . Composite unions are written separately.

Articles by Topic:
Red currant - benefits, harm and contraindications Red currant than useful for women
Red currant is small shrubs, whose leaves are falling in winter. It refers to many years old, and his closest relative is. Unlike black currant bushes, these higher, as if pulling up. Every year they grow n
Beer effect on female organism: benefit and harm
Beer refers to the category of alcoholic beverages, so many believe that it can be drunk without restrictions. However, this opinion is far from the truth. Experts are convinced that any type of alcohol is dangerous to human health in abuse. it
Carrots: benefits and harm to the body, useful properties of juice and boiled carrots
To maintain organs of vision, it is necessary to make carrots and blueberries permanent elements of their own. They have a beneficial effect on tired eyes, help preserve vision, prevent the development of hazardous diseases. Choosing between blueberries and carrots, Potcher
Pros and cons of tattoos for neck Minus color tattoos
The first tattoo was made more than 6,000 years ago, as the scientists of archaeologists were installed during excavations. So the art of the tattooja leaves its roots in the most antiquity. Currently, many do not mind decorate their body. But the tattoo is a serious decision