Union and with homogeneous can be. Moscow State University of Press. Punctuation in sentences with homogeneous members connected by writing alliances

Question: Watch, what other unions can be used with homogeneous members. Read the proverbs. What is common in their meaning? And in the structure? Do not hurry tongue, but do not be lazy. Do not rush the tongue, but hurry the case. Speak less, but do more. What role the unions are played in them, but, yes: only connect or connect, oppose? Make up the scheme of the main members of these proposals

Watch, what other unions can be used with homogeneous member. Read the proverbs. What is common in their meaning? And in the structure? Do not hurry tongue, but do not be lazy. Do not rush the tongue, but hurry the case. Speak less, but do more. What role the unions are played in them, but, yes: only connect or connect, oppose? Make up the scheme of the main members of these proposals


eEEEEEEEEEE did not understand

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Uniformity in the sentence can be expressed with writing unions. Unions set various semantic relations between homogeneous members: connecting, interconnected, separating and comparable.

Connectors Unions: and, yes(in meaning and) nor ... neither.

Unions and, yesit can be both solitary and repeated. Single unions indicate an exhaustive character of the listing: The sky was there magenta, warm and affectionate(M. G.); In comrades we took a bouquet knife yes tempo night(P.). The repeated unions emphasize, firstly, the incompleteness of a number and, secondly, express the value of the gain: In him[in voice] there was a genuine deep passion, both youth, and power, and sweetness, and some exciting and careless sad grief(T.); Only Malva, yes nogot, yes twisted panic bloomed in some way in the yards(Pan.).

Soyuz andcan connect homogeneous members with groups: The counter winds and fogs, sudden rains and storms, slow down their movement. New appeared in the notebook brief recordsAnd it was strange to Semen himself, as the whole months of expectations and anxiety, dozens of rains and dawn, greenish grews and yellowish hot winds are stacked in several lines of dry text(Sol.). Such groups, in turn, can be united by a repeated union: Among the rivers there are big and small, and calm and violent, and fast and slow.Soyuz andyou can not consider repeating if it connects different homogeneous membership members: The sea is forever and inconspicuously noise and splash(Rong.).

Soyuz no noin modern Russian, always repeating, it is used in negative proposals, fulfilling the role of the Union andwith an amplifying value: There was no security on the road or in the villages(P.); I'm not in the right risk neither people nor ship(Paust.); Nor the station, no taxi and nothing today will (SOL.).

Advisory Unions: a, but yes(in meaning but), though, although not, but, however.Soyuz butusually used in the case of denial of one of the concepts and approval of the second: There is no longer seven, but as many as twelve years(T.). Unions but, thoughused when designating compatible concepts, but with a touch of limit or concession: It was a unwitting, but in the spicy conditions a funny humor(Sim.); Through the impossible, although a fresh smile of fading nature, it seemed, the dull fear of the near winter was crushed(T.). However, the Soyuz butcan transmit and simple opposition of concepts as the Union but(if there is a denial): Before us was not just a church, but the work of art(Sol.). Soyuz yes,having a spoken color, connects homogeneous members of the sentence with a standpoint-restrictive value of the value: Our governor in the relatives was Tolsta, but not to relatives was simple(Kr.).

Soyuz butclose by the meaning of the union but: I'm a little squeeze, but sat down(T.). Soyuz butstresses the value of replacement: Our shelter is small, but calm(L.).

Actually winning unions are Soyuz andand its semantic-syntactic equivalents fixing the same (semantic and syntactic) are classified by the components connected to the third. As for the unions but, howeverand especially although,then they impose additional shades of values \u200b\u200bon the relationship of combined words, except for actually writing. For example, in the proposal He read expressively though slowlymember sentence slowrather refers to the circumstance expressivelythan directly to the verb read, t.e. Parallel communication here between homogeneous members is complicated by their own syntactic relationships with the element of subordination of the second component (CP. the impossibility of establishing a purely writing relationship here: He read expressively and slowly).

Dividing Unions: or, or, then ... then, not that ... not that, or even ... Either, if ... Lee, and then.

Unions or, or even then (and then- single; or- single or repeating; either -more often repeated) indicate the possibility of choosing only one of the concepts: Other owners have already grown cherries, or lilac, or jasmine(FAD.); There should be, each of the Russians is a certain "expression of the face", which can be either harsh or a pathetic or kind or sad(Sol.); The breath of sleeping was broadcast from the town, sometimes heard someone's deaf night sigh, and then light moan(Bend.). Repeating Soyuz then ... thatindicates consistent alternation of phenomena: Dasha sat in a big chair, then sideways, then pursing the legs(A. N. T.).

Repeating Soyuz lilyit has a separation and enumeration value: Li, Hi-delay, Lee Castle, Lee Chuckle or more expensive- everyone at the Polyke of Ilyich Same to itself found(L. T.).

Repeating unions not that ... not then, or ... eitherexpress uncertainty or indicate the difficulty of choice. A black pasha stretches for the plain, which is not the geeks, not that daws(C.); More imagination than vision, is guessed aside something dark: whether the forest is, or the village(Sol.); Following this, some strange sounds were heard, similar to remote singing, not the clicks of the fluttering swans(Arrived.).

Comparable (gradation) alliances: as ... so, not only ... But, if not ... then, although ... But, not so much ... how much, not that ... and, not that ... butand etc.

These unions are always double, they combine two homogeneous member, which are compared with each other, are compared in any respect, and this is transmitted frequently by gradation: the importance of the second-component of the part of the part in relation to the first is increasing, increases or, on the contrary, Weaken.

Additional shades of values \u200b\u200btransmitted by such unions are diverse: may be compared, for example, more or less equivalent concepts: ... I have no right to sell them in his life, although I can lay them out both in the treasury and in private hands(P.); The conversation is charm, both thoughts and the brilliant image of their expression(P.); Comparison may indicate greater probability, greater importance of the second member of the sentence or the predominance of the phenomenon named after them: Kiprensky wanted to be brilliant not only in painting, but also in everyday life(Paust.); Not only hunters, but fishermen are waiting for the same time of the year, hardly disagging and revising the hunting equipment and fishing gear(Sol.); His face[Brigadier] strangely revived- i already waited if not a story, then at least an approving, sympathetic word(T.); Morning was not so much cold as raw and foggy(S.-S.); The second of the comparated homogeneous members can clarify the insufficient certainty of the first: Today, not the fact that the soldiers, and the men see ...(L. T.); In the morning in our hut was not something that smoke, but somehow hello(Bend.).

Most of the unions used in homogeneous members are stylistically neutral. However, some of them, for example, yes(in meaning andand but), even though, not that ... not that, or even ...usually used in conversational style, other, in particular comparable, are used in book styles.


Soyuz - This is the service part of speech, which serves to communicate homogeneous members of the sentence, parts complex offer, as well as separate offers in the text. Unions do not change and are not members of the sentence.

Of Educationunions are:

1) non-derivative (primitive), that is, such that are not related by origin with other parts of speech: a, but, or, yes, and;

2) derivatives (undeveloped) formed:

Connection of non-derivatives: as if,

Connection of the indicative word from the main part and simple union: in order to,

Connection of the Union with a word with a generalized meaning: as long as, while

Historically, other parts of speech: so far, although to.

By structure distinguish alliances:

1) Simple, consisting of one word: a, for, to;

2) composite consisting of several components: since, while.

By consumption Unions are divided into:

1) Single (non-repeating): But, however, but, but

2) repeated, which consist of the same parts ( neither ... neither, then ... then, or ... or, or ... either).

3) Double (two-component) unions, parts of which are distant with a mandatory or not mandatory second part: not so much ... how much, not only ... but also; if ... then when ... then, barely ... how.

By the nature of the syntax relationship, The unions are divided into: 1) Writing: and, but, even, but, however;

2) Supporting: Although, if, therefore.

Writing Unions Connect equal components. They associate homogeneous members of the sentence, part of a complex offer, sentences in the text.

Writing alliances depending on the transmitted meanings are combined into categories.

Classification of writing unions by value





and, yes (\u003d and), too, also, nor ... and etc.

1. Dryly cracked grasshoppers, and lulls and worries this whisper-crash(I. Bunin). 2. Peter got up, I also rose.


or, or, then ... then, not that ... not thatand etc.

1. Harnessed the horse, dropped two on the cart or Three knots, bed and wooden topchak - that's all the household(V. Rasputin). 2. That cold, that very hot, that The sun hide thatshines too bright(I. Wings).


a, but yes (\u003d but), however, butand etc.

1. I will laugh with everyone but I don't want to cry with anyone(M. Lermontov). 2. They are picking up, drive home from the cold, but We are not leaving(V. Astafiev).


not only ... But, not so much ... how much, not that ... and, etc.

I.E. Repin more than once argued that Leonid Andreev not only outside but also The character reminds him of one of the charming Russian writers - Garshina(K. Chukovsky).


that is, namely, or (\u003d that is) and etc.

He belonged to the number of young people who played a tetanus on every exam, i.e did not answer a word to professor questions (I. Turgenev).


yes, and happeach, and etc.

When the exhausted musicians stopped playing, the excitement caused by the music disappeared and I felt that I was about to drop, yes I. Would have fallen, do not happen in time(V. Garin).

Subordination unions Combine non-equivance components and indicate the dependence of one of these components from the other. They are mainly associated with part of a complex proposal, but can also be used in a simple proposal for communicating homogeneous members: The book is interesting, although a little tightened. Unions as, as if like associated homogeneous and inhomogeneous members of the sentence: In winter, the night is longer than day; The pond is like a mirror.

The discharge of subordinate unions are varied.

Classification of verification unions by value





what is that and etc.

1. It seemed what Multicolored Loskutka rolls on the ground(Yu. Olesh). 2. My goal was to to be on the old street(I. Bunin).


when, while, since, just, barely and etc.

1. The first blow of the bell rang in the frosty air, whenMakar entered the hut(V. Korolenko). 2. So it will be wedge the hut, until will not fall at all or not wait for a good owner(V. Rasputin).


because, because, because, due to the fact that, due to the fact that and etc.

And now it was difficult for a foreign aliens to fight a silent dude, because She was a blind boy accompanied by the whole related Ukrainian nature(V. Korolenko).


to, in order to and etc.

1. Then, to Removing yourself for a smart day, passengers got confused together with sailors in the cabin companies(I. Bunin). 2. In order to bring up real men, you need to educate real women(V. Sukhomlinsky).


if, if, if ... then, whether and etc.

If a You will successfully choose a job and put your soul in it, that Happiness will delete you(K. Ushinsky).


despite the fact that though and etc.

1. Once was to admire the view although The view of this deserved(Yu. Olesh). 2. The horse began to get tired, and with him Sft Him, althoughhe was remembered by the belt in the snow(A. Pushkin).


as if, as if, as if, how, exactly and etc.

The flame appeared in one second, as if Someone allowed in the crowd of solar bunnies(Yu. Olesh). Comparative unions can adopt comparative turnover: Thunder jumped, asball and rolled in the wind(Yu. Olesh).


so that

Everything goes according to plan, so that Act boldly.

These examples of subordinate unions can be supplemented with composite subordinate unions, for example: while, as if, only only, due to the fact that et al. (See above). Some unions are meaningful and can be attributed to several discharges, for example to (target and explicit), when (temporary and conditional).

Uniforms are called such members of the sentences that are responsible for the same question and refer to the same member of the proposal or are explained by the same member of the sentence.

Compare two suggestions:

I often getletters andparcels. I ofteni get andsend Letters.

In the first sentence, two additions answer the question of what? And relate to the same faugible, and in the second sentence two fags are explained by one common addition.

Uniform members are usually expressed by the words of one part of speech, as it was in the proposals above, but can be expressed in different parts of speech. For example: He spoke slowly from Large pauses. In this proposal, the first circumstance is pronounced by adder, and the second - nouns with the pretext.

Uniform members in sentences can be distributed, that is, they may have dependent words. Consider the next proposal carefully.

Men removed from head caps andbowed.

Here are two homogeneous fags (filmed and bowed): the first is common with the circumstance (from the head) and the addition (caps), and the second is not common (it does not have dependent words).

In one sentence there may be several rows of homogeneous members. For example:

The moon rose and covered the road, the field and houses of the village.

The first number of homogeneous members in this proposal is created by the faugible, the second - additions.

Homogeneous and inhomogeneous definitions

To the same word, a sentence may include several definitions that may be homogeneous and inhomogeneous. To learn to distinguish between these two types of definitions, it is necessary, since homogeneous definitions on the letter are separated by commas, and there is not a comma between inhomogeneous definitions.

1. Uniform definitions are pronounced with the enumeration intonation and characterize the subject on one side: in color, form, size, and so on.

In the mornings, the sun beats in a gazebo through purple, purple, green and lemon foliage (POUST).

In this sentence, four definitions for the word foliage, they are homogeneous, since everyone is called color and are pronounced with the intonation of the listing.

Inhomogeneous definitions characterize the subject from different sides and are pronounced without enumeration intonation, for example:

Was unbearable hot July day (Turgenev).

Definition hot informs us about the weather, and the definition of July is about what month was this day.

Please note that homogeneous definitions can be connected to writing alliances, and if there are no unions, they can be easily inserted. Compare the three suggestions below.

He owned German, French, english language.
He owned German, French and English.
He owned both German, and French and English.

2. Uniform definitions cannot be expressed by adjectives relating to different lexical discharges.

If definitions are expressed by adjectives, then determine whether they should be separated by commas, in the following way. It is known that adjectives are divided into three categories: quality, relative and Pictures . If one words have definitions expressed by adjective different discharges, then these definitions will be inhomogeneous.

On the porch stands his old woman inexpensive sobolia shower (Pushkin).

The word of the showering two definitions: expensive (high-quality adjective) and sable (relative adjective).

3. Definitions are considered inhomogeneous if one definition is pronounced or numeral, and the other is adjective.

Consider examples on illustration.

Why don't you wearnaught new dress?
Finally we waited
first warm days.

4. Sometimes B. artwork Suggestions can be found in which between definitions characterizing the subject from different sides are commas.

Read offers from the works of I. A. Bunin and A. P. Chekhov. In them, the authors seek to create a single, holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject or phenomenon, and such definitions can be considered homogeneous.

Comingrainy, dirty, dark fall (Chekhov).
Clear days changedcold, bluish sulfur, silent (Bunin).

Punctuation in sentences with homogeneous members connected by writing alliances

Writing alliances in Russian speech are divided into three categories: connecting, dividing and opposing.

Value connectors Unions can be conventionally indicated by the phrase: "and that, and that." They connect two homogeneous member among themselves. Value dividing Unions can be defined as follows: "Or then, or it." Such unions indicate the possibility of only one homogeneous member of several or their alternation. Value promotional Unions expressed otherwise: "Not that, and this." Provicary unions oppose one homogeneous member to another. Consider examples of unions of each discharge on the illustration.

Please note that the union is recorded in the column with connecting unions, and in a column with opponent unions. The fact is that it can be used in two values. Compare two sayings: Without thread yes needles fur coats do not sew and Small spool yes Roads. In the first saying, the Union can be replaced by and, and in the second one - on but.

Some writing unions consist of several words, for example, both ... and; Not only ... But I. Such unions are called composite.

Statement of commas in proposals, where homogeneous members are associated with writerous alliances depends on what category they belong to.

Before writing unions connecting homogeneous members, the comma is placed in three cases:

1) If in the proposal, homogeneous members are associated with a comprehensive union:
Berry Krasnova,yes The taste of bitter. The task is difficultbut interesting;

2) If homogeneous members are associated with repeating unions:
In the forest one noisyand terriblyand fun(Fet);

3) If homogeneous members are connected by composite unions:
There will be a holidaynot only Today,but also tomorrow..

Now we turn to the cases when the comma in front of the unions connecting homogeneous members is not needed.

1. If homogeneous members are connected by a single connecting or dividing union, for example:

Pescari splashed in the cageand Perch.
In this forest on pines you can notice the squirrel
or Dyatla.

2. If unions combine homogeneous members into pairs, for example:

There was a lot of knives in his collection and daggers, pistols and gunsDecorated with precious stones.

3. If two homogeneous members are connected by repeating alliances, but form a stable combination: both day and night, laughter and sin, nor no one, nor two or two or others or others.

We woke usn. shinen. Dash.

Punctuation signs in suggestions with generalizing words

Carefully read the offer.

Next to the house grew coniferoustrees: spruce, pines, fir.

In this example, four are subject to, but it is impossible to call them all homogeneous, because the first of them is the word trees - combines the subsequent, or, on the contrary, the three latter to be specified, specify the value of the first. Between the first and subsequent, you can insert a question: "And what exactly?".

If one of the words in the proposal is specified, refined by a number of homogeneous members, then such a word is called generalizing . Please note: a generalizing word is the same sentence that homogeneous members.

Generalizing words in suggestions can be expressed by different parts of speech, but especially often pronouns are used in this capacity, for example:

Nor a noble genus, nor beauty, nor strength, no wealth - nothing bit can (Pushkin) or So it was always: and a hundred, and three hundred years ago.

Generalizing words can also be expressed by integral phrases, for example:

Every day began to bring old Moseichmultiple large fish : shchek, iees, chunks, lines, perch (Aksakov).

In this proposal, the generalizing will be a combination of different large fish.

In sentences with generalizing words, punctuation marks are put in accordance with the rule of three main points.

1. If the generalizing word is facing homogeneous members, then the colon is placed after it.

Yellow maple leaves layeverywhere : machines.

2. If the generalizing word stands after homogeneous members, then before it is rated.

On the tracks, on the benches, on the roofs machines everywhere lyed yellow maple leaves.

3. If the generalizing word stands in front of homogeneous members, and after them the proposal continues, then after a generalizing word put the colon, and after homogeneous members - dash.

Everywhere : on the tracks, on the benches, on the roofs machines lying yellow maple leaves.

The exercise

    He lay on his back_ and looked at the sky for a long time.

    Essays of trees sprinkled with rain_ and agitated by the wind, began to speak from Mraka (Turgenev).

    Exhausted_ dirty_ wet, we reached the shore (in Turgenev).

    In deep silence, Chatko_ and carefully given in the garden of the Nightingale Solovya (Bunin).

    I gathered my Dobrishko_ and returned to my sister (Bunin).

    Rosa silvered on wet_ blahim_ dense colors_ and herbs (bunin).

    The knock of the hooves_ ringing the wheels responded Thunder_ and were given from four sides (according to Gogol).

    Noiser_ And no more sounded through the streets of the songs_ and shouts (Gogol).

    We took with ourselves rubber_ inflatable boat_ and at the dawn left on it for the edge of coastal water lishes - catch fish. (POUST)

    The waiter put on the table cold_ hot snacks, as well as the main dish - stuffed with salmon.

    From somewhere outside came unexpectedly increasing_ mighty_ terrible noise of a huge crowd (Babel).

    I threw a hard one in the wolf (paustovsky).

    From here was visible big_ launched garden (A. Gaidar).

    The menu contains a large selection of white white wine_ as well as carbonated drinks_ and juices.

    Evgeny Schwartz grew up in small_ provincial_ southern city of Maykop.

    In the depths of the garden, there was a clumsy_ two-storey shed, and under the roof of this barn, a small_ red flag (Gaidar) was waving.

    Especially good in a gazebo in quiet_ autumn nights, when in the garden is noise in a low-speed) Rain (paustovsky).

    The exhibition presents a lot of gas_ electric stoves and furnaces.

    Ahead - desert_ September day (paustovsky).

    He laid in a suitcase not only clothes_ but also books.

    He decided to lay in a suitcase or clothes_ or books.

    He pulled out the suitcase and put there_ and shirts_ and ties_ and the album with photos.

    The album had photos of his wife_ and relatives_ and friends.

    In the depths of the garden stood a small outline with small windows, which did not open or in the winter or summer.

    On the table already stood pies_ and pancakes, pancakes and cheesecakes.

    I order_ or ice cream_ or strawberry juice.

    I will order ice cream_ or strawberry pie_ or cheesecake.

    I will order_ not only ice cream_ but also apple pie.

    Previously, the neighbor never seen either steamers_ neither locomotives_ wide rivers (Chekhov).

    He is familiar with him. And the preserving life_ and peasant_ and the Meshchansky (Turgenev).

    On the left side of the extensive fields of the leashk_ three_ or four villages_ and the village of Kolomenskoye with a high palace of her (Karamzin) were sent.

    And the blue sea is a deceptive shaft in the clock of fatal bad weather_ and the strollery_ and boom_ and the evil dagger_ shoot the winner years (Pushkin).

    The frequency was tested by bundles of dried pears and apples and ventilation carpets (according to Gogol).

    The colors grew there a lot of the caravel peas_ kaski_ bells_ forget-butt_ field carnations (Turgenev).

    He knows everything in everything that is important_ and entertaining for Russian man_ in horses_ and in cattle_ in the forest_ in bricks_ and in the dishes_ in the red product_ and in the leather_ in songs_ and dances (Turgenev).

    The hare has many enemies: and wolf_ and lisa_ and man.

    At home, Lee_ on the street Li_ on a visit_ everywhere he felt on himself whose look.

    Tatiana prepared everything you need for embroidery_ multicolored threads_ beads_ sparkles_ beads.

    In our department store you will be able to purchase various entanglements_ caps_ hats_ winter_ and sports caps.

    Everywhere in the club_ on the streets_ on the benches at the gate_ in the houses_ there was noisy conversations (Garshin).

    Everything merged, everything mixed up the land_ air_ sky.

    On the other day, very tasty pies_ cancer and lamb cutlets (Czechs) were served to breakfast.

    There were no human feelings in him. Neither love for son_ neither compassion to the neighbor left.

    Deciduous trees_ aspen_ olha_ birch_a_ more goals (Solobukhin).

    Rainbow drops red referred drops with red referred drops in red referred drops.

    It was joyful_ young it was_ and in heaven_ and on Earth_ and in the heart of a person (Tolstoy).

  1. _ And the coffin of the mystery fathers, destiny and life in their twread_ everything was subjected to their court (Pushkin).
  2. And the subfolder, chasing the cows_ and the Amerleler, traveling in a britter through the dam, and the walking gentlemen_ everyone looks at the sunset and everyone finds that it is terribly beautiful, but no one knows and does not say what is the beauty (Czechs).

    And the fact that they were sitting in the living room where everything_ and the chandelier in the case_ and chairs_ and the carpets under the legs_ said that here once went_ Sidel_ drank tea here these are the most people who looked from the frames now, and the fact that now silently Beautiful Pelagia walked - it was better than any stories (Chekhov).

    Sometimes it happens that the clouds in the mess crowd on the horizon, and the sun, hiding behind them, pains them_ and the sky in all sorts of colors_ in the crimson_ orange_ gold_ lilac_ dirty pink; One cloud looks like a monk, another on the fish, the third to the Turk in Chalme (Chekhov).

    The glow swept a third of the sky, glitters in the church cross_ and in the glasses of the Lord's house_ selects in the river_ and in the puddles_ trees in the trees; Far and far on the background of dawn flies somewhere to spend the night of wild ducks ... (Chekhov).

    Imagine ... a cutting head with thick_noyed eyebrows_ with a bird nose_ with long_ gray mustes_ and with a wide mouth, from which a long-shaped crucious letter sticks out; This head is ineptly glued to the touch of a humpback tooching, dressed in a fantastic costume_ in Kutsu_ red jacket and wide_ bright blue harees; I walked this figure, putting the leg_ and the shoe shoes, said without removing the mouth of the Chubukka, but kept myself with purely Armenian dignity_ didn't smile_ not pouterled eyes and tried to pay for their guests as much attention.

    A good conductor, passing the thought of the composer, makes the twenty business immediately_ reads the score, waving a stick_ follows the singer_ makes movement towards that drum_, then horn and so on. (Chekhov).

    Alien People_ Alien Nature_ Pathetic Culture_ All this, brother, is not as easy as walking along Nevsky in a fur coat, under the handle with the hope of Fedorovna_ and dream of warm edges (Chekhov).

    Hate background Korene_ and anxiety_ Everything disappeared from the soul (Chekhov).

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