Adjectives that form a simple comparative degree. Three degrees of comparison of adjectives in English: education rules, examples. The degree of comparison of Nasrachchi

> The degree of comparing names of adjectives

The grammatical sign of high-quality adjectives is the presence of comparison degrees.

The comparison degree is the grammatical category of adjectives, expressing differences in the degree of manifestation of quality. For example: strong - stronger, stronger, less strong, strongest, the strongest, the least strong, strongest, stronger than all, is stronger.

Distinguish 3 degrees of comparison of high-quality adjectives:

1) positive degree (positive),

2) comparative degree (comparative),

3) Excellent degree (superlative).

Positive degree of comparison it shows that this sign of the subject does not compare with a similar feature in another subject. The initial (initial) form of adjective, for example, is considered as a positive degree. fast, hospitable, careless; fruit, sad, light, small, small, proud, decisive, brave, skillful, skillful, wonderful, adorable, appropriate, instant.

comparative it shows that this feature of the subject manifests itself to a greater or lesser extent compared to a similar feature in another subject, an example: bolder, more bold, less bold; Above, higher, less high.

Comparative degree serves as a means of comparison in quality:

Uniform items: this morning is overcast than yesterday; Persons guys are getting joyful at the sight of mother;

- difficult items with the same properties: melon felicious watermelusa; Son above his father; sister younger brother;

- the same subject: Before the session, students become responsible and conscientious.

comparative formed:

1) synthetic method; The means of expressing the comparison degree are suffixes -E- (-y-), -e, -sh-;

2) analytical way; The means of expressing the degree of comparison are additional words more- less;

3) a suspicious way; The means of expressing the degree of comparison is the basis of the base: good - better, best; bad - worse, worst; small- less.

The comparative degree of adjective has two forms: simple (synthetic) and composite (analytical).

Simple form of comparative degree

1) - Oh (s): Round-b- round-it (round); Beautiful - beautiful - her (beautiful); long - long-it (length); the length of it - the length of it (it is long-it);

2) -E., if a:

a) the basis of the adjective ends on g, k, x, d, t,cm. with the subsequent alternation of the consonant base: hot- hot-e; road-oh - rode; quiet- tISH; young-oh - melo-e; rich - rich-e; pure - church-e;

b) adjective has suffix -K- (-Ok-, -Ek-)with the subsequent truncation of the suffix and alternation of the consonant base: low-yy - bottom; UZK-IY - ES; high-yy - e-e; Close - near;

3) -Sheif the basis of the adjective ends on g, K.with the subsequent truncle of these consonants: daluok-Say - Dal-neck; debt - dol-neck; Think-ion - thin neck.

Forms of degrees of comparison on - Oh (s), -E, - by-,which brings the added value to mitigate the degree of quality predominance; Wed: more - more; more interesting - more interesting; Merry- more fun; closer- mute; harder - sore; Tasty- touch.

A number of adjectives have a variant form of comparative degree: big - more, more; Far - further, further; long- share, longer; late- later, later; early - earlier, earlier; Small - less, less.

Not all qualitative adjectives form a simple form of a comparative degree.

These include:

1) adjectives with sufifix -sk- (-asc-): comic, tragic, friendly, fraternal, skeletal;

2) some adjectives with suffix -N-: blood, manual, patient, early, extra;

3) adjectives with suffix - (-): Green, business, ordinary, combat, mass;

4) Many unlocked adjectives with suffix - l-: sluggish, rotten, tired, hoarse, sipile;

5) Some adjectives with suffix -K-: Sybaky, daring, brittle, sticky, shaky, timid, padded, chain, chilly;

6) Some unproves adjectives: old, proud.

Complex form of comparative degree it is formed in all adjectives, calling a sign that can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent. It is formed by adding to the positive degree of additional words. more, less;eg: more important, less affectionate.

Excellent degree it shows that this feature of the subject is manifested in the greatest or smallest compared to a similar feature in another subject, for example: supreme; deeper; the brightest; the most narrow; least sweet; Interestingly; smarter than everyone.

Excellent degree also has synthetic and analytical forms.

Easy form of excellent degree it is formed from the basis of the positive degree of adjective by adding suffixes:

1) -Ev-: White - Bel-Yeysh; rich - rich-eysh; Brave - Herbra-Yeysh; Wonderful - wonderland-eysh;

2) -to adjectives with the basis for g, k, xand with the subsequent alternation of consonants: high-i - high-aish, deep-i - deep-aish, quiet-ie - tish-aish.

Some features are observed in the formation of an excellent degree:

Adjective graveforms an excellent degree with alternation w // g. and k // Ch: grave - the greatest;

Adjectives close, lowform an excellent way of adding suffix with a truncation of the base and subsequent alternation of consonants z.// J.: close - the nearest, low - the lowest.

In modern Russian, a simple form of a superlayer has two meanings:

1. The value of the highest qualitywhich is inherent to any person or subject and on which this subject stands out from a number of similar. In the form of an excellent degree, an indication of that circle of individuals or items, of which they are highlighted by the highest quality of quality. Such an instruction is usually in:

In the form of R.P. With pretexts of, among: the greatest of scientists; delicious fruit; the strongest among peers;

In the form of R.P. Without prepositions: beautiful city in Europe; The most famous museum of the world; the widest river countries;

IN t.V. form With a pretext between: the greatest between the commander;

- in the form of P.P. With pretexts b, on: the highest mountain in the world; The deepest lake on Earth; Beautiful place on the board; Higher lake in Siberia.

The use of excellent degree is possible without any restrictions: miley man; the main character; The strongest athlete.

2. The value of the maximum degree of quality outside comparison with other objects, eg: Above the forest was the gentle radiance of the mountain chain. Herbs - a faithful remedy for colds.

Forms of excellent degree on -Yesh-, -yiscan be combined with the prefix na-, which brings additional amplifying value, Wed, for example: the most difficult one is the most comprehensive; The strictest is a taller; The most interesting is the most interesting; Deep- swearing; Full - the most the most.

Adjectives big, high, low, good, badform the following forms of excellent degree: greater, higher, lower, best, worst.

Not all high-quality adjectives form a simple form of excellent degree.

These include:

1) adjectives with suffix -Sh-, -Sesz-: fraternal friendly, enemy, demonsky, hellish, ugly;

2) Some adjectives with suffix -N-: native, delight, blood, bicycle, excess;

The most charming, the most sensitive, the sweetest, the most thick, the least wide, least funny. This method is productive even for those adjectives that do not have a simple form of excellent degree, for example: the most friendly, the most combat, most bending, the most product, the least friendly, the least catchy;

2) by adding words all totalto the simple form of a comparative degree of adjective, for example: the most important thing is the niece of all.

From the forms of degrees of comparison should be degraded words of subjective quality assessment,which combine the designation of a sign with an expression of an assessment of his speaking. The words of a subjective quality assessment express an emotional assessment of the indicated sign or indicate a real greater or less degree.

The words of a subjective assessment of the quality are expressed in the following forms:

1) in adjectives with suffixes - - (-onk-), -Onesek- (--axes), -Onec- (-Onek-), -Yusenk-,eg: black, yellow, dry, Belochonek, Radyosek, single, tiny, tonny;

2) in adjectives with suffixes - (-the-), -nn-: anger, great, thin, weaker, wide, high;

3) in adjectives with consoles ultra-, ultra-ultrasound, ultra-: twisted, archiving, heavy duty, superproof, premium, premiectic, ultramodern;

4) In the adjectives formed by a clean or prefix repeat: black-black, old old; soft-soft; Interesting-successful; High-pretystone.

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Comparison degrees is variable morphological sign Qualitative adjectives. The forms of positive, comparative and excellent degrees are distinguished: new - newer - the newest; Warm - more / less warm - the warmest.

The initial is a form of a positive degree, calling a sign outside its correlation with homogeneous signs of other items (new home); From it, the addition of typifying suffixes or auxiliary words is formed by simple and composite forms of comparative and excellent degrees.

A comparative degree indicates that the indicated feature is characteristic of this subject to a greater extent than for another subject (or for the same subject, but in another period of time): Our apple tree is higher than the neighborhood; Today, this girl was talkative than yesterday.

The simple form of a comparative degree is formed by adding to the basis of the adjective word-substitution suffixes / -e, -e, as well as an unproductive suffix, it is warm - warmer, warm (collapse); loud - louder; Thin - thinner. In the form deeper (from deep), suffix is \u200b\u200bused. If at the end of the base there is a suffix -k-or-one, then it often feces: low - below; Far - further. From adjective small, bad, good forms of comparative degree are formed with a change in the root: less worse, better. IN spoken Speech A simple form of a comparative degree is often added to the prefix that has the incompleteness of the symptoms (`a little`): older is older, less - smaller.

Often the formation of a simple form of a comparative degree prevents the lexical meaning of the word; For example, it is not formed from the adjectives with the "absolute" qualitative value of the type deaf, bald, dead, blind or from adjectives denoting subjective assessment speaking feature: Promotomic, shiny.

The composite form of a comparative degree is formed with the help of auxiliary words more, less: more beautiful, less loud. The value of this form is wider than the value of type forms louder, as it is expressed not only large, but also a smaller degree of intensity of the feature (the simple form of a comparative degree indicates only a greater degree of sign).

The syntax functions of the composite form are also wider than the simple form of a comparative degree. A simple form is usually part of a composite facility: This essay has been meaningful than the previous one. The composite form can perform the functions of not only the faugible, but also definitions: this time the student wrote a more substantive essay. The composite form can be formed from almost any qualitative adjective, but is perceived as a few book shape and in conversational speech is used less frequently than a simple form of a comparative degree.

The excellent degree of adjectives indicates that the sign of the subject denoted by this form is presented in its maximum manifestation, in the highest extent compared to the same feature among other compared items: the clearest of class students, the brightest room or this subject to other Periods of its existence: Today, workers got the highest salary for six months.

Excellent degree can also be simple or composite. A simple form is formed by adding to the basis of the adjective word-substitable suffix -E.-: Beautiful - beautiful or -ais- (the last suffix only joins the basics on K, G, X): Slim - the finest. The prefix is \u200b\u200boften added to this form: the largest, the deformist. From the adjective small, bad, good form of excellent degree is formed with a change in the root: the smaller, the worst, the best.

The composite form is excellent degree formed in several ways:

1) adding to the form of a positive degree of auxiliary word is the smartest;

2) adding to the form of a positive degree of auxiliary words most, least: the most intelligent, the least capable;

3) adding to the simple form of a comparative degree of auxiliary word all (if the item characterizes is inanimate) or all (if an image is characterized): the most intelligible investigation conducted by a private detective; Moreover, Ivanov's student turned out to be.

The most common composite type of type is the smartest, consistent in the role of both the fag and definition. Type forms are smarter than all / all are used only as a failed. Type forms The most / least capable of becoming the widespread value, indicating both the highest and lower degree of manifestation, but these forms are used primarily in the book speech (in business, scientific, newspaper and journalistic styles).

Modern Russian literary language / Ed. P. A. Roganta - M., 2009.

The article will help to understand what is a comparative degree of adjectives. It describes the formations of the formation of two forms - simple and composite.

What is a comparative degree of adjectives?

Comparative degree of adjectives in Russian - a grammatical category, denoting a sign that can manifest itself to a greater or less. Depending on the context of use, called the adjective feature can manifest itself in the same item or differently in different objects. Comparative degree inherent only in high-quality adjective and studies in grade 5 .

Examples of adjectives in a comparative degree: bolder, green, hotter, more timid, more talkative, less light, less funny.

How is the comparative degree of adjectives formed?

In the formation of a comparative degree of adjectives, it is important to take into account that in Russian, this morphological category is represented by two forms - plain (synthetic, consisting of one word) and composite (Analytical, consisting of two words).

Education of a simple comparative degree of adjectives

A simple comparative degree of adjectives is formed in various ways:

  • The most common is an eye version with suffixes. - Eyes, - (long - longer, beautiful - more beautiful, sharp - sharp).
  • If the basis of the adjective ends with consonants: g, k, x, d, t, stIn the formation of a simple form, the alternation of these consonants occurs, and the basis is joined by suffix -E. (bright - brighter, quiet - quieter, dear - more expensive).
  • At adjectives with the basis for suffixes -K-, -Ok- (-Ek-), -G- The final suffix is \u200b\u200bcut off and the suffix is \u200b\u200bjoined by -E. (low - below, high - above, narrow - already, long - longer).
  • A limited number of adjectives is formed by joining a suffix -She (old - older, early - earlier).
  • In some cases, the simple form is formed by joining the adjective prefix by- and suffixes -Sh, -e. (Examples: smaller, loss, pogrom).
  • A number of adjectives forms a simple form of a comparative degree of adjectives from other bases: good - better, bad - worse.

Exceptions.A simple comparative degree does not have adjectives that do not form a brief form:

  • With the basis of suffixes: -Sh, -O-, -L-, (enemy, advanced, stupid, controversial);
  • Separate unproductive adjectives (right, proud, timid);
  • Adjectives denoting animal suit (Voronene, Canoe).

Education of the composite comparative degree of adjectives

The composite form of the comparative degree of adjectives is formed by adding to the initial form of adjective modal (auxiliary) words more or less (coolest, more proud, less salty, heavier).

Top 3 Articleswho read with this

Important! In the formation of a composite comparative degree, it is allowed to add modal words only to the initial form. Forms more cleaner light Considered a rough mistake.

¥ Targets of the educational element 3.3:

After studying this educational element, you can:

  • characterize the degrees of comparing the names of the adjectives and methods of their formation;
  • call the basic ways of forming forms of comparative and excellent degree and their grammatical indicators;
  • list the main ways to express a subjective quality assessment.

In modern Russian, high-quality adjectives have two degrees of comparison: comparative and excellent . As for the so-called positorialSPEEN , it is the original form for the formation of basic comparison degrees. The adjectives in "Positive" do not contain in their comparison value, they characterize the quality whatever. Wed: smart man - This man is smarter than many; Beautiful flower - he brought a flower much more beautiful than mine etc.

Adjective in comparative degree Indicates the quality characteristic of this item to a greater or lesser extent compared to the same qualities in other objects, as well as compared with the qualities that this object has previously possessed or will be in the future. For example: This book is more interesting for the same; He became noticeably scattered.

Adjective in excellent degree Indicates the highest degree of quality in the subject compared to the same qualities in other similar objects. For example: Of all those surrounding it was the smartest person; They narrowed beautiful beds.

Thus, the form of an excellent degree can be used as a means of comparing any quality only in homogeneous, similar to one other subjects (for example: Of all those present it was the most notable person), whereas the form of a comparative degree is a means of comparing some kind of quality or the same person, subject at different times of its existence (for example: He is now calmer than before) or the most multiple objects (for example: The house was above the tower).

Methods for formation of shapes comparative degree:

In modern Russian, there are two basic methods of formation of comparative degree: 1) with the help of suffixes (s) and, for example: Somehow everything is friendly and stricter, somehow all are more expensive to you. And relatives than an hour ago (Tward.). This method is called synthetic or simple; 2) with words more, less. This method is called analytical, or complex (descriptive), for example: stronger, less high.

Synthetic forms of comparative degree are equally used in all styles of speech of the modern Russian language, while the analytical is used most often in the styles of official, business, scientific.

Forms of comparative degree are sometimes complicated by the prefix in order to mitigate the degree of predominance of quality before the form of a comparative degree formed by the usual way ( stronger, older, higher). Such formations are usually the accessory of speech-style speech, as they have greater expression.

Separate adjectives form the form of a comparative degree of two: and with the help of suffix - it ( next, more), and with the help of suffix -e ( further more); Moreover, the first forms are used primarily in the book-style speech.

In some cases, on the contrary, the form is very integral compared to the form on-it; eg, boyachery and calling - Spatrical options, and boychay, calling - Outwords.

From the adjectives with the basis of G, K, X, D, T, Art, in the form of a comparative degree formed with the help of a unproductive for the modern Russian language suffix -E. At the same time there is an alternation of consonants. For example: dear - more expensive, far away - Further, deaf - the gloover, young - younger, rich - richer, simple - easier, cheap - cheaper.

The adjectives used in the synthetic comparison form are not changed by childbirth, numbers and cases, they are not consistent with the names of nouns.

In the proposal, the synthetic form of a comparative degree most often serves as a fault (for example: In the conditions of the Far North, the deer rustier dog) and less often - by definition (for example: He wanted to consult everything with a older man more).

Analytical form (complex), which includes a complete adjective in its composition, in the sentence usually acts as definition (for example: More convenient refuge would save all of us), although it can be a surehead (for example: This is a more convenient refuge.).

If the composition of the complex form of the degree of comparison includes a brief adjective, then it is a taught and with it, as a rule, a comparative union is used (for example: The eldest son was more friendly than the younger).

Separate adjectives for example, bulky, friendly, business, cruel, desirable, stuck And others do not have a synthetic form of comparison. From them can be formed by the degree of comparison only analytically. For example: more friendly, more business, more cruel. Separate adjectives form forms supported, i.e. From other roots: good - better, bad - worse.

Forms excequisitive Spacese high-quality adjectives are also synthetic and analytic.

The synthetic form is formed excellent degree with the help of sufifixes -Ex-, -Ash-: the strongest, healthy, strictest, finest.

In Russian, the form on -Es-, -ysh- have three meanings:

1) the value of the limit (or absolute) degree of quality, the feature. For example, in the proposal This is the greatest artist word greatest expresses an absolute, irrelevant value of quality and is clearly evaluating, so it cannot be replaced by a combination the greatest artist. This value is differently called an elative (lat. ELATUS - raised, sublime). Such forms are used in different styles of book speech. IN spoken They are used only in separate phraseological combinations: clear head, kind soul and etc.;

2) the highest quality value compared to others. This value is similar to the value of the descriptive form of an excellent degree formed by words most et al. Otherwise, this value is called superlative (lat. Superlativus is an excellent degree). For example: the strongest of the wrestlers, talented from violinists and etc.;

3) the value of comparative degree. For example: The image of Pushkin is in the new and even radiant light (White). This value is for modern language Uncharacteristic. However, it has been preserved in separate turns of the type: upon closer examination; In further detachment, the author no longer uses such words and etc.

Complex forms of excellent degree are formed by a two way: first, with the help of additional words most, most, leastadded to the initial form of adjectives ( the closest, most expensive, the least famous etc.); secondly, by adding words all, total to the form of a comparative degree ( all closer is all more expensive etc.).

Complex forms of excellent degree with the words most, least used primarily in official-business and journalistic speech styles; Forms with the word most Stylish are neutral and used in different styles of speech.

If complex forms of excellent degree can be formed from all high-quality adjectives, then simple forms have not all adjectives. So, do not have simple forms, many adjectives with suffixes -st-, -ist- ( naked, fibrous); -K- ( brush, narrow); -Sasy ( friendly, enemy); -L- ( tired, skillful); -On-, -Ev- ( misfortune, combat) and others. Complicated forms of excellent degree can be formed from such adjectives ( the most fibrous, the most cumbersome, very tired etc.).

@ UE 3.3 tasks

  1. Forming the simple forms of comparison degrees (comparative and excellent / if possible /) from the following adjectives, mark the features of their formation.

Small, close, colorful, bless, weak, cold, tight, simple, shed, light, great, purebred, gentle, bad, cheap, distant, dexterous, friendly, honest, bright.

  1. Explain how the degrees of comparing the names of adjectives are formed. Determine their syntactic function.

1. It was patient and harder, having learned in turn not to give up (Berezko). 2. The wind becomes quieter, sadly whispers about something (M. Gorky). 3. The dream will disappear: who was happier, was smart (E. Baratsky). 4. Guests, glancing that there is a fight between the two strongest opponents, gathered in the billiard room, surrounded us (M. Kolesnikov). 5. Dobreye, generous, I don't know than you, and can not be (L. Tolstoy). 6. Olga Dmitrievna also shared his dreams, more modest, more personal, more frank (V. Kozhevnikov). 7. My dream, the fantastic, always remains life, earthly; I never dream of impossible (N. Ostrovsky).

  1. Determine the value of the forms of excellent degree of names of adjectives in these proposals. How are they educated? What kind of syntactic function are performed?

1. If I were not me, but the most famous and smartest and best person In the world and would be free, I would like a minute on my knees asked the hands and love of your (L. Tolstoy). 2. So the winding on the mustache: the first thing is to look at, without a case (M. Kolesnikov). 3. It was one of the most severe fighting in the Moscow region (M.Bubennov). 4. She [faith] was already twenty-three years old, she was good, more beautiful than Manusi, he was considered a smart and educated in the house and held himself solid, strictly, as it was like the eldest daughter who took place in the house of the late mother (A. Chekhov). 5. The greatest weakness of the mind is increditious to the forces of the mind (V. Belinsky). 6. Among women, young and not very, our and foreigners, she was here the most beautiful (L. Karelin).

  1. Make a table "The formation of the forms of degrees of comparison in the modern Russian". From adjectives kind, dear, cute, young, light, good, thick, spacious, strong, narrow, thick mode all possible forms of comparison degrees and make them in the table.
  2. Give examples of proverbs with the forms of degrees of comparing the names of adjectives and analyze them (produce morphological analysis of 2-3 forms).
  3. How are the names of adjectives with the meaning of a subjective assessment in Russian? Forward such adjectives from the following words: low, blue, important, wonderful, straight, small, large, thick, long, one, healthy.

Reflexive questionnaire:

  1. What new have you learned about the formation of degrees of comparing the names of adjectives?
  2. What caused you to have difficulty learning this UE?
  3. Is the question of how to express a subjective assessment of the quality of only this module or may be considered in other sections of the modern Russian language?

Adjectives and adverbs in many languages \u200b\u200bof the world have the degree of comparison. In English, it is Positive Degree, Comparative Degree and Superlative Degree, in Polish - Rywny, Wyńszy, Najwyńszy, in French - Le Positif, Le Comparatif, Le Superlatif. It was not an exception and Russian, it has a positive, comparative and excellent degree of adjectives. What do they differ and what are their forms?

Comparison degrees: Types, table

The ability to form comparison degrees has adjectives and adjectives from them.
There are three of them:
    Positive. Creation. Excellent.
Each of them expresses a different level of possession by the subject or a special specific quality. For example: the resourceful boy (positive), but it can be resourceful (comparative), and in a certain life situation and at all become the most resourceful (excellent).

From which adjectives you can form comparison degrees

As you know, all adjectives russian language They are divided into several discharges.

    Quality - mean signs that the subject or living creature can possess in different degrees: sweet, sweeter, the sweetest. Requests - call signs of the subject or living creature by their attitude towards circumstances or other personalities, things: phone call, wooden building. Press - testify to the belonging of something to someone: Pushkin Strochet, fatherly farewell.
Only from the first discharge can form a comparative and excellent degree of adjectives (charming - charming, the most charming), since it cannot be said: "A more wooden building" or "the most Pushkin Strochet".
Also to form comparison degrees can adverbs who came from the qualitative discharge of adjectives: cheerful - cheerful (more cheerful).

Comparative degree of adjectives in Russian

Before proceeding with a comparative consideration, it is worth a little mentioned about positive. This is called the initial degree of comparison (boring). In fact, it is considered only formally considered a degree of comparison. But the next is the comparative degree of adjective (boring, more boring). It serves in order to show that a certain subject or in the individual, this quality is present in a greater / smaller quantity than someone else has something else. For example: "This tea is stronger (stronger) than the one that we drank yesterday."

Information on the forms of comparative degree

In the example above, it can be noted that the comparative degree in Russian can be formed in such ways: with the help of suffixes or by adding an additional word (in this example it is more). It turns out, you can select 2 forms of the comparative degree of adjectives in Russian: a simple and composite or as it is sometimes called it is complicated.

Methods for formation of a simple form

There are several ways to form it.
    With the help of suffixes, they, -e, -sh, added to the base: Bodry - cheer. However, it is worth remembering that if the suffixes of the comparative degree of adjectives are used, it can happen alternation of consonants in the root of the word, and suffixes -k, it can be abolished in general. For example: Narrow - already, ringing - calling. The odd simple form can be formed by adding all the same, -y, -e, -sh, as well as the prefix. For example: Soon - quickly, quickly - quickly. Adjectives formed in this way, as a rule, are a speech of spoken speech. The odd comparative degree of adjectives in Russian is formed with the help of a different basis of the word: bad - worse.
It is worth remembering that a simple form can be formed not from every qualitative adjective. So historically it happened that some words simply cannot be formed. For example, from such adjectives as "tall" or "business". After all, it is impossible to say: "Roslae" or "business". In contrast to the positive, simple comparative degree has no end and does not change. For example, the adjective "light" varies by childbirth and the numbers: "bright", "light", "bright", etc. In addition, it is inclined by pades. But the comparative degree of adjective is "lighter", unchanged. In this form of the word, as a rule, perform the syntactic role of the tame: "The words of love - the sweeter of honey", and in some cases - the definitions: "weld the jam.

Complex form

Unlike simple, it is formed not by the help of suffixes or prefixes, but by the way to add to the adjective to the positive degree of words "more" or "less". For example: "Rembrandt was a more brilliant artist, rather than most of his contemporaries, but he truly evaluated it years after his death." Anglative in difficult form are inclined by cases, change in numbers and, accordingly, in order, at that time "more" and "Less" remain unchanged. For example: more powerful (powerful, powerful, powerful). As in a simple form, and in a composite, adaptable comparative degree in the proposal, the role of the lesions or definitions: "Their relationship was closer and sublime, rather than anyone from others. We examine information about a comparative degree, now it is worth moving to the study of excellent. And it will help not to forget how the comparative degree of adjectives is formed - the table. It briefly describes all information about simple and complex forms and their education.

A brief information about the excellent degree of comparison

It serves to demonstrate that a certain object or a living being absolutely exceeds any other on a certain quality, which is presented in their highest.
For example: "The house of the third piglet was the most durable and wolf could not destroy it."

A little about the forms of excellent degree

To deal with this topic will help knowledge about how simple and complex comparative degree of adjectives are formed. In the case of a superb degree of both its shapes, similar names are similar: simple and composite (complex) and are formed according to the relevant principle.

They are formed by the same principle:

    Easy is formed by adding suffixes -Ech, -Yesh to the base: caring - caring. Similarly, with a comparative, superfixes can also fall out the basis of the base. - Software: Low, Nearby. The word formed by the simple form of an excellent degree is inclined by cases and varies in numbers and childbirth. While the comparative degree of adjective in simple form is deprived of this property. For example: "light". As mentioned above, in comparative form it is invariably - "lighter". But in an excellent degree - "the light", it is capable of changing: "light", "light". Available (complicated) form is formed by adding the words "most", "the least" or "most" ("most", "most", " The most ") to the adjective to a positive degree. For example: the brightest, the least busy, most funny. In some cases, the formation may also participate the comparative degree of adjective plus the word "all". For example: "This girl quickly coped with the task in the class." As in the case of a composite form of a comparative degree, adjective in excellent changes according to the same categories. And additional words: "most" or "least" remain unchanged: "The wolf ran the most short dear to the grandmother's house and ahead of the Red Hat." However, the "most" also changes: "The wolf ran the shortest way to the grandmother's house and beat the Red Hat."
Concerning syntactic roleThe adjective to this extent, as a rule, act as a failed: "Amazing journey." More easily - definitions: "It was the story of an amazing journey." And in difficult form, they most often fulfill the role of definitions: "He was smarter than everyone in school."

Excellent and comparative degrees of adjectives: Exercises for consolidating knowledge

To better remember the entire outlined material, it is worth practicing while performing some pretty simple exercises.
    In this task, you need to form all possible forms of degrees according to the sample: attractive, more attractive, more attractive, attractive, most attractive, more attractive than all. In this exercise, it is necessary to choose to adject both forms of excellent degree, note suffixes and emphasize the alternating letters, according to samples. In this task you need to find errors and explain. 1. Petrov is the best player in the entire national team. 2. Cases in our company went worse. 3. The air indoors became increasingly harder. 4. Our company turned out to be more successful. 5. Natashkina shoes are cheap than in Sveta. In this exercise it is necessary to compare 2 objects of different properties, according to the sample: French And German (frantic). - French is fragrant than German. 1. Autumn and winter (warm). 2. Machine cabinet and Dima cabinet (comfortable). 3. Laptop and smartphone (expensive). 4. Vladimir and Maxim (serious). 5. Katya and Valya (beautiful). 6. Kiev and Lviv (young).
By itself, the topic of comparative degrees of adjectives is pretty easy. However, in order to prevent errors to remember the basic rules, especially since most European adjectives also have 3 degrees of comparison. Therefore, sobering what they are in Russian can be safely taken for the study of grammar of foreign languages.

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