Is it possible to retake the exam in history. Who can retake the exam in the fall. You have not passed the minimum points threshold for university admission

The Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science this year for the first time organized another campaign for the delivery of the One. This time the tests take place at the end of September - October. According to the first estimates, everything is going on as usual, without interruptions, the honesty of the event at 272 points of delivery of the Uniform is ensured by 450 federal observers and Rosobrnadzor employees.

The USE in September-October should be organized at the same high organizational level as in the main period, - explained the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov. - It is necessary to ensure the maximum objectivity of the exam. We meet graduates halfway, creating comfortable conditions, additional opportunities to get a certificate, without postponing a retake for a year.

So far, only certain categories of graduates can take the Unified State Exam in the fall.

Those who graduated from high school this year, but failed both of the compulsory exams (Russian language and mathematics) during the summer exams.

Those who graduated from school this year, but received a "two" for one of the compulsory exams (Russian or mathematics) and failed to retake the subject on a reserve day.

Those who graduated from school this year, but for some reason did not pass exams at all in the summer.

Graduates of previous years who want to improve their results in the Russian language and (or) mathematics of the profile level.

This year, the main category of applicants is fresh graduates - "poor". They have failed their tests. Because of the failed exams, they were left without a certificate of secondary education. Previously, such boys and girls received the opportunity to rectify the situation only after a year. During this time, it was possible to finish learning what was not learned at school. And you can have time to forget everything that the teachers so diligently taught. Now there is a third opportunity: for July-August to eliminate the main gaps in knowledge and try your luck again. The same applies to those who suddenly became seriously ill before the summer period of the exam.

In the fall, Uniform is handed over only in the compulsory subjects necessary to obtain a certificate. Even with successful results, it will not be possible to immediately enter the university - the selection committees finished their work in August. Therefore, elective exams: physics, social studies, geography and all the others are not held at this time.

Another category of those taking the exam, for whom the autumn exams can be very useful, are graduates of previous years who decided to increase their scores. These may be, for example, active students who graduated from the first year of universities and decided to try again to enter another university.

They will be able to use their increased points only next summer. But on the other hand, the prospects and chances will be known in advance. And they will have almost a year ahead of them to sort out their desires and goals.

By the way

This year, the average USE scores in all subjects have increased by 3-5 points.

Schedule of the autumn exam-2015

October 9- mathematics (basic level), mathematics (profile level), Russian.

"The exam is just one of the life tests that you have to go through." For a second, it seemed to me that now is June, I am a graduate, and there are 4 more exams ahead. But no, now is the end of March, I am already officially an "IDP", that is, a graduate of past years, and only a summer session is ahead.

As you probably already guessed, today we will talk about my experience of retaking the exam.

Attempt number two

By tradition, I will divide the article into several points, each of which will be the answer to a question.

1. Why?

I decided to retake some exams (namely mathematics and social studies), as I want to improve my results and try to re-enroll in another university this summer - the Higher School of Economics (at this moment I'm studying at the Financial University).
Last year I lacked 2 (!!!) points to enter the HSE budget. But, as you know, the USE results are valid for 4 years, and no one forbids us to re-enroll in other universities. That is why this year I am going to try my luck again.

2. How to register?

A logical question considering that I am no longer a student and cannot simply rely on the school administration.

To register for the Unified State Exam, graduates of previous years must come to the next Department of Education or RCIO and write the same statement that they wrote in grade 11. Just remember that this must be done before February 1!

And yes, we have a choice! It is not necessary to hand over in an early period (March-April), you can also choose a reserve one, which takes place at the end of June.

3. Is the delivery process different?

Absolutely not! You must also arrive at the TPE by 9:00 am, turn in all your belongings, and take only a black gel pen and an uncovered passport.

From the innovations of this year (at least I didn’t have this last year) - now all assignments are submitted to the PPE on electronic media, and CMMs are printed out in the classroom right in front of you.

4. Is it true that tasks are easier in the early period?

A question that interests many.

Last year, when I was still a schoolgirl and, like everyone else, was preparing for exams, solving dozens of options, I could not help but notice that the early version of the USE in mathematics was completely simple and absolutely solvable. Then my math teacher told me and my classmates that we shouldn't even hope for such a low level of difficulty in the main period of the USE.

Alas, she was right.
June 2, 2017 (yes, I still remember the date) became a day of disappointment for me, because on the exam I managed to solve very little - only the first part and the 13th task from the second part. The biggest sadness was that I did not solve my favorite economic problem (task 17).

What happened this time?
This time everything was much easier than during the main period. And this applies to both the first and the second part. I managed to solve the entire first part, as well as 13, 15, 17 (yes! I still solved it!) And 19 task point "a".

So, with almost complete confidence, I can say that assignments in the early period are really easier (or was I just so lucky?).

5. Why is this article written?

This article was written, among other things, so that those who do not succeed in passing the USE with a satisfactory score the first time are not afraid to retake it. In addition, those who decide on a gap-year will be able to go to the Unified State Exam in an early period (you can read about it in this article).

As you can see, graduates of previous years who take the early period are not necessarily losers who failed to pass the exam the first time. Perhaps these are people who just want to improve their results and next year with higher scores compete with you for admission)


The main period of the exam takes place in 2018 from May 28 to July 2. It will be attended by 730 thousand people, including graduates of not only this year, but also past years. Some of them will not be able to pass the exam on the first try.

A second chance is given to those graduates who did not score the minimum score to obtain a certificate in Russian language and / or mathematics. They will be able to prepare better and try their luck on reserve days intended for retakes. For those who screwed up this attempt, there will also be a third one, already in September. But it is clear that such children will no longer be able to participate in the admissions campaign at universities this year.

Retaking the exam 2018: the schedule of taking and retaking

The main stage of the exam-2018 will take place from May 28 to July 2.

The main stage:


Exam date

Main day

Reserve day *

Informatics and ICT May 28 (Monday) June 22 (Friday)
(a basic level of)
(profile level)
Chemistry June 4 (Monday) June 27 (Wednesday)
History June 4 (Monday) June 27 (Wednesday)
Russian language June 6 (Wednesday) June 26 (Tuesday)
Foreign languages
(oral part)
June 9 (Saturday),
June 13 (Wednesday)
Social science June 14 (Thursday)
Biology June 18 (Monday) June 27 (Wednesday)
Foreign languages June 18 (Monday)
Literature June 20 (Wednesday)
Physics June 20 (Wednesday) June 28 (Thursday)
All things July 2 (Monday)

* Reserve days for passing the exam are provided for those who have coincided with the days of passing the elective exams.

During the main period, the USE is attended by:

  • graduates of 2018
  • college and technical students
  • graduates of previous years, including persons for whom the validity period of previously obtained results has not expired (no more than 4 years), but the points gained are insufficient for admission
  • citizens who have received secondary (complete) general education in foreign countries.

September dates for retaking the exam-2018

Thing Onsovo day Reserve day
Russian language 4 September 15 september
Mathematics September 7th September 15th

Retake the USE in the autumn can be:

  • graduates of the current year who did not pass both compulsory subjects in the main period
  • graduates of the current year who did not pass one of the compulsory subjects in additional terms

Graduates of previous years and graduates who received a certificate of secondary general education in 2018, who want to improve the results of the USE in compulsory subjects, are not allowed to participate in retaking in September.

Recall that in order to re-pass the Unified State Exam in the Russian language or mathematics, current year graduates will need to recover in school for the period necessary to pass the exams.

Retake the exam 2018: What subjects can be retaken

There is a retake only in two compulsory subjects - the Russian language and mathematics. And with mathematics, everything is not easy. If a graduate chose to pass both exam levels, both the base and the profile, and failed only one of them, then he does not get to retake, because the second result is quite satisfactory for himself. If the graduate passed the exam only at one level (either at the basic or at the profile level), and did not score the minimum score to obtain a certificate, then he will be allowed to retake.

But all the other optional subjects are social studies, foreign languages, physics, and so on - you cannot retake. More precisely, a graduate can try to pass them again, but already next year.

The head of Rosobrnadzor Sergei Kravtsov gave an interview to Rossiyskaya Gazeta. He told who will be allowed to retake the exam -2018.

"If you did not score the required points on the compulsory exam, and this is basic mathematics and Russian, then you can retake the exam already this year on a reserve day. If it did not work out again, then in September. Elective subjects can be retaken only next year." - he said.

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In 2018, all eleventh grade students are given a chance to retake the USE in case of an unsatisfactory mark. The second attempt to influence the outcome will be given for the following subjects: Russian language, mathematics, physics, computer science, literature, chemistry, biology, geography, social studies, history or a foreign language. However, an important clarification - you can retake only one exam.

Students can influence their test scores by using the following scheduled times:

  • reserve in the summer season;
  • September 2018.

It turns out that if you retake the exam on reserve days, you can have time to submit documents to the chosen university, but the chances of getting on the budget, unfortunately, are not great. There are educational institutions in which there is a shortage of applicants, and it is they who carry out additional recruitment in the fall.

The certificate with the results of the USE 2018 will be valid for 4 years, so if the chance this year is lost for admission to the desired university, you can try your hand in the next three years.

Reserve days for retake this year:

  • June 22 - geography, informatics;
  • June 25 - basic and specialized mathematics;
  • June 26 - Russian;
  • June 27 - chemistry, history, biology, foreign languages;
  • June 28 - literature, physics, social science.
  • June 29 - foreign languages ​​(oral).
  • July 2 - all items;
  • September 4 - Russian;
  • September 7 - basic mathematics;
  • September 15 - basic mathematics, Russian.

Who will be allowed to retake the exam in 2018

This year, we approved new rules that make it possible to influence your testing results, but there are certainly limitations. You can retake in the following cases:

  • unsatisfactory assessment;
  • absence from the exam for a good reason with documentary evidence;
  • incomplete test due to poor health of the student, or other weighty reason beyond the control of the graduate;
  • cancellation of test results.

The reason for absence from the exam may imply: illness or elective surgery, traffic accident, funeral of a relative, and other similar situations.

Who will not get a chance to retake the exam in 2018

This year, the opportunity to retake the exam is an innovation that is a great gift for all students. However, not everyone will be able to take advantage of this chance. They will not be allowed to retake if the exam was passed or not passed for the following reasons:

  • the student was removed from the exam for a gross violation (he did not follow the rules established for this test: he cheated, used gadgets, or communicated with those sitting next to him);
  • the results were canceled through the fault of the student (if violations were found after the passed testing, by watching the video of the exam);
  • The result, unsatisfactory to the student, in several subjects at once;
  • If you are absent from testing without a valid reason.

Of course, all this should be avoided, because retaking is possible only in extreme cases, so it is worth preparing on time, submitting and submitting documents to a pre-selected university on time.

Every year, among schoolchildren, the most discussed are issues related to future changes in the rules for organizing the unified state exam and its retake.

This tendency is quite natural, because this is the most important stage in the life of each graduate, which largely determines his prospects for the next few years. Everyone who cares about their future begins to prepare for the USE in advance, trying to find out all the details of the upcoming event.

Adding uncertainty is the fact that the Ministry of Education makes adjustments to the examination procedure almost every year and makes permanent changes to its program. The upcoming 2019 is also no exception.

Schoolchildren at the end curriculum some innovations are awaiting, approved by a special government commission, with which you need to familiarize yourself in advance.

Thus, anyone who wants to prepare well for a future test will face the additional challenge of exploring new initiatives from education officials.

The importance of the exam for the graduate

The state exam is not just a condition for a graduate to receive a graduation certificate. high school, but also a kind of ticket to a successful adult life.

The main confirmation of this is the conditions for admission to a higher educational institution, according to which the applicant must have satisfactory USE results in several specialized subjects at once.

The points earned by the graduate during the state exam reflect the level of his knowledge and preparation. Than better result Unified State Exam, the higher the applicant rises in the competition for the best place at the university.

This moment is especially important for those graduates who plan to receive a specialty on a budgetary basis, receiving a scholarship for their work. Such students from the beginning of the tenth grade begin to prepare for the final test.

They attend not only scheduled lessons, but also go to additional courses, study with tutors and study some subjects in depth. Parents of such children give all their strength and resources to find the best specialists who can increase the level of knowledge of their children.

Sometimes even the titanic efforts of moms and dads to obtain a satisfactory result are not enough and the child fails. The reasons for this may be different: nerves, superficial knowledge or banal bad luck.

In this case, the only way out for everyone is retaking the exam... This is a lifeboat for those who could not board a ship bound for the ocean independent life.

How will the retake take place?

Government innovations could not ignore such important point as a retake of the unified state exam. Although these innovations can be ranked rather as positive factors that can significantly simplify the task of the "failed" graduate.

According to the rules established by the Ministry of Education, schoolchildren will be able to retake not only, but also everyone else, according to which the exam will pass. It will be possible to take advantage of the second attempt only in one discipline.

Graduates of previous years, as well as anyone who has been found guilty of violations, are not allowed to retake. If a student missed the time of examination activities, but at the same time can prove a good reason for his absence, then he can count on two additional attempts: during the autumn session and on a reserve day.

It is also possible to start acquiring a profession already in the 2019-2010 season at faculties that have a serious shortage and are ready to accept a "belated" student.

Features of the evaluation of works

Performing examination tasks, the student seeks to gain the maximum number of points, which in the future will be converted into the final result, based on a certain scale. It is not yet known whether officials will make changes to this table.

Most likely, the system of points already familiar to us will remain, according to which the future prospects of graduates will be determined.

The minimum score is a boundary result that entitles a student to receive an official document on graduation from a general education institution.

Fulfilling such a condition will not be difficult: for this you just need to have basic knowledge of the subjects. As a rule, the vast majority of students gain this number of points the first time.

A passing score is a marginal score for admission to a particular institution of higher education.

Each university, before the start of state exams, on the official page places information on the number of points that an applicant must have to start the procedure for submitting documents to their faculties.

As practice has shown recent years, for successful passing of the exam, simple knowledge of the subject is not enough. An excellent result can be obtained only by having extensive practice in solving problems of the same type, as well as significant experience in working with standard USE tickets.

Only solid knowledge and the minimum necessary skill will help you gain self-confidence and pass this difficult test.

Video news

The article was written specifically for the site "2019 Year of the Pig": https: // site /

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