Luck theory. The secret of luck is cycles and connections. Mental Energy Level - Neural Connections

    Some people find wallets, others always lose. Some even drop apples on their heads for the benefit of all mankind, others drop wedding rings into the outhouse near the station. And if the hair color, height, gender, place of residence and surname can be changed, then it seems like nothing can be done with bad luck.

    However, in this blog, the Englishman Richard Wiseman argues that it is possible. He conducted thousands of tests on almost a million people and found out this: a lucky person differs from an unlucky one by the ability to notice unexpected opportunities. And he has this ability, because he is relaxed, trusts his intuition and expects mostly good from life, and even if some dirty trick happens to him, he always thinks that he got off easily (he broke his leg - and in fact he could have broken his neck ).

    All of this, Wiseman argues, is easy to learn. To prove this, he opened a "school of luck" and forced his students to train their intuition and trust in the world three times a day for a month. The author of the technique claims that it helped: a girl who could not pass her license for three years finally coped with the exam (after all, in civilized countries people have a lot of unnecessary problems).

    The examples are stupid, of course, but it's still interesting: you can still - in any way, even with exercises, even

It is quite unexpected to come across a self-help book from the author of the famous comic about Dilbert, because the formed image of the author may contradict our image of the person who writes a book on self-help (usually, but not always, it is someone like Carnegie or some doctor in psychology). On the other hand, the book is not from the professional gugu of building happiness and success, it may be interesting in view of a different point of view, its alternative opinion. Of course, there is no radically different point of view here, but the presentation language is definitely different. And one more point about the essence of the book. This is not only a self-help book, but also an autobiography and therefore the book will probably interest the fans of the comic book itself. I would not say that I was personally interested in my autobiography or that I noticed some special moments. I would even say that the medical topic, the topic about which Chekhov very correctly said - “A man loves to talk about his illnesses, and yet this is the most uninteresting thing in his life” - here clearly prevails in his autobiography.
So, an autobiography book and a self-help book. Both themes do not follow strictly one after the other, but are kind of mixed. In our autobiography, we learn a little about moments from the childhood and adolescence of the author, about the first steps up the career ladder, about the many firms and businesses that the author tried, about the medical topic (unfortunately), but most importantly and this is the largest part of the biography section devoted to the author's lifestyle (food, fitness, etc.). At the same time, this is one of the main topics of self-help. The author devotes quite a lot to the question proper nutrition(but not deep), physical exercise (also not deep), a way that can be found in many self-help books, namely, declarations like "I, such and such, will become a successful writer!" The author writes that such statements have always been realized, and then when he did not use this method of achieving success, they often failed.
I would like to highlight separately some points from the self-help part that are personally for me, for a person who has read a bunch of such material (not at will, but by the need to study foreign language) seemed interesting. First, the author writes about the importance of building a system, not setting goals. For example, do not lose 5 kg by April, but go to healthy eating... Not running so many kilometers as a marathon participant, but doing daily exercises. Not making one million dollars, but becoming a successful businessman.
The second point is selfishness. The author writes that a person should, roughly speaking, become successful himself and only after everything is relatively normal in his life, he can help or take care of someone else. As I understood the author, only people who have become financially prosperous can help, for example, children from third countries, or finance school programs since the poor have their own survival (as well as the survival of his family) on the agenda, not helping the world. Or in other words, help yourself first, and only then help others. Selfishness? Yes and no.
In general, the book is "normal" and in the absence of more important books, you can relax and entertain yourself with such literature. However, there is a significant disadvantage to this book in terms of self-help. The author does not provide any evidence of the correctness of the chosen path, therefore there is no persuasion factor, which is present in all self-help books written by professionals from psychology or even medicine in general.

18 Laws of Luck! We attract LUCK to ourselves! You have probably more than once made sure that luck plays a big role in our life. But, unfortunately, she does not always accompany us. For some, in order to achieve something in this life, you need to work very hard, while others are given everything easily and simply. "Just Lucky!" - you say. But you can make it so that luck will smile at you in life too. You ask: How to do it ?!

18 Laws of Luck: In this article, we will reveal to you some secrets to attract good luck. Positive psychology has proven that troubles can at least be provoked by failures in parenting programs, which means that it is also possible to attract a lucky break. We have collected 18 Laws of Luck that will help you shape your life from good times.

1. How we accept gifts of fate

The lucky one unconditionally believes that he is lucky and never goes past the coincidence. Having met a celebrity on the street, a loser will not ask for a joint selfie, believing that they will be refused. Likewise, wherever you need a minimum of activity to get a prize (housing with an inexpensive rent, a trendy item from a sale, a dream job).

2. What our thoughts are doing

It is important if we can notice a lucky break when we are in the right place at the right time. As you plunge into thoughts about problems, you are unlikely to notice a surprise that can change your life. Anxiety interferes with openness and observation.

3. Do we know how to relax

A person who is totally unlucky is also totally trying to keep everything under control. And he regularly receives confirmation that this is impossible, having already spent a lot of effort on it. The lucky one knows that giving up on a confusing situation is often The best way solve it. Life is fluid and things can turn for the better while you are drinking coffee with friends.

4. Do we notice our contributions

Luck is a subjective concept. From the outside it seems that the lucky ones are not doing anything, but they also care about shelter and food, are responsible and get tired. However, they would rather praise themselves for the smallest effort than scold themselves for imperfections. The result is the result, but in any case, you should tell yourself that you are smart, and life will sparkle with new colors.

5. Are our strengths working

Before trying to break open the doors, look around for an open window. Someone takes it with their mind, someone with charm, and someone participates in a completely different competition. The lucky ones prefer the easy way, and they are able to calmly refuse to argue for the victory, if they understand that the chances are slim. You will not earn all the prizes, but it is easy to achieve what you feel like on a horse.

6. Do we know how to feel the moment

Something has to wait if it's really worth the wait. Rather than rushing to the front lines in the most exhausting battle, analyze the situation and choose the appropriate opportunity. Don't give bad news to your boss immediately after he returns from a difficult deal. One bad moment in your life will be less.

7. In what framework we live

“They won't pay much in this market,” “This man is too good to like me,” “I have little experience yet to take on such a task,” say the losers. And they find that someone earns much more, meets the "uneven" and gains experience in solving difficult issues on the go. The lucky ones do not come from restrictions, but from desires. It will work out or not - only practice will show.

8. How insidious self-esteem fails us

In understanding themselves, losers are static - "I am a timid person", "I was brought up to be hardworking." The lucky one knows that there is a hole in the old woman, but on the whole he is the owner of the most best qualities... For this, you can allow yourself to be greedy, lazy, or "give a fool." It is easy for him to forgive himself for minor flaws, because he does not ascribe them to himself forever.

9. Do we submit to happiness?

A huge amount of positive emotions pass by the loser because he does not know how to rejoice. Happiness is not very clear to him, so it's easier to brush it off and continue to wait for fantastic luck. Luck must be respected even in small things, so we will hear from the lucky one how lucky he is with the weather, and from the one who did not notice it, we will not hear anything.

10. Do we believe in a real lucky break

Do you have to try to explain everything rationally? After all, coincidences also happen, even if we have never tried to visualize them. On the other hand, science and technology can easily confuse us - even the most progressive inventions break down. The lucky ones are not looking for reasons and analysis, they just enjoy what is happening when it gives such a reason.

11. Do we hear our impulses

Home-work-friends-rest is a classic scheme. Even pleasures are familiar. A loser clings to his comfort zone because he is afraid of losing what is. The lucky one trusts the inner voice and is more likely to grab onto the new when the old has outlived its own. Successfully change housing, find love and suddenly get rich growing cabbage. Just because I wanted to.

12. Do we deal with failure

Looking for pluses in minuses is a useless activity, they are not there. Moreover, plunging into the negative, we only feel it more sharply. The pros always exist separately, and in order to find them, the cons must be pushed far away. The lucky ones focus on those areas where everything develops, they strive there with all their hearts. From there are taken the strength to decide everything else.

13. Are we shifting responsibility to fate

An important feature of the lucky ones is independence, but those who cannot cope can fall into the fantasy that everything is in the hands of providence. The effect can be different - to give up completely, stop perceiving reality, or get stuck in anticipation of luck. For a successful person, luck is not what he puts on, but only the background on which he acts.

14. Are there signs of bad luck around us?

Anyone who believes in his own failure will resign himself to a bad deed, unfavorable conditions, and insults. At the same time, the lucky one will not accept this into his happy aura at all, or he will simply be surprised - why would he? - and will pass by.

15. Do we live in harmony with ourselves?

The theory of psychology assumes that the subconsciousness of the world and man are inextricably linked. If we go against ourselves, do not what we want and constantly struggle with inner peace, this war will certainly be expressed in external circumstances. If your soul asks for peace and rest, you will begin to be catastrophically unlucky in job interviews, even if you have enough experience and qualifications.

16. How we look at life

A happy event is a loose concept. For an honest lucky one, a bus arriving after a long wait can be a wonderful coincidence. A loser will say that he was unlucky and had to freeze before getting home. The realism is that this is a common thing and can happen to anyone. To become lucky is simple - to realize that that very glass of water is half full, not empty.

Those who are unlucky may be intimidated by the very opportunity to take risks and change their lives. But for the lucky one, these are just actions with a non-guaranteed result. In fact, no one has any guarantees, but the first one deprives himself of even potential luck, and the second one gets chances (which by themselves, with an optimistic approach, are enough for happiness)

18. Aren't we afraid of "happy" status

Strange, but true. Many will not say goodbye even to the most treacherous fate, simply because being lucky is scary, unusual and somehow naive. The belief that serious adults must have problems will subtly lead them to be on their own. Lucky people seem superficial and immature to them, like little children. This is a direct way to begin to consider luck itself a fairy tale and an empty invention.

If each of us listens to these advice and changes our attitude towards the world around us, then in a short period of time everything in life can change for the better. The most important thing is to be positive and enjoy what we have. And when we rejoice even in some small things, then our life will definitely change, because our attitude towards life will change, and this is the Main thing! These were the 18 Laws of Luck. Stay on our website and be happy!

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