Prayer for recovery from a cold. How to read conspiracies against colds in children Prayer for recovery from the flu

A seasonal illness like the common cold can pretty much ruin your life if not cured in time. Traditional medicine today offers many effective medical supplies which allow in a short time remove unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

But, unfortunately, many powerful medications can cause allergies or lead to other malfunctions in the human body. Therefore, you should be aware that as an alternative to traditional methods of treatment, you can use special magical effects. Almost all of them came to modern world from antiquity, so it can be argued that they are all time-tested.

All rites are very simple and effective, but only if you truly believe in the power of magic. The conspiracy for a cold should be pronounced clearly and in each phrase you should feel your confidence that the disease will soon recede and you will return to normal life.

A conspiracy for a cold can be directed at oneself, but it can also be read over a sick person. Very often, they are used as additional attributes in rituals against colds. folk remedies, the effect of which is enhanced by magic words.

Rite of passage with salt

At the first sign of a cold, you need to carry out a ritual with salt, which will allow as soon as possible, get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. For the ceremony, you need to use coarse salt, also spring or melt water.

It is necessary to pour water into a glass, throw a pinch of salt there and say the following words:

“Mother, natural water, pure and transparent, I appeal to you, the Servant of God (my name), wash away all the aches and pains from me (or name the sick person), take the sickness and weakness into the depths of the sea, drag the disease into a deep pool , put a stone clamp on it. And never come up again, but forget about me (or give the name of a sick person) there forever. Amen".

After that, you need to moisten the middle finger of the right hand in the charmed water and apply drop by drop on the forehead, chest, in the area of ​​the right and left shoulder.

In the process, other words are spoken:

“I, the Servant of God (my name) command the charmed water, conjure with white natural salt. Get rid of the aches and pains from the body, head, and heart. Let your eyes be clear and your face bright. Amen".

Conspiracies to strengthen folk remedies

As you know, folk remedies help well against colds. Their effectiveness can be increased by magical conspiracies.

If you get up during a cold heat, then you need to knead the head of garlic into a gruel and say the following words:

“I, the Servant of God, (my name) chase the frontal heat with magic words, a hundred natural streams and trunks will help me in this. There will be no fiery fire either in the brow or in the crown of the head, the temperature aches from the bones will go away, and the pain in my sternum will leave. I drive out the ailment and will not let it go back. Amen".

After that, it is necessary to grate a slice of black bread with gruel and eat it.

To treat colds at the initial stage, rub your chest, feet and palms with vodka and wrap yourself in woolen scarves.

“As people walk on fresh and transparent dew, so it gives them strength drop by drop. A bad disease will not live, it will not do ugliness on the lips, it will not dilute rust in the nose, it will not spill redness in the throat. From the Servant of God, (his name) the disease will forever turn away and disown. "

As you know, one of the most unpleasant manifestations of a cold is a runny nose. But at the same time, he is rather poorly treated with drops and other medications. Therefore, you can help get rid of a cold to a sick person with the help of simple magic conspiracies.

For one of the most effective ways, you need to give the sick person a red rag and ask him to blow his nose into it.

After that, you need to wrap it around the nail and shove it into some slot, pronouncing the following words:

“I'm not placing a nail in the gap, but pinning the nasal ailment to the wall. As this nail will never be useful to anyone and in any place, so the snot from the nose will no longer pour. My conspiracy is strong, and the disease will quickly recede. Amen".

Good help from a runny nose and a charmed infusion made from dry birch buds. To prepare it, you need to pour half a teaspoon of the kidneys with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for an hour.

The filtered solution must be spoken with the following words:

“The solution will wash the healing nose and wash away the snot. More so that it does not burn, hurt, sneeze and sore. Amen".

After that, the infusion should be drunk by a sick person, who should be immediately put to bed. This ceremony is recommended to be repeated within three days before bedtime.

Cold conspiracies belong to white magic, so you can use them without fear of harming yourself or another person. But at the same time, one should not neglect the first medical aid, because other serious diseases can be masked under the symptoms of a cold.

During an epidemic and for the sake of prevention, read a prayer for colds and runny nose. It will allow you to defeat an acute respiratory disease literally in a matter of days.

Hot drinks and an appeal to the local therapist have not been canceled.

Your task is to reinforce traditional healing with some healing text.

Its effectiveness is so great that your cold will turn into a runny nose.

If you have a high fever and discomfort, stay in bed.

You shouldn't go to the Orthodox Church for candles.

If they are available, you can light them in any quantity.

The same goes for icons.

Read the Orthodox prayer addressed to Matrona of Moscow without strain, but with sincere faith in recovery.

Blessed Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. Help me heal from a cold, enlist your blessing and support. The cough chokes, the runny nose presses on the whiskey, do it so as not to suffer me from melancholy. They commanded to grow strong, and not to lose heart, to love and glorify God. Do not let the disease lime the soul, show me which path to go. Thy will be done. Amen.

You put the sign of the cross on yourself.

You should pray in between medication.

Prayers for general malaise, colds, runny nose and cough

Prayers to the Monk Maron, the Syrian hermit

“O beloved and sacred head, our reverend and God-bearing father Marona! Divine mercifully us sinners from above, and pray to the All-Blessed Sovereign and all blessings to the Giver of God for the observance of our state and keep it from all enemies intact and intact. Be the same prayer for us unworthy. Stretch out your hands to the All-Merciful Lord of honor, and ask for mercy and bounty from Him, save us from all troubles and fierce illnesses, and from all passions of freedom, as well as from the intolerable and unquenchable fireballs and shake with your prayers, deliver us from the attack of demons; Observe from visible and invisible enemies, and ask for forgiveness for our sins, and imagine us saved to Christ, in the hedgehog on the Day of the Last Judgment, with joy to present us before the face of His ineffable glory, and mercifully call to the Kingdom of Heaven from Him to hear, and in inexpressible joy See His glorious face the kindness, the grace and philanthropy of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ: as if His State was blessed and glorified with His beginningless Father and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

“Not only in this holy temple, created in your name, but in every place hear us, holy Venerable Maron, who come running to you with faith, hope and zeal. You lived without shelter in the wilderness and you yourself were depressed by many illnesses, but having healed by the power of God and acquired the grace of the Lord, fever and fever and other illnesses by your prayer alone healed. Therefore, they pray to you, reverend, seriously ill with fever and fever: heal them, appear to help them and satisfy their grief, weakening the illness, because you know, Saint Maron, that a sick person with his ailment sometimes distracts from repentance if he has lost consciousness, and from doing good deeds, if he lies motionless and on the bed of illness. Pray, reverend, to grant the Lord health to them, so that, having recovered in soul and body, they appear and become worthy to enter His Kingdom, where together with you they will see the Life-giving and Consubstantial Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen".

Strong conspiracy for colds and flu, 2 powerful conspiracies

If you catch a cold without giving up the treatment prescribed by the doctor, back up the therapy with a strong flu conspiracy.

Cough, runny nose, and other cold symptoms knock us out of our usual rut.

Very hard working citizens. They have to go to work because sick leave is not always paid.

We catch cold and begin to self-medicate. Be sure to consult a doctor, in your free time, reading the proposed conspiracy.

Light at least a few candles. Now you cannot go to the church to follow them.
Not necessarily exactly 13.

Dress warmly and, as you watch the flames glow, repeatedly read powerful plots for colds and flu.

As the honey warms the whole body, so the cold runs away to hell. I'll kill the flu with medicine and drink some water. The pain disappears from the throat, and microbes do not ferment. The head does not hurt, the nose no longer sniffs. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

There is another magical conspiracy to ward off a cold or flu.

I started talking flu and wheezing, let the polyps dissolve in my nose. I take the cold away with a pill, and I soften my throat with a candy. As I read these lines, all the ailments will go away, and the bacteria will leave the nose with water. As I drink hot and fall asleep, I will be completely cured of the flu in the morning. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Put out the candles. Throw the cinders into the trash.

You continue to be treated according to the scheme suggested by the doctor.

To double the power of a magical conspiracy, I recommend that you read them sequentially.

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Healing Prayers

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Every person's health is different. There are heroes who have never been sick in their lives. And there are people who no longer remember those moments when everything was good. Everyone has it different destinies... But often a lot of people resort to prayer appeals only when the misfortune of life has already come and nothing helps.

This often happens when a terrible ailment appears in the house. Fear for the future, for his family, for loved ones makes a person visit church and turn to healing prayers.

The oldest miracle - yoga still amazes the minds of leading scientists in the world with its unique properties... It would seem that, simple exercises, are able to save a person from any kind of ailment, including colds, respiratory diseases. The complex includes cleansing the body, healthy, specific nutrition, exercises and reading mantras.

Yoga for flu and colds - cleansing

Every morning, lunch and evening, you must cleanse your body.

  1. Pour 2 teaspoons of salt into half a liter of warm boiled water. Rinse one nostril, then the other.
  2. Rinse the throat with a solution of salt and soda (a teaspoon per 200 grams of water).
  3. All passages need to be cleaned, so an enema is important. For a liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt, carry out the procedure 2 times a day.

Yoga for colds and colds: exercise

The complex of movements is aimed at stimulating breathing, due to which the optimal amount of oxygen enters the respiratory tract, improves blood flow, and feeds cells.

  1. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight, hands on your knees. Perform mula-badhu and uddiyana badhu, that is, take a long breath and hold for 4 seconds. Repeat 8 times. Then start breathing vigorously through your nose. When inhaling, bend in the chest, raising the ribs and the central part of the chest up, while lowering the shoulders. When performing the exercise, look up, distribute the weight to the pelvic and sciatic joints. As you exhale, round your back, pull the chest and ribs inward and gradually increase intense breathing. Repeat 15 times and slow down breathing.
  2. Rotation. Perform with dynamic breathing, which allows the lungs to be completely filled with fresh air and oxygen. The method clears mucus from the respiratory tract and warms the chest. Sit up straight, the state of mula-badha and uddiyana-badha, inhaling air, begin rotating the entire chest in a clockwise direction, central part and the ribs protrude forward and upward. Then move the emphasis to the right, including the shoulder, while exhaling, round the back and move to the left. Movements should be smooth and without stopping, when inhaling air, bend the sternum as much as possible and take the shoulders back, then down. Repeat the procedure 10 times, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Yoga also helps to strengthen the body and protect against the flu.

Spell to heal the sick

For the spell, you need a green candle and eucalyptus ether. Green visualizes health and vitality, therefore, it is precisely such a coloristic solution that is used in the healing of ailments.

Place the candle in a candlestick and brush it with eucalyptus ether. Sit in front of a candle and light it. Imagine an image of a sick person, and mentally wish him a speedy recovery. Cast the spell:

"I send you peace and goodness, Love and healing in addition!"

After that, imagine how a golden clot of energy grows over your head from the words of the conspiracy and your magical power. Send it mentally to the sick person you visualized. Wrap the received healing energy around the person. You can repeat the ceremony until the whole candle burns out.

The conspiracy is done for a waning month in strict accordance with the instructions set out in the rules for the execution of conspiracies.

Conspiracy from the common cold

We read several times a day until the runny nose passes and try to breathe deeply through the nose.

Another conspiracy from the common cold using the composition for the nose

We treat colds in children

If you want your kids to be healthy and not catch the flu, then in the morning read the conspiracy for their breakfast, on a piece of bread that they will eat, or whisper for tea. And make sure that they eat completely the conspiracy food.

“Tsyla didn’t go into the house, she didn’t go after the children (the names of your children), she didn’t climb the porch, where she sat down there and climbed down, where she stuck there and unstuck, my words are strong and strong, all diseases are translated into health. Amen. Amen. Amen!" During the flu period, the conspiracy can be read even every day until the epidemic passes, and this is enough once a month.

Mantras for colds and flu

For healing, we will use the most powerful mantra Ven-A-Khun, which relieves of any ailments, including colds. With its help, millions got rid of ailments, since sounds stimulate the vibration of brain cells, and it is from there that signals go to the body and the program for healing. The power of the Soul over matter is established and the result is already observed after 2-3 sessions.

Sit and cross your legs - lotus position. The back is straight, the chin is slightly lower, the tip of the tongue adjoins the palate, but does not touch it. Eyes are closed, the body is completely relaxed.

Now let's start making sounds, this is music for flu and colds. Lie in a comfortable position, raise your right hand upwards with your palm in the area above the navel. The left palm is at a level slightly below the navel. Hands should be near the body, but not touch it, we say:

« My dear body, soul and mind Ven-A-Hung, I love you and appreciate you very much. Please heal (organ). I will be happy and it is an honor for me. thanks».

Take a deep breath, chant Ven-A-Khun while exhaling, while visualizing in front of you with the first syllable “Ven” a red color in the head, with “A” - a white glow in the chest area, with “Hung” - blue inside the abdomen. Take a deep breath again and repeat the chanting, the method should take one minute.

Treatment conspiracies

For many centuries, the words "healers" have been passed down from generation to generation. This wisdom, taken from ancient times, brings invaluable benefits and relief. Conspiracies in the treatment of a common cold are effective if you know how to apply them correctly.

History of the issue

From the time of ancient Russia cure conspiracies were ubiquitous. It was believed that it was they who rid the body of dark forces and spirits, drive out ailments, support the body and give vitality. The main thing is that the person who uttered the conspiracy and the one who is being healed believe in the power of the spoken words. In this case, the result was justified. The history of the conspiracy issue is different for each people. But, the meaning is almost the same everywhere: the power transmitted with the conspiracy is obliged to secure a person and protect him from the dark forces.

During the ceremony, additional attributes were used to help enhance the power of words. Healers, sorcerers used herbs, water and many other things for healing from the common cold.

It is important that before the healer plucked the medicinal herb, he asked her for forgiveness and help. Only by being in harmony with nature and believing in your words, it was possible to achieve the result

“Lord, bless. And you mother of cheese earth, bless this weed to pick! You have disfigured her for a person - in every way for the benefit of a person: therefore I take you. Grass from the earth is a medicine from God. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracies in the treatment of rhinitis, produced by all the rules, are strong

It is important that the person who utters the conspiracy has pure thoughts, and the person being healed fully believes in his recovery. There are a number of conditions to keep in mind.


  1. Before uttering the words of the conspiracy, a person must wash their hands and face well. Having pronounced the words, the procedure is repeated.
  2. Dawn is considered the perfect time for a healing conspiracy. In the evening, you need to know exactly where it is most effective. It should be directly indicated where the words should be pronounced: at the patient's bedside, at the entrance to the house, at a place with knots, near water, fire. Knowing the location increases the power of the conspiracy.
  3. The presence of a name in a conspiracy predetermines the pronunciation of the name of the person being spoken. On rare occasions, the witch doctor must pronounce his name. When reading the words of a special female gender, the words "servant of God" change to "servant of God."
  4. Conspiracies in treatment are effective if each word is pronounced clearly, does not change places.
  5. Additional attributes that have a particular impact need to be stocked up in advance. Holy water is considered to be the most powerful source of strength. It is worth taking it to church for Epiphany or scooping it out of the hole on Epiphany morning. Holy objects include a tree chain, wine, a crust of bread, salt, food, wedding rings. On rare occasions, the reader will use pen and paper to write down the most powerful magic words.
  6. In the absence of additional instructions, the sore spot of a person, in the process of pronouncing a conspiracy, must be stroked with your fingertips.
  7. The conspiracy in the treatment must be repeated three times. The exceptions are cases when the number of required repetitions is specified.
  8. In order for the words to have power and the reader, together with the patient, to be protected from evil spirits, after pronouncing the words, you need to cross the reader and the patient three times.

Observing these rules, you can be sure that the conspiracy in the treatment will give the desired result and bring a cure.


There are a number of taboos that you need to know before pronouncing conspiracies from a cold. By violating the prohibitions, you can achieve a negative result and worsen the patient's condition or incur dark forces on yourself.

  1. The person over whom the conspiracy has been read should be left to rest alone after reading. An instant recovery will not occur if you watch him relentlessly.
  2. It is preferable to refuse to read the conspiracies on Sunday and Monday. The exception is the dying state of a person and especially severe cases.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to send damage and punishment to a person who caused the ailments of others. In this case, not only the spellcaster and the person who asked for the ceremony will be punished, but also all relatives on both lines up to the seventh generation.

In no case should the prohibitions be violated. Conspiracies in treatment are almost sacred and are beneficial only if all the rules are followed.

Water and salt for effective conspiracy

For a conspiracy, you need ordinary table salt (three pinches) and water from the well, slightly warmed up, but not boiled. Salt and water perfectly preserve the information that was spoken over them, therefore, once they hit the "healed" person, they immediately begin to act.

So in warm water put the salt and stir well, saying:

“Water, water, wash away my aches, hoarseness and fever. Take all misfortunes into the depths of your waters, and plant them in eternal shackles in whirlpools, so that they never return to me. And they are not remembered forever and ever! "

After the words have been pronounced, it is necessary to apply a few drops of a water-salt mixture to the patient with the middle finger in the following sequence: forehead, chest, right shoulder, left shoulder.

"All the aches and pains come out of the violent head, curly curl, from the joint and bones, from the heart of a zealous and obstinate heart!"

Conspiracies for children

To start talking a runny nose in children, they used several simple, but effective conspiracies.

Boil peeled potatoes, cut them in half and rub the wings of the nose, reading: “Hot, sticky, steamy. On the nose, mucus, pharynx and sinus. Let the thick, bad mucus stick. Does not flow, does not burn, does not itch, does not hurt. " After that, sprinkle the potatoes with plenty of salt and bury them under the gooseberry bush.

Next strong conspiracy from a runny nose - an effective prayer that needs to be read only to your child, it will not affect someone else's child: “Water-water, earthly queen, everyone loves you, everyone honors you, everyone will not live long without you. God gave you and punished you: to feed people and to wash from any dirt. Wash it off, rinse it, free it from the ailment, and you, Mother Mother of God, bless, help the servant of God (name): for ease, health, for god's mercy... As God's water rips off the ridges, rinses off the stumps, banks, roots, so wash off, rinse, water, from God's servant (name) all ailments and pains. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".
You can prepare drops yourself. In proportions of 1: 1, you need to mix aloe juice and liquid honey, put it in a dark place for 3 days, each time passing by say the following words: “There are no other thoughts how to correct your breath. To the roots of the earth, to the crown of the earth. To me, the servant of God (Name), health at all times. Amen". After three days, the drops need to be taken out and poured into a small container, left in a dark place, away from children. Bury a stuffy nose in a child 3 times a day.

Birch infusion. Take half a teaspoon of dried birch leaves, grind them and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Close the lid tightly and wrap up with a blanket to keep warm. Insist the broth, and then strain through a fine sieve. Pour the resulting liquid into a glass and say: “The water will wash away the snot, rinse the nose so that it does not burn, it does not get damp, does not sneeze, does not hurt. Amen". Immediately after spoken words, have the child drink the entire glass in one gulp. A runny nose should go away within 24 hours, but if it has not stopped, repeat the procedure by brewing a new decoction and reading the same words over it. This ritual is usually performed in the morning to maximize the effect.

Useful rituals

In this case, in order to quickly eliminate the irritation of the nose, it is recommended to use special conspiracies for the common cold that white magic offers. They are completely harmless and can be used without any restrictions. The main thing when pronouncing magic words is to believe that they will really help.

Magic broth

A decoction of raspberry and currant leaves helps well against the common cold. He needs to drink four glasses a day during illness.

But before that, you need to speak it with these words:
“Nowhere in this world, but only in the eastern distant mysterious lands there is an endless sea-ocean. In the middle of it is a stone island, on the island there is a spreading copper oak. In that oak there is a hollow, but in it lives, the queen of the bees does not know grief. She collects honey all her life and preserves honey. I will ask the bee queen, sweet honey and a useful additive with me, the Servant (s) of God (s) (own name) will share. From you, the mother of all the bees will not be weakened, but my, the Servant (s) of God (s) (own name), health will come. "

Infusion of birch leaves

In a short time, a charmed infusion of green birch leaves will help get rid of a cold. To prepare it, you need to take half a teaspoon of crushed green leaves only torn off and pour a glass of boiling water.

The solution must be infused for half an hour at room temperature, then strain. The cooled drink should be started to speak in a whisper, bending low over the vessel, so that the breath touches the water surface.

The magic words are as follows:
“The water is natural, healing, cleansing, all my snot will wash away and my patient will wash my nose. Will completely relieve unpleasant burning sensation, nasty dampness, annoying sneezing and painful sensations. Amen".

After reading the charmed drink, you should drink it. According to healers, after such a conspiracy from a cold, his symptoms disappear the next day. If there are any residual phenomena, the magic rite is repeated again.

The effectiveness of any conspiracy from the common cold entirely depends on the person's belief in magic. Therefore, using a conspiracy from the common cold, one should not forget about the drug treatment prescribed by the doctor. The combination of two different traditional and folk methods will only speed up the treatment of the disease.

Conspiracies for flu, colds, headaches

Popular conspiracies from flu, tonsillitis, colds (acute respiratory infections, ARVI), headache, runny nose, cough, fever, it is best to pronounce at sunset or before bedtime.

1 a very effective folk conspiracy against the flu and colds

For this conspiracy, you will need a wax church candle, mug or glass.

The conspiracy is pronounced over some drink (tea, coffee, water) on the day when the moon decreases, in the morning (at dawn).

A container with a drink, full to the brim, you need to take in your left hand, hold a lighted candle in your right and pronounce the words of the conspiracy, almost touching the drink - as if breathing on it: “Frola and Laurus, Blasius and Kharlampy, Nikola the Wonderworker, George the Victorious, Tsar David, Mother Helena, Saint Catherine, remove, and take, and extinguish the ailment of the slave (s) (name) with my slander, your order. From now on and forever. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

“Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also leave our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

For yours is the kingdom and power and glory forever and ever. Amen".

After that, you need to extinguish the candle with the fingers of your left hand, remove the rest of the candle away. If necessary, you can use it later.

2.The conspiracy for flu and colds, if the runny nose pesters

3.Prayer conspiracy for flu and colds

They read from the morning before washing: “Lord, save, Lord, save. On an oak throne, wearing a golden crown, sits Mother of god, Virgin Mary, nods her head, protects me from colds. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A conspiracy from a severe cold (when it has already developed)

It is necessary to strongly heat 100-150 g of red wine (best of all Cahors); when the wine starts to boil, bend over the mug and say quietly: “Aliens, the superfluous will refuse to feed the creatures, when I drink this wine, new forces will cleanse my blood, pour out my kidneys with peace, purity and Heavenly power. I, the servant (a) of God (s) (name), dashing scanty impurities as unnecessary trash I will tear away from the body, and my cleansing will come for a new one healthy life... Through small foci my disease will go away. I will be healed by living red wine, I will be healed by the power of the Lord. Amen".

After that, you need to drink wine and go to bed. The cold will be gone by morning.

Popular conspiracies for sore throat and sore throat

As soon as you feel a sore throat, you need to take a ladle (kitchen ladle) and draw a cross on its back with a knife, lick it with your tongue, and swallow saliva. This must be done three times.

This conspiracy is read in the morning, when they woke up: “I will get up, blessing, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate. I will go out into the open field. And I will stand facing the dawn. And I will pray and bow to two dawns, two sisters: Ulyana's dawn in the morning, Maremyana in the evening. The morning dawn Ulyana, the evening dawn of Maremyan, but take all my cough and suffocation from me, and carry it across the Okyan-sea. Everyone will take it over the okiyan-sea. There it is baked and welded for you. Amen".

This conspiracy is read on Maundy Thursday before sunrise. You need to stand behind the house, so that no one can see you, and shout three times in a drawn-out manner: "Morning dawn, give me a voice, take away the voicelessness."

Heat (temperature) conspiracies told by healers

“A red girl is standing on a shostka, sorting through spoons, washes, grinds and overwhelms, shooting and heat at the servant of God (God's) (name) consoles and drives away. In the name of father and son and holy spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

“Bishikha, Bishikha, you won't be here. You can't stand here. Do not twist the rosy blood. Go to the dark forest. The Lord himself whistles, the servants of God will dry up the sickness. Amen".

“There is a combustible stone in an open field, a sick woman is sitting on this stone. She is holding a hot frying pan in her white hands. Her hands did not burn and did not take chills. Likewise, the servant of God (name) would not have burned hands and had no chills. "

Village headache conspiracy

You need to pronounce this conspiracy, looking at the rising sun, and circle your head clockwise with your ring finger: "As the sun rises on Maundy Thursday, rejoices, shimmers with all sorts of colors, so my head would not hurt, not spin, live, rejoice."

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Heat conspiracy

Colds that manifest themselves with an increase in temperature can be cured with the help of appropriate conspiracies. One of them is quite simple:

“Zarya-zarynitsa, savior, red maiden! It is in your power to save (name) from the twelve sisters of the shaking women: yellow, flying, chill and shaking. My faith is endless! May it be so!"

Intermediate conspiracies

To consolidate the effect of other conspiracies, you can use intermediate ones - reinforcing ones. So, in the afternoon, taking a pose on your left side, say out loud:

"I am lying on my side with my left half of the illness."

"So I lay down on my right side, I overcame the whole illness."

"Now the night is coming to an end, I do not turn the disease."

Waking up in the morning, gather all your strength (it is important, even with weakness, to show that you feel good) and say, lying on your stomach:

"So the day ends, the disease does not return to me!"

If you miss the night call, it does not matter, during the period of illness, healthy sleep is much more important than the inarticulate words of being asleep.

Strong conspiracy for colds

If a cold is accompanied not only by weakness and chills, but also by a severe runny nose with a cough, then a ritual for any liquid that the patient drinks will help to cope with this painful condition.

To carry out the ritual, take a cup of tea, water or broth in your left hand and say the conspiracy in such a way that the surface of the liquid fluctuates slightly from your breath: “May Nicholas the Wonderworker and George the Victorious, Mother of God Mary and the Prophet Peter, Saint Ilya and Saint Catherine help , King David and wise Solomon. May the Lord our God Almighty send them to help the servant of God (the name of the patient), so that his ailment will pass and disappear into oblivion. I pray you by this conspiracy and act according to your instructions. Amen".

Perform this ceremony at least three times a day.

Conspiracy with a bell

If the conspiracy is read directly by the person who was overcome by the illness, then he needs to stand on the doorstep, taking the left bell in his hand.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, remove the sickness from my blood. Words are strong, but let the disease not return to me. "

After what has been spoken, it is necessary to ring the bell, thus scaring away the unclean from his dwelling. If the conspiracy is pronounced over a sick person, then the room in which the patient is located must be called with a bell. Every corner, all walls, thus "ring out". There will also be no particular difficulties with the text, and it is composed by the person who performs the ceremony.

First you need to say that you are calling, driving away the disease and the unclean force from the patient, so that the ailment will go far, far away from home. In the process of describing, substitute those symptoms that are inherent in the "patient" and talk about how they leave your doorstep.

Conspiracies for colds from sore throat, sore throat and asthma

The conspiracy is done for a waning month in strict accordance with the instructions set out in

Another conspiracy for a severe cold

Take a glass with any drink in your left hand, you can pour it into a glass or a cup and with your face lowered, speak so that the surface of the drink flutters from your breath:

Conspiracy from colds and flu

For a quick recovery, you can make a conspiracy over drinking and give the patient a drink.

Do it several times a day until you see an improvement in the patient's well-being

We prepare the mass according to the following recipe: heat equal shares of aloe juice and honey in a small cup, you can take a tea room in a water bath and put in a cabinet for three days. Say a prayer for three days:

You need to use the mixture instead of drops several times a day.

The plot is done on a small piece of dough, which is then applied to the chest.

You need to do it three times.

Simple and quick rituals

If you have little free time, this is not a reason to give up alternative treatment. There are simple and quick conspiracies:

  1. Rubbing the bridge of your nose, say the following words: “It does not burn, does not flow, does not itch, does not hurt. Amen".
  2. Blow your nose three times into the red cloth, then wrap it around the nail. It must be hammered into an old dry tree and read the following words: “I am not plugging a nail, but an illness. As this nail is no longer useful anywhere, so no more water will pour out of the nose. Be these words all strong and molded, stronger than strong stone, harder than solid iron. To all my words, the key and the lock, from now on and forever and ever! "
  3. Sometimes a conspiracy from a cold needs to be read to someone close. Then the ritual on the cross will do. Above the patient's nose, you need to fold your hands as you do it during prayer, and, creating a cross with them, say: “The dog breathes, the cat breathes, the fish and the slave (name) breathe. All living things breathe and live, and you live and breathe. Amen".

Star and Astrology Magazine

every day fresh articles about astrology and esotericism

Flu conspiracies

During periods of exacerbation of epidemics of influenza, colds and viral diseases, one wants not only to recover from the disease, but also to prevent its occurrence. Medicine is capable.

Prayers for healing from diseases

Prayers addressed to God and the saints will help you heal your soul and body from various ailments, restore your former strength,.

Strongest prayer for health to Panteleimon the Healer

Prayer to the revered Christian saint, whom God has endowed with the gift of healing sick people, is considered one of the most powerful. ...

Conspiracy from a cold in a child

Babies tolerate a runny nose worse than others. In order to relieve them of ailment, it is necessary to produce a conspiracy with a feather from a child. There are several effective ways able to alleviate his condition.

On the water

Helps almost every child. The main thing is that the parent believes in the irresistible power of a conspiracy to water from a cold. In this case, the baby will really feel better in the near future.

“Voditsa water, earthly queen, everyone loves you, everyone honors you, everyone will not live long without you. God gave you and punished you: to feed people and to wash from any dirt. Wash it off, rinse it, free it from any ailment, and you, Mother Mother of God, bless, help the servant of God (Name): for ease, for health, for God's mercy. As God's water rips off the ridges, rinses off the stumps, banks, roots, so wash off, rinse, water, from God's servant (Name) all ailments and pains. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

Whisper on raspberry decoction

We all know that raspberry jam is useful for colds and more. But not only ripe berries bring health, but raspberry sprigs can be brewed and infused with boiling water, and then the made broth can be used for good health from colds and flu. It is very simple to make a broth, the main thing is to find a garden where raspberries grow, you need to cut off a twig of 40 centimeters, finely chop into an enamel container, pour 500 ml of water. and boil for 3 minutes. Then let stand for 2 hours and the broth is ready. You need to divide it in half - for morning and evening. Every time before you wake up to drink, put it to your lips and whisper to him. conspiracy words 7 times: “Forces of nature I invoke all diseases I drive out to myself (name) I do not allow, as I drink this medicinal broth so I wash myself with health, I get rid of ailments. Amen!" Then drink it in one gulp.

Popular conspiracies from flu, tonsillitis, colds (acute respiratory infections, ARVI), headaches, runny nose, cough, fever, are best pronounced at sunset of the day or before bedtime.

1.Very effective folk conspiracy against flu and colds:

For this conspiracy, you will need a wax church candle, mug or glass.
The conspiracy is pronounced over some drink (tea, coffee, water) on the day when the moon decreases, in the morning (at dawn).
A container with a drink, full to the brim, you need to take in your left hand, hold a lighted candle in your right and pronounce the words of the conspiracy, almost touching the drink - as if breathing on it: “Frola and Laurus, Blasius and Kharlampy, Nikola the Wonderworker, George the Victorious, Tsar David, Mother Helena, Saint Catherine, remove, and take, and extinguish the ailment of the slave (s) (name) with my slander, your order. From now on and forever. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"
After that, you need to read the prayer "Our Father" three times and drink the liquid at one time.

Prayer "Our Father":

“Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also leave our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom and power and glory forever and ever. Amen".

After that, you need to extinguish the candle with the fingers of your left hand, remove the rest of the candle away. If necessary, you can use it later.

2. Conspiracy for flu and colds, if pestered by a runny nose:

Before reading this conspiracy, you need to clear your nose well (blow your nose or rinse it out) in order to breathe freely, and read the text of the conspiracy very quietly, to yourself: “It does not burn, does not flow, does not itch, does not hurt. Amen".
Read the conspiracy as many times as you are full years old.

3. Conspiracy-prayer for flu and colds:

They read from the morning before washing: “Lord, save, Lord, save. On an oak throne, in a golden crown, sits the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, nods her head, protects me from colds. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A conspiracy from a severe cold (when it has already developed):

It is necessary to strongly heat 100-150 g of red wine (best of all Cahors); when the wine starts to boil, bend over the mug and say quietly: “Aliens, the superfluous will refuse to feed the creatures, when I drink this wine, new forces will cleanse my blood, pour out my kidneys with peace, purity and Heavenly power. I, the servant (a) of God (s) (name), dashing scanty impurities as unnecessary rubbish, I will tear away from the body, and my cleansing will come for a new healthy life. Through small foci my disease will go away. I will be healed by living red wine, I will be healed by the power of the Lord. Amen".
After that, you need to drink wine and go to bed. The cold will be gone by morning.

Popular conspiracies for sore throat and sore throat:

1. As soon as you feel a sore throat, you need to take a ladle (kitchen ladle) and draw a cross on its back with a knife, lick it with your tongue, and swallow saliva. This must be done three times.

2. This conspiracy is read in the morning, when they woke up: “I will get up, blessing, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate. I will go out into the open field. And I will stand facing the dawn. And I will pray and bow to two dawns, two sisters: Ulyana's dawn in the morning, Maremyana in the evening. Ulyana's morning dawn, Maremyan's evening dawn, but take all my cough and suffocation from me, and carry it across the Okyan-sea. Everyone will take it over the okiyan-sea. There it is baked and welded for you. Amen".

3. This conspiracy is read on Maundy Thursday before sunrise. You need to stand behind the house, so that no one can see you, and shout three times in a drawn-out manner: "Morning dawn, give me a voice, take away the voicelessness."

Conspiracies from extreme heat (temperature), told by healers:

1. “A red girl is standing on a shostka, fingering spoons, washing, rubbing and blowing, shooting and heat at the servant of God (God's) (name) consoles and drives away. In the name of father and son and holy spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

2. “Bishikha, Bishikha, you won't be here. You can't stand here. Do not twist the rosy blood. Go to the dark forest. The Lord himself whistles, the servants of God will dry up the sickness. Amen".

3. Read this conspiracy on the patient 5-7 times: “Zarya-zarynitsa, red maiden, save the servant (y) of God (yu) (name) from manukha, from chills, from volatility, from yellowing, from Maria Herodovna and from everyone twelve shaking girls. Amen".

4. “In an open field there is a combustible stone, a sick woman is sitting on this stone. She is holding a hot frying pan in her white hands. Her hands did not burn and did not take chills. Likewise, the servant of God (name) would not have burned hands and had no chills. "

Village headache conspiracy:

You need to pronounce this conspiracy while looking at the rising sun, and circle your head clockwise with your ring finger:

"As on Great Thursday the sun rises, rejoices, shimmers with all sorts of colors, so my head would not hurt, not spin, live, rejoice."

This is a unique remedy for coughs, sore throats, colds, better than any syrups from the pharmacy!

Its unusual taste and aroma are the breath of spring, an invaluable gift from the Green Pharmacy for maintaining health.

The benefits of pine honey are invaluable.

Young pine shoots contain a large amount of resins, tannins, essential oils, valuable minerals and vitamins.

Cooked "honey" is taken for coughs, for diseases of the bronchi and lungs (1-2 tsp with hot drink).

This is an excellent remedy for vitamin deficiency (an ancient dose of 5-6 tablespoons of honey per day for 2 weeks).

In addition, "pine honey" is very useful for children, it is an excellent remedy in the post-rehabilitation period, an effective folk remedy for strengthening the immune system and increasing the protective properties of the body.

In the old medical books, you can find two ways of making "pine honey".

Recipe 1.
Freshly harvested kidneys (1 kg.) Are crushed, filled with water (3 l.) And boiled in an enamel saucepan for up to half an hour. Then the broth is filtered and sugar (3 kg) is added, brought to a boil again and poured into prepared (sterilized) glass jars ..

Recipe 2.
For one part of pine buds, 2 parts of water are taken. The kidneys are boiled for about 20 minutes and set in a warm place for 2-3 hours. Then filter the infusion, squeeze out thoroughly and add 2 parts of sugar. The mixture is put on fire and, stirring continuously, bring to a boil. Ready honey is poured into glass jars. Store in a cellar or refrigerator.

You can also make syrup from young spruce twigs (soft green shoots)

1 kg of spruce branches and 1 kg of sugar.
Sprinkle in layers in a glass dish
Insist 3-4 weeks.
The resulting syrup is taken 5-6 times a day for a teaspoon.

Pine buds are the beginnings of young shoots. And the time to collect pine buds is early spring, when the snow is melting, at the time of the buds swelling, when they are just growing, but have not yet had time to open.

Pine buds at this time of the year are resinous, green, fragrant and have accumulated the necessary, maximum amount of active and beneficial active substances. Pine buds are cut or broken off, which usually grow together in a collection of buds of 5-7 pieces with a small part of the pine stem from 1 to 3 cm. Cut off carefully, trying not to damage the pine branches.


Always smile

alklik she

Alexsandra Neumann

A prayer that is read if a child is sick. This prayer is addressed to St. Julian of Kenomania. According to church traditions, Saint Julian became famous for raising babies during his lifetime.
O most honorable and sacred head and the grace of the Holy Spirit, filled with the Savior's dwelling with the Father, our great bishop, our warm intercessor, Saint Julian, standing at the Throne of all the Tsar and enjoying the light of the Trinity in essence and having cherubims from angels proclaiming the song of the Trisagion unknown, great daring and to the All-Merciful Vladyka, pray to the people of Christ's flock to be saved by the people, affirm the prosperity of the holy churches: decorate the bishops with the splendor of sainthood, strengthen the monastics for the feat of a good current, preserve the reigning city and all cities and countries well, and keep your holy faith blameless by your presence, pray to all the world Delivered us from famine and harm, and save from the attack of aliens, old consolations, youthful guidance, insane wisdom, have mercy on the widows, intercede the orphans, the babies grow up, return the captives, who are weak and pray to you from all misfortunes and troubles with your intercession for freedom: pray for us All-gracious and Human-loving Christ of our God, and on the day of the Terrible came His creation from the shuiyago standing will deliver us, and the partakers will create the joy of the saints with all the saints forever and ever. Amen.

For the strength and health of the child.
Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also leave our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
First time, good hour,
The Mother of God was walking along the golden bridge.
- Where are you going, Mother of God,
What are you carrying in Your little hands?
- I'm going to the servant of God (name) to treat fear,
To remove the ailment, to pronounce it!
You, ill, go to the poor courtyard,
No grass grows there, no one lives there.
I have a golden cross in my hands,
My dear Son gave it to me -
Lord jesus christ
I say, He echoes:
"You, ill, go to the poor courtyard,
There you live, there is your life. "
And be, my words, strong,
And become, my deeds, sculpting.
What I didn’t say, I didn’t finish,
The Mother of God will say, the Lord God will prompt.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
A conspiracy for a speedy recovery.
This conspiracy can only be read by a mother on her children, but it helps even when the children have grown up long ago.
Water cushion, earthly queen,
Everyone loves you, everyone honors you,
Everyone won't live long without you.
God gave you and punished you:
People should be fed and washed from any dirt.
Wash off, rinse, free from ailments,
And you, Mother Mother of God, bless,
Help the servant of God (name):
For ease, for health, for God's mercy.
As God's water rips off the ridges,
Washes away from the stumps, shores, roots,
So wash off, rinse the water with God's servant(name)
All ailments and pains.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Tatiana T

what nonsense? Don't you love your child? Temper,. to walk, I don't know how old or months old he is, to heal even with folk remedies, herbs, etc. well, do not bewitch ...


Good evening! Perhaps this information will be useful to you)
[the link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]

Arseny Panfilov

There are conspiracies, but if you read it yourself (and who else), they simply will not work for you. Buy propolis better and put it in a cup with a candle inside - let it breathe. Just drip water so that it doesn't burn. Any runny nose will go away in one or two sessions

Prayer for recovery

We explain the causes of illness by cold, infection, overwork, poisoning, etc. But this is only partly true. In fact, any physical illness grows out of a spiritual illness. Yes, these are our sins, for which we pay with sickness. But the Lord, thus, does not at all want to punish us or enjoy our agonies, he wants to warn us against the onset of spiritual diseases. If a person does not change his mind during illness, does not repent, does not realize his guilt and does not change his life, the disease will spread to his immortal soul, which is much more terrible.

The first step to healing must be repentance. And we can repent with the words of prayers for recovery:

“O Merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the indivisible Trinity, look gracefully on Your servant (name), possessed by illness; let him go of all his transgressions; give him healing from the disease; restore his health and bodily strength; Give him a long-lived and prosperous life, Your peaceful and peaceful blessings, so that together with us he would bring grateful prayers to You, the All-Bountiful God and my Creator. Holy Mother of God, with your omnipotent intercession, help me to pray to your Son, my God, for the healing of the servant of God (name). All saints and angels of the Lord, pray to God for His sick servant (name). Amen".

Although we know that sins are the cause of illness, seeing that someone is sick, we should not reflect on his sinfulness, so, we ourselves greatly sin. On the contrary, you need to ask God to have mercy on the soul of the sick person. To do this, use strong prayer about the patient's recovery to the Mother of God, because she is the most powerful mediator between man and God:

“O Blessed Lady, Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love before your honest and miraculous icon of Yours, we pray to You: do not turn your face away from those who run to You, pray, merciful Mother, Your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, may our country be preserved, His holy Church unshakable let him keep, and let him deliver from unbelief, heresies and schism. Not imams of any other help, not imams of other hopes, except for Thee, Most Pure Devo. "

What happens when we pray for someone?

Our prayers for the sick person's recovery may or may not be ignored. The fact is that no matter how zealously we ask God to help the patient, he will not do it until the sinner himself realizes why he is sick. Otherwise, it will be possible to say that “one builds, the other destroys”. You understand what the result is.

Child recovery

When we do not realize our sins, do not repent, God is forced to remind us of the need for changes in our lives through the illnesses of our loved ones. The worst thing for a parent is when his child is sick, and is sick (almost always) because of parental misconduct.

In this case, you cannot hesitate. Any mother will understand with her heart that it is she who is to blame for the suffering of her blood. At such moments, prayer for the recovery of the child to the Mother of God will help. She will not only comfort the poor mother, she will ask for God's indulgence towards a sinful woman and the health of her child. The Mother of God is able to send grace to a person, in which he realizes his sins and will be able to change his life.

The text of the mother's prayer for the recovery of the child to the Most Holy Theotokos:

“Oh, merciful Mother! You see the cruel sorrow that torments my heart! For the sake of the sorrow that Thou didst pierce, when the terrible sword passed into Thy soul during the bitter suffering and death of the Divine Thy Son, I pray Thee: have mercy on my poor child, who is sick and fading, and if it is not contrary to the will of God and his salvation, seek him bodily health from Thy Almighty Son, the Physician of souls and bodies, Who healed every disease and every weakness, taking pity on with tears of a mother who sobbed over the loss of her only son, he aroused him from death and gave him to her. Oh, Loving Mother! Behold how the face of my brainchild has turned pale, how all its veins are burning with illness, and have mercy on it, may death not steal it at the dawn of life, but may it be saved by God's help and serve with joy of heart Your Only Begotten Son, Lord and your God. Amen".

What prayer to read for a cold?


Konstantin Chernyshov

drink echinacea!

Dmitry Nizyaev

The original therapy, however ...

Memento mori

Christ said read "Our Father"
Why come up with other prayers?

Anton Kuropatov

Any, in your own words. Prayer is not a spell.

Ronya Ulken Shaitan

Esi on Herpes.


the one that will help

Umbra angelus

Get away microbial satan


Good evening! Hot water and a few drops of eucalyptus oil, breathe and pray: Please leave the cold!

Eat Don

Lemon tea works well


Oopsa, Teraflu + plentiful warm drink. ...
prayer alone will not help ..

Guardian angel

Prayer is communication with God! And for a cold, you can rinse your throat with a solution of salt (a teaspoon in a glass of water) before going to bed.


Doctor's prescription)))

Abdul Halim Abdullah

anatation to ampicillin)

Valery Pomeschik -


Hee Hee Mora

with a cold, prayers alone will not do - it is imperative to add the crushed relics to hot water when you are about to soar your feet ...


Throw inside, outside and pass ... and the main thing is not to score a head with garbage)))))

Alex howard

For colds, a visit to a doctor helps best :)

Help, what Orthodox prayer helps to cure a cold?


Analgin Aspirinovich Trigande

Our Father.

Mark Moisenko

this is already fanaticism. pills help, not prayer ..


going to the doctor

medico della peste

Zombies don't get sick

Helen Lanskaya


"Lord, give me reason to go to the doctor!"

Herbalist Anna

It is necessary to combine prayer and folk remedies in treatment. Having recovered, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system so as not to suffer from colds in the future.


it is not prayer that heals, but the Lord! In prayer, you turn to God for help, and He, being humane and merciful, gives you what you ask for. Thus He reveals Himself to you, so that you believe in Him and be saved by His name. Go to the temple, talk to the priest. Until then, for your edification, read New Testament... These are the words of God Himself!
here, on the wall, is the Orthodox interpretation of the New Testament -
see video there.

What prayer and to whom does it help against colds ???


Ernest Hemingway

Maybe it's easier to take something for a cold?

Eat Don

Tea with lemon

Hee Hee Mora

I only know the prayer from purulent appendicitis ... sorry that didn’t help (((

Papuan unbaptized

Praying to Penecinilius and paracetomolis ..)

John smith

Saint Doctor Luke of Crimea, Saint Panteleimon the Healer, Saint Archangel of the Lord Raphael. They pray to them in any ailments.

But praying one time is unlikely to help.

Igor Viduschiy

if you are a decent person, any prayer will help you read from the heart


Mortalis natus in terra aliena.
Do tibi nomen et imperium, vobis.
Virtus alit corpus et animam.
Vincent Name fatum.

Vasyatka Pianchikov

Prayer to the pharmacist with communion with aspirin and paracetamol.


Look for yourself ... And in your own words you can the Mother of God with all the saints, the healer St. Panteleimon, and anyone - everyone will help ... Ah, Our Father "- first of all ...

Is there a prayer for colds?)


man in the moon

Oh, save aspirin and save me from acute respiratory infections!


Yeah of course. Prosto is the reckoning for our sins!) So they didn’t.


there is about health


There is a prayer against bad weather.


You already have it massively, 2 questions per minute.



Poets of the fall

the pharmacy should know


You too? That's an epidemic ...


There is aspirin for colds.



Yuri Leon Samsin

Our Father! Universal prayer. Only when you pray, ask the Lord, “God heal me, if such is your will.” And if God pleases, the cold will immediately begin to pass, checked.

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