Intellectual games of chess. Chess. History, development and stages of the party. How can you play this game


student 2 "B" class MOU "Secondary School No. 46"

Leninsky district of Saratov

Volkova Mikhail

"Is Chess an Intellectual Game or a Sport?"

(Head Abdullina Victoria Borisovna)

Table of contents.

    Introduction page 3

    Main part pages 3 - 6

    Conclusion p. 6

    List of used sources and literature p. 7


Purpose. Find out if chess is an intellectual game or if chess is a sport.

1. Study the literature, find the necessary material.
2. Analyze the research results, summarize them and answer the question "Is chess a sport or an intellectual game?"

Research methods:



    data collection and analysis

    selection of literature

Hypothesis. Chess is an intellectual game that does not require physical activity, therefore it has nothing to do with sports.

IN modern world more and more children, like me, are fond of physical sports and have completely forgotten that chess is also a kind of sport, only a mental one. Learning to play chess from an early age helps to expand the circle of communication, the possibility of self-expression, contributes to the development of logic of thinking, concentration of attention, and the education of will. I have enjoyed playing chess for a very long time. Earlier, when I pestered all my relatives to play with me, I received answers that they did not know how to play. I said all the time that I will teach. And only when I went to the chess section, I realized that playing chess is not at all easy. Now I understand that I can’t do anything myself, and I’m ready to learn.

But while you are playing chess, you are sitting motionless, only thinking over the moves, there is no physical activity. The question arises, what is chess - a game or a sport?

    Main part

“People move them,

While away the evenings

People play chess -

Brilliant game! "

Each of us has heard the word "chess" many times. Some play this game at the amateur level, while others have already reached the heights of the chess art. Some people find chess boring and uninteresting, while others cannot live a day without a game of chess. One thing is for sure - the one who wins his opponent in chess once will want to try again and again. Someone throws, and someone hones their skills and gains experience in an interesting game.

Chess is one of the most ancient games. It has existed for many centuries, and it is not surprising that various legends are associated with it, the veracity of which, due to the remoteness of time, cannot be verified.

When one Indian sultan saw chess for the first time in his life, he fell on his knees in front of them and began to bow down. His servant, barely holding back his laughter, said: "Sire, these are not idols for prayer, but figures that must be placed on the board, and then, moving them, play."

It was so easy to explain what chess is in V-VII centuries in their homeland of India.

I want to tell one of the legends associated with chess. To understand it, one does not need to be able to play chess at all: it is enough to know that the game takes place on a board divided into 64 cells (alternately black and white).

Legend .

A merciless Raja lived in India... One of the subjects came up with a game where the king means little without the support and protection of the pieces.The game turned out to be surprisingly interesting, and the Raja offered any reward to the creator.The citizen wanted to receive an award with grain grains, but so that for the first square of the chessboard he was given one grain, for the second - two, for the third - four, then eight, sixteen, etc. Raja was offended and said that he was very rich, to reward the subject with something more worthwhile, and he only asks for grain.However, it turned out that so many grains cannot be found all over the world. This is the number:18 446 744 073 709 551 615 !

Of course, the rules, types of boards and pieces have changed over time. And chess was once called quite differently: chatrang, chaturanga, shatranj. But always and everywhere people believed that chess has a fabulous power, that a great secret is hidden in it, and that with its help it is possible to solve the most difficult issues and even make a choice between life and death.

In India, at first, chatrang was used to train military commanders. One Arab vizier lost everything he had in chess and began to play for his beloved wife Dilaram. But the clever woman, seeing the victorious move, whispered to her husband: “Donate two boats, don’t regret it,” and saved her honor and freedom, and returned her wealth to her husband. In Ireland, two neighboring noble families decided: whoever loses chess on Christmas, he will pay the neighbor a fine all year.

In 1061, a war broke out (campaign of William the Conqueror) between England and France. Reason - The French Majesty hit Their English Majesty on the head with a chessboard.

In Spain, in the church, priests preached: "He who cheats in the game of chess will not go to the kingdom of heaven."

In England, the love of chess went so far as to use a black-and-white checkered board to distribute public finances.

True, there are also some bleak facts. During the Second World War, the Nazis mined the fields with the move of a chess knight.

It turned out that chess, like a mirror, reflected the life of people.

Many famous people have spoken out about chess. For example, the first official world chess champion, Wilhelm Steinitz, said that "chess is not for the faint of heart." Howard Staunton said: "Play chess and you will make yourself a man." Emmanuel Lasker: "The game of chess is a theater, the puppets of which are played with great strength and truth in life."

And our Russian champion Alexander Alekhin wrote: “With the help of chess, I have educated my character. Everything in them is exactly the same as in life. " Anatoly Karpov said: “Chess is a colossal expenditure of energy. I don't see anything surprising in the fact that male chess players are stronger. They can handle overloads better. "

Before last day chess was together with Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

"And everyone completes the prescribed path,

A.S. could not step closer or further. Pushkin, when the turn came to shoot Dantes. They say that on the eve of the duel Pushkin played chess. Taking the bishop off the board, he whispered: "This officer is threatening me with obscenities, so I will kill him." But…

“Though life is like chess,

But living is not playing chess. "

Our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin speaks about chess like this: “Chess is not just a sport. They make a person wiser and more far-sighted, help to objectively assess the current situation, to calculate actions several moves ahead. "

Another question is, is this game a sport or is it just a game? Of course, if we talk about physical activity, then in a chess game it is minimal. We are all accustomed to thinking that sport is movement, activity. But sport is training, zeal for superiority, the desire to achieve more and more results, the ability to control yourself and your emotions and go only forward. Chess receives a well-deserved title of a sport, all of the above is present in this game. Playing chess promotes the development of logic, thinking, concentration and fosters the will to win. This is a game for the smart, because the main quality of a real chess player is the ability not only to analyze the course of the game, but also to anticipate the possible moves of the opponent.

Is chess a sport?

Sport - this is, first of all, overcoming oneself, achieving mastery, striving to become the first, to win the highest awards and titles.

Chess develop memory, attention, ingenuity, imagination, educate will, character, accustom to independent work.

To achieve high results in chess, you cannot do without hard and hard work. Also, success in other sports, say, running or swimming, is achieved with great difficulty. However, there is a difference. To win on a treadmill or swimming pool, you need to run or swim as much as possible. Chess is another matter. Participation in tournaments is necessary to maintain "sports form", but the grandmaster spends most of his work in the quiet of the cabinet. He studies the games of future opponents, analyzes different types positions, explores new ideas. And the results of the chess player depend on how fruitfully this work proceeds.

It should also be said about the system of individual coefficients of chess players - ratings. It is based on a scientific approach. The use of ratings forces players to strive for high results, as in sports, and to play creatively, with full dedication, like a true artist.

Humanplaying this game also acquires valuable qualities.


Having studied the material, I realized that: chess is a constant struggle. You need to have iron nerves to survive the loss. But one must not only survive this loss, but also set oneself up for the next fight.To give a worthy fight to an opponent, you need to practice a lot, as in any sport.

Chess makes us more enduring, stronger in spirit.

Chess, like a mirror, reflects our life.

Now I was able to answer my main question his research.I believe that chess is a sport with its ups and downs, victories and losses.After all, only the strongest win.

Chess - the game is simple,

I've been playing it for a long time.

In it rivals are figures

They move around the board.

There are many figures here,

You can't count everything at once.

They stand in two rows.

And the rivals want

To eat kings from each other,

This means to make a MAT.

The queen of all agile:

If he wants, he will go

And right and left

Well, the pawn is unlucky

Only one cell forward

The pawn can make a move.

And the king, imagine too

Cannot go far.

However, this is nothing

He has protection:

Pawn, knights and rook ...

What a glorious game!

List of used sources and literature .

    G.P. Shalaeva “I want to become a champion. Big book about sports "- M., 2005

    "Encyclopedia for Children" T.20 "Sport" - 2nd edition / ed. Collegium: M. Aksyonova, V. Volodin, G. Vilchek and others - M., 2005

    V.V. Kostrov "This book will teach children and parents to play chess" - SPb., 2015

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State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 949 of the Southern District Administration Research work on the topic: Author: 1st grade student Amalia Antonova Supervisor: primary school teacher Galishnikova L.Yu.

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In this game you need: be able to think, have perseverance, be attentive. Chess and checkmate The ruler (check) is dead What is chess: a sport or an intellectual game? Objectives: to study literature about chess; collect the opinions of people around me: learn the history of chess; state the basic rules of the game; find out all the chess champions.

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... A merciless Raja lived in India One of the subjects invented a game where the king means little without the support and protection of the pieces The game turned out to be surprisingly interesting and the Raja offered the creator any reward The citizen wanted to receive an award with grain grains, but so that he was given one a grain, for the second - two, for the third - four, then eight, sixteen, etc. However, it turned out that so many grains cannot be found in the whole world. This is the number 18 446 744 073 709 551 615

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there were only 4 pieces; there were 4 players, not two (they played a pair for a pair); moves were made by throwing dice; to win the game, it was necessary to destroy the entire enemy army. The game originated in India in the 6th century and was called chaturanga Differences from modern chess:

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In 550, in the Arab East, chaturanga began to be called: among the Arabs - "shatranj", among the Persians - "shatrang", among the Tajiks - "chess". The rules of the game have changed: there are two players; each received 2 sets of figures; instead of bones, they began to walk one move in turn; victory began to be recorded by setting a checkmate or stalemate. By the XV century. chess has acquired a modern look.

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, Popularization of chess Organization of various international competitions Founded on July 20, 1924 in Paris Has its own flag and anthem, the FIDE motto - "We are all one family" FIDE Objectives:

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Each cell has its own name. Cells are designated: horizontally with Latin letters from a to h, vertically with numbers from 1 to 8 from bottom to top.

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White pieces start the game. The moves are done one by one, one piece at a time. The moves of each piece are shown in the diagrams below. Each piece has its own rules of movement. King's move Queen's move Knight's move Bishop's move Rook's move

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If the king is in check and there are no more moves, this is checkmate. If the player has no move during his turn, but the king is not in check, this is a stalemate. The outcome of the game The game ends with a win or a draw.

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All official parties use time control. Time control has been in use since the 19th century, with an hourglass used for this. IN late XIX century Wilson designed a mechanical chess clock (1883). Nowadays, electronic chess clocks are increasingly used. Mechanical watch Electronic watch

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Sport is, first of all, overcoming oneself, achieving mastery, striving to become the first, to win the highest awards and titles. Chess develops memory, attention, ingenuity, imagination, fosters will, character, and teaches people to work independently. A person who plays this game also acquires valuable qualities

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Chess has a system of regular tournaments with national and international leagues and chess congresses. Chess is recognized as a sport in 100 countries. In 1999, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) recognized chess as a sport, but did not include it in the Olympic program. FIDE holds its own Chess Olympiads.

Once upon a time, entire generations grew up to the sound of dominoes in the courtyard. And boxes with chess, checkers and loto took pride of place in almost every apartment. Today, the computer and television have pushed board games into the background. But experts say that by eliminating the passion for intellectual games from our lives, we deprive ourselves of enormous opportunities. After all, board games are both therapy and the development of skills necessary for competently managing your life.

Chess. Mind gymnastics
LOGIC game that combines elements of art, science and sports. One of the oldest games on Earth. Chess promotes development mental abilities, memory, creative thinking. Learn to develop multi-pass combinations in your mind.

Go. Thirst for philosophy
More than 50 million people play GO. This game develops systematic thinking, the ability to think strategically and develop tactics. Also, the game inclines a person to philosophize. The point is that people who play Go deal with images. A blurred image of a pattern of stones that has formed on the board revolves in a person's head and mysteriously affects the fuzzy logic of decision-making. They say that is why the computer is not yet able to beat a person in this game.

Checkers. Ways of thinking
LIKE chess, checkers reproduce the actions of the fighting according to certain rules of power. The game develops combinatorial thinking (the ability to think in sets of images).

Shogi (Japanese chess). Play of feelings
They say that in order to make a correct, winning move in shogi, you need to feel it. Even in antiquity, shogi in Japan were recognized as a game that develops strategic and tactical military thinking. In Japan, this game is raised to the rank of shrines, in many schools it is included in the compulsory curriculum. And although in Ukraine very few people even heard about shogi, it was the Ukrainian who became the champion of Europe and the Open World Championship in 2008.

Dominoes. We get to know the structure of the universe
It is said that dominoes were originally intended solely for divination and magical ceremonies. It is even assumed that the dominant system of the universe is encrypted in the dominoes - the Universal Law of Harmony of the macro- and microcosm. And even the newfound name of the game - "slaughtering the goat" does not detract from its merits. Domino develops concentration, concentration, logical thinking, the ability to analyze the situation, attentiveness, observation and memory.

CashFlow. Business game
CASHFLOW is a modern adult version of the well-known Monopoly. A specially trained coach can teach you how to play Cash-Flow. Supporters of the game claim that the money spent on the training (about 100 UAH) will pay off very soon. After all, the game allows the player to analyze his life and financial mistakes, realize them, and then in real world fix.

THIS ancient oriental game had a special meaning for the Persians: it symbolized the movement of the stars and served as a subject for fortune-telling. In addition, according to the results of the game, partners often resolved commercial disputes: the winner dictated his terms to the loser. This happened because, according to the Persians, only a person whom fate loves (sends a "good stone" - suitable numbers on the dice) could win backgammon, who knows how to think logically and see through the enemy, anticipating his possible moves and blocking their negative consequences in advance.

EVERY card game- a separate world. And almost every one is useful for something: preference and "fool" train the mind, the ability to calculate the situation in advance and memory, and such "children's games" as "witch" and "hello jack" can turn players into real psychologists who can concentrate as much as possible at the right moment.


Today the Federation of Board Games of Ukraine is trying to return the former glory to board games. And even dominance computer games does not scare the federation activists. “Due to the intensive development of computer games, board games are now in decline,” notes Denis Krasnokutskiy, head of the department of mass events of the Federation of Board Games of Ukraine. - But human fantasy will not allow this to happen, they can be reborn. We strive to broaden people's understanding of board games with the help of special projects, we plan to open intellectual clubs in each school. And in the near future, by going to a cafe or bar, over a cup of tea, each visitor will be able to have a good time with friends, playing their favorite "board game". We can say that we are engendering a new culture, where sociability, intelligence and other human qualities that can be shown and improved while playing will again be welcomed. "


Valeriy Aristov, President of the Foundation for the Development of Intellectual Abilities, "Galaxy" President of the Association for Intellectual Games, Researcher at the Institute of Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Director of the Author's School, Academician of the European Academy natural sciences and the International Academy of Original Ideas:

“The one who looks at chess or checkers is mistaken, only as a rest and entertainment. On the contrary, games should be perceived as a psychological model for the development of a person's intellectual abilities. And above all, as the development of attention, which is always at the epicenter of mental activity. Intellectual play creates cognitive therapy - managing emotions, developing imagination - the main component of creative thinking. On the model of the gameplay, in conditions of hidden delight or panic, the player inevitably learns to control his emotions. It is especially important that the player's volitional qualities are brought up at the table, his tolerance is formed, processes are being considered, which will later be useful for life situations. This is a planned formation of experience, or as it is now called - training.

In the course of the game, a personality is formed who learns to take risks and always, in constantly changing situations, strives to play his game, not yielding to the enemy. Each time, overcoming the psychological discomfort from the destructive impact of internal "brakes" - uncertainty, doubt, feelings of danger and fear - the player fosters self-respect and pride. At the same time, the ability to doubt the obvious and, neglecting the authorities in a particular field of activity, to look for alternative ways of solving the problem is fostered. And what is especially important is the education of the culture of the player's behavior.

Intellectual game is good in that most players, without even thinking about the consequences, develop in themselves not only memory, sustained attention, attentiveness, observation, imaginative, logical, creative and philosophical thinking, speed of thinking, thinking on, the ability to think for a partner, as well as patience, confidence, endurance (on time psychological pressure, loss or gain) persistence, tolerance and other volitional and personal qualities. They help to communicate! Mind sports are needed no less, and maybe more than physical ones. The development of the intellect of the nation and the well-being of the country depend on this ”.

Chess is an intelligent sports game between two opponents using a 64-square board and a special set of pieces. The origins of the name of the game are the Persian word shah (sah), meaning "king", and the Arabic word - mat (mat), meaning "died".

The ancestor of chess is considered to be the ancient Indian game - chaturanga, which is mentioned in various sources of the 6th century AD. From India, chaturanga spread to Persia, where, having undergone changes in the rules of the game, it received the name shatranj. This game was very popular in the Middle East during the 7th and 9th centuries. From the Arabs, the game went to Africa, to Russia and through Spain to Europe.

If you already know the rules of the game of chess, then you can safely start playing a chess game.

Chess. Three stages in the game:

1) Opening (from French debut - beginning) - the initial stage of the game, which, depending on the development of events at the board, lasts the first 10-15 moves. This stage of the game is the best studied by chess theory; there are dozens of different openings with many variations in each of them.

2) Mittelspiel (from German mittelspiel) - the middle of the game. The stage that begins after the completion of the debut. In the middlegame, the following are fully manifested: combinational play, tactical strikes, attacks on the king, etc. If the game does not end at this stage, then it goes to the next one.

3) Endgame - (from German endspiel) - the end of the game. In this final stage of the chess game, few pieces remain on the board, but this does not mean that playing the endgame is easy. Here, in contrast to the combinational middlegame, the skills of positional play, skillful completion of the previously obtained advantages, etc. come to the fore.

In 1999, it was recognized by the International Olympic Committee, after 2 years FIDE introduced anti-doping rules to chess, all this is aimed at making chess an Olympic sport in the near future.

Many of us think of sports as strenuous physical activity with the achievement of certain results. Then it is logical to ask the question: "Why is chess a sport?"


On the this moment chess as a sport is approved in 100 countries of the world. In 1999, chess was recognized as a sports game by the International Olympic Committee. And in 2018, this sports discipline will make its debut at the Winter Olympics.

Of course, this seems strange, but despite the fact that the game is exceptionally intellectual, it requires tremendous physical preparation. Otherwise, no matter how talented a chess player is, he will not be able to succeed. The point is that in order to win a standard tournament, a chess player will have to sit for several rounds in one position. At the same time, it is important to correctly distribute forces, both physical and psychological.

First reason

Well, now let's take a closer look at why chess is a sports game. First, because it is result-oriented and self-improvement. Secondly, without training, it is impossible to achieve emotional stability and self-control. Third, as with any sport, you need a tactical and strategic plan to win.

Very often it is because of poor physical fitness that the chess player who started the tournament with better results, loses by the middle of the match. By the way, when comparing chess and checkers, bewilderment arises: why is chess a sport and checkers not? The answer is simple: a good game of chess requires a certain mindset, which few possess, and checkers is just a game that develops the intellect, but just a game! With a certain desire, almost any person can learn to play checkers, but few can think for playing chess!

And no matter how indignant many citizens are, saying: "Why is chess a sport if it does not require physical activity?", The experience of holding competitions proves the opposite. This is not just a game - it is a strategy, a duel with your opponent, regular training of mind and body and work for the result. This is why chess is a sport!

The second reason

Another reason for the recognition of chess as a sports discipline is the equality of chances to win, since the players are given absolutely the same conditions and time to think over their moves.

The fact is that the main disagreement lies in the absence, as it seems to many, of constant physical exertion and activity to achieve a result in this sport. And by the way, when the time control was during games for 4 hours for each chess player, they lost up to 10 kg in weight. So tell me that there is no physical activity!

In order to understand why chess is a sport, try to sit near the board for several hours in a row and at the same time be in constant mental tension, pondering every move and every action, your own and your opponent. In doing so, keep in mind that every mistake can deprive you of all chances of winning.

How to become a chess player

In order to master this sport, it is worth starting from early childhood. Professional chess players train regularly, and not only in solving chess problems, but also in improving their physical shape.

Physical activity is needed both in order not to get tired during the tournament, and to relieve the enormous stress loads that a chess player is subjected to. Many famous grandmasters have dumbbells as a permanent attribute. Mental stability is one of the most important qualities for a professional grandmaster. You can only lose because you could not cope with your emotions, and a real athlete cannot afford such a luxury.


In conclusion, let us answer the question once again: "Why is chess a sport?" Because this is a struggle that requires huge loads and a constant striving to be the first and the best. This is not a game, but a competition in which it is difficult to become a winner if you are in the wrong mood, not prepared and do not do it all the time, giving all of yourself to prepare for the decisive battle.

The history of the popular game has about five thousand years, however, during this time a lot has changed. However, the main thing remained unchanged: chess is a game for the elite. Not everyone can conquer this now sports discipline. And the most important thing: in order to win in chess, you need to have willpower, which is inherent only in athletes, only in champions, otherwise this game of kings will not be conquered!

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