Board game with flips of black and white chips. Game rules - reverse. Additional buttons for cooperative play

If you like checkers and other intellectual fun, then free games You will like Reversi Online! Before you is a field consisting of 64 cells. Your task is to encircle as many enemy pieces as possible. Captured knuckles change color and automatically become yours. The player with more chips on the board wins.

You can play free online reversi not only against a virtual opponent, but also against a real person. In some simulators, you can choose the number of players - "One" or "Two". After that, you just have to decide on the color of your checkers (black or white), and the competition will begin!

Flash reverse games, besides being entertaining and relaxing, develop your logic and tactical thinking. Come up with your own strategy so that the computer cannot prevail in any game. To do this, we recommend that you do not chase quantity at the first stages, because the advantage in this simulator is a fickle phenomenon. Before you can blink, your chips will go to your opponent. Therefore, the main thing is to choose a good position.

Now "Reversi Online" is popular all over the world. But it was not always so. This fun was invented in Great Britain back in the 17th century. Then they quickly forgot about her, since few people liked her. Her second coming took place 50 years later in Japan. Despite the same rules, she was given a different name - "Othello". Since then, both children and older people can play it!

The Reversi board game is popular all over the world and is often compared to strategic entertainment such as chess, checkers and backgammon. Like other "smart" board battles, this game is a duel type and has features different colors... The first difference that catches the eye of fans of the listed games is that round chips in the game are painted on both sides. Both colors create contrast, for example, the top is white and the bottom is black.

Reversi trains mindfulness and teaches you to think strategically. Only correctly constructed tactics and the ability to quickly adapt to the changing situation on the playing field will allow the participants to become the winner in every battle. Beginners will have to practice before they can skillfully beat experienced players.

Description of the game

The name of the game Reversi first appeared in England in 1880. According to some versions, the inhabitants of Great Britain were inspired by checkers, but Othello's game also resembles other entertainments that were popular at that time. Later, the set was forgotten, but only for a while. Mentions of him reappeared after several decades. In one thousand nine hundred and seventy-one, the set was recreated under a new name - Othello, in Japan.

It was after this that he received a world calling, and since 1977 world championships have been held on him. The first such battle took place in Monte Carlo, France. Since then, the competition has been held every year in Europe, Asia and North America.

Although the game is often compared to chess, there are far fewer versions of the possible set-up in the game. In the board game, shape-shifters (another of the names of the reverse) also distinguish three stages of the battle: the opening (or beginning), the middlegame (the designation of the middle part of the game) and the endgame (the end). Due to the limited choice of opening, it is easier to play the set, because even a beginner will not need time to memorize these layouts.

The middlegame is considered the most difficult phase of the game, because there are much fewer restrictions on moves than in other parts of the battle. It is at this moment that the participant consolidates his position or changes the situation on the board in his favor. Even if in the middle of the game the participant did not manage to get out of the laggards, there is still a chance at the end of the game.

To be the winner in the end, you need to make every move carefully and deliberately. possible consequences... Any wrong action can take away your advantage. The entry into the endgame depends on the end of the middlegame. It is precisely the need to calculate possible options the alignment and tactics to win makes computers such good players: they can find all versions many times faster than humans can. Remember that you are not a machine and take your time when deciding to beat your opponent.


Among the tactics of playing Reversi, it is difficult to single out one "best". Each of them exists for certain types of players and is selected according to their level. Newbies love the grab-corners version: it provides certain advantages and does not allow the enemy to "recolor" the occupied corners.

For the middle level, the strategy of "locking" the opponent is suitable in order to limit his ability to make a move. So you drive the player into a corner and walk at a measured pace in victory. Tactics keep the situation on the board under control.

There is also a wide range of strategies for professionals. One of them is called "tempo tactics". To learn this way of playing, you have to get a feel for the game, so a beginner will not succeed. Once you begin to understand each stage and quickly analyze the actions of your opponents, you can learn to use these tactics. Her main idea is to quickly understand the opponent's moves and take over the initiative. You have to quickly figure out your opponent's thought and "steal" his best moves, making them yours. So you can knock him out of thought, gain an advantage and deprive him of the opportunity to continue the strategy.

The total number of tactics for the board game Othello is numerous. It takes a lot of experience to learn them. If you are interested in entertainment and want to figure out how to play, you can read Brian Rose's book, which describes popular strategies and how to use them. "Othello: a minute and learning ... All my life for improvement" - this is the name of the most popular reference book of tactics of the Reversi game.

What's in the set?

In the game kit with black and white chips you will find:

Rules and course of the game

The rules of the Reversi game are considered simple and are designed for children from eight years old. To understand them, the participants only need to make the first couple of moves. The same cannot be said about the battle strategy, because in order to understand it, you need to go through the entire battle over and over again. Only the participant who "feels" the moves (his own and the opponent's) will be considered a professional.

At the initial level, the battle seems simple, because it is difficult to see all possible tactics. With increasing skill, players notice new ways to defeat the enemy and their actions become more confusing. Therefore, the battle between a beginner and an experienced participant can be considered unfair.

In the strategy of playing Reversi, you always need to understand which square to place the chip on in order to get a tactical and strategic advantage. Therefore, all cells on the playing field have letters and numbers. Latin letters are indicated vertically, and numbers horizontally, as is done on a chess playing field.

In Othello, participants use tokens each of their own color. One takes white for himself, the other takes black. Making a move, the player puts a chip on the field with the color he got. If the agreement does not work, you can play the right to possession of the white color by drawing lots.

Beginning of the game

To start a "monochrome" battle, lay the board in the center of the table so that all participants can reach it. Place the pieces on their starting positions: white on d5 and e4, and four on d4 and e5.

Unlike most other similar entertainments, the first step is taken by the owner of the black army. Exposing each new counter, you lock the already exposed rows of the enemy. The main criterion is precisely the presence of a single opponent's line: you can add it a new piece to the edge of the board if there is not a single opponent's piece nearby. If he placed one, you can place yours on either side of the row, including vertically or horizontally.

When a player blocks a row of an enemy, he turns his army to his side. Chips change color and pass into power to a new owner. This happens with each closed line: if there were several of them on this move, they all change color.

As in backgammon, the participant is obliged to make his move whenever possible. The rule applies even when adding a token is not beneficial to the owner. When a participant can make several versions of a move, he himself has the right to choose how to play his chip. If there are no options for a move, the action is passed to the opponent.

The goal of each reverse player is to fill the field with their own color. The battle ends when no one can make a move. Then everyone counts their exposed chips. The winner is the participant whose army has more "fighters".

If you've already practiced the regular versions of board battles, you can complicate the task and start looking for the right moves against the clock. With progress, the time per move can be reduced. Such a reverse will be similar to the rapid chess version.

Who will like it?

The Reversi Othello board game is designed for children from eight years old and can brighten up any family evening. Adults will be just as passionate about trying to conquer the field as the younger generation. Due to the original mechanics, the game will be a good gift for a birthday or any other holiday.

Two people can compete for a place on the board at the same time. Everything happens slowly, so opponents can calmly carry on a dialogue, drinking tea before going to bed. You will like the game if you like measured rest. The set will also interest fans of strategy games such as chess and backgammon.

Video review

If you liked the description board game Reversi and if you want to see what it looks like, watch a detailed video review of the battle mechanics.

The game uses a square board of 8 × 8 cells (all cells can be of the same color) and 64 special pieces, painted from different sides in contrasting colors, for example, white and black. At the beginning of the game, 4 pieces are placed in the center of the board: black on d5 and e4, white on d4 and e5. Black makes the first move. Then the players take turns. Making a move, the player must place his piece on one of the squares of the board in such a way that between this placed piece and one of the pieces already on the board of its color there is a continuous row of opponent's pieces, horizontal, vertical or diagonal (in other words, so that a continuous row of pieces the opponent was "covered" by the player's pieces from both sides). All the opponent's pieces included in the “closed” row on this move are turned over to the other side (change color) and go to the player who moved. If, as a result of one move, more than one row of opponent's pieces is “closed” at the same time, then all the pieces on all “closed” rows are turned over. The player has the right to choose any of the moves possible for him. If a player has possible moves, he cannot refuse a move. If the player has no allowed moves, then the move is passed to the opponent. The player has the right to choose any of the moves possible for him. If a player has possible moves, he cannot refuse a move. If the player has no legal moves, then the move is passed to the opponent. The game ends when all the pieces are placed on the board or when none of the players can make a move. At the end of the game, chips of each color are counted, and the player with more chips on the board is declared the winner. In case of equality of the number of chips, a draw is awarded.

Basics of strategy

Reversi is a strategy game similar to checkers and chess. As in chess, it is customary to divide the game into three parts: opening (beginning), middlegame (middle of the game) and endgame (ending). However, unlike chess, the number of possible openings here is much smaller, and they are all easy to remember. All serious players know openings 5-6 moves ahead in order to avoid knowingly losing moves at this stage. The middlegame is perhaps the most "free" and at the same time difficult part of the game, when the situation can be either strengthened or changed in your favor. Despite this, many games that seem to have been lost in the middlegame acquire new qualities when they enter the final stage of the game - the endgame. The golden rule of the ending is not to rush and count. It is customary to count the chips that result in the final outcome of the game for a specific tactic. Naturally, the number of outcomes depends on which move to start counting, and that is why computers play a lot better than people- they can afford to calculate all possible options (there are not many of them, by computer standards) and always choose the one that minimizes the result of a person and maximizes the computer's points. There are many different strategies for playing reverse, and the choice is determined by the level of training and inclinations of the player. The simplest for beginners can be the game for capturing the corner squares of the board, which can no longer be "repainted" in a different color, and sequential occupation of the board from the corners. A more advanced tactic is considered to be the limitation of the enemy's possible moves: a position is created in which the opponent is left with only moves that suit the player, and the game proceeds in a way convenient for the player. As a rule, most Japanese craftsmen are distinguished by precisely this tactic, honed to perfection. An even more advanced tactic is the “temp” tactic, which can be characterized by the rule “take away the enemy’s most advantageous moves and make them yours”. This strategy, however, requires an extremely strong sense of position. And yet, while there are strategic principles in place, experience is the most important part of success. Only experience gives stability, with which comes the feeling of understanding the game and its subtleties. You can learn more about the strategy and tactics of the game in the book by Brian Rose "Othello: a minute to learn ... all your life for improvement."

Reversi or Othello?

While the playset is generally identical, the rules, balance and etiquette, the reverse and Othello are slightly different. These differences are as follows:
- Reversi boards are usually white or reddish brown. A modern board for Othello is most often green (a reference either to a grass court, or to a green cloth, familiar to card tables and billiards), while it contains “star” points traditional for eastern games; they do not carry any game load, they simply delimit the board space visually and facilitate orientation.
- In the reverse, the players had a strictly fixed stock of chips - 30 pieces each, and if someone ran out of chips, he could not borrow them from the opponent; in Othello this is not only possible, but also necessary, that is, by and large, the chips in Othello are common.
- In reverse, it was allowed to place a chip next to one's own chips, without turning them over; this is not allowed in Othello.
- According to the rules of the 1876 reversi, they started playing from an empty board - the opponents made the first two moves to the central four cells in any order without a coup (that is, two starting positions are possible). In Othello, the initial arrangement is fixed: the four central squares are filled with pieces in a checkerboard pattern (black on d5 and e4, white on d4 and e5).
- Finally, in reverse, white makes the first move, in Othello, black.
In recent decades, there has been a continuous struggle between the commercial trademark "Othello" and the old, loose name "Reversi". How it will end is unclear. The name "Othello", under which the game experienced its renaissance, is definitely worthy of mention, but the name "reverse" corresponds much better to the mechanics of the game and does not evoke unnecessary associations and literary analogies. By the way, all international tournaments are held according to Othello's rules. The notation in both games is chess, alphanumeric. Recording a game is similar to recording a game in Go: it is a diagram depicting a playing field (Japanese "kifu"), on which moves are marked with two-colored circles with continuous numbering.

Reversi and computers

PC version of Reversi - "Iagno" from the GNOME Games suite of games Currently released many computer programs for playing in reverse, including for playing online. This game is simple enough for a computer, and good programs they even beat human champions without much difficulty. This quality is achieved at this stage in the development of technology by the alpha-beta clipping algorithm, using a large database of already past games. In 1997, the Logistello Program beat world champion Takeshi Murakami 6-0. There are about 1028 positions in the game and about 1058 possible games. Reversing options

Reversi n × n

Game on a field of n × n cells. It differs from the 8 × 8 game in that chips of the same color at the beginning of the game are placed not in a checkerboard pattern, but next to each other. There are options for reversing with a field size of 10 × 10 and larger. They do not differ from ordinary ones in anything, except for the size of the field. In general, options smaller than 8 × 8 are of no interest, since they are deterministic and with an ideal strategy the second player always wins (the one who moves second)

Eight-star Othello

There is also a variant called "Othello 8Stars" (pictured), the board of which is a 10x10 square with three reduced squares in each corner. The rules are basically the same as in Othello and Grand Othello, but the tactics change quite a lot, since the number of corner pieces (which in principle cannot be captured and reversed in reverse) has been increased from four to eight (which is where the name actually comes from).

It's time to play "Reversi" online - available for free best version games with rules in Russian! You can study in the game "Reversi" against the computer, and when you are ready to play with a real person, call a friend and arrange an online championship without registration!

The game "Reversi" is an online clone of the board strategy of the same name for two players. You may know Reversi as Othello's game. These are just two different names for the same game. Its essence is the reverse confrontation between white and black pieces on the territory of 64 cells located 8 × 8. Each player starts playing with 2 discs of his color, but can increase the number, gradually capturing the enemy's territory.

The modern online game "Reversi" is based on the rules of the board puzzle Reversi, invented by two Englishmen in 1883. Each accused the other of fraud. Meanwhile, the toy has become very famous even without established authorship. Once an enterprising Japanese man slightly tweaked the rules of "Reversi" and patented a new name for the game - "Othello".

Initially, Reversi did not have a specific starting position, but according to Othello's rules, the action begins with four checkers placed in the middle of the 8 by 8 grid. Over time, the historical game "Reversi" adopted the innovations of "Othello" and is now known with a double name.

Extended rules of the game "Reversi"

  1. Black moves first, if you play Reversi for two against the computer - the move is yours.
  2. The goal of the game is to occupy as many enemy tiles as possible, blocking the capture of your cells.
  3. To occupy a tile with your color, you need to trap it, blocking the passage between your two tiles, horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
  4. The captured area is colored with the color of the winner, but can be recaptured if there is enough space.
  5. The game continues as long as movement is possible.
  6. The one who captures more chips wins.

How to play Reversi

Using the mouse, place your pieces next to the opponent's pieces to capture the space between you. Consider the following when planning your strategy for playing Reversi:

  • try to end the move with a corner position, this will protect the pieces of your color by blocking the opponent's moves;
  • force your opponent to make a bad move by playing around the edges - calculate the path so that your color is at the extreme.

Simplicity Online Games"Reversi" is deceiving, but knowing the rules and basic tricks, you will surely find winning moves and be able to win! Are you ready to test your strength? Have a nice game!

The game uses a square board of 8 × 8 cells (all cells can be of the same color) and 64 special pieces, painted from different sides in contrasting colors, for example, white and black. At the beginning of the game, 4 pieces are placed in the center of the board: black on d5 and e4, white on d4 and e5.

  • Black makes the first move. Then the players take turns.
  • Making a move, the player must place his piece on one of the squares of the board in such a way that between this placed piece and one of the pieces already on the board of its color there is a continuous row of opponent's pieces, horizontal, vertical or diagonal (in other words, so that a continuous row of pieces the opponent was "covered" by the player's pieces from both sides). All the opponent's pieces included in the "closed" row on this move are turned over to the other side (change color) and go to the player who moved.
  • If, as a result of one move, more than one row of opponent's pieces is “closed” at the same time, then all the pieces on all “closed” rows are turned over.
  • The player has the right to choose any of the moves possible for him. If a player has possible moves, he cannot refuse a move. If the player has no legal moves, then the move is passed to the opponent.
  • The game ends when all the pieces are placed on the board or when none of the players can make a move. At the end of the game, chips of each color are counted, and the player with more chips on the board is declared the winner. In case of equality of the number of chips, a draw is awarded.

Top button bar

Backward travel, Forward travel- allows you to undo and redo moves in the game with the computer.

New game- begin new game with a computer.

Additional buttons for cooperative play

Offer a draw allows you to send a draw offer to Sorpenik. If he agrees, the game will be completed as a draw, while the number of points for both players will not change;

Surrender- ends the game (defeat is counted).

Leave the game- allows you to immediately end the current game (defeat is counted).

Bottom Button Panel

Settings- opens the settings menu where you can:

  • Choose the color of the shapes;
  • Change the level of complexity of the computer;
  • Enable or disable various prompts;
  • Turn sound on or off;
  • Prevent other players from inviting you to the game;
  • Open the blacklist of players.

History- history of all your games with the date of the game, the opponent and his place in the rating.

Games won by you are marked in yellow, games lost in red, and drawn games in blue.

An asterisk marks the games you have added to your favorites.

Points are awarded only for victories over opponents (no points are awarded for draws and victories over the computer).

Elo rating system, Elo coefficient is a method of calculating the relative strength of players in games in which two players participate. This rating system was developed by the American professor of physics of Hungarian origin Arpad Elo.

In your personal account, you can specify additional information about yourself, upload a photo, change your password, as well as store and carry out personal correspondence with other registered players.

You can play without registering as a guest. After registration and / or authorization, you will gain access to your personal account and will be able to send private messages to other players.

To register, you just need to enter a name (at least 3 characters) and a password (at least 5 characters). If such a name is already registered in the game, you will have to choose another one.

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