Install standard font in tanks. Installation of WORLD OF TANKS fonts. Important download information

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The list of possible changes in the World of Tanks interface would not be completely easy to change fonts. Text - the second most important way to transfer information in the game, which is an important part of the interface and therefore must be changed to your taste and convenience.

Change text size and WORLD OF TANKS font can be simply for beauty if you, for example, designer and accustomed to pay great attention to appearance text. In this case, you can choose the most suitable inscriptions font to make the game similar to the carefully edited illustrated book.

This mod is especially useful will be players with weakened vision, which in our time is not uncommon among all age groups - many online hours in front of the monitors give their fruits. Mod on the change in the WORLD OF TANKS fonts will save you from the need to use glasses during the game or strain your eyesight to look at too small inscriptions. Change the text size by editing the appropriate parameters in the mod configuration file and you will forget about the associated inconvenience.

Also, by the method of trial and error, you can try to choose the most pleasant eye font among those installed on your play computer.

Setting fonts using this mode is intuitive. You need to open the FontConfig.xml file in any text editor. There you will see 8 groups of parameters, some of them by the author of the Fashion provided comments. The ScaleFactor parameter sets the font size relative to the "default" size. The Runtime parameter is responsible for the font that the text of this group is displayed. Here you can register any font installed in your system. Make sure that your chosen font supports Russian letters, otherwise the text will become unreadable.

With this mode, you can configure separate sizes and fonts for the following groups of inscriptions:

  • The main buttons are "into battle," achievements "," Shop ", etc.
  • Descriptions of the skips, modules and equipment of tanks.
  • Fonts in chat rooms
  • Tank names in the hangar and in battle
  • Nicknames players

Please note: the mod affects only the "native" lettering of World of Tanks. Sizes and fonts that other modes are displayed, you need to configure separately, editing the configuration of the corresponding mods.

Installation is performed as follows:

  • Unpack the archive with the mod
  • Move the files to the RES_MODS folder for your version of the game.
  • Change the FontConfig.xml file
  • Run the game and appreciate the changes made

Download Font Change for WOT:

Important download information!

After clicking on the Download button, you will be redirected to the download page, where a direct link to download a fashion will be generated for you for a few seconds. Some mods can cause false responses of many antiviruses. The thing is that the work of some mods (especially cheats) is similar to the behavior of viruses. If you have such a problem, try to disable your anthemmer or add a link to an exception. If you have other problems when downloading mods from our site - be sure to write about it in the comments.

Often in mods, targeted and other content for the game, we face the need to install fonts. From the installation of fonts often depends the correct operation of this or other fashion or sight. For example, if you want to install the mod, you will inevitably encounter with the need of font installation, otherwise, instead of messages after the battle, you will be output.

Many players independently, even with detailed instructions Cannot install the simplest sights and mods, which is already talking about fonts. Installation of fonts The process is simple, but requires certain knowledge, especially if you have Windows XP. If you use Windows 7, the installation is simplified at times.

Installation of fonts for Windows XP

The first thing we need to do is open an archive with a mod or sight and copy the font file (has an extension. TTF) to any folder you created on the disk C: \\, in the manual it will be named as "FINDER FOR FINDS"

Then press the Start button in the lower left corner of the screen and select the control panel item

After opening, a window with many shortcuts will appear, we need a label fonts.

In the window that appears in the upper left corner, click on the file

And select the menu item "Install Fonts"

The font installation window will appear and see it in the left left column item C: \\ Make a double mouse click on it

Then choose the folder you need from the fonts and click on the OK button

In the upper left column, the name of your font or fonts appears if there are many in the folder, select one or more fonts and click OK

Then see the installation process

Congratulations, the font is successfully installed and now the mods you have installed and the sights will work correctly. The article wrote the most accessible as possible and simple. If you even after reading this article it is not clear that and how, below will be a video manual on installing fonts on Windows XP.

Installation of fonts for Windows 7

As mentioned above, the process of installing fonts on Windows 7 less labor-intensive process and takes 1 - 2 minutes of your time. Moreover, most of the time you spend on the jump of the archive itself with the font. Since the process is simple to disgrace, I will not write a text manual.

Along with the logo, slogan, branded block and corporate color palette, the branded font refers to the main elements determining the visual stylistics of the project. The section presents characteristics Font inscriptions that are used in all types of communications.

For the World of Tanks project, a unique font Wargaming Helios Condensed or abbreviated Warhelioscond was created. This is the direct rigorous font of the Helvetica family, which is equally associated with both historical "military" and modern computer fonts. Designing the name of the project (WordMark) and branded fonts as close as possible. As a result, the use of branded font is mandatory for all project materials. The branded headset consists only of direct design options. The use of mean variations is prohibited.

Warhelios Condensed

Warhelios Condensed Bold.

Branded effects of text

The selection of text effects plays an important role in positioning the corporate identity, since the font reflects the character of the brand, the mood and the tone of its communications. To comply with the uniformity of the project style, the F (X) text effects are developed for small and large font sizes.

Text style for large font sizes

Text style for small font sizes

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