What flour is suitable for the whole. The most useful types of flour. Baking homely bread without a way

Bread, noodles, pancakes, pasta, dough ... Flour - the basis of very many dishes. It is difficult to say that it would be if I had to strike it out of a daily diet. Meanwhile, experts are recommended for beauty and health to abandon products from white wheat flour. What are its alternatives and what are they useful?

Why look for a replacement of wheat flour

This type of flour is easily digested, but does not contain nutrients such as minerals, vitamins or fiber, so it does not "feed" the body properly.

Its main component is starch or sugar. After using foods from wheat flour, we felt quite quickly reiterated. This leads to an increase in the number of calories used. Fortunately, wheat flour, although the most popular, far from the only one. People, patients with celiac disease, which, because of gluten, cannot be used because of the gluten-contained in white flour. So what to choose? What flour is best for baking bread, and from which one can you do a great sauce?

Rye flour

This is the best flour for baking bread. It is best to choose a type 2000, 1400 or 750. The product variety is determined by the content of ash, i.e. mineralswhich were burned along with the sample of flour. The higher this number, the fact of the greater nutritional value indicates.

Rye flour contains alkaloids that help in reducing cholesterol levels and reduce the likelihood of atherosclerosis. Those present in the product are protected from the formation of malignant tumors.

In contrast to wheat, rye flour contains less starch, but it is difficult to digest. But after dishes with her, a person feels full for a longer time. Rye flour contains many vitamins and minerals regulating metabolism.

Potato flour (starch)

Potato flour painted potatoes from the tuber of potatoes is perfectly absorbed by moisture. Thanks to this property, it is used primarily in cosmetics (for example, like Talc). In cooking, potato flour is most often used as thickener sauces. Its advantage is also the absence of gluten.

Corn flour

The "bread pressing" for people with the intolerance to gluten, corn flour is formed as a result of grinding corn grains. But the absence of gluten is not the only advantage. The corn powder is rich in fiber and vitamins A, B, E, as well as magnesium and potassium. It prevents the development of diseases such as obesity, heart problems and cancer. Corn flour is used for biscuits, pancakes, cakes. This is a very good replacement. wheat flour.

Try from corn flour:

Soy flour

Another type of flour, in which zero gluten, is soy, which also contains very little starch. But in its composition, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, iodine, vitamins A, C, D, E, B (including folic acid) were found. Soy flour is rich in isoflavones who regulate female hormonal background And facilitate the symptoms of menopause. The product reduces the risk of osteoporosis, slows down the skin fading and lowers cholesterol levels. As for culinary advantages, soy flour can be used in pasta, bread, biscuits, pancakes.

Rice flour

This powder is obtained as a result of grinding of white rice. It contains manganese, magnesium, fiber, phosphorus, group vitamins B and starch. Glutenna in it is not. The product is recommended to allergies, people who have problems with digestion, to use it well when irritating the stomach and diarrhea. Rice flour is used for diverse baking and for thickening sauces.

Oat flour

Containing only the trace amounts of gluten oatmeal is the result of the process of chopping grains of oats. It is rich in fiber, group B vitamins, iron, calcium, as well as unsaturated fatty acids. Such a representative of the "Fly Family" lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol, preventing its suction of food, and regulates the peristaltics of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to the tissue content, it provides a feeling of satiety for a long time. Oatmeal is best suited for baking, the most popular recipe in this topic.

Amarantovaya flour

This while not popular with us alternative contains much more easily digestible protein than milk, and slows down the aging processes. It is also the source of unsaturated fatty acids, known for its ability to promote cholesterol levels. Such flour is used in the production of pasta, bread, other baking.

Flour wiser

Another product that people can consume with celiac disease can be flour from millet. It does not contain gluten and at the same time is characterized by a high content of protein, group B vitamins and mineral salts. Thanks to a large number of iron, it is recommended to pregnant women and people with anemia.

The product has warming and antiviral properties; Reduces the amount of mucus allocated, which is recommended for cataracts. Flour from millet is suitable for baking, pancakes, thickening sauces and soups.

Flour almond

She is done, shredding raw almonds. This flour is an excellent source of vitamins: E, RR, B1, B2, zinc and magnesium. It is characterized by a low glycemic index. Thanks to the content of vitamin E, the product improves the condition of the skin.

Bread and other products made of flour firmly fit into the daily diet. The flour shelves are presented in a wide variety of species and varieties. In this article we will tell, what flour is the most useful for health, rye or wheat. We will also consider the harm and favor of these products, we define what flour is better to give preference.

Rye flour

It is used for cooking different has gray or cream color. When complying with conditions, it can be stored until six months. Its superiority in small calorie and preservation of all useful substances after processing (up to 90%). It contains vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein.

The plant rye is more resistant to frost and temperature drops. Therefore, flour products precisely from this flour in the old days were more popular.

What happens rye flour

Popular varieties of this valuable product are as follows:

  1. Owned. It has high nutritional and less gluten content. Independently used rarely. Usually it is mixed with wheat flour.
  2. Own. It is manufactured with a rough groove. Therefore, flour consists of rather large particles. Saves almost all useful properties. But it is not recommended to use products from this flour to people who have diseases of digestive organs. Use together with wheat flour.
  3. Selina. Contains a large number of bran components. Flour is rich in fiber and vitamins. You can use when baking yourself.

There are still peckel flour, but it does not bear any benefit for the body, as well as harm, as too small grinding and additional sifting remove vitamins and fiber. It can not be used to people with diabetes (Contains many carbohydrates).

What a variety flour is more useful, determined by the state of human health. For example, the wallpaper is very useful, but it will cause irreparable harm with the stomach problems.

Advantages of rye flour

What are the pros of buns, breads and other baking from rye flour:

  • Products have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system.
  • Useful for pregnant women due to content folic acid.
  • Improves the exchange process.
  • Strengthens bones.
  • Contributes to the rejuvenation of the body.
  • Positive affects blood formation.
  • Improves the work of the thyroid gland.
  • Positively affects the work of the heart.

Bread from rye flour recommend to use people sitting on a diet ( low-calorie product, improves metabolism, quickly saturates the body). Also, rye flour should be used when there is a lack of sun rays (in the autumn period).

Useful rye and in cosmetology. It reduces the fatty hair and their loss, helps to clean the skin from acne. To do this, it is enough to make a rustle bunch at the appearance of acne. Despite all the benefits of flour, it can and harm the body.

It is not recommended to eat products from rye flour with stomach problems (increased acidity, ulcer, gastritis). Such food can lead to the exacerbation of the disease. Products from rye flour are considered severe for digestion, so they should be abandoned in the postoperative period. Flour can cause increased gas formation. Therefore, products with its content need to be in small quantities.

What flour is more useful, wheat or rye, we can conclude after consideration of the benefit and harm of food products from wheat.

Wheat flour

This flour got the greatest distribution. Not only bread and various but also pasta, cookies, dough for different baking are preparing from it. This is usually white flour or a slightly dark color (depends on the variety).

The type of treatment depends on how much the flour contains vitamins, micro and macroelements, as well as fiber, protein, carbohydrates and gluten. In wheat flour, after processing, not so many beneficial substances are preserved. Solving, what flour is more useful, the championship needs to give rye, if you compare these products for chemical composition.

Wheat flour varieties

Variety of wheat flour varieties:

  1. Higher. In such a product, protein, gluten, fiber, fats and glucose are preserved. Allows the test to rise well, perfectly suitable for baking. It is exclusive white color. Practically does not contain starch. Great free taste.
  2. First grade. Flour is rich in starch, protein, gluten, glucose and fats. Suitable for fresh dough and pancakes, for baking will not be born. Used for the manufacture of inexpensive types of Vermicelli and Rozhkin. Maybe with a gray or yellow tint.
  3. Second grade. The composition does not differ much from the first grade. It prepares bread (dietary), gingerbread cookies and so on. Products have a pleasant aroma. It has a gray and yellow shade.
  4. Lattice. It has an increased gluten content. Flour is suitable only for the preparation of articles from yeast dough. For fresh, it will not be born. It has a yellow and cream shade.
  5. Own. The composition is close to lattice, but the kind of larger. It is not stored for a long time, as I quickly absorbs moisture and flies. It is extremely rare, although it has more useful substances than in other varieties.

If we consider, from what flour bread is more useful, then the wallpaper will be the most useful. The highest grade of flour is almost no good, but most popular. Products made from wallpaper flour are allowed to even people with diabetes mellitus, obesity.

Advantages of wheat flour

The beneficial properties of this product are:

  • Normalizes metabolism.
  • Positively affects work of cardio-vascular system.
  • Activates the work of the brain.
  • Fights with Alzheimer's disease.
  • Prevents the development of osteoporosis.
  • Helps to remove toxins.
  • Wheat flour is useful for bronchial asthma.
  • Softens the flow of inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Does not allow stones in the gallbladder.

Why there are plenty of wheat flour products

If required using flour, get more benefit for the body, then it is worth choosing its lowest varieties. There are products from wheat flour and danger. If you use too many products made from it, such diseases and conditions may begin:

  • Increased pressure.
  • Increase weight.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • May cause a heart attack.
  • Enhance cholesterol.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Increases the risk of developing cancer diseases.
  • Increased risk of diabetes.

But all these harmful properties Manifested with excessive use of wheat flour products. If you use it in moderation, the products will only benefit.

What is the difference and similarity of rye and wheat flour

Both types of flour are known for bakery products. Most often this bread. The composition of each flour has gluten. To increase its amount of grain are deeply processed, which adversely affects the beneficial properties of the product. But in rye flour, more useful substances are preserved than in wheat.

Both types of flour contain a useful tissue that cleans the body from toxins. Also these products have the same shelf life. Both types are exposed to identical pests and do not like moisture. Based on these qualities, it is difficult to say what flour is more useful ..

There are in these products and significant differences. For the preparation of wheat bread takes the top quality flour, which does not benefit the body. And rye flour, regardless of the type of processing, retains its qualities.

Wheat flour can be used independently for the preparation of the test (in it gluten contains much more, especially in the highest grade). And in rye flour you need to add wheat. Otherwise, the dough will not hold the form.

Contraindication to the use of rye bread serve only problems with the digestive tract. Wheat flour has a whole range side Effects. Her biggest minus is that it contributes to an increase in body weight. White bread You can not eat people with diabetes mellitus.

What is the most useful flour? Since the chemical composition of wheat products and rye is different, therefore, the benefits of bread from them will be different. For vision more useful products from rye flour. For example, it may be rye bread or other baking.

What flour is more useful - rye or wheat

If we consider flour in bread products, then here, undoubtedly, wins rye bread. It quickly saturates the body, it means that there will be no overeating and excess weight. Wheat bread increases glucose levels, promotes weight increase. In general, the benefit of it is not enough. Before viewing, what flour is more useful, you need to decide on the type of flour grinding.

If we produce wheat bread from the wallpaper (solid) flour, then it does not give up to the quality and benefit, and according to some indicators it will be better, since such flour does not irritate the digestive tract. It can be used to diabetics.

What flour is more useful for those who follow the figure or lose weight

It all depends on what grinding (varieties) is taken by flour. Many are interested in: "What is the most useful for weight loss?" If the bread is bought in finished version In the store, it is better to choose rye. Such a product gives a rapid saturation of the body, supplies useful substances, below calorie content. But the products from rye are not suitable for ulcers and gastritis.

If the bread is prepared independently, you can choose the most rich in vitamins and nutrients of wheat flour. Then you will have a number of advantages. Such products are not annoyed by the gastrointestinal bodies. At the same time they contain a lot necessary organism substances.

If you are interested, what flour is the lowest calorie and useful, then the product itself should be considered, and not the finished product from it. Most useful are rye and wheat wallpaper. Under the diet, the dishes with the content of flour is better to prepare independently. If you do not like the taste of rye flour or it turns out not very magnificent baking, you can mix it with wheat. Many want to know what flour healthy. If there is no problems with him, then the product from any flour will be useful. The main thing is to know the measure.

When useful products from wheat flour

Bread or baking from wheat flour of the highest grade can be useful. For example, a man has low weight and he needs to fix it. Here products from the dough will come to revenue. Wheat bread is useful after illness or surgery when the body is weakened. At this time, rye bread patients are contraindicated. But the lush buns made of white wheat flour are welcome.

The main raw material for cooking is flour. For baking bread can be used various types of flour - Wheat flour, rye, corn, barley, oat and buckwheat. Almost every type of flour can be used to prepare bread separately. Also widely used combination different species Flour for getting bread with new taste. Most often for cooking garbage and bakery products use wheat and rye flour of various varieties. The remaining types of flour are used less often. Basically, to prepare national types of bread or as additives to the test from wheat flour.

The flour is industrialized by grinding the source grain on metal rollers. At the same time, the grain is divided into components - the shell (bran, rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP and E), the germ (the focus of minerals, oils and proteins) and endosperm containing starchy substances and important proteins for the bread screw, forming an elastic water in contact with water Gluten and thereby responsible for the quality of the test and the future product. With moisturizing and mixing the test, the gluten forms a spatial mesh, delaying gas bubbles released by yeast (other biological agents, or the resulting soda and other baking plates), which gives the finished product of airiness and tenderness.

Which flour is used in the bread maker

Flour is divided into different varieties depending on the size of the particles (flour small and rude grinding) and the degree of cleaning from the shells and the embryo (for wheat - extra, flour Higher, I-GO, II Sorts I. ownaya; for rye - sedane, owned and ownaya). The wallpaper flour is obtained by grinding the grain without separating it into components and in its composition is almost similar to grain from which it is made. Previously, the flour flour on the millstone was obtained. The rye wallpaper flour, crushed more finely and containing a smaller amount of bran, refers to the "riding" variety. Wheat flour of the highest and first grade and rye sown flour practically do not contain bran and germin. Of the flour of fine grinding of higher varieties, more lush products are obtained. The flour of fine grinding is better interacting with water, and bran, driving the dough and therefore interfering with its good rise, are absent. Lower wheat and rye flour varieties contain larger particles. Flour of wheat coarse grinding, latter, consists of rather large particles. From such a flour, a non-proper yeast dough is not kneaded, which, if you knead it on the lattice, it does not fit well and the products are obtained dense and quickly worry.

For cooking more suitable white wheat flour (highest and first grade), obtained from wheat solid varieties. What is her advantage? Solid wheat varieties are preferable, since they are more rich in gluten. The flour of these varieties is a flour of fine grinding, it practically does not contain bran and germs, rich in gluten. Such a flour absorbs more moisture - the products are not more striking longer, the dough rises well and forms a gentle meakash with uniform porosity. It is believed that wheat bread is more delicious. White wheat flour from solid varieties is called "bakery". Products from non-refined flour (gray wheat flour of the II grade), containing a certain amount of bran, have a nut flax, they contain vitamins, minerals, fats and so necessary for the body of the fiber. But such products are more dense and not so tender and tasty. Wallpaper flour products have light brown and even more rich in useful substances.

Products out rye flour They differ in particular taste and are obtained very dense, since the resinous substances contained in the flour interfere with the formation of gluten. Rye flour is bright or seeded (consists mainly of the endosperma) and dark. Dark flour in the content of bran in it and the embryo is separated on the sprinkled (flour with lower content) and the wallpaper (with large). To give rusty products, wheat flour is added to the dough. Adding to the wheat test of a small amount of rye flour will give the baking more interesting taste.

Although barley The flour consists mainly of the endosperma, it is depleted with gluten and barley bread, it turns out flat, dense and fast asking. But a small number of barley flour gives wheat bread Unusual pleasant taste. Sweetish taste corn The flour is made by a stroke of dried grains and does not contain in its composition proteins forming gluten. To give the corn bread of pomp and softness, the looping is used using chemical bars or by adding firmly whipped proteins. To break the test with yeast, it is necessary to add a large number of wheat flour. Oatmeal The flour also does not form gluten and is used mainly as an additive to the bread test, which gives the product a new taste and makes it more crispy. Buckwheat Flour is also widely used in combination with wheat.

How to keep flour?

Wheat flour (white) and rye (seeded), not containing germin, can be kept up to a year in a dark ventilated cool place. Flour of the lower varieties contains fat, which over time a bar. Such flour is stored under the same conditions for 2-3 months. Do not keep the flour open when cooking, it is saturated with moisture, loses its properties and can easily get bugs in it.

Of course, you can carefully read the composition (if specified). Examine the expiration date: they say experienced hostesses, that the best flour is the one that a week or at least a month ago. But by and large, these two parameters of successful pies do not guarantee. Flour from the same manufacturer, with the same name can be different. At the output, the quality will depend on how Molley flour, and on what was transported where they were stored. In one store, the party will lie in a dry room on wooden pallets, in the other - on the floor in a wet basement, and now someone will get the flour air, crumbly, and someone - with lumps. Understand, lucky this time or not, it will turn out only at home. After…

✓ Watch the package and carefully look at its contents. Flour of the highest grade (it is its today's examination) - a snow-white or cream tint, there are no lumps or impurities in it.

✓ Lying flour. Proper flour smells of endless fields, free wind and bottomless sky with cloud feathers. And the wrong one - a stale basement ...
In general, if it deteriorated, you will definitely feel. Flour, by the way, easily absorbs extraneous smells. Therefore, if something was not stored with something or transported, you also define it too unmistakably.

✓ Putting. To the touch, benign flour dry and silky. She sticks to her hands, and if they squeeze her with her fingers, it hurts melodiously.

✓ Try. To taste, the right flour is almost fresh or slightly sweet, without a bitter or acidic taste. If she crunches on the teeth, there are sand or other mineral impurities in the flour - they fall out of poorly purified grains, which, of course, is unacceptable.

Important indicators

In the laboratories to determine the quality of flour, it is not only sniffed and touched, but also passed through the devices and sift. As a result, such parameters are added to taste and smell.

1. Moisture content. If this indicator is too high, flour can quickly spoil. Ideally, the humidity should not exceed 15%.

2. Ground size. Small flour quickly absorbs moisture, which means that the dough is faster and fits.

3. Number of fall (PE). Knowing it, you can predict how the breadfall will turn out. With PE less than 250 seconds, the balls will stick together, and the bun itself will be low. For emergency, about 250 seconds, the balls, if you press it with your finger, quickly restores the form. But at PE about 400 seconds it will be dense, and the bun is solid and also with an unimportant taste.

4. Mass fraction of gluten. The higher the variety of flour, the more gluten in it and the more magnificent the pastries. In the flour of the highest grade of gluten, 28% and more, in flour general purpose - Approximately 23%, and buns from it are not so air (though, this flour is more useful).

Five grades of wheat flour

Lattice. It is produced from special wheat varieties, is characterized by a large particle size. It is rich in gluten, suitable for baking kulukhai and a fit. But the inappropriate yeast dough from such flour is good, besides, bread quickly cries.

Flour of the highest grade. It has the thinnest grinding and the most white color. There is a very low percentage of gluten. It is used as a thickener in sauces, as well as suitable for puff, sandy and yeast dough. Ideal for baking bread.

Flour of the first grade. Compared with the flour of the highest grade there are more sugars and fiber. Suitable for non-secrecy baking - bull, pies, pancakes. Products from it longer do not taste.

Flour of the second grade. Contains up to 10% of grain shell particles. Suitable for baking cutlery varieties of bread and non-adhesive flour products. It is often mixed with rye flour.

Wallpaper flour. She has the largest grinding, and it consists of all parts of the grain, which is why it is usually called wholegrain. In obesity, diabetes and diseases of the heart, doctors advise the bread from such a flour.

How it all began

The very first device for the manufacture of flour was a grain-timer - a primitive mechanism of two stones, between which grains were triturated. The first mills appeared 3-4 thousand years ago. At first they were rotating slaves and pets, then began to use the energy of water and wind. In the XVIII century, the Scottish mechanic James Watt "crossed" the mill with the steam engine invented. In 1822, Mark Miller from Warsaw made a fundamentally new fighter, replacing stone millstones with light rollers - hollow metal drums, between which the grains were crushed into flour. This technology is used today.

Word expert

Tatyana Anokhina, Head of the SEKS Testing Center, Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Wheat flour of the highest grade is the most "poor". It is extremely small protein, vitamins and minerals. But it is the most popular, and only it turns out lush biscuits and appetizing buns. In our laboratory, six samples of such flour were tested. In security indicators, they all comply with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union Tr Ts 021/2011 "On the safety of food products", all comply with the requirements of GOST R 52189-2003 "Wheat flour. General specifications. " Foreign impurities, GMO of plant origin, we did not find in them. It was extremely difficult to choose the winners: the subjects fell very worthy. We were able to determine the first, second and third places, only when the best performance was summed up. As a result, gold got Makfa flour, silver - "falcon", and bronze - Nordic, in many ways due to the fact that this flour is made of organic grain.

Text Eugene Danilova

Test: Wheat flour *

Wheat flour bakery top grade makfa Wheat flour Bakery highest grade
Wheat flour bakery highest grade "Worker" Wheat flour bakery Nice Day Wheat Flour Bakery Organic Nordic
OJSC Melkomkinat in Sokolniki, Moscow OJSC MACFA, Chelyabinsk Region. OJSC "Lukhovitsky Mukomolny Plant", Moscow region CJSC GB Product Plant "Zlak", Chelyabinsk region. OJSC "Petersburg Melnichny Kombinat", St. Petersburg Finland
12 months 12 months 6 months 12 months 12 months 12 months
Infection of pests
Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected
White, U.E. (Norma at least 54)
55 58 56 54 54 55
Mass fraction of moisture,% (Norma no more than 15)
10,6 11,3 11,6 10,9 14 11
Mass fraction of raw gluten,% (normally 28)
30 33 28 28 30 28
Number of falling, sec. (Norma at least 185)
318 524 413 397 394 396
Ground size (normally no more than 5)
1 0,5 0,9 1,5 3,5 2,2
Total assessment
"Sokolnicheskaya" will be kept longer than competitors - there is very little moisture in it. Add to this an excellent degree of grinding and the best number of falls (it affects the quality of the future of the ball), and it will turn out that this contestant today is one of the best. This flour is the leader of today's competition. Moreover, it leads immediately by several indicators: whiteness, grinding size, gluten content. Baking from it will be soft and lush. Congratulations to the winner! The less shelf life, the better. With regard to flour, this rule does not work. Usually it is stored a year. "Lukhovitskaya" in terms of indicators is a bit inferior to most contestants - maybe therefore the manufacturer reduced its shelf life. Ground size and moisture content in this flour at height, but the remaining indicators are medium in. Before us is a classic such middling. For such a price - quite a satisfactory result. This flour is the largest grinding, which means that the dough will be kept longer. The moisture content is also quite high. But this does not mean that the flour is unfounded. All indicators of it - within the normal range. It's nice that this flour is organic (from here and so high price). You can eat homemade buns and think that they are useful for those at the neighbor of the aunts. Perhaps, more than this contestant is no different from others. All indicators are medium.

* Thank you for help in conducting the test of GEAC "SEXS"

Winter - time of evenings with cozy and warm homemade pastries. But if we often get carried away and the oven from ordinary wheat flour, such evenings can turn into unwanted superfluous kilograms on the waist and deterioration of the state gastrointestinal tract. We will tell about alternatives that will not only benefit your body, but also save the figure.

1. Rye flour

Perhaps the most popular after wheat. It is not suitable for any baking, but fragrant black bread out of it, of course, will work out. There are sown, riding and wallpaper types of rye flour. Seeded similar to the wheat flour of the highest grade, there is a lot of starch and little nutrients - this is the rye flour that we do not recommend using. In the sprinkling - little gluten, and it contains more nutrients. But the most useful of rye, definitely, is a wallpaper, it consists of grinding whole grains and almost does not contain gluten, but bake it one of it is unlikely to work out. In general, rye flour is used not only for baking black bread, but also for gingerbread, gall and even pies.

2. Corn flour

This flour is the closest in the properties in baking to wheat, and it can be used alone, without adding other types of flour. It gives the baking a cute yellow color, grappling and airiness inherent in biscuit. In addition, in the corn flour, many vitamins of the group B, iron (useful for anemia). And she soothes and settles the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. From corn flour, you can furnace delicious biscuits, charlotes, cakes and cookies.

3. Rice flour

Rice flour occurs on sale 2 species: white and whole grain. White contains a lot of starch, has a high glycemic index, therefore is not too useful. In the whole grain, a lot of vitamins and trace elements: iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, vitamins of group V. However, there is no gluten in it, and, if adding to whole grain flour Another type of flour, can work out cookies, pancakes and various kinds of cakes.

4. Buckwheat flour

One of the most useful types of flour, there is no gluten in it, a low glycemic index, plus it has all the properties of buckwheat cereals! That is, it contains a lot of iron, iodine, potassium, fiber and useful vitamins E and group B. This flour is often used in dietary baking and baking for allergies. But in order for pasting from it, you need to add other types of flour to it. Pancakes, pancakes and pies baked from buckwheat flour.

5. Flour from the shelf (Spells)

To be extremely accurate, the rings is a wild wheat. The flour from the shelf is contained with a wheat protein gluten, but according to the properties in baking it is very close to wheat. The shell is much more useful than wheat, all-grinding grain contains a whole range of group vitamins in potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron. From this flour will turn out excellent biscuits and cookies.

6. Walnut flour (almond, cedar, and also from pumpkin Seeds etc.)

If you have a powerful blender, you can make such a flour at home yourself from any kind of nuts in a few 5 minutes. The properties of flour will depend on nuts and seeds, of which it consists: pumpkin contains vitamin A, zinc and calcium, cedar - polyunsaturated fatty acids, iron and vitamins, almond - magnesium, calcium, chrome, iron and vitamins of group B, C, it , Pp. Moreover, all nut flour contains a lot of protein, and is an excellent addition to the baking of athletes. Only from nut flour to prepare baking is unlikely to succeed, but it will become an excellent additive for other species. It turns out delicious cupcakes, muffins and biscuits. By the way, if you take one only nut flour and add dates, you can make the wonderful foundations for raw sourd cesholes.

7. Coconut flour

Wonderful flour - for baking and raw food desserts. It, naturally, does not contain gluten, has a coconut aroma and its nutritional properties: a lot of protein, fiber and lauric acid, which has antiviral properties. With it you can bake dietary muffins, cupcakes, biscuits and prepare the same raw food equipment.

8. Noah and pea flour

It is often used in Vedic and Indian cooking for the preparation of pancakes (PUD), which are served to all hot dishes. And also, as you know, peas and nuts are a storehouse of full protein and useful trace elements. Therefore, the chick-flour there was a place in baking recipes for sports nutrition. It turns out delicious candy, pancakes, pancakes and even cakes.

9. Linen flour

This flour is indispensable in the arsenal of vegetarians products, because it is she who can replace eggs in baking. Namely 1 tbsp. Linen flour on ½ glasses of water is equivalent to 1 egg. And, of course, she has all useful properties Flax seeds: the huge content of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, omega-6, calcium, zinc, iron and vitamin E. Also linen flour can be used when cooking loaf, bread, muffins and cupcakes.

10. Oatmeal

Oatmeal with a house of a blender or coffee grinder is easy to do it yourself. For this you need only grind oatmeal or Hercules in flour. Oatmeal flour contains gluten, and therefore in baking is quite self-sufficient. It will turn out wonderful dietary pancakes, pancakes, real oatmeal and pankequet. However, for biscuits, it is heavy. In oatmealous flour, many vitamins of the group B, selenium, magnesium, iron and protein, and that is why it is so like to use athletes when they want to pamper themselves with a tasty dessert.

11. Barley flour

It is not used as the main component for the preparation of baking due to the insufficient amount of gluten and the tart of the taste. But as an addition to the mainstream of flour in cookies, savory cakes and bread, it is perfect. Barley flour - a good alternative to rye, there is a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, iron, proteins and vitamins of group V.

Anya Kiracirov

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Carrots: benefits and harm to the body, useful properties of juice and boiled carrots
To maintain organs of vision, it is necessary to make carrots and blueberries permanent elements of their own. They have a beneficial effect on tired eyes, help preserve vision, prevent the development of hazardous diseases. Choosing between blueberries and carrots, Potcher
Pros and cons of tattoos for neck Minus color tattoos
The first tattoo was made more than 6,000 years ago, as the scientists of archaeologists were installed during excavations. So the art of the tattooja leaves its roots in the most antiquity. Currently, many do not mind decorate their body. But the tattoo is a serious decision