Contact details. How to contact VKontakte support. Can I call the Vkontakte support service? Do they have a hotline

You can write to the VKontakte support service if you have access to your personal page, or if you don't. I bring to your attention the most full overview existing ways:

How to write a letter in support if you have access to your personal page?

We enter the site using your username and password. In the upper right corner, point and click on your name. We select the item " Help».

The search page for the VKontakte directory opens. We enter “How to ask a question in support?”. We see the text. The third paragraph says:

Unfortunately, we were covered with an avalanche of questions, so the familiar “write to us” button is temporarily unavailable. If you have questions that cannot be solved with the help of articles, use the link

Click on the link and we will be able to enter your question.

An alternative way to contact VK support

After going to Help, the search page for the VKontakte directory opens. We open the first available help section.

Then we click on the button "This does not solve my problem", then click on the link "I still have questions."

In the pop-up window, click "Ask a question".

A form for contacting support appears. We fill in. We send.

How to contact VKontakte support via email?

You can also contact support directly using regular mail. All you need is to send an email to the mailbox [email protected]... These emails are answered in about 3-4 days, so be patient.

Extended form of restoring access to the page

A letter in support of through an extended access recovery form is a very common way to contact support. It is used in cases where it is not possible to return access to the social network in the usual way. Step by step instructions.

As new ways of contacting the VK support appear, I will update this instruction. Just in case, I advise you to bookmark this page. If you have any questions for me - ask them in the comments.

VKontakte is the most popular Russian social network in the entire post-Soviet space and is available in various languages. In it, users can create personal pages, informational publics, events, communicate and exchange media files with other people, play Online Games and use other services.

VKontakte hotline phone number

There is no direct telephone number and contact center on VKontakte.

You can contact the employees of the social network with a question or problem exclusively online directly on the official website or by writing an e-mail.

Vkontakte press service contact information

Contact information for cooperation

[email protected]

What questions can be solved by contacting VKontakte technical support?

By contacting the technical support staff directly on the VKontakte website, the user can ask a question or solve a problem related to the social network. Among them:

  • Ask questions or solve problems related to access to the social network;
  • Clarify privacy and confidentiality issues on the Vkontakte social network;
  • Clarify information on how you can join a development team or become a technical support agent;
  • Get information related to promotion in the social network VKontakte;
  • Get information about additional services and special applications that are available on the Vkontakte social network;
  • Information about events held by the social network VKontakte;
  • Get general information about the work of the social network Vkontakte;
  • Ask a question about advertising on social networks;
  • Get information on how to create an official page on the Vkontakte social network;
  • Clarify where you can download the official VKontakte application for mobile devices based on iOS, Android, Windows;
  • Get information about video calls on a social network;
  • Get information about the rules for using the VKontakte network;
  • Ask a question about the integration of the VKontakte profile with other social networks;
  • Report an error in the Vkontakte website;
  • Complain about the work of VKontakte or another user of the social network.

In what cases VKontakte technical support cannot help?

Technical support agents will not be able to help if the question is related:

  • With the work of other social networks or their services;
  • If the requested information is related or belongs to the category of commercial secrets;
  • If the answer to the question involves the disclosure of confidential information of the social network or its users;
  • If personal data of third parties (employees, partners) is requested;
  • If the question is general character and is not associated with the work of the social network VKontakte.

Alternative communication channels

You can send an official appeal or question to the mailing address:

LLC "Vkontakte" Saint Petersburg, Nevsky pr. 28

Support agent competence and response time

Technical support was created specifically for the prompt provision of information and solving problems related to the use of the social network, so the network makes sure that the response time to the request is as fast as possible.

The social network VKontakte is developing its agent support service. All technical support employees undergo special training and training for a long time in order to respond as quickly and efficiently as possible to every request from users of the social network.

If you yourself decided that you need support, then first try this:

You will get a solution to your problem faster and you will not have to wait long for an answer.

You can also ask a question or find a ready answer in to our VKontakte group.

For all problems with the entrance, site, page (except for votes, payments, VK Pay)

From a computer, laptop, tablet

To contact the technical support (help center) of the VKontakte website and get help, open this page: Help on the VKontakte website (opens in a new window).

You will see an input line, inside which there is a hint: "Enter your question." Start typing your question or problem description there.

As you enter this, already existing answers to similar questions will appear just below - you can see them right away. Choose the answer that suits your problem. Click on it, it will tell you what to do. If the answer involves contacting support, then there will be a blue button below to contact there. You can send a support request, and a live employee will answer it, but you will have to wait for an answer. The waiting period will tell you - for example, 38 hours. This is indicative! I agree? Push "Ask a Question", describe the problem briefly but clearly, and click "Send".

After that, wait for an answer, but not earlier than it was indicated.

If you can't find how to ask a support question, try typing words write to us - the phrase "If you can't find the article you need, write to us" - click on "Write to us" and then "Ask a Question".

To contact the official VK support directly, bypassing the proposed answers and solutions to problems, you can refer to this link: New question. Pay attention again: you will have to wait a long time for an answer, and in 95% of cases the solution is already here: Ready-made solutions to VK problems - just find it and read it.

  1. The fifth button in the bottom row.
  2. "Help" or "Support"(if you do not see such an item, click "More").
  3. Scroll to the end.
  4. If it doesn't help, click
  5. Click "I still have questions."
  6. "The essence of the problem" "More about the problem."
  7. Click tick or "Create" or top right.

You will always find the asked question in the section "Help - My Questions". The answer will appear in the same place.

From a phone, through a mobile application on Android, iPhone

  1. The fifth button in the bottom row.
  2. VK Pay.
  3. Settings (gear button).
  4. "Help".
  5. Choose one of the ready-made answers that is closest to your problem.
  6. Scroll to the end.
  7. If it doesn't help, click "It doesn't solve my problem."
  8. Click "I still have questions."
  9. A "New Question" will open. Fill in "The essence of the problem"(a few words, as briefly as possible) and "More about the problem."
  10. Attach files (photos, pictures), if necessary.
  11. Click tick or "Create" or top right.

You can always find your support question in the section "Help - My Questions". The answer will appear in the same place.

About deleted photos

If you want to contact support so that they can help you recover your deleted photos, first read this: How to recover a deleted VKontakte photo and try to get them back yourself.

If offended, offended, humiliated

Why is VKontakte support not responding? Why is there no answer? When will they answer me? How much to wait?

When you contact support, you are shown how long to wait for a response. For example, waiting for an answer for two days is normal. Maybe they will answer quickly, or maybe not - it is impossible to say for sure. After all, the support service has a large load.

But even if they wrote to you that you need to wait for an answer (for example) 17 hours, but there is no answer, although this time has passed, it is too early to panic. After all, this is the estimated response time, which the system calculated based on how the support managed to respond at that time. And how it will actually turn out, no one knows for sure. It can be 17, 18, or 34 hours.

Why isn't the support responding at all? In fact, this happens very rarely. More often, a different situation happens: it only seems to you that you turned there, but in fact you just wrote a comment somewhere on the Internet. Naturally, in this case you will not get any answer. Therefore, we must be careful.

Easy entry to Contact

For easy access to the VKontakte website, others social networks and use the mail home page VHOD.RU. You will find many wonderful opportunities there.

See more good instructions that may help you:

Attention! There are comments down here. But this is not support. It's just some people who write comments here. And to actually contact VKontakte support, you need.

Hello, friends!

Despite the ubiquity of the Internet and social networks, not all questions can be answered on their own. In some cases, you have to seek advice from people with experience and specialized knowledge.

Many users of the social network do not have such acquaintances, therefore, for this purpose, VKontakte has a whole staff of specialists who are ready to help and give a detailed answer to any user request. In this article, we will figure out how to write to VKontakte technical support.

What you need to know about the VKontakte technical support service

In order not to waste time waiting for help from technical support, let's immediately determine what problems they help to solve and how long it will take to wait for a response.

The VK support team has several hundred people who answer any questions about the functionality of the social network. Before being employed as a technical support agent, each candidate undergoes training and rather rigorous testing for knowledge of the website, the ability to find a common language with people and general erudition.

The approximate time it takes for an agent to write a response is 5 minutes. During the working week, the specialist is responsible for about 500 applications from members of the social network. Users wait an average of 30-50 hours for a response, but it happens that they have to wait for more than 5 days. Based on this data, you can imagine the number of letters received daily by tech support.

How to contact support via a computer

Only a user registered in VK can contact technical support in the way described below.

The VKontakte help service receives tens of thousands of requests every day. Most of them are spam or common problems that can be easily resolved using the Help section. In order to reduce the number of such requests, the administration of the social network left the buttons “Write to Support” only in those issues that would be really difficult for users to solve on their own.

To send a message to technical support, you need to find a topic in the “Help” section, in the description of which there is a button “Contact Support” or “Write to Support”. Depending on the theme, the button label may have other labeling options.

One of these topics is “My page was hacked!” You can enter this query in the search bar and submit an application using the button under the help text or independently search for another suitable topic with a contact button.

In the submission form, you must indicate the topic of the appeal and describe the problem in detail. Add screenshots, photographs, and other documents to your message to help the agent sort out your predicament.

The more detailed you describe the situation, the more likely it is that you will be helped. You will receive a specialist's answer by a personal message, besides, the answer will always be in the “My Questions” tab of the “Help” section.

Only one request can be processed. Therefore, if you want to write another letter, you will have to wait for a reply message or delete an already specified request. This can be done in the “My Questions” tab. There you can also view all the requests ever sent, delete or edit the text of the message that is still being processed, and add a clarifying comment.

For marketers who set up an advertising campaign on VK, there is separate application form... Using it, you can get help much faster, however, experts will only consider the problems associated with advertising in VK.

How to contact support when a page is blocked

In the technical support community and on the pages of the official representatives of the social network, I did not find any information that you can contact for help by mail.

However, many users write that email works - [email protected] When creating a letter, Yandex recognized this email as an existing one and pulled the VK icon to the address. I have not received a reply letter yet, but judging by the responses on the network, it will take at least a week to wait for it.

If you want to contact the VKontakte administration on a business matter, then use the email addresses intended for these purposes:

  • contact with the press service -

Even the smallest social networks have a large staff of specialists who can solve almost any problem that may arise at any time. What can we say about the giants from the series or VKontakte, whose staff is probably measured in tens of thousands of people ...

Despite the fact that such Internet projects are as easy to use as possible, some project participants still have problems with the site. And often these are difficulties that can be solved in just a few seconds. For example, a person may not know how to change their date of birth. It is for such questions that a technical support service is usually created.

If we talk about VK, then, as far as we know, the social network uses a large number of agents who can be asked any question regarding the project. However, some people ask the support tricky questions remotely related to the site and support agents, nevertheless, still answer, sometimes even with humor.

Very often the following question arises - is it possible to call VKontakte technical support? No, this cannot be done. Of course, such a huge structure has an official phone number, but with its help you will not be able to solve the difficulty that has arisen - all questions need to be asked only through the online form.

How to ask a question to the VKontakte support service?

A new page will open where you can see the most frequently asked questions. Above is the search bar where you can enter your question.

We ask any question, for example, "blocked the page".

At the bottom of the dialog box, a "None of these options works" button appears. Click on it, a plate will appear about the waiting time for an answer, after which you need to click on the "Ask a question" button. On the newly opened page, you can tell in more detail about your problem. When finished, click "Submit" and wait for a response from the agent.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about this. We, in turn, advise you to look for answers to your questions, with regards to, on the open spaces of the Runet, since with a 99% probability the answer has already been voiced more than once. Plus, you put less stress on your support team.

Well, if you have any questions for us, ask them in this thread, we will definitely try to answer them.

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