What auxiliary historical disciplines can you name? Source studies and auxiliary historical disciplines. Trends in the development of auxiliary historical disciplines in the XX - early XXI centuries

Introduction to auxiliary history disciplines

Section I


The concept of auxiliary historical disciplines. Definition of auxiliary historical disciplines as a system of scientific disciplines that develop the problems of methods and techniques of historical research; or as disciplines that study the individual properties of historical sources and the information they contain; or as disciplines that study certain types or certain aspects of the form and content of historical sources (I.L. Belenky, I.A. Bulygin, A.A. Zimin, E.I. Kamentseva, S.M. Kobrin, A.P. Pronshtein, L.V. Cherepnin, S.O.Schmidt and others). The origin and methodological orientation of these definitions, their advantages and disadvantages. Auxiliary historical disciplines as a collective concept that united a historically established circle of disciplines involved in the study of a historical source and the information it contains. Reasons for the presence or absence of the concept of "auxiliary historical disciplines" in individual European national historiographies.

Composition of auxiliary historical disciplines. Historically formed circle of auxiliary historical disciplines. The subject and tasks of individual auxiliary historical disciplines.

Paleography and "neography". Filigranology. Papyrology. Berestology. Epigraphy.

Historical chronology. Historical metrology.

Diplomatics. Codicology. Chronicle Studies. Epistolography.

Textual criticism and hermeneutics as auxiliary historical disciplines.

Historical onomastics and its subdisciplines: anthroponymy, zoonymy, toponymy, hydronymics, astronomy, etc.

Genealogy. Biography. Prosopography.

Symbolism. Emblems. Heraldry. Sphragistics.

Numismatics. Bonistics.

Vexillology. Faleristics. Medal. Glyptics.


Uniformology. Weaponry.

Philately. Philocarty.

"Ancillary" and "special" historical disciplines. Source study in his past as an auxiliary historical discipline. The question of belonging to "special and auxiliary historical disciplines" - archeology, archeography and archival science, records management, historical bibliography and heuristics, historical geography, historical cartography, historical demography, historical statistics, historical local history, museology - and its solution at different times.

Section II


The "practical stage" of the existence of cultural elements that are subsequently transformed into a subject of historical study. Traditions of preserving and transmitting knowledge about the elements of culture (language, orientation in tribal relations, time counting, space measurement, writing tradition, symbols of property, ethno-national symbols, counting values, taxation units, distinctions and regalia, clothing, naming animate and inanimate objects, signs and images of deities, ceremonies, rituals, etc.). The iconic nature of the elements of culture. Localization of signs in historical space (time, place, "owner" of the sign, action). Information potential of culture signs. Historical sources arising at the "practical stage" of the existence of cultural elements. Their two main classes, from the point of view of auxiliary historical disciplines: 1) sources in which these elements of culture are applied as a given in society (application of tradition); 2) sources in which these elements of culture are purposefully explained (teaching and broadcasting of tradition).

The emergence of rationalistic criticism of historical sources and the birth of auxiliary disciplines. Auxiliary historical disciplines in the culture of modern society.

The culture of the Renaissance and its historiography of the Middle Ages: the birth of the auxiliary sciences of history. L. Valla and his criticism of "Donatio Constantini" through philological arguments and analysis of the cultural realities of the era of Emperor Constantine. Subsequent rationalistic criticism of the texts of historical sources in Italy (F. Biondo and others) and Germany (W. von Hutten and others) and the role in it of studying the external features of the sources and cultural realities of the time being studied. Creation of book and museum collections (libraries and collections of monasteries, the Vatican Library, Laurenziana, the Doge's Palace, the Louvre and the Royal Library in Paris, the British Museum, libraries and collections of European universities, private collections) and their role in the development of interest in the cultural realities of antiquity and the Middle Ages and the formation of auxiliary historical disciplines. The publication of historical chronicles in Germany, the activities of the Maurists in France, the Bollandists in the Netherlands; development of rules for criticism and publication of historical sources. J. Mabilion, J. Bolland, B. Montfaucon, A. Muratori and the beginnings of paleography, chronology, diplomacy, criticism and interpretation of texts. G.V. Leibniz and his works on genealogy, vexillology, chronology.

Philosophical, historical and erudition trends in European educational historiography; development of auxiliary disciplines within the framework of erudition currents. Formation of auxiliary historical disciplines as a result of criticism of political history by arguments of cultural history. The tasks of establishing authenticity, criticizing "fables" and clarifying the messages of historical sources. Differences in the statute of source research and auxiliary historical disciplines in European national historiography. A.L. Schlözer and his research on historical sources in Russia and Germany. The reasons for the emergence of special attention to source studies and auxiliary historical disciplines in Germany and Russia.

Elements of criticism of historical sources in the activities of Russian historians of the 18th - early 19th centuries. Observations and remarks by V.N. Tatishcheva, G.F. Miller, I.N. Boltina, M.M. Shcherbatova, N.M. Karamzin. Awareness of the role of chronological, genealogical and other research in the writing of Russian history. Creation of museum collections (Kunstkamera, Hermitage, private collections) and their role in the formation of auxiliary historical disciplines. Special works of N.N. Bantysh-Kamensky, N.I. Novikova, V.V. Krestinina, A.I. Musin-Pushkin, A.I. Buckmeister and others. N.P. Rumyantsev, Archeographic Expedition, Archeographic Commission, their role in the design of auxiliary historical disciplines as branches of historical knowledge. Formation of the general terminology of disciplines ("auxiliary information" according to AN Olenin, 1809); further development of general terminology and problems by historians, archeographers and amateurs - experts in certain disciplines (M.T. Schletser, K. Voigt, V.G. Anastasevich, V.I. Mezhov). The predominance of auxiliary disciplines related to political history (genealogy, heraldry, sphragistics, faleristics, numismatics). Observation of phenomena as a method; the first experiments in the systematization of observations. The pragmatic erudition of the works created on a rationalistic basis.

The development of historical science in Europe and in Russia based on evolutionary theories and auxiliary disciplines. Change of scientific priorities in historiography: history of law, social relations, economic history. Evolution of source studies; source study and philology. Changes in the composition and importance of auxiliary historical disciplines: bringing diplomacy and paleography to the fore. Museums, libraries, historical and historical-cultural societies as centers for the preservation and development of knowledge in the field of auxiliary disciplines. Questions of auxiliary historical disciplines in "Monumenta Germaniae Historica" ​​and other European editions, in the consolidated bibliography "Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte". Awareness of the consistency of auxiliary disciplines, their positioning in relation to history. School of Charters in Paris and the beginning of the teaching of auxiliary historical disciplines (1821).

T.N. Granovsky, N.V. Kalachov, F.F. Fortinsky et al. On the composition and relations of "auxiliary sciences". Development of applied, research and collecting and collecting activities. Development of individual disciplines (works by P.G.Butkov, I.I.Kaufman, A.B. Lakier, B.V. Kone, P.P. Winkler, I.P. Laptev A.I. , K.Ya. Tromonin, V.K. Trutovsky, and others). Establishing links between "auxiliary sciences" ("auxiliary knowledge") with the history of literature and art, law, trade and everyday life. Questions of auxiliary historical disciplines in editions of historical sources (chronicles, acts) in Russia in the middle and second half of the 19th century. The first lecture courses in auxiliary disciplines (I.P. Sakharov and others). Petersburg (1877) and Moscow (1907) archaeological institutes and their experience in teaching auxiliary disciplines. "Auxiliary Sciences" in the university's history and philology education, in the training of lawyers and land surveyors (paleography, diplomacy).

Auxiliary historical disciplines in the cultural environment of the completion of a new history and the emergence of a new cognitive situation of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The emergence of the methodology of history as a direction of research and a subject of teaching in higher education in Europe and Russia. The impact of the development of problems in the theory of the historical process, methods of historical knowledge and source study on auxiliary historical disciplines. The change of the two-degree construction of "history and its auxiliary disciplines" by complex multi-stage constructions and the associated positioning of auxiliary historical disciplines in relation to source study, to the method of historical research and to history itself.

Questions of auxiliary sciences of history of disciplines in university courses of methodology of history, methods of historical research, source study, historical terminology, their predominant correlation with a written historical source. The auxiliary sciences of history in the works of E. Freeman ("The Methods of Historical Study"), J. G. Droysen ("Grundriss der Historik"), E. Bernheim ("Lehrbuch der historischen Methode und der Geschichtsphilosophie"), S. Seniobos and Sh.-V. Langlois ("Introduction aux etudes historiques"), A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky ("Methodology of history").

The transition from a predominantly amateur to a predominantly professional scientific development of auxiliary historical disciplines. Separation of the theoretical and applied parts of auxiliary historical disciplines. Auxiliary disciplines of European science in the consolidated bibliographies "Quellenkunde zur Weltgeschichte" (1910) and "Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte".

Approval of the concept of "auxiliary historical disciplines" in the historical science of Russia. Differentiation and design of disciplines. The first results of the theoretical and historiographic comprehension of auxiliary historical disciplines in the work of V.S. Ikonnikov "Experience of Russian historiography". The "Golden Age" of auxiliary historical disciplines in Russia in the late 19th - early 20th centuries; transition from observation to system description. Publication of major works and training courses in individual disciplines. The works of Yu.V. Arsenyeva, E.F. Karsky, S.K. Kuznetsova A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky, N.P. Likhachev, V.K. Lukomsky, A.V. Oreshnikova, D.I. Prozorovsky, D.A. Rovinsky, L.M. Savelova, I.M. Snegireva, A.I. Sobolevsky I.I. Sreznevsky, N.S. Tikhonravova, S.N. Troinitsky, V.N. Shchepkina and others. Improvement of the research method and technique. Classification of auxiliary historical disciplines. The first experiments in the scientific synthesis of individual groups of disciplines and the beginning of their general cultural understanding; the role of A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky in the formulation of this problem.

Auxiliary historical disciplines in the historical science of the twentieth century.

Cultural and historiographic situation and ways of development of historical science and auxiliary historical disciplines after the First World War. Crisis and disintegration of classical historiography of the preceding centuries. Changing the status of historical science in the public mind. Changing the mentality of the historian. Ideologization and politicization of historical science in various types of industrial societies. Changes in the need for special erudition, character and status, and auxiliary historical disciplines. "Pushing back" auxiliary historical disciplines into narrow professional niches. Problems of maintaining professionalism and problems of changing the direction of development of disciplines.

The conservative "German version" in the 1920s - first half of the 1940s: restoration and modification of pre-war historiographic traditions, the subordination of erudition to the ideological principles of Pan-Germanism and fascism.

Liberal "French version". Searches of L. Fevr and M. Blok in the field of methodology of history. The notions of the "School of the Annals" about history as a science of man and society; justification of the need to use data from other sciences (psychology, geography, economics, statistics) for its study. Development and application of interdisciplinary methods. Expansion of the concept of "historical source" and the basis of historical research. The growth of the historian's erudition beyond the traditional boundaries of historical science, a new ratio of the elements of his professional erudition. Contradiction of processes: improving the quality of historical modeling and the dispersion of auxiliary historical disciplines in a plurality of methods of historical research, devaluation of their status.

Radical "Soviet Marxist version". Formation theory and squeezing the culture of scientific-historical erudition and auxiliary historical disciplines to the periphery of historical research. Features of the crisis of erudition of the classical type in Soviet historical science. The impact of the organizational and methodological segregation of historical science ("new, Marxist" and "old, bourgeois" historical science) on the state of auxiliary historical disciplines. Interpretation of methods of working with sources as "techniques". Return to the status of disciplines as "auxiliary", secondary and to their limitation mainly within the framework of the history of the Middle Ages.

Textbooks on the methodology of historical research A.M. Bolshakova, S.N. Bykovsky, G.P. Saara, A.V. Shestakov (20s - early 30s). Composition and classification of historical disciplines, understood as auxiliary. A.I. Andreeva, S.N. Valka and M.D. Priselkov in auxiliary historical disciplines at the Faculty of Linguistics and Material Culture of Leningrad University. Creation of the Institute of History and Archives and the teaching of auxiliary historical disciplines in it, their relation to courses in source studies and archival studies; courses and scientific works of S. B. Veselovsky, V.K. Lukomsky, M.N. Tikhomirova, N.V. Ustyugova, L.V. Cherepnin. Source study and auxiliary historical disciplines as a method of researching a historical source. Return to the development of individual scientific problems of auxiliary historical disciplines in the second half of the 1930s. within the framework of the "Stalinist-academic" historical concept. Museums as centers for the preservation of auxiliary historical disciplines.

Collections "Auxiliary Historical Disciplines" (1937) and "Problems of Source Study" (1933 - 1962).

Changes in Historical Science after World War II. The beginning of de-ideologization and return to historicism in European science. Discussions in Western historiography on the problems of historical knowledge, the growing interest in the historical source and methods of its study. Dissemination of methods of interdisciplinary research, renewed interest in the attributes of the culture of the past. Restoration of the status of erudition research. The emergence of large scientific descriptions of manuscript collections and studies of Greek (M. Richard, R. Devrees and others), Latin (J. Mallon, R. Marishal, H. Foerster), Slavic (V. Vodov, etc.), Arabic (A. Grohmann and others) paleography; publication of fundamental works on diplomacy (B. Barbish, R.-A.Bautier, J. Batelli, K. Bruhl and others), numismatics (P. Ainzig, G. Mattingly, J. Porto, J. Sabatier, etc.) and other ancillary historical disciplines. The transformation of auxiliary disciplines into one of the means of historical synthesis.

The role of auxiliary historical disciplines in the rise of the historiography of antiquity and the Middle Ages in Soviet historical science in the 40s - mid 80s. Problems of source study and auxiliary historical disciplines in the work of L.V. Tcherepnin "Russian Feudal Archives". Advances in epigraphy (I.M.Dyakonov, G.A.Melikishvili, B.B. Piotrovsky, etc.), paleography (E.E. Granstrem, A.D. Lyublinskaya, M.N. Tikhomirov, L.V. Cherepnin , M.V. Shchepkina, etc.), filigranology (S.A.Klepikov), birchology (A.V. Artsikhovsky, L.P. Zhukovskaya, V.L. M. Kashtanov and others), textual criticism (D.S.Likhachev), chronology (N.G. Berezhkov), metrology (E.I. Kamentseva), numismatics (I.G. Spassky, G.A. Fedorov- Davydov, V.L. Yanin and others), sphragistics (V.L. Yanin) and other disciplines. Foundation of the yearbook "Auxiliary historical disciplines" (since 1968) and industry-specific periodicals ("Numismatics and epigraphy", "Numismatics and sphragistics", etc.), regional publications - "Historical sources and their use" (Kiev, 1964-1972), "Auxiliary historical disciplines" (Sverdlovsk, 1974) and others. Activities of historical museums. Historiography of auxiliary historical disciplines (V.I.Buganov, L.V. Cherepnin, S.O. Schmidt, V.L. Yanin). The connection of auxiliary historical disciplines with the development of domestic and general history of the time of antiquity and the Middle Ages.

Differences in the application of criteria for source study and auxiliary historical disciplines in various branches of historical science in the USSR. Limitations in the application of these criteria to the entire volume of historical knowledge; unsuccessful attempts by individual researchers to overcome these limitations. Easing ideological pressure. Article by Yu.N. Afanasyev "The Past and We" (1985). The lagging behind the problems of auxiliary historical disciplines as one of the key problems. The ripening of contradictions between method and methodology, research activities and conceptual assignment. "Perestroika", the collapse of the USSR, the collapse of the Marxist-Leninist historical concept.

The auxiliary sciences of history in postmodern society. Formation of modern humanitarian knowledge. New approaches to the study of social reality, discussions on these problems in philosophy, historical sciences, literary criticism, the implementation of new approaches in modern humanitarian knowledge. New models of history - civilizational, historical and cultural, historical and anthropological, ethnosocial, etc .; awareness of the problem of culture as one of the leading problems of humanitarian and historical knowledge. Modern definitions of the object and subject of historical knowledge.

Subject of auxiliary historical disciplines in the light of new approaches. The beginning of the path from "auxiliary discipline" to the method of cognition. The problem of culture as a general problem of auxiliary historical disciplines; research by the methods of these disciplines of the symbolic nature of culture. Historical source in the "historical reality - historical knowledge" system. Models of interpretation of the goals and objectives of referring to a historical source. The place of auxiliary historical disciplines in these interpretations. A new system of goals and objectives of disciplines. Awareness of the sovereignty and equality of disciplines, the methods of which are used to study individual elements of the culture of the past and present, the unity and interconnection of these disciplines in humanitarian knowledge. The role of research and scientific conferences held in the 1990s - 2000s. at the Russian State University for the Humanities, in these processes.

The auxiliary sciences of history, history education and the professionalism of the historian. Ancillary history disciplines are the basis of history education focused on the reliability of knowledge. Establishment of the auxiliary sciences of history as university academic disciplines in Western Europe and Russia. S. Langlois on teaching the auxiliary sciences of history; the turn of history education towards the research concept of professionalism. The auxiliary sciences of history and the professionalism of the historian-archivist. The concept of the School of Charters.

Auxiliary sciences of history as part of the general concept of the methodology of historical knowledge of the late XIX - early XX centuries. The composition of the "auxiliary sciences of history" in the positivist educational model: textbook by S. Langlois and S. Senobos. Expansion of the traditional range of disciplines in connection with a new understanding of the goals of historical science. Ancillary disciplines and other knowledge necessary for the historian in the field of natural sciences and humanities. A textbook on the historical method of E. Bernheim. Eurocentric orientation of the corpus of auxiliary sciences of history: new challenges and new approaches. Problems of auxiliary historical disciplines in the Section of Methodology of History of the Berlin International Congress of Historians (1908).

The Russian academic community and the problem of historical professionalism. A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky about "technical teachings" in the professionalism of a historian, psychologist, sociologist. Auxiliary Sciences of History and Historical Problems in the Conditions of Modern Times. "Academic training" in the performances of M.N. Pokrovsky. The connection of historical professionalism (methodology of historical disciplines) with the general problem of the reliability of historical knowledge.

The auxiliary sciences of history as the basis of the activities of the historian-archivist. Formation of the Historical and Archival Institute (1930) and the formation of the educational model of the historian-archivist. Creation of the department of auxiliary historical disciplines and development of its concept (A.N.Speransky, A.I. Andreev, etc.). Formation of training courses in paleography, diplomacy, chronology, metrology, sphragistics. School of source studies and auxiliary historical disciplines of the Historical and Archival Institute. Composition and programs of the course "Auxiliary historical disciplines", lecture courses and teaching aids A. Zimin, E.I. Kamentseva, A.T. Nikolaeva, A.L. Stanislavsky, N.V. Ustyugova, N.S. Chaeva, L.V. Cherepnina and others. Discussions around the textbook by LV. Cherepnin. Setting up the study of monuments of writing in the framework of the general historical process and the development of culture, writing and the publication of historical sources. The connection of the school with archival studies and the study of archival documents.

Corps of the auxiliary sciences of history in university education. Creation of the Department of Source Studies at Moscow State University (M.N. Tikhomirov). Textbooks A.V. Muravyova, M.N. Tikhomirova, V.L. Yanina et al. School of the Leningrad University. Subsidiary disciplines in other universities in the country; textbooks A.P. Pronshtein and V. Ya. Kiyashko (Rostov-on-Don), A.A. Vvedensky, V.A. Dyadichenko and V.I. Strelskiy (Kiev), I.P. Ermolaeva (Kazan) and others. Auxiliary Sciences of History in Pedagogical Education (VB Kobrin, GA Leontyeva, PA Shorin).

Auxiliary sciences of history in the concept of a new liberal arts education at the Russian State Humanitarian University. New concepts of auxiliary historical disciplines within the humanities and liberal arts education.

Section III


The nature of auxiliary historical disciplines. The nature of the phenomena studied by the disciplines: the unity of auxiliary historical disciplines, based on a single system of symbolic elements of culture, and diversity, determined by the variety of subsystems of symbolic elements of culture. The nature of the origin of auxiliary historical disciplines is the need to read, research and interpret the historical source. The dual nature of auxiliary historical disciplines: their sovereign and their auxiliary origin.

The system of tasks for auxiliary historical disciplines. The study of individual subsystems of culture (symbolic elements of culture) in their evolution as a fundamental task of auxiliary historical disciplines. The study of the phenomenon of culture (sign of culture), given in a historical source, and localization of the sign in historical space (time, place, "owner" of the sign, action) as a practical research task of auxiliary historical disciplines. Determination of the correlation between the historical source and the sign of culture, contained in it, as a research problem.

Classification of auxiliary historical disciplines. Classification as a method of cognizing a set of objects. Classification of sciences as a scientific problem. Attitude of auxiliary historical disciplines to source study (A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky). Existing classifications of auxiliary historical disciplines (E.I. Kamentseva, S.M. Kashtanov, V.B. Kobrin, A.P. Pronshtein, L.N. Pushkarev, etc.), their foundations. Classification signs (types and types of historical sources; study of the historical source as a whole or the study of its elements; study of the form of the historical source or its content; classification by the nature of the tasks solved by auxiliary historical disciplines, etc.). The reasons giving rise to the multiplicity of classification approaches; dependence of the latter on the definition of auxiliary historical disciplines. Construction of the classification of auxiliary historical disciplines as a problem of classifying the phenomena of the culture of the time of cognizable objects and the time of the cognizing subject.

Source study method in auxiliary historical disciplines. The generality of the method of source study for all auxiliary historical disciplines. Connection of auxiliary historical disciplines through the method of source study with the methodology of cognition. Source analysis as a system of research procedures for obtaining, researching, evaluating and interpreting data on cultural phenomena studied by auxiliary historical disciplines (symbolic elements and subsystems of culture).

Methods of natural sciences and humanities as methods of separate auxiliary historical disciplines. Application in auxiliary historical disciplines of methods and concepts of natural sciences and humanities, similar in the subject of research (historical chronology and mathematical chronology and astronomy; historical metrology and mathematical metrology; auxiliary historical disciplines studying names and philological sciences; auxiliary historical disciplines studying images, and art history; etc.). Analytical methods of technical sciences in auxiliary historical disciplines (chemical, spectral, radiocarbon analysis, etc.). Feedbacks of auxiliary historical disciplines with these sciences.
Adaptation of general scientific methods and special methods in auxiliary historical disciplines. Adaptation of methods of comparative, historical-comparative, system-structural analysis, etc. Own methods of auxiliary historical disciplines, developed by paleography, diplomacy, codicology, genealogy and other disciplines. Accumulation and systematization of comparative reference material as a methodology for auxiliary historical disciplines.
The method of historical and cultural research as the main method of conceptual constructions of auxiliary historical disciplines. The connection of auxiliary historical disciplines through the method of historical and cultural research with the methodology of cognition. Interpretation of the phenomena studied by auxiliary historical disciplines as cultural phenomena (language, orientation in tribal relations, time counting, space measurement, writing tradition, property symbolism, ethno-national symbols, value counting, taxation units, distinctions and regalia, clothing, naming of animate and inanimate objects, signs and images of deities, ceremonies, rituals, etc.). The iconic nature of the elements of culture. The study of the symbolic nature of culture by auxiliary historical disciplines. Problems of the evolution of elements of culture and the study of fixing this evolution by historical sources. Historical and cultural analysis. Historical and cultural construction as the basis for the concepts of auxiliary historical disciplines.
Auxiliary historical disciplines and source studies. Ancillary Historical Disciplines as a Method for Researching Historical Sources. Application of methods and data provided by auxiliary historical disciplines to investigate the origins and content of historical sources. Historical source as a carrier of various signs of culture; its complex analysis with the help of various auxiliary historical disciplines. Interdisciplinary links of auxiliary historical disciplines.

Ancillary historical disciplines and humanities. The generality of the methodological basis for the study of historical sources of various types and types, serving as the object of any humanitarian research. The role of auxiliary historical disciplines in assessing a historical source as a historical phenomenon and determining its informational capabilities for humanitarian research. Auxiliary historical disciplines in the humanities and social sciences (philosophy, psychology, philology, economics, sociology, political science), in the study of the history of humanitarian culture.

Auxiliary sciences of history and problems of modern humanities. The generality of the methodological basis for the study of historical sources of various types and types, serving as the object of humanitarian research. The role of auxiliary historical disciplines in assessing a historical source as a historical phenomenon and determining its informational capabilities for humanitarian research.

History as a science of man and human activity. The transformation of traditional auxiliary sciences of history into general humanitarian approaches, their application in interdisciplinary research. Problems of space and time, their interpretation in modern humanities. Problems of writing and hermeneutics of the text and its connection with the methods of paleography and diplomacy. Diplomacy and legal experience of modern society; diplomacy and study of social structures, traditions, mentality. Symbols, emblems, heraldry, disciplines of the onomastic cycle and the study of sign systems by the humanities. Genealogy, prosopography, biography and historical anthropology. The genealogical aspect in the study of social mobility and social strata in domestic and world science. Genealogy and historical geography in the study of the problems of the origin and migration of people in the modern world. Genealogical problems of globalization and comparative studies. The relationship of genealogy with genetics and other natural sciences about man. Genealogy and Social Psychology: Marriage and Preference as an Indicator of Social Psychology and the Study of the History of Mentality. Historical demography and its genealogical aspects. Law, family, connection between generations, continuity of cultural traditions in the modern mass consciousness.

Auxiliary historical disciplines in the humanities and social sciences (philosophy, psychology, philology, economics, sociology, political science), in the study of the history of humanitarian culture.



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History translated from Greek means a story about the past, about the learned. History is a process of development of nature and society. Also called history is a complex of social sciences (historical science) that study the past of mankind in all its concreteness and diversity. History is included in the group of the humanities that study a particular region (African studies, Balkan studies), a people (Sinology, etc.) or a group of peoples (Slavic studies).

World (general) history Is a history that studies the period of humanity from the appearance of the first Homo sapiens to the present.

The history of homeland Is a history that studies the history of individual countries and peoples (history of Russia, history of Germany).

The history is chronologically divided into the following sections:

    the history of primitive society is a history that studies the period in the history of mankind before the invention of writing, after which there is an opportunity for historical research based on the study of written sources.

    ancient history - history that studies the period in the history of mankind, allocated between the prehistoric period and the beginning of the Middle Ages in Europe.

    medieval history is a history that studies the period of human history following Antiquity and preceding the New Age.

    modern history is a history that studies the period in the history of mankind, located between the Middle Ages and Modern times.

    recent history - history studying the period of humanity since 1918

Branches of history:

    economic history is a branch of history that studies the phenomena and processes associated with evolutionary development and the interaction of those aspects of human activity that are somehow related to the economy.

    military history - a branch of history that studies wars that took place in any particular historical era; also the history of a single war or even a single campaign.

    Historical geography is a branch of history that studies history through the "prism" of geography; it is also the geography of a territory at a certain historical stage of its development.

    historiography is a branch of historical science that studies its history (accumulation of historical knowledge, interpretation of historical phenomena, change of methodological directions in historical science, etc.).

Organic parts of history as a complex of sciences:

    archeology is a science that studies the history of society based on the material remains of the life and activities of people - material (archaeological) monuments.

    ethnography (ethnology) is the science of ethnic groups (peoples), which studies their origin and settlement, life and culture.

History is included in the group of the humanities that study a particular region (African studies, Balkan studies), a people (Sinology, etc.) or a group of peoples (Slavic studies).

Historical sources- all objects that directly reflect the historical process and make it possible to study the past of mankind.

AUXILIARY HISTORICAL DISCIPLINES, special historical disciplines, in Russian science, the collective name for a number of scientific disciplines of the source cycle that study certain types of historical sources and their external features. The purpose of auxiliary historical disciplines is to extract as much information as possible about the origin of a historical source and establish the degree of legitimacy of its use in scientific research. The scientific apparatus of auxiliary historical disciplines is special methods and techniques that make it possible to establish the time, place, conditions for the creation of historical sources, to determine their authorship and authenticity. The subject of study of each of the disciplines and the theoretical questions being developed are determined by the type (written source, coin, coat of arms, seal, etc.) and type (chronicle, act, epistolary, memoirs, chronicle, etc.) of the source, as well as the material of the source containing written information (birch bark, parchment, paper, stone, bone, metal, wood).

The use of the techniques that constitute the methodological basis of auxiliary historical disciplines was initially of a practical nature. The chroniclers, presenting events in chronological order, involuntarily developed the methods of chronology. In order to establish the authenticity of documents in controversial court cases, ancient scribes analyzed the act form, compared handwriting, studied the inscriptions on the seals and how they were attached to documents. The clergy calculated the dates of the Passover. Household needs and the need for fiscal taxation contributed to the development of metrological units.

Gradually, practical knowledge acquired a more systemic character. In the 16-17th centuries, the development of "practical" paleography was expressed in the compilation of textbooks (alphabet books, manuals for scribes-draftsmen, primers), in the practice of forensic examination. Knowledge of metrology formed the basis of reference books reflecting various metrological units ("Trade Book", 1570s; "Calculating wisdom", 1st third of the 17th century). The development of genealogy met the needs of the government and the nobility: genealogical books were compiled (from the 1540s), "Sovereign's Genealogy" (in the 1550s). In 1672, by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the "Great State Book or the Root of Russian Tsars" (abbreviated "Titular") was compiled, which can be considered the pinnacle of the complex use of practical knowledge in the field of paleography, genealogy, heraldry, sphragistics, historical chronology, onomastics.

The formation of auxiliary historical disciplines proper began in the 18th century. This, in particular, was facilitated by the decrees of Peter I on the sending of ancient letters and books to the Synod from monasteries and churches, the creation of the King of Heralds under the Senate (1722) and the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1725), the emergence of large museum collections (collections of the Kunstkamera and the Hermitage). Sources of various types have been accumulated, and the development of methods for their research has begun. Scientists V. N. Tatishchev, G. F. Miller, V. V. Krestinin, N. I. Novikov, N. N. Bantysh-Kamensky, Count A. I. Musin-Pushkin and others began to study and publish the sources of diplomacy, genealogy, numismatics, historical geography.

In the first half of the 19th century, auxiliary historical disciplines developed mainly as descriptive ones, however, in the works of researchers, attempts were already made to scientifically comprehend, generalize, classify and systematize factual material. For the first time in Russian historiography, A. N. Olenin spoke about auxiliary historical disciplines in general, using the expression "auxiliary information" ("Experience of a new bibliographic order for the St. Petersburg Imperial Library", 1809). The terms "auxiliary sciences", "auxiliary knowledge" of historical science were used in the creation of the library and bibliographic classifications of H. A. Schlötser (1823), K. K. Voigt (1834), V. G. Anastasevich (1828), V. I. Mezhov (1869) and others. The activities of Metropolitan Eugene (Bolkhovitinov), KF Kalaydovich, PM Stroev and archaeographic expeditions contributed to the further identification and collection of historical sources. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, archaeographic commissions made a great contribution to the publication of historical sources. An important role in the development of auxiliary historical disciplines was played by the works of A.Kh. Vostokov, P.I. Ivanov, I.P. Laptev on paleography, P.V. Khavsky - on chronology, Ts. I. Ivanov - on the publication of photographs of Russian seals, A. B. Lakiera - in heraldry and sphragistics. With the scientific study of the sources and the development of historical science as a whole, there appeared a desire to isolate each discipline, determine the subject of its study and goals, improve methodological techniques, and move away from descriptiveness. So, the study of external signs of handwritten sources moved to the field of paleography, and the study of inscriptions on stone, metal seals and coins became the subject of study of glyptics, epigraphy, sphragistics, numismatics.

In the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, books, articles, reference books in the field of paleography were published (authors - E.F.Karsky, F.F. Brandt, N.M. Karinsky, A.I.Sobolevsky, I.A. Shlyapkin, N.P. Likhachev, V.N.Schepkin), historical chronologies (D.I. Prozorovsky, N.V. Stepanov, D.M. Perevoshchikov, N.I. Cherukhin), sphragistics (N.P. ), genealogy (Prince P. V. Dolgorukov, V. V. Rummel and V. V. Golubtsov, Prince A. B. Lobanov-Rostovsky, L. M. Savyolov, G. A. Vlasyev), heraldry (V. K Lukomsky, V. L. Modzalevsky, P. P. von Winkler, Baron N. A. Tipolt), numismatics (Count I. I. Tolstoy, A. V. Oreshnikov, A. K. Markov). The teaching of auxiliary historical disciplines began at the St. Petersburg Archaeological Institute, and then at the Moscow Archaeological Institute. The result of the theoretical and methodological understanding of auxiliary historical disciplines as a set of sciences at the end of the 19th century was summed up by V. S. Ikonnikov ("Experience of Russian historiography", vol. 1, v. 1-2, 1891-92). The auxiliary historical disciplines in Russia developed at this stage in close connection with Western European science. New disciplines were distinguished: archeography, archival science, historical bibliography, records management, historical demography, historical cartography, iconography, medal, textual studies, uniformology, philately, philocartia, heuristics, epistolography. At the same time, the subject and tasks of some sciences remained vaguely expressed: sphragistics was viewed as an applied discipline in relation to diplomacy; heraldry - to genealogy; chronology - to paleography. Archeology occupied a special place in the system of the humanities, since this concept included both the science of antiquities (for example, Slavic, Oriental, antique) in a broad sense, and most of the auxiliary historical disciplines (except for historical geography, genealogy and some others).

In the 1920s and 1930s, a crisis was outlined in the USSR in the study of many auxiliary historical disciplines, in particular genealogy, heraldry, etc., which were considered "noble" sciences. At the same time, in 1930, the Moscow State Historical and Archival Institute was created (until 1932 - the Institute of Archival Science; since 1991 - the Historical and Archival Institute as part of the Russian State University for the Humanities), in which in 1939 the department of source studies and auxiliary historical disciplines was created.

Interest in the auxiliary disciplines of history began to rise again in the mid-1940s. Facsimile editions of a number of handwritten texts were carried out, new sources were involved in scientific circulation, including birch bark letters, seals, coins discovered during archaeological excavations. In the works of M. N. Tikhomirov, A. V. Artsikhovsky, B. A. Rybakov, L. V. Cherepnin, I. G. Spassky, N. V. Ustyugov, V. A. Nikonov, N. A. Soboleva, S. M. Kashtanov, S. A. Klepikova, G. A. Leontyeva, P. A. Shorin, V.B. disciplines. They began to study in more detail: in paleography - cursive writing of the 17-18th centuries, book writing, miniatures, paper stamps and stamps, in metrology - measures and metrological policy of the Russian government in the 18-19th centuries, in heraldry - city and noble coats of arms; in the chronology, simpler formulas for calculating and checking dates were derived. The objects of study of auxiliary historical disciplines have become more diverse (for example, in sphragistics - seals preserved in isolation from documents), traditional sources have been studied in a new way (in numismatics - coin hoards as a complex numismatic source, in heraldry - the coat of arms as a source that reveals the fate of the owners) ...

In the 1960s and 1980s, the methods and techniques of auxiliary historical disciplines were improved. Through the efforts of numismatists, a method of post-stamp analysis of coins has been developed. In the field of chronology, knowledge of dendrochronology, phenology, ornithology began to be applied, helping to establish indirect dating; in sphragistics - methodological methods of working with ancient Russian seals, based on the exhaustive involvement of sphragistic material. On the basis of traditional historical disciplines, new ones appeared: codicology, associated with the study of handwritten books, clarifying the composition of scribes and ways of distributing books from the centers of their correspondence to modern book depositories. Since 1968 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) the collection "Auxiliary Historical Disciplines" (vols. 1-29-) has been published.

The chronological framework of auxiliary historical disciplines and their traditional source study functional tasks are expanding; the findings began to be used to solve problems in the field of socio-economic, political and cultural history. Paleographic observations of the evolution of letter graphics and the study of writing material help in deciding the level of development of writing and literacy. The seals, preserved apart from the documents, make it possible to restore the history of the state institutions of the Old Russian state. Coin treasures are used to characterize economic ties, genealogy and heraldry help to complement conclusions about political and cultural ties. Onomastics provides an opportunity for a more in-depth study of demographic processes, and metrology - an understanding of the severity of fiscal taxation, the amount of work and the amount of its payment.

There is an opinion about the separation of birch barkology from paleography (studies birch bark letters) and filigranology (studies the signs of paper), from heraldry - vexillology, from numismatics - faleristics (studies breastplates) and bonistics. Several variants of the classification of auxiliary historical disciplines have been developed, none of which is generally accepted.

Lit .: Bolshakov A.M. Auxiliary historical disciplines. 4th ed. L., 1924; Cherepnin L.V. Development of auxiliary historical disciplines for fifty years // Soviet Archives. 1967. No. 5; he is. On the question of the methodology and methodology of source study and auxiliary historical disciplines // Source study of Russian history. M., 1973. Issue. 1; Pronshtein A.P. The use of auxiliary disciplines when working on historical sources. M., 1972; Kamentseva E.I. History of auxiliary historical disciplines. M., 1979; Pronshtein A.P., Kiyashko V. Ya. Auxiliary historical disciplines. M., 1979; Soboleva N.A.On tendencies in the development of special historical disciplines: Historiographic review // Source study of Russian history. M., 1980; Shepelev L.E. Source study and auxiliary historical disciplines: On the question of their tasks and role in historical research // Auxiliary historical disciplines. L., 1982. Issue. 13; Actual problems of source study and special historical disciplines. M., 1983; Pashkov A. M. Auxiliary historical disciplines in Russian archival education in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. M., 1984; Auxiliary historical disciplines: historiography and theory. K., 1988; An introduction to special disciplines in history. M., 1990; Special historical disciplines. SPb., 2003; Ancillary historical disciplines. M., 2004; Leontyeva G.A., Shorin P.A., Kobrin V. B. Auxiliary historical disciplines. M., 2006.

Source studies and auxiliary historical disciplines

For a long time, source study was considered one of the auxiliary historical disciplines. Relapses of this attitude still occur to this day. On the one hand, if we take into account exclusively auxiliary functions, it may seem fair to combine source studies with auxiliary historical disciplines or include it in their complex, since it ultimately serves, facilitates historical knowledge, optimizing the functioning of the source-researcher system ... On the other hand, in order to resolve the issue of the relationship between source study and auxiliary historical disciplines, it is necessary to conduct a comparative study of them, specifying: what are the object, subject and tasks of each separate auxiliary historical discipline and their entire complex.

Auxiliary historical disciplines (hereinafter referred to as SPD) are a collective concept. At the present stage of development of the branches of historical knowledge, their complex is constantly expanding and now includes more than 50 items. The very word - "auxiliary" - indicates the place of these disciplines in historical science.

Ancillary Historical Disciplines- branches of historical knowledge, in which epistemological functions are of an auxiliary nature, contributing to the solution of the main issues of historical research .

Each of the VID complex solves important issues, however, as a rule, of a private nature. The use of their methods allows you to gain knowledge about individual aspects, properties of any groups of sources, in some cases covering simultaneously different types sources (written, visual, material). VIS expands and deepens our knowledge about the past historical reality, including about the sources, as its derivative, as a part of this reality and its reflection.

In modern historical literature, there is still no generally accepted classification of species, although it was proposed to divide the entire complex of species into two (I.A.Bulygin and others) or three (L.E.Shepelev and others) groups.

According to some researchers, one group included disciplines that study any specific set of sources... Heraldry studies coats of arms, diplomacy - acts, numismatics - coins, sphragistics - seals.

The second covered disciplines studying any one of the sides of the sources, a certain range of data contained in the sources. The researchers referred to this group: archival science, the subject of which is the collection, description and storage of sources; archeography dealing with the publication of sources; genealogy, the subject of which was the study of the family ties of people; metrology, which studies a system of various measures; paleography, the focus of which was the external signs of sources; textual criticism that analyzed the history of text sources; chronology dedicated to the problem of measuring time. In the development and refinement of this classification, a proposal was made to separate archival science and archeography into a separate, third group. Some researchers (D.S. Likhachev and others) considered textology to be a separate and independent discipline (and even a science) that emerged from the VID complex.

The disadvantages of such proposals were obvious, since when dividing the VID into groups, different parameters were used as a criterion: in one case - the scope of the study, in the second - its subject.

This approach was contrary to the laws and principles of logic - the basis of division should be the same.

Obviously, in the classification criterion, the VID should simultaneously cover such parameters as: object, subject and research tasks related to each of them.

Let's remember:

an object- this is what, what is being studied, i.e. that real object that existed and exists in reality (was created in the past and has survived to this day) and to which the study is directed;

item- this is goal or vision angle with which or under which the object is studied;

tasksis a complex problems, requiring a solution based on the study of a given object from a chosen angle of view in order to fulfill the set research goal.

Based on these parameters, the VID complex can be divided into three groups.

1. The disciplines of one of them study some one side , one part, one property(characteristics) of information of different types and types of historical sources: paleography(including neography as its offshoot), papyrology and birchology, filigree studies, epigraphy, metrology and chronology, and genealogy.

The object of the disciplines included in this group are sources of any kind containing the necessary information corresponding to the subject of a separate type; subject - each has its own, covering a certain part of the information; the task is to comprehensively study this side of the source information.

For example, paleography studies outward signs written historical sources. Its object is text, written (handwritten and printed) sources, and the subject is their graphic design features. The task of the paleographer is to study the attributes characteristic of the source: the material on which it was created (parchment, paper, birch bark, silk, etc.); writing or replicating tools with which it was made (quill or metal nib, ballpoint pen, printing press, hectograph, typewriter or printer, etc.); features and evolution of the graphics of writing and handwriting of the author; decoration of manuscripts and printed publications (miniatures, filigree - watermarks, caricatures and other drawings that enhanced the emotional perception of the text). The cumulative study of these features allows us to establish the time and place of the creation of the source, its author (scribe), the financial and / or social situation of the persons who created the source (Russian anti-government foreign organizations, for example, published their newspapers and leaflets on tissue paper to facilitate the transportation of the publication to Russia ; magazines aimed at the wealthy public and popularizing fashionable clothes and interiors were published on luxurious paper of the best grades and were supplied with colorful illustrations). Previously, it was believed that the object of paleography is only documents of antiquity. Now there is a tendency to include in its object and sources of modern times. In general, paleography deals with the study of the history of writing in connection with the development of society. At the present stage, the methods of paleography (or neography) are actively used by criminologists to determine, by handwriting or typographic type, the "culprits" of creating a document.

It is important to note that the SPEs, referred to the first group, focus their attention only on three types of historical sources (written, material and pictorial), but phonic sources seem to have "dropped out" from this circle. This circumstance alone shows that the object of the VID, allocated in the first group, is much smaller, narrower than that of source studies, since it studies all types of sources, regardless of the form in which they record, store and transmit information. Likewise, the subject and tasks of the VID of this group are narrower than those of source studies, since it is aimed at determining the entire scientific and cognitive potential of each source under study.

2. SPECIES included in another group, comprehensively and fully study information from any one complex (type or type) of historical sources.

So, for example, the object heraldry- state, city and family emblems, faleristics- decoration signs (orders, medals, etc.), numismatists- coins, bonistics- paper banknotes, diplomats- acts, sphragistics- printing. Each of them has exclusively its own object of study, which is studied with the maximum possible completeness, and, therefore, the subject and tasks they have in principle are similar - the study of all the features of the appearance, structure, form and content of the source. In other words, the difference in the SPE within this group is due to different objects, and not an object that directs the researcher to analyze all the information of the selected object.

The study of the coats of arms of states and various awards is of particular importance, as it allows you to see the past in a peculiar perspective, which is not disclosed by the sources of other species.

For example, the awards system that existed in Russia Xviii - first half XIX century, clearly characterized its feudal nature. Private peasants did not have the right to wear the insignia received for the feat. Therefore, Alexei Kropotkin (father of the revolutionary Peter Kropotkin) wore the Order of St. Anna for the fact that during the Caucasian war his batman Frol saved a small child from the fire.

Writers, artists, and scientists at that time were relatively rarely awarded state awards, since engaging in literary, artistic or scientific activities was considered a private matter, and this reflected the attitude of the tsarist government towards the democratic intelligentsia. Orders were received only by those figures who fulfilled the state order with their works (historian N.M. Karamzin, architects A.N. Voronikhin and A.D. Zakharov, artists K.P.Bryullov and V.V. Vereshchagin).

The study of state emblems allows you to visually see the process of state building and understand the declared character of the state, reflected in the attributes (symbols) of the coat of arms. For example, since antiquity, all state emblems had images of any predatory animals or birds (lions, eagles, etc.) among their attributes.

Russian coat of arms in Xv v. included two emblems: a horseman with a spear, who defeated the serpent ("rider"), and the Byzantine black two-headed eagle, crowned with two crowns - a symbol of the perception of power from the fallen Byzantine Empire. Since 1625, the two-headed eagle was depicted under three crowns, which symbolized the unification of Great Russia, Little Russia and White Russia. The large coat of arms of the Russian Empire, approved in 1882, was a golden shield with a black two-headed eagle holding a scepter and orb in its paws. He was crowned with two imperial crowns, above which was placed another larger crown with fluttering ribbons of the St.Andrew's Order. After the February Revolution of 1917, the state emblem of Russia lost the imperial crowns and other imperious attributes - the two-headed eagle remained, redrawn from the seal of Ivan III.

Only the coat of arms of the Soviet state (RSFSR, approved on July 24, 1918) did not have threatening symbols. For the first time in history, fundamentally new attributes were introduced into it, reflecting the peacefulness and class-political structure of the state: a red shield (banner); a five-pointed star is a sign of eternity, light and an alluring goal; ears of corn entwined with ribbons symbolizing the union of republics; hammer and sickle as a sign of the union of workers and peasants. The motto of the coat of arms - "Workers of all countries, unite!"

Numismatics and bonistics make it possible to reveal information not only on the history of monetary circulation, but also provide rich material on the history of the economic and political life of society. At the same time, researchers pay special attention to the study of images (iconography) on coins, credit notes and bank notes, as well as to the mottos (legends) on them.

A special place in this group of VIDs is occupied by diplomacy studying acts - documents formalizing any agreement or transaction (between states, organizations and individuals). The formulary analysis developed by specialists in diplomacy is now actively used as a method for studying written sources of other types and forms that have a stable, constant and obligatory structure - a formulary.

For example, in the text of international treaties, as a rule, there is a preamble, which explains the objectives of the contracting parties; the preamble is followed by a text divided into articles; the final protocol must indicate the date, place of signing of the document and the names of diplomats or political figures who signed the treaty on behalf of their governments. It should be borne in mind that the surnames under the text in many cases do not belong to the persons who compiled the document, and, therefore, this part of it cannot serve as information about the authors of the agreement.

Let's take a typical example. The text of the Kuchuk-Kainardzhiyskiy peace treaty of 1774 is signed by P.A.Rumyantsev and his assistant N.V. Repnin. However, the true author of the text, who defended it in stubborn negotiations with Turkish representatives, was the diplomat, the representative of Russia in Constantinople A.M. Obrezkov (1718 - 1787), who was unable, due to the flooding of rivers, to arrive at the headquarters of the commander-in-chief of the Russian army - the place of signing agreements between Russia and Turkey.

Another type of this group is closely related to diplomacy - sphragistics. Initially, it was part of diplomacy, since its task was to establish the authenticity of acts based on the study of the seals that fastened and authenticated the document. However, as seals were found that had lost their connection with the document (this was especially true of the so-called hanging seals - papyrus, parchment or paper could frayed at the place of attachment of the seal, or the lace could rot), sphragistics became a separate discipline. The results of the study of seals expand the information of historians about the socio-political system of states, about the relationship between various state and public structures. Particular attention is paid to the personal seals of the authors of letters and sources of other types, since they are used to establish the authorship of the text.

So, heraldry and faleristics, numismatics and bonistics, diplomacy and sphragistics constitute another group of VIDs. The criterion for their unification into it is determined by the commonality of the subject of each of them - a comprehensive study of their object, despite the fact that each discipline has its own, special one.

3. Another group of VIDs is represented by a discipline that studies only one type of historical sources, but with different methods and for different purposes. It includes: archival science, archeography and textual criticism... This union is due to the fact that they have one (general) the object of study is written (text) sources. However, note that the subject and objectives of the study are different for each.

Archival science is a complex scientific discipline about the theory and practice of storing various documents (historical sources) in special repositories (archives).

The complexity of this discipline is given, firstly, by its peculiarity that, although in the archives collections, as a rule, written sources are collected, sources of other types are often transferred here. This feature brings the practical work of archivists closer to the activities of museum workers. Both those and others preserve and increase through purposeful collection the national treasure - documents and antiquities, without which, as mentioned above, knowledge of the past is impossible and which are the breeding ground (information support) of historical research.

Secondly, the complexity of archival science is determined by its subject and tasks, which include not only the theoretical and practical development of methods for collecting, processing for the preservation and storage of historical materials, admitting researchers to them, but also the study of the history of archiving, as well as the development of historical problems in based on documents found in repositories.

In terms of subject matter and objectives, archival science is similar to museology but the object of the latter is wider. It (by definition) includes sources of all types - material, pictorial, phonic and written. Almost every museum has its own archival fund (sometimes very significant), which includes various written materials.

Archeography is a special scientific historical discipline about the theory and practice of publishing historical sources. Its object is written sources, the subject is a scientific description and bringing the materials stored in the archives to the notice, to scientific circulation, which contributes to the expansion of the source and information base of historical research. In addition, archaeographers are also engaged in the study of the history of archeography, which in our country takes two centuries.

Archeography is closely related to source studies, paleography, diplomacy, textual studies and philology, with archival studies and other scientific disciplines dealing with the study of textual sources.

The first publications of historical sources were carried out in the first half Xviii v. V.N. Tatishchev (Russian Truth and Code of Laws of 1550). Then the Academy of Sciences began publishing Russian chronicles. In the second half of the century, Prince M.M. Shcherbatov, G.F. Miller, N.I. Novikov, I.I. Golikov. In 1811, the Commission for the Printing of State Letters and Agreements was created, in 1834 - the Archaeographic Commission. From the middle XIX v. the purposeful development of rules for the scientific publication of historical sources began. One of the first was N.G. Ustryalov, then his work at the beginning of the twentieth century. continued A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky, A.A. Shakhmatov, S. B. Veselovsky and others.

In 1955, unified "Rules for the publication of historical documents" were created, which clearly stated the requirements for scientific publication. They included all the parameters of archaeographic design: competent design of the title, which should reflect the name of the author and the time of creation of the source, its species and the main meaning of the content; adherence to scientific principles of text transmission; bringing a legend, indicating the location of the source, its appearance and, if any, previous publications. The scientific publication was supposed to include a scientific reference apparatus: comments and notes explaining the text and revealing the "dark places" in the source; decoding of abbreviations and other abbreviations; subject, name and geographical indications. These rules have retained their significance to this day, and modern publishers are guided by them.

Textual criticism, a special scientific discipline, the object of which is also written (textual) sources, can also be included in the same VID group (with some reservations). The subject of textual criticism is the study of a text, all its attributes (design, structure, author, time, place and motives for creating a text, its origin), as well as content (lexical and semantic reading).

There are different opinions on the question of the interdisciplinary status of textual criticism in literature. A separate lecture is devoted to their analysis when characterizing the textological stage of source study.

Let's summarize.The transformation, the branching off of some disciplines from their "progenitors" into separate KINDS, on the one hand, serves as a clear evidence of that process differentiation sciences, which was mentioned at the beginning of the study of the problem of the interdisciplinary status of source study.

From paleography, epigraphy, birch barkology, and filigree studies emerged; from diplomacy - sphragistics; from numismatics - bonistics; from heraldry - faleristics.

On the other hand, the well-known integration KIND, their convergence and intertwining of their tasks, methods and research results. Thus, specialists in metrology and numismatics collaborate very fruitfully in the study of various economic processes and phenomena. The use of specific research methods inherent in genealogy and heraldry contributes to the expansion of knowledge about the family ties of people.

The process of integrating disciplines is manifested in two forms.

First, by borrowing research methods. At the present stage of the development of sciences, the borrowing of methods developed by one discipline for any types of sources is effectively used in the analysis of other types of sources. For example, formulary analysis - the basis of diplomacy - is actively used to study office documentation and even journalism; in numismatics - methods of epigraphy; in neography - methods of paleography.

Secondly, by involving new types and varieties of sources in the field of attention of specialists. Reasonable expansion of the source base of research by attracting those sources that are the main objects of other types, leads to very significant results, expressed in deepening our knowledge of the past, in understanding those details and nuances that previously remained outside the field of vision of historians. So, for a more complete study of seals, awards and family coats of arms, specialists of the corresponding species involve genealogy objects (genealogies), office documents and acts. The close connection of archeography with many historical disciplines has already been mentioned above.

In general, auxiliary historical disciplines not only enrich each other's scientific and methodological apparatus, but also help in historical and source studies. The auxiliary, applied nature of the VID does not diminish their importance for historical science as a whole, since they saturate it with important and necessary (for dating, attribution, understanding the origin of the text of sources, establishing their genealogical links, etc.) with information obtained by their own - by special - methods.

However, it must be emphasized that source study does not dissolve, is not included in the VID complex, since its object (all sources of any types, types and forms), subject and tasks, its epistemological functions are much wider than similar parameters and for each of the auxiliary historical disciplines , and even their combination.

Thus, having considered the relationship of source study with historical science and with auxiliary historical disciplines, one can obtain two conclusions... On the one hand, they are all very close and are part of the same system of historical knowledge (branches of science), and on the other, each of them is completely independent, since it solves different research problems. Historical science reconstructs the past, realizes and explains it on the basis of the deduced patterns. Source study develops the theory and practice of studying sources, at the experimental level determines the degree of their fulfillment of their epistemological function and, on this basis, gives recommendations to historians about the prospects and places of identifying sources and ways of their most effective use. Ancillary historical disciplines enrich both historians and source researchers with additional information that contributes to a fuller and deeper fulfillment of their research goals. Strelskiy V.I. Theory and methodology of source study of the history of the USSR. - Kiev, 1968.S. 57; A.P. Pronshtein, A.V. Lubsky Methodological problems of source study in modern Soviet literature // Actual problems of source study of the history of the USSR, special historical disciplines and their teaching in universities: Abstracts of the III All-Union conference. Novorossiysk, 1979. - M., 1979.S. 24; Source study of the history of the USSR: Textbook ... 1981.S. 11.

Cm.: Shepelev L.E. Source study and auxiliary historical disciplines: on the question of their tasks and role in historical research // Auxiliary historical disciplines. - L., 1982.T. XIII. S. 15 - 16.

The name of this species comes from the Latin word falera , denoting a large medal, a badge, which was placed on the banner of a legion distinguished in battles or on the chest of famous Roman legionnaires.

A form is the structure of a document that has a clear sequence of parts of the text. This is a permanent sign system inherent in certain types of sources, in which the obligatory, legally regulated arrangement of parts of the text (initial and final protocols, clauses - separate paragraphs) itself carries information in a coded (encrypted) form.

The word "archive" comes from the Greek arch é - start.

The rules, methods and techniques of search and research work in archives are considered in lectures on the heuristic stage of source research.

In more detail, the issue of the difference between the publications of historical sources, carried out for practical, scientific and educational purposes, is considered in the lecture on the heuristic stage of source research. See also: Georgieva N.G., Georgiev V.A. Historical source study: problems of theory, history and methodology: Chapter from a textbook for students of historical specialties // Bulletin of RUDN. Series "History of Russia". 2003. No. 2. S. 251 - 257.

Today there are about 2.5 thousand different sciences in the world. Most of them can be roughly divided into two categories: natural (studying the laws of nature) and humanitarian (studying human society). Some sciences originated in ancient times, others appeared relatively recently. History is a humanitarian discipline, which is more than 2 millennia old. Herodotus is considered to be her father, a scientist who lived in Ancient Greece in the 5th century BC. His authorship belongs to the treatise "History", which describes the events of the Greco-Persian wars and the customs of the people who lived in those days. The work of Herodotus is the oldest example of literature containing reliable information about the development of society.

The importance of auxiliary historical disciplines

The subject of historical science is the study of the past of human society and the determination of the laws of its development. Modern scientists consider the past from various angles: they study the way of life, domestic and foreign policies of states, their culture, diplomatic and financial relations, the activities of political and public figures, etc. The study of the human past is facilitated by auxiliary historical disciplines. These include archeology, numismatics, heraldry, sphragistics, paleography, metrology, chronology, etc. A lot of interesting information was obtained thanks to historical geography. Without a thorough study of these sciences, it is difficult to understand the past of mankind.

Ancient excavations

Archeology is a science that studies the history of ancient people from preserved monuments (burial grounds, parking lots, settlements, weapons, household items, ornaments). To search for objects, scientists first conduct field research, then it is the turn of excavations. Found archaeological sites are carefully studied in laboratory conditions: they are classified, their age and scope are determined. Objects recovered as a result of excavations are of great scientific importance, as they help to shed light on the origin and development of human society.

Palaeography concept

Palaeography is a discipline whose object of study is ancient writing and everything connected with it. Ancient texts written on papyri, parchment and paper are the most important sources of information, containing a description of real events of centuries ago. However, no old handwritten material will be of interest to historical scholarship if it is not deciphered. Paleographers study the text, determine its author, date of writing, as well as the age and authenticity of the document itself.

With the development of this auxiliary discipline, scientists were able to study the history of the Ancient World much deeper and in more detail. For example, about the social upheaval in Egypt that took place in 1750 BC. e., we managed to learn from a manuscript found at the end of the 19th century in the necropolis of Sakkara. A detailed study of the document showed that it belongs to the XVIII century. BC NS. and describes real historical events.

Heraldry and sphragistics, their connection

The science of coats of arms is called heraldry. In ancient times, all noble persons and families had their own emblems. Later, they began to appear in cities and states. The shape of the coats of arms, drawings and inscriptions applied to them had their own deep meaning, corresponding to the foundations of society. It is enough for a specialist to look at the sign offered to him in order to determine which clan or state he belonged to and what his appearance testifies to. Old manuscripts were often decorated with coats of arms, so deciphering them requires knowledge not only in paleography, but also in heraldry.

The science of coats of arms is closely related to sphragistics, a discipline that studies seals and their display on different surfaces. Sometimes it is also called sigillography. Initially, it was an integral part of diplomacy involved in determining the authenticity of historical documents, but gradually separated from it and became an independent discipline. The close connection between heraldry and sphragistics is that the same images were used in the manufacture of coats of arms and seals.

Numismatics and Metrology

Studying auxiliary historical disciplines, it is imperative to pay attention to numismatics - the science of coins and their circulation. The study of ancient money is able to convey to modern man information about destroyed cities that have not survived to this day, important historical events and great people of past eras. When minting old coins, the same symbols were used as on seals and coats of arms, therefore, here, too, there is a connection between individual historical disciplines.

Metrology deals with the study of measures of weight, area, volume and distance used in the past. It helps to analyze the features of the economic development of states in different eras. Since the names of measures of weight and money account in ancient times often coincided, metrology should be studied together with numismatics.

Historical chronology and geography

Historical geography will help to determine the places of origin of the most ancient civilizations, directions of migration of peoples, borders of countries and cities, changing climatic conditions and their influence on the settlement of people. Old maps, which have survived to this day, allow a deeper understanding of the atmosphere and events of ancient times.

Among the auxiliary historical disciplines, it is also worth mentioning chronology - a science, the subject of research of which are time systems and ancient calendars of different peoples. It also determines the dates of the events that occurred and the sequence in which they happened.

The above sciences are studied in detail at the history departments of universities. In higher educational institutions, a course is taught in auxiliary disciplines, archeology, historical geography and other sciences are taught separately. A large amount of literature on the topic is being published for students today. Here you can find textbooks, teaching aids, and monographs. GA Leontyeva, "Auxiliary Historical Disciplines" - the most popular book among students of history. This tutorial is divided into several parts, each of which is devoted to a different science. It contains information on heraldry, chronology, paleography, metrology and other sciences. Thanks to the easy presentation of the material, students can comprehensively study auxiliary historical disciplines. The textbook is considered the most modern today, it allows you to gain in-depth knowledge of the subject, which will subsequently help a person to carefully examine all materials and objects.

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