Metropolitan Constantinople. Constantinople patriarchs. The Primate of the Constantinople Church - Patriarch Bartholomew

"What for Constantinople Patriarchate?"

They say that a religious war is growing in Ukraine, and this is due to the actions of someone Konstantinople Patriarch Bartholomew? What really happened?

Indeed, the situation in Ukraine, and without that explosive, complicated. The Primate (head) of one of the Orthodox churches - the Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew - intervened in the life of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (self-governing, but an integral part of the Russian Orthodox Church - Moscow Patriarchate). Contrary to the canonical rules (unshakable church-legal norms), without inviting our church, whose canonical territory is Ukraine, the Patriarch of Bartholomew sent two of its representatives to Kiev - "Exarch". With the wording: "As part of preparation for the provision of autochefali of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine."

Wait, and what does "Constantinople" mean? Even from the school textbook of history, it is known that Constantinople long has long been, and in its place is the Turkish city of Istanbul?

Patriarch Konstantinople Bartholomew I. Photo:

That's right. The capital of the First Christian Empire - the Romean Kingdom (Byzantium) - fell back in 1453, but Constantinople Patriarchate was preserved under Turkish dominion. Since then, the Russian state has helped Constantinople Patriarchs, both financially and politically. Despite the fact that after the fall of Constantinople, Moscow took over the role of the Third Rome (Center of the Orthodox Peace), the Russian Church did not challenge the status of Constantinople as "first among equal terms" and the names of its Primpiors "Universal." However, a number of Constantinople patriarchs did not appreciate this support and did everything to weaken the Russian church. Although the reality themselves were representatives of just a fan - a small Istanbul district, where the residence of the Constantinople Patriarch is located.

See also:

Professor Vladislav Petrushko: "Constantinople Patriarch provokes a unmostasious split" Decision of the Constantinople Patriarch Bartholomey to appoint two Americans in Kiev with its "Exarchas" ...

- That is, Constantinople patriarchs and used to oppose the Russian church?

Unfortunately yes. Even before the fall of Constantinople, Constantinople Patriarchate entered the Ulya with Roman Catholics, subordinating himself to Roman dad, trying to make the Uniate and Russian Church. Moscow was opposed to this and temporarily broke up relations with Constantinople, until he remained in Uini with heretics. In the future, after the liquidation of Unia, unity recovered, and it was the Konstantinople Patriarch that in 1589 was elevated to the San of the First Moscow Patriarch - St. Job.

In the future, representatives of the Constantinople Patriarchate repeatedly hit the Russian Church, since their participation in the so-called "Big Moscow Cathedral" of 1666-1667, who betrayed the Old Russian liturgical ranks of curses and secured the split of the Russian Church. And ending in the fact that the Constantinople Patriarchs were actively supported by the Burning Soviet Patriarchs in vague for Russia, and created by it updated split, including in their struggle against the legitimate Moscow patriarch Tikhon.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Tikhon. Photo:

By the way, at the same time, the first modernist reforms (including calendar) were held at the Konstantinople Patriarchate, which were questioned by his Ot and provoked a number of conservative splits. In the future, Constantinople Patriarchs went even further, removing the anathema with Roman Catholics, and also starting to make public prayer actions with Roman dads, which is categorically prohibited by the church regulations.

Moreover, during the 20th century, the very close relations of Constantinople patriarchs with the political elites of the United States have developed. So, there are evidence that the Greek diaspora of the United States, well integrated into the American establishment, supports the fanar not only financially, but also lobbying. And the fact that the Creator of the Euromaidan, and today - the US ambassador to Greece has pressure on the Holy Mountain of Athos (canonically subordinate to Constantinople Patriarch) - also a significant link in this Russian chain.

"What connects Istanbul and" Ukrainian autochefali "?"

- What is the attitude of these patriarchs-modernists living in Istanbul have to Ukraine?

No. More precisely, once, before the second half of the XVII century, the Konstantinople church really fierced the territory of the South-Western Russia (Ukraine), which was at that time as part of the Ottoman Empire and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. After reuniting these lands with the Russian kingdom in 1686, the Konstantinople Patriarch Dionysius conveyed to the Moscow Patriarchate ancient Kiev Metropoline.

As if Greek and Ukrainian nationalists, neither tried to challenge this fact, the documents fully confirm. Thus, the head of the external church connections of the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan Volokolamsky Hilarion (Alfeyev) emphasizes:

We have recently worked in the archives and found all the available documentation on these events - 900 pages of documents both in Greek and in Russian. They clearly show that the Kiev Metropolitan was included in the Moscow Patriarchate by the decision of the Constantinople Patriarch, and the temporary nature of this decision did not specify anywhere.

Thus, despite the fact that initially the Russian Church (including its Ukrainian part) was part of the Church of Constantinople, with time, having received the autocephaly, and soon reunited (with the consent of the Constantinople Patriarch) with Kiev Metropoline, the Russian Orthodox Church became completely independent, and No one has the right to atocle her canonical territory.

However, Constantinople patriarchs eventually began to consider themselves almost the "Eastern Roman dads", which are entitled to solve everything for other Orthodox churches. This contradicts the canonical right and the entire history of the Universal Orthodoxy (for about a thousand years old, the Orthodox criticizes Rimo Catholics, including - and for this papal "primate" - illegal allocation).

Pope Francis and Patriarch Constantinople Bartholomew I. Photo: Alexandros Michailidis /

So, each church belongs to the territory of some country: Russian - Russia, Constantinople - Turkey and so on? And why then there is no independent National Ukrainian Church?

No, it is a serious mistake! Canonical areas are formed by centuries and far from always correspond to the political borders of a modern state. Thus, Constantinople Patriarchate spiritually curses Christians not only Turkey, but also parts of Greece, as well as the Greek diaspora in other countries (while in the temples of the Konstantinople Patriarchate, as well as any other Orthodox Church, there are parishioners of different ethnic origin).

The Russian Orthodox Church is also not the church of exclusively modern Russia, but a significant part of the post-Soviet space, including Ukraine, as well as a number of foreign countries. Moreover, the very concept of "National Church" is a frank heresy, Cathedrally anathematized in Constantinople Patriarchate in 1872, under the name "Filetism" or "Ethnofiletism". Here is a quote from the resolution of this Constantinople Cathedral of almost 150 years ago:

We reject and condemn the tribal division, that is, tribal differences, folk seizures and disagreements in the Christ Church as opposed to the Evangelical teaching and the sacred laws of the Blessed Fathers of our Fathers, on which the Holy Church approved and which, decorating the human society, lead to Divine Pious. Accepting such divisions on tribes and daring to base the tribal gatherings on it are proclaimed, according to the sacred canons, alien united, and the Apostolic Church, and real sizmists.

"Ukrainian splitters: who are they?"

What is the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, "Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate" and "Ukrainian Autochetal Church"? But there is also the "Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church"? How to figure it out in all of these uaps, kp and UGCC?

The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, it is still called "Uniate", it stands in a mansion. This is part of the Roman Catholic Church in the center with the Vatican. UGCC obeys the Roman dad, although it has a certain autonomy. The only thing that unites it with the so-called "Kiev Patriarchate" and "Ukrainian Autochetal Orthodox Church" is the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism.

At the same time, the latter, considering themselves by Orthodox churches, are in fact not. These are pseudo-water Russian Russophobic nationalist sects that dream that sooner or later, Constantinople Patriarchate from Antipathy to the Moscow Patriarchate will provide them with legal status and lined autocephaly. All these sects were activated with the disappearance of Ukraine from Russia, and especially in the last 4 years, after the victory of Euromaidan, in which they actively participated.

On the territory of Ukraine there is only one real, the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (the name "UPC MP" is widespread, but incorrectly) is the church under the provision of the Blessed Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine onufria. It is this church that most Ukrainian parishes and monasteries belong (for which the splitters are so often attenna), and it is she who is self-governing, but an integral part of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The bishopat of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (for individual exceptions) opposes the Avochefalia and for unity with the Moscow Patriarchate. At the same time, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church itself is completely autonomous in all internal matters, including financial.

And who is the "Kiev Patriarch Filaret", which all the time opposes Russia and requires that autocephaly itself?

See also:

"Patriarch Bartholomews Three times worthy of court and eruptions from Sana": Konstantinople Patriarchate dancing under the shoes US Patriarch Constantinople Bartholomew goes to the aggravation of the conflict with the Russian Orthodox Church on ...

This is a rich impostor. Once, in Soviet years, this leaving from Donbass, who practically did not know the Ukrainian language, was indeed a lawful Kiev Metropolitan, the hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church (although in those years about the personal life of Metropolitan Filaret walked a lot of impartial rumors). But when in 1990 he was not elected by the Patriarch of Moscow, he hid the offense. And as a result, on the wave of nationalist sentiment, created his own nationalist sect - "Kiev Patriarchate".

This person (whose name on the passport is Mikhail Antonovich Denisenko) for learning the split first was devoid of Sana, and then alphahem was presented at all, that is, excommunicated from the church. The fact that Litefilaret (his monastic name was deprived of another 20 years ago, at the Bishops' Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church of 1997) wears patriarchal clothing and periodically performs actions identical to Orthodox priesthood, says exclusively about the artistic abilities of this elderly person, as well as - his personal ambitions.

And similar characters Constantinople Patriarchate wants to give autochefali to weaken the Russian church? Does Orthodox people go for them?

Unfortunately, a significant part of the population of Ukraine is weakly understood in the intricacies of canonical law. And therefore, when an elderly man with a gray-haired beard in the patriarchant headdress says that Ukraine has the right to the "unified local Ukrainian Orthodox Church" (EPUC), then many believe him. And of course, the state nationalist Russophobic propaganda makes its business. But even in these harmful circumstances, most of the Orthodox Christians of Ukraine remain the chads of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

At the same time, Constantinople Patriarch Bartholomews never formally recognized Ukrainian nationalist splits. Moreover, more relatively recently, in 2016, one of the official representatives of the Constantinople Patriarchate (according to some reports, the CIA agent and at the same time the right hand of the Patriarch Bartholomew) Father Alexander Karlutsos said:

As you know, the Universal Patriarch recognizes only the Patriarch of Cyril the spiritual chapter of all of Russia, which means, of course, and Ukraine.

Nevertheless, recently, the Patriarch Bartholomew has intensified activities to destroy the unity of the Russian Orthodox Church, which makes everything to combine nationalist sects and, apparently, after their oath, he will provide them with the desired Tomos (Decree) about Ukrainian autocephaly.

Tomos about carcourses "as a" ax of war "

- But what can this Tomos lead to?

To the most terrible consequences. Ukrainian splits, despite the statements by Patriarch Bartholomew, it will not heal, but will strengthen the existing one. And the worst thing - will give them additional foundations to demand from the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox church of their temples and monasteries, as well as other property. Over the past years, dozens of Orthodox shrines have already been captured by splitters, including with the use of physical force. In the case of legalization by the Constantinople patriarchy of these nationalist sects, the most real religious war may begin.

- What do other Orthodox churches belong to Ukrainian autocephaly? There are many of them?

Yes, they are 15, and representatives of a number of them have repeatedly spoke on this. We give only a few quotes of the charters and representatives of the local Orthodox churches on Ukrainian themes.

Patriarch Alexandrian and All Africa Feodor II:

Let's pray to the Lord, who does everything for our good, who will instruct us on the path of solving these problems. If Denisenko's squalon wants to return to the Lono of the Church, he must come back to where he left.

(that is, to the Russian Orthodox Church - Ed.).

Patriarch Antioch and All East John X:

The Antioch Patriarchate acts together with the Russian Church and speaks against the church split in Ukraine. "

The Primate of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church of Patriarch Ferofil III:

We are the most categorically condemning the actions against the parishes of the Canonical Orthodox Church in Ukraine. No wonder the holy fathers of the church remind us that the destruction of the unity of the church is a mortal sin.

The Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church of Patriarch Irina:

Very dangerous and even a catastrophic situation, probably fatal for the unity of Orthodoxy [is the possible] act of honoring and restoring splitters in the rank of bishops, especially the archrycolnikov, such as the "Kiev Patriarch" Filaret Denisenko. Bringing them to liturgical ministry and communion without repentance and returning to the Lono of the Russian Church, from which they renounced. And all this without the consent of Moscow and coordination with them. "

In addition, in an exclusive interview with Tsargrad TV channel, the representative of the Jerusalem Patriarchate Archbishop Feodosiya (Hannah) gave an even clearer characteristic of what is happening:

The problem of Ukraine and the problem of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine is an example of politicians in church affairs. Unfortunately, there is a realization of American goals and interests. US policy made the target of Ukraine and the Orthodox Church in Ukraine. The Ukrainian church is always historically together with the Russian church, was with her one church, and it is necessary to protect and save it.

"Who are these strange" Exarchas "?"

But let us return to the fact that the Konstantinople Patriarch sent two of its representatives to Ukraine, the so-called "Exarch". It is already clear that it is illegal. And who are these, and who will take them in the same Kiev?

These two young enough young people in the episcopal standards of a person (both no 50) are natives of Western Ukraine, where nationalist and Russophobic moods are particularly strong. Even in his youth, both found out abroad, where in the end they found themselves as part of two semi-Russian jurisdictions - "UOC in the United States" and "UOC in Canada" (in one time it was Ukrainian nationalist sects, which the same Constantinople Patriarchate gave legal status). So, a little more about each.

1) Archbishop Daniel (Zelinsky), cleric "UOC in the USA." In the past - Union, in the San Greek Catholic Diacon, which turned into this American Ukrainian nationalist "church", where he made a career.

2) Bishop Hilarion (mine), cleric "UOC in Canada." Known as a radical Russophobe and a supporter of Chechen terrorists. So, it is known that "June 9, 2005, being in Turkey, where he was a translator during the meeting of the Konstantinople Patriarch Bartholomew with the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, was detained by the Turkish police. The bishop was accused of traveling by fake documents and is the "Chechen rebel". In the future, this figure was released, and now, together with Archbishop Daniel (Zelinsky), became the "Exarm" of the Konstantinople Patriarch in Ukraine.

Of course, as "uninvited guests", in the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox church they should not even take. Accept and, apparently, solemnly, at the state level Poroshenko and its approximal. And of course, with joy (or maybe a bow), the leaders of pseudo-plating sect will turn to them. There is no doubt that it will look like that will be a nationalist Balagan with an abundance of "Zhove-Blakitny" and Bandera banners and screams "Glory to Ukraine!". To the question of what kind of relation to the patristic Orthodoxy, it is not difficult to answer: no.

Date of Birth: March 12, 1940 Country: Turkey Biography:

The 232nd Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomews I was born on March 12, 1940. In the Turkish Island, Imveros. School finished in Istanbul, theological school - on the island of Halk. In 1961-1963 He served as an officer in the Turkish army. Further education (church law) received in Switzerland and University of Munich. Dr. Theology of the Papal Eastern Institute in Rome.

On December 25, 1973, Chirotonisan in the bishop with the title Metropolitan Philadelphic. For 18 years he was the manager of the Patriarch Cabinet. In 1990, he was appointed Metropolitan Chalkidonsky.

The reaction to the anticanonical actions of the Constantinople Patriarchate was the statements by the Sacred Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church of 8 and on September 14. In a statement of September 14, in particular: "In the event of the continuation of the anticanonical activities of the Constantinople Patriarchate in the territory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, we will be forced to completely break the Eucharistic communication with Constantinople patriarchy. All the fullness of responsibility for the tragic consequences of this division will be lying personally in Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew and supporting his bishops. "

I ignoring the appeals of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the whole completeness of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as the brotherly local Orthodox churches, their charters and bishops to the unatascalized discussion of the "Ukrainian question", the Synod of the Constantinople of the Church accepted unilaterally a decision: confirming the intention to "provide the Avochefalius of the Ukrainian Church"; On the opening in Kiev "Stavropigia" of the Konstantinople Patriarch; about the "restoration of the leaders of the Ukrainian split and their followers and the" return of their believers in church communication "on the restoration of the leaders of the Ukrainian split and their followers. On the "abolition of the action" of the Cathedral diploma of the Constantinople Patriarchate of 1686, concerning the transfer of Kiev Metropolis to the Moscow Patriarchate. The report on these decisions was published by the Constantinople Patriarchate on October 11.

At a meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, held on October 15, was taken in connection with the encroachment of the Konstantinople Patriarchate on the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church. Members of the Sacred Synod Further stay in the Eucharistic communications with Constantinople Patriarchate.

In a statement, in particular, it is said: "Taking into communication Raskolnikov and anathematized person in another local church with all ordained by" bishops "and" clerics ", encroachment on other canonical deals, an attempt to renounce their own historical decisions and obligations - all this Constantinople Patriarchate displays outside the canonical field and, to the Great Tribulation, makes it impossible for us to continue Eucharistic communication with his hierarchs, clergy and laity. "

"From now on, it is impossible for all the clergy of the Russian Orthodox church to refuel the Konstantinople solutions to the refusal of the Konstantinople solutions for all the clergy of the Russian Orthodox church, and for the laity - participation in the sacraments committed in her temples," is indicated in the document.

The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church also called on the Proposals and the Sacred Synod of the Local Orthodox Churches to the appropriate assessment of the aforementioned anticanonical acts of the Constantinople Patriarchate and the joint search for ways out of the hardest crisis, tearing the body of the Unified Saint Cathedral and Apostolic Church.

On December 15, Kiev on the territory of the National Reserve "Sofia Kievskaya", chaired by the Hierarch of the Konstantinople Patriarchate Metropolitan Gallesky Emmanuel, the so-called unifying cathedral, which was stated on the creation of a new church organization called "Orthodox Church of Ukraine", which arose as a result of the combination of two non-canonical structures: "Ukrainian Avtochefal Orthodox Church "and" Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kiev Patriarchate ".

Materials on the anticanonical actions of the Constantinople Patriarchate in Ukraine are published on

Place of work: Konstantinople Orthodox Church (Primate) E-mail: [Email Protected] Web site:

Publications on the portal

Decision of the Constantinople Patriarch Bartholomew appoint his "Exarchases" in Kiev two Americans of Ukrainian origin can lead to the split of the entire Orthodox world

The appointment of its representatives-bishops in Ukraine - without coordination with the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and the Blessed Metropolitan Kiev and All Ukraine - there is nothing but an unprecedentedly rude invasion of the canonical territory of the Moscow Patriarchate. Such actions cannot be left unanswered.

This commented on the decision taken in Istanbul, the Chairman of the Synodinal Department for the Relationships of the Church with the Company and the media Vladimir Legogued in the social network Facebook. Usually the extremely diplomatic, loyaded expressed only a small product of the emotions of Russian Orthodox people, carefully followed by the problems of "Ukrainian autocefalization", the process of which was launched by Constantinople (in reality - Istanbul) Patriarch Bartholomeum. But if yesterday, it was about the "War of Discussions", today the Fanar (Istanbulsky Quarter, where the residence of Constantinople Patriarch is located in a real offensive.

According to many experts of the Tsargrad TV channel, including bishop of Jerusalem Patriarchate Archbishop Sevastia Feodosia (Hannah) Similar actions - links in the Non-Russian policy chains of the United States of America, largely controlling the activities of the Constantinople Patriarchate. To clarify the scale of the happening of the church tragedy (and it is precisely the beginning of the tragedy, which has become much more difficult to prevent from today) Tsargrad to the leading expert in the Ukrainian church question of the Professor of the Orthodox Holy Tikhonian University, Dr. Church History Vladislav Petrushko.

Professor of the Orthodox Sacred-Tikhonian Humanitarian University, doctor of church history Vladislav Petrushko. Photo: TV channel "Tsargrad"

Tsargrad.: Vladislav Igorevich, how to regard what happened? What happened in reality, what the characters are directed by the Patriarch Bartholome in Kiev? Who is the "Legs" or "Nunition" of the Konstantinople "Pope"?

Professor Vladislav Petrushko: It seems to me that we do not quite rightly arrange accents. What happened on the one hand is expected because it is a logical continuation of the policies started. On the other hand, it is unexpectedly that so quickly, literally a week after meeting two patriarchs in Istanbul, it was decided to appoint the fanariota "legates" to Ukraine. And although they are trying to submit that the two of these bishop "just" representatives of the Constantinople Patriarch, and not the heads of a certain new structure, a new jurisdiction, from the story we perfectly know the skill of the Greeks to juggle the terms, words. Today it is "Exarch" as "Legate" as a representative. And tomorrow - the actual charter of a semi-autonomous "church".

Designed Exar, or rather, Exarch and Deputy Exarch are two bishop-Ukrainian of Constantinople jurisdiction. One - from the USA, the second from Canada. And one, if I am not mistaken, in the past I was a union (Greek Catholic), which passed in Orthodoxy in one of Konstantinople jurisdictions. It is clear that both of the Galicians are, which means patented nationalists, but not even to pay attention to it. And on what happened on the past Synakis (the Bishop Meeting of the Constantinople Patriarchate), and on the statement of Patriarch Bartholomew for the results.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. Photo:

In fact, the revolution occurred. And not only canonical, and eccleciological (ecclesiology - the doctrine of the church, including its borders - ed.). For the first time, such frankly at the official event of the Konstantinople church declared the creation of an eastern analogue of the papacy. It was stated that only the Patriarch of Constantinople is an arbitrator and may interfere in the affairs of other churches, to solve controversial issues, to provide autocephaly and so on. In essence, a quiet sap is what the entire XX century accomplished and at the beginning of XXI, it came to a logical result. And Ukraine - a certain first "trial ball" on which this "Eastern Patent" will roll up. That is, the new structure of the Orthodox world has been proclaimed, and now everything will depend on how the local Orthodox churches will be reacted.

C.: Thus, what happened can be compared with 1054, the "great schism" separated by the Eastern and Western Church, Orthodox and Roman Catholics?

Professor Petrushko: Yes, this is the first thing that comes to mind. But even in the XI century, it began with much more innocent things than now, when we see that the fan will bewildered, lost all adequacy and actually puts the ultimatum to the entire Orthodox world. Either you recognize the Pope of Constantinople, or we go to you, and we do everything that we want to be in your canonical territories, including - recognize any split, any non-canonical structure. Of course, this is a complete chaos, this is the most real church "Radiation". And this should be considered the end of a decisive way to all local Orthodox churches.

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Konstantinople (universal) Orthodox Church

Eusevia Nikomidia (338 / 9-341)

Burlles (434-446) (his church career was started by Clamik at John of Zlatoust. He was known as a moderate church actor and a supporter of compromises. Author for more than 20 sermons, 7 messages and other writings).

John II Cappadokiec (518-520) (confirmed the decision of the Chalkidon Cathedral and betrayed the anathema of the distributor of Evtikhana Yersi (monophimitis). Died in 520).

Anastasiya (730-754)

Konstantin II (754-766)

Nikita I (766-780)

Anthony I Cassimat (821-834)

sv. Ignatius (secondary) (867-877)

Nicholas II Chrysierg (979-991) (before the patriarchate was Metropolitan Adrianopol. Known by his letters).

In 991-996 - The throne is vacant.

John Ix Agapit (1111-1134) (1111-1134) (before the patriarchate was the deacon of the Great Church, performed the responsibilities of Hieromonon).

Hariton Evgeniot (1178-1179)

Maxim II (1215) (residence in Naquea. Before the patriarchate was the igumen of the monastery of Akimitov in Constantinople. It was known as a large womens of women from the Nicent court of Gyneca, thanks to the protection of which and became a patriarch).

Methodius (1240) (to the patriarchate was the igumen of the Nicene Monastery of Jacinth. He was heard for a man of multigament, but in fact was not very educated. Rules of the Church only three months).

Mitrofan II (1440-1443) (before the patriarchate was the Metropolitan of Kizik).

Gennady II (for the third time) 1464-1465

Simeon I Trapezundsky 1465

Mark II Xilar Cavaage 1466-1467

Dionysius I 1466-1471

Simeon I (secondary) 1471-1475

Rafail I 1475-1476

Maxim III Christonym 1476-1482

Simeon I (for the third time) 1482-1486

Nifion II 1486-1488.

Dionysius I (secondary) 1488-1490

Maxim IV 1491-1497

Nifion II (secondary) 1497-1498

Joakim I 1498-1502.

Nifion II (for the third time) 1502

Pahomi I 1503-1504

Ioakim I (secondary) 1504

Pakhomii I (secondary) 1503-1513

Faolept I 1513-1522

Jeremiah I 1522-1546

John I (illegal) 1524-1525

Dionysius II 1546-1556

Joasafn 1556-1565

Mitrofan III 1565-1572

Jeremiah II TRANS 1572-1579

Mitrofan III (secondary) 1579-1580

Jeremiah II (secondary) 1580-1584

Pahomi II Batista (illegal) 1584-1585

Feaigept II 1585-1587

Jeremiah II (for the third time) 1587-1595

Matthew II 1596.

Gabriel I 1596.

Maleti I Pigas M / Bl 1596-1597

FEOFAN I Carikis 1597

Maleti I, M / BL (secondary) 1597-1598

Matthew II (secondary) 1598-1601

Neophyte II 1602-1603

Matthew II (for the third time) 1603

Rafail II 1603-1607

Neophyte II (secondary) 1607-1612

Cyril I Lukaris, M / Bl (Patriarch Alexandria) 1612

Timofey II 1612-1620

Cyril I Lukaris (former location) 1620-1623

George IV (not recognized) 1623-1634

Anfim II 1623.

Cyril I (for the third time) 1623-1633

Cyril II Condaris 1633

Cyril I (for the fourth time) 1633-1634

Athanasius III Pattellar 1634

Cyril I (for the fifth time) 1634-1635

Cyril II (secondary) 1635-1636

Neophyte III 1636-1637

Cyril I (in the pole, time) 1637-1638

Kirill II (for the third time) 1638-1639

Perfumes I Senior 1639-1644

Perfumes II Junior 1644-1646

John II (not recognized) 1646-1648

Perfume II (secondary) 1648-1651

John II (secondary) 1651-1652

Cyril III Spanos 1652

Athanasius III (secondary) 1652

Paisys I 1652-1653

John II (for the third time) 1653-1654

Kirill III (secondary) 1654

Paisis I (secondary) 1654-1655

John II (for the fourth time) 1655-1656

Parfings III 1656-1657

Gabriel II 1657.

Perfumes IV 1657-1662

Dionysius III Vardalis 1662-1665

Perfumes IV (secondary) 1665-1667

Clement (not recognized) 1667

Methodius III Moronis 1668-1671

Perfumes IV (for the third time) 1671

Dionysius IV Musselimis 1671-1673

Gerasim II Ternovsky 1673-1674

Perfumes IV (for the fourth time) 1675-1676

Dionysius IV (secondary) 1676-1679

Athanasius IV 1679.

Jacob 1679-1682.

Dionysius IV (for the third time) 1682-1684

Perfumes IV (for the fifth time) 1684-1685

Jacob (secondary) 1685-1686

Dionysius IV (for the fourth time) 1686-1687

Jacob (for the third time) 1687-1688

Callinik II Akarann \u200b\u200b1688

Neophyte IV Philaret 1688-1689

Callinik II (secondary) 1689-1693

Dionysius IV (for the fifth time) 1693-1694

Callinik II (for the third time) 1694-1702

Gabriel III 1702-1707

Neophyte V (not recognized) 1707

Cyprian 1707-1709

Athanasius V Marring 1709-1711

Cyril IV 1711-1713

Cyprian (secondary) 1713-1714

Kosmash 1714-1716.

Jeremiah III 1716-1726.

Paisys II 1726-1732

Jeremiah III (secondary) 1732-1733

Seraphim I 1733-1734

Neophyte VI 1734-1740

Paisis II (secondary) 1740-1743

Neophyte VI (secondary) 1743-1744

Paisiys II (for the third time) 1744-1748

Kirill v 1748-1751

Paisiys II (for the fourth time) 1751-1752

Cyril V (secondary) 1752-1757

Callinik III 1757.

Seraphim II 1757-1761

John III 1761-1763.

Samuel I Hanciris 1763-1768

Relief II 1768-1769

Feodosia II 1769-1773

Samuel I (secondary) 1773-1774

Sophronium II 1774-1780

Gabriel IV 1780-1785

Prokokiy 1785-1789

Neophyte VII 1789-1794

Gerasim III 1794-1797

Gregory V 1797-1798

Neophyte VII (secondary) 1798-1801

Callinik IV 1801-1806.

Grigory V (secondary) 1806-1808

Callinik IV (secondary) 1808-1809

Jeremiah IV 1809-1813

Kirill VI 1813-1818

Gregory V (for the third time) 1818-1821

Evgeny III 1821-1822.

Anfim III 1822-1824

Chrysanf I 1824-1826.

Agafangel I 1826-1830

Constantia I 1830-1834

Constances II 1834-1835

Grigory VI 1835-1840

Anfim IV 1840-1841

ANNIM V 1841-1842.

Herman IV 1842-1845

Maleti III 1845.

Anfim VI 1845-1848.

Anfim IV (secondary) 1848-1852

Herman IV (secondary) 1852-1853

Anfim VI (secondary) 1853-1855

Kirill VII 1855-1860

Joikim 1860-1863.

Sofroniya III 1863-1866

Gregory VI (secondary) 1867-1871

Anfim VI (for the third time) 1871-1873

Joachim II (secondary) 1873-1878

Joacim III 1878-1884.

Joamikim IV 1884-1887.

Dionysius V 1887-1891

Neophyte VIII 1891-1894

Anfim VII 1895-1897

Konstantin V 1897-1901

Joachim III (secondary) 1901-1913

Herman v 1913-1918


Prussian - Dorofey 1918-1921

Caesarian - Nikolay 1918-1921

Metople iv methaxakis 1921-1923

Gregory VII 1923-1924

Konstantin VI 1924-1925

Vasily III 1925-1929

Fothy II 1929-1935

Veniamin I 1936-1946

Maxim V 1946-1948.

Athenagor I 1948-1972

Dimitri I 1972-1991

Bartholomew 1991-

Used materials: Sychev N.V. Book of dynasties. M., 2008. p. 863-871.

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