How to cut 8 of cardboard. Openwork cutting out of paper: lace eight, master class. Little Chef: Breakfast for Mom

We offer a selection of ideas to create postcards on March 8 with your own hands. In this article you will find original templates, examples of beautiful works, useful tips and step-by-step instructions. Here you will see a variety of postcards for children who want to congratulate mom, grandmother, teachers, sister or girlfriend. And some options will enjoy both adults who are also preparing for the International Women's Day and plan to make it easier for homemade postcards.

We have collected for you the most popular master classes and ideas for inspiration. The article presents various applications, volumetric templates for creating 3D cards, origami elements and much more. Popular dress-dress, paper flowers, simple drawings and something else - many options, choose any.

Postcard-palm for mom

Such a postcard can make the children of almost any age (elementary school, kindergarten - even the smallest of it forces). For them, this process will turn into an exciting game, so the work will definitely have to taste. A child can make a cracker by March 8 with his own hands without help or under the supervision of an adult - it depends on the age of each novice handicraft master.

We need:

  • color cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • branch;
  • glue.

Color cardboard sheet fold in half. On white paper, we supply the palm and cut it along the contour. We glue the cover card.

In the center of the palm glue a twig. If there is no good glue at hand, you can use scotch.

On color paper draw flowers and leaves. And also the figure 8 is the symbol of March 8. Cut the blank.

We glue the decor to the twig. And we glit the fingers of our palm inside: so that they perfectly performed a little, and the card for mom turned out to be volumetric.

Ready! It remains only to add a wish. Now it seems as if the child pursues flowers in a fist for her mother's favorite mother. By the way, this postcard can be given to the teacher - it can not be called very personal, so you will be appropriate to congratulate the teacher in this way.

Postcard with valley lily

Children in elementary school can make this simple postcard. A beautiful volumetric application is performed elementary and almost does not require help from adults. Such a small craft can be congratulated from March 8, a teacher, a girlfriend or grandmother.

We need:

  • color cardboard;
  • green paper;
  • foam or foam;
  • pVA glue.

To make a postcard, you may need a ready-made pattern or stencil colors. Flowers can be any, but the most winning will look at the valley, lilac, mimosa, Lupins - that is, elongated flowers with a lush "crown".

Plant stems with a felt-tip pen or pencil. And then fill the space for the flower itself. For this, crumbling foam on small pieces or nastrigat foam rubber. It is very convenient to obscure the base with glue, and then simply apply particles of the material to it and press for fixation. To make a postcard more accurate, you can help yourself tweezers.

If you want to make a festive postcard by March 8 with lilac or lupines, the material can be painted with acrylic paint. If you do not have such a paint, mix the usual watercolor with liquid glue in proportion 1: 1 and apply a mixture on a sponge or foam.

The inexpensive set of acrylic paints can be enjoyed on Aliexpress (see this link). Bright colors, excellent quality, high resistance - universal option for various crafts.

On the edges of the postcards you can make a beautiful suture. The image itself you can additionally decorate with sequins or beautiful colored spraying (just spray paint from the tassel, moving it away from cardboard by 30-40 cm).

Please note that you can write a congratulation from March 8 and wishes for a woman you are going to give this beautiful handicraft, you should in advance. With the glued decor it will not be very convenient. However, if you make a dual card (with a fold), you can enter a congratulation and after the decor is completed.

3D greeting card with digit 8

This postcard can make a child under the supervision of senior or adult. The original surround postcard by March 8 will be appropriate for a gift not only to family members, but also to teachers, colleagues and girlfriends. Unusual, beautiful, gentle and air - she will definitely please any woman.

We need:

  • tight paper or cardboard sheet;
  • glue stick;
  • nail scissors;
  • paper cutter.

Make a postcard with the volume eight is quite simple, however, we do not advise you to fulfill this work to small children. If a kindergarten or schoolboy of the elementary group will do this together with his mother or grandmother - another thing, but it will be difficult to cut it on his own, because it means working with a sharp cutter and scissors. If you want to make this postcard with a child, to trust him the cutting of the eight itself (large detail) and painting crafts, and do the rest yourself.

The bulk card consists of two parts. We offer you a ready-made pattern so that you do not have to draw eights from scratch.

You can simply print this stencil on the usual or colored paper for the printer in two copies, then decorate the eights to your taste and cut. For a stronger design, glue the cardboard templates, and then cut out.

There is another trick. If you do not want to decorate paper, and you have a beautiful cardboard, glue paper with a printout to it from the wrong side. Then just cut the details on the template - from the front side on the beautiful cardboard you will get the desired drawing.

For cutting small parts on the template, use the cutter. Make a small incision, and then help with manicure scissors with thin rounded ends.

Build two eights with top and bottom. To do this, we made special "hooks". For reliability, you can make the details of the future postcard with glue.

Remember the form to be sustainable. By the way, you can additionally skim it with a cardboard strip. It makes sense if the rest of the 3D-card design is made of paper.

You can leave the craft of white. This color is air, gentle and clean - a great symbol of a female holiday. Such a bulk card will perfectly complement any gift by March 8. At the same time, you will be original - few people are ready to make a postcard as thin work.

Greeting card with 3d colors

The bulk bouquet inside the postcard is an excellent spring surprise for March 8! Give mom, grandmother, sister and girlfriend such a postcard - they will surely be delighted. The design is going quite simply, therefore, with the manufacture of this postcard, even children of primary school will cope with their own hands.

We need:

  • cardboard for the base;
  • multicolored paper;
  • glue stick;
  • double sided tape.

From color paper of different colors, cut 7 squares with a size of 10 × 10 cm. You can take the paper in one color scheme, and you can make flowers in the postcard bright and use contrasting shades.

We fold the square in half, then once again in half. Next, we make a marriage with one and on the other hand - so that the triangle is. Then pencil draw a small rounding - the blank for the petal. Cut off the extra and spread the item: we got a small flower in the form of hearts. We cut off one petal, and then fasten the design with glue. As a result, we got a slightly raised cup of petals.

The first blank for the postcard is ready. It remains to cut the remaining details on this scheme. We will also need to make two petals from green paper - they are immediately brapping small pieces of bilateral scotch.

For the convenience of further instructions in this master class, the details are signed by letters in the photo.

Start connecting flower. Flowers in and C are attached to A. At the same time, D is overlap by A.

Flowers E and F Breeping to D and connect with B and C.

It remains to attach the flower G from above. We impose it to the element D and glue. Leaflets are fed to bilateral tape to the petals themselves.

Our bulk flower is ready, it remains only to attach it to the festive postcard. To do this, we put the flower on the side and attach to the inside of the postcard on one side. Close and close the postcard. Then we open it, we put the design and do the same manipulation from the opposite side.

We had a beautiful surround postcard on March 8, which any woman will take with delight. Just imagine how the person is very surprised, on the palms of which literally grows a chic volumetric flower of extraordinary beauty. Perhaps this is one of the best surprises on International Women's Day!

Simple card for mom

If you work with young children who need to congratulate their mothers with a holiday, or you have a kindergarten or a schoolboy who are ready to help with the manufacture of a postcard, this master class will become your wand-cutting. Gift mom, older sister or in kindergarten - this applique is good in any cases. The simplest festive cards from paper with flowers from large parts on ready-made templates - what is needed for creativity with children.

We need:

  • color cardboard;
  • multicolored paper;
  • prints with congratulations;
  • glue stick.

In order for the texture of the postcard to be more interesting, you can add corrugated paper.

Cardboard bend in half so that you can put a congratulation inside. Flower will cut out of colored paper. Template can be found below: You can print stencil or draw it yourself.

Cut the details. If you are making several postcards at once, it is convenient to fold several sheets of paper among themselves and cut 3-4 flower and middle time.

We advise you to add butterflies to the postcard - it will make the craft to March 8 even more original. Children's elementary school will completely cope with the cutting of the wings alone. You can find ready-made bars of butterflies.

Congratulations can be gained in a text document and print, and you can help your child write them away.

Decorate the postcard outside and from the inside - all the details are attached to the usual adhesive pencil or pva. If older children can add more interesting sequin decor. To do this, it is necessary to miss a piece of the postcard with glue and pour the dry sparkle on top or simply paint the surface with ready-made brilliant markers.

Postcard dress: origami and napkin

One of the most popular postcards on March 8 is a postcard dress. It looks like this handicraft very beautiful and original. It can be given to the older sister, young mom or girlfriend.

Some it seems to make a postcard with a dress with their own hands is quite difficult. In fact, it is not. The simplest Origami technique is elementary, and even a schoolboy will cope with her. We suggest you watch a video master class and repeat this simple step-by-step instruction.

Very often postcards-dresses are made with napkins. To do this, you need to fold the upper part of the dress, as shown in the video, and the bottom - trim. Next, simply collect the unfolded napkin of the harmonica, secure in the middle thread and bend in half. Stick the napkin for the central part. The edges of "put" on the glue, and leave the rest of the napkins free.

By the way, the dress shirt can not be folded. If you have a ready image of a fashionista or princess from a magazine or a suitable photo of the one who you give a postcard on March 8, just cut out and glue the image, and then add a napkin.

Postcards with dresses are always accepted with a special delight. They look very smart and festively. Perhaps this is one of the best additions to a gift on March 8.

Choose any of the proposed festive cards and complement it with your own decor and warm wishes. Moms, grandmothers, teachers, sisters, girlfriends, aunt and colleagues - all on this day deserve attention. And if you do not plan to present gifts to familiar women, please their postcards - it's not difficult. You will need only the simplest materials and a few minutes, but the person who received your homemade postcard on March 8 will truly touch and happy.

It is also worth noting that in recent times, electronic greeting cards are becoming an increasingly popular gift for March 8. They can be very quickly made in online services and send their loved ones by mail or to the social network. For example, the CANVA service allows you to create a unique greeting card for 10 minutes from a variety of ready-made templates for any holiday, and in addition to the electronic version, you can save it in addition to PDF format for printing on a home printer or in printing house.

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Openhead eight of paper. Photo

It is already completely close to International Women's Day, which annually celebrate March 8. The consistent components of the holiday are tulips, a sea of \u200b\u200bgifts, a balloon, a rich table. And so I want to add something unusual to them, which would have done this day really special!

We offer you the original idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating a banquet table on March 8 - openwork eight of paper. Such a decor will undoubtedly contribute to the creation of an unforgettable atmosphere of the female holiday.

To create a festive openwork eight, you will need:

Template, printed on a sheet of paper A4 format;
- Stationery / Macate knife;
- Thick cardboard / rug for cutting,
- metal ruler, stapler.

Okurny eight of paper step by step:

To create a festive openwork eight, it is better to use a small density paper, as cutting will occur immediately on two parts of the sheet. But if you wish to create a more durable decoration, then you will need to use the greatest density paper. However, in this case, you need to cut separately on each sheet. In this case, a bug knife was used for cutting, but you can also use the stationery or manicure scissors.

For the festive decoration of the table on March 8, for cutting, you can pick up rice paper with an unusual texture, the density of which is the same as the simple office paper (Fig. 2).

Print the scheme in such a way that the eight takes about half of the entire sheet area.

Fold the leaf in half, as shown in Fig. 3. After that, with the stapler two halves of the sheet (Fig. 4-5).

Start cutting with small parts (Fig. 6-7). Then cut the middle of the future openwork eight (Fig. 8).

Cut all straight lines with a metal line (Fig. 9). As a result, you should get two identical parts (Fig. 10). After which they need to be combined together. Connect locks first at the bottom (Fig. 11-12).

It is approaching a female day, and it's time to ask myself a question: what to surprise and please your favorite mother, educathere, teacher, sister, grandmother or godfather? To overlapping your fantasy, get acquainted with the ideas of original flower arrangements, volumetric cards, macaron decorations, children's culinary masterpieces and something else interesting!

Flower compositions of paper

For the smallest craftsmen, it will be suitable for the manufacturer's handbooks for flowers. Cut the circles of different diameters from colored paper, while you can not use the stencil. We glue the mugs one on the other in the form of a flower, we turn the flat stalk, we attach the flower head to the stroke of the tape, we combine the colors with each other in the stapler. On the postcard, we make pockets and insert the spring bouquet in it.

Another simple flower is made of colored paper and cocktail tubes. We collect several colored solid-caliber billets together, sit on the tube, we make cutters on her tip and dissolve outside.

We make another bouquet. We fold the color of the flower head out of square duplex paper, attach the stem. Next, the bouquet can be used for direct appliqués on a postcard or panel, and you can make secret pockets inside the postcard and surprise mom with an unexpected bouquet inside!

Love tulips? Then we take for their production! We fold the square of double-sided colored paper to eight parts and make cuts, as shown in the diagram. We drive the tulip petals and fix glue. We make a rounded paper stem, fix glue. On one side of the stem, we make cuts and fasten the stem to the flower.

Flowers made of crepe paper are obtained very gentle, translucent. Cut the base, connect with the stem, which is based on a wire, covered with cloth or a chip.

An unusual flower can be made of ... Roller from toilet paper. Why not! We drive the cardboard basis, fix the stapler, paint paint and fastened to the stalk.

Little Chef: Breakfast for Mom

Mom will probably become prepared specially for her breakfast, and besides, if it is made in a cute and touching form of a bouquet of solar colors. Fry scrambled eggs inside pepper cut, decorated with green cucumbers, asparagus beans, parsley, onion and dill, green peas or corn.

Pasta Ferry

We make for mom, sister or cross jewelry from Macaroni. To do this, select instances with an unusual shape and texture. Staining macaronis We produce in separate bags using acrylic paint or guashi. We dry and score on the thread.

For a variety, you can add narrow "beads" of Cornflex.

For a long time, remind of the joyful spring day frame for family photos, decorated with colored textural torch, beads, shells and pebbles.

Paper bracelet.

We make an unusual decoration of paper curls, fix them with glue. We collect our beads on the thread, and the bracelet is ready!

Outstairs on March 8

Lovely silhouette cutting out of paper can be applied in work for March 8.

We draw out postcards with a carved insert of flowers. To do this, we draw or print stencil, cut out it with a stationery knife or scissors, glit.

Flowers may suddenly dismiss and inside the postcard. To do this, cut them separately and insert into the postcard.

You can arrange a panel on the wall, a gift box. Look at what fresh and cheerful flower arrangement turned out!

Tell for congratulations a whole bouquet of flowers. It can stand independently or attached to a box with a gift.

For such bouquets, you can cut a special color paper basket.

A bouquet of living flowers can be decorated with lace butterflies!

The holiday is approaching - take care!

When writing an article used photos from sites:,

Gifts are very nice. And it is not necessary to be expensive in cash equivalent. The original, made with your own hands, even a small souvenir can cause joy and convey your sincere heat. Such an unusual surprise for the holiday of March 8 can be this openwork figure "eight", carved from paper.

It can be given as a greeting card, decorate the interior or a festive table.

2. You can decorate our october openwork butterflies. For example, here are so.

3. It is necessary to cut two digits of the same size. Gently cut out the drawing first.

4. Then the internal contours.

5. And finally, - by external lines. Two details are obtained.

6. To make butterflies, you need to print their templates of the desired size on white paper. Then the stapler attach them to the semi-downtime of yellow and green colors. And cut.

7. We connect two billets together, outlining the places for fastening butterflies and glue them.

8. Butterflies decorate semi-graysins or rhinestones.

9. Side view.

10. The bottom connection is fixed well, but the upper "hooks" are constantly combined. You can avoid this gluing them together. Or consolidate the connection with a silk ribbon, tolding a bow on the "Makushka" of our eight.

11. If necessary, the lower locks can be separated. In this form, the openwork gift is easily transferred.

Openwork beauty, carved from paper, assembled and dressed!

And ready to give joy! It turned out to be a festive, feminine and a little mischievous.

These knives are used to cut out paper:

1. An ordinary stationery knife. Preferably, after each work, break the blade. The eight is not complicated - you can cut this knife.

2. Knife for creative work. Very comfortable, well cut minor details. The blades are enough for 5-6 works. The cap closes the blade. There are different.

Ahead is already quite soon with the arrival of such a wonderful and flourishing sometimes of the year in the spring, one of the most beloved holidays in the year, International Women's Day is March 8th. All girls, women, grandmothers and small princesses are tasked with flowers, candy and other gifts. The opposite sex. But do not forget that not only men are preparing for this holiday to gifts, but also women themselves congratulate each other with different souvenirs and presents. For example, even it can be beautiful cards with their own hands with different few wishes. And since this is the holiday of March 8, then the main number in it is eight, therefore, this form may look like cards. Now we will consider the master class for the manufacture of postcards-eight in the technique.
For the master class we take:
Three burgundy cardboard sheet A4 format;
Figure eight pattern;
ScrapBumaga Three sheets in pink and peach tones;
Stamped inscription "From March 8";
Pink ink pillow;
Pictures printed with flowers;
Cutting: burgundy butterflies, leafs of green and turquoise;
Watercolor paper;
Lace cotton pink and light pink;
Fabric flowers pink and light pink with a green substrate;
Stamps are complex in bouquets with a glitter;
Ribbon satin ferre color;
Paper purple flowers;
Berries in sugar pink color;
Glue-pencil, double-sided tape;
Scissors, ruler, thermopystole, pencil.

So, first, we need from purple cardboard to cut double eights for the basics. To do this, put the vertically sheet of cardboard, we divide it in half, this is obtained by 10.5 cm.

We carry out a solid bending line for the line and fold in half. So do with all three sheets.

Now we apply the eight pattern to each sheet.

Cut the double eight. The foundations are ready, now we will issue them. Now the template on the edge of the entire billet is reduced by 2 mm.

Now we cut three blanks from watercolor paper.

At the edges, each toning. We will have internal blanks for postcards for wishes. From scrapbooks on this template, cut two eights for each postcard.

Glue to one scrap eight at once on the basis of the adhesive pencil.

Immediately glue and watercolor inside. Now decorate the front parts.

You can also spend front blanks around the edges. Now cut out three stamped inscriptions "from March 8" and three pictures with flowers.

We glue and sew these elements on the eight and sew. Now glue to the base and the front eights and sew in front and rear each postcard.

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