How to organize storage of wires. How to easily organize storage of wires at home? Box for chargers do it yourself

A simple and elegant way to organize a place to charge a smartphone - Railing and a suspended shelf and basket. To repeat such a solution in your own house will not be difficult, while the cost will be minimal, and the result will surely please.

2 in the drawer

A little more work option that allows, however, to completely hide everything with the eye of charging and wires, - station for gadgets in the drawer (desk, chest or kitchen headset).

If you have quite a lot of various electrical appliances, requiring recharging, select the box more suitable. Very elegant, and most importantly, the practical solution of the problem of wires is not true?

3 on the shelf

Lovers Position the phone to recharge at night - and certainly near the bed! - will please another neat solution: Bedside mini shelf with connector for connecting gadgets. It clings such a shelf on the side of the bed - and makes it possible (say, the remote control from the TV or air conditioner).

However, you can choose a completely compact option, like this mini-shelf, which is attached directly to the wall next to the outlet.

Shelf for smartphone. Price: 98 rub. Photo: Aliexpress

4 at docking station - organizer

Modern manufacturers perfectly understand that without a smartphone, a modern person is already nowhere, and therefore offer a lot of stylish solutions for organizing a stylish and convenient station to recharging gadgets.

There are a variety of docking stations with the function of organizers, allowing, in addition to the phone, gently arrange hours, rings, business cards and other important little things.

5 for kashpo

Another tricky pass that allows you to hide charging for smartphones in the interior - docking stations in the form of caspo with succulents.


Look, what a stylish decorative thing, and most importantly, no one guess that she hides in himself a lot of wires.


6 in a stylish case

Another idea that helps is a stylish case that hides all sorts of charging and masking them under the decorative accessory.

Design: IKEA.

7 in a special box

However, there are stylistic neutral wire boxes, helping to gently organize the place to recharge gadgets.

Design: IKEA.

Take a look at this option with Aliexpress. It can be hidden a whole extension and use to recharge different devices.

Boxing for wires. Price: 838 rub. Photo: Aliexpress

8 Wireless technology

The current solution is a neat and stylish docking station for wireless charging smartphone or tablet. Of course, it is unlikely that such a decision is suitable for those who have a whole arsenal of gadgets requiring recharging. But it will help out those who want or space on the bedside table - and resolve the issue with wires from the telephone charger.

9 on the shelves

The most ordinary shelves can also rescue in the organization of space for telephone charging.

Pros of this decision:

  • shelves can be placed almost everywhere (pick up the current length and width);
  • find models suitable for color and stylistics to your interior will not be difficult;
  • the cost of such a decision is very democratic.

Each of us knows how difficult it is to maintain order in your own things. It is worth a little relaxed and in just a few days a house or workplace will be loaded into the real chaos. Do not allow it, and fight it, if the worst has already happened, will help a new little review, the author of which collected useful tips on maintaining order.

1. Organizer for bottles

Bottles with water, drinks and sunflower oil will occupy much less space, if they do not store them vertically, and horizontally in the stand for magazines. By the way, such a stand is suitable for compact storage cans with canned food.

2. Markers

Share things into groups and fold them into separate lockers marked with stickers with inscriptions or pictures corresponding to a specific group. The labeling box will help to easily find the right thing, and after socks to fold it into place. Such a storage idea will be particularly relevant in the child's room or teenager.

3. Hygienic supplies

Most people keep hygiene products on the side of the bath, which is quite uncomfortable as they interfere with cleaning and often fall. Instead, gels for the shower, shampoos, balms and washcloths can be stored in suspended on the cornily for the shower curtain.

4. Planning cases

The routine of the day and teach children to its implementation will help the original organizer with pictures and velcro, which can be done with their own hands.

5. "Pocket" for a sponge

From an empty bottle from under shampoo or gel, you can make a convenient holder for sponge, sponge, ear chopsticks or cotton disks, which can be hung on a crane or any other hook.

6. Headphone holder

Headphones have a property constantly and rush. To avoid breakdowns and extend the life of your favorite headphones, it is necessary to relate to them carefully, but to store carefully. A certain similarity of the coil can be made it possible to make two clothespins glued together. Such a holder can be carried with you in a handbag or use at home.

7. Functional woods

Several milk powder with ropes attached to the wall are perfect for storing ties, scarves, glasses, chargers and headphones.

8. Organizer for linen

Several gift boxes of different sizes fixed in a conventional retractable locker will help divide it into sections, increase the capacity and, finally, to systematize the storage of their underwear.

9. Storage of toys

From ordinary plastic toys you can make a huge rack for storing small toys, stationery and designer details. Such storage system does not require large investments and can be easily dismantled when the child will develop the game.

10. Organizer for recipes

Business cards, recipes, utility bills will be very convenient to store in a homemade rag organizer fixed on the inside of the kitchen cabinet door.

11. Christmas toys

Several rails will make the usual plastic pelvis in the storage container of Christmas toys. At the bottom of such a container, all sorts of rains, garlands and unbreakable figures can be folded, and fasten fragile glass and ceramics toys on the Railigas.

12. Fixation of electric shuffle

Two-way tape and velcro will be allowed to forget about the problem of rolling under their feet or stuck somewhere cords. Just glue one part of the velcro to the electric water, and another directly to the electrospode and always after use hang cord into place.

13. Desktop Organizer

Simple, but very original and spacious desktop organizer for stationery, which can be made from ordinary glass cans.

14. Small details

To avoid disorder and extend the life of the chargers, adapters, USB cables, headphones and other wires without which life is unthinkable in the modern world, they need to store them carefully and neatly. To do this, you can sew a special organizer and consolidate it on the wall or wall of the table using the usual stationery clips.

17. Order in the freezer

Most of the freezers are a single space where all products are stored by a scope. Cut the order and sort products in the freezer will help several plastic containers.

In continuation of the topic, they also do not even know.

Mom, where is my charger from the phone?

Dear, and you have not seen that white wire for a computer?

Yes where did the headphones be happy!?

Familiar questions, right? In such a time we live that our house is filled with equipment and all sorts of gadgets. And all this requires nutrition from the network, and therefore wires. I think, if you fold all the wires in the deployed form, you can no longer go out the globe. But I will not speak about such global issues today, but I will show you 10 ways to carefully store wires, cords, headphones, chargers and other long conductive ropes.

1. Boxes. I almost never throw out the boxes from under shoes, cookies, etc. So I know that this is a great place to store anything. If you split a simple box on the compartments using cardboard, sign each cell and put the wires there, you and your households will not be difficult to find the right one. The main thing after use, send the cord back to its cell.
2. Box can be used and how storage for charges of phones. Put small holes in the side walls. On the one hand, there will be forks that you can stick into a tee or a socket, and on the other - the plug. Such a box can be the element of the decor.
3. Kamashki. My blog readers already probably noticed that I really love all sorts of pockets. And here I can not do without them) Look at yourself how cords feel great there.
4. Biguali. Soft curiors will perfectly cope with the task of storing wires and cords in folded.
5. Roles from toilet paper. Rolls will help organize wire storage very compact.

If you want to place them beautifully.
6. Pencils. In stores you can buy children's round pencils, and craftswomen can make them independently. They are wonderfully placed wires, cords and chargers.
7. Glasses. Plastic or old glass - for the organization of storage of cords, any suitable.
8. Stationery clamps also help keep wires neat and compact
9 Parmashki for charging devicein one can easily sew and place on sockets. And the cord does not need to look, and the place for the phone while charging is excellent
10 . Wonderful Idea for Master Handicrafts - deploying storage envelopes.

If you like some kind of idea, do not delay in a long box, and proceed to its embodiment right now!

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In this article, we will offer ten ideas of creating small storage sites for a variety of trifles that have a taste of touching and always should be at hand. Tell how to equip such "repositories" without special costs and additional expenses.

We have already written about the arrangement of storage sites in the article "Places of storage in a small apartment". However, then we paid attention to large-scale projects, such as the alteration of the pantry in the dressing room and the maximum use of the functions of the podium. Now I would like to offer several options for arranging the storage sites of small things, which are very important for a comfortable stay.

If you at least once spent "Search" in the apartment, trying to find the keys to the work office, the ever-disappearing remote from the TV or a mobile phone charger - the ideas offered in this article will be just by the way.

Phones, consoles, charging, sewing supplies, children's designer ... In each apartment of such small, but very necessary items. How to equip comfortable storage locations of all these things? We are ready to offer you ten ordinary options that do not require solid costs.

1. Shelf for keys and trifles in the hallway in the form of a mailbox, antique shelf or soft "pocket" on the wall

If you think about, shelf or pockets for keys on the wall of the hallway - the thing is just necessary. Usually sets of keys in each family are somewhat, and their search in an immense female handbag or a spacious wall drawer can take a lot of time, which in the morning is not enough.

Make a shelf or keys box yourself is not difficult. As an option - you can use a regular mailbox, of course, pre-painted and powered. Hooks for keys are simply attached to it, and inside you can store receipts for utilities and fresh newspapers.

Another option is a small shelf decorated under ancient. In order to put such a cute and convenient item will help the crustaceous varnish and the usual water-based paint.

Needlewomen may well replace the usual shelf or keys for a soft textile pocket, which can be decorated with buttons, embroidery or turn into a soft toy. It turns out very cute, roomy and convenient. All these "repositories" are just hanging on the wall in the most convenient, "undergraduate" place of the hallway.

A small, decorated old regiment with cloves, for which you can comfortably hang keys

Vintage version of the mailbox, which can take its place in the hallway. To give it a more modern appearance of enough acrylic paint. And do not forget about keys for keys

2. Stand for pencils and handles with your own hands from a handicraft packaging or papier-mache

The mess on the table will definitely not help increase the ability to work, and it will look like such a tabletop, to put it mildly, is inactively. Meanwhile, when creating stands for handles and pencils offers an amazing space for creativity!

Here are just a few options:

  1. Old good papier-mache. With such a technology for making crafts, everyone who visited labor lessons at school. It will take only a suitable shape, scraps of newspapers, flour hubble and paint to give the product a bright and attractive look.
  2. Clay. Sets for creating crafts from clay can now be purchased at any children's store. Material, pleasant to the touch and environmentally friendly, allows you to create surprisingly beautiful things.
  3. Cardboard boxes decorated with beads, buttons, threads, shells. You can use not only small boxes of cups or mobile phones, but also round coils from toilet paper. And you can literally decorate them.
  4. Wood. An option for those who can drink with a junk and friendly with a drill. The easiest and easily and the original way is to find a very thick slice of a tree trunk and simply drill in it a lot of holes where pencils and handles will be inserted.
  5. Cropped plastic bottles and canned banks. Such containers can be decorated with cloth, textile flowers, tie an unusual case.

Interestingly, today, such supports for handmade pencils are considered a very fashionable trend and rightfully occupy a place not only on the schoolboy's desk, but also in strict offices, making a hop of home comfort to the work environment.

And how do you like such an unusual version of the transformation of cans in the stand for pencils and markers? We needed only the magnets and fantasy of the author

In this case, the beans, felt and glue were used to create an unusual stand. Beans then simply painted to give a stand similar to corn cub

3. Shelves and hooks on the bathroom doors

In the bathroom, traditionally one of the smallest rooms at home, usually stored a lot of things. At the same time, the place on the door, for some reason, is not used often. Meanwhile, with the help of ordinary, inexpensive hooks and towel holders, you can turn the door at a convenient storage location.

In order for the door to the door, not only a towel and a bathrobe, but also to arrange other small, but the necessary items, you can use all the same system of textile pockets.

Just remember that the bathroom is the "wet" place and for sewing pockets on the door it is worth using a fabric that water is not afraid, or a dense cellophane.

Multi-tier storage system on the bathroom door will conveniently post a lot of smallest things.

4. Children's bucket for storing bathroom accessories

Does your child love to swim? Then in your bathroom, most likely, the toys are stored, with which the young navigator usually dives and indulges. Where to keep all these boats, numerous soldiers, rubber ducklings and pups? It is most convenient to fold all the toys in the children's bucket, which is usually used only in the sandbox.

You can just put a bucket on the shelf or hang on the hook. If the iron bucket, it can be painted under the color of the bathroom, and it will become an integral part of the interior. And the plastic bucket can be decorated with stickers or translation pictures.

If there is very little space in the bathroom or you want to create an original design, you can store even toothbrushes and pasta in children's bucket

5. Banks decorated with their own hands, for spices and all kinds of products in the kitchen

All hostesses know that keeping spices and other bulk products are best in glass containers, with a reliably closed lid to keep their fragrance and properties. However, just glass jars are boring.

Why, for example, do not decorate coffee with coffee beans? First, it will immediately be clear that it is here that it is stored, and secondly, the coffee beans themselves and reliable glue are needed.

Decoupage, so popular today, is also great for registration of tanks in the kitchen. You can pick up suitable pictures in the network, for example, with the image of croup, tea, and so on, so as not to spend time in search of the banks.

If you are not sure to handle the decoupage technology unfamiliar to you, you can simply pick up bright, thick threads, attach a piece of cardboard with a beautifully written spice name and attach to the lid. And the decor, and it is immediately clear what is here.

By the way, there are now comfortable jars for spices and trifles that are suspended on the rails. So everything you need for cooking will always be at hand.

Thick threads of different color and cards with names - everything is very simple, but at the same time unusually and beautiful

In this case, at the design of the coffee jar used not only coffee beans, but also decoupage

Simple glass jars can be an excellent storage location for spices. It is only possible to take care of reliable traffic jams and just sign each container

It is quite possible to hang on the railing, not only the midst, but also cans with spices, closed with special lids.

6. Magnetic boards on the back of the kitchen cabinet door and cans on the fridge magnets

Another way to save place in the kitchen and at the same time place a lot of smallest things - the use of magnetic boards and magnets on the lids of cans. To make such unusual magnetic jars with their own hands, you will need a magnetic leaf primarily, cans with fairly reliable lids, pencil, glue, ordinary paper and scissors.

Banks are better to take not glass, and plastic - they weigh less and they will hold more savory. The bottom of the banks will be bored with a pencil, then the required number of magnetic circles is cut along the contour.

Magnets are glued to the bottom of the banks, and on the paper again a beautiful handwriting write the names of the spices and glue to the container. It is clear that such banks can be "primary" or a refrigerator, which is not always convenient, or to a special magnetic board, which can be attached, for example, to the wall of the door of one of the kitchen cabinets.

By the way, with the help of such a system, you can store a lot of things not only on the refrigerator or the cabinet door, but also under the shelf - all. Convenient and saves a lot of space.

Jars with magnetic lids are perfectly attached to the fridge. In this case, the owners decided not to sign them, but decorate with different ornaments - you have to remember that in a can with stripes or peas

Such small banks for spices will have to buy specifically, like a magnetic board. But believe me, this method of storage of spices is very convenient and the place in the kitchen will not occupy at all

7. Offices for telephones and chargers in the box

Your chargers have never been resolved with each other? So or in your family only one mobile phone or you can store such an indispensable devices correctly. Usually, all the charges are simply folded into the total drawer of the chest or walls in the living room, they are lying around where they will have throughout the apartment, and as a result it is necessary to find the necessary it turns out very difficult. The phone at this time is frosting, warning about the ambulance "shutdown", and the owner of the house is nervous.

Conduct with this problem is very simple. Yes, store the chargers and the mobile phones themselves in the drawer are conveniently, and it is easy to close it, if there are small children in the house. However, it is worth separating the box to individual sections - for each charger from the phone, e-book, tablet, and so on. There you can "stored" and the phones themselves are enough.

Conveniently, when the phones and, accordingly, the chargers to them are lying like this - each in its branch. Do not confuse and look for a long time. Such sections are similar to kitchen, designed for storing forks and spoons. You can buy ready-made, but you can build out of dashs and planks yourself

Never observed such a picture in your own chest or on the shelf? You are a very neat person!

8. Shelf or Box for remote

Another object that is constantly lost and disappears in an unknown direction - the remote control. Yes, if he were alone! In the modern house of TVs, you usually have at least two, and there is still a tuner, a DVD player, a music center and many more devices, to control a special console.

And all these light control systems, music and television are usually lying where the owner left - that is, anywhere. Today, special plastic fasteners for the consoles of a certain size are sold, which can be easily and simply attached to the wall. But, agree, a number of such fasteners over the sofa will look at something too "high-tech" and inappropriate.

But one shelf or box for all the consoles of your home in the most convenient place - just right. Moreover, it can be constructed independently and decorate in accordance with the style of interior design of the living room.

Such a drawer for the consoles is easy to construct yourself. And if it seems to you too rude and simple - it can always be painted, arrange with the help of decoupage or textiles

9. Braided boxes, baskets, trays

Products from the vine, the so-called "braid" still remain one of the most popular storage places. They fit perfectly not only in the country style, but also in the modern interior, and the role of the "repositories" perform immaculately.

The advantages of wicker boxes and drawers include their versatility, environmental friendliness, attractive external parameters and low cost. There are many types of "braid" - from spacious deep boxes to flat trays for fruits and boxes for small things.

By the way, with the help of such flat wicker boxes, you can equip the storage space for mobile phones and chargers. To do this, you can simply place them in the extended drawer.

In such braided boxes with comfortable handles, you can put anything - from vegetables to books and newspapers

Wicker boxes with covers are even more convenient - and look beautiful, and save things more reliable. Often used for storing jewelry and sewing supplies

10. Boxes from gifts and candies for trifles

Another universal version of storage locations for important trifles. The advantage of cardboard boxes remaining from gifts or sweets is that they can be easily arranged for the general style of the interior of the room.

In addition, such "storages" weigh little, and if you put the boxes one to another you can save space on the shelf.

The only shortcomings of this option:

  • it is not necessary to use cardboard boxes in the kitchen or in the bathroom, as they are afraid of moisture, but for storage of products are simply not intended;
  • the service life of cardboard boxes is usually short, they will easily imagine and can break. However, the lack of such a container is usually no - new gifts and, accordingly, boxes appear in a house with enviable regularity.

How do we usually do with boxes from gifts? Quickly reach valuable content, breaking colorful packaging, and throw it away. And if you try to save the packaging carefully to use it for storage, for example, small parts from the children's designer?

In boxes from chocolate candies, there are usually many compartments in which it is convenient to add all sorts of trivia - buttons, paper clips, beads ... Sometimes it uses packages from eggs, but, you see, candy boxes look much more beautiful

The order in the house is located exactly from such trifles as presence of convenient storage locations. It's nice to know that the desired thing is always at hand and exactly where she should be - in a specially intended place. And if the "storages" is also designed original for the trifles, the interior will look especially interesting and homely.

What only there is no technology in our house, it is she who makes our lives more interesting and facilitates many household processes. But at the same time, this is a lot of wires. They have such a feature - constantly confusing and bend. And in a variety of electrical cables is very difficult to find the desired ...

But the site "" knows a few secrets, how to easily organize the storage of wires and not get confused in their quantity!

If you want to quickly clean up the cords, then get ready-made holders. They will greatly facilitate the search, and will bring home order.

But for the needlewomen it is much more interesting to make organizers on their own and unravel these tangles of cables!

Option number 1 - We use bushings from toilet paper or from parchment for baking. Even if we put the wires from gadgets into one box, they still intertwined each other.

Easy their storage will help a simple organizer. For him, these items will be needed:

  • empty sleeves or rolls from parchment;
  • color tape, scissors;
  • plastic tray.

If you have a long base from parchment or food film, then cut it in the height of the tray. Leave the sleeves from paper in this form. The outer side creemet decorative tape or wallpaper with the adhesive basis. If possible, use different drawings, so you can know - where which cord is located.

Establish decorated bushings in the tray and spread the wires inward.

Close the lid and put on the shelf.

If you do not have a place for such an organiser, then keep the attached bushings with each wire separately.

Option number 2.- Box with cells. Another organizer for wires can be made from a regular box from under office paper.

First twist each wire separately from each other using any convenient item (gum, wire or clamp).

From the cardboard it is necessary to make partitions of two types. One longer that will serve as a longitudinal partition. And two smaller size for transverse divorcers.

We establish partitions inward boxes.

Each side decorate with colored paper.

On paper with a sticky side, write the name of each cord (from which technique). They will serve as markers and it will be easy for you to decide where which wire is located.

Speak them on the top of the cell.

Option 3.- Pencil for wires.

From a piece of artificial leather, it is necessary to cut a rectangle. Its size will depend on the number of cords and their volume in folded. Cut the skin in the form of an angle from one edge. In the width of the shape, notice the middle.

According to the middle of the ground on the workpiece, make two extremia along the rectangle. Then make some more such strips at a short distance from each other.

Fold the cords and grind to each holder.

Then set the button and roll the box to roll. Fix the skin corner. With such an organizer can be sent on the journey.

But there are still small tricks how to distribute cords. Use ordinary stationery clips. Secure them on the edge of the table, remove the ear and grind the wire into it. Then back to set the loop.

Easy to figure out the set of wires will help decorative tape. Just wrap them with each cord.

And in a shoe box you can hide carrying. On the one hand, make holes, thread through them the charger and turn it on into the outlet.

Thanks to such a small tips, you can clean up the set of wires and quickly find the right one!

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