Feeders for chickens from PVC sewer pipes: types of designs and manufacturing tips. PVC pipe feeders for chickens - how to make yourself Dimensions of a chicken feeder from plumbing pipes

From a pipe - this is an unusual design, thanks to which it is possible to provide food for a considerable number of birds for a long time.

Although such containers do not differ in aesthetic beauty, they cope with their main task perfectly.

They are used in the production of PVC pipes of various diameters, which are simply assembled and installed in the poultry house.

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Benefits of homemade bird feeders

The farmer in his backyard is constantly busy with important things and he simply does not have the opportunity to often give food to the birds. The only way out is special containers for food. They can be purchased in the store, but the price for them is quite high. That is why it is recommended to design such feeders yourself from ordinary PVC pipes. Among the advantages of such structures are the following:

  • saving feed mixture. Birds will not be able to scatter and trample food;
  • there is no need to constantly pour food into the feeders. It is enough to load the feed into the containers just once, and it will go into the feeder in the future in automatic mode;
  • ease of manufacture. In just a few hours, it is possible to assemble a structure that will last far more than one year;
  • minimum costs. Very few materials are needed in the work. Even those pipe cuttings that have been unnecessarily lying for a long time will do.

How to make a cutout chicken feeder

In order to assemble such a structure from a plastic pipe, you will need a minimum number of tools and materials:

The work is done in several stages:

It remains only to pour the feed mixture into the container and cover it with a plug on top that protects the food from dirt and moisture. In the future, you will need to add food only once a day. As soon as the birds peck one portion, they will immediately receive the next.

Sewer pipe feeder: step by step instructions

It will be possible to design such a simple device without much effort. It will take a minimum of time to assemble the structure. As a result, the feeder will be reliable and durable.

  • meter sewer pipe;
  • tee with an angle of 45 degrees;
  • plugs for pipes;
  • saw for working with metal;
  • nails or wire.

The assembly of the structure is carried out in several stages:

Bunker feeder made of sewer and water pipes

Often, poultry farmers resort to making just such convenient feeders, despite the fact that the assembly process for this type of niche is not so simple. This is due to the fact that such structures are incredibly simple and convenient during operation.

The following materials and tools must be prepared:

Feeder assembly process:

At the final stage of the work, it remains only to drive a nail into the wall and hang the finished feeder on it. Thanks to this method of fastening, birds will not be able to turn the container over.

Bird feeder made of pipes and plastic bucket

This method of production is good in that the trough as a result is as stable as possible, and the feed in it is completely protected from both dirt and moisture. Simple and accessible materials are used in the process of work:

In order to assemble such a structure, you need to perform the following steps:

Provided that the corners were placed in the bucket at the optimal height, then there will be a free space of about 4 cm between the bottom and the corner. The grain will be poured into the gap, which was formed as a result of this, as the birds eat it.

The main advantage of such a container for food is its protection from external influences. It is convenient not only to carry it, but also to clean it. And birds will not be able to scatter feed throughout the chicken coop during the meal.

Certain inconveniences may arise only due to the fact that only a few birds can eat from such a container at the same time, but this problem can be solved. If you use a larger container, then significantly more pets will be able to peck food from the feeder at the same time.

Simple hanging pipe feeder

This design is incredibly simple. Even a novice poultry farmer who does not understand all the intricacies and features of this process can cope with the manufacture of such a container for food.

The work will need the following materials and tools:

Stages of work:

  1. A rectangular hole is made in the pipe using a jigsaw. At the ends, at the same time, it must necessarily remain intact.
  2. The ends are covered with plugs.
  3. Using cable cuttings, the container is suspended at such a height that birds cannot climb into it with their paws.

PVC pipes are an excellent material for making feeders. It is from them that it is possible to assemble the most convenient structures that are easy to clean and disinfect in the future. Although they do not look very attractive, they look very original. A bird's dwelling with such feeders is immediately transformed beyond recognition.

Plastic pipe feeders for chickens are a kind of feeders that can provide food for a large number of birds for a long time, regardless of whether there is a person nearby or not. Feeders made of plastic water pipes are not particularly beautiful, but they do an excellent job. How to make a feeder from ordinary PVC pipes of various diameters?

PVC pipe feeders have a number of advantages over others:

  1. A small amount of cheap materials are used: only plumbing pipes of various diameters, brackets, branch couplings and covers are needed.
  2. Strength of materials.
  3. Ease of assembly of the structure.
  4. The ability to create an automatic feeder.
  5. One feeder, made of a large-diameter plastic pipe (like a funnel), is designed for an average of 30 chickens.
The pipe feeder has a very simple structure and low cost.

By the type of installation, feeders are divided into three types:

  • suspended;
  • wall-mounted;
  • installed on the floor;

Making a bird canteen from pipes

The assembly process does not take much time, since the structure is very simple, it consists of a main pipe of medium or large diameters and a coupling with one or more branches. The coupling is put on the main pipe - and the feeder is ready, however, there are several types of large bird's plate, the features of which will be described below.

Vertical feeder

It is more convenient to attach vertical pipes to the wall and use them as automatic feeders. The advantage of this type of structure is that they take up a small amount of space, and you can store feed in them for a long time.

Put on the pipe a coupling with a small (in relation to the main pipe) branching (one or more). Using the brackets, fix it to the wall so that the birds can easily get food from the branch pipe.

Vertical pipe feeders save space in the chicken coop well.

Council. The height of the main pipe should reach chest level so that it is convenient to pour feed into the pipe when it runs out. You will also need one cover with a diameter of a pipe to close the top from dust and debris.

The advantage of this type of nursery for chickens is that the feed inside the pipe can be stored for a long time, dust, debris, feathers, bird droppings and moisture will not penetrate into it, so the food will not rot. It should also be noted that feed in the same volume will be available to birds all the time until it runs out in a kind of storage. This is due to the fact that as soon as the birds eat part of the food, according to the laws of physics, the food from the top will fill the vacant space below. As a disadvantage, it should be noted that at the same time only 1-2 chickens can feed in one branch of the pipe.

It is not advisable to introduce special feeding into this type of feeder, which should be given to each bird in equal amounts.

Horizontal feeder (with cutouts)

In this case, you only need a few brackets, two covers for the pipe diameter and one wide pipe. It is better to fix it against the wall at a low height so that the birds are comfortable. If chickens should also use this feeder, then it is better to put it on the floor and also fix it against the wall.

On one side of the pipe, make spacious windows through which the birds can get their own food. There must be pipe sections (5-6 cm wide) between the windows so that the chickens do not interfere with each other and do not scatter feed. Make windows 8-10 cm wide - this is quite enough for one adult. And do not forget to close the pipe with lids on the sides so that the food does not spill out on the side.

Several chickens can feed from a pipe near a horizontal feeder at once.

A significant advantage of such a feeder is that it can feed from 10 chickens at the same time, but there are much more disadvantages. Since all feed is open, particles of dust, dirt, droppings, feathers, fluff can get into it, and it is quite easy to empty it. Also, the presence of feed in this type of chicken canteen will have to be monitored all the time.

Feeder with tee

This option will require a coupler with three branches, while it is desirable that they are not too wide, but should be long (40-60 cm). The feeder will be mounted on the wall at a distance convenient for the birds.

It is necessary to assemble the structure in the same way as in the first case, the only thing that should be taken into account in advance is that in long branches it will be necessary to make sufficiently wide holes in order to increase the number of birds feeding at the same time. It is enough to make 3-4 holes on one branch. In this case, you can close the side holes, or you can leave them open.

At the same time, up to 15 chickens can eat at the same time, but the availability of feed will have to be monitored more often. The only significant drawback is that the food can be littered with birds.

In the video, a farmer shows off his feeders made of plastic pipes.

It is not difficult to make a do-it-yourself feeder from plastic plumbing pipes, but it is necessary to ensure that moisture does not get into the feed, otherwise there is a high probability that the food will bloom, and with it the pipes themselves. In this case, you will have to change the feeder - nothing else will save. But overall, this is a very practical and economical chicken dining option.

Growing chickens on personal plots allows you to supply the family with environmentally friendly and fresh meat and eggs. Chickens do not require daily laborious self-care. Chickens do not eat much. They are unpretentious in food. But 70% of the time and money for keeping chickens is spent on feeding them.

Even if the food is on the surface, chickens have an innate habit of digging it up. Therefore, they crawl into the feed with their feet, scatter it, turn over the feeders.

What it is?

This is a product that feeds chickens as the pan becomes empty. Any feeder consists of a hopper, where feed is poured and a tray from where the chickens peck it. The farmer pours the feed into the bunker, from where it automatically moves in portions to the feeding place.

The hopper should be tightly closed so that the chickens do not get to the feed and eat everything at once or scatter them around the chicken coop.

Having an automatic feeder, the farmer does not need to keep track of the feeding time and go to the chicken coop 3-4 times a day to add a new portion.

Feeders are divided according to the feeding method:

Manufacturing requirements

  • The feeder should hold enough feed to be enough for all the birds on the farm. When making a tray feeder, plan the length so that for each chicken there is 10-15 cm. For chickens, half. The feeders must be approached from either side, so that the weaker ones are not pushed aside and they are not left without food.
  • The feeder should have certain restraints so that chickens do not have the opportunity to enter the hopper, scatter and stain the feed.
  • Should be mobile, easy to fill, disassemble and clean.

Do-it-yourself feeders are made from plastic buckets and bottles, from wood and iron... But the most inexpensive, easy to use and durable are plastic PVC feeders, or sewer pipes.

Product description

  • The plastic tube feeder is the most reliable of all. It is attached to the wall and chickens, in the process of feeding and searching for food, cannot turn it over and scatter grain. The grain is consumed more economically.
  • One pipe feeder is enough for 20 chickens.
  • The longer the pipe, the more feed can be loaded there. Usually, up to 10 kg of dry food can fit into such a structure and you will not need to run into the chicken coop several times a day.
  • Plastic has no limitation in terms of service life. The product is manufactured in a couple of hours and can serve for many decades.
  • Plastic pipes are very inexpensive and available at any hardware store.

PVC pipe feeders are available: with holes, with cutouts and with a tee... The choice of feeding device depends on the size of the coop and the location of the bird cages.

If you are worried about how to make a do-it-yourself feeder from polypropylene, plastic and other types of pipes, then you can see the photo:

Can I buy in stores?

The choice of feeders in stores starts from the simplest bunker to high-tech devices with a timer and a feed scatter function.

The price for the simplest bunker feeders is about 500-1000 rubles, but for high-tech products you will have to pay 5000-6000 rubles. Feeder body material also affects the price... A feeder made of ABS plastic costs 6.5 thousand rubles. Powder coated steel 8.5 thousand rubles

In stores you can find feeders completely ready for installation and operation. They immediately have a container for food and a tray.

Better yet, make the feeder yourself from the materials at hand.... It will be much cheaper and will match the number of birds.

Where to begin?

In order to make a feeder with cutouts or holes, you will need the following PVC parts and accessories:

  • 2 PVC pipes. 60 cm and 80-150 cm with a diameter of 110-150 mm.
  • Knee. Accessory connecting pipes at right angles.
  • 2 plugs along the pipe diameter.
  • Instruments.

For a tee feeder, you should purchase:

Fewer materials required for vertical hopper feeder:

  • 1 pipe up to 150 cm long.
  • 1 corner 45 degrees.
  • 1 corner 90 degrees.
  • Plug.

How to do it yourself?

The shape of the feeder is similar to the Latin letter L. The vertical pipe serves as a hopper for loading feed... The horizontal tube will be the feeding place:

  1. On a pipe 80 cm long, mark the centers of the holes.
  2. Draw holes D = 70 mm. Leave the distance between the edges of the holes 70 mm. The holes can be in two rows.
  3. With an electric drill with a circular crown, we make holes in the pipe.
  4. We process the holes with a file so that the chickens do not cut themselves on the burrs.
  5. On one side of the pipe we put on a plug, on the other side a knee.
  6. We insert a vertical pipe into the knee.
  7. We attach the structure to the wall.

With slots

Watch a video about making a chicken feeder from a PVC pipe with slots:

How to construct a plastic pipe feeder

Feeding your birds is an important process to keep them healthy and productive. For convenient and economical nutrition, you can make do-it-yourself feeders from plastic pipes for chickens.

Traditional feeding bowls and troughs are highly ineffective. Chickens love to rake food, which is why a large amount of it ends up on the ground. Open bowls can also easily pick up garbage and feces from other chickens, not to mention the fussing of the birds.

It is very easy to organize devices for feeding chickens with your own hands from materials for plumbing, because it does not take much time, and the necessary tools are in every home. In addition, it is reliable, since such feeders are durable and can be used as automatic ones.

Tools and materials

To make such a system for birds with your own hands, you will need:

  • PVC sewer pipe, optimal length 1 meter,
  • tee with a slope of 45 degrees,
  • PVC plugs of the same size,
  • saw for metal,
  • fixator (wire or nails).

Chicken ready-made design

  1. First, you need to cut the surface of the pipes with a saw into three parts: 10 cm, 70 cm and 20 cm.
  2. We put on a plug on a plane 20 cm in size - this will be the basis of the finished structure.
  3. A tee is installed on top with a side elbow.
  4. Long PVC is put into this tee. It must be closed with a plug from the opposite end.
  5. A 10 cm piece of pipe is inserted into the hole on the side.
  6. A hand-made product is considered finished. At both ends (top and bottom), it is fixed to the wall of the chicken coop. It will be more convenient if you attach it to a bar or metal mesh.
  7. The trough is filled with free-flowing feed.

When the chickens eat part of the feed from the bent knee, it automatically refills under the weight of the feed. Poultry will peck food through the hole in the side tee. It is necessary to close the top of the feeder at night so that no debris or dust gets into it.

Complete system for power supply

The disadvantages of such a feeder include the inability to feed several chickens at once. Food can also spill out here, but in small quantities. In this case, it is convenient to install several such structures or use the second option.

You can make do-it-yourself chicken feeders from the same material in a different way. This option is designed for a larger number of birds, therefore it is suitable for large farms. Another method of obtaining food is also used here - the holes for feeding are one level lower, which can be convenient for growing birds. In such a system, feed is saved, because birds cannot climb into the container to rake it.

Birds eat from a plastic product

Step-by-step instruction

Placement of the finished feeder

The structure is attached to a vertical surface with a wire, as shown in the photo. It is wrapped up and down to a post or net. The horizontal part of the trough should be at the bottom, and feed is poured into the hole from above. It will automatically fill the plane below as it is eaten. The feeder is also closed at night to keep food clean.

A do-it-yourself pipe product of this type has a slightly bulky appearance, as well as more connecting parts, therefore it requires a roomy chicken coop. The feed stock will be enough for about a day - this is for 10-15 layers. Sometimes the bottom of the structure is not lowered to the floor, but kept suspended so that the chickens cannot completely insert their heads into the holes. If there is a grown-up young growth in the hen house, he will be able to use such a system when it is on the floor.

Laying hens peck grains

Thus, with the help of pipes, you can make do-it-yourself chicken feeders. This method will save the farmer time and money for buying feed.

DIY chicken feeder from a pipe: photo and video master class

With the onset of spring and the end of autumn, our family lives in a country house. We grow vegetables, take care of the garden and shrubs, and keep chickens and rabbits. Chickens lay eggs all season, and rabbits give birth to offspring. Of course, the question of feeding comes up every day. At first, we fed the bird by pouring the food into containers. They realized that this was an unsuccessful idea: chickens turned the containers with grain on the ground, the remaining grain was pecked by sparrows. It is very expensive, because we buy feed, and it is not cheap at all. The idea came to make a special device that will be stable, protect the grain from the effects of rain and faith, as well as from the encroachment of other birds.

To make a homemade chicken feeder, the following material was needed:

  • PVC pipes: smaller and larger diameters
  • multiple PVC caps
  • PVC tee
  • sleeve
  • hub.
  • Tools: drill, hole saw.

    Connect the pipes in the sequence shown in the photo. Cut off the places marked with a marker with a saw, drill the holes with a drill.

    Several simple options for constructing a PVC pipe feeder

    Traditional chicken feeders are very ineffective and impractical in practice, as birds often climb into them, scatter feed, litter and eventually turn the dishes upside down. Poultry breeders have to constantly monitor the condition of the feeders and spend a lot of time cleaning them. Special devices will help to get rid of such problems - feeders from sewer PVC pipes, which can be made with your own hands. How? Let's consider.

    DIY PVC pipe feeder

    People who breed chickens in rural areas know very well how carelessly they treat the feed poured into open feeders, a quarter can simply be scattered around the yard and trampled into the mud with their paws. Also, if the feeder is in the open air (on the street in the courtyard of the house), then migratory birds often fly in for refreshment)) Rodents also do not disdain chicken feed, they mainly apply to the feeder in a quiet night while the chickens sleep on the roost) In general go quite large, sometimes even half will go nowhere. For this reason, the author decided to create an economical and very easy-to-manufacture feeder from a plastic bucket and PVC pipes (corners).

    The principle is as follows: we take a plastic bucket and drill holes in it in the side, where polypropylene corners are then inserted, they should be located at a distance of 2-3 cm from the bottom.That is, when the bucket is completely filled with food, it will slowly settle as it is consumed its chickens, "Everything is as simple as a white day" Also, if you wish, you can make a viewing window, so that you can see the filling level of the bucket with food when the lid is closed.

    And so, let's look at what exactly the author will need to create a PVC pipe chicken feeder?

    1.plastic bucket 10-15 l

    2.polypropylene corners 70 mm

    1.drill with 70 mm core drill

    2.hot glue gun

    4.sealant gun

    5.clerical knife

    Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for making a chicken feeder made of PVC pipes and a plastic bucket.

    As mentioned above, the loading hopper is an ordinary plastic bucket, in this case 10 liters and three corners on the sides to get inside the chicken head feeder) You can also use a larger container, for example, a 20 liter bucket or a barrel. If you need a long-acting feeder so that you fill up the feed once and forget it for a week, then it is rational to use a plastic barrel of 40-50 liters.

    Next, you should try on the corner against the wall of the bucket and circle the circle with a marker. Attention Important! The corner should be located 2-3 cm from the bottom of the bucket, so that as the feed decreases, it is fed into the feeding area.

    Then a hole is drilled with a drill and a 70 mm crown, a PVC corner is inserted into the hole made and fixed with hot glue, and for greater reliability, you can also walk with a sealant.

    In order to visually carry control over the level of feed in the trough without opening the lid, a viewing window should be made in the side of the bucket. Everything is done very simply, namely, with the help of a ruler and a marker, a marking is made in the form of a strip 2-3 cm wide, and then it is cut out along the contour with a clerical knife. After that, you will need transparent plastic, which can be taken from a regular plastic bottle, we also cut out a strip, but in size it should be 1-1.5 cm larger in length and width. We apply, drill holes and rivet, pass the edges with hot glue, and then also with a sealant.

    Here is the actual chicken feeder ready, pour the feed.

    As you can see, the feeder from a plastic bucket and polypropylene corners turned out to be as closed as possible and the chickens will no longer scatter their feed, the grain loss will be sharply reduced. Birds will also cease to prevail and feed.

    Materials for manufacturing are budgetary and generally available, step-by-step instructions have been provided to you, so we take it and do it. Go for it, friends!

    Advantages: minimal feed losses, lightness and mobility, large bunker volume.

    Disadvantages: when the feed is used up, the weight of the feeder will decrease and the chicken can turn it over, it is necessary to modify and make a stable stand.

    Watch the video: Feeder and drinker for poultry from a plumbing pipe (January 2020).

  • Backyard owners often keep chickens. This is beneficial because fresh eggs and chicken meat have always been in demand. And the feed is consumed a little, tk. chickens do not eat much. But these birds have a bad habit: they love to get into the feeders, pour out the food. They stain it, scatter it, scrape it with their paws, turn over the dishes. Therefore, owners have to incur losses and re-feed to keep the chickens from going hungry.

    The pipe feeder prevents the chicken from scattering feed around the chicken coop.


    But there are so many things to do in a private house, there is no desire to constantly run and feed the chickens. The only way out is to install special feeders. It will be difficult and expensive to buy them in a store, it is easier to make them yourself from PVC pipes. What are the advantages of DIY feeders?

    1. Saving feed, which the bird does not scatter and trample.
    2. You don't have to constantly run into the chicken coop. Load the feed once and it will automatically go to the trough and the birds will be full even if the owner does not appear in the chicken coop.
    3. Making them for chickens with your own hands does not take much time. In a matter of hours, you will build a device that will last for many years.
    4. If you make feeders from a PVC pipe, then you will need a minimum of materials, i.e. the costs are not serious. Also used are pipe scraps or other material that has long been gathering dust in your barn idle.

    Feeder minimizes food consumption


    If you want to make a do-it-yourself chicken feeder, choose a few simple options.

    Most often, in household plots, feeders are made from PVC pipes, tk. it is simple and accessible material.

    With cutouts

    To make such feeders with your own hands, you need a minimum of materials and tools.

    Feeder with cutouts

    Prepare everything you need in advance:

    • tools for work;
    • 2 PVC pipes 60 cm and 40 cm long;
    • knee, which is needed for connection;
    • 2 plugs to match.

    The procedure for working on a chicken feeder.

    A 60 cm pipe (horizontal) is needed for feeding chickens, the second (vertical) for feeding.

    Cut the holes on the first one. But instead they make one continuous one, through which the hens peck food.

    1. First, holes are drawn on a 60 cm pipe, which will be cut out, at 7 cm.
    2. Drawn holes are cut.
    3. A plug is put on one end of the pipe.
    4. Attach a knee to the other end. Insert the second pipe into it.
    5. The work is done. Now the structure must be fixed in the chicken coop, preferably in several places so that it holds. You put food in a vertical pipe and put a plug on it so that debris does not get inside. When the chickens eat the food that has penetrated down, a new portion of food will immediately fall out, and your pets will always be full. It is enough for you to go into the chicken coop once a day and fill the feeder.

    With tee

    Feeder with tee

    To make this chicken feeder you will need:

    • instruments;
    • they are made of PVC plastic pipe. You can take one and cut it into pieces, or pick up ready-made ones and cut them to size. If you cut pipes, you can change the dimensions, but it is advisable to observe the proportions: 10, 20, 70 cm.
    • tee with an angle of 45;
    • 2 plugs for a plastic pipe;

    How to make such a feeder with your own hands:

    1. A medium-sized pipe is taken, a plug is put on one end of it. This is the very bottom of our structure.
    2. On its other end, you need to put on a tee so that the side knee looks up;
    3. Now you need to insert a small pipe into the side hole.
    4. The longest one is inserted into the remaining hole of the tee.

    The chicken feeder is ready. You can add food and close the hole with a plug. Chickens will be able to peck food from the resulting small hole.

    There are also simpler ways to make do-it-yourself feeders. How to make them, tell experienced breeders of chickens in this video. Use their advice or the instructions above.

    All feeders can be divided into three types according to the method of feeding:

    • bunkers, in which dry bulk food is poured for several days;
    • troughs are hung on the walls of the poultry house;
    • trough feeders are installed on the floor of the chicken coop.

    Craftsmen make chicken feeders from almost everything that catches your eye. The materials are boards, plywood, a variety of plastic bottles, food containers, PVC pipes and much, much more.

    The choice of material depends on what kind of feed will be put into it:
    • most often, feeders are made of wood or plywood. The wood is excellently processed, widely available and environmentally friendly. Feeders of any type are made from wood. Wooden feeders of trough and groove type are impregnated with linseed oil before use;
    • plastic feeders are hygienic, easy to clean and disinfect. Plastic is easy to cut with a knife, well welded with hot melt glue. It is especially easy and simple to make structures from PVC sewer pipes;
    • metal is used in the manufacture of feeders in the form of separate elements. The material is quite difficult to process, but has increased strength. Usually V-shaped grass feeders are made of metal.

    By location, the feeders are divided into:

    • structures installed on the floor of a chicken coop or cage. These feeders are extremely convenient due to their mobility;
    • wall feeders. They are characterized by increased resistance to overturning;
    • suspended structures are used in the cage keeping of poultry. Quick-detachable suspension structures are convenient for regular sanitization, which is why they are often used when raising chickens.

    The choice of the type of feeder depends on the breed and age of the chickens. How much time the poultry farmer will spend on servicing the bird depends on how the feed is fed into the feeder. The more automated the process, the faster the pets will be fed.

    According to the method of filling with food, the feeders are divided:

    • the tray model is mainly used in the suspended version. It is usually used to feed chickens in cages. Food is poured into it several times a day. The easiest way is to make a tray feeder from a polyvinyl chloride pipe with a diameter of 50 or 110 millimeters;
    • the trough feeder is placed on the floor of the room. To prevent the bird from contaminating the food with its paws, a metal mesh or a rotating bar is attached to the top of the feeder. The inside of the trough can be divided into several compartments for different types of feed. Feed in a groove-type feeder for adult chickens is laid twice a day;
    • the most service-friendly hopper feeder. The poultry farmer can put food in them every few days. This is especially useful for gardeners who visit the house once or twice a week during winter.

    What are the requirements for chicken feeders

    1. The feeder should provide free access to food for all birds in the house at the same time. According to the standards, 10 centimeters per adult chicken and 5 centimeters per chicken are allotted. If the area of ​​the trays is insufficient for the simultaneous approach to food for all the inhabitants of the house, the number of feeders is increased. If the feeder is located outside the cage, slots are made above it for the birds to access the feed.
    2. The material of the trough should allow for wet processing and disinfection of the walls.
    3. The design of the feeders should exclude the possibility of raking the feed with the paws.
    4. The feeder should be securely attached to the wall or stand firmly on the floor, even if the bird tries to jump onto it from above.

    Types of feeders for self-production

    To make bird feeders with your own hands, you will need: a ruler, tape measure, jigsaw, screwdriver, knife, screws or nails. There are options, both simpler and more complicated.

    Cutting board feeder

    Such a feeder will serve as an interesting decoration for a walking yard. To make the feeder, take a thick wooden chopping board, a funnel, a transparent hose with a diameter of 15 mm, and a sippy bowl from a pet store.

    Stages of work:

    The grain is laid out on the board, through the holes it enters the hose and fills the feeder.

    Bunker feeder made of plastic bucket

    To make such a feeder, you will need a plastic bucket with a lid and a sectional bowl for feeding animals.

    1. In the lower part of the side surface of the bucket, six holes with a diameter of 2-3 centimeters are cut with a knife.
    2. Attach the bucket to the bowl with self-tapping screws or blind rivets.
    3. The feeder is hung by the handle of the bucket or placed on the floor, the food is poured into the bucket, the container is closed with a lid on top.

    On a note!

    Instead of a plastic bucket, you can use an enamel can or any other closed container.

    Plastic bottle feeder

    To make such a feeder, you will need two 19-liter bottles.

    1. The first bottle is cut in half in height. Having retreated from the bottom 5 centimeters, rectangular vertical holes measuring 7 by 10 centimeters are cut.
    2. A hole with a diameter of 10-15 centimeters is cut in the bottom of the second bottle. A cover is attached to this hole from above.
    3. The second bottle, with the neck down, is installed on the first bottle and fastened together through washers with blind rivets.

    In a similar way, a chicken feeder is made from one and a half liter bottles.

    CD Feeder

    To make such a feeder, you will need a tall CD container and a large plate.

    Stages of work:

    1. Six round holes with a diameter of 20-25 millimeters are made in the lower part of the side wall of the container. The holes can be cut with a knife, but it is better to burn them with a burner or a soldering iron.
    2. The container is turned upside down, filled with crushed grain mixture, screwed on the bottom, turned over and placed on a plate.
    3. The feeder is installed on the floor and is intended for feeding the chickens.

    Canister construction

    To make such a feeder, take a plastic canister.

    Stages of work:

    1. The canister is thoroughly washed, screwed on the cork, put on its side.
    2. In the upper part of the side walls, holes are drilled with a diameter of 6-7 centimeters.
    3. A round hole with a diameter of 10 centimeters is cut out from the top of the canister and a piece of gray PVC pipe 10-15 centimeters long is glued onto the hot melt glue.
    4. The trough is installed on the floor and is designed to feed a large number of chickens.

    Feeder from a five-liter plastic bottle

    To make such a feeder, they take a five-liter bottle from under drinking water and a bowl with low sides.

    1. Having retreated a few centimeters from the top, the neck of the bottle is cut off.
    2. In the lower part of the side surface of the bottle, six to eight holes with a diameter of 2-3 centimeters are cut with a knife.
    3. The bottom of the bottle is screwed to the basin through wide washers with four 6mm diameter bolts.
    4. For better vertical fixation of the container, U-shaped wire brackets are placed inside the bottle, the ends of which are fixed in the outer walls of the basin.

    The feeder is designed for floor use.

    PVC pipe hopper structure

    Several variants of hopper feeders can be assembled from a sewer pipe with a diameter of 110 mm.

    Tee Feeder Option

    How to do:

    Take a piece of pipe 500 mm long. A tee with an outlet at 45 degrees is put on the lower end (the tee is put on with the outlet up). On the lower end of the tee, put on a connecting sleeve, closed from below with a plug. The resulting structure is placed on the floor with a tee down, then fastened to the wall with clamps.

    Bunker wooden feeder

    For the manufacture of a bunker wooden feeder, take plywood 100 mm thick or boards 20 mm thick.

    1. The boards are marked out according to the drawing, the parts are cut out with a jigsaw.
    2. The edges of the cuts are processed, irregularities and splinters are removed, then the parts are impregnated with hot linseed oil.
    3. The finished structure is assembled on self-tapping screws, hung on the wall of the chicken coop.

    On a note!

    The length of the feeder is chosen based on the number of inhabitants in the house.

    Automatic feeder

    With the help of a simple lever device, the bunker feeder can be equipped with the simplest automation that opens the cover of the bunker chute. The principle of operation of the automatics is simple: the chicken approaches the feeder with a closed tray lid, steps on the step located in front of the feeder. The weight of the chicken causes the step to move downward, thereby lifting the hopper lid through a system of levers.

    Two-story wooden feeder

    A feeder of this type is installed to save space in small rooms. Structurally, the two-story feeder differs from the bunker feeder by the tray installed on top. In terms of the manufacturing method and the materials used, such a feeder is similar to a bunker one.

    Wooden trough

    For the manufacture of a wooden tray feeder, boards with a thickness of 20-25 mm are used. The feeder is a long wooden box. The width of the box is 10-15 centimeters, the height of the walls is 8-10 centimeters, the length depends on the type of feed and the amount of poultry.

    Tray feeders are installed on the floor or hung on the wall of the house. In order to prevent chickens from getting into the feeder with paws, a bar is attached to the top of the floor feeder.

    PVC pipe trough

    The PVC pipe trough is manufactured in a suspended version. Take a pipe with a diameter of 110 mm and a length of 1 meter. A plug is put on one end of the pipe, and a bend with an angle of 87 degrees is placed on the other. A slot 7-10 centimeters wide is made along the entire pipe.

    On a note!

    Sometimes, instead of slots, round holes are made, the feeder looks much more aesthetically pleasing, but it is almost impossible to rinse it from dirt and mold. Therefore, round holes in such a feeder are impractical.


    There are many options for self-making feeders, it is not difficult to make them. The main thing is that they are comfortable, hygienic and safe for chickens.

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