Population income and living standards. Types of living standards. Income of the population Income of the population as an indicator of the quality of life

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The main source of income for the population is wages. But often its value is not sufficient to comply with even the most necessary conditions the existence of people. Therefore, it becomes necessary for the state to regulate wages, and for the population - to look for other sources of income. Quite often the incomes of the majority of the population are very low in comparison with the incomes of a small part of the population. In this regard, social tension arises in society, the overcoming of which also has to be taken care of by the state. The higher the income, the higher the demand for products and services produced by various industries, the higher the quality of the product, since there is a motive for achieving better final results, its competitiveness, the higher production efficiency, which means that the economic situation in the country is better. Therefore, the regulation of incomes, wages is part of the policy of any state. Thus, the incomes of the population and the sources of their formation deserve close attention, and all the problems associated with them require prompt resolution.

The income and purchasing power of the population are not only of social importance - as components of the standard of living, but also as factors that determine the duration of life itself. They are very significant as an element of economic recovery, which determines the capacity of the domestic market. The capacious domestic market, secured by effective demand, is a powerful incentive to support domestic producers.

Obviously, to revive the economy, it is necessary to form effective demand through an increase in the part of the population's income in the total amount of society's income - GDP. The increase and, of course, the timely payment of salaries, pensions, scholarships and other social benefits is necessary for economic recovery.

The current stage of radical economic reforms is accompanied by cardinal transformations social structure Belarusian society. Social policy is the most important area of ​​state activity at the present stage. The stability of society depends on the solution of social problems, and this is a necessary basis for the effective development of the economy. The effectiveness of social policy is checked, first of all, by the level and quality of life of both the entire population and various social groups.

At the same time, the standard of living is defined as an indicator characterizing the quantity and quality of goods and services consumed in the country. The quality of life is considered as a system of indicators characterizing the degree of implementation of people's life strategies, satisfaction of their vital needs.

The rise in living standards is not only the result of economic growth, but also its condition. Modern production requires both fundamentally new equipment and technologies, as well as highly qualified workers, owners of their intellectual capital. They form the backbone of the middle class. They spend more money on renewal of vital energy, on education and training, and their level and quality of life must be higher than just ensuring survival. Therefore, the study of the dynamics and quality of the standard of living of the population, its forecasting is extremely important for the sustainable, balanced and progressive development of society as a whole.

There is a problem of unequal distribution of income. The problem of poverty is also connected with it. Poverty is a global problem. This is a multidimensional socio-economic phenomenon associated with a low level of consumption, instability of social life, short life expectancy, and weak opportunities for the effective realization of labor potential.

The purpose of this term paper is the study of the income of the population. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Consider the types of income of the population;

Identify the factors that determine the income of the population;

Study the differentiation of the population by income, ways to measure it;

Consider the problem of poverty;

Study the level and quality of life;

Analyze the welfare policy of the population and the standard of living in the Republic of Belarus.

1 . Incomes of the population and their types. Nominal and real income

The level and quality of life largely depend on the size of the population's income, so it seems necessary to consider this phenomenon in more detail.

The aggregate income of society produced in the economy is distributed in accordance with the contribution to its development of all factors of production: labor, land, capital and entrepreneurial ability. This distribution is called primary (functional). The result is factorial, or primary, income, the main forms of which are wages, entrepreneurial profit, interest and rent, the sizes of which depend on competitive conditions.

However, the marginal productivity of factors of production is not the only criterion for distribution in the economy, since it leaves out those individuals who do not own any of them and cannot receive factor income (in particular, the disabled, the elderly, minors). Their incomes (social transfers, which are in the form of pensions, benefits, scholarships, various payments) are not conditioned by participation in social production and are the result of redistribution, or secondary (personal) distribution of functional income. The size of secondary income depends significantly on the social policy pursued by the state.

Personal (personal) income can be much higher than factor income, since it includes, as a rule, several sources (income from running a personal subsidiary farm, from participating in criminal activities, winning the lottery, etc.).

So, the income of the population is all funds in kind and in cash received by households. They can be in kind or in cash.

In-kind income includes all receipts of agricultural products, livestock, services and other products in in kind.

Cash Income - Cash receipts that are generally renewable in nature and are credited to the household or individual members on a regular monthly basis. Household income consists of: salaries of employees and other income from employers; parts of income from self-study; profits from business activities; income from personal investments (rent, interest, dividends), fees and commissions. Household cash income includes alimony, pensions, scholarships, benefits and other assistance in the form of regularly received money. Savings withdrawals, loans taken or repaid loans received, even if used for consumption purposes, are not included in household income.

Wages and salaries, such as wage earners, are the total remuneration of all members of the household who receive cash wages, before taxes are deducted. It includes income from main and secondary activities and, as a rule, covers basic wages, payments for non-working hours, bonuses, benefits, allowances (including social allowances paid directly by the employer).

Self-employment income - household income in cash received from self-employment (self-employment), as well as from regular or casual business and independent professional activities.

To assess the level of income, the concepts of nominal and real income are used.

Nominal income is the entire amount of monetary income, independent of taxation and price levels.

Disposable income is nominal income minus taxes and other obligatory payments, that is, funds directly used by the population for consumption and savings.

Real income is the number of goods and services that can be purchased for the amount of disposable income. The amount of real income depends on its nominal level, income taxes, prices of consumer goods. Real incomes of the population are determined only in dynamics for a specific period of time using the consumer price index, which is calculated for each month and for the year as a whole:

RD = (ND - NP) (1.1)

where RD - real income, p .;

ID - nominal income, rubles;

IP - taxes and mandatory payments, rubles;

I - consumer price index.

Sometimes the real income of the population is determined through an indicator of the purchasing power of money, which characterizes the change in the volume of goods or services that can be purchased for the same amount in different periods of time. The calculation of real incomes using this method assumes that the quality of goods and the ratio of prices within one or another group of them does not change, there is no shortage of goods and state regulation of prices. If these conditions are met, the purchasing power of the monetary unit is determined by the physical volume of goods that can be bought in the amount of per capita income. The result obtained rather accurately characterizes the changes in real money incomes of the population for the period under study.

Depending on the life cycle of a person, income is divided into received 1) before participation in labor activity (before reaching working age); 2) from participation in labor, business, social activities; 3) temporarily unemployed (unemployed, refugees, etc.); 4) after completion of employment (pensioners).

From a legal point of view, income can be legal (legal) and illegal (illegal). The second group includes income from activities that are not registered in accordance with the established procedure, are hidden from taxation, have a criminal origin, etc.

In countries with developed market economies, the source of information on the income of the population is sample surveys of households, data on income declarations of individuals submitted to tax authorities, indicators of wages and final consumption expenditures of households in the System of National Accounts (SNA). In the Republic of Belarus, when studying income, they rely on the Balance of Cash Incomes and Expenditures of the Population and sample surveys of about six thousand households.

1.1 Factors Determining Population Income

The level of income of members of society is the most important indicator of their well-being, as it determines the possibilities of the material and spiritual life of an individual: recreation, education, maintaining health, meeting urgent needs.

Social policy is a system of measures aimed at achieving social welfare, improving the quality of life of the population and ensuring social stability in society. The fundamental principle of the implementation of social policy is to ensure social justice: on the one hand, the state must provide citizens with equal starting conditions for existence, on the other hand, the most active members of society must receive a greater amount of benefits and services for their work.

The amount of income is influenced by many different factors, often having a multidirectional nature of influence. Among them, there are socio-political ones that determine the strength of action and the direction of other factors in the formation of income; demographic, considering the dependence of income on gender, age, physical endurance and intellectual ability; professional, researching the level of education, qualifications and work experience; status, determining the size of income, depending on the place of a person in society and the hierarchy of office; socio-economic, which, in particular, include the type and type of activity, employment options, type of production, form of ownership of the means of production, working conditions.

In countries with different climatic conditions, geographic factors are of particular importance, since the cost of essential goods and services varies significantly from region to region and, accordingly, implies different levels of income.

For Belarus, one can also single out the environmental factor associated with the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and the need for additional livelihoods for residents of the affected areas.

At the same time, it is impossible to exclude the influence on the income level of the population of the individual properties of people that are essential for labor and labor relations, especially their capacity for work and hard work, attitudes towards welfare as the value and purpose of life, a propensity for leadership, a predisposition to individual or joint work. etc. The influence of luck and luck cannot be excluded from the number of factors influencing the level of income.

Thus, the income of the population is all funds in kind and in cash received by households. They can be in kind or in cash. In-kind income includes all receipts of agricultural products, livestock products, services and other products in kind. Cash Income - Cash receipts that are generally renewable in nature and accrue to the household or individual members on a regular monthly basis.

Among the factors that have a direct impact on the size of the population's income, in addition to the size of the wages themselves, are the dynamics of retail prices, the degree of saturation of the consumer market with goods, etc. The state of the country's economy and the current social policy have a direct impact on the level of income of the population.

2 . Differentiation of the population by income, ways to measure it. Differentiation Change Trends

Cash incomes of the population are formed from various sources, the main of which are: factor income; cash receipts from state aid programs in the form of payments and benefits receipts from the financial system (from banks, through savings banks, from insurance institutions, etc.), etc.

Payments under state aid programs have a significant impact on the formation of incomes of the population, due to these sources, pensions, maintenance of temporarily disabled citizens are carried out, various types of benefits are paid (for childcare, medical care, low-income families for children; payments of unemployment benefits).

The ratio of the share of transfer payments and wages in the income of the population plays an important role in the formation of an individual's economic behavior and his ore motivation.

Differentiation of the population based on the subsistence minimum budget and the minimum consumer budget makes it possible to single out groups with at different levels material security:

Poor families, per capita income is less than or equal to the living wage budget;

Low-income families, whose per capita income is more than the subsistence level, but less than the minimum consumer budget;

Wealthy families, whose per capita income is in the interval between the minimum and rational consumer budgets;

Wealthy families in which the per capita income is higher than the rational consumer budget.

Poor families typically spend 1/3 of their income on food. By increasing this amount by three times, you can get the income necessary to exist at the level of the living wage. Let's pay attention to the fact that the cost of living is not a physiological minimum, which can be defined as the level of income required for physiological survival. A living wage tells us about a certain minimum standard of living.

As you can see, the population is divided into four groups on the basis of the subsistence minimum budget and the minimum consumer budget: poor, low-income, well-to-do and rich families.

2.1 The problem of inequality in income distribution

income inequality poverty welfare

Cash incomes are unevenly distributed among people, which is typical for all countries of the world. This phenomenon is known as Pareto's law, according to which there is an inverse relationship between the level of income and the number of their recipients: 80% of the created GDP is assigned to 20% of the population, and the remaining 20% ​​is distributed among 80% of the population, and the 80:20 ratio is quite stable and is observed in all countries, regardless of political and economic realities.

When speaking about income differentiation, one should also take into account such important aspects as innate abilities of people, which can vary to a large extent. Individuals who are not deprived of nature in this regard, having higher productivity, receive higher incomes. In addition, some of them have unique abilities that enable them to extract “intellectual rent”. At the same time, not the least importance is the performance of a person, his desire to achieve high results in his activities.

It is known that the amount of income depends on differences in property ownership, but the latter can be inherited by individuals, that is, income inequality is reproduced, contributing to the receipt of a better education by this category of people and, accordingly, a higher paid job. When considering income inequality, one cannot exclude a favorable set of circumstances.

The magnitude of inequality becomes apparent when we look more deeply at the distribution of income among households. For this purpose, a ranking technique is used: families are distributed in ascending order of income, and then grouped. At the same time, there are: a) quintile groups, in which households are divided into five subgroups, each of which includes 20% of all families (the first quintile group is 20% of families with the lowest, and the fifth - 20% with the highest income level); b) decile groups, which are formed in a similar way and divide households into 10 identical subgroups (10% each).

The degree of social stratification is determined by calculating a number of coefficients.

The income differentiation coefficient, or the coefficient of funds (), is the ratio between the average incomes of the richest 10% of the population (and 10% of the poorest (:

The higher the ratio of funds, the greater the inequality in income and the higher the degree of differentiation of the population.

The degree of income inequality can be seen on the Lorentz curve in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Lorentz curve

Note - Source.

The share of families is located on the abscissa, and the share of income is on the ordinate. The theoretical possibility of absolutely equal distribution of income is represented by the bisector, which indicates that any given percentage of families receive a corresponding percentage of income. This means that if 20% of families receive 20% of the total income, then 40% -40% of the total income, etc. The corresponding points will be located on the bisector. Absolute inequality is represented by point E, when 1% of families receive 100% of the income, while others have nothing. In this case, the Lorentz curve coincides with the axes of the coordinate system, forming a right angle with the apex at point A, as shown by the bold lines in the graph.

The area between the perfect equality line and the Lorenz curve indicates the extent of income inequality. The ratio of the area of ​​this area to the area of ​​the ONE triangle is called the Ginny coefficient after the Italian economist and statistician Corrado Ginny (1884-1965). Obviously, the greater the deviation of the Lorentz curve from the bisector, the larger the area of ​​the T figure, and therefore the greater the Ginny coefficient, it will approach 1.

The Lorenz curve and Ginny coefficient can be used to compare the distribution of income over time, or in different countries, or between different groups, taking into account pre- and post-tax income.

There is another way to measure inequality - the decile coefficient: the entire population is divided into ten groups of 10% each and the incomes of 10% of the highest group and 10% of the lowest group are compared.

table2. 1 - Distribution of income of the population inIquarter of 2004

Population group

Group size, million people

Share of the group in the total income of the population,%

Average income per group representative, USD per month

Top 10%

Next 3%

Next 6%

Total 10th decile

9th decile

4th quintile

3rd quintile

2nd quintile

2nd decile

Bottom 10%

Note - Source.

Consequently, the degree of social inequality can be seen on the Lorentz curve (Fig. 1). Also, the degree of social stratification is determined by calculating a number of coefficients: the coefficient of income differentiation (coefficient of funds), Gini coefficient, decile coefficient.

2.2 Poverty concept. Poverty line

Poverty is linked to the problem of unequal distribution of income. According to the UN concept, it is defined as a state of long-term forced lack of the necessary resources to ensure a satisfactory standard of living. Today, this concept includes not only a lack of money, but also a limitation of human capabilities, which is caused by the lack of well-paid work, comfortable housing, access to quality education and health care.

Poverty is a global problem. This is a multidimensional socio-economic phenomenon associated with a low level of consumption, instability of social life, and weak opportunities for the effective realization of labor potential.

Poverty takes many forms. Depending on the basis for comparison, they distinguish between absolute and relative poverty. The first criterion is the minimum set of livelihoods, according to which those who lack basic means of subsistence are classified as poor. When determining relative poverty, indicators of well-being are correlated not with minimum needs, but with the average level of material security prevailing in a particular country.

Objective poverty is a condition assessed according to the criteria of income adopted in a given country and the degree of accessibility of material and spiritual benefits or on the basis of expert recommendations. The level and extent of subjective poverty are distributed on the basis of self-assessment: a person is poor if he considers himself to be poor.

The main tool for determining the number of poor in a country is the poverty line, or border, - the minimum acceptable critical standard of living that the governments of countries must guarantee to their citizens.

In Belarus, the poverty line is the living wage budget.

A living wage is the minimum set of material goods and services necessary to ensure the life of a person and maintain his health. It focuses on the lowest (physiological) level of consumption, which is reflected in a limited number of goods and services in each product group.

Living wage budget - the cost of the living wage plus mandatory payments and contributions. It is calculated on average per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups. The minimum consumer budget represents the cost of purchasing a set of consumer goods and services to meet the physiological needs of a person.

The basis of the natural-material structure of the minimum consumer budgets is the system of consumer baskets. The consumer basket is a scientifically grounded balanced set of goods and services that satisfy the specific functional needs of a person, in certain periods of time, based on the specific conditions prevailing in the country.

The extreme manifestation of poverty is poverty. Households are considered poor if their food consumption does not meet 80% of the minimum dietary intake as defined by the World Health Organization, or if food costs exceed 80% of their total income.

Thus, poverty is a state of long-term forced lack of the necessary resources to ensure a satisfactory standard of living. Poverty has both absolute and relative forms. There are also objective and subjective poverty.

3 . Living standards and indicatorsits defining. The quality of life

The standard of living characterizes the development and the degree of satisfaction of the material, spiritual and social needs of people. In other words, it is the structure of needs and their provision with appropriate goods and services.

The needs of people are diverse. A need is a need for means of subsistence, which has taken a specific form in accordance with the cultural level and personal qualities of the individual. In this regard, the set of needs of each person is different. To determine the degree of satisfaction of needs, the actual consumption of goods and services is correlated with the minimum and rational standards for their consumption.

The rise in the standard of living creates opportunities for improving the quality of life, its material base. But the conditions necessary to improve the quality of life are not limited to the level of consumption of goods and services. The quality of life also includes the social outcomes of economic and political development- average life expectancy, morbidity rate, labor conditions and safety, availability of information, ensuring human rights, etc.

In a market economy, the most important components of the quality of life are the degree of social protection of the population, freedom of choice for a person, improvement of the social environment, cultural, national and religious relations.

The principles and approaches to classifying the needs of the population can be different. From the point of view of the subject form, two groups of needs can be distinguished: the need for material goods (food, clothing, footwear, cultural and household items, housing) and the need for services (household, medical, education, culture, art, transport, communications, etc. etc.).

In a broad sense, the concept of "living standards of the population" also includes living conditions - working, living and leisure conditions. Working conditions are a combination of factors that affect the performance and health of a person in the process of production activities. This includes production and technical conditions (equipment of production with equipment and labor safety, labor organization, etc.), sanitary and hygienic working conditions (humidity and cleanliness of air in production, color background of equipment and premises, sanitary condition of enterprises, workplaces, etc.) etc.), labor protection (length of the working day, working week, elimination of harmful working conditions in production, availability of modern safety equipment, etc.).

Living conditions are the provision of housing for the population, its quality, the development of a network of consumer services (baths, hairdressing salons, rental centers, repair shops, etc.), the state of public transport, medical services, trade and public catering.

Leisure conditions are associated with the use of people's free time. Free time- this is a part of non-working time, intended for personal development, more complete satisfaction of social, spiritual and intellectual needs. The standard of living of the population is a complex and multifaceted category. One of the most important tasks of the statistical study of the standard of living of the population is its comprehensive assessment and analysis. A comprehensive assessment can be achieved by constructing an integral indicator and a system of generalizing indicators, although the development of a method for calculating an integral indicator is associated with certain difficulties.

The system of indicators of the standard of living of the population is based on the UN classification, which makes it possible to use it for international comparisons. This includes the following groups of indicators: demographic, sanitary and hygienic living conditions; food consumption; living conditions; education and culture; working conditions and employment; income and expenses of the population; consumer price indices; availability of vehicles; organization of recreation; social Security; human rights. Indicators can be measured in physical units, current or comparable prices, in percentages or ranks (by location in a series of homogeneous indicators). According to the measurement methods, they are divided into statistical ones, based on reporting; regulatory, developed on the basis of regulatory reports; analytical, obtained by calculation using statistical and normative indicators. When studying the standard of living, data obtained from surveys of the population and expert assessments of specialists are also used.

The quality and standard of living are closely interrelated, and the first, being a broader concept, reflects a wider range of people's needs. This concept is objective, that is, the criteria for its assessment are scientifically grounded standards of population consumption. On their basis, a rational consumer budget is calculated, which is the most important tool for socio-economic analysis of the level and quality of life. The ratio of the actual satisfaction of needs and the developed standards speaks about the degree of satisfaction of needs and the developed standards speaks about the degree of satisfaction of the needs of individuals, their groups, society as a whole. If, in the study of the standard of living, quantitative indicators are used to a greater extent, then in the study of its quality, the emphasis is on the qualitative certainty and qualitative differences of phenomena.

The most important indicator characterizing the level and quality of life is the consumption of goods and services. It can be viewed in two aspects: as a process of satisfying human needs, as a result of which they are either reproduced again or not reproduced, as well as the sphere of human life, which forms and develops a personality in all its diversity. Thus, the volume of food consumption in our country per capita over the past 15 years has decreased in a number of positions, especially such nutritionally valuable products as meat and milk. At the same time, an increase in the consumption of vegetable oil, fish and vegetables can be noted as a positive trend.

In the whole complex of needs of the population, which characterize their standard of living, a significant place is occupied by the need for housing. For the period 1990 - 2003 the average provision of the population with housing increased by 25% and amounts to 22.3 per person against 17.9 in 1990. Not only the amenities of housing are increasing, but also the comfort of life. 1995 - 2004 the number of telephone lines per 100 thousand people increased 1.7 times, the number of mobile phones increased 221 times, and the number of Internet users increased more than 5 thousand times.

Speaking about the quality of life of the population, one cannot ignore the sociological aspect of this phenomenon - the satisfaction of the people themselves with the conditions of life, work and rest. Since each person has his own scale of preferences, the same degree of satisfaction of a specific need is assessed by individuals in different ways. This fact suggests that at the present stage of development of society, determining by people the degree of satisfaction with the quality of their lives is a very difficult task.

Consequently, the standard of living characterizes the development and the degree of satisfaction of the material, spiritual and social needs of people. In other words, it is the structure of needs and their provision with appropriate goods and services. Indicators of the standard of living of the population: demographic, sanitary and hygienic living conditions; food consumption; living conditions; education and culture; working conditions and employment; income and expenses of the population; consumer price indices; availability of vehicles; organization of recreation; social Security; human rights. The quality and standard of living are closely interrelated, and the first, being a broader concept, reflects a wider range of people's needs.

4 . Welfare policy and living standards in the Republic of Belarus

The structure of cash incomes of the population of Belarus, according to the Balance of Expenditures and Incomes of the Population, includes: remuneration of all workers, social transfers (pensions, benefits, scholarships, etc.), income from property (interest on deposits, securities, dividends), income from entrepreneurial activities, etc.

In January-February 2012, the total amount of money income of the population amounted to 40.6 trillion. rubles and in comparison with January-February 2011 increased by 2 times with the growth of consumer prices for goods and services for this period by 2.1 times. Real disposable cash income (cash income net of taxes, fees and contributions, adjusted for the consumer price index for goods and services) decreased by 2.4% and amounted to 97.6%. Figure 2 shows the dynamics of disposable money income of the population as a percentage of the corresponding period of the previous year.

Rice. 2. Dynamics of disposable money income of the population

In the total cash income of the population, wages account for 65.9%, income from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities - 10.7%, transfers to the population - 19.2%, income from property and other income - 4.2%.

In January-February 2012, per capita monetary incomes in the republic as a whole amounted to 2,144.6 thousand rubles per month and exceeded the minimum consumer budget by 1.9 times, the subsistence budget - by 3 times.

Figure 3 shows the distribution of the population of the Republic of Belarus by the level of per capita income.

Rice. 3. Distribution of the population of the Republic of Belarus by the level of per capita income

Analysis of the distribution of incomes of the population of the Republic of Belarus by the level of per capita income in 2011 shows that 19.5% of the population have incomes from 0.75 to 1.0 million rubles. per month. Income less than 0.5 million rubles. receive 3.1% of Belarusians. At the same time, the income is over 2.0 million rubles. receive 14.0% of the inhabitants of the Republic.

Rice. 4. The proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence level in the regional centers of the Republic of Belarus

Here income differentiation is most noticeable. The smallest number (3.3%) of residents with incomes below the subsistence level are in Minsk, where the level of wages is higher. Among the regional centers, the Grodno region is in the lead - 7.9%.

Most residents of the republic spend on food - 41.3%. This is followed by spending on non-food products - 38.2%. Payment for services - 18.3%. The conventional opinion about the high level of alcohol consumption by the residents of the Republic of Belarus is not confirmed - 2.2% in the total structure of expenses.

Indicators of average wages and pensions in 2011 are shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1. - Average salary and pensions in 2011

Note - Source

The measures taken by the government of the Republic of Belarus allowed to increase real wages by 101.3%, at the same time, the real size of pensions amounted to 91.3% against the level of the previous period. For social protection of the population, targeted assistance is provided.

The wages of workers in the republic in terms of the weighted average exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble in December 2011 amounted to 342 US dollars, and in relation to December of the previous year (527 US dollars) fell by 186 US dollars, or by 35.1 percent. Thus, wages in December 2011 did not reach the level of January 2010 (348 US dollars), even taking into account that in January of each year there is a decrease in wages in dollar terms, and in December 2011 in relation to November 2011 it increased by 62 US dollars.

Significant inflation in 2011 allowed real wages to rise by only 1.3%, and the devaluation brought workers' wages back to early 2009 levels, when they fluctuated between $ 322 and $ 350.

Figure 5 shows the average monthly salary by regional center in 2011.

Rice. 5. Average monthly wages by regional centers in 2011

The nominal accrued average monthly wages of employees of budgetary organizations in 2011 amounted to 1,594.5 thousand rubles, an increase in comparison with 2010 by 62.1% in nominal terms and 5.8% in real terms. In December 2011 it amounted to 2 141.8 thousand rubles and increased in relation to December 2010 by 50.5% in nominal terms. In real terms, it decreased by 1.8%. By the level of November this year, wages in December increased by 254.3 thousand rubles, or by 13.5% in nominal terms, and in real terms - by 10.9%.

In December 2011, the highest level of remuneration was observed in organizations engaged in activities related to computers - 8228.4 thousand rubles, at enterprises for the production of coke, oil products and nuclear materials 7278.3 thousand rubles, in organizations of financial intermediation - 6691.3 thousand rubles, chemical production - 6308.7 thousand rubles, the lowest - in organizations for the repair of household goods and personal items - 1703.7 thousand rubles, for the provision of social services - 1749.3 thousand rubles , in agriculture, hunting and the provision of services in these areas - 1,760.3 thousand rubles, engaged in activities related to film and video films - 1,919.8 thousand rubles. For other types of activities, the average salary in December 2011 exceeded 2 million rubles.

4.1 Improving the quality of life in the Republic of Belarus

World practice has accumulated significant experience in increasing the prestige and quality of life of the population. For a long time, many enterprises have been testing new methods of incentives that encourage employees to work more efficiently, which is one of the most important factors in creating favorable conditions for improving their quality of life, using methods of near and distant motivation for this purpose.

Achievement of a high level of the state of health of the population depends on the solution of many problems that lie outside the boundaries of medicine itself and medical institutions. Personal behavior, economic and social status, educational level, housing availability and other factors have a significant impact on health. Policy in the field of education is the most important component of state policy, an instrument for ensuring fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, increasing the pace of socio-economic and scientific and technological development, humanization of society, growth of culture, level and quality of life of the population. The educational policy establishes, on the basis of public consent, the fundamental goals and objectives of the development of education, guarantees their implementation through coordinated actions of the state and the nationwide doctrine of education in Belarus. Ways to improve the living standards of the population in the Republic of Belarus:

1. Increased efficiency. Existing stocks natural resources should be used more efficiently. This entails not only overcoming unemployment, but also more efficient allocation of resources. 2. Growth of production resources. The stocks of production resources must be increased. By expanding stocks of raw materials and means of production, labor and technologies are used more efficiently, any economic system can shift the curve of its production capabilities to the right. The improvement of the quality of life in Belarus should be carried out on the basis of specially developed state programs for these purposes. In contrast to other countries, the standard of living of the population in Belarus is measured by its socio-economic indicators: monetary incomes and expenditures of the population, their composition and use; dynamics of real incomes of the population; indicators of income differentiation of the population (distribution of the population by income level, concentration of income, Gini index); poverty rate; food consumption; the purchasing power of the population's monetary income; the level of the consumer basket (living wage).

Further transformations will be required in the system of social protection of the population: its adaptation to modern conditions, its approximation to the ideals and goals proclaimed in international declarations and norms. Poverty as a socio-economic phenomenon is inherent in any society and is a multifaceted problem. For sustainable development, it is of paramount importance to reduce poverty as much as possible.

Thus, the state policy aimed at improving the level and quality of life of the population should, in the future, ensure the availability of such incomes for each member of society, which should be sufficient to satisfy basic needs, primarily through their own labor, while creating equal opportunities for applying forces to everyone. a person in any field of activity. And in the absence of such an opportunity - at the expense of state social support, concentrating social assistance to those who are in unfavorable conditions and really need it. This should serve a socially and economically justified redistribution of responsibility for personal well-being, transferring it from the state to a person and his family.


Incomes of the population are all funds in kind and in cash received by households. They can be in kind or in cash. In-kind income includes all receipts of agricultural products, livestock products, services and other products in kind. Cash Income - Cash receipts that are generally renewable in nature and accrue to the household or individual members on a regular monthly basis.

To assess the level of income, the concepts of nominal and real income are used. Nominal income is the entire amount of monetary income, independent of taxation and price levels. Real income is the number of goods and services that can be purchased for the amount of disposable income.

Among the factors that have a direct impact on the size of the population's income, in addition to the size of the wages themselves, are the dynamics of retail prices, the degree of saturation of the consumer market with goods, etc. The state of the country's economy and the current social policy have a direct impact on the level of income of the population.

The population is subdivided into four groups on the basis of the subsistence minimum budget and the minimum consumer budget: poor, low-income, well-to-do and rich families.

The degree of social inequality can be seen on the Lorentz curve. Also, the degree of social stratification is determined by calculating a number of coefficients: the coefficient of income differentiation (coefficient of funds), Gini coefficient, decile coefficient.

Poverty is a state of long-term forced lack of the necessary resources to ensure a satisfactory standard of living. Poverty has both absolute and relative forms. There are also objective and subjective poverty.

In Belarus, the poverty line is used as the poverty line, which, along with the minimum consumer budget, is also used to quantify poverty.

The standard of living characterizes the development and the degree of satisfaction of the material, spiritual and social needs of people. In other words, it is the structure of needs and their provision with appropriate goods and services. Indicators of the standard of living of the population: demographic, sanitary and hygienic living conditions; food consumption; living conditions; education and culture; working conditions and employment; income and expenses of the population; consumer price indices; availability of vehicles; organization of recreation; social Security; human rights. The quality and standard of living are closely interrelated, and the first, being a broader concept, reflects a wider range of people's needs.

The state policy aimed at improving the level and quality of life of the population should, in the future, ensure the availability of such incomes for each member of society, which should be sufficient to satisfy basic needs, primarily through their own labor, while creating equal opportunities for the application of forces to each person in any field of activity. And in the absence of such an opportunity - at the expense of state social support, concentrating social assistance to those who are in unfavorable conditions and really need it. This should serve a socially and economically justified redistribution of responsibility for personal well-being, transferring it from the state to a person and his family.

WITHlist of used sources

1 Macroeconomics: textbook. allowance / A.V. Bondar [and others]. - Minsk: BSEU, 2007 .-- 415 p.

2 Adamchuk V.V. Labor economics: textbook / V.V. Adamchuk, Yu.P. Kokin, R.A. Yakovlev. - Moscow: Finstatiform, 1999 .-- 431 p.

3 Alekseev A.R. Economic statistics: textbook / A.R. Alekseev, Yu.N. Ivanov - Moscow: Infra, 2006 .-- 736 p.

4 Polonik S.S. Main trends, dynamics of the most important social indicators of development of the Republic of Bashkortostan / S.S. Polonik // NEG, 2009. - p. 4.

5 Chepurina M.N. Economic theory course: textbook / M.N. Chepurina, Kiseleva E.A. - Kirov: ASA, 2006 .-- 831 p.

6 Strelets I.A. Macroeconomics: textbook / I.A. Sagittarius. - Moscow: Read Group, 2011 .-- 192 p.

7 Savchenko P.V. Intrafirm planning / P.V. Savchenko, Yu.P. Kokin. - Moscow: Moscow State University, 2000 .-- 269 p.

8 The standard of living of the population [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http: // belstat.gov.by/ homep / ru / indicators / regions / living_standard. php. - Date of access: 26.04.2012.

9 Statistical Yearbook / National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus // ed. IN AND. Zinovsky [and others]. - Minsk: National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, 2011. - 633 p.

10 Potapova I.O. Living standards of the population: content, forms and growth factors / I.O. Potapov. - Minsk: Misanta, 2003 .-- 365 p.

11 Macroeconomics: textbook. manual / T.S. Alekseenko [and others]. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2007 .-- 244 p.

12 Raizberg V.L. Economics course: textbook / V.L. Reisberg. - Moscow: Infra, 2006 - 606 p.

13 Agapova T.A. Macroeconomics / T.A. Agapova, Seregina S.F. - Moscow: Business and Service, 2000. -415p.

14 Abakumova Ts.N. Income and wages policy: textbook. allowance / Ts. N. Abakumova, R. Ya. Podovalov. - Novosibirsk: Infra-M, 2004 - 223 p.

15 Campbell R. Economics: principles, problems and politics / R. Campbell // translated from English. N.N. Baryshnikov [and others].

Posted on Allbest.ru

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Income is understood as the sum of all types of receipts in cash or in the form of material goods or services received as payment for labor, as a result different types economic activity or the use of property, as well as free of charge in the form of social assistance, benefits, grants and benefits.

The size and composition of income is one of the most important, albeit incomplete, characteristics of the population's standard of living. The income of the population not only determines its financial position, but also largely reflects the state and efficiency of the economy and economic relations in society. Incomes are characterized by the level, composition and structure, dynamics, correlation with expenditures, differentiation by different strata and groups of the population.

In accordance with modern ideas, the standard of living of the population and its income are determined not only and not so much for the whole society or the “average citizen”, but for households representing the entire population. Indeed, only at the level of a household belonging to a particular socio-demographic type, which has a particular age and gender composition of members and the ratio of workers and dependents, according to its average per capita income, it is possible to reasonably and correctly judge the standard of living of the population, naturally summarizing data on individual households.

If we talk about society as a whole, then its income should be considered as the gross domestic product or the sum of the income of all economic agents, which also represents the value and the measured part of the product produced over a certain period of time. The income of an individual, household, social group is a part and the corresponding value of the product produced, which is obtained as a result of their economic activity. The distribution of consumer goods and consumer goods, as a rule, is preceded by the distribution of income. Thus, the population receives its share of the gross product, which goes to meet personal needs, initially in the form of income. The income received is used further to purchase the necessary goods and services.

In the study of income, it is advisable to single out individual stages of the reproduction process, such as education, primary distribution, redistribution, the formation of final (disposable) income, the use of disposable income for final consumption and savings. These stages can also be investigated at the household level, and the characteristics of the volume and structure of income at each stage will characterize various aspects of the economic behavior of households: the generation of income (the flow of all resources into the household), the formation of final income (tax and other payments), the use of final income. for consumption and accumulation.

At the stage of formation and distribution of primary income, household income is primarily the remuneration of employees, mixed income of households from their own activities and income from property. All of these incomes are paid to households from the value added created during the production process. At the stage of secondary income distribution, primary household income is converted into disposable income by receiving transfers and paying taxes.

The stage of redistribution of income in kind and the use of adjusted disposable income in kind involves the interaction of households, government agencies and non-profit organizations serving the population. At this stage, income is redistributed in favor of households through the transfer of social transfers in kind from government agencies and non-profit organizations. The final characteristic of the use of the disposable income obtained and thus adjusted is the actual consumption of households, calculated as the sum of their final consumption expenditures and social transfers in kind. Disposable adjusted income is also allocated to final consumption and savings.

The correct calculation of income at both the micro and macro levels is associated with great difficulties, therefore, there are various relatively simple and more complex options for determining income. So, in practice, when determining the income of households, it is often necessary to go "from the opposite", that is, proceed from their expenditures and consumption. In systems of national accounts, the interpretation of the category of income, proposed by the English economist J. Hicks, is accordingly used, according to which income is considered as the maximum amount of money that can be spent on the purchase of consumer goods and services without becoming poorer, that is, without reducing its accumulated wealth and not taking on any financial obligations.

In the Soviet period, the income of the population was completely determined wages, pensions and benefits paid by government agencies and departments. With the transition to the market, the number of various types of incomes of the population increased significantly, and their incomes began to be determined to a greater extent by labor and economic activity, people's initiative, that is, ultimately, their adaptation to new economic conditions.

Cash income of the population includes payment for labor of all categories of the population, pensions, benefits, scholarships and other social transfers, income from property in the form of interest on deposits, securities, dividends, income of persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities, as well as loans, income from the sale of foreign currencies and other income. Cash income, net of taxes, mandatory payments and contributions, represents the disposable cash income of the population.

Income, taking into account all types of cash and in-kind receipts, is also called total income.

The total income of households is created through the participation of household members in productive activities, including secondary employment, self-employment (including self-employment and entrepreneurial activities, maintaining personal subsidiary plots), property income, as well as current transfers in cash and in kind. Income from personal subsidiary plots should also be taken into account not only in terms of the value of products sold, but also products in kind that are used for personal consumption.

Disposable household income is defined as income received by households from production activities, from property, as well as from redistributive operations: the addition of received subsidies for production and imports of current transfers (other than social transfers in kind), and deduction of taxes paid on production and imports and current transfers (including current taxes on income and wealth). Disposable income is the source for final consumption of goods and services and savings. Realistically disposable income is disposable income adjusted for inflation. In some cases, the adjusted disposable income is distinguished as income calculated after the addition of social transfers in kind.

Recently, the term “household disposable resources” has also been used. They are calculated as the sum of gross household income, including, along with cash, the imputed value of consumed products of own production and in-kind transfers, as well as previously accumulated funds, amounts and loans (in amounts that ensure household expenditures during the survey reference period). In systems of national accounts, income is also subdivided into factorial (determined by the factors of production: income from labor costs, from property and capital, from self-employment using labor and capital) and non-factorial (all other types of income).

An important item of income of the population is made up of transfers or cash payments not related to wages, goods and services. In other words, transfers are transactions in which goods, services or funds are provided unilaterally without receiving any equivalent in return. Social transfers in kind consist of goods and non-market services provided by a specific household from the federal and local budgets and public organizations is free.

The purchasing power of the population's monetary income reflects the potential of the population to purchase goods and services and is expressed in terms of the commodity equivalent of the average per capita money income of the population with a living wage.

Considering the problem of inequality from different angles, several arguments can be distinguished in favor of its reduction and, consequently, the redistribution of income in society. When speaking of inequality from the standpoint of welfare economics, it should be noted that there is a possible relationship between social inequality and the size of social welfare. Under certain assumptions about the social welfare function (additivity; diminishing marginal utility by income; individual utility functions are the same and make utility dependent only on the individual's income), it reaches its maximum under conditions of complete equality (see Lecture 20). Therefore, any decrease in inequality caused by income redistribution leads to an increase in social welfare. Such a redistribution of income fully corresponds to the implementation of the maximin principle, which is the basis of the function of public welfare of J. Rawls. Under other assumptions (non-additivity, difference in individual utility functions), increasing welfare may require income inequality.

The second argument in favor of the redistribution of income in society is of a macroeconomic nature - it is the existence of a certain relationship between the level of social inequality and the rate of economic growth. In fact, this argument is somewhat contradictory and is used by both proponents and opponents of redistribution processes. On the one hand, the less intense the redistributive processes are, the stronger the stimulation of individuals to productive work, which manifests itself in the possibility of obtaining high real incomes for them. In this sense, inequality is the price that society is forced to pay for effective economic system and stable economic growth. However, a too high level of inequality leads, on the contrary, to a decrease in economic growth in the country (that is, there is an interconnection in the form of a parabola convex upward between inequality and the rate of economic growth - with an increase in inequality, the rate of economic growth increases only to a certain level, starting from which with further increases in inequality, the rate of economic growth decreases). Therefore, it is advisable to regulate inequality through a policy of redistribution and not to allow it to be too high. The third reason is perhaps the most striking manifestation of inequality - the problem of poverty. Poverty exists in any country, regardless of the standard of living achieved in it. Poor people are people who are unable to live up to the minimum necessary standards adopted in a given country. As a result, they are also deprived of the opportunity to fully use all the rights and privileges guaranteed to the citizens of this country. The poor strata of the population are characterized by a low level and quality of life, high mortality (including children); a large proportion of the offenses are also committed by the poor. In view of these considerations, as well as in accordance with the principles of social justice and generally accepted norms in a democratic state, poverty reduction is one of the goals of the state, the implementation of which is carried out through a policy of income redistribution.

The mechanisms for redistribution of income are quite diverse, and the application of one or another mechanism depends on the level of inequality existing in the country, its structure, causes, as well as the specifics of the goals and objectives of the policy to reduce inequality. Therefore, before setting the task of income redistribution, it is necessary to understand what inequality is and how it can be assessed (measured).

Recent Research
show that there is
the relationship between such
indicators as level
poverty, rising unemployment,
income inequality, etc. AND
the state should
regulate these indicators
for the prosperity of their people
and avoiding various
providing subsistence
minimum. Usually
is calculated either in the form
ratio with average
income in the country, or
direct calculation method.

income can be significant
insofar as
includes, as a rule,
multiple sources (income from
inheritance, lottery winnings and
Population income is everything
cash received
They may have natural or
monetary form.

In-kind income includes all income
agricultural products, livestock, services and other products in
natural form.
Cash income of the population is the amount
Money received by households for
a certain period of time and intended for
the acquisition of goods and services for personal consumption.

In general, the monetary form of income is more widespread than
in kind, but the share of low-income strata of the population
income in kind is higher than that of the rich.
To assess the level of income, the concepts are used
nominal, disposable and real income.
Nominal income is the entire amount of cash income, not
depending on taxation and price level.
Disposable income is nominal income minus
taxes and other obligatory payments, i.e. funds,
directly used by the population for consumption and
Real income is the amount of goods and services that
can be purchased for the amount of disposable income.

Real incomes of the population are determined only in dynamics for
specific time period using the consumer index
prices calculated for each month and for the year as a whole:
RD = (ND-NP) / I; where,
RD - real income, rubles;
ND - nominal income, rubles;
NP - taxes and mandatory payments, rubles;
I - consumer price index.

Forms of primary income.

leaves those
individuals who are not
can receive factorial
income (in particular,
disabled, elderly,
minors). Their
income is
social transfers.

Types of social transfers:

Various payments
The size of secondary income is significant
depends on the government's
social policy.

Depending on the life cycle of a person, income is divided into received:

From a legal point of view, income is:
-legal (legal);
- illegal (illegal).
The latter income includes income from
unregistered in the prescribed manner
activities that are sheltered from taxation,
having a criminal origin, etc.

Income itself turns out to be a factor in many social phenomena, influencing:

professional and labor career;
the quality of life;
social relationships;
human behavior;
consciousness of people.

2. The standard of living.
The standard of living is a complex socio-economic
category that reflects the level of development of physical, spiritual
and social needs, the degree of their satisfaction and conditions in
society to develop and meet these needs.
All the most significant
factors can be combined
into the following groups:
- political factors;
- economic factors;
- social factors;
- scientific and technical
- environmental factors and

Living standards indicators:

The standard of living is
set of conditions
the respective
achieved level
Living standards indicators:
- average monthly accrued wages
wages of those working in the economy;
- income per capita on average
population per month;
- the average size of assigned pensions;
- cost of living on average per capita
population per month;
- population with monetary
incomes below the subsistence level;
- ratio with the cost of living
average per capita income, average monthly
accrued wages, average
the amount of the assigned monthly pension;
- cash income ratio 10%
most and 10% of the poorest

Cost of living - cost estimate
consumer basket, indicator of the minimum composition and
patterns of consumption of material goods and services. By subsistence
an official poverty line is fixed to the minimum. According to
declarations of human and civil rights and freedoms all benefits and payments
citizens must be provided with an income level of at least
the legal minimum subsistence level.

Data on the ratio of the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation to
the minimum wage is shown in Figures 1, 2.
Minimum wage and living wage, rubles
Picture 1

Minimum monthly wage in Russia,% Figure 2

Stratification of the population by income level.

The reforms led to a rapid and sharp stratification of the population by
income level and unheard of in Russia enrichment is very
a small but enterprising group of citizens. Moreover, this group
got her hands on a huge share of Russian wealth in just a few
To assess the level of stratification of the population by income level
decile coefficient is used (fund coefficient, coefficient
income differentiation) and the Gini coefficient (concentration index
The first characterizes the degree of stratification of society and shows
the ratio of the average income of the richest 10% to the average
the income level of the poorest 10%.

Average wage ratio of 10% of employees
with the highest and lowest salaries at times is shown in the figure.
Figure 3

3. Comparative analysis of the standard of living in the Southern Federal District. Main factors

Cash income and consumer spending in January – August 2011
Republic of Adygea
Cash income
on average per capita
population per month
expenses on average
per capita
per month
Krasnodar region
Astrakhan region
Volgograd region
Rostov region
Republic of Kalmykia

Salary in January-August 2011 (for large, medium and small enterprises and organizations (taking into account additional calculation))

Nominal accrued
average monthly wage
one worker
January – August 2010
Republic of Adygea
Republic of Kalmykia
Krasnodar region
Astrakhan region
Volgograd region
Rostov region

Comparative analysis for the Southern Federal District:

Rostov region and Krasnodar region
go hand in hand according to the standard of living
population. In both southern regions
income and expenditure per capita
almost the same. The only difference is
the fact that Krasnodar residents have slightly higher incomes
and grow more actively. According to
Rostovstat, compared to 2010
real incomes of the population
Krasnodar Territory grew by one and a half
percent, and the Rostov region decreased
almost four.
As for the South Russian salaries,
the highest in the Kuban - 16 thousand 532
ruble, then comes Astrakhan - 16 thousand 500
and only then the Don region - 15 thousand 031
ruble. Compared to 2010, the increase
salaries in the Krasnodar Territory by 1.5% and
0.6% on the Don. But the debts of the Kuban
employers are almost twice as many as
Don. 47 million versus 23
million rubles.

4. Conclusions:

The standard of living is a broader concept and is not characterized by
only by the volume of real incomes per capita, but also by
non-monetary factors.
The standard of living can be influenced by both political and demographic
situation, living and working conditions, volume and quality
consumer goods.
With an increase in personal income, the share of expenditures on food decreases, the share of
clothing, housing and utilities costs are changing
insignificantly, and the share of expenses for the satisfaction of cultural and other
intangible needs increases markedly.


Federal Law No. 134-FZ of 10.24.97 "On the cost of living in the Russian Federation"
I.G. Kalabekov - "Russian reforms in figures and facts" (Edition 2,
revised and enlarged), Moscow, RUSAKI publishing house, 2010;
Russian statistical yearbook. 2010: Stat. Sat. / Rosstat. - M., 2010.
Labor and employment in Russia. 2009: Stat. Sat. / Rosstat. - M. - 2009.
Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indicators. 2010: Stat. Sat. / Rosstat. - M.,
http://www.Donland.ru (website of the Government of the Rostov Region);
rostov.gks.ru (territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service
in the Rostov region)

The market economy requires a theoretical rethinking of the processes taking place in the sphere of distribution relations. This applies primarily to the restructuring of the approaches used in the framework of economic theory, to the definition of the concept and content of incomes of the population, their differentiation and the stratification of the population generated by it, to tracing trends in the living standards of the population, to considering the formation and growth of incomes in the context of an adequate state income policy.

In the available scientific studies, the problem of incomes, as a rule, is considered in the context of the formation of incomes of the population under its different models or in the aspect of income distribution under different economic conditions. Often this issue is investigated in relation only to poverty, misery, social protection of the population. Quantitative and qualitative changes in the size of income and the transformation of distributional principles should be investigated in conjunction with theoretical provisions relating both to the economy as a whole and, which is very important, to the field of income theory.

In this context, it is important to note the relationship between the concepts of "income" and "wealth". In our opinion, the concept of "wealth" is broader. Income consists of stocks of money, goods and services of members of society at the moment and is not always associated with their use through consumption. Income forms the basis of wealth formation and is determined over a period of time, usually a year. The growth of income and the increase in wealth do not always change in the same direction.

But in general, the income and wealth of the population are the basis for meeting the material and spiritual needs of people and are the most important factor in the growth of social welfare.

In modern economic literature, there are various approaches to determining the essence of the population's income and, based on the level of their research, are interpreted in different ways. Summarizing these approaches, it can be noted that their study was carried out in two main directions. Within the framework of the first direction, reflected in the "Economics", quantitative relationships are considered, i.e. incomes of the population are defined "as the sum of receipts or cash per unit of time." The essence of the study is to study the quantitative characteristics of income, considered as a certain amount of money that affects supply and demand and itself, in turn, is determined by the ratio of supply and demand for factors of production.

Population income is the aggregate of monetary and in-kind receipts received by an individual or family (household) from various sources during a certain period and spent on consumption, accumulation, various fees and taxes. In this definition of income, in our opinion, free services are not taken into account, which are also included in the income of the population.

Yu. P. Kokin believes that "the total income is the main indicator of the material security of the population, includes all types of cash income, as well as the cost of income received from personal subsidiary plots and used for personal (household) consumption." Consideration of the population's income without including free services provided by various business entities and the state into them narrows the scope of the study, since their role in the reproduction of incomes of low-income groups of the population is significant.

Thus, in our opinion, the determining factors in the formation of income are the personal characteristics and labor achievements of workers, the results of the activities of enterprises, organizations, institutions where the worker is employed, and the level of development of the economy as a whole. Incomes of the population also depend on the size of the newly created value as a source of their formation, on the level of labor productivity, tax and social policy of the state, etc. in the formation of income in general, at least, it is methodologically incorrect.

In a market economy, the importance of analyzing income as economic forms of realizing property relations remains. Property relations are the foundation of any economy on which the structure of the economy and the management system are built. In the conditions of the transformation period, when the agents of economic relations are isolated from each other, the prerequisite for the exchange is the belonging of goods to the subjects of economic relations. The owner, entering into market relations, determines how and under what conditions the economic benefit will be transferred to another person who is the object of the right to use, possession, disposal, management. The form of ownership acts as the main factor determining the forms of income generation. The definition of income as an economic form of realization of property relations allows us to reveal its qualitative certainty. This approach allows you to show the deep socio-economic relations in society.

The income of the population as an economic category is a set of relations that arise between economic entities and the state, on the one hand, households and individuals, on the other hand, regarding the appropriation, distribution and redistribution of a part of the newly created value.

The essence of income is most fully reflected in their functions. The following main functions of the population's income are highlighted: reproductive, status, stimulating, forming effective demand and as a factor in increasing welfare.

Living standard concept.

Standard of living- the degree of satisfaction of the material, spiritual and social needs of the population. But it must be borne in mind that the standard of living is a dynamic process that

The standard of living is a complex and ambiguous process. on the one hand, it depends on the composition and size of the needs of society, and on the other hand, it is limited by the possibilities for their satisfaction, again based on various factors that determine the economic, political and social situation in the country. This includes the efficiency of production and the service sector, the state of scientific and technological progress, the cultural and educational level of the population, national characteristics, etc.

The standard of living assesses the quality of life of the population and serves as a criterion in choosing the directions and priorities of the state's economic and social policy. Often the concept of a standard of living is identified with such concepts as "welfare", "lifestyle" and others, but the essence of the standard of living is most fully revealed by the following definition.

STANDARD OF LIVING is a complex socio-economic category that reflects the level of development of physical, spiritual and social needs, the degree of their satisfaction and the conditions of society for the development and satisfaction of these needs.

The main indicators of the standard of living. HDI, GDP per capita.

The standard of living is determined by a system of indicators, each of which gives an idea of ​​any one side of a person's life. There is a classification of indicators according to individual characteristics: general and specific; economic and socio-demographic; objective and subjective; cost and natural; quantitative and qualitative; indicators of proportions and structure of consumption; statistical indicators, etc.

To general indicators include the size of the national income, the consumption fund of national wealth per capita. They characterize the general achievements of social economic development society.

To private indicators can be attributed to working conditions, housing and home improvement, the level of social and cultural services, etc.

Economic indicators characterize the economic side of the life of society, the economic opportunities to meet its needs. These include indicators characterizing the level of economic development of society and the well-being of the population (nominal and real incomes, employment, etc.)

Socio-demographic indicators characterize the age and sex, professional and qualification composition of the population, physical reproduction of the labor force

HDI Human Development Index The Human Development Index is an economic index used by the United Nations to measure the quality of life in various countries.

HDI is an integral indicator that includes three indicators: 1) standard of living estimated in terms of GDP per capita (in US dollars) at purchasing power parity (PPP); 2) average life expectancy at birth and 3) education index(literacy rate of the adult population and the cumulative share of students in the population).

The most important point: when calculating the HDI, it is not taken nominal GDP per capita, namely GDP calculated in purchasing power parity.

The quality of life

The quality of life is considered as a system of indicators characterizing the degree of implementation of people's life strategies, satisfaction of their vital needs. Programmatic improvement of the quality of life is seen as a social project aimed at increasing the ability of people to solve their problems, achieve personal success and individual happiness. The quality of life is a set of indicators of the general well-being of people, characterizing the level of material consumption (standard of living), as well as the consumption of directly unpaid goods.

The quality of life presupposes: clean environment; - personal and national security; - political and economic freedoms; - + other conditions of human well-being that are difficult to quantify.

Nominal, disposable and real incomes of the population.

Income of the population is the amount of money received over a certain period of time, intended for the purchase of goods and services. From the point of view of the entrepreneur, income is the excess of the amount of money received from the sale of the produced product over the costs of this production, which can be used for consumption and saving.

The following main sources are distinguished in the structure of income:

  • 1. remuneration of labor and income from entrepreneurial activity, including separately the remuneration of labor for employees;
  • 2. pensions (labor and social);
  • 3. scholarships;
  • 4. benefits (by type);
  • 5. dividends and payments on shares and other securities, as well as income from property;
  • 6. income from insurance;
  • 7. receipts from bank accounts;
  • 8. receipts from the sale of real estate (by type);
  • 9. receipts from the sale of shares and other securities;
  • 10. receipts from the sale of foreign currency;
  • 11. credits, loans, debts;
  • 12. miscellaneous income.

The income level of the population is the most important indicator of its well-being.

The main factors affecting the amount of income are: the level of wages, the dynamics of retail prices, the level of taxes, the saturation of the market with consumer goods, etc. When assessing the level of income, indicators of nominal, disposable, real income are used.

Nominal income is the amount of money received by individuals over a period of time.

Disposable income is income that can be used for personal consumption and savings. Disposable income is less than nominal by the amount of taxes and mandatory payments.

Real income is the quantity of goods and services that can be purchased with disposable income over a specified period of time, adjusted for changes in price levels.

The nominal income of the population is formed in the following areas:

  • * Payments in the form of wages to employees; income such as wages in enterprises, in cooperatives; income from own farm.
  • * Cash receipts in the form of transfer payments, which include pensions, maintenance of temporarily disabled citizens, payments of unemployment benefits, etc.
  • * Cash income received through the financial and credit system (payments for state insurance, bank loans for individual housing construction and other needs, interest on deposits, income from bonds, stocks, etc.).

Cost of living index.

The calculation of the cost of living index is carried out in the following sequence:

1. For each city (territory), according to the geometric simple average formula, the average annual prices for certain types of goods (services) -representatives for the reporting year are determined:

where: is the average annual consumer price (tariff) for j-th product(service) - a representative in the i-th city;

p ji1 , p ji2 , ... p ji12- the average price for the j-th product (service) -representative in the i-th city in January, February ... December of the reporting year.

Cost of living index in a particular city is determined by the formula of the arithmetic weighted average.

where: - the index of the cost of living in the i-th city;

Weight of the j-th product (service) in the structure of weights for calculating the cost of living index;

m- the number of goods (services) in the set.

Use of income: for consumption and for savings

Differentiation of income in Russia. Funds ratio. Gini coefficient.

Differentiation of income of the population - the allocation of different strata and groups of the population, depending on the level of income. As an indicator, it characterizes the degree of uneven distribution of income. Differences in income play a decisive role in the existence of socio-economic inequality.

A variety of tools are used to assess income differentiation. In particular, the Lorentz curve and the Gini coefficient calculated on its basis are common. For example, in Russia, the Gini coefficient in 2011 was 0.43 (0.6 according to other studies), which is higher than the OECD average. according to the Gini formula:

where is the Gini coefficient, is the cumulated share of the population (the population is pre-ranked in terms of increasing income), is the share of income received in the aggregate, is the number of households, is the share of household income in total income, is the arithmetic mean of the share of income housewife

Lorentz curve ( lorenz curve) is a graph showing the degree of inequality in the distribution of income in society, industry, as well as the degree of inequality in the distribution of wealth. If we turn to the Lorenz curve showing the degree of inequality in the distribution of income in society, then the graph or Lorenz curve will reflect the share of income attributable to different population groups formed on the basis of the amount of income that they receive.

Lorentz curve

Living wage

Living wage, a socio-economic category that characterizes the minimum means of subsistence, physically necessary to support the life of the worker and restore his workforce.

Subsistence minimum for the whole of the Russian Federation

Engel's law.

"Engel's Law" says: with the growth of family incomes, the share of spending on food decreases; little changes for clothing, housing, heating and lighting; on the satisfaction of cultural needs increases.

It follows from this that, other things being equal, the share of income spent on food can serve as an indicator of the level of well-being of a given population group. Many subsequent checks of the provisions put forward by E. Engel showed their limitations. Thus, the Soviet scientist, Academician S.G. Strumilin (1877-1974), based on the materials of the Penza budgets, established that the percentage of expenditures on food is in closer connection not with the level of well-being, but with the size of the family and the age of its members.

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