Planting tomato in barrel. Tomatoes in barrel. Stunning crops. Tomato care

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Modern gardeners made a lot of discoveries in the growing of maximum yields with minimal cost. And tomatoes in the barrel are one of them. This technology allows you to receive truly stunning crops from one bush, confidently ahead of any of the known methods of cultivation. If you are not familiar with such an intriguing and super efficient approach to gardening, read this article further. You will learn about the secrets and nuances of growing tomatoes in barrel.

How many tomatoes can be obtained from one bush?

This is the main question, the answer to which incorporates an irresistible desire to experience this method on its site. By the way, for the first experience, just one bush is enough, which can be placed on the balcony. So check the efficiency of growing tomatoes in the barrel, even without having a plot of land. But after receiving the crop, you will definitely want to increase the "plantation" of Tomato Lian, and you risk seriously captivated by gloomy.

So, how many tomatoes can be obtained from one bush grown in a barrel? According to gilders who have mastered this method, with proper cultivation, one tomato plant is able to give up to 40-50 kg of fruits (!). For comparison, we note: under normal conditions, the tall bush gives up to 12 kg. And that, only with full observance of agrotechnology. Is impressive? Still would!

What varieties are suitable for growing tomatoes in a barrel?

As you probably have already guessed, not every variety of tomatoes is capable of such high yields. First, in the barrel, only intederminant varieties can be grown - that is, the tallest (they are also called lianans and tomato trees). Secondly, you need to take varieties with high yield potential (which can be maximized as much as possible with this method of cultivation).

The secrets of the high yield of tomatoes in the barrel is as follows:

  • in the formation of a powerful root system, which fully nourishes a large number of fruits;
  • in the high generative ability of plants (a lot of margins are formed on them);
  • in the fertile soil substrate, full of a barrel.

It is tall varieties that can tie the maximum amount of fruits by continuing their height in height. And the same biological feature makes it possible to increase the root system at the expense of the stem of the soil - additional roots are formed on it. Determinant varieties for growing in barrel are not suitable (they form a low bush). And with semi-speakermen, you can experiment, making the right formation (leaving steplogs, which at a certain stage will be replaced by the main stem, continuing to grow and tie the fruits).

What is the Tomato bush in a barrel?

So, the main secret of the yield of tomatoes in the barrel is in the man-made formation of an unusually powerful root system from the bush. It takes the entire height (depth) of the barrels, forming on the stem, which gradually fall asleep soil. For this, the leaves are cut as they grow, leaving the stalk naked. This is possible due to the fact that it continues to grow in height according to its biological characteristics.

When the stem is already covered with soil substrate for the entire depth of the barrel, the leaves stop trimming. This makes it possible to grow a plant a little and move to the generative functions (i.e., start flowering and fruiting). Due to the fact that a very powerful healthy bush grows, a lot of fruits are tied on it, which get enough food. In such conditions, plants implement their genetic potential to the maximum, forming a powerful root and a strong high bush with a well-developed sheet apparatus. This allows you to get full nutrition from both the soil with the root system, and by photosynthesis passing in the leaves.

Agrotechnical cultivation of tomatoes in barrel

  1. First you need to find a barrel (100-200 liters) or knock down a box of approximately 60x120 cm in size (it is desirable that they are without bottom). According to experienced gardens, the second option is preferable, because in the box to the root system from the sides, the air additionally flows, which has a positive effect on the growth intensity of plants.
  2. The barrel or box can be put on the balcony or in some place on the site where the soil is closed (for example, on the paving slabs). But it will be better if you place the container on Earth. In this case, the roots of tomatoes will grow deep into (which will make them even more powerful) and it will not be necessary to equip drainage for cultivation.
  3. For planting tomatoes in the barrel will need seedlings. It must be raised, seating the tomatoes as early as possible - this will give odds to develop a bush and will allow you to get a greater and earlier harvest. With this method, you can safely plant seedlings into open ground, without fear of return freezers - for its protection, the barrel or the box is covered with glass (inside the temperature is preserved in the temperature). This is another advantage of this method, which makes it possible to lengthen the vegetation period of tomatoes.
  4. The production of seedlings is also different from the usual way. The technology of growing tomatoes in the barrel requires trimming of the lower leaves and falling asleep stems of the earth, before the transplant to the open ground. That is, the process of obtaining a heavy-duty root system is best started at the stage of seedlings. Naturally, it will be necessary for this pretty roomy tanks or packages. Before boarding the barrel of volumes with the root system, it will take about 10 liters. You can use smaller tanks, gradually cutting off the bottom leaves and not beaten the earth from above (as with the usual method of growing seedlings). But in this case, the additional root system in tomatoes in the barrel will be formed later (already after transplanting), which will delay their development compared with the first option. Accordingly, the crop will be later less. At the time of planting such seedlings will have a longer naked stem and a smaller root system.
  5. Landing seedlings to the ground or greenhouse is produced during normal time - as soon as the threat of frosts capable of harvesting plants is disappeared. And its age depends on when it was sown (the sooner, the plants will be more powerful and high). With an earlier planting of tomatoes in a barrel in the open soil, you must definitely close them with glass at night and in cool days. This will protect the plants from the cold by creating an optimal microclimate in a barrel / box, and in the future will allow to obtain earlier yields.
  6. As the plants grow, the lower leaves are constantly cutting and falling asleep stems, so far, the tomatoes rise above the barrel level / drawer. This is the main reception aimed at creating a powerful root system. And she, in turn, allows plants to develop large bushes and tie a lot of fruits, which, at the expense of good nutrition, reach full-fledged sizes and have time to mature.
  7. When the bushes grow above the level of the barrel, the lower leaves stop cutting, giving plants the opportunity to develop a bush and go to flowering / taped fruit. And only after the full pouring of the first brush, the lower leaves can be cut under it to direct more power to the fruits (this technique is often used in the cultivation of inteterminant varieties in the usual way).
  8. Watering tomatoes in a barrel is needed by the same principle, as well as ordinary - in a timely manner and enough for the plants fully developed. It should be remembered that large bushes require more water (i.e., more abundant irrigation than with the usual cultivation method).
  9. It is necessary to form such tomatoes. On tomato tree, it is best to leave two escapes, removing the steps. This allows you to ripen most of the fetus knit. But this method of cultivation is open to experiments (especially in the southern regions where the growing period is longer).
  10. When booking a fertile soil substrate, tomatoes in a barrel can not be picked up by nitrogen fertilizers, which apply only trace elements if necessary (for example, ash solution). To improve the verge of fruit, the bushes are treated with a solution of boric acid (1 g per 1 liter of water).

What should be the soil substrate?

When growing tomatoes in a barrel, the soil substrate may consist of:

  • large quantity of compost or humus mixed with earth;
  • semi-proverse compost treated with um preparations;
  • earth with compost and active mulch top.

When growing tomatoes in a barrel on the second and third substrate, the plants form stronger immunity, becoming very resistant to phytoophluorosis and other dangerous diseases.

It is worth noting that even if you take not the most high-yielding grade and for some other reasons do not get maximum yields, it's all the same when growing tomatoes in the barrel the result will be noticeably higher than in other cases. Therefore, this method is always working and everywhere, it is precisely worth applying for more efficient cultivation of tomatoes and for saving area. Work and time costs with more than paying for a large harvest.

To begin with, you can grow 1-2-3 bushs, and then by taking experience, put a larger amount of tomatoes in the barrel. High yield when cultivating this method allows you to focus maximum effort on a small amount of bushes. By the way, in the barrel you can grow not only tomatoes, but also cucumbers and potatoes. The latter gives the bucket of full-fledged tubers with one planting potato. If interested, read about it here ...

  • View the Full Image
  • Growing tomato in barrel

    What types of tomatoes are suitable for growing in barrel

    Preparation of material and soil

    Terms and rules for planting tomatoes in barrels

    How to care for original landings

    Crop collecting time, method advantages

    Many adore tomatoes, so I want to grow as much as possible varieties of sweet vegetable. And there are no places on the plot for tomato plantations. And there will be applying new technologies for growing tomatoes.

    Nowadays, new methods of growing vegetables appear, thanks to which you can collect a rich harvest with a small area. Tomatoes can also be put compact, and, withsting growing technology in a barrel, get from one container to thirty kilograms of tomatoes.

    What types of tomatoes are suitable for growing in barrel

    Since the cultivation of tomatoes on the new technology uses two-toll barrels, the best varieties for this method will be tall:

  • Pink gigant belongs to medieval species of vegetables. The growth of the bush reaches one and a half meters and above. Tomatoes are valued by a large magnitude of light red fruits, a pleasant sweet taste, juicy flesh. Tomatoes are well saved for a long time, perfectly tolerate transportation.
  • Bogatyr Ilya Muromets justifies his name. Yellow fruits of varieties covered with shiny skin reaches a mass to three hundred grams. Speak tomatoes for a hundred days. Bogatyr and growth managed - there are instances up to two meters.
  • The de Barao's vacuum also achieve heights sometimes up to three meters. Oval in the form of the tomatoes of this variety are black, and red, and yellow. The variety is unpretentious in leaving, resistant to diseases. Despite the late ripening of the yield of tomatoes is always high.
  • Wild rose are not important conditions for growing. It is resistant to drought, does not arrive at the soil composition. Speak delicious fruits early, at ninety-fifth day after the tomato landing in an open ground.
  • The Tarasenko hybrid is characterized by high growth, bright red fruits with a pleasant taste. Tomatoam is not terrible, they adore the sun, and the half. Fruitness of the plant is high - up to three kilograms from the branch.
  • Scarlet Mustang prefers for an interesting form of tomatoes - the length of them reaches ten - fourteen centimeters. The variety is unpretentious in care, perfectly protected from diseases at high yields from one bush. It is universal in use, especially suitable for salting. Long retained on the bushes, in the drawers after harvesting.
  • Tall up to two meters Koenigsberg is also suitable for growing in barrel. He has the extended red-colored fruits of dense consistency, which are characterized by a good taste. Tomatoes of this species are used for salads, salting.
  • Let the variety Budenovka differ in average growth, but he will well be able to survive in a barrel and give good rapid crops of round-shaped tomatoes with thin dense skin. For fruits, high fetus is characterized, good transportation portability.
  • Selected tomato varieties are most unpretentious, resistant to frosts, give a variety of fruits at least for canning, although in fresh form.

    Preparation of material and soil

    The intended method of growing from the preparation of the barrel is beginning. Everyone has any old metal capacity. Of course, you can replace the barrel with wooden boxes, old aid. From the bottom of the capacitance, it is getting rid of the sides of the sides to be drilled up to twenty pieces of centimeter holes to ensure the flow of fresh air to plants.

    At the bottom of the metallic packaging layer of Urgasi, which is pre-prepared from food waste.

    Watermelon crusts, and potato cleaning, egg shell, fish bones are suitable. They are put in advance under the press for a week so that all the fluid used to be used to feed the plants. In order to strengthen the landings, two tablespoons of the skews are added. The layer of such a nutrient mass should be twenty-thirty centimeters.

    Urges fall asleep at ten centimeters of fertile soil consisting of peat, compost, humus. After the packaging and soil are prepared, you can plant tomato seedlings.

    Terms and rules for planting tomatoes in barrels

    Begin the process of disembarking the plant in the container in the middle of the last month of spring. And here it is necessary to observe a number of rules:

  • Place for barrels on the plot are chosen solar.
  • Choosing strong bushes of tall tomatoes, they are planted in the middle of the barrels, each in its container.
  • Before falling down, the bottom leaves, steppes are removed from the seedlings. The wounds leave to dry out for two or three hours, then smearing the soil mixture.
  • The depth of planting should be five centimeters.
  • From above, the container is covered with a film to protect the seedling from the night frosts.
  • As soon as the plant stretches for ten centimeters, the nutritional soil is plugged.
  • By the end of May - the beginning of June the barrel will be completely filled, and the stem will have a powerful root system. The film on top is now not needed, it is cleaned. And the passing in the summer is no longer spent, seeking to ensure that the branches can be as possible on a powerful trunk of the tomato. They should be from twenty to thirty about ten rizings.

    In order to save pulling up the leaf, near the barrels are sticking long poles on both sides, tapping shooting them. It is possible between the supports to pull the wire with a wire, which will allow tomato branches freely on it. Thanks to this method of growing tomatoes from one seedling, a strong vegetable tree is formed.

    How to care for original landings

    To care for the tomato tree is easy. This is done as well as ordinary tomatoes:

  • Plants love moisture very much, so the vegetable growing in the barrel should be abundantly. Many gardeners The hose tip is drunk in the direction of the roots, which gives the simplicity of the flow of moisture to the plant. But at the same time it is necessary to ensure that the earth in the barrel does not become wetlands, which will lead to the rotting of the bush. Reduce the frequency of irrigation in front of the vegetation period of the life of tomatoes.
  • By the middle of the summer, the tomato bush will not be enough power. To correct the situation, it is prepared to feed from the soil mixture, which is placed in another barrel, the bay of its water in the proportion of 1: 5. It is better to take water from natural sources, and not from under the tap. After insisting during the day, you can "submit a dinner" a tomato bush in the form of a nutritious bolt. The procedure is carried out at least two times a week. An excellent fertilizer is considered to be a biological preparation of Optim-humus or Gumatem, it is brought once a month. With a noticeable fallout, the flowers with a bush are added to the nutrient solution of phosphorus-potash feeding.
  • For better maturation of tomatoes, the leaves of the plant are trying to take away from fruit or remove.
  • Tomatoes are long fruit, will be cropped to October. With autumn cold, the bushes are covered with a special material.
  • For compact technology, the cultivation of tomatoes does not need a lot of preparations, it will not be necessary for a long time, efforts in obtaining a large yield of delicious fruits.

    Crop collecting time, method advantages

    Usually, early grades are not planted in barrels, so only at the end of July - August, the first tomato yields can be collected. A bush will be fruitful for a very long time, and if they hide him from the cold, then at the end of the autumn you can still be touched by fresh vegetables, just torn from the branches. The crop of tomatoes from one square meter will be about forty-fifty kilograms.

    The benefits of this method of growing tomato bushes include the fact that it is possible to grow bushes that give high yields of fruits. Metal barrels has a property to heat up and for a long time to keep warm, which is very loved by tomatoes. And below, where the process of rotting food residues is going, they get it as well.

    Care for landings in barrels is much more convenient than large vegetable plantations.

    Pests cannot get inside the housing of a tomato seedling. And neither the caterpillars nor the slug will cause damage to harvest. Since in the tank tall varieties get more air, the leaves, the stalks do not come into contact with the soil, they are not infected with the phytoofluoro.

    More information can be found from the video:

    Site about the garden, dacha and indoor plants.

    Planting and growing vegetables and fruits, gardening, garden construction and repair - all do it yourself.

    Growing tomato in barrels (Tula region)

    How to grow tomatoes in metal barrels

    "Bocke" theme continues. It seems that this unusual way is rapidly gaining popularity. It is not surprising: work with barrels is much more convenient and easier than with beds, the back does not hurt, and the crop is the same, if not more.

    Barrels instead of beds

    I want to write about how you can grow tomatoes not only in greenhouses, but also in barrels, and at the same time get excellent yields. Once on the market I bought a drug with efficient microorganisms.

    The seller advised me also to buy a brochure on this topic. I read a small book for one sitting. I decided that I will plant tomatoes not only in the greenhouse, but also in old barrels, which I had three, and the lands at that time - only four weaves together with the house, and I will process them with a solution of the purchased drug.

    The brochure it was written that "the main cause of the exceptional multifunctionality of the drug is the widest range of the action of microorganisms included in its composition. These are photosynthetic and lactic acid bacteria, yeast, actino mice, fermenting mushrooms.

    The drug contributes to raising the harvest, improve quality, increase its safety and wintering, improving taste, increases plant resistance to diseases and pests. "

    The book was recommended to remove the bottom at the old barrel, and on the sides to make a few holes so that the excess water leaves and the roots breathed. I did not remove the bottom, as there were already holes in the barrels: the barrels from the prescription were rusted.

    In the ground, the pits dug a depth of 20 cm and the width of a little larger than the diameter of the barrels. Then he inserted two-toll baroches to these holes, and the plant garbage remained on their bottom, the small branches, cut flowers, foliage, which shelted plants for the winter from frosts, spring weeds. From above poured a layer of land with a height of 15 cm, again laid herbal residues, after which he watered the earth so that all this mass gives shrinkage. A few days later, a mixture of compost with earth was added to the barrel (1: 1) and some ash. All this took half the barrel.

    Yellow tomatoes actively slow the aging processes, up to the smoothing of wrinkles on the face. Clean the blood and the whole organism, less often cause allergies. It is noteworthy that the older man, the stronger the positive effect of yellow tomatoes! Varieties: Honeyfoot, Golden Dome, Goldfish, Miracle of Light.

    In the first days of May, planted one seedling of tomatoes in the center of each barrel, the plants of the plant with five-liter bottles from under the water, and the barrels themselves are film to protect them from the night cold. The seedlings are better to take the strongest. I plant a mid-early or late varieties of tomatoes, breaking the lower leaves from seedlings. After some time, when the tomatoes are about 10 cm, you need to reproduce the mixture from the ground, compost and ash, and so in the future every 10 cm of the plant growth, until the barrel is filled. At the same time, I am not a membrane plant. A very powerful root system is formed, which fills almost the entire volume of the barrel. As Tomatoes grows in the barrels, there are two arcs from durable wire, which I throw the film, as in May at night it is still cool, and when the seedling is warm, it grows faster. In the center of the barrels, stick through the long cola to which the growing stepsing is taking.

    Tomatoes lemon color

    Approximately by the middle of summer, the seedling grows up the size of a large currant bush, which needs a lot of water. Excess water during watering goes to the ground, as there are holes in the barrel. Such a powerful plant must be fed. For feeding, I felt the weeds in a separate barrel (burdock, nettle, clean, dandelion). I add a stogram pack of yeast, 1 l of old jam, ash and, if there is also manure. All this fill with water, stirring from time to time. Two weeks, the mixture is ready. For feeding plants, I take 1 L of infusion for a declined bucket of water.

    In addition, I already grow tomatoes for 9 years, because you can put a barrel anywhere, if only enough sun, I get from one bush about the bucket of tomatoes.

    And this year I planted tomatoes in the plastic buckets from the paint, before washing them and doing the holes in the day.

    Before the beginning of autumn frosts, I break the last tomatoes, even the smallest thing that lies at home and gradually ripens. I use it in the preparation of various dishes. Once such tomatoes of Martha varieties (left their seeds, and tomatoes turned out lemon color) Dried until June of the next year!

    Juice from tomatoes - red or yellow

    From tomatoes, I make a variety of blanks and juice. Last year prepared the juice of two colors - red and unusual for tomato juice yellow, which turned out to be amazing to taste, sweet and bright! Yellow juice turned out from tomatoes of variety the mystery of the nature of Siberian selection. This year I want to plant more seedlings of this variety, especially for unusual juice.

    For his preparation, I take the washed tomatoes, cut them into pieces, put in a saucepan, put on a small fire before softening and covering the lid. From time to time stirring.

    When the tomatoes softened, whipping them with a blender, and then wipe through the iron sieve. The resulting juice I bring to a boil, but the foam, which is formed in the cooking process (10-15 minutes from the beginning of the boiling), do not remove. Gradually, all this turns into a homogeneous mass. Pouring ready-made juice in sterilized banks, roll, turn over and bite. So they are up to cooling.

    It turns out thick juice, which in banks does not bore with water over time.

    Landing in barrels

    In April, three barrels prepared, filled them with a mixture of fertile land and compost, thickened with water and closed with cellophan - even if it warms it better. When it became very warm in the yard, the cucumbers were planted into one barrel, melons, to the third-andarbuses. But completely shelter has not yet cleaned, covered landing overnight.

    And everything grew well. I did not take into account the barrels, it was necessary to put it near the fence, so that the growing scoures would have enough and grew up, as expected, up. And so I had to make support for them. Okay, coped. He began to admire the breeding power. And here is a new attack: when the fruits began to be tized, under their weight, the scourge on the bending of the barrels began to be overwhelmed, and some of them dried. Urgently rushed to tie the surviving supports.

    The crop received, of course, earlier than from the usual bed (especially the cucumbers tried), but the number of fruit filmed was not particularly impressed. Yes, and the above

    lens did not really like it. And the next year I planted in the barrels Tomatoes and gladiolus. And soon realized that there was a big minus: at an altitude of 1 m, greens quickly dissolve, it is necessary to water. And if there is a windy weather, then just look, no matter how it would not break the plants.

    B General, I refused to grow in barrels cucumbers, tomatoes and melons.

    I decided to use them under the seafood banner. It is planted with either seaside, or immediately in the ground, - who loves. But everyone complies with one rule - to Egoria (May 6) must have time. If it is still cold, watering the barrels of hot water - and under the cellophan. In one barrel, adds early cabbage, to another - on the salting, to the third - late for storage. The seating from barrels is just great! At the height of the plant, the frost does not touch, the chickens and pests do not get.

    Through the film I follow the shootings, watering only warm water. I open the barrels, how to strengthen seedlings, and it turns out only healthy. And when I transform it to a permanent place, I put the gladiolus kids in the barrels. Excellent they grow there, do not interfere with anyone

    And in the ground from the early crops, I plant a radical. As soon as the snow comes down and the opportunity appears to open the garden (even if the earth sticks to the shovel), I put the arc and pull the film. All warms up - I am acceptable for landing.

    Best of all, I have a grown of 18 days. I open the film only for irrigation (after all, radish loves moisture very much), and at the same time I guard it from cold winds. Early sowing, sow five bags at once. Flowers goes little. But the second sowing in May is already worse, so instead of radishes, I began to search this month Daikon. It is like the same, and less frequently goes into the dull.

    Marina Nikolaevna Soldkin, with. Ponomarev Altai Territory

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    Growing tomatoes in barrel

    Of course this is a general description, more Production is shown in the following video:

    Advantages and description of the method of growing tomatoes in barrel

    What are the advantages

    What are the advantages of making the cultivation of tomatoes in buckets or in a barrel is not at all a secret or secret. If you watched the video on this topic or photo, they noticed that a lot of space in your garden does not take such a growing method. The diameter of the occupied area is approximately one meter, the height of the occupied space will be approximately a half meter.

    So that the yields of tomatoes were fruitful, you need to be pretty prepared. And it is not necessary to browse a photo or video with tomato care lessons, since all the necessary information can be found in this article and will just remember the information and implement.
    Tomatoes from a plot of this size, as described above, can be obtained to thirty kilograms of fruits. Due to the fact that the barrel sheath is made of metal, the soil in it warms it very well, and this is an excellent stimulator for plant growth.

    A prerequisite for a good crop is timely and good watering of plants.

    Convenience will give watering when using hoses with a metal tip. If you are lowered it deep into the ground, it will be most efficient.

    Description of the method

    To install bombings with tomatoes on your garden, you can use both metal and wooden barrels or buckets, turned down head. The description of the method does not represent any features. You can use various varieties of tomato, including early, high yields, low desirable, which will withstand a thick landing and even those that do not necessarily have a binding, because they grow, as they say, down their heads.

    Scheme of barrel for growing tomato down head

    The basis of this method is that the old metal barrel or bucket is taken, puts down his head with holes in it or in it in the amount of fifteen to twenty pieces. The approximate diameter of the outer side of the barrel is from forty to sixty centimeters. You can also be led from the tree such a container. You can take a piece of wood, the size of it should be about a meter per meter and as much as the height and also down your head to install it. Due to the fact that the closed bottom at the container will not be, the worms will be easier to be witched and excessive liquid and moisture will not be stated.

    For good ripening of a plant and a fruit crop, tomato, which planted down their heads, the land in the barrel must be filled with humus. You can plant different varieties of tomato, but it is advisable to use with such a low-minded method.

    How to care

    How to care for plants if you decide to make the cultivation of tomatoes in buckets or in barrels in your garden? It is important here to adhere to at least the most basic recommendations so that your crop is not worse than those who are expected, and even better than they looked at the video.

    Approximately at the beginning of the last spring month in the center of your barrels to plant one tomato seedling. The depth of planting is sufficient for five centimeters. And on top, cover with plastic film, so that at night the plant does not die from the cold. From all prepared seedlings, choose the most strong process of seedlings. Will tear off his lower leaves, after two three hours, put it off its soil at a height of about ten centimeters. After some period of time, the process will grow up, and then repeat the previous operation. And make such a procedure until your barrel is filled with a completely soil mixture. This will be approximately at the beginning of summer. Then you can not close the film or bucket already.
    Thanks to this method, the cereal root of tomatoes is formed. So it will be able to withstand absolutely any weather conditions, and will also be protected from pests of the plant and its possible diseases.

    • From the very beginning of the summer it is not necessary to steer. It should be as many tomato brushes as possible.
    • The humidity of the mixture inside the tank should be maintained at the level of sixty - seventy percent.
    • From the middle of the summer with periodicity once every two three weeks you need to feed your plants with nutrients.
    • Video "How to grow early tomatoes"

      The record shows an unusual method of growing tomato.

      Step-by-step cultivation of cucumbers in barrel and care for them

      Considerable amount of vegetable products are engaged in growing cucumbers. After all, it is quite difficult to find a person who would not like this culture. The owners of small household sites face certain difficulties during the landing, as it is difficult to get a good harvest in a small area. That is why some exercise the cultivation of cucumbers in the barrel.

      Growing and care for cucumbers planted with the help of bocho technology is not an easy work. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance how to grow cucumbers in a barrel.

      Pros and cons of the method

      The cultivation of cucumbers in barrels has positive and negative sides with which they should be familiar with before planting cucumbers.

      This technology has the following advantages:

    1. Landing the cucumbers in the barrel is not carried out in the usual soil, but in humus. Due to this, the bushes will always have a sufficient amount of nutrient components.
    2. Grow cucumbers in a barrel simple enough and therefore do not have to spend a lot of time to care.
    3. The temperature of the soil in the kegs is always higher than in the open soil. The soil in the tanks is warmer due to the fact that the rotting plants are put on the planting of cucumbers in each barrel. It also protects young bushes from frosts and some diseases.
    4. The collection of cucumbers grown in this way is carried out much earlier than when growing vegetables in the gardens.
    5. Landing and care for cucumbers in barrels has not so many drawbacks. The main minuses are associated with the fact that the soil in the barrels pretty quickly dry. Therefore, you need to know how to care for cucumbers in a barrel.

      Preparation of tanks

      Before planting cucumbers in the country, you should familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of pre-training barrels. First, it should be declared which containers will suit how much they need and where it is better to put them. The best cucumbers grow in barrels made of metal. It is recommended to use the leakage tanks that in the future will not be needed for water storage. Some even use barrels without the bottom, as it is not necessary for growing cucumbers.

      All kegs must be taken out and put them on a well-lit terrain. Then each of them should be carefully cleaned from garbage. You can do it with a broom or small broom. When the kegs are cleaned of garbage, they will need to make holes along the walls. With their help, a natural microclimate is created and the air exchange is improved several times. Also drilled holes open access to the barrels of the worms that are needed for soil loosening.

      Preparation of soil

      Before growing cucumbers, it is necessary to prepare the ground for the landing. The soil must be prepared in the fall and therefore it is necessary to do this in October. Many vegetable breeds are interested in how many layers are laid in barrels. They should be filled with three layers, the height of each of which should be a third of the containers:

    6. The first layer is forming from waste of various plants. This layer is created to remove excess moisture from the soil and improve drainage. To create it, no less than five stems of cabbage and corn is stacked on the bottom of the tank. Also from above, you can put some food waste with fallen leaves. Over time, all these components will overweight and feed young seedlings. To accelerate composting, the first layer can be treated with special preparations.
    7. The formation of the next layer begins with the addition of fresh manure to the container. It is necessary to maintain soil temperature. Most often, this layer is added during the cultivation of early cucumbers, as they are more heat-loving.
    8. The topmost layer consists of several components. It is added to the peat with a compost and turf. If there is no peat at hand, then instead you can use ordinary sawdust or fine straw. Fans of feeding add a little nitroposki to improve the grip of cucumbers.
    9. Leding

      Before landing, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with how to correct the cucumber into metal barrels. It is recommended to plant cucumbers in barrels when the temperature on the street will not fall below 15 degrees. A few days before that, the soil in each container must be heated with heated water. Then you should prepare the tools that may be needed for landing. These include:

      During planting in each barrel for cucumbers, four small holes are created. At the same time, the distance between them should be at least 5-8 cm. In each well, it is necessary to place one seedly and sprinkle their land. It is not recommended to immediately watered landed cucumbers.

      When all seeds are planted, the tanks are covered with polyethylene film and are tied with dense twine. In some cases, instead of it uses conventional lurssings. It is necessary to cover the barrels of the film, since it is created with its help a greenhouse effect, which is needed for rapidly extinguishing seeds.

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    Tomato is a plant from the family of Parenic. From the point of view of biologists is berries whose fruits hang down. Vegetable breeding highlights such original methods of growing these plants: the cultivation of tomatoes in buckets, tomatoes in barrel and bombing with tomatoes.

    What are the advantages of making the cultivation of tomatoes in buckets or in a barrel is not at all a secret or secret. If you watched the video on this topic or photo, they noticed that a lot of space in your garden does not take such a growing method. The diameter of the occupied area is approximately one meter, the height of the occupied space will be approximately a half meter.

    So that the yields of tomatoes were fruitful, you need to be pretty prepared. And it is not necessary to browse a photo or video with tomato care lessons, since all the necessary information can be found in this article and will just remember the information and implement. Tomatoes from a plot of this size, as described above, can be obtained to thirty kilograms of fruits. Due to the fact that the barrel sheath is made of metal, the soil in it warms it very well, and this is an excellent stimulator for plant growth.

    A prerequisite for a good crop is timely and good watering of plants.

    Convenience will give watering when using hoses with a metal tip. If you are lowered it deep into the ground, it will be most efficient.

    Description of the method

    To install bombings with tomatoes on your garden, you can use both metal and wooden barrels or buckets, turned down head. The description of the method does not represent any features. You can use various varieties of tomato, including early, high yields, low desirable, which will withstand a thick landing and even those that do not necessarily have a binding, because they grow, as they say, down their heads.

    Scheme of barrel for growing tomato down head

    The basis of this method is that the old metal barrel or bucket is taken, puts down his head with holes in it or in it in the amount of fifteen to twenty pieces. The approximate diameter of the outer side of the barrel is from forty to sixty centimeters. You can also be led from the tree such a container. You can take a piece of wood, the size of it should be about a meter per meter and as much as the height and also down your head to install it. Due to the fact that the closed bottom at the container will not be, the worms will be easier to be witched and excessive liquid and moisture will not be stated.

    For good ripening of a plant and a fruit crop, tomato, which planted down their heads, the land in the barrel must be filled with humus. You can plant different varieties of tomato, but it is advisable to use with such a low-minded method.

    How to care

    How to care for plants if you decide to make the cultivation of tomatoes in buckets or in barrels in your garden? It is important here to adhere to at least the most basic recommendations so that your crop is not worse than those who are expected, and even better than they looked at the video.

    Approximately at the beginning of the last spring month in the center of your barrels to plant one tomato seedling. The depth of planting is sufficient for five centimeters. And on top, cover with plastic film, so that at night the plant does not die from the cold. From all prepared seedlings, choose the most strong process of seedlings. Will tear off his lower leaves, after two three hours, put it off its soil at a height of about ten centimeters. After some period of time, the process will grow up, and then repeat the previous operation. And make such a procedure until your barrel is filled with a completely soil mixture. This will be approximately at the beginning of summer. Then you can not close the film or bucket already.
    Thanks to this method, the cereal root of tomatoes is formed. So it will be able to withstand absolutely any weather conditions, and will also be protected from pests of the plant and its possible diseases.

    Many gardeners want to get good tomatoes, in the barrel, the cultivation of tomatoes will achieve results. One of the main reasons why a barrel is used when landing is a lack of land. In this case, the device becomes key output in solving the current situation.

    Growing tomatoes in a barrel, you can easily achieve a high yield of fresh juicy tomatoes from the square in 1 sq.m. The old barrel will become an excellent replacement of the beds.

    Why barrel

    One of the features is that the barrel is present in almost every dacket or the owner of a private house. In extreme cases, you can always ask her from the neighbors, saying that I grow tomatoes. " An alternative option will be ordinary buckets.

    Typical barrels of 1x1.5 m are able to give approximately 30 kg of ripe tomatoes.

    In barrel, favorable conditions for the cultivation of tomatoes have been created. The metal surface accumulates heat, subsequently this soil is faster and more considerable. Heat for tomatoes is the main stimulus of rapid growth along with a rich harvest.

    How to plant saplings

    So, how to grow tomatoes in the barrel. Initially, the Barrel itself is prepared:

    1. It is done in advance from 15 to 20 holes with a standard diameter of about 1 cm. With such manipulations, access to oxygen opens.
    2. Removed bottom. Open bottom throughout the season of cultivation of tomatoes provides free movement for worms that will create natural channels to get rid of excess moisture.

    To prepare the soil, the Earth is mixed with a small amount of humus and shocks into the container.

    One of the common options is to mix compost, turf land and the usual soil equal. A layer of Urgas (10 cm) is placed on the bottom.

    The first seedling should be placed directly in the center of the barrel in May or the beginning of June in the ground by 5-7 cm and be sure to cover with polyethylene. It provides protection from the cold at night. It will not be superfluous as the first seedling to use the strongest one.

    It is necessary to remove the lower sheets and steps. After 2-3 hours, the seedling is covered with a decade-penimetime layer of soil mixture.

    Subsequent such treatment is carried out to achieve a plant of a 10-centimeter height, and requires regular repeat to the moment until the primer mixture in the formation of the turf and compost fill the entire barrel with a small slide on top.

    At this stage, the polyethylene film can be removed, since the root system has reached a certain development, and tomatoes of the upcoming harvest have become able to withstand any temperature changes and other negative factors.

    Simple rules for tomatoes

    The cultivation of tomatoes is impossible without proper care. Of particular importance is abundant and regular watering. Tomatoes require a large amount of moisture, and with a long lack of rain, the likelihood of plant disease occurs.

    It is necessary to monitor the ratio of humidity of the soil of the barrel, which should be 60-70%. To check is not difficult and without special devices - taking into the hands of the soil lumps, it is easy to surpassed it, while liquid should be released.

    You should not be afraid to pour the plant, because excess water will still go away, since the barrel does not have a bottom. Thus grow "tomato trees."

    An excellent way to irrigation is the use of a special hose with a hard metallic tip. When it is immersed on the necessary depth in the ground, water comes directly to the root system.

    A good option will pre-build a watering system:

    1. Insert the tube dended pipe into the center of the barrel, the end of which should remain free after falling asleep fixing the earth.
    2. Pour water into this pipe, it is distributed from the holes throughout the barrel area.

    With the onset of summer it is necessary to stop stepsing. The main goal will be the formation of developed brushes. The number of 20-30 brushes, each of which has 10-15 barriers, is a good result.

    For growing in a barrel, this volume will become the norm, and tomatoes will definitely have enough nutrients.

    With the onset of July, the supply of nutrients in the barrel is depleted. In view of this, the procedure should be started with a plants with a mixture of compost. It is important to note that it is impossible to use the usual compost, because it cannot be poured into the crowded barrel.

    As a feeding, they take the soil mixture and poured it with water without chlorine, allowing to strengthen until completely dissolved about a day. Also during the growth of the plant, it is necessary to remove the leaves blocking access to the Sun.

    With proper care of tomatoes, they are able to give a harvest for about the middle of October. In this period, the plant is again required to cover with a plastic film from the cold or wondering the burlap overnight.

    Benefits of growing tomato in barrel

    The main advantage is that to install a greenhouse using this method of growing tomatoes is not required, and the area on the land can be saved significantly.

    The yield of the "tomato tree" with a powerful root system and numerous brushes increases in a triple size. With one such barrel, you can get up to 30 kg of fruits. Fresh grown tomatoes are able to preserve until the New Year holidays.

    The cultivation of tomatoes in barrels is a relatively new way of doing the economy on a relatively small plot of land. Actually, the savings of the area under the landing and pushed the amateurs of pasty to the development of such a planting method. Thus, when there is a speech on green barrel tomatoes in the country of gardens and farmers, it may already be a topic not about sipping fruits, but most likely about their breeding.

    The cultivation of tomatoes in barrels is a relatively new way of doing the economy on a relatively small plot of land

    If a dacket or a farmer seriously considers the cultivation of tomatoes, then this method is suitable in any situation. After all, from one barrel you can get up to 30 kg of tomatoes per season.

    The varieties of tomato are a great set, and unfortunately, not all of them can approach such an original method of cultivation. Some varieties are too sensitive and painful. Others simply do not dare in such conditions, and the gardener will receive green tomatoes in a barrel by the end of the season. Of course, they can be salted and in such a form, but it is not exactly what is planning any good owner.

    These are the varieties of tomatoes that are suitable for growing in barrels:

    1. The pink giant - reaches a height of 1.5 m, and it happens above, unpretentious, it moves well with a transplant and transportation. Brings large fruits of light red color. The flesh is juicy and sweet. Tomatoes of this variety can be stored for a long time, green tomatoes of this species can be shed in barrels.
    2. Ilya Muromets - Tomato-Bogatyr. The fruits achieve impressive sizes, the color is pink, the bush grows up to 2 m. Full ripeness reaches after 3 months. Tomatoes resistant to transplantation and transportation.
    3. De Barao - reaches 3 m in height, gives both red and pink fruits that ripen quite late. A distinctive feature of this type of tomatoes is resistance to diseases inherent in this culture. Vintage grades brings rich.
    4. Wild rose - is the most unpretentious variety of tomatoes. It can grow almost in any soil, almost does not respond to a sharp change in weather, the fruits are kept pretty quickly - 90-95 days.
    5. One of the best varieties for barrel tomatoes is a Tarasenko hybrid, except that this variety is very resistant to diseases and unpretentious to weather conditions, it is very fruit. From one branch you can collect up to 3 kg of harvest. Fruits are quite large, sweet, have a bright red color.
    6. Scarlet Mustang - is distinguished by a rather interesting form of fruits: they are strongly elongated and can reach a length of 14 cm. Tomatoes are well stored in any conditions and are very tasty when singing. Tomatoes in the bargain grow well, do not get sick and bring abundant harvest.
    7. Another variety has elongated fruits - Koenigsberg. It also grows well in barrels, not susceptible to diseases, sweets sweet and bright red. Solutions and salads are made from the tomatoes of this species.
    8. Budenovo bush is small, up to 1.5 m, but brings a rich crop of bright red tomatoes with thin skin. They are perfectly transferred to transport.

    Gallery: Cultivation of tomatoes in barrels (25 photos + video)

    Preparation of soil

    To grow tomatoes in the barrel, first of all the capacity is needed. Although some gardeners grows the bushes of tomatoes in wooden personnel or boxes. The bottom is removed from the old barrel, and the holes are made in the walls of approximately centimeter in diameter. Such holes should be at least 30, it is necessary so that the roots of the plant can breathe. Then the bottom of the barrel is stacked by a layer of food waste - watermelon crusts, potato scales, egg shells, and so on. This layer should be laid 2 weeks before landing so that the excess moisture out of it came out. There you can also add 2 spoons of mineral fertilizer. This mixture will be filtering for the plant throughout the ripening period. The layer must be at least 20 cm. From above, it is full of 10-25 cm of Earth, mixed with peat and compost. After preparing the soil, you can plant tomato seedlings into it.

    If the summer resident or a farmer examines the cultivation of tomatoes, then this method is suitable in any situation

    Rules landing

    Saplings need to plant strictly for a certain period, for most varieties it is mid-May. The barrel is installed on the sun. Every 4-5 seedlings can be planted, at an equal distance from each other. Each seedling needs to remove the lower sheets. Plants are squeezed to a depth of 5 cm. To do not freeze at night, the barrel should be covered with a film.

    After the plant reached 10 cm high, it is necessary to shine the soil rich in nutrients. After 15 days, the barrel will be completely filled with soil, and the root system of the bush allows you to maintain a rather large plant. You can no longer tighten the film for the night, the stems are already strong enough and easily transfer the night coolness.

    In order for the plant to have more fruiting branches, long sixtes are stuck around the barrel, between which the wire is tuned. The branches will be clinging for this support, and the plant will be similar to a large tree with a huge amount of fruit.

    How to plant a tomato tree (video)

    Tomato care

    In order for green tomatoes from steel through a certain period of ripe and bright fruits, it is necessary to maintain a bush properly. After all, it is enough to plant it, you need to take care and attention towards the plant, and then it will bring a rich harvest.

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