Ovarian inflammation is called. Ovarian inflammation in women - symptoms and treatment. Inflammation of adjacent organs

Inflammation of the female genital organs is provoked infectious diseases and some other conditions of the body. With inflammation of the ovaries, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and pain relievers are prescribed. The choice of medication depends on the cause of the disease.

Description of the disease

There are two main types of the disease - oophoritis and adnexitis. In the first case, only the ovaries are affected, and in the second, the inflammation extends to the fallopian tubes. The main reason for the development of the disease is the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the female genital organs.

Its types differ in the way they become infected:

  • nonspecific - inflammation as a result of the multiplication of opportunistic bacteria that are constantly present in the body and manifest themselves with a decrease in immunity, hypothermia, stress;
  • specific - infection with sexually transmitted infections - syphilis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea.

The infection enters the ovaries in several ways:

  • through the vulva, cervix, and fallopian tubes;
  • with appendicitis and intestinal inflammation;
  • from the intestines and urinary organs;
  • during gynecological manipulations and operations - examination, abortion, installation of an intrauterine device, etc.;
  • through the circulatory or lymphatic system from other infected organs.

The acute form of the inflammatory process is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen, extending to the lower back or tailbone, localized on one or both sides;
  • pain when urinating;
  • profuse vaginal discharge, sometimes unpleasant odor and a yellowish-greenish color;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • uterine bleeding during the intermenstrual period;
  • general weakness.

The subacute form is rare and develops as a result of infection with a tuberculous or mycotic infection. Its manifestations are similar to the acute stage of the disease, but the symptoms are less pronounced.

Chronic inflammation of the ovaries occurs as a result of a prolonged course of other stages of the disease or with improper treatment. At the same time, the patient's well-being is normal most of the time, unpleasant sensations arise only during exacerbations. Symptoms of the presence of the disease:

  • aching, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which intensify with colds and viral diseases, after hypothermia;
  • a slight increase in vaginal discharge;
  • prolonged absence of conception;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle.

Sometimes chronic inflammation is asymptomatic for a long time and is detected only with a routine medical examination.

Antibiotic treatment

With self-treatment of acute and subacute forms of the disease, patients cannot find the necessary therapy, as a result of which chronic inflammation of the ovaries develops. It must be remembered that only a doctor should prescribe treatment for inflammation of the appendages and ovaries, as well as determine which antibiotics are more effective. The therapy is based on the analyzes obtained. Acute stage it is recommended to treat in a hospital setting - this way the patient will be provided with proper care and prevent the neglect of the disease.

Read also What sensations do chilled ovaries cause in a girl?

Antibiotics are used to treat this condition in most cases. Starting treatment early ensures a speedy recovery and reduces the risk of complications. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are usually used - they kill most pathogenic microorganisms. Such drugs are used as part of complex therapy simultaneously with anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.

The basic principles of antibiotic treatment for inflammation of the ovaries and appendages:

  • the selection of the drug is carried out on the basis of the tests performed, the patient's weight, her age and the state of the body;
  • the predominant types of medicines are antibiotics with long-term effects, which are in the blood for a long time;
  • post-treatment prophylaxis aimed at restoring microflora internal organs, the work of the intestines and the prevention of the formation of adhesions;
  • with a complication of the disease, combinations of drugs are used that have different effects on pathogenic microorganisms;
  • to determine the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to regularly take tests during the course of taking antibiotics.

In the absence of progress from antibiotic therapy, medications are replaced or their dosage is increased.

Groups of antibiotics prescribed for genital inflammation

Such drugs for oophoritis or adnexitis should effectively and quickly eliminate pathogens, have low toxicity and be combined with anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. The main groups of antibiotics for the treatment of ovarian inflammation:

  • tetracyclines - inhibit the development and reproduction of bacteria, have high toxicity and a large number of side effects;
  • cephalosporins - fight staphylococci, pneumococci, gram-negative bacteria, but negatively affect the digestive system;
  • penicillins - have a wide spectrum of action and low toxicity, but often cause allergies;
  • nitroimidazoles - effective in the fight against anaerobic and protozoal bacteria, are used in combination with other antibiotics;
  • macrolides - similar to tetracyclines, but have a milder effect, hypoallergenic;
  • lincosamides - slow down the growth of bacteria, are effective in the fight against infections resistant to penicillins;
  • aminoglycosides - have a wide spectrum of action;
  • carbapenems - a powerful antibiotic with high toxicity and the risk of an allergic reaction;
  • fluoroquinolones - used against most types of pathogenic microorganisms.

The type of drug is selected individually, depending on the condition of the body and the risk of allergies.

The most effective antibiotics

For the treatment of ovarian inflammation in women, the following types of antibiotics are popular:

  • Amoxiclav;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Doxycycline;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Clindamycin.

They are characterized high efficiency and a wide spectrum of action, which makes it possible to use them for most types of infectious lesions.

Choosing a drug

A well-chosen medicine can save not only the health, but also the life of the patient. Therefore, it is only necessary to entrust the choice of a drug for the treatment of inflammation to a doctor.

According to individual characteristics

Adults can be prescribed almost all types of antibiotics suitable for the treatment of oophoritis and adnexitis. They are selected according to the instructions for their use, taking into account all contraindications and possible side effects. Treatment in pregnant women is complicated - during this period, the use of most medicines is prohibited. It is strongly not recommended to carry out therapy in the first trimester of pregnancy - at this time, the vital organs of the fetus are laid. The doctor prescribes antibiotics during pregnancy, violation of the prohibitions on their use is possible if a woman's life is threatened or her condition worsens.

Read also Causes of ovarian pain on the right side

Approved antibiotics for the treatment of ovarian inflammation during the period of gestation:

  • Spiramycin;
  • Josamycin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Amoxiclav.

These funds do not guarantee complete safety during treatment. In the absence of the effect of taking these drugs, they are replaced with Azithromycin.

For the treatment of oophoritis and adnexitis in girls, agents such as Ceftriaxone, Amoxicillin, Levofloxacin, Amoxiclav are used. Before taking them, you must make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the drug. In childhood, the dose is reduced, but the duration of the course of treatment remains the same.

By release form

Antibiotics come in a variety of forms. Tablets for oophoritis and adnexitis:

  • Ofloxacin;
  • Doxycycline;
  • Ceftibuten;
  • Metronidazole.

Preparations in the form of suppositories and creams are applied 1-2 times a day. They are inserted directly into the vagina, some suppositories are used rectally. To enhance the effect after the procedure, you should lie down for 30-60 minutes. Antibiotics in the form of suppositories:

  • Hexicon;
  • Pimafucin;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Polygynax.

Injections for ovarian inflammation are the most effective form of antibiotic release. This is due to the high absorption of injections into the bloodstream and the rapid reaching of the site of infection. The main ones are:

If the storage conditions are not met, it is undesirable to use the product. It can harm the body or, on the contrary, have no effect. It is necessary to take into account the expiration date - after its expiration, the medication should be thrown away.

Interaction with other medicines

Most types of antibiotics are forbidden to be combined with each other - with the same exposure to the body, they can lead to deterioration or overdose.

It is not recommended to take these drugs simultaneously with anticoagulants, oral contraceptives - the effect of the latter may decrease. When combined with medications that include disulfiram, the patient's condition may worsen. It is forbidden to use antibiotics at the same time as dextran, glucose, proteins, lipids. When injecting, it is forbidden to mix drug solutions in one syringe.


For the treatment of ovarian inflammation, it is necessary to select antibiotics, in the instructions of which the following indications for use can be described:

  • infectious diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • infectious lesion of the genitals;
  • infections of the skin, bone, soft and connective tissues;
  • biliary tract infections.

All this contributes to the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation. With their complete destruction, the patient recovers.

Ovarian inflammation (oophoritis)- inflammation of the paired female reproductive glands. Can be single or double-sided. Often occurs with simultaneous inflammation of the fallopian tubes, in acute or chronic form. In acute inflammation, severe pain in the lower abdomen, fever, dysuria, leucorrhoea are noted. The chronic form is characterized by pain syndrome and menstrual irregularities (metrorrhagia). The accumulation of pus in the ovary can lead to pelvioperitonitis, in the long-term prognosis - the danger of secondary infertility as a result of dysfunction of the ovaries. In case of oophoritis, the diagnostic search includes gynecological examination, ultrasound, hysterosalpingoscopy, bacteriological studies, if indicated, diagnostic laparoscopy.

General information

Oophoritis is a disease that is dangerous for a woman's reproductive system. Oophoritis (from oophoron - ovary) is an inflammation of the ovaries - paired female reproductive glands, which is often accompanied by inflammation of the fallopian (fallopian) tubes - salpingitis. It can be affected as one ovary (unilateral inflammation of the ovary), and both at once (bilateral inflammation of the ovaries). Usually, the inflammatory process is common to the appendages of the uterus (fallopian tubes and ovaries) and is called salpingo-oophoritis or adnexitis (from adnexa - appendages).

Inflammation of the ovaries can be of a specific nature if it is caused by the causative agents of gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, tuberculosis, and nonspecific - if it is caused by opportunistic microflora (Escherichia coli, staphylococci, candidiasis, streptococci, etc.). Hypothermia, menstruation, childbirth, surgical termination of pregnancy, the use of an IUD, diagnostic and surgical manipulations on the genitals can provoke inflammation of the ovaries and its exacerbation. More often, inflammation of the ovaries develops secondarily, as a result of the ascent of infection from the cervical canal, uterus, fallopian tubes. Less commonly, pathogens of ovarian inflammation can enter the sex glands through the blood and lymph (for example, with tuberculosis).

With inflammation of the ovaries, the infectious process from the uterine cavity gradually spreads to the fallopian tubes, affecting first the mucous membrane, then the muscle and serous layers. The fallopian tube thickens, lengthens, inflammation leads to the release of pus and the formation of adhesions inside it. Then the ovaries are involved in the inflammatory process, their tissues are melted under the action of pus from the fallopian tubes. There is a soldering of the inflammatory-altered fallopian tube and ovary, therefore, separately, the symptoms of oophoritis and salpingitis do not stand out. Sometimes, with inflammation of the ovaries, pathological changes spread to the surrounding peritoneum (periadnexitis). The accumulated inflammatory exudate can be transparent and form hydrosalpinx in the fallopian tube or purulent - pyosalpinx, the accumulation of pus in the ovary forms a pyovar. With the further spread of the infectious process, it goes beyond the ovary with the development of pelvioperitonitis.

Ovarian inflammation symptoms

Ovarian inflammation can develop acutely, subacutely and in a chronic form with its own characteristics of the course.

The acute form of ovarian inflammation is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • constant, one- or two-sided, severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back and sacrum;
  • frequent urination with pain and cuts;
  • sometimes profuse purulent and serous discharge from the genital tract;
  • fever, fever, general malaise;
  • sharp pain during sexual intercourse;
  • bleeding between periods.

During a gynecological examination, the ovaries are enlarged, very painful. In case of acute inflammation of the ovaries, hospitalization and treatment in a hospital are required. The subacute form of ovarian inflammation is rare, usually with tuberculous or mycotic infection. Acute inflammation of the ovaries with timely and correct treatment can result in complete recovery. Untreated acute inflammation of the ovaries acquires a protracted chronic course, with periods of exacerbations.

For periods of exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the ovaries are characterized by:

  • dull, aching pains in the vagina, lower abdomen, groin area, worsening before menstruation, against the background colds from hypothermia;
  • irregularities in the menstrual cycle, dysfunction of the ovaries;
  • the presence of scanty, but constant discharge (whiter);
  • sexual dysfunction (decreased sex drive, pain during intercourse);
  • lack of pregnancy despite a regular sex life.

On examination, the ovaries are enlarged, sensitive to palpation. As a rule, chronic inflammation of the ovaries is accompanied by changes in the neuropsychic state of a woman: irritability and poor sleep, decreased performance and fatigue.

Complications that develop after inflammation of the ovaries are always dangerous for reproductive function women: menstrual irregularities and ovarian function, adhesions and obstruction of the fallopian tubes, ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, infertility, impaired sexual function, inflammatory processes in other organs (pyelonephritis, cystitis, colitis).

Diagnosis of ovarian inflammation

Symptoms of ovarian inflammation are rather vague, in acute form they resemble the symptoms of an acute abdomen in various diseases: appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis, ovarian cyst and cystoma, peritonitis, etc. In connection with these circumstances, the diagnosis of oophoritis is often difficult.

A reliable diagnosis of ovarian inflammation is based on the results of:

  • gynecological history data (the presence of previously transferred inflammation of the uterine appendages, STDs, abortions, complications of childbirth, intrauterine diagnostic procedures), and anamnesis of the present disease (the nature and localization of pain, the presence of discharge, hypothermia, general well-being);
  • laboratory tests (with inflammation of the ovaries, there is an increased level of leukocytes in general analyzes blood and urine; smears from the vagina and urethra);
  • gynecological examination (with inflammation of the ovaries, their increase and soreness, impaired mobility of the uterine appendages are determined);
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs;
  • bacteriological examination, PCR - diagnostics, ELISA, RIF (identify the causative agent of inflammation, latent infections). If a specific (gonorrheal or tuberculous) inflammation of the ovaries is suspected, additional studies are carried out;
  • hysterosalpingoscopy (reveals gross anatomical changes in the fallopian tubes that occur during chronic inflammation of the ovaries);
  • laparoscopy is the most informative method for diagnosing inflammation of the ovaries (it makes it possible to directly examine the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, to differentiate the diagnosis). Indications for laparoscopy are prolonged infertility, chronic pain in the lower abdomen of unknown origin, inflammation of the ovaries, which is not amenable to complex treatment. In chronic inflammation of the ovaries, laparoscopy reveals a violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes, their infection, adhesions, the presence of formations in the fallopian tubes and ovaries (pyosalpinx, pioovar), adhesions in the small pelvis. The severity of changes in the pelvic organs depends on the duration of chronic inflammation of the ovaries and the frequency of relapses.

Ovarian inflammation treatment

Chronic and advanced forms of ovarian inflammation are treated longer and more difficult than cases of timely treatment of patients, and can lead to complications requiring surgical intervention (oophorectomy, adnexectomy). After diagnosing ovarian inflammation and determining the pathogen, the doctor prescribes an individual course of treatment. As a rule, drug therapy for ovarian inflammation is complemented by non-drug therapy. Recently, there has been a growing interest in non-drug therapy, which gynecology uses in the treatment of ovarian inflammation, while the use of antibiotics is limited.

The choice of an antibiotic in the treatment of ovarian inflammation is determined by the pathogen isolated during bacterial sowing and its sensitivity to this drug. The use of antibacterial drugs in the treatment of chronic inflammation of the ovaries is justified in the following cases:

  • recurrence of chronic inflammation of the ovaries, if the clinical manifestations show a pronounced increase in the inflammatory process;
  • if treatment with antibiotics, as well as sulfonamides, was not carried out in the acute or subacute stage of chronic inflammation of the ovaries;
  • if in the process of physiotherapy and restorative therapy there is an exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the ovaries.

The goal of the treatment of chronic inflammation of the ovaries is to provide an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect, anesthesia, an increase in the body's immune reactivity, the restoration of functional disorders of the genital organs, as well as hormonal, nervous, vascular systems organism.

Usually, a course of potent antibiotics for inflammation of the ovaries is supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures (magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, laser therapy) to reduce the risk of adhesions and subsequent obstruction of the fallopian tubes. With inflammation of the ovaries, mud therapy, hirudotherapy and gynecological massage are also prescribed. Pain relieving methods for inflammation of the ovaries (acupuncture, physiotherapy) reduce and stop pain sensations that negatively affect the activity of the body as a whole. With exacerbations of chronic inflammation of the ovaries, immunomodulatory drugs are used to increase the body's defenses.

There are many alternative treatments for ovarian inflammation (mainly herbal medicine) that can be used prophylactically or as an adjunct to the main treatment. Treatment for ovarian inflammation can be lengthy, but must be completed. If STIs have been identified, the sexual partner should also undergo a concurrent course of treatment (in order to avoid the development of prostatitis, infertility). It is better to stop having sex during the treatment of ovarian inflammation.

Preventing ovarian inflammation is very important. Women need to avoid hypothermia, overwork, stress, and follow the rules of personal hygiene. Prophylactically, you need to consult a gynecologist at least 2 times a year. Healthy way life, proper nutrition, the exclusion of accidental sexual intercourse, abortion will help prevent the development of ovarian inflammation and related complications.

Ovarian inflammation is a fairly common and dangerous pathology. This is one of the causes of female infertility. This disease requires careful diagnosis and correct timely treatment. According to statistics, a third of women faced with this pathology have problems with fertility. Very often women ask each other a question: "I have inflammation of the ovaries: what antibiotics should I drink?" Self-medication is categorically unacceptable here. Having found symptoms that may indicate an inflammatory process in the appendages, a woman must definitely consult a gynecologist.

Ovarian inflammation (oophoritis) is an acute or chronic inflammatory process localized in the gonads, can be unilateral and bilateral. Often the fallopian tubes are also involved in the pathological process. This pathology is called salpingo-oophoritis.


The cause of the inflammatory process in the uterine appendages is infection: trichomoniasis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis. In addition, oophoritis can also be caused by opportunistic flora. The factors provoking the development of the disease include childbirth, hypothermia, surgical termination of pregnancy, the use of intrauterine contraception, unprofessionally performed medical or diagnostic manipulations.

Most often, the inflammatory process in the ovaries is not a primary lesion, but a consequence of the passage of inflammation from the vagina, through the cervical canal, uterus, fallopian tubes. That is why damage to the ovaries and tubes is more common. With the further spread of the pathological process, inflammation of the peritoneum is possible. The danger of inadequate treatment is the risk of adhesions forming, which can further interfere with the normal path of the egg through the fallopian tubes. The consequence can be an ectopic pregnancy and even infertility.

Signs of ovarian inflammation

There are two forms of the disease, which have a different course: acute and chronic inflammation of the ovaries.

Signs of acute inflammation

Symptoms of an acute inflammatory process in the ovaries include:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, one- or two-sided, radiating to the lumbar region;
  • hyperthermia (the temperature can rise to 39 degrees or more);
  • malaise, weakness;
  • sharp soreness during intercourse;
  • discharge is possible (purulent, serous).

Signs of chronic inflammation in the ovaries

With untimely or incorrect treatment, the pathological process can become chronic. Signs of such a pathology (during an exacerbation) are:

  • aching dull pain in the lower abdomen, one- or two-sided;
  • pain syndrome worsens before or during menstruation;
  • the process is activated with hypothermia, colds;
  • soreness during intercourse;
  • decreased libido;
  • constant scanty leucorrhoea;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • absence of pregnancy with regular sex life without the use of contraception.
  • Diagnostics

    Signs of this disease, especially in chronic course, may be indistinct. They may be similar to those of other abdominal organs. For differential diagnosis a thorough examination of the patient is carried out. It includes the following.

    • Detailed questioning: the specialist finds out from the patient the complaints, the time of their occurrence, the peculiarities of the course of the disease, and also clarifies information about the previously transferred diseases, including gynecological, the state of the reproductive function, the nature of the menstrual cycle.
    • Gynecological examination. During a gynecological examination, signs such as an enlargement of the ovaries, soreness (and in the acute form, a sharp pain when probing them), and impaired mobility testify in favor of inflammation of the ovaries.
    • Laboratory tests of blood and urine are prescribed.
    • An obligatory diagnostic method is an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. It allows you to visualize enlarged ovaries, a change in echogenicity indicates an inflammatory process.
    • To determine the pathogen, a bacteriological study, polymerase chain reaction, immunological diagnostics are carried out. In chronic inflammation, hysterosalpingography is performed - a research method that allows you to identify gross violations of the patency of the tubes.
    • In some cases, laparoscopy is performed.


    Treatment of the inflammatory process in the appendages depends both on the form of the disease (acute or chronic) and on its cause.

    Acute ovarian inflammation is treated exclusively in stationary conditions. Constant medical supervision is required. Parenteral antibiotic therapy is prescribed. What injections for inflammation of the ovaries will be effective - the doctor determines, depending on the characteristics of the disease in a particular patient. Also prescribed are pain relievers, sulfa drugs, restorative therapy. With a subacute course, physiotherapy is added.

    A chronic inflammatory process in the ovaries requires a longer and more complex treatment. In severe forms, surgical intervention is required. Its purpose is to restore the patency of the fallopian tubes, eliminate the adhesions.

    Ovarian inflammation: what antibiotics to take

    Antibiotic therapy for ovarian inflammation is the main treatment for this pathology. Only a specialist can determine which antibiotic will be effective in a given situation. This is determined by the results of the examination (the pathogen is determined, its sensitivity to antibiotics). You should know that the results of such research methods are obtained after a few days, at which time the doctor empirically prescribes antibiotics that will be most effective.

    The dosage of the antibacterial drug should ensure its effective concentration in the area of ​​inflammation. Combinations of antibiotics may be used for severe inflammation.

    In the acute course, antibiotic therapy begins with parenteral administration of drugs (intravenously or intramuscularly). The tactics of therapy are determined by a specialist. The cause of inflammation of the ovaries can be various pathogens that are sensitive to different antibiotics, so it is categorically unacceptable to choose antibiotics for the treatment of this disease on your own.

    Folk remedies

    In the treatment of ovarian inflammation folk methods play a supporting role. Their use is permissible only after a complete examination and the main treatment. All folk remedies used must be agreed with the doctor.

    More often folk methods are used for chronic inflammation. Warm baths with chamomile and yarrow are used. Mud baths are useful. To relieve pain, apply a warm pillow filled with dried wildflowers. It is heated in the oven, applied to the lower abdomen.

    Tea from yarrow, coltsfoot has an anti-inflammatory effect. It should be remembered that all of these funds are used as an adjunct and not as a primary therapy.

    Inflammation of the ovaries during pregnancy

    Pregnancy is accompanied by a decrease in immunity. Against this background, chronic diseases, including inflammation of the ovaries. If, before pregnancy, a woman might not have known about the presence of inflammation that was latent, then during pregnancy its symptoms appear. The first symptoms are lower abdominal pain. This requires a mandatory examination by a gynecologist, identification of the pathogen, the appointment of such treatment, which is highly effective and safe for the baby.

Oophoritis or inflammation of the ovaries requires timely treatment. The danger of the disease is that it can lead to infertility, pathological changes in the uterine tissue, damage to the appendages. If the inflammatory process spreads to the uterus, there is a risk of malignant tumor. The goals of treatment are to eliminate symptoms of the disease and to prevent relapse.

Ovarian functions and the danger of oophoritis

If this disease is treated correctly, it will not become chronic. The main sign of oophoritis-. However, a symptom may indicate other pathologies, and therefore a comprehensive diagnosis is required.

The female ovaries are responsible for motherhood. They form the egg and create the conditions for its maturation. If the paired organ functions well, pregnancy proceeds without complications. The ovaries are also needed for the production of hormones. Violation hormonal background leads to pathologies of the genitourinary system.

Inflammatory process can be one-sided and two-sided... In the first case, it covers one ovary (left or right), in the second, both are affected. The danger of bilateral inflammation is that it can lead to damage to the fallopian tubes (the disease is called "Salpingitis"). First, the pathological process covers the mucous membranes, then it passes to the tissues.

Causes of the disease

Inflammation occurs due to the fact that an infection enters the paired organ. Oophoritis can be specific and non-specific. Specific inflammation is associated with the penetration of infection. Pathology of this type is diagnosed in patients with syphilis, gonorrhea or chlamydia. Specific inflammation is often associated with tuberculosis.

The nonspecific form of the disease is due to the influence of opportunistic microflora. It is activated when the immune system is weakened. TO causes of nonspecific oophoritis include stress, hypothermia... A woman can chill the organs of the genitourinary system, which will entail oophoritis. In some cases, the disease is caused by streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli.

It is usually associated with the penetration of infectious agents. Germs enter the ovaries through the cervix or fallopian tubes. The infection can enter the ovaries through the intestines and organs of the genitourinary system.

The lower abdomen may hurt due to intestinal inflammation. Oophoritis is often confused with appendicitis.

If problems arise during surgery and the doctor has an infection, the risk of illness increases. A rare reason is the installation of an intrauterine device.

In acute inflammation, the symptoms are pronounced. The patient feels lower abdominal pain... The discomfort makes her see a doctor. Subacute inflammation is diagnosed in women with tuberculosis... Symptoms in this case are blurred and combined with the underlying disease. The chronic form can lead to severe complications. To avoid them, you need to treat oophoritis in time. The symptoms of a chronic illness are mild. The patient has periods of exacerbation and remission.

Clinical picture

Symptoms depend on the form of the pathology. Patients with acute inflammation feel discomfort in the groin and ovaries. Unpleasant sensations may occur in the region of the sacrum. A sign of inflammation of the ovaries and appendages in women - discomfort in the abdomen before menstruation. Pathology leads to menstrual irregularities.

Other symptoms of ovarian inflammation in women are - fever, chills. If the patient is taking an antipyretic, the temperature is kept at the same levels... A sign of oophoritis is headache... Some women are worried about aching joints and muscles... The inflammatory process is characterized by frequent urination... Symptom of inflammation of the ovaries in women - white or brownish green discharge... They may contain particles of blood and pus. A sign of inflammation is bleeding that is not associated with menstruation.

Symptoms and treatment of ovarian inflammation in women depend on the stage of the pathological process. Some women have upset digestion.

When oophoritis also occurs:

  • irritability;
  • increased fatigue;
  • insomnia.

The disease attacks with colds, infectious pathologies. The cause of an exacerbation may be a cold, physical and psycho-emotional stress.

Chronic inflammation occurs against the background of pathologies of the genitourinary system. If the immune system is strong, the disease is in a state of long remission. The patient has an irregular discharge, the menstrual cycle is disturbed.

In chronic oophoritis, the walls of the fallopian tubes thicken, adhesions appear in the ovaries. If the lesion is unilateral, the pain is localized in a specific area. To confirm the diagnosis, you need to conduct a comprehensive examination... The inflammation can spread from one side to the other. If one paired organ is involved in the pathological process, white discharge occurs.

Consequences of oophoritis

Unilateral defeat is less dangerous than bilateral. In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to treat the ailment correctly and comprehensively.

Consequences of oophoritis:

  • infertility;
  • dysfunction of the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • malignant tumor;
  • kidney pathology;
  • diseases associated with the intestines.

If the production of hormones is disturbed, the woman is not able to bear the baby. Sometimes the disease leads to a malfunction of the menstrual cycle. becomes the cause of an ailment in which the mammary glands are affected. Oophoritis can lead to pathological changes in uterine tissue.

Diagnostic measures

The doctor makes a diagnosis based on a comprehensive examination.

Oophoritis has a similar clinical picture with diseases:

  • appendicitis;
  • peritonitis;
  • swelling of the uterus.

To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to identify all concomitant diseases. Sometimes, inflammation of the ovaries is observed in women who have had abortions, as well as in those who have inserted intrauterine devices.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor specifies the location of the pain, finds out the nature of the discharge. A gynecological examination is carried out. It allows you to identify swelling, abnormal location of the ovaries in women, pain in the organs of the genitourinary system.

Blood and urine tests are needed to check for inflammation. The doctor pays attention to the number of leukocytes. To clarify the nature of the disease, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound of the small pelvis... PCR diagnostics allows you to determine what type of virus belongs to. Laparoscopy is a progressive examination method. For the procedure, the doctor inserts a tube with a camera into the opening of the abdominal wall.

Effective treatments

The doctor prescribes antibiotics. The patient should adhere to the indicated dosages, and for a certain period of time to comply with bed rest. Antibiotics have a wide range of effects, they inhibit pathogens. Therapy involves the use of antibacterial agents: penicillin and aminoglycosides... They are taken within 8 days.

The list of popular drugs for the treatment of oophoritis:

  1. Ceftriaxone;
  2. Metronidazole;
  3. Doxycycline.

The goals of local therapy are to eliminate pain syndrome, relieve fever. The doctor also prescribes vaginal suppositories... It contains components that suppress fungi and viruses. Voltaren suppositories relieve inflammation. The drug helps to restore mucous membranes. Medicines with diclofenacrarely give side effects , therefore, are in demand.

Hirudotherapy is performed in order to remove adhesions and relieve swelling. Effective electrophoresis... During the procedure, the doctor injects the medicine using a low frequency current. Some patients do magnetotherapy... It helps relieve inflammation. Complicated oophoritis can be cured operational method.

Home therapy

Ovarian pain is a reason to see a doctor. Before using folk remedies, you need to make sure that they do not cause allergies.

Home treatment must be correct. It is not recommended to exceed the indicated dosages, otherwise the herbs will be harmful.

To prevent infection, through sexual intercourse need to use contraceptives... They reduce the threat of sexually transmitted diseases. Prevention involves regular gynecological examinations... It is recommended to visit a doctor once every six months. To avoid diseases of the genitourinary system, you must observe personal hygiene rules, diagnose other pathologies in a timely manner.

Inflammation of the left ovary is a common disease of the female genital tract. Every woman of reproductive age has come across him at least once in her life. ranks first among other inflammatory diseases and requires complex treatment, since in its neglected form it is fraught with infertility and other unpleasant consequences.

The causes of inflammation of the left ovary (left-sided oophoritis) are many, but they are all associated with infection with pathogenic microorganisms. The most common routes of infection are as follows:

  1. Sexually transmitted infections. With unprotected intercourse, both sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, donovanosis, etc.) and conditionally sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, ureplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus, etc.) can be transmitted. In addition to the specific symptoms inherent in these diseases, the ovaries and / or appendages are almost always inflamed.
  2. Domestic infection that can cause oophoritis is less common than sexual infection. It can occur in shared areas - saunas, baths, swimming pools, public showers, as well as when using someone else's towel. In this case, various viruses, bacteria and fungi can be transmitted, which do not cause sexually transmitted diseases, but accompany the occurrence.
  3. Surgical interventions, including abortion, in which there is a risk of infection. Therefore, in order to avoid this kind of complications, a course of antibiotics is prescribed without fail.
  4. Diseases of adjacent organs and systems. Most often, inflammation of the ovaries in this case occurs when the infection is transferred from the urinary tract (with cystitis, urethritis), less often with intestinal infections.
  5. Hormonal disturbances can lead to occurrence on the ovary or else. These processes are capable of provoking the onset of inflammation.
  6. A decrease in immunity leads to the fact that the opportunistic microflora living in the body begins to actively multiply. The immune cells that held it back can no longer cope with their task, so the inflammatory process develops. A decrease in the body's immune forces in almost all cases causes an exacerbation of chronic left-sided oophoritis, if there is one in the anamnesis.
  7. Mechanical damage to the mucous membranes of the vagina of the uterus, which can occur, for example, when installing or removing the uterine spiral.
  8. Hypothermia contributes to a decrease in immunity, therefore, a chronic inflammatory process is exacerbated, or an acute one occurs.
  9. Prolonged stress is also a catalyst for immunosuppression.
  10. Infection can also occur during childbirth, since the genital tract during this period is very vulnerable, and the woman's immunity is reduced.
  11. Disregard for personal hygiene rules.
  12. A miscarriage can also lead to oophoritis, as surgery is required and there is a high risk of pathogens entering.

Doctors cannot determine with certainty why left-sided oophoritis occurs. Statistics show that right-sided inflammation of the ovary occurs more often, since it is in this place that large blood vessels and arteries pass, and the appendix is ​​also nearby. But in most cases, the onset of unilateral inflammation is determined randomly, therefore, it is impossible to predict which side the ovary will inflame when an infection enters.

Symptoms and forms of the disease

Symptoms of left-sided oophoritis differ depending on the form in which the disease proceeds. There are 3 forms: acute, chronic and subacute.



Sharp Subacute Chronic
The intensity and nature of the pain Severe pain in the lower abdomen on the left, can radiate to the lumbar region, hip, leg Severe or moderate pain, also radiates to the thigh and / or leg Moderate pulling pain during an exacerbation, as well as discomfort in the pelvic area during periods of remission
The presence of discharge Present, color and smell may differ depending on which pathogen is causing the inflammation Similar to the acute form Present only during periods of exacerbation, usually milky white (sometimes yellowish) in color, usually odorless
Body temperature Rises to high marks (up to 38 degrees) Can rise heat, but subfebrile condition is more often present (up to 37.5) It happens extremely rarely, even during periods of exacerbation
Menstrual changes It occurs in almost all cases, but disappears within 1-2 cycles. Your period may be more profuse and more painful. Similar to the acute form Menstrual irregularities are common, menstrual painful, especially during an exacerbation
Pain during intercourse Present Present Present
Signs from the nervous system Symptoms of general intoxication of the body, headaches, weakness Weakness and fatigue caused by infection General intoxication is absent, but under the influence of chronic pelvic pain, a woman may experience increased irritability, fatigue, anxiety, decreased libido
Gastrointestinal symptoms Nausea, vomiting, and stool disorders occur Absent Absent

How to identify inflammation of the ovary on the left side

Diagnosis of the disease should be carried out already at the initial manifestations of the inflammatory process, when the first symptoms appeared. Timely detection of oophoritis is a prevention of its transition to, and in the early stages it is quickly and easily cured. Diagnostic measures are carried out in several stages:

  1. Collecting anamnesis. The gynecologist finds out what symptoms are present, as well as whether there have been operations, pregnancies, abortions, whether there are chronic diseases of the genital area.
  2. Examination in the gynecological chair is carried out by palpation. An experienced doctor is already at this stage able to determine the presence of inflammation in the left ovary (since it is enlarged, and the woman will feel pain when pressed), but a number of laboratory tests are required to make a correct diagnosis.
  3. Flora studies, smears, in which the types of pathogens are determined in order to choose the right antibacterial drugs.
  4. Blood tests to rule out / confirm the presence of a sexually transmitted disease.
  5. pelvic organs, which will show the presence of an inflammatory process, whether there are cysts or other pathologies.
  6. Laparoscopy (for chronic oophoritis and suspected adhesions).

Treatment methods

Acute and subacute forms of left-sided inflammation of the appendages are treated in the same way, there are small differences only in chronic oophoritis. Treatment of any form is based on an integrated approach and should include the following areas.

Medication methods

  1. Antibiotics in the treatment of inflammation of the left ovary are required, since the infection must be "killed" in order to recover. Certain drugs are selected taking into account the type of pathogen, often not one antibiotic is prescribed, but several. Antibacterial treatment includes both oral administration of medication in the form of tablets, and elimination of the infectious focus at the local level - with the help of vaginal suppositories. The combination of these forms of drugs gives the fastest and most effective result, and allows you to achieve an improvement in the condition as soon as possible.

If left-sided inflammation occurs during pregnancy or lactation, antibiotics are either not used at all, or those that can cause minimal harm to the mother and child are chosen.

Unconventional treatments

Spa treatment has a positive effect on the elimination of the pathological focus of inflammation and improves the quality of life. It should be carried out only during periods of remission after consultation with the attending physician, since there are a number of contraindications (for example, in the presence of cervical erosion).

Spa treatment can include acupuncture, various therapeutic baths with anti-inflammatory compounds, physiotherapy, and balneotherapy (treatment sea ​​salt and water).

Folk remedies

They are used along with drug treatment, they can speed up recovery:

  1. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from plants that have weak antibacterial properties, as well as anti-inflammatory effects. It can be chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, nettle, upland uterus, yarrow and others. You can choose one component or mix and prepare a decoction. Take as regular tea, diluted with water, or in the form of a concentrate, in a tablespoon. The duration of treatment depends on the selected plant, but it should not be less than 2 weeks and more than 1.5 months.
  2. Douching is done at night using the specified herbs. The solution should not be too concentrated so as not to burn the mucous membranes, and also not too hot or cold. You should not get carried away with douching, as they are able to flush out the beneficial microflora of the vagina. A week's course will suffice.

Treatment of left ovarian inflammation folk remedies has its own characteristics. So, they are not used independently, but only in conjunction with drug treatment. Also, before using this or that remedy, you need to consult a doctor, since they have a number of contraindications, and some of them are allergenic. There are also herbs that are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Ovarian inflammation and pregnancy

Infection of the left epididymis often causes negative consequences for the body. One of them is problems with conception.

A single acute case is unlikely to negatively affect fertility, but the chronic form with frequent relapses causes a high risk of infertility. This is due to the fact that with prolonged inflammation, an adhesive process develops.

Adhesions are muscle fibers that appear in the pelvis in response to inflammation. They make the fallopian tubes impassable for a fertilized egg, so there is a high risk of ectopic tubal pregnancy.

For the prevention and elimination of the existing adhesive process, the drug Longidaza is used (produced in the form of rectal suppositories), and if it is ineffective in specific case with extensive development of pathology - for the dissection of adhesions and restoration of the patency of the tubes.

Chronic ovarian inflammation increases the risk of problems with conception, and if it does happen, with bearing a child. However, left-sided oophoritis is not as dangerous as, under the condition of normal functioning of the right ovary. Therefore, the chances of successful conception are still great.

Disease prevention

The list of certain preventive measures for oophoritis on the left side is as follows:

  1. Protected intercourse will reduce the risk of infection. Even if a woman has a permanent partner and is confident in him, it is better to use barrier methods of contraception (condom). An exception is planning a pregnancy.
  2. Avoid hypothermia, which lowers immunity and provokes an exacerbation chronic form diseases.
  3. Try to avoid severe stress and nervous strain, which has a direct effect on the body's immune defenses. At the first signs of stress, light herbal sedatives should be taken.
  4. Raise immunity during periods of seasonal epidemics, as well as during the cold season.
  5. Timely treat concomitant diseases that can cause an inflammatory process in the ovaries.
  6. Maintain hygiene, shower regularly and change towels.
  7. Use caution when visiting common areas.
  8. Regularly (1-2 times a year) visit a gynecologist for a routine examination.

The inflammatory process in the left ovary is a rather dangerous disease that can cause infertility. But with the correct diagnosis and implementation of complex treatment, it is completely removable. Therefore, a timely visit to a doctor allows you to prevent serious complications and harm to the body.

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