Carrot dishes. Morkovay dishes: recipes quickly and tasty. Korean carrots - recipe at home

Do you know that Korean carrots have nothing to do with Korea? There was a dish thanks to the Koreans living in the USSR. They replaced the hard-to-reach Beijing cabbage on a cheap carrot and invented the so-called "Korean gas station". Since then, a snack from Korean carrots not only passed on as an economical everyday dish - she was spelled in the menu for holiday tables!

Korean carrots can be bought in the store, on the market, but it is better to cook on their own. So you and the sharpness adjust to your taste, and you will be confident in the quality and freshness of the product.

How to pick up carrots in Korean at home?

The easiest recipe offers the use of the finished packaged seasoning, which can be bought in any section of the spices. Everything is simple as possible here. The grated carrots must be sprinkled with seasonings from the bag, fill with sugar, oil and vinegar, and then wait a couple of hours while it is imagined. As a rule, a bag is designed for 1 kg of vegetables, and the instruction is painted in detail on the package.

If you, like me, are accustomed to everything with your own hands and do not trust dubious "Eshkam" in the composition of the products, prepare Korean carrots yourself, at home, - a real recipe without seasonings in bags, only with the addition of ground coriander, garlic and Pepper. As a result, there will be a very tasty Korean carrot, as in the market. She juicy, with a pleasant aroma garlic, eats quickly, so cook at once a double or triple portion!

  • Coriander is best suited in beans, it is more fragrant than ground. It is possible to crush the grains into a mortar, a coffee grinder or in the mill.
  • For refueling, 9% vinegar is used. Instead, you can take 6% table, wine or apple vinegar. The amount is freely adjustable to taste.
  • The oil is suitable not only sunflower, but also corn. If it is pre-warm it, the taste of spices will fully fully.
  • The classic Korean carrot recipe includes a minimum of ingredients, it will become the base for your culinary experiments. If you wish, you can always adjust the severity, add additional ingredients, for example, soy sauce and sesame, dried on a dry pan.
  • Based on the basic recipe, a large number of salads and snacks are being prepared, for example, and these pork ears in Korean:

How much time to marine?

The minimum cooking time is 3-4 hours. It is advisable to withstand a snack in the refrigerator all night, the next day it will become more juicy and saturated to taste.

Total cooking time: 4 hours
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Output: 4 servings


  • carrot - 500 g
  • 9% vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 2 h.
  • salt - 0.5 h. l.
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • lok big onions - 2 pcs.
  • coriander in beans - 1 tsp.
  • garlic - 3-4 tooth.
  • ground red pepper - 1/3 h. l. or to taste


Big photos Little photo

You can simply cover the plate on top or decompose the carrot in pure jars, where it will be stored before the festive feast. The snack is spicy, moderately acute, can be served separately, as well as used as an ingredient for the preparation of salads and other dishes. Bon Appetit!

  • 1 piece of ginger root (approx. 3 cm)
  • 1/2 Pod of Red Sweet Pepper
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 800 g of carrots
  • 2 potato tuber
  • 750 ml of chicken broth
  • 2 orange
  • 4 tbsp. l. sour cream
  • green Kinsee for Decoration
  • ground red pepper
  • salt to taste


  1. Onions Clean and finely cut. Ginger Clean and soda in a small grater. Sweet pepper pulp straw straws. In the scenery, heat the olive oil and fry the onions until golden color. Add bell pepper And ginger, mix and slightly fry everything together.
  2. Clean carrots and potatoes, wash and cut into small slices. Add to the saucepan to vegetables, spray, pour a bit hot water And extinguish under the lid for 5 minutes. Then pour broth, bring to a boil and boil on low heat for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and with the help of a blender make a puree.
  3. Wash oranges, dry and remove the zest layer. From the fruit, squeeze the juice and add it together with the zest in the resulting puree. Sung and pepper in taste. Finished soup bulk through the portion plates, add sour cream into each other and decorate the kinse sprigs.

2. Carrot soup with milk and rice

It will take:

  • 250 ml of milk
  • 600 g of carrots
  • 150 g risa
  • 50 g of butter
  • ground black pepper
  • 1 bundle of dill


  1. Carrot cleaned, wash and cut into circles. Preheat in a saucepan with thick walls butter and fry carrots. Add rice and slightly twisted. Pour a small amount of water, salt and cook for 15 minutes.
  2. Half soup to cast out, from the rest of the blender to make mashed potatoes, pour cream and bring to a boil, salt and pepper. Add in mashed carrot mug with rice and warm up again.
  3. Dill wash, dry and nourish large. Soup pour over to plates and sprinkle with dill.

Photo: Oleg Kulagin / Burdamedia

It will take:

  • 800 g of carrots
  • 2 Lukovitsy
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 800 ml of chicken broth
  • 1 bunch of kinse
  • 1 tsp. Ground red pepper
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • calle to taste


  1. Carrots wash, dry, clean and cut into cubes. Onions and garlic clean and chop finely.
  2. Vegetable oil melt in a saucepan, put the chopped onions, garlic, carrots. Press cover with a lid. Stew vegetables on low heat for 10 minutes, occasionally stirring.
  3. To vegetables, add 800 ml of chicken broth, cream, salt, pepper. The saucepan close the lid and cook on a weak heat for 25-30 minutes until the carrot becomes soft.
  4. Soup to grind a blender to a homogeneous mass. Pour in plates and sprinkled with cilantro leaves. Serve with croutons.

Photo: Oleg Kulagin / Burdamedia

It will take:

  • 8 pcs. carrots
  • 1 Lukovitsa
  • 1 l vegetable broth
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. Apple vinegar
  • 50 g of butter
  • salt to taste
  • 10 black pepper peas
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • twig of thyme
  • green Parsushki.
  • crackers on a garnish


  1. Carrot wash, clean, and then cut into small cubes. Share them in a bowl, salt, add olive oil and salt to taste, mix. Heat the oven to 200 ° C, put a carrot on the tray and bake for 25-30 minutes until it starts to be slightly twisted.
  2. Clear onions, cut into semirogram. In the saucepan, melt the butter and lay out onions, cook it until golden color. Then add baked carrots and pour broth.
  3. Garlic cloves clean. In a special gauze bag, lay pepper peas, bay leaf, thyme twigs, garlic cloves. Soup bring to a boil and cook 30 minutes before the softness of carrots. Then, from the pan take out the bag with spices, and squeeze the soup with a blender. Add salt and vinegar to taste, mix.
  4. Soup cool down, then remove in the refrigerator. Petrushka wash, dry and chop finely. Soup pour into portion plates and sprinkle with greens and crackers.

Photo: Oleg Kulagin / Burdamedia

It will take:

On 4 servings
  • 100 g of green onions with bulbs
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 500 g of carrots
  • a small piece of ginger root
  • 4 tbsp. l. butter
  • ground black pepper
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour
  • 375 ml of broth
  • 250 g of Pelmeni
  • 80 g sour cream
  • 1 bunch of parsley


  1. Green onions cut into rings, garlic to extort, carrots cut into a thin straw, ginger root rubbing on a shallow grater.
  2. In a large saucepan with thick walls, heat the butter and fry onions. After 1 minute add garlic and carrots. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with ginger root and flour. Slightly grab and pour broth.
  3. When the broth boils, put dumplings and cook to their complete readiness. Pour soup on plates, add sour cream and sprinkled with chopped greens.

Photo: Oleg Kulagin / Burdamedia

It will take:

  • 1 kg of carrots
  • 2 tbsp. l. Manna Crupes
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sugar sand
  • 100 ml of milk
  • 100 g breadcrumbs
  • 100 g grated cheese
  • oil for fryer


  1. Carrots wash, clean and grate on a large grater. Pour milk and sniff on low heat 20 min. Add a semolina and cook for 5 minutes.
  2. Remove from fire and give cool. Add egg, cheese and sugar. Mix thoroughly, make small cutlets and cut them into breadcrumbs.
  3. Heat fryer oil up to 180 ° C and fry portions of cutlets before the formation of a rosy crust. You can serve with sour cream, decisive with basil leaves.

Photo: Oleg Kulagin / Burdamedia

It will take:

On 4 servings
  • 1 green apple
  • 2 carrots
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. Liquid Med.
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 50 g of chopped walnuts
  • 0.5 Art. l. The grated zest of lemon
  • green Parsushki.


  1. Carrots wash, clean and rub on medium grater. Apple wash, clean from seeds and peel. Grind the pulp on the middle grater. Parsley's greens wash, dry and chop.
  2. Seatery carrots and apples slide a little, sprinkled with chopped parsley and mix. Add chopped nuts into fruit and vegetable mass, lemon juice, olive oil and mix again.
  3. Honey helped a little, connect with a grated lemons and mix. Add to salad, mix and leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Salad swing again, decorate the greens and serve on the table.

Photo: Oleg Kulagin / Burdamedia

It will take:

  • 1 kg of carrots
  • 100 ml of low fat yogurt
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. Vegetable broth
  • salt to taste
  • greens


  1. Carrot wash, clean and cut into a lumps with a thickness of 1 cm.
  2. Melt oil in a saucepan, add sugar. Lay the carrot and mix well.
  3. Pour hot broth, cover with a lid and stew 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the lid. Pour yogurt, salt, gently mix and stew until the fluid evaporates. Before serving on the table to sprinkle with chopped greens.

Raisin Snacks - Jelly White Wine

Photo: Oleg Kulagin / Burdamedia

It will take:

On 4 servings
  • 1 bundle of soup greens with roots
  • 2 Small carrots
  • 500 ml of meat broth
  • 500 ml of dry white wine
  • 10 White Pepper Peas
  • 1 laurel sheet
  • 250 g boiled ham
  • 2 beam parsley
  • 24 g gelatin


  1. Soup greens with roots prepare and chop finely. Carrots wash and clean. Broth pour into a saucepan and add 250 ml of wine. Put soup greens, carrots, pepper peas, bay leaf and bring to a boil. Cook 15 min.
  2. Chopped with cubes. Petrushka finely chop and mix with ham. Lay out a flat layer in the form. SHITELLES Soak. Carrot from the broth to remove, cut into circles and lay out on the ham.
  3. Broth strain. Take 750 ml of broth and add the remaining wine. Slightly heat and dissolve pressed gelatin. Broth to deliver salt and pepper. Pour into the shape with ham and put in the refrigerator.

Hello, dear readers! Homemade billets for the winter are in full swing. Prepare the carrot itself in Korean is not a lot of work. It will correctly close it in banks - this is a sure way to keep the vegetable almost to the next harvest. And not just save, but to make a real ready-to-eat salad. Opened a jar and enjoy. Especially since I know one very delicious recipe A sharp snacks from carrots and today I will tell you about this yummy.

At home, Korean carrots are also called - Carromb. It can be used as an independent dish, and on the basis of vegetable treats to do. It is not necessary to immediately harvest a large number of snacks, only if you want to go to the winter. And so if you want to constantly bother, rub each time and cook small portion Fresh carrots. But, in my opinion, the most delicious salad Korean is canned. During your stay in the banks, carrots are impregnated and saturated with aromas of specially cooked seasonings.

Presentation of Korean seasonings

As regards directly the seasonings itself for Korean carrots, I used to do it yourself. Although on sale a lot of suggestions for this product. For example, Chim Chim Sauce. I always prefer the seasoning prepared with your own hands. So tastier and I am not limited in your capabilities. I add, we reduce those or other ingredients if necessary.

With time, I developed the perfect composition of the recipe for carrots in Korean, where the most important ingredient, of course, seasoning. With a certain skill, working with a grater is preparing very quickly. BUT step-by-step photos It is only just for beauty. I am sure you would cope without them.

I will prepare Korean carrot quickly, deftly. It will be delicious salad - in winter everyone is happy!

Unique Korean Carrot Recipe

  • Carrots - 1.5 kg;
  • garlic one head;
  • coriander (partially ground) - 2 h.
  • black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • red pepper - 1 tsp;
  • kurkuma - 1 tsp;
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml;
  • daily oil - 1/3 cup;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Did you leave that there is no bow in the recipe ingredients? I will cook without him. For my taste, this vegetable is superfluous in this salad. I'll start with the fact that it is best to purchase a special grater to prepare carrot in Korean. Approximately such a device like on this photo.

Until recently, I rubbed a vegetable on an ordinary grater, but it is inconvenient, and the form is not the same as it should actually happen. We will assume that you have the desired kitchen tool in stock, which means then we proceed to the preparation of acute snacks.

How to grasp carrots

  1. I wash the carrots and purify. I also do it with garlic, I remove the husk.
  2. I rub the carrot on the grater, spending over the entire length of the vegetable blades. The longer the "straw", the correct recipe prepared. I forgot to say, carrots are recommended to take large sizes. And rub it comfortably, and long straw does not pump.
  3. Then salt and sugar shedding vegetable. The final classic taste of salad should be slightly sweet.
  4. I knew carrots with hand. It is necessary that the juice began to stand out.

How to make an acute carrot refueling

  1. Now I run through the press cloves of garlic. If there is no press, you can grate it on a simple grater. I add in turns all the seasonings, spices and vinegar products prepared for Korean carrots. I make a snack again.
  2. Further important moment. I spawned vegetable oil in a pan. Due to this action, the winter workpiece will last longer and the carrots are better soaked with specific aromas. Immediately oil do not pour. I give time to cool.
  3. When it becomes such a temperature that the hand suffers, pour oil into the dishes with the rest of the products and mix them. Cover a tasik with a towel. Leave the salad on the closet of the watch for four. Let it be highlighted more juice, which then snap into cans with carrots.

In principle, who wants faster, can already eat a snack in Korean, bypassing this step. Well, I have one more stage ahead.

Sterilization and blockage in salad banks for the winter

Without sterilization, I did not take a risen to close the treat for the winter.

  1. I process banks and caps with boiling water, adding vinegar to it.
  2. I lay the taste of the glassware, tightly comic.
  3. The remaining brine will also fill in a tar with a snack.
  4. The covered capacitance covers put in a saucepan with water, at the bottom of which is such a thing. Specially photographed it for you.

Need it for that? So that when water boils, the bank with Korean carrots did not jump and marinade did not fall out of it. Sterilize 300 gram cans 10 minutes. It is best to store billets with salads in a small container. Opened and immediately all for both chems strengthened. If your jars are more in volume increase the sterilization time, but not more than 5 minutes.

Next, we carefully remove the jars, tighten the lid tightly, turn over and cover with a warm bedspread. As soon as the winter conservation cooled, I put it in a cool and dark place to wait for your o'clock. ! You just imagine, fry beef. Then the snow extinguish the meat with the addition of soy sauce and mix with the carrot jar just attenued. Here you have a second dish. Yummy!

Asian taste of carrots catch a trifle for us. We bought the Korean tricks - it is. He became a lot of salad, Harch in Russian do not want. Quasim Vegetable regularly and in winter it is possible.

Clicking the lid in the apartment will break the good news, the bank of the workpiece opened, I apologize to sit at the table.

For goodbye I wish you a pleasant appetite and suggest watching a video about cooking classic recipe Carrots from Masters korean cuisine.

Korean carrots - a sharp spicy salad, which many hostesses use both an independent snack, and as an ingredient in more complex recipes of second dishes. You can submit it to the festive table and in everyday life. This snack is easy to find in any store, but you can cook yourself at home.

The birthplace of carrots in Korean is not at all Korea, but the USSR. Korean emigrants were forced to replace the usual products to what was available in the USSR. So the "Kimchhi" dish, consisting of spices, turned into carrots with spices, that is, Korean carrots.

Carrots need to grind on a special grater

To prepare carrots in Korean, you can use a special grater or cut the vegetable by hand with a knife thin and long stripes. The guarantee of the success in the preparation of carrots in Korean at home is the use of spices.

Mandatory seasonings serve vinegar, salt, sugar and red large ground pepper. To improve the taste quality of the finished dish, onions, garlic, kinza (fresh), black pepper and sesame are used.

Many hostesses buy ready-made seasoning for the preparation of Korean carrots. This will undoubtedly simplify the cooking process, and the taste of carrots will be very similar to a salad from the store.

Some fineness of cooking

  • Garlic is added to the salad only after oil. Hot oil changes the color of garlic, and it becomes green.
  • For cooking, it is necessary to use juicy sweet carrots, otherwise the taste of dishes will suffer and nothing will be like a shop. Freshness and juicy salad directly depends on carrots.

Council. Sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots preferably rinse well in cold water. It will help remove bitterness and make a vegetable sweeter.

  • The cilantroine greens is added to the dish before applying it. Kinza makes taste more piquant.
  • You can use not only sunflower, but also cotton, sesame, corn oil. When the oil is heated, many hostesses flavory it with spices.
  • Sesame seeds roasted in a dry pan are added to Korean carrots as a flavoring additive.
  • Sodium glutamate is an industrial taste amplifier, which is added to the selling products, including carrots in Korean. To protect yourself and loved ones from the harmful action of this substance, prepare carrot in Korean at home. It is absolutely difficult to cook this salad at home, and it will be tastier and more useful.

Korean carrots at home without the use of finished seasoning


  1. Carrot - 0.9 kg.
  2. Onion onion - 1-2 pieces.
  3. Garlic - 4-6 tooth.
  4. Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Vinegar 9% - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  6. Red pepper - to taste.
  7. Coriander - 0, 5 h.
  8. Vegetable oil - 60 ml.
  9. Salt - 1 tsp.

Korean carrots can be prepared without special shopping seasoning

Cooking method:

  • Clean and wash the prepared carrots. Grate or cut into a knife to get thin strips.
  • Put salt, sugar and vinegar. Mock your hands and leave 15-25 minutes before the formation of juice.
  • Now you need to pour red peppers, mix your hands.
  • The bulb is large to cut (divide about 8 parts).
  • Heat the oil, pushing the coriander, put onions and fry it until golden color. Onions and coriander make oil fragrant. Then the onions are removed with noise and pour the hot oil into carrots.

Attention! No need to bring oil to boil, this process is accompanied by the production of carcinogens, which can affect the taste of dishes and make it harmful.

  • Grind garlic (or squeeze through the press). Add to carrots, mix. Garlic can be put more and more, it all depends on the degree of sharpness that you want to get.
  • Close Salad and give it to strengthen 2 hours at normal room temperature. Then send to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. With a longer marinion, the salad is not spoiled, but will become more juicy.
  • The cooked salad is stored in the refrigerator to two weeks in a well-closed container.

Preparation of dishes using finished seasonings

Seasoning for Korean carrots can be found in any grocery store. With it, it is easy to prepare carrot in Korean at home easily and simple: rub the carrots, pouring seasoning and pour hot oil with vinegar, let it be in a cool place.

There are other cooking options. For example, seasoning for carrots in Korean can be added to the heated oil.

The use of seasoning will help make a salad with the usual shopping taste.

Use in other dishes

There are many options for cooking Korean carrots. Differences can be in sharpness, composition used by oil. All of them are very tasty and prepared by hostesses over the years on their favorite proven recipes.

Korean carrots are well combined with other products, so there are many salads, hot dishes, rolls and even pies with this product. Salads with carrots are very different: with meat, chicken, vegetables and fish. For example, a layered salad of fried champignons, Korean carrots, boiled chicken, cheese and crackers, refilled by mayonnaise.

Many women watches appreciate this simple and tasty salad. Its use in cooking is very wide. Constantly appear new recipes with this wonderful product. Buy or cook yourself - this choice will always be, and the recipe with the photo will allow you to cook it at any time.

How to cook carrots in Korean: video

My fresh carrot, clean, cut on a special rush with long strips. You can use a conventional grater, but in this case try to make strips of the chain. When choosing a carrot should be stopped on medium-sized rootes, they are the most juicy, and contain most of all useful substances.

Solim carrots, add sugar.

Well, we are my hands, so that the carrots let juice.

We put pepper, coriander, lay vinegar (you can use an apple or wine vinegar, or the most common 6%). Coriander can be taken in the grains (in this case, chop it into a mortar or mill - it is much fragrant ground) or ground.

In a plate with carrots, we make a deepening in the center. Garlic purify from husks, let's give the press, lay out into the recess.

Vegetable oil is poured into a cup, we split into the microwave, and gently pour on the garlic carefully, mix thoroughly. Oil can be used any - sunflower, or sesame, or corn. On the taste of carrots in Korean, it will not affect this, except from the sesame oil will add a light nut flavor.

We cover with the press, and remove at least an hour in the refrigerator, and better at night.

Korean carrots are ready, it turned out to be juicy, crispy, moderately acute and very fragrant. If you are a fan of savory dishes, then Korean carrots are what you need! This carrot can be a component of salads, such as a salad with mushrooms and chicken, Mimosa. Of course, you can always buy ready-made Korean carrots in the store or on the market, but those who make it themselves will agree necessitate that carrots Korean carrots prepared at home incomparably tastier than purchased!

On a note:

It is important to correct carrots,

On a regular grater, you will not get the right carrot, it will not only differ outwardly, but also the taste will also be a bit different. Carrot on the usual grater is becoming smaller and short, and we need a thin straw. Therefore, be sure to use suitable kitchen devices.

You can use a special knife.

But it is more convenient for me to use a special grater, they are both wooden and plastic.

Universal option, it is easy to get a thin straw of the same size.

Also on sale there are unusual vegetable cutters, which cut the carrots on the helix.

An interesting option, but for thin carrots it will not work.

Korean carrots with apple vinegar

Not everyone loves sharp dishes, and this option is obtained with a sweetish tint. Such a snack salad is very often prepared for the holiday, picnic, homemade dinner or dinner. Carrot is part of different dishes, for example, hot dogs, rolls from footwash, Korean salads and not only. The ingredients specified in the recipe are harmoniously selected and complement the taste of carrots. Optionally, if you still want to get a sharp result, add black ground pepper, more garlic, burning red pepper or chile. Of course, it is easier to go to the store or market and buy a ready salad, but still a home snack is much tastier.


  • Carrot 2 pcs. (300 g);
  • Garlic 2 teeth;
  • Apple vinegar 2 tbsp.;
  • Honey 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Salt 0.75 ch. L.;
  • Khmeli-Sunnels 0.5 ch. L.;
  • Ground coriander 0.5 ch. L.;
  • Sunflower oil 3 tbsp.;
  • Seed seeds 1 tbsp.;


We will need roasted sesame seeds. To do this, send the frying pan on fire and split it well. No need to lubricate oil. Put seeds on a dry hot frying pan. Fry on moderate fire, constantly stirring the blade, until goldenness. Immediately, how sighut roasted, pour it into another dishes and leave cool.

Now, it's time to prepare carrots. Buy juicy, the most recent and tasty carrot. Rinse it using a brush. Remove the peel. Take a special grater and wipe root. There should be a long and thin straw. Fold it into a deep bowl. The weight of two carrots, approximately 300-350

Pour salt. Stir it with carrot straw, slightly, pressing it with your hands so that it becomes softer.

Clean the garlic from the husk. Grind on fine grater or across the garbaged. Add to carrot. Mix to a uniform distribution of garlic cashem throughout the carrot.

Add honey, hops-Sunnels, hammer coriander. Stir. The number of honey and the spices used, adjust to your liking.

Purge oil pour into the pan. Send to strong fire. Hold up to strong heating. Add hot oil to carrots and mix right away.

Sprinkle with a fried sesame. Korean carrots, on this recipe, you can eat after cooking if you like crispy vegetables.

And so that the carrot becomes softer and is saturated with the aroma and taste of spices, let it wake up a few hours in a cool place. Enjoy your meal!

Korean carrots with coriander and onions

You can, of course, go to the nearest supermarket and buy a ready-made snack, but Korean carrots with a coriander, cooked at home very different from the shop. Home carrot is more fragrant, saturated with spices, juicy and is preparing quite simple, and the end result will not make long wait. Carrots prepared on this recipe can be eating immediately after cooking. And for a more saturated taste, it is better to hold in a cool place for 1-2 hours. Such a snack is stored for about a week in the refrigerator, best, in a glass container with a lid.


  • Carrot 1 kg;
  • Adzhik dry 1 tsp;
  • Paprika hammer 1 C.L.;
  • Coriander seeds 1 tbsp.;
  • Pepper black polka dot 1 bl.;
  • Garlic 8 teeth;
  • Sugar 2 tsp;
  • Salt 1 tsp;
  • Vinegar table 9% - 3-4 tbsp.;
  • Onion 1 pc.;
  • Sunflower oil 80 ml.


For Koreans need juicy and tasty carrots good quality. It is better that the surface of the root is smooth and smooth, it will make it easier for its grinding. Previously, lower the sink and rinse using the dirt and dust washcloth. Consider a towel. Clean the peel. For grinding, use a grater or knife for Korean carrots. Place the straw to a comfortable large capacity.

The amount of garlic, as well, and the rest of the spices can change at their discretion.

In this recipe, garlic is a lot, carrots are obtained with a very spicy taste. Clean the teeth and skip through the press, meat grinder or soda on the middle grater. Add chopped garlic to carrot. Pour salt and sugar. Pour the table vinegar or apple. You can use lemon juice. Mix your hands, slightly pressing the carrot straw.

Purify the ground paprika sweet and dry adzhika. Stir to even distribution of spices. Dry Adzhik is very sharp, so its amount adjust to its taste. Instead, you can add a couple of chips of red burning peppers.

Coriander seeds and black peas need to grind slightly. For this, a mortar or a coffee grinder is suitable. Seeds pour into a mortar and scroll to large pieces. Pour them to carrot mass and mix.

Clean the bulb, cut the half rings. Well, heat the vegetable oil without smelling in a frying pan. Add the bow and fry until goldenness. Thus, the oil is flavored and becomes more fragrant, after the carrot flies its taste will be bright, and the snack itself is juicy itself.

Pour hot oil to carrots, while use noise or colander so that the roasted onions do not get to the bulk. Stir. Send to the fridge for 1-2 hours.

Korean's home carrot with Coriander is ready. Bon Appetit!

Korean carrots with soy sauce

We offer you another recipe for Korean carrots - this is a Korean carrot with soy sauce. The snack is very appetizing and acute, suitable for any holiday. From it you can prepare salads, use the rolls from the pita and do other snacks.

The number of ingredients adding the sharpness of the finished dish can be adjusted at its discretion. In this recipe, it is garlic, dry adzhika, black ground pepper and vinegar. Their number is adjustable depending on your taste preferences. If your kitchen does not have an apple vinegar, then use a table 9%. A snack from carrots on this formulation is preparing very simple and quickly. Carrot can be used immediately after cooking. Of course, if it is for longer to interform in a cool place, its taste will become more saturated.


  • Carrot 1.3 kg;
  • Garlic 5-8 teeth;
  • Salt 1 tsp;
  • Sugar 2.5 ch. L.;
  • Apple vinegar 3 tbsp.;
  • Sunflower oil 80 ml;
  • Soy sauce 3 tbsp.;
  • Adzhik dry 1 tsp;
  • Paprika hammer 1 C.L.;
  • Pepper black ground 0.5 hl.;
  • Khmeli-Sunnels 0.5 ch. L.;
  • Coriander ground 1.5 ppm


How to start cooking? I propose to choose a juicy and delicious carrot of good quality. Slipped roots do not use, as it will affect the end result. Send vegetables in a sink and good, using a washcloth, rinse under the running warm water. Remove the peel to the vegetable manicist. For grinding we use a special grater.

To grated carrots, pour sugar and salt. Hands are well mixed, peat carrot straw with salt and sugar so that it becomes soft and juicy.

Clean garlic. His quantity is adjustable to your taste. Grind on a fine grater or skip through the garbaged. Grinding garlic Add to the rest of the ingredients and mix well.

Put the ground black pepper, coriander, Adzhika Dry, Khmeli-Sunnels, sweet paprika to spicy carrots. Stir the carrot with all spices again. Instead of ground coriander, you can use in seeds, only they need to grind in the mill. Spices in this case are more fragrant.

Pour soy sauce, sunflower oil and apple vinegar. Stir the carrot with this marinade. At this step, after adding all the ingredients, try the carrot to taste, and if you need, adjust, adding one or another spice. Put into a suitable container with a lid and send to a cool place for several hours.

Delicious home carrots in Korean with soy sauce is ready. Bon Appetit!

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Red currant - benefits, harm and contraindications Red currant than useful for women
Red currant is small shrubs, whose leaves are falling in winter. It refers to many years old, and his closest relative is. Unlike black currant bushes, these higher, as if pulling up. Every year they grow n
Beer effect on female organism: benefit and harm
Beer refers to the category of alcoholic beverages, so many believe that it can be drunk without restrictions. However, this opinion is far from the truth. Experts are convinced that any type of alcohol is dangerous to human health in abuse. it
Carrots: benefits and harm to the body, useful properties of juice and boiled carrots
To maintain organs of vision, it is necessary to make carrots and blueberries permanent elements of their own. They have a beneficial effect on tired eyes, help preserve vision, prevent the development of hazardous diseases. Choosing between blueberries and carrots, Potcher
Pros and cons of tattoos for neck Minus color tattoos
The first tattoo was made more than 6,000 years ago, as the scientists of archaeologists were installed during excavations. So the art of the tattooja leaves its roots in the most antiquity. Currently, many do not mind decorate their body. But the tattoo is a serious decision