One egg omelet recipe. Delicious omelet in a pan: interesting recipes. Omelet with tomatoes and cheese in a pan - a step by step recipe


  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil.

Preparation for cooking

In a deep bowl, beat the eggs with a fork or mixer until smooth. Make sure that the mass does not start to rise: if you overbeat it, the finished dish will be too dense. Add milk and salt, stir again.

Traditional way of cooking

Grease a frying pan with oil, put the mixture there, put on medium heat and cover with a lid. Cook for about 10 minutes; the omelet should be in the middle, but not burnt.

Steamed omelet

Using the same recipe, you can steam an omelette, then oil is not required. Simply pour the mixture into a heat-resistant dish, place on the back of a steamer or multicooker. The omelet will be ready in 15 minutes.

Boiled omelet

Another option to make an omelet without oil is to boil it. To do this, pour the egg mass into a plastic bag, tie it tightly, put it in another bag, then into boiling water.

Cook the omelet for 15-20 minutes, then remove from the bag and cut into slices.

Portion omelet

Pour the mixture into metal or ceramic tins, suitable for baking muffins. Place them on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for about 10 minutes.

2. Omelet with ham, tomatoes and onions


  • 6 eggs;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 100 g ham;
  • 1 large tomato or 8 cherry tomatoes;
  • a small bunch of green onions;


Cut ham and tomatoes into cubes, chop onion. Whisk eggs with milk and salt. Add ham, tomatoes and onion to the mixture and stir gently with a spatula.

As a filling, you can put boiled chicken and potatoes, cut into pieces, canned green peas - any product that, in your opinion, goes well with an egg.

Grease a frying pan with oil, pour the omelet into it. Roast covered over medium heat until tender - about 15 minutes.

3. Omelet with cheese, spinach and nuts


  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 200 g fresh spinach;
  • 70 g grated cheese;
  • 50 g of nuts to taste;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.


Whisk eggs with milk and salt. Grease a skillet with oil. If tall and fluffy omelette is usually welcomed, then it should be thin enough for this recipe, so either use a large pan or divide the mixture into several servings.

Fry the omelet until the bottom is firm and the top is not cooked yet. Put washed spinach, cheese, nuts on half of an egg pancake. Cover the filling with the other half of the omelet and fry until tender.

4. Frittata

This is stuffed, which is first cooked on the stove, then baked in the oven.


  • 4 eggs;
  • 120 ml of milk;
  • 70 g of grated hard cheese;
  • 6 cherry tomatoes;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.


Cut the tomatoes in half and place them on a paper towel to remove excess liquid. Peel and chop the pepper into large pieces. Beat eggs with salt and milk, add cheese there.

Grease a frying pan with a removable or metal handle. Arrange the tomatoes and peppers beautifully, carefully pour the egg mixture over them. Fry the dish on the stove until the top layer has set. Then place the pan in the oven (not forgetting to remove the plastic handle), preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for about 10 minutes.

5. Omelet with mushrooms and spices


  • 6 eggs;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 5 champignons;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil;
  • spices to taste - basil, provencal herbs, and so on.


Wash the mushrooms and cut into thin slices. Fry them in oil until half cooked. Combine eggs, milk, salt and spices and pour the mixture into the pan over the mushrooms. Stir the contents of the pan quickly and gently, cover and cook for about 10 minutes.

6. Omelet with asparagus and tomatoes


  • 6 eggs;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 10 green shoots of asparagus;
  • 2 medium tomatoes;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.


Cut the garlic into small cubes, the tomatoes - medium pieces, the asparagus - in half. Heat oil in a skillet, sauté the garlic, then add the vegetables and cook for 7-8 minutes. Beat eggs with milk and salt, pour the mixture over the contents of the pan and cook for another 8-10 minutes.

7. Omelet with strawberries and soft cheese


  • 6 eggs;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 150 g strawberries;
  • 50 g cream cheese;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.


Beat eggs with milk and sugar, pour mixture into a greased skillet. Wait until the omelet is almost cooked, put cheese and sliced ​​strawberries on one half of it. Cover the filling with the other half of the omelet and cook, covered, for another 3 minutes.

An omelet is a delicious egg dish. Many people manage to cook it without milk, but with this component the dish turns out to be tastier and more tender. How to make an omelet? There are a lot of recipes. Some contain sweet ingredients, some are meaty. Omelettes are loved both for breakfast and as a light dinner. However, a lot also depends on the quality of the ingredients. Take your choice of eggs and milk seriously. A dish made from expired food will not only be of no benefit, but it will also cause an eating disorder.

How to choose products?

How to make an omelet to make it delicious? To begin with, you should choose quality products and follow simple tips... For example, eggs are not stored for more than twenty days. Anything that lies beyond this period is a bad product, it is better to refuse to use them. You can check the eggs at home. For this, cool water is poured into the container. An egg is placed in the liquid. Fresh, suitable for cooking, will lie on the bottom, moreover, horizontally. And the shell of such an egg usually does not shine, but has a matte bloom.

The next ingredient is milk. Of course, it must be fresh. The fat content of the product also plays a role here. How to make an omelet from eggs and milk so that it comes out very tasty? Take milk with a fat content of two percent or more. Anything that does not contain fat is low in calories - not suitable.

Also, the omelet is cooked in oil. Of course, the owners of a good frying pan are in luck. However, a mixture of eggs and milk often sticks. Therefore, it is better to use a small amount of oil. Both vegetable and creamy ones are used. The last dish turns out better and tastier, although many are often afraid of its calorie content. But an omelet doesn't require a lot of butter.

Many argue that a delicious omelet can be obtained using fresh vegetables or mushrooms. However, this is not entirely true. Properly frozen tomatoes, mushrooms, corn or spinach are a good accompaniment to a classic omelette.

A dish from the oven. Delicious recipes

How to make an omelet in the oven? This recipe makes a very tender dish. Many associate him with the omelet, which they ate back in kindergarten... You will need the following ingredients:

  • half a liter of milk;
  • a dozen medium-sized eggs;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • butter is a small piece.

It is also worth finding a deep baking sheet, because the omelet will rise by about a third. So filling the dishes that are used to prepare this dish should be done carefully. The part must necessarily remain free.

Cooking an omelet in the oven

How to make an egg and milk omelet? To make a delicious dish, you need to mix eggs and milk. It should be remembered that you do not need to whip the mixture! A good option is to pour milk into a deep bowl and then beat in the eggs one at a time, stirring constantly. A spoonful of salt is also added here. You can also take sea salt. Many housewives season the omelet with ground black pepper.

While the stirred homogeneous mixture is settling, it is worth preparing a baking sheet. It is sent empty to the oven, which is already preheated to two hundred degrees. Grease hot dishes with a piece of oil, carefully, not forgetting about the sides. Now a mixture of milk and eggs is poured into it.

The omelet is baked for half an hour. Another ten minutes in the oven will allow the dish to form a brownish crispy crust that many people like so much.

Lush omelet without additives

This recipe can become a classic as it doesn't contain a lot of ingredients. How to make an omelet with milk in a pan? For this you will need:

  • four eggs;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • a pinch of soda and salt.

The secret to splendor is that whites with salt and soda are whipped first. To do this, it's best to take a mixer to get a really thick egg head. Now the yolks are also mixed. At the same time, they begin to beat at a low speed, gradually increasing the pace. Sufficiently thick foam should form on the surface of the mixture.

Now they take a frying pan, grease it with a piece of butter. You will have to act quickly. How to make an omelette correctly? In the reviews, culinary experts advise that you need to pour the mixture while it has not yet fallen off. Now the composition is immediately covered with a lid. Cook the omelet over high heat, it will take about five minutes. After turning off the pan, do not open the pan for another ten minutes, so that the capricious dish does not become less magnificent. According to culinary experts, it is best to serve such an omelet with chopped fresh tomato or parsley.

Shaped mushroom omelet

A beautiful serving of an omelet is important. Such a simple and quick dish can be offered even to guests. How to make an omelette interesting for children? Many moms argue that a beautiful, original presentation solves the problem. For this dish you need to take:

  • a glass of milk;
  • six eggs;
  • salt and pepper;
  • mushrooms and onions.

You can substitute your favorite vegetable or fruit for the last ingredient, if desired. In the latter version, it is also recommended to add a little granulated sugar.

Mushrooms should be taken in such quantity that they are enough to decorate an omelet.

Making an omelet with mushrooms

First, onions are fried in vegetable oil. It is best to cut it as small as possible. Then finely chopped mushrooms are also added. The best option- champignons. Once they are browned, you can remove them from the pan.

How to make an omelet from eggs in this case? Milk is poured into a bowl, one egg is driven into it. Spices are also sent here. You can replace black pepper with allspice. If the dish is planned for children, then this ingredient can be removed altogether. The components are whipped with a whisk, since this dish does not require fluffy foam from eggs and milk.

The mixture is poured into silicone molds, about half. Now spread fried onions and mushrooms on top. But about a third of the free space should still remain in the form, otherwise the omelet will simply come out of the dishes. At least, this is what many chefs recommend in their reviews.

How to make an omelet with this recipe? It is baked in the oven for thirty minutes. In this case, it is worth preheating the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees. Additional accompaniment to this dish is not required, it is great as an independent dish.

Fast Frying Omelet Recipe

Often, especially in the morning, there is very little time to prepare breakfast. Then this recipe saves.

How to make an omelet in a pan? You will need:

  • two chicken eggs;
  • a couple of spoons of milk;
  • salt and black pepper.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed without whipping. The pan is greased with butter, a small piece. Glowing up. The mixture is poured onto a hot surface. Now comes the most important thing! In the process of frying, we reduce the heat, and constantly stir the composition. Separate lumps of omelet are obtained, fried on all sides. This dish is appreciated by Americans. It's practical and tasty.

You can remove black pepper from the recipe and pour the resulting mixture with honey or jam. How to make an egg omelette fast? This is the best option!

Microwave omelet

For this recipe you need:

  • five eggs;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • butter

What is the plus of making an omelet in the microwave? You do not need to follow him, worrying that the dish will burn. The omelet is tender. However, for the first time, you should still pay attention to how long it takes the microwave to cope with cooking.

Mix eggs and milk with a whisk, beat slightly. Favorite spices are also sent here.

Butter will be needed in order to lubricate the forms. It is worth choosing utensils that are microwave safe. The mixture is poured into the mold, but not to the very edge.

Now you can put the container with the future omelet into the oven. With a power of 800 watts, this dish is cooked in just eight minutes. How to make an omelet with milk in a specific microwave oven model can only be learned empirically.

An omelet is a delicious dish. You can make it both sweet and meaty. Often herbs, mushrooms, cheese are combined with it. How to make an egg and milk omelet? It is worth remembering that only with high-quality products such a dish will turn out not only tasty, but also healthy. Omelet cooked in the oven in beautiful forms can become a festive dish. And a quick recipe in a pan will be indispensable for morning cooking.

The classic omelette with milk is very popular, especially among athletes or people who lead an active lifestyle. It is the content of proteins and carbon that saturates the body with energy and vigor for the whole day. Therefore, the dish is ideal for breakfast. There are several options for how to cook an omelet with milk in a pan or steamed. To find your recipe, it is better to try at least a few ways. But first, let's look at the composition of the dish, and also learn about the benefits and dangers of an omelet.

Nutritional Facts and Benefits of Omelet

Nutritional value of omelet per 100 g: fats - 7.5 g, proteins - 8.6 g, carbohydrates - 2.3 g. It also contains vitamins, amino acids and macronutrients. What is the use of scrambled eggs and how does its nutritional composition affect our body?

  • Vitamin A. An essential antioxidant for healthy skin, teeth and bones.
  • B vitamins. They maintain normal nervous system and muscle tone, speed up metabolism.
  • Vitamin D. Strengthens blood vessels, prevents skin aging.
  • Lutein. Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
  • Potassium, phosphorus, iron, folic acid, copper- support the normal immune system of the body.

Also, an omelet is useful for gastritis and other diseases. gastrointestinal tract... It is the steamed omelet that is included in diets for diseases. digestive system, for both high and low acidity. The dish is gentle, soft and not heavy food.

Harm or contraindications

Not so much the dish itself, but its main component - eggs - can harm anyone healthy body if you neglect their choice. They are the main vectors of salmonellosis. So don't drink raw eggs if you are not sure about their quality.

In addition, high protein intake can lead to kidney failure as well as increased cholesterol levels, which can lead to atherosclerosis. Daily rate for an adult - no more than 3 eggs.

And no less important point- Steamed omelet is healthier than cooked in a pan. A high level of carcinogens, which are released when vegetable oil is heated, contributes to the formation of cancer cells.

Calorie content of a traditional omelet

The calorie content of an omelet is an ambiguous concept. It can be cooked with milk, water, kefir. With the addition of spices, various fillings. The calorie content of an omelet per 100 g is 184 kcal (including eggs, vegetable oil and milk). How many calories are in a 2 or 3 egg omelette? Indeed, for losing weight, it is important to correctly formulate a daily diet. If we talk about a specific amount, then the calorie content of an omelet:

  • from 2 eggs with milk - 186 kcal;
  • from 3 eggs with milk - 362 kcal.

Often a dish is prepared with various additives and not only in a frying pan. The following is the calorie content (per 100 g) of the omelet with the addition of other ingredients for different cooking methods:

  • with tomatoes in a pan - 162 kcal;
  • with cheese in vegetable oil in a pan - 345 kcal;
  • with steamed milk - 136 kcal;
  • on egg powder - 205 kcal;
  • on water without vegetable oil - 95 kcal;
  • protein omelet on kefir - 57 kcal.

A delicious and simple classic recipe in a skillet

To fry a regular omelet in a pan, according to any recipe, you should choose only fresh chicken eggs. Remove them from the refrigerator before cooking to warm them up to room temperature. It is more convenient to fry an omelet in a thick-bottomed pan, such as a cast iron pan. But since not everyone has it, you can take a non-stick frying pan. An important rule is that the frying utensils must be dry.

Many are worried about the calorie content and benefits of a dish cooked in a pan. How to cook an omelet without butter? Unfortunately, without the use of oil, it is only steamed. For those on a diet, you can lightly grease the dishes with olive. And one teaspoon of sunflower oil will not do any harm. But butter will give a special soft taste and aroma.

Step by step recipe

You will need:

  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • greens - a few sprigs of dill and (or) parsley.


  1. Beat eggs with a mixer. First at low speed, then at maximum speed.
  2. Add milk, salt, spices. Whisk well again.
  3. Preheat the skillet well. Brush with vegetable oil.
  4. Pour in the beaten egg mass. Cook over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. Then set the heat to low, cover and cook for another 3-4 minutes until hardened.
  5. Serve the finished dish with chopped herbs.

We turn it over easily and correctly

How is an omelet made from eggs and milk in a frying pan? And how to fry it on the other side? Very simple.

  1. Use a saucepan or pan lid. When the dish is cooked on one side, take a wide, flat lid with a comfortable handle, cover the pan and turn the egg mass onto the lid.
  2. Place a skillet on the fire and place the overturned omelet on top of the lid. It is better to take a ceramic or glass-ceramic lid - the mass will slide off easily and will not be damaged.
  3. Add grated cheese. You can add grated cheese to the recipe for omelet with milk and eggs in a pan. Then the mixture will be denser and will not fall apart, respectively, it will be easy to turn over.

Fluffy omelet

Many people remember the airy and tall piece of omelet from kindergarten. But in ordinary life, we prepare it in a completely different way. There are recipes for a fluffy omelet made from milk and eggs both in the pan and in the oven.

4 cooking secrets

  1. Proportion of milk and eggs. There should be 100 ml of milk for 1 egg. This is the perfect proportion.
  2. Do not beat eggs. Do not use a blender or mixer. Stir eggs with milk with a whisk or fork.
  3. Don't add flour. This will make the omelet more tender and softer in taste.
  4. Do not open the cover. If you are cooking in a pan, do not open the lid during cooking, otherwise the omelet will not rise. And if in the oven, do not open the door until the end of baking.

You will need:

  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Stir eggs with milk, salt and spices.
  2. Grease a baking dish or skillet with vegetable oil.
  3. Pour the mixture to half the container and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 30 minutes. Alternatively, put the pan over medium heat, and after the mixture has set, cover, set on low heat, and simmer for about 20 minutes.

Boiled puffed omelet

There is a recipe for a classic omelette in a frying pan, which is dietary and more useful. The unusual idea of ​​a boiled omelet is relevant for those who follow their figure, as well as for young children. This cooking method is good because in the process you do not need to monitor the burning, turn over, reduce the heat. The dish will be cooked without your participation.

You will need:

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste;


  1. Beat eggs and salt with a mixer or whisk until fluffy.
  2. Pour in milk and whisk again.
  3. Take 2 baking bags (if not available, you can use regular plastic bags). Pour the whipped mass into them. And leaving a little space, tie in a tight knot.
  4. When the water in the pot comes to a boil, place a bag in it and cook for 30 minutes over medium heat. Do not cover.
  5. When the dish is cooked, remove the contents, cut the bag and serve.

To know how to make an egg and milk omelet and make it perfect, you will have to practice more than once. Choose the right one temperature regime, keep the exact proportion of eggs and milk (kefir or water), use convenient utensils (including a non-stick frying pan, wooden or plastic wide spatula). And then the usual omelet recipe will significantly save you time and cheer you up.

Cooking Researchers different countries Until now, there is no consensus about the place of origin of the omelet. There is a legend that in the 19th century the ruler of Austria-Hungary, Franz Joseph the First, got hungry on the way and dined at the house of a common man. The monarch fell in love with rustic dish and ordered his courtiers to perfect it for the royal cuisine. This dish is versatile and easy to prepare. When practicing culinary skills, many aspiring chefs start with an omelet.

The classic omelet is made from chicken eggs. But the basis for the dish can also be quail and even ostrich eggs. The most common additions to omelet: sausages, herbs, vegetables, cheese, meat, seafood.

The dish is served to the table with spices and spices, ketchup, mustard, sauce (sour cream, cheese, cream, sour cream, vegetable). As a rule, it is eaten for breakfast in combination with fresh bread, tea and coffee.

How to cook an omelet so that it does not fall - secrets and tricks

1st secret

The better the milk and eggs are blended, the tastier the scrambled eggs. Ideally, the mass is beaten not with a mixer, but with a fork or whisk, and for a long time and carefully.

Add the additives to the already whipped base for a treat. Then the dish will become airy. For an omelet-soufflé, whisk separately the protein, and then the yolk and milk.

2nd secret

Homemade eggs are best for the airy and lightest omelet. In the dietary version, only proteins are used. If you need to cook a hearty breakfast, on the contrary, only the yolks are included in the base.

3rd secret

There should be no excess liquid in the omelet. The correct proportion is 1 egg in half eggshell... If there is a lot of water, the finished dish will also release liquid and fall.

4th secret

The omelet must be cooked under the lid, as everyone knows. Lid with inside smeared with a small piece of butter so that the mass does not fall and is airy.

5th secret

Do not allow the food to burn. The omelet should be fried on all sides and rise. To do this, it is periodically shaken in a frying pan. It is first cooked over maximum heat until it rises and becomes firm. Then the heat is reduced and the dish is brought to full readiness. A quality omelet should slide easily from the pan onto the plate.

6th secret

To make the omelet really lush, you can add a little flour or semolina. But an excess of these components is unacceptable, otherwise the dish will become tight and flat. There should be no more than 1.5 teaspoons of flour for 4 eggs in an omelet mixture.

7th secret

A creamy taste can be achieved by adding 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream for 4 eggs to the mixture.

8th secret

Omelet dishes are very important. The bottom of the pan should be flat and thick. It is best to fry this dish in a cast iron bowl.

The pan is covered with a lid with a special hole for water outlet so that there is no excess moisture in the omelette.

9th secret

It is advisable to fry the omelet in sunflower oil and add a small piece of butter to make the dish aromatic and soft.

10th secret

It is better to add greens not to the omelet base, but before serving. Then the dish will retain its nutrients, taste and aroma of herbs.

Classic fluffy omelet with egg and milk in a frying pan

The dish consists of only two components - milk (120 ml.) And eggs (4 pcs.). You can add pepper and salt to taste.


Eggs are broken into a bowl, milk and spices are added to them, the mixture is beaten well until smooth.

Pour the base into a skillet and cover for fluffiness. Before this, the vessel must be warmed up and oiled.

The omelet is fried over moderate heat for 5-7 minutes. Then the lower part will be rosy, and the upper one will be tender, as it will harden for a couple under the lid.

Then they remove the treat from the stove, cut it into pieces and serve it on the table.

How to make a delicious dairy-free omelet in a pan

This option is best for people who are lactose intolerant or want to lose weight. The traditional recipe is very simple. For him you will need:

  • chicken eggs, 3 pcs.;
  • water, 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • pepper and salt


The whites are separated, whipped and gradually poured into the yolks. The mixture is stirred. A tablespoon of water and seasonings are added to the mass.

Grease the pan with oil, heat, pour in the omelet mixture and cover. When it rises, remove the lid and keep the dish on fire for about 5 minutes.

Whole wheat bread and fresh salad are good additions to a dairy-free omelette.

Steamed omelet

This oil-free dietary dish is very healthy and recommended for baby food.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 20 g sour cream;
  • 30 ml. milk;
  • pepper and salt to taste

How they cook:

Shake up the egg-milk mixture. Add sour cream and shake again. Spices are added to taste.

A baking dish is smeared with butter. It is placed on the grid of a double boiler in a multicooker and an egg is poured inside. Add 200-300 ml to the container. water. The steamer mode is set for 20 minutes.

In the absence of a multicooker, the grate with the omelet is placed on a saucepan of water, which is boiled until the dish is cooked. It will turn out soft, nutritious and airy. It is garnished with herbs and served with vegetables.

How to make an omelette in a bag

This recipe is very healthy and completely safe. The omelet is not high-calorie because it is cooked without oil. In addition, it does not contain carcinogens formed when frying with oil. So the dish can be safely offered to children.


  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 ml. milk;


Beat milk with egg and put in a bag. Here, many make the mistake of using regular food bags. Heated polyethylene releases harmful substances directly into the omelet. So it is necessary to purchase heat-resistant bags. Otherwise, you should not expect any benefit from the recipe.

So, having placed the base of the dish in a baking package, put it in a saucepan with boiling water. While the bag is floating in water, the omelet is cooked, and the result is a delicate dietary meal.

In the same way, an omelet is prepared in a jar. The base is not poured to the brim, since the mixture rises when solidified.

Banks are placed in a water bath. To prevent them from cracking, a cloth napkin is placed on the bottom.

Glass is safe for cooking, so it will healthy dish.

Delicious omelet with spinach and cheese in the oven

This simple and tasty breakfast baked in the oven, so it comes out airy and tender. The ingredients of the dish are designed for two very hungry people:

  • 8 eggs;
  • 200 g spinach;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • 2 medium tomatoes;
  • 150 g of cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil;
  • salt;
  • black and red pepper;
  • thyme

How to cook:

Green onions are washed, cut into rings and fried in oil. Spinach is added to it, salted and stewed over medium heat for 3-4 minutes.

The mixture is transferred to a bowl greased with butter or margarine. Tomatoes are cut into thin slices and placed on top. Then the cheese is cut and sprinkled with vegetables.

Eggs are broken into a mold, seasoned with spices and whisked until smooth. Pour the resulting mass into a mold.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake an omelet in it for 40 minutes so that the eggs freeze well.

The finished omelet is cooled for a short time, then cut into pieces and served. Sauce, fresh vegetable salad and pickled peas are a good addition to a hearty breakfast.

Recipe for a simple omelet with cottage cheese in a slow cooker

Ideal for moms who don’t know how to feed their children with cottage cheese.

Necessary products:

  • 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 0.5 cups of milk;
  • 1-2 carrots;
  • butter

Eggs are broken into a bowl and beaten. Pour milk and stir. Grate the carrots and add to the bowl.

200 g of cottage cheese is divided into 2 parts and most of them are placed in a bowl. Before that, knead it with a fork in another container. All components are mixed with a whisk or mixer. The dish will be sweet as it contains carrots, but sugar can be added to taste.

The multicooker bowl is smeared with butter. The resulting mixture is poured there.

Set the baking mode for 20 minutes. After this time, open the lid and take out the finished curd omelet.

Put the dish on a plate and season with sour cream.

Cooking an omelet in the microwave

This dish has become a favorite breakfast for many adults and children.

Less time is spent on cooking by using a microwave oven. In this case, it is not necessary to follow the process. The device will cook an omelet perfectly and turn off on time, so the breakfast will not burn.

You need to take a good look at the capabilities of your kitchen assistant before preparing a dish. If they meet the requirements, it is possible to make not only the classic omelet, but also with additives.


  • 5 eggs;
  • 100 ml cow's milk;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 20 g butter


The eggs are separated from the shell and placed in a deep bowl and sprinkled with a little salt. Shake the mass with a whisk until smooth. Pour milk and shake the mixture again.

The bottom of the cooking pot is smeared with butter. You can use portioned plates or a large baking dish, as well as baking tins. The main thing is that the dishes are suitable for cooking in the microwave.

The milk-egg mixture is poured into a prepared container. Put it in the microwave for 6-8 minutes and set the power to 800.

The finished omelet is cooled slightly by opening the door of the device so that it does not fall.

You can serve the whole dish to the table or cut it into pieces.

Making an omelet like in kindergarten

It is baked in the oven, which is useful for both children and adults. It's hard to forget its delicate milky taste.


  • eggs, 6 pcs.;
  • milk, 300 ml.;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • butter, 20 g.

How to cook:

The eggs are separated from the shell and placed in a bowl, mixed, but do not beat. Pour in milk and stir again.

A dish with high edges is suitable for cooking. It is smeared with butter and the egg mixture is poured.

The mold is placed in the oven for 30-40 minutes and the temperature is set to 200 degrees. The oven must not be opened during cooking. 5 minutes before the dish can be served, its surface is greased with butter. Then the omelet will brown and become fragrant as in childhood. Then you can eat it.

Crispy omelet with cheese in a pan

A light and tasty quick breakfast.


  • eggs, 2 pcs.;
  • grated cheese, 100 g;
  • milk, 50 ml.;
  • spices to taste


Shake eggs and milk, add salt, pepper and herbs at your discretion. Put the cheese in a skillet and hold until melted.

Pour the egg mixture on top, cover and fry until a beautiful golden brown crust is formed. The resulting "pancake" is folded in half in a frying pan.

Breakfast can be served on the table.

Omelet with bell pepper and tomatoes

The dish is designed for 2 servings.

Products for cooking:

  • a glass of fresh milk;
  • chicken eggs (4 pcs.);
  • 1 medium pepper, canned, but fresh is better;
  • 1 medium tomato or half a teaspoon of tomato paste;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sunflower oil

An omelet is prepared without haste in 30 minutes.

How to cook:

Tomatoes are cut into slices no larger than cherries, and peppers are cut into pea-sized cubes. These vegetables are not mixed as they are fried separately.

The pan is heated, after 30 seconds oil is poured into it and kept on low heat. Pour in pepper and stew again over the fire until the ingredient softens. Pour tomatoes, cook in a pan for another 3 minutes.

Mix eggs, spices, milk in a container, whisking slightly with a whisk or fork. Add this mixture to fried vegetables. Cover with a lid and keep on low heat for 10 minutes. If you cook an omelet without a lid, it will settle out due to the cold air entering.

Before serving, sprinkle the dish with finely chopped parsley or dill. Add a little adjika for piquancy. Good additions to this breakfast would be tomato juice and gray bread.

Mushroom omelet recipe

Any kind of mushrooms are suitable for the dish: aspen mushrooms, honey mushrooms, boletus mushrooms.


  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 g of boiled and frozen mushrooms;
  • 80 g carrots;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of canned green peas;
  • 2 onions;
  • 4 tablespoons of milk;
  • 2 pinches of salt;
  • 0.3 tsp paprika;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil

How to cook:

The onion is cut into small cubes and sautéed. Mix it with coarsely grated carrots. It can be fresh or frozen, there are no obvious taste differences. After softening the carrots, spread the mushrooms. Season everything with salt, paprika and simmer for 5 minutes.

Mix eggs with milk and salt, beat with a whisk. A cooking dish is greased with sunflower oil. They put vegetables and mushrooms on the bottom, level them. Pour peas on top and pour the egg mixture.

The omelet is baked at a temperature of 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes, then cut into pieces and served with herbs.

Sausage omelet recipe

Traditional scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs and sausage is the traditional breakfast menu. But not everyone uses sausage as an addition to an omelet. Meanwhile, this is a very appetizing dish.


  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 100 g of boiled sausage;
  • 30 ml. milk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil


Eggs are broken into a container and salt is poured. That the taste was brighter, it is better to take homemade eggs.

Beat the mixture with a whisk. It should be of a uniform consistency and moderately salty.

Milk is added to the eggs and mixed again. You can make foam out of the mass, then you get an airy omelet.

The sausage is quickly cut and sliced ​​in sunflower oil. Pour the egg mixture to them.

The omelet with the addition is baked over medium heat. The dish will look more attractive in the form of a whole circle, so you do not need to stir the base sweepingly, but carefully pry it with a spatula. The liquid mixture will drain into the resulting holes and fry.

The finished omelet can be cut into portions and brought to the table.

Original toppings for omelet

The options below are for 2 to 3 egg dishes. The filling is prepared in a separate bowl at the same time as the omelet is baked.

Green pea

Melt a tablespoon of butter in a frying pan and season to taste. Add 4 tablespoons of pickled peas, heat, salt and pepper.


This filling is often used for French omelettes. Finely chop the onion, dill, parsley and tarragon. The greens can be added to an omelette base or to two tablespoons of heated heavy cream. Season everything with salt and pepper.

Potatoes and cheese

First, peel and cut onions into rings. The potatoes are boiled and cut into cubes, rubbed with 40-60 g of cheese. The onions are fried over low heat with the addition of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, until softened. Then put the potatoes and continue to keep on fire, stirring occasionally. Add spices to the filling and put it in an omelet while still hot, sprinkle with cheese, roll up the treat with a tube.

Mushrooms with sauce

150 g of mushrooms are cut into thin slices and fried in 1 tablespoon of butter. Add a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of olive oil to them. Season with spices.

Croutons with smoked meats

4 pieces of smoked meat are slightly fried in sunflower oil, removed from the pan and set aside. If necessary, add more oil and fry small cubes of bread over high heat, about 3 tablespoons, until crunchy. The meat is heated in a frying pan, the filling is placed in an omelette and immediately served.

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If one morning you are wondering how to cook an omelet in a frying pan, then you came to my address. In this article I will tell you how to make delicious omelettes with different fillings, as well as how to make an omelet lush and airy like in kindergarten in our childhood. For many, the recipe for a fluffy omelet is still a mystery, but there is nothing complicated in it, and you will be convinced of it.

An omelet is a great nutritious breakfast for the whole family and is a favorite for adults and children alike. But who said that you can't cook an appetizing ruddy omelet with sausage and cheese for dinner? Or an omelet with tomatoes for lunch? There are no prohibitions and the boundaries of your imagination too. While it's worth making a few caveats, don't put just about anything in the omelet. Start by exploring classic recipes, after all, someone has already tried everything before you and chose the best. Let's use the experience of other culinary specialists to create our own.

Omelet has come down to us as a dish of French cuisine, at least its name, but many peoples have their own ways of making an omelet and of course its name. The most important thing about an omelette is the eggs and the correct preparation. Remember how James Bond said about his cocktail: "Shake, not mix." With an omelet, everything is exactly the opposite, eggs for it should be mixed, but not how not to beat. And even a fluffy airy omelet is prepared without serious beating with a mixer.

You can cook omelets in different ways: fry them in a pan, bake them in the oven, cook them in a slow cooker. But all the recipes in one article cannot be covered, so this time I will describe those recipes that we can cook in a regular frying pan. After all, almost everyone has a frying pan and a stove, which means there will be an omelet!

So let's move from theory to practice to see this.

Classic omelet with milk in a pan - a simple recipe

First, let me tell you how the simplest omelet with milk is prepared. It is without fillings and additions, and all its charm lies only in the delicate egg taste. Many people love this kind of omelet most of all, this is the ideal dietary breakfast rich in protein and energy. An omelet with milk can be cooked for children, even small enough, for them the main thing is to make it without a crust so that it remains tender and soft.

In order to make the right omelette, you will need a bowl or deep plate, a medium-sized frying pan with high sides and a lid, preferably with a thick bottom. A wide spatula is also useful to remove the delicate omelet from the pan without tearing.

Of the products you need the simplest:

  • eggs - 2-3 pieces per serving,
  • milk - 50 ml for 2 eggs,
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • frying oil.


Milk omelette cooks very quickly and therefore it is best to place the pan in advance to heat it up, especially if you have an electric stove that will take a little longer to do this. Heat immediately, not at maximum heat, but slightly above average. Pour some vegetable oil into the skillet. Non-stick pans will allow you to fry without oil, but only do so if you are 100% certain that nothing will stick. The omelet with milk is very tender.

Break the eggs into a deep plate for one serving of omelet. This is usually 2 or 3 eggs for adults.

Stir the eggs with a fork to combine the white and yolk. Pour in milk and add a pinch of salt to your taste.

Now with the same fork, stir again, whisking quite a bit. We do not do this with a mixer precisely because the egg should not turn into foam, but only slightly fill with bubbles.

Stir the egg in this way for literally one minute and pour immediately into the hot skillet.

The omelet will immediately begin to brown on the underside. As soon as you see that the edges have begun to thicken, then turn down the heat of the burner and finish cooking the omelet on low heat. This is necessary so that it is baked completely, but at the same time it is not overcooked from the bottom. You can cover the omelet with a lid and cook under it until all signs of runny eggs are gone.

The omelet is usually baked from the edges to the middle, as soon as the center is no longer runny, the omelet is ready and can be removed.

It is very difficult to remove a thin omelet with an even "pancake", so it can be removed by folding it in half with a spatula or twisting it into a tube. If your omelet is thick, made of a large number of eggs, then you need to remove it with a wide flat spatula.

The finished omelet can be sprinkled with herbs and pepper. Delicious breakfast for you!

Omelet with cheese in a pan without milk

Another very tasty and popular option for omelet is with cheese. In order to move a little from the past recipe, we will make it without milk. This will slightly change the taste. If you want milk to add, take the proportion from the first recipe.

Why cheese? The main secret omelets with cheese so that the cheese melts and preferably inside the omelet or at least on top. Can be cooked as open way, simply sprinkling the eggs with cheese on top, or closed, when the cheese is poured onto one half of the omelet, and covered with the second in the form of an envelope. Then the cheese is melted inside and it starts to stretch deliciously.

For such an omelet, your favorite cheese is suitable, but it's good if it melts well. Soft varieties like mozzarella can also be used, but it has a mild flavor and will get lost a little with an egg. I usually take an ordinary yellow hard cheese, such as gouda or sour cream, tilsiter or Russian. Choose according to your taste.

To prepare such an omelet with cheese, we need 2 eggs per serving, and 50 grams of grated hard cheese... Salt, fresh herbs and a little oil for the skillet.


Preheat a skillet over medium heat, pour just a little oil into it so that the omelet comes off easily when done.

In a bowl or plate, stir two eggs until smooth and lightly creamy. It is better to stir with a fork or whisk, literally one minute. Salt the mixture to taste. you can add pepper.

Then pour the mixture into a skillet in an even layer and grill over a slightly less than medium heat.

As soon as the middle is no longer runny, sprinkle the omelet with grated cheese on a coarse grater. You can fold the omelet in half to make an envelope and melt the cheese inside.

Cover and let stand for another 2-3 minutes, then remove the hot omelet, put on a plate and serve. The hot melted cheese will drag out every time you cut off a slice of omelet.

Bon Appetit!

Omelet with tomatoes and cheese in a pan - a step by step recipe

There is absolutely nothing complicated in preparing an omelet with tomatoes. If you want to make a delicious breakfast, and there is at least one tomato and some cheese in the fridge, then you will have a wonderful dish. My daughter sometimes calls such an omelet a pizza, although to my taste it must also contain sausage. But cheese and tomato are already enough to make it very tasty.

You will need:

  • eggs - 2 pcs per 1 serving,
  • tomato - 1 per serving (small 1 or half large),
  • hard cheese - 50 grams per serving,
  • milk - 50 grams per serving,
  • salt and herbs to taste.


First, put a skillet with oil to heat up. For frying omelet, you can use not only vegetable, but also creamy. But you need to be more careful with creamy, you cannot heat it in a pan for too long, it will start to burn and the taste will deteriorate. The butter should only have time to melt and pour in the eggs immediately.

Beat the eggs a little with a fork until light bubbles appear, pour milk into them and stir again.

Then pour into a hot skillet and grill over low heat until the middle is no longer runny.

During this time, cut the tomatoes into slices, and grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Put the tomatoes into the almost finished omelet and sprinkle with grated cheese on top. You can cover and cook the omelet until tender. You can also roll the omelet in half into an envelope and the tomatoes and cheese will turn into a delicious filling.

After a couple of minutes, the omelet will be ready and it's time to serve it while it's fresh and hot.

Omelet with mushrooms and cheese - pan cooking

How to get past such delicious filling for an omelet like mushrooms. Fresh champignons can be found in shops at any time of the year. If you have fresh woodland, then you can cook with them. White, chanterelles, honey mushrooms and many others are very tasty in an omelet.

I cook with mushrooms because now is not the season. You can add some fresh vegetables and herbs as a side dish, there will be more vitamins. By the way, such an omelet makes a wonderful light dinner... No carbs and very little fat from the oil.

You will need 1 serving:

  • mushrooms - 100 grams,
  • 2-3 eggs,
  • milk - 50-70 grams,
  • hard cheese - 50 grams,
  • vegetable oil,
  • greens and vegetables at will,
  • salt to taste.


For an omelet with mushrooms, you will have to prepare a little. Fresh champignons must first be fried. This will take 5-8 minutes, especially if you cut them into thin slices. Simply brown them in a skillet over high heat.

For the omelet, reduce the heat on the stove to medium or slightly less. It shouldn't be overcooked.

Beat eggs and milk a little with a fork or whisk until light, so that everything is thoroughly mixed until smooth. Add salt. Pour the eggs into a skillet with butter and fry until the edges come together. When the middle is still quite a bit watery, lay the mushrooms. Distribute them evenly. In just a couple of minutes, the middle will grab too, which means you can fold the omelet in half. Gently pick up the edge with a shredder and fold it in half so that the mushrooms are inside.

Now cover the omelet with a lid and cook for another 2 minutes on one side and 2 minutes on the other.

Ready. Delicious, aromatic omelet with mushrooms can be served on the table! Bon Appetit!

Omelet with sausage, cheese and tomatoes

Such an omelet can be safely called an omelet-pizza. Only instead of the dough there will be an egg mixture. But in some cases it is even better, and it cooks very quickly. This version of omelets is my favorite, as is my family's. For him we use different sausages or even a ham that you can find at home. It turns out tasty with both boiled doctor's sausage and smoked sausage. You don't need a lot of tomatoes because they give juice when they are fried. And cheese complements everything great. Such a hearty breakfast will keep you full for a long time, believe me.

You will need 1 serving:

  • eggs - 2-3 pieces,
  • sausage - 50 grams,
  • cheese - 50 grams,
  • milk - 50 ml,
  • tomato - 1 small or half large,
  • salt to taste.


It is prepared just like any other omelet. Eggs are mixed with milk. salted and whipped quite a bit. Until the first foam, to make it more magnificent.

Heat a skillet over medium heat so that the omelet is baked well inside. Pour the eggs over it and cook until the edges are baked.

At this time, cut the tomato and sausage into cubes or slices. You can make any size of the pieces. If you want to leave the sausage in rings, cut them thinly. You will need grated cheese.

In an almost finished omelet, lay out the filling in even layers. Tomatoes, sausage, and cheese on top. Then we cover our omelet with a lid and cook for a couple of minutes, until it is all baked and the cheese melts a little.

You can of course fold it in half, but I like this pizza-shaped omelet, like my daughter.

Eat the finished omelet before it cools down!

Lush omelette in a pan - a detailed video recipe

Many people are most interested in the secret of how to cook a fluffy omelet in a frying pan, not in the oven. Everyone's favorite kindergarten omelet is still baked in the oven. But what if we cook it in a frying pan, and we want a lush, tall and tender omelet so badly.

This video shows the technique of making such an omelet. I honestly tested it and it really turns out to be a very tall and lush omelet. It is so delicate that it even resembles a soufflé. Very tasty. Try and you cook such a fluffy omelet in a frying pan.

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