The basis of Christianity is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe resurrection of man. What is Christianity. The main ideas of Petrovsky transformations and the features of the transition from traditional to rational mo

Of the Christianity of Christianity, but most of them, apparently, are three. This is the idea of \u200b\u200bsalvation of mankind through Christ (and an accompanying idea of \u200b\u200bforgiveness and removal of sins), the idea of \u200b\u200bChristian paradise and hell and the idea of \u200b\u200bone-room (monotheism). We will look at the first two ideas right now.

The idea of \u200b\u200bsalvation of mankind

"If Jesus Christ appeared today,
No one would put it to crucify. His would be
invited to dinner, listened and from the soul
laughed "

Thomas Carlel

The idea of \u200b\u200bsalvation of mankind through Christ is the central idea of \u200b\u200bChristianity. She says that Jesus Christ took over the sins of TOTAL mankind and all Savage. What is this idea?

It is believed that Jesus was a redemptive victim for the sins of people. And before whom? Victim to whom? Completely incomprehensible to the behavior of God, who gave to the death of his son (however, without violating justice) to "save" people. Who did this victim be brought? God? Stupid. So the devil? So God has some weaknesses? So, could not destroy the harmful effect of the devil over the world and had to hang Jesus on the cross? It is stupid again.

There is another misunderstanding. If Jesus, considered by God, was brought as a victim to God, then, it turns out that the God himself himself sacrifice and brought himself? Absurd.

What did he save all of us, Savior? From death, from hell, from the devil? From what? Is it really after Christ of salvation people will not die? Or will not fall into hell, and everyone will fall right to heaven? Or will hell cluster? Or people in hell will be very good, fun and not even hot? Then the meaning of the idea of \u200b\u200bhell? And if hell do not close and people will get there and they will be bad there, then what kind of salvation are we talking about?

And who he saved, all-store? All people are magnificent? But he saved me or did not save? Even those people who lived for many thousands of years before Jesus? Are they saved? And those who lived and live after it? And those who live in our time he saved or did not save? All sins (incomprehensible to what) ours on themselves or did not take it? Or not all sins took, but only some part? And those sins that people and did not have time to do, he also took? And even those saved, who has not yet been born? And they also took their sins for himself, yes? Took two thousand years ago what else was not? Stupid to disgrace.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcare from individual responsibility and the transfer of all responsibility to the goat of the scape of stupid and unfair. Even if this scapegoat is voluntary.

And if he is already EVERYTHING Sins TOTAL He took humanity on themselves and saved everyone, now humanity can do anything: rape, cut, steal, cripple, slander. All the same, all the sins took Christ on himself, and he all from something (it is unclear from what) saved. Kill, rape, stew, deceive. All the same, Christ died for our sins. Although no one asked him, did not beg, did not convince, he did not force, forced the cross did not lead. Himself on the cross asked for his actions and words.

And even if he was all his death on his death, then why then there are such concepts as "sin" and "evil"? Why still the word "sin" does not come off with the mouths of Popov and God's preachers? So, Jesus did not take any sins for himself? Or maybe he took over only the sins of those people who lived in his era? Then we are here and? So it did not become better from this "salvation" to humanity? Or Jesus Christ discovered the rapid and bottomless account in the Heavenly Bank, where it adds all our sins, which we, the sinters, managed to do in 2000? And how did people live thousands and tens of thousands of years to Christ? Nobody sauna for them, and they all went to hell?

Immediately, we note that the words "indicate the way of salvation" and "save" are things different. Specify the path to salvation is one ( doctrine). Save is completely different ( act). Often, priests say that Christ is both the teacher and the Savior. How two in one bottle. I supposedly teaches something reasonable, and I supposedly did something heroic. What a "intelligent" taught Christ, we figured out, but what he really used to do - this is not clear.

In general, all this hysteria around the Christ of salvation amazes with his idiocy. If Jesus was a simple person, then it would be more clear: he made some big feat, meaningful for the people, and honors and glory redeems him for it. He would be the type of the National Jewish Hero. Everything seems to be correct. But it must be remembered that in Christianity Jesus is considered God in the human image. All the acts of God must be amazed and admired, and not some kind of incomprehensible, not the strongest, and most importantly: deprived of any meaning .

For some reason, one act was chosen, far from the most amazing and reasonable and a religious hysterium is built around it. Well, let's say saved. So what's next? What is particularly affected? God, to whom everything under the power, did something good. It is natural and normal for God, because he is absolute good. That he is God, to work wonders. And admire one (incomprehensible) act TWO THOUSAND years? Well, you know, it's too.

Christians! Do you like your god? Someone can give a reasonable and clear answer about the "wonderful Christ Salvation" and refer to the Bible?

Take the phrase "Jesus died for our sins." What does she say about? Yes, absolutely nothing is a dummy. This phrase does not make sense. Well, take the phrase from the same category "Jesus was for us, and we are now feste." I do not like? Then imagine that he drank medicine for us, and we are now healthy. " "He washed for us, and we are now clean." "He has accumulated money for us, and we are now rich." "He slept for us, and we have now rested." This is the same as "He took our sins, and we are saved." And the believers are enough of all this Muti "with the Atonement" to consider Christ "Rescuer".

In addition to all this, God could save everyone (from anything) in one word, one effort of will. The word is the technology of God. He does not need to be engaged in such a nonsense type of parcels of his son, his suffering and torment, bullying over him, shameful death on the cross and other incomprehensible and stupid difficulties. God is omnipotent, he can all. Why are such artificially created difficulties, as the descent of the Son of God to Earth, a 33-year-old life ending with the end without glory? In addition, Jesus, considered by God, did notice the right of his teaching. And the Bible, which seems to be written from the words of God, also did not convince the whole world (even half a world). All this does not like the acts of God. Surprising and labeled Christ-Jewish God. Could and save the world, if it were really necessary. Yes, I see, laziness was. There were probably things and more likely. Or did not have enough strength. Jesus God seems to be created in order not to strain himself, and that he ran there and here for his dad.

1. destroy the devil (if, of course, can cope);

2. change a person for the better;

3. close blood pressure or liquidate it at all;

4. Teach people to something fundamentally new;

5. Really save the earth and all people from some global catastrophe, and the like.

We do not see anything like in his adventures. All his "salvation" and his whole "wisdom" lies in the fact that he is only the language of Molt's life-linesal provisions and engaged in pederasty with his apostles. That's all.

In addition, God has more significant acts than some incomprehensible salvation is incomprehensible to whom it is not clear from what. In Christianity, the main emphasis was made on Christ the Savior, and not on the creator of the world. Why? Yes, because a simple parishioner has the fact of creating a world of emptiness, from nothing, no emotion causes any emotions. Created, and okay. And thank God. So? And the fact that a person can lie, rape, kill, slander, steal, and then someone will save him - that's great. It admires, it's great. This grand is striking the believer. How great it is. Ah, Lord! How cool! This causes a lot of emotions, and on this idea of \u200b\u200bpriests nicely tighten the nerve tricks of believers. Wow, captures the Spirit! That's why all Christian hysteria are built on this idea.

But all the delight and absurd of this idea of \u200b\u200b"salvation" only seems to be delirium and absurd. In fact, it is a subtle and competently thoughtful psychological focus. It is not designed not to the consciousness of man, but on his emotions. Why is none of believers even think about the essence of this salvation? Because their brains affect the mass of emotions from this "wonderful salvation." Logic is given by emotional experiences.

Christian to think about this idea will not be able. He will only admire her. And never on the logical level you will not be able to discuss this idea with him. The logical thinking of a Christian will always switch to emotions. The same thing happens with the other dogma of Christianity. Their logic stupidity is overlapped by emotions.

Christianity is a religion based on fear.

This, by the way, does not hide. Apostle Judas Recommends to "save" using intimidation.

Fear is the main negative emotion, with the help of which Christianity is trains people. This is the strongest emotion suitable for manipulating man. Fear is a poisonous cocktail from instinct and imagination. It is only worth introducing into the consciousness of the embryo of this feeling, and a person quickly loses the ability to reasonable actions. In such a situation, it is no longer difficult to provoke a frightened person to commit favorable decellers. The phrase "God's fear" can be found in any Christian edition. "Yes, the Lord is afraid of the Lord, and all those living in the universe will be treated before him. (Psalm 32: 8). Thrust, tremble, worms are dungered! Fear is bloated at the very sky. If you criticize Christ, then your criticism will come up with the emotional fear wall in front of the Antichrist. If you indicate an explicit contradiction or just a obscurantism in the Gospels, the Christian will come up with a thousand exclusive, will speak about faith, about testing in faith, about anything. Says that you are wrong, and it will call. But his stupid "holy" a book will not open, it just will be afraid to do it. But from the Bible everything is presented.

So brains of Christian are programmed and urged. As a result, Christianity presses the logical thinking of a person and scores in the head of Christian many emotions and complexes. According to Christian dogma, the Christian becomes mentally paralyzed. Clean such brains are extremely difficult. Yes, it is not all amenable to this shelling. There are critical people, but they are not enough (no more than 3-5%), and Christianity is not calculated on them. Christianity is designed for people of the crowd. This quite frankly says Christ, it follows and from his sermons.

All religious hysteria should rely on the mission and primitiveness of the masses. Only then is it effective. Logic in Christianity is simply no (and it is not necessary), but the lack of such compensated by emotions, both positive and negative. And the more the religion of followers, the harder it is to show its falsehood, wadness, and maliciousness. And the Christianity followers a lot. It is clear: the scarcity and moonfulness of thought gives rise to the mass of her adherents with the incredible mind, which are easily manageable by emotions.

The idea of \u200b\u200bsalvation in an empty place did not arise. This idea of \u200b\u200bdumping responsibility on others has a much more ancient tradition than Christianity. This rotten idea arose in Israel (well, and where else to take it?). At first, the Jews came up with their disgrace and vigilant tricks on a goat, which kicks were driven out of the city and chased to the desert, thereby symbolically, as if cleaning. From here and there is an expression "goat of the scape". This is when all misconduct. Later, something similar began to do with a man. They chose a person, fed, fed him, performed all his whims and whims, and then drove into the neck from the city. Gnus customs. Vile and cynical. "And the goat is sacrificed for the sin of the people before the Lord, and I will bring blood for the veil, and it will frown the base of the altar, and will cleanse the sanctuary from the uncleanness of the sons of Israel and their crimes in all their sins" (Levit, 16:15). Once and cleared. Quickly and reliably. Even the Jews have such a "holy" holiday - Kanoku (Hanukkah). This is a holiday of liberation of Jews from obligations, the forgiveness of any of their crime. They celebrate him before the new year.

On the judy day, Yom-Kipur, the Supreme Rabbi was supposed to be in the temple of two goats to the temple. Then rushing lots between Yahweh and Azazel. The goat, who, with this draw, got God Jehovah, was killed in place, as a sacrifice for sins, and his blood smeared the horns on the altar. The goat, which took the lot of Azazel, the priest was supposed to deliver alive. He put on both hands on his head and the more "confessed all the guilt of the sons of Israeli," he laughed in him all sins and misdeed. Then he instructed the Jews to drive him into the desert. Thus, the goat took with him the sins of all Jews in the desert.

Jesus Christ began to play this role - "Divine Lamb". In other words, the scapegoat. The redeeming death of Christ is the immediate continuation of the replacement of the redemptive sacrifice and the goat of the vacation, who hosts the sins of all believers. Easter sacrificial lamb (lamb) Jews is fully preserved in Christianity. Only this is already the "Lamb of God."

"The cunning yagwe announced that he sent his own son to Earth, so that he had redeemed the debt of people. It is impossible to believe that the suffering bother the guilt, and even less likely that the innocent could pay for the guilty. The suffering of innocent does not reimburse anything, but only adds a new evil to the old evil. However, there were unfortunate creatures who began to worship Yagwe and his son-the Redeemer and proclaimed these revelations as good news. We should be ready for this madness. Didn't we have witnessed how a person when he was Nishch and Nag, stretched to all ghosts, generated by fear, and, instead of following the teachings of benefactor demons, submitted to the commandments of cruel demiurgs. Yagwe caught his cunning soul as a network. But he calculated - this almost did not add anything to his glory. It's not him, and his son gained the worship of people and gave his name to a new cult. Yagwe itself continued to remain almost unknown on earth " (Anatole France, "Angel Rolling", Ch. 19).

The idea of \u200b\u200bforgiveness and removal of sins

"I have never met a healthy person who is especially
would be worried about his health, and not a single valid
good manwho would especially worry about his soul "

John Haldane

"And you are cunning, at the beginning you allow a person
sin, then he will show and you
Goodbye. It turns out, you are always kind. Deft

Tolik, 4th grade

In Christianity, there is another idea striking by his arrogance - the idea of \u200b\u200bremoving sins through confession and repentance. At first glance, the idea of \u200b\u200bstupid and nonsense, on the second - competently and thinly thought out. This idea is built on the purely psychological need of a person from time to time to someone confess. And after all, this idea works not bad. Someone comes to the church, did a bunch of evil deeds: killed, robbed, slander, in general - the nasty and bad was. Confessed, repented, gave Popam money ( what is the most important) And sins took and removed. What did you think? There were many evil deeds, but he returned to the Lono of the Church, repented, realized, for the consistent effect he was tearing, the soul cleared. They let him down with the world, yes they said: "Come again and as soon as possible, only with the money" for the needs of the Church. "A hypocritical to extremes, but very profitable for the church. Without this idea, people would go to church much less often.

People are poor, getting ready to move into the world of others, sacrificed the church so that the priests squeeze for their sins of these people. The princes themselves gave the church with gifts, gold and fortress men who died, working on this grabbing estate. And the priests were glad to Jesus poverty. That is not for them. They do not concern. In general, "Orthodox" Christians are proud that there were no trade in Indulgences in Russia. Indulgence - This is such a piece of scape of sins. The Roman Pope proceeded from the fact that their church over the years of acts of some saints and prayers is something like a "holiness reservoir", and from this tank can be drawn, the aching of the sins of people, even the most terrible. And if so, why not play this idea and not sell some of this "holiness" for money? Let the sinner pays the money and then the grace is hesitated to him. Sin more? Well then and pay more, because the consumption of "holiness" is also more. Behind the marital treason you pay two or three coins, and for the deliberate murder - coins, say, a hundred. And come on, everything is clean and sinless.

This is not vulgar jokes. For example, when Pope John XXII (1316-1334) could be booted with money for the most cruel crimes. Robbery, arson, theft said for 15 livres and 4 SU, for injury to his wife - 3 Livera and 4 Su, for the murder of his wife - 17 Livres and 4 SU, for killing brother, mother, father or sister - 17 livres and 4 Su. Cute, yes?

A terrible idea? But the better the "Russian Orthodox" church? We pay us, human-sheep, before the end of the earthly path. We will pray for you, with our "holiness" on you and enter our prayers. Of course, the prayers of the Tolstopus Hegumen to enter the kingdom of Christ will be difficult, yes, we are in the saint of the holy devotee sits. You, a sinner, pay us a coin, and we are the saint tolerant (if he has not yet died from bliss) Let's tell everything: for whom and how to pray it.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe church forgiveness of sins for money is rotten and hypocritical, but very profitable for the church.

To what hypocrisy and to what extreme impudence can be reached by Christianity, it is seen from the statement of one servant of the church: "Without a real material victim, your repentance will not be taken, and your sins will remain on you! And God to accept the donation to God identified exactly the clergy" (Arikhapskop Nikon [ In the world - lamps]).

So, summarize: the very concept of "forgiveness" or "absolution" of sins is cornerstone in Christianity and the main source of income. According to Christianity, any action can be compensated by money, including the forgiveness of sins. In paganism it is impossible to submit.

Of course, the victims were also brought in the ancient world. What for? Not for "salvation", not for the forgiveness of non-existent sins, but, for example, some specific God, so that he protects the cause of his patronage. Ancient man It was an alien to a pathetic self-esteem and slave gentity of people who see salvation only in god's mercy and hoping to bribe their omnipotent gifts. He was also alone, he was also a nauseous-repentant mood and a pitiful beaten whisk, which we see from Christians.

Sin - the concept of fictional. It is not. There are wrong, unreasonable deeds. To get rid of the consequences of unreasonable cases, it should be not repeated, not confess, but to understand and correct the error. The one who is aware of their actions is studying on mistakes, it remains free to the Spirit. Christian repentance rolled up, turns a person in the slave of God (this is, by the way, about the image and similarity of God). Christian priests, taking with money and confessing money ( "Dar God," who he himself, frankly speaking, is not needed, but the priests are not very poor), Remove the responsibility and debt correction of the effects of bad acts. Well, you can sin and further, until the next confession. And so if endlessness. But no one needs to ask for forgiveness - no people nor the gods. It is better to recognize your mistake and fix it with a specific case, and not an empty chatter.

At all, christian sins - this is the fruit of the patient's imagination of the pararanic of Jesus Christ.

Compare how small the pagan idea is right karma. Only you yourself are your good and bad things to work your karma (some spiritual totality of bad and good deeds). And no Christ cleanse her to you, will not take it to yourself, will not change. And with the help of donations "For the needs of the Church", they do not change their karma. Only your deeds can change something. Made good - improved karma. Made bad - worsened ("bad" and "good" - this is, of course, very relative concepts). Everything you do is to you later and return back. As it will happen, it will respond. What goes around comes around. It is logical and fair. Too all the Christians just go out: killed, repented, believed - and you are in paradise. In paganism it is difficult. Perhaps, not one life will have to live in voltage to improve your karma and raise. And it is quite fair. In the idea of \u200b\u200bKarma, there is also incomprehensible, but in comparison with the Christian dogma of one-time life and the idea of \u200b\u200ball-sucking, it looks much higher and noble.

Naturally, everything is wrong in Christianity. The main condition is to believe in Jesus and you will be "saved." When two bandits crucified for a funny company with Jesus, then one of them repented and said to Jesus: "... acknowledge me, Lord, when you come to your kingdom!". And what did Christ answer? "True telling you, now you will be with me in paradise" (LK., 23:42). As simple: the villain of bad deeds did, repent, believed and already in paradise. How do you like this idea? For some reason evangelist Luke Does not report that these two gangsters have been joining the crosses. For murder, for violence, for theft? Or for pederasty, like Christ? Amazing hypocrisy: Forgive everything instantly. The main thing is to believe, and the sins write down. "Believer in it Do not sue, but unbeling Already condemnedbecause I did not believe ... " (John, 3:18). Consider Any unbelievingIf even he is good and kind, will fall into hell. And any nasty, any nice, any tiller and geek, BELIEVER In Jesus, will get to paradise. How do you like this idea? Not bad, yes?

How interesting things turn out. According to the commandment of Christ, "the believer will be saved in me" the first in the "kingdom of God" passed through a gangster. "Primer" robber, rapist, killer. Great, isn't it? Sentenced to crucifixion, but I believed before my death. So what? Accepted his Jesus to his paradise, regretted. I would like it, if a person, in general, it is not clear that the good and useful in life did, instantly hit the paradise, believing? And the other, let the wrong, but virtuous, will fall into hell? Stupid. But not just stupid, but also unfair.

The priests constantly claim that the "rescuer" is because it is called that he was sent to repaid anyone who lives definitely not on the concepts of Christianity. Manty sinewoves are clearly preferred than good bootiers. All preachs of Christ - only for low and unworthy, for patients and body and soul (MF., 9: 10-13). He does not need healthy people. And neither its degenerative sermons who only make a person with defective cretin. The more insignificant and dirty man, the more "godly". Scum, murderers, lumpen and other garbage of society became the most pious Christians. All their "piousness" was expressed in the following: steal, kill, cripple, slander, and then throw and whine, "clean", pray and again to go for a crime.

And it is not at all by chance that the early Christian "Blessed Righteousness" is coming by sagging, whores who are moving between the chapels and their tasted tritons. They came up with: " don't get sick - you do not shift, you do not save - you will not save". Easy absolution of sins contributes to only their repetition. While the punished criminal in some cases becomes smarter. It does not become - in full justice it must be killed. What has always been done in the ancient world, which was not poisoned by today's humanism.

Take a look at Islam - another escape on the tree of Jewish. Every adherent Islam considers his duty at least once in his life to visit Mecca to touch the black stone. It is believed that he assumes all the sins of the pilgrim. This stone is located in the east wall of the Kaaba temple. The dream of any pilgrim - touch this stone. Muslims believe that this stone is sent by Allah to Earth and endowed with a special force to shoot with a person all his sins. Touch and cleared. Once and ready. Sins are removed easily and simple. Not specific things, but by touching some stupid stone. It is not necessary to strain.

In the era of Christian crusades (and there were exactly eight), each crusader received his abuse of sins and could do everything that he would like. According to the Chronicler of Alberta from Exca, this army absorbed a lot of criminal elements: thieves, killers, robbers and other Society scum. The same practiced towards the pagans during the spread of Christianity. With them it was possible to do everything that would like. Even kill. You just imagine that I soldered Christians, if you knew that they would say goodbye! And do not tell the Basni about what is the wrong Christians. Yes, Christians were Christians. The most real Christians. That is how it is supposed to be. For example, "God-fearing" Spaniards in Mexico and Peru baptized Indian boys, and then their burned.

Why there are crusades. According to the own confession of the Sicilian mafia, they pray to God before making their sacrifice. The famous Italian psychiatrist Caesar Lombroso first drew his attention to the fact that sugurizians are distinguished by the calm behavior and make up the smallest percentage of criminals (M. Bogoslovsky, article "Time to collect stones").

Everyone thinking man becomes clear that Christianity did not have any influence on improving the human breed. Jesus himself in his earthly life, nor after the "wonderful Ascension" could not improve human morals. It happened just the opposite! Of course, before Christianity there were samples of wildness and obscurantism. But there were no such bloody pages of history, such obstructions and in such quantities as in Christianity. Never anywhere. Reacing, Christianity sheds the blood river, multiplies the physical and spiritual suffering of people, worsens the man's breed, puts up and pulls out the depressed vices, creates arbitrariness and crimes. It is among the representatives of this "holy" of Fazhnigia, there is the greatest number of immoral bastards, hypocrites, crooks, thieves, murderers, dual liar and other perverts of all the masters!

"And such were some of you (referring to criminals - S.C.), but washed, but sanctified, but we justified the name of the Lord of our Jesus Christ and the Spirit of Our God " (1 Cor., 6:11). Amazed to the depths of the soul. If a person was a gangster, a killer, a liar and just abominous, really a person will be clean, once breathing? Is it really stained in the life of drunkenness, theft, poisoning and thousands of bad and shameful cases - is easily freed and discharges with themselves crimes only what was baptized and called on the name of Christ? So the snake resets the old skin.

After such assumptions, the tiller will easily decide on expressive and inexpressible crimes, he knows that it will be justified after such gentlemen. After all, it is necessary to believe and be baptized. Such speeches are picked up by vices, and not eradicate them! They teach to commit with any case a crime, because it is enough to be baptized enough to reset at least a thousand vices. That's what the real essence of the forgiveness of sins!

Finally, I look at Christ, the "rescuer", which, as declared, takes away from saving all mankind, without knowing how to save even himself. Imagine? You can not save yourself! When Christ was attached to the cross, his witnesses of this process were twisted for several hours and the most healthy people told him: "... Save yourself, if you are the Son of God, go from the cross ... I saved others, and you can not save yourself; if he is King Israel, let him Now comes down from the cross, and we will believe in him; I tried to God, let him take and relieve it if he got him " (MF., 27: 40-43). And what did Christ do? Smooth account nothing. Six hours score on the cross and could not get a clutch. Fucking conscience and knowledge of the case. At some point in time, the hardness left Jesus, and our valiant white knight and defender of all humiliated and oppressed doubted in their own salvation ( here is such a gogochlovek) And the rescuer turned to an even more professional lifeguard - his daddy-god: "My God, my God, why did you leave me?" (MF., 27:46). But the daddy-God was busy with something more important than salvation of his son. I feeling from such an impudence of Pope, "Jesus, again, reopening a loud voice, I washed the spirit" (MF., 27:50). And flew to his paradise to parse flights with his daddy. On this scene of its own salvation is over. Stormy applause, ovations, photographing of white slippers, the requirement to repeat the "BIS" number. Curtain, the festival is over, distribution of signatures, advertising campaign.

Give advice everything is not off

Similar information.

It firmly exists in the context of European and in general the whole Western culture. Many people consider themselves believers. But do they know the basic ideas of Christianity, or simply show mindless pseudoreligious feelings?

Popular misconceptions

A lot of religious principles are understood and interpreted. What are the basic ideas of Christianity? Is it a duty to wear a cross? Almost a third of believers is not wearing. Maybe it is icons? But in the Holy Scripture, nothing was said about them, and Jesus Christ himself commanded not to worship with man-made material things.

Maybe the main ideas of Christianity are posts? And no longer, although fasting periodically even useful for health. Vera is not a mandatory knowledge of all the nuances and wisdom, jagging church parables and holidays, rituals and rituals. It is necessary to clearly understand that it is all formalities. And often they appeared later the birth of Jesus and his death.

Ideological promise of religious teaching

As based on several assumptions. The first is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe sinfulness of the whole human race, which is infected with the original sin of Eva and Adam. The main ideas of Christianity contain the idea of \u200b\u200bthe necessary for each salvation, as well as the redemption of all mankind in front of the Heavenly Father. In this way, according to the preachers of this faith, people got up thanks to the voluntary self-sacrifice and the suffering of Jesus Christ, who was the son of God and the Messenger who entered both human and divine nature in himself.

Doctrine about the spirit

Monotheism and spiritualist concepts, delved to the teachings about the terrain of persons in a single God are the basic ideas of Christianity, briefly set out in this article.

By and large, this idea passes through the entire Bible and is its basis. Monotheism gave rise to the deepest philosophical and religious concepts, revealing new faces of its content over time.

The main ideas of Christianity also claim the celebration of the Absolute and Perfect Spirit - God-Creator, who is not only the Almighty Mind, but also love, and goodness. The spiritual start is dominant over the oblique matter. God is an unconditional Creator and Lord of Matter, who presented to man domination over the world. Thus, Christianity, being a dualistic in his metaphysics (as it believes the existence of two substances - matter and spirit), absolutely monistically, as it puts the matter dependent on the spirit, believing it only the product of the spiritual activity.

Doctrine about man

Although the basic ideas of Christianity are briefly stated difficult, since this religion is really multifaceted, it is safe to say that she is focused on a person. It is the individual, an immortal and spiritual being, which is created by the Creator in the image and likeness to its own and absolute value.

Not only spiritual, but also economic ideas Early Christianity argued the equality of people among themselves and in God's eyes. All people are beloved by the Lord evenly, since all people are his children. The main ideas of Christianity are to recognize the purpose of all mankind for the eternal bliss and the connection with God, together with such divine gifts, as God's grace and free will (as the ways to achieve the state of bliss).

Main commandments

The main ideas of Christianity are called commandments, according to legend, are given by Jesus himself. What it is? These calls to love the gentlemen of your "all soul and all reason", as well as "to lift the near" like yourself. The ideas of early Christianity were fully based only on these sayings, but then humanity was much more complicated.

The first commandment says that anyone is obliged to love the Lord God so much so that it does not worry about their future and trust him as much as much as possible. And also to make all actions in his name, and not for your own gain and care. To understand the meaning of the command number one is necessary and a logical mind, and faith. And this is very difficult for a modern person.

The second commandment comes from the fact that a person must already love himself with all his soul and "understanding" (that is, the mind). Accordingly, many modern problems go on themselves. A person who loves himself will not work on hated work, communicate with bad and evil people, lie, destroy himself and its body. The second part of the second commandment says that you need to love the "neighbor". But who is it? Obviously, this is not only a friend or relative, but in general all people on earth.

God is love

The main ideas of Christianity lead to the ideal of a person in understanding this religion - an individual who will have unconditional love and confidence in people, to himself, to God. The Lord hears everyone who appeals to him with a prayer and faith. He is love, and not just a formidable and almighty force. The task of any believer is to lift it, to respond reciprocity. Bans of the Ten Commandments Moses are supplemented with the so-called "commandments of bliss", aimed at healing the human soul, and not on social life.

Christianity created the ideal of universal human behavior and existence, created a holistic worldview and a worldview. The basis of Christianity is the doctrine of God Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came to people with good deeds, commanded them the laws of righteous life and accepted the great suffering and martyrs on the cross on the cross.

Christians believe that the world is created by a single boring God, and created without evil. The Resurrection of Christ marks for Christians a victory over death and the newly acquired opportunity eternal life with God blessing. Christianity examines the story as unidirectional, unique, "one-time" process, directed by God: from the beginning (creation) by the end (coming of the Messiah, the terrible court). The main idea of \u200b\u200bChristianity is the idea of \u200b\u200bsin and salvation of man. People are sinful before God, and this is what equalizes them: Greeks and Jews, Romans and barbarians, slaves and free, rich and poor are all sinners, all the "slaves of God."
The Christian religion argued that the suffering in the earthly life would bring salvation and paradise in the afterlife to a person, and in resistant evil saw the path to moral cultivation. She promised that the righteous will be rewarded, and the lowest estates belong to the future. Christianity received the character of universal, universal religion.

The main directions of Christianity - Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism.

Orthodoxy.The Orthodox Church is closest to the traditions of early Christianity. In it, for example, the principle of autochefalia is preserved - independence of national churches. There are 15 them in total. A distinctive feature Orthodoxy is that since the first seven universal councils, not a single dogma was added to this teaching, unlike Catholicism, and did not refuse any of them, as it took place in Protestantism. In the Orthodox Church, the ritual brings over theology. The magnificence and luxury of the temple, the festivity of the liturgy aim to the perception of faith is not so much mind as a feeling. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Orthodox Council suggests the unity of the laity and clergy, the commitment of tradition and primacy of a collective start.

The Orthodox Church claims that Christianity in contrast to all other religions is a divine revelation, which is the basis orthodox faith. It relies on the totality of dogmas - unchanged truths, also resulting from Divine Revelation. The main of these dogmas is as follows: Dogmat of God's Trinity, Dogmat of Reincarnation and Dogmat Atonement. The essence of the dogma of the terrainity of God is such: God is not only a personal being, but also spiritual essence, he performs in three hypostatas: God's Father, God's Son, God of the Holy Spirit. All three faces constitute a single holy Trinity, inseparable in its essence equal to divine dignity.

God the Father created from nothing heaven, the earth, the world is visible and invisible. From the Earth, God created the first man of Adam, and from his rib - the first woman Eva. The appointment of a person in the act of creation is to know, he loved and glorified God and, through this, did bliss. God predetermined the salvation of people through his only soccer son, which is the second face of the Trinity, in the human incarnation - Jesus Christ. The third hat is the Holy Spirit. He together with his father and his son gave rise to a spiritual life of a person, inspired people fear of God, granted piety and inspiration, the ability of knowledge and wisdom. Orthodox doctrine believes that in the afterlife of the soul of people, depending on how the man lived, they get into paradise or hell.

One of the basic laws of Orthodoxy is a reception rule, the adoption by the entire church of any norms. No face, no body of the church, as if to be wide in composition, cannot be completely infallible. In matters of faith, only the church is "the Body of Christ" - as a whole. In Orthodoxy, the traditions of seven sacraments are observed, the traditions of the seven sacraments - the baptism, communion, repentance, world formation, marriage, the ignition and priesthood are observed. The sacrament of baptism symbolizes the adoption of a person in the Lono of the Christian Church and through him a man says goodbye to the original sin, and an adult and all other sins. It is believed that only on the basis of the sacrament of communion (Eucharist), a person can maintain an inseparable connection with Jesus Christ. The indispensable attribute of the religious life of the Orthodox Christian is to commit the sacrament of repentance (confession), which includes the confession and absolution of sins.

Following the rite of baptism in Orthodoxy, the sacrament of the militant is committed, the meaning of which, according to Orthodox Catechism, is, "to preserve the spiritual purity obtained in baptism to grow and strengthen in the life of the spiritual." The spiritual meaning of the rite of wedding is that when making a wedding, God's grace is poured on future spouses, which provides an in-extensive symbolic alliance based on love, loyalty and mutual assistance to the coffin. The sacrament of the ignition (cobbing) is performed over the sick person, since the ignition has a healing force, purifies the patient from sins. The sacrament of the priesthood Orthodox church attributes a special meaning. It is committed in dedication to a person in a spiritual san, that is, in one or another degree of priesthood. In Orthodoxy, the clergy is divided into black and white. Black is monks, and white - priests who do not accept celibacy.

In addition to the commission of the sacraments, the Orthodox cultric system includes prayers, the worship of the cross, icons, relics, relics and holy. An important place in the Orthodox cult is occupied by posts and holidays, the main of which is Easter, established in the memory of the resurrection of the crucifier on the cross of the Son of God's Jesus Christ.

Catholicism. The basis of the faith of Catholicism is the books of new and dilapidated covenants (Holy Scripture), solutions 21 of the Universal Church Cathedral and the judgment of the Roman dads on church and worldly affairs (Holy Giving). The Catholic Church, in contrast to Orthodox, has a single chapter - dad. The head of the church is considered the governor of Christ on Earth and the successor of the Apostle Peter. Dad performs a triple function: Bishop Rome, Shepherd Universal Church and the head of state Vatican. In the Catholic Church, all priests belong to one of the monastic orders and the observance of celibate is obligatory for them - the vow of celibacy.

Dogmat Catholicism, in many ways close to Orthodoxy, has some features. In the Catholicity, a peculiar understanding of the Trinity was established, enshrined in the form of a dogma about Philoca: the discharge of the Holy Spirit is recognized not only from the god of the Father, but also from God Son. The Catholic Church formulated the dogma of the purgatory - intermediate between the paradise and the place where the sinners are sinners who have not received forgiveness in earthly life, but not burdened by mortal sins.

In general, Catholicism is quite condescendingly to a person, as it comes from the belief that sinfulness is an integral part of human nature, only dad is sinless. Atonement of sins in Catholicity is possible thanks to social activities. A huge role in the salvation of sinful people is played by the so-called treasury of good deeds, in the excess of the Christ perfect Christ, the Virgin Mary and Saints, to dispose of which can only Pope. So in the Middle Ages in Catholicism, the practice of indulgences appeared - the repurchase of sins for money. For Catholicism, the sublime worship of the Virgin is characterized by the mother of Jesus Christ, which was expressed in the dogma on the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary, as well as in the dogma on the bodily ascension of Our Lady. Catholicism, as well as Orthodoxy, recognizes seven sacraments of Christianity. However, baptism here is carried out by poultry, and confirmation is separated from baptism and is carried out at the age of 7-8 years. Main holiday In Catholicism - Christmas.

With carefully developed and pomp ritual, in Roman Christianity, nevertheless theology dominates the rite. Therefore, Catholicism is more individualistic than Orthodoxy. The Catholic Mesa wears more magnificent, festive character, it uses all kinds of art for the impact on the consciousness and feelings of believers.

Protestantism. Despite the presence of many churches and denominations in Protestantism, it is possible to distinguish common to all the features of the creed, cult and organization. The Bible is recognized in most Protestants with the only source of creed. Protestantism orienses a person to personal communication with God. Hence the right of every person to read and discuss the Bible. Paying great attention to the human embodiment of Jesus Christ, Protestants for the most part, christmas recognize as the main holiday. The main worship services is the reading of the Bible, the sermon, individual and collective prayers, singing religious hymns. As a rule, the cult of the Virgin, Saints, Icons, and Power is rejected. The main organizational structure of Protestantism is the community, and the hierarchy of priests is not developed.

In Protestantism, two main directions can be distinguished: the liberal, recognizing the criticism of the Bible, and the fundamentalist, insist on the literal understanding of biblical texts. The liberal direction, the oldest in Protestantism, originated in the form of the teachings of Martin Luther at the beginning of the XVI century. Supporters of it - Lutheran - the dogmas, defined at the I and II Ecumenical Councils, recognize as a symbol of faith. The main path of the atonement of sins is repentance. Two Christian sacraments are recognized - baptism and communion. Lutherancy preserved liturgy, church altar, clergy vestment. There is also a dedication to San (ordination), there is your bishop. As the main symbol, the Lutherans takes the crucifixion, the icons are denied. The investigator of the fundamentalist direction in Protestantism is Jean Calvin. As a single sacred book, Calvin recognized the Bible.

The detention of the clergy, he argued the principle of worldly calling and worldly asceticism (every believer - priest). Saving soul Calvinism suggests not so much with repentance as active worldly activities, entrepreneurship. Calvinists deny external cult attributes - cross, icons, candles, and so on. The sacraments of baptism and communion are carried out symbolically. The main forms of worship are sermon, prayer, singing of Psalms. Calvinism denies any form of the church organization, except for the community.

Protestantism teaches that there are not so many rites as good fulfillment by each of their duties, that is, in good faith, a person embodies Christian commandments. Protestantism approves the equality of all believers before God and preaches the salvation of faith already in the earthly life, denies the monasticism, as well as the celibacy of the clergy. For Protestantism, the desire to divide the spheres of influence of the spiritual authority of the Church and the secular power of the state: God - the gown, and Cesar - Cesarean.
The main dogma of Protestantism is the dogma of the justification of one faith in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Other solutions are considered insignificant. According to this dogma, in the consequence of the fall, the original sin, a person has lost the ability to independently perform good, so salvation can come to him only as a result of divine intervention, salvation is the gift of Divine grace.

All about Christianity

The name of His Christianity received due to the fact that in the center of his creeding there is a personality of Jesus Christ (although this term did not appear before the end of the II century.) According to one of the dogs of Christianity, the God-Chelovkin Jesus Christ went to the ground to take a martyrdom and it to redeem Original sin of people. Belief in the redemptive sacrifice of Christ and the general sinfulness of people are one of the main provisions of Christian creed. Many researchers generally deny the historicity of Christ, others believe that Jesus existed, but not as the Godhead, but as a simple Jewish preacher.

Christian religion proclaims the principle of monotheism. At the same time, the main directions of Christianity adhere to the provisions on the divine Trinity. According to this provision, God although one, however, performs in three horseships (persons): God-Father, God - Son and God - the Holy Spirit.
Christians believe that Bog Son. In the image of Jesus Christ, born by Virgin Maria, by immaculate conception, is the Savior of people who are mired in their sins. The idea of \u200b\u200brescue people is also one of the central in Christianity. An important thing in Christian verbation is also considered the provision on the resurrection of a crucified Christ and the ascension of him to heaven.

Many of the prescriptions of Christianity reflect universal moral norms, others are very specific. Such special standards include the requirements of patience, humility, all-believe, respect for any power.
The main provisions of Christianity are set forth in the "Sacred Scripture" - the Bible. The Bible is divided into two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The first part is taken from Judaism and is identical to the Tana. The second part is the New Testament - specifically for Christianity. It consists of 27 books: the four books of the Gospel (from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), in which the Basics of His exercise, the book "Acts of Apostles", telling the preaching activities of the Pupils of Christ, the 21st Epos of Apostles , representing letters written by Paul and other students of Christ and addressed to early Christian communities, and the "Revelations of John the Bogoslov" (Apocalypse), in which the author sets the prophecy of the fate of peace and humanity to him.

"Sacred Scripture" is complemented by the Sacred Tradition (Scriptures of the "Fathers of the Church" and the Resolution of Christian Cathedrals), but it is not recognized by all directions of Christianity. Such directions are currently five: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestanism, Nesterianism and MONORICATION. True, the last two directions are much inferior in the number of their followers three first.

Consider Orthodoxy, and what its general features with Catholicism have, and what their own specifications. Both of these directions spend a rather sharp boundary between the clergy, on the one hand, and the laity - on the other. For the clergy, some rules of conduct are provided for the laity - others. Rescue people, according to Orthodoxy and Catholicism, can be achieved only through the mediation of the clergy. And Orthodox, and Catholics are accepted along with the Bible, also "Sacred Tradition". Both destinations recognize seven sacraments: baptism, world-formation, communion, repentance, priesthood, marriage and amazing. Both Orthodox and Catholics worship the Virgin, Angels, Saints, they have a cult of relics and sacred relics, a monk is practiced.

Many in Orthodoxy and different from Catholicism features. One of the main dogmatic differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism is the question of the emergence of the Holy Spirit. In Orthodoxy, God - the Holy Spirit comes only from God Father.
Catholics believe that the Holy Spirit comes not only from God - Father, but also from God-Son. Catholicism is inherent in the cult of the Virgin. And in 1854 Dogmat was even proclaimed, saying that the Mother of God, like her son, was born through immaculate conception. Finally, in 1950, it was additionally accepted by the dogma on the bodily ascension of the Virgin Mary on the sky.
Distinctive feature Catholic creed is the idea that the saints form before God the stock of good deeds, which priests can let the sins of believers or a previously practiced redemption of sin (indulgence sales).

Catholics believe that besides Paradise and hell there are also purgatory, where the souls of believers are cleaned before entering paradise. Unlike Orthodoxy, recognizing the 7 universal councils, Catholicism recognizes 21.
Catholics are not allowed from spiritual title. Cleanchable must observe not only the monks, but also a white clergy. The laity in Catholicism can eventually marry only in the event of the death of the spouse (the divorce is prohibited). Higher Catholic leadership has repeatedly expressed its hostile attitude towards abortion and even to the use of any contraceptives. Worship services are conducted in Catholic temples in most cases in Latin and are accompanied by both choral singing and organ music. The Religious Symbol of Catholics serves a four-pin cross.

At the head of the Catholic Church there is a Roman dad, revered by believers as a governor of Christ on Earth and the successor of the Apostle Peter. Power Pope is absolute. The Roman Dad, in accordance with Lutheran agreements concluded in 1929 with the Nazi Dictator Mussolini, has its own sovereign state of the Vatican, which occupies a small part of the territory of the city of Rome. Under the care of the Vatican there are several uniate churches. These are broken from some eastern Christian churches of the group. They concluded with the Roman Church of the Ulya, i.e. Submitted to the dad, passed Catholic dogmas, but they retained their ritual.

In total there are six groups of uniats: Greek Catholics, Armenian Catholics, Siro Catholics, Catholics Catholics, Haldea and Mironites.

In contrast to Orthodoxy and Catholicism, protestanism does not constitute a single conjecture and organization of the direction of Christianity. This area includes many churches and sects that significantly differ in their dogmatics and possessing only some common features.
One of the most characteristic features of protestanism - the presence of provisions in it that the most important condition for salvation is the personal faith, and not the assistance of the clergy. It is also believed that a person is able to communicate with God without any intermediaries. In this regard, the clergy in the protestism plays a small role in the life of the believer (in some currents there is no clergy and is not at all).

The main authority is for all Protestants "Sacred Scripture". As for the "sacred legend", most of the protesterism does not recognize it. There is no reverence of the Mother of God, the angels, saints, the cult of the relics and saints, relics is not practiced.
Prototanism has a lot of common features with Orthodoxy. For example, the lack of faith in purgatory, the permission of the clergy to marry, the assumption of divorces among the laity, the commission of worship in the native language of believers, the availability of independent national churches. Protestism is divided into a number of currents, churches and sects.

Consider several basic flows: Anglicism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, Mennonity, Unitarism.

AnglicanismAn emerged in 1534 during the struggle of the English king with the Roman dad, wears noticeable traces of compromise with Catholicism. The British believe in the saving force of the Church, although they believe that the main thing is a personal faith. The idea of \u200b\u200bpurgatory is not characteristic of Anglican creed, part of the Anglican makes the existence of something like that.
However, in Anglicism there are features and purely Protestant. It does not have the cult of Our Lady and Saints. Anglican priests can be married, the laymans are allowed. Services are performed in their native language. Formally, the head of the Anglican Church in England, where it is state, the king is considered, but in fact leading his prime minister.

Lutheranism, the first time on the occurrence of the flow of the Reformation (founded in 1517 by Martin Luther), made more changes in its creed, than the Anglicism. So, baptism is recognized by Lutherans, as well as Catholics, an indispensable condition for salvation. Services in Lutheran are accompanied by organ music. The Christian symbol in Lutheranism is left the cross. But along with these "Catholic" features, there are "purely" Protestant. For example, Lutherans rejected the idea of \u200b\u200bthe saving role of the church. Unrequisitely refused Lutheranity from the "Sacred Tradition". The election of the clergy has been introduced.

Calvinism, Founded in the 30s of the XVI century. Jean Coven (Calvin), further left Catholicism. The baptism of Calvinists is not considered an indispensable condition for salvation. The cross is not considered an official symbol in Calvinism, and in the temples there is not only icons, but also wall painting. Also, Calvinists abandoned candles and music during worship. And the worship itself consists of reading the Bible and singing of Psalms.
Like most other Protestants, Calvinists do not believe in the ability of the Church to help the salvation of believers. Unlike Lutheran, believing that salvation is achieved by the personal faith, Calvinists claim that not faith provides salvation, but, on the contrary, salvation (in advance by God) gives the gift of faith. Calvinism also recognizes only "Sacred Scripture". There are three varieties of orthodoxal calvinists - reformers, presbyterians, congationalists - differ from each other only in the church device.

Mennonityarising in the 1930s of the XVI century. Named by the name of his head, Simons, is a "peaceful" branch of the revolutionary flow of reformation - anabaptism, because They recognized any violence of sinful.
Mennonites perform baptism rites in adulthood, because It is believed that the creative faith can only be in an adult. Objects are also performed: communion and mutual leg ablution. The unusual rite for Christianity symbolizes the taming of the pride of man. Despite the equality of all the baptized members of the community, Mennonites, however, allow the existence of the clergy.
For Menonites are also very characterized by the ideas about the Messiah (the second coming) and the future of the kingdom of God on Earth. The doctrine of predestination in the Mennonity is not recognized. Man, in their opinion, has a free will.

Unitarismarriving also in the XVI century, rejects dogma about the "divine" Trinity (according to which one God performs in three horses). Do not accept the toileties and provisions on the universal fall, about the divinity of Christ, his redemptive victim. God is considered to the toilets as the world mind. This most sophisticated form of Christianity is sometimes considered something among the religion and philosophy. The rationalism of the toiletriev still continues to cause irritation of supporters of Christian areas (Unitari Miguel Gervet for doubts about the existence of the "Divine" Trinity was burned by Calvin on a fire).

Protestants are often ranked by old-liters. According to its creed, they are very close to the aglicans with which close connections are maintained.
Grouping Methodism, separated from the Anglican Church. The name occurs because his supporters demanded a methodological following the norms of Christian morality. The creed is also close to the British.
Methodism is closely adjacent to the founded by W. Butch, the organization "Army of Salvation". Her feedback is practically no different from the Methodist. "The army of salvation" is organized for a military way. Members of this organization are widely practiced street preachs.

Moravian brothers - sects of the pre-formation period (XVV.) Arrived in the Czech Republic as a revolutionary movement. Pursuit forced the brothers to move to Saxony. Allowed to settle on their lands The German grafcinzendorf forced the sectors to take the basics of Lutherhood. In view of this, the creation of the Moravian brothers is now actually identical to Lutheran.
Even before, the Waldense sect (XII century) appeared and she named his founder Pierre Walda. Just like the Moravian brothers underwent cruel persecution. The sect proclaimed return to early Christianity. Waldenses rejected the worship of the saints, icons, refused faith in purm.

The influential grouping in the protest is Baptism, founded in the XVII century. John Smith. The rite of baptism, as well as at Waldens and many other sects is performed in adulthood. Baptists have no clergy, they are only going for a general prayer in prayer houses. Each Baptist considers his duty to appeal to his faith of new people. There is a global Baptist Alliance.
Reminds Baptists Sect of Quakers (the official name of the sect - "Friends"), created in the XVII century. John Fox. Quakers refused not only from the sacraments, but also from rituals. Do not recognize the clergy. There are no prayer houses, and praying is made in empty rooms. Quakers condemn any violence and are pacifists. But they speak only with the verbal condemnation of wars. Baptism and two American denominations are close to Baptism: the disciples of Christ and the Church of Christ. Also suffers after the age of majority. Do not recognize the doctrine about predestination. They do not believe in early sin. Two these organizations differ very little from each other.

From the Baptist environment at the beginning of the 20th century, such sects as Pentecostals and FEC (very similar) were selected. And in the XIX century. V. Miller founded Sect Adventists (from Lat. Words - Adventus - "Coming", because they believe in the early coming of Christ). In turn, Adventism is a sect - Jehovah's Witnesses (founded in the XIX century. C. Russell). Jehogovists denied the "Divine" Trinity. And Christ, in their opinion, only the best creation of Jehovah. For this sect, an idea of \u200b\u200bArmageddone is characteristic (that is, the war between Christ and Satan). In Jehovahist communities, strict discipline and conspiracy are maintained. Jehovah's Witnesses sect is dangerous for society, because They call all states of the hands of Satan's hands, and encourages followers to resist power.

In the 1970s, the Christian Science sect was founded. This sect denies medicine, because Matter, in their opinion, does not really exist.

There is also a sect of "Mormon", based on the book of the last commandments of Christ, allegedly written by the Prophet Mormon (the Bible is unknown).
Non-traditional is an independent church, as well as the monofilicness described. Nestorian does not consider Jesus Christ by God, but only a man in which God united. For other issues, non-traditional positions are close to Orthodoxy positions.
Monofisity differs from other directions of Christianity also its interpretation of the question of the nature of Jesus Christ. Most Christians see in Christ the double nature (God and man), and monofisists recognize only one nature of Jesus Christ (God). For other issues even closer to Orthodoxy than Nestorian.

What is Christianity

So what is Christianity? To speak quite short, it is a religion, which is based on the belief that two thousand years ago, God came to the world. He was born, got the name Jesus, lived in Judea, preached, suffered and died on the cross as a person. His death and the subsequent resurrection from the dead changed the fate of all mankind. His sermon laid the beginning of a new, European civilization. For Christians, the chief miracle was not the word of Jesus, but he himself. The main cause of Jesus was his being: being with people, being on the cross.

Christians believe that the world is created by a single boring God, and created without evil. The man, on the plan of God, endowed with a free will, was still in paradise to the temptation of Satan - one of the angels who rebuilt against the Whaw, - and made a misconduct, the fatal way influenced further fate mankind. The man violated God's ban, he drove himself to become "like God." This has changed its nature: losing the good, immortal essence, a person has become accessible to suffering, diseases and death, and in this Christians see the consequence of the original sin, transmitting from generation to generation.
The man was expelled from Paradise with a deal: "In the sweat of your face you will have bread ...". The offspring of the first people - Adam and Eve - inhales the land, but from the first days of history there was a gap between God and man. To return the person to the right path, God revealed himself to his chosen people - Jews. God has repeatedly opened prophets, concluded the "covenants" (i.e., unions) with "his" people, gave him a law containing the rules of righteous life.

The Holy Scripture of Jews is imbued with the expectation of the Messiah - the one who can save the world from evil, and people - from slavery sin. To do this, God sent to the world of his son, who suffers and death on the cross redeemed the original sin of all mankind - former and the future. The Resurrection of Christ marks for Christians a victory over death and the newly acquired opportunity of eternal life with God. "God has made himself that a person is in order," said Sv. Athanasius the Great.
Since then, for Christians, the story of the New Testament with God begins. This is the covenant of love. Its crucial difference from the Old (i.e. the old, the former) covenant is in the very understanding of God, who, according to the Apostle, "there is love." Throughout the Old Testament, the basis of the relationship of God and Human - the law. Christ says: "The commandment is new I give you: yes love each other, as I loved you"; He himself was an example of perfect love.

Christianity, as no other religion, is based on secret. Mind does not comply with the idea of \u200b\u200ba single God that exists in three persons: the god-father, the Son's God and the Holy Spirit. The mysterious manifestation of Divine love, sending the Son of God to death. The mystery is the compound ("non-dissident and inseparable") divine and human nature in Christ, the birth of the Son of God from the Virgin. Incomprehensible for the rational mind of the possibility of resurrection after death and the fact that the death of one person (and at the same time God) saves all of humanity from death. Inexplicable from the point of view of ordinary logic, one of the main sacraments of Christianity - a communion based on the Eucharist (the implementation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ), and the admission of believers through the binding of these divine gifts to God.

These secrets can be comprehended by only believing, and faith, by definition of the Apostle Paul, "there is an expectation of expected and confidence in the invisible" (Heb. 11.1). The Lord enlightens the mind of a person and transforms all his being, giving him the possibility of a direct vision of spiritual reality, the mind and execution of the will of God. Such experience of saints and righteous is the sacred legend of Christians. The experience of the prophets of the Jewish people who communicated with God, and the experience of people who knew Christ in his earthly life were the Holy Scriptures of Christians - Bible (Greek. "Books").

The Bible is not the presentation of the creed and not the history of mankind. Bible is a story about how God searched for a man.
Here is an episode from the very beginning of the Bible: after the people committed the first sin, they "heard the voice of the Lord God ... And Adam hidden and his wife from the face of the Lord God between the trees of Paradise. And God called God to Adam and told him: Where are you? " (Gen. 3.8-9).
So, the Bible is a speech of God, faithful to people, as well as a story about how people listened - or did not listen - their Creator. This dialogue lasted over a thousand years. The religion of the Old Testament begins with the middle of the II thousand to the Nativity of Christ (R. X.). Most of the Books of the Old Testament are made up with VII to III century. to R. X.
By the beginning of the II century. According to R. X. The books of the New Testament were joined by the Old Testament. These are the Four Gospels (Greek. "Good News") - Descriptions of the earthly life of Jesus Christ, made by his students, apostles, as well as the books of the Affostals Acts and the Messages of the Apostles. Complete New Testament Revelation of John the Bogoslov, which tells about the end of the world. This book is also often called apocalypse (Greek. "Revelation").

Books of the Old Testament are written in Hebrew - Hebrew. The books of the New Testament were mainly created in Greek (more precisely, on his dialect - Koine).
More than 50 people at different times took part in writing the Bible. And at the same time the Bible turned out to be a united book, and not just a collection of fragmented sermons. Each of the authors testified to his experience with God, but Christians are firmly confident that the one with whom they met was always the same. "God, many times and diverted since ancient times, the fathers in the prophets, in the last days Seia spoke to us in the Son ... Jesus Christ yesterday and today and forever the same "(Heb. 1.1, 13.8).
One more characteristic feature Christianity as religion lies in the fact that it can exist only in the form of the church. The church is a community of people who believe in Christ: "... where two or three are collected in the name of mine, there I am in the midst of them" (MF. 18.20).

However, the word "church" has different meanings. This is a community of believers combined by a common place of residence, one clergyman, one temple. Such a community is a parish. The church, especially in Orthodoxy, is also called the temple, which in this case is perceived as the "House of God" - the place of the mysteries, rites, the place of joint prayer. Finally, the church can be understood as the form of the Christian faith. For two millennia, several different traditions (denominations) have emerged in Christianity, each of which has its own symbol of faith (a brief formula that has enabled the main provisions of the creed), its rite and ritual.

Therefore, we can talk about the Orthodox Church (Byzantine Tradition), the Catholic Church (Roman tradition) and the Protestant Church (the tradition of the XVI Reformation.). In addition, there is a notion of the earthly church, uniting all believers in Christ, and the concept of the Heavenly Church is the ideal Divine Arrival of Peace. There are other interpretation: the heavenly church is the saints and righteous, who graduated from their earthly way; Where the earthly church follows the covenants of Christ, it is unity with heaven.

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To maintain organs of vision, it is necessary to make carrots and blueberries permanent elements of their own. They have a beneficial effect on tired eyes, help preserve vision, prevent the development of hazardous diseases. Choosing between blueberries and carrots, Potcher
Pros and cons of tattoos for neck Minus color tattoos
The first tattoo was made more than 6,000 years ago, as the scientists of archaeologists were installed during excavations. So the art of the tattooja leaves its roots in the most antiquity. Currently, many do not mind decorate their body. But the tattoo is a serious decision