Earthquake in 1995 Sakhalin. Earthquake on Sakhalin. Further destiny village.

All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation "Geodynamic Processes and Natural Catastrophes. The experience of Neftegorsk" began work in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on Tuesday, May 26, reports IA SakhalinMedia from a regional government meeting, which became the co-organizer of the Symposium together with the Russian Fund fundamental studies, Institute of Maritime Geology and Geophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMGIG).

More than 220 scientists of Russia, Japan and other countries, where seismological studies are conducted on a large-scale scientific event. For the Sakhalin region, the scientific symposium has an enormous importance, we have already discussed the project of the Memorandum of the Conference, in which it is especially allocated to create a single coordination interdepartmental seismological center in Russia and a single information resource, "said participants in the welcoming speech Deputy Chairman of the Regional Government Sergey Hotochkin.

At the conference, we consider modern methods for forecasting earthquakes, the latest scientific research in this area. Neftegore earthquake, when 20 years ago, on May 28, 1995, was erased from the face of the village of urban type and one thousand ninety five people died under the ruins of the buildings, and another 45 injured then died in hospitals, became the most catastrophic in the history of Russia at the turn of the centuries . After that, a more intensive study of seismic processes began. In Imigig today, a team of young scientists has been formed, which using various methods of earthquake forecasting conducts research throughout the Sakhalin-Kuril region, wins various grants. For example, this year they won a grant in the amount of 15 million rubles, which will be directed to the further study of geodynamic processes, - noted corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of Imgig Boris Levin.

Dozens of reports on various topical topics are heard during the conference. In addition to the analysis of that "Events", speaking by the language of scientists, the report of the Symposium was presented to the report on the advance doctors of Physical and Mathematical Sciences from Imgig Ivan Tikhonova On the medium-term forecasting of earthquakes. According to him, today there are no scientific methods for the exact forecast of the place and the date of earthquake, it is not yet possible to make medium-term forecasts about the probability of an earthquake in a particular area. By the way, in the Sakhalin-Kuril region, more than one thousand earthquakes of various magnitudes are annually registered, which are often not felt by the population.

The medium-term forecasts are given for 3-5 years, and they speak only about the likelihood of a strong earthquake. The forecast is calculated on seven indicators. For example, such as seismic lull and bars. So, Imhyig determined that since 1992, the anxious period of the taper began in the southern smoked area, and in 1994, the element hit the chipstand. In the north of Sakhalin, it began to manifest itself from the beginning of the 1990s of the last century, but the studies were not conducted due to economic instability. In the Dolinsky district of Sakhalin, an approximate frequency of "such a wower" of earthquakes (Gornosavodsk) -13 years and plus-minus for three years was determined. An undoubted success in forecasting can be considered that we are in time, in December 2005, the Nevelsky earthquake of 2007 was calculated. In 2005, we gave a forecast for the probability of an earthquake by force 6-7 points, which was confirmed - says Ivan Tikhonov.

According to the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, today there is a long-term seismic lull on the southern and northern smokers, as well as the south of the replacing the belt on Sakhalin. In this regard, the medium-term forecast is such - from January 2016 to February 2017, an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0 is possible in the east of the Kuril Island of Vrup. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Northern smoked an alarm period of expectation of the earthquake with magnitude to 7.5 will last until 2018.

Regarding short-term forecasts, today we cooperate with Chinese colleagues from Taiwan and mainland China. In particular, LURR and inkjet flow techniques. For example, Chinese colleagues for forecasting earthquakes take into account the impact on the earth's bark of lunar and solar phases, sea tides and sings, the movement of air masses at an altitude of 8-13 km. Figuratively speaking when you fly on the plane and get into turbulent flows, you can and can not guess that they can sign about the movements of the earth's crust and where these streams "stop" - there is a strong earthquake. Professor Vouu from Taiwan studies these phenomena around the world and notes such points, including our region. Therefore, it is possible that in the near future it is possible to severely earthquake in the East Sakhalin Mountains area. In general, I would ask you to relate to these forecasts. Do not forget that we live in a seismically dangerous region, where imminent earthquakes occur daily and the forecast only about the likelihood of a strong earthquake, - said Ivan Tikhonov.

At the same time, speaking about the lessons of the Neftegore earthquake, do not forget that such numerous sacrifices have become the result of an error in the assessment of the seismic hazard and the lack of building standards when building buildings in the danger zone. Apartment panel houses of the series 447 (the first Soviet series of multi-storey houses, the so-called "Khrushchev") at the first impact of the elements have developed as card houses.

Nobody expected that an earthquake of such strength was possible in the north of the islands. But it was not a reason to save on everything. Economic, five-story buildings of the series 447 were set without basements, the foundations of the inner bearing walls were blocked by half a half. As a result, when the sandy soil "swam", the foundations could not hold anything and the 17,80-apartment large-pasted houses were inward. Town planning standards for such regions such as the Sakhalin region, in addition to the famous "red lines", should contain both "yellow lines" - borders to ensure a safe entry of rescue equipment during the destruction of buildings. The so-called sealing building in the case of a disaster will destroy many people, - said scientist from St. Petersburg Mark Klyachkowhich arrived at the place of the tragedy on June 30, 1995 and was appointed Chairman of the State Commission for assessing the socio-economic consequences of the elements.

Also in the north of Sakhalin on May 28, 1995, dozens of automotive and railway bridges were destroyed, 33 damage were recorded on the main oil pipeline at a distance from 10 to 35 km from Neftegorsk. Scientists Imgig registered on the Piltun Spit (Okhotsk Sea) The appearance of many craters of mud volcanoes with a diameter of 25-30 meters. Seismogenic cracks were also celebrated everywhere. Thus, in the epicenter of the earthquake, its force was 9 points.

In 1995, in Neftegorsk, a small settlement built for oilmen, a little more than three thousand people lived. Seventeen five-story "Khrushchev", two two-story buildings, a school, four kindergartens, a club, a hospital - that's the entire infrastructure of this town. But despite the small size, Neftegorsk was incredibly cozy. Everyone knew each other here, gathered in large companies in the yard. And how not to meet you, if all the children went to the only, new and bright school.

Neftegora school

Last call

On May 28, 1995, time on the clock 1:03, behind the last call, the music played in the club - yesterday's schoolchildren celebrate so long-awaited freedom from studying, they are looking forward to the examination week. A couple quietly jarled away from a noisy crowd, to the street, they wanted to be as soon as possible in the arms of each other. A few steps behind the threshold and deafening roar literally knocked down. The roof of the club collapsed, without leaving any of the classmates alive. The earthquake went on the waves, the lovers fell to the ground and waited when everything end. It seemed eternity and dead silence reigned in the city.

The earthquake in Neftegorsk lasted only 27 seconds. During this time, the underground shocks by force of 7.6 points destroyed the town to the base. The five-story buildings have developed, as if card houses. For one night, 2040 people died, including 308 children, 720 got serious injuries and only 30 were not injured. About the tragedy until the morning no one knew. Messages in the Ministry of Emergency Situations accepted almost simultaneously.

Destroyed Neftegorsk.

The head of the Department of Militia Neftegoresk was still in the evening. Returning, he simply did not see the city, instead of the cozy streets were destroyed at home. Almost simultaneously with him about the tragedy, pilots of the helicopter, flying to the neighboring Ohta, a larger city, who also suffered from underground jolts, but not as much as Neftegorsk.

From the memories of rescuers: "From the helicopter, a multi-kilometer crack was visible, such a deep, which seemed to burst into the earth ..." Evacued shared memories: "We saw the earthquake destroyed the Crara of the Earth, in some places the peaks of the mountains were aligned, in some places. The land was broken, in one place a huge ravine was formed, and the rails broke out from it to the top railway. " There was no connection, water and even food. Those who have not buried the wreckage were forced to independently disassemble the ruins of a tiny store to drink and eat. The roads were also destroyed, the transport connection was made exclusively through the air.

Rescue operation

The city did not make roads, ties, water and even food.

By the arrival of rescuers, some of the inhabitants managed to get from under the collaps the forces of those who were not injured. Physically, they were practically in order, but the psychological state of the oil transport was much worse. They demanded that the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations save themselves to their relatives, they rushed into a fight, crossed from aggression to the state of extreme depression. Some drank vodka and sat on the ruins, others demanded to evacuate them immediately.

The situation was aggravated and complex climatic conditions - a minus temperature was replaced by day heat, up to + 25º C. Bodies of the dead quickly decomposed, the smell did not even withstand experienced rescuers. In addition, there was a risk of distributing serious infectious diseasesAll had to literally pour a disinfectant solution. The most difficult thing was necessary for those who survived under the rubble.

Living remained under the rubble ...

People on the four-five days were in tiny pockets. Nearby were the dead relatives, familiar. A man in one of the apartments two days talked through the wall with his son, whom he pressed a heavy cabinet. In the morning, the son died on the morning, and his father lost his mind. The liberated from the ruins were forced to independently identify the bodies of their relatives, to beat the coffins with cloth. Because there was no one to engage in such work.

Several times a day, the whole technique stopped the work, the slightest sound sources turned off. The rescuers went around the grooves and tried to hear those who survived in a stone trap. The most latter saved a man on the twelfth day. He suffered slightly, damaged his leg when falling. During the earthquake, he fell into the basement, where there were food reserves and a little water, which allowed to hold out for so long.


Even the corpses stole ...

Despite the fact that the natural disaster became the greatest tragedy, there were those who sought to benefit. During the excavations of the Zavalov found people with distant fingers - those who tried to get into the destroyed apartments and bring values, but could not. The slat plates shifted, instantly leading the verdict of the robbers. Most often, these were residents of nearby villages who arrived in the rescue mission. The local population was in shock and could not even think about enrichment.

Even the corpses stole - the relatives of the dead could receive material compensation (up to one million rubles), but since there were no documents, then the money was paid to those who provide the body and receive a death certificate. However, realizing that the frauds are made, the payouts have stopped each a few days after the start of rescue work.

Help foreign rescuers

Japanese doctors had invaluable help.

The 1995 tragedy was the first in which Russia completely refused to help foreign rapid response services. Motivation was simple - the Russian Federation has enough equipment and people to carry out rescue work. This decision was repeatedly criticized, many experts believed that the refusal of help was unreasonable. The boom technicians were too short, and a lot of time left for the analysis of some dawn.

However, history does not know supportful challengesAnd to say, would save the situation the presence of additional staff or, on the contrary, aggravated it, now it's hard to say. The only ones who worked with the Russians were Japanese doctors. They helped evacuate the victims, there were many more complex operations on the territory of their country.

Neftegorsk: Our days

Monument to the victims of the Neftegore earthquake.

After the dawns were disassembled and the last body was buried, the city stopped existence as an administrative unit. Restoration was considered inappropriate, only a cemetery and a small chapel remained on the territory of Neftegorsk.

The inhabitants of Neftegorsk, who remained on Sakhalin and who left for the mainland, say that their lives are now divided into two halves - "before and after the earthquake."

The Neftegore earthquake on Sakhalin is considered the most devastating over the past 100 years. In the last century, it was the second large tragedy of the Sakhalin region after the Tsunami wave, in November 1952, which brought the city of North-Kurilsk in the Kuril Island of Paramushir.

The giant tsunami tsunami about twenty meters arose as a result of an earthquake under the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, the wave fell into the city and drowned almost all of its inhabitants, more than two thousand people. In total, about 14 thousand people on the islands of Paramushir, Schisha and the Kamchatka Peninsula were becoming the victims of the catastrophic wave.

They say time treats. Will it be able to cure the crippled bodies and souls of the oil harvesting, soften the mountains of parents, in the future of those who have lost their children, and children remaining orphans? Let it cure, eaten in memory of the nightmares monded over people of death. Let it leave the bitter lessons of the deceased Neftegorsk in the edification of people!

The largest natural catastrophe in the history of Russia

Neftegorsk is a dear, cozy Russian town with a population of just over three thousand people. The town was conceived as a wicket settlement of petroleumans, but as it happens almost with all the cities and towns of Sakhalin, the temporaries were allowed on the Sakhalin land roots. No, the oil harvesting did not consider themselves the tempors - good salary, good housing - is it worth leaving for a provincial modest, but beloved and well-kept city in which children have already grew up? In Neftegorsk, there were already four kindergartens and one decade, in 1995 I prepared to spend 26 graduates in an adult life, for which the last school bell rang on May 25, for nineteen, which turned out to be quite the last.

1995 was the year of unprecedented seismic activity on Pacific Ocean. In the winter of 1995, the earthquake in the Japanese city of Kobe claimed the life of 5,300 people. Russian seismologists awaited jolts and on Far East, on the peninsula of Kamchatka. Earthquakes in Neftegorsk did not expect no one, partly and because the north of Sakhalin traditionally was considered a zone of less seismicactivity than the southern part of the island or smoke. Yes, and the extensive network of Sakhalin seismic stations, built in Soviet times, by 1995 almost collapsed.

The largest natural catastrophe in the history of Russia

The earthquake was unexpected and terrible. The shocks of the force of five to seven points felt in the city of Okha, Sabo villages, Moskalvo, Nekrasovka, Ehabi, Nogliki, Tungor, East, Kolendo. The most powerful push fell on Neftegorsk, which was located just 30 kilometers from the epicenter of the earthquake. Subsequently, they wrote that a multi-kilometer crack was visible from the helicopters, such a deep, which seemed to have burst into the earth.
The largest natural catastrophe in the history of Russia
Actually, the element lasted for a short time - one impetus, and once well-groomed houses turned into a shapeless pile. Although, eyewitnesses were told that not everyone was collapsed at home immediately, and some citizens even asked to navigate and jump out of the windows, but the falling concrete slabs were covered already on Earth.

Most of the oilgorts died in their own apartments - where it is necessary to be in the night of the night in good-order citizens.
For someone, death came so unexpectedly that they did not have time to realize what happened.
But the real human tragedy has arrived after the earthquake. Those who survived after the shock were buried alive under the ruins, in a pitch darkness, immobility, one on one with thoughts about the terrible fate of loved ones, with the awareness of the inevitability of the end. The miracle of the survivors rushed around the city, or rather, for what remained from the city, trying to find their relatives under the rubble. Chaos lasted several hours, until the rescuers arrived.

The largest natural catastrophe in the history of Russia
By the way, after the earthquake, Russia officially refused to help foreign rescuers, for which it was criticized and within the country and abroad. Then this step seemed madness, but in Neftegorsk, rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia actually saved everyone who could be saved. Help came with an unprecedented speed - after 17 hours after the earthquake, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Khabarovskaya search and rescue services worked in the city, and about 1500 people and 300 units of equipment were involved in the rescue operation. It's no secret that it was after the tragedy in Neftegorsk on the Russian political Olympus a star Sergei Shoigu, Minister for emergency situations. And it was after Neftegorsk that the high class of Russian rescuers was recognized worldwide, and in almost all cases of the largest catastrophes abroad, if the victims were invited to foreign rescuers, they first invited the services of the EMERCOM of Russia.

Then, in Neftegorsk, there was one task for all alive - to save those under the rubble. Save any price - children, flushed old men, men, women, mutilated, crippled, but still alive. For this rescuers and all those who miraculously survived after the earthquake, worked for days. For this, dogs were attracted, which found no one ten alive buried. For this, the clock of silence was arranged when the technique was silent, and a deadly silence was reigned in Neftegorsk, in which he could hear someone's knock, whose moan, whose breath.

There were Marauders. One, two, three people, but they were. They saved in the remains of home Skarba, looked for some values, more precisely, that for them only for them was considered as value. It's disgusting.

The tragedy in Neftegorsk shook the authorities. It is terrible to say, but after the earthquake on Kurilh, which happened a few years before the tragedy in Neftegorsk, and in which, thank God, there was much less human victims, there were officials who have established states on the allocated subsidies.

The largest natural catastrophe in the history of Russia
Oillegaults, those who survived, received housing, and material assistance, and their children, as well as children of the inhabitants of the Okhinki district - the opportunity to learn in any country's university for free. I do not know, maybe officials this time led conscience, and maybe they realized that it was for such a tragedy - a mortal sin, which is not good. Of course, it did not cost without bureaucratic problems - the state, experiencing, as if the remaining oil from the farmers did not receive more than it is necessary, issued certificates for free housing with the condition of living anywhere in Russia, but on established standards. The norms turned out to be funny - a lonely person can receive no more than 33 square meters of a total area, the family is given at 18 per person, that is, two square meters of the total area account for two. Therefore, the scheme of issuing apartments everywhere is the same: 36 meters for free, for the rest - pay extra.
However, those whom I call Neftegorets - already former oil transport. They have long been driving, who is in South Sakhalinsk, who is at the mainland. And the cities of Neftegorsk are no more. In its place now a dead field. Everything that remains from the cute, cozy town of oilmen.

The tragedy did not pass for them unnoticed. Almost every of the survivors lost someone from relatives and loved ones. Even on the mainland, they were the first to do how many points will withstand their new home. And someone from the former oilgoretors cut. And someone could not live, remaining very alone, without family and friends. And someone managed to inflate the spouse and assign most of the compensation received.

The tragedy did not pass without a trace for Sakhalin. It's no secret that at home in Neftegorsk did not contain any anti-seismic defense at all, and it is not clear what reasons - the estimated seismicactivity of the Okhinsky district has always been considered a nine ball, but after Neftegorsk, the seismic sustainability of buildings is the first thing to pay attention to and builders and members accepting commissions. The work of seismostations was revived, and now every Sakhalinie knows when and in which area of \u200b\u200bthe island is expected by the peak of seismicactivity.

True, there is still no unified program for the protection of the population of seismic zones. If in Japan, each resident has his own personal anti-session hard hat, if the doctrine is regularly held "in case of earthquakes", and even five-year-old karapuses know where to run and where to stand, if you suddenly jump on the table, then in Russia about such teachings and layers in Russia did not hear.

The largest natural catastrophe in the history of Russia

In the fight against nature, nature wins. So that he thought about himself - he will lose anyway.

countries (regions) Victims

2040 dead, 720 injured.

Also, the citys and villages of the North Sakhalin are strong at that night. In the city of Okha - the center of the Okhinsky district of the Sakhalin region, with a population of about 30,000, the shocks reached at least 6 points. Did not stand the visors of the entrances in some homes.

Course of events

The first on the tragedy in Neftegorsk learned the staff of the ATS and the local authorities of the Okhinsky district due to the report of the police department of the ROVD Neftegoresk Captain Militia V. E. Novoselov and senior sergeant Militia A. I. Glebova. A. Glebov, miraculously survived after falling from the fifth floor of his destroyed apartment, managed to get out of the ruin on his own and headed to the building of the ROVD. It was destroyed and, as it turned out later, from 13 employees killed nine ???, five ??? Lived remained, but injured. The telephone connection was broken, the other was not. Taking advantage of the intact all-terrain vehicle, A. Glebov made the reconnaissance of the victim's village, revealed the places of the greatest destruction and went to the neighboring village of Sabo (village), where he lived with his family the head of the Neftegore ROVD Captain Militia V. Novoselov. They reported that he had happened to Ohu and asked for emergency assistance to victims, and they themselves went to the place of the tragedy. The message went to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, and further in Vladivostok, in Khabarovsk and Moscow.

Violation of the lines of wired communication and the absence of other means of communication led to the fact that the administration, the headquarters and the Department of Internal Affairs of the district center of Ohh could not appreciate and clarify information on Neftegorsk. Information from them to the higher authorities did about 9.50 on May 9, 1995, that is, for almost nine hours, local, as well as the regional and federal government bodies did not have a more or less clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe scale of disaster.

Deputy Director of the Institute of Maritime Geology and Geophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexey Ivashchenko said that the epicenter of the earthquake was only 20-30 km east of Neftegorsk, and not 80 km, as mentioned earlier. According to him, the hypocenter was located at a depth of 15-20 km. At the same time, according to seismologists, the force of the jokes was 7.1-7.6 on the Richter scale, and not 9. According to the scientist, it was the most powerful earthquake in the entire history of geophysical observations (since 1909) in the area.

At the same time, the head of the laboratory of the Institute of Litosphere, Georgy Coff, said that the impact of the elements did not stand exactly those 17 large-bedroom houses that were not intended for seismic districts. In Neftegorsk, the house was crumpled entirely, this was not even in spitake in 1988. He suggested that such houses were erected in order to reduce the cost of construction. As a result, from the dawn extracted in the main residents of the upper floors alive, and those who were at the bottom were the victims of savings held in the 1960s.

Fate village

Neftegorsk was decided not to restore, but to move the surviving residents to other settlements of the Sakhalin region, primarily in Ohu, Nogliki and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. To do this, in these cities, it is planned to allocate from the reserve or additionally put into operation the necessary (approximately for 500 people) residential areas. The administration of the Sakhalin region managed to transfer 17.8 billion rubles under these purposes., Which is enough for the construction of 71 apartments; Another 12 apartments provided the administration of the city of Ohhi, but it was not enough. In addition, for those who wanted to leave the mainland of 183 families (more than 300 people) 28th, assistance in resettlement was envisaged.

Internal efforts were revealed by only three criminal cases on the actions of the arrival of Marauders. The last of the village Neftegorsk left the division of Riotina Sakhalin Lieutenant Colonel Panin V. E., Senior Lieutenant Milun S. S. S. Sakhalin Division.

At the site of the village installed a memorial stove with the names of the dead. Only plates are reminiscent of the locations of the destroyed houses today, only plates are reminded, with house numbers carved on them ...

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  • Earthquake in Neftegorsk (May 28, 1995) // Catastrophes of the late XX century / under total. ed. Dr. Tehn. Sciences V. A. Vladimirov. Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Disaster Consequences. - m.: URSS, 1998. - 400 p. - ISBN 5-88417-167-6. (region)


Excerpt that characterizes the earthquake in Neftegorsk (1995)

"The help is given to Cocmo from God," he said, "but that a measure of help, which is in power to submit our order, he will give you, my sovereign. You are going to Petersburg, pass this Count Villarsky (he pulled out a wallet and on the folded four-fold sheet of paper wrote a few words). One advice allows you to file you. Arriving to the capital, dedicate the first time to solitude, discuss yourself, and do not join the former ways of life. Then I wish you a happy journey, my sovereign, "he said, noticing that his servant entered the room - and success ...
The passing was Osip Alekseevich Basdayev, as Pierre's book on the book of the caretaker. Basdayev was one of the most famous Masons and Martinists still Novikovsky. Long after his departure, Pierre, not to sleep and not asking the horses, walked through the station room, pondering his vicious past and with delight of the update imagining his blessed, impeccable and virtuous future, which he seemed so easy. He was, as he seemed to be vicious only because it, as it accidentally ordained how good it was virtuous. In his soul, he did not have a trace of the former doubts. He firmly believed in the possibility of the brotherhood of people connected to the goal of supporting each other in the path of virtue, and this was such a world.

Having arrived in St. Petersburg, Pierre did not inform anyone about his arrival, did not drive anywhere, and began to spend the whole days for reading the cheaters of the Campius, the book that was unknown by whom was delivered to him. One and all one understood Pierre, reading this book; He understood the uncharted pleasure to believe in the possibility of achieving perfection and the possibility of fraternal and active love between people, open to him Osipov Alekseevich. A week after his arrival, the young Polish count of Villarsky, whom Pierre knew superficially in the St. Petersburg light, entered his room in his evening with the official and solemn appearance, with whom the Secundant Dolokhova came to him and, defending the door and making sure that there was no one in the room In addition to Pierre, it was not, addressed him:
"I came to you with the instructions and a sentence, a graph," he said, not sitting down. - Especially, very highly supplied in our fraternity, petitioned that you were taken into the brotherhood of the deadline, and invited me to be your guarantor. I read the fulfillment of the will of this person for the sacred debt. Would you like to join my guarantee in the brotherhood of free landing people?
The cold and strict tone of the man, whom Pierre seen almost always on the balas with a kind smile, in the society of the most brilliant women, struck Pierre.
"Yes, I wish," said Pierre.
Villarsky tilted his head. "Another question, a graph, he said, at which I am not like a future Mason, but as an honest person (Galant Homme), I ask you to respond to me: Do you redeemed from your former beliefs, do you believe in God?
Pierre thought. "Yes ... Yes, I believe in God," he said.
"In that case ..." began Willar, but Pierre interrupted him. "Yes, I believe in God," he said again.
"In that case, we can go," said Villar. - My carriage is at your service.
All the way Villarsky was silent. The questions of Pierre, what he needs to do and how to answer, Villarsky said only that the brothers, more worthy, will try him, and that Pierre nothing needs to be more, how to tell the truth.
Having entered into the gate of a big house where there was a room of the lodge, and having passed on the dark stairs, they entered the illuminated, a small hallway, where without the help of servants, filmed fur coats. From the front they went to another room. What a person in a strange robe seemed from the door. Villarsky, going to him towards him, something quietly told him in French and walked over to a small closet, in which Pierre noticed the robes unprecedented. Taking a scarf from the cabinet, Villarsky put him on the eyes of Pierre and tied up the knot from behind, painfully capturing his hair into the node. Then he burned him to himself, kissed and, taking his hand, he led somewhere. Pierre was hurt from the hair attracted by a node, he wrinkled against pain and smiled at the shame of something. The huge figure of him with his hands lowered, with a wrinkled and smiling physiognomy, with incorrect timid steps beyond Willar.
Having held his steps ten, Villarsky stopped.
"Whatever happens to you," he said, "you must endure everything with courage, if you firmly decided to join our fraternity. (Pierre affirmatively answered heads.) When you hear a knock on the door, you will untie your eyes, "added Villarsky; - I wish you courage and success. And, having shook his hand, Villarsky came out.
Left alone, Pierre continued to smile. Two times he shrugged his shoulders, brought his hand to the scarf, as if wishing to remove it, and again lowered it. Five minutes, which he stayed with tied eyes, seemed to him an hour. His hands emitted, legs were cut off; It seemed to him that he was tired. He experienced the most complex and diverse feelings. He was terribly the fact that he would happen to him, and even more terrible how he would not show off fear. He was curious to know what would happen to him that he would open; But most of all he was joying that a minute came when he would finally enter the path of renewal and a virtuous life that he had dreamed of his meeting with Osipo Alekseevich. Strong blows heard in the door. Pierre removed the bandage and looked around him. The room was black - dark: only in one place the lamp was burning, in something white. Pierre approached closer and saw that the lamp was standing on the black table, on which one opened book was lying. The book was the Gospel; That white, in which the lamp was burning, was a human skull with his holes and teeth. After reading the first words of the Gospel: "At first, the word and the word be to God," Pierre walked around the table and saw a big, filled with something and outdoor box. It was a coffin with bones. He did not surprise him what he saw. Hoping to join in perfect new life, completely different from the former, he expected all the extraordinary, even more unusual than what he saw. Skull, coffin, gospel - it seemed to him that he expected all this, expected even more. Trying to cause a feeling of a fortune, he looked around himself. "God, death, love, fraternity of people," he said to himself, communicating with these words of vague, but the joyful ideas of something. The door opened, and someone entered.

On May 28, 1995, it became the day of the terrible tragedy in Russia. A catastrophic earthquake by force of 7.6 magnitudes (in the epicenter, the intensity was x points on the MSC-64 scale) occurred on the northern Sakhalin and literally erased from the land of the village Neftegorsk. 2,200 residents of the village died, including 308 children. Of almost 400 wounded more than 150 died in hospitals. On the eve of the earthquake in the Neftegorsk school, the last bell sounded. Of the 26 graduates of 1995, only 9 people survived.
The surviving residents of Neftegorsk were transported to other settlements on Sakhalin or to other areas of Russia. Their life was divided into two halves - before and after the earthquake.

Neftegore earthquake is considered the most destructive over the past 100 years in Russia, and in the 20th century it has become the second large tragedy in the Sakhalin region after the tsunami in November 1952 after the strongest Kamchatka earthquake. Then the giant tsunami with a height of more than 10 meters hit the region, and 14,000 people became victims of earthquake and tsunami Kuril Islands And in Kamchatka.
They say that time heals. But is it possible to cure the crippled souls and the bodies of the oilgorts, soften the mountain of parents and console orphans? From the memory, it is unlikely to erase the nightmarish frames in memory.
1995 was the years unprecedented seismic activity in the Pacific zone. In the winter of 1995, 5,300 people died during an earthquake in the Japanese city of Kobe. Russian seismologists expected repeated jokes in the Far East and Kamchatka. But no one expected an earthquake in Neftegorsk, in part because the north of Sakhalin is traditionally considered as a zone with lower seismic activity than in the south of the island or the Kuril Islands. Yes, and the extensive network of Sakhalin seismic stations, built in Soviet times, by 1995 almost collapsed.

The earthquake was unexpected and frightening. Underground shocks by force from five to seven points felt in the city of Okha, Sabo villages, Moskalvo, Nekrasovka, Ehab, Nogliki, East, Kolendo. The most powerful push was in Neftegorsk, which was located just 30 kilometers from the epicenter of the earthquake.
In fact, everything was not long - push, and once a beautiful house turned into a shapeless bunch. Although the witnesses said that not all at home immediately collapsed, and some people even managed to jump out of the window, but the falling concrete slabs piled them to the ground.
Most Neftegoretors were killed in their own homes. For some, death was so unexpected that they did not even understand what happened. But the real human tragedy occurred after the earthquake. Those who survived the earthquake were buried alive under the wreckage in the pitch darkness, silence, alone with their thoughts about the terrible fate of loved ones, with knowledge of the inevitability of the end. Miraculously survivors rushing around the city, trying to find their relatives under the wrecks. Chaos continued for a few hours while the rescuers did not profit.
The causes of such a terrible tragedy became not only and not so much a strong earthquake, how much disgusting quality of housing construction, most of the houses in Neftegorsk were large and built, they were in the 60s of the 20th century, built without taking into account the seismicity of the territory, as well as the nighttime nightquarters (hour Nights local time), shallow location of the focus - only 10-15 kilometers and the proximity of Neftegorsk from the epicenter of the earthquake.

In Neftegorsk, the house was scattered entirely, this was not even during the Spitak earthquake of 1988. Mostly residents of the upper floors of buildings survived, and those who lived on the first or second floor were killed almost everything.
Rescue operation. During the day, the Ministry of Emergency Situations were sent to the area of \u200b\u200bthe tragedy, 25 aircraft were involved, 24 helicopters and 66 cars, but for the fourth day the number of equipment increased. A rescue detachment from Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Khabarovsk, Army parts were working in Neftegorsk, and 1642 people took part in the rescue work.
2364 people were removed from the dawn, but for most assistance was already unnecessary.

Economic losses.275 kilometers of oil pipelines were damaged, an oil pumping station, oil collection and preparation points. 200 operational wells and one drilling rig were faced, and economic damage exceeded 125 billion rubles. However, it was later estimated that the total damage was much more, in addition, in the area it was necessary to build more expensive seismically resistant homes. It is believed that more than 600 billion rubles are needed for complete recovery.
On May 28, 2000, a monument was established in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk who died during the Neftegore earthquake.
Causes of earthquake. Sakhalin is in a place where four tectonic plates come into contact - Okhotskaya, Amur, Pacific and Eurasian and earthquakes in the area can be strong enough. In the earthquake zone there was a coating of plates by 3.8 meters, and the length of the rupture was 35 kilometers.

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