Interpretation of the New Testament with the Bulgarian Theophylact. Theophylact the Bulgarian

Interpretation on the Acts of the Holy Apostles and on the Council Epistles of the Holy Apostles James, Peter, John, Jude

With the blessing of Metropolitan of Tashkent and Central Asia VLADIMIR

Published according to: The Evangelist, Interpretation of the Acts of the Holy Apostles and the Epistles of the Holy Apostles James, Peter, John and Judas, Blessed Theophylact, Archbishop of Bulgaria. SPb., 19 11.

Interpretation of the Acts of the Holy Apostles,

abbreviated selection from the interpretations of St. John Chrysostom and some other fathers


This book is called "Acts of the Holy Apostles" because it contains the acts of all the apostles. And the person who narrates about these acts is the Evangelist Luke, who wrote this book as well. An Antiochian by birth and a physician by occupation, he accompanied the other apostles, especially Paul, and wrote that he knew quite well. This book also tells how the Lord ascended to heaven at the appearance of the Angels; further tells about the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and on all who were present then, as well as on the election of Matthias instead of Judas the traitor, on the election of seven deacons, the conversion of Paul and what he endured. In addition, it tells about what miracles the apostles performed with the help of prayer and faith in Christ and about Paul's journey to Rome. So, Luke sets out the deeds of the apostles and the miracles performed by them. The miracles he describes are as follows:

1) Peter and John heal in the name of the Lord a man who was lame from birth, who was sitting at the doors called Red. 2) Peter denounces Ananias and his wife Sapphira, who concealed part of what they had promised God, and they immediately died. 3) Peter raises the relaxed Aeneas to his feet. 4) Peter in Joppa by prayer resurrects the deceased Tabitha. 5) Peter sees a vessel coming down from heaven filled with animals of all kinds. 6) Peter's shadow, falling on the weak, heals them. 7) Peter, kept as a prisoner in prison, is freed by the Angel, so that the guards do not see this, and Herod, eaten by worms, gives up his ghost. 8) Stephen works signs and wonders. 9) Philip in Samaria casts out many spirits and heals the lame and the paralyzed. 10) Paul, approaching Damascus, sees the appearance and immediately becomes a preacher of the Gospel. 11) The same Philip meets a reading eunuch on his way and baptizes him. 12) Paul in Lystra in the name of the Lord heals a lame man from birth. 13) Paul is called by a vision to Macedonia. 14) Paul in Philippi heals a woman (a young woman) possessed by an inquiring spirit. 15) Paul and Silas are locked up in prison, and their feet are fixed in blocks; but in the middle of the night there is an earthquake and their bonds are broken. 16) On the weak and possessed, they put ubrus - aprons - from the body of Paul, and they were healed. 17) Paul in Troas resurrects Eutychus who fell from a window and died, saying: His soul in him (Acts 20, 10). 18) Paul in Cyprus condemns the sorcerer Elyma, and this sorcerer becomes blind. 19) Paul and all those who were with him on the ship are caught on the way to Rome by a fourteen-day storm. And when everyone was expecting death, the Angel appeared to Paul and said: Behold, God has given you all those sailing with you (Acts 27, 24) - and all were saved. 20) When Paul got off the ship, he was stung by an echidna, and everyone thought that he would die. And since he remained unharmed, they considered him for God. 21) Paul, by the laying on of hands, heals the father of the ruler Poplius, who suffered from dysentery on the island; he also treats many other patients.

The travels of the holy apostle paul

Paul began his journey from Damascus and came to Jerusalem; from here he went to Tara, and from Tarsus to Antioch, and then again to Jerusalem, and again, a second time, to Antioch; from here, being assigned together with Barnabas to the work of the apostleship, he arrived in Seleucia, then to Cyprus, where he began to be called Paul; further went to Pergia, then to Antioch of Pisidia, to Iconium, to Lystra, to Derbe and Lycaonia, then to Pamphylia, then again to Pergia, then to Attalia, then again, for the third time, to Antioch of Syria, for the third time - to Jerusalem on the occasion of circumcision, then again, for the fourth time, arrived in Antioch, then again, again, to Derbe and Lystra, then to Phrygia and the country of Galatia, then to Mizia, then to Troas and from there to Naples, then - to Philippi, the city of Macedon; then, having passed Amphipolis and Apollonia, he came to Thessalonica, then to Beria, to Athens, to Corinth, to Ephesus, to Caesarea, then, a second time, to Antioch of Pisidia, then to the country of Galatia and Phrygia, then again, to the second time, to Ephesus; then, having passed Macedonia, again, for the second time, he came to Philippi and from Philip - again to Troas, where he resurrected the fallen Eutychus.

Then he arrived in Asson, then - in Mytilene; then he landed on the shore opposite Chiya; then he arrived in Samos and from there to Melit, where he called the Ephesian elders and talked with them; then he went to Kon (Koos), then to Rhodes, from here to Patara, then to Tire, to Ptolemais and from here to Caesarea, from where again, for the fourth time, he returned to Jerusalem.

From Jerusalem he was sent to Caesarea and, finally, being sent as a prisoner to Rome, arrived in this way from Caesarea to Sidon, then to Myra in Lycia, then to Cnidus and from here, after many hardships, arrived on the island where he was stung by a viper ; then he went to Syracuse, then to Riga of Calabria, then to Potiola, and from there he came to Rome on foot. Here, at the Appian Marketplace and three inns, the believers met him. Arriving in this way in Rome, he taught here for a sufficient time and, finally, in Rome itself, he was martyred after the good deed that he fought here. The Romans, on the other hand, erected a beautiful building and a basilica on his remains, annually celebrating his memorial day on the third day before the July calendars.

And before that, this blessed man gave a lot of advice on the honesty of life and virtue, he also gave a lot of practical instructions; moreover, what is especially important, in his fourteen epistles, he set out all the rules of human life.

The main subjects of the book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles

About the teaching of Christ after the resurrection, about the manifestation of His disciples and the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit to them, about the form and image of the Lord's ascension and about His glorious second coming.

Peter's speech to his disciples about the death and rejection of Judas the traitor.

About the Divine descent of the Holy Spirit on believers on the day of Pentecost.

Healing in the name of Christ a man who was lame from birth; Peter made a supportive, exhorting and conducive edification on this matter.

About the unanimous and complete fellowship of believers.

About how the apostles imprisoned in prison were brought out of it by the Angel of God at night, commanding them to preach Jesus without return.

On the election and consecration of seven deacons.

The revolt and slander of the Jews against Stephen; his speech about the covenant of God with Abraham and about the twelve patriarchs.

About the persecution of the Church and the death of Stephen.

About the sorcerer Simon who believed and was baptized with many others.

That the gift of the Holy Spirit is communicated not for silver and not to hypocrites, but to believers according to their faith.

That God favors salvation for good and faithful people, as can be seen from the example of the eunuch.

About Paul's divine calling from heaven to the work of Christ's apostleship.

About the relaxed Eneas, healed in Lydda by Peter.

About how the angel appeared to Cornelius and how there was again a proclamation from heaven to Peter.

About how Peter, condemned by the apostles for communion with the uncircumcised, tells them in order everything that happened, and how then he sends Barnabas to the brethren who were in Antioch.

The prophecy of Agabus about the famine that had been in the whole universe, and the help provided by the Antiochian believing brothers in Judea.

The assassination of the Apostle James; here is about the punishment of the guards and about the bitter and disastrous death of the wicked Herod.

About Barnabas and Saul, sent by the Divine Spirit to Cyprus, and what they did in the name of Christ with the sorcerer Elima.

Pavlov's rich edification of Christ on the basis of the law and the prophets, with historical and evangelical characteristics.

How, preaching Christ in Iconium, the apostles were expelled from there after many believed.

On the healing by the apostles in Lystra of a man who was lame from birth; as a result of which they were taken by the inhabitants for the gods who descended to them; Paul is stoned.

About what should not be circumcised by converting Gentiles; the reasoning and decree of the apostles.

About Timothy's admonition and Paul's revelation to go to Macedonia.

About the disturbance that occurred in Thessalonica as a result of the Gospel preaching, and about Paul's flight to Beria and from there to Athens.

About the inscription on the altar in Athens and about the wise sermon of Paul.

About Aquila and Priscilla, about the imminent belief of the Corinthians and about the premonition of God's favor to them, which was communicated to Paul through revelation.

About the baptism of those who believed in Ephesus, about communicating the gift of the Holy Spirit to them through Paul's prayer, and about the healings performed by Paul.

Acts of the Holy Apostles - the next after the holy Gospels, the New Testament book of historical content, and it is worthy of its importance to take the first place after them. “This book,” says St. Chrysostom, “can benefit us no less than the Gospel itself: it is so full of wisdom, such purity of dogmas and such an abundance of miracles, especially those performed by the Holy Spirit. Here you can see the fulfillment in practice of those prophecies that Christ proclaims in the Gospels - the truth shining in the very events, and the great change for the better in the disciples, accomplished by the Holy Spirit. Christ said to the disciples: "He who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do, and he will do more than these"(), and predicted to them that they would be led to rulers and kings, that they would be beaten in synagogues (), that they would be subjected to the most severe torments and triumph over everything, and that the Gospel would be preached throughout the world (). All this, as well as much more that He said, addressing the disciples, appears in this book to be fulfilled with all accuracy ... The events of the book of Acts are a direct continuation of the events of the Gospel, beginning with the end of these (ascension of the Lord to heaven ), and revealing the subsequent history of the Church of Christ before the imprisonment of the most laboring of the Apostles - Paul. Noting the special nature of the presentation and selection of events, St. Chrysostom calls this book containing mainly evidence of the resurrection of Christ, since it was already easy for those who believed in this to accept everything else. This is what he sees as the "main goal" of the book.

Writer books of Acts - St. The Evangelist Luke, according to his own instructions about this (; cf. and etc.). - This indication, strong enough in itself, is confirmed both by external evidence of the ancient Christian church (evidence of St. Irenaeus of Lyons, and many others), and by internal signs that all together makes the full and unconditional reliability of the Descriptor's legends to the smallest details and details - beyond any doubt.

Time and place of writing the book - not exactly definable. Since the book consists of an indication of the two-year preaching activity of the Apostle Paul in bonds in the city of Rome (), but it does not mention either the death of the Apostle or the release, it should be thought that in any case it was written before the martyrdom of the Apostle (in 63-64 A.D.) and namely in Rome(as assumes Blessed Jerome), although the latter is not indisputable. It is possible that during the very travels with the Apostle Paul, ev. Luke kept records of all the most remarkable things, and only then brought these records in order and integrity of a special book - "Acts".

Having set out to outline the main events of the Church of Christ from the ascension of the Lord to the last days of his day, ev. Luke, with his book, embraces a period of about 30 years. Since during the spread of the faith of Christ in Jerusalem and during its initial transition to the pagans, the chief Apostle Peter worked especially hard, and during the spread in the pagan world - the chief Apostle Paul, the book of Acts accordingly presents two main parts. The first (chapters I-XII) tells mainly about the apostolic activity of Peter and about the church of the Jews. In the second - (XIII-XXVIII chap.), About the activities of Paul and about the church from the pagans.

Under the name Acts of one or another apostle, several more books were separately known in antiquity, but all of them were rejected as counterfeit, containing unreliable apostolic teaching, and even as not useful and harmful.

This book is called "Acts of the Holy Apostles" because it contains the acts of all the apostles. And the person who narrates about these acts is the Evangelist Luke, who wrote this book as well. An Antiochian by birth and a physician by occupation, he accompanied the other apostles, especially Paul, and wrote that he knew quite well. This book also tells how the Lord ascended to heaven at the appearance of the Angels; further narrates about the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and all who were present then, as well as the election of Matthias instead of Judas the traitor, the election of seven deacons, the conversion of Paul and what he endured. In addition, it tells about what miracles the apostles performed with the help of prayer and faith in Christ and about Paul's journey to Rome. So, Luke sets out the deeds of the apostles and the miracles performed by them. The miracles he describes are as follows: 1) Peter and John heal in the name of the Lord a man who was lame from birth, who was sitting at the doors called Red. 2) Peter denounces Ananias and his wife Sapphira, who concealed part of what they had promised God, and they immediately died. 3) Peter raises the relaxed Aeneas to his feet. 4) Peter in Joppa prayerfully resurrects the deceased Tabitha. 5) Peter sees a vessel coming down from heaven filled with animals of all kinds. 6) Peter's shadow, falling on the weak, heals them. 7) Peter, kept as a prisoner in prison, is freed by an angel, so that the guards do not see this, and Herod, eaten by worms, gives up his ghost. 8) Stephen works signs and wonders. 9) Philip in Samaria casts out many spirits and heals the lame and the paralyzed. 10) Paul, approaching Damascus, sees the appearance and immediately becomes a preacher of the Gospel. 11) The same Philip meets a reading eunuch on his way and baptizes him. 12) Paul in Lystra in the name of the Lord heals a lame man from birth. 13) Paul is called by a vision to Macedonia. 14) Paul in Philippi heals a woman (a young woman) possessed by an inquiring spirit. 15) Paul and Silas are locked up in prison, and their feet are fixed in blocks; but in the middle of the night there is an earthquake and their bonds are broken. 16) On the weak and possessed, they put ubrus - aprons - from the body of Paul, and they were healed. 17) Paul in Troas resurrects Eutychus, who fell from a window and died, saying: "His soul is in him" (). 18) Paul in Cyprus condemns the sorcerer Elyma, and this sorcerer becomes blind. 19) Paul and all those who were with him on the ship are caught on the way to Rome by a fourteen-day storm. And when everyone was expecting death, the Angel appeared to Paul and said: "Behold, I have given you all those who sail with you."(), - and everyone was saved. 20) When Paul got off the ship, he was stung by an echidna, and everyone thought that he would die. And since he remained unharmed, they considered him for God. 21) Paul, by the laying on of hands, heals the father of the ruler Poplius, who suffered from dysentery on the island; he also treats many other patients.

Travels of the holy apostle Paul

Paul began his journey from Damascus and came to Jerusalem; from here he went to Tarsus, and from Tarsus to Antioch, and then again to Jerusalem, and again, a second time, to Antioch; from here, being assigned together with Barnabas to the work of the apostleship, he arrived in Seleucia, then to Cyprus, where he began to be called Paul; further went to Pergia, then to Antioch of Pisidia, to Iconium, to Lystra, to Derbe and Lycaonia, then to Pamphylia, then again to Pergia, then to Attalia, then again, for the third time, to Antioch of Syria, for the third time - to Jerusalem on the occasion of circumcision, then again, for the fourth time, arrived in Antioch, then again, again, to Derbe and Lystra, then to Phrygia and the country of Galatia, then to Mizia, then to Troas and from there to Naples, then - to Philippi, the city of Macedon; then, having passed Amphipolis and Apollonia, he came to Thessalonica, then to Beria, to Athens, to Corinth, to Ephesus, to Caesarea, then, a second time, to Antioch of Pisidia, then to the country of Galatia and Phrygia, then again, to the second time, to Ephesus; then, having passed Macedonia, again, for the second time, he arrived in Philippi and from Philip - again to Troas, where he resurrected the fallen Eutychus. Then he arrived in Asson, then in Mytilene; then he landed on the shore opposite Chiya; then he arrived in Samos and from there to Melit, where he called the Ephesian elders and talked with them; then he went to Kon (Koos), then to Rhodes, from here to Patara, then to Tire, to Ptolemais and from here to Caesarea, from where he again, for the fourth time, returned to Jerusalem. From Jerusalem he was sent to Caesarea and finally being sent as a prisoner to Rome, he thus arrived from Caesarea to Sidon, then to Myra in Lycia, then to Cnidus, and from here, after many hardships, arrived on an island where he was stung by an echidna; then he went to Syracuse, then to Riga of Calabria, then to Potiola, and from there he came to Rome on foot. Here, at the Appian Marketplace and three inns, the believers met him. Arriving in this way in Rome, he taught here for a sufficient time and, finally, in Rome itself, he accepted the martyrdom after the good deed, which he fought here. The Romans, on the other hand, erected a beautiful building and a basilica on his remains, annually celebrating his memorial day on the third day before the July calendars. And before that, this blessed man gave a lot of advice on the honesty of life and virtue, he also gave a lot of practical instructions; moreover, what is especially important, in his fourteen epistles, he set out all the rules of human life.

The main subjects of the book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles

About the teaching of Christ after the resurrection, about the manifestation of His disciples and the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit to them, about the form and image of the Lord's ascension and about His glorious second coming. Peter's speech to his disciples about the death and rejection of Judas the traitor. About the Divine descent of the Holy Spirit on believers on the day of Pentecost. Healing in the name of Christ a man who was lame from birth; Peter made a supportive, exhorting and conducive edification on this matter. About the unanimous and complete fellowship of believers. About how the apostles imprisoned in prison were brought out of it by the Angel of God at night, commanding them to preach Jesus without return. On the election and consecration of seven deacons. The revolt and slander of the Jews against Stephen; his speech about the covenant of God with Abraham and about the twelve patriarchs. About the persecution and death of Stephen. About the sorcerer Simon who believed and was baptized with many others. That the gift of the Holy Spirit is communicated not for silver and not to hypocrites, but to believers according to their faith. About the prejudice of salvation to good and faithful people, as can be seen from the example of the eunuch. About Paul's divine calling from heaven to the work of Christ's apostleship. About the relaxed Eneas, healed in Lydda by Peter. About how the angel appeared to Cornelius and how there was again a proclamation from heaven to Peter. About how Peter, condemned by the apostles for communion with the uncircumcised, tells them in order everything that happened, and how then he sends Barnabas to the brethren who were in Antioch. The prophecy of Agabus about the famine that had been in the whole universe, and the help provided by the Antiochian believing brothers in Judea. The assassination of the Apostle James is here about the punishment of the guards and the bitter and disastrous death of the wicked Herod. About Barnabas and Saul, sent by the Divine Spirit to Cyprus, and what they did in the name of Christ with the sorcerer Elima. Pavlov's rich edification of Christ on the basis of the law and the prophets, with historical and evangelical characteristics. How, preaching Christ in Iconium, the apostles were expelled from there after many believed. On the healing by the apostles in Lystra of a man who was lame from birth; as a result of which they were taken by the inhabitants for the gods who descended to them; Paul is stoned. About what should not be circumcised by converting Gentiles; the reasoning and decree of the apostles. About Timothy's admonition and Paul's revelation to go to Macedonia. About the disturbance that occurred in Thessalonica as a result of the Gospel preaching, and about Paul's flight to Beria and from there to Athens. About the inscription on the altar in Athens and about the wise sermon of Paul. About Aquila and Priscilla, about the imminent belief of the Corinthians and about the premonition of God's favor to them, which was communicated to Paul through revelation. About the baptism of those who believed in Ephesus, about communicating the gift of the Holy Spirit to them through Paul's prayer, and about the healings performed by Paul. On the death and proclamation to life of Eutychus by the prayer of Paul at Troas; pastoral admonition to the elders of Ephesus. Prophecy of Agabus about what will happen to Paul in Jerusalem. James admonishes Paul not to forbid Jews to be circumcised. About the revolt against Paul aroused in Jerusalem, and how the captain of thousands took him out of the hands of the crowd. About what Paul endured when he appeared in the Sanhedrin, what he said and what he did. About the atrocities that the Jews were plotting against Paul, and their denunciation against him to Lysias. On the accusation of Paul by Tertill before the hegemon and on his acquittal. About Felix Fiste's successor and the latter's course of action. Arrival of Agrippa and Berenice and informing them about Paul. Paul's voyage to Rome, full of many and very great dangers. How Paul arrived in Rome from Melita. About Paul's conversation with the Jews who were in Rome.

Our Holy Father John, Archbishop of Constantinople, Chrysostom, warning to the Acts of the Holy Apostles

Many, and not just someone, knew neither the book itself, nor the one who compiled and wrote it. Therefore, I recognized it necessary to take up this interpretation with the aim of both teaching the ignorant, and not allowing such a treasure to be unknown and hidden under a bushel, because no less than the Gospels themselves can benefit us from penetration of such wisdom and such right doctrine, and especially by what is done by the Holy Spirit. So, let us not ignore this book, on the contrary, we will study it with all possible diligence, because in it you can see as actually fulfilled those predictions of Christ that are contained in the Gospels; in it one can also see the truth shining in the deeds themselves, and a great change for the better in the disciples, made over them by the Holy Spirit. In it one can find which would not have been so clearly understood by anyone if it were not for this book; without it, the essence of our salvation would have remained hidden and some of the doctrines and rules of life would have remained unknown. But most of the content of this book is the deeds of the apostle Paul, who worked the most. The reason for this was also the fact that the writer of this book, Blessed Luke, was a disciple of Paul. His love for the teacher is visible from many other things, but especially from the fact that he was always with his teacher and constantly followed him, while Demas and Hermogenes left him: one went to Galatia, the other to Dalmatia. Hear what Paul himself says about Luke: "One Luke with me"(); and, in the Epistle to the Corinthians, says of him: "They sent ... a brother who is praised for evangelism in all the churches."(); also when he says that “Keephe appeared, then twelve; I remind you ... the Gospel that I have preached to you, which you also accepted. "(), understands his Gospel; so that no one will sin if this work of Luke (the book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles) is attributed to Him; when I say “to Him,” I mean Christ. But if someone says: "Why did Luke, being with Paul until the end of his life, describe not everything?" - then we will answer that this was enough for the jealous, that he always dwelt on what was especially needed, and that the primary concern of the apostles was not in the writing of books, since they transmitted much without writing. But everything that is contained in this book is worthy of surprise, especially the adaptability of the apostles, which the Holy Spirit instilled in them, preparing them for the work of economy. Therefore, talking about Christ so much, they talked a little about His Deity, and more about His incarnation, His suffering, resurrection and ascension. For the goal they strove for was to make the listeners believe that He was resurrected and ascended into heaven. As Christ Himself most of all tried to prove that He came from the Father, so Paul tried most of all to prove that Christ was resurrected, ascended, departed to the Father and came from Him. For if before the Jews did not believe that He came from the Father, then the whole teaching of Christ seemed to them much more incredible after the legend of His resurrection and His ascension into heaven was added to it. Therefore, Paul imperceptibly, little by little, brings them to an understanding of more sublime truths; and in Athens, Paul even calls Christ just a man, adding nothing more, and this is not without a purpose, because if Christ Himself, when He spoke about His equality with the Father, often attempted to stone and called for this a blasphemer of God, then with difficulty could receive this teaching from the fishermen, and moreover after His crucifixion on the cross. And what to say about the Jews, when the disciples of Christ themselves, listening to the teaching about more exalted subjects, were embarrassed and offended? Therefore, Christ said: “I still have a lot to tell you; but now you cannot contain "(). If they could not "accommodate", they, who were with Him for so long, who were initiated into so many mysteries and saw so many miracles, then how did the pagans, abandoning altars, idols, sacrifices, cats and crocodiles ( because this was a pagan religion) and from other ungodly rituals, could they suddenly accept an exalted word about Christian dogmas? How did the Jews, who daily read and heard the following saying from the law: "Hear, Israel: our Lord, the Lord is one"(), I and there is no God besides Me ”(), and at the same time those who saw Christ crucified on the cross, and most importantly - those who crucified Him and laid Him in the grave and did not see His resurrection - how can these people, hearing that this same man is God and is equal to the Father, could they not be embarrassed and not fall away completely, and moreover, more quickly and easier than everyone else? Therefore, the apostles gradually and imperceptibly prepare them and demonstrate a great skill of adapting, while they themselves receive a more abundant grace of the Spirit and in the name of Christ perform greater miracles than those performed by Christ Himself, in order to raise them, spread out on earth, in one way or another, and awaken faith in them. into the word of the resurrection. And therefore this book is primarily a proof of the resurrection, because after believing in the resurrection everything else was conveniently perceived. And anyone who has thoroughly studied this book will say that this is primarily its content and its entire purpose. Let us first hear the very beginning of it.

This book is called "Acts of the Holy Apostles" because it contains the acts of all the apostles. And the person who narrates about these acts is the Evangelist Luke, who wrote this book as well. An Antiochian by birth and a physician by occupation, he accompanied the other apostles, especially Paul, and wrote that he knew quite well. This book also tells how the Lord ascended to heaven at the appearance of the Angels; further narrates about the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and all who were present then, as well as the election of Matthias instead of Judas the traitor, the election of seven deacons, the conversion of Paul and what he endured. In addition, it tells about what miracles the apostles performed with the help of prayer and faith in Christ and about Paul's journey to Rome. So, Luke sets out the deeds of the apostles and the miracles performed by them. The miracles he describes are as follows: 1) Peter and John heal in the name of the Lord a man who was lame from birth, who was sitting at the doors called Red. 2) Peter denounces Ananias and his wife Sapphira, who concealed part of what they had promised God, and they immediately died. 3) Peter raises the relaxed Aeneas to his feet. 4) Peter in Joppa prayerfully resurrects the deceased Tabitha. 5) Peter sees a vessel coming down from heaven filled with animals of all kinds. 6) Peter's shadow, falling on the weak, heals them. 7) Peter, kept as a prisoner in prison, is freed by an angel, so that the guards do not see this, and Herod, eaten by worms, gives up his ghost. 8) Stephen works signs and wonders. 9) Philip in Samaria casts out many spirits and heals the lame and the paralyzed. 10) Paul, approaching Damascus, sees the appearance and immediately becomes a preacher of the Gospel. 11) The same Philip meets a reading eunuch on his way and baptizes him. 12) Paul in Lystra in the name of the Lord heals a lame man from birth. 13) Paul is called by a vision to Macedonia. 14) Paul in Philippi heals a woman (a young woman) possessed by an inquiring spirit. 15) Paul and Silas are locked up in prison, and their feet are fixed in blocks; but in the middle of the night there is an earthquake and their bonds are broken. 16) On the weak and possessed, they put ubrus - aprons - from the body of Paul, and they were healed. 17) Paul in Troas resurrects Eutychus, who fell from a window and died, saying: "His soul is in him" (). 18) Paul in Cyprus condemns the sorcerer Elyma, and this sorcerer becomes blind. 19) Paul and all those who were with him on the ship are caught on the way to Rome by a fourteen-day storm. And when everyone was expecting death, the Angel appeared to Paul and said: "Behold, I have given you all those who sail with you."(), - and everyone was saved. 20) When Paul got off the ship, he was stung by an echidna, and everyone thought that he would die. And since he remained unharmed, they considered him for God. 21) Paul, by the laying on of hands, heals the father of the ruler Poplius, who suffered from dysentery on the island; he also treats many other patients.

Travels of the holy apostle Paul

Paul began his journey from Damascus and came to Jerusalem; from here he went to Tarsus, and from Tarsus to Antioch, and then again to Jerusalem, and again, a second time, to Antioch; from here, being assigned together with Barnabas to the work of the apostleship, he arrived in Seleucia, then to Cyprus, where he began to be called Paul; further went to Pergia, then to Antioch of Pisidia, to Iconium, to Lystra, to Derbe and Lycaonia, then to Pamphylia, then again to Pergia, then to Attalia, then again, for the third time, to Antioch of Syria, for the third time - to Jerusalem on the occasion of circumcision, then again, for the fourth time, arrived in Antioch, then again, again, to Derbe and Lystra, then to Phrygia and the country of Galatia, then to Mizia, then to Troas and from there to Naples, then - to Philippi, the city of Macedon; then, having passed Amphipolis and Apollonia, he came to Thessalonica, then to Beria, to Athens, to Corinth, to Ephesus, to Caesarea, then, a second time, to Antioch of Pisidia, then to the country of Galatia and Phrygia, then again, to the second time, to Ephesus; then, having passed Macedonia, again, for the second time, he arrived in Philippi and from Philip - again to Troas, where he resurrected the fallen Eutychus. Then he arrived in Asson, then in Mytilene; then he landed on the shore opposite Chiya; then he arrived in Samos and from there to Melit, where he called the Ephesian elders and talked with them; then he went to Kon (Koos), then to Rhodes, from here to Patara, then to Tire, to Ptolemais and from here to Caesarea, from where he again, for the fourth time, returned to Jerusalem. From Jerusalem he was sent to Caesarea and finally being sent as a prisoner to Rome, he thus arrived from Caesarea to Sidon, then to Myra in Lycia, then to Cnidus, and from here, after many hardships, arrived on an island where he was stung by an echidna; then he went to Syracuse, then to Riga of Calabria, then to Potiola, and from there he came to Rome on foot. Here, at the Appian Marketplace and three inns, the believers met him. Arriving in this way in Rome, he taught here for a sufficient time and, finally, in Rome itself, he accepted the martyrdom after the good deed, which he fought here. The Romans, on the other hand, erected a beautiful building and a basilica on his remains, annually celebrating his memorial day on the third day before the July calendars. And before that, this blessed man gave a lot of advice on the honesty of life and virtue, he also gave a lot of practical instructions; moreover, what is especially important, in his fourteen epistles, he set out all the rules of human life.

The main subjects of the book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles

About the teaching of Christ after the resurrection, about the manifestation of His disciples and the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit to them, about the form and image of the Lord's ascension and about His glorious second coming. Peter's speech to his disciples about the death and rejection of Judas the traitor. About the Divine descent of the Holy Spirit on believers on the day of Pentecost. Healing in the name of Christ a man who was lame from birth; Peter made a supportive, exhorting and conducive edification on this matter. About the unanimous and complete fellowship of believers. About how the apostles imprisoned in prison were brought out of it by the Angel of God at night, commanding them to preach Jesus without return. On the election and consecration of seven deacons. The revolt and slander of the Jews against Stephen; his speech about the covenant of God with Abraham and about the twelve patriarchs. About the persecution and death of Stephen. About the sorcerer Simon who believed and was baptized with many others. That the gift of the Holy Spirit is communicated not for silver and not to hypocrites, but to believers according to their faith. About the prejudice of salvation to good and faithful people, as can be seen from the example of the eunuch. About Paul's divine calling from heaven to the work of Christ's apostleship. About the relaxed Eneas, healed in Lydda by Peter. About how the angel appeared to Cornelius and how there was again a proclamation from heaven to Peter. About how Peter, condemned by the apostles for communion with the uncircumcised, tells them in order everything that happened, and how then he sends Barnabas to the brethren who were in Antioch. The prophecy of Agabus about the famine that had been in the whole universe, and the help provided by the Antiochian believing brothers in Judea. The assassination of the Apostle James is here about the punishment of the guards and the bitter and disastrous death of the wicked Herod. About Barnabas and Saul, sent by the Divine Spirit to Cyprus, and what they did in the name of Christ with the sorcerer Elima. Pavlov's rich edification of Christ on the basis of the law and the prophets, with historical and evangelical characteristics. How, preaching Christ in Iconium, the apostles were expelled from there after many believed. On the healing by the apostles in Lystra of a man who was lame from birth; as a result of which they were taken by the inhabitants for the gods who descended to them; Paul is stoned. About what should not be circumcised by converting Gentiles; the reasoning and decree of the apostles. About Timothy's admonition and Paul's revelation to go to Macedonia. About the disturbance that occurred in Thessalonica as a result of the Gospel preaching, and about Paul's flight to Beria and from there to Athens. About the inscription on the altar in Athens and about the wise sermon of Paul. About Aquila and Priscilla, about the imminent belief of the Corinthians and about the premonition of God's favor to them, which was communicated to Paul through revelation. About the baptism of those who believed in Ephesus, about communicating the gift of the Holy Spirit to them through Paul's prayer, and about the healings performed by Paul. On the death and proclamation to life of Eutychus by the prayer of Paul at Troas; pastoral admonition to the elders of Ephesus. Prophecy of Agabus about what will happen to Paul in Jerusalem. James admonishes Paul not to forbid Jews to be circumcised. About the revolt against Paul aroused in Jerusalem, and how the captain of thousands took him out of the hands of the crowd. About what Paul endured when he appeared in the Sanhedrin, what he said and what he did. About the atrocities that the Jews were plotting against Paul, and their denunciation against him to Lysias. On the accusation of Paul by Tertill before the hegemon and on his acquittal. About Felix Fiste's successor and the latter's course of action. Arrival of Agrippa and Berenice and informing them about Paul. Paul's voyage to Rome, full of many and very great dangers. How Paul arrived in Rome from Melita. About Paul's conversation with the Jews who were in Rome.

Our Holy Father John, Archbishop of Constantinople, Chrysostom, warning to the Acts of the Holy Apostles

Many, and not just someone, knew neither the book itself, nor the one who compiled and wrote it. Therefore, I recognized it necessary to take up this interpretation with the aim of both teaching the ignorant, and not allowing such a treasure to be unknown and hidden under a bushel, because no less than the Gospels themselves can benefit us from penetration of such wisdom and such right doctrine, and especially by what is done by the Holy Spirit. So, let us not ignore this book, on the contrary, we will study it with all possible diligence, because in it you can see as actually fulfilled those predictions of Christ that are contained in the Gospels; in it one can also see the truth shining in the deeds themselves, and a great change for the better in the disciples, made over them by the Holy Spirit. In it one can find which would not have been so clearly understood by anyone if it were not for this book; without it, the essence of our salvation would have remained hidden and some of the doctrines and rules of life would have remained unknown. But most of the content of this book is the deeds of the apostle Paul, who worked the most. The reason for this was also the fact that the writer of this book, Blessed Luke, was a disciple of Paul. His love for the teacher is visible from many other things, but especially from the fact that he was always with his teacher and constantly followed him, while Demas and Hermogenes left him: one went to Galatia, the other to Dalmatia. Hear what Paul himself says about Luke: "One Luke with me"(); and, in the Epistle to the Corinthians, says of him: "They sent ... a brother who is praised for evangelism in all the churches."(); also when he says that “Keephe appeared, then twelve; I remind you ... the Gospel that I have preached to you, which you also accepted. "(), understands his Gospel; so that no one will sin if this work of Luke (the book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles) is attributed to Him; when I say “to Him,” I mean Christ. But if someone says: "Why did Luke, being with Paul until the end of his life, describe not everything?" - then we will answer that this was enough for the jealous, that he always dwelt on what was especially needed, and that the primary concern of the apostles was not in the writing of books, since they transmitted much without writing. But everything that is contained in this book is worthy of surprise, especially the adaptability of the apostles, which the Holy Spirit instilled in them, preparing them for the work of economy. Therefore, talking about Christ so much, they talked a little about His Deity, and more about His incarnation, His suffering, resurrection and ascension. For the goal they strove for was to make the listeners believe that He was resurrected and ascended into heaven. As Christ Himself most of all tried to prove that He came from the Father, so Paul tried most of all to prove that Christ was resurrected, ascended, departed to the Father and came from Him. For if before the Jews did not believe that He came from the Father, then the whole teaching of Christ seemed to them much more incredible after the legend of His resurrection and His ascension into heaven was added to it. Therefore, Paul imperceptibly, little by little, brings them to an understanding of more sublime truths; and in Athens, Paul even calls Christ just a man, adding nothing more, and this is not without a purpose, because if Christ Himself, when He spoke about His equality with the Father, often attempted to stone and called for this a blasphemer of God, then with difficulty could receive this teaching from the fishermen, and moreover after His crucifixion on the cross. And what to say about the Jews, when the disciples of Christ themselves, listening to the teaching about more exalted subjects, were embarrassed and offended? Therefore, Christ said: “I still have a lot to tell you; but now you cannot contain "(). If they could not "accommodate", they, who were with Him for so long, who were initiated into so many mysteries and saw so many miracles, then how did the pagans, abandoning altars, idols, sacrifices, cats and crocodiles ( because this was a pagan religion) and from other ungodly rituals, could they suddenly accept an exalted word about Christian dogmas? How did the Jews, who daily read and heard the following saying from the law: "Hear, Israel: our Lord, the Lord is one"(), I and there is no God besides Me ”(), and at the same time those who saw Christ crucified on the cross, and most importantly - those who crucified Him and laid Him in the grave and did not see His resurrection - how can these people, hearing that this same man is God and is equal to the Father, could they not be embarrassed and not fall away completely, and moreover, more quickly and easier than everyone else? Therefore, the apostles gradually and imperceptibly prepare them and demonstrate a great skill of adapting, while they themselves receive a more abundant grace of the Spirit and in the name of Christ perform greater miracles than those performed by Christ Himself, in order to raise them, spread out on earth, in one way or another, and awaken faith in them. into the word of the resurrection. And therefore this book is primarily a proof of the resurrection, because after believing in the resurrection everything else was conveniently perceived. And anyone who has thoroughly studied this book will say that this is primarily its content and its entire purpose. Let us first hear the very beginning of it.

Blessed Theophylact, Archbishop of Bulgaria

Interpretation on the acts of the holy apostles


This book is called "The Acts of the Apostles"; because it contains the deeds of (all) the apostles together. And the person who narrates about these acts is the Evangelist Luke, who wrote this book as well. An Antiochian by birth, and a doctor by occupation, he accompanied the other apostles, especially Paul, and wrote about what he knew quite well. This book also tells how the Lord ascended to heaven when the angels appeared; further narrates about the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and all who were present then, as well as the election of Matthias instead of Judas the traitor, the election of seven deacons, the conversion of Paul and the fact that he suffered. In addition, it tells about what miracles the apostles performed with the help of prayer and faith in Christ; and about Paul's journey to Rome. So Luke sets out the deeds of the apostles and the miracles performed by them. The miracles he describes are as follows: 1) Peter and John heal in the name of the Lord a man who was lame from birth, who was sitting at a door called red. 2) Peter denounces Ananias and his wife Sapphira, who concealed part of what they had promised God, and they immediately died. 3) Peter restores the relaxed Aeneas. 4) Peter in Joppa prayerfully resurrects the deceased Dorcada. 5) Peter sees a vessel coming down from heaven filled with animals of all kinds. 6) Peter's shadow, falling on the weak, heals them. 7) Peter, kept as a prisoner in prison, is freed by an angel, so that the guards do not see it; and Herod, eaten by worms, gives up his ghost. 8) Stephen works signs and wonders. 9) Philip in Samaria casts out many spirits and heals the lame and the paralytic. 10) Paul, approaching Damascus, sees the appearance and immediately becomes a preacher of the Gospel. 11) The same Philip meets a reading eunuch on his way and baptizes him. 12) Paul in Lystra in the name of the Lord heals a lame man from birth. 13) Paul is a vision m called to Macedonia. 14) Paul in Philippi heals a wife (a young woman) possessed by an inquiring spirit. 15) Paul and Silas are locked up in prison and their feet are fixed in stocks; but in the middle of the night there is an earthquake and their bonds are broken. 16) On the weak and possessed, they put the ubrus from the body of Paul, and they were healed. 17) Paul in Troas resurrects Eutychus, who fell from a window and died, saying: His soul is in him. 18) Paul in Cyprus condemns the sorcerer Elyma, and this sorcerer becomes blind. 19) Paul and all those who were with him on the ship were overtaken by a fourteen-day storm on the way to Rome. And when all were expecting death, the Lord appeared to Paul and said: for your sake I will give them life; and all were saved. 20) When Paul got off the ship, he was stung by an echidna, and everyone thought that he would die. And since he remained unharmed, they considered him for God. 21) Paul, by the laying on of hands, heals on the island the chief Poplius, who suffered from dysentery; heals many other patients.


He began (Paul's journey) from Damascus and came to Jerusalem; from here he went to Tarsus, and from Tarsus to Antioch, and then again to Jerusalem, and again a second time to Antioch; from here, having been assigned together with Barnabas to the work of the apostleship, he arrived in Seleucia, then to Cyprus, where he began to be called Paul; further (went) to Perga, then to Pisidian Antioch, then to Iconium, then to Lystra, to Derbe and Lycaonia, then to Pamphylia, then again to Pergia, then to Attalia, then again for the third time to Syrian Antioch, then again to the third time to Jerusalem on the issue of circumcision, then again the fourth time to Antioch, then again a second time to Derbe and Lystra, then to Phrygia and the Galatian country, then to Mizia, then to Troas and from there to Naples, then to Philippi, a city Macedonian; then, having passed Amphipolis and Apollonia, he came to Thessalonica, then to Beria, then to Athens, then to Corinth, then to Ephesus, then to Caesarea, then a second time to Pisidian Antioch, then to the Galatian country and Phrygia, then again to second time to Ephesus; then, having passed Macedonia, he again arrived a second time in Philippi and from Philip again to Troas, where he resurrected the fallen Eutychus; then he arrived at Asson, then at Mytilene; then he landed on the shore opposite Chiya; then he arrived in Samos and from there to Miletus, where he summoned the Ephesian elders and conversed with them; then he went to Kon (Koos), then to Rhodes, from here to Patara, then to Tire, then to Ptolemais, and from here to Caesarea; from whence he returned to Jerusalem for the fourth time. From Jerusalem he was sent to Caesarea, and finally, having been sent as a prisoner to Rome, he arrived in this way from Caesarea to Sidon, then to Myra in Lycian, then to Cnidus, and from here, after many hardships, he arrived on the island on which he was stung by an echidna. then to Syracuse, then to Riga of Calabria, then to Potiola, and from there I walked to Rome. Here, at the Appian Marketplace and three inns, the believers met him. Arriving in this way in Rome, he taught here for a sufficient time, and finally, in Rome itself, he was martyred after the good deed that he fought here. The Romans, on the other hand, erected a beautiful building and a basilica on his remains, annually celebrating his memorial day on the third day before the July calendars. And before that, this blessed man gave a lot of advice on the honesty of life and virtue, he also gave a lot of practical instructions; moreover, what is especially important, in his fourteen epistles, he set out all the rules of human life.


About the teaching of Christ after the resurrection, about the manifestation of His disciples and the promise to them of the gift of the Holy Spirit, about the form and image of the Lord's ascension and about His glorious second coming.
Peter's speech to his disciples about the death and rejection of Judas the traitor.
About the divine descent of the Holy Spirit on believers on the day of Pentecost.
Healing in the name of Christ a man who was lame from birth; made on this occasion by Peter, a supportive, exhorting and conducive edification to salvation.
About the unanimous and complete fellowship of believers.
About how the apostles imprisoned were brought out of it by an angel of God at night, commanding them to preach Jesus without return.
On the election and consecration of seven deacons.
The revolt and slander of the Jews against Stephen; his speech about the covenant of God with Abraham and about the twelve patriarchs.
About the persecution of the Church and the death of Stephen.
About the sorcerer Simon who believed and was baptized with many others.
That the gift of the Holy Spirit is communicated not for silver and not to hypocrites, but to believers according to their faith.
That God bestows salvation on good and faithful people is evident from the example of the eunuch.
About Paul's divine calling from heaven to the work of Christ's apostleship.
About the relaxed Eneas, healed in Lydda by Peter.
About how the angel appeared to Cornelius, and how there was again a proclamation from heaven to Peter.
About how Peter, condemned by the apostles for communion with the uncircumcised, tells them in order everything that happened, and how then he sends Barnabas to the brethren who were in Antioch.
the prophecy of Agab about the famine that had been in the whole universe, and the help (provided by the believers of Antioch) to the brethren in Judea.
The assassination of the Apostle James; here is about the punishment of the guards and about the bitter and disastrous death of the wicked Herod.
About Barnabas and Saul, sent by the Divine Spirit to Cyprus, and what they did in the name of Christ with the sorcerer Elima.
Paul's rich edification in Christ, based on the law and the prophets, with a historical and evangelical character.
How, preaching Christ in Iconium, the apostles were expelled from there, after many believed.
On the healing by the apostles in Lystra of a man who was lame from birth; as a result of which they were taken by the inhabitants for the gods who descended to them; Paul is stoned.
About what should not be circumcised by converting Gentiles; the reasoning and decree of the apostles.
About Timothy's admonition and Paul's revelation to go to Macedonia.
About the disturbance that occurred in Thessalonica as a result of the preaching (gospel), and about Paul's flight to Beria and from there to Athens.
About the inscription on the altar in Athens and about the wise sermon of Paul.
About Aquila and Priscilla, about the imminent belief of the Corinthians and about the premonition of God's favor to them; what was communicated to Paul by revelation.
On the baptism of those who believed in Ephesus, on the impartation of the gift of the Holy Spirit to them through Paul's prayer, and on the healings performed by Paul.
On the death and proclamation to life of Eutychus by Paul's prayer at Troas; pastoral admonition to the elders of Ephesus.
Prophecy of Agabus about what will happen to Paul in Jerusalem.
James admonishes Paul not to forbid Jews to be circumcised.
About the revolt against Paul aroused in Jerusalem, and how the captain of thousands took him out of the hands of the crowd.
About what Paul endured when he appeared in the Sanhedrin, what he said and what he did.
About the men that the Jews were plotting against Paul, and their denunciation to Lysias.
About the accusation of Paul by Tertillom before the hegemon and about his acquittal.
About Felix Fiste's successor and the latter's course of action. Arrival of Agrippa and Vernikia and informing them about Paul.
Paul's voyage to Rome, full of many and very great dangers.
How Paul arrived in Rome from Miletus.
About Paul's conversation with the Jews who were in Rome.

Our Holy Father John Chrysostom forewarning the Acts of the Holy Apostles

Many, and not just someone, know neither the book itself, nor the one who compiled and wrote it. Therefore, I recognized it necessary to take up this interpretation, with a view to teaching the ignorant and not to allow such a treasure to be unknown and hidden under a bushel; because no less than the gospels themselves can benefit us from penetration with such wisdom and such righteous teaching, and especially with that which was accomplished by the Holy Spirit. So let us not omit this book from our attention, on the contrary, we will study it with all possible diligence; because in it one can see as actually fulfilled those predictions of Christ, which are contained in the gospels; in it one can also see the truth shining in the very works, and a great change for the better in the disciples, made over them by the Holy Spirit; in it one can find dogmas that would not have been so clearly understood by anyone if it were not for this book; without it, the essence of our salvation would remain hidden, and some of the doctrines of doctrine and of the rules of life would remain unknown.

But most of the content of this book is the deeds of the apostle Paul, who worked the most. The reason for this was also the fact that the writer of this book, Blessed Luke, was a disciple of Paul. His love for the teacher is visible also from many other things, but especially from the fact that he was always with his teacher and constantly followed him; while Demas and Hermogenes left him, one went to Galatia, the other to Dalmatia. Hear what Paul himself says about Luke: Luke is one with me(2 Tim. 4, 10); and sending a letter to the Corinthians, he says about him: (2 Cor. 8:18); also when he says: Appear to Keith, the same one in ten, according to the gospel, hedgehog and priest(1 Cor. 15: 1, 5), understands his gospel; so that no one will sin if this work of Luke (the book of Acts) is attributed to Him; speaking: to Him, I mean Christ.

If someone says: why did Luke, being with Paul until the end of his life, describe not everything ?, then we will answer that this was enough for the jealous, that he always dwelt on what was especially necessary, and that the primary concern of the apostles was not in the writing of books, since they conveyed much without writing. But everything that is contained in this book is worthy of surprise, especially the adaptability of the apostles, which the Holy Spirit instilled in them, preparing them for the work of economy. Therefore, talking about Christ so much, they talked a little about His deity, and more about His incarnation, His suffering, resurrection and ascension. For the goal they strove for was to make the listeners believe that He was resurrected and ascended into heaven. Just as Christ himself tried most of all to prove that He came from the Father, so Paul tried most of all to prove that Christ was resurrected, ascended, departed to the Father and came from Him. For if before the Jews did not believe that He came from the Father, then the whole teaching of Christ seemed to them much more incredible after the legend of His resurrection and His ascension into heaven was added to it. Therefore, Paul imperceptibly, little by little, brings them to an understanding of more sublime truths; and in Athens, Paul even calls Christ just a man, adding nothing more, and this is not without a purpose: because if Christ himself, when He spoke of his equality with the Father, often attempted to stone him and called him a blasphemer of God, then with difficulty could receive this teaching from the fishermen, and moreover after His crucifixion on the cross.

And what to say about the Jews, when the disciples of Christ themselves, listening to the teaching about more exalted subjects, were embarrassed and offended? Therefore, Christ said: many imam verbs to you, but you cannot wear now(John 16, 12). If they could not bear - they, who were with Him for so long, who were initiated into so many mysteries and saw so many miracles, then how did the pagans, abandoning altars, idols, sacrifices, cats and crocodiles (because that this was a pagan religion) and from other impious rituals, could they suddenly accept an exalted word about Christian dogmas? How did the Jews, who daily read and heard the following saying from the law: hear Israel: the Lord thy God, the Lord is one(Deut. 6, 4), and is it not me(Deut. 32, 39), and at the same time who saw Christ crucified on the cross, and most importantly - who crucified Him and placed him in the tomb, and did not see His resurrection, - how can these people, hearing that this very man is God and equal to the Father , could not be embarrassed and not fall away completely and, moreover, faster and easier than everyone else? Therefore, the apostles gradually and imperceptibly prepare them and demonstrate a great skill of adaptation; and they themselves receive the more abundant grace of the Spirit and in the name of Christ perform greater miracles than those performed by Christ himself, in order to in one way or another raise them stretched out on the earth, and awaken in them faith in the word about the resurrection. And therefore this book is primarily a proof of the resurrection; because after believing in the resurrection everything else was easily perceived. And anyone who has thoroughly studied this book will say that this is primarily its content and its entire purpose. Let us first hear the very beginning of it.


1. The first thing we have done is about everyone, about Theophilus.

Reminds (Luke) Theophilus of (his) gospel to indicate his very careful attitude to the matter; because at the beginning of that work he says: if you please and I will follow above all tested, write to you, and not somehow, but so, as if you betrayed us, like at first samovids and servants of the former Word(Luke 1, So he recalls the gospel with the goal of reminding you of the care with which it was written; and he recalls this in order that, having the same careful attitude to the matter in the compilation of this book, to be as careful Therefore, this time he did not need any other approval; since the one who was honored to write about what he heard, and who is believed in what he wrote, justly deserves much greater faith, when he expounds not what he heard from others, but what he himself saw.Therefore, he does not say: the first thing is the gospel, the hedgehog of the gospel, but: the first ubo word; since he was alien to arrogance and humility and thought that the name: gospel above him (work), although the apostle calls him so for this work: his same praise in the gospel in all churches(2 Cor. 8:18). But with his expression: about all he seems to contradict the evangelist John. He says that there was no way to describe everything; and he (says): do about all from the beginning even to the ascension. So what do we say to this? What expression about all Luke points out that he did not omit any of the essential and necessary things from which the divinity and truth of the sermon is known; because both Luke and each of the evangelists in their gospels placed at the head of everything that from which the divinity and truth of the sermon is known, and, moreover, in such an exact form, as if according to what model. In the same way, John theologian himself stated about all this. They did not omit any of those features through which, on the one hand, the service of the Word according to the flesh is cognized and becomes the object of faith, on the other, His majesty in divinity shines and reveals itself. John says that if one could describe in parts and briefly everything that the Lord said and did, then even then the world would not be able to accommodate the books that are being written; but all the more it would not be contained if someone wished to set out in the scripture all the works and words of the Lord with a study of their meaning; because their meanings and the reasons why the Lord created and spoke, the human mind can neither contain nor cognize, for the reason that everything that He did in human nature, He did as God; from this point of view, it is impossible to express the deeds and words of Christ either in words or in writing. However, I also admit that this addition is a hyperbolic turn of speech and does not undoubtedly mean that the world would not have accommodated the books being written if the exposition was longer. We can also say that this evangelist (John), as one who developed more theoretical contemplation than others, really knows all the creations and deeds of the Savior - not only those which He manifested in the flesh, but also those which He did from century, both without a body and with a body. If someone dared to describe the features of nature, origin, difference, essence, etc. each of these cases; then, if we admit the possibility of this, the world would not be able to contain the books being written. But if someone by the word "peace" begins to mean not just the world, but a person lying in evil and thinking about things of the world and flesh, because the word "peace" is understood in this way in many places of Scripture; and in this case, John correctly says that if someone wanted to describe all the miracles performed by Christ, then such people, disposed from the multitude and greatness of Christ's works, would sooner come to unbelief than to faith, could not contain what was written. And that is why it is precisely the evangelists who often pass in silence a whole crowd of the healed and bypass many miraculous actions, indicating only the general fact that many got rid of various diseases, that there were many miracles, etc., but they do not enumerate them; because for people incapable of understanding and deceived, the listing in parts of many miracles usually served as an occasion rather for unbelief and unwillingness to listen (sermon), than for believing and disposition to listen.

Even Jesus began to do the same and teach.

He understands miracles and teaching - though not this alone, but also what Jesus taught by deed; because not only by word did he admonish people to do this or that, he himself did not do it, but by the deeds that he himself did, he persuaded them to imitate Him and be jealous of virtue. You should know that Theophilus was one of the converts to the faith by Luke himself. And do not be surprised that Luke showed so much concern for one person that he wrote two complete books for him; because he was the custodian of the famous saying of the Lord, which says: not be the will of my Father, that one perishes from these little ones(Matthew 18:14). Why, writing to Theophilus alone, did he write more than one book, but divided the subjects into two books? For clarity and not to obstruct the reader; yes, they were divided by content; and therefore he rightly divided the subjects of the narrative into two books.

2. Even to the day, having commanded the Apostle by the Holy Spirit, they were also chosen, ascended.

Having commanded by the Holy Spirit, that is, by uttering spiritual words to them; there was nothing human here; because he commanded them by the Spirit. Like the Lord Himself, out of humility and adaptability to the audience, he said: If I am about the Dus of God I will cast out demons(Matthew 12, 28): so here commanding by the Spirit it is said not because the Son had a need for the Spirit, but because where the Son creates, there the Spirit cooperates and is present as consubstantial. What did he command? Come teach all languages, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, learning to keep them all, the tree of the commandments to you(Matthew 28, Having commanded, it says ascended. Didn't say: ascended, but he also talks about a person. From here we see that Jesus taught his disciples even after his resurrection: but no one gave the exact time. John spent more time with Him than others; but none of this was clearly announced; because the disciples turned their attention to something else.

3. Before them, set you alive, according to your suffering, in many true banners, fourty days.

Having said first about the ascension, he later speaks about the resurrection. Since you heard that He ascended; so that you would not think that He was taken by others, Luke added: before them and set yourself alive; because if He stood before them, having performed a greater miracle, then much more could have done less. Denmi fourty, not fourty days; because he was not with them constantly, as before the resurrection, but appeared and again removed himself, raising their thoughts and not allowing them to cling to Him in the same way as before. With greater caution and wisdom, He gradually developed two sides in them - the faith in His resurrection and the conviction to consider Him superior to man, although one contradicted the other; because from the belief in the resurrection, the idea of ​​many aspects of humanity should have arisen, and from the fact that He is higher than man, the opposite. However, both were confirmed in their time, precisely in the course of forty days, from the day of the resurrection to the day of the ascension into heaven; during these days He both ate and drank with them, showing by this that He is exactly the one who was crucified and buried and rose from the dead. Why did He not appear to everyone, but only to the apostles? Because to many who did not understand this ineffable mystery, His appearance would seem like a vision. If the disciples themselves did not believe at first and were embarrassed, they even needed a touch of the hand and a meal shared with Him; how was His appearance to strike the crowd? Therefore, He makes the proof of his resurrection certain and general by means of the miracles that the apostles performed by the power of the grace they received; so that the resurrection became an obvious fact not only for them, who had to be convinced of this with their own eyes, but for all people of subsequent times.

Appearing to them, and verb, even about the kingdom of God: 4. Together with them, the poisonous commanded them not to be separated from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, who hears from Me.

The Lord Himself called the kingdom in which he promised his disciples to drink a new cup with them, the kingdom of the Father, calling the new drink that he drank with them after his resurrection; at this time He ate with them also new food, - He did not eat in the way that He had eaten and drank with them before the resurrection; because then, having become like us in everything except sin, He ate and drank as we do, voluntarily leaving the flesh to demand the necessary use of food; therefore voluntarily admitted the state of hunger. After the resurrection, he drank and ate no longer out of need, but only so that everyone would believe in the truth of His bodily nature, as well as in the fact that He suffered voluntarily and rose again, as befits God. So new food and new drink He called that extraordinary food that He ate, and that extraordinary drink that He drank with the disciples after the resurrection; because it says: danmi fourty with nimi and poisonous, that is, by eating common salt and common food with them. And how it is - it is not for us to explain; because it was something extraordinary, it was not because nature required food, but out of condescension, with the goal of proving the resurrection. And revealing to them the secrets, even about the kingdom of God, commanded them, etc. Why did he tell them to do this? Before, when they were afraid and in awe, He brought them out to Galilee so that they could fearlessly listen to what He had to say to them; because they were ready to abandon the work for which they were called; now that they had listened and spent forty days together, He commanded them not to be separated from Jerusalem. Why is this? Because as no one allows the soldiers who have to attack a great force (opponents) to come out against them before they have time to arm themselves, and just as no one will agree to let go of the horses before the driver sits down: so the Lord does not allows the apostles to appear for the contest so that the vast majority do not defeat and captivate them. However, the Lord does not allow them to leave Jerusalem, not only, but also because here too many had to believe, and thirdly, so that no one would say that, leaving their own, they went to seek glory from strangers. Therefore, they spread undeniable proofs (of the resurrection) among the very people who killed the Lord, who crucified and buried Him, and in the very city where they had the audacity to commit such iniquity. When did they hear such a command? Then when He spoke to them: if I am not going to you, but I am going: if I am not going, the Comforter will not come to you (John 16: 7); and again: I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Comforter (John 14:16).

Why then, not with Him, and not immediately after the departure, did the Comforter come, but eight or nine days later, that is, at the time when the day of Pentecost came? Moreover, how, when the Holy Spirit had not yet descended, He said: receive the Holy Spirit(John 20, 22)? To this, it must be said that He spoke in this way, with the aim of preparing in them the desire, readiness and ability to receive the Holy Spirit; but they received him when he came down; - or he spoke of what had to be, as already existing and present, similar to when He spoke of the possibility of treading on the serpent and scorpion and on any force of the enemy. However, it should be said that the gifts of the Spirit are different and diverse: there is the gift of purification and perfection, the gift of sanctification and sanctifying power, the gift of tongues and prophecy, the gift of miracles and interpretation, and many other gifts. So, with the difference and diversity of the gifts of the Spirit, nothing any longer prevented the apostles from receiving the grace of the Spirit in different ways. But the complete message of the Spirit to them, which made the apostles perfect and capable of perfecting others, was at the time of Pentecost, when He descended upon them in the form of tongues of fire and completely filled them with His power. The Lord departed, and then the Holy Spirit came, and came at the time of Pentecost, and not immediately, so that they would be imbued with desire and then already received grace. And if the Holy Spirit had come with the Son and then the Son would have departed, but the Spirit remained, then there would not have been so much comfort for them; because they were very reluctant to part with their Master. Therefore, He ascends and the Spirit does not come immediately, so that, after some despondency, awaken in the disciples the desire and awareness of the need for the promise given to them, and so that during the descent they experience pure and complete pleasure. However, it was first necessary for our flesh to appear in heaven and to be accomplished in complete reconciliation, and then the Holy Spirit had already descended. Know, then, what necessity the Lord has placed on them to remain in Jerusalem with this promise. So that upon their ascension they will not scatter again - with this expectation, as if by what kind of bonds, He keeps them all there and with the promise of more profitable hopes disposes them to the strongest desire for these hopes, even if they are unknown. But no one will sin if he says that even then they received some power and grace of the Spirit, not such as to raise the dead, but received the power to forgive sins. Therefore, he added: also forgive sins, be forgiven them, etc.(John 20:23), showing by this exactly what kind of power will bestow upon them. Then He clothed them with this very power; and after forty days he gives them the power to perform miracles; that's why he says: you will receive strength, and so on.

5. Yako John baptized with water, but you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, not in many days.

Having told them to wait for the promise of the Father, which they had heard from the Lord, He added: as if John baptized with water, etc., and this clearly shows his difference from John and is no longer as veiled as before, when he said: I think in the kingdom of heaven, there is a boliy of it(Matthew 11, 11). Now he clearly says: John baptized with water, but you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, and shows that even they have become larger than John; as they also had to baptize with the Holy Spirit. He did not say: Imam baptize you with the Holy Spirit, but: you want to be baptized leaving us everywhere models of humility; since it is already known from the testimony of John that the Lord was baptizing: the one you baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire(Matt. 3:11). As it is said: you want to be baptized when there was no water in the upper room? This is said because here the baptism itself with the Spirit is meant, through which the water itself becomes effective, just as it is said about the Lord Himself that He was anointed, whereas He was never anointed with oil, but received the Spirit. However, it can be proved that the apostles were baptized not only with the Spirit, but also with water, only at different times. Above us, both (baptism) are performed at the same time, and then they were performed separately; because the apostles were first baptized by John with water, and then with the Holy Spirit. Why did the Lord not announce when the Holy Spirit would come down, but only says: not after many of these days? Not for many of these days- speaks so that they do not fall into despondency; but did not say definitely when the Holy Spirit would come down, so that, waiting for Him, they would be constantly awake. So what is surprising in the fact that He does not tell them about the finite world, when, for the reason we have indicated, He did not want to announce this close hour? Expression: to be baptized means the abundance and, as it were, the richness of the communion of the Holy Spirit, just as the one who is baptized in water, immersed with his whole body, sensually feels this, as it were, while the one who receives the water is not irrigated entirely, not in all places (of his body). So in what is now said there is no contradiction with what is said in the divine gospels; for it is clear that although, after the resurrection of Christ from the dead, it was said to the apostles: Receive the Holy Spirit, and they received Him; but it said so that they received the Holy Ghost. Here, the expression: to be baptized by the Spirit means the outpouring and riches of grace to lead others, which the Lord gave them by ascending to the Father. As, having faith, they come to Him and say: apply faith to us: so here too, to the communion of the Spirit that they already had, they received, after the descent of the Holy Spirit upon them, the application of a stronger union with Him.

6. They did not meet with His question, saying: Lord, why in this summer you will establish the kingdom of Israel? 7. Speech to them: bear your understanding of the times and years, even the Father put in his power: 8. But you will receive the power, I will find the Holy Spirit on you.

Intending to ask, they come to the Teacher together in order to influence Him with their quantity; because they knew that His former answer, namely: about those days no one else has news(Matthew 24, 36), was such an answer not due to ignorance, but due to evasion from the answer. Therefore, they ask again. When they heard that they had to receive the Holy Spirit, then they wished to learn about it and get rid of calamities, already as worthy; because they did not want to expose themselves to extreme dangers again. They do not ask: when, but: "Isn't it now," they say. They longed for this day so badly. It seems to me that for them it was still not clear what this kingdom was; for there was not yet the Holy Spirit to guide them. They do not ask when it will come, but: Do you want to arrange it yourself? They already thought so highly of Him. Therefore, He talks with them without persistence; because he no longer says that no one has news of those days, not even the Son; but what (says)? Carry your mind the times and the summer... Not because he ascribed to the Father the knowledge of the fulfillment of times, that he himself did not know, but because the question itself was superfluous; and therefore he answered him with silence to their advantage. His purpose was to suppress the extreme curiosity of his disciples; since He sent them to preach the kingdom of heaven, and not to indicate the number of times. He does not tell them about this time, while he taught them much more - with the aim, as we have mentioned more than once, to make them awake, and because, not knowing about it, they did not lose anything; since He revealed to them truths much higher than this, He revealed that He is the Son of God, that He is equal to the Father, that He has risen, that there will be a resurrection (of the dead), that judgment will come, and that He is seated at the right hand of the Father. Tell me, what is more important - to know that He will reign, or - when? Paul learned that a person is not old(2 Cor. 12: 4); Moses learned the beginning of the world and when and for how many centuries (it was created) and counts the years, although knowing the beginning is generally more difficult than the end. However, the apostles asked the Lord not about the final completion (of the times), but: If in this summer you will establish the kingdom of Israel? But He did not reveal this to them either, but as he answered before, rejecting them from the thought of this, so that they would not think that deliverance from disasters was near, but they knew that they would be exposed to many more dangers, so he answers now, only softer: ... Then, so that they would not ask Him again, he immediately ascended. In addition, lest they ask: why do you leave us perplexed about this subject ?, the Son says: put the Father even in your power. But the power of the Father is, of course, the power of the Son; because as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them, so the Son gives life to them as well. If in those cases when it is necessary to do something extraordinary and miraculous, the Son creates with the same authority as the Father, then even more so in cases where knowledge is required; because raising the dead and, moreover, with authority equal to that of the Father, is much more important than knowing the day. Why did Christ not answer what the disciples asked about, but said: you will receive power? In response, He said: bear your mind; and then he added: but you will receive the power... These words explain in some way the descent and, so to speak, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. - Here we should mention the Phrygian heresy, which believed that the Comforter was sent, two hundred years after the ascension of Christ, to the wives who were considered prophetesses, Priscilla and Maximilla, and to Montana, infected with the same madness; then, they say, the promise was fulfilled: I will send a Comforter to you(John 16: 7). - Why does he announce to them what they did not ask about, namely: you will receive power? Because He is the teacher; the teacher's calling is to teach not what the student wants, but what is useful to know.

And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the last of the earth.

As I said before: do not go on the path of the tongue and do not enter the city of Samaria(Matthew 10: 5), wishing that the word of God was preached to the Jews first, and now it had to spread throughout the whole universe: then it adds in time: to Judea and Samaria, then: to the last of the earth. But the saying: you will be my witnesses, there are both admonition and immutable prophecy; because they have witnessed their preaching to the last reaches of the earth.

9. And these rivers will be taken to them that see, and the clouds will lift Him up from their eyes. 10. And always looking at the sky, I go to Him.

Risen so that they could not see; they saw him ascension; because the vision this time did not solve everything; saw the end of the resurrection, but did not see its beginning; saw the beginning of the ascension, but did not see its end. Why? Because it was superfluous to see the beginning there; since the Risen One himself was before them and spoke about this, and since the tomb itself showed that He was not in it; here it was necessary to know the end; since all the height is inaccessible to the eyes and vision could not decide whether He ascended to heaven, or, having risen to a certain height, stopped. Therefore, the angels, appearing before them, reveal to them what they could not understand through sight. And the cloud lifted Him up because it is a symbol of the Lord's and Divine power; for in the cloud one cannot see the symbol of any other power. Therefore, David also says about the Father: put the clouds on your ascent(Psalm 103: 3), and elsewhere: The Lord is sitting on a cloud of light(Isa. 19: 1), and many other passages say the same. However, the Lord did this not simply and not without purpose; for, knowing that if He ascends invisibly to them, as He descended, and even more so as He descended, then even when the Spirit appears, they will not believe that this is the very Spirit whom He promised to send a few days before this, knowing that in this case He would prepare in them the suspicion that He himself did not come from heaven - knowing at last that in this case, if, having ascended invisibly, He would then call Paul from heaven, even if He sent Peter the shroud not made by hands (Acts 10, 11), then they would not have believed that He did this after His flesh removed from them - knowing all this, He ascended, seeing them. From the Virgo cloud He enters the cloud and through the cloud ascends to where He was before. The expression: "where was," understand not in the sense of a place, and not in the sense that He put the flesh off Himself and that His incarnate deity became, as before, incorporeal; no, the expression: "where was," - heed me, - indicates the height of incorporeality in corporeality, to the greatness of incorporeality in flesh, to the self-existent value of His voluntary humility in the embodiment of His immutability, to the fact that in a visible manner He no longer turns or lives among people.

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