What happened 5 thousand years ago. The disappearance of the advanced Paleolithic industry was explained by the "homestream" of ancient people. Twisted family tree

A new genetic analysis of archaeological finds showed that some of the early inhabitants of Europe mysteriously disappeared by the end of the last ice age, and were mainly substituted by others.

The discovery is confirmed by the analysis of dozens of ancient fossil remains collected throughout Europe. Genetic substitution is likely to be the result of a quick climate change, to which Europe's residents could not adapt quickly quickly, says co-author of research, Kozimo Post, doctoral student Archeogenetics at the University of Tubingen in Germany.

The temperature change at that time was "Huge compared to climatic changes in our century", - said the post. "Imagine that the environment has changed rather sharply."

Twisted family tree

Europe has a long and confusing genetic heritage. Genetic studies have shown that the first modern peoplewho were hung from Africa, somewhere 40-70 thousand years ago, soon began to mate with local Neanderthals. At the beginning of the agricultural revolution, 10-12 thousand years ago, farmers from the countries of the Middle East walked throughout Europe, gradually providing local gathet hunters. About 5 thousand years ago, nomadic riders called Jama came out of the steppes of this Ukraine and mixed with the local population. In addition, according to a study for 2013, published in the journal Nature Communications, Another lost group of ancient Europeans mysteriously disappeared about 4.5 thousand years ago was found.

On the occupation by the man of Europe between the first appearance of off-Africa and the end of the last ice age, about 11 thousand years ago, it was known relatively few. In those days, the huge Vollen ice layer covered most of Northern Europe, while glaciers in the Pyrenees and Alps blocked the passage from the East to the West through the continent.

Lost origin

In order to obtain a more complete picture of the Europe's genetic heritage during the times of cooling, the post and his colleagues analyzed the mitochondrial DNA, the genetic material transmitted from the mother to the daughter, from the residues of 55 different human fossils between 35 thousand and 7 thousand years arrived by age. From all over the continent, from Spain to Russia. Based on mutations or changes in this mitochondrial DNA, genetics revealed a large number of genetic populations or super-haplogroups that have overall distortions.

"Mostly all modern people outside Africa, from Europe to the tip of South America, belong to these two super-haplogroups M and N", - says the post. Currently, each European has a N-mitochondrial haplotype, while the M-subtype is distributed throughout Asia and Australia.

Scientists have found that the ancient people of the M-haplogroup prevailed up to a certain period of about 14.5 thousand years ago, when they suddenly mysteriously and suddenly disappeared. M-haplotype, whose carriers were ancient Europeans (now not existing in Europe), had a total ancestor with modern carriers of M-haplotype about 50 thousand years ago.

Genetic analysis also showed that Europeans, Asians and Australians can come from a group of people who left Africa and quickly spread throughout the continent not earlier than 55 thousand years ago.

Time shock

The team suspects that these shocks were caused by wild climatic oscillations.

"At the peak of the glacial period, about 19-22 thousand years ago, people sat down in climatic" refuge "or free from ice areas of Europe, such as modern Spain, Balkans and South Italy", - says the post. While "decompositionists" survived in several places further north, their population declined sharply.

"Then about 14.5 thousand years ago, the temperature has undergone a significant jump, Tundra lost to the forest and many iconic animals of that era, such as mammoths and saber-toothed tigers, disappeared from the territory of Eurasia", - he said.

For some reason, small populations belonging to m-haplogroups could not survive these changes in their habitat, as well as a new population carrying a N-subtype, replaced the rejected M-group of the ice age, believed researchers.

"Where exactly these replacements have occurred so far remains a mystery. But there is a possibility that the new generation of Europeans comes from South European shelters, which were associated with the rest of Europe after thaw"- suggested the post. "Immigrants from Southern Europe were also better adapted to warming conditions in Central Europe".

Where did the main wave of the catastrophe, called the "World Flood"? What did the Sklyar Expedition prove? Where did our ancestors lived and how could they survive this ancient apocalypse? Why in the north of Siberia, in the tundra zone and permafrost find the bones of major ancient animals and the remains of trees? How did the priests of our ancestors be able to save their people? Where did our ancestors go after the "World Flood"? What another catastrophe has graduated from ancient people 6-5 thousand years BC (That is, after the "Flood")? How did the Neva River appear? Who created the Civilizations of Sumer, Egypt, Greece (Eldla)? Where did the ruins of cities come from at the bottom of the Black Miser? Who were the first settlers in Europe and from what territories did they come? Independent researcher, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sergey Sall makes a brief excursion to ancient history human civilization.

What happened 11 thousand years agoWhen the flood happened. Satellite fell on the ground. Fragments, mostly fell into Pacific Ocean . The main part of the wave went to Central and South America What has proven an expedition Slyov. The Eurasian continent got, of course, less. But apparently there, the wave height was also under a kilometer, maybe in what places and more. Naturally. That all this civilization was demolished. You know that north Siberia A huge amount of mammoths, other animals, was found, all this was mixed with the forest and was frozen. Because the belt shifted on 2 thousand kilometersAnd there immediately got sharply cold. That is, at first, all this was demolished with a water stream with mud, with stones, and then everything frozen. And part of this civilization, rockey, apparently, managed to evacuate. Because Moon Fatt. declined for several days and they understood, the priests understood that it was necessary to rise into the mountains, in all visibility part of civilization managed to rise to the mountains, in Siberian Mountains. Well, after that, all Siberia was filled with water.

New seas were formed, Ural Ridgei represented a very long island at that time. Civilization Here on these mountain ranges began to move south. Where to? Here is the same Mountain Shorethat is now investigated by the expedition Sidorov., in China, in Tibet. Ancientarctic civilization, she created Chinese civilization. Well, and then conflicts began to arise with the ancestors of modern Chinese. Vedic civilization began to move gradually to the west. Seven or eight thousand years ago he came to the territory eastern European Plain. Went north, founded that the most hyperboreu, that is, on the islands in the White Sea and on Kola Peninsula.

But where 5 or 6 thousand years ago, according to different estimates, there was a terrible cataclysm on Earth, now it is not entirely clear that it was, in any case, the remains of melted stones, destroyed cities, were found in different parts of the earth, that is, there was some world war that apparently wore nuclear character. As a result, the strongest earthquakes at the time, movement of the earth's crust. At that time, the strait Bosphorus and Dardanelles Was broken by water Mediterranean Sea And the water of the Mediterranean sea was poured into the Black Sea and for several months the level of the Black Sea rose, approximately 200 meters.

That is, these pyramids that are now found near Feodosia, SevastopolNear Romania These are the remnants of the very civilization that existed at the bottom of the Ancient Sea. Terrible things even happened from us, we have these movements led to the fact that the experienses were formed in Finnish bay. After all, before Ladoga lake It was part of the Gulf of Finland. As a result of all these mothers, the Lake Lake rose, began to be filled with rainwate. Then these waters broke through the experiencies and the Neva was formed. That is, it is about 5 thousand years ago Total. Neve about 5 thousand years. As a result, these movements changed the current Golfstream. So at the time on the Kola Peninsula and in the Black Sea of \u200b\u200bwater did not freeze. Then the soft climate was decent. As allowed at the time to exist hyperborean civilization on the islands in the White Sea and on the Kola Peninsula.

And after these movements, a very strong cooling happened. I.e Golfstream CurrentApparently, this hyperborean civilization went to the south was stopped or weakened. So, tryolskaya culture is the remnants of this civilization, and then they went to Black Sea And went on South, on the Ararian Peninsula, in Egypt. And Egypt created representatives of hyperboria. In Egyptian history it is written, and they sailed on the ships. From the Black Sea sailed. Smera civilization was created even before, this is also the Vedic civilization, but who, unfortunately, was poisoned by representatives by the remnants of the Satanian Atlantic Empire, which remained on the shelf Black Sea. Yes, there was such a mixture of Vedic worldview and Shemra. But gradually Shemra Civilization coped with it, but then it was destroyed, as a result of a new war.

For a long time, scientists are trying to establish the exact period when Homo Sapiens began to actively spread through the planet. Archaeological finds gave us some tips, but here to find an accurate date - the task is difficult. We can only guess the time interval during which an anatomical-modern person actually began to exist.

1. Mummified remains of Cynchorro culture

People began to mummify the dead long before the ancient Egyptians. The oldest famous mummy belongs to Chinchorro culture, it dates back to 5050 BC, which is about 7 thousand years. Today, 282 mums have already been found in the northern Chile in the desert in the north of Chile, a third of them remained naturally, and the rest were made by the hands of the tribesmen who removed organs from them and stuffed the body with vegetables.

2. Monte Verde, Archaeological Object in Chile

Monte Verde was discovered at the end of 1975, and two were installed during excavations different levels: Monte Verde I (MV-I) and Monte Verde II (MV-II). The MV-II level was falling in the area around 12 to 16 thousand years ago. A group of 20-30 people lived here. Archaeologists even discovered their feces. In addition, a trail was found (perhaps a child), stone tools, ropes, cords, as well as seeds and even potatoes.

3. Ice man Otti

On September 19, 1991, two German tourists discovered a body frozen in the Alps. After his extraction, archaeologists have established that Oti is about 5 thousand years. This mummy is the oldest in the world where the body was preserved naturally in natural conditions.

4. The bones of an adult and a child from the cave in Ireland

In November 2013, bones were found in a small hard-to-reach cave on the slopes of the Noknarea Mountain in Ireland. With further study of the space of the cave, other fragments of the remains were found. Some of them belonged to the child, and a part of an adult man. Radio carbon analysis showed that an adult died only about 300 years ago, but a child - as much as 5,200 years ago.

5. Rests in Guard-Kepa (Malaysia)

During construction work in Guard-Kepa (Malaysia), human bones were discovered. Archaeologists arrived immediately on the ground. Actually, excavations were already held here for 7 years earlier, as a result of which prehistoric shells, tools, ceramics and food, but not human remains were found. Bone Analysis showed that it was a woman, and the age of the skeleton is 5,700 years.

6. "Traces of Eva" in South Africa

In 1995, on the shore of Langebaan lagoon ( South Africa) Three tracks were found by Geologist David Roberts. They were left on the sand dune during a strong shower. Later, the wet traces filled with dry sand and crushed shells, which subsequently harded as cement. In the end, the traces were buried at a depth of about 9 m. It is believed that these are traces left by a woman, and their age of 117 thousand years.

7. Drawings of prehistoric people in the cave shop

The cave LASC (France) was discovered in 1940 by four teenagers. Penetrating the inside, they saw that the walls of the cave were covered with prehistoric patterns. These were large animals and fauna of the upper Paleolithic. In total, on the interior walls and ceiling, more than 600 such drawings, which were created by many generations of prehistoric people. According to estimates, their age is about 15-17 thousand years.

8. Skara-Bray, the settlement of the neolithic times

Skara Bray is one of the well-preserved settlements in Scotland, discovered in 1850. The village consisted of eight huts, and about 50 people lived about 50 thousand years ago. Each hut is 40 square meters. M was equipped with a stone hearth for cooking and heating. Here were also found carved stone balls and a number of other artifacts from animal bones, birds and fish.

9. New Magranzh, Neolithic Edge Crematorium?

8 km from the Irish city of Drohed is a building of 5,200 years ago, which makes it older Stonehenge and egyptian pyramids. This is a large round structure, inside which are stone passages and cameras. The purpose of Newgarange is a mystery that has yet to be solved. By the way, the entrance to it coincides with the rising sun during the winter solstice. And here were found both burned and unburned human bones.

10. Pesz Merle, French cave with prehistoric drawings

In the French region, Cabré has a cave called "Pesz Merl", covered with drawings of the time of the gravestites of culture (about 27 thousand years ago), and this proves that people existed already at that time. In the cave seven cameras filled with drawings of prehistoric fauna: spotted and monochrome horses, mammoths, deer. Archaeologists also found prints of human hands and traces of children's feet in clay.

§ 1. How is the score of the years in history

How the modern time countdown began

In antiquity, there was no one for all calendar. 2 thousand years ago an event occurred, from which people in many countries of the world began to lead their calendar. This event was the birth of a person named Jesus Christ.

Sunny calendar of the ancient inhabitants of America

Religion-founded - Christianity - over time spread throughout the world. In those countries where Christians made up the majority, the Christmas of Jesus began to celebrate as great holiday. Old calendars in these countries were canceled, and the new countdown began to lead from the date of birth of Christ. The time spent from the year of birth of Jesus Christ to the present day, people began to call our (new) era, abbreviated. e. Our era lasts more than 2 thousand years.

Account for a new era

About anything that happened before the Nativity of Jesus Christ, we conventionally say that it happened before our (new) era, abbreviated - BC. e. How to be if we want to find out how many years have passed from the event that happened to the Nativity of Christ, to the present? To find out this, it is necessary to date when it happened, add a date that is currently being in our calendar.

For example, how to find out how much time has passed since the appearance of writing, if it is known that it appeared in the III millennium BC. e.? It is necessary to add 2 more millennium to this date. It turns out that writing arose about 5 thousand years ago.

One of the first in the history of the inscriptions made in Ancient India

Well, how, say, find out what millennium BC. e. People learned to handle iron if we know that this happened about 3 thousand years ago? For this, from three thousand years it is necessary to take two thousand. It turns out that this happened in the first millennium BC. e.

Let's summarize

Currently, in most countries of the world, the account of the years is conducted from the Christmas of Jesus Christ.

"Time is an eternal image moving from the number to the number."

Ancient sage Plato

Questions and tasks

1. When did the current counting of years in history begins?

2. What happened to how much before: the appearance of writing or the beginning of iron treatment?

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Pharaoh is the ruler of Ancient Egypt. With its external appearance, Pharaoh was distinguished. He never appeared with a uncoated head and wore a wig. Wigs were different: top and casual. On top of the wig was put on the diadem, which Golden Cobra was wound. Another note of the pharaoh is a ward, braided in pigtails. The decoration of the pharaoh of jewels and jewelry, which could sometimes weigh a few kilograms. Everything in the guise of Pharaoh should have to emphasize his greatness. The daily life of the ruler of Egypt was difficult. All hours strictly sampled to perform various duties.

Ancient Egypt, placed the beginning of the architecture. The main construction materials were stone, limestone, as well as sandstone and granite. Walls decorated hieroglyphs. The stone was used mainly for tombs, the brick was on the construction of palaces, fortresses, temples and cities. Houses were built from the mud extracted in the Nile. She was left in the sun so that she dried and became suitable for construction.

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