Represents the kinds of possible games or. Types of computer games. There are three classes of games

Play is of particular importance for the development of various forms of voluntary behavior - from the elementary to the most complex. Voluntary behavior is understood as behavior carried out in accordance with a pattern and controlled by comparison with this pattern as a standard. In the game, according to L.S. Vygotsky “the child cries like a patient and rejoices like a player” and every minute the child refuses fleeting desires in favor of fulfilling the role he has assumed. This fact indicates that a significant restructuring of the child's behavior occurs in play - it becomes arbitrary.

It is in this activity, which is as free as possible from any coercion, seemingly completely at the mercy of emotions, that the child first of all learns to control his behavior and regulate it in accordance with generally accepted rules. Play is a reflection of life. Here everything is "as if", "pretend", but in this conditional environment, which is created by the child's imagination, there is a lot of the present: the actions of the players are always real, their feelings and experiences are genuine, sincere. The child knows that the doll and the bear are only toys, but loves them as if they were alive, understands that he is not a “correct” sailor or pilot, but feels like a brave pilot, a brave captain who is not afraid of danger, and, of course, be truly proud of your victory.

Imitation of adults in play is associated with the work of the imagination. The child does not copy reality, he combines different impressions of life with personal experience.

Children's creativity is manifested in the concept of the game and the search for means for its implementation. How much fiction is required to decide which journey to go on, which ship or plane to build, which equipment to prepare. In the game, children are playwrights, props, decorators, and actors at the same time. However, they do not prepare for the role as actors for a long time. They play for themselves, expressing their own dreams and aspirations, thoughts and feelings that possess them at the moment. Therefore, the game is always an improvisation.

Play is an independent activity in which children first interact with their peers. They are united by a common goal, joint efforts to achieve it, common interests and experiences.

Children choose the game themselves, organize it themselves. But at the same time, in no other activity there are such strict rules, such conditionality of behavior as here. It is the game that teaches children to subordinate their actions and thoughts to a specific goal, helps to educate purposefulness.

In play, the child begins to fairly evaluate his own actions and deeds, as well as the actions of his comrades.

The game is also important for the formation of a friendly children's collective, and for the formation of independence, and for the formation of a positive attitude to work, and to correct some deviations in the behavior of individual children, and much more. In play, a significant change occurs in the child's psyche, preparing for the transition to a new, higher stage of development.

As a result of the implementation of these principles, conditions are created that contribute to the formation of the initial forms of self-esteem and self-control of the child, which is of great importance both for his educational activities (future and present), and for a full life in a team of peers.

It is known that at the younger preschool age, the assimilation of new knowledge in the game is much more successful than in the classroom. An educational game is characterized by the fact that it contains a ready-made game concept, game material and rules (communication and objective actions). All this is determined by the goal of the game, i.e. what this game was created for, what it is aimed at.

The goal of the game always has 2 aspects:

1. Cognitive, that is, what we have to teach the child, what methods of action and with objects we want to convey to him.

2. Educational, that is, ways of cooperation, forms of communication and relationships with other people, which should be instilled in children.

A playful concept is a playful situation into which a child is introduced and which he perceives as his own. The construction of the concept of the game is based on the specific needs and inclinations of children, as well as the characteristics of their experience.

The idea of ​​the game is realized in the game actions that are offered to the child in order for the game to take place. Play activities include a learning task, that is, what is the most important condition for each child's personal success in play and his emotional connection with other participants.

The play material also encourages the child to play. It is essential for the learning and development of the baby and of course. For the implementation of the game plan. Game rules are an important feature of the game. The rules of the game bring to the consciousness of children its concept, game actions and a learning task. Game rules are of two types: rules of action and rules of communication.

The description of the game is set out as follows:

1. Features of the game and its educational value.

2. Game material.

3. Description of the game and techniques for its implementation.

4. The rules of the game.

5. Advice to the educator.

As the child grows, his games also change: from a simple exchange of toys to role-playing and intricate "construction".

All types of games have their own characteristics and purpose, but there are no clearly defined boundaries between them - in each game situation they can overlap.

Sensory games. The purpose of this type of game is to acquire sensory experience for the sake of experience itself. Through this game, children learn about their physical and sensory capabilities, about the properties of things that surround them.

Motor games. This type of play involves a constant change of sensations of movement. For babies, motor games are one of the first opportunities for communication with others.

The game is fuss. This type of play is of great benefit to children. It gives children the opportunity to exercise and throw out their energy, but also teaches them to restrain their feelings, control impulsive desires and helps get rid of negative habits, they learn to see the difference between the present and the depicted.

Language games. Children are interested in speech itself, they play with sounds, forms and shades of meaning. Word play allows the child to practice grammar. Children also use language to control their steps, to structure their play.

Role-playing games. One of the main types of games is to play different roles and situations - this is a role-playing game. In role-playing games, children test their social knowledge, develop the ability to symbolically replace specific objects and events with symbols. And also role play contributes to a better understanding of both other people and oneself. It is in this type of game that the child is given the opportunity to put himself in the shoes of another person.

There are also other types of games:

1. The game is didactic. This is a specially created game with a specific didactic task hidden from the child in a play situation behind play actions. Here, the game itself directs the child to mastering knowledge and skills. This type of games is one of the methodological types of training. The main feature of didactic games is determined by their name: these are educational games. They are created by adults for the upbringing and education of children. But for playing children, the upbringing and educational meaning of didactic play appears openly, but is realized through a play task, play actions, and rules.

As A.N. Leontiev, didactic games are referred to as "boundary games". Representing a transitional form to the non-play activities that they prepare. These games contribute to the development of cognitive activity, intellectual operations, which are the basis of learning. Didactic games are characterized by the presence of an educational task - a learning task. Adults are guided by it, creating this or that didactic game, but clothe it in an entertaining form for children. Examples of educational tasks: to teach children to distinguish and correctly name colors (Salute, "Colored rugs") or geometric figures("Ice drift"), to clarify ideas about tableware ("Katya the doll is having lunch"), to form the ability to compare objects by outward signs, location in space, develop an eye and coordination of small movements. The educational task is embodied by the creators of the game in the appropriate content, realized with the help of game actions that children perform.

2. Game-dramatization. It is built based on the plot scheme of any literary work chosen by the children. Here the roles correspond to the characters of the piece being played.

Theatrical games represent literary works (fairy tales, stories, specially written dramatizations) in persons. The heroes become characters, and their adventures, life events, altered by childhood fantasy, become the plot of the game. It is not difficult to see the peculiarity of theatrical games: they have a ready-made plot, which means that the child's activity is largely predetermined by the text of the work. The question arises: what is the child's creativity in these games? Is it legal to classify them as creative games?

A real theatrical game is the richest field for children's creativity. First of all, we note that the text of a work for children is only a canvas into which they weave new storylines, introduce additional roles, and change the ending. For example, in a game based on the fairy tale "Teremok", a squirrel appears on the doorstep after a runaway bunny - a fluffy tail, then the children felt sorry for a bear, a fox, a wolf, who asked to go to the teremok and promised not to offend anyone. The game ended with a friendly round dance of the fairy tale characters. So kids

"Remade" the well-known fairy tale in accordance with their ideas about the need to live in friendship and peace, not to see the enemy in those. Someone is not like you in some way.

3. Fun game. Here the plot is completely absent and the goal is to amuse and entertain the participants in this game.

4. The game is procedural. This type of game is typical for young children. In the course of this game, the meanings of the objects of the surrounding world are mastered by means of conditional actions with a toy character. With the help of realistic toys, the child reproduces the usual actions of adults. In procedural play, children develop visual-figurative thinking, imagination, speech, arbitrariness.

6. Director's game. Individual game type. Here the child comes up with a plot by himself, plays for himself and for a toy, which is endowed with a certain role. This type of play promotes the development of speech, thinking and imagination.

The very name of the director's game indicates its similarity with the activities of the director of the film. Usually the director decides which film, he will direct, which script he will take. The child himself creates the plot of the game, its script.

The script is based on the child's direct experience: it reflects an event in which he himself was a spectator or participant. Often, the plot of the game is knowledge gleaned from watching cartoons, a book read.

The plots of the director's game are chains of actions. The child shows creativity and imagination, coming up with the content of the game. Determining its participants (the roles that toys, objects "play").

Objects and toys are used not only in their immediate meaning, but also when they perform a function that is not assigned to them by universal human experience (a pencil is a magic wand, a conductor's wand or a microphone, a belt becomes a snake, a brick-soap). Children willingly resort to toys - substitutes in games, which speaks in the development of imagination.

7. Playing with the rules. As a rule, this game is group or doubles. A feature of this type of game is the presence of rules that are mandatory for all players. Historically established rules are passed down from older children to younger children, but children can themselves form new rules for this particular game.

A special group of games specially created by folk or scientific pedagogy for solving certain problems of teaching and educating children. These are games with ready-made content, with fixed rules, which are an indispensable component of the game. Learning tasks are implemented through the child's play actions when performing a task (find, say the opposite, catch the ball)

Depending on the nature of the learning problem, games with rules are divided into two large groups- didactic and outdoor games, which, in turn, are classified based on different grounds.

Didactic games are subdivided according to content (mathematical, natural history, speech.

According to didactic material (games with objects, toys, desktop-printed, verbal), mobile are classified according to the degree of mobility (games of low mobility, medium, high mobility), according to the prevailing movements (games with jumps, with dashes).

For items that are used in the game (ball games, with ribbons, with hoops). Among didactic and outdoor games, there are story games in which the players play roles (“Cats and Mice”, “Souvenir Shop”) and plotless ones (“The magic wand”, “What has changed?”).

In games with the rules, the child is attracted by the game process, the desire to perform game actions, achieve results, and win. But this gameplay is mediated by some kind of task (not just to shift the pictures, but to place them in pairs, to pick them up according to a certain attribute; not just to run, but to run away from the fox). And this makes the child's behavior arbitrary, subject to game conditions in the form of rules. As A. N. Leontiev justly noted, mastering the rule of the game means mastering one's own behavior. It is the fact that in games with rules the child learns to control his behavior determines their educational tasks.

Thus, games with rules are the most important means of upbringing and teaching preschool children.

7. Business game. It is aimed at mastering, comprehending the so-called instrumental tasks associated with the construction of real activities, the achievement of specific goals. Children develop skills in goal-setting and action planning, self-regulation in the process of achieving goals, the ability to correlate their activities with the activities of other people

8. The game is role-playing. This type of game is typical for preschool children. Role-playing game is an activity in which the child takes on the roles of adults and, in a generalized form, in specially created play conditions, reproduces their activity and the relationship between them. These conditions are characterized by the use of a variety of play objects that replace the actual objects of adult activity. It is in the role-playing game that the child realizes his desire to live a common life with adults, a life that captures him entirely

Outdoor games for preschoolers are divided into plotless, story-driven and fun games. But, in any case, games should have easy rules. It is important to choose such games for children that correspond to their level of development - they will not turn out to be primitive, or, on the contrary, very difficult.

In the younger groups of kindergartens, the most widespread are story games and simple games, storyless types of fun games and traps. Plot-free play with elements of competition, relay race, play with objects (ring toss, skittles, etc.) are not yet available for such kids. At this age, no sports games are held at all.

A narrative outdoor game helps children to consolidate ideas and knowledge about the phenomena and objects of the world around them. For example, about various means of transportation (trains, airplanes, cars) and the ability to use them, about the peculiarities of their movement, about the habits of various birds and animals, etc.

Thus, thanks to the types of games, the child can choose the game that he will play.

Julia Slautina
Types of games and their role in the life, education and training of preschool children

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The game - not just a favorite pastime of children, it is the leading activity of preschoolers. It is in it that the main new formations are formed, preparing the child's transition to primary school age, and the moral foundations of the child's personality are formed. The game contributes to the formation of self-esteem of the preschooler. It initially shows the ability to voluntarily, on its own initiative, submit to various requirements.

In play, as in the leading activity of preschoolers, mental processes are actively formed or rebuilt, ranging from the simplest to the most complex. Visual acuity significantly increases under conditions of play (research by G.V. Endovitskaya). In play, the child identifies the conscious goal of memorizing and recalling earlier and more easily, memorizes a greater number of words than in laboratory conditions (ZM Istomina et al.).

In play activities, especially favorable conditions are created for the development of intelligence. In the course of the game, a symbolic (sign) function of consciousness is formed, which manifests itself in the use of substitutes instead of real objects (a stick instead of a horse, a leaf instead of a plate, etc.). The use of external real substitutes turns into the use of internal, figurative substitutes, and this rebuilds all mental processes of the child, allows him to build in his mind ideas about objects and phenomena of reality and apply them in solving various mental problems.

It is also important that the ability to take the point of view of another person, a partner in the game, to look at things from his position is actively formed in the game.

In the process of play activity, the child develops imagination as the psychological basis of creativity, making the subject capable of creating something new in various fields of activity and different levels significance.

Play creates (research by A. V. Zaporozhets) favorable conditions for organizing the movements of the preschooler. When a child takes on a certain role (for example, a hare, a chanterelle, a cat, etc., he consciously and voluntarily reproduces certain movements characteristic of the depicted character.

Play is the leading means of psychotherapy in preschool age, while performing diagnostic, therapeutic, and educational functions. Play psychotherapy is successfully used to correct, for example, fears and other negative emotional states (A. I. Zakharov, A. S. Spivakovskaya, O. A. Karabanova).

The value of play activity is not limited to its influence on the development of an individual, a child. The game has great opportunities for the formation of a "children's society".

In the process of playing, new types of preschooler's activities arise and develop. It is in games with the rules that the child begins to pay attention to the method, the means of achieving the result, and not only to the result itself; in them, he learns to consciously obey the rules. The use of play, playful techniques makes learning at this age "consistent with the nature of the child."

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Games differ in content, characteristic features, in what place they occupy in the life of children, in their upbringing and education.

Svetlana Leonidovna Novoselova distinguishes three classes of games:

1. Games initiated by the child:

Independent play (play - experimentation)

Self-plot games (plot-reflective, plot-role, directorial, theatrical);

2. Games initiated by an adult, which implements them for educational and educational purposes:

Educational games (didactic, plot-didactic, mobile);

Leisure (fun games, entertainment games, intellectual, festive and carnival, theatrical and staging);

3. Games coming from the historically established traditions of the ethnos (folk), which can arise on the initiative of both an adult and older children: traditional or folk games (historically, they underlie many games related to educational and leisure activities).

There are several groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child.

I group- creative (plot-role). In these games, the plot is a form of intellectual activity.

Role-playing games are created by the children themselves with some guidance from the teacher. Their basis is children's amateur performances. Sometimes such games are called creative role-playing, children do not just copy certain actions, but creatively comprehend and reproduce them in the created images, game actions.

II group- object games, like manipulating toys and objects.

Through them, children learn shape, color, volume, material, the world of animals, the world of people, etc.

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Directing games are a kind of creative games. In them, as in all creative games, there is an imaginary or imaginary situation. The child shows creativity and imagination, inventing the content of the game, identifying its participants.

The script is based on the child's direct experience: it reflects the event, the spectator and participant of which was himself.

In a director's acting, speech is the main component.

The child uses speech expressive means to create the image of each character: intonation, volume, tempo, rhythm of statements, logical stress, emotional coloring, the use of various suffixes, onomatopoeia change.

In this game, many characters are often used, but there are usually no more than three or four "active" ones.

In the life of a child, the director's game appears earlier than the role-playing one. But the one and the other have common roots, namely: plot-reflective play, in the process of which a young child learns ways of acting with objects, masters the sequence of play actions from personal experience(feeding the doll, putting it to bed, bathing, examination by a doctor, etc.).

A feature of the director's game is that partners (toys, their deputies) are inanimate objects and they do not have their own desires, interests, and claims. And this is natural, since such playful communication for a small child is easier than communication with peers, in which it is necessary to take into account the position, mood of partners, and seek a common language with them.

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The basis of play is an imaginary or imaginary situation, which consists in the child taking on the role of an adult, which he performs in a play environment created by him.

The independence of children in the role-playing game is one of its characteristic features... Children themselves choose the theme of the game, determine the lines of its development. Such freedom in the implementation of the concept of the game and the flight of fantasy allow the child to independently engage in those spheres of human activity that in reality will be inaccessible to him for a long time. Uniting in the game, children voluntarily choose partners, set the game rules themselves, monitor their implementation, and regulate relationships.

But the most important thing is that in the game the child embodies his view, his ideas, his attitude to the event that he is playing.

An RPG has the following structural components: plot, content, role.

The main component of the plot role play the plot is, without it there is no role-playing game itself.

The plot of the game- this is the sphere of reality that is reproduced by children. Depending on this, the games are divided into:

1. Games based on everyday subjects: "home", "family", "holiday".

2. Games on industrial and social topics are human labor.

3. Games on heroic-patriotic themes - heroic deeds of our people.

4. Games on the themes of literary works, films, television and radio broadcasts: "sailors" and "pilots", "hare and wolf", "Cheburashka and crocodile Gena", etc.

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The following components are distinguished in the structure of the role-playing game:

Roles that children play during the game;

Play actions, with the help of which children fulfill roles;

Game use of objects, real ones are replaced by game ones.

The relationship between children, which is expressed in remarks, remarks, is regulated by the course of the game.

Role- this is the child's play position: he identifies himself with any character in the plot and acts in accordance with ideas about him.

The child's obedience to the rules of role-playing behavior is the main element of the role-playing game. The deviation of any of the players from these rules provokes protests from the partners in the game.

The role appears in the play in the third year of the child's life.

The development of the role in the game comes from the performance of role-playing actions to role-models.

In children of 3 years old, everyday activities predominate: cooking, bathing, washing, transporting, etc. Then role designations associated with certain actions appear: I am a mother, I am a driver, I am a doctor. The role taken gives a certain direction, the meaning of action with objects.

At the age of 4-5 years, the performance of a role becomes a significant motive of play activity: the child does not just want to play, he has a need to perform this or that role, using speech, facial expressions and gestures.

At the age of 5-7 years, role-playing dialogues appear in games, with the help of which relationships between characters are expressed, game interaction is established.

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In the first years of life, with the teaching influence of adults, the child passes stages of development of gaming activity:

The first such stage- introductory game. An adult organizes object-play activities using a variety of toys and objects.

In the second stage a reflective game appears in which the adult not only names the object, but also draws the child's attention to its intended purpose.

Stage Three- a plot-reflective game is formed, in which children begin to actively reflect the impressions received in everyday life (they lay the doll, feed it, roll it in a stroller, cook food, etc.).

The main condition for the development of a role-playing game is the joint games of an adult and a child. The teacher plays up the situations, involving children in the active participation. For example, it modifies the playing situation of feeding, which young children love to portray in the game: it introduces new characters, new dishes, new dishes.

The teacher creates situations that stimulate the child to use substitute items, to act in an imaginary situation.

For the development of a plot-display game, demonstrations and staging are effective.

Fourth stage- own role-playing game.

Role-playing in a developed form is an activity in which children take on the roles (functions) of adults and in a social form, in specially created play conditions, reproduce the actions of adults and their relationships. These conditions are characterized by the use of a variety of play objects that replace the actual objects of adult activity.

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Theatrical games are acting out in the person of literary works (fairy tales, stories, specially written dramatizations). The heroes of literary works become characters, and their adventures, events, altered by childhood fantasy, become the plot of the game.

In dramatized games develop different kinds children's creativity: artistic speech, musical play, dance, stage, singing.

Types of theatrical games(according to L.V. Artyomova):

Dramatization games;


In games-dramatizations the child independently creates an image using a complex of means of expression, performs his own actions of playing a role, performs any plot with a pre-existing scenario, within which improvisation develops. Improvisation concerns not only the text, but also the stage action.

Dramatization games can be performed without spectators or have the character of a concert performance.

If they are played out in the usual theatrical form or in the form of a mass plot show, then such games are called theatricalizations.

Dramatizations are based on the actions of the performer, who usually uses puppets.

Researcher L.V. Artyomova distinguishes several types of dramatization games for preschoolers:

1. Games-dramatization with fingers.

The child puts the attributes on his fingers. He "plays" for the character, acting with one or more fingers, pronouncing the text.

2. Games-dramatization with bibabo dolls.

In these games, bibabo dolls are put on the fingers of the hand. They usually act on a screen behind which the driver is standing. You can make these dolls yourself using old toys.

3. Improvisation - acting out a plot without prior preparation.

In traditional pedagogy, dramatization games are classified as creative ones that are part of the structure of a role-playing game.

In the director's game the child is not a stage character, he acts as a toy hero, acts as a screenwriter and director, controls toys or their deputies. This independence in coming up with a plot is considered especially important for the further formation of play and imagination (EE Kravtsova). While “voicing” the characters and commenting on the plot, the child uses different means of verbal expressiveness (intonation and facial expressions).

The peculiarity of these games is the transfer of function from one object of reality to another. The similarity with director's work is that the child organizes the space, plays the role himself or accompanies the game with text.

Director's games can be group games: everyone leads toys in the general plot or acts as a director of an impromptu concert or performance. At the same time, the experience of communication, coordination of ideas and plot actions is accumulated.

For example, L.V. Artyomova proposes a classification of director's games in accordance with the variety of theaters:

1. Tabletop toy theater.

Used toys, crafts that stand firmly on the table and do not interfere with movement.

2. Desktop picture theater.

Characters and decorations - pictures. Their actions are limited. The character's mood is conveyed by the player's intonation. Characters appear in the course of the action, which creates an element of surprise, arouses the interest of children.

3. Stand-book.

The dynamics, the sequence of events are depicted using illustrations that replace each other.

4. Flanenelegraph.

Pictures or characters are displayed on the screen. They are held by a flannel that tightens the screen and the reverse side of the picture.

5. Shadow theater. It requires a translucent paper screen, black plane characters and a bright light source behind them, thanks to which the characters cast shadows on the screen. The image can also be obtained using the fingers. The display is accompanied by a corresponding sound.

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Conditions for the development of theatrical games:

From an early age, teach children to listen to the artistic word, emotionally respond to it.

Raise children's interest in dramatization, theatrical activities.

To this end, apply different types of theater, use elements of costumes and attributes that arouse great interest in children and a desire to play a fairy tale.

The strengthening of interest is facilitated by participation in the design of the performance, in the creative work of making theatrical toys, composing performances and taking into account individual characteristics child.

Take care of equipping theatrical games.

It is necessary to purchase theatrical toys, make homemade toys, create a fund of costumes, update the scenery, attributes. To involve family members of pupils in this work.

Pay serious attention to the selection of literary works for theatrical games.

Selection of literature with a moral idea understandable to children, with dynamic events, with characters endowed with expressive characteristics. Fairy tales meet these requirements. Fairy tales are easy to play around, as they are built on short dialogues of characters and contain repetitions of situations. The heroes of fairy tales enter into certain relationships in which peculiarities of character, thoughts, feelings are manifested.

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Building construction games - a kind of creative games in which children reflect the world around them, independently erect structures and protect them.

The similarity of role-playing and building games is to unite children on the basis of common interests, joint activities.

Their difference is that in a plot-based role-playing game, various phenomena are reflected and relationships between people are mastered, and in the construction, the main one is familiarization with the relevant activities of people, with the technique used and its use.

The educational and developmental influence of construction games lies in the ideological content of the phenomena reflected in them, in the children’s mastering the methods of construction, in the development of their constructive thinking, enrichment of speech, and simplification of positive relationships. Their influence on mental development is determined in the concept, the solution of which requires preliminary consideration: what to build, the material, the sequence of construction.

In the process of building games, the teacher teaches children to observe, distinguish, compare, relate some parts of buildings to others, memorize and reproduce construction techniques, and focus on the sequence of actions.

Construction games use both construction and natural materials: clay, sand, snow, stones, etc.

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The main feature of didactic games is determined by their name: these are educational games. They are created by adults for the upbringing and education of children. But for playing children, the educational and educational significance of didactic play does not appear openly, but is realized through a play task, play actions, and rules.

Didactic games have existed for centuries. Their first creator was a people who noticed an amazing feature of young children - the receptivity to learning in the game. Folk didactic games provide the relationship between educational and training impact, taking into account the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of the child.

The classics of Russian folk pedagogy were such didactic games as "Magpie-white-sided", "Guli-guli", "Ladushki", "Jumpers", "Fanta", "Lady", "Paints" and many others.

Types of didactic games:

1. Didactic games with objects develop mental operations, improve speech, bring up arbitrary behavior, memory, attention.

Among games with objects, plot-didactic games and staging games occupy a special place.

In narrative-didactic games, children play certain roles, for example, a seller and a buyer.

Staging games help to clarify ideas about different everyday situations ("The doll Olya got sick", about literary works ("Travel to the land of fairy tales", about the norms of behavior ("Visiting Masha's doll").

For the development of coordination and visual control, games with didactic toys of a motor nature are organized.

For kids, there are numerous options for games with rolling balls from a slide, in a gate, games with inserts, collapsible eggs, balls, turrets.

Children 4-6 years old are intended to play with spillikins, skittles, table billiards.

The development of coordination of movements of the forearm, hand and especially fingers is an important prerequisite for preparing a child for mastering writing.

2. Board games help to clarify and expand children's ideas about the world around them, systematize knowledge, develop thought processes: "Paired pictures", "Lotto", "Dominoes", "Labyrinth", "Cut pictures", "Puzzles".

3. Word games. The process of solving a learning problem is carried out in a mental plan, on the basis of ideas and without reliance on visualization. Therefore, word games are carried out mainly with children of middle and mainly senior preschool age. Among these games, there are many folk games associated with nursery rhymes, jokes, riddles, shape-shifters, some of which are available to kids due to the imagery of speech design, built on dialogue, and the similarity in content to children's experience. In addition to speech development, the formation of auditory attention with the help of verbal games creates an emotional mood, improves mental operations, develops speed of reaction, the ability to understand humor.

Didactic game has its own structure that includes several components.

Educational (didactic) task- the main element of the didactic game, to which all the others are subordinate.

For children, the learning task is formulated as a game one.

Game actions- these are ways of manifesting the child's activity for play purposes.

Depending on the age and level of development of children, play actions in didactic play also change.

Children 2-4 years old in the didactic game are carried away by the process, but the result of the game is not interested. Therefore, the game actions are simple and of the same type: disassemble and assemble the pyramid; guess who is screaming by onomatopoeia (dog, goat, cow).

At 4-5 years old, children perform game actions alternately (board-printed games "Lotto", "Domino", "Labyrinth").

In the games of children 5-7 years old, game actions of a mental nature prevail: to show observation, compare, recall previously learned, classify objects and phenomena according to one or another characteristic, etc.

The developing effect of didactic play directly depends on how diverse and meaningful the actions performed by the child are. If the teacher, conducting a didactic game, acts on his own, and the children only observe, then its educational and educational value disappears.

rules provide the implementation of game content. They make the game democratic: all participants in the game obey them.

The learning task, game actions and rules are interconnected. The learning task defines the game actions, and the rules help to carry out the game actions and solve the problem.

Genuine play is based on the independence and self-organization of children.

14 slide.

Outdoor games are a kind of rule games. An active game is a game with rules, during which, along with other educational tasks, the task of developing movements is first of all performed. Compared to the games of children of other age levels, the nature of the games at the preschool level differs in that it is not necessary to determine the winner here. After the end of the game, it is assessed how the game went, how the children followed the rules, treated each other. And only in the older groups do they begin to gradually introduce elements of competition, begin to compare the strengths of teams, individual players.

The form of outdoor games is understood as the way it is conducted, the organization of the game, the relationship of the players, the responsibilities of each individually or of teams. The expression of the form of the game is the rule.

In the variety of outdoor games for children, there are several main types:

Games based on agility, physical skill;

Games based on luck (where the outcome does not depend on the physical fitness or mental competence of the players).

The source of outdoor games with rules is folk games, which are characterized by brightness of design, content, simplicity and amusement.

The rules in an outdoor game play an organizing role: they determine its course, the sequence of actions, the relationships of the players, the behavior of each child. The rules oblige to obey the purpose and meaning of the game; children should be able to use them in different conditions.

In the younger groups, the teacher explains the content and rules during the game, in the older ones - before the start. Outdoor games are organized indoors and out for a walk with a small number of children or with the whole group.

Older preschoolers need to be taught to play outdoor games on their own. To do this, it is necessary to develop their interest in these games, provide an opportunity to organize them for a walk, during leisure hours, at holidays, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to note that play, like any creative activity, is emotionally saturated and gives every child joy and pleasure by its very process.

Application of gaming technologies in preschool educational institutions

“The game creates joy,

freedom, contentment, peace in yourself

and around you, peace in peace "

Friedrich Froebel

Play is a special activity that flourishes in childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life. It is not surprising that the problem of play has attracted and continues to attract the attention of researchers: teachers, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, art historians, and biologists.

In the studies of L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontyev, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin, play is defined as a leading type of activity that does not arise through spontaneous maturation, but is formed under the influence of social conditions of life and upbringing. The game creates favorable conditions for the formation of the ability to perform actions in the mental plane, carries out psychological replacements of real objects.

Play is the child's leading activity. In the game, he develops as a person, those aspects of the psyche are formed in him, on which the success of his social practice will subsequently depend. Play is a testing ground for social tests of children, that is, those tests that are chosen by children for self-examination and in the process of which they master ways to solve problems of interpersonal relations that arise in the process of play. The game creates the basis for a new leading activity - educational. Therefore, the most important task of pedagogical practice is the optimization and organization of a special space in the preschool educational institution for the activation, expansion and enrichment of the preschooler's play activity.

The game features:

Everything related to play is in a single play space, serves as a means of transferring social experience and encourages the child to be actively creative.

Adults are participants in the game, whose rights are determined by the rules of the game that govern their relationship.

Game functions:

1. Entertaining (entertain, please, arouse the child's interest)

2. Communicative

3. Diagnostic (identifying relationships from normal behavior, self-knowledge during the game)

4. Correctional (making positive changes in the structure of personality indicators)

5. Socialization (inclusion in the system of social relations, the assimilation of the norms of human community)

The only language that is easy for children is the language of the PLAY. It is the game that allows you to correct the emerging age-related problems and difficulties in relationships. A child's life is impossible without play!

Children's games are not a homogeneous phenomenon. Even the eye of a layperson will notice how diverse the games are in terms of their content, the degree of independence of children, forms of organization, and play material.

Due to the variety of children's games, it turns out to be difficult to determine the initial grounds for their classification.

For example, F. Frebel based his classification on the principle of the differentiated influence of games on the development of the mind (mental games, external senses (sensory games, movements (motor games)).

Characteristics of the types of games of the German psychologist K. Groß:

Group 1 by pedagogical meaning: games are mobile, mental, sensory, developing will.

Group 2 - improving instincts: family games, hunting games, courtship.

In domestic preschool pedagogy, a classification of children's games has developed, based on the degree of independence and creativity of children in the game.

P.F.Lesgaft divided children's games into two groups:

1. Imitative (imitative)

2. Movable (games with rules)

In the works of N.K.Krupskaya, children's games are divided into two groups:

I. Creative games:


2.plot and role-playing,


4. games with building material

II. Games with rules:

1. Outdoor games:

By the degree of mobility (low, medium, high mobility)

According to the prevailing movements (games with jumps, dashes, etc.)

By items (with a ball, ribbons, hoops, flags, cubes, etc.)

2. Didactic games:

By content (mathematical, natural history, speech, etc.)

On didactic material (games with objects and toys, desktop printed, verbal)

In recent years, the problem of classifying children's games has become urgent again. The new classification of children's games, developed by S. L. Novoselova, is presented in the program "Origins: Basic program for the development of a preschooler child." The classification is based on the idea of ​​who initiated the games (child or adult). In our practical play activities with pupils, we use the classification of S. L. Novoselova.

There are three classes of games:

1. Games arising at the initiative of the child (children - independent games:

Experimentation game:

The structure of the experimenting lesson

A) Statement of the research problem in the form of one or another variant of the problem situation.

B) Training of attention, memory, logic of thinking

C) Clarification of life safety rules.

D) Clarification of the research plan

E) The choice of equipment, its independent placement by children in the study area.

F) Distribution of children into subgroups, selection of leaders, captains (group leaders who help organize peers, commenting on the progress and results of joint activities of children in groups.

G) Analysis and generalization of the experimental results obtained by children.

Stages of experimental research work:

1. Definition and formulation of the problem.

2. Search and offer possible options solutions.

3. Direct experiment.

4. Generalization of the data obtained.

5. Conclusion.

Independent story games:

Subject - reflective




2. Games that arise at the initiative of an adult who implements them for educational and upbringing purposes:

Educational games:




Leisure games:

Fun games

Fun Games


Festive carnival

Theatrical production

3. Games coming from the historically established traditions of the ethnos (folk, which may arise on the initiative of both an adult and older children:

Traditional or folk

Classification of games of preschool children

Classes of games Types of games Subtypes of games

Games initiated by the child

Experimental games

1. Games with natural objects.

2. Games with special toys for research.

3. Games with animals

Subject amateur

1. Subject-reflective.

2. Plot and role-playing.

3. Directing.

4. Theatrical

Adult-initiated games


1. Subject-didactic.

2. Movable.

3. Musical and didactic.

4. Educational


1. Intellectual.

2. Games, fun, entertainment.

3. Theatrical.

4. Festive and carnival.

5. Computer

Folk games


1. Family.

2. Seasonal.

3. Iconic


1. Intellectual.

2. Sensorimotor.

3. Responsive


1. Games.

2. Quiet games.

3. Fun games

Game activity influences the formation of arbitrary behavior and all mental processes - from the elementary to the most complex. Fulfilling the play role, the child subordinates all his momentary impulsive actions to this task. In conditions of play, children concentrate and memorize better than under a direct assignment from an adult.

The main and leading activity of preschool age is creative games.

Role-playing game is one of the creative games. In a role-playing game, children take on certain functions of adults and, in specially created game, imaginary conditions, reproduce (or simulate) the activities of adults and the relationship between them. In such a game, all the mental qualities and personality traits of the child are most intensively formed.

The independence of children in the role-playing game is one of its characteristic features. Children themselves determine the theme of the game, determine the lines of its development, decide how they will begin to reveal the roles, where the game will unfold. Uniting in a role-playing game, children voluntarily choose partners, set game rules themselves, monitor implementation, and regulate relationships. But the most important thing in the game, the child embodies his view, his ideas, his attitude to the event that he is playing.

The main component of a role-playing game is a plot, which is a reflection by a child of certain actions, events, relationships from the life and activities of others. At the same time, his game actions (preparing dinner, turning the steering wheel of a car, etc.) are one of the main means of implementing the plot.

The plots of the games are varied. They are conventionally divided into:

1. Household (family games, kindergarten)

2. Industrial, reflecting the professional work of people (hospital, shop, hairdresser)

3. Public (birthday, library, school, flight to the moon)

Director's play is a kind of creative play. It is close to the plot-role, but differs from it in that the characters in it are not other people (adults or peers, but toys depicting various characters. The child himself gives roles to these toys, as if animating them, he speaks for them) Dolls, teddy bears, bunnies or toy soldiers become the protagonists of the child's play, and he himself acts as a director, directing and directing the actions of his "actors", which is why such a game was called director's.

The very name of the director's game indicates its similarity with the activities of the director of a play or film. The child himself creates the plot of the game, its script. In director's acting, speech is the main component. In role-playing directorial games, the child uses speech expressive means to create an image of each character: intonation, volume, tempo, rhythm of the statement, logical stress, emotional coloring, onomatopoeia change.

In the life of a child, the director's game appears earlier than the plot-role. A feature of the director's game is that partners (substitute toys) are inanimate objects and do not have their own desires, interests, and claims. The child learns to dispose of his own strength. The most important conditions for the development of directorial games are the creation of an individual space for children, providing a place and time for play. Usually, the child is looking for a corner to play, protected from the eyes of observers (children and adults). At home, children love to play under the table, in the bedroom, put chairs and armchairs around.

Selection of play material for director's games - necessary condition for their development. At first, the teacher plays with a toy that is new in content to show the possibility of its inclusion in a familiar plot.

In theatrical games (dramatization games), the actors are the children themselves, who take on the roles of literary or fairy-tale characters. Children do not invent the script and plot of such a game themselves, but borrow from fairy tales, stories, films or performances. The task of such a game is to reproduce the role of the character assumed as accurately as possible without deviating from the well-known plot. The heroes of literary works become protagonists, and their adventures, life events, a change in children's fantasy become the plot of the game.

The peculiarity of theatrical games is that they have a ready-made plot, which means that the child's activity is largely predetermined by the text of the work. Theatrical play is the richest field for children's creativity. Creative role-playing in a theatrical play differs significantly from creativity in a role-playing game. In the role-playing game, the child is free to convey the image of the role-playing behavior. In a theatrical play, the image of the hero, his main features, actions, experiences are determined by the content of the work. The creativity of the child is manifested in a truthful portrayal of the character. To implement it, the child must understand what the character is like, why he is doing this, imagine his state, feelings. To play the role, the child must possess a variety of visual means (facial expressions, body movements, gestures, expressive and intonational speech).

There are many varieties of theatrical games, differing in decoration, the specifics of children's theatrical activities:

1. Performance - children as actors perform each of their roles.

2. Table theater with three-dimensional or plane figures.

3. Flanelegraph (showing fairy tales, stories on the screen)

4. Shadow theater

5. Theater of parsley

6. Theater - bibabo (on the screen)

7. Puppet theater (lead around the stage, pulling the strings from above, fixed on the slats)

8. Toys - homemade (from waste material, knitted, sewn, etc.)

The main goal of pedagogical guidance is to awaken the child's imagination, to create conditions for the children themselves to show as much inventiveness and creativity as possible.

In addition to creative games, there are other types of games, among which are usually games with rules (outdoor and board).

Games with rules do not imply any specific role. The actions of the child and his relationship with other participants in the game are regulated here by rules that must be followed by everyone. Typical examples of outdoor games with rules are the well-known hide-and-seekers, tag, classics, jump ropes, etc. Board-printed games, which are now widespread, are also games with rules. All of these games are usually competitive: unlike role-playing games, there are winners and losers. The main task of such games is to strictly follow the rules, so they require a high degree of voluntary behavior and, in turn, shape it. Such games are typical mainly for older preschoolers.

Special mention should be made of didactic games, which are created and organized by adults and are aimed at the formation of certain qualities of the child. These games are widely used in kindergartens as a means of teaching and educating preschoolers.

The child is attracted to the game not by the educational task that is inherent in it, but by the opportunity to be active, perform game actions, achieve results, win. However, if the participant of the game does not master the knowledge, mental operations, which are determined by the learning task, he will not be able to successfully perform the game actions, to achieve a result.

Didactic games with objects are very diverse in terms of game materials, content, organization of the event. The following materials are used as didactic material:


Real objects (household items, tools, works of arts and crafts, etc.,

Objects of nature (vegetables, fruits, cones, leaves, seeds)

Games with objects make it possible to solve various educational and educational tasks:

Expand and refine the knowledge of children

Develop mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, distinction, generalization, classification)

Improve speech

Develop all mental processes

Among the games with objects, a special place is occupied by plot-didactic games and staging games, in which children play certain roles, for example, a seller, a buyer in games such as "Shop". In such games patience, perseverance, ingenuity are brought up, the ability to navigate in space develops.

Board-printed games are varied in content, educational tasks, design. They help to clarify and expand children's ideas about the world around them, systematize knowledge, and develop thought processes.

Types of board games:




Cut pictures, puzzles


Word games are distinguished by the fact that the process of solving a learning problem is carried out in a mental plan based on ideas and without reliance on visualization. Therefore, word games are carried out mainly with children of middle and senior preschool age.

Among these games there are many folk games associated with nursery rhymes, jokes, riddles, shape-shifters, puzzle games ("What time of year is this?", Guess games ("What would happen if?").

A didactic game has its own structure, which includes several components.

The didactic (teaching) task is the main component.

Play actions are ways of manifesting the child's activity for play purposes.

Rules - Ensure the implementation of game content. They make the game democratic - all participants in the game obey them.

There is a close connection between the training task, game actions and rules. The learning task defines the game actions, and the rules help to carry out the game actions and solve the problem.

Didactic games are used in the classroom and in the independent activities of children. As an effective teaching tool, they can be an integral part of the lesson, and in early age groups - the main form of organizing the educational process.

Communication of a preschooler with peers occurs mainly in the process of joint play. By playing together, children begin to take into account the wishes and actions of another child, learn to defend their point of view, build and implement joint plans, so that play has a great influence on the development of children's communication during this period.

The enormous importance of play for the development of all mental processes and the personality of the child as a whole gives reason to believe that it is this activity that plays a leading role in preschool age.

As proved in the research of N. Ya.Mikhailenko, E.E. Kravtsova, games develop in the following sequence:

Younger age - role-playing game (dialogue game);

Middle age - game with rules, dramatized game;

Older age - game with rules, director (game - fantasy, game-dramatization)

A fairly significant contribution to the formation of motor skills and abilities in children is made by outdoor games, which are included in the regime moments from a young age.

Each type of game meets its goals and objectives and determines the organization of the playing space in the group.

So for young children, teachers create personal play equipment (screens, a builder, attributes for role-playing games, substitute items, didactic games that give an experience of various uses of an object, by their own example show children how to use role-playing speech, onomatopoeia, suggest cues, explain actions.

In the group of middle preschool age, educators, together with children, make many items - substitutes, since the teacher's task is to teach children to reflect the role of a verbal one, without relying on a real subject.

IN middle group teachers identify play areas in which children unfold any plot - role-playing games, uniting in small groups. By organizing the game, the teacher takes the position of an included partner: he asks the child to explain the meaning of the actions, prompting him to role-playing speech and taking on a certain role.

IN senior group teachers organize a play space, a leading place in which support, special toys and objects are occupied.

Children freely show their playing skills, independently compose a game, simulate its environment, changing it in the course of the development of the plot, freely moving from role to role, observing the rules of the game.

Older children show great interest in directing games. They are supported not only by figurative small toys (bunnies, dolls, but also by various objects (cloth, ball, bar, etc.).

The content of these games is fantastic plots in which reality is intertwined with events from cartoons and books. The organization of games is preceded by a discussion of the general design. By participating in games, the teacher acts as a bearer of the ability to play part of the plot based on the “as if” technique (for example, “as if we have been in space and are now returning to Earth”). The pedagogical support of games is aimed at preserving independent play and encouraging play creativity. Teachers strive to awaken in children the ability to improvise, to saturate the plots with original events.

Thus, the phenomenon of play should be treated as a unique phenomenon of childhood. Play is not only an imitation of life, it is a very serious activity that allows a child to assert himself, to fulfill himself. Participating in various games, the child chooses for himself the characters that are closest to him, correspond to his moral values ​​and social attitudes. Play becomes a factor in the social development of an individual.

Children's games are very diverse. They are different in content and organization, rules, the nature of the manifestation of children, the effect on the child, the types of objects used, origin, etc. All of this makes it difficult to classify games, but grouping is necessary to properly manage games. Each type of play fulfills its function in the development of the child. The blurring of lines between amateur and educational games observed today in theory and practice is unacceptable. In preschool age, there are three classes of games:

Games initiated by a child - amateur games;

Games that arise on the initiative of an adult who implements them for educational and educational purposes;

Games that come from the historically established traditions of the ethnos are folk games that can arise both at the initiative of an adult and older children.

Each of the listed classes of games, in turn, is represented by species and subspecies. So, the first class includes:

1.Creative role-playing games... The concept of "creative play" covers role-playing games, dramatization games, construction-constructive games. The content of creative games is created by the children themselves. Freedom, independence, self-organization and creativity of children in this group are manifested with particular completeness. Various life experiences are not copied, they are processed by children, some of them are replaced by others, etc.

Role-playing game is the main type of the preschool child's game. The main features of the game are inherent in it: emotional saturation and enthusiasm of children, independence, activity, creativity. The first story games are played as roleless games or games with a hidden role. The actions of children acquire a plot character and are combined into a chain that has life meaning... Actions with objects, toys are carried out by each of the playing children independently. Joint games are possible with the participation of an adult.

Dramatization games. They are characterized by the main features of creative games: the presence of a plan, a combination of role-playing and real actions and relationships, and other elements of an imaginary situation. Games are built on the basis of a literary work: the plot of the game, roles, actions of the characters and their speech are determined by the text of the work. Play dramatization has a great impact on a child's speech. The child learns the wealth of the native language, its expressive means, uses various intonations that correspond to the character of the characters and actions, tries to speak clearly so that everyone understands him. The beginning of work on a game-dramatization consists in the selection of a work of art. It is important that children are interested in it, arouse strong feelings and experiences. The teacher takes part in the collusion and preparation of the game. Based on the content of the work with children, the plot of the game is drawn up, roles are distributed, and speech material is selected. The teacher uses questions, advice, repeated reading of the work, conversations with children about the game and thus helps to achieve the greatest expressiveness in the portrayal of the characters.

Building construction games are a kind of creative play. In them, children reflect their knowledge and impressions of the world around them. In construction-constructive games, some objects are replaced by others: buildings are erected from specially created building materials and constructors, or from natural material (sand, snow). All this gives reason to consider such an activity as one of the types of creative play. Many building-constructive games take place in the form of role-playing games. Children take on the role of construction workers who build a building, drivers bring building material to them, during breaks the workers have lunch in the canteen, after work they go to the theater, etc. In the process of playing, the child's orientation in space, the ability to distinguish and establish the size and proportions of an object, spatial relations are formed and developed. Thus, in the building-constructive game, the multifaceted development of the mental activity of children takes place.

Two games with ready-made content and rules are designed to form and develop certain qualities of the child's personality. In preschool pedagogy, it is customary to divide games with ready-made content and rules into didactic, mobile and musical ones.

2. Didactic games Is a kind of games with rules specially created by a pedagogical school for the purpose of teaching and educating children. Didactic games are aimed at solving specific problems in teaching children, but at the same time, the educational and developmental influence of game activity appears in them.

The didactic game has a certain structure, which characterizes the game as a form of learning and play activity. The following structural components of the didactic game are distinguished:

1) a didactic task;

2) game actions;

3) the rules of the game;

4) the result.

The didactic task is determined by the goal of teaching and educational impact. It is formed by the teacher and reflects his teaching activities. So, for example, in a number of didactic games, in accordance with the program objectives of the corresponding academic subjects, the ability to make words out of letters is consolidated, and the skills of counting are practiced. The game task is carried out by children. A didactic task in a didactic game is realized through a game task. It determines play actions, becomes the task of the child himself. Game actions are the basis of the game. The more varied the game actions, the more interesting the game itself is for children and the more successfully cognitive and game tasks are solved.

In different games, play actions are different in their orientation and in relation to the playing children. These are, for example, role-playing actions, guessing riddles, spatial transformations, etc. They are related to the game intent and proceed from it. Game actions are the means of realizing a game concept, but they also include actions aimed at completing a didactic task.

In a didactic game, the rules are given. With the help of the rules, the teacher controls the game, the processes of cognitive activity, the behavior of children. The rules also influence the solution of the didactic task - they imperceptibly restrict the actions of children, direct their attention to the implementation of a specific task of the academic subject.

Summing up - the result is summed up immediately after the end of the game. This could be scoring; identifying children who completed the game task better; determination of the winning team, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to note the achievements of each child, to emphasize the successes of lagging children.

The relationship between children and the teacher is determined not by the learning situation, but by play. Children and the teacher are participants in the same game. This condition is violated, and the teacher takes the path of direct teaching.

Thus, didactic play is a game only for a child, and for an adult it is a way of learning. The purpose of didactic games is to facilitate the transition to educational tasks, to make it gradual. All didactic games can be divided into three main types:

1) toys and real objects are used in games with objects (toys, natural materials). By playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children get acquainted with the properties of objects and their signs: color, size, shape, quality. In games, problems are solved for comparison, classification, establishing a sequence in solving problems. As children acquire new knowledge about the subject environment, tasks in games become more complicated: younger schoolchildren practice defining an object according to any one quality, combine objects according to this attribute (color, shape, quality, purpose ...), which is very important for the development of the abstract, logical thinking.

2) the teacher uses games with natural material when conducting didactic games such as “Whose footprints? “,“ From what tree is the leaf? ”,“ Expand the leaves in decreasing size ”, etc. In such games, knowledge about the natural environment is consolidated, thought processes are formed (analysis, synthesis, classification).

3) board-printed games are of various types: paired pictures, various types of lotto, dominoes. When using them, various developmental tasks are solved. So, for example, a game based on matching pictures in pairs. Pupils combine pictures not only by their appearance, but also by meaning.

Selection of pictures on a common basis - classification. Here, students are required to generalize, to establish a connection between subjects. For example, in the game "What grows in the forest?"

The compilation of cut pictures is aimed at developing children's skills from separate parts make up a whole subject, logical thinking.

Description, picture-based story showing actions, movements is aimed at the development of speech, imagination, creativity in junior schoolchildren... In order for the players to guess what is drawn in the picture, the student resorts to imitation of movements (for example, an animal, a bird, etc.)

In these games, such valuable qualities of the child's personality as the ability to reincarnate, to creatively search for the necessary image are formed.

3. Word games built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, relying on existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge of them, since in these games it is required to use the previously acquired knowledge about new connections, in new circumstances. Children independently solve a variety of mental tasks: describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features; guess by the description; find signs of similarities and differences; group items according to various properties, characteristics; find illogisms in judgments, etc.

With the help of verbal games, children are brought up a desire to do mental work. In play, the process of thinking itself proceeds more actively, the child overcomes the difficulties of mental work easily, not noticing that he is being taught.

For the convenience of using word games in the pedagogical process, they can be conditionally combined into four main groups. The first group includes games, with the help of which the ability to highlight the essential features of objects, phenomena is formed: "Guess", "Shop", etc.

The second group is made up of games used to develop the ability to compare, contrast, give correct conclusions: “Similar - not similar”, “Who will notice more fables” and others.

Games, with the help of which the ability to generalize and classify objects according to various criteria is developed, are united in the third group: "Who needs what?" “Name three objects”, “Name in one word” In a special fourth group, there are games for the development of attention, intelligence, quick thinking: “Colors”, “Flies, does not fly” and others.

4. Outdoor games. They are based on a variety of movements - walking, running, jumping, climbing, etc. Outdoor games satisfy the growing child's need for movement, contribute to the accumulation of a variety of motor experience. The child's activity, joyful experiences - all this has a beneficial effect on well-being, mood, creating a positive background for general physical development. Outdoor games include various kinds of movement complexes. These games build the ability to act together, foster honesty and discipline. Children learn to come to an agreement, unite to play their favorite games, reckon with the opinions of their partners, and fairly resolve conflicts that arise.

5. Traditional or folk games. Historically, they have formed the basis of many games related to learners and leisure. The subject environment of folk games is also traditional, they are themselves, and are more often presented in museums, and not in children's groups. Studies carried out in recent years have shown that folk games contribute to the formation of universal generic and mental abilities of a person in children (sensorimotor coordination, arbitrariness of behavior, symbolic function of thinking, etc.), as well as the most important features of the psychology of the ethnic group that created the game.

"Types of games in kindergarten and their developmental value "

Tsybulko Oksana Ivanovna

Game types

Goals and objectives

Implementation methods

(by age)

Specific characteristics

Developmental value

    Creative (games initiated by children);

children independently determine the purpose, content and rules of the game, most often depicting the surrounding life, human activities and relationships between people.

make up the most saturated typical group of games for preschoolers.

Creative play teaches children to think about how to implement a particular plan. In creative play, qualities valuable for the future student are developed: activity, independence, self-organization.

are essential for the full development of the child. Through playful actions, children strive to satisfy an active interest in the life around them, transform into adult heroes of works of art. Thus, creating a playful life, children believe in its truth, sincerely rejoice, upset, worry.

    1. Plot-role (with elements of labor, with elements of artistic and creative activity).

Under the influence of the enrichment of the content of games, the nature of the relationship between children changes. Their games become cooperative, based on a common interest in them; the level of children's relationships increases.

Interest in creative role-playing games develops in children from 3-4 years old.

The structure of the role-playing game, according to D.B. Elkonin, includes the following components:

    Roles that children take on during the game.

    Play actions through which children realize their roles and relationships between them.

    The playful use of objects, the conditional replacement of real objects at the disposal of the child.

    The real relationship between the playing children, expressed in a variety of remarks, through which the entire course of the game is regulated.

For children who play, coordination of actions, a preliminary choice of a topic, a calmer distribution of roles and play material, and mutual assistance during the game become characteristic.

In addition, increasing the level of role relationships helps to improve real relationships, provided that the role is performed at a good level.

However, there is also a feedback - role relationships become higher under the influence of successful, good relationships in the group. A child fulfills his role in the game much better if he feels that the children trust him and treat him well. This implies a conclusion about the importance of choosing partners, a positive assessment by the educator of the merits of each child.

    1. Theatrical activity director's games and games - dramatizations.

they help children to better understand the idea of ​​the work, to feel its artistic value, have a positive effect on the development of expressiveness of speech and movements.

are created according to a ready-made plot from a literary work or theatrical performance. The game plan and the sequence of actions are determined in advance. Such a game is more difficult for children than inheriting what they see in life, because you need to understand and feel well the images of the heroes, their behavior, remember the text of the work (sequence, deployment of actions, replicas of characters)

In order for children to convey the appropriate image, they need to develop their imagination, teach themselves to put themselves in the place of the heroes of the work, imbued with their feelings, experiences.

In the process of work, children develop imagination, speech, intonation, facial expressions, motor skills (gestures, gait, posture, movements) are formed. Children learn to combine movement and word in a role, develop a sense of partnership and creativity.

    1. Construction games

direct the child's attention to different types of construction, contribute to the acquisition of design skills of the organization, to attract them to work

Interest develops from an early age, the role of the child in this game should gradually become more complicated with his age

In the processconstruction games the child is actively and constantly creating something new. And he sees the results of his work. Children should have enough building material, of various designs and sizes.

In construction games, children's interest in the properties of an object is clearly manifested, and the desire to learn how to work with it. The material for these games can be constructors of different types and sizes, natural material (sand, clay, cones, etc.), from which children create various things, according to their own design or on the instructions of a teacher. It is very important that the teacher helps the pupils to make the transition from aimless piling up of material to the creation of thoughtful buildings.

    Didactic (games initiated by adults withready-made rules);

contribute mainly to the development of the mental abilities of children, since they contain a mental task, in the solution of which there is the meaning of the game. They also contribute to the development of the senses, attention, logical thinking. A prerequisite for a didactic game isregulations, without which the activity takes on a spontaneous character.

Didactic game is used in teaching children of different ages, in various activities and outside of them (physical education, mental education, moral education, aesthetic education, labor education, development of communication).

When organizing didactic games for children, it should be borne in mind that already from 3 to 4 years old the child becomes more active, his actions are more complex and diverse, his desire to assert himself increases; but at the same time, the baby's attention is still unstable, he is quickly distracted. The solution of the problem in didactic games requires from him more than in other games, stability of attention, increased mental activity. Hence, certain difficulties arise for a small child. You can overcome them through fun in learning, i.e. the use of didactic games,

Didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is both a play method of teaching preschool children, and a form of education, and independent play activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child.

INgames with objects toys and real objects are used. By playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children get acquainted with the properties of objects and their signs: color, size, shape, quality. They solve problems of comparison, classification, and the establishment of a sequence in solving problems. As children acquire new knowledge about the objective environment, tasks in games become more difficult in determining an object according to this attribute (color, shape, quality, purpose, etc.), which is very important for the development of abstract, logical thinking.

    Outdoor games

important for the physical education of preschoolers, because they contribute to their harmonious development, satisfy the kids' need for movement, contribute to the enrichment of their motor experience

Game exercises are characterized by the specificity of motor tasks, in accordance with age characteristics and physical fitness of children

    The basisnarrative outdoor games the child's experience is laid, his ideas are movements characteristic of a particular image, his ideas about the world around him about the world around him (actions of people, animals, birds), which he displays

    For non-plot gamesthe specificity of the game tasks corresponding to the age characteristics of the physical training of children is characteristic.

Game exercises are characterized by the specificity of motor tasks, in accordance with age characteristics and physical fitness of children. If in narrative outdoor games the main attention of the players is directed to the creation of images, the achievement of a certain goal, the exact implementation of the rules, which often leads to ignoring the clarity in the execution of movements, then during the performance of the game exercises preschoolers must perform the basic movements impeccably.

    Folk (created by the people).

Thanks to them, such qualities as restraint, attentiveness, perseverance, organization are formed; developed strength, agility, speed, endurance and flexibility. The goal is achieved through a variety of movements: walking, jumping, running, throwing, etc.

In the younger groups, word games are mainly aimed at the development of speech, the education of correct sound pronunciation, the consolidation and activation of the vocabulary, the development of correct orientation in space.

For children of primary preschool age, whose experience is very small, Ukrainian outdoor games of a plot nature with elementary rules and a simple structure are recommended. In the second younger group children have access tofround dance games: "Hen", "Kisonka» , "Where are our pens?"

These are games that have come to us from very ancient times and are built taking into account ethnic characteristics. They are an integral part of a child's life in modern society, making it possible to assimilate universal human values. The developing potential of these games is ensured not only by the presence of appropriate toys, but also by the special creative aura that an adult must create.

increase the child's interest in activities, and, above all, in a didactic toy that attracts attention with its brightness and interesting content. It is important to combine a mental task in play with active actions and movements of the child himself.

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