Summaries of classes on the development of speech of a preschooler, a plan-summary of classes on the development of speech on the topic. Summary of the lesson on the development of speech in the senior group on the topic "Migratory birds" Summary of the lesson on the development of speech what

3rd ed., Add. - M .: 2017 - 192 p.

The book examines the problems of speech development in preschool children of the younger and middle groups. Methodological recommendations for the organization of educational activities are offered. The age-related characteristics of the development of speech in children of 3-5 years old are considered. The introductory part introduces the theoretical foundations of the program and methodology. With the help of didactic games and exercises, vocabulary is formed, grammatical categories are assimilated. The material of the lessons will help arouse children's interest in their native language, will contribute to the development of imagination and logic, speech activity. The third edition of the book has been supplemented in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO. The book is intended for preschool educational institutions, educators and methodologists, students of pedagogical universities and colleges, parents interested in the development of children's speech.

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Introduction 3
Characteristics of speech development in children 6
The main tasks of work on the development of the speech of children of the second junior group 7
Education of sound culture of speech 7
Vocabulary work 7
Formation of the grammatical structure of speech 8
Development of coherent speech 9
Development of communication skills 10
Guidelines 11
Lesson notes 16
Lesson 1. Retelling of the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken" 16
Lesson 2. Examining toys - trains, cows, cuckoo, rooster 18
Lesson 3. Description of toys - kitten, foal, mouse 20
Lesson 4. Examining the picture "We are playing with blocks, building a house" 23
Lesson 5. Description of the appearance of the doll Oli 25
Lesson 6. Drawing up a story story on a set of toys together with a teacher 29
Lesson 7. Composing a story about toys - kitten, hare 31
Lesson 8. Description of toys - goat, donkey, steamer 35
Lesson 9. Retelling of the tale "Turnip" 38
Lesson 10. Description of items of clothing for doll Olya 40
Lesson 11. Drawing up a descriptive story about toys - a bear and a mouse 43
Lesson 12. Drawing up a descriptive story about toys - a cat, a bear, a mouse 45
Lesson 13. Drawing up a story based on the painting "Sledding" 47
Lesson 14. Description of Dasha and Dima dolls 49
Lesson 15. Conducting the game "What's in the bag at Buratino" 52
Lesson 16. Drawing up a descriptive story about animals from pictures 55
Lesson 17. Retelling of K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Chicken" 57
Lesson 18. Composing a story based on the painting "Trolleybus and Toys" 59
Lesson 19. Drawing up a descriptive story about toys - a steamer, a fox, a rooster 61
Lesson 20. Conducting the game "Katya's birthday" 63
Lesson 21. Drawing up a descriptive story about toys - a fox, a bear cub 66
Lesson 22. Drawing up a story story using a set of toys 69
Lesson 23. Description of vegetables and fruits 72
Lesson 24. Drawing up a story about the dolls Faya and Fedya 74
Lesson 25. Retelling of the tale "Little kids and the wolf" 77
Lesson 26. Description of utensils 78
Lesson 27. Naming pieces of furniture. Use of spatial prepositions 81
Lesson 28. Composing a story on a topic from personal experience 83
Lesson 29. Drawing up a story based on the painting "Cat with kittens" 85
Lesson 30. Drawing up a story based on the painting "Chickens" 87
Lesson 31. Drawing up a descriptive story about animals from pictures 90
Lesson 32. Drawing up a description of the subject picture 91
Characteristics of speech development in children 94
The main tasks of work on the development of speech in children of the middle group 95
Education of the sound culture of speech 95
Vocabulary 96
Formation of the grammatical structure of speech 97
The development of coherent speech 98
Development of communication skills 99
Methodical instructions 100
Lesson notes 106
Lesson 1. Description of toys - cats and dogs 106
Lesson 2. Drawing up a story based on the painting "Cat with kittens"
Lesson 3. Description of toys - dogs, foxes. Drawing up a plot story based on a set of toys 112
Lesson 4. Writing a descriptive story about pets 115
Lesson 5. Drawing up a story story based on a set of toys "Tanya, a bug and a kitten" 118
Lesson 6. Retelling of the fairy tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoe" 120
Lesson 7. Drawing up a story by roles 122
Lesson 8. Coming up with riddles-descriptions about toys 124
Lesson 9. Drawing up a story-description on the lexical topic "Furniture" 127
Lesson 10. Drawing up a story based on the painting "Dog with puppies" 129
Lesson 11. Description of toys - squirrels, bunny, mouse 131
Lesson 12. Composing a story about your favorite toy 134
Lesson 13. Drawing up a story-description on the lexical topic "Winter clothes" 137
Lesson 14. Retelling of the story of J. Thaits "Train" 140
Lesson 15. Drawing up a story story based on a set of toys "An incident in the woods" 142
Lesson 16. Composing a story based on the painting "We are not afraid of frost" 144
Lesson 17. Coming up with the continuation of the story "Squirrel, hare and wolf" 146
Lesson 18. Writing a description of the appearance 149
Lesson 19. Composing a story using the proposed subjects, 150
Lesson 20. Retelling of the story of E. Charushin "Hen". Comparison of object pictures 152
Lesson 21. Description of the lost rabbits by pictures 154
Lesson 22. Composing a story on "Tanya's Birthday" 155
Lesson 23. Drawing up a description of animals from pictures 156
Lesson 24. Writing a description on the lexical topic "Vegetables" 158
Lesson 25. The use of words with spatial meaning in speech 160
Lesson 26. Retelling of N. Kalinina's story "Helpers" 162
Lesson 27. Description of the appearance of animals 164
Lesson 28. Drawing up a story based on the painting "Chickens" 167
Lesson 29. Drawing up descriptions of the characters of the fairy tale "Teremok" 170
Lesson 30. Determination of specific features of the subject 172
Lesson 31. Definition of a subject by its specific features 174
Lesson 32. Description of the appearance of baby animals 176
Appendix 1. Methods for identifying the level of development of coherent speech in younger preschoolers (according to research by L. Shadrina) 178
Using the associative method to identify the level of language proficiency in children of the fifth year of life (from the research of A. Smaga) 180
Appendix 2. Literature material for retelling classes 185
Bubble, straw and bast shoe (Russian folk tale) 185
Train 185
Chicken 185
Assistants 186
Cockerel with family 186
List of used and recommended literature 187

The target guidelines of the FSES DO assume that at the stage of completing preschool education, the child is fluent in oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build a speech utterance in a communication situation, can highlight sounds in words , the child develops the prerequisites for literacy.
The implementation of the "Program for the development of speech of preschoolers" and its methodological support are aimed at solving these problems.
The program and materials for classes in junior and middle groups are based on the results of research carried out in the speech development laboratory of the Institute of Preschool Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (now the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Childhood of the Russian Academy of Education) under the leadership of FA Sokhin and O.S. Ushakova.


speech development classes


lesson number 1

Prepared by:

educatorIqualification category - S.L. Nenasheva

Nefteyugansk, 2017

Lesson 1
Retelling of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Goat"

Tasks.Coherent speech: to consolidate children's ideas about the peculiarities of the composition of fairy tales (beginning, ending); to teach to use figurative artistic means in retelling, expressively convey the dialogues of the characters;

Vocabulary and grammar: to teach to select definitions for nouns denoting objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, to find an object according to the named signs; when agreeing on words, focus on their endings;

sound culture of speech: to learn to pronounce a tongue twister clearly and distinctly with varying volume of voice (loudly, moderately, quietly, in a whisper); select words that are similar in sound and rhythm.

Material. Pictures with the image of a fox.

Course of the lesson

The teacher makes a riddle: "The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden - who is the mystery about?" (About a fox.) Shows the children several pictures with a picture of a fox: “When you were in the older group, you and I looked at different pictures. Now you can take any picture and say what kind of fox you have. If one has a red fox, then another has ... someone has a beautiful fox, and someone else ... "

The teacher expressively tells the tale "The Fox and the Goat". Asking questions:

- What is the story of this tale?

- How does it start? ends?

- What is the fox shown in the fairy tale? Why do you think she is cunning? What other fox is depicted?

- And what is the goat in the fairy tale? Why do you think he is?

- What words and phrases did you like the most?

- Listen to the fairy tale again, - the teacher suggests, - then you will tell it. Listen carefully and remember.

3-4 retellings are heard.

You can invite children to retell the tale by roles (or in a group - "team").

Children assess the retelling of comrades. If they find it difficult, the teacher does it himself, drawing their attention to the completeness of the transmission of the content, the expressiveness of intonations in the dialogue, the use of figurative words and expressions from the text.

- You told the story in an interesting and expressive way. Let's think again whichwas goat. What words can you say about him? (Sluggish, stupid, stupid, inattentive, etc.)

- What was the fox like? (Redhead, cunning, beautiful, smart, dexterous, fast, nimble.)

- What words that you said about the goat and the fox can be used when talking about a person?

- What was the well? (Deep, cold, dark, muddy, dirty, narrow.)

- What else can be called "cold"? (Snow, ice, air, wind ...)

- And what can be called "cold"? (Winter, snowflake, icicle, ice floe ...)

- Listen carefully and answer.Cold, deep, transparent - is it a river or a stream? ..Blue, glass, fragile - is it a saucer or a cup?

Carrying out these exercises, the teacher makes sure that the children clearly pronounce the endings, correctly coordinate adjectives with nouns.

The teacher offers to learn a tongue twister about a fox: “The fox is running six by one. Lick, fox, sand. " The teacher, and then the children, pronounce the tongue twister loudly, moderately, quietly, in a whisper.

You can give the children an assignment to come up with a rhyme to the words "You, fox, where did you walk?" (She danced on the lawn; she was resting under a bush, etc.) Everyone repeats the most successful couplet loudly, quietly, in a whisper.

Session 2

Story about the painting "To School"

Tasks.Coherent speech: teach children to compose a story story based on a picture, using the previously acquired plot building skills (starting, culmination, denouement), independently invent the events that preceded the depicted ones;

vocabulary: activate in the speech of children words related to the themes "School", "Autumn"; to learn to compare and generalize, to highlight essential features, to choose exactly the words to denote a phenomenon;

grammar: learn to select the same root words for a given word; exercise in differentiating sounds with andNS; To develop intonational expressiveness of speech: to teach to give the expression shades of a question, joy.

Material. Painting "To School".

Course of the lesson

The teacher places the painting "To School" on the stand. Asking questions:

- How can you call this picture? Give it a name. What do you think, whose name is more correct, more interesting? Why?

- Why do you think these children are going to school and not to kindergarten?

- How to name in one word the children who go to school? (Pupils, schoolchildren, first graders.)

- What do schoolchildren have in their portfolios? (Pencil case, notebooks, textbooks ...) How can you call all these items in one word? (School supplies.)

- What time of year do children start learning?

- How do we distinguish autumn from other seasons? What happens only in autumn? (Leaf fall, harvesting, birds flying, etc.)

- In autumn, the weather is different. If the sun is shining, the sky is transparent, then what words can you say about autumn? (Sunny, golden, clear, early.) If the sky is overcast, a cold wind blows, it often rains, then what words can you say about autumn? (Late, gloomy, gloomy.)

- Hear the words -teach, teacher, teacher. What part of these words-relatives have in common? And the wordschool are there related words?(Schoolboy, schoolboy, schoolgirl.)

Children come up with a story based on the painting "Autumn". Previously, the teacher explains:"At first tell what happened to these children before they arrived at school, andthen - oh what you see in the picture. "

Stories can be individual or collective (a group of several people).

If children find it difficult to come up with events that preceded those depicted in the picture, the teacher himself begins the story, and the child continues. The beginning of the story can be like this:

“On a clear sunny September day, boys and girls were getting ready for school. In the evening they prepared schoolbags and textbooks. Slava got up very early, everyone was afraid to be late. His friend Sasha came after him, and they followed the familiar path to school ... "

The teacher gives the task: "Say a sentenceI'll go to school so that it is well heard, it is well understood that youhappy this, youI want to go to school ... Now say this sentence so that it is clear that youyou ask. "

Session 3

Retelling of KD Ushinsky's story "Four Desires" and narration on themes from personal experience

Tasks.Coherent speech: teach children to convey the literary text consistently and accurately, without gaps and repetitions; develop the ability to compose a complete story on a topic from personal experience;

grammar: teach different ways of forming degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs;

vocabulary: learn to select synonyms and antonyms for adjectives and verbs;

sound culture of speech: to teach, without breaking the rhythm, to finish the phrase started by the teacher; pronounce a couplet with different voice strengths.

Course of the lesson

The teacher reads the story of KD Ushinsky "Four desires".

Asking questions:

- What is this story about?

- How did Mitya like winter?

- What did he like in the spring?

- What did Mitya remember in the summer?

- What words did the boy say about autumn?

- Why is the story called The Four Desires?

For retelling, you can call four children, each will talk about a specific time of the year (the story should be repeated twice).

Next, the teacher offers a new task: “What time of year do you like and why? Come up with a story about it, short and complete ”(narration on a topic from personal experience). (There must be at least four stories.)

“Each new season seemed to the boy better than the previous one,” says the teacher. “Summer was good, and autumn was better. Let's compare: springwarm, and summerwarmer orwarmer; grassgreen, and after the rain shegreener ormore green; late autumncold, and in wintercolder orcolder. " Further, children independently form the degree of comparison of adjectives:clean (cleaner, cleaner), tall (taller, taller), slim (slimmer, leaner), fun (more fun, more cheerful), warm (warmer, warmer), strong (stronger, stronger) and etc.

In case of difficulties, the educator draws the attention of children to the fact that the degree of comparison can be formed in different ways. For example, one might saystronger, Can imore strong.

“The story says, 'Spring has come.' How can you say otherwise? " - asks the teacher. (She came.) Then he names other sentences and phrases: he ran in plenty (enough), a narwhal of flowers (he picked up, collected), etc.

Next, the children practice the selection of antonyms. “If I say the wordlarge, what word will be the opposite in meaning? " - asks the teacher(small). Then he gives a series of words:good (bad), cold (warm), go (stand), talk (be silent) and etc.

- Spring came! And what she brought, you name. So, spring has come ... (warmth, flowers, grass, etc.) brought. Let's say this phrase loudly, quietly and in a whisper.

Session 4

Collective storytelling

Tasks.Coherent speech: to train children in the use of complex sentences, in the coordination of adjectives with nouns in gender and number; to learn to select the same root words;

vocabulary: exercise in the selection of definitions for the given words.

Material: picture with a hare (hares).

Course of the lesson

The teacher places a picture with a hare on the stand. Asking questions:

- How can you say about a hare, what is he like? (Shy, cowardly, gray ...)

- If we want to talk about what kind of fur coat a hare has, then what words will we choose? (white, fluffy, soft.)

- What words can you say about the mood of the hare? (Cheerful, good, cheerful, sad.)

The teacher makes sure that, when answering questions, the children correctly agree on adjectives with neuter nouns. For example, if a child to a nounmood picks up an adjectivefunny, we must invite him to listen to how this phrase sounds. Children should be encouraged to correct their mistakes.

The teacher asks questions:

- What is the name of a baby hare? (Hare.) How can you say otherwise? (Zayinka, zayushka, hare.) - If children find it difficult to answer the second question, they suggest: "How can you name a hare affectionately?"

- What are the baby hares called? (Hare.) How to put it differently? (Bunnies, hares, bunnies.)

- What are the rabbits? (Funny, fluffy, fast, nimble, long-eared.)

Children should not be encouraged to use a lot of words. The main thing is that the answer must be correct. For example, the child answers: "Long ears." The teacher confirms the correctness of the answer and asks: "How can this be said in one word?" If necessary, comes to the rescue: "Long-eared". (Quick legs -swift, slanting eyes -cross-eyed etc.) The teacher asks a number of more questions:

- Where do hares live? (In the woods.)

- What is the name of the small forest? (Woods, woods.)

- How can you say about a path in the forest? What is she like? (Forest.)

- What is the name of the person who guards the forest, looks after it? (Forester, forester.)

Now let's repeat all the words that we remembered and named. Here are how many different words you named, - the teacher summarizes, -forest, woods, woods, forester, woodsman. In all these words one can hear the same part - the forest, and all of them in their meaning are somehow connected with the forest.

- river! (River, river, river.)

- How can you say about a small river? (River.)

- How can you say affectionately about the river? (Rechenka.)

- What is the name of the sand on the river? (River.)

The teacher suggests: “And now I’ll tell you about how the bunny received a letter from the forest. He was very happy, but here's the trouble: the letter got into the rain and got wet. Some words are impossible to read. Let's help the bunny read the letter. Listen carefully and in those places where the lines are blurry, suggest what could have been written there. "

(The teacher needs to make sure that, when completing the task, the children begin their utterances with a union word, which ends the sentence in the letter: "We made a boat to ..." - "to ride".)

Sample text of the letter: “Hello, Tepa. I'll tell you a story that happened to me and my brother. Once we played for a long time on the river bank. Then we made a boat so that ... We got into the boat and started sailing. Suddenly a strong wind blew. Big waves rose, which ... We started screaming so loudly that ... A bear came to the rescue and pulled us ashore. We started jumping and jumping, so that ... We quickly dried up and warmed up, because the Bear came and brought us food. We have eaten so many carrots and cabbages ... Soon we will be home. "

The teacher writes down the text of the letter along with the additions under dictation. Together, the most suitable and correct options are selected.

At the end of the lesson, the letter is read in its entirety with additions suggested by the children. For several children, the teacher offers to retell the letter.

Session 5

Retelling of V. Bianchi's story "Bathing Bears"

3tasks.Coherent speech: develop in children the ability to connect separate parts of the story into a single whole, conveying the text accurately, consistently, expressively;

vocabulary: exercise in the selection of synonyms, antonyms for adjectives and verbs;

sound culture of speech: clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of soundss andwell, learn to differentiate them in words, pronounce a tongue twister with these sounds at different rates: quickly, moderately, slowly.

Course of the lesson

The teacher reads the story of V. Bianchi "Bathing Bears". Asking questions:

- What is the author talking about in this work?

- What interested you in the story? What moments did you like?

- What expressions and words do you remember and like the most?

Re-reading the story.

The teacher invites one of the children to choose a second storyteller and agree with him who will retell the first part, and who - the second. The rest of the children are asked to listen carefully to the storytellers (for later evaluation). Four retellings are heard.

The teacher addresses the children:

“Here the cubs bathed and went for a walk in the forest. But how different they were! The first teddy bear is mobile and cheerful. He loved to play very much. He climbed up a tree and smells honey. I was delighted, got down from the tree - and to my mother! What was the bear cub, how can you say about him? (Merry.) Match the wordfunny words that are close in meaning (joyful, lively ...).

- And if he was cheerful, then he did not just go to his mother, but ... ran, rushed, flew, rushed headlong ...

- Another bear also loved to play. But he was too slow. And something always happened to him. As soon as he approached the tree, he was stung by a bee. He felt very bad. And he also went to his mother. What was the second teddy bear? Match to the wordfunny words that are opposite in meaning (sad, boring, sad ...).

- And if he was sad, then he probably did not just go to his mother, but ... trudged along, wandered ... ".

The teacher highlights in a voice in a wordteddy bear soundf and asks what sound has been highlighted.

- In the names of which animals still have the sound z, s? (Crane, beetle, toad ...)

- In the names of which animals there is the sound z or z? (Hare, snake, zebra, goat ...)

Children name words and say whether the sound is hard or soft.

Then the teacher says a tongue twister: "The hedgehog lies by the tree, the hedgehog has needles."

Some children repeat the tongue twister quickly, several children at a moderate pace; those who are not yet clear enough to pronounce the soundwell, - at a slightly slower pace.

Session 6

Storytelling pictures from the series "Pets"

Tasks.Coherent speech: teach children to compose a story based on one of the pictures, to come up with previous and subsequent events; learn to evaluate the content of the story, the correctness of the construction of sentences;

grammar and vocabulary: to exercise the use of nouns in the genitive plural case, to learn to form relative adjectives; exercise in the selection of definitions; develop the ability to compare;

sound culture of speech: exercise in the selection of words that are similar in sound and rhythm, in pronouncing them at different rates and with different voice strengths.

Material. Pictures from the series "Pets"; "A horse with a foal", "A cow with a calf", "A goat with a kid", "A pig with a piglet".

Course of the lesson

The teacher exhibits four paintings at the stand. Suggests to name each painting. Children come up with names, and together they select the most successful ones.

- Remember what baby animals are called. The horse has ... a foal. Lots of ... foals. The cow has ... a calf. Lots of ... calves. The pig ... The goat ...

- How can you call these animals in one word? Are they wild or ...? (Pets.) What other pets do you know? (Cat dog.)

- What is a baby dog ​​called? (Puppy.) One is a puppy. Several, many ... (Puppies, puppies.)

The teacher explains that it is equally correct to say:puppies, many puppies andpuppies, a lot of puppies.

- If a calf has long legs, how can you call it in one word? (Long-legged.) If he has big eyes, he is ... big-eyed.

- Tell me which horse and which foal? Compare them. (The horse is large, the foal is small. The cow is horned, the calf is hornless.)

The teacher gives the task to compose a story based on one of the pictures. Children not only talk about what is drawn, but also come up with previous and subsequent events. While the child is talking, the rest are closely following the development of the plot, its correct construction.

Then a group of four is organized. Everyone chooses a picture to tell about. A general story is compiled for four scenes. The rest of the children evaluate the story and come up with a title for it.

The teacher invites the children to compose a rhyme together. He says the first line, and the children come up with the second.

- Where did the foal walk? (I rode down the street.)

- Where did you walk, calf? (I ran after my mother.)

- Hey kid, where have you been? (He drank some water from a bucket.) Children choose any couplets they like and repeat them slowly and quickly, loudly and in a whisper.

Session 7

Story about "Tanya's first day in the nursery garden "

Tasks.Coherent speech: train children in composing a story according to the plan proposed by the teacher, teach them to build a plot on their own;

grammar: exercise in the formation of the genitive plural forms of nouns; exercise in word formation;

sound culture of speech: exercise in differentiating soundsc andh; practice clear diction.

Material. Pictures: hare, wolf, squirrel, rabbit, jackdaw.

Course of the lesson

The teacher says: “A new girl, Tanya, has come to the kindergarten. She knew nothing about what to do, how to behave. Tanya began to get ready for a walk. What things do they wear when they go for a walk? (Coats, boots, tights, knee-highs, socks, leggings ...)

- And Tanya prepared only a scarf. What is she missing? (Socks, golfs, leggings, boots ...)

- Tanya was still small and did not know very well where to put what. Let's help her.

- Bread is put ... in a bread bin, sugar ... in a sugar bowl, sweets ... in a candy bowl, soap ... in a soap dish, napkins ... in a napkin holder, an egg ... in an egg holder, butter ... in butter can, salt is poured ... into a salt shaker.

- Then Tanya was shown pictures with images of animals, but she did not know very well what their cubs were called. Let's all together help her name the babies correctly. Who have eggs? (Hare.) At the wolf? (Little cubs.) At the rabbit? (Rabbits.)Haveproteins? (Belchata.) At the jackdaw? (Gulchata.)

- Let's come up with the story "Tanya's first day in kindergarten." First, tell us how little girl Tanya found out that she would go to kindergarten, then - how she came to kindergarten, what new and interesting she saw there, what her mood was, how her first day ended ”.

If the task of composing a story turns out to be difficult for the children, the teacher begins himself: he describes the girl's mood, the appearance of the group room. After two or three stories, an assessment is given. The teacher makes sure that, analyzing the stories, the children build sentences correctly, note interesting content.

Then a collective story is compiled: several childrenIin turn, each tell his part, having previously agreed who will start, who will continue, etc.

If necessary, the teacher gives a story plan. The teacher invites the children to repeat the tongue twister: "Tanya sat down at the table and dropped the saucer." Let's all say together: "Tanya's saucers very often beat." Let's just say that every sound is clearly heard. "

Note. Exercising children in the formation of the genitive case of nouns, one should ensure that the child names each word in the nominative case and repeatedly repeats it in the indirect case. In exercises on word formation, the children immediately name simple, easy forms for them themselves, and the complex ones are first called by the educator.

Session 8

Storytelling on a given topic

Tasks.Coherent speech: learn to compose a short story on a given topic,

sound culture of speech: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of soundswith andNS, teach children to differentiate these sounds by ear and in pronunciation, pronounce words and phrases saturated with these sounds distinctly and distinctly with different loudness and speed, correctly use interrogative and affirmative intonations.

Material. Paired object pictures for soundss, w, toys; painting "Meadows and Meadows" (manual "Sounding Word", author G. A. Tumakova).


The teacher shows the children toys (a dog, an elephant, a fox, a cat, a mouse, horses, etc.) and offers to quickly answer which animals have a sound in the names of which have a soundNS (that is, the child must select these sounds from the words and pronounce them lingeringly).

Then the teacher gives the children paired pictures: a sled - a hat, a fur coat - an airplane, checkers - boots, a table - a shower, a cat - a fox, a dog - a frog, etc. (the same pictures can be repeated in different children; you should not give words with sound with "for example,titmouse and etc.). It offers to turn the pictures with the back side up, the names of which contain with. He walks through the rows and checks the correctness of the assignment. Several children are asked which pictures they have not turned over, left open, and asks to name the objects that are depicted there. Then he asks to raise their hands to those whose picture names begin with a soundNS. Children take turns calling pictures (hat, checkers, fur coat, etc.). The rest listen carefully, correct the mistakes of their comrades.

Further, the teacher suggests to first raise their hands to those children who have pictures with soundNS in the middle of a word, and then to those who have pictures with soundNS at the end of a word. The same with pictures for sound c. (Previously, the teacher suggests turning pictures with sound face downNS and leave pictures with sound openwith.)

The teacher tells riddles. Children should, without naming the answers out loud, say which sound in this word is with orNS.

Redhead with a fluffy tail.

Lives in the forest under a bush.

(A fox.)

Sisters are standing in the field:

Yellow peephole.

White eyelashes


Small, grayish

Lives under the floor

Scratches at night.


If I see dust, I grumble

Grumble and swallow

(Vacuum cleaner.)

The teacher helps children memorize the proverb "Laughter for a cat, and tears for a mouse", having previously explained its meaning. Asks to select words with sounds s and w.

Then the children carry out the task to come up with a short story on the theme "Laughter for a cat, and tears for a mouse."

The teacher offers to listen to the story about two hares and help him find the right words. Tells:

“One morning the Luga and Luga hares left the house. They wanted to take a walk in the forest, find out who lives there, and see if there is a river nearby to fish. Luga took with him what has a sound in the nameO (bucket), and Luga took with him what has a sound in the nameat (fishing rod),

- The hares walked and walked and went out onto the path. They see someone crawling out from under the bushes, and its name is short, there are few sounds in it, and among them there is a soundat. Who is this? (Already) The hares greeted the snake, went on. Soon they went to the river and began to fish. First, they pulled out a large fish, in the name of which there is a sound with (catfish), then a smaller fish began to come across, in its name a sound is heardSCH. Who guessed it? (Bream, pike ...)

- At home, the mother hare and the father hare fed the kids a delicious lunch. Sounds were heard in the names of the dishess, sch. What were these dishes? And then the kids got toys: Luga got a toy with a sound in the nameTo. What kind of toy is this, kids? (Doll.) And Luga got a toy with soundNS in the name. What kind of toy is this? " (Car.)

- Now tell us about the rabbits, how they were going for a walk, whom they met, how they had a rest at home, - says the teacher.

Children can talk in groups of three.

Session 9

Coming up with a fairy tale on the theme "How a hedgehog rescued a hare"

Tasks.Coherent speech: teach children to come up with a fairy tale on a given topic, describe the appearance of the characters, their actions, experiences; evaluate each other's stories;

grammar: to learn to select the same root words;

vocabulary: teach to select synonyms; to cultivate sensitivity to the semantic nuances of the word; learn to choose antonyms; help to learn the meanings of polysemous words;

sound culture of speech: learn to regulate the strength of the voice.

Course of the lesson

The teacher makes riddles:

What a forest beast

Got up like a post under a pine tree

And stands among the grass

Are the ears bigger than the head?

Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread.

(N. Artyukhova.)

Children guess that it is a hare and a hedgehog. The teacher asks why the hedgehog has a lot of needles, why does he need them, what other needles are there.

- Where do the hedgehog and the hare live? (In the woods.)

- What words can be formed from a wordForest? (Woods, woods, woods, forester, woodsman.) In case of difficulty, the teacher asks leading questions:

- What is the name of the path in the forest? (Not in the park, not in the garden, but in the forest.) (Forest.)

- What is the name of a person who works in the forest? (Forester.)

- What is the name of the fabulous person who lives in the forest? (Lesovichok.)

- Now repeat the words that you remembered and named.

- The hedgehog was brave, but what was the hare? (Cowardly.) Now it is | Be careful, the task will be difficult.

- Harecowardly. How to say about him differently? Find words that are close to the wordcowardly (timid, fearful ...).

- Brave hedgehog. Find words that are close in meaning to the wordbrave (brave, brave ...).

If children cannot find synonyms on their own, | the teacher asks: “Are the words similar in meaning:cowardly, fearful, fearful? Yes, they are. We can say that the harecowardly? Yes. What a haretimid? Yes. These are words that are close in meaning, words-friends ”.

- Today we will come up with a fairy tale about how a hedgehog helped out a hare. Think about what could have happened to the hare and how the hedgehog could help out his friend. The tale should be short, interesting and complete.

(You should ask at least five children - they can tell in groups.) After two or three stories, the teacher asks whose story he liked best and why.

And now I will read to you the poem "Farewell Game" by D. Chiardi. You will help me find words in it that are opposite in meaning.

I will sayI wordhigh,

And you will answer ... (low).

I will say the wordlong away,

And you will answer ... (close).

I'll tell you the wordcoward,

You will answer ... (brave).

Nowstart i I will say -

Well, answer ... (end).

- Let's all say the poem together again, the teacher suggests.

Session 10

Coming up with a fairy tale on the theme "Hare's birthday"

Tasks.Coherent speech: teach children to independently invent a fairy tale on a given topic according to the plan; use descriptions, dialogue, when evaluating fairy tales, note the amusingness of the plot, means of expressiveness;

grammar: exercise in the formation of the accusative case of the plural of nouns;

sound culture of speech: exercise in the clear pronunciation of nursery rhymes, in distinguishing the rhythm, tempo of speech and the strength of the voice.

Course of the lesson

The teacher addresses the children:

- Last time you came up with an interesting tale about a hedgehog and a hare. The hare had a birthday yesterday. At the hare's birthday, forest animals played, danced, and guessed riddles about what they saw in the forest, in the field. The hedgehog made the following riddle: “I saw a lot of daisies, cornflowers, bells. Where have I been? " (In field.)

- Each of you can take on the role of any animal. Think about what you will bring the hare as a gift and what riddles you will make to him and his guests about what you saw, what you did not see, what you saw a lot. And the hare and the rest of the animals will guess.

When children perform the exercise, the teacher tells what and whom they can name, and forms the skill of using the correct endings for animate and inanimate nouns in the accusative case.

The teacher gives a new task: “Now you will come up with a fairy tale on the theme“ The birthday of the hare ”.At first tell who was going to visit the hare, what each of the animals was going to give the hare.Then tell us how the animals congratulated the hare, how they celebrated their birthday, how they played, and asked riddles. The tale should be interesting, short and complete. "

Several people are involved in the creation of a fairy tale. They first agree on what and in what sequence they will talk. Before the children begin to tell the story, the teacher says that the best (according to the children’s assessment) fairy tales will be recorded on the album.

The teacher invites the children to finish the lines of the nursery rhyme behind him in the same rhythm (taps out the rhythm).

School preparatory group 315

Bunny-bunny, how did you walk? .. Hedgehog-hedgehog, with whom did you dance? .. Hey, animals, where were you? .. You, fox, where did you walk? .. Teddy bear, where were you? ..

The children then repeat the nursery rhyme they like best, slowly and quickly, loudly and in a whisper.

The teacher reads a tongue twister: "White snow, white chalk, the white hare is also white, but the squirrel is not white, it was not even white." Calls several children and asks to pronounce a tongue twister so that each sound is clearly heard. Then the tongue twister is pronounced slowly, moderately and quickly.

Budgetary preschool educational institution

Vytegorsky municipal district

"Kindergarten" Korablik "of general developmental type"

Lesson summary

on speech development with children of a preparatory school for a compensatory orientation group for children with speech impairments

"Who is needed most?"

Zhiltsova Evgeniya Viktorovna

teacher speech therapist

the highest qualification category

2017 year


Explanatory note:

This summary of the lesson is aimed at the speech development of older preschool children. The lesson can be conducted both with children with speech impairments within the framework of the lexical topic: "Pets", and in mass preschool groups. The abstract is compiled taking into account the requirements of the federal state educational standard for preschool education (the principle of an integrated integrative approach). The lesson is based on the use ofmmethod of visual modeling.It allows the child to visualize abstract concepts (sound, word, text), learn to work with them. This is especially important for preschoolers, since their mental tasks are solved with a predominant role, external means, visual material is assimilated better than verbal.

Target: updating and activating the children's dictionary on the topic "Pets".



Improve the grammatical structure of speech: form and use plural genitive nouns and possessive adjectives in speech.

Form the skill of analyzing the proposal.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop coherent speech, creative imagination, thinking, imitation.

Develop general speaking skills. Automate the correct pronunciation of all previously delivered sounds, including, in singing, the purity of intonation, speech hearing, phonemic representations.

Develop general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.


Cause an emotional response in children, initiative, a desire to take care of animals.

Facilitate the formation of skills of cooperation and mutual understanding.

Preliminary work with children: drawing upriddles-descriptions in individual lessons, learning the poem "Gift" by M. Stremin, tongue twisters, songs "My puppy". An outdoor game "Tuzik". Making plane figures of pets.

Equipment and materials : carpet, tables, carpet and plane figurines for table theater, audio recording of a fairy tune, voices of pets, slide images of legend, ball, suggestions for the number of children, Whatman sheet, gouache, animal figurines, glue sticks, pictures: month , crying girl, turtle, hare -, dolphin, bird, set "sun and cloud" for each child for reflection.

Course of the lesson

1 part. Organizing time. Children with a speech therapist stand in a circle.

Warm-up speech exercise: “Name a pet or baby with sound [R].(rabbit, cow, ram, piglet, foal)

Children sit on the carpet as they are named.

An audio recording of a fabulous melody sounds.

Speech therapist. Today we will take you on a journey into a fairy tale, where we will talk about pets. The journey will be unusual - from games and exercises, which are hidden by symbols (shows the slide).

Part 2. Games and exercises

Speech therapist. Our journey begins! The first task is to make a guessriddles-descriptions , which we have prepared in individual lessons (2-3 children are responsible).

For example, she is big, shaggy, black. She has pointed ears, a ringlet tail. She guards her master. Who is this? (dog)

Speech therapist. Now listenpoem "Gift" (says the child):

The basket is opened,

There is a gift in it, but what a gift!

Not a toy, not a picture -

The dog is small, lively.

Ears are soft as rags

The nose is like a bell button,

Uncertain paws

Disperse slightly.

Silky warm back

Presses gently to the feet ...

Not a toy, not a picture -

A friend was given to us.

Speech therapist. Children, who is this poem about? (about the puppy). Do you want to be presented with a puppy? Or maybe another pet? Why? Who's better? Who is more needed? (children's answers)

3. Speech therapist. I invite you to listenfairy tale "Like a puppy

found out who is most important " ... (illustrated with the help of flat figures for a table theater).

“In the summer, Arishka went to the village to see her grandmother. And this is what she saw and heard one morning, looking out of the window. A dog Chernika was sitting near the booth and telling his puppy: (a recording of the dog's barking sounds) “I am leaving for work, but be obedient and don't leave the house anywhere.

What kind of job do you have? ”Asked the puppy.

The most important, - answered Chernika. - I protect the house, the hostess and her granddaughter, the yard and all the animals in the yard. I see that the hooligans do not climb into the garden, and the fox does not make it into the chicken coop. I am the most needed animal.

- (The recording of the cat's meowing sounds) Nothing of the kind, - the fat cat, sitting on the porch, disagreed. - The most important job for me. Who catches mice in the basement and attic? Who guards the mistress's supplies? Who protects strawberries from jackdaws? - I am the most needed pet.

- (A recording of a cow mooing sounds)

No matter how it is, - the cow stuck her head out of the barn. - What would you do without my milk? And what would the mistress's granddaughter eat, if not milk, cream, sour cream? I am the most needed pet.

- (A recording of a goat's meeking sounds) By the way, my milk is healthier and fatter, and I also give wool and wonderful fluff, - the goat was indignant. - I am the most needed animal.

- (A recording of a rabbit snorting sounds) Well, if we talk about fluff, then it's better not to find ours, - the rabbits in the cage fussed. - And I also give meat, and fur coats and hats are sewn from my skin. - I am the most needed pet.

- (A recording of the bleating of a sheep and a ram sounds) We also give meat, and a skin, and a lot of wool, - a sheep and a ram bleated. - We are the most needed pets.

- (Recording of a pig grunting sounds) What disgusting! - there was a grunt from the depths of the barn. - I give the most meat and lard. I am the most needed pet.

- (A recording of the neighing horse sounds) A handsome horse came out of the stable.

Well, will you say that you are the most needed pet? the cat asked.

No, because I think that we all need people, we all benefit them. For this, people keep us, and feed us, and take care of us.

And that's right, - agreed the cow.

And all the animals nodded their heads in unison. The girl was delighted that the dispute ended so well and that the puppy learned that man needs all pets. And just at this time, grandmother called her to breakfast

4.Word game “Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose?" with a ball. Children stand in a circle.

Speech therapist. Bull horns - whose horns? (throws a ball to the child) - bullish

The head of a dog - whose head? (canine)

Udder of a cow - whose udder? (cow)

Cat's tail - whose tail? (feline)

A cow's hoof - whose hoof? (cow)

Word game "Yes - no"

Speech therapist. I have cows. (throws the ball to the child, and he back: "I have no cows")

I have no rabbits (I have rabbits)

I have rams (I have no rams)

I have no goats (I have goats).

Children sit at tables in pairs.

5 . Exercise in pairs "Draw a sentence outline" : one child composes a sentence with the name of a pet from a listened fairy tale, and the other draws up a diagram. Then vice versa. Children ask each other questions: "How many words are in the sentence?", "Name the third or first word", "Is there a preposition in your sentence?"

6. Outdoor game "Tuzik"

Here he is spinning like a top

Are spinning in place. Hands on the belt.

Tuzik, Tuzik, crochet tail.

Spin in the opposite direction.

That flies at full speed

Now to the river, then to the yard,

Move in circles, jumping

That is on duty at the gate -

In a word, there is a lot of work.

They move in a circle again, making jumps.

7. Conversation on a fairy tale . Selective retelling by role.

Speech therapist. Let's remember the tale that I told you. What did Arisha hear one morning? (pet dispute)

What were they arguing about? (who is more needed by a person?)

Who is the most important pet? (All pets are necessary for man because they are all useful.

The speech therapist assigns roles. Children are playing an animal dispute.

8. Exercise "Repeat the tongue twister after me."

Speech therapist. Let's regulate our breathing. Take a deep breath, hold your breath, exhale. Now let's tell you a tongue twister about puppies:

The bloodhound has three puppies:

Two puppies and a baby daughter.

Puppies have cheeks like barrels,

The sons and the daughter.

Repetition of tongue twisters by conventional symbols: a month - quietly, a crying girl - loudly, a turtle - slowly, a hare - quickly, a dolphin - loudly-quietly, a bird - quietly at first, and then loudly.

9. Creation of the collage "On the green in the meadow".

Children come to the table with a sheet of drawing paper, gouache, animal figurines, glue sticks are prepared

Speech therapist. I suggest you create a collage "On the green in the meadow", where we will place all the animals that we talked about today. Where do you think we start? (depict a ray using the "splatter" or "poke" technique, dry the background with a hairdryer). And then each of you will take a figurine of your pet and find a place for it in the meadow (stick figures).

10. Singing a song.

"My puppy"

There has been a commotion in my room since the morning,

What happened? Who could have done this?

Out of the box, I see, the wool turns white.

Mom and Dad, explain who is there.

Chorus: Wet nose, fluffy lump.

This is it, beloved puppy.

Hello miracle best friend.

You changed my world suddenly.

All day we played with him in the yard,

Clumsy and funny, he barked at me.

I feed the fluffy with fresh milk,

I love him very, very much.


Spot behind the ear, tassel and tail,

today he gnawed a bone for the first time.

He will be a protector, but for now

I have to wait a little bit.


Part 3. End of the lesson.

Speech therapist. Thanks to the puppy from the fairy tale, who helped us figure out that all animals are needed and important!

Children are invited to express their impressions of the lesson, which task did they like, which was difficult, what was the mood? Children choose symbols: sun or cloud, respectively.


M. Stremin, poem "Gift";

N.V. Nishcheva Developing fairy tales: A cycle of classes on the development of the lexical composition of the language, the improvement of the grammatical structure of speech, the development of coherent speech in preschool children - teaching aid - St. Petersburg: Childhood-press, 2002;

Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

The child masters speech gradually, starting from birth. First, he learns to understand the speech addressed to him, and then he begins to speak himself. Therefore, you should protect your hearing from strong sound effects (do not turn on the TV or music at full power), avoid chronic rhinitis, and monitor the health of the hearing organs.

Already up to a year old, you can hear the first "dads" and "mom" from the child. By the age of three, as a rule, the child already begins to speak in phrases. Simultaneously with the development of speech, the child's thinking and imagination develop. Attention, memory, thinking are the foundations on which speech is built.

When talking with your child, constantly pay attention to your own speech: it should be clear and intelligible. Do not lisp, the child must learn to speak correctly. Do not speak loudly or too quickly to your child.

The reasons for poorly developed speech in a child can be:

disorders in the development of muscles of the articulatory-speech apparatus, low development of phonemic hearing, poor vocabulary, deficiencies in the development of grammatical skills.

Violation of sound pronunciation and articulation - the child incorrectly pronounces individual sounds, his speech is not sufficiently intelligible and expressive, and its pace is slower than that of peers.

Deficiencies in the development of sound-letter perception and sound-letter analysis (low development of phonemic hearing) - insufficient development of the ability to hear, recognize and distinguish sounds and their combinations, not to confuse them. No less important are the skills of sound-letter synthesis - the ability to understand the relationship between sounds and their combinations.

The main violations of this kind include: inability to isolate sounds sequentially or according to their location; inability to distinguish sounds by hardness, softness, sonority, deafness; inability to denote hardness - softness in writing. For the same reasons, the acquisition of the skill of word formation and inflection is inhibited. Deficiencies in the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech - the child does not know how to correctly compose and understand grammatical constructions, incorrectly uses genders and cases. This also includes the inability to put stress correctly, which leads to distortion of the word beyond recognition. Insufficient development of semantic guess - the child does not know how, based on the context, to correctly predict the end of a word or phrase. Insufficient development of vocabulary - poor vocabulary, difficulties in understanding the meaning of words due to their absence in the child's active vocabulary. It is difficult for a child to establish a lexical connection between the words read, he does not understand the new meaning that they acquire in combination with each other.

It should be noted that the quality and quantity of a child's vocabulary largely determine the level of speech development in general. It is very important to pay attention to both passive (that is, those words that are stored in memory) and active (words that are constantly used) vocabulary. It is necessary for the child to know what meanings a word has, to be able to use it correctly in independent speech.

In this section of the site you will find classes on the development of speech, designed for classes with children from 1 to 7 years old (and possibly older, if the child speaks poorly at school). The first lessons with a child are finger games, because fine motor skills greatly affect the development of speech abilities. Further - poetry, sayings, reading books. The articles will help you understand whether your child speaks correctly: whether the words that he or she is playing are enough, whether he connects them correctly and pronounces them.

Nomination "Methodical work in a preschool educational institution"

I present a synopsis of a speech development lesson on the topic "In Search of the Tree of Wisdom" in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution. The lesson is built using elements of modern educational technologies: individually differentiated learning, information and communication technologies, developing didactic aids. The content of the lesson is integrated. The integration of various activities allows you to expand and enrich the structure of the lesson.

To increase motivation to participate in upcoming activities, a problem situation, videos are used. At each stage of the lesson, visual aids, ICTs were selected that stimulate and activate children. Health-preserving technologies are used: change of static and dynamic postures, an active game of a speech nature, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands. The lesson is built using elements of modern educational technologies: individually differentiated learning, information and communication technologies, developing didactic aids.

Target: to improve the oral speech of children.



  • Improve the phonemic hearing of children: determine the first and last sound in a word, select a word for the last sound of the previous one;
  • Exercise in the ability to form words of the same root;
  • Help build a proposal correctly, based on mnemonic diagrams;
  • To consolidate and expand the children's vocabulary on the topic "Winter".


  • Develop speech, attention, imagination;
  • Develop associative thinking;
  • Develop visual perception, phonemic hearing;
  • Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  • Activate the areas of the brain of children responsible for the development of speech with the help of Su-Jok therapy.


  • To cultivate friendly relations with each other, the desire to speak beautifully, correctly.
  • To form the skills of cooperation, the ability to negotiate, independence.
  • Create an atmosphere of psychological comfort, make children feel happy and motivate them for successful activities.

Integration of educational areas:"Speech development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Methodical techniques:

  • Verbal (questions, explanation).
  • Visual (interactive game, mnemonic schemes).
  • Game (D / and "Snow pile", massage of palms and fingers with Su-Jok balls, mobile speech game "Find your house").
  • Practical (composing sentences in pairs).
  • Musical accompaniment.

Equipment: Forest scenery, videos, 2 coffee tables, easel, chest, ball of thread, snowdrift, snowflakes, pointer, "Tree of Wisdom", garland, screen, soundtracks, video projector, m / m board, interactive game "Caterpillar", hoops, gift box, game as a gift for children "ABC + arithmetic".

Handouts: mnemonic diagrams, Su-Jok balls and rings, toys, pillows, medallions.

Preliminary work: Acquaintance with symbols, drawing up sentences about the winter and sketching them using symbols, verbal game "Chain of words", exercise "Name a word" (coming up with words starting with a hard (soft) consonant, an exercise on the selection of related words to the words "ice", "forest", acquaintance with massage balls and rings Su-Jock, learning words for massage.

Course of the lesson

Guys, today we have to make an exciting journey to a magical land. A fairytale hero and many interesting surprises will be waiting for us there. But you can go there only when you are confident in your knowledge and are ready to overcome the difficulties that will come our way. After all, where we go is full of secrets and miracles! You are ready? (Yes!)

What do you think we can use to go on our trip? (Answers of children)
- Let's go on a magical transport - the flying carpet.

I'm laying the carpet.

Let's sit down and grab everyone's hands tightly and say the magic words: "Cribble-crab-boom!" (music imitating flight sounds)

We're flying to wonderland, past blue skies

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 eyes can be opened

Here we are with you and a magical land!

“Here the tree of Wisdom grows.
You have a lot to learn
you will be helped in this
a hero from a Russian fairy tale!

Guys, walk together,
Yes, do not lose your knowledge!
When you complete the tasks,
the tree of Wisdom will thank you for your efforts! "

Let's say our motto so that everything works out for us: “Our motto is: - Cheer up! Go through everything and find out everything! "

on the screen Baba-Yaga

B-Z: - I see that brave men have come to us! Why are you making noise? Or did you want gifts, I suppose, from the tree of Wisdom? Ha ha ha! Do you think it is so easy to find this tree? I myself looked for him, but did not find it. But I can give you my magic ball to help you. Where it rolls, you have to keep the way there. You will find him ... in the chest, under the tree.

We find the chest under the tree, we take out the ball.

I wonder where the magic ball will lead us.

The ball rolls towards the interactive whiteboard.

Turn on the game.

The ball led us to the first task: It is necessary to lay out the Caterpillar from words in a chain. To do this, you need to determine the last sound in a given word and select the next picture on it.

Interactive game "Caterpillar".

Video clip.

B-Z: This is necessary! What sophisticated children have gone today! From the words, the caterpillar was folded!

Our ball rolled
Rolled on a snowdrift!
Stop! Block!
There is no move.
Here is a game, you give an answer!

Guys, the ball led us to the snow heap. This pile of snow is not simple, but magical, it is not made of snow, but of words that all look like the word "snow"

  • There is an affectionate word, a small word - jock.
  • There is a long word - snowfall.
  • There is a word beautiful, the word sign is snow (lump).
  • There is a word - a man, a fairy-tale character - a snow maiden.
  • There is a word - a figure sculpted from snow - a snowman.
  • There is a word light, fluffy - a snowflake.
  • There is a word - a flower - a snowdrop.
  • There is a word - a bird - a bullfinch.

Well done boys! Cope with this task!

You roll, roll the ball

Su-Jok balls on the way!

Roll the balls in your hands,

And repeat after me!

Children take 1 ball in their hands.

Su-Jok massage with balls. (children repeat words and perform actions with the ball in accordance with the text). Children put the balls in place and take 1 massage ring each.Finger massage with an elastic ring. (Children alternately put on massage rings on each finger, reciting a finger gymnastics poem).

On screen B-I.

B-Z: I have never seen colored hedgehogs since I was born! I only came across forest ones! Follow the ball further!

And our ball rolled further. R guys, here we have a game again. The game is called Find Your House. Let's remember with you what color denotes a solid consonant? A soft consonant? Now, to the music, you will run beautifully with toys on your toes; after the music ends, you must find a house for your toy.

P / and "Find your house"

Musical accompaniment. Video clip.

You roll, roll the ball,
Help one more time.
The scheme must be solved -
Read the offer!

Come to the tables, sit down in pairs.

I distribute tables.

Carefully consider the table, draw up a proposal for the winter, agree which of you will answer, who is ready, raise your hand.

Working with mnemonic tables in pairs.

Slide B

Me: And you really are brave! We were not afraid of difficulties, we coped with all the tasks! You are one step away from the Tree of Wisdom! Be careful ! Go ahead!
The ball rolls towards the Tree of Wisdom. The teacher opens the screen, a garland is lit on the tree.
Here we are with you and found the Tree of Wisdom!

The Tree of Wisdom awards you medals for your knowledge and efforts. Remove one medal from the Tree and take it for your efforts.
And also the Tree gives each of you a piece of his wisdom - the game “I will become an excellent student”. This game will help you get ready for school and get wiser.

And now it's time for us to return to kindergarten, go all to the flying carpet.

“Let's say together, let's say together,
We need to get to kindergarten! "

Music sounds.

Here we are with you and returned to kindergarten. What tasks did you enjoy doing the most? Who found it difficult on this journey? What tasks did you find the most difficult?

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