Why damage does not work on death. Damage to death - what is it, signs of how to remove and protect yourself. Check for chicken egg spoilage

Everyone needs to know the signs of damage to death. This is a special kind of witchcraft. The thing is that this magical manipulation is carried out not just to spoil a person's life, but to take it away. It is impossible to bring fatal damage on your own. As a rule, for this purpose they resort to the help of strong magicians and witches. It is impossible to say how long it will take from the moment of the ritual to the death of a person. These terms are individual. 1

What is damage to death

Damage to death is one of the most dangerous negative programs that are introduced into the human biofield through ceremonies. Such rituals can be performed both by one magician and their entire groups. The main goal in this case is to break through the victim's energy field. To induce damage she death, they can use:

  • items stolen from the cemetery;
  • dolls with organic items of the victim;
  • runes;
  • linings;
  • rituals to lure the Dark Forces;
  • zombie;
  • a conspiracy of the victim's personal belongings.

As a result of magical effects, fatal accidents or health problems develop with a person, leading to death. Sometimes a creature from the Lower Astral is attached to the victim, which provokes a clouding of the mind and pushes to suicide.

Symptoms of damage to death

As a rule, the signs and consequences of damage to death in women and men are identical. Differences are not always present, and they are minimal. A corrupted person can give the impression that he himself is looking for death. He often has serious health problems. He begins to literally wither before our eyes. At the same time, doctors cannot identify the cause of the pathological condition and eliminate it. Or they manage to diagnose the disease, but it does not lend itself to therapy.

Important! Animals have a special relationship with spoiled people. At first, they caress them, and then bite sharply and run away. Increased aggressiveness of street dogs towards humans, the appearance of mice and cockroaches in the home - this can also be a sign of damage to death.

Signs of damage to death in women

Among the most common symptoms of damage to death in women are the following:

  • nervousness, hysteria, increased anxiety, phobias and panic attacks;
  • glitches in monthly cycle, infertility;
  • aggravation of the course of chronic pathologies;
  • the development of diseases that cannot be diagnosed;
  • getting into situations dangerous to health and life;
  • depression, apathy, fatigue;
  • drowsiness (in severe cases, the victim sleeps almost around the clock) or, on the contrary, insomnia, nightmares.

Signs of damage to death in men

The main signs of black damage to death in men include:

  • isolation (a person avoids social contacts);
  • outbursts of unreasonable aggression;
  • irresistible craving for alcoholic beverages;
  • anorexia or gluttony;
  • inappropriate behavior, it can be dangerous not only for the victim, but also for the people around her;
  • a decrease in libido or, on the contrary, a sharp increase in it;
  • risk appetite;
  • suicidal thoughts.

What to do if damage to death is done

If damage to death has been diagnosed, this is not yet a reason for panic. In this case, you need to pull yourself together and calm down. The main thing is to understand that the source of the problem has been found, life goes on, and there is still a chance to fix everything.

First you need to contact an experienced magician for diagnostics and not tell him about the presence of a negative program. If damage to death really takes place, then he will not miss it. Thus, even if one in ten magicians said that there is no corruption, it means that it really is absent. Diagnosis of damage does not take much time and occurs immediately.

If you wish, you can also detect damage to death at home. To do this, you need to drive an ordinary chicken egg into a glass of water and put it on the crown for a few minutes, and then evaluate the result. If the water remains clean and transparent, then there is no spoilage. The presence of small cobwebs in the glass indicates the usual, very simple spoilage. It is there, but not fatal. Formation on the egg dark spots and bubbles are a good reason to be on your guard. Damage in this case is definitely there, and, probably, it is fatal.

However, whatever the result, it is important to remember one thing: damage to death loves fear, and if the heart is filled with courage, any evil becomes powerless.

Important! The one who causes corruption takes upon himself a great sin. Sooner or later, evil will definitely return.

Among the most common consequences of damage to death in this case, one can single out severe physical and mental illnesses, violation of family ties. Moreover, not only the sinner can pay, but also his loved ones.

Is it possible to remove damage to death

Removing damage to death on your own is real. To reach good result, you need to observe all the nuances of the ritual and not violate its sequence. In the process of performing magical actions, you need to concentrate as much as possible and imagine that the negative is coming out.

If, after a self-performed ritual, the condition does not improve and even worsens, then the damage is too strong. To get rid of it, you need to see a specialist.

How to remove damage to death yourself

If we talk about how to dryness and death, then experts first recommend finding the lining and destroying it. Typically, it looks like a pouch filled with animal skulls, graveyard soil, feathers, or personal items from the victims. You cannot touch such a bag with your hands. To do this, you can use a broom and scoop, gloves, newspaper or unnecessary pieces of fabric. The lining should be taken away from the dwelling and burned there, while pronouncing the following words: “Water descends to the earth in the form of rain, and then returns to the heavens in the form of clouds. And the evil directed to me will return to my enemies. Amen!". After that, you need to go home without turning around. In some cases, this is already enough for healing from damage to death.

If the lining could not be found, you can remove damage to death by rolling it out with an egg. To carry out the ritual in this case, you will need:

  • a dozen white eggs (both chicken and goose are suitable);
  • 9 wax candles (not church);
  • 2 bowls of untreated water;
  • a bag made of natural fabric (you can sew it yourself or buy it).

It is necessary to carry out the ritual of removing damage to death on the waning moon. Then it will bring the greatest efficiency. Eggs should not be bought from a store or supermarket, but from the market. They must be domesticated and fertilized. This magic ritual can be used both for self-cleaning and for removing damage from another person.

After sunset, the candles must be placed on the table and lit. In this case, it is recommended to light the first candle from a match, the second from the first, and the third from the second. Next, pour water into deep bowls. It must be either well or spring. Tap water for removing spoilage is not good for death.

Then put 3 eggs in one of the plates. Lowering each of them, say the following words: “The chicken laid an egg under the threshold, under the door. This testicle rolled, and the damage returned to the customer. Truly! "

Important! For the ritual to work for sure, you must not tell anyone about it. Also, you can not blame your enemy and threaten him. You should try to forgive him, open your heart and not keep evil in it.

Then you need to sit facing east, take a plate of eggs and water, place it over your head, and then say the following words 12 times: “In a dark grove, in a dark forest, in a dark forest, on a remote, unsociable edge, there is a hut. And in this hut, Matryona the old woman spins dark yarn and lets everyone in it. And I will go to that dark grove, dark forest and dark forest to a deaf, unsociable edge, I will go to that hut. I will remove the evil from the servant of God (name) and give it to her. Let her weave it with a thread, and the servant of God (name) lives better than before. His body will fill up with health as soon as he plunges into the water. May it be so!".

After that, put a plate of water on the floor and take the egg out of it with your left hand. You need to take a burning candle in your right hand. Then you need to roll the body from the ankles and back with an egg. This must be done counterclockwise. Then beat the egg into a second plate of clean water. After that, repeat all the manipulations with the second and third eggs.

Then eggshell you need to grind and place in a bag. This pouch must be buried in a deserted place at dawn after the last witchcraft cleaning. If the cleaning from damage to death was not carried out to oneself, then these manipulations must be done by the person himself, affected by the damage. Water and eggs should be poured under any dry tree after each ritual. New candles must be removed before each new cleaning. The previous one should burn out to the end only if the cleaning from damage to death is performed for oneself. If the ritual is performed for another person, then he must take the candles to his home and light them there.

Usually, a three-day cleaning is sufficient to get rid of the fatal spoilage. To find out if the damage has gone to death in whole or in part, you need to diagnose with the help of the remaining egg. If the damage could not be removed completely, it will continue to destroy the person. In this case, the ritual is repeated and then the diagnosis is performed again.

How to protect yourself from damage to death

It is important to understand that damage to death is not just offensive words thrown in the back. Guiding it requires a lot of effort. Therefore, the most the best way protection from it will be the correct behavior. One must live so as not to make mortal enemies for oneself. You should not test the patience of the people around you for strength, as sooner or later this will lead to negative consequences... Faith in God will also help protect yourself from the impact of a negative program, pectoral cross hic or incense and confession. The soul and thoughts of each person must be pure.

In addition, there is a special ritual that will help avoid spoilage. To carry it out, you must have:

  • a glass bottle with a wide neck;
  • broken glass;
  • metal shavings;
  • needles;
  • a strong solution of sea salt.

It is necessary to pour the needles into the bottle one by one, then the glass and finally the shavings. Then you should shake the container so that all the contents in it are mixed. Only then can the saline solution be poured into it. In conclusion, the bottle should be closed with a lid or stopper and filled (sealed) with planer or wax. At this moment, you need to say the following words: “I went out into an open field and saw there 7 unclean, evil, unsociable. Run you from me, 7 unclean, evil and unsociable, to wicked people and keep them on a leash. So that their unclean and evil hands do not harm me, and so that on the way home, I remain safe and sound. And I will be safe in the field, and in the forest, and in foreign and native lands, and in the house. My plot is long, but my word is strong. May it be so!".

Attention! Sometimes it even happens that a person damages himself. This happens by chance, during the violation of the rules for conducting magical rites. That is why it is extremely undesirable to engage in black magic, and even more so to ask for help from the Dark Forces.

Finally, the bottle must be buried in a place where no one can find it. For example, in the forest.


If you know the signs of damage to death, you can suspect something was wrong in time and prevent dire consequences. It should always be remembered that there are many disillusioned and embittered individuals in the world. Sometimes they do not show their feelings openly, but begin to take revenge with the help of magic. Therefore, you should not be near a person with whom you are uncomfortable and continue to communicate with him. Intuition rarely deceives. Therefore, such communication will definitely not bring any benefit. It is impossible to change a person's views of the world and beliefs.

Fortunately, there are many "bright" people in society who will be glad to have friendly relations and will always help in difficult situation... The world is not without good people, says folk wisdom... However, it is also important to attract positive attitude... This is the only way to get happiness and good luck.

Damage to death and how to remove it is the topic of this article. Nowadays, it’s hard to believe that someone would dare to resort to such a terrible method. It seems that ancient magic rituals have long been forgotten, and people have learned to solve conflict situations in more humane ways. But it turns out that today there are ways to send your enemy to the next world using magic, and some people still use them.

Let's find out more about such a phenomenon as damage to death, consider the signs by which this effect can be determined. We will also find out how to protect yourself from it and how to remove it if you are faced with such a threat.

Damage to death is one of the most powerful energetic effects that can be exerted on a person. This extreme way influence on the enemy, to which not everyone dares to resort. Most often, famous people become victims of such a blow: politicians, businessmen, actors. But ordinary people can be among them.

The energy blow in this case is inflicted deliberately and with malicious intent with the help of magical techniques. People who have resorted to this method of reprisal should know that in this way they will bring serious karmic consequences on themselves and their entire family.

Not every magician will dare to remove this type of damage. Only a few specialists in the field of magic have a sufficient amount of strength and skill. When the damage is removed by the white magician, the person who ordered it expects a strong opposite effect.

Damage to death, performed by a professional, leads to the death of the victim in a very short time... Exposure that is fatal in one to two weeks is called "quick death spoilage."

In ancient times, when sorcerers possessed deep knowledge in the field of magic, there were ways to bring a person to the grave with the help of "instant blow". With this exposure, the victim died instantly from a heart attack or respiratory arrest.

Today, ancient witchcraft secrets have long been forgotten. But in the arsenal of modern magicians, there are also enough ways to take a person's life. Most often, damage to death is induced using mirrors and photographs. There is also cemetery damage.

By destructive force damage to death is much stronger than other energetic and magical influences. Its consequences are simply terrifying - these are losses, fatal ailments, accidents and even death.

The consequences of such damage appear suddenly, and it is not difficult to identify them.

Signs of damage to death

The presence of such signs should alert you:

  • The sudden appearance of serious illnesses, the inability to make an accurate diagnosis. In this case, medicine is powerless.
  • An obsessive desire to commit suicide appears. Interest in later life disappears.
  • Accidents happen to the victim: car accidents, attacks, fires.
  • Large material losses, complete ruin.
  • The collapse of personal relationships and leaving the family, betrayal of friends.
  • A person is haunted by nightmares and obsessions.
  • There are problems with the use of alcohol and drugs.
  • The behavior of pets is changing. They avoid the owner or show aggression.
  • A person is tormented by severe headaches, body temperature jumps sharply.
  • In the morning, you notice strange bruises or scars on your body.

It is not easy to determine the presence of damage to death by these signs, because most of these symptoms are characteristic of all types of magical effects. If you find yourself in some of these signs, see a good specialist in the field of magic.

The effect of damage to death unfolds rapidly: in a couple of weeks, completely healthy and full of strength a person can fade away. Therefore, any delay can cost life. Do not trust healers who say that damage to death was brought about several years ago. If a person is still alive, it means that it was some other influence, or it was not at all.

Ways to identify damage

There are ways how to determine the presence of spoilage yourself.

If you suspect that you have been exposed to such a magical effect, check it with matches:

  • Take a bowl of water, add a pinch of salt and stir well.
  • Put three burnt matches there and watch their behavior.
  • If all three matches went to the bottom, you were spoiled to death. Get rid of such misfortune as soon as possible.

How to identify spoilage with an egg

Raw homemade food will help you determine if there is spoilage. Perform this simple ceremony:

  • Pour 150-170 ml of regular water into a glass and break an egg there. The yolk should remain intact.
  • Sit on a chair and press your chin against your chest. Place the glass on your crown, carefully hold it so that it does not fall. Sit in this position for a few minutes.
  • Remove the glass from your head and proceed to decipher the result.

If the water and the egg remain unchanged, there are no effects.

If you see sticks or fibers rising upward, spoilage is present. Thin cobwebs speak of mild deterioration, which will pass within a year.

If you notice bubbles in the protein, this indicates a strong deterioration for a bad life.

If, in addition to bubbles, black blotches are clearly visible on the egg white and yolk, powerful cemetery damage was induced.

Spots of gray and green in the middle of the yolk and boiled white testify to the most terrible effect - deadly spoilage in flour. This kind of damage could only be caused by your most sworn enemy.

Having identified in yourself signs of damage to death, quickly go in search of a good specialist in the field of magic or parapsychology.

How to remove damage to death yourself

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to seek advice from a professional magician, try it.

Prayer-conspiracy from damage to death

In the evening after sunset, the person conducting the ritual must read the conspiracy three times, putting his hands on the patient's head. The words of the prayer are:

Continue performing this rite for nine days.

After this period, the patient should feel better, there will be a desire to live. The person will feel a surge of vital energy and the disease will recede. Now you need to go to church and read this prayer at the icon of your saint.

Rite of passage for removing damage with a candle and a cross

Take the cross that was consecrated in the temple. The larger it is, the more effective the ceremony will be. Also prepare a large church candle and start the ritual.

  • Kneel down before the cross and say the prayer you know.
  • Sincerely forgive your offender who has sent damage to you.
  • Pray that higher powers would forgive him this sin.
  • Holding a burning candle with both hands, repeat the prayer "Our Father" 7 times.
  • In this case, the behavior of the candle should change: it can begin to crack and hiss, blaze or sparkle. Thus, the negative program leaves the person.

How to protect yourself from damage to death

We all know that it is easier to prevent any negative state than to suffer from its consequences later. The same goes for damage done to death. To insure yourself against this dangerous phenomenon, try to put protection:

  • Take a glass jar or bottle and fill it halfway with broken glass, metal shavings, needles and other small objects, fill it with a strong saline solution.
  • While preparing this magical attribute, read the conspiracy:
  • Cap the bottle and bury it in a deserted place. Nobody should see you at the same time.

Such a charmed bottle will ward off any magical effects for five years. After this period, the ritual can be repeated again.

To avoid incurring this dangerous exposure, follow these tips:

  • Don't give your photos to people you don't trust.
  • Do not store products made from dead animals at home: horns, skins or stuffed animals.
  • Get rid of broken dishes and damaged mirrors.
  • Do not give your pectoral cross to anyone and do not take someone else's.
  • You should not wear clothes and jewelry of a stranger, as well as give your own.
  • You can not touch valuable things thrown on the road: jewelry, money.
  • Do not under any circumstances keep photographs of the living and the dead together. Also, do not take pictures with the deceased in the background.

Most importantly, never forget that our greatest enemy is fear. If a person is fearless and confident in his abilities, the evil spell over him has no power.

Damage to death is a program mental level impact on people. Witchcraft does more damage if a strong magician uses grave soil from a cemetery in a ritual. You can remove damage to death with the help of a magician or try it at home.

If the negative impact is diagnosed correctly, the first step is to go to church, turn to the Lord. For humans, religion is considered a powerful defense against dark forces. If the church refuses to accept, the second option is to contact a healer or magician.

Removing damage to death on your own is an overly difficult task, especially if the curse was performed on the family. The most difficult can only be removed by experienced sorcerers. If you turn to a practicing magician for help in time, healing from dark forces will be successful.

The first difficulty encountered in determining the presence of the evil eye is the correct diagnosis. Some of the symptoms of behavioral deviation are similar to depression, uncontrollable aggression. A conspiracy that manifests itself with similar symptoms does not pursue the goal of bringing a person to the grave, it only makes holes in the aura, slowly draws out vitality.

In ancient times, in the arsenal of magicians, shamans there were rituals that could provoke the instant death of the victim. Knowledge was passed down from generation to generation and was partially lost.

The sent curse, misfortune and misfortune rapidly destroys the soul, body in a matter of days. Without removal, the consequences will be dire.

Methods for determining spoilage

It is possible to identify and remove the imposed death spell by a number of signs. The first thing to do is to assess the condition of the alleged victim by the similarity with signs of damage:

  • weakness in the arms, legs;
  • atypically exacerbated chronic disease (manifestation of allergies in the off-season);
  • dizzy, tormented by a feeling of nausea with a normal diet, sleep;
  • the appearance of diseases that cannot be diagnosed, they can be fatal;
  • pursued by a series of misfortunes;
  • tormented by suicidal thoughts;
  • pets began to react aggressively to the owner (avoid being near or growl).

The last 2 features are the most revealing. The rest of the above phenomena can speak of the evil eye or an attempt by an intruder to do harm.

There are special rituals to reveal, remove curses with the help of natural elements: fire and water.

For a ritual with matches, half a glass of water with a dissolved pinch of salt is required. It is necessary to alternately light 3 matches, throw one into the water. 3 drowned matches speak of induced fatal damage.

The second effective way to detect the presence of dark forces is with an egg. Helps diagnose the presence, type of witchcraft. Stages of carrying out:

  1. 1 egg is broken into an incomplete glass of clean water. It must be done carefully so as not to damage the yolk.
  2. Pressing the chin to the chest, the glass is placed on top of the head and kept for 3 minutes.

Interpretation to remove:

  • the water is clean, the consistency of the egg has not changed - there is no negative effect;
  • the appearance of rods and fibers rising from the bottom of the glass - there was an effect of moderate severity;
  • the protein is covered with bubbles - a spell has been imposed that worsens the quality of life;
  • black spots appeared on the yolk - the ill-wisher brought a powerful cemetery damage;
  • dark gray, marsh-colored blotches - a terrible effect - a deadly, painful curse.

The third ritual with wax is considered the surest way to determine, remove evil. You will need 3 church candles, holy water. Before the ceremony, a couple of sips are taken, the remnants are poured into a deep plate. The plate is carried over the victim, after which the melted wax of one candle is poured out. The resulting shapes mean:

  • closely spaced bubbles - a manifestation of black magic;
  • large balls - fatal damage;
  • zigzag is a powerful dark magic.

Effective Removal Techniques

Before you carry out a conspiracy from fatal damage, you should find out what the danger of a negative impact on a person is. The curse is capable of quickly reaching its intended goal. In the next 2 weeks, the victim may suffer an accident or a sudden exacerbation of the disease, leading to an early death.

At home, it is necessary to remove curses only with strong self-confidence. With a superficial assessment of the current situation, a frivolous attitude, it is better to turn to experienced psychics, magicians.

If, nevertheless, it is decided to carry out cleansing and removal on their own, special rituals will help get rid of cemetery damage to death.

Destroy the lining

A curse on death is made by placing a "witch's bag", the ingredients of which are bird skulls, earth from cemeteries, feathers, a voodoo doll, and personal items of the victim.

The one who finds the magic lining should urgently get rid of it. It is important not to touch the spoilage bag directly; it is better to use a broom, gloves, pieces of newspaper or unnecessary rags. When removing the lining, you should read a spell to remove it over it:

“Waters rain down to the earth, return to heaven in clouds. An evil deed, negativity in the likeness of enemies will return back. I conjure by the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading the conspiracy, all objects should be taken as far from the dwelling as possible, burned in a cleansing flame in order to remove evil and death.

Prayer cleansing from corruption

The negative influence of demons on people gave rise to evil eyes, curses. Serving God, a prayer appeal to faith, protection from the influence of evil has always been a counterbalance. Contacting the nearest church will help you get advice on getting rid of enemies, get recommendations for reading special prayers, and remove negativity.

If it is not possible to get to the temple in the coming days, you should read this text from damage to death:

“Let the soaring bird take a handful of earth. The animals will take a handful. They dug a hole, and the path goes straight, you can't get around. Help the servant of God (the name of the victim) pass straight, so that he does not fall into a damp pit. I am waiting for help from four forces, four sides. Take me away from the abyss. Death is dark below, life is bright above. Keep away from evil. The word is strong. Darkness will not be near me. Amen".

The prayer for corruption is recited 3 times after sunset for nine days. When the period expires, you should go to the temple, turn to your Saint with this conspiracy. Will help remove black magic.

Ritual of burying death before the deadline

To carry out the ritual of cleaning from spoilage, you will need candles, sweets, a handful of coins. It is necessary to wait for the moon to wane, to go to the cemetery at midnight. There, find three graves with the name of a victim of an evil influence, put a lit candle and candy to each. The deceased should be asked for forgiveness for the disturbance, read the burial prayer before the God-pleasing time:

“Death by someone else’s conspiracy is buried, I defend myself. Before God's will appeared, and now you go to the grave. The dead are asleep, death is on guard. I will pay off death. Amen".

Coins are placed at the graves, the cemetery is abandoned. Near the exit itself, one should say "Bought off", the rest of the way to the house do not talk to anyone. It is important not to turn around all the way from the grave to the door of the dwelling. Death damage will be removed.


Ritual with a scarf. To prepare for cleansing from spoilage, you need to wear a new scarf within three days. white... The headdress should contact as much as possible with the hairdo, skin for maximum energy charge of the victim. When three days have elapsed, remove, wrap the handkerchief in a clean piece of paper, take it to the cemetery. Standing in the aisle, facing east, the words are pronounced:

“I bear my death to the dead. Your sleep is strong, lock my death in the grave. I return back what was brought to me. Hold back the doom and don't let go. "

It is possible to remove the deadly message with the help of an old cleansing rite. You will need black cloth, a dozen church candles. The fabric spreads on the table, candles are placed around. Setting it on fire in turn, the prayer “Our Father” is said six times against corruption. During the recitation of the prayer for removal, the hands should be held in the abdomen. At the end of the ritual, the candles are extinguished with the left hand. Each attribute is left at the intersection of the roads with the words:

“Whoever has set candles for God's creation for peace will suffer destruction. Amen".

After returning home, you should wash your hands thoroughly. Before going to bed, you need to read the Lord's Prayer six times again, and the next morning go to church, put six candles for the health of ill-wishers. During the week, six alms are left, the negative influence is removed.

What will happen to the one who sent damage

When a person sends a mortal curse, he assumes a grave sin on the soul. Inflicting grief on the offender in this way or eliminating competitors at work is a betrayal of nature and is fraught with consequences. Evil will definitely return, the only question is how soon.

The one who sends damage must have an understanding that the sorcerer, his children, and the next generations will have to pay for the use of black magic. It manifests itself in various variations:

  • incurable disease;
  • insanity, mental disorders;
  • breaking family ties.

The customer of the fatal damage dooms all his offspring to the burden of the ancestral curse, which will last until the descendants have fully worked off the debt for the sins of the ancestor.

Damage to death, or as it is customary to call it mortal, is a special type of witchcraft. Damage to death, not every magician, or sorcerer can. The thing is that such a magical manipulation carries a specific goal not just to spoil the enemy's life, but to take this very life. Damage to death (mortal) is quite difficult.

Most magicians don't want to take on mortal corruption

Not every magician can handle this kind of work. Most practitioners simply will not take up the order of spoilage to death. And the point here is not at all in moral qualities magician or in his convictions. More often than not, the reason for refusal is the knowledge of the fact that a rollback after pointing a mortal threatens the magician with serious consequences.

Can the mortal be justified?

Many practitioners are asking this question. Is there an excuse for damage to death, what to expect after the ritual? What should a person do for the magician to sentence him to such a punishment? How can such damage be removed? Well, let's start with the fact that practitioners themselves rarely go to such a step. The thing is that the magician has a lot of ways to turn the life of the enemy into walking in all the circles of hell, and he does not have to do mortal. After all, sometimes it can be done, so that the life of the enemy will be much worse than death.

And practice shows that most often the customers themselves, after a while, are horrified by the act they have committed and pray to remove the damage from the object. Here, as my personal practice shows, women often order the fatal for a rival.

But, sometimes, the mortal is ordered for the mother-in-law, and the sister-in-law, and the daughter-in-law. I myself do not undertake such orders. And, not because I am such a moralist and advocate philanthropy. Not at all. I just don't feel strong enough for such a ritual. I will be able to make damage with high quality, but then I can hardly remove it. And I advise novice practitioners to take on such things without proper preparation. The risk is not justified here.

Returning to our question, “What should a person do to be sentenced to death?” I will say: whatever. In my practice, there were unique people who wanted to make a fatal damage to an employee simply because the bosses were more loyal to her. This is not a reason for doing something like mortal taint, believe me.

Often mistresses want to put mortal damage on the wife of their beloved

The second interesting episode concerned a mistress who wanted to bring a mortal to the wife of her chosen one. Interestingly, the problem wasn't even with the wife herself. She was just not against the divorce, with all that it implies. And the fact that the mistress was worried that during a divorce, the property was divided in half, and decided that it was better to have a dead wife than half of the property. So, girls, that's not the reason either. For this reason, not a single magician will undertake work with a "deadly" one.

In addition, if suddenly you met such a magician who undertook to bring a "mortal" in such situations, and yet, luckily, did not demand an amount equal to a salon foreign car for the work, be sure in front of you a charlatan.

An experienced practitioner magician, neither a beginner, nor an amateur, not a layman, but a practicing magician, will never undertake to do "mortal" if the reason does not correspond. And if it does, then such damage will not cost the customer very cheap. If, after a while, the customer repents, then not all rituals and damage can be reversed, that is, removed.

Alternative to mortal corruption

"Mortal" damage is the most negative energy impact on a person. Not everyone can handle this kind of magic. And, as I already mentioned, the Universe simply will not take such an effect into circulation if the reason does not correspond to it. Therefore, if you doubt in advance that your enemy deserves death through magical effects, choose a slightly different type of influence.

Depression spoilage is easier to handle and has fewer consequences.

Will do: damage to depression, damage to illness, or damage to poverty. It is easier to make such rituals, and it is much easier to remove this kind of damage. Sometimes you can simply put a person, an enemy, in such a position that he will organize suicide for himself. For this, both the customer and the contractor will have to answer, but the punishment will be many times and times milder than the answer for fatal damage.

In my practice, I somehow came across the fact that the magician replaced the mortal with a softer effect. He simply put on the woman the spoilage of insecurity, anxiety, fear, and the so-called "hazy look". The effect of such damage will be as follows: a person begins to lose faith in the future, everything seems bad to him, everyone seems to be enemies, he begins to look into the future with fear.

All this gave rise to constant depression. And, already constantly depressive state, led to the fact that the person committed suicide. If the magician manages to remove his influence after some time from the moment the victim's first symptoms or signs appear, then the force of inertia of the influence will nevertheless destroy the object. This is important to remember.

How to find out if fatal damage is present

It is quite difficult to find out exactly what the mortal is aiming at. And that's all, because the symptoms and signs of a mortal will in many ways be identical to the consequences of damage to depression, anger, a bad life, illness and tears. Only these damages do not carry a specific purpose to destroy the object, they simply make a gap in the energy shell and slowly draw energy. But the symptoms and signs are very similar.

Such damage is removed more easily than damage to death. And although the symptoms and signs are similar to death damage, the consequences for the psyche in such rituals are easier. In ancient times, there were many rituals that could cause instant death of an object: from suffocation, heart attack, or provoke a fall out of the blue with a fatal outcome.

But, now, after many centuries, this knowledge has been lost. No, it happens that one of the powerful practitioners found such rituals, or created them himself. But in my practice I have not come across a single source that would provide information about rituals of such power. I myself have not yet had to face a situation when a person will become so hateful to me that I will yearn for his instant death.

Let's return to the symptoms of the death taint ritual. The first sign will be a suicide attempt. If a normal healthy person, even with problems in his personal life or financial problems, begins to show characteristic signs of suicidal behavior, one can safely assume damage to death.

Felines feel the taint

The second no less important sign will be the attitude of cats and dogs to this person. Especially it is worth paying attention to the behavior of the feline family. If you are familiar with some of the nuances of the magical properties of animals, you already know that cats live on the border of two worlds. They are especially acutely aware of the presence of death. Dogs, too, see death. More precisely, they smell the dead man, long before the person dies.

My personal experience shows that some people also smell death. At one time, when I was 14 years old, I also began to smell death, it has a special smell, it is difficult to describe it. I just breathed in the smell of people in the crowd and knew which of them would die in the near future. But, at that time, I still did not understand what happened to me.

And only later I learned that this ability is often revealed to magicians, especially if they begin to practice in adolescence. With time it passed, two years later, but I remember how the dogs reacted to such a person.

The most common ritual to find out if you have a fatal damage is fortune telling on burnt matches. For such a ritual, you will need:

  • Matchbox;
  • a glass of clean water.

Fortune-telling is done like this:

  1. A glass of water is placed on a saucer.
  2. We take matches in our hands and begin to set fire to.
  3. It is necessary to burn the match as completely as possible, that is, to the edge.
  4. When the match burns out, throw it into the water.

When there are three matches in the glass, you need to watch how they behave, If all three have drowned, there is a strong mortal corruption, you urgently need to look for a powerful magician and give an account.

If two matches sank from three, practitioners say that, in this case, the damage was done by a self-taught magician, and it is rather weakened.

If one match drowned, the damage is insignificant, it will not cause harm, the maximum that happens, you will get sick a little, and then not for long. Such damage goes away by itself, within a year. Leaves no consequences.

How is mortal

There are many rituals of mortal corruption, and they are all different. The most powerful, effective and efficient can be called the damage that is done on the cemetery land.

Grave corruption

Corruption to death is one of the most terrible rituals. Its peculiarity is that any practitioner can do such a magic ritual. Even a beginner can handle such a ritual. But it is almost impossible to remove such damage, and it is also impossible to reverse the consequences or prevent the effects of damage. For such a cemetery damage, the magician will need:

To carry out damage to death, you need to know the date of birth of the object

  • personal data of the victim (date of birth, name, patronymic);
  • photo of the victim;
  • ritual knife;
  • clothing or any other personal item.

You need the most recent photograph, and you need only one person to be shown in the photo. Procedure for performing the ritual:

  1. To carry out such a ritual as damage to death, the magician needs to choose an old multi-place cemetery, on the territory of which there is a functioning church.
  2. Before proceeding with the ritual, the magician needs to cut or tear the photo into three parts.
  3. Now take the victim's thing in your hands and cut it with a ritual knife, too, into three parts.
  4. Next, look for a gravestone in the cemetery with the same name as the victim. When you find it, bury one piece of the photo and one of the three pieces of your personal item into the hill.
  5. Next, you need to look for a tombstone with the same patronymic as the victim's. Here you need to bury the second piece of the photo and the second part of your personal belongings in the ground.
  6. The next step is to find a grave with the death number the same as the victim's birth number. If the victim was born on the 6th, look for a grave, where there would be at least one six in the date of death, it must be a day, month or year. Here, the third part of the photo and the last piece of the victim's clothing must be buried in the ground.
  7. The last step will be a prayer for repose and a candle for repose placed in the church.

Practitioners advise to take a handful of little things with you to the churchyard, "at the mercy". When you leave the churchyard, stop in front of the gate, get the money, and, taking a step outside the gate, throw a handful of trifles behind you, with the words:

"Thanks for the help! Paid off! "

Do not hope that the redemption will help you avoid a rollback, not at all. But still, the redemption will soften the force of the pullback, which is especially important for a beginner practitioner.

Devastating Death Corruption

Among the practitioners, such damage where there is a cemetery land is still commonly called the "backward" or "populated" mortal. Such damage is done as easy as shelling pears - moreover, sometimes it is done not even deliberately, but out of ignorance or out of conviction that "it is necessary", that this is part of the burial ritual.

Corruption using cemetery land is the most effective

In my practice, I often come across the fact that people say that at someone's funeral, more often at the funeral of loved ones, a neighbor, aunt, grandmother, fellow villager, and so on, throws earth from the cemetery to relatives by the collar of their clothes, saying something like: "So it is necessary so that it does not become attached, that it does not yearn, and so on." This is not at all "it should be". This, strictly does not need to be done, right under the penalty of God's judgment. This is a corruption on cemetery soil. And serious damage, often leading to the death of both the one who fixes this, and the one who will be rewarded with such a “gift” of kindness. This is the most natural damage to death, and there is no excuse for it.

Once I heard from one old woman that the cemetery soil, filled up behind the gate, will become spoilage only if it is covered with malicious intent, and if with the thought that “it is necessary”, “so that you are not afraid or that you do not shed tears,” then nothing bad will happen. Nonsense.

Cemetery land is always damage to death, no matter with what thoughts it is poured into you. To make it clearer, I'll give you an example: If you slap a person with the thought of making him feel good, do you think your thoughts will soften the pain of the blow? No. That is, no matter with what thoughts, you do not strike, and the effect will be the same - pain. So, here too.

Regardless of whether you pour the earth with good thoughts or with a curse, but the effect is still the same, terrible damage to death.

How to get rid of fatal damage

It would be most correct to turn to the practice of a magician, whose activities lie in the field of removing damage, lecturing, and so on. But, if you do not have the opportunity to turn to a professional, you can try to cleanse yourself of this scourge yourself.

Option 1: Prayer

This option is strongly associated with the fact that you give yourself and your life at the disposal of the Lord and ask for his protection, cleansing and patronage. The ritual is performed like this:

Church attendance is required every day during Holy Week.

  1. 7 days before Easter, during the entire Holy Week, you need to go to church every day, to Matins, and to the evening service.
  2. For 7 days in a row, read Our Father before going to bed, and in the morning before getting out of bed.
  3. Every evening, light a church candle in your house in front of an icon Mother of God, in front of his nominal icon, and the icon of his saint.

Option 2: Report

Only the magician does the report, it is rarely possible to make such a request to the priest. But if there is no option that the magician will reprimand the mortal, go to church, ask the priest. Order for the health of loved ones and relatives, for the repose of the dead, light candles for the health of enemies. This option is good because you become closer to God, and this is always help and protection. The Lord rarely refuses to help those in need.

How to protect yourself from fatal damage

Remember, such damage is far from just evil words thrown at the back of the enemy. Such damage requires a serious cause and serious preparation and serious skills.

The most better protection from such damage there will be correct behavior. Well, do not make yourself mortal enemies. You do not need to test the patience of others for strength. This will knock you down great.

Faith in God will help protect yourself from mortal damage, pectoral cross, confession. It is important to have a pure soul and pure thoughts. There is also a general ritual of protection from negativity, it can be used as needed as protection from damage. To complete the ritual, you will need:

  • glass bottle with a wide neck;
  • broken glass;
  • iron shavings;
  • needles;
  • strong saline solution.

You need to pour the needles into the bottle first, then glass, and shavings. Next, you need to shake the container so that it all mixes into a common heap. When everything is mixed, you need to pour a strong saline solution into the bottle. Now we tightly close the bottle with any plug and fill it with sealing wax or wax (seal it). In the process of performing the ritual, you will need to read the conspiracy:

“I went out into an open field, met there 7 demons with half-spirits, black, evil and unsociable. You, demons with half-spirits, run to unkind people, keep them on a short leash. So that I remain safe and sound from their hands along the way: in the house, and in the forest, and in strangers, and in relatives, on the ground, on the water, at a feast, at a dinner, and at a wedding, and in trouble. My conspiracy is long and my word is strong. May it be so".

When you are done with the bottle, you will need to bury it where no one will find it. Best of all somewhere in a forest belt or in a place that only you will know.

Practitioners claim that such a ritual will not only save you from induced damage, but will also take on part of the blow during rollback, if you yourself perform dark rituals.

Damage to death is primarily a blow to a person as to a person, but if the ritual is performed by a strong magician, he is able to bring the victim to the grave in a matter of days. Medicine in this case will not help, will not save.

There are many types of damage, but the most dangerous of them is damage to death. And in this article I want to arm you with the knowledge of this type of witchcraft. From this material you will learn:

  • signs of fatal damage;
  • how to diagnose it for sure;
  • what to do to remove deadly witchcraft;
  • how to understand who wished you death.

Damage to death: signs and diagnosis of witchcraft

Damage to death is a strong energetic effect on a person, the result of which is the death of the victim. There is an opinion that it is very easy to put such damage on a person if you use the burial ground. But this is not the case. It is not enough to use certain tools to perform the death ceremony. The sorcerer must have a certain level strength and knowledge.

Fatal damage is dangerous because its symptoms appear very quickly, and it reaches its final goal in the shortest possible time.

Assess your mood and well-being on a daily basis - this will help you notice something wrong in time and take measures to diagnose and eliminate any damage.

I suggest you analyze your condition and compare it with the following signs:

  • feeling of weakness in the body;
  • if there's chronic diseases, then their atypical exacerbation is observed. For example, you are allergic to dandelion pollen, but all the symptoms of this painful condition appeared for some reason in December;
  • despite the usual daily routine and diet, you have been feeling unwell for several days - dizziness, nausea;
  • diseases appear that are not amenable to treatment or diagnosis;
  • at one moment all misfortunes fell on you (illness, problems at work or neighbors);
  • more cases that pose a risk to health and life (road traffic accidents, serious injuries, beating);
  • yesterday you were a cheerful person and made plans for a vacation, but today all you can think about is suicide;
  • strange behavior of pets (cats and dogs react especially vividly) - they try to avoid any communication with the victim of fatal damage, or react aggressively to his presence.

Pay particular attention to the last two points - their presence in your life should force you to immediately look for a strong magician who will agree to remove the damage to death. The rest of the signs should make you think that someone is trying to harm you and you should understand what exactly this attacker wants from you.

How to determine for sure damage to death

If these signs are present in your life, a ritual should be performed to help confirm your concerns. There are many ways to do this. For example, I really love the egg ritual, which gives full information about what is happening with the person's aura. In addition to this ritual, three burnt matches or pouring wax into holy water will help determine the presence of damage to death. Which of these you use is up to you, but you need to perform one of these rituals to make sure of your fears.

Three burnt matches

This ritual is very simple and does not require serious preparation, except for your mood.

Take an incomplete glass of clean water and dissolve a pinch of salt in it. Now take three matches and light them in turn and put them in the prepared water. See what happened.

If one or two matches have drowned, then there is no negative impact on you, and the reason for what is happening lies in something else. If all three matches are at the bottom, it means that a fatal damage has been put on you and you should immediately eliminate it.

Check for chicken egg spoilage

Using a chicken egg to diagnose spoilage is my favorite ritual. He can not only tell there is a magical effect on a person, but also determine the type of witchcraft that has to be fought. In addition, there are two options for conducting it, which are equally correct. Their main difference is that:

  • for the first option, you need to hold a glass of water on your head for several minutes, into which the contents of a chicken egg are poured;
  • for the second option, this glass must be placed at the head of the bed before going to bed and check the result at dawn.

To carry out this ritual correctly, you need to take holy water or use tap water, which has been defended for three days in a dark, cool place. Then you should carefully pour the contents of a fresh chicken egg into a glass of water so that the yolk remains intact.

It doesn't matter if you hold this glass on your head or decide to put it next to your bed at night, the result will be the same:

  • the water in the glass is clean, and the yolk and white lie completely at the bottom of the glass - there is no spoilage;
  • any change in the water or egg indicates spoilage.

If you see that the squirrel lies at the bottom, but thread-like processes rise up from it, in which you can clearly see black dots, then you have been spoiled to death using the grave soil. This result says that the witchcraft was carried out recently and it has not yet had time to take full effect.

If the result of the ritual is a blackened yolk, around which a cloudy white floats, the deadly damage is already working at full strength and you have very little time left.

As I said, this ritual tells a lot more. You can see a description of all options .

Pouring out wax

This ritual can also tell a lot about the presence of a negative impact on a person, if its results are correctly deciphered. For diagnostics, buy a couple of candles in the church and collect holy water. At home, pull the wick out of one candle - we only need wax from it, light the second and melt the wax from the first candle over it. It is best to use a deep spoon or ladle for this.

The melted wax should be poured into a container with holy water and wait a while - the wax will harden, forming a certain figure.

Now you can get out the frozen wax and carefully consider what happened:

  • nearby bubbles indicate the presence of a strong evil eye;
  • large beads of wax indicate fatal damage;
  • zigzags, depressions indicate that a person is severely damaged;
  • a large number of mounds along the edges of the figure indicate the presence of a curse on the person;
  • pointed figures on wax confirm that the person had a witchcraft effect;
  • the outlines of crosses or a coffin are confirmation that a person has strong damage to death;
  • if you see letters on the wax, these are the initials of the person who decided to take you to the grave;
  • if the numbers can be discerned on the wax, then it is possible to determine how long the negative program has been in effect;
  • holes in the wax figurine indicate that the damage was done through the lining;
  • outlines of body parts indicate that personal belongings of the victim were used to induce damage.

Using these rituals for diagnosis, you can learn a lot not only about the damage itself, but also about the person who caused it.

When the fact of damage to death is established, measures should be taken to eliminate it. And then I will tell you how to do it.

The most effective ways to remove damage to death

Now let's talk about what needs to be done to get rid of damage to death.

First of all, you must understand that damage to death is dangerous because it very quickly achieves its goal. That is, the victim of such a ritual in a week or two may die, either from an accident or from a suddenly aggravated disease.

In the matter of removing this damage, one should not hesitate and experiment. For positive result, you need to be confident in your strengths and abilities. If you cannot soberly assess the situation and calmly conduct a special ritual, then do not take up this business - contact a strong magician or psychic.

But if you decide at your own peril and risk to eliminate deadly witchcraft on your own, then I can advise several rituals for this.

The waning moon will help get rid of damage to death

Prepare a candle, candy, and some coins. Wait for the waning phase and go to the cemetery at night. Find a grave with the name of a victim of fatal damage and put a lit candle on it. Ask the deceased for forgiveness for worrying and put the prepared sweets.

Now read the following prayer:

I will bury my death, I will defend myself from it. You came before God's time, and now you have gone into the earth. Dead, sleep soundly, watch over my death. Death, I pay off you. Amen. Amen. Amen

Put coins on the grave and go to the exit from the cemetery. Never turn around or talk to anyone. Before leaving, sayPay off and you can go home without saying a word.

At home, take a shower first to wash away the black magic. Over the next three days, you need to go to church and put three candles near the icon of Jesus Christ.

Destroy the lining

Often spoilage for premature death is added to the victim through the lining. For this, the sorcerer can use the most simple items small sizes: bird feathers, earth, threads, voodoo dolls or your crumpled photo.

If you find something like this, then in no case take the thing with your bare hands - use gloves, a broom and a scoop, a piece of newspaper or rag. Read the spell over the lining:

Water rains down to earth, then returns to heaven in clouds. So the evil deeds of my enemies will return to them. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

After that, take the suspicious item away from the house and burn it.

Prayer cleansing from corruption

Damage and evil eye is a manifestation of demonic influence on people. And who can most effectively fight demons? That's right, only God and his helpers can deliver a person from black influence. Therefore, I advise you to contact the nearest church or temple for advice on what prayers to read and how long to do it, so that damage to death will forever leave you and your family.

If there is no opportunity to contact the clergy, then you can read the following conspiracy:

Take, birds flying, a handful of earth. Take the animals and you are a handful. A hole was dug and a straight line to it. Help the servant of God go straight (name) So that you go around all the pits. Four sides, four forces, help! Save and protect from a deep pit. It's dark in the pit, light in life. Farther from the pit, closer to the sun. Keep away from me. My word is strong. My strength is great. Darkness move away, power help me. Amen!

Gypsy corruption

Gypsy damage is considered a very strong witchcraft, because these people carefully keep their rituals from strangers and only a strong gypsy witch can remove such a curse.

At the same time, the Gypsies are superstitious people and understand the consequences of witchcraft and are in no hurry to use it. Therefore, the worst thing that a collision with gypsies can threaten is the evil eye, which you can remove yourself.

There are several options for this:

  • Cleansing on the river. Go to the nearest river and wash your face with its water. your actions should be accompanied by the words:

    I was born with my own mother. The Mother of God blessed me forever and ever. I ask the Lord to help me get rid of the gypsy corruption and the evil eye. Let the negative not cling to me, let failures bypass me. My words are holy and will never change. Amen.

  • Payoff. If after meeting with the gypsies you heard a lot of bad things in your address and strange things began to happen in life, therefore the evil eye began to act. You can get rid of it quite easily - find gypsies (not necessarily the same ones) and give them money. How many? It's hard to say, but the amount should be enough for the Roma to thank you.

What will happen to the one who sent damage to death?

Damage to death is a great sin. If you decide to punish the offender or eliminate a competitor in this way, then you must be prepared for the consequences for this.

First of all, you must understand that not only you, but also your children, the next generations of your kind, will pay for such witchcraft. This can manifest itself in a variety of ways:

  • fatal diseases;
  • loss of mind;
  • termination of all communication with parents.

In addition, the customer of damage and his family can be pursued ancestral curse, which will continue until the descendants work off the sin of their ancestor. Are you ready to condemn yourself and your followers to such torments?

I urge you to think carefully before resorting to magic such as damage to death. Better tell me about your problem and I will find a ritual that will help solve it.

I am waiting for your requests at the coordinates indicated on the site.

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