Monthly divination by the female cycle. Divination on "Aquilon". Time of day prediction

Among the various types of predictions, you can also find fortune telling by menstruation. Many girls are afraid and avoid serious predictions (for example, on tarot cards), but they learn with interest about their fate by other methods. Prediction on critical days was once very common because of its simplicity and affordability. A woman does not need any adaptations or special skills: it is enough to look at what day of the month or on what day of the week menstruation began.

These are the two main ways to read menstruation, and universal rules work for them. In addition, you can tell fortunes by the time of day.


  • They always guess on the first day of the arrival of menstruation.
  • Fortune telling by menstruation is not designed to learn about distant events or changes in life. More precisely, you can only tell fortunes for the current month, until the next menstruation. All predicted events will happen during this period.
  • To be sure of the result, it is better to combine different methods of fortune-telling with each other: look at the date, and the day of the week, and at the time of day at which menstruation came.
  • If the monthly prediction is favorable, this forecast should not be extended, otherwise it may not come true. You should also not give yourself up to chance and wait for the happy prophecy to come true by itself. You need to take it as motivation and a guide to action and make the most of your efforts to achieve the result.

Observing these rules, you can increase the accuracy of fortune-telling. Many women note that the predictions they received as a result of fulfilling such conditions have repeatedly come true.

By days of the month

By the number at which the onset of menstruation occurred, you can learn a lot. Here is what the calendar and the exact date say about the fate of a woman:

Day of monthPrediction
1 Something very pleasant will happen in a woman's life, capable of overturning her current way of life and instilling in her joy and euphoria. This day is considered one of the most promising in divination.
2 Perhaps disappointment in the actions of loved ones, and as a result, in themselves.
3 A major quarrel is possible, the results of which, however, are unknown: it can with equal success develop into enmity, or it can be forgotten very soon. It all depends on your desire.
4 A woman can expect an early fulfillment of an old dream.
5 Expect a pleasant surprise, most likely from a loved one.
6 Threatens with slander and activation of enemies.
7 A person can come into life who truly loves you.
8 Possible pangs of jealousy, not without reason: the beloved will give cause for concern. Nevertheless, you should not give vent to your grievances: first, the guesses must be confirmed.
9 Perhaps the appearance of ill-wishers seeking to destroy your happiness and peace.
10 Menstruation on this day speaks of a possible new love or the return of an old boyfriend.
11 Again the pangs of jealousy, but this time, unlike the number 8, are unfounded. Beware of ruining your own happiness by believing in false rumors.
12 On this day, one should be wary of magic and divination from other people. However, there is also the possibility of meeting a new love.
13 On this day, menstruation portends significant difficulties.
14 Good news awaits the woman.
15 Critical days portend trouble from the outside loved one(beloved or girlfriend).
16 On this day, menstruation is advised to keep your mouth shut and not indulge in chatter.
17 Separation from a loved one is possible.
18 For unmarried girls, this date means an early marriage, and for married women, a new stage in their relationship with their spouse.
19 The possibility of a new relationship, which nevertheless does not promise to be joyful and mutual.
20 You should beware of insincerity on the part of loved ones.
21 Menstruation on this day warns against serious deception, which can have very serious consequences up to the breakdown of relationships and the destruction of the family.
22 A woman can expect good cash flows. In general, this is the date of financial security and prosperity.
23 Pleasant events with far-reaching consequences.
24 A woman should expect guests. Menstruation on this day foreshadows an imminent feast. That's why, even if you don't plan on inviting someone to your place, take care of some supplies in the fridge in case of unexpected guests. Remain a welcoming hostess.
25 A new acquaintance in the life of a woman. Whether it becomes fateful or remains insignificant depends on the personal initiative of the fortuneteller.
26 A man will come into the life of a woman who will become her good and devoted friend.
27 We should expect the fulfillment of long-standing desires.
28 You should not expect quick changes in your personal life, but the financial and career aspects are very dynamic and favorable.
29 In life, events can occur that can entail serious and unpleasant consequences.
30 The emergence of a new acquaintance, with whom the relationship will be long and trusting.
31 The woman is waiting for a journey, and not necessarily a pleasant one.

By days of the week

You can find out your fate by looking at what day of the week your period came. If you combine the result of this fortune-telling with the result of the previous one, the picture will be more accurate and true.

Day of weekPrediction
MondayThe beginning of your period on Monday can often lead to hassle and anxiety. What kind of chores will be, depends on the woman: they can be both pleasant and not very. In addition, it is possible to receive a valuable gift. Again, whether it is worth taking it, fortune-telling does not answer, and you need to decide this yourself.
TuesdayPromises to meet with an old friend or with a man who has long disappeared from the woman's field of vision. Also, this day of the week can portend an early acquaintance with a person who will have a significant impact on further destiny fortuneteller.
WednesdayIt is considered an unfavorable day for the onset of menstruation. She portends imminent troubles that can complicate life for an indefinite period. It should be noted, however, that these troubles are eradicated, and a woman should apply all her perseverance and energy to emerge victorious from the battle with circumstances. This is why the environment does not need to be afraid: it does not so much guarantee a series of failures as it warns about the need to look both ways and control the situation.
ThursdayIn turn, it is not so unambiguous. The arrival of menstruation on this day can speak of an upcoming holiday in a noisy and cheerful company. What this holiday will entail - joy or problems - is unknown. However, with this in mind, every effort should be made to prevent the development of a negative scenario.
FridayIt is considered the most favorable day for the onset of menstruation. The news that came on this day can turn the life of a woman. Although, of course, it is worth making your own efforts to achieve the result.
SaturdayA wonderful day that promises the arrival of all the best in your life. It can be anything: gifts, a promotion, an unexpected pleasant trip, the fulfillment of a long-term desire, or an ardent declaration of love. Problems will be easily fixed themselves or will be quietly resolved. Conflicts and misunderstandings will disappear.
SundayMenstruation on Sunday portends joy and carelessness, but at the same time, they can talk about short quarrels with a loved one.

By time of day

Divination by the days of the week, combined with divination by the days of the month, makes the result more accurate. However, another criterion that you can look at is the time of day at which your period came.

Times of DayPrediction
MorningThe morning start brings love. This is the most successful time, because it promises a woman real feelings and the highest degree of harmony. If menstruation began in the morning, this also means that the woman must restore the broken relationship and establish forgotten contacts. Of course, in case she wants it. In general, the importance of the arrival of critical days in the morning is reduced to positive changes.
DayThe onset of menstruation in the daytime (from 11 am to 1 pm) is also favorable: a woman should expect good luck and ease in doing things. The second half of the day (14-17 hours), on the contrary, threatens with trouble. Therefore, a woman should exercise caution, discretion and distrust to avoid them.
EveningThe time from 6 to 9 pm also speaks of troubles, but of a slightly different kind. They will not entail household, financial or other “tangible” problems, but they will cause melancholy or a heightened sense of loneliness.
NightNight is considered the most unfortunate time for the arrival of critical days. Fortune-telling promises separation from a partner. Its reason will lie in the dishonesty of the beloved. The arrival of menstruation at night can portend other troubles of a different nature.

By combining the results of different approaches, you get a more complete picture. Believe it or not - everyone's personal choice. However, as they say, if you do not believe, then you should not guess, and if you believe, then believe with all your soul. Then it will definitely come true.

Many people argue that fortune telling by menstruation can very accurately predict the near future. At this time, a woman is most sensitive to changes, receptive. Her intuition and ability to listen to inner cues is unusually high.

Whichever option you choose to approach fortune-telling, remember that there is always a third way. You can take note of the predictions and act independently, taking into account the magical recommendations. In other words, observe the rule of the golden mean.

If in ancient times only a witch and a seer could foresee events, today in every woman you can reveal a note of a sorceress. It is no secret that there are many fortune-telling, the results of which really come true in reality. But few people know how to correctly interpret such mysterious rituals, so it is worthwhile, before starting fortune-telling, to learn the technology of mastery.

There is in the arsenal of wise women one specific fortune-telling by menstruation of ovulation, which is performed according to the menstrual cycle and the days of menstruation. There is such a belief since ancient times of witches and sages, according to which future events can be foreseen by the day of the week, time and number of the day of the onset of menstruation.

Therefore, we can say that it is worth trying, perhaps many promising unpleasant moments can be avoided. To do this, you just need to compare the exact time, day of the week and month of the beginning of menstruation for fortune-telling with the data that will be given below in order to find out what fate is preparing for a woman in the near future.

1 divination option

Option one: by the time of the day of the onset of menstruation.

If the beginning of menstruation falls in the morning period of the day, a woman will soon expect the birth of love, but not exclusively feelings for a man. Love can spread to relatives, children, close friends and people around them. Fortune-telling only promises a flash of bright and intense love, which the woman herself will soon feel. If you already have feelings, fortune-telling promises a long or completely endless feeling of affection, tenderness and love.

The daytime onset of menstruation promises an imminent good and positive mood for the next cycle until its very end. The evening hours of the beginning of menstruation will turn out to be unfavorable, since in such a case a woman may face separation from her loved one, her life may become boring, dull and unemotional.

Second option

Option two: divination by day.

In this case, the onset of menstruation can be interpreted in two directions at once: according to the day of the week and according to the time of day, respectively, as in the first option.

So, let's take a closer look every day:

  • Did your period start on Monday? You should expect possible anxiety, but don't panic. Anxiety is not always due to troubles; you can worry for positive and favorable reasons. (The second method promises to get a brilliant major victory in some serious matter).
  • Did you start Tuesday with your period? In this case, a woman should expect an ambulance. unexpected meeting with important person perhaps as yet unfamiliar to her. (The second method promises the same events).
  • Wednesday came and your period came? In this case, it is worth preparing for events that are not entirely favorable, which will last throughout the entire cycle. (Contingencies according to the second method).
  • Monthly on Thursday - an invitation to visit from someone will soon follow, maybe such that it will be an invitation to a gathering from a stranger. In general, there will be an unexpected change in plans. (The second method promises a sense of self-shame).
  • Friday and menstruation? In this case, you need to prepare yourself for any surprise, be it pleasant or not particularly. (According to the second method, adverse events will occur).
  • Did your period start on Saturday? Then fortune telling will prepare the woman to receive a declaration of love, and any secret desire can come true. (The second method treats the day in a similar way.)
  • On critical days on Sunday, you can determine the upcoming pleasant gatherings with friends, there is a chance to get into a fun adventure. (The second method promises replenishment of friends).


You can also predict the upcoming events in a woman's life by the day of the month when the critical days began.

1 - the whole cycle will be accompanied by happiness and euphoric mood.

2 - a woman will feel contempt for an event or a specific person.

3 - a quarrel that can be quickly ended or escalated into a scandal.

4 - a bright unforgettable day, the onset of a feeling of happiness.

5 - an early kind surprise.

6 - gossip and bad words on the side.

7 - there is talk about love for a woman.

8 - jealousy throughout the cycle.

9 - problems due to unpleasant words about a woman.

10 - upcoming love.

11 - the woman's chosen one will be faithful to her, especially during this cycle.

12 - in relation to a woman, they will resort to seduction or magic in order to capture her attention.

13 - misfortune.

14 - good news.

15 - the news is unfavorable.

16 - excessive talkativeness will come out sideways to a woman.

17 - parting with the chosen one.

18 - the same as for the 10th.

19 - upcoming love.

20 - the love of a woman without an answer.

21 - lies in relation to her.

22 - the profit of the material plan.

23 - the same as for the 1st number.

24 - guests coming soon.

25 - an early acquaintance.

26 - a feeling of compassion for a woman.

27 - a previously made wish will come true.

28 - luck.

29 - grief because of a loved one, long tears and worries.

30 - the emergence of sympathy for a person, which will become mutual.

31 - an unexpected event will happen soon.

By comparing all three methods of fortune telling (time of day, day of the week and day of the month), you can predict upcoming events that may occur during the current cycle.

Hello dear girls. I would like to share with you an interesting fortune-telling on menstruation in my opinion. Or maybe someone has already wondered, and can share the veracity of the predictions? So, let's begin.

It is believed that the beginning of the morning brings love (it can be love not only for a man, but also for relatives and just loved ones). Such a beginning promises a warm, pleasant, joyful contact with them until the end of the cycle. The daytime start is also favorable, it colors the entire coming period with joy. Afternoon is less fortunate: the evening starts with boredom, which will become the main mood for the coming weeks. The night threatens with separation.

Now about the days of the week.
- The beginning of menstruation on Monday threatens with anxiety. It can be pleasant and not very pleasant, it can result in big trouble. Of course, what day to do without them in this life, you say. But still, it is these, predicted for a given period, may not be entirely common. They can be associated with a gift.
- The beginning on Tuesday promises a meeting with a friend (familiar or not familiar yet) or a rather tangible change in life.
- Wednesday promises troubles, but you should not be upset - the cycle is not so long, the troubles will end with it, and the new one may be much more successful. In any case, this trouble will not be like a bolt from the blue for you, you will be able to tune in to the desired wave and take it more or less calmly.
“Thursday heralds a different kind of surprise. You will be invited to visit and you will have to go. Or you accidentally find yourself at a feast in someone else's house. Whether it becomes pleasant or not depends on you and your friends or new acquaintances.
- Friday is preparing a kind of peculiar program. She promises some good news, but also grief, which time and patience will help you overcome.
- Saturday promises pleasant things: declaration of love, fulfillment of desire. Moreover, the desire can be not only amorous, but also business.
- Sunday promises that the coming period will be fun. In addition, there may be some memorable conversation with a friend.

And finally, the number at which menstruation began also matters. And these meanings are as follows:
1 - you will feel happy throughout the cycle. The state during this period can be described with full confidence by the popular expression "flies like on wings."
2 - something or someone will arouse contempt in you and this feeling will not be forgotten soon.
3 - promises a quarrel. Whether it acquires a protracted character or turns into an easy disagreement, of which there are many, will depend only on you. But you should still be more attentive and avoid conflict situations.
4 - a good number, promises fun and happiness.
5 - portends the indispensable receipt of some kind of gift.
6 - offers to prepare for hearing or rumors. They can be about you or brought by their idle gossips.
7 - promises that someone loves you faithfully.
8 - this number promises jealousy. The whole cycle will be dominated by this green-eyed monster, but you should try to keep it muzzled.
9 - you will have to worry a little: some kind of trouble is threatening because of gossip, The more calmly you react to their appearance, the easier this period will pass for you.
10 - this number promises that in the coming period you will be in love. In whom? Perhaps in own husband, why not?
11 - assures. that your loved one will be devoted to you. Hardly anyone will dare to talk about their whole life, but the number promises you for the coming period.
12 is a complex number. Perhaps someone will bewitch you, maybe just charm, attract with their charm.
13 - we often do not like this number, they consider it unlucky. Alas! His character does not change very much. What can you do, if your period began on such a day, you will have to endure a couple of weeks.
14 - but this number bodes well for good news.
15 - also portends news, but bad this time.
16 - the number warns that you will have to get scolded for the "long tongue".
17 - sadness and impending separation from a sweetheart.
18 - says that you will be in love throughout the entire period.
19 - no longer informs about light flirting and fleeting loves. This number tells you that you will love. (Exactly !!!)
20 - carries, alas, not a very joyful prediction, you will love unrequitedly.
21 - warns that you should be more attentive and careful, deception awaits you. Beware of him, do not be gullible!
22 - promises material benefits, maybe cash receipts. In general, material security.
23 - the number assures that you will be happy. It's always nice to know about it. Is not it?
24 - offers to prepare to receive guests. Even if they visit you unexpectedly, be a helpful hostess.
Appropriate prediction will allow you to accept them well.
25 - promises a new acquaintance.
26 - says that you will be sorry. Well, this is also necessary.
27 - promises that your wish will come true.
28 - portends well-being.
29 - promises tears and is rather bitter.
30 - assures that your passion for someone is mutual.
31 - promises that unexpected love or unexpected adventure will appear. (and it's tested!)

We all know perfectly well what fortune-telling is. Not everyone really understands what they eat it with and how it works. But, thanks to various useful articles located on the worldwide network, you can always find out a little more and broaden your horizons.

Girls believe the mysteries of life, which means that learning a little more about them will be a good incentive for them.

Fortune-telling are of two types:

  • serious - types of fortune-telling with a large number of people;
  • frivolous, in which almost no one believes.

But this does not mean that they, sometimes, do not give the result you need.

Fortune telling by menstruation belongs to the second selection criterion. It is rarely practiced and almost no one has heard of it in everyday life.

Basically, everyone is engaged in tarot cards, tea, runes or coffee. There is, of course, a narrow layer of people who practice other methods as well. There are also those who are serious about this kind fortune-telling.

Fortune telling by menstruation for a woman is an important and necessary process. How else can you find out exactly what lies ahead? And here the result will be approximately accurate. More precisely than fortune telling by the coffee grounds.

It originated a long time ago, even during the time of the Old Believers. True, then the term itself did not exist, because in Russia they did not really believe in fortune-telling. Only when paganism faded into the background and Christianity appeared, the culture of the ancestors began to be served with a note of mystery.

Despite the season and technological progress, fortune telling by menstruation is still relevant.

Fortune telling by menstruation is divided into two options:

  • the first is counting used by a large number of women;
  • the second is somewhat similar to coffee grounds... The method itself is somewhat strange, but, nevertheless, it also takes place.

Many women do not quite understand how their periods are related to predicting the future - but fortune-telling based on pure specifics provides an answer to this question as well.

Divination by the time of day

You need to keep track of exactly when your critical days began. In another way, guessing on menstruation is problematic.

We inform you in advance that each person will formulate a personal, truthful attitude to this kind of leisure. Our task is to show and tell a little more. Believe it or not.

  • If your menstrual cycle starts in the morning, great. Everything will be fine in your life and even your body will help you in the future.
  • If they started in the afternoon, then this is just as good, but you should be afraid for the next month. In it you will have both joys and defeats that you cannot undo. The month will be filled with overflowing events.
  • If your period starts late in the evening, you might be sorry. Many women with a similar onset of the menstrual cycle are faced with a large number of problems that attack them this month.
  • If you find the first discharge at night, hold on. Your future can be safely crossed out, and if, under the pressure of a wild flurry of urgent matters, you can resist and withstand, then you, one might say, have reached a new level of confrontation with fate.

So, as soon as you run into your period, remember when it started. You will definitely not be able to find out your fate by one criterion, but then you will start your own way of counting and you will have the first segment with valuable information.

Fortune telling by days of the week

Guessing by the days of the week is also possible and very useful for you. The meaning of the day plays a huge role. The day is counted immediately from the beginning of the day, so it is already important to look at the clock, and then at the calendar.

  • If it all started on Monday, you will meet your love. If you are already in a relationship with your loved one, expect big positive changes.
  • If on Tuesday - there will be no place for love, but there will be interesting changes at work.
  • If your period starts on Wednesday, this month you will discover the fantastic world of travel. It is impossible to say exactly where. Or to local places where you have never been. And, perhaps, to distant countries.
  • If your period starts on Thursday, try not to contact strangers. They may be trying to get you either morally or physically.
  • On Friday, do not throw your loved ones around, they will really need you. They cannot cope without your support.
  • Forget about going to public places on Saturday. If your period began on this day, remember: there are a huge number of chances that the environment will try to reach you with tenacious hands. At home it is much quieter, because the spectrum of irritants and dangers is smaller in quantitative terms.
  • On Sunday, the choices you make at any moment of the day will completely change your world. Whether this will lead to a change in life for the better or not is difficult to know in advance.

Influence of the days of the month

Basically, there is also fortune telling by the days of a particular month, or, more precisely, by its periods. The month itself is divided into four weeks and, depending on when the critical days began, you get the last piece of data.

So, regardless of your desire, the prediction works as it sees fit.

  • If the time of your period coincides with the first week of the month, expect good news.
  • If with the second, you will enjoy a pleasant moment, but it will not last long.
  • On the third, you will stop traveling. It will be connected with work. You may have to reschedule an important meeting - in any case, you will have to stay at home.
  • If your period starts in the fourth week, this fact portends a large cash bonus in your personal wallet.

It is important to remember: fortune-telling by menstruation is not fortune-telling for love. Fortune telling and getting the result you need right away will not work. You may be unhappy with the events that will happen. But, that they will happen - be sure. Everything always comes true, no matter how much you want the opposite.

Signs on the monthly starts of your critical days fully reflect how you will feel in the near future.

If the cycle began at night, then you are clearing under the sign of the Moon. As the Chinese masters Shao-lin believed, the cleansing of the body occurs under the influence of the Moon, the faithful patroness of the female sex.

Many people take these signs lightly, considering them nonsense. Although many of the thoughts of the ancients are already confirmed by medicine, so not believing them is a strange occupation.

It is considered a sin for a woman with menstruation to go to church - with your imperfection, you show the Lord aversion to his holy face.

During the menstrual cycle, it is considered unacceptable to bathe in water. You can infect a body of water with negative energy that comes out of your body during the cleansing period.

Fortune telling with the help of menstruation for a loved one

There are other ways to guess by your period. A feature of this method of fortune telling by the menstrual cycle is its narrow direction.

Instead of digging through dates and numbers and comparing them with each other, you can calmly set yourself one goal and follow it.

  • If the cycle starts on Monday, your beloved will be strong on the rise, ready to fulfill any idea.
  • If it's Tuesday, you will love the grump. But, with you, he will be very sensitive and gentle.
  • If on Wednesday, a stranger will present you with a surprise that you will not be able to forget for a long time.
  • If on Thursday, your groom promises you a strong feeling, which, unfortunately, he cannot fulfill.
  • If the cycle starts on Friday, you will find yourself in an awkward position from which the man of your dreams will save you.
  • If it's Saturday, you will disgrace yourself in front of a random man. You will be very ashamed, but after that a spark will run between you.
  • If on Sunday, you will find yourself at a fun event where you can talk to a smart guy.

Fortune telling with the help of menstruation to fulfill a wish

The second use of fortune telling by menstruation is fortune telling. As in the previous examples, it comes only about the next month and about any other speech simply does not go.

  • If your period began on Monday, then what you have guessed will definitely come true.
  • If on Tuesday it will come true, but you will be very unhappy with the result.
  • If on Wednesday, you will find out a certain number of reasons why your wish will not come true. Their number portends the receipt of new solutions to the complications that have arisen, but whether to work with them or not is up to you.
  • If on Thursday - you will be in complete failure. After that, you will never want to deal with that desire again.
  • On Friday, your secret dream will come true only half. The rest you will have to do with increased attention to detail.
  • On Saturday - you will never reach your goal. You will have to forget about the desire forever.
  • On Sunday, you will not be able to reach the desired heights, but you will very quickly understand why and where you stumbled.

In this article we will tell you about the method of fortune-telling that any girl can handle - about fortune-telling on menstruation.

In ancient times, people looked more closely at the world around them, and at what was happening in the body itself. "Everything is from the gods!" - so they reasoned. Also looking closely at the menstruation of the fair sex, carefully comparing the time of their appearance with the events that took place in life. Maybe you should take advantage of their experience?

Fortune telling by monthly by time of day

The first thing you should pay attention to is at what time of day your period started:

Early morning- during until 11.00... Such periods will be the best harbinger - a harbinger of love, conflict resolution. This does not necessarily mean romantic relationship- maybe you will gain harmony with relatives or friends.

Overflowing energy and good decisions will be companions for the near future.

IMPORTANT: There are cases when first a few drops of blood appear, and only then there are full periods. In such a case, it is worth paying attention to the first "signals".

Day- during from 11.00 to 13.00... Another time that predicts exceptionally good events. Especially often they will occur in work area... Success, pleasant surprises, inspiration - expect all this.

Noon - from 13.00 to 17.00. Perhaps you be careful. You need to rely solely on yourself, and affairs that can turn into trouble are best avoided. The likelihood of failure especially high.

Evening - from 17.00 to 21.00. This option is more favorable than the previous one, but you still won't have to rejoice. And here feel melancholy- Yes. It is not excluded feeling of uselessness and loneliness.

Night - from 21.00 to dawn... This period has always been particularly disliked by our ancestors. Perhaps because he portends separation, suffering... Perhaps your friends or loved one will be overly busy or leave somewhere.

IMPORTANT: Perhaps deception or even betrayal awaits you. Try to stay alert.

Fortune telling by menstruation by day, by week, by the first day of the beginning of menstruation for love

Monday- a hard day, as we all remember. And in the case of this fortune-telling, this statement justified itself - chores and strong excitement become faithful companions of a woman. They will probably appear when an attempt is made to settle the trouble.

But you should not despair - it is quite possible that you receive an extremely valuable gift from a loved one.

Tuesday is a life change. Perhaps fate has prepared meeting with a certain person, which after a while will become very important. And perhaps a meeting with a good acquaintance or even a friend with whom you have not seen for quite a long time is coming.

By the way, if you have been getting together for a long time in order to make some important decision - boldly take a step in this direction. And maybe the meeting can help.

Wednesday - unfavorable time. Trouble over which you have to worry a lot, will make themselves felt. Check less trust to others.

But you should not worry too much: menstruation that began on this day of the week, as it were, suggests that you must keep fighting. Only if efforts are made will the result be favorable.

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that everything predicted will be valid for a month exactly before the start of the next critical days. This means that you should not expect a long string of troubles.

Thursday- predicts guests... Perhaps guests will come to you. And perhaps it is you who will receive an invitation to a celebration or just to a friendly get-together. If they find themselves new people, take a closer look to them - perhaps they are your future good friends.

Please note that such an event can bring both a lot of joy and a lot of trouble. Just try to be a little more careful than usual.

Friday- mostly this is a favorable time. You will probably unexpectedly get these news that will change something for the better. However, for such changes, you will have to apply a lot of effort.

IMPORTANT: But do not rush to relax - troubles are likely. Friday can be a controversial day.

Saturday is an extremely good day. He portends harmony, various benefits. What is commonly called "manna from heaven" will become quite real! Maybe, a secret wish will come true, but troubles will be eliminated as if by themselves.

Chances are good to get declaration of love, start a new relationship. Our ancestors counted the beginning of menstruation on Saturday. a sign for an upcoming engagement or wedding.

Sunday- it is not in vain that it is considered time fun and joy. Even if some troubles appear on the personal front, they will disappear very quickly and without consequences. Nothing will be able to spoil your mood. Or maybe it will turn out to go to the long-awaited vacation!

Great mood - this is what the period that began on Sunday predicts.

Fortune telling by monthly numbers for girls and adolescents for a guy, a loved one, for marriage

Now let's look at the options that depend on the number:

1 - luck and feeling of happiness which will give some euphoria... It is worth noting that such euphoria will not blind, but will give an incentive for future achievements.

IMPORTANT: Prepare to accept positive changes in your life. Don't neglect meetings - they are helpful.

2 - probably someone from people you know well will disappoint or even starts calling contempt... Similarly, it is likely negative attitude of others towards you. However, it may well happen that rejection will not be caused by a person, but by a certain event.

3 - it is recommended to stay away from all kinds of conflicts. Argument, into which you will easily get involved in the next month, may be forgotten, but it may also become protracted. It all depends on your actions. Recommended take care of your health.

4 - happiness associated with the embodiment of the most cherished wishes... Refuse at this time from worries about trifles - enjoy the joy to the fullest!

5 - a loved one can present you nice gift... If you don't have a loved one yet, your period on this day portends good shopping trip or other profitable investment.

6 - intrigue behind the back, slander or quite tangible obstacles from enemies. Be alert and try not to gossip yourself.

7 - harbinger mutual love... Look closely at those men who surround you - maybe your destiny is among them? If you already have a loved one, the relationship will be strengthened or you will be reconciled.

IMPORTANT: But do not rely solely on providence - you will have to make efforts yourself.

8 - perhaps it is worth stocking up on sedatives, as it is coming period of jealousy. Try not to give a reason for your man to worry yourself. If you are inclined to this feeling, try not to commit rash acts.

Jealousy is what menstruation that begins on the eighth predicts

9 - still keep the sedative nearby, but this time they will have to heal their nerves thanks to the enemies. Gossip, slander, attempts to ruin your plans- here you cannot cope without confidence and a clear head. Will probably try bring confusion to your personal life.

10 - portends your love into anyone. If there is already a lucky one, expect strengthening relationships. But if you broke up with a man, it may well happen renaissance of relations.

11 - try to keep in mind what your loved one is worth trusting. The fact is that outbursts of jealousy in the next month is very likely, and this will lead to serious consequences.

12 - it is likely to appear on the horizon new fan. but be wary of it, because nothing serious will grow out of your relationship in the end.

IMPORTANT: It is possible that this person uses not the best means to attract your sympathy ..

13 - it's not in vain that this number is counted unhappy. Luck in the coming month will not be a frequent guest for you.

14 - happy news already on the doorstep! They will certainly cheer you up.

15 beloved man or girlfriend will present you Problems... Or, alternatively, they themselves will experience problems. However, this is all temporary.

16 - refrain from gossip in the coming month. Chances are high that you can suffer from them, and noticeably. However, you will have to refrain from comments and remarks who are likely to hurt others.

17 - separation from a loved one. It can be either long or short. Refrain from quarrels, and then the reunion will not have to wait long.

18 - new serious phase in personal relationships... For unmarried young ladies, she will bring the long-awaited marriage proposals, and married people will receive new round family relationships.

19 beware of the man who will charm. It may seem that he is sincere and in love, but in reality there is only dry calculation.

IMPORTANT: Do not allow passion for this person to arise.

20 - and again unrequited love b for unmarried young ladies. Or spat with a person who is far from indifferent. It is also possible lies from loved ones... It is possible that this will be a "lie for the good."

21 - show alertness in everything... Keep track of both your belongings and those around you who can deceive. Don't make deals. Spend more time with your family, because it can collapse.

22 - financial well-being you are guaranteed! It can be anything - an unexpected prize, a big win in the lottery, a tangible income. By the way, if you've been looking for work or part-time job, in the next month there is a great chance of finding what you want.

23 - the month will pass under the sign of happiness. A series of happy events that will become important and give a lot of joy. Perhaps they have every chance of becoming turning points in life.

24 - start preparing for receiving guests. The guests will be pleasant and numerous, and the occasion will be joyful. Most likely, some kind of holiday is coming.

25 - your circle of contacts will expand. maybe the appearance of a person with whom an affair will start. It is possible that this will happen during some travels.

IMPORTANT: Pay attention to acquaintances during this period - they can become fateful.

26 - you will find a reliable friend. Or old friends and relatives will lend their shoulders. The month will pass under the sign stability.

27 - a wish will come true. Moreover, help with regards to its implementation will come unexpectedly. It is possible that together with a suddenly appeared person.

28 - personal life will remain the same, but in terms of work, a tangible breakthrough can be expected. The improvement will also affect the material component.

29 - Unfortunately, tears and grief will be frequent during this period. Expect a reliable shoulder from loved ones- they will certainly help to cope with grief.

30 - relationships with earlier by a stranger ... Free young ladies will get a partner for a long and vivid relationship, and married women will be tempted. In the latter case, flirting is not excluded, but without negative consequences.

31 - you can safely anticipate Adventures! And the surprises are countless - new acquaintance, travel, the emergence of hobby.

IMPORTANT: There is a possibility that you will commit some unseemly acts in a fit of feelings. Be careful!

Fortune telling by menstruation for a woman on lunar days

The girl should pay attention to the lunar day, on which her period began. There are certain lunar days on which to seek an interpretation of fate is useless- it will not give true answers. This is 1, 12-14, 19, 23, 26, 29 days.

Fortune telling by monthly Feng Shui

Even the ancient Feng Shui fans treated menstruation as a process that detoxifies the body. It was believed that it was thanks to this process of renewal that women live on average longer than men.

Even in ancient times, it was noticed that those women who communicate for a long time and closely with each other, and their periods are synchronized. This allowed us to conclude that critical days are a very delicate process that is influenced by various changes from the outside.

IMPORTANT: We wrote above how this process can be interpreted - surprisingly, the followers of Feng Shui gave the same interpretations as other observers.

Feng Shui representatives have long noticed that periods can predict success, for example, in love.

It was believed that phases of the state of the female body are similar to the elements of nature - wood, fire, earth, metal, water. Wherein:

  • water - blood which cleans
  • earth - ovulation, during which conception occurs and a new life is born
  • metal is a sterile phase. In the body after ovulation, as well as on metal, nothing takes root

Fortune telling by menstruation, like any other, should not be perceived as the ultimate truth. Adopt the information received, analyze it, carefully look at the world - perhaps such an approach will help you out. However, remember that much depends on ourselves.

Video: Periods - a woman's theme

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