How to remove blue after shave. How to get rid of dark spots after shaving. Complaints about lack of bristles

Shaves are not bad for a budget razor, it does not stall in the bristles, it copes well with multi-day bristles, but you still have to go through the same place 3 times. Quiet, easy to clean, after six months of operation, all mechanical plastic elements are in order, does not heat up, a safe power supply.

The wire is like a piece of a cable chewed by a sea monster from the bottom of the sea. Rolls up like 12 earbuds don't roll in one pocket.

I untangle the wire once a month, because I always wonder how many knots there will be in June, August, etc. Well, everything except the wire is excellent.

only price

for a price slightly higher than Chinese junk - you can forget about them

average model, shaving quality is satisfactory

Price, build quality, comfortable shave, no battery.

There is no trimmer in this model.

This is not the first Phillips razor, it was bought to replace another Phillips razor, the name of which I cannot remember, but I am looking for laziness (by the way, an indicator of reliability!). And that one was to replace another Phillips in which the battery sat down. Since then, without bothering to take only network-cheaper and more reliable. Wet shaving is a buyer's divorce. ANY electric shaver shaves dry clean hair... The ergonomics have improved, the razor itself, I look, is powered by a constant voltage of 15 V - which, of course, is annoying. an extra power supply appeared. But I'm happy with the purchase so far, as the operating experience will continue to finish.

Price. The shaving quality is only slightly worse than the razor - 4 plus. Almost silent after a 5-year-old quietly dying Panas with an engine of 13,000 rpm, I don't remember the model, but it costs around 7t. Functionality for 4, because there is no battery, and there is a probability of forgetting the cord during the trip. Lightweight, quick shave.

Critical not identified

I took at the price of a grid with a cutting block of my old faithful Panasonic, which, moreover, had a weakened battery and did not regret it. 2000 rubles, taking into account bonuses, an excellent price, I do not see any drawbacks for this money.

I have been using it for 2, 5 years, but I decided to mine the brushes.

Shaves every day. Premium materials.

Doesn't shave perfectly

Inexpensive, but Phillips. I shave with a loom if necessary smoothly.

Philips, assembly Netherlands, PCT, comfort and quality of shaving, ergonomics, ease of cleaning, bunker for stubble :)), from the mains, 3 shaving heads, quality of assembly and shaving, PRICE, perfectly fulfills its duties; The firm is a good old friend of a man, proven over the years.

Only the absence of the usual twisted cord from Philips. For longtime fans of the Firm, it is not critical: I have two more continue to work (house and dacha), I disconnect the cords after shaving. The absence of a trimmer is not a disadvantage: there are models with a trimmer: it's a matter of price.

Bought from one of the oldest and most reliable clients of Y.Market, order Y6392689. The third oldest manufacturer of the best light bulbs. Two continue to work. Forgot how old. Therefore, there is something to compare with. Bunker. Super feature. One of my old ladies without a bunker. Clean every time. This one - once a week. I remove the block and wash it under the tap once a month. Ergonomics are well thought out. Notches, shape, position of all elements. The cords hold perfectly, despite the fact that I always disconnect. Three heads. Anyone familiar with physics, geometry and Philips will understand: at any point of the face and neck there will always be one shaving head. Movable block. Floating heads. Personally, I can't shave with a razor better than these razors. I am many years old. But even his 82-year-old father was persuaded to give up the machine in favor of this apparatus. I took it without a trimmer, but with a hopper. I do not use a trimmer - everything is evenly demolished by the shaving heads, and there is a hair clipper to level the hairstyle. Do not be afraid of the cost of a new shaving unit: you will not need it at Philips. I advise everyone to purchase.

What I was looking for. After two head berdsk, heaven and earth. No noisy, shaves gently, does not twitch, the girth area is larger, shaves cleaner, as a result, less time to shave. I took more for the head, tk. shave bald. Very convenient for shaving the head, the heads adjust well to the curve of the skull. Long wire.

Just now, a complex cleaning, in order to cleanly sweep the stubble after shaving, it is necessary to vacuum it.

The lack of a trimmer is more of a plus, you don't need to overpay for an unnecessary function, there is one on the last shaver, but I never used it, and whoever needs it will take a razor with a trimer. I think this model S1100 is suitable in terms of price and quality. It remains to be tested by time.

The quality of shaving is higher than that of expensive counterparts, perhaps after a year of use, the fact that I regularly cleaned and lubricated the mesh affects.

There is not enough trimmer.

Great for the money. I bought it for 1800r.

The start button is taut, pulls the hair, there is no autonomy, only the network

In principle, I already described everything, was overgrown, tore my hair, it is better to shave every other day, maximum, and I did not like how someone's hair grows quickly

Convenient, quiet, convenient to take with you on trips

I rarely use it to talk about the shortcomings of the technique itself

A good option for constant use, but it's a pity that not for me, because with prolonged use of dry shaving, I get constant irritation, I have to combine. But this is the only razor from which I have not yet had a bad effect even after using it several times. It is very convenient on business trips or when there is no time to put your face in order (most often in the morning). True, this model does not really take long stubble. The care is also simple

Shaves well, smoothly. No irritation after shaving.

Power is not felt, shaves are bad. Irritating to skin not seen before with other shavers.

Bought as a gift, disappointed with the purchase.

Shaves very cleanly, lightweight, cleans well, without unnecessary bells and whistles

The wire could be made twisted, otherwise this is inconvenient to twist

High-quality and most importantly comfortable shave, does not bite the hair, replaceable blades, which are self-sharpening, or maybe not.

There is no trimmer, it is not so convenient to clean due to the fact that it cannot be rinsed in water.

Phillips' entry-level razor, for relatively! little money we get a top razor, without any special stages. Those. it is aimed only at its intended purpose - shaving and that's it. Without any trimers, moisture protection, batteries, etc. At the very beginning, I could not understand what the catch was, I shaved without any pain in literally a minute and a half, I didn't have to wet my face, apply foam, take off a T-shirt and, in general, all the difficulties that I experienced before. Over time, this has become the norm and shaving has ceased to be a discomfort. What is most interesting, after my experience, I bought such a razor as a gift to my grandfather and father. If the previous mesh razor left some hair on the face of his grandfather, now he is smooth-shaven and even pleasant to look at. I definitely recommend this option to everyone. But over time, I still regret that I did not add 500 rubles and did not buy it with a battery, it confused me that it is impossible to charge and shave there at the same time. It happens that you are going on the road and forget to throw in the charger, which happened to me now. The razor is lying, and in order to shave, I had to buy a machine and foam, like this, and on the battery it would be enough to shave at least several times.

Easy to operate and powered by the mains, new models are inconvenient, they run on a battery, this is not always convenient (you constantly have to think about charging the battery and plus replacing the shaving head every 4 months, the price of which is close to the cost of the shaver itself!

I needed one, the same old model broke down, worked for more than 7 years.

Shaves without much difficulty No battery, no battery problems.

In the hand, like a child's toy (you can feel the simplicity of the device itself, when you pick it up intuitively it seems like a Chinese invention)

Presented for my birthday. Externally and by sensations, it is felt that the budget option. The shave quality is quite normal, it does surprisingly well with shaving. A razor for those who do not bother about shaving and do not particularly enjoy this procedure. copes with 2-3 days old stubble. After shaving, you must be smeared with lotion, otherwise it stings the skin.

Comfortable shave, quiet, comfortable in the hand, affordable price

Satisfied with the purchase, close shave. No batteries, no trim tabs. High-end shaver at a low price

easy to use, quick to clean, good charge holding. Excellent quality shaving head.

Perhaps there are none for this price category, everything is fine.

I use the second year. I did not buy it myself. I am very pleased with the padark. Why am I writing a review? I was looking for a gift. I stumbled on my razor. I thought why not. Maybe I’ll buy another at a higher price, but definitely a Phillips.

excellent shaves, easily removable heads, does not pinch (partly), price-quality ratio, the scales lean more towards quality, Long cable,

Nibbles long and stiff bristles, With a long shave, the heads heat up like a stove, not shaving begins, but hair burning.

for a child's gun just right, for rough peasant stubble who smear their face not with gel / foam for shaving and bacon will not work, too brutal razor, hard trunks of sequoia forests will not take. In the photo, the razor itself and the result of the razor's battle with the hair. The razor has won

Didn't notice.

1. Mediocre shaving quality on the neck and surrounding areas. 2. Inconvenient shaver cleaning system. The shaver has to be completely cleaned once a week, otherwise it will stop shaving properly, since the blade pair is clogged. Due to the small openings, the shaving head cannot be rinsed under running water. 3. Expensive accessories. A power supply for an electric shaver in Russia costs almost as much as an electric shaver itself - 1500 rubles.

I have been using electric razors for almost a quarter of a century. This razor has not proven itself in any way against the background of its Russian-Chinese counterparts. I do not recommend it.

price, firmA, 2 year warranty

does not shave well enough hairs from the neck and chin

I bought this model of a razor to replace the usual disposable blades. But what I started with - to that and returned in the end. The razor is inexpensive, firm. But something didn't work out for us. Seals areas of the face, especially the neck and chin. We have to go through the machine afterwards. A useless thing in the household for me personally. Pleases a 2-year warranty. I hope that this "miracle" will fly during the warranty and I can return it to the store again.

Price, ease of cleaning.

Shaves mediocre. Knives are not intended for shaving short straight hairs and you have to crawl over your face for a long time in order to more or less clean them.

A basic, inexpensive razor with a mediocre shave. All the signs of budget are there. For picky users, as this model cannot offer quality shaving.

Shaves fine stubble well, price, long wire, plug grips tight (I don't understand how it can fall out at all), not China.

Copes very poorly with the neck area; copes poorly with a long neck; thick hair gets stuck in the blades; the blades are not weakly heated; due to the fact that in some places he shaves badly, you have to poke around a lot in the same place, and because of this irritation; the brush is easy to lose (it would be better to have some kind of design to be attached to a wire or inserted into the body).

I bought this briva because I wanted to try e-mail. razors. In principle, due to the lack of experience in using other email. razors, I compare with a conventional machine. I described everything in advantages and disadvantages. For myself, I appreciated the pros and cons of such a razor. Next time I will try some kind of mesh with large holes.

Nothing special...

At first, irritation on the neck ...

In general, it will do for the first time ... to understand you need to just do it

Price, result, simplicity

Materials give cheapness

I took it, since the knives on my Philips pt860 were covered with a basin. I shaved once - the result is super (I shave my head). A day later, the thought came, and not to rearrange the head from s1100 to pt860. And voila, now I have an old razor and a new head with knives. This is an option for those who cannot find an inexpensive head with Phillips knives. Well, if for the battle itself s1100. If you need to shave your head - a must have, it can do the job in 2 minutes. I haven't tried it on my face, I can't say how it works with curves.

Easy to shave Convenience, both ergonomic and shave-friendly Cleaning Price Quiet operation

Not detected

It fully justifies its price (1290 rubles)

Simple. It weighs a little. Shave quality. The wire is long enough. Stable and even rotation of the heads.

There is no trimmer. Do not rinse.

I have been shaving for the last 4 years with the at890. I compare with her. Roughly the same. The only difference is in weight. + Shave only dry. Well, and the fact that there is no battery. I took it for the house. I shave dry. From the network always works on full power... With a battery, this would not have happened. Shave is exactly the same as with the at890. Over upper lip only spent more time digging. I can recommend both the first razor and experienced fighters. I almost do not regret that I bought it. Yet. It crawls across the face more rigidly than at890.

Philips S1100 / 04 European assembly. that today it is a rarity in the country, self-sharpening knives (I have not seen such an option from other manufacturers), shaves thick bristles in 5 minutes (I have very thick and stiff bristles, so I know what I am writing about). The razor is cleaned in about 3 minutes. You open the razor, turn it over, the bristles fall out, you blow on the cutting block from above and you can knock it lightly, another part of the shaved bristle falls out, then you take the brush that comes with the razor and completely clean it up in a minute. Close the razor until next use. The razor comes with a plastic cap to avoid mechanical damage and dents to the cutting unit. I also bought a small square 10 by 15 cm black male mirror, which from the inside is mounted at an angle on a stand on a table from the inside and you can shave while sitting.

I have shaved with square and triple and quintuple blades and all sorts of machines, for twenty years I have shaved only with ordinary blades. About a year ago I began to think about an electric razor, because of constant shaving wounds and cuts, because the skin is delicate, and the bristles are like a pig's, my bristles grow completely and on the neck and cheeks, without gaps, I am writing about this so that there is an understanding what kind of cover I have to remove. I'll make a reservation for black-haired people: if you have very black hair, there will be blue after shaving. Yes, it does not cut like a machine to a smooth palm feeling, BUT .. I shave every day for no more than five minutes in the evening, and the quality of a well-groomed face remains for the whole next day, visually "hemp" is not visible, only a slight roughness when touched, I have no hair so dark, therefore, as such, the "blue" after the electric shaver is not visible. All hair, which is shaved off, neatly falls exactly into the razor itself, not a single small particle falls on the collar, you can shave even in a white shirt. Now I have forgotten about cuts and painlessly groomed. There is one point: when passing from the cheekbones to the neck on the sides and bottom, the skin must be slightly pulled, also when shaving on strong dry skin after cold weather, if you shave right away, then pink irritations appear on my neck (I shave daily in the evening when there is a natural layer of fat on the face and neck and after shaving, even if the skin turns red on the neck, I cover it with aftershave cream, since they are now in bulk for little money, I use the cream in a tube in a blue and white bottle with the inscription - with vitamin f (sold in one well-known "attractive" trading network) then by the morning everything looks great and is enough for the whole day visibility of an absolutely well-groomed muzzle). Five minutes maximum is spent on a leisurely and high-quality shave, only the whiskey with the machine remains to be equal every two days.

mains powered, price, shaves

the power cord may pop out when shaving

The S1100 / 04 shaver is completely new, but the inconveniences and drawbacks have already appeared during operation: 1. The 220 V connection wire is very hard, which is why the wire plug jumped out of the connector on the razor body several times during shaving. This is not permitted for a mains-only shaver (S1100). The plug itself is made of slippery plastic and has a tendency to pop out of the connector whenever the shaver moves. This model should have a twisted, twisted, soft and flexible wire for connecting to the network (for example, like a tube of a good landline phone). And the plug on the wire must be made of soft and resilient plastic so that it is firmly and securely held in the razor socket. 2. The body of the shaver is made of rather slippery plastic without rubber or other non-slip inserts, which are used in many models of razors from various manufacturers. 3. And the volume level of the shaver is average. There are less noisy razors available. If this model is not finalized, then using the razor is not very convenient.

Not expensive, quiet, does not bite, shaves gently, it is very convenient that no foam is needed.

There is no trimmer, maybe there is no battery, for me personally it is not critical sockets are everywhere, I don’t shave on the street)

The razor is good, European assembly, I want to say very high quality, I took over the machines, which are very expensive now, shaves my beard quickly, even the antennae, there is no irritation, I recommend it to me with a discount, it was very cheap.

As long as the knives are sharp, shaves well

An ordinary razor, no frills. Three blades impair neck mobility. Marketing move. Previously used a razor with two blades PHILIPS HQ 444 -14 years production-Hungary. Doesn't shave his neck like an old blunt razor. When cleaning, the hairs inside the razor are magnetized to the body, fall into some technological depressions and are not completely cleaned. Insufficient set for fun. No cover. p.s. When shaking out the bristles into the toilet, the shaving unit fell off along with the body (it turns out it pops out). I had to reach out with my hand. The power button is inconvenient - it is located on the grip of the finger, when pressed, it is spontaneously pressed.

I don't understand people who buy razors of this brand for 20 tons. and more. This is the same garbage as for 1500 rubles.

Shave quality

In principle, he shaves well, but taking into account the fact that I have thin hair and only on my beard and mustache, the efforts are incommensurate with the quality. I tried to shave with a mesh attachment from a cheap braun epilator, which costs about the same, but 2 in 1 - it shaves much cleaner and faster. Mesh will probably be worse to cope with long hairs, but the fact remains. The epillator shaves better than a razor ... Maybe a mesh one suits me better - I don't know, but I think it's a matter of quality. PS: Although my hair grows slowly, by five in the evening, stubble is again noticeable, tk. shaves not completely ... Now it is obvious to me which razor to buy the next

Price - Mains operation - Like a good build

Shaving quality (individually in my case) - Cleaning the razor after shaving - No trimmer (for this model, this can not even be considered a disadvantage)

I must say, this is my first electric shaver. I decided to start with a budget model. I stopped at this one after reading the reviews. Unfortunately, shaving with it really disappointed me. I have a lot of hair on my beard, especially in the chin area. Two-three-day stubble shaves long and difficult, delivering painful sensations on the cheekbones. Leaves thick hairs (so-called "stumps"). As a result, they stick out separately like shrubs in the desert. The rest does not cut to a smooth state. In the end, you have to shave everything with a razor. As a result, I can say that for me this is a bad razor. She can't handle my stubble. This is an INDIVIDUAL review, because I am sure that for many it is quite a good model.

Shaves well.

No trimmer. Doesn't work without a wire.

Shaves cleanly, including many days of stubble. Simple, but the shaving mechanism is the same as other more expensive shavers.

Previously there was a foil razor. I did not shave properly, possibly due to long-term use.

Shaves very well

No battery

Fully justifies its construction

Shaving speed has increased significantly. Cheap (Cost 1900, but I had a substantial discount in the store) No gel / foam needed

Doesn't shave as carefully as we would like.

For a long time I shaved with a Gillette machine, which I bought as soon as I started shaving. Cassettes for him are now in stores, they cost 1,500 for 4 pieces. Recently, when my last cassette went dull, I decided to take an electric razor for the sake of experiment. The experiment is good - I use the razor as an everyday option, but if I need to shave well, I will again take the machine in my hand.

Shaves like a razor well

Dark spots appear as a result of hyperpigmentation or the appearance of a hair follicle on the surface of the skin. Hyperpigmentation is common in people with darker skin tones. If dark hair follicles are visible under the skin after shaving, it is best to remove them with wax or tweezers. Post-shave hyperpigmentation is called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PHP). These dark spots usually go away on their own after a few months. There are also many home remedies that can help you lighten the affected area more short term... Change your approach to prevent shaving irritation and ingrown hairs that lead to hyperpigmentation. If a Taken measures do not allow you to get rid of dark spots, then consult a dermatologist.


Use homemade natural remedies

    Use wax or pluck your hair. Dark spots after shaving can be caused by hyperpigmentation or the appearance of follicles of recently shaved hairs right on the surface of the skin. If the cause of dark spots is subcutaneous hairs, use wax depilation or remove dark follicles with tweezers.

    • Hyperpigmentation will take a little longer as small areas of the skin change color due to irritation or inflammation. Acne, ingrown hairs and bacterial infections are common causes.
  1. Apply sunscreen daily to the affected area. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen before going outside, especially if the affected area is not hidden from the sun's rays. Choose a cream with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher. Exposing unprotected skin to sunlight will only make the situation worse.

    Use lemon juice to lighten dark spots. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a bowl or small container. Soak a cotton ball in the juice and treat the affected area. Lemon juice should be applied to dark spots twice a day to gently lighten dark spots.

    Use a vitamin C whitening cream. An over-the-counter vitamin C whitening cream works in a similar way to freshly squeezed lemon juice. Lemon juice is easier and cheaper to use, but a store-bought cream will protect your skin from the dryness and irritation that lemon juice can cause.

    • Go to a pharmacy or beauty store and buy a cream with a vitamin C content of 5 to 10%.
  2. Use aloe vera. If you are growing aloe vera, cut off a small piece of the plant and scrape off the gelatinous sap that separates from the cut of the leaf. If you don't have an aloe plant in your home, you can buy 100% aloe vera gel from your drugstore or beauty store. Apply the gel to the affected area, leave it on for 30 minutes, then wash off with cold water.

    Use licorice root extract. Buy a ready-made licorice root ointment and apply to dark spots as directed on the package. You can also make your own ointment. Boil 1.5 liters of water with 2 tablespoons of dried licorice root. Reduce heat, cover container and simmer slowly for 40 minutes. Apply to skin with a tissue paper or cold compress.

    Use a sharp razor. Do not shave with blunt blades. Change your shaver after every 3-6 uses, or more often. Check the condition of the lubricating strip on the shaver before shaving. Use a new razor if the strip is worn out or the blades are dull.

    Shave gently in the direction of hair growth. Any area should be shaved in the direction of hair growth. If you shave against hair growth, the razor will pull the hair out, cause ingrown hairs and irritation, and leave cuts on the skin. All of these problems exacerbate hyperpigmentation. Proceed slowly and carefully, and do not apply excessive pressure to the shaver.

    • Rinse your razor hot water every few shaving strokes to prevent excess cut hair from accumulating in the blades.
  3. Rinse your skin after shaving. When you are finished shaving, wash the shaved area with mild soap or gel. Rinse off with cool water and pat dry with a towel.

    • Do not use products containing alcohol. You can use a natural remedy like witch hazel or oil tea tree to be applied to freshly shaved skin.
  4. Apply after shave balm or moisturizing lotion. An after-shave moisturizer promotes skin regeneration and prevents irritation. Apply a small amount of balm or lotion, but try not to overly moisturize the skin - a thick layer of the product can clog pores and weigh down individual hair shafts, causing ingrown hairs.

See a dermatologist

  1. See your local doctor for a referral to a dermatologist. If your dark spots persist in a few months and home remedies don't work, try to find a medical solution. Make an appointment with a therapist for a referral to a dermatologist, or see a specialist in one of the private clinics.

    • If you have voluntary health insurance (VHI), call your insurance company to see if your insurance includes a dermatologist. Clarify all the details and get a list of specialists.
  2. Talk to your dermatologist about your skin care routine. Tell us about how you shave, what products you use to care for your skin, and what actions you perform. If you are concerned about the underarm area, ask for another antiperspirant or deodorant.

    • Also, be prepared to discuss your diet, sun exposure, sunscreen, and other over-the-counter medications.
  3. Eliminate medical causes. Talk to your doctor about possible medical causes, even if you believe the problem is caused by shaving. Get a complete blood count and take your medical record so the dermatologist can make the most accurate diagnosis.

    • Ingrown hairs, minor and chronic bacterial infections, hormonal imbalances and poor diet are common causes of dark spots. Your dermatologist can help you make the best decisions (such as changing your shaving routine or diet).
    • Communicate any existing medical problems so the dermatologist can choose the right course of action.


Do you endure agony every morning trying to get rid of your "Bluebeard" with tools suitable only for shaving off teenage fluff? Do you sweat over the stubble until your cheeks begin to burn with fire, just so that by noon there will be no trace of your efforts? Are you fed up with a “shadow” appearing on your chin by lunchtime?

This suffering is your fault!

Are you using foam from your local supermarket? Or maybe super-expensive brand products that look more like face cream than shaving foam for a real man?

If so, then you should remember that the producers of this nonsense are only interested in pushing their girly products into the mass market. And you need products specially designed for the owners of the "blue beard" by your comrades in misfortune!

The perfect shaving solution for real men!

We cannot reduce the production of testosterone in your body, which is why this super-stiff bristle grows, which can be scratched. But we can give you a clue - a shaving product that works!

Paraben-free shaving cream with Decelerin!
The flagship product in the paraben-free line is the highest quality cream used in the finest British hairdressing salons. It contains ingredients such as Decelerin, a substance that works in the cells of the hair follicle to reduce new hair formation to combat stiff bristles. It was developed taking into account our specifics and characteristics in one of the best British cosmetic laboratories.

Shaving irritation - we warned you!

Our clients tell us that using Bluebeards Revenge has relieved them of persistent irritation, rashes and redness after shaving. If you are a masochist and like to start your morning with a hefty dose of pain, then you should not use Bluebeards Revenge, because they will shave smooth, clean and painless.

Warning for sissies with fluff!

If you are the owner of a gentle cannon, then the Bluebeards Revenge line of products is simply not for you! With all due respect, we recommend that you use any foam you can find at your nearest supermarket. Bluebeards Revenge is for real guys only! Your pathetic mustache doesn't deserve Bluebeards Revenge! Before you buy Bluebeards Revenge, make sure you are courageous enough for these funds!

Intimate life warning!

We do not insist on an extended daily ritual with a tie, a climax and a logical (preferably not dramatic) ending, but we recommend that you devote a little more time to shaving than you used to spend to brush your teeth. And not at all to concentrate and not to smear (although this is also), but simply so that the shaving gel has time to fulfill one of its functions - to soften the hairs and skin of the face.

2. Neglecting washing

Before scratching your face with a blade, it would be good to wash it (not the blade - your face). Rinse at least with water, and ideally use a foam wash and a scrub a couple of times a week. Facial skin that has not been cleaned in advance often prevents the blade from sliding smoothly and doing its job, avoiding cuts.

3. Cold water

Shave better with warm water... This helps to open up the pores and make the hairs soft, otherwise they will remain tough and stubborn. Perhaps you will argue with this, referring to the fact that cold water not only invigorates, but also makes the hairs on the face stand on end, and in this position they are shaved more carefully. Maybe so, but warm water is still more comfortable.

4. Towel-dried face

Let's agree: you will wipe your face dry with a towel at the very end, getting rid of facial hair. In the middle of the process, that is, between washing and foaming shaving gel on your cheeks, using a towel (especially not always fresh) is harmful - shaving on dry skin will not go smoothly.

5. Increased pressure

Don't like being pressured? So your cheeks are not happy when you press the razor with all the foolishness, as if it were the gas pedal. This can lead to irritation that even the best aftershave balm cannot help.

6. Blunt blades

Do your best to make the phrase "dumb and dumber" only refer to the relevant Jim Carrey movie and maybe those newcomers from the finance department, but not to the blades of your razor.

7. Complaints about lack of bristles

Here you are complaining that the beard, just as it did not grow at the age of 15, is still not growing. Meanwhile, half of men in the world and even more women dream of running their hands over a perfectly smooth man's face. So look at it this way and stop whining.

A burning sensation on the skin, an unpleasant rash and redness on the face - these sensations are experienced by most men after shaving. It would seem that we have safety razors with 5 blades, which are extremely difficult to cut. A bunch of shaving products that supposedly contribute to a painless shave and guarantee that there is no vacuum after. But discomfort there is still. Today we will learn how to shave properly and will analyze more than 10 tips on how to get rid of irritation after shaving for a man.

Can you shave?

How well do you know how to shave? The question is very strange, since in the opinion of most people, it is enough to buy a razor in the supermarket and some kind of shaving foam for 100 rubles. But do you know which movements and in which direction to shave? What's the difference between a classic safety razor, a 3-blade razor and a straight razor? What water temperature contributes to a more comfortable shave? What creams or lotions help with shaving? Today we will give answers to these and many other questions so that you do not have "blank spots" in your knowledge of the culture of men's shaving.

Why does irritation appear after shaving?

First, let's figure out what problem we will fight when we shave. Shave irritation is tiny cuts that appear from a razor blade and cause itching, pimples, and in some cases, clogged skin pores. It is not uncommon for irritation after shaving to persist for several days. Surprisingly, shaving cuts off up to 2 layers of skin! It's not as scary as it sounds. Old layers of skin are exfoliated in one way or another, and shaving helps to do this and promotes skin renewal. But, without knowledge and little experience, men doom themselves to unpleasant sensations. So, let's take a look at 11 tips on how to remove irritation after shaving.

Facial and beard hair is very coarse but can be softened with warm water. Hair absorbs moisture and swells. Swollen hair follicles are rather weak and much easier to cut.

The easiest way to moisturize your face and beard hair is to take a hot shower for a few minutes. There is an alternative way to moisturize your hair, and is often used in barbershops - compress with a warm towel on your face. It is enough to rinse your face with warm water, then wrap a damp warm towel around and hold for a few minutes. It is worth noting that no water should drip from the towel, so squeeze out the towel carefully. The heat causes the blood vessels in the face to swell, which contributes to a smoother, more comfortable shave.

Never shave with cold water or use shaving products on dry face. This practice is the main cause of skin irritation after shaving.

Before shaving, use shaving oil to soften skin and hair. The oil will allow you to easily and easily shave off your hair and avoid cuts on the skin of the face thanks to the oil film that does not wash off with water. Comfort is guaranteed throughout the entire shaving process!

The pre-lubricated surface of the skin reduces the friction from the razor, which causes a burning sensation on the skin. It should be noted that 3-5 drops are enough for one procedure. Any remaining oil is easily washed off and leaves no greasy residue.

A quality shaving oil can be a substitute for cream, soap, or shaving foam. However, using a shaving cream or soap will increase the comfort of the process.

Shaving creams high in moisturizers and lubricants trap moisture on your face by lifting your hair upright. The best creams for shaving, they create a thick foam, which consists of the smallest, barely noticeable bubbles. This foam provides the best lubrication between the skin and the razor, allowing the blade to glide over the skin without damaging it.

What if you use ready-made shaving foam and don't waste time preparing the foam, you ask. My answer is unequivocal - ready-made foam is worse than any shaving cream or soap. Often, ready-to-use shaving foam is a terrifying cocktail of dubious chemicals. Judge for yourself, can a quality product cost 100-150 rubles? Of course not. And do not pay attention to beautiful ads that say otherwise. Touched by marketers who release shaving foam for 3 or 5-day stubble, in parallel with regular shaving foam. I wonder what is the difference? Hence the advice - do not use brands that are advertised all over the place. Good products they do not need advertising, they learn about them by recommendations or in good barbershops / specialized stores.

Use a quality natural bristle shaving brush to prepare your skin as efficiently as possible before shaving. The badger hair shaving brush is the best thing you can buy in stores today. If you have sensitive skin, try to refrain from using synthetic fiber brushes.

A shaving brush is useful in a number of ways. First, the shaving brush helps lift your hair, allowing you to shave as shortly as possible. Secondly, it is most convenient to use a shaving brush to whip up high-quality foam from shaving soap or shaving cream. Thirdly, by massaging your face with a shaving brush, you thereby exfoliate dead skin, which reduces the likelihood of irritation after shaving.

Apply the whipped shaving foam in a circular motion, using the brush against the growth of the hair while lifting the bristles up and to the sides.

In pursuit of economy, some of us rarely change razor blades or cassettes. Dull blades are a contributing factor to shaving irritation and burning. It can be compared to cutting a tomato with a dull knife. Essentially, the tomato will be crushed, not chopped. The same thing happens when you shave with a blunt blade that does not shave, but rips the hair out of your face. Running the razor over one section of your skin over and over again, trying to shave off your hair, rubs your face, causing irritation. The advice is simple - use only sharp blades and do not shave with a blunt one.

There is also a small observation of people who use machines with 3 or 5 blades. If your hair gets clogged between the blades, try switching to a double-edged machine. According to the observations of men, in most cases, the problem with burning and irritation after shaving can be solved in this way.

Using a safety razor with a double-edged blade is more economical in the long run. Yes, the machine itself is more expensive than machines with cassettes for 3 or 5 blades, but double-edged blades themselves are much cheaper than cassettes (yes, yes ... 10 times)!

It is worth noting that you will have to retrain yourself to shave, as shaving with a double-edged safety razor requires a different technique.

Learn to shave properly with a razor to avoid irritation after shaving. Most of us did not take courses on how to shave properly, but simply took a machine, a shaving product, and somehow drove a razor across our face. Of course, we will not insert a course on shaving techniques, but we must list some of the correct habits.

The key to a good shave is a few things: less pressure, less resistance, less erratic movements.

  1. Shaving in the direction of hair growth is the foundation of shaving. It is most convenient to start shaving in the cheek area, then in the mustache area and finish the procedure on the chin. It should be noted that the coarsest hair grows on the chin and they must have time to moisturize as efficiently as possible with the prepared shaving foam. By shaving your chin hair last, we give extra time to moisturize. The hair on each person's face has its own direction of growth. If you are not sure about the direction of your facial hair, let it grow for a few days and you will see a picture.
  2. Using a safety razor, apply minimal pressure and use short shaving strokes. Safety razors are heavier than cassette razors and are often heavy enough to shave off stubble cleanly.
  3. Rinse the shaver in hot water after 2-3 shaving strokes. This removes any remaining shaver from the shaver and removes any accumulated shaved hair. Hot water heats up the razor blade and makes it easier for them to shave. It is worth noting that hot water does not kill bacteria on it, so it is still worth disinfecting the machine and razor.

Train yourself to shave the areas only once and not to shave twice without reapplying the shaving foam. Very often, hairs remain after we have run the razor over the bristles. You should not spend again on the same place, because now there is no shaving foam left on this area. Skip this place and shave further.

After you shave off all the smeared areas of your face, rinse off the remaining foam and reapply with a shaving brush on the places where there are not shaved hairs. This way, you eliminate the risk of razor blades getting irritated after shaving.

By the way, professional barbers usually shave for the first time according to hair growth, and re-shave slightly at an angle. This method allows you to shave your face as cleanly as possible.

After shaving, rinse your face with cold water. This will help prevent ingrown hairs.

When you wash your face cold water, the blood vessels on the skin of the face are narrowed, swelling and bleeding, if any, decreases. Please note that it is necessary to dry with a towel using “blotting” movements, not “wiping”. After shaving, your skin will be very sensitive and any rubbing with a towel will irritate your face.

An excellent habit is to use an after-shave balm, which soothes irritation, moisturizes the skin and gives a pleasant scent all day long.

As we already wrote, the shaving procedure can remove up to 2 layers of skin. It is very important to use a quality product that moisturizes and soothes your skin after shaving. In addition, many manufacturers produce a whole series of after-shave products, where different options are available with the addition of certain vitamins, nourishing ingredients and extracts.

It is worth noting that there are both female and male balms. For men's shaving, it is better to use special men's after-shave products, as the manufacturer diligently selects aromas and extracts for the male consumer.

Classic alcohol-based aftershaves or lotions are still available from reputable manufacturers. There is an opinion that these products are a relic of the past and alcohol-based shaving lotions dry out the skin. But, various oils and vitamins are added to the alcohol base, which nourish and moisturize the skin no worse than balms.

Choosing a balm or aftershave is a matter of taste. Each of the products has its own feel after use, so it is difficult to recommend anything specific.

Shaving irritation is also caused by bacteria on the skin and open pores. After shaving, an infinite number of bacteria accumulate on the razor and razor blade, and there are 2 effective ways to combat this problem: replace the blade with a new one every time you shave, or clean the blade with alcohol. It is worth noting that changing cassettes with 3 or 5 blades is an expensive pleasure, therefore, there will be another reason to switch to shaving with a safety razor with a double-edged blade.

Hot water does not help kill bacteria, it only cleans the shaver and blade of shaved hair and cream residues. However, you can boil the water and disinfect the machine and blade in boiling water. This is a long procedure and not all machines will survive boiling in hot water, so this method is not recommended.

The simplest and effective method clean the blade and machine from bacteria - treatment with alcohol or any other antiseptic. Clean before and after shaving with an alcohol wipe, alcohol raster, with or without a spray bottle.


Today we looked at several options for how to get rid of irritation after shaving a man's skin. There is no need to apply all the tips at once, just try some of the above and see what works best for you. Try not to shave too often and limit yourself to 3 or 4 shaves per week. In the interval between shaves, your skin will have time to heal and there will be no irritation.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. Waiting for your comments!

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