Nutmeg for what. Nutmeg: beneficial properties and uses. Nutmeg for insomnia

Nutmeg It is the core of the nutmeg fruit, which grows in tropical countries with humid climates. When dried, it looks like a brown oval nut, in the section of which you can see a pattern of chaotic stripes of dark and light shades. An exotic nut that has been used since ancient times as medicine to strengthen the brain, in the VI century it took root and in European countries, but already as a fragrant spice, which was used to flavor dishes and alcoholic beverages. At the same time, it has long been known that nutmeg soothes the nervous system, increases appetite, treats insomnia, gastrointestinal diseases and sexual disorders. After all, it is a source of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and essential oils, which makes the dish not only tasty, but also healthy.

Nutmeg varieties

There are two varieties of nutmeg - Indonesian and Grenadian. The Indonesian nut has a bright orange color, a high concentration of essential oils, a deep rich sweet-spicy taste and aroma and, accordingly, a higher price. Indonesia is the leader in the production of this spice in the world, and Indonesian chefs even use the pulp of the nutmeg fruit for their food, from which a very tasty jam is obtained.

The British began to cultivate the grenada nut in the 18th century on the island of Grenada. Nutmeg from Grenada is distinguished by its yellow rind, mild flavor and more affordable price.

Cooking Nutmeg

Most often, nutmeg is used in the preparation of sweet dishes - desserts, cocktails and alcoholic beverages... This aromatic condiment is indispensable for flavoring curds, puddings, cakes, cookies, brownies, muffins, pretzels, rolls and sweets. Homemade preserves, jams, marmalades and compotes with the addition of nutmeg are very tasty, which gives the classic homemade sweets an original taste and delicate aroma. There are meat, fish, mushroom and vegetable recipes for dishes with nutmeg, and in oriental cuisine this spice is often added to soups, salads, rice and sauces. Nutmeg is also used in Food Industry for the preparation of sausages, smoked or pickled fish, tomato paste, ketchup, cheese, mustard, for flavoring cocoa and chocolate.

Nutmeg is amazingly combined with pumpkin, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, leeks and spinach, with baked fruits and berry puree, it is often used for canning mushrooms and vegetables. In Italian cuisine, pasta with bologna sauce or béchamel sauce, which include nutmeg, is very popular, and in Central Asia, nutmeg mixed with sugar is sprinkled with slices of chopped fruit. This spice is also added to mulled wine, coffee, milk, whipped cream, chocolate drinks and ice cream. In European cooking, nutmeg is most commonly used in German and English cuisine. Italians add it to tortellini and ravioli fillings, while Swiss people use it to flavor cheese fondue. The spice helps the absorption of dairy products and facilitates the digestion of meat.

This seasoning is found in many spicy compositions, which include Indian garam masala and curries, French quatre epices, Moroccan Ras el kanout and Tunisian qalat dagga. Nutmeg blends harmoniously with fennel, green cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, allspice and turmeric.

How to use nutmeg

Nutmeg can be bought whole or in powder, while the whole nut is crushed or grated on a special grater before use, which is available in the kitchen of many housewives. Nutmeg has a very bright and strong aroma, interrupting weaker odors, and in large quantities is harmful to health, therefore the recommended dose of using the spice per serving is no more than 0.1 g.

Add nutmeg to the dish at the end of cooking, otherwise it becomes bitter. If it is used for baking, it is recommended to add it to the dough during the kneading process. Grated fresh nutmeg is used immediately, as it very quickly loses its unique aroma.

Previously, the use of nutmeg as a seasoning for dishes was available only to high-ranking persons, therefore, nutmeg was called the king's bean. Now in every kitchen you can see this spice, and homemade apple and cherry pies without the nutmeg aroma seem a little bland. If your family members get used to drinking warm milk with honey, nutmeg, cardamom and saffron before going to bed, they will forget about insomnia and gloomy mood in the morning!

Editor's Choice: Nutmeg Dishes

Most of us know nutmeg as a very aromatic spice, without which it is absolutely unthinkable to imagine some authentic culinary dishes. But not everyone knows how this plant looks and what properties, besides a bright smell, it has.

Brief description and area

Nutmegs grow on the trees of the same name, also called "nutmeg". The Latin name for the tree is Myrīstica.

Today, mysticism grows in almost all territories with a tropical climate, including in Africa and South America but in industrial scale it is bred primarily on the territory of the former colonies of Great Britain - the islands of Mauritius, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Grenada, New Guinea, the Malay Archipelago, as well as in India.

The tree is relatively short, its average height is 9-12 m, and the leaves are similar in shape, location and structure to the leaves of a lemon tree. The flowers are bisexual, yellow.

The fruit is a drupe, the size of a small apricot. When it is fully ripe, its skin cracks just like the familiar walnut fruit.

Did you know? The history of a person's acquaintance with Muscat is quite interesting. This tree originally grew only in a tiny region of Indonesia (the Spice Islands, or the Moluccas, mainly the Rune Island), from where Arab merchants brought its fragrant fruits to Europe and sold for big money. At the beginning of the 16th century, the Portuguese conquistadors reached the territory of Indonesia, and from that moment on, they almost completely seized the tropical spice market for at least a whole century. Subsequently, the Portuguese monopoly was destroyed by the Dutch, but it was still only about the supply of spices, and not about attempts to cultivate the plant itself. Finally, in the 18th century, Muscat learned to grow in other countries (primarily, of course, tropical). The main merit in this belongs to France and England, who at that time had colonies all over the world, and ... to birds carrying plant seeds in their stomachs from island to island.

The technology of harvesting fruits is also very similar: first they are dried, then peeled from the outer shell and dried again until the nut turns dark brown. The entire process can take three months or even longer. The peeled walnut can be oval or round, its dimensions are comparable to the already mentioned walnut (2-3 cm in length and slightly less in width).

In the fruits of the nutmeg, only seeds and seedlings are used, but the peel goes to waste. However, the poor aborigines of the tropical islands make excellent use of this peel for food, preparing various desserts, sauces and even aromatic drinks on its basis.

Did you know? The average life span of the Muscat is one hundred years. For a tree, this is not so much, especially when you consider that its fruiting period is about 40% of its entire life cycle. However, it is estimated that up to ten thousand nuts can be harvested from one plant per season!

Caloric content and chemical composition

The calorie content of nutmeg fruits is lower than that of other nuts: 100 g of product contains approximately 525 kcal(for comparison: peanuts per 100 g contains 551 kcal, almonds contain 575 kcal, and walnuts contain all 700 kcal).

Energy value of the product (proteins / fats / carbohydrates): 5.8 / 36.3 / 28.5. Slightly more than 20% of nutmeg is fiber, within 6% water and 2-2.5% ash. The fruits of the plant contain essential oils, pectins, starch, pigments.

Nutmeg is very rich in vitamins. There is beta-carotene (), vitamin C(), as well as at least six elements from the B vitamins: choline, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, and folic acid.

Important! Contains substances such as myristicin, elemicin and safrole in nutmeg. These psycho active substances Once in the body, they form amphetamine derivatives, in particular, sifrol is transformed into methylenedioxymethamphetamine, in the common people - ecstasy.

From minerals in fruits contain (in decreasing order):, as well as, in small doses - iron, copper, boron, sulfur, titanium, zirconium, aluminum, and others.

Why is nutmeg useful?

Even a cursory glance at the composition of nutmeg is enough to draw a conclusion about its beneficial properties. The vitamins and minerals contained in its fruits are simply necessary for the human body for normal functioning.

The fruits of this tropical tree have long been used by the aborigines as a natural anesthesia for pain in muscles and joints, toothaches and headaches, and stomach cramps. The Europeans also used the spice for nervous disorders and sleep disturbances. In addition to analgesic and sedative properties, Muscat fruits have a tonic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect.
Biologically active substances contained in the fruits of nutmeg help to strengthen the immune system, have a beneficial effect on the heart, stimulate blood circulation, cleanse the kidneys and liver, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and remove harmful substances from the body. Nutmeg is a proven aphrodisiac, in small doses it improves mood, increases libido and at the same time helps to solve the problem of premature ejaculation in men.

Important! Nutmeg, despite the numerous beneficial features, should be consumed in strictly metered quantities: the maximum daily dose is one fruit, and not on an empty stomach, but only as part of a particular dish.

As a spice, nutmeg seeds not only improve the taste of culinary dishes and make it brighter, but also whet the appetite, which means they turn food into a real treat.


First of all, you need to know that two products are obtained from the fruit of nutmeg: a spice known as "nutmeg" and mace, which is also a nutmeg color, also used as a spice, but with a slightly different taste.
In addition, essential oil is extracted from the fruit of the nutmeg, which is also very widely used both in cooking and in cosmetology, perfumery, aromatherapy and folk medicine.

In cooking

As a spice, nutmeg is not just a flavor enhancer, but in some cases plays the role of an independent ingredient in a dish. For example, if real Spanish paella cannot be prepared without saffron, then nutmeg is an indispensable component of the famous French béchamel sauce, which, in turn, is included in such world-famous national dishes as Greek moussaka and Italian lasagna.

Important! Nutmeg has a very rich aroma, so you need to add it to dishes in very small quantities! In order for the spice to open up as best as possible, it should be placed at the very end of cooking. The only exception is the dough, where the nutmeg is placed at the kneading stage.

Interestingly, the largest nutmeg fruits are better suited for use as a spice, with a round shape being preferred over the more common oval shape.

Usually nutmeg is added to complex dishes that combine a vegetable group with fish or meat (stews, roasts, casseroles, etc.). But ordinary baked potatoes flavored with a pinch of aromatic spice will also sparkle with new colors. When preparing fish and meat preparations (preservation, smoking), nutmeg is very often added to the main product as a spice.
The use of nutmeg fruits in baking and desserts is an independent direction in cooking. This seasoning "sounds" great in sweet dishes, for example, in cream, pudding, pies (both with sweet filling and with meat, fish, cheese or onions), cookies, and even fruit compotes and various cocktails (for example, in England spice is added to beer and wine, and also simply sprinkled on citrus fruits to give them a richer taste and aroma).

Also nutmeg is very often added to various pasta, and if the Dutch just put it in spaghetti, then creative Italians use spice in cooking such culinary masterpieces as ravioli (something similar to our dumplings and dumplings) or cannelloni (large pasta tubes stuffed meat or fish sauce).

In Asian cuisine, nutmeg is generally a national flavoring. Indian and Arabic dishes practically cannot do without it.
It should also be noted that we usually use this spice in ground form, buying it in bags. However, like black pepper, nutmegs are much more flavorful when freshly ground. Therefore, self-respecting chefs acquire the whole muscat fruit and rub them on special graters directly in the process of preparing their culinary masterpieces.

In medicine

Despite its many beneficial properties, nutmeg, strictly speaking, is not considered a medicinal plant, and its fruits are used much more widely in cooking than in medicine. Nevertheless, both official pharmacology and traditional healers find use for the fruits of this tropical tree.

Did you know? Once upon a time, the British used nutmeg seeds to terminate pregnancy, and in the middle of the last century in the United States, a powder was produced from them, which has pronounced narcotic and hallucinogenic properties, similar in effect to marijuana.

Medical science sometimes uses Muscat fruit to treat nervous disorders, paralysis, staphylococcal infections, stomach ulcers, diarrhea, osteochondrosis, arthritis, myositis, phlebitis, varicose veins, improve blood circulation and appetite, stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, increase potency, reduce flatulence ...
Nevertheless, this product can be not only a medicine, but also a poison, so it must be used with extreme caution. For example, in small doses, nutmeg soothes the nervous system, improves memory and helps to cope with insomnia, and in large doses it has the exact opposite effect - excites and causes hallucinations.

Eastern healers have noticed the properties of the tropical plant to restore cartilage tissue and improve hair structure. In addition, it has been used to treat tuberculosis and even cancer. The idea was that the fruits of the plant should be taken in microscopic doses, but for a very long time, in order to achieve a systemic effect on the body.

In cosmetology and perfumery

Essential oil of nutmeg is mainly used in this area. With the addition of this ingredient to various cosmetic masks, creams and lotions, an additional effect is achieved due to the ability of the product:

  • promote cell regeneration, which leads to an overall rejuvenation of the skin;
  • improve blood circulation in the tissues of the epidermis;
  • remove puffiness and various inflammatory manifestations on the skin;
  • kill pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic fungi (dandruff control);
  • maintain hair color, prevent hair loss, make it soft and shiny.

In addition, nutmeg essential oil has a warming effect, which is why it is often added to various massage oils.

Finally, the nutmeg note is well known and loved by many in both men's and women's perfumery.

Folk recipes

We have already mentioned that the independent use of nutmeg for treatment should be carried out with extreme caution, but when the dosage is observed, tropical fruits really help to cope with a variety of painful conditions.

For colds, flu and coughs

We very often give warm milk with honey or tea with raspberries to a child with a cold. These same folk remedies sometimes we use it ourselves. To improve the effect, it is enough to add a pinch of nutmeg to the drink prepared in the usual way. This will help relieve body aches and relieve general state, because, as you know, the body overcomes viral infections on its own, our task is to cope with unpleasant symptoms, if possible, without interfering with the immune system to fight the virus.

With pain in the head

Traditional medicine suggests combating severe headaches with a compress made from nutmeg. The ground seeds are mixed with milk to form a paste. The prepared mixture is put on the forehead and lie motionless for at least half an hour.

For insomnia

If you have trouble sleeping, drink a glass of warm milk at night with a pinch of nutmeg added to it. If you wish, you can also put a spoonful of honey. This drug helps not only with colds, but also with ordinary insomnia.

By the way, it is recommended to give such a drink even to children if they fall asleep poorly and are capricious, and some healers argue that this will not harm even the smallest, for example, during the period when the baby's teeth begin to cut. If you reduce the dose of spice, but give it not only at night, but also in the morning, in addition to the calming effect, you can also cope with the baby's lack of appetite, which also often causes great concern for his parents.

For problems with the gastrointestinal tract

The property of nutmeg to improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines makes it useful for nausea, diarrhea and flatulence. To prepare the medicinal mixture, you need to take half a glass of ordinary yogurt, dilute it with the same amount of water, mix with grated ginger and freshly ground nutmeg (a third of a teaspoon each) and drink immediately. If you don’t like yoghurt, add some spice to freshly made banana puree for a gut treat.

With varicose veins

For the treatment of varicose veins, pour 20 g of nutmeg with a glass of freshly boiled water, add 100 g of honey to the mixture, mix everything thoroughly, and let cool. The prepared drug is taken before meals three times a day, one tablespoon.

To increase potency

For increase male power it is not necessary to take any special decoctions and tinctures of nutmeg. It is enough just to add this spice to food more often, but do it regularly so that the biologically active substances that make up it accumulate in the body. On a day, a man needs to eat about a third of a teaspoon of nutmeg fruits, but in no case should this dose be exceeded.

Did you know? Experiments on rats showed that nutmeg does not increase potency as effectively as the famous« Viagra» , but still its effect is 3-6 times stronger than that of the clove, which is also used in such cases.

If a man categorically does not like the taste and smell of nutmeg, then, in order not to turn food into torment, it is still better to use the spice as a medicine: mix the prescribed dose with water and drink it in one gulp.

Contraindications and harm

Unlike many well-known medicinal plants, nutmeg has quite definite and obvious contraindications. This plant can be seriously poisoned, its overdose leads to such side effects, how:

  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • severe headaches;
  • tachycardia;
  • sinus arrhythmia, rapid breathing;
  • dehydration, dry mouth;
  • memory losses;
  • hemorrhage in the eye;
  • deterioration of vision;
  • an increase or, conversely, a decrease in blood pressure;
  • disruption of the liver and pancreas;
  • anxiety, hyperexcitability, or, on the contrary, a depressive state;
  • lowering the pain threshold;
  • hallucinations.

Important! It is believed that the hallucinogenic effect of nutmeg is already manifested when two fruits are consumed. There is information that in 1576 a pregnant woman, having consumed a dozen tropical fruits, completely lost touch with reality. In addition, science knows of cases of death, which led to an overdose of nutmeg.

Overdose symptoms are felt about four hours after taking the product, and can persist for three days, although on average they pass in a day or two.

Pregnancy is a direct contraindication for the use of spices (due to the risk of miscarriage). For children, nutmeg is not considered contraindicated, however, due to the very serious consequences that an overdose can lead to, you should still think carefully before exposing your baby to such a risk.
Summing up, it should be said that the European part of the population certainly benefited from the fact that they got acquainted with the fruits of such a tropical tree as nutmeg. Today, it is impossible to imagine cooking without this spice; in other areas of our life (medicine, cosmetology, perfumery), the fruits of this plant are also used, although not so widely. The hallucinogenic properties of nutmeg make its fruits especially attractive to a certain segment of the population, which, unfortunately, sometimes leads to tragedies. But in the right hands, this spice not only enriches the taste of various dishes and drinks, but also brings undoubted benefits to our body.

Nutmeg- This is an edible part of a tree of the genus "Muscat", which in its appearance resembles an apricot. The tree itself grows for a century, but actively bears fruit in the first 40 years of its flowering. There are more than 10,000 fruits a year that a tree can give. When fully ripe, the fruit falls to the ground and splits in two.... The taste of this fruit is very spicy and scalding, and also has a delicate and unusual aroma.

The best place to grow nutmeg is the island of Grenada. In 1796, records were broken for cultivation on the island, and since then, residents, feeling pride in their island, call it "Muscat". Nutmeg has become a national treasure and has been featured twice on the island's flag.

In ancient times, the bone part of nuts was used as a talisman or amulet. It was believed that he would help protect against the tricks of the devil and serious diseases. For nuts, special containers were made for carrying with you. She represented a miniature grater to make it easier to sprinkle the dish with spice. Fashionistas of those times made special decorations from walnut. And the traders in the markets, taking advantage of the ignorance of people, sold them figurines of walnut carved from wood.

Selection and storage

Choosing nutmeg powder is no big deal. The main thing is that the packaging is airtight, and the powder is dry and friable.

After opening the package, the spice should rather be used in order to avoid the loss of its taste and aroma qualities.

Cooking applications

The use of nutmeg powder in cooking is not the last place in the classic kitchen. On the shelves, you can see two types of nutmeg, in the form of powder and flakes. In large-scale production, this spice is widely used in the manufacture of confectionery, meat and drinks. Muscat "color" is added to dairy sauces such as Alfredo, and is widely used in the preparation of meat, fish dishes, and seafood. It is worth trying to add to dishes with cottage cheese, dessert cakes, and casseroles. For a perfect end to dinner, sprinkle with a handful of powder with a little sugar over chilled lemon wedges. Alcoholic drinks, with the addition of a pinch of nutmeg, will have a complete taste.

The seasoning must be added at the end of cooking or you will end up with a slightly bitter taste. If you are preparing the dough for baking, you need to add seasoning halfway through the process so that the dough is saturated with aroma. The amount of nutmeg or nutmeg should be no more than 0.1 grams per serving.

In order to grind the nutmeg to a powder state, you must first grind the nut with a knife into pieces smaller than a pea, and put in a pepper mill. In the absence of a knife at hand, you can simply wrap the nuts in a cloth and chop them with a hammer.

Beneficial features

Nutmeg powder has an unlimited amount of useful properties. Due to the fact that this spice contains many useful macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins. More details will be seen in the table below.

Item name

Beneficial features

Lowers blood cholesterol levels, is an antidepressant, improves metabolism.

Improves the functioning of the immune system, the condition of hair, nails.

Improves the functioning of the brain, memory, attention. Normalizes appetite. Slows down aging.


Improves the functioning of the thyroid gland. Accelerates the growth of cells in the body.

Pantothenic acid

Stimulates the adrenal glands.


Prevents nervous and skin disorders.

Folic acid

Supports cardiovascular system... Restores the liver.

Vitamin C

Restoration of tissues. Improves gum health.

Accelerates kidney function.

Reduces arthritis pain, energizes.

Useful properties in everyday life

Chopped fruit is a great helper in the household. He perfectly scares away beetles. It is worth placing it in the kitchen cabinet where the cereals are located, and you can forget about them for a long time. To prevent your clothes from being damaged by moths, you need to put a couple of nutmegs in the closet with things.

One of the extraordinary uses of the powder is its ability to hide the unwanted smell of alcohol, which is often popular among men. Regardless of the amount drunk, the effect of nutmeg powder will be noticeable within 10-15 minutes. To do this, you need to use 1-2 roasted nuts, or 5-10 grams of powder.

Application in cosmetics

The use in cosmetics has been known since the past centuries. Girls in ancient times, having learned the properties of the aroma of a spice, tried to use it to attract the attention of men, and they succeeded. Now, essential oils are made from nutmeg, which, like the powder, are very useful for dry and damaged hair. Ground nut strengthens, regenerates the hair growth zone, helps to stop hair loss. To do this, you will need to prepare a tincture, which includes ½ cup of nutmeg spice, 0.5 ml of water. All this mixture must be cooked for 10-15 minutes, and then allowed to cool and strain. Spread the resulting tincture through damp hair, cover with a cap, and keep for 40 minutes.

Ground nutmeg treatment

Ground nut treatment is becoming popular in many countries around the world. In Israel, there is a clinic in which, in addition to standard medicines, they use nutmeg-based products.

Believe me, it is thanks to this spice that it will be possible to forget about your ailments. The following table clearly shows which ones and how to deal with them.





100 ml kefir, 100 ml. water, 1/3 tsp. nutmeg

All ingredients in one bowl and mix.

Divide into 3 meals, take 30 minutes before meals.


1/3 tsp nutmeg, 0.5 ml. hot milk, 1 tsp. honey

Pour nutmeg powder with hot milk and add honey.

Must be taken before bed. Continue treatment until the signs of insomnia disappear completely.

Rheumatism, arthritis

½ tbsp. nutmeg powder, 200 g olive oil, 100 g anise oil

Mix until smooth and heat up.

In a heated form, apply to the affected area. Duration of treatment, until the painful symptoms disappear.

Headache with ARVI

0.5 ml. hot milk, 1 tsp. ground walnut.

Stir and make a compress.

Place the prepared compress on your forehead. Keep on the head until the pain goes away.

½ tbsp. ground nuts, 200 ml. alcohol, 200 ml. flax oil

Insist in a tightly closing container at a temperature of 20-24 degrees.

Divide the use into 3 doses, 10-15 ml each. 2 hours before meals.

To increase sexual activity in men

1 tbsp. ground walnut, 1 tbsp. ginger powder, ½ tbsp. anise seeds, 0.7-1 l. alcohol 90%

Insist in a tight-fitting container for 7 days, while turning the container over every day.

Divide into 3 doses of 25 ml. everyday. Consume for the appearance of the effect.

The taste of nutmeg warms and soothes the nervous system, and even shivers from the cold, brings you to a normal emotional state, improves your memory, and cheers you up.

Health hazards of nutmeg and possible contraindications to its use

The harm of nutmeg powder is that the composition contains a certain amount of components that can cause hallucinations, or even lead to a heart attack. Eaten 3-4 seeds or 15-20 grams of powder can lead to disastrous consequences, at best to severe poisoning.

With abuse, symptoms such as:

  • confused speech;
  • intoxication;
  • hallucinations;
  • rapid heartbeat
  • pain in the abdomen.

If you have any of the above symptoms, you need to see a doctor immediately.

Nutmeg is contraindicated for people with epilepsy, and individuals who are allergic to the components contained in the powder.

For pregnant girls, while carrying a baby, it is better to completely exclude nutmegs from their diet, even in powder form. The reason for this is the component included in the product. It causes a rush of blood to the organs. Therefore, its use can harm you and your baby.

Western countries consider nutmeg only a condiment. But in China, they treat it in a special way. After all, their seasoning is considered a drug that is stronger than marijuana in effect. A definite dose has not yet been established. Two types of essential oils isosafrole and myristicin, which are part of nutmeg, have become the parent of several other types of drugs.


This overseas nutmeg spice has spread throughout the world. It is used as a seasoning in cooking, added to cosmetics, and used for treatment. How are the kernels of the fruits of this tree used, what are the benefits and harms of them - interesting questions, with which it is advisable to deal with.

What is nutmeg

India, Brazil, Malaysian island of Rune and African countries- the places where the evergreen dioecious tree with leathery leaves prefers to grow. It belongs to the Muscat family. The plant has female flowers in the axils of the leaves, which become fruits of bright color with a burning-spicy taste. On the fragrant nutmeg - the nutmeg - more than two thousand of them grow per year. Fruiting is ongoing. What the fruit looks like can be seen in the photo.

Nutmegs are found inside the fleshy pericarp in a large seed. The kernels have a pleasant spicy aroma that becomes more intense over time. The aroma depends on the size of nutmeg - the larger, the thinner, more pronounced. After harvest:

  • the seed is dried;
  • smash;
  • take out the kernels;
  • to increase the shelf life, soak sea ​​water with coral lime.


The pleasant smell is determined by the substances included in the structure of the nucleus - elemicin, myristicin. With a calorie content of 527 kcal, contains nutmeg:

  • vitamins A, PP, E;
  • thiamine;
  • folic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • chlorine;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • pectin;
  • starch;
  • fiber;
  • proteins;
  • pectin;
  • carbohydrates;
  • essential oils;
  • starch.

Why is nutmeg useful?

The most common use for nutmegs is in cooking. Inhabitants different countries add seasoning to national dishes... Benefits of nutmeg are known for other areas. When used:

  • digestion, food digestion improves;
  • the muscles of the body are toned;
  • calms down the mind and nerves;
  • skin rejuvenation occurs;
  • hair growth is stimulated;
  • the smell in the mouth is eliminated;
  • immune strength increases;
  • fatigue is removed.

This unique product contains the hormone of joy, which improves mood and cope with depression. Nutmeg contributes to:

  • exacerbation of sexual desire, being an aphrodisiac;
  • restful sleep;
  • fight bacteria;
  • improving memory;
  • stimulating the memorization process;
  • treatment of diseases;
  • stopping blood;
  • weight loss.

For women

Regularly using nutmeg for cosmetic masks, in aromatherapy sessions, massage, a woman will notice significant changes, comparing it with her photo from two years ago. Fresh skin, bright eyes, great mood - this is the result of the action of a moderate amount of spice. There are other benefits for women:

  • disclosure of sexuality;
  • increased sex drive;
  • removal of painful symptoms during menstruation;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • reduction of unpleasant symptoms of menopause;
  • help in the treatment of mastopathy.

For men

Walnut is credited with since ancient times. magical properties... The spice was used in their medicinal infusions by oriental healers to improve men's health. Sorcerers and shamans performed rituals with her. Nutmeg is an aphrodisiac for men, but it has a less pronounced aphrodisiac effect on them than on women. However, moderate use of the walnut helps to solve the problems of sexual dysfunctions:

  • eliminate premature ejaculation;
  • cope with impotence.


The use of this seasoning should not be overused, especially as whole kernels. Nutmeg is harmful if you eat more than 2 of it per day. The substances safflower and myristicin, which are in the composition, irritate the nervous system. In this case, there is:

  • intoxicating effect;
  • mental problems;
  • mental disorder;
  • clouding of the mind;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

This nutmeg composition is harmful as a seasoning for work internal organs when applied frequently and in large quantities. Essential oils:

  • act irritatingly on the tissues of the kidneys, liver, provoking diseases - cholecystitis, fatty hepatosis;
  • increase the secretion of juice in the stomach, pancreas, causing gastritis, dysbiosis, ulcers.

Medicinal properties

Due to its constituent components, nutmeg seed has application in the treatment of numerous diseases. Recipes with it are recommended by doctors in clinics and traditional healers. The following medicinal properties are noted:

  • calm the nervous system;
  • reduce pressure - it dilates blood vessels;
  • improve brain function;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • relieve painful symptoms;
  • boost the immune system;
  • prevent bleeding;
  • stop diarrhea due to astringent action.

The nuclei contain potassium, which helps for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the bones and joints. The use of moderate doses promotes:

  • restful sleep - stops insomnia;
  • strengthening teeth and gums;
  • normalization of bowel function;
  • removal of nervous excitement;
  • relief of breathing;
  • destruction of bacteria in the mouth;
  • decrease in urine acidity - improves kidney function;
  • stopping the division of cancer cells;
  • stimulating the work of the heart and blood vessels.

How does nutmeg work

The effect of the application depends directly on the dosage. Reception of a large amount can cause hallucinations, drug intoxication - up to death. At low doses, a different effect of nutmeg is observed:

  • acceleration of digestion processes;
  • activation of blood circulation;
  • warming up during massage with essential oil;
  • sedation, relaxation with aromatherapy;
  • removal of depressive conditions;
  • recovery hormonal background;
  • improving brain function;
  • getting rid of extra pounds.

Human brain activity

The nuclei of the fruit of the plant have a beneficial effect on the activity of the human brain. Due to the presence of elemicin, myristicin in the composition, they are used:

  • in the treatment of depressive conditions, as a tonic;
  • in order to increase concentration of attention;
  • improving the processes of memorization;
  • reducing the degradation of the nervous system in patients with Alzheimer's disease, increasing the functions of attention, language, spatial-visual perception.

Psychoactive effects

In narcology, it is believed that the substances in the nutmeg have a psycho-energetic effect, like a drug. Requires medical attention in case of overdose. Eating them in large quantities, fresh or dried, can cause severe poisoning, which will be accompanied by:

  • euphoric state;
  • loss of spatial orientation;
  • heart palpitations;
  • drug intoxication;
  • lack of coherent speech;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • coma.


It seems that a product with such high calorie content cannot be used for weight loss. If you remember that it must be consumed in small doses, it becomes clear that this will not have a negative effect. Nutmeg for weight loss works like this:

  • increases the rate of metabolic processes;
  • accelerates fat burning;
  • increases the quality and speed of the digestion process;
  • reduces appetite;
  • assimilation of the eaten food improves.

Application of nutmeg

In the form of essential oils, it is very popular to include nutmeg in perfumery compositions. Plant is included in recipes cosmetics... Where is nutmeg used besides this? Its use is very popular among home cooks. Fragrant seasoning:

  • added to dishes, drinks;
  • put in baked goods;
  • marinade is added with cloves when canning;
  • treat various diseases;
  • used by traditional healers.

In cooking

This seasoning enjoys the greatest love among culinary experts around the world. A special aroma is obtained if you grind the nutmeg yourself, and do not use ready-made ground powder. Where is this spice added? The use of nutmeg in cooking is diverse:

  • dishes with fish, meat;
  • vegetable side dishes;
  • sauces;
  • all kinds of desserts;
  • bakery products;
  • additive to drinks - coffee, wine, liqueurs, kefir;
  • seasoned teas with the addition of cinnamon, cardamom.

The spice is also used in the food industry. Nutmeg is included in recipes:

  • marinades for cooking sausages;
  • mustard;
  • ketchup;
  • sauces;
  • tomato paste and juices;
  • sweets;
  • baking;
  • canned fish;
  • preparations from vegetables;
  • curry mixes;
  • alcoholic beverages - mulled wine, punch, beer;
  • marinating fish;
  • making jam, preserves;
  • chocolate;
  • cocoa.

In folk medicine

A bunch of healthy recipes traditional healers use this plant. They use the spice in powder or essential oil form. It is recommended to drink with milk or make a tincture with vodka. It is important not to overuse the quantity. The use of nutmeg in traditional medicine helps:

  • cope with a cold by adding half a spoonful of seasoning, ginger and cardamom to tea;
  • fall asleep when you drink milk with nuts at night;
  • discharge of urine, if you brew half a teaspoon of seasoning in a glass of boiling water;
  • when taken orally fresh, rubbed with thrombophlebitis.
  • grind nutmeg kernels and ginger - take a glass;
  • add anise seeds - 150 grams;
  • pour a liter of vodka;
  • withstand the solution for 7 days, shaking systematically;
  • filter out;
  • use according to the instructions.

In medicine

Nutmeg is often used medicinally as an adjunct to primary uses. This is done using essential oils that help:

  • relief of breathing with bronchitis, pneumonia with cold and hot inhalation;
  • calming the nerves and disinfecting the air during aromatherapy;
  • creating a warming effect during massage;
  • reducing pain during the application of compresses on sore joints;
  • relief of depression with the use of therapeutic baths;
  • in gynecology - removal climacteric symptoms;
  • improving the condition with varicose veins.

In cosmetology

Essential oils obtained by steam stripping from nutmeg are often used in cosmetic formulations. Due to their useful property to activate metabolic processes, increase blood circulation, they have a beneficial effect on the skin. Finds such a use of nutmeg in cosmetology:

  • compositions for hair that improve their growth, appearance;
  • face masks that regenerate the skin.

You can look like the Hollywood beauties in the photo if you use homemade recipes with nutmeg kernels. A homemade scrub will not be harmful when you grind them very finely, mix with kefir and oat flakes... This will help resolve issues:

  • removing excess fat from the skin;
  • acne problems;
  • renewal of the epithelium;
  • correcting acne scars;
  • improving blood circulation to refresh complexion.


Using this substance, even as a seasoning, it should be remembered that an overdose causes serious problems - hallucinations, death. The recommended portion is no more than 0.1 grams per kilogram of weight. It is necessary to take into account the contraindications of nutmeg:

  • pregnancy;
  • sensitivity to components;
  • the likelihood of allergic reactions;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • joint use with alcohol - convulsions are likely;
  • excitability;
  • old age and childhood;
  • individual intolerance;

Throughout history, nutmeg has been widely used in medicine. Medicines prepared on the basis of nutmeg were treated in ancient Egypt, in Ancient Greece and Ancient rome it was believed that nutmeg activates the brain. Nowadays, nutmeg is widely used in cooking and perfumery, about its medicinal properties much less is known.

What does nutmeg look like and where does it grow?

Nutmeg (nutmeg, myristica) is an evergreen tree 10-15 m high or more, with a dense pyramidal crown, belonging to the nutmeg family. The leaves are dark green above, whitish below, leathery, alternate. Flowers bloom on the tree all year round, in the sixth year the tree begins to bear fruit - the flowers turn into fruits. The fruit is up to 9 cm long, yellow, with one seed, with a hard skin. When ripe, the fruit bursts and the seed becomes visible, covered with a thin juicy shell and a hard thin shell.

Nutmeg was brought out of Indonesia by the Portuguese in the 14th century, where it grew wild in the Moluccas. Loves a tropical humid climate with a temperature of at least 20 ° C. Over time, the tree began to grow in all tropical countries.

The fruits are harvested at the time of their disclosure (up to three or more times a year). Valuable products of this plant are nutmeg and nutmeg, which are dried and used as a spice. Dried nutmeg (no hard peel) is about 3 cm long, oval, Brown color, lighter at one end and darker at the other. If you cut the nut, you will see a marble pattern with alternating light and dark stripes.

The nutmeg blossom (matsis) is the dried sac that contained the seed. It is obtained by extruding a nut, so a hole is formed in the center, dried in the sun and flattened with special rollers. Matsis are brittle, slightly transparent plates, about 3 cm in diameter, with a hole in the center. The best varieties nutmeg color is obtained from leaves lying closer to the seed. In the world market, the most appreciated is the Penang nutmeg color.

Chemical composition

The fruit of nutmeg contains a lot of oils: it contains about 10% of essential oil, and up to 40% of fatty oils. Nutmeg also contains vegetable protein, starch, pigments and saponins .

Nutmeg essential oil is a light yellow, flowing liquid with a rich, warm, spicy or sweet aroma. Essential oil has complex composition, it includes such terpenes (aromatic substances) as pinene, geraniol, ougenol, dipentene, linalool and others. In addition, the essential oil contains biologically active substances (myristicin, elemicin, safrole, etc.), which together, interacting with each other (some of them have calming properties, others have stimulating properties), they have an effect on the central nervous system of a person similar to a strong synthetic psychostimulant amphetamine. Terpenes improve the absorption of psychotropic substances.

Nutmeg and nutmeg have different aromas and flavors that can be used together or separately. The subtle spicy scent and pungent spicy taste of these tropical gifts have made them indispensable in cooking and perfumery. Modern medicine uses this plant mainly as an external remedy.

Medicinal properties of nutmeg

Nutmeg has a very strong stimulating and at the same time calming effect on the central nervous system, inhibits (slows down the formation) of the prostaglandin system of the stomach (prostaglandins are biologically active substances that cause inflammation), which helps to cure gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, has an antimicrobial and antitumor action, strengthens the immune system, hair and cartilage structure, memory and nerves, treats various sexual disorders. In small doses, nutmeg relaxes the muscles, calms the body, and promotes the elimination of gases from the body. But in large quantities, nutmeg is a poison, taking it can even be fatal.

In traditional medicine of the countries of the East, nutmeg in very small doses was used to treat benign tumors and for the prevention of malignant tumors, for the treatment of tuberculosis , sexual disorders, hair strengthening , immunity and the whole organism as a whole, reducing any pain. It was believed that nutmeg is useful for diseases of muscles and joints, osteochondrosis, diseases of the stomach and intestines (including bloating), nausea and diarrhea. Long-term use of nutmeg in very small doses helps to improve memory and strengthen the nervous system.

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