What is the most common sport. What kinds of sports and where do they prefer. What role does sport play in the life of Russian society

Throughout history, man has played ball. The game came and went, was almost without rules and sometimes quite brutal.

In 1863, the English Football Association was created, at the same time the full English name of this sport appeared - association football. Over time, the long name was shortened to assoc., And in the 1880s to the abbreviation soc. in the Oxford manner, the suffix -er - soccer ("soccer") was added. True, football is now called soccer only in the United States and some other English-speaking countries.

The 11-meter free kick is believed to have been proposed by Irish football expert John Penalty. However, even the existence of this person is being questioned. In fact, a penalty (from the term death penalty - "death penalty") was proposed in 1891 by the Irishman William McCrum.

How the world's most popular sport came about

According to ancient legends, the first ball was given to Eros by the goddess Aphrodite. Ancient balls symbolized the Sun, Moon and Earth, and the first leather analogs of modern soccer balls were found during excavations in Greece and Egypt. For a long time, balls were made from bladder animals, and it was not until 1855 that Charles Goodyear, an American inventor, created the first rubber ball. True, there is now evidence that rubber was used to make balls as early as 1600 BC. e.

One way or another, and playing with a ball in ancient times was popular in many countries of the world: in Ancient Sparta it was called "Episyros", in Ancient rome - "Harpastum", and in China - "Chu-ke"... Around the XIV century. Italians invented a ball game called "Calcho", later adopted by the inhabitants of the British Isles. The British liked her so much that in the 19th century. football was played almost everywhere, however, according to different rules and with the use of hands.

In the XVI-XVIII centuries. in the Bryansk region, local residents competed in the skill of owning a leather ball stuffed with feathers. The game was called "shalyga" or "keela". Football acquired its modern look only with the adoption of uniform rules by the Football Association of England in 1863. Eight years later, in 1871, the oldest football tournament to date, the FA Cup, was founded, and in 1872 the first ever international match between England and Scotland took place.In 1904, FIFA, the governing football organization, was founded in Paris. , which, in addition to England, joined Denmark, Belgium, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland.

The main football championships of our time

Among the club football tournaments, the most prestigious is European UEFA Champions League. For the first time the tournament was held in 1955, then it was called European Champions Cup, and in 1992 it was reorganized: first there was a play-off system (“knockout” games), later - a group tournament system.

The name changed, a hymn and an emblem appeared. The record holder for the most Champions League tournaments won is Spanish "Real Madrid"- he received the cup nine times. In 1971, the second most important club tournament in Europe was founded - UEFA Cup, which after the reorganization in 2009 began to be called Europa League... The tournament system is similar to that of the Champions League, with Italian teams leading in terms of the number of victories.

Club World Championship in football, before the reorganization of 2005 was called the FIFA Club World Cup, was founded in 2000, when the championship was played by the strongest representatives of six continental confederations. The most awarded clubs here are Brazilian Corinthians and the Spanish “Barcelona”, each of them won the tournament twice.

Among the national teams, the main football tournament is world championship (mundial), founded in 1930. All men's national football teams of the countries that are members of FIFA can take part in it. The final competition takes place every four years for a month.

The final is hosted by the host country, which is determined in advance. In the entire history of the World Cup, only eight teams became champions: Brazil - five times, Italy - four times, Germany - three times, Argentina and Uruguay - twice, England, France and Spain - once.

The second most popular is Europe championship in football, founded in 1960. Then the USSR national team won. It is held every four years, alternating with a two-year difference with the World Championship. The final stage involves the participation of the 16 best teams, and the host country, as in the world championship, is determined in advance. The champion receives the Henri Delaunay Cup (that was the name of the first UEFA Secretary General).

In 1962, at the World Cup, in the match of the USSR national team against the Uruguayan team, after being hit by a Soviet football player with the score 1: 1, the ball flew into the Uruguayans' net from the outside, through a hole. The referee scored a goal, but the captain of our team Igor Netto showed that the goal was scored incorrectly. It was canceled, but the USSR national team players scored another goal and still won the match.


Some of us love to watch sporting events, while others don't mind getting our clothes dirty by participating in them. The following is a list most played games all over the world, primarily because they are so entertaining!

No. 10. Volleyball

Playing volleyball is easy enough because all you have to do is have good coordination and strong hands. Over 900 million people either play or watch volleyball. Beach volleyball is very popular, it is The best way get your dream tan! High schools especially highlight the benefits of this sport.

No. 9. Cricket

Cricket originated in England, the game is about the use of the ball and the bat. The people of India give up everything in the world when the game is shown on television, and children can be seen playing this game at any time of the year.

№ 8. Gymnastics

Not everyone can do this sport. Gymnastics requires great flexibility, coordination of movements and strength. It is always interesting to watch the performances of gymnasts on television. It's amazing how their bodies curl into a ring and other similar shapes!

No. 7. Swimming

Training can be boring, but if you know how to swim, you can tone your body and have a good time at the same time! Swimming is easy to learn and many swimmers enjoy playing games like water polo or Waboba. In the seven.

No. 6. Tennis

Many people think that watching tennis is very boring, but the 1 billion people who watch events like the Wimbledon Tournament and the French Open religiously disagree with them year after year. It is considered to be a stylish and graceful sport, and therefore the elite of America and Europe play tennis.

No. 5. Water sports

Sports such as scuba diving, jet skiing and many others are loved because they are fun and exciting. The adrenaline rush that you get when you see a school of fish swimming near you is very enlivening.

No. 4. Rugby

Rugby is a very popular sport in England and is one of the toughest in the world. Players must constantly fight each other, and there are hardly any rules or restrictions to reduce aggression. This sport is divided into several categories, the most popular being College Rugby and Tag Rugby.

No. 3. Basketball

This game is not as easy as it seems, and while playing, you need to know a number of rules. Basketball is very popular among teenagers, high growth it might help here, but it is not a prerequisite for playing. If you can see the goal and know how to run, this game is perfect for you. Third place among most popular sports games.

No. 2. Hockey

Despite the fact that this sport is not as popular as it used to be, the number of its viewers is about 2 billion annually. Physical education teachers constantly encourage students high school play this game, but now it seems that now this sport is liked mainly by the female half. Hockey can be quite a tough sport and it is quite difficult to move around in such heavy equipment.

No. 1. Football

The most popular sports game in the world... The rules of football are easy to follow and the game is fairly straightforward if you know what is allowed and what can lead to a red or yellow card. Approximately 4 billion people love this sport, and TV shows of matches garner the highest ratings every year.

When it comes to world famous sports, it is rather difficult to say which of them is the most popular, because there are 7 billion people in the world, and everyone has their own tastes and preferences. That is why there is such a variety of sports in the world. Whether it's football, tennis, hockey or something else, every game has its own fans.

But the most important parameter is their popularity and the number of viewers. The more fans a game has, the more popular it is. By the way, in countries such as Spain, Australia and India, sports events are often held, which fans from all over the world follow with pleasure.

Golf is one of the most popular sports... With 600 million fans around the world, golf ranks high among the official sports. Golf is also known as the game of the rich, as it is one of the oldest and most expensive sports. You can imagine the cost given the size of the golf course! By the way, the highest paid player is Tiger Woods.

This game has become very popular over the past with over 200 million viewers. Rugby is one of the most popular games in South America, New Zealand, Australia and Argentina. There are two types of game:

  1. rugby league (or rugby 13),
  2. rugby union (or rugby 15).

By the way, Great Britain is considered the actual homeland of rugby.

Table tennis is another equally interesting and popular game. In addition, he is considered the most fast play... Most popular table tennis among young people. Worldwide, there are over 300 million fans of the game, which allows it to stay in the ranks of the most popular. Table tennis was invented in the United States, and in China it is the second most popular.

National Majority Game Nordic countries, including Canada, the United States and Russia, is the second most famous in the subcontinent. Gradually, hockey won the attention of people all over the world, conquering the hearts of billions. The most common game formats are ice hockey, field hockey and air hockey.

The fifth most popular in the world is basketball. This game is most loved by teenagers in America. Basketball has captured the attention of over 500 million viewers around the planet. By the way, personally, I am also a basketball fan and have been doing it since childhood. And the most important achievement of any basketball player is, of course, participation in the National Basketball Association (NBA).

Another pastime for Americans. Besides the United States, the sport is also widespread in Japan and Taiwan. This game has over 600 million fans in 11 countries around the world. Baseball players are among the richest athletes.

The number of volleyball fans reaches 900 million, making this sport the fourth most popular sport. Volleyball is most widespread in Europe, Asia, Australia and America. Athletes from over 100 countries participate in the competition.

Tennis is rightfully ranked third among the most popular sports, because the number of its fans exceeds 1 billion people! The most popular venues for tennis competitions are Australia and the United States, where everyone's favorite tournaments are held annually. Rafael Nadal, Mahesh Bhupati and the Williams sisters are the most famous and talented tennis players.

Cricket is not widespread in many countries, but this does not prevent it from remaining one of the most popular games and having more than 3 billion fans around the planet. Crazy numbers of cricket fans live in Pakistan, England, India and Australia. Various forms of cricket play add to its popularity and appeal. Interest in this sport does not fade, especially in the game in the T-20 style.

Topping the list of the most popular sports is, of course, football, which has over 4 billion fans around the world. Many footballers are also the highest paid athletes in the world. Therefore, quite often, when buying out footballers from various clubs, we are faced with. Undoubtedly, this is an addicting game and best view sports in all categories.

This is not only the most spectacular, but also the most popular sport, because everyone can play football. Therefore, it is not even necessary to explain why football is so attractive to people. The most famous are the English and Spanish Premier Leagues. And every four years, the World Football Championships are held, which are a significant event not only for fans, but also for people who are not even particularly interested in football.

Today a person needs sports more than ever. It not only contributes to the formation healthy body and no less healthy mind, but also significantly improves the quality of life, making a person purposeful and resilient. And in our country they understand this as nowhere else.

We love sports in our country

Physical culture and sports have always been in the first place among Russians. Well, we are proud of the achievements of Soviet athletes to this day. Lev Yashin, Valery Kharlamov, Larisa Latynina, Yuri Vlasov - these names are on everyone's lips.

What are the most popular sports in our country now? Of course, those in which success is achieved by a team. Moreover, we are equally fond of both summer and domestic schools, created in the Soviet era, still show high performance at the most significant international competitions, be it the Olympic Games or the World Championships.

However, not everyone has an idea of ​​what the most popular sports can be singled out in our country. Let's fill this gap.

Statistics data

According to Rossport, on the territory of the Russian Federation there are more than thirteen million people who are seriously interested in sports. And, as already emphasized, team games are preferred.

The palm in the ranking: "The most popular sports" belongs, of course, to football. Despite the fact that our country cannot yet boast of high achievements in this field, interest in this exciting game remains high. Even in winter, when there is snow in the stadiums, there are many young people who want to play the ball. The second position in the top is occupied by hockey, which adherents in Russia are also very, very many. The most popular sports are also volleyball, basketball and water polo.


Of course, domestic football is currently experiencing far from better times... Unfortunately, even foreign coaches are powerless in achieving the goal of getting the Russian team into the European and world championships. One way or another, but preparing for the upcoming sports event, which is scheduled for 2018 in Russia, should be very, very carefully. At the same time, all conditions have been created for the development of football in our country: modern sports grounds, more than worthy wage, experience and skill of eminent trainers. It is also pleasing that the young generation is showing great interest in this sport.

The youth team has achieved high results in this spectacular sport.


The list titled: "The most popular sports in Russia" is simply unthinkable without a mention of hockey. In this team game, we have repeatedly proved that our team is the best of the best. What were the Soviet players worth in this fascinating sport! Famous Russian hockey players often go to play "overseas", since their high level of professionalism is noted by foreign athletes. Among the youth teams in our country, competitions are regularly organized: "Golden Stick", "Golden Puck", where coaches select the most talented and promising guys.

Again, in Russia a lot is being done to make hockey even more developed - this is proved by the quality and quantity of modern ice rinks and stadiums.


With a pole in height, running at various distances, throwing a javelin and a hammer - all of the above is also loved by Russians. Many are involved in athletics at an amateur level, thereby instilling in themselves and others healthy image life.

Winter sports

There are severe winters in Russia, and there is a lot of snow in some regions. Naturally, at this time of the year one does not want to sit at home, and the desire to move is simply great, especially among young guys and girls.

The most popular sports among young people are, of course, cross-country skiing and figure skating.

In our vast country there is an incredible number of mountain trails and ice rinks, so, as they say, “I don’t want to ride”.

The science

Science, which studies such an interesting phenomenon as sports, does not stand still. Russia regularly organizes conferences and symposia dedicated to theoretical issues in the field of sports activities.

Traditional sports

It should be noted that interest in traditional sports is gradually growing in our country. This, of course, is about playing rounders. Back in the 14th century, during the excavations of Veliky Novgorod, bats and balls, which are rare for today, were found. At the present time, competitions in bast shoes in Russia have become "regular" ones.

And, of course, it is necessary to say about martial arts, which are part of the culture. Ancient Rus... Athletic all-around, Greco-Roman wrestling - these sports were known to our ancestors, only in a slightly modified form. Well, fistfights, which were more positioned as fun and entertainment, have some similarities with modern boxing. Today it has become the most popular sport and field hockey.

Extreme sports

Extreme attracts in the XXI century. Teenagers today are used to experiencing a sense of heightened adrenaline and overwhelming speed. Parkour, freestyle, snowboarding, windsurfing are the most popular sports among teenagers.

The age of high technology and speed dictates its conditions, and sports preferences, of course, depend on them. One way or another, but some extreme activities, such as parkour, are focused not only on increasing adrenaline in the blood, but also on developing endurance and agility. Therefore, they can be useful, but at the same time require careful and serious preparation, otherwise they can pose a certain threat to life.


In the age of technological progress, a huge number of new and interesting sports are emerging. Considering the fact that modern man leads a sedentary lifestyle, the role of sports for him is of great importance. It is to maintain their own health that everyone is simply obliged today to be involved in it.

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