Table tennis video. What does matchball mean in tennis? Video gallery of the "Matchball" club

Matchball is a situation in a tennis game when a player needs to win the upcoming rally (that is, one point) in order to win the entire match. For example, when the score is 6-3, 5-3 and 40:30 in a three-set match. After winning a point, the score will be 6-3, 6-3 and the match will end.

Double matchball - a situation when a player has a matchball, but in case of losing this point, he has one more point. For example, when the score is 6-3, 5-3, 40:15 in a three-set match. A triple matchball will be in the same situation with the score 40: 0. If the score is 6: 0 in the tiebreak (played to seven points won) in the deciding set, then this is a six-time matchball. More can only be in a tie-break or in games with a handicap (for example, plus 30 / minus 30 in each game).

If it is said that a player played a matchball, it means that he won a point in a situation when his opponent had the matchball. Played five match points - did it five times during the match (it can be either five single match points, or, for example, double plus triple).

In amateur tennis, the average number of match points realized (that is, points won by a player who has a match ball) is on average noticeably less than 50%. That is, the one with the matchball is less likely to win this point than his opponent. This is obviously due to the fact that a player who has a matchball cannot always force himself to play full force(with extreme fatigue at the end of the match, this can be a very difficult task) and drive away the idea that the match has actually already been won. The loser in this situation has no other choice but to play with full dedication.

If a player has a low percentage of played match points (noticeably less than 50%), then this most likely means that he is inclined to give up matches in situations where he believes that the opponent is stronger today, that is, he stops fighting at the end of such games. If high, then he fights to the end, regardless of the score. In tennis, this has an effect more often than anyone who is not familiar with the game would think, as many players relax by taking the score.

If a player has a low percentage of match points won, then this most likely means that he tends to relax in a situation where he is leading. If it is high, then this characterizes the player in the best way in terms of psychological preparedness and mood for matches. Supporters " arithmetic tennis"could object to such an assessment, but in last years this theory has fewer adherents.

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  • Last week tennis took more attention from Belarusian fans. Chizhovka-Arena and the crowded stands have already seen many bright matches and victories, and have seen tears after defeat. The meeting between Belarus and Slovakia is a playoff match for the right to remain in the World Group of the Federation Cup. And it will also go down in the history of Belarusian tennis. The Matchball rubric pays attention to this sport today. During the whole last weekend we admired the performance of the Belarusian women's tennis team. All fans of Belarusian sports remember the bright performance of our tennis players in the final of the Federation Cup. Unfortunately, in February 2018, Sasnovich, Sobolenko and company were unable to reach the second round, but in the games against Slovakia we retained our places in the elite. It was the culmination of the Belarus-Slovakia confrontation. The girls finished the match before the doubles meeting, the score was at that time 2: 2 after four matches. And Vera Lapko and Lydia Morozova bring victory to our team. But that was after. The uniqueness of the tennis Federation Cup is in the tradition and in the fact that the world ranking does not matter much. At the beginning of the week, tennis players come to the host country to get acclimatized - it is known that tournaments take place all over the world. Belarusians have an advantage on home courts. But our athletes have just competed on the ground, and here - the surface, which is called "hard". After - official press conferences, where our team looks very confident. And then - the drawing of lots. But several times the captain of the Slovak national team will make a substitution in the squad before the game itself - such a right is given by the tournament regulations. As a result, on the first day, Alexandra Sasnovich will play with Yana Chepelova and win. But Arina Sobolenko will give way to Victoria Kuzhmova in a tense match. At the end of the day - 1: 1. The intrigue remains until the next matches. Already in the morning of the next day, trainings at the Chizhovka Arena. This time, Arina will be the first to come out. Her desire to win was very strong, but in one evening some mistakes had to be corrected. Arina wins two sets. The advantage of the first number of our team was sensitive. And he comes to the press conference in a great mood. And at that moment Aleksandra Sasnovich starts her game unsuccessfully. The opponent of the Belarusian shows, of course, her best tennis. And Sasha loses as a result. And here is the most important point confrontation Belarus - Slovakia. 2: 2 - based on the result of four matches, and ahead - a doubles meeting. This time, the team's captain Tatiana Puchek puts in a pair, which was announced. Both Vera Lapko and Lidia Morozova have experience of performing in a duet, but he is absent in the match for the national team of Belarus. Nevertheless, the Belarusians are winning. Our team retains its place in the top 8 women's tennis in the world. That is, next year the national team will become even stronger and take a step forward. As a reminder, we have already performed in the Federation Cup final.

    Last week tennis took more attention from Belarusian fans. “Chizhovka-Arena” and the crowded stands have already seen many bright matches and victories, and have seen tears after defeat. The meeting between Belarus and Slovakia is a playoff match for the right to remain in the World Group of the Federation Cup. And it will also go down in the history of Belarusian tennis. The Matchball rubric pays attention to this sport today.

    During the whole last weekend we admired the performance of the Belarusian women's tennis team. All fans of Belarusian sports remember the bright performance of our tennis players in the final of the Federation Cup. Unfortunately, in February 2018, Sasnovich, Sobolenko and company were unable to reach the second round, but in the games against Slovakia, we retained our places in the elite.

    It was the culmination of the Belarus-Slovakia confrontation. The girls finished the match before the doubles meeting, the score was at that time 2: 2 after four matches. And Vera Lapko and Lydia Morozova bring victory to our team.

    But that was after. The uniqueness of the Federation Tennis Cup is in the tradition and in the fact that the world ranking does not matter much. At the beginning of the week, tennis players come to the host country to get acclimatized - it is known that tournaments take place all over the world. Belarusians have an advantage on home courts. But our athletes have just competed on the ground, and here - the surface, which is called "hard". After - official press conferences, where our team looks very confident.

    And then - the drawing of lots. But several times the captain of the Slovak national team will make a substitution in the squad before the game itself - such a right is given by the tournament regulations. As a result, on the first day, Alexandra Sasnovich will play with Yana Chepelova and win. But Arina Sobolenko will give way to Victoria Kuzhmova in a tense match. At the end of the day - 1: 1. The intrigue remains until the next matches.

    Already in the morning of the next day, trainings at the Chizhovka Arena. This time, Arina will be the first to come out. Her desire to win was very strong, but in one evening some mistakes had to be corrected.

    Arina wins two sets. The advantage of the first number of our team was sensitive. And he comes to the press conference in a great mood.

    And at that moment Aleksandra Sasnovich starts her game unsuccessfully. The opponent of the Belarusian shows, of course, her best tennis. And Sasha loses as a result.

    And here is the most important moment of the confrontation between Belarus and Slovakia. 2: 2 - by the result of four matches, and ahead - a doubles meeting. This time, the team's captain Tatiana Puchek puts in a pair, which was announced. Both Vera Lapko and Lydia Morozova have experience of performing in a duet, but he is absent in the match for the Belarusian national team. Nevertheless, the Belarusians are winning.

    Our team retains its place in the top 8 women's tennis in the world. That is, next year the national team will become even stronger and take a step forward. As a reminder, we have already performed in the Federation Cup final.

    Experienced, novice tennis players, ordinary spectators - everyone will be interested, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the entries in this section. In a sport like table tennis video and photography allows you to record the rarest moments, the most difficult actions of the opponents.

    The speed of the ball does not lag behind the racing car, and sometimes it is impossible to keep track of the movements of the players. An enthusiastic sportsman and simply an interested player cannot do without watching videos of interesting games.

    Video gallery of the "Matchball" club

    Watching videos of iconic games, you can get acquainted with new techniques for yourself, find new nuances, and just enjoy the exciting competition!

    The "MATCHBALL" table tennis club gallery allows you to get acquainted with the quality of the services offered, evaluate the size of the room, and its compliance with the competition.

    Among the materials on our site you will also find photographs and videos from the tournaments of the MATCHBALL club. Table tennis competitions are held in the hall on an ongoing basis, for players different levels and involvement in sports.

    Perhaps you will manage to become a hero of one of these tournaments - come, train, dare!

    The rules of tennis are simple enough. You can figure them out on your own by watching several matches. The visibility of the complexity of tennis rules creates seemingly incomprehensible game scoring and specific tennis terms that can be heard from television commentators.

    One of these terms is "matchball". This very concept can cause bewilderment in an uninitiated person, and the use of this term with the words "double", "triple" or "hidden" is completely perplexing.

    In fact, everything is quite simple. A matchball is a serve that can be the last one in a match. However, this does not mean that the rally that begins with such a serve will necessarily be the last one. Even inexperienced tennis players can play more than one matchball in a match and ultimately win the entire meeting. By the way, this is what makes tennis different from other sports, in which the duration of the match is strictly regulated. An experienced player has the opportunity to recoup even from a 1: 5 score. That is why in tennis you have to fight to the end. You can only relax after the referee announces the end of the match.

    Double matchball assumes that the leading tennis player has a two-point lead (i.e. the game score must be 40/15 or 15/40) and any serve may be the last.

    It is easy to guess that a similar situation is called a triple matchball, only with an advantage of 3 points (the score of the game is 40/0 or 0/40).

    It is somewhat more difficult to understand what a "hidden matchball" is. Speaking simple language, this term denotes a situation when a tennis player takes the opponent's serve (makes a break) and gets the opportunity to serve for the match (i.e. the next game may be the last one in the match).

    Sometimes there may be a double or triple hidden matchball in a match, but such terms are rarely used.

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