What is solarium cream. The best tanning creams. Types of tanning creams in a solarium

The question of whether it is worth using special creams for a tanning bed has long been resolved. There are, of course, those who consider such cosmetics to be a pull of money. But these are gradually becoming less and less. And there is only one reason: tanning creams in a solarium perform several functions at once in terms of ensuring the safety of the procedure.

How special cosmetics work

There are only two disadvantages of a solarium:

  • ultraviolet rays together with conditioner dry out the skin, and increased skin peeling does not help to maintain the depth and intensity of tanning;
  • radiation can provoke the development of cancer.

Correctly selected cosmetics can solve both of these problems:

  • deep hydration helps to maintain the elasticity and softness of the skin, allows the tan to last longer;
  • a cream with a bronzer enhances the color of a natural tan due to the presence of special pigments, therefore, to obtain the desired skin tone, you can spend less time in the solarium;
  • ant cream (they are also called tingle-effect creams) causes an artificial blood flow to the skin, which allows you to sunbathe much faster, respectively, again you can spend much less time in the solarium.

As you can see, tanning products make tanning sessions under lamps safer. And due to the fact that, thanks to cosmetics, it is possible to spend a few minutes less each time in the solarium, then it turns out, if not savings, then at least no additional costs.

The main components of creams

  • Bronzers.

Due to the presence of a bronzer in the composition of the cream, the cream gives a richer shade of tan. They can be double or triple. There can be five or seven of them in the cream.

Photo: bronzers for solarium
The more bronzers there are, the more intense the tan will be. Natural components can also act as them: henna, keratin oil, walnut oil.
  • Components that provide the tingle effect.

The tingle effect in the Russian-language literature is also called the ant effect. The point is that under the influence of substances that provide the appearance of the tingle effect, capillaries expand, blood rushes to the skin, which is manifested by the appearance of intense redness and tingling.

Basically, the ant effect mimics the natural response to sunlight, with redness first and then tanning. At the cell level, increased blood circulation in the skin contributes to a faster transition of the reduced form of melanin to the oxidized one, which gives the skin tone.

A feature of tingle-effect creams is that:

  • they should not be applied to white skin untouched by the sun or tanning lamps;
  • they should not be applied to the face, no matter how many tanning treatments you have already taken.
The following components provide the appearance of the formic effect: Ceylon licorice, naked licorice, nutmeg, nicotinic acid derivatives (methyl nicotinate).
  • Hemp oil.

Perfectly nourishes the skin, increases the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays.

Photo: hemp oil
  • Special components that neutralize the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

These include CellTox, DNA, SepiLift, PureLift, peptides M.A.P. and some other components that have an antioxidant effect, prevent the formation of wrinkles, and increase the elasticity of the skin.

Salon products

For tanning salons, the creams that we use on the beach are not applicable. In fact, a sunscreen that blocks ultraviolet radiation and prevents it from penetrating deep into the skin is very useful on the beach, when you have to spend several hours under the scorching sun during your seaside vacation.

But the same cream will make a trip with a solarium an absolutely useless and costly exercise, since in a few minutes under the lamps, ultraviolet light will simply not have time to cause tanning on the skin, since it will be blocked by UV filters.

Three types have been specially developed for the solarium cosmetics:

  • Developers.

These funds are suitable for those who come to the first time with snow-white skin. Developers contribute to faster tanning.

  • Activators.

The activator cream will be useful for those who come to the procedures with a summer tan or have been attending the solarium for some time. Activators help to obtain a deeper and richer tan.

  • Fasteners.

The purpose of these products is to deeply moisturize the skin in order to prolong the presence of sunburn on the skin.

Rating of solarium products, the most popular among Russian women

  • Emerald Bay.

The idea of ​​the developers of the composition of creams and packaging design for Emerald Bay products is as follows: after visiting the solarium, you need to allow every woman and every man to feel as if they have soaked in the bright sun on exotic islands.

Photo: Emerald Bay solarium creams

The main component of the series is Agave extract, which cares for the skin and makes it look healthy. And depending on the purpose of the cream, it contains:

  • sugarcane extract: gives the skin a deeper color (it is also used to obtain an instant tan);
  • Aloe vera, Coconut oil and milk, cocoa butter, shea and mango butter, grape seed oil for deep hydration;
  • extracts from sea plants to provide additional anti-cellulite effect.

Suitable for beginners Definition dark- tanning enhancer cream with a pronounced moisturizing effect.

Photo: Definitely Dark cream

You can buy a whole 250 ml jar at once or limit yourself to a couple of 15 ml sachets. Having this choice is always convenient.

Mojo Dark Bronzing Sauce is a tool for extreme tanning lovers who want to "squeeze" EVERYTHING out of every visit to the solarium!

The cream differs Mojo double content of bronzers and the presence of cayenne pepper in the composition, due to which a deep and rich tan color appears in as soon as possible... The cream also contains sandalwood extract to deeply moisturize the skin.

  • Devoted Creations.

At the heart of the compositions of the series Devoted Creations a complex based on Strevitan is used - a revolutionary moisturizing and rejuvenating component, which is many times more effective than retinol and vitamin C in combating the effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Photo: Avent Devote cream

Thanks to Strevitan, the production of collagen and elastin improves, the skin becomes much smoother, fine wrinkles are smoothed out. The most popular of the line of Devoted Creations products are creams Cube.

Photo: Cube cream

The creams contain banana enzymes, which have a powerful anti-aging effect, a complex of bronzers, vitamins C and E.

  • Onyx.
Photo: Onyx cream

A series of cosmetics for solarium made in the USA. Onyx creams contain a number of beneficial ingredients that moisturize well and further enhance tanning. Tyrosine and hemp oil are used as bronzers in the production of cosmetics, and rose, rosemary, macadamia oils are added to moisturize, tea tree, cocoa. Two products from the series deserve special attention. Onyx Hot Action and Onyx Ice and Fire.

Hot Action has a pronounced warming effect due to the tingle effect and allows you to get a deep and rich tan.

Ice and fire is perhaps the only tanning cream of its kind that has several waves of heating and cooling successively on the skin. After application, a cooling effect is felt, which is replaced by an intense warming up of the skin. Then heating is again replaced by cooling.

As a result, after a session in a solarium, no red spots or irritations remain on the skin. There is a feeling of invigorating freshness. Thanks to hemp extract, the tan is rich and deep.

According to the manufacturers, Ice and Fire is intended for those "who are never sufficiently tanned."

Photo: Supertan solarium cosmetics (USA)
  • SuperTan.

The Supertan line of products allows you to choose the most suitable product for yourself, not only by the number of bronzers, but also by a number of additional parameters:

  • sensations from the use of this or that means: line of Sensations;
  • the ability of the cream to further contribute to body shaping: Slim Effect;
  • anti-stress effect: Endorfine Line.
  • Estel.

In the line of products Estel Professional Sun Flower creams are intended for solarium.

Photo: SuperTan cream

These creams differ from cosmetics for tanning salons of other companies by the presence of a special complex that not only masks the specific smell of the skin after a tanning salon (as do fragrances and fragrances), but completely neutralizes it. The creams are also lightweight and will not clog pores or slide off.

  • Soleo.

The variety of Soleo products allows you to choose the cream that is optimal in terms of properties for any skin type and degree of tan.

What can replace the cream?

  • tanning products in the sun, which have a minimum degree of SPF protection (about 3), the instructions for which indicate that they can be used for tanning in a solarium;
  • body creams for intense skin hydration.

The basic principle underlying the creation of tanning creams is simple: the better the skin is hydrated, the faster it tans.

Dry and dehydrated skin tans much worse. Therefore, you can get an intense tan without overdrying the skin with your daily means, such as body cream, milk or spray.

Video: Cosmetics for solarium

05 December 2016

Elena Stepanova, Expert of the site SweetZagar

If you are going to give your skin a golden hue in a solarium, each person is obliged to familiarize themselves with the rules of behavior in the booth and the number of minutes allotted for the session. And also, it is imperative to choose tanning products designed for your skin type. They must solve the tasks that you set for them.

Phototypes and features of the skin (especially the perception of ultraviolet radiation)

When choosing a sun cream or lotion, you should take into account your photo-type of skin. Depends on this: the duration of the session in the solarium, the choice of lamp power, as well as the selection of creams based on the components included in it.

Type 1 - Scandinavian... Light and sensitive skin with a pale pink tint. Prone to burning and redness under the influence of ultraviolet radiation ().
Type 2 - nordic... Light and pale skin... Able to sunburn, prone to redness and burns ().
Type 3 - Central European... Light brown leather. It tans well, but with an excess of sunlight, inflammation and light burns appear ().
4 type - Mediterranean... Dark skin. The tan lays down evenly, the skin does not have a tendency to redness and burning ().

For better efficiency, complexes are introduced into tanning products that affect the depth and shade of the tan. These substances can be used for a particular type of skin:

View of additional components

No bronzers

With bronzers

Tingle effect

Body Blush effect

Rules for the selection of sunblock by skin type

Tanning products from leading manufacturers effectively moisturize and nourish the skin, protect it from drying out and accelerate the acquisition of an even tan. Creams differ in components that affect the shade and depth of tan, so they are selected depending on the type of skin:

Creams without bronzers are used for all skin types, they are most often used for a basic, natural tan, as well as to maintain the skin tone obtained at sea.

Such funds differ in the quantitative content of bronzers and in the intensity of their effect on the skin.

For light skin types 1 and 2 are used creams with a small amount of bronzing substances, they help to quickly get a shade and hide unwanted redness that inevitably appears with sunburn in people with skin types 1 and 2.

When you have managed to acquire a basic tan (or you belong to the 3rd or 4th phototype), and you intend to make it more intense, then you can switch to products with a higher content of bronzers.

Manufacturers offer bronzing cocktails with a varied composition, which allows you to adjust not only the depth of the tan, but also its shade: chocolate, golden, bronze, etc.

They include an active complex of substances that promote blood circulation, the production of melanin and the saturation of skin cells with oxygen. Designed for dark skin types 3 and 4. The product enhances the effectiveness of the "fake" tanning procedure and guarantees an intense, ultra-dark skin tone. When using the cream, redness may appear, there may be a slight burning sensation and tingling sensation, which disappear after a few hours, resulting in an even and dark tan.

Body Blush is a unique complex that provides an instant photoreactive blush that transforms into a chic, deep and dark tan. Body Blush cosmetics include soothing ingredients that effectively saturate the skin with oxygen molecules. Suitable for darker skin types 3 and 4.

Creams for men. The line of cosmetics designed specifically for male skin takes into account all the physiological characteristics of the stronger sex. The amount of tanning activators and bronzing components has been adjusted to suit the structure of the skin of men, and the consistency is easy to apply and is completely absorbed even on "particularly hairy" parts of the body. A persistent masculine scent will complement the image of a tanned macho.

We select a cream based on the goals set

Many consumers are interested in which tanning cream is better? There is no definite answer - each cosmetic product solves certain problems. All creams designed for tanning in a solarium protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet lamps and effectively moisturize it.

When choosing the optimal tanning cream, you need to determine the expected result from its use:

Tanning brands have taken care of every step. Some offer a natural, gradual tan, others - an accelerated and dark, and the third produce creams for extremely fast tanning in a solarium in combination with home self-tanning.

Additional functions of tanning products

Dry, dehydrated skin is prone to constant peeling and tanning, so it is imperative to keep it moisturized. Manufacturers of specialized products for solariums carefully monitor the nutritional value of their products and produce creams that fully provide care for tanned skin.

Be sure to moisturize your skin after tanning!

The products are saturated with vitamins and moisturizing complexes. After-sun products from the Australian Gold trademark are made on the basis of nutritious oils that can saturate tissues with microelements, restore and rejuvenate. Devoted Creations products are also ideal for daily home care. They will make your skin velvety and supple.

Manufacturers also offer after-sun creams, enriched with bronzing complexes of prolonged action. They continue to darken the skin after tanning sessions. Which significantly prolongs the life of the chocolate shade on your skin. Creams of similar action:,

Tanning cream is a unique cosmetic preparation capable of protecting the skin from the effects of artificial ultraviolet rays and giving it a beautiful tanning shade. In order to choose the right product, you should consider the properties and capabilities of this cosmetic product.

Tanning cream has some distinctive features and does not have special light-repelling filters when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Since this property is not used in solariums, where the amount of rays flow is a fixed value. But at the same time, the product must also have a protective function, since the sensitive type of skin is exposed to radiation during artificial tanning.

The use of this cosmetic product allows you to properly prepare the skin for sunburn and at the same time not cause any negative manifestations. The active components of the composition have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body and contribute to the production of melanin, which provides an even and beautiful healthy shade!

The combination of additional natural ingredients gives the skin softness and elasticity, as well as the necessary hydration and elimination unpleasant sensations when getting a tan. The use of a tanning cream guarantees maximum protection of the skin and prevents the development of unwanted side effects!

The main functions and types of creams

It is worth noting that the use of a sunbed cream is a prerequisite for maintaining general human health and protecting against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the main tasks of this component should be considered in detail:

  1. Getting a beautiful and even tan;
  2. Protective properties when exposed to ultraviolet rays;
  3. Prevention of redness and burns;
  4. Stimulation of metabolic processes in the body;
  5. Prevention of premature skin aging;
  6. Elimination of unpleasant odors after tanning in a solarium;
  7. Additional nutrition, moisturizing of the skin.

The above functions of a tanning cream speak of a high positive effect on the human body, therefore, everyone who plans to sunbathe in a solarium should have this remedy!

Depending on the desired effect, this category of creams is divided into the following types:

To obtain the maximum effect, you should use a cream of a certain spectrum of action or a complex product with a combination of several properties!

How to choose the right effective and safe cosmetic product

Applying the right tanning cream guarantees protection against the negative effects of UV radiation. It is important to consider the following aspects:

  1. Use of cosmetics of the same series;
  2. The choice of tanning cream in accordance with the specific type of skin;
  3. Application of a type of cream at the appropriate stage of tanning in a solarium;
  4. The choice of a product with additional components that increase the elasticity, tenderness and hydration of the skin;
  5. Selection of a cream that meets all the necessary requests in a certain pricing policy;
  6. Buying a volumetric bottle, since creams of this action have a long shelf life;
  7. Purchase of a cream in a specialized store, since in places without a license to sell, you can buy a low-quality and fake product;
  8. The application of conventional sunscreen in a solarium is prohibited, since in a solarium, ultraviolet rays come in limitedly and products intended for a solarium are quite suitable.

Most consumers before choosing the appropriate cream for a solarium, they are wondering how to choose the right product with a tingle effect or with a bronzer? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since cosmetic preparations of this category are considered purely individually. But it's worth noting that you can study comparative characteristics and differences when choosing a product.

Bronzer creams contain natural ingredients in the form of henna, walnut, carotene, which give the skin an even and dark tan. In this case, the tool effectively affects ultraviolet light. These cosmetic preparations are used to obtain a rich bronze shade at the intermediate stage of tanning in a solarium.

Creams with a "tingle effect" have a beneficial effect on the stimulation of blood circulation and the production of melanin, which ensures an even, beautiful tan of a natural color. The peculiarity of the product lies in the uniform distribution of ultraviolet radiation on the skin and effectiveness in leveling the corresponding shade. Specialists often prescribe such drugs at the initial stage of using a tanning bed, when you need to get a beautiful skin color without damage and burns.

Therefore, before choosing a suitable cream for a tanning bed, you should take into account all the nuances of one type or another and make the right decision! An effective and safe product can be selected by qualified specialists in this field!

The required amount and rules for applying the cream

The amount of cream for a tanning bed does not provide for specific dosages, but is applied to the skin with a thin, even layer. And also a lot depends on the structure of the cosmetic product and the degree of its effect. The tool is used for application to the body even in places that are not exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Before using a sunbed cream, you should follow a set of simple rules:

Tanning in a solarium without using a special cream will provide an even and beautiful shade, but there are negative consequences of such use. The skin acquires, a lethargic look begins to peel off, and in some places allergic manifestations occur. Under these circumstances, a process of premature aging of the skin occurs, which leads to a noticeable deterioration in the general appearance.

The main aspect in this matter will be the correct selection of the appropriate sunbed cream, which will be ideal for the skin type and perform all the restorative, protective functions for the body!

Using the cream after tanning

The use of appropriate cosmetics is also recommended after sunburn to confirm the effect obtained. In this case, drugs are effective that have a fixative effect and additionally moisturize, restore the human skin.

The procedure for applying the cream should be carried out immediately after the tanning bed, since the resulting ultraviolet rays should be well fixed on the body and contribute to the production and oxidation of melanin to obtain a uniform, beautiful shade of the desired color! The choice of product should be agreed with a qualified specialist and the product should be selected in accordance with the type of skin.

When using products of this category, creams should be used for different areas of the body. For example, there should be a separate cosmetic product for the face, and another appropriate medication for other parts of the body. Mostly it is better to use brands of creams from the same series for skin care during tanning.

Review of cosmetics for solarium

The modern cosmetic industry is represented by a large selection of tanning creams of a wide variety of effects. In a specialized store, you can purchase products for a narrowly targeted range of applications in accordance with individual requests. Below are the main cosmetics with a high effective degree of impact.

Solbianca with chamomile and green tea extract

Inexpensive effective tanning cream of light effect. The drug is based on the content of natural ingredients that actively moisturize and nourish the skin. The tool has unique properties smoothing, moisturizing and restoring the skin and is intended for intensive care during the use of a tanning bed.

The drug has no special contraindications and is not recommended in the presence of sensitivity to the components of the composition. The texture of the cream is light and gives a feeling of tenderness and comfort after application. At the same time, the tool is in an affordable price category, but at the same time it has a set of positive confirmed properties. The application procedure consists in rubbing the mixture into the skin with light, easy movements in all the necessary areas of the body.

Soleo juicy fruit

An effective tanning cream with 12x bronzer based on natural botanicals in combination with a complex of copper peptides. Designed to obtain a special tropical tan with a dark brown shade. Additional ingredients provide maximum hydration, nourishment of the skin, giving it the aroma of unsurpassed exotic fruits.

This product represents a line of inexpensive yet high quality tanning salon skin care products. It is convenient to use and does not cause allergic reactions and other skin changes. At the same time, it is easily applied to the skin. The effect of exposure becomes noticeable after the first use of the cosmetic product.

Emerald bay dark in dazed

One of the most popular tanning creams in this series, which is represented by products based on natural and herbal ingredients. The combination of aloe oil, agave extract and hemp seeds provides the main effectiveness of a cosmetic product that contributes to obtaining a pronounced uniform tan.

A distinctive feature of the cream is its ability to use for any type of skin and the absence of negative effects after application to the skin. The cosmetic product is effective in obtaining a natural tan during all stages of using the solarium. The pricing policy of the drug is low and quite affordable for different segments of the population.

When summing up, it should be emphasized that tanning cream is an indispensable tool in tanning beds and performs important protective functions of restoring and nourishing the skin. The selection of the appropriate drug should be based on the balance between the main characteristics and the individual needs of the consumer. The best solution to the issue would be agreement with a qualified specialist!

Every woman wants to have a bronze skin tone all year round. A natural and even tan can be obtained with a tanning bed. But in order not to burn the skin and make the procedure as safe as possible, it is very important to use special cosmetics. Which tanning cream is the best, read this article.

Why use it?

During tanning in a solarium, a large amount of ultraviolet radiation is intensely exposed to the skin. They dry out the integument and can cause damage. This is especially true for people with sensitive skin type. To prevent this, experts recommend that you always use a tanning cream. Which one is better is very difficult to answer unequivocally. Today, many cosmetic manufacturers produce a wide range of different products. But they all differ in composition and result. Therefore, every woman should become well acquainted with existing creams and decide which one is best suited for her skin.

Benefits of creams

All solarium cosmetics primarily help to moisturize the skin. Also, all creams contain fragrances that allow you to eliminate bad smell after the procedure.

Solarium cosmetics contain formic acid, which increases blood circulation and intensifies tanning. Thanks to this component, it is possible to achieve good in a shorter time.

An even tan is another important benefit for which you should use a tanning cream in a tanning bed. Which one works best and is safest? To answer this question, let's look at the composition of such funds.


The composition of tanning creams in a solarium differs from those cosmetics that women use in their daily care. Firstly, they contain components that do not interfere with the penetration of ultraviolet radiation into the body. Secondly, they do not affect tanning lamps, which are mostly acrylic coated. According to the manufacturers, all tanning creams are safe for health and hypoallergenic.

They include the following components:

  1. Bronzers work by increasing the body's production of melanin.
  2. Bleach helps to ensure an even tan.
  3. Formic acid.
  4. Coenzyme Q10.
  5. Cooling agents (menthol, mint).
  6. Soothing ingredients (aloe, tea tree oil).
  7. Vitamins (A, E, C, B, K and F).

Most of these cosmetics contain panthenol, which has a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition to these components, tanning creams may contain substances that affect the color of the tan and the time it lasts.

Medical Assessment

Many women often ask how safe tanning cream is for health. Doctors tried to find out which one is better to choose so as not to harm the skin. Doctors have studied the composition of the creams and analyzed their safety. So, doctors say that people who visit a solarium with fanaticism can get severely burned, even using a cream. The result of such actions will be red skin, which will surely peel off over time. Therefore, according to doctors, The best way protect the skin from burns - correctly calculate the time spent in the solarium.

As for the components with a moisturizing and soothing effect, the experts rated them positively. The fact is that overdried skin darkens poorly and ages quickly. Therefore, in order to preserve the health of the integuments, it is very important to apply them while visiting the solarium. They must be used before and after the procedure.

According to doctors, the best tanning cream is one with a cooling effect. It is especially important for people with sensitive skin. Such a tool will not only make your stay in the solarium more comfortable, but also protect the skin from overheating and possible burns.

In general, solarium cosmetics are safe and even beneficial. The main thing is to choose it correctly in order to get an excellent result.

Let's see which tanning cream is the best.

How to choose?

When choosing a product, absolutely all women ask the question of which tanning cream is the best. No specialist can give a definite answer. Each cream has its own effect. The only common feature of all solarium cosmetics is protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and skin hydration. But there are other important features of creams that need to be considered individually. So, people with sensitive skin are advised to buy products that contain natural oils (olive, sandalwood). For skin prone to redness, it is better to choose a cream with This component makes the skin softer and quickly relieves irritation.

Also, when choosing, you must pay attention to which part of the body the product is intended for. If the cream is labeled "For the body", it means that it is not suitable for the face. That is, separate products must be applied to each part of the body.

When buying, the desired tan shade should be considered. So, in order to get an intense saturated skin color, you should take a tanning cream with a bronzer. Which one is better to choose depends on the desired result. First of all, you need to look at the description of the product. A possible tan color must be indicated on each cream.

To keep the tan for a long time, it is better to choose a product that contains vitamin D or watermelon extract. Considering all these recommendations, you can choose the best tanning cream for yourself in a solarium.

The most popular among women are the products of the Australian Gold and Devoted Creations brands. They are perfectly applied, without streaks, contain special complexes that control the level of skin moisture, give a deep tan. Accelerator from Australian Gold is especially popular with artificial sun lovers. The cream cares for the skin both during and after the session, accelerates tanning. Reviews indicate that this is a wonderful product for its price. Many women use it all the time.

How to apply?

To get an even tan, it is important to follow the special rules for applying the cream. First, the face should be without makeup, and the body should be without jewelry. Secondly, immediately before visiting the solarium, you must definitely take a shower with soap.

Sun cream should be applied in an even layer just before the procedure. Gently and thoroughly rub it all over the body, leaving no untreated areas. The quality of tanning depends on the correct application of the cream. If this is the first time the product is being used, it is recommended to first apply a small amount to a small area of ​​the skin to make sure there are no allergies.

People with fair skin, as well as those who visit the solarium for the first time, need to apply a layer a little thicker. After sun cream should be used 15 minutes after the procedure.

If a person is taking medications or is prone to allergies, it is advisable to consult a doctor about the ingredients that are included in tanning cream in tanning beds. Whichever one is better tolerated by the skin is the most suitable.

Types of creams

Today, there is a large selection of cosmetics for therefore, only after familiarizing yourself with each type can you determine which sunbed cream is the best.

So, modern cosmetic manufacturers produce the following creams:

  1. For light skin - can be used by people with light skin or the Cream has a higher degree of protection and does not contain bronzers.
  2. For dark skin, suitable for dark-skinned women. Basically, such products contain natural dyes that do not cause allergies and quickly give a rich shade to the skin almost from the first sessions.
  3. Cream for separate parts body - it is intended for areas with more sensitive skin. For example, this is a neckline or a face.

Fast tanning cream

For those who want to get a rich bronze tan in the shortest possible time, there is a tanning cream with a bronzer. Which one is best for your specific skin type? To answer this question, you need to study the instructions supplied with each tool. Basically, manufacturers recommend using such creams for dark-skinned people.

Bronzer products contain natural substances that stimulate the production of melanin. As a rule, they contain henna, carotene or walnut extract.

Today, there are many ways to give your own skin a golden summer tan at any time of the year, without leaving your hometown. One of the most in-demand tanning activities is a visit to the solarium. At the same time, in order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to follow the basic rules to make the process of creating a tan the safest and highest quality. An important condition for visiting a solarium is the use of a special cosmetic tanning cream, which can be either female or male.

Do you need sunblock in a tanning bed?

Unfortunately, most tanning salon visitors refuse to use special tanning creams, but this is a completely wrong choice. The main function of this kind of products is not to accelerate the tanning process, but to prepare the skin for exposure to lamps, which negatively affect the dermis, overdrying and damaging it. Sun cream is necessary to moisturize and saturate the integument before the event itself. By applying a special composition, the skin becomes more susceptible to sunburn, that is, the effect is achieved faster and better. In addition, the preparations have protective properties aimed at preventing the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation from the tanning bed.

Some people try to replace specialized cosmetic products with ordinary moisturizers for feet, face, etc., but this does not bring the desired result. An ordinary cream can really moisturize the integument qualitatively, but most of them have a whitening effect, which is unacceptable when going to a solarium.
It is undesirable to use tanning creams only if the client has problematic oily skin or an allergic reaction to the components of the preparation. In all other situations, the described tool is simply necessary for an effective correction of skin tone.

There are several main types of tanning cream for tanning beds, the use of which will have different effects on different types skin. Some products are better suited for application to the face area, and some should be used only for the integument of the body. The right choice can be made by consulting a specialist who will help you choose the right product for your specific skin type and the most suitable tanning method.

With bronzer

A bronzer as a component of tanning cream in a solarium is an additional tool for increasing the level of dark skin. Also, the element is included in the structure of the protective system of the facility, not allowing ultraviolet radiation negatively affect the integument. With the help of a bronzer, you can independently choose the degree of tanning intensity, choosing the most suitable tone for the dermis in each case.

With tanning booster

Tanning enhancers are all the components included in the cream, which activate the level of melanin production, which allows you to achieve the desired effect in a small number of sessions spent in a tanning bed. These products are suitable for those who want to achieve the darkest skin tone after tanning.

With tingle effect

The tingle effect is achieved with the help of a special acid, which activates the intercellular circulation of oxygen in the layers of the skin. Thanks to this, the integuments acquire the most natural, natural shade. It is important to understand that such creams cannot be used on a pale and sensitive dermis, as this is fraught with severe damage to the integument in the form of burns.

Rating of the best manufacturers of tanning creams

Today on the market of cosmetic products for solarium there is a huge variety of creams and lotions that accelerate the tanning process and protect the skin from burns and damage due to the procedure. Each of the products has its own characteristics, allowing one or another composition to be used to give the dermis a different degree of tan and its tone. Below are the most popular products, the quality and effectiveness of which have been tested by the experience of millions of women.

Soleo Lollipop (Soleo)

Soleo Bronzer Cream is a real find for everyone who wants to get a high-quality tan by reducing the number of visits to the solarium. This product is easily absorbed into the skin, after which the tan lays down evenly. It is important to note that the drug corrects the color of the tan, which greatly facilitates the process, within which the risks of getting a rich orange skin color are simply impossible. The cream contains a large number of different nourishing and moisturizing ingredients for the skin, thereby reducing the risk of irritation, redness and burns.

Caribbean gold

The popular brand of tanning products for tanning in solariums, Caribbean Gold, is the leading brand in the market for a particular product category. The American manufacturer has won the love of millions of women thanks to its wide range of shades. The product provides an even and rich tan, regardless of the chosen color, be it a bronzer or a tanning enhancer. The composition of the product includes a huge amount of various nutrients that not only provide a safe and high-quality effect of visiting a tanning salon, but also saturate the skin with the necessary vitamins and components that provide the integument with a healthy and natural shade.

Emerald bay

Emerald Bay products provide professional skin care for tanning in a solarium. The composition of the products of a particular brand includes a large number of natural ingredients aimed at protecting and improving the skin, as well as accelerating the process of giving the dermis an even and high-quality tan. The manufacturer provides a wide selection of various natural-based balms and tanning creams. Thanks to the unique formula, the cream, after being absorbed, creates a protective film on the surface of the integument, contributing to a better tan with a predetermined tone.

Chocolate kiss

This tanning cream in a solarium is a quality product that allows you to give the skin a long-lasting and deeply dark shade. Thanks to the inclusion of shea butter and cocoa in the product, the tan looks the most natural. It should be noted that a specific product has a lifting effect that allows you to strengthen the elasticity of the integument and to prevent stretch marks. The natural base of the cream helps to effectively protect the dermis from the aggressive effects of solarium lamps. After applying the sun cream, the skin becomes smoother, which determines the degree of saturation of the skin with beneficial trace elements and vitamins, which are rich in this product.

Video advice on choosing cosmetics for tanning in a solarium

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