Famous woman politician. The most influential women in history

Many men, and society as a whole perceive women only as housewives who need to devote all their lives to raising children and housekeeping, while women themselves are capable of making much more significant actions that can change the world for the better. Of course, it is stupid to argue that the world belongs to men, but women play a far from the last role in everything that happens in it, and now we will prove it.

Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie is a physicist, a chemist, a teacher and a public figure. It was twice awarded the Nobel Prize. Together with her husband engaged in researching radioactivity and together with him opened elements of radium and polonium

Margaret Hamilton is a leading programmer programmer project "Apollo". In the photo below, it stands before printing code for the onboard computer "Apollo", the fair part of which she wrote herself

Catherine Shvitzer is the first woman, running the Boston Marathon (1967). It happened 5 years before women officially allowed to take part in it. The representative of the organizers of the Marathon Jock Sampler tried to undermine her from the highway

Valentina Tereshkova - Soviet cosmonaut, the world's first woman-astronaut, Hero of the Soviet Union (1963), Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor and the 10th Cosmonaut of the World

Malala Yusufzay - Pakistani human rights activist who advocates the availability of education for women around the world. October 9, 2012 was seriously injured by militants from the terrorist movement of Tekhrici-I-Taliban Pakistan for their human rights activities.

Woman who survived the Holocaust hits the handbag of the representative of the Neo-Nazi movement, Vast, Sweden, April 13, 1985

One of the representatives of Onna-Bugeisha is the type of warriors belonging to the Japanese nobility, in fact, a woman-samurai woman (end of the 1800s)

Amelia Erhart is the first female pilot, flew by the Atlantic Ocean, for which he was awarded a cross of a flying merit. She wrote several best-selling books about their flights and played an important role in the formation of "ninety-nine" - the organization of women pilots was elected her first president

Women help to extinguish the fire during the attack on Pearl Harbor, 1941

Rosa Lee Parks is an American public activity, the naulus of movement for the rights of black citizens of the United States. US Congress honored the Rose epithetom "Mother of the Modern Movement for Civil Law"

Komako Kimura - Japanese soul fry speaking for providing election rights to women, 1917

Eliza Zimpescu - First Woman Engineer

Anna Frank is a Jewish girl, the author of the famous "Diary of Anna Frank" - a document that implants Nazism and translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Anna Frank and her family are considered one of the most famous victims of Nazism

Mod Wagner - First Famous Woman Tattooker in USA, 1907

Sofia ionets - the first woman-neurosurgeon in the world

Nadia Komanechi - the famous Romanian gymnast, five-time Olympic champion. The most titled athlete Romania in the history of Olympiad

Sarla Torolla - the first licensed woman pilot from India, 1936

Jane Goodwall - UN ambassador, lead Primatologist, Etologist and Anthropologist from Great Britain

Pending for the provision of election law to women, protests after the "Night of Terror", 1917

Annette Kellerman - Australian professional swimmer who contributed to women to be allowed to wear a solid bathing suit (1907). After that photo she was arrested for obscene behavior

Anna Aslan - is considered a pioneer of gerontology and geriatria

Gertrud Caroline Ederle - First Woman Swimming La Mans (1926)

Berta von Zutner - Austrian Worker of the International Parental Movement, First Woman - Winner of the Nobel Prize of Peace and the Second Woman, who received the Nobel Prize

"The world in the Middle East comes when Arabs will love their children stronger than they hate Jews."

Gold Meir (1898 - 1978)

Israeli political and statesman. First Female Israel Prime Minister (1969-1974). One of the signatories of Israel's independence declaration on May 14, 1948

"I lived all my life and worked with men. I am a woman, but it never bothered me. Never had a feeling of awkwardness or an inferiority complex, I never thought that men better women, or what to give birth to a child - misfortune. Never. Men, for their part, never gave me benefits. The truth is that for a woman who wants to live not only homely, but also a social life is much more difficult than men, because a double burden lies on it.

Gold Meir was born in Kiev, in the former Russian Empire, in a poor Jewish family. In the family there were 8 children, 5 of which (4 boys and the girl) died in infancy, survived only Gold and 2 sisters - Senior Shane (1889-1972) and the youngest Clara (originally Covered) (1902-1981). Her father Mabovich was worked by a carpenter, and the mother of Blum Mabovich (in the Major Naidich) worked as a cormal. In the beginning of the 20th century in the Kiev province was marked by Jewish pogroms, so many Jews in Russia did not feel safe. In 1903, Mabovici returned to Pinsk (Belarus), in the house of Grandparents and grandfather Goldov. In the same year, Moses Mabovich went to earn money in the United States. Three years later (1906), Golde and Mother and Mother joined him in America. Here they settled in the north of the country in the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In the fourth grade of Golda with a friend Regina Hamburger (Regina Hamburger) organized the "American Society of Young Sisters" to collect money for textbooks for those who need schoolchildren. The speech of a little gold hit the gathered people, and the money collected was enough for textbooks. The local newspaper was published with a photo of the chairman of the Society of Young Sisters - it was the first shot of Gold Meir, printed in the newspaper.

Repatriates in the submanent Palestine in 1921. In 1921-1924, she worked in Kibbutz, her desire for public work found a way out in 1928, when she headed the female department of the Universal Federation of Workers. He worked in various positions in the civil service, before was elected to the first Knesset in 1949. Gold Meerson was among the 38 people who signed the Declaration of Israel's independence. On the next day, Israel was attacked by the United Army of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. The Arab-Israeli War began (1947-1949). A young state attacked by the Arab neighbors was required by a large number of weapons. The first state, recognized by Israel de Jura, became the USSR, he also became the first major weapon supplier to the country. Holde Meir became Israel Prime Minister on March 17, 1969. After shooting the militants of the Palestinian Organization "Black September" of the Israeli Olympic team Golde Meir ordered Mossad find and destroy everyone involved in the terrorist attack

After the difficult victory of Israel in the war of the Day of the Day of the Maara's Day, headed by Meir, confirms his leadership in the elections in December 1973, but the wave of discontent with military losses, and especially in its own party during the creation of a new coalition government forcing Meir to resign. On April 11, 1974, the Cabinet of Ministers, headed by Golde Meir, was resigned. This political career of Golda Meir was completed.

She was a daughter of a carpenter from Kiev - and the Prime Minister. She was irreconcilable, even fanatical and - at the same time - very human, in old-fashioned good and attentive. She purchased the weapon and disassembled well in him - and plant trees in the wilderness. Creating and protecting little state For his people, she changed a lot to the better in the world.

Indira Gandhi (1917 - 1984)

Indian political and statesman. Prime Minister of India (1966-1977, 1980-1984). The politics of combating separatism and state regulation of the economy, achieved the nationalization of banks and independence of India from food imports. First woman Prime Minister in the history of the country.

In 1947, India ceased to be a British colony and gained independence. The head of the first national government of the country became Javaharlal Nehru - and his daughter Indira took the post of his personal secretary, and then began to do his own political career. After the death of Nehru in 1964, a new prime minister, Lal Bahadur Shasti offered her the post of minister of information, and two years later, after the death of the Shasti Indira Gandhi headed the country, becoming the first woman who received the right to determine the fate of India. The period of its reign was not easy: party and religious conflicts, war, corruption charges. However, life in the country for this period dramatically improved - and the compatriots began to see the incarnation of the goddess of the Shakti and perceive her as a "mother of the nation"

Indira Gandhi was born on November 19, 1917 in the city of Allahabad (Ilakhabad) (modern state of Uttar Pradesh), in a family actively participating in the struggle for India's independence. Her father Javaharlal Nehru, who later became the first prime minister of India after the independence of the country in 1947, did the first steps on the political arena in the Indian Party national Congress (Inc.). Gandhi's grandfather Motilla Nehila was greatly fame, one of the veterans and leaders of Inc.. The women of the Nehru family were active participants in the political struggle: the grandmother of Indira Svruple Rani Nehru and her mother of Kamala were not arrested by the authorities. Contrary to the customs of Indira was not born in the mother's house, but in the rich house of his grandfather, built in a holy place, and received the name "Country of the Moon" - Indira - in honor of his homeland.

At the age of biennium, Indira met Mahatma Gandhi, and at eight years old on his advice organized a children's union for the development of home weaving in his hometown. With the adheral of the years she participated in the demonstrations, more than once served as a courier to fighters for independence. In 1934, Indira entered the People's University, who created the famous poet Rabindranat Tagore. After the death of the mother in 1936 went to Europe. In 1937, she entered Somervian College Oxford in England, where he studied management, history and anthropology.

In 1941, she returned to India, and in 1942 he was married to Ferosa Gandhi, by origin from Parsis, a small group of Indians of Iranian origin, professed Zoroastrianism. Indira and Feros have entered into marriage neglected by caste and religious barriers, since interframe marriages were considered orthodox Hindus blasphemy in relation to the ancient laws and customs. In September 1942, the spouses were arrested, Indira Gandhi stayed in prison until May 1943.15 August 1947 The proclamation of Independence of India was the proclamation of India, soon the first national government was formed. Indira Gandhi became the personal secretary of the Father-Premier in 1966 Indira Gandhi becomes the leader of the Inc. and the Prime Minister of India (the world's second in the world - Prime Minister after Syricimavo Bandarana)

Indira Gandhi spent the nationalization of banks. The first nuclear power plant (in the state of Maharashtra) launched; In agriculture, the so-called green revolution occurred, thanks to which India for the first time in many years became independent of the import of food. The effectiveness of farms increased, landless peasants were endowed with areas.

The second term of its rule was marked by a conflict with Sikhami living, mainly in the state of Punjab. Sikhov's leader Jarnail Singh Bhindranval announced the Sikhs independent self-governing community. His followers were also involved in attacks on Hindus in Punjab. They took the main shrine of Sikhov - the Golden Temple in Amritsar. In response, the Indian government in June 1984 held the Blue Star military operation, during which the temple was released, at the same time about 500 people died. The revenge of Sikhov did not make himself wait long.

On October 31, 1984, Indira Gandhi was killed by his own bodyguards who were Sikhami. That day, she was planned to be scheduled to tele-interview with Peter Ustinov, an English writer, playwright and actor. When choosing a dress, stopped on sari saffron, while removing the bulletproof vest. The road to the reception, where the shooting group was waiting, went through an open courtyard. At the edges, two Sikha bodyguard were on duty in the blue turbans - Baant Singh and Savan Singh. Having grew up with them, she smiled friendly, in response, he stood on the left, snatched the revolver and released three bullets in Gandhi, and his partner at the emphasis closed on her automatic queue. On the shots came running guard, Sikhs were detained (one of them was shot soon, and the second wounded heavily), and the wounded indiru was urgently brought to the Indian Institute of Medicine, where the best doctors arrived. But it was no longer able to save it - eight bullets struck vital organs. In half the fourth Indira of Gandhi, not coming into consciousness, died. The farewell ceremony with an India Gandhi, which came millions of people, took place at the Tin Murte House Palace. Two days later she was cremated on Hindu rite on the jam.

Benazir Bhutto (1953 - 2007)

Pakistani political and statesman. Pakistan Prime Minister (1988-1990, 1993-1996). First B. newest Story The woman is the head of government in the country with mainly the Muslim population. Twice (1988-1990 and 1993-1996) became the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Benazir Bhutto was born on June 21, 1953 in Karachi, Pakistan. Her ancestors were the princes that were ruled by the Indian province of Sind. Father Benazir brought up his daughter at all as it was accepted in Islamic countries. In the early years, the girl visited Kindergarten Lady Jennings, and then received an education in several Catholic women's schools. In June 1977, Benazir planned to enroll on the diplomatic service, but Zulfikar Ali Bhutto referred to his daughter's career in parliament. Since by that time she had not yet reached the need for participation in the election of age, she became an assistant father. But after just a month, the head of the General Staff of Pakistan, General Mohammed Zia-Ul-Hack, headed the military coup, seized the power and introduced the military board in the country.

In September 1977, the overthrown Prime Minister Bhutto and his daughter were arrested and put in prison. Benazir has conducted many years in the conclusion, where it was kept in very harsh conditions. In 1979, her father was accused of ordering killing political opponent and executed. Father's execution forced Benazir to become a politician. In 1979-1984, Bhutto turned out to be under house arrest, until finally she was allowed to go to the UK.

Being in exile, she led the Pakistani People's Party, which she founded her father. And in 1988, in the first more than a decade, the PNP's free parliamentary elections won, and Bhutto took the post of Prime Minister of the country. However, the loud corruption scandals that followed soon led to the fact that in 1990 its government was resigned. But in 1993, in the next elections, Bhutto again wins the slogan of combating corruption and poverty.

Bhutto launched a number of large-scale reforms in the country. She nationalized oil fields and deployed financial flows for social programs. As a result of the reforms taken by it, the illiteracy among the population of the country decreased by one third, the Children's disease was defeated - poliomyelitis, electricity and drinking water were carried out into poor villages and villages. In addition, she introduced free health and education and increased the costs of them. During the period of its board, the volume of external investment has increased many times.

These reforms Benazir Bhutto were appreciated not only by the people of Pakistan, where it became the object of fanatical worship, but also outside the country. In 1996, she entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most popular international politician of the year, she was awarded the Honorary Doctoral Degree of Oxford University, the French Order of the Honorary Legion and many other awards.

But all this time corruption processes increased in the country. In the 1997 elections, her party suffered a crushing defeat, receiving 17 places from 217. In early 1998, Bhutto, her husband and mother were presented with official accusations of corruption, their accounts in British and Swiss banks were frozen. She was forced to leave the country again. On October 18, 2007, Benazir Bhutto returned to his homeland after 8 years forced reference. While following the tip in the crowd of her supporters thundered two explosions. More than 130 people died, about 500 were injured, Benazir himself was not injured. But on December 27, 2007, as a result of the new terrorist act, Benazir Bhutto died in the city of Ravalpindi, where she performed at the rally in front of their supporters.

Margaret Thatcher (1925 - 2013)

British political and statesman. The first in the history of Europe and on this moment The only woman in the history of Great Britain - Prime Minister (1979-1990).

Margaret Thatcher, who, During the Political Career, the nickname "Iron Lady", headed the British government from 1979 to 1990. Thatcher became the first woman who was the post of Prime Minister of Great Britain. Moreover, she held the position of the head of the government longer than any other British politician in the twentieth century.

During its stay at the residence on Downing Street, the United Kingdom began to play an important role in the international arena. As it is customary, Margaret Thatcher and US President Ronald Reagan could lead western countries To the victory in the Cold War.

In addition, Thatcher conducted serious domestic reforms, providing a reduction in state influence on the economy, reducing the size of the government, reducing taxes, freedom of trade and privatization. Its economic policy, called "Tetcherism", contributed to overcoming stagnation and growth of production.

Margaret Hilde Tatcher (nee Roberts) was born on October 13, 1925 in Grandee (Lincolnshire), in the family of Alfred Roberts and Beatris Ethel. Higher education Received in Oxford, where he successfully completed a four-year program in the field of chemistry. In 1946, he was elected to the post of Chairman of the Conservative Association of the Oxford University. After study, I moved to Colchester and worked for the company WF Plastics, for which chemical research was conducted. In 1950 and 1951, she ran into the parliament from the Conservative Party in Dartfort, but both switched. In December 1951, he married a successful businessman Denis Tetcher, who helped her to pass the exams on a lawyer and get the title of Barberr in 1953. In the same year, her twin children were born. In 1959, Margaret Thatcher was first elected to parliament, in 1961 - re-elected.

In 1979 she managed to bring conservatives to victory in elections. In foreign policy, Margaret Thatcher adhered to a rather rigid course. In 1982, she announced War Argentina for the occupation of the Falkland Islands, after which the British army defeated the Argentine troops. Required from South Africa to abandon the regime of apartheid, but at the same time opposed sanctions against this country. In 1986, allowed US Air Force to use the British military base for Libya's bombardment. Actively supported the input of troops to the Middle East to liberate Kuwait from the Iraqi occupation in 1991. Thatcher visited the USSR in the mid-1980s and one of the first to welcomed Mikhail Gorbachev's new political course. It was against the unification of Germany and supported the desire of Croatia and Slovenia to independence. In 1991, due to the intrapartling struggle and a series of demonstrations caused by its economic policy, was forced to leave the post of Prime Minister and the party leader, although he won the primaries.

However, her health staggered. In 2001 and 2002, Margaret Thatcher suffered several microinsults. According to the state of health, Thatcher could not come to a solemn celebration of his own 85th anniversary, organized by Prime Minister David Cameron at Downing Street, neither for the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Margaret Thatcher wrote three books - "Years at Downing Street" (1993) about her stay as head of government, "path to power" (1995) about her political career and "State wisdom-2" (2002) on international politics.

Isabel Peron (born in 1931)

The world's first female president. He headed Argentina in 1974-1976 after the death of her husband Juan Peron, whose third wife was she.

At one time was a dancer, with a future husband met in a nightclub.

Together with Peron moved to Spain in 1960. Under the pressure of the Church, Peron was forced to marry her in 1961 (although Isabel was younger than it for 35 years).

Often drove on the instructions of a husband to various countries South America and in Spain. At that time, I met a mystic philosopher José Lopez Raga. Under the pressure of the wife, Peron appointed Lopez to his personal secretary, later he became the minister. Subsequently, José Lopez Roaga became the leader of the Argentine "Squadors of Death" - the right-hand anti-communist Argentine Alliance. When Peron decided in 1973 to run into the presidents of Argentina, he put forward his spouse in vice presidents. Soon after the victory in the elections, Juan Pereyn died, and in 1974 Isabel Pereon automatically became the head of state. He held the position of President Argentina from July 1, 1974 to March 24, 1976. Displaced from office as a result of a coup, which organized General Jorge Rafael saw. He was under house arrest, in 1981 he was sent to Spain. In January 2007, Argentina was issued an order for the detention of Isabel Peron, which was considered involved in the murder and disappearance of hundreds of Argentines. According to estimates of human rights organizations, in 1974-1976. From the hands of members of the Anti-Communist Argentine Alliance, which was approved, by the personal sanction of Isabel Pereon, almost one and a half thousand left activists were killed in the country. In 2008, the National Court of Spain rejected the request of Buenos Aires about issuing Isabel Peron, decided that the limitation period had expired, therefore there was no need for extradition.

Madeleine Albright (born in 1937)

American politician and statesman. The first woman in the positions of US Secretary of State (1997-2001).

Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was born on May 15, 1937 in Prague, in the family of diplomat, and then her name was Maria Jan Corbel. After the capture of the Czechoslovakia of Fascist Germany, her family fled to England, after the end of the war returned to his homeland, but in 1948 he again emigrated, this time in the United States. In 1968, Maria-Yana, who has changed his name on Madeleine (she took the name Olbright after marriage), graduated from Columbia University with a master's degree, and eight years later, a doctorate of Philosophy received eight years. Albright's political activity began as an activist of the Democratic Party, in 1972 he entered the team of Senator Edmund mask, later became his assistant on legislation. In 1978, she was appointed a member of the National Security Council under President J. Carter, was responsible for public relations. After the defeat of the Democrats in the struggle for the White House Madeleine Albright in 1982-1993 was a professor of Georgetown University, a seminar on the Policy of the USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe led the program "Women in Foreign Policy", was the president of the Center for National Policy. In 1992, Albright became an adviser to Bill Clinton and after his election for the presidency, he appointed it in 1993 for the post permanent Representative United States for the UN. Subsequently, in 1997, she (first of women) took the post of Secretary of State in the Presidential Administration Clinton. Albright was a supporter of the US rigid course in international relations, advocated the strengthening of the US position in NATO, for the all-time protection of the US interests, without stopping and before applying military force, which was demonstrated in the Balkans.

Helen Johnson-Serlif (born in 1938)

iberian statesman. President of Liberia (2006-N.V.). Winner of the Nobel Prize of the World (joints with Leima GBOV and Tavakul Pocket; "For the non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for the rights of women on full participation in the construction of the world" 2011). First President african country. Such a strict character and determination is often compared with the Iron Lady. At its inauguration, on January 16, 2006, the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the First Lady of the United States Laura Bush was present.

Michelle Bachelet (born in 1951)

Chilean political and statesman. President of the Republic of Chile (2006-2010, 2014-N.V.). The first woman in the history of the country, who took the post of head of state.

For the conservative Chilean society, Michelle Bachelet is a new type of political leader: it is divorced, she has three children from different men, with respect to religion, he considers itself to be agnostic.

Michelle Bachelet was born on September 29, 1951 in Santiago in the family of the Brigade General of the Airborne Forces Chile Alberto Bachelet and the archaeological anthropologist Angel Heria and was the second child in the family. In 1962, she together with his family left in the United States, where Alberto Bachelet became a military attache at the Chilean Embassy. Living in Maryland, Bachelet for two years attended American secondary school.

Returning to Chile, she graduated from a female Lyceum No. 1, which was not only one of the best students on parallels, but also an old-fashioned class, a participant in school choir, a school team on volleyball, theatrical circle and a musical group. After graduating from the school, Michelle was going to study on a sociologist, but under the influence of the Father still entered the medical faculty of the Chilean University in 1970. During study, the Bachelet took an active part in public Life University. Under the Socialist President Salvador Allende, Michel Bachelet's father was appointed head of the Food Distribution Committee. After the coup on September 11, 1973, when the Government of Allende was overthrown by General Augusto Pinochet, Alberto Bachelet took the side of the legitimate president, as a result, he was arrested, to torture and on charges of betraying the Motherland was imprisoned, which was held in the War Academy, which became Fernando Mattei, who worked with Alberto on one airbase. As a child, Bachelets and Evelin Mattei, his daughter who lived next door, often played with each other.12 of March 1974, Alberto Bachelet died in prison from a heart attack.

Michel Bachelet in 1970 entered into the youth organization of the socialist party "Socialist Youth". Immediately after the coup, she and her mother worked as couriers for the underground leadership of the Socialist Party, which was trying to organize the resistance movement. After half a year, Michelle Bachelet, who studied at the Medical Faculty of the University of Chile, together with his mother, was arrested by special services and planted on the personal order of Pinochet to one of the main prisons of Chile "Villa Grimaldi". She was the center of torture, and hundreds of Chileans disappeared in her walls. Michelle and her mother also did not avoid sophisticated bullying, but miraculously remained alive. "Now I live in one house with a man who interrogated me and tortured in Villa Grimaldi, we greet every day," said Michelle Bachelet in an interview with Chilean Newspaper La Tercera.

After spending in prison for about a year, in 1975, Bachelets, thanks to the intervention of the Australian government, where her elder brother Alberto lived, and the colleagues of the father lived, was released and after a short time left Chile first to Australia, and then in the GDR, where he studied german language In Leipzig and continued medical education at the University of Berlin, Humboldt.

Motherland Bachelet returned in 1979. In 1982, she finally received a surgeon's diploma at Chile University (University School of Medicine) (later she also became a certified pediatrician, an epidemiologist and organizer of healthcare), along the way to the Socialist Party. The first years after the end of study, the Bachelet worked in a children's hospital, and then in a number of non-governmental organizations that have helped the families of the victims of Pinochet's dictatorship. From 1995 to 2000 - Member of the CCC Central Committee.

After recovery in the country of democracy in 1990, doors opened in various state structures. January 15, 2006 Bachelet won the presidential election, thus becoming a fifth woman-head of state in Latin America after the Argentine President Mary Esteli Martinez de Pereon, Lydia Galeele Tekhada (Bolivia), Nicaraguan President Violetta Chamorro and President Panama Miriaia Moskoso.

Angela Merkel (born in 1954)

German political and statesman. Chairman of the Christian-Democratic Union (2000-N.V.), Federal Chancellor of Germany (2005-N.V.). She became the first woman in the history of the country that took this position, and the youngest chancellor.

Angela Dorothea Merkel (nee Castner) was born in Hamburg in the family of a Protestant priest and teacher. In 1954, the family moved to the city of Kvittsov to the territory of the GDR, where the angel conducted childhood and her youth. A. Merkel graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the University of Leipzig in 1978 and to the 1990s worked as a researcher at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR, where in 1986 he defended his doctoral dissertation in physics. Speaks well in Russian. In 1968 won the school Olympiad in Russian in the GDR and was awarded a trip to the USSR.

In Politics, A. Herkel came after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The events occurring in Germany in the late 1980s - early 1990s captured her. In 1989, "Democratic Awaken," has entered the organization, a year later, he became its press secretary, and a few months later took the same position in the first and last non-communist Government of the GDR. For the sake of the "Christian-Democratic Union" party, she left the "democratic awakening" and after the unification of Germany became a deputy of the Bundestag from the XDS. Helmut Kohl became the first political leader in Germany, who seriously referred to A. Merkel. "You will behave behind the women," Chancellor told her, inviting to the government to the post of Minister for Women and Youth Affairs. He called her "girl" and made the deputy head of the XDS. Soon she was already secretary of the XDS. Journalists were called A. Merkel - "Kohl's Girl."

In 1994, he was appointed Minister for Environmental Affairs. But in 1998, Kohl lost in the election by giving way to Gerhard Schroeder. The corruption scandal arrived from the activities of the ex-Chancellor G. Kolya arrived here (he was accused of having taken money on party needs from oligarchs). Almost the entire top of the German conservatives went into the shadows, and Dr. Merkel led the movement on the overthrow of Kohl from the party post. In 2000, the ex-Chancellor resigned from the post of leader XDS, left the Bundestag. In 1998, Merkel became the Secretary General of the XDS, and in 2000 was elected by the Chairman of the Party.22 November 2005, Merkel was elected to the post of federal Chancellor of Germany

A. Merkel became the first woman - the federal chancellor and at the same time in his 51 year old chancellor in the history of Germany. She is also the first representative of the new federal lands in this post and the first federal chancellor with natural-scientific education. In a row, the Federal Chancellor of Germany is elected for the third time in a row.

A. Merkel in XDS occupies the centrist position, stands for the transformation of the CDC in the "People's Party", based on the broad layers of voters. Included in the program of action of the party "Humanity, fair attitude to all generations, love for the nation and a homeland, fighting bureaucracy." New Europe, according to her, should be facing to everyone, including minor social and ethnic groups. In foreign policy, Merkel is known for the support of the American course, speaking for rapprochement from the United States. In addition, it is expressed by the "special relationship" and the new alliance with France. Also repeatedly made it clear that he opposes the accession of Turkey to the EU.

When one of her biographers were asked that in the biography of Angels Merkel liked him most, he replied: "When she, being a schoolgirl, was to jump from a three-meter tower in the pool. When she climbed onto the board, she overpowered fear. She was afraid of jumping three-bidded quarters. There was a call, hearing the end of the classes. And at this point, having accepted the final decision, she was drowned into the water. For me, "he says," this is evidence that Angela Merkel severely on the rise, for making decisions it takes time. But if she accepted the decision, it will not retreat from its execution. In my opinion, the secret of her political success is the secret. She does not take anything without long-term preparation. But when the decision is made, Rubikon is passion, and she struggles to the last. "

Her patron at one of the stages of the political career - Gunther Krause, who occupied the post of parliamentary state secretary, and which Merkel is obliged to election to the Bundestag deputy, the phrase is attributed: "She is a sweet, pleasant woman, from which only turn away, will immediately get pink under the ass."

Hillary Clinton (born in 1947)

American political and statesman. Senator from New York (2001-2009), US Secretary of State (2009-2013). The spouse of the 42nd US President Bill Clinton. Applicant for the US President at the 2016 elections from the Democratic Party. It can be the first in the history of a woman who has taken the post of chapter of this state.

Hillary Daian Rodem Clinton was born on October 26, 1947 in Chicago. Her parents are immigrants from England and Wales. Mother Dorothy has already received an education when he married Chicago for the seller of Hugo Rodama, who founded a small textile enterprise. Dorothy Rodem brought up three children and never worked again.

Becoming older, Hillary considered himself a Republican and a supporter of an outstanding conservative, Senator Berry Goldvoter. As a schoolgirl, she helped the pastor in working with Latin American and Negro kids. Her dream was an astronautics, she even went to NASA, but they did not take women there. Parents talked to her words: "You will win, and then play again - but do not take anything to heart. The next morning get up and fight on. "

In 1965, Hillary entered the Women's Higher Educational Institution of the Vellen College. The atmosphere of the 60s contributed to the fact that its republican views became more radical. As chairman of student self-government, Hillary organized the first demonstration against the War in Vietnam. Thesis The fight against poverty was written already from liberal positions. In 1969, as the best student Hillary was instructed to prepare a report on the end school year. In his speech, she criticized Nixon's policies. This impressed the present journalists and the report was printed in the Life magazine.

A jurisprudence in the University of Yale, Hillary became a supporter of the Democratic Party. She was the editor of the magazine "Eel Lowe." Professor remembers it as an intelligent, intelligent and diligent student. In 1973, Hillary received a doctoral degree. When Hillary was preparing in the library, she noticed a student closest to her. Without withstanding, she said: "If you do not stop looking at me, I turn to you back. Or maybe we should meet? My name is Hillary Godam. " The student is so stolen that he forgot to call his name. It was Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton, answering the question that he attracted her in him, said: "He was not afraid of me." Bill and Hillary got married in 1975 and immediately moved to Arkansas, where Bill began his political career.

Political Activity Hillary Clinton / Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton began teaching at the Faculty of Faculty of the University of Arkansas, worked in a law firm Rose Law Firm. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter appointed Hillary a member of the Board of the Corporation of Legal Services. In the same year, Bill Clinton was elected governor of Arkansas. All this time (12 years from 1979 to 1981 and from 1983 to 1993), Hillary Clinton did not remain aside and actively participated in the state life of the state.

Becoming the first Lady of the United States after the victory of Clinton in the presidential election of 1992, Hillary at the request of the husband led the Operational Committee on Health Reform, but a year later left his position. In 1998, during a major scandal around the relationship between Bill Clinton with the trainee of the White House of Monica Levinsky, Hillary supported the wrong husband, and did not want to part with him.

After the victory of Obama in the presidential election of 2008, Hillary Clinton offered to take the post of US Secretary of State. On January 21, 2009, Hillary Clinton was shown to the oath as the 67th Secondary Secretary of the United States. Clinton carries out the president's foreign policy through the State Department and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, leads the US diplomatic service, advises the president about the appointment of ambassadors, ministers, consuls and other diplomatic representatives.

In April 2015, Hillary Clinton announced the intention to participate in the coming presidential elections from the Democratic Party. According to the results of those who have passed in early 2016, the woman became one of the leaders of the election race on a par with Donald Trump, Ted Cruise and Bernie Sanders.

The new Prime Minister of Great Britain will again become a woman

After 51.9% of the British performed on a referendum for breaking relations with Brussels, the Great British Prime Minister David Cameron, who urged to remain in the EU, announced his upcoming resignation. After 26 years later, the next chapter of the Conservative Party and the country's prime minister again became Woman, head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 59 - Summer Teresa May.

Unlike many other countries, in Russia women have never been solely on the second roles. They contributed a tangible contribution to the scientific, cultural and spiritual life of the people, the political games, the intrigue, ruled the country and changed history.

In this selection of 10 most famous and influential women in the history of our state.

Marina Mnishek.

The daughter of Sandomira governors of Jersie Mnishek and Jadvigs Tarlo, the wife of the Samostmithria I, Marina Mnishek became the first woman in russian historywhich crowned on the throne. Shortly before the death of his wife, Folymithri I, Mnishek was officially crowned as the Russian queen. Later, she became the wife of the next impostor, Falseedmitria II and actively participated in all major events of troubled time. And also, Marina Mnishek brought the fork from Europe from Europe to Russia. Until it used only spoons.

Sofya Alekseevna.

Tsarevna, Daughter Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Regent with the younger brothers Peter and Ivan. Sophia without exaggeration can be called the main loser in the history of Russian statehood. She tried to come to power twice and twice for these purposes raised the shooting uprisings. But all that she was able to achieve is a regency with younger brothers. After becoming an adult, her brother Peter, which will then name "Great", took power into his hands, and Sophia exiled to the Novodevichy Monastery.

Evdokia Dmitrievna.

Daughter of the Grand Prince Suzdal Dmitry Konstantinovich, as well as the wife of the Grand Prince of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich, more famous for Dmitry Donskoy. Evdokia was married at 13 years old, her spouse at that time was 15. This marriage was the key to the termination of the internecine struggle of the Moscow and Suzdal Nizhny Novgorod Principalities. Together they lived happily 22 years. And when in 1389, Dmitry Donskoy died, Evdokia Dmitrievna actually got up at the head of the Moscow Principality, being the prestigeantia among the sons. She was one of the most educated women of his era, built temples, and also defended Moscow and all Russia from the invasion of Tamerlan, chasing a militia.

Anna Ioannovna.

According to the plan of the Supreme Council, Anna Ioannovna was supposed to become a "puppet ruler," and all power had to focus in the hands of powerful boyars clans. But to become a puppet, Anna Ioannovna categorically did not want, so using loyal nobles and personal guard, returned to himself all the completeness of the authorities, becoming autocably empress.

Ekaterina I.

The widow of Peter the Great, after his death, with almost raider capture with the help of the Preobrazhensky regiment came to power, taking the Russian throne. True, the Board lasted at all not long - only two years. Yes, and to the real power, she had only an indirect attitude, giving the Office of the country of venels. In Catherine I, the Supreme Secret Council was created, where the narrow circle of the main dignitaries could manage the Russian Empire under the formal chairmanship of the empress. It was in honor of her that the city of Yekaterinburg was named and the Order of St. Catherine was established.

Alexander Fedorovna.

Fate ordered that Alexander Fedorovna became the last Empress of the Russian Empire. Nikolai II's wife, her did not really love the country's higher society, since she herself was indifferent to secular receptions. Her, German, was accused of espionage in favor of Germany, they said that she had a bad effect on the king, girlfriend Grigory Rasputin into the near power. But Alexander Födorovna was above all these rumors, she worked as a sister of mercy, organized hospitals and lzarets. And before his death, she said that "it is better to die in Russia, than to be saved by the Germans."

Ekaterina Vorontsova-Dashkov.

Girlfriend and Support of the future Empress Catherine II, the most active participant in the state coup of 1762. It is she who we owe the appearance in our alphabet the letters "E". And in general, Dashkov was one of the most notable personalities of Russian enlightenment, stood at the sources of the Russian Academy. Its memoirs contain valuable information about the time of the Board of Peter III and the accepted of Catherine II.

Princess Olga.

The wife of the Grand Prince Kiev Igor Old, who was the son of Rüric himself. She was the first woman, which is the rules of Kiev Rus for 17 years. However, after the adventure of Svyatoslav, she remained an actual ruler, because her son spent most of the time in military campaigns and did not pay enough attention to government management. Olga became the first ruler of Russia, who adopted Christianity before the baptism of Russia.

Elizabeth Petrovna.

The younger daughter of Peter I and Catherine I, born two years before their marriage, Elizabeth became the main beauty and fashionistas of the Russian Empire. In all sorts of balls, Masquerades and secular receptions of Elizabeth, Petrovna always defined the tone and was the law law. It has about 15 thousand dresses in her wardrobe. And also, it was when Elizabeth Petrovna, the Russian troops first took Berlin.

Catherine II.

The daughter of Prince Anhalt-Crebstsky, Catherine came to power during the palace coup, who overthrew it from the throne of her unpopular husband Peter III. The era of its reign was marked by the maximum consolidation of peasants and the comprehensive expansion of the privileges of the nobility. In case of Catherine, the Great Border of the Russian Empire was significantly lifted to the West and south. In culturally, Russia finally entered into the number of great European powers, which the Empress itself contributed to a lot, who was fond of literary activities, who gathered the masterpieces of painting and consisting in correspondence with French enlighteners.

5 most famous fatal women in history

On October 15, 1917, one of the brightest seductors of Mata Hari was executed. She became famous not only what was professionally performed by Indian dances, but also the fact that was one of the highest paid curctured in Europe. To her legs, the men of the whole world threw jewels, money, sacrificed titles and life. Therefore, for this insidious lady for a long time, Glory was consolidated not just a beautiful, but "fatal woman."

However, except that one of the most beautiful women Paris literally reduced men crazy, forcing them to spread pretty round sums for her love and affection, she also revealed important information from their influential customers, including government secrets and data on the secret developments of the government. Even many years after the death of this fatal woman, they remember her, they say about her and remove films. In memory of the beauty and seductive Mata Hari, we decided to remember the 5 most famous fatal women in history.

So, the second bright "fatal woman" became Cleopatra. This great woman was famous not only to his power and art of convincing, the real legends went about her ability to incline, not a very conspirable opposite sex to a frank conversation. Therefore, the charming dark-haired queen of Egypt could well be equated to the host of the goddesses.

And although Cleopatra could not be called the beauty (her features were far from the ideal), despite this, she could master the mind of any man, seduce and subordinate to their will. According to historians, this woman possessed some love magnetism and the art of seduction. She skillfully used her charms and sought his goal. So, Cleopatre had to seduce the famous dictator Julia Caesar to get the throne of the Egyptian Queen. She seduced by the successor of the king Mark Anthony and helped his son to become the heir to the throne, and most importantly introduced his contribution to the development of the history of Egypt.

The third well-known "fatal woman in history" was a philosopher, writer and psychotherapist Louise Gustovna Salome. This woman did not pass without a trace past such creative personalities as Freud, Nich, Rilke and others. And all these men were in love with a flirty lady, which was also interested in exceptionally intelligent conversations. All the life of Louise or Lou, as a man was loved in her, shared love and sex. She knew when and how to resort to her charm, and in what way to attract the attention of a man.

However, Lou preferred to communicate with rich cavaliers, so she had many lovers and influential patrons. She herself challenged the men who were disagreeable to her and found new, experimented with the methods of seduction. Louise lived beautiful life And he did not refuse himself, although he could not boast of particularly remarkable appearance.

The fourth fatal woman, in truth, you can call Maria Tarnowskaya. This Ukrainian countess lived in the period from 1877 to 1949. At the age of 17, she married a wealthy and enviable groom. Being for her husband, she corrupted his husband's younger brother. A little losing to him, she threw him. The guy could not stand unhappy love and committed suicide.

Her sexual partners threw a wives and showered her money, and those who could not stand so violent competition, shook, hanged and reduced accounts with life. Due to the large number of deaths in which a woman was involved, she was brought to court on charges of intention to suicide 14 people. And after a long trial, Maria was condemned and sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 5 years.

The top five of the most famous "fatal women" in history closes the "Blue Angel" Marlene Dietrich. This singer and actress, thanks to its exact calculation, easily bypassed its competitors and married the famous producer Rudolph Zibrah. However, despite the fact that the woman "madly loved" her husband, she never refused the cavity of other cavaliers. She had love relationship With an actor Jean Gaben and Ernest Hemingway, passionate kisses with a remark, to whom the incomparable marlente broke the heart, and other famous personalities.

Beauty even collecting letters and rings of those men who offered her an ever hand and heart.

Here they are insidious and breathtaking "fatal women" who left a bright imprint of their lives in history.

No secret is that women in politics make up a minority. Of course, the French representatives (also called the weak) have achieved some success. Examples of Indira Gandhi and Benazir Bhutto, who came to power and achieving respect in countries where many prejudices reigned for centuries. Today the situation is gradually changing for the better. Annually a list is drawn up (according to the portal "Business insider"), which includes the most influential people in the world. These are not only politicians among the most important persons there are both show-business figures, and economists, and leading television shows. It is too early to talk about the equality of floors in our world. The list contains I. women's namesBut their much less than half. Actually, there are no quarter. In addition, not all the ladies mentioned in this top parade, objectively (and subjectively) deserve the right to be roles for imitation. And however, it concerns the most influential men. So, a dozen of women who have achieved a lot in life:

Isabelle santus shower

In fact, Isabelle is coming to the President of Angola with his native daughter, which explains a lot. It is much easier to invest in investment and entrepreneurship in the presence of a "strong rear" in the face of loving relatives. The average citizen of this African country lives 2 dollars a day, but the Santush's Sortyogadvuch-timer souls managed to earn an as much as 3 billion and another 400 million "with the tail". The area of \u200b\u200bdetail of the president's daughter applies to the telecommunication sphere and banking business. Hosted by Angolan Media Holding Unitel, Isabelle Santoux Santos invests the means and abroad, for example, in Portugal and Spain.

Meg Wheatman

She is 59 years old, she is held by the Director General of Hewlett-Pakcard, one of the leading electronics producers in the United States. Wheatman, she brought it from the crisis from the crisis, at the time of its entry into position (2011) on the verge of bankruptcy and torn by internal corporate scandals. It carried out rapid and effective structural reform. Fancy acquisitions were written off, thousands of unnecessary workers were dismissed and other measures were taken to increase profitability. Earlier, Wheatman held the position of Director General of EBay e-commerce site. Having come there, she headed the team of only 30 employees who earned a pitiful 4 million per year. Now Meg Whitman is a billionaire, her own capital is $ 2.1 billion. Ebay during its ten-year leadership rose to 15 thousand people, and revenue reached $ 8 billion a year. In addition, Whitman is not new to politics. In 2010, she ran to the post of Governor of California (though, unsuccessful), Istiving 119 million at the election campaign.

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton 68 years old, she came to politics as the first Lady of the United States, but was not satisfied with this minor role, and later took the chair of the Secretary of State. In 2016, she plans to be the US President, running from the Democratic Party. This case can be the first in history when the hostess of the White House will set him in it in different hypostatas. Despite many nonsense and pretty naive reasoning, Hillary Clinton likes voters. Special sympathy she won the dignity with which she led themselves in complex situation The scandal arising in the soil of treason husband.


The American singer, known under this pseudonym, is actually names in Larry Buzakka. She is 34 years old, and she is one of the most successful artists of modern show business. Her albums are diverted by millions of editions, and the concerts are always anchlag. Beyonce is also distinguished by frequent nominations on Grammy Awards prize, it happened 53 times and in 20 cases ended with the victory. In addition, the singer is actively engaged in public activities, fighting global problems, including hunger, poverty, pollution and the absence of normal health care. Beyonce is a convinced protector of the rights of women and children, she made a humanitarian trip to Haiti and other poor countries.

Ginny Rometty

It is easily concerned - Ginny - in the 58th age can afford only a very uncommon and confident woman. Virginia Rothti has no less general director of IBM. Last year she had to go to a very unpopular mode, she refused to pay the promised $ 20 dividends for each share. It was done for the sake of execution of a daring plan for investment in new projects. As a result, the profit of the company will increase by twice by 2018. At the same time, the profile of the main areas of investment of funds is significantly changing, the company reduces the production of hardware equipment on which specialized for decades. Now more attention will be paid to research and technologies. Miss Rothti itself commented on this risky decision. Briefly: "Perestroika is not the protection of the past!"

Pak Kyn He.

This woman has become the first woman president South Korea, Her age is 63 years old. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the state is distinguished by monstrous gender inequality among all industrialized countries.

Currently, the Republic of Korea is experiencing an unprecedented threat from the DPRK. Pak Kyn Hehe exhibits rare exposure and self-control, very restrained, but responding to aggressive attacks from the north.

Oprah Winfrey

The condition of this 61-year-old woman is almost $ 3 billion. Winfrey opra is the only billionaire woman in the USA. At the same time, she achieved success under the most modest initial conditions, Oprah Winsfri grew up in poverty and disinfect. Earned money Woman Showman prefers to invest in stock, and encloses large-scale transactions affecting the quotes of securities.

Kristin Lagard

In 2011, this Frenchwoman was appointed Managing Director of the IMF. Now Christine Lagard 59 years old, and it defines the activities of the International Financial Organization, which includes 188 countries.

The approval of the Chinese yuan as a reserve currency of the IMF has become a historical step that can lead to a decrease in the effect of the dollar. The question was also a question with the provision of Greece financial assistance.

Dill Quad

The first in the history of Brazil woman president. Manage the largest Latin American country that owns the seventh largest economy in the world, not easy. The merit of Ruseph is considered to be almost complete eradication of poverty as early as its first presidential term and an increase in monthly benefits to needy families.

Now the time has become particularly difficult, the Brazilian economy is experiencing a recession caused by the decline in world prices for the raw materials and the devaluation of the national monetary unit. The case may reach the impeachment, although Dilma Ruseph still does not intend.

Ebigeyl Johnson

Since 2012, the Director General of the Fidelity Foundation, the second largest in the United States, who oversees the financial power of $ 5.2 trillion. She is 53, to work began as an ordinary analyst in 1988. The measures taken by it to increase the return, not female harsh. Abigail Johnson without unnecessary words and sublimation reduces costs and dismisses inefficient managers. She even tried in 2004 to drive out his own father from the structures of the Higher Management Foundation because of the differences arising, but the attempt was failed.

General Director Fidelity is responsible for millions of pension accounts of ordinary Americans. Ebigeyl Johnson's share in the company is 24% of the shares, and it is infrared in the success of the Foundation. Her personal state is estimated at $ 18.5 billion. She is one richest women in the world.

Janet Yellen.

This 69-year-old woman serves as Chairman of the Board of Governors by the US Federal Reserve System. In fact, she is the keeper and the guarantor of the US economy. In part, thanks to the efforts of Janet Yellen, this year closes on major colors: 271 thousand jobs increased in October, and unemployment decreased by 5%. She insists on the inevitability of increased interest rates. The head of the United States Fed all the time has to balance between possible inflation and the slowdown in growth rates. With this difficult task, Janet Yelevlen is still coping.

Angela Merkel

German Chancellor is 61 years old, and it is considered a very strong European leader. There are enough problems, it is an unprecedented influx of refugees, and the Ukrainian crisis, and difficulties in the Middle East. Inside the eurozone is also not going on, but Frau Merkel is still at the helm of the strongest country of the old world and tries to play a stabilizing role, which is possible with varying success.

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