Useful properties of lemon peel and features of use in medicine, cosmetology and everyday life. Practical advice. Lemon peel - health benefits and harm Why you can't eat lemon peel

For skin diseases - lichen, eczema, fungus and warts, in addition to taking lemon juice inside, rub the affected areas with lemon juice, which will reduce itching and redness.

100 medicinal uses of lemon

Skin care instructions. Cut the lemon in half and rub it on your elbows to soften rough skin, then rinse off the lemon juice and spread vegetable oil on your elbows. Do the same for the knees and neck. Then rub the juice under your chin with gentle up and down strokes. (Take care of the skin of the whole body equally.) After the procedure, spread it with vegetable oil. If there are no acne on the body, but the skin is peeling like with dandruff, this is a sign of seborrheic eczema. It is successfully treated by applying a compress of fresh orange peels to sore spots at night.

Lemon juice is an indispensable remedy for the treatment of cracked skin on the hands in cold weather: it makes the skin soft and the nails shiny. Lemon juice is used to successfully treat frostbite parts of the body.

With sagging skin of the face, masks have a good effect: in winter - lemon, in summer - cucumber.

To prepare a lemon mask, peel the fruit, remove the grains from it and mash the pulp with a fork. Smear your face with a greasy cream, and apply a thin layer of cotton wool on top. Spread the lemon mask evenly over the cotton wool. Add a new portion to the places where the lemon mask dries. After 10-15 minutes, remove cotton wool with lemon mass and lubricate your face with a fat cream. After the mask, it is useful to pat on the face with a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice.

Lemon mask tightens pores, cleanses and firms the skin. The following is interesting: when treating any internal disease with lemon juice, the patient's freckles disappear without a trace.

Bleeding. Lemon juice contains potassium and rutin, a vitamin that, in combination with ascorbic acid, strengthens and elasticizes the walls of blood vessels. This was known several thousand years ago (this also applies to grapefruits and oranges).

For nosebleeds, inject a cotton swab soaked in lemon juice into the nostrils. In case of severe bleeding, draw into your nose a liquid consisting of a glass of cold water and 1/4 lemon juice, hold it for 3-5 minutes, pinching your nostrils with your fingers, sit quietly or stand, but do not lie down, and place a wet cold towel on your forehead and nose bridge or ice.

For severe female bleeding, mix 6 egg whites with 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid and drink this mixture. Repeat as necessary.

Put 2 teaspoons of dry rose hips in a glass of boiling water, insist and drink 3 times a day after meals. This infusion improves blood composition.


Eat 1 lemon with zest throughout the day. The course of treatment is 4-6 days. Also eat grapefruit, which contains naturally occurring quinine.


Mix 150 g of horseradish grated on a fine grater, 0.5 kg of orange seeds, chopped with a peel, but without seeds, 300 g of sugar and 1 liter of red wine, cook in a sealed container in a bath for 1 hour, then cool, strain, drink for migraines 1 / 2 glasses 2 hours after meals. Tie a hot towel over your head, grabbing the temples, and put a piece of fresh lemon on your forehead and temples.


To prevent mental strain, use the following recipe. Mash a head of garlic and cover it with 1 cup of sunflower oil. Put the mixture in the refrigerator for 1 day. Then pour 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into it. Take 1 tablespoon 0.5 hour before meals. The course of treatment is at least a month. To achieve a lasting effect, you can extend the intake of the mixture up to three months. At the same time, the vessels of the brain are cleared.

Drink fresh hot water, as boiled water that has been standing for a long time gives the body a sluggish mustiness and lowers the susceptibility of the brain.


Before going to bed, steam your leg in hot water, wipe it dry and tie a lemon peel with a little pulp to the corn. Better - cut off a slice of lemon, which and attach to the corn. After 4-5 days, the corn will disappear completely.

Youth elixir.

Traditional healers believe that one of the conditions for preserving youth is taking a mixture of 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil every day on an empty stomach.

Squeeze the juice from 24 lemons, mince 400 g of garlic, pour everything into a jar with a wide mouth, tie it with a cloth and leave to infuse for 24 days in a dark, cool place. Take 1 time a day before bedtime: 1 teaspoon of the mixture mixed with 0.5 cups of water. After 2 weeks, the person ceases to feel tired, his sleep improves.

Collect dandelion, nettle, yarrow, plantain, and sorrel leaves every spring - at least 0.5 kg total (fresh). Wash them well and fill them with cold water overnight so that the herbs are only covered. In the morning, take out the leaves and squeeze, add to the infusion of lemon juice and honey, drink a little all day. Do not pick herbs in large quantities, as dry leaves are less beneficial.


For bladder problems, drink lemon juice with honey and olive oil in a proportion that is pleasant for you.

Pour 1 tablespoon of grated horseradish with 1 cup of hot milk, keep warm for 10 minutes, strain and drink in small sips.

If the excreted urine has an unpleasant odor, completely eliminate all protein foods from the diet, drink water acidified with lemon (at least 2 liters per day).

Male diseases.

For prostate hypertrophy, drink ginseng root tea. After taking tea, you should not drink any fruit, including citrus, juices for three hours. Ginseng should not be consumed in the summer and people over 65 years old.

Male infertility.

Mix equal proportions of lemon juice, celery juice and honey. Take for inflammation of the adenoma and prostate gland, 2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day, 0.5 hours before meals.

The English writer Morton Walker spent several years among the famous Hunza Kuts for their longevity. He was particularly interested in the lifestyle that prolongs the sexuality of the elderly. We offer you one of the recipes of this tribe. They make cottage cheese and low fat yogurt. Milk is often stored for eight days in the stomach of a recently killed pet, the walls of which still secrete rennet.

This enzyme ferments milk, which is then mixed with orange peel, lightly crushed and served. The eggs are drunk straight through the hole in the shell. Fruit is eaten almost all day long.

Caucasian recipe for sexual activity - pink onion. Some people eat it raw, others season almost any dish with it, prepare onion soup or various onion salads. Pink onions have been known to people since ancient times as one of the most powerful stimulants of sexual performance. Residents of Italy claim that scrambled eggs and pink onions are able to awaken feelings even in those who have died out many years ago. Pliny the Elder wrote: The bow also pushes sluggish men into the arms of Venus.


Bake an onion in the oven, put it on the abscess and bandage it. Change your dressing every 3 hours. If it is not possible to do such a procedure, prepare the following composition: boil a piece of propolis with petroleum jelly or butter for 5 minutes, soak a cotton swab with it, put it on an abscess, bandage and do not change the bandage during the day.


Any intemperance is a minus to the soul and plus to diseases of the body. Intemperance in alcohol leads to alcoholism and a slow disintegration of the nervous system, intemperance in food - to obesity, due to which all organs and systems are destroyed.


Inhale, hold your breath, slightly tense your entire body, maintain this tension for a count of 1 to 20, focus on your entire body, then exhale, release the tension. Repeat 3 times and do whenever you feel weak or nervous.

Indian specialists offer a soothing drink made from fresh lemons. It is prepared like this: take 1 glass of water, juice from 1/4 lemon and 1 tablespoon of sugar, mix and add a piece of ice. In this drink, the acidity and sweetness should be the same. There is no need to add honey. If the drink is prepared correctly, your every nerve will feel calm. It is useful to drink 2-3 glasses of this drink when the nerves are tense.


Lemon juice is good at treating diaper rash, and also eliminates unpleasant odors that occur when sweating toes. For this purpose, rub your toes with lemon juice after rinsing thoroughly with warm water and let them dry. Do this procedure every night before bed. Place a thin layer of cotton wool between your toes during the day. The smell will disappear within a week.

Leg cramps are treated like this: in the morning and in the evening, lubricate the soles of the feet with lemon juice and do not walk or wear shoes until all the juice is dry. The course of treatment lasts no more than two weeks.

Hypersensitivity of the feet is treated with linden blossom baths followed by rubbing the soles with lemon juice.

If the skin on your heels is rough, apply a compress from the rind of squeezed lemon.

Do not throw away the potato peels, but boil them and attach them to your feet and hands. As a result, the nails on the hands will cease to exfoliate, and the soles of the feet will become soft, cracks on the heels and corns will disappear.

Nails. To keep the nails flexible and firm, they should be regularly lubricated with a mixture of lemon juice and oil. You can make baths from warm vegetable oil, to which a few drops of lemon juice and vitamin A are added, or from a solution of sodium chloride. They should be done 1-2 times a week. Dip your nails in a mixture of warmed oil and lemon juice. After the procedure, dry your hands and do not wet them for several hours.

The nails turned yellow from smoking are lightened with lemon juice.


People who have fainting need to make the following composition. Grind 100 g of dry lemon peel, pour 1 liter of vodka, leave in a dark place for 3 weeks, shaking from time to time, strain. Take 25-30 drops, 3 times a day.

General malaise.

Mix 1/2 lemon juice with 1 glass of warm water and drink before bed or in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast. Pour 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and add 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink sip throughout the day, preferably every half hour.


The mixture prepared according to this recipe cures even decrepit old people who cannot walk 50 steps without stopping to rest.

Take 1 liter of honey, 10 lemons, 10 heads of garlic (whole heads, not cloves). Squeeze the juice from the lemons, chop the garlic in a meat grinder.

Mix everything and leave for 1 week in a closed jar. Drink 4 teaspoons daily, 1 time per day. These 4 tablespoons of the mixture should not be swallowed at once, you must slowly take them one by one. Not a day can be missed. This amount of the mixture is calculated for 2 months of treatment.


For an obese, lethargic, decrepit person suffering from shortness of breath, prepare the following mixture: chop 400 g of garlic, squeeze the juice from 24 lemons, mix everything and place in a jar with a wide neck, tie it with a cloth, leave for 24 days. Take 1 teaspoonful of the mixture in a glass of water once a day before going to bed.

Grapefruit is one of the most popular anti-obesity diet foods thanks to its abundant satiety fiber and low calorie content: half a grapefruit contains only 38 calories. One grapefruit contains more than the daily value of vitamin C.


First, a compress of olive oil is applied to the burn, or simply grease the burned area with olive oil, cover the top with gauze moistened with lemon juice diluted with distilled water 1: 1, you can add a little salt to the water.

Rejuvenation. Those who regularly massage the scalp and face for a long time have almost no wrinkles and their face looks fresh.

Recipe for rejuvenation:

mash 3 lemons with peels, 3 heads of garlic, 3 cups of cranberries, insist on 7 cups of boiled water, put in the cold for 2 days, strain, pour in 400 g of honey, stir and put in the cold for another 2 days. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.


For the prevention of cancer, take a mixture of dried apricots (1 glass), raisins (1 glass), figs (1 glass), nuts (1 glass), lemons (2 pieces), drenched in honey, 1 cup 30 minutes before breakfast or instead of breakfast.

As soon as you feel fatigue, spasms, tension or any other discomfort in any area of ​​the body, start massaging this area with a brush or hand dipped in water with the addition of small amounts of lemon juice and a few drops of oil (preferably olive oil).


Before the expected meal, have a cup of well-brewed black coffee with lemon juice or a slice of lemon. After the meal, repeat the same procedure. The drunkenness will quickly pass.

In a state of intoxication (alcoholic beverages), it is enough to drink lemon juice and water, or just suck on slices of lemon.


Pour 4 teaspoons of flaxseed with a liter of water, boil for 10 minutes, leave in a warm place for 1 hour (you can not filter it), add lemon or other fruit juice, drink 0.5 cups every 2 hours 6-8 times a day hot. With swelling of the legs, the result is achieved in 2-3 weeks.

Pass the parsley (root, stem and herbs) through a meat grinder in such an amount to make 1 glass, transfer to a glass or earthenware dish, pour 2 cups of boiling water, cover with a towel and leave until morning. This must be done in the evening. In the morning strain the infusion through cheesecloth and add the juice of 1 lemon to it. Drink 1/3 cup drink (no more than) 1 time per day. Two days to drink, three days off, etc. This remedy was widely used in the old days to eliminate edema on the legs and face. This remedy helps with attacks of sciatica quite well.


Put 2-5 drops of lemon juice in your ear to relieve pain and improve hearing.


The following remedy improves memory and strengthens the body. For a month on an empty stomach, eat at least 1/4 lemon with the peel and drink 1 tablespoon of olive oil daily. For the next month, eat a bean-sized piece of licorice root daily, 1 teaspoon of seaweed powder or 2 tablespoons of canned seaweed, 5 g of pine or spruce resin (resin), 1 tablespoon 2 times a day of aloe juice or 2 see aloe leaf with honey.


Boil the peel of 4 lemons for 15 minutes in 1 liter of water, strain the broth. Rinse hair with broth once a week.


People with liver disease and high acidity should drink water with lemon juice (lemon juice is alkaline).

The best liver medications are 3-day fasting, celandine, and immortelle. The use of watermelons is the prevention of liver cirrhosis.

There is a great way to prevent liver disease: pour 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 tbsp each, into a half-liter jar. spoonful of lemon juice and green lemon, add 1 grated garlic clove and 250 mm of hot water, stir thoroughly, take on an empty stomach.

Grapefruit improves the condition and cleanses the liver and gallbladder: cut 2 medium-sized grapefruits with peel, pour 1.5 liters of water over them, let it brew overnight, strain and drink the liquid in the morning.

With an increase in the liver, take 2 crushed lemon grains with honey every morning on an empty stomach, or in the evening pour boiling water over 3 cut lemons, and in the morning on an empty stomach, drink this liquid, or pour 1 cut lemon with 1 glass of boiling water, insist overnight, and in the morning on an empty stomach drink in small sips. Mix 0.5 kg of honey, 0.5 l of olive oil, juice of 2 lemons. Store the mixture in the refrigerator, take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for hepatitis, cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis.

It is very important to avoid overeating, which is the main cause of liver enlargement. The liver also needs a rest period - full fasting. People who do not want or are afraid to starve should try to eat nothing at least 1 day a week, but only drink water to which honey and lemon juice are added. At the same time, they will not feel weakness and dizziness. It is a diseased liver that makes a person tired and sleepy. It is difficult for such a person to do both physical and mental work. Train yourself to fast one day a week.


Turn 4 lemons without peel and 3 heads of garlic through a meat grinder, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 24 hours, strain and drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day before meals and at night.


Mix 400 g each of garlic juice, horseradish roots, celery roots and leaves and the juice of 5 lemons. Store the mixture in the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar. For infectious polyarthritis, take a dessert spoon in the morning 30 minutes before meals.


Do not eat anything on the first day. If the secretions contain excess bile, then drink water with lemon juice. If you have a lot of mucus or gas, drink lemon water and some baking soda. For dysentery with fever, fast and drink 2-3 liters of water with lemon or orange juice per day for 2-3 days in a row.


A hot solution of lemon juice in plenty of water is an excellent diaphoretic. If the patient is unable to induce sufficient perspiration with the help of steam baths or wraps, it is necessary to make him drink a little hot, slightly acidic solution of lemon juice in water.

A person breathes not only with the lungs, but also with the skin, therefore, an important condition for proper breathing is clean skin. This is accomplished by dousing and drinking hot lemon water. To improve blood circulation and open the pores of the skin, it is useful in the spring to induce sweating at least 2 times a week by drinking a few cups of hot water, into which a few drops of lemon juice are squeezed. If you are sweating well, dry your body first with a damp towel and then with a dry one. Then drink another cup of hot water to restore the heat lost during sweating.


Pumpkin seeds strengthen the muscles of the bladder, and in case of inflammation, remove it. A daily intake of 2-3 tablespoons of peeled pumpkin seeds treats prostate diseases.


At the very beginning of the disease, drink hot tea and do hot foot baths. After wiping your feet after the procedure, smear your heels with iodine and put on woolen socks in which you pour mustard, or rub your feet up to your knees with cologne or alcohol, or spread Vietnamese balm, garlic juice with oil or iodine between your fingers and toes. Drink a diaphoretic tea made from linden, honey, and lemon.

Vitamin C is good in any form: onions, garlic, rose hips, cranberries, citrus fruits, herbs. Don't forget honey.

Prepare a drink: bring 1 glass of water to a boil, cut 1 clove of garlic into small pieces, put in a glass and rub with a spoon, add 1/4 lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of peppermint leaves, cover and cook for 3-5 minutes (add honey). Go to bed and do not eat for 3 days. If you do not want to starve, then be sure to exclude any dairy products from the diet until complete recovery - this will protect you from complications.

Another recipe. Boil 5 cups of water and add 2 tablespoons (top) of sage leaves, add 2 cloves of finely chopped garlic, 1/2 lemon and honey (to taste), leave for 5 minutes. For best results, drink 1/2 cup of hot broth on an empty stomach every hour. Observe bed rest. Cover yourself with warm blankets and sweat. If your sweat glands are weak and you find it difficult to induce sweating, then put a couple of heating pads under the blanket. This may cause your temperature to rise, but don't worry as this is a good sign.

Honey softens coughs, relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes and softens them, reduces dry throat, and lemon juice acts as an expectorant for coughs, treats sore throat and purifies the blood.

During a cold, it is better not to drink at all and not eat at least during the day. This is called dry hunger. Avicenna recommends doing this: water taken during a cold comes out through the mucous membrane, making the nose too irritated, while fasting during a cold is very easy and useful.

To treat a cold, you need to massage two points located on the eyebrows closer to the bridge of the nose, and the tips of the middle fingers, pressing on the skin and displacing it.


With inflammation of the kidneys (pyelitis), pus appears in the urine. The patient's condition usually improves with drinking water with lemon.

Orange peel is used to treat urolithiasis.

Daily consumption of 60-80 g of honey with lemon and rosehip juices improves urination and reduces intoxication.

To cleanse the kidneys, Russian village healers used flaxseed: take 1 teaspoon of seed and 1 glass of water, boil the mixture, leave for 2 hours. Since the mixture will be thick, then when consumed, it must be diluted with water with the addition of lemon juice. Drink 1/2 cup several times a day.


A glass of orange juice or a dose of vitamin C can protect against mild radiation exposure, such as what you get on an X-ray.


Many anti-cancer phyto compounds are found in fruits. In citrus fruits, 58 such compounds (for example, carotenoids) have been found. A compound called limonene is isolated from the peel of oranges and lemons. It cleans the liver of accumulated carcinogens, so the zest should not be thrown away, it can be added to various dishes, for example, to flavor butter.

A mixture for the prevention of cancer: dried apricots, raisins, figs, nuts (1 glass of each) are cut, 2 crushed lemons are added to the mixture and everything is poured with honey. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

For plums, cherries, apricots, split the pit and eat a few grains - they contain vitamin B 17, which has anti-tumor properties. And do not be afraid of hydrocyanic acid, it is contained there in trace amounts.

According to the ancient teachings of India and Tibet, garlic is an excellent cancer prevention agent (garlic is mixed with lemon and eaten).


Fresh wounds (received 6-12 hours ago) - torn, cut, loosened, treated with lemon juice, begin to cleanse on the second day, take on a fresh look and heal in a short time. Well-treated wounds during an acute inflammatory period, flaccid wounds that do not heal for 2-4 weeks, wounds that stubbornly do not heal for many years, leg ulcers and mastitis are treated as follows: a gauze pad moistened with lemon juice is placed in the wound or the wound is poured with pure juice or an ulcer on top, cover with wax, smeared with petroleum jelly (for sealing), and bandaged.


The white layer between the top rind and the lemon pulp is antiemetic.

Vomiting torments pregnant women mainly in the morning. This only happens in the first three months. To prevent vomiting in the morning, drink some lemon water, sweetened with honey, and eat crackers without oil.

The vomiting of drunkards does not need to be stopped. Then you can give black coffee with lemon to drink, and pour cold water on your head.

Rheumatism. Drink the juice of 1-2 lemons daily, and also eat lemon zest, mashed with honey. Cover the sore spots with slices of cut potatoes and bandage it (at night). Make a gruel from 4 lemons and 3 heads of garlic, pour 1 liter of boiling water over it, leave for 24 hours, strain. For rheumatism, take 50 g 3 times a day before meals.

Cardiovascular diseases. People with cardiovascular disorders or high blood pressure should not drink a lot of water at one time, they should drink a little every 20-25 minutes, but so as to consume the daily requirement. Both the sick and the healthy will benefit from this method of drinking water. The total amount of water drunk should be 5-6 glasses per day, the total amount of fluid taken, including soups, juices, etc., should be 3-4 liters per day.

Grate 0.5 kg of lemons, mix with 0.5 kg of honey and 20 crushed apricot kernels, take 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening.

Eat 2 grapefruits daily. They lower blood cholesterol levels and improve the health of the blood vessels.

Mix well with a wooden spoon 5 tablespoons of carrot juice, 5 tablespoons of horseradish juice, juice of 3 lemons, 2 cups of honey, take 1 teaspoon for cardiovascular diseases 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for 2 months. Store the mixture in a dark place in a tightly sealed container.

Rotate through a meat grinder 500 g of lemons with peels, but without seeds, 500 g of cranberries, 500 g of fresh rose hips, peeled from seeds, add 500 g of honey, mix everything, leave for 1 day in a tightly sealed container. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Store in the refrigerator. The mixture is useful for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

Mix the juice of 2 lemons, the juice of 2 aloe leaves, 500 g of honey, leave in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for 1 week. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for angina pectoris.

Chewing lemon peel (rich in essential oil) improves the function of a weak heart. You can finely chop 0.5 kg of lemons, cover them with honey (to taste) and take 1 tablespoon each morning and evening.

In the peel of lemons (zest) vitamin C is almost 3 times more than in the pulp, and citrine in one lemon is 3-4 daily doses.

There are many ways to make lemon peel palatable. One of them: cut 2 medium lemons and 2 oranges into pieces, remove the seeds and pass through a meat grinder) mix the mass with 2 tablespoons of honey, soak for 1 day in glassware at room temperature, and then refrigerate.

Take 2-3 teaspoons daily with tea or before meals. It is popularly believed that this remedy cleanses blood vessels and maintains blood pressure, and therefore prevents angina pectoris, heart attacks, and strokes.

If you feel that you are having a heart attack and you pass out, start coughing vigorously - about 1 time per second. Coughing causes the muscles in the chest and abdomen to contract, keeping blood flowing through the heart and brain.


Lemons contain a lot of potassium, the largest amount of citrine among other products, a lot of ascorbic acid, they somehow strengthen and make the walls of small blood vessels elastic, actively participate in redox processes. This is why so many recipes for multiple sclerosis include lemon.

The eastern elixir of youth is widespread in Turkey and Bulgaria. His recipe is as follows: lemon juice, honey, olive oil in a ratio of 1: 2: 0.5. Take in the morning on an empty stomach.


To improve your hearing, eat 1/4 lemon peeled daily. An energetic exercise of the "khi kong" system (a Chinese variety of pranayama) - with your palms pinned to your ears and tapping your fingers on the crown of your head (beat the heavenly drum) - helps to preserve your hearing.

Salts (excretion of salts).

Rotate through a meat grinder 250 g of parsley roots, 150 g of parsley leaves, 250 g of lemons with peels, but without grains, add 250 g of honey. Take 1 teaspoon in the morning 1 hour before meals and in the evening 1 hour after meals. You need to undergo 3-4 courses of treatment.

To treat cramps with lemon juice, lubricate the soles of your feet in the morning and evening for 10 days. After the juice is dry, put on your socks.


At high temperatures, drink water with lemon juice or cranberry juice and rub your body several times a day with water acidified with lemon or vinegar. Soak socks in this water and put on your feet, put on dry woolen socks on top. All this lowers the temperature without harm to health.

Pulmonary tuberculosis.

Stir 1 cup honey, 1 cup dried apricots, 1 cup grated aloe leaf, 1 cup grated lemon, 5 raw eggs, 0.5 liters of brandy, 300 g butter. Take 1 tablespoon at night.

In the last century, with the onset of spring and autumn, consumption and pneumonia reaped a bountiful harvest in Russia. Healers in these diseases recommended a remedy called "calcium".

It is prepared in this way: put 10 eggs with white shells (very fresh) and 10 sliced ​​lemons in a dark-colored jar, put in a dark and warm place. After 10-12 days, the eggs will turn into a semi-liquid mass. Remove the mold periodically and stir the mixture with a wooden stick. Pour a bottle of cognac into the egg mass and let it ferment for another 3 weeks. When the mold stops appearing, mix the contents and pour it into a bottle, preferably with a wide neck, so that you can remove the mold if it reappears. Store in a cool place. Take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day.

Tuberculosis, bone diseases, stones.

The Chinese egg shell treatment is based on a diet of 500 plants. One shell is enough for 1 week. It is better to take an egg 1-2 days old, from a healthy chicken that walked free (in the sun), and did not sit in the hen house.

Wash the egg with soap, scald, but do not boil, break, pour out the contents, remove the inner film, dry the shell and grind to powder in a coffee grinder or mortar. Store in a dark glass bottle under a cotton ball to prevent the powder from suffocating or moldy. Take the powder on the tip of a knife and wash it down with water and lemon juice or citric acid.

Fatigue, tiredness.

Fatigue means that the person is no longer active. Fatigue is poor circulation of energy and blood. If you are not mobile, the energy does not circulate as intensely as it should. Lazy people get tired faster. The biggest eaters also tire the most. Chronic fatigue is one of the alarms.

If you have trouble falling asleep, take honey before bed. 20 minutes after ingestion, it enters the bloodstream.

As for chronic fatigue, traditional medicine considers taking 1 teaspoon of honey with a small amount of lemon juice in 1/2 glass of water before bedtime as the best treatment.

Those who suffer from chronic fatigue should not wash with soap and water before going to bed. Soap is a strong alkaline solution and receiving such a large dose of alkali with water through the skin makes a person feel tired and itchy. If you need to wash with soap, then rinse with acidified water, and it does not matter if you take a full bath or just wash your hair. Add a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to the water to acidify.

A person suffering from chronic fatigue should eat the gifts of the ocean, since a lack of iodine in the body is also the cause of this disease. It is best to use seaweed daily for food.

From chronic fatigue Ivanchenko offers a tonic drink: mix the juice from lemongrass (2 teaspoons), lemon juice (2 tablespoons), orange juice (1/2 cup), a decoction of licorice roots (2 g of roots in 50 g of water, boil 10 minutes), add 2 teaspoons of honey. Take 1 glass in the morning and afternoon (preferably before meals).

Thyroid gland.

For an enlarged thyroid gland, take 1 teaspoon of lemon, finely chopped with peel, 3 times a day. When you eat apples, eat all the apple kernels as well. Wear amber beads on a short string.

Cholera (citric acid and cholera bacteria).

The acidic environment counteracts the development of many pathogenic microorganisms, including cholera and typhoid bacteria. The French scientist Gerard, studying the effect of some common acids on cholera and typhoid bacteria, found that an aqueous solution of citric acid is especially unfavorable for the development of these bacteria: 1 g of citric acid, dissolved in 1 liter of water, kills all pathogenic bacteria contained in it. Therefore, Gerard recommended drinking water, especially during a cholera or typhoid epidemic, slightly acidified with citric acid. Better, of course, to use fresh juice, a few drops of which in a glass of water is enough.

There is a special cookbook for marathon runners. It contains a recipe for a special energy drink for super runners: Dissolve 1 teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt in a little hot water, add 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed orange juice, top up a glass with cold water, shake and drink.


During flu epidemics, it is good to eat lemon oil. They do it like this: put the lemon in hot water for 1 minute, and then pass it through a meat grinder together with the zest, mix the ground lemon mass with 100 g of butter and 1-2 tablespoons of honey. Store and use as normal oil.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption - together we are changing the world! © econet

Which is used as an ingredient in many confectionery and drinks. The zest contains essential oils that infuse dishes with citrus flavor and aroma. In addition to essential oils, the zest contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, which makes it also useful for the body.

Lemon zest can be bought ready-made in the store or obtained from lemon by removing the outer layer of its rind.

Lemon Peel Information:

The composition of the lemon peel:

Lemon peel contains:

  • Water - 81.6%;
  • Dietary fiber - 10.6%;
  • Carbohydrates - 5.4%;
  • Proteins - 1.5%;
  • Ash - 0.6%;
  • Fat - 0.3%.

The chemical composition of lemon peel includes such macronutrients as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus. Among the trace elements in the composition of lemon peel contains iron, copper, selenium, zinc.

Lemon peel is rich in vitamins such as A, C, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, E, PP, alpha Carotene, beta Carotene, beta Cryptoxanthin, Lutein, Zeaxanthin. Most of all lemon peel contains vitamin C. 70 grams of lemon peel contains the daily norm of ascorbic acid. Dishes containing lemon zest are useful for strengthening the immune system and preventing colds.

The calorie content of lemon peel is only 47 kcal per 100 grams of product.

How to make lemon zest at home:

In order to get lemon zest, you first need to buy fresh lemons and rinse them well under running water. Then, in order for the top layer of the lemon peel to peel off well, you need to douse the lemons with boiling water or place them in boiling water for a few seconds in a colander. Wipe the lemons dry.

After that, gently peel off the yellow thin layer with a knife or vegetable peeler, or you can rub it on a fine grater. Place the zest in a clean container. Done. Then it can be used for cooking.

The zest, removed with a knife, turns out to be of better quality. It lacks pieces of lemon pulp that remain on the zest when rubbed. They can taste bitter. The ideal zest is precisely the thin outer yellow layer of the lemon peel. Using just such a zest in a recipe will give the confection an unrivaled citrus flavor.

How to preserve lemon zest:

Once you get the lemon zest, you can use it immediately or save it for future use. The zest is stored both grated and crushed.

In the first case, after receiving the zest, it is dried, placed in a dry, clean container, tightly covered with a lid and stored in a dry place.

In the second case, the zest is carefully cut with a knife or vegetable peeler. Dry on a tray for 3 days in a ventilated room, periodically turning over the yellow thin slices so that the zest dries on all sides. After the zest is completely dry, it is pounded into powder. Then they are placed in a dry container, tightly covered with a lid and stored in a dry place.

How to replace lemon zest:

If there is no lemon or its zest at hand, then in the dish you can use the zest of another citrus fruit, for example, an orange, it is closest to lemon in taste and aroma. Also, lemon zest can be replaced with tangerine or grapefruit zest, however, in this case, the taste will differ significantly from the desired one. The culinary product will not turn out exactly as intended in the recipe.

The benefits of lemon peel:

Lemon zest not only gives the confection a pleasant lemon taste and aroma, but also saturates it with vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to human health.

Vitamin C, found in large quantities in lemon peel, helps to strengthen the immune system and the body's defenses. 100 grams of zest contains more ascorbic acid than a person needs per day. In addition to enhancing immunity, lemon peel kills germs and produces a disinfecting effect in the oral cavity. It also has an anti-fungal effect, prevents gum bleeding and eliminates bad breath.

The antioxidants contained in the peel slow down the aging process of the body and prevent the development of various diseases, contribute to skin rejuvenation. This is a real gift for those who want to look young and healthy for years to come.

The presence of potassium in lemon peel helps to improve heart function, strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Lemon peel has a cleansing effect on the human body. It removes toxins and toxins, helps cleanse the liver.

Another beneficial property of lemon peel is to strengthen bones, teeth and hair by saturating the body with calcium, which, like vitamin C, is present in large quantities in the peel.

Harm of lemon peel:

Lemon peel should be abandoned for allergy sufferers and people with stomach diseases such as ulcers, gastritis and enteritis.

If you are allergic to citrus fruits, lemon peel can cause an allergic reaction, as it is part of the lemon.

The harm of lemon peel for people with stomach ulcers is due to the fact that it increases acidity in the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to exacerbation of gastritis, enteritis or ulcers.

People with these conditions should consult a doctor before using this product in order to find out if they can eat lemon zest, and if so, in what quantities.

Everyone else can benefit from lemon peel. But it should be eaten, like any other food - in moderation.

In everyday life, squeezing juice from a lemon for culinary or domestic purposes, the peel is rarely used. However, it is it that contains the highest concentration of nutrients and vitamins. In some cases, it can be the cause of trouble for human health, therefore it is important to know what the benefits and harms of lemon peel are.

What is lemon zest

Only the colored top layer of the skin of the fruit is called zest. It is usually used as a natural flavoring or flavoring agent in the preparation of food and drinks. Due to the high content of essential oils, it gives them a unique aroma. However, few people know that the zest is very useful for the health of the body, moreover, it can be used in everyday life.

Why lemon peel is good for you

The use of lemon peel is explained by the presence in it of a large amount of antioxidants, vitamins, oils, trace elements and minerals necessary for the body. The composition includes vitamins such as A, B, C, PP, as well as folic and pectic acids. The presence of essential oils, phytoncides and coumarins makes lemon peel a natural antibiotic, therefore it is indispensable for the treatment and prevention of colds.

The benefits of lemon peel are:

  • in the prevention of thrombosis, varicose veins;
  • increasing the elasticity of blood vessels, improving blood flow;
  • stimulating the functioning of the immune system;
  • removing harmful deposits from the body, cleansing the liver;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Moreover, the combination of the zest with foods such as honey, chocolate or spices (ginger, cinnamon) turns it into an aphrodisiac that increases sex drive.

When used correctly in food, the properties of the zest have a positive effect on the functioning of all organs of the body. Therefore, even doctors recognize the undeniable benefits of lemon peel and do not consider this product harmful.

Heart health

Cores need to introduce dishes into their diet, the content of lemon zest. After all, the polyphenols and potassium, which are part of it, strengthen the heart muscle, support its smooth operation. The flavonoids in the zest reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

Improving the digestive tract

Lemon peel is very beneficial for the digestive tract and digestion in general due to its fiber content. Its healing properties stimulate intestinal motility, relieve flatulence, relieve spasms and colic. The antibacterial substances contained in lemon peel are able to fight against pathogenic intestinal microflora.

Strengthening immunity

Contrary to popular belief about the benefits of lemon juice for colds, it is in the zest that the main source of vitamin C is concentrated. Therefore, to strengthen immunity and prevent ARVI in the autumn-winter period, it should be added to drinks and dishes.

Prevention of oncology

Youthful skin

In cosmetology, lemon is famous for its anti-aging effect on the skin. Lemon zest mixed with olive oil is used as a face and body scrub. Microelements and vitamins penetrate deeply into the skin, nourishing and toning them up. Riboflavin stimulates metabolic processes and subcutaneous circulation, helping to oxygenate the skin.

Strengthening bones

With regular consumption of lemon peel for food, its beneficial properties have a beneficial effect on the condition of bones and joints. The high content of vitamin C in combination with vitamin A reduces the risk of arthritis and prevents premature joint wear. Trace minerals such as calcium, iron and potassium strengthen the structure of bones, making them stronger.

Oral hygiene

Lemon peel is a good oral care product, as it contains citric acid, which allows you to replenish the lack of vitamin C in the body. It helps to get rid of such ailments as scurvy, gingivitis, bleeding gums. In addition, lemon's antibacterial properties kill bacteria in the mouth, which reduces the risk of tooth decay and periodontitis.

Helps to lose weight

In order for the lemon peel to be beneficial and not harm the health of a losing weight person, it must be eaten without pulp containing concentrated. Firstly, it destroys tooth enamel, and secondly, with excessive diligence, it can cause gastritis.

Diabetes Benefits

Since diabetes mellitus disrupts metabolic processes in the body, the problem of excess weight often arises. Lemon peel helps to cope with this nuisance, simultaneously saturating the body with vitamins that diabetics, due to the forced rejection of many fruits containing sugar, have nowhere else to take.

Important! The fiber-rich lemon peel slows down the absorption of glucose in the small intestine, allowing for a natural and smooth rise in postprandial sugar.

How to get the zest

Before removing the zest from the lemon, it must be prepared - washed under running water, scalded and dried thoroughly. Pouring boiling water over the lemon is necessary in order to wash off the thin layer of wax, which is often used to cover fruits for their greater preservation. Then the lemon peel will be useful and not harmful even when added to food for children.

After all the procedures, the colored part of the skin is scraped off from pure lemon with a special kitchen tool. This can be done with a very sharp knife, cutting off thin strips, or simply rubbing the lemon on a fine grater. In order to make it easier to do, it is recommended to place the fruit in the freezer for a few minutes.

It is important to remove only the yellow layer of the skin, because the white loose layer that follows is bitter, which can spoil the taste of the dish or drink. In addition, all the beneficial properties of lemon peel are contained in the colored layer of the peel.

How to consume zest

Correctly obtained lemon zest can be dried and stored in a tight-fitting container or so that, if necessary, there is always a fresh flavor and aroma at hand.

You can use the zest either on its own, sprinkled with sugar, or as a food additive for salads, vegetable or meat dishes, as well as for confectionery purposes.

In addition, this medicinal and useful product is applied externally. On the basis of the zest at home, you can make creams, masks and tinctures for the treatment of various skin diseases, such as acne or dermatitis. Tinctures rinse the throat, mouth, or make compresses on sore joints.

The use of lemon peel in everyday life

The beneficial properties of lemon peel have long been used in everyday life by experienced housewives. With its help, you can solve such everyday issues:

  • removing stains and dirt from carpets and upholstery... For this, a lemon remedy is made that effectively fights household stains, based on table vinegar and peels. For this, the crushed peel is poured with vinegar so that it is completely covered and insisted for two weeks. Then it is filtered, diluted with water in proportions 1: 1. Such a product has a pleasant smell and disinfectant properties;
  • insect control in a house or apartment... To do this, it is enough to spread the lemon peels in the corners and along the baseboards and renew them regularly. The essential oils contained in them will scare off cockroaches, ants and bugs;
  • cleaning metal surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom... To get rid of mineral deposits, lemon peel polishes the surface of taps and metal sinks to remove limescale.

To humidify and refresh the air in an apartment with a sick person, lemon peels are thrown into boiling water and boiled for a while under an open lid over low heat. This will saturate the air with a pleasant aroma, and the essential oils inhaled by the patient will ease his condition and speed up recovery.

Harm of lemon peel and contraindications

Lemon peel can be not only useful, but also harmful to the body: it all depends on the individual intolerance of the substances that make up its composition, and on improper use. The consumption of zest can cause allergic reactions, manifested by redness and rashes on the skin, mainly from the oversaturation of the body with vitamin C.

People suffering from peptic ulcer disease should refuse such a dietary supplement, as it can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. People with high acidity should use lemon zest in moderation and with caution: the components that make up it can cause heartburn.

In most cases, the benefits of lemon peel for the human body are undeniable, and with some, isolated exceptions, the zest does no harm.


The benefits and harms of lemon zest depend on whether it was received correctly, in what conditions it was stored and whether it was correctly used. If done correctly, you can eat it every day, saturating the body with useful substances and helping it to overcome chronic diseases.

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Quite often, consuming different fruits for food, we do not think at all about the benefits that they can bring to our body. In addition, we ruthlessly throw these products into the trash, although many of these residues are quite actively used in cooking and in folk medicine. So familiar to all of us, lemon can be used not only as a pulp, its peel is a wonderful source of a number of highly useful elements. It can be used to treat a wide variety of pathological conditions to almost all people without restriction.

What is lemon peel valued for? Benefit

All the beneficial qualities of lemon peel are due to its rich chemical composition. This element is a source of significant amounts of fiber, as well as potassium, carotene, magnesium and calcium. In addition, it contains quite a lot of folic acid and beta-carotene.

Consumption of lemon peel is a fairly effective method of preventing osteoporosis, in addition, such a product can eliminate the inflammatory processes that develop with polyarthritis. Many experts value this herbal substance for its ability to quickly neutralize all sorts of toxic compounds that accumulate in the body and are called carcinogens.

Systematic consumption of lemon peel in food can slow down the growth of malignant oncological formations. Also, this product has persistent antibacterial properties. Traditional medicine specialists widely use lemon peel in the treatment of various kinds of bacterial and fungal infections. It is also advised to consume it in the treatment of anemia and in the prevention of thrombosis.

The peel contains a lot of vitamin C, accordingly, it has a positive effect on the state of immunity and helps to prevent and cure various acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. In addition, lemon peel is an excellent source of vitamin P, and this substance is able to protect vessels from fragility, add elasticity to them and optimize their permeability. Among other things, such a vitamin effectively optimizes the activity of the heart.

Lemon peel is an excellent concentration of essential oils, thanks to which it can improve mood and have a tonic effect. It is advised to chew the zest in case of pain and discomfort in the throat, especially with sore throat. In addition, such chewing will help to cure various inflammatory lesions of the oral cavity and gums.

Among other things, lemon peel quite effectively cleanses our liver, optimizes blood circulation, neutralizes ear infections and prevents the development of varicose veins.

The zest of this fruit is widely used in cosmetology. It contains a lot of antioxidants, so it is able to effectively cleanse the skin from all sorts of acne and acne breakouts. Many home experts claim that using lemon peel helps to deal with age spots, as it has an excellent whitening effect. Dermatologists advise using this product for the treatment of various skin ailments.

Lemon zest is often used in cooking. Such seasoning can add special splendor and uniqueness of taste to sweet baked goods. It is added to all sorts of muffins, puddings, cakes, charlotte and Easter cakes. In addition, lemon can be used for decorating and preparing fish and meat dishes, as well as for salads and a variety of drinks. Olives and pickled ginger go well with lemon.

On the basis of lemon peel, you can prepare a wonderful drug that can help with lack of appetite and fainting, soothe with nervous ailments, as well as stop vomiting and eliminate pain in gout, lumbago or acute rheumatism. To prepare the medicinal composition, you need to take fifty grams of thinly cut zest and combine them with a glass of alcohol. The medicine must be infused for a week and a half in a fairly dark place, remembering to shake it from time to time. Such a composition should be consumed ten drops three times a day shortly before a meal.

To prevent the development of hypertension and stroke, it is necessary to consume a decoction based on lemon peel. Brew a couple of tablespoons of the zest with four hundred milliliters of water. Boil over low heat under the lid for half an hour, then leave for ten minutes and strain. The finished product should be consumed one hundred grams three times a day about half an hour before a meal.

Who is the peel of a lemon dangerous to? Harm

Since lemon peel contains citric acid, it can harm those people who suffer from indigestion. Such a product is categorically not recommended to be consumed in case of ulcerative lesions, as well as gastritis or enteritis. Among other things, it should be borne in mind that lemon can cause all sorts of allergic reactions. So it often provokes the development of urticaria.

In the event that you have been recorded excessive acidity of the digestive juice, you should stop consuming lemon peel for food. Excessive consumption of this product, even in an adult, can cause the development of nausea or heartburn.

Thus, lemon peel has a lot of useful properties and can be used in the treatment of various pathological conditions.

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