Adriana Lima: photo, height, weight, biography, personal life and interesting facts from the life of the model. Celebrity Options: Celebrity Diets Adriana Lima Biography

One of the most beautiful women our planet, darling fashion industry and multiple winner of beauty contests - model Adriana Lima. Her name is so widely known to the public that it is difficult to imagine a person familiar with the modeling business, but not knowing this diva. In today's article, you will find out how the life and career of the famous model develops, as well as the height and weight of Adriana Lim.

short biography

The future star of all the most sought-after catwalks in the world was born in June 1981 in Brazil. Her family was the most ordinary, one of a million like that. Adriana's mom Lima worked in social services. And her father was virtually absent from her life, since he left the family when the baby was only 6 months old. Adriana herself later said that she takes her father's departure for granted, and had he not done what he did then, perhaps she would never have achieved what she has today. Adriana Lima also talks about a wonderful and warm relationship with her mother, who raised the girl on her own.

As a child, Lima did not even think about how her fate would turn and about what would become one of the most popular supermodels. The girl dreamed of becoming a doctor, namely a pediatrician.

First steps in a modeling career

From an early age, all those close to the Lima family began to notice how extraordinary beauty little Adriana was growing. Therefore, at the age of 5, she won one of the beauty contests held in her hometown.

After that victory, she wanted to show herself even more, and the spirit of rivalry never left her for a second. In this regard, already being a schoolgirl, she continued to participate in competitions, where over and over again she became the winner.

At the age of 13, while walking with a friend in the shops, she was noticed by an employee of an agency associated with the modeling world... And a little later, at the request of a school friend, she went with her to one of the beauty contests that took place in their city.

Imagine Lima's surprise when the organizers removed her from the list of participants, arguing that she is so professional as a model that this competition is simply ridiculous for her. No one had any doubts that Lima should become a model!

The turning point was the participation in an international beauty contest, where Adriana Lima got into at the age of 15. Then she managed to take second place. But it was at that moment that people from the top agency in the world Elite noticed her, and the young girl signed a contract with them. Adriana Lim's height was already suitable for work on the podium.

Supermodel success

Since signing the contract, Adriana's career has skyrocketed. She was actually being torn apart by the offerings of the world's most expensive fashion houses. Lima moved from Brazil to America, to New York, and began to actively collaborate with the most iconic brands. Every now and then becoming a face, ranging from simple brands to the most luxurious.

A special leap up was her participation in a photo shoot for one brand, which posted her photo in Times Square. After this photo, girls from Brazil came into fashion.

Also, Adriana has repeatedly starred for the covers of the most popular glossy publications such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Elle, etc.

The model is one of the most significant in the Victorias Secret lineup. She took part in almost all lingerie shows. And for over 18 years she has been considered one of the sexiest "angels" of the brand.

We can say that since the mid-90s, her career has only grown and grown up. The girl continued to outshine all other models around.

The most exciting question from the public has always been the question of model parameters. Adriana Lim's height is 178 cm. This is just below the generally accepted standard. However, this did not stop her from becoming a runway model. And the weight of Adriana Lim is 57-59 kg. Many fashion critics consider the ratio of these parameters to be simply ideal.

Personal life

Surprisingly, the personal life of the model has never been distinguished by some impressive list of relationships. For all her popularity, financial solvency and extraordinary beauty, Lima never chased rich heirs and billionaires. Although it is known that she received offers from many influential people more than once. Many successful men courted the model, but she did not give in and expected true love.

Adriana has repeatedly admitted that she has never been physically close to a man. She explained this by the fact that she was not going to sleep with a man before the wedding. And so it happened. In 2009, Lima accepted a marriage proposal from a basketball player from Serbia.

Marko Jarić became the first and real love of a supermodel. Almost immediately after the wedding, the newlyweds began to ask the question, when will Adriana Lim and Marco have children? The answer was not long in coming, and soon the couple had daughters: Valentina and Sienna.

But the marriage did not last long, and in 2016 Lima and Yarich announced their separation. Turning to the public, they preferred to remain silent about the reasons for the divorce, but stressed that they remain on friendly terms, like the parents of two wonderful daughters who are going to be raised together.

New romance

In 2017, it became known that Adriana Lima was dating a writer from Turkey, Metin Hara. They met in the same year when Lima flew to Turkey in order to participate in the show. After working, the model was in the company of other people and met Metin. According to her acquaintances, who were also present there, the writer immediately made an extraordinary impression on the girl. He also presented her with his book, with which she flew home.

Despite the growing rumors about their romance, the young people themselves did not comment on this. Until Lima was again seen in Turkey, already without any special work need. Journalists and paparazzi began spying on the supermodel and her new lover. They managed to film how Lima and Metin spend their time happily and carefree, content with each other.


As the model herself told reporters, she always dreamed of helping those in need. And when such an opportunity arose, she, sparing no money, made transfers to charitable organizations in her hometown. Lima continues to periodically help children from disadvantaged and poor families in Brazil, sending them new clothes and material assistance.

Hardly any of the girls did not admire the figure of Andriana Lim. The Brazilian supermodel looks very attractive. Today we will reveal all its secrets and you can take them into your arsenal!

Perhaps only fools can say that beautiful-looking girls like Brazilian supermodel Adriana Lima do not need to work on themselves, because they are generously gifted by nature.

After all, being the face of the Victoria's Secret lingerie brand is quite laborious and requires a lot of work on yourself.

To keep fit, Adriana monitors her diet, does capoeira and boxing. And in this moment, after the birth of a child from her husband Marko Javic (basketball player), she has to deal with herself with a vengeance.

“Of course, I try to keep track of my diet, but to be honest, it doesn't always work out. For example, I tried to give up meat - I managed to hold out for only 3 days. I can't help it - I really want to. "

Parameters: height and weight of Adriana Lima

Height - 177 cm

Weight - 51 kg

Parameters - 86.4-58.5-84

Natural data of Adriana Lima are such that with a height of 177 cm, her weight is 51 kg. The model was born on June 12, 1981 in the Brazilian city of San Salvador.

Adriana Lima's food

The secret of her beautiful slim figure lies in fractional nutrition in small portions: “I allow myself to eat whatever I want, but only in moments of hunger. Plus, as the evening falls, my portion sizes get smaller — I don't like going to bed on a full stomach. ”

In Adriana's diet, you will find: mashed potatoes, vegetable and fruit salads, cream soups, smoothies, eggs, yoghurts, muesli, low-fat cheese, legumes, fish and meat, milk, fresh juices, honey and very rarely desserts.

"I think Brazilian cuisine is the tastiest in the world."

Her menu includes many Brazilian dishes: crab pudding, shurasco shashlik, stew with beans and meat (feijoada), fried bananas with cinnamon, seafood broth, chocolate-coconut mousse. The main rule, according to Adriana, is to avoid sauces and fatty dressings.

The famous model tries to eat 4-5 times a day, in small portions. Her diet consists of organic, seasonal products.

Adriana Lima loves most of all chocolate, meat, pies and honey. "I eat a spoonful of honey every day, because it is good for the immune system."

What you won't find in her diet: pasta, bread, convenience foods, fatty dressings and sauces, fast food.
The weakness for chocolate disappeared during pregnancy: “I can't explain why, but I fell out of love with chocolates, although before that I could not live without them. True, now I constantly want some kind of fast food - either salty, or meat, or flour ”.

If you want to try eating like Adriana Lima, we present you with a sample menu:

Breakfast - oatmeal or muesli with natural yoghurt and raisins, 2-3 egg whites, coffee with milk;

Lunch - vegetables with a portion of fish, meat or chicken;

Intermediate snacks in the form small portion chocolate, a teaspoon of honey, raw vegetables(cucumbers and carrots);

Dinner - fruit or vegetable salad.

Adriana Lima's workouts

The secret of her youthful appearance lies in her training:

“Today I am happy with my body. I cannot call myself an ideal, but, to be honest, I am not ashamed of my appearance. I am perfectly aware of the fact that time acts on me too, I will grow old. That is why I regularly do fitness: I will not allow myself to have early wrinkles and sagging belly. "

The best alternative to food is shopping, during which one day the thirteen-year-old Lima was looked after by a representative of a modeling agency, going to the cinema, meeting friends and reading books by Gabriel García Márquez.

About training: "I tried running in the gym, and spinning class, and yoga, but, as it turned out, I need a sport that makes me grow and challenges me."

For fitness, she prefers boxing and capoeira (Brazilian martial arts). “I love boxing the most. Training is never boring. This is the best load on the heart and at the same time power. At the same time, the muscles are well, but moderately, strengthened. "

About the lack of time for training: “When I do not have enough time for training (and this happens often, especially when I leave), I go to morning run I jump rope for at least 30 minutes or 10 minutes (they are equivalent to a half-hour run). "

In order to quickly give good view hair and skin need: "Drink plenty of water per day, sleep at least seven hours a day, exclude cigarettes and alcohol."

Tough beauty diet

Before any shows, when you need to quickly bring the figure back to normal, Adriana Lima adheres to a strict diet, she eats:

  • for breakfast - protein omelet, low-fat yogurt, a handful of raisins, coffee;
  • for lunch - steamed vegetables with meat or fish;
  • for dinner - unsweetened fruits or vegetables (green);
  • as snacks - berries, dark chocolate, a spoonful of honey.

Protein Diet

The Brazilian beauty often uses a protein diet, during which she necessarily conducts intensive workouts twice a day. Moreover:

  • 9 days before entering the podium he drinks exclusively protein shakes refusing basic food;
  • in 2 days - leaves only water in the diet;
  • 12 hours before the show - he stops drinking.

The girl's diet is mainly dominated by vegetables without starch and protein products. The latter strengthens the muscles and contain a minimum of calories.

Diet rules from Adriana Lima

1. Food fractionality. Eat up to 6 times a day, but in small portions.

2. Avoiding coffee and alcohol. Of course, sometimes you can afford a cup aromatic coffee, but rarely and as an exception.

3. Minimum heat treatment of products. Raw food contains more useful properties... At the very least, try to eat vegetables and fruits raw.

4. Daily consumption of honey. The model advises eating a spoonful of honey or sour fruit as a snack. It will benefit the body.

As you can see, most of the tips can be followed even by girls without much willpower! What tips do you plan to use or which have you already resorted to? Share with us!

Being the face of a world famous person isn't just difficult. Even if you have an unearthly angelic appearance, this does not mean that you do not need to work on yourself. The Brazilian beauty Adriana Lima knows about this, like no one else, whose weight and height are the envy of more than one million of the fair sex.

The secret of harmony or, in other words, the parameters of Adriana Lim

The height of the sex symbol is 178 cm, while the arrow of the scales barely exceeds 51 kg. If we talk in more detail about the stunning parameters of the model, then the volume of the chest is 87 cm, the wasp waist is 59 cm, and the volume of the hips is 85 cm.

Repeatedly in interviews she was asked about the secret of such incredible body proportions. To this, the angel of a well-known lingerie company replies that the main thing is fractional meals... Moreover, the size of portions with the onset of evening must necessarily be reduced by almost three times. In this case, the most important thing, according to Adriana, is not to go to bed on a full stomach.

If we talk in more detail about the girl's diet, then it includes: honey, mashed potatoes, low-fat yoghurts, eggs, cream soups, fish, meat, muesli, milk, cheese with a low percentage of fat, legumes, fresh juices.

34-year-old Brazilian model Andriana Lima has said more than once that with such growth it is a sin not to have an ideal figure. So, in the beauty diary, there must be a separate line for training. She prefers capoeira (Brazil's national martial art) and boxing. She admits that before that she tried to instill a love for yoga, running in the gym, but she preferred sports that help form character and learn to control her emotions.

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“When someone says that he has no time for training, I just smile back,” - said in an interview with the model. It is worth noting that Lima, if it does not have time to do its favorite sports, will definitely go for a 10-minute morning run.

November 10, 2018 3:20 pm

Biography and career

Adriana Lima was born on June 12, 1981 in Salvador, Brazil. Her mother, Maria de Graça Lima, was a social worker, her father Nelson Torres left when Adriana was only 6 months old. The family lived very poorly, but in one of the interviews, the model said that she did not regret either the absence of a father in her life, or the poverty she had to face. Lima is confident that all of these factors served as the basis for her future success.

Adriana owes her bright appearance to the mixing of blood, according to the model, she has French, Portuguese, Swiss and Indian blood.

At the age of 13, Adriana Lima was spotted by a scout of one of the modeling agencies, who invited the girl to try her hand at this business. As a teenager, Adriana managed to appear in several magazine photo shoots, and then, in 1996, took part in a local competition organized by the Ford Models modeling agency. Lima became the winner of the Brazilian stage and reached the final of the international competition “Supermodel of the world". There the girl managed to take second place.

In 1998, Adriana Lima signed a contract with Elite Model Management and moved to New York. In the first months, the girl lived with her mother's friend, then moved to an apartment rented by a modeling agency. One of the main difficulties was complete ignorance in English.

“I could not utter a single word and did not understand anyone. To be honest, I only knew how to say "yes" or "no", but my pronunciation was so embarrassing that I terribly distorted these two words. In general, I just knew how to smile well. "

Adriana Lima

A huge breakthrough in Adriana's career was her poster on Times Square brand Vassarette in 1999, after which the sexuality of Brazilian women came into fashion.

Since 1999, Adriana Lima's career has been rapidly gaining momentum, which is largely due to her collaboration with the legendary Victoria's Secret brand. In 2000, the model was officially accepted into the ranks of the Victoria's Secret Angels, now Lima not only took part in annual shows, but also regularly appeared in the brand's catalogs.

In 2001, the model became the face of the Armani White fragrance and the Armani Jeans clothing line.

In 2003, Adriana Lima signed an exclusive contract with Maybelline, being the official face of the brand until 2009. In 2014, the collaboration between Lima and Maybelline was renewed.

Between 2003 and 2009, Adriana Lima travels a lot around the world, playing the role of Victoria's Secret Angel.

In 2010, Adriana Lima, along with Alessandra Ambrosio and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, took part in a promotional photo shoot for the Loewe brand. In 2011, the model acted as the face of the fashion house Blumarine, starring in an advertising campaign for the fall-winter 2011/12 season.

In 2012, Russell James filmed Lima for the Donna Karan Spring / Summer collection campaign. In the same year, the V Man calendar was published, in which Adriana represented the month "May".

At the end of 2012, Adriana Lima left the profession for a while, which was associated with the birth of her second child. The return took place already in 2014 and was marked by a large number of new contracts.

In 2014, Adriana Lima took part in advertising campaigns for brands such as Donna Karan, Jason Wu, Desigual, Iwc Watches and Versace. During the same period, cooperation with the cosmetics brand Maybelline was renewed.

In 2015, at the invitation of Marc Jacobs, the model becomes the face of the new fragrance "Marc Jacobs Decadence Fragrance", and is also featured in an advertising campaign for the brand's spring-summer collection.

In the same year, Adriana Lima, Natasha Poly, Doutzen Cruz and Joan Smalls take part in the shooting of the beach collection of the Swedish brand H&M.

Collaboration with Victoria's Secret

Cooperation between Victoria's Secret and Adriana Lima began in 1998 with the filming of an advertising photo shoot. In 1999, Lima takes part in the annual Victoria's Secret show for the first time and goes on the catwalk with such models as Heidi Klum and Laetitia Casta.

In 2000, Lima signed her first long-term contract with the brand and became its official model.

In 2008, Adriana Lima was honored to present for the first time the Fantasy Bra, embellished with a loose precious stones... 3575 black diamonds and rubies were used in the creation of the Black Diamond Fantasy Miracle Bra, and the total cost of the product exceeded five million dollars.

Two years later, in 2010, Lima was again entrusted with representing the Fantasy Bra, which cost two million dollars. The Bombshell Fantasy Bra was adorned with sapphires and topaz, about 3000 stones in total.

In 2014, for the third time, Adriana Lima presented Fantasy Bra, this time in the company of her colleague Alessandra Ambrosio. Two sets of "The Dream Angels Fantasy Bras", which included not only bras, but also other details of the image, cost the brand two million dollars. A total of 16,000 stones were used: diamonds and sapphires for Adriana, topaz and rubies for Alessandra.

Alongside Heidi Klum, Adriana Lima became the second model to represent Fantasy Bra three times. Also, the Brazilian beauty holds the record for the number of Victoria's Secret show openings - Lima was the first to appear on the podium five times.

As we know, in November 2018, Adriana announced the termination of her cooperation with Victoria's Secret. She even shed a tear on this show.

Pirelli calendar

Adriana Lima has starred three times for the legendary Pirelli calendar, which is a great honor for any model.

In 2005, photographer Patrick Demarchelier invited Adriana to take part in the shooting of the calendar.

In 2013, Adriana Lima starred for the Pirelli calendar while pregnant with her second child. The role of the photographer was then taken by Steve McCurry.

Steven Meisel became the third photographer to invite Adriana Lima to shoot for the 2015 Pirelli calendar.

Other projects

In 2001, Adriana Lima first tried her hand at cinematography, starring in the short film "Surveillance", created by BMW, directed by Wong Kar-Wai. Famous actors Mickey Rourke and Clive Owen became her partners. Lima appears from 3.35 minutes

In 2007, along with other Victoria's Secret models, Lima appeared in one of the episodes of the popular TV series How I Met Your Mother.

In 2008 she again played herself in one of the series "Ugly".

In 2013, Adriana starred in an episode of Crazy, starring Robin Williams and Sarah Michelle Gellar.

Adriana Lima is actively involved in charity work. She pays special attention to orphans and children from disadvantaged families living in her hometown of Salvador. The model donated funds to renovate and expand the Path of Light orphanage, and Lima also helps many families by purchasing clothes and food for them.

Several years ago, Adriana Lima took part in one of the TV shows on Turkish television. She asked to send all the winnings due to her to the account of the local children's hospital, where they treat leukemia.

Personal life

In 2001, Adriana Lima began dating renowned musician Lenny Kravitz. A year later, the couple got engaged, and in 2003, after not holding out for two years together, they broke up.

After that, Adriana for some time was in a relationship with the Prince of Liechtenstein Wenceslas.

In 2006, Adriana Lima met the famous basketball player Marko Jarić, who immediately began to look after the model, but for a long time received only a refusal. In 2007, unable to resist the insistence of a new acquaintance any longer, Lima and Marco began dating. In 2008, Yarich proposed to his beloved, and in 2009 the wedding took place.

On November 15, 2009, the first daughter of Lima and Yarich, Valentina Lima-Yarich, was born, and three years later, the second daughter, Sienna Lima-Yarich, was born.

In the spring of 2014, the couple officially announced their separation. The formal reason was "irreconcilable differences", and according to insiders, Adriana was prompted to take such a step by her husband's repeated infidelities.

Today it is known that Adriana meets with the Turkish writer Metin Hara.

Criticism of Adriana Lima

On the eve of Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2011 Lima in an interview The daily telegraph admitted that for nine days instead of eating, she only drank protein shakes. And 12 hours before going to the podium, I completely gave up the liquid in order to "dry out". "Thanks to this alone, you can lose up to 3.5 kg," - said the model. She also said that three weeks before the show, she played sports twice a day. These statements were heavily criticized in the media mass media... In this regard, Lima came to her senses in time and tried to explain that such methods are not very useful: “Girls who starve themselves or are on a liquid diet, please do not do this! I don’t go on such a crazy diet all year round. This is an emergency measure before an important show. After the show, I go back to my normal diet. ”

She is also suspected of having at least one breast augmentation.

I'm not her ardent fan. I like faces with delicate features like Linda Evangelista or Christy Turlington. But to deny that Adrina is a bright, beautiful woman, in my opinion, is impossible.

Just give her a photo of different years. By the way, she impresses me more with dark blond hair. With black, her face hardens. Well, when she does not grimace, does not overact, does not press sex out of herself, she is very good, in my opinion. She has her own facial features in themselves sensual. In the photo in VS, it is not always natural. While in other photo sessions she is very beautiful, and is organic everywhere. You cannot say about her: "I do not believe." Of course, she is a talented model and knows how to embody many images. Therefore, it has been quoted on the advertising market for many years, which not all models succeed in.

In black and white photos, she is very good.

Adriana Lima

Adriana Francesca Lima (port.Adriana Francesca Lima). She was born on June 12, 1981 in the city of Salvador Bahia (Brazil). Brazilian supermodel, best known as one of the Victoria's Secret angels, and also the face of the advertising cosmetics company Maybelline.

In the media, Lima is often called one of the most beautiful women in the world.

In 2014, Adriana topped the "New Super Models" list. According to, Lima has topped the list of sexiest models for seven years in a row.

Is of African, Swiss, Indian, Japanese and Portuguese descent.

Adriana was raised by her mother, Maria de Graça Lima, who was a social worker.

Her father Nelson Torres left the family when the girl was six months old. Many years later, in an interview, she will say the following about him: “I would not want to change anything in my life. I think that if I had done something, everything could have been different, and I would hardly have made my dreams come true. If that means I would have to live in poverty and fight my inner demons, then so be it. I went through a lot and am very proud of myself. Life without a father sometimes puzzles me. I don’t know if it was my fault, I don’t know anything about him. I love my mother and we have friendly, warm relations with her. ".

At 15, Lima took second place in the Supermodel of the world competition.

Adriana Lima in childhood and adolescence

In 1998, she signed with the Elite agency and moved to New York.

Adriana never thought about being a model, although she won many beauty contests in primary school... As a child, Lima wanted to become a pediatrician.

When Lima was 13 years old, she was noticed by an employee of a modeling agency in one of the shopping centers, where a very young future supermodel was shopping.

At school, she had a friend who wanted to take part in a modeling contest, but did not want to go there alone, so she asked Adriana to take part with her. The reaction of the organizers of the event was unexpected: they asked Adriana to withdraw the application, since at that time she already looked and behaved like a professional model.

At the age of 15, she won the Brazilian finals of the Ford Models competition, and at the international - took second place.

When she arrived in America, she did not know English at all. “I could not utter a single word and did not understand anyone. To be honest, I only knew how to say "yes" or "no", but my pronunciation was so embarrassing that I terribly distorted these two words. In general, I just knew how to smile well "- says Lima.

However, the lack of knowledge of the English language did not prevent the model from entering into contracts with fashion houses, appearing on the covers of magazines and participating in high fashion shows.

Since 1998 she began to take part in high fashion shows, representing clothes of such houses as Giorgio Armani, Vera Wang, Valentino, Versace, Louis Vuitton, John Galliano, Ralph Lauren, Christian Dior, Alexander McQueen, Givenchy, Еscada, Betsey Johnson, Nanette Lepore, Alexandre Herchcovitch, Christina Perrin, Cividini, Enrico Coveri, Fendi, Luca Luca, Randolph Duke, Rebecca Danenberg, Sully Bonnelly, Girbaud, Girls Rule, Guy Laroche, Sean John, Anna Sui, Carmen Marc Valvo, Emilio Pucci, Cynthia , Istvan Francer, Richard Tylor, Sportmax, Giles, Balmain, Jason Wu, Emanuel Ungaro, Christian Lacroix, Marc Jacobs, Prada.

A huge breakthrough in Adriana's career was her poster on Times Square for the Vassarette brand, after which the sexuality of Brazilian women came into fashion.

Adriana has been the face of various companies Versace, BCBG, Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Blumarine, Colcci, XOXO, Bulgari, Elle Saab, Metrocity, George Rech, La Perla, Liverpool, Loewe, Gasoline, bebe, Armani, George Rech, Anna Sui Jeans, Mavi Jeans, Swatch Skin watches, TIM, French Connection UK, Gai Mattiolo, IGUATEMI, Intimissimi, M-officer, Donna Karan, Miu Miu, Jason Wu, Marc Jacobs, H&M, BALMAIN, Vogue Eyewear.

In 1995 she starred for the Colcci campaign. In 1997, she was the face of the Blumarine Fall / Winter campaign and was photographed by photographer Ellen von Unwerth. In 2000, she became the face of Guess jeans. And in 2001 she became the face of the Armani White "Parfume and Armani Jeans" fragrance.

Since 1996, Adriana begins to appear on the covers of magazines as a professional model. She first starred in her native Brazil, and then, after moving to New York, she went global and in 1999 Lima appeared on the cover of Italy Vogue magazine. She also graced the covers of such magazines as GQ, ELLE, Esquire, Vogue, Marie Claire, Harper's Bazaar, Arena, V, French Revue des Modes, Numero, Interview, ANNA, American Photo, AMICA Italy, Love Magazine, Max, Le Monde M, Ocean Drive, The Best Shop, Photo France, DT, Cosmopolitan.

The April 2006 issue of GQ, which featured Adriana on the cover, became the best-selling issue of the year. And also the best-selling release in its entire existence. The same magazine called her "The most sensual virgin in the world." In February 2008, she appeared on the cover of Esquire magazine for the 75th anniversary of the publication. Photos were taken in black and white. And in September 2014, she starred with other super-models for the 50th anniversary of Italy Vogue magazine, in which top models from different times were captured.

After Adriana became the face of the Italian telecom operator Telecom Italy, the girl gained immense popularity. Italy, like other European countries, recognized the beauty of the girl, christening her "Catherine Zeta-Jones of Italy."

Adriana Lima has appeared on the Pirelli calendar in 2005, 2013 and 2015. She became the first model to appear for this calendar while pregnant with her second child.

In 2009, a pregnant Adriana took to the Givenchy fashion house, but the show was not considered the most successful, Lima was explained: "You are not fat enough, and the audience wanted to see your belly!"

Photographer Andrew Richard in an interview talked about how he met with Adriana and how she became famous. “I thought about how cool it would be to meet and photograph such a model before she becomes famous ... While I was thinking about all this, I was just passing by the MTV building on Broadway and Times Square. It was very noisy. And then something happened that made me stop: on a huge billboard I saw Adriana Lima. This face ... I immediately recognized her. She really did it now ... Two years after she stepped off the plane that took her out of Brazil, she looked at me from a billboard that was several times larger than me. At least five million people walked past her face. Maybe fifty. I can tell you that Adriana is more in demand today than any other model in New York. Including all the supermodels you know by name. " And Adriana confirms his words.

In 2008 and 2012, Adriana starred in Teleflora and Kia Motors commercials broadcast during the Super Bowl. Forbes named her Teleflora ad as one of the best ads during Super Bowl XLVI.

The Huffington Post said, “One of the primary goals of any ad is to grab the viewer's attention., showing the supermodel Adrian Lim, managed to gain immense popularity among viewers. " commented, "Hire supermodel Adriana Lima to star in your ad and your ad will be a success."

In 2014, the model became the official ambassador for the KIA FIFA World Cup campaign. During the televised ads for KIA dedicated to the 2014 FIFA World Cup starring Adriana, the company's sales grew by 32%.

In 2014, she became the first international ambassador for the Spanish brand Desigual and starred in an ad for the International Watch Company, (IWC), a luxury Swiss watch with Karolina Kurkova.

In 2015 she became the face of Marc Jacobs perfume Decadence.

Victoria's Secret brought world fame to Adriana and made her one of the most sought-after models in the world.

She joined Victoria's Secret in 1998. And her first fashion show for Victoria's Secret took place in 1999, where she paraded on the catwalk along with such top models as,. In 2000, she signed with the brand and became one of the Victoria's Secret Angels. During this time, she took part in almost all Victoria's Secret Fashion Shows - one of the most famous fashion shows in the world. Together with Bob Dylan, Lima took part in advertising for this brand. Where a model walks through Venice in lingerie and high-heeled shoes.

The video goes to the song Love Sick from the album Time Out of Mind, which won a Grammy in 1997. In 2008, she introduced the $ 5 million Black Diamond Fantasy Miracle Bra, and in 2010, the $ 2 million Bombshell Fantasy Bra. In 2014, she introduced The Dream Angels Fantasy Bras for the third time. $ 2,000,000 with another model. Adriana Lima and Heidi Klum are the only models of the brand who have been honored to represent fantasy bras three times. Adriana has opened Victoria's Secret show five times: more than any other model.

In 2003-2009, Lima was the face of the Maybelline brand. And in 2014 she again signed a contract with this company.

“We are honored to once again welcome Adriana to our brilliant representatives,” said Jerome Broix, President of Maybelline New York. - Women all over the world admire not only her beauty, but also her desire to help those in need, her passion for life and her undeniable positive energy. We are incredibly proud of the renewed collaboration, because Adriana is a true Maybelline NY girl. "

“I am extremely happy to collaborate with the brand again. I am honored to be a Maybelline girlfriend and I look forward to working together. I have always admired the beautiful and positive image brand, becoming a part of it is a real dream! ”, - commented on her return Adriana.

Adriana played roles in movies. Her first role in the film, Adriana performed in 2001, starring in the short film "Surveillance", from the BMW's series. She played the role of the protagonist's wife. In the story, a famous show business figure hires a driver to spy on his wife, whom he suspects of treason. The film also stars Clive Owen and Forest Whitaker.

In November 2007, she co-starred with other angels on How I Met Your Mother.

In 2008 she played herself in the American TV series Ugly Betty. And in 2013 she starred with Robin Williams in the TV series Crazy.

Adriana Lima's height: 178 centimeters.

Adriana Lima's parameters: chest volume - 86 cm, waist volume - 61 cm, hips - 89 cm.

Personal life of Adriana Lima:

Unlike many famous models, there were almost no scandalous novels in the life of Adriana Lima. Lima is a zealous Catholic and adheres to very strict moral principles: as the model admits, until she gets to know a person very well, and there can be no question of any relationship.

In 2003, she parted ways with her fiancé Lenny Kravitz, whom she became engaged to in 2002.

Since February 14, 2009, Adriana was married to basketball player Marko Jarić (born 1978), whom she had dated for 3 years before their wedding. The couple had two daughters - Valentina Lima-Yarich (born November 15, 2009) and Sienna Lima-Yarich (born September 12, 2012).

In May 2014, the couple announced their divorce.

Interesting facts about Adriana Lima:

Included in the 100 sexiest women in the world according to the editions of FHM and Maxim. She is also considered the sexiest angel in Victoria's Secret.

In 2012, she became the sexiest woman according to the FHM Russia edition.

Adriana Lima's favorite designer is Kristin Lacroix. “And this is not because his clothes are amazing, and I adore them, but because he is a great person himself. When I participated in his fashion show, he arrived there very first and helped everyone to get ready. He walked over to each model to say hello and ask if anything was needed. I don't think you should expect any special treatment if you are famous. On the contrary, you need to give, and then you will get more fans and respect. "

The famous photographer Ellen von Unwerth considers Adriana Lima to be her muse and favorite model.

Lima goes to church every Sunday.

He is interested in football and officially supports Inter Milan.

Australian band The Janoskians mentioned Adriana in their song "Real Girls Eat Cake".

It is an alternative model image of Alix Vance in the Half-Life 2 modification - FakeFactory Cinematic Mod.

Favorite boxer - Manny Pacquiao.

During the 1998 Betsey Johnson F / W show, Adriana's bra fell on the runway.

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