Biography, Career and Personal Life Naomi Campbell. Men Naomi Campbell Black Panther in the world of model business

Photo Dolce & Gabbana

Scandals and greatness

Naomi Campbell Walkan from contradictions. She won in the maid phone, satisfied the scandals in the television fleet and on board the aircraft and at the same time actively engaged in charity (in its asset its own Fashion For Relief Foundation), and Nelson Mandela called it with his "honorary granddaughter" for the support of the ideas of African national Congress. The public, of course, remembers more scandals anymore, so the true merits of the model are blurred before, for example, an attempt to smash the camera to the operator after the journalistic question about the relationship with the Liberian dictator Charles Taylor or a fight with police officers in Heathrow.

However, sometimes there are successful matches of the scandalous one. For example, the fall of Naomi during the display of Vivienne Westwood caused by 25-centimeter platforms was a milestone and one of the characters of the fashion industry, the platform themselves are now stored in the London Museum of Victoria and Albert.

Bob and Boy

As often happens, the Naomi model has become accidental. She was 15, and she just walked on Covent Garden Park, where Ben Boldt saw her, the recruiter of Elite agency. Impressed exotic appearance and grace, Ben called the girl for samples, and after a few months Naomi worked with Might and we received contracts. Just a fairy tale.

True, at that time, what experience in the public and in front of the camera at Campbell had: when she was not and seven, she got into the clip Bob Marley on the song Is This Love? And she liked. Five years later, the story was repeated, only instead of reggae behind the scenes sounded a new wave - it was a video Culture Club, Song I "LL Tumble 4 Ya. With the Boat George Naomi, by the way, has saved best relationshipWhat confirmation is a cute overall photo, published in Instagram model last fall.

Goddess that also sings

At the end of the eighties, Campbell became one of the goddesses of the Macerat. Friendship with Christ Tarlington and the Linda Evangelical impressed even the short-circuited cynics who were accustomed to see in the models (especially with the prefix "TOP") of the eternal non-evalctic rivals. Naomi, Christie and Linda were a gang in good (if this could be) the sense of the word - stood by each other, together conquering Olympus. However, they were already there, and to move them unable to be forces.

Men and drama

As for personal life, there were passions, which, as a rule, turned into drama. The first serious love of Naomi was the dancer Joachin Cortes. Everything was fine, and even more, while the model did not succeed in the boyfriend in the treason. The gap was very hard for her, she, if you believe rumors, I even tried to impose on my hands. Further - more: Men Campbell added in status.

In the networks of black panthers turned out hollywood stars (Sylvester Stallone, Johnny Depp, Robert de Niro), musicians (Adam Clayton from U2 and Tommy Li), businessmen (Formula 1 owner Flavio Briator and Construction Magnat Vladislav Doronin), athletes (Mike Tyson). Moreover, some of the beloved risked life. Or at least, they could get a serious injury from another contendent on the heart of the model, such as, for example, de Niro, who brought Naomi from his delicate temper of Tyson. The paradox is that the intelligence was the elected model, the brighter the consequences were.

The sensational scandal with allegedly beating (or an attack on it with the help of a phone) The maid happened at the height of the novel with the British actor-intellectual Joseph Fains. The maid caused an attack of the energetic by the fact that he confirmed the paparazzi fact of the novel. The nuance was that Naomi and Joseph hid their relationship not because of innate modesty, but because Campbell was going to marry his official "guy" Flavio Briator. Who, having learned about the situation, instantly broke with her friend.

The last long and strong Roman Campbell had a relationship with the Russian Doronin. When it all over, Naomi did not fuss. The press wrote about Michael Fassbender, mentioned one of the "Excenes" of the model, Andre Balazs, dreamed that her man was Idris Elba. All is not that. Now Naomi is still alone, but does not lose, and even moreover, it will finally dream to become a mother.

It's fine. Only the world will remember Campbell as a fearless and dangerous beauty that danced with Michael Jackson, who conquered Iva Saint-Lauren, who had deprived Robert de Niro mind. As a black pantry, an icon, a symbol - call as you like. She was fascinated and Robert Cavalli. After the last show Naomi, he said: "If Oscar was given a model for the world's best in the world, I would definitely reward them Naomi Campbell."


The cult top model Naomi Campbell (erroneous options: Naomi Cambel, Camblel, Campbell, Campbell, Camball) was born on May 22, 1970 in Strechhema (England, South London).
The mother of the world recognizable today is a black girl - was a ballerina with African Yamai roots Valerie Campbell. When the baby Naomi was only 2 months old, her father threw 18-year-old Valerie. At the insistence of the Mother "Black Panther" has never seen his nameless father in life. When Naomi was a teenager, the mother of the future model was married for the second time, and Campbell appeared "new" dad. However, Naomi's stepfather did not believe and constantly with him the scandal.

Now Supermodel Naomi Campbell admits that the gap of mother and his native father has greatly affected her character. Therefore, as it seems to the girl, it is so stubborn, life-in-law and purposeful. Since childhood, black beauty was categorical. From 10 years she constantly argued that the adult is already enough and does everything right. It concerned not only family, but also schools. The scandal in the educational institution was provided if someone was not like in the class of Naomi.

All childhood Naomi Campbell was on the care of nanny. Mom girls constantly toured. At the 10th age, Campbell itself begins to study ballet basal. And already in 7 appeared in the video of the famous artist Bob Marley "Is This Love?"

Fight black panther

To avoid unnecessary home quarrels with stepfather, the girl after school did not go home, but walked through the streets, parks and squares.
At the age of 15 in the life of Naomi there was a meeting that turned his whole life. In one of the parks, the girl saw the ELITE employee Beth Boldt, appreciated her figure and invited models to casting. Naomi's test passed with dignity and became a model of the agency. Exotic beauty immediately appreciated advertisers and glossy publications.

In 1985, Campbell flew to Paris on his first photo session. Accompanied the girl in France the whole family in which agreement reigned for a moment. All scandals with stepfather were forgotten. However, the calculating Naomi behaved calmly only so that parents do not forbade fly to Paris. And a year later, the girl appeared on the cover of the famous magazine "Elle".

She fell there by chance. A kind of dark-skinned model could not come to the photo session and I replaced Campbell. By the way, Naomi was the first black girl who appeared on the cover of the famous publication. The exotic beauty of the girl attracted the strong world of fashion and, since 1988, the model began to regularly participate in shows, as well as receive tempting proposals. By the way, she also became the first black model, whose photo was published on the cover "Time", French and English "Vogue".

Naomi Campbell began to constantly appear on the covers of various publications, including erotic content. The girl became the heroine shows of such famous fashion houses, like Roberto Cavalli, Dolce & Gabbana, Valentino, Versace.

By the way, Naomi was not at all for the color of the skin, but for a plastic soft, "cat" to walk on the podium.

Peak popularity

In the early 1990s, Naomi entered the "big six" of the most sought-after models. In addition to her, Christ Tarlington, Linda Evangelist, Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford and Kate Moss included in the Honorary List. In 1995, Naomi Campbell made his debut as a singer. The girl released the album "Babywoman". In Japan, for example, her single "La, La, La Love Song" held the first places in the charts.

Naomi can be seen in many music clips. For example, in the video Culture Club, Michael Jackson, P Diddy, Jay-Z, Madonna and Usher. Campbell, along with his colleagues on the podium, starred in the famous clip of the shocking George Michael "Freedom-90".

Naomi Campbell showed himself as an actress. Since 1984, a girl starred in 31 film. She worked with Antonio Banderas, Wüpi Goldberg, Saraj-Jessica Parker, as well as John Malkovich. Critics questioned the acting talent of the model, however, ribbons with her participation invariably brought a good income.

In 2003, Naomi began to conduct a reality show, where from inexperienced students did fashion designers. Naomi Campbell in 1996 became co-author of the novel "SWAN" ("Swan"). And besides this, published an album of its photos "Naomi by Naomi Campbell". All income from sales goes to the Red Cross Foundation.

By the way, five new perfume fragrances appeared with the light hand "Black Panther". All over the world, "Sunset", "Cat Deluxe", "Paradise Passion", "Naomi Campbell" and "Naomi Campbell Mystery", as well as "Exult" use.


Naomi is famous for its shaking character and is considered the main scandalist of global show business because of its own quick-temperance. In 2007, the model worked 5 days of social and useful work and listened to anger control courses. The court issued such a punishment for the fact that Campbell beat his maid. For your face, the girl washed floors in the garages of garbage trucks.

By the way, it was not the only case when a girl splashes his negative emotions to his assistants. In 2008, Naomi spit in a policeman who tried to calm the star at the airport, where her luggage was lost. In the same year, the model was once again a course of psychotherapy on self-control.

Personal life Naomi Campbell

Naomi's personal life is very saturated. In the late 1980s, she met with a boxer Mike Tyson. There were rumors that she had a novel with Sylvester Stallone. In the 90s, the girl was the beloved dancer of Hoakin Cortez. A young Spaniard broke the heart to a dark-skinned girl that she almost committed suicide and barely left depression.

Supermodel was the bride of the Basist group U-2 Adam Clayten, however, it did not reach the wedding. Naomi Campbell had a romantic relationship with actor Robert De Niro, musician Eric Clapton and even Prince Albert. Then Naomi found drug addiction, from which he was treated for half a year. In 2004, the girl met with the rapper Asher, after that, "Black Panther" gave her heart P Diddy. However, the last novel was very versatile.

Naomi Campbell admits that she likes satellites older than her. In them, she appreciates "Mind, education, spiritual and above all paternal qualities." In the mid-2000, Campbell, in the proof of this, was married to the manager on the racing "Formula 1", 52-year-old Flavio Brother (a man loved his starful second half, which gave her his yacht). And before that, the girl was married to the "very young man" and for Robert de Niro.

Naomi Campbell on video

In 2008, Naomi and Russian businessman Vladislav Doronin began a novel that continues until now. One of richest people Russia and co-owner of Kapital Group met model in Brazil, at the Vogue magazine party. The following meeting, which has become decisive in relations, occurred in Cannes at a private party Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce.

"They danced and gently kissing. She said that this is love at first sight. It is immediately seen that they have it seriously, "the friends of Naomi Campbell remember. After this meeting, "Black Panther and Russian oligarch constantly together. It is worth noting that supermodel led a businessman from the family. A man for the sake of black beauty left his wife and daughter.

Perfomance with Naomi Campbell

It is noted that together with Vladislav Doronin the model coited and ceased to show his violent temper. Now the model spends a lot of time in Moscow, plans to become a businessman's wife and for him even ready to accept Orthodoxy.

Naomi Campbell was born on May 22, 1970 in London. The top model has a Chinese-Jamaican origin. Naomi's parents divorced when she was very small. This turning point in the life of the girl played a big role in the formation of her character, it became more purposeful and stubborn. Raised the future star Mother, who later came to marry the second time.

But Naomi's relations and the stepfather did not work out, usually their communication has always ended with a scandal.

As a child, the girl showed all his stalling character, Naomi had to constantly assert themselves and prove to everyone that she was already adult. Because of this, she had constant conflicts with teachers and classmates.

Star Top Model

In 15 years, Naomi has happened the most important meeting that turned the whole life. In the English Park not far from her school, she was noticed by the straight of Elite Beth Boldt. Already at the age of 16 she flew to the first shooting to Paris.

Luck as if Naomi was pursued, so in 1986 Naomi Campbell had to replace the black model, and her photo appeared on the Ell cover. Immediately after this, the world of fashion drew attention to the black beauty. Suggestions received one after another. She became the first black model that appeared on the cover of Time magazine, as well as French and English Vogue. In the late 90s, Naomi became one of the most popular models of the world.

For extraordinary plasticity and black skin, it was nickned by a black panther. In 1995, she made his debut as a singer with his first Babywoman album. Musicians who have naomi filmed in clips are calculated dozens.

Since 1984, she began to film and played with such stars as Antonio Banderas, Sarah-Jessica Parker and John Malkovic. Total on the account of the Black Panther 31 film. She released a book with her best photographs - Naomi by Naomi Campbell, launched a perfume line and became a leading reality show.

Few of the most famous supermodels of the 90s continue their careers as actively as Naomi. Her fashion lovers are regularly seen on the show of leading designers (for example, Roberto Cavalli). It is still often invited to act for various magazines and participate in interesting projects. One of them was a performance at the 2012 Olympiad Ceremony in London.

Naomi Campbell: Growth, weight

At the Naomi Campbell model, the growth is 178 cm, and the weight is 50 kg.

Personal life Naomi Campbell

The model called the model of all their men, although he could part with them immediately after his statement. Who from the husbands of the Black Panther remained overboard? In the late 80s, Naomi had an affair with a boxer Mike Tyson. After him, at the beginning of the 90s, the model met with Robert De Niro, and then a few months - with Eric Clapton. In 1994, Naomi was engaged with the U2 bassist by Adam Clayton, but the pair did not stay together for a long time.

The first long relationship from the model was warmed with the dancer of the Hoakin Cortes. But one day she caught him together with a man - the pilot of the airline "Iberia". Naomi had severe depression, and she even tried to commit suicide. The consolation of the beauty found in the arms of the owner of Formula 1 Flavio Briator. The couple was converged, he was diverged, and in the end, Naomi put the point, admitting that a man treated her as a trophy.

In 2002, Campbell fell in love with Rapper Pi Diddi, and after Tomi Lee, the former husband Pamela Anderson.

In 2004, Naomi met with the musician Asher Millionaire Matteo Martzotto.

In 2008, before the start of a high-profile novel with Vlad Doronin, Naomi met with Brazilian billionaire Marcus Elios. In the spring of 2013, Naomi fused with Doronin, who left the family after the model after 22 years of marriage. This decision, by the way, it cost Doronin Neszhevo - for divorce he gave a former $ 10 million. But their five-year-old novel did not end so. Naomi did not fit in Russian land, and the CFR with wedding dress Dolce & Gabbana remained unpacked.

In 2015, Naomi, finally coming to himself after parting with Doronin, began for the old one. Having become acquainted with the Formula 1 rider Lewis Hamilton, the former fiancian singer Nicole Sherezinger, Naomi quickly dragged him into his networks.

In addition, Naomi has incredible success in show business due to its scandalous outcomes. Periodically, they receive complaints from the service personnel, so in 2007 Naomi worked for five days of social and useful work and went on anger managing.

But this did not help the models, and in 2008 she spoke in a policeman who tried to calm Naomi during a richness at the airport.

In April 2008, the model passed another course of psychotherapy on self-control, let's see, whether it will be enough for her.

Photo Naomi Campbell: GettyImages /

Conquered worldwide fame in the 1990s. For many girls, she is now a benchmark of beauty and harmony. Want to know about where the top model was born and studied? The article contains comprehensive information about it.

Biography Naomi Campbell

The future star of the podiums was born on May 22, 1970 in London. Her mother, Valerie Campbell, had Afro-Yamai roots. She worked for a ballerina. Naomi's father never saw. It is only known that he threw her 18-year-old mom 2 months after childbirth.

Nanny was engaged in raising the girl. And the mother was constantly toured in Europe. Soon Naomi appeared stepfather. The plump child did not want to take a new dad.

In the ten years old, our heroine went to school ballet. At the end of this institution, she entered the London University to the acting department.

Career model

Naomi Campbell friends and relatives were confident that she would continue his mother's work. But the girl did not dream about the dancer's career. Most of all she attracted the podium.

Thanks to the slender figure and exotic beauty, Naomi was able to get into the model business and take his niche there. She proved to the world that dark-skinned ladies can also be a standard of style and attractiveness.

When Campbell was 15 years old, she was noticed by the staff of the Ford modeling agency. Soon the girl had a portfolio. And the first large work in this field was shooting ELLE magazine cover.

Naomi became increasingly appearing on shows organized by prestigious fashion houses. At this time, the girl finally moved to the United States. Per short term She managed to build a brilliant career and stand in one row with such supermodels as Cindy Crawford. In the 1990s, these beauties constantly flashed on the covers of magazines.

In the articles written about Naomi, it was called "Black Panther", "Miss Chocolate" and "Queen of the Night". The dark-skinned mannequin liked such attention of the press.

Campbell never sat on special diets and did not exacerbate himself with exercises in the gym. But it was hard to get rid of it. In the interruptions between the filming, the top model smoked and used alcoholic beverages.

Our heroine has never been a shy lady. She participated in candid photo shoots, demonstrating her magnificent figure. The top model could walk along the podium, covering the chest with his hands.


At some point, Naomi realized that the model business was not the only sphere where she could implement themselves. "Black Panther" began to act in the music clips. One of the first cooperation was offered her director Herb Ritts. He worked on creating a clip in the closet for Michael Jackson. Campbell gladly adopted his offer.

Together with other top models, Naomi participated in the Freedom show, arranged with a shocking George Michael.

Our heroine managed to try himself in serious cinema. At its account, 31 roles in full-length films. Colleagues in the dark-skinned model on the set were uncomment Goldberg, John Malkovich, Antonio Banderas and others. Film crimits did not perceive Campbell as an actress. For them, she always remained only a silent mannequin walking along the podium. But, despite this, their attitude, films with the participation of "Black Panther" brought unprecedented cash registers.

Project "Gloss" with Naomi Campbell

In 2012, one of the American TV channels announced the release of the new reality show The Face. Russians know him as a gloss project with Naomi Campbell. The main goal of the transfer is to search for girls who could build a brilliant model career. Many celebrities and recognized mannequins were claimed for the role of the lead. However, the organizers chose on the Black Panther.

"Gloss" with Naomi Campbell walked on ether in November 2012 and immediately won a huge rating. Supermodel not only was engaged in the search for long-legged beauties, but also showed the audience the backstage life of the mannequins. As a result, it turned out a very frank show. Naomi Campbell was not the only invited star. Together with her, the transfer was led and another famous black model - Tyra Banks model. The girls did not miss the case so as not to pic each other.

Personal life

Exotic beauty and violent temper "Black Panther" always attracted men. Back in adolescence, guys began to care for her. The first boyfriend Naomi, about which the press told, was the dancer Passion - this is what he connected him and the black supermodel. The couple did not think about serious relationships. And soon they broke up.

At various times, Campbell met with the Flavo-1 manager of Flavio Breator, the BAS-guitarist of the U2 group Adam Clayton, actor Robert de Niro and Mike Tyson Boxer.

In 2008, the press spoke about the turbulent novel "Black Panther" and Russian billionaire Vladislav Doronin. This information was confirmed by their joint pictures and recognition of the supermodel itself. Often flew to Moscow, where expensive restaurants, museums and nightclubs visited. For the sake of your favorite man, the top model with Afro-Yamai roots was ready to take Orthodoxy. Everything went to the wedding. But in the spring of 2013, the couple officially broke up.

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