Orthodox prayer by agreement. Prayer by Agreement, Christian Love and the Saved Child Prayer by Agreement for Health

Morning rule, evening, individual prayer, collectiveeverything seems to be clear with these concepts. But what is prayer by agreement? When should you read it and how to do it? Should I take a priest's blessing?

Gospel basis

The essence of the prayer is determined by its very name. Several Orthodox Christians agree that at a certain time during the same period of time they will jointly fulfill the same prayer rule, ask the Lord for the same thing.

How did Christ himself say in the Gospel of Matthew?

Truly also I say to you that if two of you on earth agree to ask for any deed, then whatever they ask, it will be for them from My Heavenly Father, for where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.

Many New Testament stories are indicative. Remember how, during His stay in Capernaum, they no longer brought to Jesus, but lowered the paralytic through the roof of the house. Who did this? The patient's four friends. They did not speak out loud, but simply believed together: Christ can heal a person dear to them. It was a kind of inner prayer by agreement. And Christ responded to the burning of their hearts and said to the sick man: "Get up, take your bed and go into your house."

Examples of Amazing Help in Collective Petition

Today, prayer by agreement is resorted to in many difficult life circumstances. A person fell ill - his spiritual brothers and sisters ask for his recovery, the child does not have enough funds for an operation - the believers pray that God will permit.

There is a story about how, thanks to such a prayer, the life of a child was saved. In one family, the husband was very afraid that, together with his wife, they would not "pull" the second child.

The woman shared her grief with her friend. She turned to her spiritual sister for advice. We decided to call our Orthodox friends and read a prayer together by agreement. People knew only one thing: the child's life must be saved. As a result, it turned out like this: the doctor himself talked with the head of the family and convinced him to leave the child. Then the husband himself said to his wife: "I want a daughter to be born." Prayers for mother and child did not stop until the woman gave birth to ... a girl.

An Orthodox friend (who works as a teacher) says: a girl from her group had a seizure. The child is jerking, other children are scared. The teacher asked them all to pray together for this child, and also called two Orthodox friends with a request to pray by agreement. As soon as they finished, the girl's seizure stopped.

What does prayer by agreement look like?

Usually ten, twenty or more people agree to read the Psalter together. If 20, then everyone reads one kathisma a day. For example, today - the first, tomorrow - the second, the day after tomorrow - the third ... they also jointly agree on who will be asked for health and repose. After reading the kathisma, they usually read the prayer itself by agreement and add a joint petition to it.

Here is the text of the prayer itself:

Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Thou art Thou most pure Thy lips: "Amen I say to you, as if two of you consult on the earth of every thing, if you ask it, you will have it from My Father, Like in Heaven: where are two or three gathered in my name, that I am in the midst of them. " Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is without application and Thy philanthropy has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant to us, Your servants (names), who have agreed to ask You (request), the fulfillment of our request. But either way, not as we want, but as you. Thy will be done forever. Amen

Prayer, humility, love

There is trust in the Lord in the words of prayer by agreement. On the one hand, a person, following the gospel example, turns to God with faith. On the other hand, he says: yes, we ask You about it. But only You, Lord, know what will actually be better. Therefore, let Your will be done.

Such an appeal to God is a manifestation of Christian love for one's neighbor. People not only see that the person dear to them is bad, but also ask the Lord to help him. The power is precisely in conciliarity, the principle "where two or three are gathered in my name." But it is also a big responsibility and an element of self-discipline. If you were instructed to read a certain kathisma, and you did not, then because of you the Psalter was not read. If this happens, it is imperative to repent and confess.

Not every person is ready for this kind of prayer work. Therefore, you should not be self-willed, but it is better to approach the confessor or priest who knows you and ask for blessings.

Take it for yourself, tell your friends!

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Prayer by agreement - what is it? You will learn about this from our article. Everything is here: the text of the prayer, interpretation and reflections on the topic of her help.

Prayer by agreement

Prayer by agreement - text in Russian

“With deep faith in the immutability of Thy words and with hope for Thy immeasurable mercy towards us, we humbly ask You to hear Thy servants (names) who agreed to jointly ask You: Lord, let Thy Holy will be done. Give us understanding, strengthen us and help us in everything for the benefit of people and for Your glory, Lord. Help us, O Lord God our Savior, to follow You, helping our neighbors to follow the path of salvation, doing the deeds of faith, so that with Your help and by Your mercy, our efforts serve to increase good and reduce evil in deeds, words and thoughts. Amen".

Prayer by Agreement - Church Slavonic text

“Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Thou art Thou most pure Thy lips:“ Amen, I say to you, that if two of you consult on the earth of every thing, if you ask it, you will have it from My Father, Like in Heaven: where is two or three gathered in my name, that I am in the midst of them. " Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is without application and Thy philanthropy has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant us, Your servants (names), who have agreed to ask You (request), the fulfillment of our request. But either way, not as we want, but as you. Thy will be done forever. Amen."

This article is about a very short Prayer by Agreement.

In the text of this prayer, the central words are the Gospel words: “Truly I say to you that if two of you on earth agree to ask for any deed, then whatever they ask, it will be from My Heavenly Father; for where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them ”(Matthew 18: 19-20). The text itself suggests that this is a supplicatory prayer - a joint, concordant request: "For this sake we pray to You, grant us, Your servants (names) who have agreed to ask You (request) to fulfill our request ...".

Well, it seems that the program text is set, it remains to load the data and wait for the receipt of what is necessary for the deeds of the flesh and what is essential for the deeds of the soul.

But it would not hurt to understand what, why and why we ask, and what we need to ask the Lord - based on His own words.

We ask for the minor, but for the sake of the more significant

"Give us this day our daily bread ..." This is a request that affects the very essence of man, fills his life with meaning. A request for something, maybe insignificant, but necessarily for the sake of something more significant. “Everything temporary cannot be an end in itself, it is inconceivable as something self-sufficient, or it is needed for something else and makes sense as a means, or it is meaningless,” writes the famous Russian philosopher S. Frank.

The question is not what we are asking for, but for what. “Whoever makes good out of any kind,” writes St. Gregory the Theologian, - he is not firm in virtue, because the goal is passed, and he will leave a good deed, but whoever does good for the sake of good, he loves something permanent, feeling in himself something peculiar to God. "

Seraphim of Sarov spoke about this no less deeply: that the main goal of a Christian's life is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit, and how virtue is done is already secondary. From each, as they say, according to his ability, to each according to his mind.

Is it “Spiritual” to Pray for Little Things

But this does not mean at all that we should not "scatter over trifles": ask ourselves suitable job or a new TV with DVD. If, for example, you watch TV without a DVD, then you can easily get caught up in an easily digestible synthesized sin, because it is so difficult to stop in time after watching the news. And with DVD you have the opportunity to form a spiritual diet for yourself and your loved ones.

Therefore, every little thing is very important, and it is imperative to pray for it, because “God is so great that there are no little things for Him” (Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh).

There will always be little things, and there will be many of them, and they will certainly "sink into oblivion," but the habit of praying, always being somewhere near and in harmony with grace, will certainly remain. “Change all your everyday affairs,” says St. John Chrysostom, - with frequent prayers, as it were, with the ties of logs, and thus protect your life from all sides. "

In addition, the great is manifested in the little things, the man is manifested, his inner content, the path he walks, the choice he makes.

When the little things matter

In the life of the Monk Ambrose of Optina there was an interesting case in which he made a choice in favor of a trifle.

Once he talked with people about spiritual life. And suddenly, in the middle of the conversation, when they were talking, it would seem, about the most holy, he interrupted the conversation, fished out some old peasant woman from the crowd and talked to her for a long time about how to feed the turkeys. After the conversation, he was dumbfounded with disappointed questions, they say, how could he interrupt the conversation about God, about spiritual life, about the salvation of the soul, in order to talk with a simple old woman from a neighboring village about trifles, about trifles.

And he said a wonderful thing: “The conversation that we had with you was a luxury, you know a lot without me, on what you know, you can live and enter the Kingdom of God. But for this old woman, her turkeys are a matter of life and death, she is hired to graze them and does not know how to do anything else in life. If the turkeys die, she will be kicked out and she will be a beggar. "

“Elder Ambrose,” reflects Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh about this case, “made a choice with his shrewd mind and enlightened heart: to talk about the simplest, but one that has absolute meaning for a person, instead of saying loud words about what can wait - because God is secondary, but because God is love. " And in this, at first glance, little thing, the whole person is, therefore, Ambrose, not for the successful outcome of the enterprise, but for the person prayed to God together with the old woman. He filled her prayer with his prayer, healed her soul, which suffers in these turkeys. But this is prayer by agreement, when two hearts ache with the same pain.

Why is our prayer a joy to God?

A person perceives prayer as a means to achieve some goal and with this often crosses the threshold of the temple. And then, in the overwhelming majority of cases, when all other means have already been exhausted, psychics and "like them" are already behind.

But still, if for a person prayer is a means, then for God it is a goal and joy. The joy that a person begins to feel the need for Him.

When one day the Lord passed through Jericho, two blind men turned to Him, disrupting the public order with their shouts. "What do you want from me? - Lord, to open our eyes. Jesus, having compassion, touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received their sight, and they followed Him ”(Matthew 20: 33-34).

But the main thing is not what happened when the hand of Christ touched their eyes at the request of their lips, but what happened to the souls of the blind, when grace touched their souls at the request of those who were broken under the burden of the sorrows of their hearts. The blind followed Him. And they not only got sight. They received a new vision of the world, different values, a different life - with Christ.

The groom's prayer for the bride: tactics and strategy

As an example, I will also tell you about my very good friend, who is known as the “legendary groom”.

About ten years ago, he began to pray intensely and ask God to send him a pious wife. But he does not touch brides at all, as it might seem at first glance. When discussing the next candidate, the conversation never goes down to the "legs", but always lingers in the heart of a person, because my friend is looking for a heart, which is also according to with him to pray to God about with whom it is better to live life.

And I realized that it is important for him not to beg the bride, but simply to pray, and the bride is the theme of the text for his inner innermost prayer of the heart, and he is happy in this. As FM Dostoevsky noted in his diary: "Happiness is not in achieving a goal, but in the very process of achieving."

The tactical goal of the prayer-petition is the bride, and the strategic one is simply to be happy in your vocation and in the process of achieving the goal it is better to comprehend what it is.

Happiness is in the very process of prayer. The result is already a "bonus"

The modern church writer and psychologist Marina Kravtsova, referring to today's brides in her book "On Female Loneliness", simply cries out to "groomsmen hunters" (however, this also applies to bride hunters too) that no, even the most lethal charge of grace from prayers and fasts read according to a certain technology will not break through the goal. After all, if there is no inner satisfaction and peace, which comes only from sincere prayer, even now, before marriage, then after that this dissatisfaction will increase tenfold. Because the emphasis is placed not on love, but on self-love, not on prayer, but on goals, not "what, Lord, you please", but what "I want."

“Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all the rest will be added to you,” says the Lord. This means that you need to initially, independently, regardless of external circumstances, try to be happy in Christ. And then there will definitely be a person who wants to share your happiness with you. And the source of this happiness will not be mutual vampirism, but mutual prayer.

Not receiving what is asked in prayer is also a blessing

Even when you do not receive what you ask for, then this is already a blessing in itself, because if you received, then from God, and did not receive, then also from God. The main thing is to humble yourself. This is exactly what is said in the closing words of Prayer by Agreement: “But both of us not as we want, but as You. Thy will be done forever. "

"Sometimes victory is also a defeat, and sometimes a defeat is a victory," wrote St. Gregory the Theologian.

One of my close friends once made a very touching confession about his "defeat" in life. He really wanted to get married and have children. I put in considerable inner prayer efforts for this. And he got married, but has no children. However, at the same time, I am absolutely sure that God did hear his prayers: "After all, I will not reproach my wife that she cannot give birth, but God, that He saves me from an unbearable burden." And it's not easy beautiful words, but a piece of life experience suffered with blood.

“Just think - grief; take a closer look - the will of the Lord, ”wrote F.M. Dostoevsky about a four-year piece of his life experience of hard labor.

Prayer by agreement is the path to harmony

When you carefully listen to the inner harmony of the content of the "Prayer by Agreement", then the conclusion suggests itself that this is a prayer for harmony between God and man. About aligning our will, our life with God's will and life.

And His will is that we love each other, because His life in us is love. Where people are together in His Name, there they look at the same thing in different ways, but in one direction, and ask for help to live in harmony on this path.

Each person has his own little piece of experience of sin and grace: today I am fallen, and my neighbor is standing, tomorrow everything can be exactly the opposite. But only in the communion of love, even with those who pay for trust with betrayal, is the mystery of the fullness of this experience, the fullness of the Church possible.

How many times to forgive? And what for? ..

It is in this context, after the parable of the lost sheep, after the instructions on how to look for a person who has turned away from you (“if your brother sins against you, reprove him between you and him alone ...” (Matthew 18:15) and were told by Christ the words: "Where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:20).

With these words, the Lord asks us, who are close to lost person people, to pray for him, when all efforts have already been exhausted and simple patience is no longer enough: “Lord, how much to forgive my brother who sins against me, up to seven times,” the Apostle Peter asks after this speech of Christ about the measure of love. And the Lord replies that there is no such measure: “I do not tell you until seven, but up to seventy seventy times” (Matthew 18: 21-22).

“His words,” writes St. John Chrysostom in his interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew, “have the following meaning: if someone sets Me up as the first foundation of love for one's neighbor, I will be together with him. But we see that many have different motives for love: one loves because he is loved himself, another because he is respected, another because his neighbor is useful to him. But it is difficult to find someone who would love his neighbor sincerely, for Christ's sake. The saints did not love so much, but for Christ's sake, because although they themselves were not loved, they continued to love. That which in others serves to destroy love, here contributes to its affirmation ”.

Prayer by agreement - wishing a little happiness, we learn to love and be loved

Thus, our Wise Teacher in the person of His Church teaches through the desire for a little happiness to beg the TV for great happiness to love and be loved.

After all, the Church draws her prayers from the Gospel, which exists not only in the form of a book. We comprehend it as the life of the Church and life in the Church. A book is just a means, an opportunity to dwell on any episode of your life and consider yourself in it soberly and impartially, take the first words for your first sincere request, hear the right note for your prayer of the heart. To see oneself somewhere a publican, and somewhere a Pharisee, somewhere a legalist, somewhere a harlot. To pity someone and to pray for him, but at the same time to feel the prayer and pity for Christ for himself.

After all, "The Church is a prayer to the Father in Christ," wrote the famous liturgist Fr. Nikolay Afanasyev. That is, a prayer for each other and for oneself, the revelation of oneself in another person, according to the apt expression of St. Nicholas of Serbia: "The Lord is like every man and every man can recognize himself by looking at Him."

Therefore, in conclusion of this little article about a very small prayer, I dare to conclude that this is not just a "Prayer by agreement": we agreed, begged for what was needed and dispersed, but, most likely, a request-cry for agreement in Christ of all people together with Christ every single person in our sinful universe.

People agree to pray for something together: at the same time they get up to pray, even if they are even separated by many kilometers. How to read such a prayer by agreement, whom to take on the prayer team, and when to expect results, says Archpriest Nikolai Sokolov, rector of the church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi.

Where are two or three

Prayer by agreement is not new. I have known this prayer for fifty years, or even more. If I am not mistaken, for the first time it began to be used in their pastoral practice by such experienced confessors as Archpriest (Bloom), Archimandrite.

They suggested reading it in the event that a person fell into a difficult situation - be it illness, grief or other everyday difficulties - and they would like it to be corrected. Then he was asked to find several like-minded people who would agree to voluntarily take on the feat of prayer for him. And not just prayers "for everything good", but for a specific request.

Based on the words of the Gospel of Matthew “where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them” () it would be good to gather together for fervent prayer. After all, when everyone is standing together in church, it’s easier to pray!

Unfortunately, this is not always possible, so the participants approve some time convenient for everyone, and people gather for prayer every day at the time of day. If you are unable to pray strictly at a certain time every day, you can simply add this prayer to the morning rule - after all, time does not exist for God.

And if everyone prayed at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, and you forgot and prayed at 13, or even just caught yourself in the evening, it's okay. Although desirable, try to pray together.

Which prayer to choose? There are several variants of it, their meaning is approximately the same. I use the one attributed to my father. Here it is:

"Lord Jesus Christ our God, You told us:" If two or three of you agree on earth to ask for any deed, then whatever they ask, it will be for you from My Heavenly Father. " With deep faith in the immutability of Thy words and with hope for Thy immeasurable mercy to us, we humbly ask You to hear Thy servants (names) who agreed to jointly ask You: Lord, let Thy Holy will be done. Give us understanding, strengthen us and help us in everything for the benefit of people and for Your glory, Lord. Grant us, O Lord our Savior our Savior, to follow You, helping our neighbors to follow the path of salvation, doing the deeds of faith, so that with Your help and by Your mercy, our efforts serve to increase good and reduce evil in our deeds, words and thoughts. Amen".

In the place where the names of those who agreed to pray are listed, you need to add their request, say, "for the health of such and such a person," "for well-being in the family," "for sending success in such and such an enterprise," and so on.

For those seeking a special deed, it is possible to agree to add to this prayer a chapter from the Gospel or Kathisma from the Psalter. Whether it is worth doing this depends on the state of strength, health and desire.

There can be no better or worse in prayer. You can just say in your own words: "Lord, we agreed to pray about this and that, but I did not have time to read the prayer, Lord help them in what they ask." The Lord hears such a prayer. The main thing is that she be sincere, with hope and hope. I noticed that when people begin to pray earnestly and this request is pleasing to God, then everything happens and happens very quickly.

Especially dear to me are the cases when, after prayer by agreement, peace comes to the family. When the mother and daughter did not speak, there was a complete discord, but something happens and everything changes. Recently we prayed for the health of a seriously ill baby and the Lord sent good doctors. Although the child did not receive complete healing, the situation became much easier and the parents were able to prolong his life. I can list such stories endlessly, since in my practice as a priest, prayer by agreement is quite popular.

If there is no will of God

Do I need to set a deadline? I think no. Because God has his own timing. What is six months, a year, ten years? We know examples from Holy Scripture, when all the deadlines have already passed, but the Lord fulfilled the promised. Remember Joachim and Anna, Abraham and Sarah - how many years they prayed and the Lord sent what they asked for when even hope was gone. Remember, they even found it funny that they would become parents at that age, but nevertheless, the will of God is immutable. If the Lord said yes, then yes.

But it also happens that people pray for a long time, but their request is not fulfilled. You need to be prepared for the fact that the will of God may not be. A negative answer is also an answer. Therefore, we always say at the end of the prayer "Thy will be done." (In fact, repeating the prayer "Our Father" - it can also be read by agreement. The same words, only in a different form). We must believe that if a person sincerely prays, then the Lord will certainly reveal His will to him through other people, through his life, through circumstances, and it will become obvious to you whether you need to continue praying about this. There will be no doubts. But, of course, you need to ask for reasonable things. If a person does not have an arm or a leg, there is no need to ask for it to grow back. There was a case in history when St. , but this is not a common case.

Two years ago I was asked to pray for one pair. I started to pray, but they disappeared and I don't know how they are doing. Maybe they parted, maybe they died, or maybe, on the contrary, everything is fine with them and just moved. But this is how I pray, because they do not appear. Therefore, it seems to me important to share the results with each other, to discuss the development of the situation.

There are times when we pray for the marriage of a girl, for example, and she has someone, but she is silent and does not tell anyone anything. Thinks, let them continue to pray, maybe I can find it even better. There are also such cases. But it is better to share news with each other, to keep up to date. If it works, then we are praying for a reason. And if not, then you may need to additionally serve a prayer service. Gather the whole team in the temple to read the akathist in front of the icon "Seeking out the lost" or "Satisfy my sorrows" and then the prayer of the Church will be added to your prayer by agreement.

And most importantly, when the request is fulfilled, it is very important not to forget to thank God, to serve a thanksgiving prayer service, to remember the gospel lepers, ten of whom were cleansed and only one came to thank.

Prayer Book Team

To begin with, I would recommend that you take a blessing from a priest who knows your spiritual mood. Tell him that there is such a request, such a problem or such a misfortune, can we pray that the Lord would bless and resolve the situation. And tell who would you like to ask, say, three or four such and such people. If the priest blessed, then God help!

Do I need to add prayer books to the team? I would say that it is possible. Because if you know that some person will really pray sincerely, and not because you will give him some kind of reward, but because he himself loves to be with God, then his help will be in demand.

But if there are no such special people around, then you can invite everyone who is not indifferent and who agrees to pray voluntarily from the heart. And you don't need to persuade anyone. Because if five or six people agreed to pray, but they pray only because they were uncomfortable with refusing, this is bad. If you approach prayer formally, there will be no benefit. The Lord sees the hearts of people and the mechanical pronunciation of prayer does not give results.

I myself really love this prayer. My father advised me to pray to her. My dear grandfather, a man of high spiritual life, Nikolai Ivanovich Pestov often prayed in agreement with his loved ones. People prayed especially fervently during the years of persecution and during the war. It is now three hours to drive from Moscow to Tula, but then it took three days to get to the checkpoints. Yes, more bombing. They brought food with them. And when someone set off on the road, the rest prayed and the Lord kept it. I was told about a mother, an old woman, who was on her way to exile and was carrying a hundred kilograms of food with her. The guys who saw her off all wondered how she would get there, how would she get there ?! And she said: “And what for the Mother of God? And St. Nikolay for what? You will bring me to the corner and pray, stand still! " They took her to the corner of this street and left. And when they returned an hour later, she was no longer there. No money, no tickets. With God's help, through the prayer of her relatives, one got into exile and also brought food with her.

Recorded by Ekaterina Stepanova

Prayer by Agreement - How to Pray Properly?

There are a huge number of prayer texts that people say when there is a need for it or simply because of the desire of the heart. You can also pray in a group, and it doesn't matter where the members are. In this case, prayer by agreement is used, which is capable of working miracles.

What is prayer by agreement?

If we touch upon the origin of this concept, then it is worth noting that the word "church" means "assembly." People come to temples to pray and communicate with the Lord God. If we move on to what prayer by agreement means, then it implies the simultaneous pronunciation of sacred texts by several people who are in different parts of the earth. It is believed that the power of prayer is multiplied by the unification of believers. They use it to solve various life difficulties.

Prayers by agreement - for and against

According to the believers, the results from the use of consensual prayers are overwhelming. People with the same problems connect and send their sincere requests to the Lord. Priests say only good things about prayer by agreement and urge you not to be alone with your troubles. As for possible shortcomings, they mostly relate to the conscientiousness of the group members, that is, whether people will responsibly pray at the appointed time or break a promise, but this cannot be controlled.

Prayer by agreement is not easy, so you need to weigh everything carefully before agreeing to participate, as many people will count on help. A person should join prayer groups exclusively voluntarily, remembering that self-discipline is of great importance in this matter. If the participants do not approach this matter seriously, then you should not count on positive changes.

How does prayer by agreement go?

An organized prayer team can have a different number of people, starting with at least two. Reading prayers is a whole ritual that can be performed up to several times a day. There are special rules for reading a prayer by agreement:

  1. First, there is a reservation, what is the purpose of the collective appeal to the Higher Forces. It is important to indicate not only the problem, but also the name of the person for whom you need to pray.
  2. After that, the praying people begin to read the Psalter together, that is, on the first day one kathisma is read, the next day the second, and so on.
  3. At this stage, a prayer text is read, the purpose of which is to help specific people.

Consensual Prayer - How to Get Involved?

Technological progress has reached the faith, as many temples and cathedrals have their own sites where you can find various information. Some resources provide help for prayer by agreement. There are special sections where you can choose a suitable akathist, indicate the problem and describe the people for whom you need to pray. As a result, it will be indicated on what day and time you have to get up for prayer. The sites have information on how to pay for prayer by agreement.

Prayer by Agreement - How to Pray Properly?

Before proceeding to the pronunciation of prayer texts, it is necessary to undergo preparation. First, you should go to the church to the priest and ask for blessings for the work ahead. He is encouraged to tell what the problem is, who would like to help and list the names of those who will be included in the prayer group. Orthodox prayer by agreement, it can be recited only after confession and approval of the spiritual mentor.

Only people who have been baptized in Orthodox Church and belong to one of 15 recognized autocephalous churches. This rule also applies to those for whom the believers will pray. Prayer by agreement is added to the morning and / or evening prayer rule. Before pronouncing the selected sacred text, preparatory prayers are necessarily read.

Does prayer by agreement always help?

There are times when prayer appeals remain unanswered and many do not understand what the problem is. This does not mean that the power of prayer by agreement is small and the request did not reach heaven, but such an outcome is considered normal, since there are such words: "Thy will be done." The Lord has the right to decide whether the request will be implemented or not. A negative total is also considered a result. Many are interested in why you are sick even more by prayer by agreement, this is due to the fact that healing is taking place, since getting rid of everything negative you can get better.

Prayer Aid Facts By Agreement

There are a huge number of messages that believers leave on sites where you can join in prayer, forums and other sources. Let's take as an example, just some miracles by prayer by agreement:

  1. The girl, who had serious financial problems, only read the akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker on three Thursdays, and the very next day she was taken on Good work and the situation began to change for the better.
  2. One woman prayed for her brother, who was diagnosed with advanced cancer. He lost hope, quarreled with all his relatives and wanted to die. The woman began to read the akathist to the Mother of God, and her brother began to change before our eyes. He brightened up, began to convince everyone that everything would be fine, asked to bring him the Bible and made peace with his loved ones. He left life as another bright person.
  3. With the help of the akathist "Unexpected Joy", the girl, who was afraid of childbirth and doctors told her that there was a risk of caesarean section, adjusted the situation. As a result, the birth went well and even painlessly.

Prayer before reading prayer by agreement

The list of mandatory preparation includes the pronunciation of the prayer "Our Father", which is considered the most powerful and universal for believers. In order for it to activate its power, it is necessary during the pronunciation of the text to fully concentrate on the words and open your soul to God. A request for help should sound sincere and from a pure heart. Remember that prayer of agreement without a blessing cannot be said.

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Prayer by agreement, how to pray correctly

Many people agree to offer a prayer together for something, that is, they get up for a prayer address at the same time, even though they may be thousands of kilometers apart. But what is prayer by agreement and how to pray correctly, in what situations and to whom you can find out from the article below.

what is prayer by agreement

This kind of prayer is a kind of quick help for those people who have had a chance to face a difficult life situation and this method is able to solve various problems that a person can no longer solve on his own.

A prayer appeal can help a neighbor in the following situations:

Trouble, sorrow, misfortune, etc.

The main characteristic feature a prayer petition by agreement is that a special prayer team is organized for its implementation, which can include both 2-3 people and 20-30 people. And even if these Orthodox Christians are at a fairly considerable distance from each other, they begin to say the prayer service at the same, but pre-approved time.

The reading of prayers by agreement itself is a whole prayer rite that can be performed every day and not only one at a time, but also several times. In most cases, it is carried out on the basis of such a plan:

First of all, it is necessary to stipulate what will be the purpose of the collective appeal to the forces from Above, that is, what the petition is about and for whom;

And only after that the worshipers can begin to recite the Psalter together, that is, each of them must read one specific kathisma per day, but on the second day they pronounce the next kathisma after the read;

The last stage after pronouncing the kathisma is considered to be the reading of the prayer itself itself, which carries a good goal - an appeal to the Almighty to help their loved ones and relatives.

The key to success is a sincere appeal to the Almighty

The results of a prayer request in some cases can really be pleasantly overwhelming, because in the Orthodox religion this kind of sacrament can bring unprecedented benefits, since in this case several believers simultaneously turn to the Almighty with the same request from which the powerful energy of prayer words can increase many times.

But along with this, the ceremony also has a weakness - the final result largely depends on how conscientious and responsible the participants in the prayer team will be. At the same time, the efficiency itself may decrease if the person who agreed to take part in prayer petition, will become due to their forgetfulness or unreliability, skipping days.

Prayer by agreement to the Guardian Angel, St. Nicholas and other Saints is not an easy task, which means that before agreeing to participate in it, an Orthodox person should think carefully about everything and really assess his capabilities, and also take into account the main features character.

It should be noted that the ritual must be carried out according to one's own will and, most importantly, deliberately, and a Christian who agreed to be a member of a prayer group must have impressive self-discipline and only then by joint efforts can one achieve success.

Preparing for a prayer conversion

From the participants in the sacrament, the prayer requires the observance of certain preparatory measures. Naturally, it is possible to simply agree with all the details about everything, eliminate the ambiguities that have arisen, as well as take into account all the details and start an appeal to the Savior.

However, the very purpose of prayer is truly important for Orthodox Christians, and therefore they will not do this, since first of all they should turn to the church to the clergyman and ask him for blessings in the difficult work ahead of them, which in turn will be the most correct option.

The priest should tell about the essence of the petition, state the current problem, name those persons who will read the prayer appeal with you.

After the priest gives his blessing words and the Almighty will certainly send his grace.

My spiritual beacon, prayer by agreement

Based on experience, the ministers of the temple advise to pronounce such a prayer when they find themselves in a particularly difficult life situation, grief or illness overcomes him. A believer needs to find a group of like-minded people who have agreed to read a prayer for him with all sincerity that his request be fulfilled.

The text of the prayer words is as follows:

“Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Thou art Thou most purely Thy lips:“ Amen, I say to you, that if two of you consult on the earth of every thing, if you ask it, you will have it from My Father,

Heaven: where are two or three gathered in my name, that I am in the midst of them. " Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is without application and Thy philanthropy has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant us, slaves

Your (names), who agreed to ask Ty (request), the fulfillment of our request. But either way, not as we want, but as you. Thy will be done forever. Amen."

There are also many other petitions, such as, for example, prayer by agreement for family and faith, as well as prayer by agreement to Nicholas the Wonderworker. Moreover, the second prayer is considered one of the most powerful petitions, which is most often pronounced when selling movable and immovable property, in financial difficulties, in helping to get a job, in captivity, in prison and not only.

The text of the prayer address to St. Nicholas:

“O all-holy Nicholas, the most splendid Lord, our warm intercessor and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, sinful and sad, in this present life, pray to the Lord God for granting me forgiveness of all my sins that have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and in the exodus of my soul, help me, the accursed one, pray to the Lord God of all creatures, the Makeerer, to save me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and forever, and forever and ever ... Amen."

May the Lord protect you!

See also the video on prayer by agreement:

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Prayer by agreement - how to pray correctly, when to read

Although Christianity has ancient history, but modern trends are not alien to him either. Thanks to the Internet, thousands of Orthodox Christians communicate with each other. They share news, information, unite for joint events. On the Internet, a phenomenon such as prayer by agreement is gaining popularity among believers. How to pray correctly, to join this process - this article tells.

Well forgotten old

Don't forget that every new trend is based on the traditions of the past... Likewise, prayer by agreement is nothing more than the fulfillment of the words of Christ, who bequeathed in the Bible that people come together for prayer. An indication of this can be found in the scripture of Matthew, in verses 19-20 of the 18th chapter. There, the Son of God directly promises that he will fulfill the requests that will be offered up by several people gathered together.

Today, the only difference is that everything is organized via the Internet. Modern methods of communication make it possible even for those who are thousands of kilometers from each other to unite for a good cause.

How to recite a prayer by agreement?

  • The most common variant is the singing of akathists - a special form of church versification, very popular in our time. These prayers are addressed to different saints, Mother of God, To the Lord, to the Angels.

Before promising your participation, it will be useful to ask the priest's blessing in the temple. He should describe the purpose, tell what text will be read, answer questions if they follow. Most likely a blessing will be given... Perhaps the priest himself will want to participate or offer to gather for prayer in the temple.

There is no need to impose on anyone participation in this holy work. It may be uncomfortable for a person to refuse - as a result of the prayer, he will read it casually. There is no benefit from this. It is better to have a few really caring people who sincerely wish to devote time to fellowship with the saints, to help those who are in trouble. There have already been many occasions when people gathered to pray received prompt responses to their requests.

At the appointed time, all distractions should be eliminated: television, the Internet, mute the sound on the telephone. You can light the lamp, if it is available in the house or in advance to purchase a candle in the temple. Standing in front of the images, mentally focus on what is the purpose of addressing higher forces. It is better to read the text out loud, without rushing. It can be an akathist to St. Nicholas, the holy Psalms of King David - it doesn't matter, the rules are the same. What should the participant feel? “Prayer is my duty towards my neighbor,” - such an attitude will certainly bring a positive result.

My spiritual beacon

As a permanent parishioner of any Orthodox church, it is quite possible to organize such meetings in your church. But no one bothers to participate in them remotely. This can be done through the website, groups on social networks.

The temple in the small Russian town of Bolgar became very famous., where a variety of akathists are regularly read:

Each participant can remotely submit his own name for mentioning during a joint reading. A donation may apply for this! The main thing here is not to fall for the bait of scammers, of whom there are a lot of them on the net. It is worth remembering that the Lord does not demand money from anyone for prayers, He only cares about the heartfelt disposition of a person.

To make participation convenient for people from different time zones, prayers begin at different times, four times a day. It is possible to join both early in the morning (before work) and late in the evening (when everything is finished, the children went to bed).

So is there really a prayer by agreement"My Spiritual Beacon"? Yes, it is. But in order to have complete confidence, it is better to carefully watch the video with the participation of the priest Vladimir Golovin. There he explains in detail how to engage in prayer by agreement. The temple does accept donations, but this is not at all a condition for participation. Father reads out all the names that come to him from the believers.

"Athos" deception

Who among the Orthodox has not heard of the monks from the holy mountain? It is a special honor for everyone to pray for their blessing. Allegedly, the Athos prayer by agreement has recently become widely known on the Russian Internet. One of the Orthodox activists conducted an investigation, trying to find out who was hiding behind this.

It turned out that in the Athos skete, to which the site refers, there is not only the Internet, but the light is not always there. The monks did not create any website, donations for prayers are not collected by agreement. Scammers have settled in Ukraine. Their goal is one - to collect more easy money from gullible people.

Believers should be careful. It is quite easy to distinguish the requisites of a real-life church, monastery from a bank card of a private person. If in doubt, inquire. It should be remembered that you don't have to pay anyone to read prayers. Only trusted organizations should transfer funds.

Saint Nicholas - the patron

This person will be recognized by millions of people. although he died almost two thousand years ago. Also, the elderly bishop became the prototype of everyone's beloved Santa Claus. How did he deserve such love? The fact that he loved God and the people who lived nearby. As a young man, Nicholas was already doing things for the good of his neighbors. He saved from dishonor the girls he knew, whose father was completely ruined.

Prayer by agreement to Nicholas the Wonderworker can have any purpose:

  • healing from illness;
  • way out of a difficult financial situation;
  • request for the gift of children;
  • about the successful start of your own business;
  • about a successful journey by any means of transport.
To do this, it is necessary to read the akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker, this is done without fail while standing. The number of times does not play a decisive role here. It is better to do it once, but with full dedication, than several, but inattentively.

You can even ask for a new one, more modern household appliances. There is nothing wrong with that. After all, such things help to save energy and time that you can devote to your children, engaged in their upbringing. During his lifetime, Nicholas the Wonderworker just helped his neighbors in such ordinary everyday affairs. There is nothing wrong with household amenities if they are honestly acquired. The main thing is not to forget to thank God and the saints for their help. It is also important not to stop praying.... After all, someone on earth always needs help, including sincere requests to the Almighty.

What saints can you pray

There are no restrictions here. The spiritual world of the Russian person contains a whole pantheon of holy martyrs, righteous men, reverends. Each has its own history and is related in church tradition to different life situations. In fact, this binding is rather arbitrary.

On the Internet you can find a special small text of a prayer by agreement, addressed to the Lord. It is available in both Church Slavonic and Russian. It takes very little time to read it, therefore, it is the akathists that are most often used in prayer by agreement. Reading one takes an unprepared person about half an hour. If the content is already familiar, then a little less. You can use the Psalms or any other prayer that you like - it is important to agree on this with other participants.

A responsibility

It would seem that it is much easier to read the finished text and success is guaranteed. But this method has weaknesses. After all, a lot depends on diligence, responsibility of each participant. If even one of the believers thinks: “My voice does not matter,” the effectiveness of the conversion may decrease.

Unanswered requests - what to do?

"My desire is not fulfilled - does it mean there is no God?" - Probably everyone has asked a similar question at least once. But the Orthodox understanding of the will of the Most High is very different from the philistine view. An inexperienced person looks at prayer as a magic conspiracy - said and you can get what you want. But the spiritual world is somewhat more complicated.

Every prayer request must be imbued with humility. Man is simply unable to comprehend the will of God... And he should not be offended by his Creator because his wish has not been fulfilled. The Lord is wise and wants only the best for everyone. “My weak human mind is far from understanding the higher plane,” - you should remind your ego in case of doubt.

The lack of a result only indicates that that it is necessary to accept the current circumstances and do what is in human power. After all, God sees what is still unknown to mere mortals. Under no circumstances should one lose only faith in His goodness and hope for the best. If unkind thoughts are overwhelming, be sure to talk about it with a spiritual mentor. But as many participants testify, prayer by agreement brings quick, positive results.

https://www.instagram.com/spasi.gospodi/. The community has more than 58,000 subscribers.

There are many of us, like-minded people, and we are growing rapidly, posting prayers, utterances of saints, prayer requests, timely posting useful information about holidays and Orthodox events ... Subscribe. Guardian Angel to you!

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site, before you start studying the information, please subscribe to our Orthodox community on Instagram, Lord, Save and Save † - https://www.instagram.com/spasi.gospodi/. The community has more than 60,000 subscribers.

There are many of us, like-minded people, and we are growing rapidly, posting prayers, sayings of saints, prayer requests, timely posting useful information about holidays and Orthodox events ... Subscribe. Guardian Angel to you!

Many people agree to offer a prayer together for something, that is, they get up for a prayer address at the same time, even though they may be thousands of kilometers apart. But what is prayer by agreement and how to pray correctly, in what situations and to whom you can find out from the article below.

This kind of prayer is a kind of quick help for those people who have had a chance to face a difficult life situation and this method is able to solve various problems that a person can no longer solve on his own.

A prayer appeal can help a neighbor in the following situations:

  • Everyday troubles;
  • Serious ailments;
  • Trouble, sorrow, misfortune, etc.

How to read a prayer by agreement, features

The main characteristic feature of a prayer petition by agreement is that a special prayer team is organized to carry it out, which can include both 2-3 people and 20-30 people. And even if these Orthodox Christians are at a fairly considerable distance from each other, they begin to say the prayer service at the same, but pre-approved time.

The reading of prayers by agreement itself is a whole prayer rite that can be performed every day and not only one at a time, but also several times. In most cases, it is carried out on the basis of such a plan:

  • First of all, it is necessary to stipulate what will be the purpose of the collective appeal to the forces from Above, that is, what the petition is about and for whom;
  • And only after that the worshipers can begin to recite the Psalter together, that is, each of them must read one specific kathisma per day, but on the second day they pronounce the next kathisma after the read;
  • The last stage after pronouncing the kathisma is considered to be the reading of the prayer itself itself, which carries a good goal - an appeal to the Almighty to help their loved ones and relatives.

The key to success is a sincere appeal to the Almighty

The results of a prayer request in some cases can really be pleasantly overwhelming, because in the Orthodox religion this kind of sacrament can bring unprecedented benefits, since in this case several believers simultaneously turn to the Almighty with the same request from which the powerful energy of prayer words can increase many times.

But along with this, the ceremony also has a weakness - the final result largely depends on how conscientious and responsible the participants in the prayer team will be. At the same time, the efficiency itself may decrease if the person who agreed to take part in the prayer request becomes, due to his forgetfulness or unreliability, skipping days.

Prayer by agreement to the Guardian Angel, St. Nicholas and other Saints is not an easy task, which means that before agreeing to participate in it, an Orthodox person should think carefully about everything and really assess his capabilities, and also take into account the main features character.

It should be noted that the ritual must be carried out according to one's own will and, most importantly, deliberately, and a Christian who agreed to be a member of a prayer group must have impressive self-discipline and only then by joint efforts can one achieve success.

Preparing for a prayer conversion

From the participants in the sacrament, the prayer requires the observance of certain preparatory measures. Naturally, it is possible to simply agree with all the details about everything, eliminate the ambiguities that have arisen, as well as take into account all the details and start an appeal to the Savior.

However, the very purpose of prayer is truly important for Orthodox Christians, and therefore they will not do this, since first of all they should turn to the church to the clergyman and ask him for blessings in the difficult work ahead of them, which in turn will be the most correct option.

  • Before a prayer conversion, it is recommended to ask for a blessing, but best of all from that priest who would know you and your spiritual state well.
  • The priest should tell about the essence of the petition, state the current problem, name those persons who will read the prayer appeal with you.
  • After the priest gives his blessing words and the Almighty will certainly send his grace.

My spiritual beacon, prayer by agreement

Based on experience, the ministers of the temple advise to pronounce such a prayer when they find themselves in a particularly difficult life situation, grief or illness overcomes him. A believer needs to find a group of like-minded people who have agreed to read a prayer for him with all sincerity that his request be fulfilled.

The text of the prayer words is as follows:

“Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Thou art Thou most purely Thy lips:“ Amen, I say to you, that if two of you consult on the earth of every thing, if you ask it, you will have it from My Father,

Heaven: where are two or three gathered in my name, that I am in the midst of them. " Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is without application and Thy philanthropy has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant us, slaves

Your (names), who agreed to ask Ty (request), the fulfillment of our request. But either way, not as we want, but as you. Thy will be done forever. Amen."

There are also many other petitions, such as, for example, prayer by agreement for family and faith, as well as prayer by agreement to Nicholas the Wonderworker. Moreover, the second prayer is considered one of the most powerful petitions, which is most often pronounced when selling movable and immovable property, in financial difficulties, in helping to get a job, in captivity, in prison and not only.

The text of the prayer address to St. Nicholas:

“O all-holy Nicholas, the most splendid Lord, our warm intercessor and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, sinful and sad, in this present life, pray to the Lord God for granting me forgiveness of all my sins that have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and in the exodus of my soul, help me, the accursed one, pray to the Lord God of all creatures, the Makeerer, to save me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and forever, and forever and ever ... Amen."

May the Lord protect you!

See also the video on prayer by agreement:

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