The most harmful sign of the zodiac is a woman. The most harmful girls according to the signs of the zodiac. Worst zodiac sign for a woman

Which women are the most harmful according to the sign of the zodiac? The stars give the answer (see our list), but we know they can be wrong. Therefore, our "hit parade", as they say, divide by ten. Bad girls can represent any sign of the zodiac, that's a fact.

12th - Libra

11th place - Capricorn

Women born under this sign are control freaks. More specifically, self-control. Inside Capricorn there can be any storm of feelings and experiences, but there will be no way out. Or it will, but when the woman herself wants it. Do you want open feelings? You've come to the wrong address. Then you will get used to the restraint of the Capricorn woman, but then she suddenly decides that she wants to open up, and will arrange a real whirlpool of passions. And when you get a taste, it closes again and freezes. And so it will be all the time.

10th place - Aquarius

Representatives of this sign love to ride and ride partners on an emotional swing. They will scream, stomp their feet, piss you off, and in a minute they are already climbing to hug. And when you decide that you have true love with her and let her know this, Aquarius will get scared and run away. Because he can't stand possessiveness. Then she will return, turn your head, you confess your love to her, and then she will run away again. Here is the bastard.

9th place - Pisces

With Pisces, things are completely different. They are whiny, sensitive, looking for love and affection, and they are never enough. In addition, Pisces has a developed fantasy and increased suspicion. They will harass you with whining, lamentations in the spirit of “you don’t love me” and accusations of adultery invented by them (for you). This constant babbling of Pisces is very harmful to mental health.

8th place - Sagittarius

Sagittarius wants adventure, movement, passion and bright colors in life. If a partner cannot give this to her or will not keep up with her pace, she will begin to harass him, to ruffle his nerves. It is almost impossible to resist the charm of a Sagittarius woman, so the partner will really try to match her, even if he is not physically capable. After a 10-hour day at work, can't you keep her company for the night - hang out well in three places? You are weak, my friend.

7th place - Taurus

Taurus is the light version of Aries. Taurus love scenes, make excessive demands and ask partners to go there I don’t know where, but they are more interested in the process itself than in the result. Simply put, they like to make scenes and mischief, but just like that, without selfish intent. You only need to play along a little, and that's it: the performance will end, the curtain will fall, the steam will come out.

6th place - Aries

The Aries Woman is not a bit like a Sheep - it is rather a real Sheep. Her element is whims. She will take out her partner's brain, demanding to get the stars from the sky, and when the stars are in her hands, wrinkle her nose and say "not the one, not the one." All a man needs to do in such cases is either run away or act tough. Enough, they say, there will be nothing for you until you stop being capricious. Here the Aries woman will turn into a natural sheep, deceive your intuition and, when you relax, will attack with new whims.

5th place - Gemini

The most harmful women according to the horoscope are those who like to intrigue. This is definitely true for Gemini. Some of them - not all, of course - love intrigue, head-on clashes and having a lot of guys. Therefore, even if you have love, you should not relax: dramatic scenes, showdowns and tantrums are inevitable. As well as regular flirting with others, perhaps in front of you. And there is a reason for that, something like “you pay little attention to me, and I am looking for it on the side.” Brr.

4th place - Virgo

Virgos are easy on life, just as easy on relationships, and they also love to swear and argue. Conclusion: they will easily break up with a partner after a couple of scenes. They will be charged with energy from him and will go further, to look for another unfortunate one. And even if true love happens to them, it will be difficult for Virgos to resist constant disputes over trifles. Or to question and criticize all your actions. What to do in such cases? Be silent. Save more nerve cells.

3rd place - Cancer

Representatives of this sign are amorous, devoted, focused on the object of their love so much that they do not let him breathe easy. From feelings they are so wedged that love turns into something tiring. And just try to ignore it: Cancer will be offended, withdraw into itself and begin to make plans for you, such a heartless one, to take revenge. And he comes up with it. So, if you want to be sure that you don't spit in your soup, love Cancer with all your might. Even if the strength is gone.

2nd place - Scorpio

Scorpio will plague a partner with bile, a snobbish attitude towards everything and everyone, and mood swings. It can be very good and unbearable at the same time. And all because the sharp mind of Scorpio feeds on irritation for any reason. Let's add deceit and fierce jealousy and we will get a nuclear cocktail at the output. To endure the brain is the vocation of a Scorpio woman, she is a real pro in this matter. Our advice - try to be affectionate with her. Constantly. This can upset her so much that it will make her change for the better. Just be patient, okay?

1st place - Leo

The most harmful zodiac signs are Leo women. Lionesses are regal, arrogant and always waiting for something. They will not openly demand, it is petty and unworthy, so the Lionesses rely on your intuition. Which they assume will tell you what to do. Let us work with your intuition and tell you what the Lionesses are waiting for. Always delight and surprise. All the time. If you do not do this, the Lioness will shower you with contempt and demand to atone for your guilt. Preferably diamonds.


about him.

eaten alive.

No. 2. Capricorn

disdain hikes to the left.

What is the most harmful zodiac sign among men? What kind of men should women beware of and what do you need to know about him?

There are simply unbearable men, among whom one can trace belonging to one or another sign of the Zodiac.

But I wonder what is the most harmful zodiac sign? What kind of men
you need to beware, or, if feelings have flared up, then what you need to know
about him.

No. 1. Of course, the pedestal is occupied by Scorpio

Men of this zodiac sign are sometimes simply unbearable. prudent,
cold, selfish. Very vindictive. Sometimes resentment is carried all life, and
at the next opportunity, be sure to recoup for it. For ambition
The scorpion will crush everyone around. He, like a tractor, goes ahead for the sake of
his goal, there are no obstacles for him. Insidious - yes, but no way
not mean. Without a twinge of conscience, they will express everything in person, without even turning
attention to the person's reaction. They rarely feel sorry for someone, the main thing for them is
family, and they simply do not notice the rest. Many even call them
ruthless. Perhaps that is why many US presidents were born under
constellation scorpio. The most dangerous thing is that scorpions outwardly absolutely
calm, but real passions boil inside them. Scorpio will give everything
what he has to help a friend or loved one, but also,
will give everything to grind the traitor to powder. So the women who
decided to connect their fate with scorpions, a lot will fall in life
sex and passion, but God forbid to deceive your chosen one, then he will
eaten alive.

No. 2. Capricorn

Also a cold, rarely emotional sign. Although astrologers say
that behind the imaginary indifference of this sign hides the inability to show one's
the senses. So, it turns out that the Capricorn man simply cannot
show their love, can not, it is better to say. And if scorpions are not allowed
call insidious, then Capricorns are just that. They are masters of revenge, their
prudence sometimes goes beyond understanding. Go you Capricorn
road, he will destroy you little by little, and you will not
you will suspect. And the strangest thing is that you can throw a word, about
which you don’t remember later, but an impressionable capricorn,
offended, will prepare retribution.

No. 3. And, the bronze went to the Twins.

They are the smartest. Gemini do not admit mistakes, they prove to the end
being right, even knowing that they are wrong. Gemini knows how to lie and do
it is very willing. Not in vain, this is a dual sign. The male twins
disdain hikes to the left.

Interestingly, 10 years ago, the most difficult sign was considered
Aquarius. Such people love to take a walk, they live for themselves, not caring about anything.
someone else, and not thinking about the consequences of their actions.

Here they are the most harmful signs of the zodiac. Of course, all this is conditional,
scorpion scorpion strife, and you can not divide all of humanity into 12
signs of the zodiac and attribute to each person certain specific
quality. Each of us is simple in some ways, complex in some ways, kind in others, and
somewhere not so much. We are all different, and sometimes the same Scorpio turns out to be
the kindest soul person, so do not go to extremes

I want to give you technique
conducive to your "loading" cosmic light. The more love and
light enters your body and mind, the more old habits and memory
of fear and darkness rise to the surface for you to
released. Mostly this fear is old, but he likes to get attached.
anything that even remotely resembles him. So it's best
Treat fear like an energy field. To get rid of
old fear, imagine in your mind 2 channels of reality. One
the channel is on the left and symbolizes the former three-dimensional thinking -
responsibilities, guilt, worries and stresses. The other channel is on the right
and symbolizes peace, tranquility, flow and unconditional love. Your open
The Third Eye is in the middle and keeps track of your billions of mental messages.
As soon as the message of fear arrives on the left side of your forehead (left
channel of fear), just switch to the right channel on your forehead (right
channel of love). Don't try to analyze fear at all, just
change the channel! Try it...your long-term goal is to stay
between two channels, for this is the Way in the Stream of the One. When you
in the process of releasing fear, you can try to find that center. How
it will be great when you don't have to release the fear! How
it will be wonderful when you know that you are safe, loved and
lead every moment of your life? When you are completely balanced,
you feel connected to your Higher Self. When you are stressed and fighting
everyday life, you feel separated from your Self, from
other people and the planet. And then you can change the emotion/resonance,
switching to the channel of love. Yes, emotions and resonance are the same.
Feel now your stress, anxiety, depression or whatever
the face of Fear...Remember that most of this fear comes from
Collective and/or Planetary Consciousness. Then give in to that fear
and feel the vibrations of your body decrease... And now
CHANGE THE CHANNEL to love... Feel your consciousness expand and
the resonance rises... With such a high state of consciousness, your
interdimensional travel will exceed all your hopes.

Astrology, with the right approach, can help more correctly
approach many issues. Just find out who your chosen one is
sign of the Zodiac, and it will be much easier for you to seduce him and fall in love with

Well if using astrology in order to build a relationship with
loved one, only you will use. But often on
rivals appear on the horizon, who are also ready to use any
methods to take your man away from you and ruin your relationship.

a rival appeared on the horizon, you can also resort to astrology.
The fact is that it does not depend on who your opponent is according to the sign of the Zodiac.
only her behavior, but also the seriousness of her intentions. So before
panic and make scandals prematurely, try to find out
the zodiac sign of the opponent who coveted your pair. In this way,
you will be able to understand what kind of person she is, whether she should be feared and what are her
possible plans.

Air rivals

Representatives of air signs may try to lead away
someone else's man only because of their personal failures on the love front.
Airy women very often experience disappointment, as they endow
their men with unrealistic qualities that in practice are not
are confirmed.

If your zodiac partner is Gemini, don't
you should be very worried, because this woman does not take seriously
to your hobbies. She's fickle, so instead of fighting
you, it is better to find yourself a new chosen one. If your loved one drew
attention to such a woman, then she most likely spoke to him and
lured into their networks like a Siren. But don't worry, her pressure is enough

Rival-Libra is diplomatic and has a fairly good intuition,
so it can be dangerous. This woman will weave intrigues
you won’t be able to bring her out to a direct conversation, since Libra doesn’t like
claims and open attacks.

So if you want to get rid of a rival, just show pressure and she will disappear on her own to find a freer man.
very rarely destroy relationships. This woman can use your
chosen as a friend, but to go further and intentionally break
your relationship will fail. She does not need this, since she already
is very popular with the opposite sex and has
many fans.

Fiery rivals

Women who belong to one of the signs of fire, first of all, strive to be independent.

characterized by rudeness and self-confidence. This woman is very active, she
behaves like a real hunter. So if she liked your
man, she will do everything she can to get him. How
you need to behave in order to snatch your chosen one from the clutches of this
Amazons? Take her out. Such a woman in anger turns into
creepy ill-mannered brawler who does not follow at all
with your words and actions. If your man sees her true face,
he would probably want to break off relations with her.
Razluchnitsa-Sagittarius is very prudent.

always ready to sympathize with a man, listen to complaints and understand him in
the right moment, which always works in her favor. At the same time, it cannot be said
that she hangs herself around her neck. This behavior just leads to
the fact that the man himself comes to her. But this woman has a very
big minus: she wants to constantly control everything, including
my man. Therefore, in order to defeat her, behave the other way around, not
find out where and with whom he was, stop being suspicious. Man
will quickly understand the difference.

water rival

If your opponent is a representative of the water element,
worth worrying about. These women are emotional and mysterious, romantic and

Rival Cancer is a real angel in the flesh. She
behaves modestly and defenselessly, so the man next to her will feel
yourself as a real hero and protector, which simply cannot but be liked,
especially if you are a strong independent woman.
get rid of a rival, fight for your loved one and provoke her.
The innocent mask of a defenseless angel will quickly disappear, and instead appear
a cold-blooded, unprincipled woman, which will immediately repel a man.

Scorpio Woman
- a dangerous scammer. She is a real femme fatale. She is very smart and
sexy, so to achieve almost any man for her is not
will be no problem. How to deal with it? She has one
a significant drawback - the Scorpio woman loves money very much. Show
to her beloved her commercialism and her disinterestedness.

Rival Fish
smart and sensual, but amorous and fickle. She can't be with you for long.
one man, periodically switching to others. Point to your favorite
on its frivolity and volatility, and victory will be yours.

Earthly rivals

This woman is very prudent and stubborn, strong tactically and
careful. She weighs her every word, counts every
action, ready to be in the shadows as long as you like, waiting for the right moment.

beautiful, well-groomed and feminine, which cannot but attract a man. She
knows how to wait for the right moment to attack. But a lover with time
wants stability, and begins to insistently demand it, which, rather
everything, the man will not like it.

Virgo women very rarely become
mistresses. They are too correct for this, therefore the man himself
is unlikely to be carried away by a Virgo rival. If the romance does begin,
It means that Virgo really fell in love.

The Capricorn woman, most likely, will not beat off someone else's man. At
she has other values, and even in her youth she tries to decompose all her
future life on the shelves.

Remember, in your relationship
be love and harmony, respect and understanding. And then your loved one
who will not be exchanged for you, and the most sophisticated tricks of homeowners will not
will work.

contains material energy, as it is the result of
real biochemical processes in the brain. Through the central
nervous system, it affects the endocrine glands and
hormonal background, changing the state of our body.
formulated in words, carries a concentrate of spiritual energy
memories, emotions, images and affects our aura. It's subtle and dangerous
an instrument similar to a surgeon's laser scalpel, capable of not only
heal but also hurt. To use it correctly, you need to define
the cause of the disease, put thoughts into the right words and bring yourself into
a special state of trance, similar to self-hypnosis.

In the evening,
when no one is at home, turn on quiet music without words and light it on
table candle. Then you need to lie down or sit comfortably facing the fire,
leaning back against something. Look at the player for a few minutes
flame. Wait until his tongue flares up evenly and brightly, which means
that your aura has calmed down. Close your eyes and feel how you are
relax: first the feet, then the knees and hips, arms, shoulders. Everything
the body becomes heavy, as if filled with mercury. You are warm and comfortable. Breathing is even

suddenly at this moment the heart will beat or rise from the bottom of the soul
anxiety do not jump up and be frightened, let these sensations take over
you completely and they will immediately subside like water at low tide. I wanted
sleep means anxiety is gone, the doors to your inner world are open and you
ready to talk to yourself.

sickness lack of love. You do not love yourself or feel hatred for
to someone close, you are tormented by the consciousness of guilt for some kind of misconduct.
Manifested by arrhythmia, palpitations, bouts of pain.

Thought form for healing Word code: love
We confess
in love to the heart and through it to myself: "I love you, heart, and I give
a feeling of peace and quiet, I free you from an overwhelming burden, take off
I stroke you with the lightest fluff.” Imagine how your heart
delicate golden-pink ball brightens, shines brighter, freed from
shadows, smiles, rises higher and higher, dragging you with it.
Repeat: "I see it, it's true. I'm loved, I'm easy, I'm full
energy and warmth.

illness anxiety and inability to accept the inevitable, inability to get used to
with a new situation. You can't stomach a fact or
some forbidden feeling, whether it be your son's marriage or anger at
parents. Or maybe you are tormented by someone offensive or
critical word?
Manifested by painful spasms, heartburn,
nausea, stomach pain during or immediately after eating. Feeling
pressure and overflow under the spoon. In severe cases, night pain
giving in the back.

Thought Form for Healing Word Code: Peace
calm, everything passes, the pain disappears, the tension leaves my body. I
I move to a new level, I rise above an unpleasant situation. She is so
far below, that she can no longer be seen. Thank you for everything that's happening: I
I understand myself better, I become wiser. I already got over it and
I go further. I love to live, enjoy delicious food and am grateful
stomach that gives me this pleasure.
We imagine a wide, calm river and keep this image in front of our inner eye for as long as possible.

disease escape from responsibility. The body suffers from your timidity.
Do you tend to pretend that everything is fine and turn a blind eye to
some unpleasant traits of his personality, to deny the obvious.
Manifested by spasmodic pain in the navel, alternating constipation and diarrhea. Colitis, sometimes severe, ulcerative.
Thought form for healing Word code: I can
To you
you need to get used to the feeling of responsibility for your fate: "I can and
I can. I can handle any surprise in life, I can handle it. I'll do everything,
everything will end well. I am happy and calm.”
Draw again
mental image of a full-flowing river, we see how the stream breaks through everything
obstacles in its path and spills under a serene blue sky.
Imagine that you are strong, indomitable water.
Habitual constipation
The cause of the disease is the inability to part with the past.
Manifested in the constant retention of stool, heaviness and pain in the lower left corner of the abdomen, headache.
Thought Form for Healing Word Code: Liberation
excess leaves my body. All slags are poisonous. And in life I'm easy
I will part with everything obsolete, slowing down the movement forward and poisoning
my present. The way to the future is open.”

sickness fear. You do not understand how talented you are, you suffer from
contradictions between inherent freedom in judgment and fear
express your thoughts, reveal your talent. The word is over you
"it is forbidden".
It is manifested by pains in the lower abdomen and frequent painful urination, unpleasant sensations in the lower back.
Thought form for treatment Word-code: you can
love myself. I know how to do it. Everything about me is great. I'm genius,
talent, an exceptional phenomenon, everyone sees it, everyone notices it. All for me
can. It's easy for me to work. I love my body and can receive
pleasure from all the joys of life, from the simplest, natural,
free shipments".

The cause of the disease is the lack of vital energy.
in weakness, poor appetite, nausea, depressed mood, disturbed
sleep and symptoms of damage to the organ where the tumor is located.

Thought forms for healing
the same as in diseases of the corresponding organs. But since
the cause of the disease is energy deficiency, it is difficult to count that in a weakened and
for an organism that does not want to live, miraculous sources of vitality will open
power, so necessary for self-healing thought. You can try because
such cases occur, but extremely rarely.

effectiveness of treatment During the session, the lips involuntarily blur into
indefinite, like a Buddha smile. After the session, the feeling remains
warmth in the arms, legs, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe organ that bothered you. painful
sensation disappear or subside.
How often
depending on the intensity of pain and the severity of the condition. Usually once a
day 15-20 minutes. For oncological diseases, five to seven times a day
for 10-15 minutes.
When not to try
acute infectious diseases: influenza, pneumonia, abdominal
typhus, Botkin's disease (infectious hepatitis), acute osteomyelitis
(bacterial inflammation of the bone tissue).

Don't stop yourself from getting rich.

"The crown of the wise is their wealth, and the stupidity of the ignorant is stupidity."
Book of proverbs

many people, the desire for wealth, for money becomes the reason
such destructive and perverted thinking that in the end the money
start to fear them and avoid them. The perversity manifests itself in
following reasoning: I want money because I don't have enough.
I don't have enough because I'm poor, loser, weak

For people who think like that, any desire
money, any claim related to money becomes so
unpleasant and uncomfortable, which causes a whole range of inadequate
reactions. Some fall silent, blush when we are talking about money,
some get irritated and start preaching about the benefits of poverty,
others scold the rich.

These people do the strangest things.
actions instead of ending the discomfort and fulfilling their
desires. Someone is embarrassed to demand his money when his
counted or weighed. Few will discuss with their
bosses the question of salary increases. And if anyone is, it will be
will turn into hysteria, mutual accusations or threats.

the desire for money, or what it can buy, is ubiquitous and
universal. Money is a topic that in almost everyone evokes feelings
shyness, confusion, contempt and even condemnation. People
they are ashamed that they have little or a lot of money. And if money calls
bashfulness, then no amount of them seems right.

in your mind the world in relation to money. People fought so much for
money, and these problems are reflected in your unconscious mind. Shame on
about money will periodically appear in your mind. Accept
that feeling and make the most of it. Money is very mystical
a thing that symbolizes abundance, power, life, freedom. And understand not
money causes shame, and some hidden desires, deep
aspirations related to the power of money.

The power of money
electric current can create comfort around you and can bring
death. Therefore, money causes fears: fear of failure, fear of change,
fear of rejection, fear of success, fear of death. The biggest problem
emotions of shame, fear, contempt is not in these emotions themselves, but in
that people are ashamed of them, believing that something is not right with them. Emotions
mean only what we choose to think about them.

Emotions -
is the weather in your inner world. It can be rainy, sunny,
windy. Use emotions for self-awareness, for transformation
self and developing self-love, not for self-loathing and self-denial.
If you pretend that there are no emotions, then you enter into a strange,
paradoxical mental state. Imagine it's raining outside and you
ashamed of the rain and still ashamed of your shyness - and you try to
hide. Leave embarrassment and do not interfere with abundance, wealth and good luck
pour out on you.


I want to talk about why we often feel compelled
to come into conflict with loved ones in those situations when we are completely
do not want this. Why are our words often "lost deaf ears" and
requests - "forget", although
children, spouses or parents to whom they are addressed, in
in principle, are they treating us well?
induce a person to do something in your interests? .. (After all, if you do something
concerned about someone else's behavior - it's YOU who are concerned about something, and not those to whom you are
you are applying. And for starters, it’s worth recognizing “self-interest” in all this!)
- Mom! .. Well, how much can I say: do not watch the "News" on
TV - again the pressure has risen! .. (behind the scenes our
dissatisfaction: “... now you feel bad and I have to deal with your
- Sasha! .. I have already explained to you a hundred times why you shouldn’t leave
wet shoes in the corridor, and what - “twenty-five again”! .. (“... you
forgot to dry them, you will go to school with wet feet, and then
again - omissions, backlogs, hassle with your studies ... "
This kind of stereotypical phrases are spoken by most people, not
thinking about the "devaluation" of their speeches and the loss of their own authority
in the eyes of the interlocutor. Because the more often you say "by", the less
You are heard.
Many parents complain that their children "do not hear" them the first time.
about various household items. I, too, was among them. Moreover, I
I followed my intonation, tried to be
understandable to children, but this did not help in very many cases! .. It took
accumulate extensive experience in professional communication in order to discover typical
mistakes in daily interactions in the family.
Now I say far fewer words about my children, but with much
great result!.. Oddly enough, the observations of
unsuccessful contacts of my clients with representatives of systems
education and health
It's no secret that many people now want to make full use of their
legal rights in these areas. They want an alternative
form of education for their children;
refuse vaccinations that are dangerous from their point of view or any other
interventions in the immunity of the child, clarify the rights and obligations of a person holding a certain position, etc.
But, even being equally competent in these matters, different people
achieve different results. More precisely, some achieve, while others instead
of this, they enter into a protracted exhausting “war”! .. Why is this happening?
Because some people remember the discrepancy between their goals and the goals
opponent and build their arguments taking into account the position of the interlocutor, and
others, instead of achieving a specific goal, spend their energy on proving their “rightness”!
If you are talking to a person from whom you need something and
you know that your opponent is convinced, for example, of the following:
“The earth rests on three pillars, and not
spinning like crazy in empty space", then at least
at least it is stupid to discuss with him "the orbit in which the planet moves around
sun”, or something like that!.. A person is no better or worse than you, if
thinks differently. It should be borne in mind that everyone has the right to live in
agree with your ideas, and if you want
freedom in this matter for yourself - respect a similar freedom for others! ..
Try to demonstrate by your behavior such a position: “I respect
your system, I have no doubt about its value (and therefore - in your value
as a specialist and just a person!), but I have my own
the reasons why in this moment I'm more comfortable with this and that
is within the law."
People need to feel that you treat them well, and at the very moment when you interact with them.
If you want to achieve your goal, you should think in advance: what
it is the feelings that your appeal can cause, and, if possible,
anticipate them!.. (For example, when I myself 13 years ago (!)
vaccinations for my children, I understood that it was TERRIBLE for the local doctor to sign
my statement. Therefore, as best I could, I reassured the doctor, confirmed in writing
lack of claims on my part to the health authorities, indicated
specific legal acts for such an opportunity, presented her
decision as an individual choice, not a conceptual "disagreement"!..)
Now let's get back to the family. Somehow there we behave like
as if all our expectations are indisputably valuable for everyone! .. That is, we -
right, we are fine, but the one we are is ineffective
we encourage you to do something - he is mistaken (guilty)! ..
No wonder people ignore information that you yourself believe
superior to the interests of the interlocutor! How would correctly and even "affectionately"
You did not dispose - people feel ignored of their interests,
self-neglect, and unconsciously "block" unpleasant signals. In essence, how
as a rule, they have nothing to object to you - your position makes obvious sense, but
Emotionally I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOU!..
Just like a flower in a pot on the window, or a kitten on your sofa, any
the person feels the energy emanating from you. Therefore, if you are not
sympathy for the interlocutor at the moment of addressing him, he, by his actions
will answer you NOT FOR WORDS, but for your true attitude towards him! ..
When I understood this simple pattern, I just stopped starting
conversation, if at that moment she could not look with humor and kindness at
a person whose actions do not suit me. You say: "Damn
some! .. That's why you turn to correct the situation when you are someone
dissatisfied!..” But my dears, isn’t it absurd to seriously expect
understanding on the part of the person to whom you yourself are currently feeling bad
Whose attitude do you have negative feelings about? ..
After all, for every action (or lack thereof) in life there are
reasons!.. If the child hangs over the "computer", and the grandmother in front of the screen
TV - they get something from it; if the child does not want
brush their teeth, and the husband - to return home on time, they have for this
reasons!.. As soon as you "forget" about the "superiority" of your arguments and take for
the axiom of the equivalence of your desires, (“it is important for him!”) It will become much easier for you to attract attention
interlocutor to the desired development of events. Because you will find that the energy of condemnation
will gradually leave your life, clearing the field for a real, effective
Only MUTUALLY beneficial cooperation can be effective. And very
you will quickly succeed in it when you begin to consider the equivalence of your
Before, when I couldn't bear the thought that chatting on the phone
(hours!) is much more valuable to my growing daughter than success in
study or order in the room, I constantly had to
conflict with it, "introducing the process into an acceptable channel." It was embarrassing for
both of us, because we love each other and suffer when we quarrel. But deciding
for myself, that any action, even the most absurd for me,
makes sense to the one who commits it, I have learned to influence the development of events rationally. How, you ask?
Paradoxically! .. Realizing my annoyance, I switch the "tumbler":
I try to see a person with a “kind eye” - in the end, this is my favorite
daughter! .. And this private situation does not detract from my happiness to raise
her!.. The “smoke” of claims dissipates and I either see that it’s not worth interfering – that’s all
itself will soon enter the channel, or with calm confidence I intervene,
accompanying his words with sincere sympathy and touch. 1 time. And in full
confidence that they heard me - I'm leaving. There is usually some inertia
before the person can switch. Let the situation flow. If you
interacting with a young child who has lost his temper is appropriate
just hug him tightly, envelop him with your calmness and isolate him from
other people.
If your words did not produce an effect, then you did not appreciate enough
the scale of your opponent's motive. Worth talking about this situation.
separately and ask the person to explain to you “what
does this action (inaction) mean for him? Perhaps as a result you will find a compromise, or accept the situation.
the way she is, freed from the mass of negative emotions on this
When you clearly understand that you want to intervene for the good of the cause, and not for
self-affirmation or "dumping" of your own negativity, you clearly
start to see the absurdity
addressing other people at the moment when you are “boiling” inside. Even if the result
received”, as a result it turns out that you need to make more and more efforts
to achieve it. Plus - the object of your influence loses the ability
self-government and moves forward only with your "kicks".
Our emotions are chemistry: a special part of the brain releases into the blood
neuropeptides corresponding to specific thoughts that affect our
well-being. Emotions can be addicted like a drug: the body
requires chemicals to which he is accustomed, which is why it is so difficult, even
rethink the situation, treat it in a new way! ..
But every time, with an effort, switching my attention from condemnation to humor
(for example), we break the old neural connections in our brain and create
new, thereby changing the usual hormonal background,
and hence behavior.

Yes, yes, and men are far from angels! Here is a rating of the most harmful Zodiacs of men. Find yourself if you are a man. And girls, by the way, are also useful to know what to expect.


If you happened to meet an Aries on your life path, you can run to the pharmacy in advance for antidepressants. This representative of the sheep family, with his stubbornness and selfishness, manifested with childish spontaneity, can bring you to the grave in no time. Even if he knows that he is wrong, he will still argue, just out of principle. He always has his own opinion on any subject, even one in which Aries is poorly versed. Sharp outbursts of aggression and bouts of bad mood are the decoration of this sign. True, it departs as quickly as it flares up.


Taurus believes that he can do whatever he wants, and if so, why bother? He is always pleased with himself. Even in the case when there is nothing to be proud of, in general. Taurus considers his exorbitant stubbornness to be the hardness of the character of a real man, stinginess takes for reasonable frugality, and a tendency to pessimism - for a realistic perception of the world.


No sign of the Zodiac has such a gift to turn everything upside down, like Gemini. You won’t get bored with them, but already in the second week of intensive communication you will feel like a sprinter among the stayers, hopelessly lagging behind the rest and tortured to death. If you can handle Gemini and their mind-blowing tendency to change (given that you are not a Gemini yourself), then you should erect a monument. They hang out here and there, they love to powder their brains and scoff. The future with them is more than unreliable, but the present is funny. Do not expect fidelity from the Gemini, it is worth turning away - they are already flirting with might and main with your girlfriend.


This bore and whiner in every girl is looking for the continuation of her mother, and if she finds her ideal, she will certainly try to marry. Cancer - an active lover of the family hearth and comfort - will bring his wife to the grave ahead of time with his eternal claims about how to properly wash dishes, feed his beloved cat and cook an omelette. Marriage with Cancer is ruined youth.

a lion

Fixated on his own person, Leo does not notice anyone around except himself. Well, maybe even those who admire him. He is arrogant and considers himself too generous to remember insults and promises. The royal person loves to spend money, lead an idle life and surround himself beautiful girls. Insanely jealous, quick-tempered and touchy. He himself cannot stand it if he is jealous, because he cannot even admit the thought that someone can consider him his property. He should always be in your first place, and if you suddenly reschedule your date for another day because of the need to visit a sick aunt, you may be mortally offended. What the hell, auntie?


This is a terrible pedant. He (it would be more correct to say “she”) will plague you with trifles and notations. Virgo will grumble that there is a lot of cholesterol in the oil, and fried food is very harmful to the stomach. He is lazy to the point of disgrace, but considers himself hardworking, as he sometimes sways to do some little things. He is tense with emotions, he is very wary of love.


Scales are suspicious, secretive and petty. They are irritable and can vent their anger at the first thing that comes to hand if things do not go the way they would like. They come up with various non-existent problems for themselves, and then solve them for a long time. They have many friends, but really trust almost no one.


A nasty, corrosive and vindictive scorpion gets annoyed all the time if something is not done the way he thinks is right. Constant nit-picking and a gloomy look, capable of almost driving waist-deep into the ground with its weight, will drive anyone crazy. And when this insect starts to be jealous, it won’t seem enough to you. He does not count money, but he remembers very well how many times they forgot to rejoice at his gift.


He doesn't lie. But only because his essence cannot stand lies. He does not lie even when it is inappropriate to tell the truth. If he catches you in a lie - expect trouble. Sagittarius is madly jealous, but he does not miss a single skirt. Even his inherent sense of humor is not able to compensate for his shortcomings.


Capricorn - stubborn for all two hundred and absolutely not amenable to persuasion. Even if he agrees with you, then either your opinions coincide by chance, or he simply does not want to “throw pearls in front of pigs.” In the latter case, be sure - in the depths of his soul he does not doubt his innocence. Capricorn is still a bore, he can hardly endure noisy fun parties and in general can be lost to society if educational work is not done with him. However, to convince, as was said earlier, is almost unrealistic, therefore it is better to put pressure on his interest and bring him to some idea very carefully so that Capricorn decides that this is his own thought. Capricorn is ambitious, believes that he knows life, and therefore he can lecture you for hours on how to live, and especially how to spend money. So it's best to keep the little joys of your shopping to yourself.


Aquarius loves to dream and plan something grandiose, but his energy and patience are rarely enough to even start. He will promise you a lot of everything - and at the moment of the promise, Aquarius himself believes that he will fulfill his plan - but you do not believe his sweet words. In serious matters, it is better not to rely on Aquarius, and even more so, you should not dream in order to place responsibility for something on his courageous shoulders, rely primarily on yourself.


Do you need a normal guy, confident and firmly on the ground, and not hovering somewhere in the clouds? Then you've come to the wrong place. Fish live in their own worlds, according to their own laws and, as a result, are absolutely not adapted to real life. Pisces are children at heart, they are indecisive, unusually sensitive, and they need to be constantly taken care of, otherwise they may disappear due to their lack of independence.

Compatibility horoscope: Aquarius is the most harmful sign of the zodiac - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

What is the most harmful zodiac sign? Aquarius, Scorpio or Sagittarius?

  1. Scorpio, his karmic task is to bite himself and others for the sake of purification
  • Aquarians are the most intelligent bastards you can meet. Aquarius is even able to admit that he is a scoundrel. To top it off, he is most likely good-looking. But if we ignore the spectacular appearance, the breadth of his views and external tolerance is fraught with its own problems. The usual female weapon (squealing with a kikimora or refusing carnal pleasures) is powerless against Aquarius. Aquarius is more complex and deeper than the average villain. At the heart of his beliefs is the spirit of contradiction. In a society entirely composed of liberals, feminists and separatists, he will inevitably turn into a radical conservative. For the only thing he hates more than conservatism is to be like everyone else. He prides himself on being different from others.

    It is not surprising that his views on the relationship of two also run counter to all generally accepted norms and are not given to understanding. He regards any bonds as an encroachment on the spiritual growth of each of the partners. Marriage is nothing but an atavistic appendage of the official religion, and in our time is reduced to a worthless piece of paper; love should circulate freely for the joy of all, and not be given to one person in small portions.

    Aquarius cannot understand that equal love for all mankind was given to Jesus Christ alone. Do you feel the strength to have a romance with a mere mortal who is trying to live up to this lofty ideal? And since Aquarius is constantly striving to embrace as many human beings as possible with his love, you will not even be able to make a scene about this. I do not like? Yes, you're just jealous! And jealousy, of course, is nothing but a primitive, destructive feeling. Try to discuss this problem of yours with Aquarius, because he is so responsive.

    That's the rub: Aquarius has noble justifications for any of his actions. Against this background, you run the risk of seeming a callous egoist: your own needs are more important to you than the needs of the unfortunate unfortunates. Be ashamed!


    If you have sympathy for him, he does not notice us. Once you stop paying attention to him, he is yours. We understand that almost any man fits into this scheme, so it’s better to focus on the unhealthy gleam in his eyes.


    Talk to him about your accomplishments that might interest him: how you invented a cure for cancer, made contact with a new form of life in a neighboring galaxy, etc.

    Perhaps it will not become a date in the full sense of the word. You are more interested in him as a person, and he will invite you somewhere under this sauce. After a few friendly meetings, he will notice that you are a woman.


    Slowly so that he doesn't notice anything.


    He will never really leave you. He'll just stop having sex with you - that's all, so your relationship doesn't really change.


    He will take it philosophically and decide that it is for the best. However, he will ask if you want to remain friends, and will not understand why you slammed the door (hung up, shot him in the kneecap).

  • I like Aquarius and Scorpio, but Sagittarius - no
  • not harmful signs, but there are people) ... A little bit of everything, if you want to see the bad, you will see in anyone! And if you want it kindly, it will be so! Everyone needs their own approach. that's all)
  • No, the Scorpions are bothering you again! And who are you by sign? Here is your zodiac sign, probably the most harmful.
  • Scorpios are vengeful, Sagittarians are straightforward, Aquarians are friends for everyone.

    The most insidious sign of the zodiac according to astrologers

    Each sign of the zodiac is characterized by certain features, which he is well aware of and filigree hides them from the rest. And many would like to understand all the mysteries and secrets hidden by rams, lions, aquarius, capricorns, scorpions.

    Astrologers very often make ratings and ask such questions as: what sign is the best, true, mean, beautiful, etc., for example, the virgins are the kindest sign. Aquarius, Gemini, Scorpio and Capricorn often participate in such ratings.

    Most astrologers in the ranking of the most insidious signs gave priority to the twins due to their two-faced nature, natural cunning, inconstancy, inability to get around the conflict and accept their wrong. Because of this, it is very difficult to build any relationship with them.

    But the place of the most insidious sign of the zodiac is still occupied by the scorpion. With him, everything is different, he can be both ruthless, vindictive, unprincipled, cruel, vampire and desperate brave. This is the most intriguing sign that has a bad reputation.

    And yet, scorpions should not be indifferent to, for many, these people evoke a feeling of love and hate at one moment. Also, there are no obstacles in front of them in achieving their goals. They are very comfortable in stressful and intriguing situations.

    One of the first in the lists of the most insidious signs of the horoscope is Capricorn. These people are excellent at gaining growth on the career ladder, they believe that they should always rely solely on themselves, break through to the social top, and in any situation favorable to them, they will go over their heads without hesitation, they can bring others a huge number of unpleasant moments and vengeful tricks.

    But if they are not brought to a critical state, then they even seem very caring, devoted, peaceful and friendly personalities, stable in family relationships. What pleases in Capricorns is their patience, so they do not immediately show their cunning.

    But British astrologers began to argue that people who have the Aquarius zodiac sign are the most harmful and insidious personalities. That these are individuals who create problem situations and spoil the lives of all the people who surround them.

    People of this sign are quite cunning, in a variety of specific situations they can instantly change right before their eyes, and they quickly become furious than resort to an attempt to calm their irritation and ardor.

    And at a time when they are not doing their vile tricks, they are engaged in self-criticism, which also gets on the nerves of others quite well.

    But he was also noted as one of the frivolous and windy signs that do not stop ruining people's lives, practically without thinking about how this could turn out in relation to them.

    By the way, you can notice the fact that rams, who can flare up, often fell under the rating of the most insidious signs. Although you can’t call them evil people, they like to deal with conflicts directly, and not quietly take offense and harbor anger aside.

    But one of the most friendly signs of the zodiac in the horoscope, astrologers distinguish fish. Because of their refined temperament, they do not engage in malevolent actions towards friends and relatives. Representatives of this sign are most passionate about other things and interests.

    Using such information about the signs of the zodiac, you can always consider positive character traits in a person, weed out the cunning and unfriendly, as well as recognize the dark sides of the personality and see what intentions a person has for you.

    What is the best zodiac sign!

    What is the best zodiac sign according to astrologers? Each zodiac sign is the best in something! Aries is the best starter, generator of new ideas, discoverer! Taurus is the best implementer, able to bring his plans to life! Geminis are the best at communicating and conveying information! Cancers are the best family men and psychologists! Lions are the best artists and leaders! Virgos are the best workers capable of small calculations! Libras are the best designers capable of partnerships! Scorpions are the best psychotherapists, stuntmen who can change you with their stormy energy! Sagittarius is the best teacher and inspiration! Capricorn is the best in his career and stamina! Aquarius is the best in the team, where he is the center of the most original ideas! Pisces are the best empathizers, with a unique imagination!

    The strongest zodiac sign

    One way or another, each sign is strong in something of its own, but let's consider the strength of a person as the ability to defend one's rights and be self-confident. Which zodiac sign is the most powerful, according to astrologers?

    The most ideal zodiac sign

    That's the question, that's the question. There are simply no perfect signs! Each has both advantages and disadvantages! Aries is a good starter, but he will not be able to complete what he started to the end, he will burn out! Taurus will ideally do what he already knows how, but as soon as he is given something new, he will get used to it for a long time! Gemini ideally present, translate, work with information, but they are superficial and do not like to delve into the essence. Cancer is the perfect family man, but on the outside he is like a child. Lions are ideal patrons, bosses, popular personalities, but they are conceited and greedy for flattery. Virgos are ideal workers, but they can be overly disciplined and obsessed with little things. Libras are ideal partners with good taste, but they find it difficult to take responsibility for themselves. Sagittarius is an ideal teacher, generously giving experience, but behind the whole, they often do not see the details. Capricorns are great workers and administrators, but they are too hard on the outside because they are too soft on the inside. Aquarians are ideal friends, but sometimes their interests become paramount for them. Pisces are ideal in their fantasy world and unique imagination, but in reality they cannot be relied upon.

    The most difficult zodiac sign

    Consider which sign or signs of the zodiac are the most difficult for family (or just under the same roof) life? First of all, it must be said that this cannot be judged by the solar sign of the zodiac, any of the 12 signs can be very pleasant in family life, but the moon in the zodiac sign will say a lot about a person!

    The most faithful sign of the zodiac

    Let's look at which zodiac sign is considered the most faithful in men? The most faithful signs of the zodiac are Taurus and Virgo. Taurus are quite lazy to go left, besides, they are very attached to their partner and hard to get used to the new, so there are fewer cheaters among the Taurus.

    In general, according to statistics, the signs of the earth change the least (they become attached for a long time, and it is hard to get used to the new) and the signs of the air most often (as opposed to the earth)

    The most beautiful sign of the zodiac

    Let's take a look at which zodiac sign is the most beautiful, according to astrologers? The most beautiful signs of the zodiac are considered “human” signs. That is Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius. However, appearance largely depends on all the planets. natal chart and the very important first house or ACS.

    sexiest zodiac sign

    Which zodiac sign is the sexiest? Scorpio is considered to be the sexiest sign of the zodiac. But this is not entirely true, a scorpion has sex in order to lose excess accumulated energy, and secondarily for pleasure. However, he is the sexiest male zodiac sign. Taurus can be called the sexiest sign among women. Taurus is very sensual (ruled by Venus) He loves to enjoy whatever he does. Therefore, Taurus can rightly be called the sexiest sign of the zodiac.

    Worst zodiac sign

    What is the worst zodiac sign? According to astrologers, there are no worst / nastiest signs of the zodiac. However, if we consider this issue from the point of view of men and women and their roles, then there are signs that are not very successful for men and not the best for women.

    The most accurate sign of the zodiac

    Virgo can be called the most accurate sign of the zodiac, Virgo is able to keep a thousand little things in her head, she thinks everything through in advance and draws up an action plan. She is rarely late because she is pedantic. Virgo has a good rational mind, she is able to sort through and structure the information received. In addition, Virgo loves when everything around is perfect and accurate!

    The most jealous zodiac sign

    What is the most jealous zodiac sign for men and women? Of course, Scorpio is considered the most jealous sign of the zodiac. Especially if the moon is also in this sign. People with this sign are very jealous, they do not trust the world around them and look for a catch everywhere, in addition, they like to delve into something (for example, on the phone) and get to the bottom of the essence (for example, what exactly led to treason, where did it come from?)

    smartest zodiac sign

    Let's see what is the smartest zodiac sign, according to astrologers? The planet Mercury is responsible for our mental capacity, and therefore the sign of this planet will show our mental potential:

    The kindest zodiac sign

    It is difficult to say which zodiac sign is the kindest, according to astrologers, everyone is kind in their own way, for example, the fish will always sympathize with you, the scales will listen, the lion will cheer you up, and the ram will say, well, don’t whine, it’s time to act!

    The most evil zodiac sign

    Consider which zodiac sign is the most evil, according to astrologers? What do we understand by anger? Most often, this question is asked by vulnerable representatives of the water element of fish and crayfish. For them, anger is raising the tone of the voice and screaming. And if for the representatives of the fire element, this does not mean anything, well, sometimes I scream, so what? That is, fish, crayfish, scales and other gentle representatives of the zodiac circle, each time shrink from any jump in the change of intonation. If we consider anger in this vein, then the most “evil” can be called Scorpio, Aries and Leo. All of them are under the control of fiery luminaries.

    The craziest zodiac sign

    The planet Uranus patronizes everything original and non-standard and the craziest people in the Aquarius zodiac sign!

    The craziest sign is Aquarius. Being under the auspices of the planet Uranus, the representatives of this sign are original and not standard, they love groups of people and communication, they love the time of change, when the course of life changes completely, new people appear, new impressions, something that has never been seen before!

    richest zodiac sign

    Let's take a look at Forbes magazine statistics and see which zodiac sign is the richest? Which, by the way, is not at all surprising, because in the first place, of course, is the sign of Leo (14% of the capital of the "golden hundred".) Gemini with Aquarius are also not bad and have (11%) Aries with Libra a little less (10% ) Taurus and Pisces have each (7.7%) and Scorpios and Capricorns (6.6% each) Virgos, Sagittarius and Cancers are lagging behind.

    Worst zodiac sign for a woman

    Loyalty largely depends on the signs of Venus and the 7th house of the horoscope. For Venus, the signs of Gemini and Pisces are not very favorable. Especially if Venus is not in harmonious aspect with Neptune. You also need to pay attention to the ruler of the 7th house and its aspects with Venus and Saturn. Harmonious aspects of Venus and Saturn, on the contrary, will prevent treason. Neptune, which negatively affects the 7th house, can give many intricate and secret relationships, and Uranus often breaks relationships.

    Therefore, we can say that the most incorrect sign of Venus is Gemini and Pisces.

    The most harmful sign of the zodiac

    Let's look at which zodiac sign is the most harmful, according to astrologers? The most harmful signs of the zodiac are Gemini and Aquarius, as they love freedom, rarely admit their mistakes. Geminis are good liars and love to get out of seemingly hopeless situations. And Aquarians often put the interests of their comrades and their own above the interests of the family.

    The happiest zodiac sign

    What is the luckiest zodiac sign? Happiness is faith in yourself and your strengths, this is optimism, this is fire! Luckiest zodiac signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius! However, happiness is for everyone.

    most successful zodiac sign

    What are the most successful people according to the zodiac sign? The most successful zodiac sign is somewhat similar to the richest Leo sign. After all, what is success? Success for each sign is different. Pisces will be successful away from society, where they can realize their inner potential, but Aries needs to be ahead of the rest, and even if Aries has a lower hemisphere and female planets, he will still be a leader, albeit at home!

    The most cruel sign of the zodiac

    Which zodiac sign is the most violent? Scorpio is the most evil zodiac sign in astrology. He is a kind of cleaner of the Zodiac. Inside Scorpio, there is a constant transformation and restructuring going on. At a low level of development, especially with poor education, scorpions are called Tarantulas. Victims themselves are attracted to them, whom the scorpions sting, thereby forcing them to work out their karmic lesson.

    Also, the fire signs Aries and Leo do not feel the emotional atmosphere of other people well and can inadvertently injure a person, while they themselves may not even notice that they hurt someone.

    The luckiest zodiac sign

    What is the luckiest zodiac sign according to astrologers? The luckiest signs of the zodiac are considered Gemini with their ability to appear at the right time in the right place. Geminis are easy-going, they are the first to be where they need to be, they are active and somewhat childish. In addition, Geminis are smart enough to be the first to see future trends and apply them to their advantage, not without reason on the Forbes list, Geminis make up 11% of all signs.

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    The most harmful men and women according to the signs of the zodiac

    If you happened to meet an Aries on your life path, you can run to the pharmacy in advance for antidepressants. This representative of the sheep family, with its stubbornness and selfishness, manifested with childish spontaneity, can bring you to the grave in no time. Even if he knows that he is wrong, he will still argue, just out of principle. He always has his own opinion on any subject, even one in which Aries is poorly versed.

    Taurus believes that he can do whatever he wants, and if so, why bother? He is always pleased with himself. Even in the case when there is nothing to be proud of, in general.

    No sign of the Zodiac has such a gift to turn everything upside down, like Gemini. You won’t get bored with them, but already in the second week of intensive communication you will feel like a sprinter among the stayers, hopelessly lagging behind the rest and tortured to death. If you can handle Gemini and their mind-blowing tendency to change (given that you are not a Gemini yourself), then you should erect a monument.

    This bore and whiner in every girl is looking for the continuation of her mother, and if she finds her ideal, she will certainly try to marry. Cancer - active lover of family hearth and comfortahead of time will bring his wife to the grave with his eternal claims about how to properly wash dishes, feed his beloved cat and cook scrambled eggs. Marriage with Cancerlost youth.

    Fixated on his own person, Leo does not notice anyone around except himself. Well, maybe even those who admire him. He is arrogant and considers himself too generous to remember insults and promises. The royal person loves to spend money, lead an idle life and surround herself with beautiful girls.

    This is a terrible pedant. He (it would be more correct to say “she”) will plague you with trifles and notations. Virgo will grumble that there is a lot of cholesterol in the oil, and fried food is very harmful to the stomach. He is lazy to the point of disgrace, but considers himself hardworking, as he sometimes sways to do some little things. He is tense with emotions, he is very wary of love.

    Scales are suspicious, secretive and petty. They are irritable and can vent their anger at the first thing that comes to hand if things do not go the way they would like. They come up with various non-existent problems for themselves, and then solve them for a long time. They have many friends, but really trust almost no one.

    A nasty, corrosive and vindictive scorpion gets annoyed all the time if something is not done the way he considers right.

    He doesn't lie. But only because his essence cannot stand lies. He does not lie even when it is inappropriate to tell the truth.

    Capricorn - stubborn for all two hundred and absolutely not amenable to persuasion. Even if he agrees with you, then either your opinions coincide by chance, or he simply does not want to “throw pearls in front of pigs.” In the latter case, be sure - in the depths of his soul he does not doubt his innocence. Capricorn is still a bore, he can hardly stand noisy fun parties and in general can be lost to society if educational work is not carried out with him. However, to convince, as was said earlier, is almost unrealistic, therefore it is better to put pressure on his interest and bring him to some idea very carefully so that Capricorn decides that this is his own thought. Capricorn is ambitious, believes that he knows life, and therefore he can lecture you for hours on how to live, and especially how to spend money. So it's best to keep the little joys of your shopping to yourself.

    Aquarius loves to dream and plan something grandiose, but his energy and patience are rarely enough to even start. He will promise you a lot of everything - and at the moment of the promise, Aquarius himself believes that he will fulfill his plan - but you do not believe his sweet words. In serious matters, it is better not to count on Aquarius, and even more so, you should not dream in order to place responsibility for something on his courageous shoulders, rely primarily on yourself.

    Do you need a normal guy, confident and firmly on the ground, and not hovering somewhere in the clouds? Then you've come to the wrong place. Fish live in their own worlds, according to their own laws and, as a result, they are absolutely not adapted to real life.

    The cherished word for Capricorn - "self-control". Outwardly, she always tries to control herself, while inside her a real fire of passions can blaze. She dreams of meeting a real man and is scared to death of falling in love. Because of this excessive caution, he often makes the wrong choice, and then naturally suffers. Do not expect violent outpourings of feelings from her.even if Capricorn loves, she will still try her best to pretend that you are indifferent to her. Melt her icy facadeit is for the professional psychologist or the blindly loving and hopeful doer. Therefore, if you dream of an ardent romantic relationship with tender declarations of lovethen you went to the wrong address.

    The Aquarius girl is impulsive, irritable, but quick-witted. He treats men easily and sees them as friends rather than husbands. A better friend than an Aquarius girl, a man cannot be found. She is afraid of heavy passions, therefore, by actively expressing her feelings and even hinting at manifestations of possessiveness, you can only ensure that Aquarius gets scared and hides in an unknown direction.

    The Pisces girl lives in a world of her own illusions, she is very sensitive, whiny and constantly suffers because of the feeling that she has been betrayed.

    A selfish and independent Sheep girl (or rather Sheep) loves to push guys around. She loves to be idolized and fulfill any whims.

    Are you lucky to run into a Taurus girl? Oh, then by all means expect dramatic scenes, screaming and smashing dishes (perhaps on your head). And do not hope, you still can not argue it. And begging for forgiveness occupation is completely hopeless. You better accept the inevitable and admit she's right. When the steam comes out, this girl will become more accommodating.

    The twin hates consistency and tends to change guys like gloves. If you are - her boyfriend, get ready for her to flirt with your friends right in front of you. Even if she swears her love to you, sooner or later she will demand freedom, but in return she will gladly provide it to you too.

    There is nothing more boring and whiny than a Cancer girl. To the one she loves, she is devoted to the depths of her soul and is ready to go with him even to the ends of the world. And from a loved one, respectively, requires a similar return. But not everyone will like that such a shadow drags behind you everywhere, even to the ends of the world ... If it seems to Rachonka that they have cooled down to her at least one iota, the girl will close and go into depression. She is touchy, and in this state can be vindictive. Absolutely nothing can be achieved from her by shouting, caress and only caress will help here. Tons, megatons of affection and tenderness. Then you can twist ropes from it.

    The lioness is vain and domineering, she will not almond with someone who does not meet her standards, which are about the level of Everest. The girl imagines herself to be the center of the Universe, so a Decent Guy should be nearby.

    Do you think only Lionesses have high standards? At the Virgin - no less high. That's why it's so hard for her to settle on someone. However, the selection criteria are somewhat different than those of the Lioness. For example, Virgo can communicate with idlers and losers, whom the Lioness will not even look at. Virgos are usually frivolous.

    Libra girls are sure that they are irresistible. They love company and attention. Moreover, the girl is more likely to be interested not in men themselves, but in admiring fans and applause. Life for Libra - more like a game than everyday life, so they play all their lives. They love luxury and hate unpleasant duties.

    If you decide to get yourself a Scorpio girlfriend, then consider that you have gone to war. With her, either very cool, or very bad, or both together, alternately. No middle ground. This is a constant stress situation.

    The Sagittarius girl is more of a man than a woman. Do you want tenderness and reverence from her? Ha! You'll have to accept her for who she is and not complain. However, you will complain anyway. She loves to spin in a male society and in front of you, as she loves attention. So you can shove your jealousy to hell in advance, otherwise it will simply run away, frightened of your passions. But don’t flap your ears either: at a party, Strelchikha will not sit quietly in the corner, like a floor lamp, so keep your eyes peeled, otherwise the attention of this Casanova in a skirt will switch to someone else.

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  • Every medal has two sides. Each of us has a shadow where those sides of character are hidden, which are clearly not worth boasting about. Let's talk about them. In our "anti-horoscope" our dark sides are deliberately given in a concentrated, convex form. Of course, such terrible people in their pure form do not exist - and the Capricorn cracker is compassionate, and the ever-doubting Libra can act decisively, and the cowardly Pisces are able to slap the presumptuous bully. But, hand on heart, we admit to ourselves, albeit not aloud: in the well-groomed flowerbed of our soul, we still come across all sorts of weeds. What exactly? Let's see.


    Aries March 21 - April 20 Nervous and impulsive Bastard. Perhaps that says it all. Immediately after the deed, either he asks for forgiveness - noisily, with ashes sprinkled on his head and other theatrical effects (so that the next day he will again take up the old), or he does not ask - you see, pride does not allow.

    Excuses: "I'm sorry, I found something", "The demon beguiled".

    To say that Aries is inherently an inveterate egoist is to say nothing. This child of militant Mars considers himself the center of the universe, and everything else and everyone else is just scenery and extras.

    He does not think about words, despises etiquette, is straightforward to the point of being dumbfounded. Men shake hands in such a way that sometimes the victims have to apply plaster.

    Aries have a very bad sense of humor. In fact, it does not exist, and what is there is an ugly attempt to attract attention to itself. If Aries are trying to joke, then it is better for the ladies to leave the room, and not every man will like to listen to obscene jokes of the lowest kind. At the same time, Aries is the first to laugh at his “jokes” and expect admiration from others.

    Their interests for Aries always come first. You will not expect tact, tolerance from him. But if Aries is offended, then the whole world should suffer with him. He won't let go of your vest until he's completely covered in tears. And your attempt to escape will be regarded as a betrayal. Aries are obsessed with their own problems and there is nothing they like to talk about more than how much they underestimate them.

    Aries has so much optimism that from the outside he may seem like a fool. He lives in the moment, the mistakes of the past do not teach him anything. So Aries is able to step on the same rake many times in his life, getting the same bumps.

    Ruthless in any competition, in the struggle for fame, money and love. Without hesitation, he will work with his elbows, breaking out into the lead.

    An irresponsible type, but not out of malice. It’s just that if Aries’ attention is diverted to something new and unusual, he can leave the post without a single convulsion or disrupt an important meeting.

    Despite his fearlessness, he himself cannot stand even the slightest pain - a slight scratch fills his eyes with tears of compassion for himself. And surgeons or dentists for Aries are completely insensitive bone breakers.

    He does not consider a single ailment worthy of lying in bed. Therefore, it often triggers the disease to the ambulance and strict bed rest.

    Aries is quick-witted, but in moments of anger it is able to crush not only furniture or the ribs of a person who has turned up under a hot hand, but also his feelings.

    You can’t call him a windbag, but he is capable of chatting all night long on topics about which he has the most vague idea, or arguing furiously contrary to obvious facts and ordinary logic.

    Winning the location of Aries is very easy, it can be anyone you meet. It is enough to say a couple of simple compliments - and Aries will forget about the family. Now he will rush about with his new "friend", devoting all his time to him and emptying the family wallet for him.


    Taurus 21.04 - 21.05 Calculating Bastard. You don’t even have to ask this: “Do you even know what you are doing?” Believe me, he still thinks. He certainly calculated in advance where to hit, so that it would be more painful.

    Excuses: "You deserve it yourself".

    Taurus rarely have large dimensions, but it is almost impossible to move them from their place, from previously occupied positions. This is not stubbornness or laziness, but such a philosophy of life: why are you all fussing when everything is stable and clear? Therefore, Taurus is an incredible retrograde, the guardians of antiquity and the stranglers of everything new.

    Taurus is terrible in anger, although not everyone can unbalance him.

    A homebody to the marrow of his bones, pulling him to a party, concert or walk is not a trivial task. A sedentary lifestyle undermines the health of Taurus. Diseases are of a protracted nature, because the doctor is not an authority for him, he does not believe in the prescriptions and does not follow them. In general, Taurus has few authorities, but the boss for him is an unconditional authority. Anyone who is higher on the social ladder seems to Taurus to be a unique, special person.

    The main feature of this sign is stubbornness. But he considers himself a rational and reasonable person. In love, he is infinitely devoted, but the flip side of the coin is the inability to get a divorce and leave if the love of the second half has irrevocably ended. Taurus is capable of forcing, humming and proving for many years that you still won’t find anyone better than him in the world.

    Taurus is leisurely in everything - in thoughts, actions and feelings. Therefore, a representative of any other sign may fall into despair from close communication with Taurus. And to knock out a declaration of love from him is a real feat. This ponderous person, be it a man or a woman, prefers to be whipped after him, and not vice versa.

    Big food lover.

    His humor is rude and simple-hearted, he prefers a strong word or a salty joke. In a company, he can laugh loudly and for a long time at a bearded anecdote that he himself told, causing awkwardness and bewilderment of other people.

    In a strange way, greed and love for luxurious personal things can coexist in Taurus. Taurus most often buys such things for himself, for his beloved, and not for those who are nearby.


    Gemini May 22 - June 21 Frivolous Bastard. Often, he simply does not understand that he is behaving like the last bastard (one and a half meanders somehow do not have to analyze their actions). He forgets about the dirty trick done after 5 minutes.

    Excuses: “Are you offended? Why?"

    In fairness, this sign should be called the Monkey - so its representatives are restless and fussy. Endless flickering, instant mood swings and a stream of thoughts can cause migraines in everyone who comes into contact with Gemini. The tendency to be late, including even their own wedding, is their hallmark. Just on the way, any little thing can distract them so that they forget about everything in the world.

    Dexterous debaters who are able to quietly change their point of view to the opposite during the discussion, and after five minutes - return to their original positions. To convey some information to the Gemini, you need to work hard, because these fidgets are good at listening only to themselves. And talkativeness is the root of their nature. It seems that even in a dream they do not stop and tell something to someone all the time.

    These Gemini are slippery people, they are able to get out of any situation. They are completely incapable of admitting their mistakes. And if they manage to pin them to the wall with irrefutable facts, when it is no longer possible to evade, they fall silent in a pose of offended innocence. Subsequently, they can take small but painful revenge.

    Rumors and gossip are their element. Any rumor they immediately pass on, extraordinarily embellished. The thought that they are hurting other people by spreading fables does not occur to them.

    They have a "short breath", that is, no work, idea or feeling can attract Gemini for a long enough time. Their passion is constant change, even if it comes at the expense of other people or the Twins themselves.

    Their extravagance is well known - they are ready to sell in a minute what was earned for months, or even years. And on occasion, brag that they spent twice as much as they actually did.

    Gemini cannot be relied upon for anything really important. With a sense of responsibility, they have a clear tension.

    They can talk on the phone, cook, iron a shirt and watch TV at the same time. As a result, the food burns, the shirt too, everything ends with a scandal with a telephone interlocutor.

    Born magicians, merchants, card cheats and pickpockets. Thieves by nature; for them, stealing is fun, entertainment. In the store they can, without wanting it (and often wanting it), deceive the seller. Their innate charm in this case confuses others and makes it possible to slip away without hindrance.


    Cancer 06/22 - 07/22 All-Of-Themselves-Unfortunate Bastard. It's you - the bastard, and he - an innocent victim of circumstances. And it will always be so, even if there are ten times more nasty things on his account than on yours. Moreover, he will make sure that the whole world knows how you treated him, poor thing, badly.

    Excuses: “You yourself forced me!»

    The cunning of this zodiac sign is unsurpassed. Cancer can fool anyone. Crayfish humor is multi-layered, and applied to the enemy is an almost lethal weapon. Having sincerely laughed at the funny story told by Cancer, the listener may soon realize that, together with the whole company, he was, in fact, laughing at himself. That is, Cancer subtly exposed him to the general ridicule.

    If you offend a representative of this sign and he becomes discouraged, he will literally infect with depression everyone who is within a radius of several kilometers. The vindictiveness and vindictiveness of Cancers never manifests itself openly, but he knows how to secretly take revenge on the offender very cruelly. Woe to those who encroach on the property of Cancer, whether it be a loved thing or a person.

    Offended Cancer can be silent for weeks. This drives his entourage into mortal despondency. No less suffering is caused to loved ones by constant mood swings, ranging from mortal anguish to unbridled, like a baby, optimism with blowing happy bubbles.

    Frequent bouts of unprovoked anger.

    Cancer's greed for junk is colossal. Big money can be spent on some ancient trifle. And with difficulty they part with things that not only went out of fashion in the century before last, but also worn to holes.

    Extreme egoists in love. Their feelings, emotions and experiences are the main thing in life. Feelings of other people can be neglected.

    The thriftiness of Cancer comes not from greed, but from the eternal expectation of trouble and the coming "black days". A real warehouse of canned goods, cereals and pasta in his house is a common thing. Often tin cans are swollen, and cereals and pasta are green from time to time.

    The passionate love of Cancer can play a bad joke on his children. Totally patronized, Cancer babies can grow up to be complete opportunists, selfish and loafers. After all, mom or dad until death will wipe the snot, poke money and feed in a way that is not fed in every palace.

    The tendency to eat tight and tasty comes back to Cancer with a quick and irreversible weight gain, digestive problems. Vegetable salad, sorrel soup? Dismiss! Big and fat chop fluffy pancakes floating in oil and condensed milk - this is a meal worthy of Cancer.

    Even if someone is drowning, Cancer will wait until the drowning person swallows water thoroughly before rushing to save him. And Cancer will do this only when he is convinced that there really is no one else on the shore besides him.

    A LION

    Leo 23.07 - 23.08 Selfish Bastard. He is wise and great, he is a king, others are rubbish underfoot. From this position all his foul language follows.

    Excuses: "I wanted to."

    To have fun for Leo means to live. In pursuit of sensual pleasure and being the center of attention, he will go to any expense. The famous ancient Greek politician Alcibiades cut off a piece of his dog's tail for several days. "Why torture the poor animal like that?" the fellow Athenians asked him. “Because all Athens is only talking about me!” Alcibiades answered. Typical behavior for a representative of this sign: glory - at any cost!

    In politics, the Lions are strong like, perhaps, no one else. But their love of flattery gives clever people a great opportunity to solve their problems and enrich themselves illegally, licking the master from head to toe, often acting against his own interests.

    A hypertrophied sense of self-importance, selfishness and pride can make Leo an intolerable companion, a terrible friend or lover. But do not dare to poke him into these shortcomings, which just seem to him to be virtues. Otherwise, the purring kitten will instantly turn into a real angry lion and use its powerful fangs and claws.

    Being a boss is a natural state for a representative of this sign. He is a great organizer and leader. But if things are going well, and the subordinates are trained and there is nothing to complain about, the boss Leo can beat his own secretary to death for mere trifles. He perceives failure to fulfill even a small order as a personal insult, the punishment for which will be quick and disproportionately harsh, up to and including dismissal.

    There are many military leaders and generals among the Lions. Crushed by the lion's authority, the subordinates are afraid of them like fire, behind the eyes and rightly call them "durogons". Such people sincerely believe that if they do not follow their subordinates, they will do everything in the world awry. Therefore, their constant guardianship and control can bring anyone to white heat. In addition, Leo has the ability to imperceptibly shift any non-prestigious, obviously failed work onto the shoulders of those around him, and to take on those cases that will certainly bring money, fame and honor.

    Having a rather modest intellect, Lions exalt their mental abilities to the skies, love to “build” everyone, utter instructive monologues, unceremoniously poke their lower noses into their mistakes, true and imaginary. Even if there is not the slightest reason to speak, Leo will still make a speech, albeit about nothing, just to remain in the spotlight. And this confident speech will be heard by everyone in the district. And if there is a party in Leo's house, at least the entire adjacent quarter will know about it.

    As you understand, all these qualities can only be characteristic of a person devoid of self-irony, and a sense of humor in general.


    Virgo 24.08 - 23.09 Resentful Bastard. Somewhere, once you crossed her path (or simply spoke unsuccessfully about her) - get what you deserve! All these years, she just waited for an opportunity to pour out all the dirt that had accumulated inside her.

    Excuses: out of business - “Me?! Yes, how could you think! or triumphant "But remember ..."

    Bores and clean, bringing the rest to a frenzy with their passion to put everything on the shelves. Remember: if you took something from the Virgin and forgot to put it back, she is already suspicious of you. And an unclosed tube of toothpaste or sausage skins, forgotten on the table, means for her that you are a goner and the prison is crying for you.

    Cleanliness for many Virgos becomes a real mania. A barely noticeable speck on a child’s clothes or shoes not cleaned to a mirror shine by her husband can ruin her mood for a long time or provoke a stormy scandal.

    And it would be fine if her pedantry concerned only clothes and cleanliness in the house. But after all, she judges human relations in exactly the same way. Any deviation from the norm (which she herself established and only she knows) leads her to despair, and sometimes to rage. In your relationship, she put everything on the shelves a long time ago, and just try to rearrange at least a couple of things on these “shelves”.

    Impenetrable conservatism and restraint are inherent in their thoughts and movements. Any intrusion from the outside causes an inadequate response in terms of the degree of resistance. She always knows everything better than anyone and makes it clear that she does not need advice. This is why Virgo almost always has a bad (cool at best) relationship with her neighbors.

    Virgos are cowardly. Forgivable for women, but for a Virgo man this is not the most suitable quality. And they are also extremely arrogant. It is difficult to have more ambition than Leos, but some Virgos succeed. Plus, they love money. Not just love - worship! Large sums have a magical effect on Virgo.

    Virgo's thoughts are most often occupied not with what she is doing at the moment. That is why the results of its activities look strange: it glitters from one side, and from the other ... And we will turn the other side to the wall, and no one will see.

    In the upbringing of children adheres to strict rules. He considers it important that the child be neatly dressed and fed according to the season. It is not necessary to play, take a walk or at least talk with him. There are other, more pressing matters. It is equally difficult to achieve affection, spiritual understanding and response from the Virgin. Instead of regretting, she will give a lecture in which she scrupulously and ruthlessly analyzes all the mistakes of the complainant and sums up: "He is to blame for everything."

    Dev's erudition is well known. They will insert a quote in any situation and for any reason, without thinking about its appropriateness and the fact that words that are true, but said in a soulless and moralizing tone, can hurt another person.


    Libra 09/24 - 10/23 Cowardly Bastard. Libra rightfully won 1st place in the rating of bastards. Vile, immoral being. Here he lied, here he slandered, there he betrayed - such is the way of life. And all because of cowardice.
    Excuses: none. Nashkali and hid.

    It's hard to rely on them. Libras are not sure of themselves, they sort out behavior options to the point of clouding in their brains even in situations where there is nothing to think about - no matter what you do, everything will be fine.

    In Libra women, something masculine always slips, in men - on the contrary. This does not mean that the ladies of this sign are all shot throwers. But their behavior can often be unnecessarily harsh. And effeminate men with the habits of affectionate scoundrels or with the unbearable sweetness of gays are definitely Libra. And even under the brutal appearance of some Libra men, a cowardly sheep's soul is hidden.

    Capriciousness is also a clear characteristic of this sign. Hidden nervousness latently infects the people around them, they often become uncomfortable in the company of Libra. Periods of active and even violent activity are replaced by melancholy and lethargy. During these periods, Libra is prone to quarrels, painful tearfulness. By nature, very courtesy, diplomacy and courtesy, they, being in a bad mood, get rude so cool that even Scorpio will shut up.

    Overeating and addiction to alcohol often seriously damage their health. Moreover, Libra prefers gourmet food and expensive wines or cognacs, for which they are ready to spend any money.

    Love for them is a field of endless adventures. The most notorious ladies' man is, of course, Libra. Moreover, having been carried away by another representative of the opposite sex, they, without hesitation and remorse, leave their beloved or leave the family. Marriage, they subconsciously consider the shackles in which society shackles them, so tender and fragile.

    They like to talk endlessly in the genre of "on the one hand, of course ... but on the other hand ...". It is simply impossible to move Libra to a quick decision, even when the situation requires it. Because of this habit of constantly weighing and evaluating everything, they often lose out to more straight-minded people who are ready to take risks.

    Children for Libra are the best material for experiments. If the first child is allowed everything, up to physical sitting on the head of the parent, then the other, for some unknown reason, will be brought up with a tight rein.


    Scorpio 24.10 - 22.11 Principal Bastard. Principles can be anything, they are not the essence. From the point of view of his supercomplex worldview, you have violated some kind of prohibition and should be punished. He considers himself an instrument of Justice (with a capital letter, yes).

    Excuses: none. And an upturned chin.

    Their independence and propensity for forceful actions are known to many in their own skin. Going at least in some way the way of Scorpio means almost certainly signing a death sentence for yourself. This is a merciless opponent, whose outburst of anger is akin to an atomic explosion, sweeping away everything in its path. He is vindictive, vindictive and never forgives insults. Just try to encroach on something that belongs to Scorpio - you will regret that you were born into the world.
    If, by chance, there is no suitable object for attack in the vicinity, Scorpio begins to saw, gnaw and devour himself - for past mistakes and failures that everyone has long forgotten about. Or, if the enemy is clearly stronger and Scorpio fails to bring him under control, he pours out his bile and hatred on everyone indiscriminately.

    Natural hypnotism often pushes Scorpio to bad deeds. Having charmed the victim, he will clean his pockets with a wry smile, force him to act of his own free will, or put him on the shoulder blades in any dispute. The only way to evade his magical influence is to bypass or wear dark glasses, because Scorpio hypnotizes only with a look.

    In life, with rare exceptions, he is surrounded by "pathetic, insignificant personalities" - a purely scorpion expression. So why bother with them? Let them listen and obey.

    His passions are indomitable, although his face most often remains impassive. Those who betray his love will not do well. To punish enemies or traitors, he can resort to the services of black magicians. However, even without outside help, he manages to cast a strong spell against anyone. And irreconcilable religious fanatics are also most often Scorpios.

    He does not know how to smile and does not like, the smile of Scorpio is a rare event. This is the only sign that will not leave anyone indifferent - Scorpions are either passionately revered or hated to the core. There is no third.

    Uncontrolled courage and neglect of danger often leads to injury. In this sense, Scorpio is the champion of the zodiac.

    Love for him is not only a natural outlet for raging passions, but also an arena of eternal battle. Moreover, he fights to the blood not only with competitors, but also with a loved one, completely subordinating him to his will and whims.

    One of the most unpleasant things associated with him is that one of the close relatives necessarily dies a year before or within a year after the birth of Scorpio.


    Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12 Scandalous Bastard. A tram cad, a bazaar woman… Enjoys conflicts as such.

    Excuses: meaningless text, abundantly flavored with obscenities, in a raised voice.

    Cheerful loafer, optimist and reveler. The smile does not leave his face, and his humor knows no bounds, including the limits of decency. In the company, he can easily give an unfamiliar lady an unpleasant compliment like “and you are well preserved for your age!”. At the same time, each Sagittarius considers himself an outstanding diplomat.

    His talkativeness is comparable to the talkativeness of Gemini. His friendliness is like an ocean in which, against their will, everyone around them drowns. Very quickly, friendship turns into familiarity and endless drinking until the money runs out. Friendship with a Sagittarius can lead you to sink lower and lower until you find yourself under a fence at night, without a wallet, without a coat, in a state of the deepest hangover. Remember: Sagittarians drink a lot, you can't keep up with them.

    Sagittarius' generosity and willingness to help everyone in the world can put his own family on the brink of starvation. Among other things, he does not know and does not understand what sadness, emotional experiences, and even more so deep depression are. For him, the world is full of all sorts of temptations and interests, so there is no need to be sad and there is no time. It is almost impossible to find understanding and compassion in Sagittarius in a difficult situation.

    In love, he is reckless, fickle. One marriage will never be limited. But, having parted with an ex-wife or husband, Sagittarius seeks to maintain friendly relations and acts in this sense with captivating, albeit inappropriate pressure and obsession. Love generally plays too small a role in his life, it is too serious a thing for Sagittarius to be carried away by it. And they seem to never experience passion at all. Here friendship is much more interesting for them.

    A child of Jupiter, Sagittarius hardly obeys his superiors, considering himself a more competent and advanced specialist. But, having become the boss, he can overwhelm any business, treating his subordinates too paternally and forgiving them even critical mistakes. This is a person who thinks and analyzes only after he has already done something. But, despite the recklessness of nature, Sagittarius can dashingly shave off the one who really hurts him with a caustic word.


    Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01 Stubborn and limited Bastard. The indifference of Taurus + the egoism of Leo + his personal unique stupidity. More greed as a condiment.

    Excuses: "So it happened."

    Its main feature is stinginess. With money, feelings, love and compassion. The most callous bureaucrat and literalist is precisely he, Capricorn. His whole life seems to be scheduled by the minute, in his head there are solid diagrams, tables and numerous manuals for all occasions. Probably, many of Capricorns even dream of them at night, and they moan in a sweet buzz.

    Capricorn is absolutely intolerant of defeats, he cannot stand them. The patronage of Saturn gives Capricorn toughness and perseverance in achieving its goals - even if this requires going over the heads, and even over the corpses of enemies. Although he himself is not a fierce fighter, he eliminates any obstacles with an unwavering hand.

    Capricorn's love is a real punishment for the object of love. It's a tough feeling! Even looking into the eyes of Capricorn in love, I want to stretch out into the front, click my heels and blurt out: “What do you want, your honor?” Even if he cares about your feelings, he will never show it. And, of course, marriage of convenience is an invention exclusively of Capricorn. He does not consider it necessary to waste energy, time and emotions on all sorts of sentiments.

    In general, Capricorns are fatally uninventive. They can be smart, and very smart, but only with other people's thoughts. By the way, Capricorns are talented, but rarely can realize their talent, because they themselves do not allow themselves to go beyond the generally accepted.

    Pedantry in the upbringing of children can make these children neurasthenics who always feel guilty for any misdeeds, including imperfect ones. And even if everything is done perfectly, neither dad nor mom of this zodiac sign will pat on the cheek, but will limit themselves to a dry nod. Like, okay, it will come down and so, it could be much worse.

    God forbid, if the affairs of Capricorn stall for a long time or go wrong. He will turn into a bore before our eyes, which the world has never seen. Will nag and criticize everyone and for anything. By old age, a rare Capricorn does not turn into a hopeless grouch.

    The secret dream of any of them is absolute power from behind the scenes. Capricorn is not attracted by the light of spotlights, the worship of the broad masses of the people and world fame. His ideal is Professor Moriarty, sitting in the quiet of his office, but holding in his hands all the threads of the underworld of London.

    Almost any treasure found was once hidden by Capricorn. He can save money all his life, but he himself will not use them in the end and, such a miser, will not tell his relatives about them.


    Aquarius 21.01 - 18.02 Cynical Bastard. Honorary 2nd place after Libra. He will do nasty things just to laugh at your suffering. He has a congenital heart disease - that is, his (heart) absence.

    Excuses: "Ha ha."

    External extravagance, multiplied by a penchant for shocking antics. Revolutionary, threatening shocks to everything - from the family way of life to the world order. Promiscuity in means, dating and love. All this can be found in abundance in Aquarius. True, having reached middle age, often it is he who becomes an inveterate conservative, a persecutor and strangler of freedom (alien).

    Aquarius is not too interested in what kind of building will be erected on the ruins of a broken world. The main thing is to dismantle the old and hardened, regardless of the blood and suffering of other people. In fairness, it should be said that Aquarius does not spare himself in the fight.

    This is the worst of all possible companions of life. His rebellious heart will never belong to one single person. His love is fleeting, fragile and superficial. Parting with former loved ones is always the same as throwing worn gloves into the trash - that is, without regret and in an instant. Although all people are brothers to him, including his wife, it is impossible to put him in any framework. Therefore, by the way, Aquarius does not like marriage so much - one of the types of the most rigid framework.

    But from the child of Aquarius, anything can grow - from a brilliant scientist to a talented swindler. Because his children are left to their own devices and can even walk on their ears - the parent will not even blink an eye.

    Terribly cynical and wanted to spit on the norms of decency. It picks up the keys to any human soul very well, but, as a rule, with bad goals. To get to the bottom of the matter, he can behave unceremoniously and arrogantly, asking direct questions on the forehead on the most intimate parties life. An Aquarius man, when meeting a lady, can stupidly and straightforwardly ask, for example, whether she has an orgasm or is frigid, like a statue. And in response to a burning slap in the face, she will openly burst into laughter in her face, crimson with anger.

    Aquarius is strong in the sciences, this zodiac sign gives the most scientific talents and geniuses. At the same time, Aquarius absolutely does not see the prospects of what he is working on. Electric chair? Napalm? New gun model? He is not at all concerned that all this will eventually become a murder weapon - only the creative process is important. However, the myth of the genius of Aquarius is debunked by life itself. Most of them, if brilliant, are in areas that we do not know about. By the way, among the inhabitants of psychiatric hospitals, most of all Aquarius.

    Just try not to keep this word - the son of Uranus will immediately delete you from his life. He also has excellent intuition, but he can use it to achieve his goal at any cost, even causing direct harm to a trusted person.


    Pisces 19.02 - 20.03 Indifferent Bastard. Hearing the cry of “Help!”, He slams the window and wraps himself more tightly in a blanket. Don't expect him to come to your hospital where you live. last days on injections.

    Excuses: "Every man for himself, I'm sorry."

    General softness and indistinctness, lack of initiative, often outright cowardice. Unwillingness to apply adequate forces to achieve one's own benefit. The tendency to deceive, even if there is no apparent reason for this. This is the reverse side of the medal with the Pisces sign.

    Their spinelessness, willingness to go with the flow is amazing. From this naturally follows the rare talent of an opportunist and a sycophant. Narrow-minded bosses value Pisces precisely for this. But you can’t rely on them even in the most trifling matter - most likely, they will let you down, squander, forget, or do it at random. They see the world through rose-colored glasses - perhaps Pisces came up with this term.

    Most often, they are impossible to get through. In response to any shocks or terrible messages, you will see the same infantile serenity. The feeling that Pisces is always stoned - either they pulled vodka, or they smoked a joint. By the way, they internally understand their inability to live in our harsh world and leave it for the world of illusions. Among alcoholics and drug addicts, Pisces is the most.

    In Pisces men, the biggest disaster is their talkativeness. They are capable of carrying nonsense for hours, so that then you want to chat your head to shake out all the garbage from it.

    While watching a cool action movie, at the most intriguing and energetic moment, they are able to turn off and sail somewhere into the foggy distances for their own poorly formed thoughts. If this happens when working with complex equipment or while driving, an accident cannot be avoided.

    They love to draw, but they don't know how. Rather, this is how their creations confuse others. A classic example is Kazimir Malevich with his "Black Square", a natural Fish. In general, in art, they go their own way. Maybe we have not yet matured to understand such creativity, but every time you see something viscous, absurd or frankly abstract in any field of art, you almost physically feel that you are being led by the nose.

    Their only effective weapon against the rough world and unceremonious people is a sense of humor. You shouldn't really hurt Pisces if you don't want to get a portion of sarcasm, before which even the evil tongue of Scorpio can give in. Pisces are able to finish the offender with a few caustic phrases so that the unfortunate person will have to heal bruises and abrasions for a long time.

    Did you recognize yourself or someone you know in these stellar bastards? I hope we didn't slander anyone. Let your friends treat such things as star predictions with humor - show them the horoscope of the bastard signs of the zodiac.

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