Measures for the prevention and treatment of bedsores. Causes of bedsores, methods of treatment and necessary prevention. Bedsore Care - Algorithm

Consider how to treat bedsores (lat. Decubitus) depending on the stage of their development and location. Let's figure out which pharmaceutical preparations and proven folk remedies will help to cope with the problem in the elderly, than to smear weeping, dry and purulent wounds. Find out who is at risk of the disease and what to do for prevention.

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Pathology is a necrosis (necrosis) of soft tissues, which occurs in bedridden patients when blood vessels and skin are squeezed between two solid bases: the surface of the bed and the protruding parts of the skeleton. This is one of the most unpleasant complications in people confined to a bed, a wheelchair.

How to properly treat bedsores at 4 stages of formation - 18 expert tips with photos

When deciding how to properly treat bedsores, it is advisable to consult with doctors. Adhering to a certain algorithm of actions, you can stop the destruction of tissues at home. Therapeutic measures depend on the depth and location of the altered tissues.

Doctors distinguish superficial and deep wounds - they are classified into 4 stages according to the depth of tissue damage (see photo). Each stage has its own characteristics in the treatment, which is described below in detail for each stage. A total of 18 expert tips for healing wounds are provided.

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With a long stay of the patient on the back, ulcers may appear on the back of the head, shoulder blades, elbows, coccyx, sacrum, and heels. If the individual is forced to be on his side, then the wounds “settle” on the thigh, the side of the knee, and the ankle. Damage is recorded on the pubis and cheekbones when a person lies on his stomach for a long time. The location of the affected areas of the body, see the photo below.

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The first stage is the initial, the easiest. It is characterized by the appearance of edematous hyperemic (reddened) zones on the parts of the body in contact with the bed. It is characteristic that when you click on them, there is no white trace left. Sometimes, instead of redness, there is a pronounced cyanosis (cyanosis).

Look at the photo for what tissue damage looks like at stage 1.

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Let's figure out what to do if the initial stage of bedsores is detected, how to prevent further necrotic tissue changes, and restore skin tone. Note that the identification of a reddened and roughened area in immobilized (completely or partially) patients is a signal of incorrect or insufficiently thorough patient care.

The following actions will help prevent the progression of pathology in bedridden patients:

  1. After 2-2.5 hours, change the position of the patient. To hold the affected areas on weight, it is convenient to use a special lining (inflatable) circle. This will remove pressure from the injured area, provide access to air, and protect it from moisture.
  2. Do air baths at least 2 times a day (avoid hypothermia).
  3. For hygiene procedures, use simple soap (antibacterial kills both pathogenic and beneficial bacteria), a natural sponge (cotton washcloth), and clean water. After washing, gently blot the skin - in no case do not rub.
  4. In the morning and evening, massage the area around the redness with smooth circular movements. It is convenient to do this with a terry towel mitten. Do not rub, knead the surface of hyperemic (reddened) skin.
  5. Quartzizing once a day - ultraviolet light kills bacteria on any surface. The procedure can be carried out with the help of the home medicine apparatus "Solnyshko". It is advisable to coordinate with the doctor the number of procedures.
  6. Avoid damage to the integrity of the reddened (darkened) cover.
  7. In case of urinary incontinence (feces), change diapers or diapers made of cotton fabric in a timely manner, and toilet the genitals. For the stronger sex, use the urinary system.
  8. With profuse sweating, wipe the skin with a weak solution of food vinegar - 1 tbsp. dilute a spoon in 250 ml of cool water.

The fight against pressure ulcers at home is a painstaking and ongoing process that requires diligence.

A simple rule should be followed: wet skin (during sweating, excretion of physiological fluids) to dry, dry skin to moisturize. Dryness leads to flaking of the protective (horny) layer of the skin. Excessive sputum - to infection of the affected areas. All this is exacerbated by impaired blood circulation in the areas of compression.

How to treat a beginning bedsore? Places of redness can be lubricated:

  • camphor alcohol
  • lemon cut in half
  • zinc ointment
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil
  • Sophora japonica tincture

Appeared stains should be treated once every two hours. It is not recommended to use potassium permanganate, brilliant green, iodine, as they dry out the epithelium and disrupt granulation tissue.

Heels have increased dryness. They are lubricated with petroleum jelly, baby cream, and other moisturizers.

Bandages are effective at this stage. TenderVet 24(Tender Wet 24), TenderVet 24 asset (TenderWet 24 active). What ointment to use for persistent redness? Doctors recommend the use of drugs that improve the process of blood circulation. In particular, they include:

  • Solcoseryl (price from 120 rubles)
  • Actovegin (from 41 rubles)
  • Bepanten (from 305 rubles)

note that the use of softening compounds, deaf and wet bandages that block the penetration of oxygen and moisture evaporation, lead to the formation of wet necrosis, tissue destruction.

For clarity of action, we watch a video that clearly shows what actions to take at the first stage of the formation of bedsores.

Treatment of decubitus wounds at 2 stages

The appearance of sores and blisters with hemorrhagic or serous contents is typical for the second stage - see the photo below.

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Care of the affected area includes the following actions:

  • Washing hyperemic skin with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide.
  • Applying bandages with any healing ointment - Actovegin, Levosin, Solcoseryl, Levomekol.
  • The use of modern self-adhesive wound dressings: Kosmopor (made of non-woven soft polyester material with an absorbent pad), Tegaderm (a special transparent film that serves as a barrier to moisture, does not interfere with gas exchange).
  • Covering the affected areas with anti-decubitus dressings Hartmann(Hartmann) and ointment dressings: Atrauman Ag (silver-containing), Hydrotul (hydroactive), Branolind N (with Peruvian balsam).
  • The use of modern dressings PermaFoam cavity, Hydrosorb gel, TenderWet active cavity, which accelerate the process of cleansing and healing wounds.
  • Overlay applications with substances with wound healing characteristics. For example, the use of multilayer coatings Multiferm, Proteoks-TM, hydrogel dressings Hydrosorb Comfort, etc.

At this stage, it is important to assess the general condition of the patient, which allows you to detect or exclude factors that can aggravate the development of a negative process, cause more severe damage.

Specialists can prescribe detoxification of the body - blood transfusion, hemodez (antitoxic plasma-substituting agent), immunostimulating therapy - taking vitamin complexes, immunostimulants.

Treatment of deep bedsores in stages 3 and 4

An open wound covered with pus is characteristic of the third stage. The pathological process covers the deeper layers, destroying the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle mass, as can be seen in the photo.

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On the fourth stage the depth of damage increases - the tendons are injured. The inflammatory-purulent process can spread to adjacent bones (see photo).

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If with deep wounds only soft tissues are destroyed - the skin, muscles - then a competent selection of pharmaceuticals will help. The treatment of deeper damage (down to the bones) is solved surgically.

The medicines used are conditionally divided into the following groups:

  1. Necrolytic drugs (accelerate the removal of dead tissue)
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs
  3. Tissue repair (recovery) stimulators
  4. Means that improve blood circulation

Practical and convenient for use in bedridden patients are various sprays from bedsores, for example, Chemi spray (price from 480 rubles / 370 UAH), Olazol (cost 250 rubles / 76.17 UAH), Menalind (380 rubles / UAH 165.50). Napkins with silver Atrauman Ag (78 rubles / 40.95 UAH) reliably protect against the negative effects of pathogenic bacteria.

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3 stages of healing deep bedsores

Deep decubitus wounds are treated in stages. They are always infected, contain a significant amount of dead tissue, pus. Their main danger is that they can cause general blood poisoning and are a threat to life.

At the first stage the lesion is cleaned of pus and necrosis with the help of enzymes. PAM-T dressings are used (with strong discharge), Proteox-TM (with moderate and slight discharge).
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The course of treatment is 7-10 days. The cleaned wound becomes bright red. The amount of pus separated from it is significantly reduced. If before that the surgical treatment of the problem area was carried out, then they immediately proceed to the next stage.

aim second stage is to stimulate the appearance of young connective tissue. Enzyme-based wound healing preparations will help speed up this process. Biatain absorbent dressings are able to create ideal conditions for the healing of exuding (weeping) wounds.

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Third stage therapeutic measures associated with the protection of young connective tissue. Hydrocolloid coatings Comfil Plus (Comfeel Plus) are the most effective means at this stage: they reliably protect against infections, create the best conditions for tissue regeneration, do not require frequent dressings - 1-2 times in 2-5 days.

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The acceleration of wound healing in the elderly is facilitated by modern methods of treatment, for example, the use of vacuum therapy (NPWT or VAC-therapy).

Surgical intervention for deep injuries consists in repeated excision of non-viable tissues (necrectomy), for severe damage - autodermoplasty (plasty with a displaced musculoskeletal or skin flap). Before the operation, innovative techniques can be used - magnetic electrical stimulation, laser electrical stimulation.

Folk remedies

The tandem of drug treatment and traditional medicine will help you get rid of the pathology faster. Consider the most common recipes and recommendations for the treatment of neoplasms from prolonged lying.

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To simplify the treatment of bedsores on the coccyx, buttocks (often occur simultaneously) at home, dressings with an antiseptic will help.

Before applying them, the surface should be treated with a mixture of water and vodka (1: 1), a solution of vinegar (1 spoon per cup of water), camphor alcohol. Next, apply Panthenol Spray, Methyluracil.

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How to quickly lubricate redness and sores on the buttocks, coccyx? An excellent effect is achieved when using a mixture of essential oils: mira, geranium, tea tree, petitgrain, St. John's wort macerate. Oils have an antiseptic and healing effect. Take 2-3 drops of each oil. Do an oil compress once a day.

Another good remedy will help get rid of wounds on the buttocks from sitting - sea ​​buckthorn oil. On the forums you can find many excellent reviews about the miracle oil. The substance improves blood circulation, has an antimicrobial effect. In addition, it helps with gastritis, stomatitis, hemorrhoids.

Before use, disinfect the affected areas on the buttocks of a lying person with camphor alcohol. Sea buckthorn oil can be alternated with rosehip oil, which has a similar effect.

The use of an anti-decubitus circle will simplify care for both severe injuries and the first symptoms of pathology.

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A few important nuances:

  1. The circle must be set so that the wound is in its center.
  2. The product should be covered with a film to prevent rubbing of the skin.
  3. The circle should not be overly rigid - just rise slightly above the bed.

Often on the forums there are questions about how to remove sores on the priest, coccyx with gentle folk remedies, how to treat wounds in an immobilized patient with a tendency to allergies?

Does not cause allergic reactions mixture of vodka (quality) and any shampoo for children (or natural botanic). Decubitus wounds are lubricated with the composition once a day. After 10 hours, rinse with clean water. This method has been personally verified.. At the 1st stage of the lesion, it gives a good result and removes the smell.

How to get rid of wounds on the heel, on the leg. A photo

First, a white spot appears on the upper layer of the epidermis of the heel, then a red bubble forms, which quickly turns into a black spot. Green “healers” will help speed up and facilitate the healing of wounds on the heels.

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We offer you to use repeatedly proven recipes:

  1. Pour boiling milk over fresh elderberry leaves and apply to ulcers.
  2. Lubricate the reddened areas with freshly prepared juice from the leaves of the lungwort 4-5 times a day.
  3. Prepare: 1 tbsp. l. chop the flowers (it is convenient to use a coffee grinder) and combine with 50 g of petroleum jelly. Apply twice a day.

A cabbage leaf, slightly mashed in the hands and bandaged to the heel, will promote the healing of the epidermis. Until the morning, you can fix the Kalanchoe leaves with a bandage - cut in half (along) and attach a cut to the bedsore.

How to say goodbye to sores on the back

Beginning changes in the skin will be removed by a simple mash of camphor, medical alcohol and baby shampoo (each component 100 ml). It will give you a feeling of freshness and purity. Treat the problem area in the evening. In the morning, wipe with a sponge dipped in warm water. Dry the skin thoroughly (without rubbing!) with a soft towel. Continue the procedure until complete recovery.

Recipe 1 Bring half a cup of vegetable oil to a boil. Add a piece of beeswax, the size of half a little finger. Stir the mixture thoroughly, cool. With the resulting ointment, treat redness, sores.

Recipe 2. Use unpeeled oats from the last harvest as a filler for a cotton mattress.

Recipe 3. Steam a handful of millet, pour into a cotton bag. Apply under the affected area. Remove the bag after 4 hours. For a large affected area, use several bags.

Recipe 5. Prepare a linen towel (preferably an old one) and a faceted glass. Pour 1 tsp into a glass. soda, pour boiling water and moisten the cloth with the resulting solution. Allow the fabric to cool slightly, wring out slightly, place on the affected area.

Lotions of fish oil, clove oil at night will help fight pressure sores in the elderly. Ordinary potato starch can be used as a powder for weeping wounds.

We learn another way to improve the condition from the video "How to treat and treat bedsores."

Which doctor will help, where to undergo the procedure

If pathological foci are found in bedridden people who are at home, you should contact your family doctor or therapist. With progressive manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to consult a surgeon. A dermatologist, an infectious disease specialist will help you choose medicines and tell you how to quickly deal with the problem.

Depending on the course of the pathology and the condition of the individual, drug therapy is carried out at home or in a hospital.

Who is at risk

Bedsores in the elderly are formed quite quickly. Typical for most elderly patients:

  • with and femur - 66%
  • with paralysis of the lower and upper limbs (tetraplegia) - 60%
  • during stay in intensive care units - 33%
  • in bedridden patients (especially the elderly) who are at home - 25%

Circulatory disorders are observed in diabetes mellitus, acute vascular occlusion, obliterating endarteritis. Smoking slows down recovery, as nicotine constricts blood vessels, which leads to poor blood supply.


In order to prevent the occurrence of pathology in patients who stay in a sitting or lying position for a long time, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of bedsores in a timely manner. Experts recommend using special cellular (dynamic) mattresses.
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They are effective because:

  • They guarantee a uniform distribution of the patient's mass over the surface, adapt to the contours of the body.
  • Provide free blood circulation throughout the skin. "Honeycombs" are constantly moving, contributing to normal blood flow.
  • They help to neutralize the resulting foci of rejection (in 9 out of 10 cases).

A massage (occipital) pillow will help prevent pathology - it “remembers” the contours of the neck and shoulders. The rectal pillow will provide a comfortable stay of the individual in a sitting or lying position.

Advice : When purchasing a mattress, take into account the weight of the patient so that there is no "sagging effect". This can lead to the disappearance of the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of the accessory.

You learned how to treat bedsores depending on the stage of the disease, the location, what pharmaceuticals and folk remedies will help to cope with the problem, how to smear weeping, dry and purulent wounds in the elderly, as well as who is at risk of the disease and what to do for prevention. The information received was supported by photos and videos.

Health to your loved ones!

Bed sores are a violation of the integrity of the skin due to impaired blood supply and innervation of a separate area, which have arisen due to prolonged compression.

Soft tissue necrosis often occurs in bedridden patients and, without treatment, spreads deep down to the bones and tendons, forming pockets in the muscle layer.

Effective treatment of bedsores depends on the stage and depth of soft tissue damage. However, it is much easier to prevent the development of pathology in bedridden patients than to eliminate tissue necrosis that has already appeared.

The main reason for the formation of bedsores is the compression of soft tissues for a long time. Constant pressure, which can disrupt the natural blood flow of the skin capillaries for 2 hours, provokes the appearance of initial signs of necrosis. Pressure sores are the lot of bedridden patients.

The necrotic process develops in patients:

  • in coma;
  • with a stroke (disturbed innervation);
  • with injuries of the back, brain;
  • who have received a heart attack and are forced to lie still;
  • diabetics;
  • psychiatric patients (especially with catatonic syndrome);
  • with involuntary urination and defecation.

Especially quickly pressure sores are formed in the elderly, malnourished and obese patients.

The provoking factors are:

  1. Insufficient hygiene of the patient, especially with fever and profuse sweating.
  2. Lack of proper care - a hard bed, folds in the sheets, wet underwear and bedding.
  3. Allergy to patient care products.
  4. Malnutrition with protein deficiency.

Bedsores most often affect:

  • if the patient lies on his back - heels, buttocks, sacrum, shoulder blades, elbows, nape;
  • if the patient lies on his side - foot, toes, trochanter of the femur, iliac crest, elbow joint, ear and temporal region.

Sometimes necrosis is provoked by a too tight plaster cast, an improperly formed denture (bedsores form in the oral cavity), or a long stay in the urethra of the catheter.

Stages of bedsores in bedridden patients, photo

Treatment of bedsores is radically different depending on the stage of the necrotic process. In the absence of proper care and appropriate treatment of bedsores, the depth of tissue damage increases.

1 stage

Venous erythema occurs: individual areas of the skin become red-bluish in color, the color of the skin does not change after pressure is removed, the local temperature is normal or slightly reduced. The integrity of the skin is not broken (see photo).

The bruise and arterial hemorrhage under the skin initially have a bright red color, and the local temperature is slightly elevated. These differences are of great importance in the diagnosis of bedsores at the initial stage of development and their timely treatment.

2 stage

Primary damage to the integrity of the skin due to developing edema: the appearance of maceration (areas of thinned skin), peeling and small vesicles against the background of persistent hyperemia. Already from this stage, it is possible to attach an infection and form purulent foci.

3 stage

photo of the third stage

The spread of the necrotic process to deeper layers up to muscle damage, obvious signs of suppuration and the release of serous fluid and pus from the wound.

4 stage

Formation of deep cavities with exposure of tendons and bones. Depending on the force of pressure on different parts of the body, bedsores with different stages of tissue necrosis can form (photo).

Treatment of purulent bedsores at home will not bring results: hospitalization of the patient is necessary.

Bedsores can be complicated by:

  • caused by pyogenic bacteria - cold, dense to the touch, bright red, growing on the periphery of the focus / foci, hyperthermia up to 39ºС, signs of intoxication (nausea, headaches, increasing weakness);
  • - diffuse purulent inflammation that does not have clear boundaries, spreading to the subcutaneous layers, muscle fascia and intermuscular space;
  • gas gangrene - a putrefactive process that develops within 6-7 hours after clostridia (often from the soil) enters the bedsores, characterized by crepitation of the focus (crunching), an unbearable putrefactive odor, gray skin and dryness of the wound;
  • sepsis (blood poisoning) - high hyperthermia, followed by low temperature, the rapid development of the process and septic shock, often fatal.

Treatment of bedsores depending on the stage

Treatment of bedsores of 1-2 stages in bedridden patients can be carried out at home. Purulent and deep necrotic foci most often require surgical intervention and hospitalization of the patient.

Treatment of bedsores of the 1st stage

If the patient is in a hospital, it is possible to use dosed ultraviolet radiation and an electrostatic shower.

Hyperemic areas are processed twice - thrice a day:

  • 2% camphor alcohol;
  • 1% salicylic alcohol;
  • 0.5% ammonia;
  • 1-2% alcohol solution of tannin;
  • Argocream containing silver.

Treatment of stage 2 bedsores and open wounds at home

With the appearance of microdamages on the skin and maceration, the main goal is to prevent suppuration. For this use:

  • antiseptics Chlorhexidine;
  • antimicrobial ointment Levomekol;
  • gel Solcoseryl, Bepanten (activate skin regeneration);
  • silver containing Argogel and ointment with Methyluracil (stimulate local immunity);
  • dressings with Chymotrypsin, Multiferm, Hydrosorb, Komfil preparations.

Treatment of bedsores 3-4 stages

The only effective therapeutic tactic is partial surgical excision of necrotic tissues with further local anti-inflammatory treatment of the resulting wounds and general therapy, including the use of hormonal drugs Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone and immunostimulants, intravenous infusion of 0.5% Metronidazole.

Features of treatment from the location of bedsores

The therapeutic result is increased if the following treatment rules are observed, taking into account the localization of the necrotic process.

Bedsores on the heels - wedge-shaped pillows, skin protection with a colloidal dressing with Comifil for 2-5 days.

Bedsores on the buttocks - treatment and prevention includes the use and regular change of diapers, special buttock circles. Preventive massage of the gluteal zone in the absence of signs of necrotization can be deeper, since this area has a fairly pronounced muscle layer.

Bedsores on the coccyx - the minimum muscle layer causes the rapid spread of necrosis to the bone tissue, so this area is treated with antiseptics in the first place.

Treatment at home

At home, passive drainage is acceptable. To do this, the wound is filled with sterile wipes, abundantly moistened with the above antiseptic solutions and anti-inflammatory ointments.

In extreme cases, you can use bandages with a processed edge that does not fall apart into threads. However, such tactics will not provide a cure for purulent deep wounds, but only prevent the growth of necrosis deep into the tissues.

Can not use: iodine, potassium permanganate, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, boric acid! In purulent processes, the following are ineffective: Synthomycin and other antibacterial ointments with petroleum jelly in the composition.

Pressure sore prevention measures

The measures listed below will not only prevent the appearance of areas of soft tissue necrosis even in patients who are bedridden for a long time, but will also increase the efficiency of the algorithm for treating pressure ulcers at home.

  • The best option is to use an anti-decubitus mattress and a functional bed.
  • Changing the position of the patient every 2 hours.
  • Gentle rubbing of the skin on the buttocks, back, legs and other places of close contact with the bed.
  • Bed and underwear only natural, smooth texture (without embroidery, transverse seams and embossed patterns). It is imperative that there are no folds on the spread sheet and pillowcase.
  • Complete hygiene - wiping the patient with a soft cloth soaked in warm water with further thorough drying, frequent change of underwear / bed linen, use of a duck / vessel.
  • Complete nutrition with a sufficient amount of protein, if necessary - the introduction of nutrient mixtures Nutrizon, Optimum, etc. through a tube.
  • Compliance with the drinking regime - at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day.
  • Regular examination of the patient by a therapist when he is at home. With suppuration of bedsores - consult a surgeon.

Bedsores are an insidious disease that aggravates the already difficult life of bedridden patients. Prolonged immobility leads to local circulatory disorders and soft tissue death (necrosis).

Timely prevention of the formation of bedsores can facilitate the care of bedridden patients and improve their quality of life.

What is this disease?

Bedsores are bleeding of areas of the skin due to prolonged pressure of body weight on this area. Most often they occur in bedridden patients, paralyzed and old people who spend a lot of time in bed due to exhaustion of the body.

However, bedsores can also occur if tissues are squeezed by a tight bandage (for example, in the event of a fracture or wound), as well as when wearing a denture that does not fit to size (gingival necrosis).

In total, 4 stages of development of bedsores are distinguished:

  1. A red spot forms on the damaged area of ​​the skin, which does not go away even after the pressure on the epidermis has stopped. On palpation, the spot also does not change color. The patient may complain of slight numbness and tingling.
  2. Blisters, spots resembling bruises, small ulcers begin to form on the skin. The skin on the bedsore becomes cold and dry to the touch, peeling appears.
  3. The affected area looks like a festering wound, which, in addition to being frightening, exudes an unpleasant putrid odor. The surrounding tissue begins to die.
  4. At this stage, soft tissues are affected, and tendons and bones are visible through the ulcer. The problem requires urgent surgical intervention.

Important! The longer bedsores are left untreated, the more the person's immune system will be depleted and tissues will be affected. In some cases, the situation may result in amputation of limbs.

Algorithm of treatment at home

Immediately after the first complaints of the patient about a feeling of numbness or tingling, you need to call a doctor to examine the body for bedsores and, together with him, decide how best to shift the patient in order to correct the situation and improve his well-being.

You should not do this on your own, as the wrong actions can only aggravate the disease.

Otherwise, in the treatment of bedsores, it is enough to adhere to four principles:

  1. Restore circulation. To do this, follow the rules of prevention (see below).
  2. Remove dead and festering tissue. It is possible both surgical excision of damaged tissues, and medicamentous effects on dead tissues for their rejection (using Iruxol ointment).
  3. Eliminate the source of inflammation. To do this, doctors often recommend hydrogen peroxide, furacilin solution, streptocide.
  4. Contribute to healing. To speed up healing, you can use drugs such as Levomikol, Levosin, Solcoseryl. Also, such a folk remedy as sea buckthorn oil has proven itself well.

reference! Large and neglected bedsores can be cured only through tissue grafting, so do not delay calling a doctor at home.

How to prevent their occurrence?

Bedridden patients very often suffer from bedsores - this causes a lot of inconvenience to both the patient himself and the person caring for him.

To prevent the development of this disease, doctors recommend:

  • Use a special anti-decubitus mattress that ensures the correct distribution of the person's weight.
  • Include a sufficient amount of vegetable and animal protein in the patient's diet.
  • Make sure that the bed linen is evenly laid out - without folds and hitches.
  • Wash sheets and duvet covers at least once a week.
  • Wash the patient in a timely manner in order to prevent excessive moisture and diaper rash, as well as change the diaper regularly.
  • Change the position of the patient's body at least 5-6 times a day (as agreed with the doctor).

How to prevent the appearance of bedsores is described in the video:

Means and activities

In order to prevent bedsores, it is worth using the following anti-decubitus remedies:

  1. Ointments and gels. Most often, doctors prescribe the following drugs - Solcoseryl, Algofin, Methyluracil, Mefenat, Alantan Plus, Dermazin, Argosulfan, Sulfargin, Stellanin, Vishnevsky's ointment.
  2. Bandages. Divided into three categories - cleansing, pulling, and healing. Can be used at all stages from prevention to treatment.
  3. Mattresses- divided into two types static and dynamic. The former prevent congestion by fixing the lying person in such a way that the load is evenly distributed throughout the body. The latter, on the other hand, have an effect on the tissues of the patient, normalizing microcirculation and preventing muscle death. Doctors recommend purchasing anti-decubitus mattresses with laser perforation and blowing, so that even despite the patient’s large body weight, air passes through the microscopic cells .
  4. Pillows. Pillows against bedsores are divided into categories, depending on the affected area: for elbows and heels, as toilet seats, as chair seats, back and buttocks pads.
  5. Rubber ring. Circles vary in size (large, medium and small). The circle is placed under the patient in such a way that the area of ​​​​possible pressure sore formation is in the center of the circle.
  6. Irradiators based on quartz. Quartz treatment is a fairly common practice for the treatment of various skin diseases and bedsores as well. The procedure fights harmful bacteria, stops inflammation and accelerates tissue regeneration.
  7. Breathing exercises- It is very important for all patients, even those who adhere to a strict pastel regimen, to practice breathing exercises. Light exercises (independent or with the help of simulators) will help saturate the body with the missing oxygen, which also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the tissues.

Important! The choice of auxiliary prophylactic agents must be agreed with the doctor. Improper use of medical devices can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition.

Means for the prevention of bedsores are special mattresses, circles and rollers. Traditional medicine recipes and diet therapy also help prevent the death of soft tissues.

Other modern means that reduce the risk of pressure ulcers in bedridden patients are drugs. To eliminate tissue necrosis, ointments, creams, solutions of brilliant green, iodine or camphor alcohol are used.

To prevent tissue necrosis in bedridden patients, special devices are used. These include mattresses, pillows and circles.

To prevent bedsores, doctors advise turning the patient from side to side every 2 hours to prevent squeezing the skin. But it is physically difficult for the caregiver. Therefore, in order to prevent bedsores, doctors recommend using orthopedic mattresses that do not require special monitoring or regulation.

Types of anti-decubitus systems:

  • cellular;
  • sectional.

Cellular devices are equipped with chambers resembling "honeycomb". These cells are filled with air, which are blown off in a checkerboard pattern every 5-10 minutes. By changing the support, blood circulation improves and soft tissues are massaged. Products are used in the presence of bedsores of 1 or 2 degrees. Cellular mattresses are intended for patients weighing no more than 120 kilograms. This variety is suitable for patients with incontinence. Since the material of the product does not absorb moisture and is easy to clean.

Sectional mattresses are prescribed for the prevention of bedsores of 3.4 degrees in patients weighing 100-160 kg. Devices consist of cylinders arranged transversely. The cloth of a product is made of the tubular pillows which are periodically filled with air.

The balloon mattress is made of anti-allergic, non-toxic, durable nylon material that does not absorb odors. Due to the change in pressure in the sections, soft tissues are kneaded and blood circulation is stimulated.

Orthopedic rollers prevent necrotic changes in tissues by reducing pressure on the skin, reducing the intensity of friction of the integument against a hard surface. Pillows used to care for bedridden patients activate blood flow and have a massage effect on the affected area. Also, medical products relieve pain, relax muscles and the spine.

Anti-decubitus pillows have a smooth or embossed surface. The shape of the product is rectangular, square, roller-shaped and in the form of a cone.

Medical devices that prevent soft tissue necrosis are distinguished by the type of filler:

  1. foam;
  2. gel;
  3. air;
  4. foam.

Foam rollers create a strong support, correctly distributing the load of the body in a sitting position. The advantages of the products are easy to use, low cost, lightness, maintaining the patient's posture. The disadvantages include rapid wear, poor posture support, low degree of tissue protection from compression.

Foam materials from which anti-decubitus pillows are made:

  • Foam rubber - reduces pressure and softens hard surfaces.
  • Latex is a natural elastic material that allows air to pass through.
  • Polyurethane foam is an elastic material that repeats and "remembers" the shape of the patient's body.

Gel pads relieve pressure on soft tissues. These medical products are resistant, so they are used to maintain posture and posture.

The disadvantage of the gel filler is a large mass. But silicone gel quickly cools the body, prevents excessive sweating.

Pillows with air sections are used to evenly distribute pressure. Products are divided into static and devices with the effect of air flow. The design of the latter is a set of cells interconnected, exchanging air. Static rollers have an air layer inside, which reduces pressure and creates a comfortable position for the patient.

Circle for the prevention of bedsores

The backing circle is a rubber inflatable ring with a valve for filling with air. Means for the prevention of bedsores are presented in three sizes:

  1. Diameter 30 centimeters. A small circle is used to prevent the formation of bedsores in the heels, head, ankle, elbows.
  2. Diameter 40 centimeters. A universal product is often placed under the sacrum, hips or shoulders.
  3. Diameter from 50 centimeters. Used to prevent tissue necrosis in obese patients.

The use of a rubber circle - the patient is turned on his side. The product is placed under the sheets so that the skin under pressure is above the opening.

Treatment of bedsores is carried out with solutions of camphor, ethyl, salicylic alcohol, potassium permanganate. Zelenka, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, Furacilin and Chlorhexidine are also used.

When necrotic processes occur in tissue cells and the integrity of the skin is violated, ointments, creams and therapeutic wipes are used.

Solution for the prevention of bedsores

Potassium permanganate, brilliant green, iodine are not used by modern medicine for bedsores. Doctors insist that these solutions irritate, dry out the skin and exacerbate the process of its death.

In hospital conditions, bedsores are treated with Chlorhexidine, which has a disinfecting, antifungal and antiviral effect. Furacilin is used to destroy pathogenic microflora. Hydrogen peroxide (3%) is used to gently clean the wound, and saline is used to speed up the regeneration processes.

The affected tissues are wiped with therapeutic solutions 2-3 times a day. After applying disinfectants, the skin is ventilated and slightly dried. For this purpose, the use of quartz lamps is recommended.

Ointment for the prevention of bedsores

To prevent tissue necrosis and cure existing wounds, they are used on the basis of chloramphenicol and methyluracil. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, reparative, regenerative effect. Thanks to the polyethylene oxide base, the product increases the effectiveness of other drugs and absorbs the purulent contents of wounds.

Levomekol is used in two ways:

  1. Soak a gauze pad with ointment and apply it to the wound.
  2. The agent is injected into the cavity with a syringe through a drainage tube.

Dressings with the use of Levomekol are performed daily. The course of therapy is 4 days.

For the prevention of bedsores, Steplanin ointment based on diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide is often used. The medicine has an antiseptic effect, protects early from infection. Also, the ointment has a powerful healing effect.

Steplanin is applied to the affected skin with a layer of 1 mm. A gauze bandage is applied on top, which is changed twice a day.

Creams for the prevention of bedsores


For the prevention and treatment of tissue necrosis, Argosulfan is often used. The cream has antibacterial, wound healing, analgesic effects. The main component of the product is silver sulfate (20 mg per 1 g of cream).

The drug is applied to bedsores in layers of 2-3 cm up to 3 times a day. Permissible dose per day - 25 mg. The duration of treatment is up to 2 months.


For the prevention of bedsores, Actovegin is also used based on calf blood components (deproteinized hemoderivat). The tool activates and accelerates the process of tissue regeneration.

In order to prevent bedsores, Actovegin is rubbed into high-risk areas up to 2 times a day. The cream can be used for 12 days.

Camphor alcohol for the prevention of bedsores

Camphor activates tissue trophism, increases regeneration, eliminates pathogenic microflora, stimulates blood circulation, relieves pain and inflammation.

With bedsores, camphor alcohol is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. The resulting solution is rubbed into the affected skin or compresses are made on its basis. To do this, gauze is moistened in a warm solution, applied to the bedsore, and everything is fixed with a cotton cloth.

The compress is kept for 2 hours. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day. Course of treatment - 10 days

For preventive and therapeutic purposes, with an increased risk of soft tissue necrosis, hygienic and therapeutic napkins are used. The former have a non-woven base, they are suitable for wiping a wound in order to disinfect it.

Medicinal products are applied to the bedsore after its toilet. Napkins are impregnated with wound healing, antibacterial substances and enzymes. Therapeutic napkins are applied to the affected skin for a long time.


Hydrogel wipes moisturize the wound, absorb exudate, remove plaque, cool and disinfect the skin. Application: the gel is applied to clean skin from the syringe contained in the package. A bandage is applied on top, which is left for about 3 days.

Medisorb A

Alginate wipes are used for the prevention and treatment of weeping wounds in order to absorb purulent and bloody secretions. Application: the bandage is taken out of the package, applied to the bedsore, fixed with a secondary napkin. The product is replaced up to 2 times a day.


They are used to treat healing wounds, accelerate regeneration, prevent and spread infection, cleanse ulcers from exudate and dead tissues. Application: after opening the bandage is applied to the skin so that its edges protrude 0.5 cm beyond the surface of the bedsore. The protective layer is removed 2 minutes after application. The napkin is left on the wound until it heals.

In case of severe and extensive damage to soft tissues in folk medicine, sea ​​buckthorn oil, honey and aloe. Agave leaves are crushed and mixed with other ingredients (100 g). Everything is placed in a glass container and put in the refrigerator for 3 days. Application of the drug: the ointment is applied to gauze and applied to the affected areas treated with Furacilin. Napkins are applied twice a day for 2 hours.

For the speedy regeneration of the skin in traditional medicine, decoction of sweet clover and chamomile. Dry herbs are poured with water (1 l), put in a water bath for 10 minutes. The decoction is filtered and the wounds are washed with it.

Use to disinfect affected skin oak bark. Dry raw materials (200 g) are poured with water (2 l), put on fire for 120 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered and lotions are made from it. 3 compresses are applied per day to the necrotic area. The course of therapy is 2 weeks.

Used to treat ulcers ointment of sugar, oil and beeswax. The components are placed in an enamel container, which is heated to dissolve the contents. The finished cream is transferred to a dark glass container and placed in the refrigerator for storage. Ointment lubricates bedsores up to 3 times a day.

Therapeutic nutrition of patients for the prevention of bedsores

Doctors recommend combining drugs for the prevention of bedsores with diet therapy. So, in the diet of patients who spend a lot of time in a monotonous position, protein foods should prevail. Therefore, patients are recommended to consume 120 grams of vegetable (legumes, nuts) or animal products (cottage cheese, lean meat, fish) per day.

For the prevention of bedsores, it is necessary to eat daily foods containing vitamins, in particular ascorbic acid. It activates the immune system, which prevents the development of infectious complications.

  • bell pepper;
  • kiwi;
  • citrus;
  • Brussels sprouts
  • black currant;
  • rose hip;
  • sea ​​buckthorn.

Nutrition of bedridden patients should be fractional. At the same time, doctors advise to exclude fatty, spicy dishes, semi-finished products and smoked meats from the diet.

The patient, forced to constantly lie down, needs constant care and careful monitoring of the state of his body. If it was possible to cope with the underlying disease, it is also necessary to closely monitor and care for it. On the body, which is motionless, are formed bedsores.

Bedsores - unhealthy deterioration of parts of the body due to impaired circulation due to prolonged pressure.

If the patient is exhausted, then bedsores appear in a short time.

Why process?

The manifestation of the disease may occur anywhere on the body:

  • If the body is lying on the back for a long time, then bedsores progress on the lower back, sacrum, on the back of the head, buttocks and heels.
  • Lying on your side will hurt your shoulders, the side of your pelvis, and your legs.

If bedsores have already appeared, then under this place you need to put an inflatable ring, roller or pillow to restore blood flow and avoid touching the affected area with a hard surface.

In order to avoid the spread of the focus of the disease, it is recommended to treat bedsores in the early stages of development.

Typically, this is a lengthy process. If you miss the onset of the onset of the disease, then areas of tissue decomposition will appear.

Important! In nursing, for the speedy healing of tissues, it is imperative to observe the order of all directed actions. When choosing medications and using alternative methods of treatment, you should consult a doctor.

Modern means of treatment

There are a large number of methods for treating the disease and the means used for this.

The main thing is to find a method of treatment suitable for a particular patient. What heals one patient will harm another. Everything is purely individual.

  1. Sea buckthorn or Japanese safflower oil. It is used in the first stage of the appearance of bedsores. Accelerates skin renewal, improves blood circulation and blood vessels become stronger.
  2. Chlorhexidine and wound healing drugs: Solcoseryl, Actovegin, Multiferm - the second stage of the disease. They are recognized disinfectants.
  3. All anti-inflammatory drugs: Hydrocortisone, Algofin, Dexamethasone, Vulnazan, Trypsin, Curiosin, Vinylin, Bipanten, Terrilitin, Chymotrypsin. Bandages Proteoks-TM or PAM-T, sponge bandage Byaten and gel Purilon - the third.
  4. Apply surgical intervention at the fourth stage, also ointments and powders. Shown laser therapy, electrophoresis of antibiotic drugs, UHF-effect on bedsores, phonophoresis of antiseptic drugs.

Reference! Gel dressings and applications with antiseptic substances are quite expensive in pharmacies, but their positive effect on bedsores in seriously ill patients can be seen from the first application.

Watch a video that describes home remedies for treating pressure ulcers:

Why not smear?

Exist treatments that only aggravate the course of the disease.

  1. Iodine is an alcohol solution that is used for bedsores absolutely contraindicated. You can get a chemical burn of the skin, thereby accelerating the course of the disease.
  2. Zelenka - contraindicated. It has a destructive effect on skin cells, drying them excessively, from which small cracks appear, aggravating the necrotic process. Even at the initial stage of the disease.
  3. A solution of potassium permanganate - forbidden. It also accelerates the process of destruction of skin cells, drying it too much.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide it is used at the initial stage of bedsores, as a rule, on 1 and 2. After its application, rinse the wounds with furatsilin and apply a bandage.

Attention! Reddened areas of the body can not be massaged.

It is necessary to lubricate with oil or a medicine as easily as possible, barely touching the damaged areas. Otherwise, injury to the skin will occur and the inflammatory process will begin.

Algorithms for performing the procedure at home

In the elimination of bedsores are popular and effective home-cooked recipes.

  • Shampoo with vodka. A shampoo is chosen without any additives and mixed with vodka, in a ratio of 1/1. A sponge is wetted with this composition and the injured part of the body is treated. It is used until the bedsores are completely cured.
  • Essential oils of geranium, myrrh, lavender, petitgrain, tea tree and St. John's wort macerate. With just a few drops of the components, make a compress once a day, and the result will be almost instantaneous.
  • Camphor oil. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic. It is better to apply in the form of ointments at the initial stage of development. Do not lubricate open sores.
  • Chatterbox of camphor alcohol and shampoo- equal parts of 100 gr. Soothes and gives a feeling of freshness.
  • Styrofoam balls. A pillowcase is filled with balls and placed under sore spots. Circulation is restored and wounds heal.
  • Spruce resin, vegetable and butter, plus beeswax. The proportion is 1:2:2:1. Heat the mixture in a water bath, boil for 3 hours. Treat bedsores. Keep the composition refrigerated.
  • Beeswax dissolve in sunflower oil. Apply the cooled mixture to the affected area. The wounds heal quickly.

For the treatment of bedsores, products that are in every home are widely used.

The most effective food-based remedies:

  1. Beeswax, oil and sugar. The ingredients are mixed, heated on the stove, cooled and the mixture is applied to the ulcers. Keep cool and dark.
  2. Soda. Pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon and dip a towel into the solution, then apply to the affected area. When cool, remove. Purulent discharge will be imprinted on the towel. Apply until there is no discharge.
  3. Dairy products. Process with heavy cream once a day. Cream must be free of any impurities.
  4. Onion. Fry a few chopped onions in vegetable oil until golden brown, then add the filtered oil to the wax. Lubricate ulcers twice a day. Keep the ointment in a cold place.
  5. Goat fat. Mix goat fat, salt and chopped onions. Lubricate the affected areas. This method is very painful, but very effective.
  6. Starch. Acts like a powder. Prevents decay and the formation of bacteria.

Reference! Medicinal herbs are also used to treat bedsores: oak bark is brewed, infused, and with this I treat damaged areas, calendula flowers are poured with vodka, and after 14 hours they are lubricated with bedsores, fresh elderberry leaves are moistened in milk and applied to ulcers.

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