Apostle Simon Zealot (Zealot). Apostle Simon the Zealot Simon the Zealot Cananite the feast

The Holy Apostle Simon the Zealot is the patron saint of treasure hunters.

Treasure hunting, which for many of us is a favorite hobby, has been known since antiquity, when there were no metal detectors. A huge number of signs, beliefs and legends are associated with treasures and treasure hunting.

Despite the fact that in our time it has acquired new shades, there are things that have come to us from time immemorial and remain unshakable and traditional. Fast forward to the 1st century AD, one of the most remarkable periods of world history associated with the earthly life of Jesus Christ. Christ spent the days of adolescence and youth in Galilee, in the small town of Nazareth. But now the time has come for His service to the human race, and Christ goes to Judea, where he receives baptism from John, performs a forty-day fast and calls the first disciples. After that, the Lord again returned to Galilee. On the third day, the "Marriage at Canna of Galilee" happened - a wedding in a small town near Nazareth. By kinship or acquaintance, the Mother of God was present at the wedding, Jesus and his disciples were invited.

The newlyweds were probably not wealthy, and a shortage of wine was soon discovered. Jesus asked the servants to fill six stone vessels standing nearby with water. “Now draw,” said the Lord, “and take it to the steward of the feast.” The steward tasted the water, which had already become wine, and was surprised why such a fine wine was kept for so long, which he did not hesitate to tell the groom about. Here it was revealed to everyone what a miracle Christ performed - the first miracle of the Lord. The disciples saw the divine power of their Teacher and believed in Him as a messenger of God. Believed in Christ and the bridegroom named Simon. He left the bride, the house and all the worldly fuss and followed Christ. As one of the most zealous disciples of Christ, Simon was chosen among the twelve apostles.

Simon had two nicknames - Zealot and Zealot. The first he received in his origin from the Galilean city of Cana. The nickname Zealot means "zealot" - Simon was inflamed with such a zealous love for Christ that he left everything for Him and followed the Lord. After the ascension of Christ, the Apostle Simon went with the preaching of the Word of God to Mauritania and Africa. Then he traveled to Britain, Egypt and Persia. Everywhere he preached the holy gospel with the same ardent zeal with which he left worldly fuss. Simon ended his life suffering in the name of Christ. At the insistence of the pagan priests in Persia, the holy Apostle Simon was sawn in half. Another legend says that Simon the Zealot was crucified in Abkhazia. This happened on May 23 (May 10, old style), and on this day the Church celebrates in honor of the Apostle Simon. But where does the patronage of treasure hunters? - you ask. Move on!

Before the adoption of Christianity, the Eastern Slavs were pagans, they did not have a single God. But not a single event of Slavic life took place without the participation of a deity or great elements revered by people of that time. The day of Simon the Zealot coincided with one of the very ancient pagan holidays, when the pagan deities Beley and Makosh, earthly intercessors, are especially honored, and the wise men go out into the field, lie down on the grass and listen to the Earth. She, on this day, evoked special worship as Mother-Damp-Earth, who was considered a birthday girl that day. Hence the second name of this holiday - Earth-birthday. On this day, the people danced "Zealot's round dances", and also performed consecration rites, divined and glorified the Earth. The consecrated handful of the Earth was collected in bags and kept as amulets. The holiday ended with a feast and games.

According to ancient belief, on the day of the name day of the Earth, it was impossible to plow and harrow it. In Tambov, they did not argue: "Today is the day of Simon-Gulimon, the lazy reverend." In the same place, where they did not know this, they said: "Sow wheat for Simon the Zealot - it will be born like gold." Another belief associated with this holiday says that in the spring all the treasures “dry out”, appear and wandering lights burn above them. The main custom of the day of Simon the Zealot has always been considered the search for treasures, unfortunately, then without metal detectors. The people believed that there was some connection between the words Zealot and gold. Therefore, Simon the Zealot was considered among the people the patron saint of treasure hunters and they turned to him with a prayer, asking for help in finding treasures.

Another custom is that on this day they walked through forests and glades, collecting various herbs, roots, which were credited with a special healing power. And the nickname Zealot allegedly comes from the word "potion". It can be assumed that these two customs are associated with folk etymology: the incomprehensible name Zealot could well be associated in popular imagination with the words “gold” and, as already mentioned, “potion”. I have long wanted to find for myself a shrine associated with my treasure-hunting hobby. And such a case really presented itself to me! In February of this year, while in the Holy Land, I bought a small icon of the Apostle Simon the Zealot and now I hope that the saint will definitely act as a patron in finding my most cherished treasure. Of course, I bought a metal detector much earlier. Well, May 23 (May 10, Old Style), the day of memory of the Apostle Simon the Zealot, I think, can rightfully be recognized as the day of the treasure hunt.

ApostleSimonZealot especially prayabout happiness in marriage and aboutpatronage of the family hearth.

Troparion, tone 3

Apostle Saint Simone, pray to the Merciful God, that forgiveness of sins will give our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

We know the wisdom of the teachings in the souls of the pious who lay down in praise, we will appease, like the God-speaking, all Simon: the Throne of glory now stands and rejoices with the Incorporeal, praying unceasingly for all of us.

Kondak 1

Chosen Apostle of Christ and evangelist, having caught your preaching for the salvation of many human souls and brought to Christ the darkened people by idolatry, blessed Simone, in songs we praise thee with love and pray diligently: as if having boldness to the Lord, praying to Him take out for us sinners and with your prayers, free us from all troubles, let us call you:

Ikos 1

Angels the Creator and Master, Christ God, at least save fallen humanity, clothed in our flesh and live with men, but in Cana of Galilee for marriage in your house, Simone is praiseworthy, together with His Most Pure Matter, the Virgin Theotokos, Even with the supplication of mothers the beginning of miracles Reveal your own in your house, miraculously turning water into wine on your brother and thereby showing the power of His Divinity. The same to you, blessed with the visitation and goodwill of the God-man, as the God-seer and disciple of His chosen one, crying out with tenderness:

Rejoice, beautiful bridegroom, miraculously called from earthly marriage to marriage of the Lamb.

Rejoice, glorified in heaven and on earth.

Rejoice, faithfully serving God the Word incarnate.

Rejoice, in the preaching of the Gospel of truth, great zeal is revealed.

Rejoice, beloved Lord Jesus with all your heart.

Rejoice, leaving the earthly betrothed and running after Him.

Rejoice, Simone, Apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 2

Seeing the miracles of Christ, most glorious Simone, you faithfully followed in the flesh the manifested God, you were beloved from the Worthless, and you were numbered among the elect of the twelve Apostles, as a zealot of His glory, you received the name of the new Zealot, this is a zealot. Ask this zeal for the glory of God to us, the disciple of the Savior, so that together with you we will be able to sing to Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The mind of heaven has been given to you from above, Simon God-wise, the same, listening to the Divine word of Christ God, I composed you in your heart, and, like a good earth, brought fruit a hundredfold, if you brought him the teachings of the Gospel grace, with it you illuminated the ends for the salvation of the world, and, like a preacher of God soul-saving, hear from us the following songs:

Rejoice, yoke of Christ, good and light, on your frame perceived.

Rejoice, by the example of your saints attract all of us to the following of Christ.

Rejoice, nameless zealous zealot for the glory of God.

Rejoice, warmest lover of the Lord Jesus.

Rejoice, wondrous mentor to Him of those who seek salvation.

Rejoice, silent preacher of the gospel soul-saving teaching.

Rejoice, Simone, Apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 3

The power of God in the autumn of thee, Apostle of Christ Simon, always followed the footsteps of Christ the Lord, bypassing Judea and Galilee with Him, listening to His Divine teaching and contemplating the greatness of His miracles. The same and Christ, as to His faithful follower and disciple, grant you power and strength to heal ailments, heal diseases and drive away unclean spirits, may all praise His power, manifested in you, and sing to Him a laudatory song: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

You had only one care, Simone all-blessed, to faithfully serve and please Christ God, in the flesh I appear for human salvation, His companion and eyewitness was honored to be and from His Divine lips you drew the greatness of the teaching of heavenly grace, about her marveling, we say to you:

Rejoice, all-joyful preacher of the Gospel of truth to us.

Rejoice, morning star, who proclaimed to us the non-evening Sun.

Rejoice, self-seeing and servant of the incarnate God.

Rejoice, mistress's wanderings and His immortal meals are partakers.

Rejoice, chosen and faithful disciple of Christ.

Rejoice, friend of His eternal, to the end your friendship with Him preserved.

Rejoice, Simone, Apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 4

Nail the storm of Jewish fury to the Cross of Christ God, who willed to suffer for all the people, but did not shake your faith and hope, blessed Simone, for He is the Savior of the world, the anciently prophesied prophets for the redemption of fallen mankind. The same, as the Lord and God, you faithfully sang to Him a laudatory song: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the Divine voice of Christ the Life-Giver, resurrected three days from the dead, and entering His disciple through a closed door, and “Peace be unto you!” Rekshago, Simone, the God-bearer, thou rejoiced greatly, and to Him, as God, reverently bowed thou, then to all thou didst proclaim unceasingly the immutable truth of His resurrection. About this and we laudatory call you:

Rejoice, the peace of Christ worthily accepted into the immaculate vessel of your soul.

Rejoice, graciously appeasing the ends of the world with the peace of that world.

Rejoice, ancient idol-serving enmity to the consumer.

Rejoice, the truth of the resurrection of Christ is obvious and loud to the witness.

Rejoice, closed door to the contemplative Christ who passed miraculously.

Rejoice, divine and joyful voice to His hearer.

Rejoice, Simone, Apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 5

Seeing the divine ascension to heaven of Christ and the Holy Spirit, sent down from Him into fiery tongues, being an accomplice, Simone was praiseworthy, a divine spirit-bearer, you became and, clothed with power from above, flowed to preach the Gospel to Judea, Syria, Egypt, Mauritania, Spain, Britain , Persis, Iveria and Armenia, proclaiming to the people, in the darkness of former unbelief, the saving light of Christ God and right faith in Him, and bringing everyone to call Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing you, the Apostle of Christ, the Most Pure Mother of God, from distant lands on a cloud, hastening to Her most honorable Assumption, rejoicing with holy joy and worthy of Your conversation and blessing before death; but you, about colicia, were filled with joy, contemplating Her Son and God, with the holy Angels who came to Her and Her holy soul in His hands received. This joy of yours and we, reverently remembering, from zealous love proclaim these all-joyful words:

Rejoice, heavenly disciple of the Savior, miraculously brought to the burial of the Mother of the Lord on a cloud.

Rejoice, Christ, in Thy hands the soul of Thy Mother, who received, contemplated.

Rejoice, worthily serving the burial of the Most Pure Mother of God.

Rejoice, understanding Mother of God ascended with the body.

Rejoice, thou who didst see the burial shrouds and the empty tomb of Her in Gethsemane.

Rejoice, in the vision of the luminous with the holy Angels, you were honored to see the coming Lady of the world.

Rejoice, Simone, Apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 6

The divine-speaking preacher appeared to you, the Apostle of Christ Simon, in the wild countries, and you proclaimed the Gospel of Christ to the bestial people, with your meekness and gentleness overcoming those ferocity and turning them from the wolves into the lambs of Christ, even having learned to sing the angelic song to the Triune God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone, disciple of the Savior, like a radiant lamp, in the countries of the infidels and, like a divine luminary, you flowed around the east and west, proclaiming to people the saving faith in Christ Jesus, Who inspires us to praise you, the divine preacher, with these praises:

Rejoice, thou who didst illumine the east from the east and enlighten the west with the light of Christ.

Rejoice, having declared Africa and Spain with the teaching of the Gospel.

Rejoice, Britons who tamed the severity of Jesus' meekness.

Rejoice, bringing Armenia and Iberia to the knowledge of the Son of God.

Rejoice, persuading the Persians and the Medes to believe in Christ God.

Rejoice, tirelessly laboring in the gospel of Christ.

Rejoice, Simone, Apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 7

You had an earnest desire, O Apostle of Christ, to suffer martyrdom for the name of Christ and seal with your blood the divine truth of your gospel sermon, hedgehog arranging, bring you to Iveria from unfaithful climbs on the cross, be crucified and die a martyr. Remembering your suffering Christ-like death, we honor your illnesses and labors and sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Novago Noah, the head of the ark of the soul-saving faith of Christ in Iveria, we know you to be, Simon the God-speaking, and as the founder and cornerstone of the Iberian Church we honor thee, we honor the place of your burial with love, as if consecrated by your blood and relics of your repose, from worthless gifts of healing exude to the faithful and attract, call you:

Rejoice, persistent guardian of Iberia.

Rejoice, God-given patron of Pitsunda.

Rejoice, miraculously preserving your temple in the desert from final destruction.

Rejoice, your honorable tomb giving us consolation.

Rejoice, having renewed the place of your exploits and sufferings with a monastic abode in your name.

Rejoice, from Saint Athos, ascetics of fasting and prayer in the nude, wonderfully settled.

Rejoice, Simone, Apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 8

Having made the earthly journey, the Apostle of the Savior, you have moved from the earth to the abode of Heaven, on the earth of miracles you shine with rays and enlighten the souls of the faithful, even according to Bose they prayerfully come running to you and honor your holy memory, even we reverently revere, we sing a song to God who glorified you : Alleluia.

Ikos 8

The whole Iberian Church reveres you, the Apostle Simone, as its founder and patron, who edified her on the basis of the unshakable faith of Christ and irrigated her to spiritual fruitfulness with your honest blood, miraculously vegetating in her hosts of saints, now triumphant together with you in heaven. The same and we, on earth, bless your deeds and we call you:

Rejoice, good and merciful comforter of those who mourn.

Rejoice, quick helper of the needy.

Rejoice, having acquired great boldness to Christ God, as a sincere friend of His.

Rejoice, thou who hast received power from Him over unclean spirits.

Rejoice, glory and praise to your holy dwellings.

Rejoice, for those who labor in it I intercede for eternal salvation.

Rejoice, Simone, Apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 9

Judge the whole world imashi, Apostle of the Savior, sit on the throne lofty and exalted, when Christ the Lord with glory comes to do His righteous judgment; then, Holy One, beseech His goodness to have mercy on us and not condemn us to eternal perdition, but vouchsafe with the saints to sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The orgy of man does not suffice for a worthy glorification of your exploits and miracles, Simone is praiseworthy, both accept, disciple of the Savior, kindly and mercifully this small and simple song of ours, brought to you with faith and love in praise, and hear those crying out to you:

Rejoice, praised and glorified from east to west.

Rejoice, consecrating the Iberian country with your death.

Rejoice, like a fruitful vine, spiritually growing Nina equal to the apostles in it.

Rejoice, host of saints from the bowels of her fruitful Christ.

Rejoice, thou who didst glorify her mountains and lands with the ascetics of piety.

Rejoice, like a father with a child, triumph with the saints of Iveron in the cloisters of paradise.

Rejoice, Simone, Apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 10

Salvation is a pledge, the holy Orthodox faith, inherited from you, the Apostle of Christ Simone, we also pray to you: from all heresies and schisms, keep us, your children, with your prayerful intercession to God, and help us to remain unshakable in Orthodoxy until the end of our days and sing faithfully God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The chosen disciple of the King of Heavenly Christ, blessed Simon, pray to Him for us, sinners, and your God-loving zeal for keeping His law is also given to us, unworthy, in order to be ready for us for deeds of good deeds of Christianity and for the confession of our Orthodox faith, not only words, but and deeds, and appear as your children, not only by name, but by truth itself. For this we pray and call:

Rejoice, most bright star, guiding everyone to the sun of the truth of Christ.

Rejoice, inextinguishable candle, burning in prayer at the Throne of the Lord of Glory.

Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the holy Church of Christ.

Rejoice, golden phiale, pour out healing streams for us.

Rejoice, you who received from Christ the power to knit and decide.

Rejoice, having received from Him the grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, Simone, Apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 11

Bring the singing of the Most Holy Trinity to grief with all the saints, Simone, praiseworthy, and from the heavenly heights fatherly descend to the place of your exploits and sufferings on earth, with your prayers helping all those who faithfully honor your holy memory and sing a song to God about you: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The light-giving lamp of the Three-Sun Light is faithful, Apostle of Christ Simone, and invisibly illuminates all of us on the path of Christian good deeds, let us not fall into the network of the enemy, the devil, but we will be unharmed from all his traps of the evil ones and so unjudgmentally we will be able to cry out to you:

Rejoice, good shepherd of the verbal flock of Christ.

Rejoice, do not let the soul-destroying wolf plunder your spiritual flock.

Rejoice, thou who didst catch the ends of thy preaching to the world for salvation.

Rejoice, and now contribute to our salvation with your prayers.

Rejoice, wise architect of the Church of Christ.

Rejoice, cornerstone of its foundation.

Rejoice, Simone, Apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 12

Ask us for grace and mercy from the Lord, Simone the God-bearing, Apostle of the Savior, as if gaining great boldness towards Him, most of all, ask Him for repentance for sins and the correction of our life, may it be full of Christian virtues, in order to empower us still on earth worthy of singing To our Creator a heavenly song: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing of your illness and labors, Apostle of the Savior, you worked in the image of Christ in the gospel of Christ, we honor your holy and glorious memory, even fragrant us spiritually and delights our souls: peace truly appears before God your sweat and drops of suffering blood, poured out by you for Christ, our holy representative. We also call you:

Rejoice, faithful preacher of the Most Holy Life-Giving Trinity.

Rejoice, worthy interlocutor of angelic faces.

Rejoice, beauty and foundation of the Apostles.

Rejoice, human exaltation.

Rejoice, unmercenary physician of mental and bodily ailments.

Rejoice, according to God and the Most Holy Theotokos, our shameless hope.

Rejoice, Simone, Apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 13

O holy glorious and all-praised Apostle of Christ Simon, zealous of the law of God and our powerful intercessor! Accept this small prayerful singing, which is brought to you in praise, and beg the Savior Christ to deliver us eternal torment and make us happy with the saints, let us sing with them to Him forever: Alleluia.

(Thistoondak is read three times, hitemAndbraid 1 andtoondak 1) .


Holy, glorious and all-praised Apostle of Christ Simone, who was honored to receive into your house in Cana of Galilee our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother, Our Lady Theotokos, and to be an eyewitness to the glorious miracle of Christ, manifested on your brother - turning water into wine! We pray to you with faith and love: implore Christ the Lord to transform our souls from sin-loving into God-loving; save and keep us with your prayers from the temptations of the devil and the falls of sin and ask us from above for help in times of despondency and helplessness of ours, let us not stumble on the stone of temptation, but steadily walk the saving path of the commandments of Christ, until we reach these blessed abode of paradise, where you are now settling in and have fun. Hey, Apostle of the Savior! Do not disgrace us, who are strong in trusting in you, but be your helper and patron in all our lives and help us to piously and godly life this temporary end, to receive a good and peaceful Christian death and to be honored with a good answer at the Last Judgment of Christ, but avoid the ordeals of the air and power of the fierce world ruler, we will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and glorify the magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

The holy apostle Si-mon Zi-lot pro-is-ho-dil from Ka-na Ga-li-lei-ska, was the son of St. Ob-ruch-ni-ka Joseph , according to the flesh, the brother of the Lord and one of the 12 apostles. The first miracle, someone co-created Spa-si-tel - pre-your-re-water in vi-no - pro-iso-went in the house of Si-mo -on: during the feast for the guests there is not enough wine. Then the Lord, according to the pre-stay of the Pre-Holy Bo-go-ma-te-ri, pre-created the water into wine. In-a-women-ny miraculous house, Si-mon with all my heart and soul assured me-ro-val in the Lord-yes Jesus-sa as both-van-no-go Messiah and , leaving everything, after-to-shaft after Him. Si-mon on-lu-chil on-name-no-va-nie "zi-lo-ta", i.e. roar-no-te-la. On the day of Five-de-syat-ni-tsy, he accepted, together with other apo-hundred-la-mi, the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Apostle Si-mon pro-po-ve-do-shaft the teachings of Christ in Judea, Egypt, Libya, Ki-ri-nee and Bri-ta-nii. In Ab-kha-ziya, he accepted the mu-che-no-che-kon-chi-well, was crucified on the cross. Po-gre-ben in the city-ro-de Ni-cop-si o-lo Su-hu-mi. Subsequently (in the 19th century), on the site of the movement of the holy apostle, near the Iver mountain, No-vo-a was built -fon-sky mo-na-styr Si-mo-na Ka-na-ni-ta. Until now, the cave has been preserved, in some swarm under the hall of the holy apo-table.

See also: "" in from-lo-same-nii svt. Di-mit-ria Rostov-sko-go.


Troparion to the Apostle Simon the Zealot, tone 3

Apostle Saint Simone, / pray to the merciful God, / let the remission of sins / / give to our souls.

Translation: Saint Simon, pray to the merciful God, that He grant forgiveness of sins to our souls.

Kontakion to the Apostle Simon the Zealot, tone 2

We know the wisdom of teaching in the souls of those who are pious / in praise let us please, like the God-speaking Simon: / now stands the throne of glory and rejoices with the Incorporeal, / praying unceasingly for all of us.

Translation: Let us glorify the theological Simon with the teachings of wisdom firmly in the souls of the theologian Simon, who has put everything in praise: for now he is standing and rejoices with incorporeal Forces, interceding unceasingly for all of us.

Canons and Akathists

Kondak 1

Chosen apostle of Christ and evangelist, catching your preaching for the salvation of many human souls and bringing to Christ the darkened people by idolatry, blessed Simone, in songs we praise thee with love and pray diligently: as if having boldness to the Lord, praying to Him take out for us sinners and with your prayers, free us from all troubles, let us call you:

Ikos 1

Angels the Creator and Master, Christ God, at least save fallen humanity, clothed in our flesh and live with men, but in Cana of Galilee for marriage in your house, Simone is praiseworthy, together with His Most Pure Mother, the Virgin Mary, Even by the supplication of the Mother of the beginning of miracles Reveal your own in your house, miraculously turning water into wine on your brother and thereby showing the power of His Divinity. The same to you, blessed with the visitation and goodwill of the God-man, as the God-seer and disciple of His chosen one, crying out with tenderness:

Rejoice, beautiful bridegroom, miraculously called from earthly marriage to the marriage of the Lamb;

Rejoice, glorified in heaven and on earth.

Rejoice, faithfully serving God the Word incarnate;

Rejoice, in the preaching of the Gospel of truth, great zeal is revealed.

Rejoice, beloved Lord Jesus with all your heart;

Rejoice, leaving the earthly betrothed and running after Him.

Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 2

Seeing the miracles of Christ, most glorious Simone, you faithfully followed in the flesh the manifested God, you were beloved from the Worthless and you were counted among the chosen ones of the twelve, as a zealot of His glory, you received the name of the new Zealot, this is a zealot. Ask this zeal for the glory of God to us, the disciple of the Savior, so that together with you we will be able to sing to Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The mind of heaven has been given to you from above, Simon God-wise, the same, listening to the Divine word of Christ God, I composed in your heart, and, like a good earth, brought forth hundredfold fruit to Him of the teachings of the Gospel grace, with which you illuminated the ends for the salvation of the world and, like a soul-saving preacher , hear from us the following songs:

Rejoice, yoke of Christ, good and light, on your frame perceived;

Rejoice, by the example of your saints attract all of us to the following of Christ.

Rejoice, nameless zealous zealot for the glory of God;

Rejoice, warmest lover of the Lord Jesus.

Rejoice, wondrous mentor to Him of those who seek salvation;

Rejoice, silent preacher of the gospel soul-saving teaching.

Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 3

The power of God in the autumn of thee, the apostle of Christ Simon, always followed the footsteps of Christ the Lord, bypassing Judea and Galilee with Him, listening to His Divine teaching and contemplating the greatness of His miracles. The same and Christ, as to His faithful follower and disciple, grant you power and strength to heal ailments, heal diseases and drive away unclean spirits, may all praise His power, manifested in you, and sing to Him a laudatory song: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

You had only one care, Simone all-blessed, to faithfully serve and please Christ God, in the flesh I appear for human salvation, His companion and eyewitness was honored to be and from His Divine lips you drew the greatness of the teaching of heavenly grace, about her marveling, we say to you:

Rejoice, all-joyful preacher of the Gospel of truth to us;

Rejoice, morning star, who proclaimed to us the non-evening sun.

Rejoice, self-seeing and servant of the incarnate God;

Rejoice, mistress's wanderings and His immortal meals are partakers.

Rejoice, chosen and faithful disciple of Christ;

Rejoice, friend of His eternal, to the end your friendship with Him preserved.

Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 4

Nail the storm of Jewish fury to the Cross of Christ God, who willed to suffer for all the people, but did not shake your faith and hope, blessed Simone, for He is the Savior of the world, prophesied of old by the prophets to the temptation of fallen mankind. The same, as the Lord and God, you faithfully sang to Him a laudatory song: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the Divine voice of Christ the life-giver, who rose three days from the dead and entered to His disciple through a closed door, and "Peace be with you!" the immutable truth of His resurrection. About this and we laudatory call you:

Rejoice, the peace of Christ worthily accepted into the immaculate vessel of your soul;

Rejoice, graciously appeasing the ends of the world with the peace of that world.

Rejoice, ancient enmity of the idolatrous consumer;

Rejoice, the truth of the resurrection of Christ is obvious and loud to the witness.

Rejoice, by the closed door of the wonderfully past Christ to the contemplator;

Rejoice, divine and joyful voice to His hearer.

Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 5

Seeing the divine ascension to heaven of Christ and the Holy Spirit, sent down from Him in fiery tongues, having been an accomplice, Simone was praiseworthy, the spirit-bearer of the divine, you became and, clothed with power from above, flowed to preach the Gospel to Judea, Syria, Egypt, Mauritania, Spain, Britain , Persis, Iberia and Armenia, proclaiming to the people, in the darkness of former unbelief, the saving light of Christ God and faith in Him right, and bringing everyone to call Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing you, the Apostle of Christ, the Most Pure Mother of God, from distant lands on a cloud, hastened to Her most honorable Assumption, rejoicing with holy joy and worthy of Your conversation and blessing before death; but you, about colicia, were filled with joy, contemplating Her Son and God, with the holy Angels who came to Her and Her holy soul in His hands received. This joy of yours and we, reverently remembering, from zealous love proclaim these all-joyful words:

Rejoice, heavenly disciple of the Savior, miraculously brought to the burial of the Mother of the Lord on a cloud;

Rejoice, Christ, in Thy hands the soul of Thy Mother, who received, contemplated.

Rejoice, worthily serving the burial of the Most Pure Mother of God;

Rejoice, understanding Mother of God ascended with the body.

Rejoice, having seen Her funeral shrouds and the empty coffin of Her in Gethsemane;

Rejoice, in the vision of the luminous with the holy Angels, you were honored to see the coming Lady of the world.

Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 6

The divine-speaking preacher appeared to you, the apostle of Christ Simon, in the wild countries and bestial people proclaimed the Gospel of Christ, with your meekness and gentleness overcoming those ferocity and transforming them from the wolves into the lambs of Christ, and having learned from you to sing the angelic song to the Triune God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone, disciple of the Savior, like a radiant lamp, in the countries of the infidels and, like a divine luminary, you flowed around the east and west, proclaiming to people the saving faith in Christ Jesus, Who inspires us to praise you, the divine preacher, with these praises:

Rejoice, thou who didst illumine the east from the east and enlighten the west with the light of Christ;

Rejoice, having declared Africa and Spain with the teaching of the Gospel.

Rejoice, Britons who tamed the severity of Jesus' meekness;

Rejoice, bringing Armenia and Iberia to the knowledge of the Son of God.

Rejoice, persuading the Persians and the Medes to believe in Christ God;

Rejoice, tirelessly laboring in the gospel of Christ.

Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 7

You had a zealous desire, O apostle of Christ, to suffer martyrdom for the name of Christ and seal with your blood the divine truth of your gospel preaching, hedgehog arranging, bring you to Iberia from the unfaithful Laz on the cross, be crucified and die a martyr. Remembering your suffering Christ-like death, we honor your illnesses and labors and sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Novago Noah, the head of the ark of the soul-saving faith of Christ in Iveria, we know you to be, Simon the God-spoken, and as the founder and cornerstone of the church of Iveron we honor thee, but we honor the place of your burial with love, as if consecrated by your blood and relics of your repose, from worthless gifts of healing exude to the faithful and attract, call you:

Rejoice, persistent guardian of Iberia;

Rejoice, patron of Pitsunda, given by God.

Rejoice, miraculously preserving your temple in the desert from final destruction;

Rejoice, your honorable tomb giving us consolation.

Rejoice, having renewed the place of your exploits and sufferings with a monastic abode in your name;

Rejoice, from Saint Athos, ascetics of fasting and prayer in the nude, wonderfully settled.

Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 8

Having made the earthly journey, the Apostle of the Savior, you have moved from the earth to the abode of heaven, on the earth of miracles you shine with rays and enlighten the souls of the faithful, even according to Bose they prayerfully come running to you and honor your holy memory, even we reverently revere, we sing a song to God who glorified you : Alleluia.

Ikos 8

The whole Iberian Church honors you, the Apostle Simon, as its founder and patron, who gave birth to you on the basis of the unshakable faith of Christ and watered you to spiritual fruitfulness with your honest blood, from which the host of saints, now triumphant together with you in heaven, vegetate miraculously. The same and we bless your deeds on earth and we call you:

Rejoice, good and merciful comforter of those who mourn;

Rejoice, quick helper of the needy.

Rejoice, having acquired great boldness to Christ God, as His sincere friend;

Rejoice, thou who hast received power from Him over unclean spirits.

Rejoice, glory and praise of your holy dwellings;

Rejoice, for those who labor in it I intercede for eternal salvation.

Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 9

Judge the whole world Imashi, Apostle of the Savior, sit on the throne lofty and exalted, when Christ the Lord with glory comes to do His righteous judgment; then, holy, beseech His goodness to have mercy on us and not condemn us to eternal perdition, but vouchsafe with the saints to sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The orgy of man does not suffice for a worthy glorification of your exploits and miracles, Simone is praiseworthy, both accept, disciple of the Savior, kindly and mercifully this small and simple song of ours, brought to you with faith and love in praise, and hear those crying out to you:

Rejoice, praised and glorified from east to west;

Rejoice, consecrating the Iberian country with your death.

Rejoice, like a fruitful vine, spiritually growing Nina equal to the apostles in it;

Rejoice, host of saints from the bowels of her fruitful Christ.

Rejoice, glorifying the mountains and lands of her ascetics of piety;

Rejoice, like a father with a child, triumph with the saints of Iveron in the cloisters of paradise.

Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 10

Salvation is a pledge, the holy Orthodox faith, inherited from you, the apostle of Christ Simone. We also pray to you: from all heresies and schisms, keep us, your children, with your prayerful intercession to God and help us to remain unshakable in Orthodoxy until the end of our days and faithfully sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Chosen disciple of the King of Heavenly Christ, blessed Simon, pray to Him for us sinners, and your God-loving zeal for keeping His law is also granted to us unworthy, in order to be ready for us for the exploits of Christian good deeds and for the confession of our Orthodox faith, not only words, but also deeds and appear as your children, not only by name, but by truth itself. For this we pray and call:

Rejoice, most bright star, guiding everyone to the sun of the truth of Christ;

Rejoice, inextinguishable candle, burning in prayer at the throne of the Lord of glory.

Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the holy Church of Christ;

Rejoice, golden phiale, pour out healing streams for us.

Rejoice, having received from Christ the power to knit and decide;

Rejoice, having received from Him the grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 11

Bring the singing of the Most Holy Trinity to the mountain with all the saints, Simona, praiseworthy, and from heavenly heights fatherly descend to the place of your deeds and sufferings on earth, with your prayers helping everyone who faithfully honors your holy memory and sings a song about you to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The light-giving lamp of the Three-Sun Light, you are faithful, the Apostle of Christ Simone, and invisibly illuminate us all on the path of Christian good deeds, let us not fall into the network of the enemy, the devil, but we will remain unharmed from all his traps of the evil ones and so unjudgmentally we will be able to cry out to you:

Rejoice, good shepherd of the verbal flock of Christ;

Rejoice, do not let the soul-destroying wolf plunder your spiritual flock.

Rejoice, thou who didst catch the ends of thy preaching to the world for salvation;

Rejoice, and now contribute to our salvation with your prayers.

Rejoice, wise architect of the Church of Christ;

Rejoice, cornerstone of its foundation.

Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 12

Ask us for grace and mercy from the Lord, Simone the God-bearing, the apostle of the Savior, as if gaining greatness for Him boldness, most of all ask Him for repentance for sins and the correction of our life, may it be full of Christian virtues, in order to empower us on earth worthy of singing To our Creator a heavenly song: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing of your illness and labors, Apostle Spasov, you worked in the image of Christ in the gospel of Christ, we honor your holy and glorious memory, even fragrant us spiritually and delights our souls: peace truly appears before God your sweat and drops of suffering blood, poured out by you for Christ, our holy representative. We also call you:

Rejoice, faithful preacher of the Most Holy Life-Giving Trinity;

Rejoice, worthy interlocutor of angelic faces.

Rejoice, beauty and foundation of the apostles;

Rejoice, human exaltation.

Rejoice, unmerciful doctor of mental and bodily ailments;

Rejoice, according to God and the Most Holy Theotokos, our shameless hope.

Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kondak 13

O holy, glorious and all-praised Apostle of Christ Simon, zealous of the law of God and our powerful intercessor! Accept this small prayerful singing, which is brought to you in praise, and beg the Savior Christ to deliver us eternal torment and make us happy with the saints, let us sing with them to Him forever: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer to the holy, glorious and all-praised Apostle of Christ, Simon the Zealot, who is also called Canaanite

Holy glorious and all-praised Apostle of Christ Simone, who was honored to receive into your house in Cana of Galilee our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother, Our Lady Theotokos, and to be an eyewitness to the glorious miracle of Christ, manifested on your brother, turning water into wine! We pray to you with faith and love: implore Christ the Lord to transform our souls from sin-loving into God-loving; save and keep us with your prayers from the temptations of the devil and the falls of sin, and ask us from above for help during our despondency and helplessness; let us not stumble over the stone of temptation, but steadily walk the saving path of the commandments of Christ, until we reach these blessed abodes of paradise, where you are now settling down and having fun. Hey, Apostle of the Savior! Do not disgrace us, who are stronger in trusting in you, but be our helper and patron in all our lives and help us to piously and God-pleasingly live this temporary end, to receive a good and peaceful Christian death and be worthy of a good answer at the Last Judgment of Christ; yes, having escaped the ordeals of the air and the power of the fierce world-keeper, let us inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and glorify the magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Canto 1

Irmos: Let us sing a song, people, to our wondrous God, who freed Israel from work, a song of victory singing and crying: we sing to Thee, the One Ruler.

Chorus:Holy Apostle Simon, pray to God for us.

In the highest, the Master is standing, the apostle is wonderful, who glorified you and showed Himself a disciple with light, enlighten my soul, that I may commemorate your divine memory.

Christ has given you all the abundance of good things, the top of divine gifts, apostle, showing you, by a righteous judgment, epiphany, the righteous one.

Accept the all-spiritual dawn, apostle, which descended on you from heaven;

Theotokos: You, my dead and perishable, immortal and incorruptible, Savior, having shown, you have moved into the womb of the Most Pure Holy Virgin unskillfully, imagining yourself in human nature.

Canto 3

Irmos: There is nothing holy, like the Lord, and there is nothing righteous, like our God, All creation sings to Him: there is nothing more righteous than You, Lord.

Thou hast truly known the Divine Mystery of the Incarnation, O Apostle Simone, God-pleasing, from Samago the Savior receive the dawn of peace.

The Word, Beginningless and Eternal, of His servant thee, Simone is wonderful, shining with light, richly enlighten the Divine grace.

Theotokos: All-gold candlestick You are a prophet, O Mother of God, who bears the non-evening Light, enlightening the world with the rays of the Divine, Christ our God.

Sedalen of the saint, tone 3

Thou didst destroy the Divine Spirit with the illumination of darkness, and thou didst enlighten the faithful hearts, singing salutary commandments, and abolished the Hellenic fables, glorious Simone, pray to Christ God to grant us great mercy.

Song 4

Irmos: From the mountain in the autumn, the Word, the prophet, the only Mother of God, wanting to be incarnated God-like, and with fear glorifying Your power.

All this treasure of gospel gifts, full of grace, the light of the world and the salt of the universe, blessed Simone, you were.

Thou hast turned away from the jelly-like appearance of things, but Thou hast been able to see the immaterial Light;

Simone, disciple of imperishable life, put to death our living sin by the life-giving power of the Life-giver, which thou hast taken action.

Theotokos: You were equal in essence to Your Father, you were equal to a man by nature, from our Most Pure Virgin, Master, the flesh received.

Canto 5

Irmos: From the night of ignorance through the knowledge of God, enlightening the ends, enlighten me in the morning of Thy lovingkindness, Lord.

With fire, God-seeing, thou zealously received the visible tongue of the Spirit, sitting in the upper room.

Like a lofty one, living in the highest villages, high and great, you brought us teachings.

Theotokos: The first law, Virgin, has ceased with Your Nativity, grace flourish, and righteousness has risen.

Canto 6

Irmos: Give me a robe of light, clothe yourself with light, like a robe, many-merciful Christ our God.

Jealousy is named after the name, Simone is worthy, with jealousy you were jealous for the Lord God Almighty.

You saved the show of Divine miracles of the do-it-yourselfer, giving you power by the action of His goodness.

Theotokos: May the lips of the wicked be shut up, O Theotokos of thee who are not wise, O All-blameless, and may their faces be clothed with stud.

Kontakion, voice 2

We know the wisdom of teaching in the souls of the pious, let us bless the one who lays down in praise, like the God-speaking Simon: now he stands on the throne of glory and rejoices with the incorporeal, praying unceasingly for all of us.


Let us praise the memory of the Apostle, like a saving day, now and piously bless him: he, more than the whole universe, like the sun, shines, driving away all the darkness with rays of light, and enlightens the love of this memory of those who do and read lovingly. Let us zealously flock to him, singing to him: he is standing before Christ, praying unceasingly for all of us.

Canto 7

Irmos: The youths of the Jews boldly asked the flame in the cave, and laid fire on the dew, crying out: Blessed be Thou, O Lord God, forever.

Jealousy is strange, Simone, having, the namesake of jealousy, blessed, thou art called and like, I agree with the rank, thou hast acquired, - blessed be thou, Lord, - crying, - forever.

Together with the Word, rejoicing and an interlocutor to Him, Thou didst partake of the Kingdom there, calling: Blessed be Thou, Lord God, forever.

Theotokos: To the flattery of the ancients of the forefathers’ good will, cast out the snakes, You called out to these, Mother of God. Blessed, Most Pure, Fruit of Your womb.

Canto 8

Irmos: A coordinating body of Musikiy and countless people, worshiping the image in Deir, disobeying the three youths, hymning and glorifying the Lord forever and ever.

How red, Simone, your feet are, and your tongue is beautiful, saying the glory of Christ, and teach to call: Sing to the Lord and exalt you forever.

Adorned with light-bearing kindness and miracles letting shine, you were recognized, Simone, blessed seed by people: Sing to the Lord, deeds, and exalt in all ages.

Theotokos: The mind cannot speak of Thy Nativity, O Mother of God, and utter the word is exhausted: God, thou hast conceived, thou hast given birth, O Virgin, Whom we exalt forever.

Song 9

Irmos: Let us gloriously honor the pure, people, the Mother of God, who received the fire of the Divine in the womb without burning, we magnify with songs.

You were revealed by the end, shining with light, and, the fire of a spiritual reception, you appeared to be light, we magnify you the same.

Everything is entrusted to God, thou hast been dissolved, Him now pray, epiphany, for us, with faith and love praising thee.

Theotokos: Salvation of all the Intercessor, who is a man and who enlightened the world with the radiance of divine purity, we magnify in songs.


The flow of your red feet, Simon the Apostle, returning, you ascended to the procession of heaven, rejoicing, and, presenting the Trinity, in the Father you see the Son and the Divine Spirit. For the sake of faith, we celebrate your sacred and divine memory.

Prayer to the Apostle Simon the Zealot

The holy nice and all-friendly apostle of Christ Simone, having come to your house in Kane of the Galileys of the Lord of our Jesus Christ and his preching mother, the master of our Virgin Mary, and the eyewitness of the life of the Miracle of the Wonderland of Christ, in the brother of Your Yelnago, to translate water in wine! We pray to you with faith and love: implore Christ the Lord to transform our souls from sin-loving into God-loving; save and keep us with your prayers from the temptations of the devil and the falls of sin, and ask us from above for help in the time of our despondency and helplessness; let us not stumble over a stone of temptation, but steadily move along the saving path of the commandments of Christ, until we reach those blessed abodes of paradise, where now you are settling down and rejoicing. Hey, Apostle of the Savior! Do not disgrace us, who trust in you strong, but be our helper and patron in all our life and help us piously and God-pleasing life this temporary end, receive a good and peaceful Christian end of judgment and a good answer on Christ; Yes, having escaped the ordeals of the air and the power of the fierce world-keeper, let us inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and glorify the magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.


The fate of this apostle is ambiguous, at least there are three versions of his martyrdom: Middle Eastern, Caucasian and English. Which of them is closer to the truth is unknown, perhaps until the second coming of Christ, along with his apostles and other saints.

On May 10, according to the old, or May 23, according to the new style, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the Apostle Simon the Zealot (Canonite). This year the situation is somewhat different. Due to the fact that May 23 fell on Sunday and Pentecost is celebrated on this day, the church service in honor of Simon the Zealot was postponed to Wednesday May 13. This is reported by liturgical instructions for 2010, as well as official Orthodox church calendars. And this service has already passed. Nevertheless, it can be considered acceptable to remember the memory of the holy apostle on Sunday, May 23, already in your private prayers, since they have nothing to do with church worship.

I can also express my opinion on the transfer of the church memory of the saints. I think that this should not be done as a matter of principle, since not all active (zealous) parishioners have the opportunity to visit the church on the day of the transferred memory of the saint (for example, they work on the specified Wednesday) or even do not know anything about the transfer, but deeply honor the memory of the saint (of the same Apostle Simon the Zealot) and, according to old memory, they will pray to him on the appointed day (on the upcoming Sunday, for example).

Or another objection: does the memory of the Apostle Simon the Zealot interfere with the celebration of the Holy Trinity? Probably, on the contrary, the memory of the apostle could have passed in an even more festive atmosphere...

So, the life and spiritual exploits of Simon the Zealot. According to legend, he was one of the half-brothers of the Lord Jesus Christ by his father Joseph the Righteous. His name is mentioned several times in the New Testament, but nothing more. The rest of his life and exploits is exclusively oral tradition. For example, the Lord performed his first miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding of St. Simon in Cana. It is with Cana of Galilee that one of the interpretations of the name of the apostle is connected.

This miracle had such a strong effect on the future apostle that he left his new family life and followed the footsteps of Jesus Christ, becoming one of his 12 disciples.

After Pentecost, that is, the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, Simon the Zealot preached the holy Gospel in some countries of the Universe (as the Mediterranean region and known around the earth were then called): Judea, Egypt, Libya (including Cyrene) and even in Mauritania (in extreme west of the African continent). These are the countries that are spoken about everywhere, both Orthodox and Catholics.

And this is where the controversy begins. Among other countries, called Great Britain. This is mentioned in the life of the holy apostle, placed on the corresponding page of the respected website of the Sretensky Monastery in Moscow. But among the zealots of Orthodoxy, there is an opinion that Simon the Zealot could not be in the UK on principle. And it is not clear why exactly. Either because this is a remote region, in no way connected with the rest of the stories of the life of the saint, or because these are modern non-Orthodox lands inhabited by heretics Anglicans). A similar point of view is expressed by the website "School of Life" and literally writes the following: "In some publications ("Lives of All Saints", John Bukharev, Moscow, 1900) it is said that Simeon was crucified on a cross in Britain, where, as if and was buried, but the Russian Orthodox Church considers this opinion to be false." The same opinion is replicated by some other Russian-language sites, which believe that in Western Europe the saint could not be crucified or tortured, but only in his native lands.

Nevertheless, the English Wikipedia provides information that the holy apostle Simon Canonite, apparently, preached in ancient Glastonbury, and was martyred in Caistor (modern Lincolnshire).

So, there is a point of view that the holy apostle Simon the Zealot preached on the islands of Great Britain and was crucified there by local pagans. It is quite logical if you follow his footsteps through all of North Africa to the west. But there is no evidence. Just one of the stories.

The second version of the life path of Simon the Zealot as an apostle ends in ancient Babylon (modern Iraq). For example, this version is given in the German Wikipedia, and in general is widespread in the Near and Middle East. Moreover, from Jerusalem, the apostle went to preach the Gospel through the ancient city of Edessa. In Babylon, the apostle was executed along with the apostle Judas Thaddeus.

Finally, the third version, used exclusively within the Russian Empire, and even now, boils down to the fact that after Edessa, the Apostle Thaddeus retreated to the Caucasian borders and settled in solitude and for preaching in a cave above the small river Psyrtsha. As it is written in the article "What do we know about Simon Kananite?", thanks to his sermon "the cruel pagan custom of sacrificing babies and cannibalism to the gods was destroyed in Abkhazia." At present, on the site of the spiritual feat of the apostle, the New Athos Monastery is again functioning and the cave in which the holy apostle lived has been restored. Also marked is the place above the river where the holy apostle was executed. Tradition says that the pagans cut off his head and that red spots of the apostle's blood still appear at the place of execution. But, again, this is only one of several versions of the death of a disciple of Christ.

In the Western Christian tradition, Simon the Zealot is usually depicted holding a saw, because, as the legend says, he was sawn up with a saw.

Relics of the Holy Apostle

The Caucasian version of the death of Simol the Zealot tells that his relics rest under a bushel in the destroyed Simon-Kananitsky temple in Abkhazia. Nevertheless, part of his relics can be traced in different countries and cities of Western Europe: Rome and German Cologne and Hersfeld. In Cologne, pilgrims can pray and bow their heads at a piece of relics stored and available to visitors in the Basilica of St. Andrew (the First-Called).

The report that part of the relics of the holy apostle is in Hersfeld can be questioned, since in 1040 they were donated to Goslar (Goslar), and the monastery of Hersfeld was eventually destroyed and now the ruins are protected as a historical monument.

It is not clear what happened to the relics in Goslar, at least it is known that Simon the Zealot is his patron.

Finally, the presence of part of the relics of Simon the Zealot is declared by Sayn, which is part of the city of Koblenz. Yes, not just parts, but the hands of the apostle. There is only one problem: nowhere on the Internet is there a single photograph or information confirming the presence of part of the relics of the holy apostle in Sajna today.

As a result, we can really talk only about Cologne. In addition, there are several churches in Germany bearing the names of the apostles Simon the Zealot and Judas Thaddeus (the common name for the churches). The list can be viewed here.

Holy Apostle Simone, pray to God for us.


Memory Holy Apostle Simon the Zealot takes place in the Orthodox Church on May 23 according to the new style, and also on July 13, on the day of the Council of the Twelve Apostles.

Biography of Saint Simon the Zealot
Very little is known about the life of St. Simon the Zealot, although his name is mentioned in the list of the twelve apostles, which is given by all three weather forecasters. In addition, it is written about him in the book of Acts. It is believed that he was from Cana of Galilee, and it was in his house that the Lord performed the first miracle, turning ordinary water into fine wine at a wedding, after which Simon believed in Him and from that time began to follow the Savior, becoming one of His closest disciples. There is a tradition according to which Simon the Zealot was the son of Joseph the betrothed and thus was the half-brother of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Since among the twelve apostles there was already one disciple with the name Simon (aka Peter), the second Simon was given the nickname Kananite, which indicated his origin from Cana of Galilee. The exact location of this ancient settlement is unknown, but it is believed that it was located on the site of the current village of Kafr Kana in Israel, where a large temple was later erected, called the Church of the Wedding.
In addition, the apostle Simon is sometimes called the Zealot. The exact origin of this nickname is not entirely clear, but it can be assumed that it indicates that the apostle belongs to the religious and political direction of the Zealots. This trend arose in the era of the Maccabees in the middle of the 1st century BC and reached its apogee in the first half of the 1st century after the birth of Christ. The Zealot movement was very radical. The adherents of this direction set as their goal the liberation of Judea from the power of Rome and the Hellenistic influence, which manifested itself not only in the political, but also in the religious life of the country. So, for example, in 66, by order of the Roman governor, all silver was seized from the Jerusalem temple, which served as a pretext for the start of the Jewish War, started by the Zealots. Although during the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ the party of Zealots had not yet resorted to such decisive actions as an uprising against Roman rule, even then they were distinguished by great national self-consciousness, firmly believing in a special mission and the chosenness of the Jewish people. Simon's belonging to this party suggests that religious issues were extremely important to him. Having believed in Christ as the promised Messiah and Savior, he began to preach the new faith with the same zeal with which he previously confessed the teaching of Moses.
After the Ascension of the Lord, Saint Simon the Zealot began his apostolic service, first in Judea, where he became the second bishop of Jerusalem after the martyrdom of the Apostle James, and then he preached Christianity in Egypt, Libya, and Abkhazia. It is also possible that he accompanied the Apostle Judas Jacob on his missionary journey in Persia. It is known that Simon the Zealot was martyred in the Caucasus around the year 107.

Icon of the Apostle Simon the Zealot
There is no single iconography of the holy Apostle Simon the Zealot, however, he is often depicted as an old man with gray hair with a book or a scroll. These items are obligatory attributes on the icons of the apostles, as they symbolize their preaching activity and the spread of the word of God among the pagans. In addition, on the icons of Simon the Zealot, you can see the saw that he holds in his hands, which recalls his martyrdom. According to legend, the holy apostle was sawn up with a saw.

Slavic traditions of celebrating Simon's Day
For many Slavic peoples, this day was considered special, since after the celebration of the memory of Simon Kananit, agricultural work began. Therefore, on the very day of the holiday, the earth was given a rest, without doing any work in the field.

Troparion, tone 3:
Apostle Saint Simone, / pray to the merciful God, / yes, forgiveness of sins / / will give our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2:
We know the wisdom of teaching in the souls of the pious, / in praise we will appease, like a God-speaking, all Simon: / the throne of glory now stands and rejoices with the Incorporeal, / praying unceasingly for all of us.

We magnify thee, / the apostle of Christ Simone / and we honor your illnesses and labors, / in the image you worked / in the gospel of Christ.

Holy glorious and all-praised Apostle of Christ Simone, who was honored to receive into your house in Cana of Galilee our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother, Our Lady Theotokos, and to be an eyewitness to the glorious miracle of Christ, manifested on your brother, turning water into wine! We pray to you with faith and love: implore Christ the Lord to transform our souls from sin-loving into God-loving; save and keep us with your prayers from the temptations of the devil and the falls of sin, and ask us from above for help during our despondency and helplessness; let us not stumble over the stone of temptation, but steadily walk the saving path of the commandments of Christ, until we reach these blessed abodes of paradise, where you are now settling down and having fun. Hey, Apostle of the Savior! Do not disgrace us, who trust in you, but be your helper and patron in all our lives and help us piously and God-pleasingly end this temporary life, receive a good and peaceful Christian death and be worthy of a good answer at the Last Judgment of Christ; Yes, having escaped the ordeals of the air and the power of the fierce world-keeper, let us inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and glorify the magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Day of Simeon the Zealot. Toward the end of May, or rather on the 23rd of 2006, on a clear spring day, memorable, we went on another, and as it seemed to us then, a long and endless trip. We planned to cover something about 700 kilometers in a week, based on the fact that from the city we will not be further than three hundred. I will not forget this trip until the end of my days. The first car was already waiting for us outside the city for a solid hour. They had a bite to eat in a roadside sweatshirt, and stood on one of the lapels from the main highway ... The morning didn’t work out for us. proverb: An early bird gets a worm ... The most unbearable thing is to wait and catch up. The crew No. 1, without waiting, moved on, notifying us by phone: - We will stop at Khandaevo for now, we will start there, and you catch up .... Right at this very time, Max just calls in for me. -Sanya, I forgot my phone at home, and the traffic cops also jammed me for a continuous one ... Call Mishanka, let him go out with his trunks, now he will calve ... That's for sure, Mishan is like that ... He will pick up a bunch of jackets, sleeping bags, coils different, mom don't worry! How we stuff our Niva to the eyeballs ... Then it turns out that almost everything that he took with him came in handy, and it already seems something necessary and extremely necessary on the road. empty searches, then something was outlined ... but gasoline was at the limit, and there were almost no products ... Is it really possible to hobble home, not slurping salty? And then turn around and start all over again, start winding kilometers? And then Mishan .... -Brothers, I have a backup five, just in case ... Let's go to the gas station, to the store, and move on .. Here he is, our Mishan! Lucky! We had rides, but we were wasting time...and time is expensive these days...For time in the treasure-hunting universe is the most merciless creature! We have just left the city, and the guys on the first Niva are calling back again ... -Oblomych is on Khandaevo, we are leaving for Batalaevo, catch up. on his old Nyvka, the car is shaking with its last strength, buzzing, cracking and driving. Kalinov Most is playing in the cabin, a fresh spring breeze, our stern faces are pampered through the open windows, we are happy! sometimes you need so little to be happy! I sat comfortably in the back seat, and with pleasure I listen to the cheerful chatter of the guys. They are again arguing about Admiral Kolchak. This is Mishanka's favorite topic, he apparently knows everything about him. Where he got married, where he served, what he said ... and it even seems that the admiral thought ... -I read somewhere that Kolchak and Denikin did not share the gold, so they became enemies .... says Max. - No, Maxim, answers Mikha, it’s just that one was friends with the Germans, and the other planned to fight with them until victory ... Sanya tell him ... I smile, I don’t want to delve into their dispute, since from the very beginning each of them seeks to enlist my support, and get some numerical superiority in the conversation. I feel so good that I don’t want to delve into some essence, I don’t want to argue, I just want to continue to stay on this trip so enthusiastically, look thoughtfully and fervently out the car window, enjoying an endless variety of wonders of mother nature and the most ordinary road driving, into this attractive and yet unknown, but already somehow predetermined, and then ... then, as soon as possible, get to the right place, and already slowly begin the incomparable excitement of searching for coins and treasures. And also the road! .. The road, one of the most exciting moments in our amateur profession of treasure hunting! -Do you know what day it is today? Mishan asks us. -Wednesday 23, what? -Selpo you are not paved, that's what! Today is the day of Simeon Zealot! The patron saint of all treasure hunters! -So! but from this place in more detail ... In half an hour we already know everything about Simeon the Zealot. -Something is going to happen today! Guys call back here... -Who gets up early, God gives! -What do you have? We found the field! Dozens of nickels, and other delights! Lyokha shopped a purse, I'm a penny without letters 67 years old! Natural first question...-Good? -Normal, everything is readable! -Where is the field? - Pass through Batalaevo, take the first turn to the right, go through the bridge and immediately go down to the river, you will see us there. One piece from the nose for the entrance! We hear how they neigh in unison ... - Glade is at least big? - Well, not to say that very ... Yes, we don’t go for another hour, where are you? -Kolyuzhino passing... -Where were you then? Let's be sharper, we're still boiling tea, we'll finish it .. have time! Time is running inexorably, it's already three o'clock in the afternoon, and we still have an hour and a half before the guys .. We are going, knowing that they are waiting for us. Yes, it’s definitely the day of Simeon Zealot, I told you! Here Mishan speaks to Max. -Max, let's turn to Torbeevo, remember Sanyok, we wanted to stop by for a long time, everyone flew past ... Indeed, it happens like this, you hurry somewhere further, you see a residential place and you think we’ll stop by on the way back. On the way back, either tired or business already by night. Well then, next time! -To Torbeevo no more than 10 kilometers, in principle, half an hour of business, and we will know if there is any point in looking there. ..Agree? After twenty minutes of jumping along country potholes and mounds, we descend beyond Torbeevo ... -Brothers, this is a living place! Look here is the skeleton, and here is another and another! Having quickly changed clothes and collected our instruments, we scatter around the clearing. The finds were not long in coming. I’m about to dig up at least a few more Siberian herd kopecks ... I was already standing near the car and hurrying the guys. I can determine the center, it’s a coin signal, I’m afraid to damage the thing ... Curiosity overcomes my desire to quickly move to the guys on Batalaevo, and we approach Mishana. What we saw made us sweat ... ..49 Siberian dozens and 15 nickels! For three persons! We smoked, we call back the guys. -How are you doing? -We're digging little by little, Lyokha twenty Katin canolevy, Ivan the seal of the foreman, I'm a ten Masonic 1834! That's it, the early bird gets the worm! Where are you? - We camped on Torbeevo, we’re pulling a purse of Siberia! Dozens of nickels of all kinds, only 65 pieces! So who goes quieter, he will be farther! Do you know what day it is today? -In terms of? -Selpo you, swamp tundra! Today is the day of Simeon Zealot, the patron saint of all treasure hunters! You need to know such things! I'm being smart... We are waiting for you to visit, take more money, enter the clearing three times from the nose!.... now we laugh.... That's how it always happens, the one who laughs last laughs well! Well, yes, it was a long time ago ... I could embellish a little, how many seasons have already flown by since then, unless you remember everything ...

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